ArticleLiterature Review

Snakes, scorpions and other poisonous creatures: Prophylaxis and emergency medicine

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Most cases of poisoning by animals are caused by snakes, spiders or scorpions. In addition to"first aid" such as calming the victim and immobilization of the bitten limb, other measures include monitoring vital functions and rapid transportation to hospital as dictated by the symptoms presenting, and, where indicated, injection of an antiserum (identification of the animal concerned). On no account should the bite wound be cut or attempts made to suck out the venom. While the sting of a scorpion or a spider bite often do not lead to severe complications in adults, a brush with a poisonous snake may be much more serious.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of venom H . lepturus on hematological changes and renal failure. Results of this study will help us in quick diagnosis and treatment of scorpion stinging and decreasing the mortality. In total 119 patients were studied. Various blood parameters such as hemoglobin (Hb), Red Blood Cell (RBC) count, Prothrombin Time (PT) and Partial Prothrombin Time (PTT) and also urine parameters were measured. The highest number of victims was in age group of 20-29 years old. Hb was less than 12 g dL<sup>-1</sup> in 54% of patients. The RBC count was 4.6 millions mm<sup>-3</sup> in 48.73% of victims. PT in 61.4% of patients was more than 13 and it showed that there is a significant difference with the other group of stung victims (p = 0.001). PTT test in 43.7% of patients was normal. Severe hemoglobinuria was shown in 61.6% of H. lepturus stung victims, but 38.4% had a mild hemoglobinuria. 43.1 and 57% of patients had mild and severe hematuria, respectively. The results have been explained on the basis of damages to structures such as erythrocytes, coagulation factors and capillary system of glomeruli.
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