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A model for communication skills assessment across the undergraduate curriculum

Taylor & Francis
Medical Teacher


Physicians' interpersonal and communication skills have a significant impact on patient care and correlate with improved healthcare outcomes. Some studies suggest, however, that communication skills decline during the four years of medical school. Regulatory and other medical organizations, recognizing the importance of interpersonal and communication skills in the practice of medicine, now require competence in communication skills. Two challenges exist: to select a framework of interpersonal and communication skills to teach across undergraduate medical education, and to develop and implement a uniform model for the assessment of these skills. The authors describe a process and model for developing and institutionalizing the assessment of communication skills across the undergraduate curriculum. Consensus was built regarding communication skill competencies by working with course leaders and examination directors, a uniform framework of competencies was selected to both teach and assess communication skills, and the framework was implemented across the Harvard Medical School undergraduate curriculum. The authors adapted an assessment framework based on the Bayer-Fetzer Kalamazoo Consensus Statement adapted a patient and added and satisfaction tool to bring patients' perspectives into the assessment of the learners. The core communication competencies and evaluation instruments were implemented in school-wide courses and assessment exercises including the first-year Patient-Doctor I Clinical Assessment, second-year Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE), third-year Patient-Doctor III Clinical Assessment, fourth-year Comprehensive Clinical Practice Examination and the Core Medicine Clerkships. Faculty were offered workshops and interactive web-based teaching to become familiar with the framework, and students used the framework with repeated opportunities for faculty feedback on these skills. A model is offered for educational leaders and others who are involved in designing assessment in communication skills. By presenting an approach for implementation, the authors hope to provide guidance for the successful integration of communication skills assessment in undergraduate medical education.
Medical Teacher, Vol. 28, No. 5, 2006, pp. e127–e134
A model for communication skills assessment across
the undergraduate curriculum
Harvard Medical School, USA
ABSTRACT Physicians’ interpersonal and communication skills
have a significant impact on patient care and correlate with
improved healthcare outcomes. Some studies suggest, however,
that communication skills decline during the four years of medical
school. Regulatory and other medical organizations, recognizing
the importance of interpersonal and communication skills in the
practice of medicine, now require competence in communication
skills. Two challenges exist: to select a framework of interpersonal
and communication skills to teach across undergraduate medical
education, and to develop and implement a uniform model for the
assessment of these skills. The authors describe a process and
model for developing and institutionalizing the assessment of
communication skills across the undergraduate curr iculum.
Consensus was built regarding communication skill competencies
by working with course leaders and examination directors,
a uniform framework of competencies was selected to both teach
and assess communication skills, and the framework was
implemented across the Harvard Medical School undergraduate
curr iculum. The authors adapted an assessment framework based
on the Bayer–Fetzer Kalamazoo Consensus Statement adapted a
patient and added and satisfaction tool to bring patients’
perspectives into the assessment of the learners. The core
communication competencies and evaluation instruments were
implemented in school-wide courses and assessment exercises
including the first-year Patient–Doctor I Clinical Assessment,
second-year Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE),
third-year Patient–Doctor III Clinical Assessment, fourth-year
Comprehensive Clinical Practice Examination and the Core
Medicine Clerkships. Faculty were offered workshops and
interactive web-based teaching to become familiar with the
framework, and students used the framework with repeated
opportunities for faculty feedback on these skills. A model is
offered for educational leaders and others who are involved
in designing assessment in communication skills. By presenting
an approach for implementation, the authors hope to provide
guidance for the successful integration of communication skills
assessment in undergraduate medical education.
Communication is a core clinical skill that can be taught and
learned. A physician performs 160,000 to 300,000 interviews
during a lifetime career making the medical interview the
most commonly performed procedure in clinical medicine
(Lipkin, 1996).
Evidence-based studies show that effective interpersonal
and communication skills are associated with improved
health outcomes (Stewart, 1995; Stewart et al., 1999).
Ineffective communication skills are associated with mal-
practice claims and suits (Levinson et al., 1997) and
medication errors (Kohn et al., 1999).
Regulatory and other medical organizations, recognizing
the importance of interpersonal and communication skills
in the practice of medicine, now require competence in
communication skills. Medical school guidelines (Institute
for International Medical Education [IIME]—Institute
for International Medical Education, 2002; General
Medical Council [GMC]—General Medical Council, 2003;
Liaison Committee on Medical Education [LCME]—
Liaison Committee on Medical Education, 1998;
Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools
[CACMS]; Association of American Medical Colleges
[AAMC]—Association of American Medical Colleges,
1999; Association of Canadian Medical Colleges [ACMC]
Practice points
. Studies suggest communication skills decline during
medical school.
. Regulatory and other medical organizations recognize
the importance of teaching and assessing communica-
tion skills and require assessment of competence in
these skills.
. The authors describe a uniform, longitudinal approach
for assessing communication competencies.
. Instituting a uniform assessment framework of com-
munication competencies provides repeated opportu-
nities for student assessment and feedback, and
consistently reinforces basic and more complex com-
munication skills.
. Ongoing faculty development in teaching and assessing
communication skills, and training for standardized
patient assessors are important.
Correspondence: Elizabeth A. Rider, MSW MD, Harvard Medical School
Pediatrics, 1153 Centre Street, Suite 31, Boston, MA 02130, USA. Tel: 617-
795-0385; fax: 617-522-6366; email:
ISSN 0142–159X print/ISSN 1466–187X online/06/050127–8 ! 2006 Informa UK Ltd.
DOI: 10.1080/01421590600726540
reflect international recognition of the importance of teaching
and assessing communication skills during undergraduate
medical training. As of 2005, US medical students are
required to demonstrate competence in clinical, interper-
sonal, and communication skills on the United States
Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Clinical Skills
Examination (Klass et al., 1998).
Competence in communication skills is also required
via certification standards including the Canadian Medical
Education Directions for Specialists 2000 Project (CanMeds)
(Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, 1996),
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
(ACGME) (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical
Education, 2001), Educational Commission for Foreign
Medical Graduates (ECFMG) (Whelan, 1999), and others
(Tate et al., 1999).
Several consensus statements have proposed essential
skills to teach and assess across the spectrum of medical
education, including Kalamazoo (Bayer–Fetzer Conference
on Physician–Patient Communication in Medical Education,
2001), Toronto (Simpson et al., 1991), and International
(Makoul & Schofield, 1999). The recent Kalamazoo II
Report (Duffy et al., 2004) and other reports (Whelan, 1999)
summarize the state of the art in assessing communication.
The report outlines how the Kalamazoo Consensus
Statement (Bayer–Fetzer Conference on Physician–Patient
Communication in Medical Education, 2001) and the
ACGME interpersonal and communication skills competen-
cies (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical
Education, 2001) are associated, and how these may be
applied developmentally as trainees progress through
training. Rider & Keefer (2005), with an international
group of medical education leaders, further defined and
expanded the ACGME interpersonal and communication
skills competencies, added 20 sub-competencies and created
a teaching toolbox. Their teaching toolbox connects these
competencies to teaching strategies at each level of medical
Faculty, however, use a variety of models to teach and
assess these skills (Cohen-Cole, 1991; Kurtz & Silverman,
1996; Stewart et al., 1995; Makoul, 1998). Faculty are better
able to teach and assess communication skills when they use
the same framework of competencies to accomplish both
tasks across the undergraduate curriculum. A framework
grounds the reliability and effectiveness of observation and
feedback (Makoul, 1998). A report from the AAMC
published in 1999 found that, while medical schools use a
variety of teaching and assessment methods, the majority
(70%) did not use uniform frameworks for assessment
throughout the curriculum (Association of American
Medical Colleges, 1999). Additional data on the impact of
using a uniform framework on individual performance and
program efficacy is needed.
Some studies suggest that communication skills decline
during the four years of medical school (Pfeiffer et al., 1998;
Prislin et al., 2000; Pfeiffer et al., 2001). This may reflect
a lack of reinforcement combined with assessment and
feedback on skills, or other factors. The majority of North
American medical schools report fewer courses in commu-
nication skills training in the clinical (third and fourth) years
than in the preclinical years (Association of American
Medical Colleges, 1999).
Our goal was to implement a uniform communication
skills assessment plan to reinforce basic skills introduced
in years 1 and 2 and to elaborate on these skills
during years 3 and 4, identifying appropriate skills for
assessment at the different levels of training. We implemen-
ted a uniform communication skills framework for assess-
ment across all four years of undergraduate medical
Developing a uniform framework for
assessing communication skills
A Communication Skills Task Force, consisting of Patient–
Doctor course leaders, Harvard Medical School experts
involved nationally in the area of communication skills, and
several clinical site faculty, held a series of meetings over
several years to discuss core competencies and a framework
for teaching and assessing communication skills during
undergraduate medical education. A core group adopted
a set of seven communication competencies based on the
Bayer–Fetzer Kalamazoo Consensus Statement (Bayer–
Fetzer Conference on Physician–Patient Communication in
Medical Education, 2001).
The Kalamazoo Consensus Statement represents the
collaboration and agreement of a group of experts, including
the architects of five existing models of physician–patient
communication. The Bayer–Fetzer Kalamazoo group identi-
fied seven broadly supported essential communication
competencies, with sub-competencies for each, applicable
to most medical encounters and adaptable across specialties,
settings and health issues. The competencies include:
building the patient–doctor relationship; opening the discus-
sion; gathering information; understanding the patient’s
perspective; sharing information; reaching agreement on
problems and plans; and providing closure (Bayer–Fetzer
Conference on Physician–Patient Communication in
Medical Education, 2001). Members of the Bayer–Fetzer
Kalamazoo consensus group also drafted an assessment tool
correlated with these competencies.
The original Kalamazoo assessment tool included 23
communication sub-competencies with possible ratings:
done well, needs improvement, not done, not applicable.
Global ratings on the seven core communication competen-
cies were not included. We adapted the Kalamazoo assess-
ment tool, choosing to use global ratings of the seven core
competencies using a Likert scale: 1 ¼ poor, 2 ¼ fair,
3 ¼ good, 4 ¼ very good, and 5 ¼ excellent (Table 1). In
years 1 and 2, we use global ratings on six core competencies,
excluding reaching agreement. In year 3, we rate all seven
core competencies as well as each sub-competency (a total
of 30 ratings). In year 4, we again use global ratings on the
seven core competencies. Assessment methods for each year
are described below.
We also adapted the American Board of Internal
Medicine (ABIM) patient satisfaction assessment tool
(American Board of Internal Medicine, n.d.). We chose six
items (five items in the first year) for our adapted tool
including patient ratings of the interviewer’s greeting,
respect, listening, showing interest, encouraging questions,
and using simple language. Faculty examiners and/or
standardized patients complete our adapted Kalamazoo
assessment tool (i.e., the Harvard Medical School [HMS]
E. A. Rider et al.
Communication Skills Tool) and standardized patients
complete our adapted ABIM patient satisfaction tool
(Table 2) in assessment exercises at different stages over
the four years of medical school.
Table 3 shows our framework for uniform assessment of
communication skills across the curriculum. We use
the HMS Communication Skills Tool, adapted from the
Kalamazoo assessment tool, and the adapted ABIM Patient
Table 1. Competencies and sub-competencies in communication skills
adapted from the Bayer–Fetzer Kalamazoo consensus framework: the HMS
Communication Skills Tool.
1. Builds a relationship:
. Greets and shows interest in the patient as a person
. Uses words that show care and concern throughout the interview
. Uses tone, pace, eye contact, and posture that show care and concern
. Responds explicitly to patient statements about ideas, feelings, and values
2. Opens the discussion:
. Allows patient to complete opening statement without interruption
. Asks ‘is there anything else’ to elicit full set of concerns
. Explains and/or negotiates an agenda for the visit
3. Gathers information:
. Begins with patient narrative using open-ended questions (‘tell me about . . .’)
. Clarifies details as necessary with more specific or ‘yes/no’ questions
. Summarizes and gives patient opportunity to correct or add information
. Transitions effectively to additional questions
4. Understands the patient’s perspective:
. Asks about life events, circumstances, other people that might affect health
. Elicits patient’s beliefs, concerns and expectations about illness and treatment
5. Shares information:
. Assesses patient’s understanding of problem and desire for more information
. Explains using words that are easy for patient to understand
. Asks if patient has any questions
6. Reaches agreement (if new/changed plan):
. Includes patient in choices and decisions to the extent she/he desires
. Checks for mutual understanding of diagnostic and/or treatment plans
. Asks about patient’s ability to follow diagnostic and/or treatment plans
. Identifies additional resources as appropriate
7. Provides closure:
. Asks if the patient has questions, concerns, or other issues
. Summarizes
. Clarifies follow-up or contact arrangements
. Acknowledges patient and closes interview
Notes: Ratings used: 1 ¼ poor; 2 ¼ fair; 3 ¼ good; 4 ¼ very good; 5 ¼ excellent.
Source: Adapted from Essential Elements: The Communication Checklist, !Bayer-Fetzer
Group on Physician–Patient Communication in Medical Education, May 2001.
Used with permission.
Table 2. Adapted ABIM Patient Satisfaction Tool.
1. Greeting you warmly; calling you by the name you prefer; being friendly; never crabby or rude
2. Treating you like you’re on the same level; never ‘talking down’ to you or treating you like a child
3. Letting you tell your story; listening carefully; asking thoughtful questions; not interrupting you while you’re talking
4. Showing interest in you as a person; not acting bored or ignoring what you have to say
5. Encouraging you to ask questions; answering them clearly; never avoiding your question or lecturing you
6. Using words you can understand when explaining your problems and treatment; explaining any technical medical terms in plain
Notes: Ratings: 1 ¼ poor; 2 ¼ fair; 3 ¼ good; 4 ¼ very good; 5 ¼ excellent; 6 ¼ unable to evaluate. Source: Adapted from
American Board of Internal Medicine. Patient and peer assessment forms. Available at:
A model for communication skills assessment
Table 3. Uniform communication skills assessment across the medical school curriculum.
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
Assessment Patient–Doctor I Clinical
Patient–Doctor II OSCE Patient–Doctor III Clinical
Core Medicine Clerkships
Communication Skills
Comprehensive Clinical Practice
Examination (CPX)
Description of
Two videotaped interviews
with standardized patients
(SP), mid-year and end
of year, with SP and
faculty feedback
Seven 20-minute OSCE stations
including history-taking, physical
examination, communication
skills, differential diagnosis, with
SP and faculty feedback
Videotaped oral case presenta-
tion to faculty followed by
giving bad news to a standar-
dized patient; SP and faculty
1. Two faculty-observed real-
patient interviews followed
by faculty feedback
2. Single case standardized
patient exercise at end of
clerkship with student self-
assessment and SP and
faculty feedback**
Nine station CPX: 7 stations
with SPs; history, physical
examination, communication
skills, differential diagnosis
& some management with
SP and faculty feedback
HMS assessment
HMS Communication Skills
Tool* completed by faculty
during clinical assessment
and all observed interviews
throughout the course
HMS Communication Skills Tool
completed by SP and faculty
during seven-station OSCE
HMS Communication Skills
Tool completed by
faculty with additional
content-specific items
HMS Communication Skills
Tool completed by faculty
and used as self-assessment
tool by students
HMS Communication Skills
Tool completed by SP and
faculty in 7 of 9 OSCE
Patient Satisfaction
Adapted ABIM Patient
Satisfaction Tool completed
by SPs at year end clinical
Adapted ABIM Patient Satisfaction
Tool completed by SPs at seven
OSCE stations
Adapted ABIM Patient
Satisfaction Tool
completed by SPs
Adapted ABIM Patient
Satisfaction Tool
completed by SPs
Adapted ABIM Patient
Satisfaction Tool completed
by SPs at seven of nine
OSCE stations
Notes: *Adapted from Essential Elements: The Communication Checklist, !Bayer-Fetzer Group on Physician–Patient Communication in Medical Education, May 2001. Used with
permission. **This SP exercise occurred in 2004 only.
E. A. Rider et al.
Satisfaction Tool in school-wide assessment exercises across
four years and in the core medicine clerkship required of
all third-year students.
Description of the curriculum and the
implementation of assessment tools
Year 1
The communication skills curriculum begins with the
Patient–Doctor I course. Students work closely with faculty
preceptors and a small group of peers one afternoon each
week for nine months to learn the fundamentals of patient
interviewing and the impact of illness on patients’ lives.
Faculty teach interviewing content and skills in small-group
tutorials and in clinical settings with real, and occasionally
simulated, hospitalized or ambulatory patients. The goals of
this first-year course include exploring the patient–doctor
relationship and the contextual forces that affect it, and
learning interviewing skills that demonstrate establishing
rapport, collecting accurate data and understanding the
patient’s perspective. Students also learn the standard
medical write-up, and are introduced to the oral presenta-
tion. Students review videotapes of their patient interviews
with peers and faculty at least twice during the year, mid-year
and during the final clinical assessments. In the clinical
assessment exercises, standardized patients portray cases that
contain common biomedical and psychosocial problems.
Students are assessed on their ability to elicit a complete
history, including inquiring about the patient’s explanatory
model and sensitive areas such as screening for smoking,
substance abuse and domestic violence, and taking a sexual
history. The HMS Communication Skills Tool is used for
assessment and feedback. The year-long small-group format
allows students to develop supportive, mentoring relation-
ships with faculty. The multiple opportunities for one-on-one
observation and assessment with immediate feedback help
students set personal goals, receive and use feedback and
practice self-reflection, all of which are central to professional
development and improved communication skills.
Core faculty and Patient–Doctor I and II course leaders
selected six of the seven Kalamazoo competencies (excluding
reaching agreement) to be used for assessments in the first
two years. Course leaders grouped a detailed list of skills
already used in the curriculum into the competency
headings in the Kalamazoo format. The detailed list of sub-
competencies under each Kalamazoo heading is included
on the interview observation–feedback forms for faculty and
students in the course guides. Faculty use these feedback
forms for teaching and assessment during observed student
interviews with real and standardized patients throughout the
year. Standardized patients interviewed by students in clinical
assessment exercises complete the adapted ABIM patient
satisfaction assessment tool.
Year II
Patient–Doctor II students concentrate on physical exam-
inations and continue to learn and practice interviewing,
interpersonal and communication skills. Students are
assigned to a clinical site for the year, and the goals of
the course are met using site-specific experiences and
resources. Toward the end of the second year, students
participate in an Objective Structured Clinical Examination
(OSCE) consisting of seven stations, each with a 15-minute
encounter with a standardized patient (SP) and five minutes
of SP and faculty feedback. Standardized patients assess
students’ communication skills in the seven stations using the
HMS Communication Skills Tool (see Table 1) and
complete the adapted ABIM Patient Satisfaction Tool (see
Table 2).
Year III
Concurrently with clinical clerkships, third-year students
participate in weekly small-group tutorials over six months in
the Patient–Doctor III course. The Patient–Doctor III course
includes an in-depth clinical assessment with a standardized
patient encounter centered on giving bad news. Students
read an excerpted hospital chart of a patient who has
metastatic breast or prostate cancer and present the case to
a faculty examiner. The presentation begins with a discussion
of the student’s planned approach to the patient, including
psychosocial as well as medical issues. The student then
meets with a standardized patient (SP) and gives the patient
the bad news that the cancer has metastasized. Faculty
observe and assess the students’ interviews. Student inter-
views and faculty feedback are videotaped, and students
receive a copy of the videotape for review.
Faculty examiners assess and provide immediate feedback
to each student, using an expanded HMS Communication
Skills Tool, adapted from the Kalamazoo assessment tool.
Using this expanded assessment tool, faculty assess students
on the seven core communication competencies and 23 sub-
competencies using a five-point Likert scale. Faculty also rate
additional items related to this particular patient’s situation
and case history. The standardized patients complete the
HMS Communication Skills Tool and our adapted ABIM
patient satisfaction assessment tool.
Faculty development workshops and a web-based faculty
development learning module (Rider & Hinrichs, 2003)
prepare faculty to assess students’ communication skills and
give feedback. The workshops and web module provide the
opportunity to practice using the assessment tool and to hone
observation and feedback skills.
Core medicine clerkship
We implemented a communication skills curriculum and
assessment in the 12-week core medicine clerkships (Rider
et al., 2004). We created interactive, web-based modules
with embedded videoclips on each of the essential elements
of communication defined in the Kalamazoo Consensus
Statement and assessed by our HMS Communication Skills
Tool (Lown, 2003; Rider, 2003) [1].
The purpose of this resource was to provide both faculty
and students with a common vocabulary, descriptions of the
skills and videotaped demonstrations to help create a more
consistent basis for skills performance and evaluation.
At the end of the clerkship, all students completed a
standardized patient interview, again with faculty assessment
and feedback, and student self-assessment using the
HMS Communication Skills Tool. Standardized patients
also rated students’ communication skills using the HMS
A model for communication skills assessment
Communication Skills Tool and the adapted ABIM patient
satisfaction assessment tool. In 2004, one-half of the third-
year students on their core medicine clerkship completed
two faculty-observed interviews with real patients followed by
faculty assessment ratings and feedback, and the student’s
self-assessment, both using the HMS Communication
Skills Tool. In 2005, all third-year students completed
observed interviews followed by faculty assessment and
In addition to a faculty development workshop, faculty
assessing and teaching students during their core medicine
clerkships and in the standardized patient exercise at the
end of the medicine clerkship were provided with a self-
instructional, web-based faculty development learning
module. This module provided training for faculty in
assessing communication skills and giving reflective feedback
(Rider & Hinrichs, 2003).
Year IV
Students must pass a school-wide Comprehensive Clinical
Practice Examination at the beginning of their fourth year.
Students are assessed at nine clinical skill stations. Many of
the stations are integrated across disciplines. For example,
one station may integrate skills in medicine and neurology;
another content and skills from surgery, obstetrics/gynecol-
ogy and medicine. Standardized patients assess students’
communication skills in seven of nine clinical skill stations
using the same HMS Communication Skills and ABIM
assessment tools. Faculty assess students’ skills in interview
content, physical diagnosis, differential diagnosis and
management, and provide feedback on communication skills.
While public interest and professional accreditation and
licensure requirements are driving curricular change, barriers
to enhancing interpersonal and communication skills
teaching in medical education persist (Board of Medical
Education, 2004; Institute of Medicine, 2004). Decreasing
length of stay in hospitals, emphasis on the technological
aspects of care and increasing demands on faculty time pose
significant barriers to developing attitudes in trainees that
value interpersonal and relational aspects of care (Ludmerer,
1999). The paucity of resources to support clinical teaching
and the cost of school-wide clinical assessments using
standardized patients present additional obstacles.
Infrequent or absent faculty development in teaching
and assessing communication skills also poses a barrier to
implementation of new curricula. Clinical preceptors who
assess communication skills often have varying experience
and approaches (Lang et al., 2000; Novack et al., 1993).
A survey of medical school deans showed that faculty
development in interpersonal skills teaching was favored by
62% of 114 (Novack et al., 1993). Challenges include
providing continuous orientation and faculty development
for new and ongoing faculty each year, increasing the number
of trained faculty invested in teaching and assessing students’
communication skills, and providing ongoing training
for faculty and standardized patient assessors.
Continuous reinforcement and longitudinal development
of skills is critical for their retention and expansion.
Providing repeated opportunities for students to receive
feedback on directly observed interviews using a uniform
framework for teaching and for both formative and summa-
tive assessment over the four undergraduate years enables
them to reinforce basic skills, and to learn more complex
communication skills. To reinforce the skills, we assess
the same seven core communication competencies, with 23
sub-competencies evaluated either separately or as part
of global ratings of the seven core competencies, in each
assessment exercise throughout the undergraduate years.
We adopted the principle that multiple perspectives and
methods enhance skills-based assessment (Epstein &
Hundert, 2002). The HMS Communication Skills Tool
is completed by faculty, by standardized patients and/or
by students for self-assessment, and standardized patients
complete the adapted ABIM Patient Satisfaction Tool.
Resources, time available for the assessment exercise,
and standardized patient and faculty training determine the
tools used in any given assessment exercise.
We also sought to bring patients’ perspectives into our
assessment strategies. An assessor personally involved in
the interaction––e.g. an actual patient, simulated patient
or standardized patient––may be able most accurately to
measure the experience of the therapeutic relationship (Zoppi
& Epstein, 2002). Various authors note that the patient’s
experience may be a more relevant measure of the patient–
physician relationship than observations by impartial coders
(Street, 1992; Janisse & Vuckovic, 2002). To bring patients’
perspectives into our assessment system, we asked standard-
ized patients to complete the adapted ABIM Patient
Satisfaction Tool and, for some examinations, also the
HMS Communication Skills Tool.
Finally, the goals of any curriculum should include
the promotion of self-reflection and continuous self-directed
learning not only in technical skills but also in relational
skills and self-awareness. Using our assessment tools
with students for formative evaluation and feedback, and
for self-assessment, promotes these goals.
We implemented an integrated framework and resources
for teaching and assessment to begin to address the
increasing public and professional need for enhanced
interpersonal and communication skills training, particularly
in the latter years of the undergraduate medical curriculum.
Until recently, medical training has not emphasized or
consistently assessed communication and interpersonal
skills and the physician–patient relationship. The new
licensing and accreditation requirements for competence in
clinical skills, including communication skills, provide an
impetus for medical schools in the US to teach and assess
communication skills in a more consistent and comprehen-
sive manner throughout the curriculum than in the past.
The last available national report on the teaching and
assessment of communication skills in US medical schools
noted that the majority of schools did not use uniform
frameworks for teaching and assessment (Association
of American Medical Colleges, 1999). Our framework
formalizes and institutionalizes the assessment of commu-
nication skills across the curriculum. Its use will enable us to
collect data regarding the retention of these skills, and
E. A. Rider et al.
whether uniform teaching and assessment over four years
improves students’ performance. Students use, practice and
are assessed on these competencies numerous times over
the course of their undergraduate training, in order to
promote retention and further development of competence
in communication skills. Implementation of our approach
has raised the profile of communication skills teaching
and assessment in our medical school curriculum, and has
enabled us to expand and maintain this focus across all
four years.
We hope to lay the groundwork for a focus on commu-
nication skills as a required competence throughout medical
school. Multiple licensing and accreditation agencies join
us in this important goal. Our experience provides one model
for successfully integrating uniform communication skills
assessment across the years of undergraduate medical
Notes on contributors
ELIZABETH A. RIDER, MSW, MD, FAAP is Director, Communication
Skills Teaching Program and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard
Medical School; Director of Programs for Communication Skills, John D.
Stoeckle Center for Primary Care Innovation, Massachusetts General
Hospital; and Course Director, Program to Enhance Relational
and Communication Skills (PERCS), Children’s Hospital, Boston,
Massachusetts USA. She is a member of the Bayer–Fetzer Kalamazoo
Consensus Group on Physician-Patient Communication.
ARGARET M. HINRICHS, MEd an Educational Consultant for the
Integrated Clerkship Professional Boundaries Project, Cambridge
Hospital, Cambridge, MA, USA, was formerly Program Coordinator
and Medical Educator, Patient-Doctor Courses, Program in Medical
Education, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.
ETH LOWN, MD is Director, Communication Skills Teaching Program
and Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Director
of Faculty Development, Mt. Auburn Hospital; Associate Director of the
Fellowships in Medical Education at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center, Mt. Auburn Hospital and the Academy at Harvard Medical
School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
The authors’ work was funded in part by a generous grant
from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations. We appreciate
the input and perspective of Ronald Arky, MD, Daniel
Federman, MD, Gordon Harper, MD, David Hirsh, MD,
Edward Krupat, PhD, Beverly Woo, MD, and the
Communication Skills Task Force at Harvard Medical
School as we developed a uniform, longitudinal assessment
program across the curriculum. We also acknowledge the
important work of the Bayer–Fetzer Kalamazoo Consensus
Group on Physician-Patient Communication in Medical
Notes: Our assessment tools are available upon request
1. Expanded web-based modules are available in Novack
et al. (2005).
General Competencies: ACGME Outcome Project 2001. (Chicago, IL,
ACGME) Available at:
compMin.asp (accessed 4 March 2005).
MERICAN BOARD OF INTERNAL MEDICINE (n.d.) Patient and peer assessment
forms. Available at:
IandC_1.pdf (accessed 25 May 2006).
Objectives Project, Report III. Contemporary Issues in Medicine:
Communication in Medicine (Washington, DC, Association of
American Medical Colleges).
MEDICAL EDUCATION (2001) Essential elements of communication in
medical encounters: the Kalamazoo consensus statement, Academic
Medicine, 76, pp. 390–393.
Communication Skills Education for Doctors: An Update (London, BMA).
OHEN-COLE, S.A. (1991) The Medical Interview: The Three-Function
Approach (St Louis, Mosby Year Book).
EPARTMENT OF HEALTH (2003) Guiding Pr inciples Relating to the
Commissioning and Provision of Communication Skills Training in
Pre-Registration and Undergraduate Education for Healthcare
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& All Participants in the American Academy on Physician and Patient’s
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E. A. Rider et al.
... One of the first experiences came from the University of Lagos in 1984 [5]. More recent examples include Leipzig University Medical School (COMSKIL Communication Skills Training [6] and Longitudinal Communication Curriculum [7]), Charité -Universitätsmedizin Berlin [8], Ghent University [8], and Harvard Medical School [9]. ...
... A model utilized to train doctors should meet various requirements and expectations [9]. When designing this model, various factors and trends should be considered. ...
... In Polish medical universities, this means six-person student groups. Some studies suggest that communication skills can diminish during the four years of medical school [9]. Which makes the creation of communication competence training programs an important necessity. ...
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Background The recognition of the importance of effective communication in the healthcare system has been growing. Given that communication courses must be adjusted to the specificity of a particular culture, language, and other contextual issues, many countries and communities sharing a common language have proposed their recommendations for a communication curriculum for undergraduate medical education. To date, no recommendations have been developed for either any Central and Eastern Europe countries or for regions where Slavic languages are spoken. Their specificity of post-communist transformation should be acknowledged. This study aims to review communication curriculums and offer recommendations for medical communication training for undergraduate medical students in Poland. Methods The recommendations were developed through an iterative consultation process with lecturers, faculty members of medical schools, and education coordinators. PubMed and Google Scholar databases were searched to identify full text English and Polish language articles on communication curriculum for undergraduate medical education. Additionally, the new Regulation of the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education, defining educational standards for undergraduate medical education was analysed in search of learning outcomes that could be applied in communication skills teaching. The authors extracted the most relevant communication skill competencies, as determined by the process participants, discussed current challenges, including those of the COVID-19 pandemic era, and indicated best practices. Results A review was conducted, and a set of recommendations was developed pertaining to the scope and methodology of teaching communication skills. The study included: (1) definition, (2) education content, (3) learning outcomes, (4) the recommended teaching methods. The recommendations are in concord with the graduate profile, as well as the current structure of medical studies. The authors listed and discussed the basic communication competencies expected of medical graduates, as well as medical communication course content viewed from different perspectives, including clinical, psychological, sociological, legal, and linguistic. Conclusions Detailed recommendations aimed at integrating best practices into a comprehensive communication curriculum may promote successful teaching, learning, and assessment of medical communication.
... In terms of the aim of the studies, half of the articles (n = 7) reported on the implementation of assessment models that were utilised in their institutions [22][23][24][25][26][27][28]. The other articles (n = 7) reported on the development of, or proposal to develop assessment models to be implemented [29][30][31][32][33][34][35]. ...
... There appears to be insufficient human capacity in research as well as few research mentors and role models, and a lack of a research culture, which can have a negative impact on research output in HPE institutions in lowincome countries. Thus, although there is a significant Table 3 Assessment models, frameworks, type, approach and methods and study sample [23][24][25][26][27][28][29][31][32][33][34][35] NB: Grey scale sections were not reported amount of innovation taking place in HPE institutions in LMICs, there is still limited research output. There also seems to be insufficient networking among research communities in LMICs, meaning that support among researchers is lacking. ...
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Background Feasible and effective assessment approaches to measuring competency in health sciences are vital in competency-based education. Educational programmes for health professions in low- and middle-income countries are increasingly adopting competency-based education as a strategy for training health professionals. Importantly, the organisation of assessments and assessment approaches must align with the available resources and still result in the fidelity of implementation. A review of existing assessment approaches, frameworks, models, and methods is essential for the development of feasible and effective assessment approaches in low-resource settings. Methods Published literature was sourced from 13 electronic databases. The inclusion criteria were literature published in English between 2000 and 2022 about assessment approaches to measuring competency in health science professions. Specific data relating to the aims of each study, its location, population, research design, assessment approaches (including the outcome of implementing such approaches), frameworks, models, and methods were extracted from the included literature. The data were analysed through a multi-step process that integrated quantitative and qualitative approaches. Results Many articles were from the United States and Australia and reported on the development of assessment models. Most of the articles included undergraduate medical or nursing students. A variety of models, theories, and frameworks were reported and included the Ideal model, Predictive Learning Assessment model, Amalgamated Student Assessment in Practice (ASAP) model, Leadership Outcome Assessment (LOA) model, Reporter-Interpreter-Manager-Educator (RIME) framework, the Quarter model, and the model which incorporates four assessment methods which are Triple Jump Test, Essay incorporating critical thinking questions, Multistation Integrated Practical Examination, and Multiple Choice Questions (TEMM) model. Additional models and frameworks that were used include the Entrustable Professional Activities framework, the System of Assessment framework, the Reporter-Interpreter-Manager-Educator (RIME) framework, the Clinical Reasoning framework (which is embedded in the Amalgamated Student Assessment in Practice (ASAP) model), Earl’s Model of Learning, an assessment framework based on the Bayer–Fetzer Kalamazoo Consensus Statement, Bloom's taxonomy, the Canadian Medical Education Directions for Specialists (CanMEDS) Framework, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) framework, the Dreyfus Developmental Framework, and Miller's Pyramid. Conclusion An analysis of the assessment approaches, frameworks, models, and methods applied in health professions education lays the foundation for the development of feasible and effective assessment approaches in low-resource settings that integrate competency-based education. Trial registration This study did not involve any clinical intervention. Therefore, trial registration was not required.
... This is a tool that assesses six communication items, including greeting, listening, showing interest, respect, answering questions, and use of simple language by caregivers. Patients were asked to rate each of these items on a five-point Likert scale: 1=poor, 2=fair, 3=good, 4=very good and 5=excellent 27 . The total satisfaction score is the average of the scores for these six items, ranging from one for the worst score to five for the best score. ...
... The purpose of this study was to assess older adults' satisfaction with caregivers' communication skills and to identify influencing factors. Several authors have shown that communication skills include greeting, listening, respect, interest, using simple language, and answering questions 10,27 . ...
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Effective communication skills are crucial for caregivers to provide quality care and meet the unique needs of patients of all ages. However, older patients have specific communication requirements, and their satisfaction depends on several factors. Objective This study aimed to evaluate the level of satisfaction among older adults in Marrakech, Morocco, regarding the communication skills of their caregivers, and to identify the factors influencing this satisfaction. Methods This is a cross-sectional study conducted between March and July 2022 among 204 people aged 60 years and older who presented to the Mouhamed VI University Hospital of Marrakech, Morocco, for various care services. The older adults’ satisfaction with caregivers’ communication was assessed by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) patient satisfaction questionnaire. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the participants were collected through interview and consultation of medical records. Multiple linear regression was used to determine potential factors influencing the total satisfaction score. Results The total satisfaction score of older adults with caregiver’ communication was 2.55±0.95 and the mean scores of the lowest subscales were answering questions, greeting and listening. Analysis revealed that having visual disorders (B=-0.276±0.12; p=0.029) and receiving affective touch from caregivers (B=0.745±0.12; p=0.001) were the main factors associated with older adults’ satisfaction with caregiver’ communication. Conclusion Older people are not sufficiently satisfied with caregivers’ communication skills, especially those with vision problems and those who have not received affective touch from caregivers. Caregivers need to be aware of the specific needs of older patients and use appropriate communication techniques.
... El objetivo del presente estudio es el de diseñar y analizar propiedades psicométricas de un instrumento que evalúe competencias de trabajo interprofesional. Debido a que se trata de competencias y dimensiones interrelacionadas como se menciona por diversos autores [8][9][10][11] , en este estudio deseamos probar el uso de ítems que evalúen ciertas dimensiones y que al mismo tiempo evalúen ciertas competencias. Por ejemplo, ítems que consideren la comunicación centrada en el paciente. ...
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Recibido el 28 de noviembre de 2023; aceptado el 23 de mayo de 2024 Disponible en Internet el xxxx PALABRAS CLAVE Evaluación; Comunicación interprofesional; Educación interprofesional; Psicometría; Competencias de trabajo interprofesional Resumen Introducción: la educación interprofesional incluye diversas estrategias educativas para promover competencias como comunicación, ética, reflexión crítica y procesos de salud y calidad. Se incluyen participantes de diversas disciplinas en el proceso educativo. Como parte del proceso educativo, la evaluación de estas competencias se hace indispensable. El objetivo del estudio fue diseñar un instrumento de evaluación de competencias para el trabajo interprofesional y evaluar sus propiedades psicométricas. Material y método: se diseñó un instrumento que mide 4 competencias (comunicación, aprendizaje y reflexión crítica, procesos de salud y calidad, y ética y valores) en 3 dimensiones (liderazgo y trabajo en equipo, roles y responsabilidades, atención centrada en el paciente). Para el estudio de validez de contenido se hizo un jueceo de expertos. Debido a que este instrumento puede ser utilizado como 7 instrumentos separados, o bien, como la combinación de varios de ellos: por dimensiones o por competencias; se realizaron 7 análisis factoriales exploratorios independientes, 4 por competencias y 3 por dimensiones por el método de componentes principales con rotación varimax, prueba de Bartlett y KMO. Para el análisis de confiabilidad se realizó un análisis de alfa de Cronbach por cada dimensión, por cada competencia y 2 generales (uno por la evaluación de dimensiones y otro para la evaluación de competencias). Resultados: se describen las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento en cada una de sus modalidades. Muestra adecuadas propiedades para su uso en la población mexicana. Conclusiones: el instrumento es adecuado para medir las competencias de trabajo interprofesional desde diferentes dimensiones.
... Kommunikative Kompetenzen gehören in allen Bereichen der Medizin zu den wichtigsten Schlüsselqualifikationen für die ärztliche Tätigkeit und können gelehrt und erlernt werden [1,2]. In vielen medizinische Fakultäten bilden Kommunikationstrainings mittlerweile einen festen Bestandteil des Curriculums [2,3]. ...
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Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Kommunikative Kompetenzen gehören zu den wichtigsten Schlüsselqualifikationen der ärztlichen Tätigkeit. Inwieweit diese im medizinischen Unterricht der Hals‑, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde auch online erworben werden können, wird in dieser Studie untersucht. Fragestellung Ein freiwilliges Online-Training zur Vermittlung kommunikativer Fertigkeiten wurde mit einem entsprechenden Präsenzformat verglichen. Dabei wurde der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit sich Akzeptanz der beiden Formate sowie die Selbsteinschätzung der Studierenden hinsichtlich ihrer kommunikativen Fertigkeiten unterscheiden. Material und Methoden Im Online-Training wurden die Studierenden über ein Video asynchron auf die Thematik vorbereitet. Danach konnten sie Gespräche mit Simulationspatient*innen online und synchron führen. Die Präsenzveranstaltung war in Aufbau und Dauer vergleichbar und fand in einem früheren Semester statt. Die Akzeptanz der jeweiligen Seminare wurde mit einem Fragebogen mit 19 Items erhoben, dabei wurde eine 5‑stufige Likert-Skala verwendet. Die Selbsteinschätzung der Kommunikationsfertigkeiten wurde über eine 10 cm lange visuelle Analogskala prä/post mit 16 Items erfasst. Ergebnisse Beide Formate erreichten eine hohe Akzeptanz mit einer Durchschnittsnote (M) von 2,08 (Standardabweichung, SD: 0,54) für das Online-Format und M = 1,97 (SD = 0,48) für die Präsenzveranstaltung. Die Selbsteinschätzungen der Studierenden zu kommunikativen Fertigkeiten haben in der Online-Gruppe (M = 1,54, SD = 0,94) einen doppelten Zuwachs gegenüber der Präsenzgruppe gezeigt (M = 0,75, SD = 0,87). Schlussfolgerung Diese Studie zeigt, dass die Vermittlung von kommunikativen Kompetenzen im Online-Format gut angenommen wurde und zu signifikanten Veränderungen in der Selbsteinschätzung der Kommunikationsfertigkeiten der Studierenden führte.
Background: challenges to work in underdeveloped areas andpeople's expectations of the quality of healthcare requiresdoctors who have public health program managementcompetencies. Objectives: identify perception of the needs and responsibilityof medical education institution to meet the managementcompetencies. Method: a mixed method study mixed method with sequentialexploratory. Results: Communication skills and respecting the right ofothers are the most needed competencies and the less neededcompetency is become chairman/leader of an activity.Competency to manage the organization's finances have notbeen met by a medical education institution and competencywhich has been met by medical education institutions is anupdating of medical knowledge actively. Conclusion: doctors need management competencies whileon duty in underdeveloped areas, but medical educationinstitutions are not yet fully meet its responsibilities in thefulfilment of these competencies.
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La comunicación oral es una competencia esencial en el ámbito académico y profesional, sin embargo, su evaluación representa un reto debido a la dificultad para establecer descripciones observables y objetivas. Este estudio tiene como finalidad identificar el desarrollo de la comunicación oral que logran los estudiantes. Para ello, se implementó un sistema de evaluación estandarizada con una muestra de 592 estudiantes de pregrado, matriculados entre el sexto y el duodécimo ciclo de una universidad peruana privada. El estudio concluye que hubo un mejor desempeño en el desarrollo del contenido, el contacto visual y la pronunciación, mientras que se observaron dificultades en el cumplimiento del propósito comunicativo, el uso de gestos y la variación del tono de voz. Se finaliza con recomendaciones para futuras experiencias de evaluación estandarizada de la comunicación oral.
Communication skills are fundamental in healthcare, but assessing them among medical students presents challenges. In the Indian context, the lack of a specific assessment tool further compounds the issue. Thus, this study aimed to develop and validate an observation-based communication skills checklist tailored to Phase I MBBS students. The checklist was developed using both inductive and deductive approaches and underwent rigorous testing to ensure its reliability and validity. After piloting, the finalized version was administered to 84 Phase I MBBS students. Results indicated a critical content validity ratio of 0.78, face validity of 0.80, and an impressive Cronbach's alpha of 0.91, indicating good internal consistency and reliability of the checklist. The students scored over 80% in all checklist domains, except for empathy (73%) and support (74%), highlighting areas for potential improvement. Nonetheless, about 75% of students expressed satisfaction with the checklist's communication skills assessment. The feedback from faculty members was positive, as they found the checklist easy to use, quick, and effective for evaluating communication skills. Consequently, the checklist's introduction has been well-received by both students and faculty. In conclusion, the developed checklist proves to be an effective and valid instrument for assessing communication skills in Phase I MBBS students. By integrating this tool into Observed Station Clinical Examinations, medical educators can comprehensively evaluate students' communication behaviors. Moreover, the checklist serves as a valuable resource for bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, enabling future physicians to excel in doctor-patient interactions, a crucial aspect of patient-centered care.
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Current assessment formats for physicians and trainees reliably test core knowledge and basic skills. However, they may underemphasize some important domains of professional medical practice, including interpersonal skills, lifelong learning, professionalism, and integration of core knowledge into clinical practice. To propose a definition of professional competence, to review current means for assessing it, and to suggest new approaches to assessment. We searched the MEDLINE database from 1966 to 2001 and reference lists of relevant articles for English-language studies of reliability or validity of measures of competence of physicians, medical students, and residents. We excluded articles of a purely descriptive nature, duplicate reports, reviews, and opinions and position statements, which yielded 195 relevant citations. Data were abstracted by 1 of us (R.M.E.). Quality criteria for inclusion were broad, given the heterogeneity of interventions, complexity of outcome measures, and paucity of randomized or longitudinal study designs. We generated an inclusive definition of competence: the habitual and judicious use of communication, knowledge, technical skills, clinical reasoning, emotions, values, and reflection in daily practice for the benefit of the individual and the community being served. Aside from protecting the public and limiting access to advanced training, assessments should foster habits of learning and self-reflection and drive institutional change. Subjective, multiple-choice, and standardized patient assessments, although reliable, underemphasize important domains of professional competence: integration of knowledge and skills, context of care, information management, teamwork, health systems, and patient-physician relationships. Few assessments observe trainees in real-life situations, incorporate the perspectives of peers and patients, or use measures that predict clinical outcomes. In addition to assessments of basic skills, new formats that assess clinical reasoning, expert judgment, management of ambiguity, professionalism, time management, learning strategies, and teamwork promise a multidimensional assessment while maintaining adequate reliability and validity. Institutional support, reflection, and mentoring must accompany the development of assessment programs.
The Association of American Medical Colleges established the Medical School Objectives Project (MSOP) to set forth program-level learning objectives that medical school deans and faculties can use as guides in reviewing their medical student education programs (initial phase), and to suggest strategies that they might employ in implementing agreed-upon changes in those programs (implementation phase). The publication of MSOP Report I in 1998 concluded the initial phase of the project by presenting 30 program-level learning objectives that represent a consensus within the medical education community on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students should possess before graduation from medical school. Report II, published here, is the work of two expert panels that focus on the two interrelated topics of medical informatics and population health for which Report I developed learning objectives. The Medical Informatics Panel identified five roles played by physicians-lifelong learner, clinician, educator-communicator, researcher, and manager-in which medical informatics plays a vital part, and defined one or more informatics learning objectives important for each role (e.g., the successful medical school graduate, in his or her role as a clinician, should be able to retrieve patient-specific information from a clinical information system). The panel then identified ways that schools might implement educational programs to address the various informatics learning objectives and to eventually embed informatics experiences throughout the curriculum rather than relying on an informatics course to achieve some or all of the objectives. The Population Health Perspective Panel developed a consensus definition of "population health perspective" (PHP); chose four types of populations to discuss (e.g., the geographic community); reviewed pressures for and against the implementation of a PHS in the curriculum (e.g., the cross-disciplinary nature of the topic is a barrier); named the fields that encompass training in a PHP (e.g., public health); listed several educational objectives, three principles to govern the design of educational activities, and a number of recommendations; and closed with a list of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that should be instilled by a successful PHF curriculum.
The Process of globalization is increasingly evident in medical education and makes the task of defining global essential competences required by 'global physicians' an urgent matter. This issue was addressed by the newly established Institute for International Medical Education (IIME). The IIME Core Committee developed the concept of 'global minimum essential requirements' ('GMER) and defined a set of global minimum learning outcomes that medical school students must demonstrate at graduation. The 'Essentials' are grouped under seven broad educational domains with a set of 60 learning objectives. Besides these 'global competences, medical schools should add national and local requirements. The focus opt student competences as outcomes of medical education should have deep implications for curricular content as well as the educational processes of medical schools.
Responsibility for teaching communication skills often falls to a multidisciplinary group of faculty who lack both a common model for teaching and prior experience teaching communication in small groups. This article describes East Tennessee State University's multifaceted faculty development program in teaching communication skills. The program was developed and implemented in three phases. First, a two-step Delphi approach helped identify core communication skills. Phase two gave faculty the opportunity to practice identifying communication teaching issues and effective strategies for working with small groups. The third phase involved the videotaping of faculty teaching small groups of students. These tapes were reviewed both individually and in faculty groups. The tapes were also reviewed by students, who provided realtime, moment-to-moment feedback to the faculty. Implementation and review of the program has helped to identify new strategies for effectively facilitating small-group teaching of communication skills.