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Abstract and Figures

Decomposer invertebrates influence soil structure and nutrient mineralization as well as the activity and composition of the microbial community in soil and therefore likely affect plant performance and plant competition. We established model grassland communities in a greenhouse to study the interrelationship between two different functional groups of decomposer invertebrates, Lumbricidae and Collembola, and their effect on plant performance and plant nitrogen uptake in a plant diversity gradient. Common plant species of Central European Arrhenatherion grasslands were transplanted into microcosms with numbers of plant species varying from one to eight and plant functional groups varying from one to four. Separate and combined treatments with earthworms and collembolans were set up. Microcosms contained 15N labeled litter to track N fluxes into plant shoots. Presence of decomposers strongly increased total plant and plant shoot biomass. Root biomass decreased in the presence of collembolans and even more in the presence of earthworms. However, it increased when both animal groups were present. Also, presence of decomposers increased total N concentration and 15N enrichment of grasses, legumes, and small herbs. Small herbs were at a maximum in the combined treatment with earthworms and collembolans. The impact of earthworms and collembolans on plant performance strongly varied with plant functional group identity and plant species diversity and was modified when both decomposers were present. Both decomposer groups generally increased aboveground plant productivity through effects on litter decomposition and nutrient mineralization leading to an increased plant nutrient acquisition. The non-uniform effects of earthworms and collembolans suggest that functional diversity of soil decomposer animals matters and that the interactions between soil animal functional groups affect the structure of plant communities.
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Ecology, 87(10), 2006, pp. 2548–2558
Ó2006 by the Ecological Society of America
Institut fu
¨r Zoologie, Technische Universita
¨t Darmstadt, Schnittspahnstr. 3, D-64287, Darmstadt, Germany
Abstract. Decomposer invertebrates influence soil structure and nutrient mineralization
as well as the activity and composition of the microbial community in soil and therefore likely
affect plant performance and plant competition. We established model grassland communities
in a greenhouse to study the interrelationship between two different functional groups of
decomposer invertebrates, Lumbricidae and Collembola, and their effect on plant perfor-
mance and plant nitrogen uptake in a plant diversity gradient. Common plant species of
Central European Arrhenatherion grasslands were transplanted into microcosms with
numbers of plant species varying from one to eight and plant functional groups varying
from one to four. Separate and combined treatments with earthworms and collembolans were
set up. Microcosms contained
N labeled litter to track N fluxes into plant shoots. Presence of
decomposers strongly increased total plant and plant shoot biomass. Root biomass decreased
in the presence of collembolans and even more in the presence of earthworms. However, it
increased when both animal groups were present. Also, presence of decomposers increased
total N concentration and
N enrichment of grasses, legumes, and small herbs. Small herbs
were at a maximum in the combined treatment with earthworms and collembolans. The
impact of earthworms and collembolans on plant performance strongly varied with plant
functional group identity and plant species diversity and was modified when both decomposers
were present. Both decomposer groups generally increased aboveground plant productivity
through effects on litter decomposition and nutrient mineralization leading to an increased
plant nutrient acquisition. The non-uniform effects of earthworms and collembolans suggest
that functional diversity of soil decomposer animals matters and that the interactions between
soil animal functional groups affect the structure of plant communities.
Key words: Collembola; decomposers; functional diversity; Lumbricidae; plant–animal interaction;
plant diversity; productivity; The Jena Experiment.
In terrestrial ecosystems, soil decomposer animals are
essential for nutrient mineralization (Bradford et al.
2002) and alter the availability of nutrients to plants
(Wardle 1999). While microorganisms dominate miner-
alization processes, their activity, community composi-
tion, and spatial distribution is strongly modified by soil
invertebrates (Scheu and Seta
¨2002, Bonkowski and
Scheu 2004). For example, feeding of earthworms and
collembolans on bacteria and fungi indirectly affect the
availability of nutrients in soil (Wardle 1999). It is well
documented that the enhanced nutrient turnover in soil
in presence of decomposer animals leads to a higher
plant nutrient acquisition and therefore stimulates plant
growth (Scheu et al. 1999, Schmidt and Curry 1999,
Kreuzer et al. 2004).
Previous studies suggested that some soil animal
species are functionally redundant and do have no
detectable influence on ecosystem functions such as N
mineralization and plant growth (e.g., Cragg and
Bardgett 2001, Liiri et al. 2002). In contrast, Cole et
al. (2004) documented that shoot biomass and total N in
soil leachates increase with richness of soil micro-
arthropods. However, for maintaining ecosystem pro-
cesses the functional characteristics of species likely are
more important than the number of species per se
(Cragg and Bardgett 2001, Cole et al. 2004, Heemsber-
gen et al. 2004), presumably due to differential effects of
animal groups on nutrient fluxes, and on structure and
dynamics of the soil microbial community (Bardgett and
Chan 1999).
In terms of biomass, earthworms are among the most
important detritivore animals in terrestrial ecosystems
(Edwards and Bohlen 1995). Especially in grasslands,
they are known to play a key role in nutrient cycling and
physical soil improvement (Spehn et al. 2000), and
therefore in plant growth (Scheu 2003). Earthworms
influence plant performance either direct, e.g., via root
feeding and translocation of seeds, or indirect via
altering microbial activity and plant nutrient availabil-
ity. Direct effects probably are rare and usually less
Manuscript received 17 January 2006; revised 31 March
2006; accepted 3 April 2006. Corresponding Editor: D. A.
Present address: NERC Centre for Population Biology,
Division of Biology, Imperial College, Silwood Park, Ascot
SL5 7PY United Kingdom.
important than indirect effects. However, the mecha-
nisms responsible for earthworm-mediated changes in
plant performance are poorly studied. Scheu et al. (1999)
and Kreuzer et al. (2004) showed that the effect of
earthworms varies with plant species and is more
pronounced in grasses than in legumes suggesting that
earthworm effects vary with plant functional groups.
Collembolans are among the most abundant soil
arthropods feeding on a range of resources (Hopkin
1997). By consuming dead plant material and fungal
hyphae, collembolans might play an important role in
enhancing decomposition processes since hyphal grazing
stimulates growth and respiration of fungi (Gange
2000). Thus, collembolans predominantly influence
plant performance and plant competition indirectly by
altering microbial activity and microbial community
structure, and therefore the competition for nutrients
between microbes and plants.
Stimulation of plant performance by decomposer
invertebrates is well known, but only few investigations
documented that different functional groups of decom-
poser invertebrates affect plant competition and there-
fore plant community structure (Scheu and Seta
Wardle 2002, Kreuzer et al. 2004). Studies examining the
role of decomposers for plant growth focused on single
target plant species, competition between two plant
species belonging to different plant functional groups or
specific plant communities. Studies manipulating both
plant diversity and decomposer animal species compo-
sition are lacking.
This study is the first investigating effects of different
functional groups of decomposer invertebrates on plant
communities of different species and functional group
diversity. In a microcosm experiment in the greenhouse
we investigated the effect of two decomposer animal
groups, earthworms and collembolans, on plant growth
and plant nitrogen uptake of communities differing in
plant species and functional group diversity. We
expected the two decomposer groups to strongly but
differently influence plant growth due to different
mechanisms, and to modify each others impact on plant
performance. We hypothesized that the influence of
decomposers on plant productivity varies with plant
functional group identity, since, e.g., the competitive
strength of legumes decreases with increasing nitrogen
concentration in soil. Also, we hypothesized that due to
interactions between plant species and feedbacks of
plant species on decomposers the effects of decomposers
on plant performance vary with plant species and plant
functional group diversity.
Experimental containers (see Plate 1) consisted of
plastic tubes (inner diameter 10 cm, height 25 cm), sealed
with a 45-lm mesh at the bottom and a plastic barrier
(10 cm height) at the upper end, to prevent escape of
animals. A total of 256 microcosms were filled with soil
(1.4 kg fresh mass) from the Jena Biodiversity Experi-
ment field site (Jena, Thuringia, Germany; Roscher et al.
2004), including a layer of 250 mg of
N labeled roots of
Lolium perenne (30 atom %
N; fragmented ,1 mm)
placed 2 cm below the soil surface. Prior to use, the soil
(Eutric Fluvisol [FAO-UNESCO 1997]; sand content
15%, water content 13%, pH 8.1, nitrogen content 0.3%,
carbon content 4.6%, C-to-N ratio 15.7) was sieved (4
mm) and defaunated by freezing for two weeks at 228C
(Huhta et al. 1989). Microcosms were incubated in the
greenhouse and after placement into the microcosms the
soil was irrigated by adding two 50-mL portions of
deionized water every second day for eight days to leach
nutrients released as a result of the defaunation
procedure. Subsequently, microcosms were kept moist
PLATE 1. (Top) Photograph taken about one week after
transplanting the pre-germinated plants into the prepared
microcosms, thereby establishing 64 different plant combina-
tions with plant species number varying from 1 to 8 and number
of plant functional groups varying from 1 to 4. (Bottom)
Photograph taken two months later (one month before
harvest), showing a bench with some of the 256 numbered
and randomized microcosms under greenhousde conditions.
Plants are growing well and sporadically flowering. Note the
plastic frame on top of each microcosm to avoid the escape of
animals. Photo credit: S. Partsh.
for another 14 days adding one portion of 50 mL
deionized water each third day. Plant seedlings germi-
nating (mainly Chenopodium album L.) were removed;
after 14 days, no further seedlings germinated.
Eight pre-germinated plant individuals (height 2–6
cm) of a total of 43 common species of Central
European Arrhenatherion grasslands, consisting of four
functional groups (grasses, G; legumes, L; small herbs,
Sh; and tall herbs, Th) were transplanted into each
microcosm in different combinations similar to the
design of the Jena Experiment (Roscher et al. 2004) but
with plant species diversity varying only from 1 to 8 and
plant functional group diversity from 1 to 4. Altogether,
64 plant species combinations were established includ-
ing monocultures, two species mixtures, four species
mixtures, and eight species mixtures, each with 16
replicates (see Milcu et al. [2006] for details). Sub-
sequently, 2 g of non-labeled litter material consisting
mainly of grass leaves (2.53%N, C-to-N ratio 17.3) were
placed on the soil surface to simulate field conditions.
The litter had been collected from the Jena field site. It
was dried at 608C for three days and cut into pieces of 3
cm length.
Earthworms (one individual of each of Lumbricus
terrestris (L.) and Aporrectodea caliginosa (Savigny))
and collembolans (20 individuals of each of Protaphor-
ura fimata (Gisin), Heteromurus nitidus (Templeton) and
Folsomia candida (Willem)) were added to half of the
microcosms to establish a full two factorial design with
factors earthworms (with and without) and collembo-
lans (with and without). A. caliginosa is an endogeic
geophagous earthworm species, whereas L. terrestris is
an anecic litter feeding species. Both species are among
the dominant species at the field site of the Jena
Experiment. All three collembolan species were taken
from laboratory cultures, where they were kept at
constant temperature (178C) and fed on bakers yeast.
F. candida was originally provided by IBACON GmbH
(Rossdorf, Germany). H. nitidus derived from an arable
field near Go
¨ttingen (Germany) and P. fimata from
Kranichsteiner Wald (Darmstadt, Germany). F. candida
and H. nitidus are hemiedaphic species dwelling in litter
and upper soil layers; P. fimata is a euedaphic species
living in deeper soil layers. H. nitidus is present at the
field site of the Jena Experiment.
Established microcosms were incubated in the green-
house for 11 weeks at a day : night regime of 16:8 h and
228:188C. Light intensity was between 250 and 400
. The water regime was successively increased
from irrigating three times a week with 25 mL (weeks 1–
2), 40 mL (weeks 3–5), and 50 mL (weeks 5–7) to
irrigating daily with 50 mL (weeks 8–9) and 80 mL
deionized water (weeks 9–11). Microcosms were
randomized every three weeks.
Incorporation of soil surface litter was not quantified
but observed by eye during the experiment. After 11
weeks, plants were harvested. Shoots were cut at soil
surface level, separated into species, and dried at 608C
for three days. Roots were washed out of the soil using a
1 mm mesh and dried at 608C for three days. For tracing
incorporation of N from the labeled litter into plants, we
chose one target species of each of three plant functional
groups present in most of the 64 different plant
combinations, i.e., Onobrychis viciifolia (legume), Festu-
ca rubra (grass), and Plantago lanceolata (small herb).
Data on shoot and root biomass were summed up per
microcosm. From total shoot and root biomass, total
plant biomass and shoot-to-root ratio per microcosm
were calculated. Also, the mean individual shoot mass
per microcosm was calculated for each of the plant
functional groups and the three target species.
Total N concentrations and
N signatures of the
target species were determined by a coupled system
consisting of an elemental analyzer (NA 1500, Carlo
Erba, Milan, Italy) and a gas isotope mass spectrometer
(MAT 251, Finnigan, Thermo Electron Corporation,
Waltham, Massachusetts, USA; Reineking et al. 1993).
N atmospheric N
served as the primary standard
and acetanilide (C
NO; Merck, Darmstadt, Ger-
many) was used for internal calibration. Earthworms
were collected by hand. Collembolans were sampled
taking soil cores (diameter 5 cm) from each of the
microcosms and extracted by heat. Details on the
response of decomposer animals to variations in plant
species and functional group diversity are presented in
Milcu et al. (2006).
Statistical analyses
The effect of earthworms (EW), collembolans (COL),
number of plant species (S), number of plant functional
groups (FG), and the respective interaction effects on
each variable was determined using type I ANOVA in a
general linear model (GLM). Since only effects on
biomass of plant functional groups and target species
varied with plant diversity, only the respective Fvalues
are given in text and tables. In target species interactions
between decomposer groups and S were calculated
separately from those between decomposers and FG
due to limiting degrees of freedom. Data were tested for
normal distribution and homogeneity of variance
(Levene test) and log
(xþ0.1)-transformed if neces-
sary. Means presented in text and graphs were
calculated using non-transformed data (6SE). The
experimental design does not allow full separation of
the effects of S and FG, which are partially confounded.
Therefore, no interaction between S and FG was
calculated. The effects of presence and absence of L,
G, Sh, and Th always were fitted after fitting S and FG.
The Fvalues given in the text and tables for the effects of
S, FG, L, G, Sh, and Th refer to those where the
respective factor, and interaction, was fitted first
(Schmid et al. 2002). Statistical analyses were performed
using SAS 8.2 (SAS Institute 2003).
STEPHAN PARTSCH ET AL.2550 Ecology, Vol. 87, No. 10
Total shoot biomass
Shoot biomass per microcosm increased with increas-
ing plant species diversity, ranging from 5.89 60.28 g to
6.96 60.28 g, and, even more pronounced, with plant
functional group diversity, ranging from 5.80 60.19 g
to 7.77 60.39 g (Table 1). Also, each of the plant
functional groups strongly affected shoot biomass, but
the effects varied with plant species and plant functional
group diversity. Overall, grasses (from 6.74 60.19 g to
5.71 60.20 g) and tall herbs (from 6.51 60.19 g to 5.98
60.21 g) decreased shoot biomass, whereas legumes
(from 4.85 60.15 g to 7.85 60.16 g) and small herbs
(from 5.68 60.19 g to 6.92 60.20 g) increased it. The
generally negative effect of grasses was strongest in the
two species mixtures, whereas the positive effect of
legumes was more pronounced at higher species
diversity levels (Table 1).
Both decomposer groups strongly increased shoot
biomass by ;20%to a very similar level in each of the
treatments (Fig. 1a, Table 1). The effect of decom-
posers on shoot biomass did not significantly vary with
plant diversity. Incorporation of surface litter material
into the soil was highest in earthworm treatments and
less pronounced when only collembolans were present.
Shoot biomass of plant functional groups
Earthworms significantly increased shoot biomass of
grasses per microcosm by 0.33 g (F
1, 108
¼4.94, P¼0.03)
and the biomass of individual shoots of grasses by 0.10 g
1, 108
¼5.03, P¼0.03). Collembolans also tended to
increase shoot biomass of grasses per microcosm (F
1, 108
¼3.44, P¼0.07). Overall, earthworms increased shoot
biomass of tall herbs per microcosm (þ0.26 g; F
1, 108
5.83, P¼0.018), but the effect only occurred in absence
of grasses (significant EW 3G interaction; F
1, 104
P¼0.004). Collembolans significantly increased shoot
biomass of tall herbs per microcosm by 0.31 g (F
1, 108
7.84, P¼0.006) and the biomass of individual shoots of
tall herbs by 0.09 g (F
1, 108
¼7.63, P¼0.007). The effect
on shoot biomass of tall herbs per microcosm was most
pronounced in the combined treatment with earthworms
and collembolans (þ0.55 g). Earthworms (þ0.70 g) and
collembolans (þ0.97 g) tended to increase shoot biomass
of legumes per microcosm but this was less pronounced
in the combined treatment with earthworms and
collembolans (þ0.24 g; F
1, 108
¼3.75, P¼0.055). Also,
earthworms tended to increase the biomass of individual
shoots of legumes in absence of small herbs (marginally
significant EW 3Sh interaction; F
1, 105
¼3.33, P¼
0.071). Biomass of small herbs was not significantly
affected by the presence of decomposers.
Shoot biomass of target species
Earthworms increased the biomass of Festuca rubra
per microcosm from 2.45 60.43 g to 2.96 60.43 g
(Table 2). Also, earthworms increased the biomass of
individual shoots of Festuca rubra in the one (þ0.12 g),
two (þ0.22 g), and eight species mixtures (þ0.73 g) and
in mixtures with one (þ0.27 g) and three plant
functional groups (þ0.73 g; significant EW 3S
interaction and significant EW 3FG interaction; Table
2). The positive effect of earthworms on mixtures with
eight species (þ1.84 g) and three functional groups
(þ1.84 g), was most pronounced in absence of collem-
bolans (significant EW 3COL 3S interaction and
significant EW 3COL 3FG interaction; Table 2).
Earthworms tended to increase the biomass of Plantago
lanceolata per microcosm but the biomass of individual
shoots was not affected by decomposers. Earthworms
increased the biomass of Onobrychis viciifolia per
TABLE 1. ANOVA table for the effects of earthworms (EW), collembolans (COL), number of plant species (S), number of plant
functional groups (FG), and presence of legumes (L), grasses (G), small herbs (Sh), and tall herbs (Th) on shoot biomass, root
biomass, total plant biomass, and shoot-to-root ratio.
Parameter df
Shoot biomass Root biomass Total biomass Shoot-to-root ratio
EW 1, 243 8.24 0.0045 0.07 0.7944 2.06 0.1529 5.20 0.0234
COL 1, 243 7.49 0.0067 0.83 0.3637 5.30 0.0222 0.40 0.5294
EW 3COL 1, 243 6.44 0.0188 6.79 0.0097 0.26 0.6138 10.15 0.0016
FG 3, 243 18.44 ,0.0001 0.48 0.6971 4.93 0.0024 4.64 0.0036
S 3, 243 9.66 ,0.0001 2.55 0.0561 0.64 0.5886 5.08 0.0020
L 1, 243 232.49 ,0.0001 0.00 0.9641 88.85 ,0.0001 46.77 ,0.0001
L3FG 2, 238 6.58 0.0017 0.77 0.4631 2.36 0.0967 2.18 0.1152
L3S 3, 238 24.35 ,0.0001 2.64 0.0504 5.90 0.0007 9.72 ,0.0001
G 1, 243 130.15 ,0.0001 6.98 0.0088 21.37 ,0.0001 48.74 ,0.0001
G3FG 2, 238 17.67 ,0.0001 2.64 0.0738 12.88 ,0.0001 2.93 0.0553
G3S 3, 238 4.24 ,0.0001 2.49 0.0609 6.07 0.0005 0.62 0.6017
Sh 1, 243 12.29 0.0005 7.03 0.0085 0.00 0.9920 14.65 0.0002
Sh 3FG 2, 238 1.47 0.2314 0.42 0.6567 2.22 0.1103 0.09 0.9152
Sh 3S 3, 238 4.16 0.0067 3.37 0.0193 2.74 0.0443 4.50 0.0043
Th 1, 243 53.94 ,0.0001 0.00 0.9563 23.17 ,0.0001 13.58 0.0003
Th 3FG 2, 238 1.56 0.2114 0.90 0.4061 1.19 0.3070 0.90 0.4082
Th 3S 3, 238 2.34 0.0742 4.19 0.0065 3.60 0.0141 2.12 0.0989
microcosm in all (one, þ0.36 g; two, þ0.58 g; four,
þ0.12 g) but the eight plant species mixtures (0.16 g;
significant EW 3S interaction; Table 2), whereas
collembolans increased it in all (one, þ0.51 g; four,
þ0.22 g; eight, þ0.35 g) but the two plant species
mixtures (1.11 g; significant COL 3S interaction;
Table 2). The positive effect of each of the decomposer
groups on the biomass of Onobrychis viciifolia in
monocultures was less pronounced in the presence of
the respective other decomposer group (significant EW
3COL 3S interaction; Table 2). In addition, the effect
of collembolans in the two species mixtures was less
detrimental in presence of earthworms. Earthworms
also tended to interact with small herbs in affecting
biomass of individual shoots of Onobrychis viciifolia
(marginally significant EW 3Sh interaction; F
4.22, P¼0.055). Biomass of individual shoots was
highest when small herbs were present but earthworms
absent. Presence of earthworms reduced this beneficial
effect of small herbs. On average, collembolans in-
creased the biomass of individual shoots of Onobrychis
viciifolia by 0.20 g (Table 2).
FIG. 1. Effects of earthworms and collembolans on (a) shoot biomass, (b) root biomass, (c) total plant biomass, (d) shoot-to-
root ratio, (e) total N content of Festuca rubra, and (f)
N enrichment of F. rubra. Abbreviations: ctrl, control treatment; ew,
earthworms only; col, collembolans only; ewþcol, combined treatment with earthworms and collembolans. Values are means 6SE;
for statistical analyses see Tables 1 and 3.
STEPHAN PARTSCH ET AL.2552 Ecology, Vol. 87, No. 10
Total N content and
N enrichment of target species
In treatments with decomposers, total N concentra-
tion and
N enrichment in Festuca rubra,Onobrychis
viciifolia, and Plantago lanceolata were generally in-
creased compared to the control treatment without
earthworms and collembolans. Variations in total N and
N concentrations were very similar in each of the three
plant species studied; the total amount of N was at a
TABLE 2. ANOVA table for effects of earthworms (EW), collembolans (COL), number of plant species (S), and number of plant
functional groups (FG) on shoot biomass per microcosm and the mean biomass of individual shoots of Festuca rubra,
Onobrychis viciifolia, and Plantago lanceolata.
F. rubra O. viciifolia P. lanceolata
df FPdf FPdf FP
Shoot biomass per microcosm
EW 1, 15 5.21 0.0375 1, 21 0.00 0.9520 1, 38 3.34 0.0756
COL 1, 15 0.51 0.4867 1, 21 0.18 0.6740 1, 38 0.00 0.9489
EW 3COL 1, 15 1.44 0.2493 1, 21 0.20 0.6573 1, 38 2.20 0.1460
FG 3, 15 30.40 ,0.0001 2, 21 30.78 ,0.0001 2, 38 50.64 ,0.0001
EW 3FG 3, 6 4.67 0.0518 2, 15 0.26 0.7733 2, 32 2.73 0.0805
COL 3FG 3, 6 0.35 0.7899 2, 15 0.03 0.9698 2, 32 0.01 0.9927
EW 3COL 3FG 3, 6 1.83 0.2418 2, 15 0.33 0.7256 2, 32 0.50 0.6089
S 3, 15 47.26 ,0.0001 3, 21 97.53 ,0.0001 3, 38 50.24 ,0.0001
EW 3S 3, 6 1.91 0.2292 3, 12 4.88 0.0192 3, 29 2.89 0.0523
COL 3S 3, 6 0.45 0.7266 3, 12 19.01 ,0.0001 3, 29 0.77 0.5225
EW 3COL 3S 3, 6 2.06 0.2078 3, 12 32.98 ,0.0001 3, 29 1.15 0.3471
Mean biomass of individual shoots
EW 1, 15 2.00 0.1773 1, 21 0.94 0.3434 1, 38 0.17 0.6805
COL 1, 15 0.06 0.8146 1, 21 9.14 0.0065 1, 38 0.28 0.5977
EW 3COL 1, 15 2.43 0.1396 1, 21 1.17 0.2915 1, 38 0.50 0.4830
FG 3, 15 9.44 0.0010 2, 21 5.76 0.0101 2, 32 0.16 0.8552
EW 3FG 3, 6 12.37 0.0056 2, 15 1.07 0.3675 2, 32 1.18 0.3191
COL 3FG 3, 6 0.13 0.9413 2, 15 0.72 0.5031 2, 32 0.15 0.8595
EW 3COL 3FG 3, 6 26.51 0.0007 2, 15 0.99 0.3932 2, 32 0.43 0.6550
S 3, 15 8.92 0.0012 3, 21 2.31 0.1054 3, 38 1.60 0.2046
EW 3S 3, 6 8.93 0.0125 3, 12 1.27 0.3283 3, 29 2.10 0.1223
COL 3S 3, 6 0.07 0.9741 3, 12 3.17 0.0639 3, 29 0.43 0.7320
EW 3COL 3S 3, 6 20.90 0.0014 3, 12 0.27 0.8475 3, 29 0.67 0.5803
TABLE 3. ANOVA table for the effects of earthworms (EW), collembolans (COL), number of plant species (S), and number of
plant functional groups (FG) on total N and
N concentration of Festuca rubra,Onobrychis viciifolia, and Plantago lanceolata.
F. rubra O. viciifolia P. lanceolata
df FPdf FPdf FP
Total N content
EW 1, 15 9.58 0.0074 1, 22 2.01 0.1699 1, 35 8.92 0.0051
COL 1, 15 0.17 0.6825 1, 22 0.48 0.4965 1, 35 1.10 0.3022
EW 3COL 1, 15 1.87 0.1919 1, 22 0.05 0.8201 1, 35 3.65 0.0642
FG 3, 15 1.65 0.2193 2, 22 1.63 0.2193 2, 35 1.57 0.2229
EW 3FG 3, 6 0.78 0.5446 2, 16 0.25 0.7819 2, 29 0.46 0.6353
COL 3FG 3, 6 2.00 0.2159 2, 16 0.48 0.6281 2, 29 2.03 0.1493
EW 3COL 3FG 3, 6 3.27 0.1012 2, 16 0.28 0.7570 2, 29 1.40 0.2636
S 3, 15 1.29 0.3155 3, 22 0.93 0.4417 3, 35 0.65 0.5874
EW 3S 3, 6 3.16 0.1073 3, 13 1.23 0.3328 3, 26 0.80 0.5071
COL 3S 3, 6 4.24 0.0626 3, 13 0.47 0.7114 3, 26 0.49 0.6942
EW 3COL 3S 3, 6 5.55 0.0364 3, 13 0.29 0.8310 3, 26 0.68 0.5732
N enrichment
EW 1, 15 154.44 ,0.0001 1, 22 1846.90 ,0.0001 1, 35 3.62 0.0688
COL 1, 15 522.19 ,0.0001 1, 22 8200.81 ,0.0001 1, 35 5.86 0.0231
EW 3COL 1, 15 24.25 0.0002 1, 22 6.63 0.0173 1, 35 0.65 0.4290
FG 3, 15 16.9 ,0.0001 2, 22 180.57 ,0.0001 2, 35 4.99 0.0151
EW 3FG 3, 6 5.29 0.0402 2, 16 1.36 0.2851 2, 29 2.92 0.0698
COL 3FG 3, 6 13.54 0.0044 2, 16 0.95 0.4063 2, 29 2.14 0.1353
EW 3COL 3FG 3, 6 2.53 0.1540 2, 16 2.07 0.1587 2, 29 0.98 0.3882
S 3, 15 17.16 ,0.0001 3, 22 180.15 ,0.0001 3, 35 1.34 0.2845
EW 3S 3, 6 8.41 0.0144 3, 13 0.04 0.9906 3, 26 5.39 0.0051
COL 3S 3, 6 21.40 0.0013 3, 13 0.01 0.9981 3, 26 9.26 0.0002
EW 3COL 3S 3, 6 4.06 0.0682 3, 13 0.10 0.9603 3, 26 0.48 0.7008
maximum in the earthworm only treatment and the
enrichment in
N in the combined treatment with
earthworms and collembolans (Fig. 1e, f, Table 3). The
total amount of N in Festuca rubra and Plantago
lanceolata was significantly increased by earthworms
(from 7800 6500 lg/g to 9800 6500 lg/g and from
7000 6500 lg/g to 8900 6500 lg/g, respectively). The
effect of earthworms on total N concentration of
Festuca rubra varied with plant species diversity. Except
for mixtures with four plant species it was most
pronounced in absence of collembolans (significant
EW 3COL 3S interaction; Fig. 2c, Table 3).
The incorporation of
N into plant tissue of Festuca
rubra and Onobrychis viciifolia was significantly increased
by earthworms and collembolans, being at a maximum in
the combined treatment (significant EW 3COL inter-
action; Fig. 1f, Table 3). For
N enrichment in Festuca
rubra, the effect of both decomposer groups varied with
plant species and plant functional group diversity. Both
decomposer groups increased the incorporation of
into plant tissue of Festuca rubra to a maximum in
mixtures with eight species (EW, from 47 619 lg/g to 69
619 lg/g; COL, from 36 610 lg/g to 80 610 lg/g) and
three plant functional groups (EW, from 47 619 lg/g to
69 619 lg/g; COL, from 36 610 lg/g to 80 610 lg/g).
For Plantago lanceolata, only collembolans significantly
N enrichment from 600 640 lg/g to 700 6
40 lg/g. The effects of both earthworms and collembo-
lans on the
N enrichment in Plantago lanceolata varied
with plant species diversity (Fig. 2a, b, Table 3). Earth-
worms increased
N incorporation into shoots of
Plantago lanceolata in all but the one species mixtures,
FIG. 2. Effects of (a) earthworms and (b) collembolans on
N enrichment of Plantago lanceolata, and (c) effects of earthworms
and collembolans on total N concentration in tissue of Festuca rubra at varying plant species diversities. The solid line shows values
with earthworms (a) or collembolans (b and c); the dashed line shows values without earthworms (a) or collembolans (b and c).
Error bars show 6SE; for statistical analyses, see Table 3. Abbreviations: þew, with earthworms; ew, without earthworms.
STEPHAN PARTSCH ET AL.2554 Ecology, Vol. 87, No. 10
whereas collembolans increased it in all but the four
species mixtures.
Root biomass
Presence of collembolans (0.43 g) and in particular
that of earthworms reduced root biomass (0.72 g).
However, root biomass increased by 0.16 g when both
animal groups were present (significant EW 3COL
interaction; Fig. 1b, Table 1). None of the decomposer
effects on root biomass was significantly affected by
plant diversity.
Total plant biomass
Total plant biomass per microcosm increased in
presence of decomposers being at a maximum in the
combined treatment with earthworms and collembolans
(Fig. 1c, Table 1). However, only the effect of
collembolans was significant (Table 1) since the com-
bined effect of earthworms and collembolans was altered
in presence of legumes (significant EW 3COL 3L
interaction; F
1, 240
¼5.53, P¼0.02; Fig. 3). The effect of
decomposers on total plant biomass did not vary
significantly with plant diversity.
Shoot-to-root ratio
Earthworms increased the shoot-to-root ratio, but the
effect was less pronounced when collembolans were also
present (Fig. 1d, Table 1). However, presence of
collembolans also tended to increase plant shoot-to-
root ratio. Since neither the effect of decomposers on
shoot nor root biomass varied with plant diversity the
shoot-to-root ratio was also unaffected by plant
Plant diversity
Recent field studies documented that net primary
productivity and nutrient retention in ecosystems
increase as the number of plant species increases
(Hooper and Vitousek 1997, Hector et al. 1999, Spehn
et al. 2005). Major mechanisms responsible for the
increase in productivity with diversity are the comple-
mentary use of resources by plants, facilitative inter-
actions, and sampling effect (Spehn et al. 2005). In the
present greenhouse study, plant species and plant
functional group diversity also strongly influenced plant
performance, especially aboveground productivity.
These effects on plant productivity resembled those
from the main experiment of the Jena Experiment
(Roscher et al. 2005) suggesting that our laboratory
systems represented the field situation. Overall, shoot
biomass increased with plant species and plant func-
tional group diversity and in addition to plant richness
per se, further variance was explained by plant
community composition, i.e. the identity of functional
groups. The specific traits of plant functional groups
differently influenced plant productivity per microcosm
and most of the effects varied with plant species
diversity. As suggested previously (Tilman et al. 1997,
Diaz and Cabido 2001) for plant productivity, func-
tional traits of plants presumably are more important
than plant species and plant functional group diversity
per se.
Earthworms and collembolans
Soil microorganisms dominate mineralization pro-
cesses and compete with plants for nutrients (Kaye and
FIG. 3. Effects of earthworms, collembolans, and legumes on total plant biomass. Abbreviations: þew, with earthworms; þleg,
with legumes; ew, without earthworms; leg, without legumes. The solid line shows values with collembolans; the dashed line
shows values without collembolans. Error bars show 6SE; for statistical analyses see Results: Total plant biomass.
Hart 1997). Soil invertebrates affect the soil microbial
community and functioning directly by grazing but also
indirectly by changing nutrient availability and soil
structure; both direct and indirect effects are known to
affect plant performance and ecosystem processes
(Scheu 2001, Bonkowski and Scheu 2004). Results of
the present study suggest that both earthworms and
collembolans increase plant performance mainly
through enhanced nutrient mineralization and an
accompanying increase in plant nutrient acquisition.
Incorporation of surface litter material into the soil was
highest in earthworm treatments and less pronounced
when only collembolans were present. Despite their
differential effects on litter dynamics both decomposer
groups had a similar positive influence on aboveground
plant productivity suggesting that their effects were
based on different mechanisms. Effects of earthworms
are likely to be related to N mobilization (Scheu 2003),
while collembolans are likely to affect plant growth by
altering the microbial environment of roots (Lussenhop
As hypothesized, plants from different functional
groups were differently influenced by decomposer
presence. Consistent with previous experiments (Scheu
et al. 1999, Schmidt and Curry 1999, Kreuzer et al.
2004), earthworms generally enhanced plant growth, in
particular that of grasses, less that of legumes. Earth-
worms increased grass biomass per microcosm, the
biomass of individual grass shoots, and also tall herb
biomass per microcosm, but only when grasses were
absent. Earthworms did not affect the biomass of
individual shoots of tall herbs, suggesting that in
contrast to grasses earthworms stimulated the growth
of a single or a few, but not of all tall herb species.
Presumably, plant species more independent of soil N
responded less since earthworms alter plant growth by
increasing N mineralization. Furthermore, there is
evidence that legumes are less efficient in exploiting soil
N than, e.g., grasses (Kang 1988). Increased N concen-
trations in shoots of Festuca rubra and Plantago
lanceolata in presence of earthworms support the
conclusion that the earthworm-mediated increase in
plant growth was due to increased N mobilization.
Collembolans also beneficially affect plant growth
(Scheu et al. 1999, Gange 2000, Kreuzer et al. 2004). In
contrast to earthworms, collembolans influence plant
growth via feeding on fungi. However, the mechanisms
for collembolan-mediated changes in plant growth still
are little understood. Gange (2000) and Lussenhop and
BassiriRad (2005) documented that the effect of
collembolans on plant growth depends on density.
Moderate grazing on mycorrhizal fungi stimulates the
activity of the fungi and therefore enhances plant growth
(Lussenhop 1996). In our study increased shoot bio-
mass, the accompanying increase in the shoot-to-root
ratio, and the increased
N uptake by the three target
species studied support the conclusion of Bardgett and
Chan (1999) and Gange (2000) that collembolans
stimulate N mineralization. Collembolans predomi-
nantly increased shoot biomass of tall herbs, but also
the mean individual shoot mass of Onobrychis viciifolia.
The strong
N enrichment in shoot tissue of Onobrychis
viciifolia supports the conclusion of Lussenhop (1993)
that collembolans affect N acquisition of legumes,
potentially by altering nodule occupancy. However,
despite legumes benefited from collembolans, the total
number of collembolans in presence of legumes was
significantly reduced by 23%(Milcu et al. 2006),
suggesting that they in turn suffer from the presence of
Plants not only responded to the presence of
decomposers with increasing shoot biomass but also
by changing plant resource allocation. Compared to
roots earthworms disproportionately increased shoot
biomass, resulting in an increased shoot-to-root ratio.
The reduction in root biomass in presence of each of the
decomposer groups presumably reflects increased nu-
trient availability. Reduced root biomass in presence of
collembolans has been observed in a number of studies
(Larsen and Jakobsen 1996, Bardgett and Chan 1999,
Scheu et al. 1999, Kreuzer et al. 2004) and has been
ascribed to a collembolan-mediated increase in plant
nutrient uptake (Lussenhop and BassiriRad 2005).
Reviewing published data Scheu (2003) reported that
the effect of earthworms on root biomass is inconsistent;
it was increased in most studies but in a number of
studies it was reduced. Apart from enhanced nutrient
mineralization, the reduction in root biomass in
presence of earthworms also may have resulted from
reduced competition for nutrients between microbes and
plant roots; indeed, in our experiment microbial biomass
and respiration was significantly reduced in earthworm
treatments and this may have favored plant nutrient
acquisition (Milcu et al. 2006).
Consistent with our hypothesis, both decomposers
interacted in affecting plant performance. Compared to
their individual effect, earthworms and collembolans
combined further increased
N enrichment and total
plant biomass. Since both, earthworms and collembo-
lans, affected shoot biomass to a similar extent, the
increase in total biomass and the narrower shoot-to-root
ratio in the combined treatment were due to differences
in root biomass. Therefore, not only shoot but also root
biomass needs to be taken into account for under-
standing decomposer effects on plant communities. The
complementary effects of earthworms and collembolans
on total plant biomass and
N enrichment presumably
resulted from additivity of the effects of each of the
decomposer groups and indicate that the two groups of
decomposers are not functionally redundant, but
influence plant performance through different mecha-
nisms thereby adding to the effects of the other. In the
present study collembolans facilitated resource acquis-
ition by earthworms supporting the view of positive
feedbacks between the two decomposer groups (Milcu et
al. 2006).
STEPHAN PARTSCH ET AL.2556 Ecology, Vol. 87, No. 10
Despite both decomposer groups alone reduced root
biomass, it was increased in the combined treatment
with earthworms and collembolans. Potentially, pres-
ence of both decomposer groups stimulated the ex-
ploitation of nutrients by plants thereby increasing root
biomass. In presence of legumes the tissue N concen-
tration of A. caliginosa was independent of the presence
of collembolans, but the amount of
NinA. caliginosa
tissue decreased when collembolans were also present
(Milcu et al. 2006). This indicates that in presence of
collembolans earthworms incorporated more N derived
from atmospheric fixation by legumes. Thus, earth-
worms may have competed with neighbouring non-
legume plant roots for the symbiotically fixed N,
resulting in increased root competition.
Again, consistent with our hypothesis, the effect of
both decomposer groups and their interaction varied
with plant diversity. But in contrast to our expectation,
this variation was only reflected at the target species
level. Presumably, due to variable effects of decom-
posers on plant species even within functional groups
neither the effect of earthworms nor that of collembo-
lans significantly varied with plant species and func-
tional group diversity at the microcosm level. For
example, total N concentration in tissue of Festuca
rubra was increased in presence of earthworms at all
diversity levels. In four species mixtures, the additional
presence of collembolans further increased total N
concentration, while in eight species mixtures, the
additional presence of collembolans decreased it. Since
earthworms were more active in more diverse plant
communities (Milcu et al. 2006), their facilitative effects
on at least one collembolan species, presumably lead to
an optimum grazing effect by collembolans in four
species but a negative one in eight species mixtures.
In conclusion, consistent with previous studies in the
field including the Jena Experiment, results of our
laboratory study proved that functional traits of
individual plant species are more important for above-
ground plant productivity than plant species and plant
functional group diversity per se. Generally, both
earthworms and collembolans beneficially affected
aboveground plant performance and interacted in
affecting plant belowground performance. However,
the effect varied with plant functional group identity
and for single plant species also with plant diversity.
Also, as we hypothesized the plant functional compo-
sition modified decomposer effects on plant perform-
ance suggesting feedbacks between plants and
decomposers. Our results support suggestions on the
key role of earthworms and collembolans as decom-
posers for plant nutrient uptake and primary produc-
tion. Both the increased shoot biomass and the reduced
root biomass suggest a higher N mobilization in
decomposer treatments. In addition to their individual
effects, earthworms and collembolans interacted in
affecting total plant biomass, root biomass and
enrichment of shoots. Obviously, plants differentially
respond to the presence of different decomposer animal
groups. Both the non-uniform and complementary
effects of earthworms and collembolans on plant
performance indicate that functional diversity of soil
invertebrates is important for ecosystem functioning.
We thank Diana Capota, Kerstin Peschel, and Nico
Eisenhauer for their help on establishing, maintaining, and
finalizing the experiment, and Reinhard Langel (Kompetenz-
zentrum Stabile Isotope, Go
¨ttingen, Germany) for analyzing
N samples. We gratefully acknowledge financial support by
the German Science Foundation (FOR 456; The Jena Experi-
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STEPHAN PARTSCH ET AL.2558 Ecology, Vol. 87, No. 10
... Earthworms and collembolans are among the most widespread and important soil animal groups. Both have been shown to change plant performance, including biomass and resource allocation (Partsch et al. 2006;Griffiths et al. 2021;Wang et al. 2022). However, they differentially affect plants suggesting that they complement each other in affecting plant performance. ...
... Soil decomposer animals in soil may improve soil nutrient availability or alter microbial community composition in the rhizosphere (Scheu et al. 1999;Coulibaly et al. 2019), and by investing more into roots genotype S-69 is more likely to respond to these changes than genotype S-62. Although legumes are rather independent of soil nitrogen, they rely on other nutrients in soil and genotype S-69 likely benefits more from changes in the availability of these nutrients due to soil decomposer animals in soil than genotype S-62 (Partsch et al. 2006). ...
Full-text available
Purpose Interactions between plants and soil biota play an important role in maintaining the productivity and sustainability of agro-ecosystems, but mechanisms responsible for these interactions still are little understood. We investigated the growth of different faba bean genotypes in response to soil decomposer animals in monoculture and mixed cropping system. Methods In a microcosms experiment, we tested the effects of cropping system (monoculture, mixture with wheat), genotypes (S-62, S-69) and soil decomposers (earthworms, collembolans) on agronomic traits of faba bean. Trait performance and organ biomass of faba bean were evaluated after 100 and 180 days. Results Genotype S-62 performed better than S-69 for stem, leaf and flowering traits, but it was the opposite for bean biomass. Mixture with wheat reduced most agronomic traits values but not bean biomass for both genotypes. Soil decomposer animals only showed an impact on the S-69 genotype in mixture, with most agronomic traits reduced by 4.6% ~ 19.9% but bean biomass increased by 139.7%. Conclusions The effect of soil decomposer animals on bean agronomic traits varied between bean genotypes and depended on cropping system. Effects were most pronounced in the genotype allocating more resources to roots and the effects were stronger in mixed cropping systems with wheat. The more pronounced effect of soil decomposer animals in mixed cropping systems was likely due to animals increasing the competitive strength of wheat, thereby suppressing a wide range of bean agronomic traits but not bean biomass.
... The N content in the L. perenne leaves increased an average of 36-67% dependent of the Collembola type (Winck et al. 2020). Collembola (Protaphor urafimata Gisin, Heteromurus nitidus Templeton, and F. candida) increased shoot biomass for grassland plants, though the magnitude of this effect varied by plant species, and they generally decreased root biomass except in the presence of earthworms (Partsch et al. 2006). This study also found that Collembola increased the shoot to root ratios and total N concentration and 15 N enrichment (Partsch et al. 2006; Bardgett and Chan 1999) found the presence of Collembola (Onychiurus procampatus Gisin) reduced shoot and root biomass by 28% and 39%, respectively, for the grassland species Nardus stricta L. This study also found the presence of Collembola and nematodes (communities, predominately bacterial feeders) increased shoot N and P content (Bardgett and Chan 1999). ...
... Collembola (Protaphor urafimata Gisin, Heteromurus nitidus Templeton, and F. candida) increased shoot biomass for grassland plants, though the magnitude of this effect varied by plant species, and they generally decreased root biomass except in the presence of earthworms (Partsch et al. 2006). This study also found that Collembola increased the shoot to root ratios and total N concentration and 15 N enrichment (Partsch et al. 2006; Bardgett and Chan 1999) found the presence of Collembola (Onychiurus procampatus Gisin) reduced shoot and root biomass by 28% and 39%, respectively, for the grassland species Nardus stricta L. This study also found the presence of Collembola and nematodes (communities, predominately bacterial feeders) increased shoot N and P content (Bardgett and Chan 1999). These findings suggest that the increase in N availability caused by Collembola leads to a decrease in root biomass and increase in shoot biomass in perennial species though these effects may be somewhat mitigated at high NH 4 + -N concentrations in the soil solution. ...
Full-text available
Background Soil microarthropods influence many soil processes that support plant growth and development. Scope In this paper we review the current understanding of direct microarthropod-plant interactions, how microarthropod-microbe interactions indirectly impact plant growth, and key areas for future study. Conclusion Microarthropod impacts on plants are primarily routed through their interactions with microbial communities, mediating organic matter decomposition, nutrient cycling and allocation, and plant-pathogen dynamics in soils. The research investigating how microarthropod-saprotrophic microbe interactions affect plants through decomposition and nutrient cycling indicates a generally positive relationship, though this relationship is influenced by the overall diversity or species richness observed in the microarthropod communities. The effects of microarthropod-plant symbionts interactions on plants are varied and there is no clear benefit or detriment to plants via this mechanism. The effects of microarthropod-plant pathogen interactions on plants suggest that, in most cases, microarthropods will reduce disease incidence and severity. The limited diversity of the study taxa in this area of research is a major limitation to our understanding of how microarthropods impact plant health. Our review revealed that while much is known about microarthropod impacts on the intermediate processes that influence plants, only a subset of studies have quantified plant responses to microarthropod activity. Overall, existing evidence indicates that the overall effects of microarthropods on plants is positive. Future research should aim to incorporate more plant metrics and consider both microarthropod and microbial community dynamics in designed and observational studies.
... Collembola play important roles in the soil ecosystem, as they are decomposers of organic matter and a food source for various arthropod species (Partsch et al., 2006;Wang et al., 2023). Moreover, Collembola is a vital taxon for soil ecology research (Salamon et al., 2008;Rusek, 1998) and agricultural research (Behan-Pelletier, 2003;Larsen et al., 2004) owing to their relatively high density and biodiversity compared with those of other arthropods in soil ecosystems (Behan-Pelletier, 2003;Rusek, 1998). ...
The genus Aphaenomurus Yosii, 1956 includes one species and one subspecies, with a limited distribution in Korea and Japan. The phylogenetic relationships between Aphaenomurus and other genera of the subfamily Tomocerinae have not been resolved. In Korea, Aphaenomurus is generally observed in caves. In this study, specimens collected from the twilight zones of caves were used for an expanded phylogenetic analysis, complete mitochondrial genome analysis, and morphological redescription of Aphaenomurus interpositus Yosii, 1956. Maximum likelihood, Bayesian, and parsimony analyses based on five regions (COI, 16S rDNA, 18S rDNA, 28S rDNA D1–2, and 28S rDNA D7–10) indicated that A. interpositus is a sister group to the genus Plutomurus Yosii, 1956 with strong support.
... In our experiment, the growth of P. pratensis and soil processes were primarily affected by the presence of P. scaber, while the non-native springtail F. candida reduced plant biomass and there was limited impact by the native springtail C. antarcticus. There was no evidence for species richness or any complementary effects of having more than one invertebrate species present in relation to the measured variables, as might be expected in these species-poor communities (Zimmer et al. 2005;Partsch et al. 2006;Eisenhauer et al. 2011), indicating that Antarctic environmental constraints may be too strong for such interactions to play a role. Introduction of non-native invertebrates, especially species with larger body size than those currently present in Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems, can greatly influence ecosystem process rates and so alter community composition. ...
... In our greenhouse experiment, the main enemies are generalist herbivores, including the larvae of the striped stem borer and thecabbage looper (Y-J Wang, personal observation), which are likely to feed on both native and invasive plants (Wang et al. 2019). On the other hand, the soil biota has a positive effect on plant growth (Jin et al. 2022; Lussenhop and BassiriRad 2005; Mehring and Levin 2015;Partsch et al. 2006). However, a higher root-to-shoot ratio is related to the ability of plants to access below-ground resources (nutrients and water) and is crucial for establishing ecosystems in competitive environments(Casper and Jackson 1997;Ferguson et al. 2015) ...
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Background and Aims The invasion of alien plant species poses a threat to native community’s composition and diversity. However, the invasiveness of alien plants and invasibility of native communities should be depended on the interactions between biotic and abiotic factors, such as natural enemies and soil nutrient availability. Methods We simulated the invasion of nine invasive plants into native plant communities with two levels of soil nutrient availability and natural enemies suppression. We explored how the biotic and abiotic factors affect the response of alien target species and the resistance of native communities to invasion. Results Enemy release (i.e., presence of enemy) increased biomass proportion of alien plants and decreased that of native community under without nutrient addition. Furthermore, the negative effect of enemy suppression on the evenness of native community and the root-to-shoot ratio of alien target species was greatest under nutrient addition. Conclusion Soil nutrient deficiency and natural enemies might promote the invasive success of alien species in native community, whereas nutrient addition and enemy suppression can better enhance the resistance of native plant communities to invasion.
... In our experiment, the growth of P. pratensis and soil processes were primarily affected by the presence of P. scaber, while the non-native springtail F. candida reduced plant biomass and there was limited impact by the native springtail C. antarcticus. There was no evidence for species richness or any complementary effects of having more than one invertebrate species present in relation to the measured variables, as might be expected in these species-poor communities (Zimmer et al. 2005;Partsch et al. 2006;Eisenhauer et al. 2011), indicating that Antarctic environmental constraints may be too strong for such interactions to play a role. Introduction of non-native invertebrates, especially species with larger body size than those currently present in Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems, can greatly influence ecosystem process rates and so alter community composition. ...
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The invasion of alien plant species threatens the composition and diversity of native communities. However, the invasiveness of alien plants and the resilience of native communities are dependent on the interactions between biotic and abiotic factors, such as natural enemies and nutrient availability. In our study, we simulated the invasion of nine invasive plant species into native plant communities using two level of nutrient availability and suppression of natural enemies. We evaluated the effect of biotic and abiotic factors on the response of alien target species and the resistance of native communities to invasion. The results showed that the presence of enemies (enemy release) increased the biomass proportion of alien plants while decreasing that of native communities in the absence of nutrient addition. Furthermore, we also found that the negative effect of enemy suppression on the evenness of the native community and the root-to-shoot ratio of alien target species was greatest under nutrient addition. Therefore, nutrient-poor and natural enemies might promote the invasive success of alien species in native communities, whereas nutrient addition and enemy suppression can better enhance the resistance of native plant communities to invasion.
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Soil arthropods can affect plant growth and aboveground interactions directly via root herbivory and indirectly through nutrient cycling and interactions with soil microorganisms. Research on these effects of soil arthropods has focused on a few taxa within natural systems, largely neglecting agroecosystems and arthropod community-level effects. This study investigated the effects of soil arthropod communities from cereal-based agroecosystems on wheat plant growth and above-belowground interactions. Nutrient cycling and wheat growth were measured in a greenhouse microcosm experiment using field-collected agricultural soils from two rotational schemes with and without their soil arthropod communities. The effects of soil arthropods on aboveground phytohormones and colony growth of an aphid [Metopolophium festucae cerealium (Stroyan)] infesting the plants were measured. Wheat grown in soils with arthropod communities had significantly greater root (+ Arth mean: 0.15 ± 0.01 g; − Arth mean: 0.06 ± 0.01 g; F 1,54 = 72.34, p < 0.001) and shoot biomass (+ Arth mean: 0.39 ± 0.03 g; − Arth mean: 0.24 ± 0.03 g; F 1,54 = 17.61, p < 0.001), greater soil nitrate concentrations (+ Arth mean: 62.18 ± 4.76 mg NO 3 −-N kg − 1 soil; − Arth mean: 13.06 ± 0.61 mg NO 3 −-N kg − 1 soil; F 1,54 = 99.89, p < 0.001), and altered root architecture compared to controls. Soil arthropod communities collected from the two rotational schemes differed significantly in abundance and diversity, but affected wheat growth similarly. Aphid colony growth (+ Arth mean: 30.50 ± 4.06; − Arth mean: 22.13 ± 3.36; χ 2 1,27 = 21.19, p < 0.001), but not plant damage by aphids (+ Arth mean: 2.72 ± 0.17, − Arth mean: 2.69 ± 0.16; F 1,27 = 0.02, p > 0.05), was significantly greater on wheat grown in soils with arthropods. Aphids, in turn, modified the effects of soil arthropods on root architecture and increased the abundance of soil arthropods. Wheat grown in soils with arthropods had increased levels of stress-and defense-related phytohormones in response to aphid herbivory, while phytohormones of wheat plants grown in soils without arthropods did not differ with aphid presence. Soil arthropod communities may help plants defend against herbivores aboveground by facilitating phytohormone induction while offsetting costs by increasing soil nutrients and modifying plant growth. By using taxonomically diverse field-collected soil arthropod communities from agroecosystems, this study showed that community-level effects on plant growth are more complex and dynamic than the effects of any single taxon, such as Collembola, illustrating that interactions within communities can produce emergent properties that alter the net effect of soil arthropods on plant growth. The results indicate that community-level effects of soil organisms should be considered as part of sustainable plant production and protection strategies.
Mixed cropping, crop breeding and soil biodiversity all serve as promising strategies for the management of agroecosystems, but empirical evidence for their synergies and trade-offs remains little explored. Here, we studied the effects of two main soil decomposers, collembolans and earthworms, on ¹⁵N uptake from organic residues, crop production, resource allocation and shoot-root C/N ratio of two bean genotypes (S-62 and S-69) in monoculture and mixture with wheat in a microcosm experiment. Soil decomposers mainly increased the productivity of wheat and little that of beans, but their effects on wheat varied with bean genotype. Earthworms increased the biomass of reproductive (+231%) and vegetative (+36%) organs as well as that of roots (+56%) of wheat in mixtures with S-62. Conversely, neither collembolans nor earthworms significantly affected wheat biomass when cultivated with S-69. Effects of decomposers on crop C/N ratio were pronounced in beans, but varied between cropping systems as well as between genotypes. In monoculture, collembolans decreased shoot C/N ratio of S-69 by 10%, whereas in mixture they increased it by 11% in S-62 irrespective of the presence of earthworms. ¹⁵N uptake by crop species was mainly affected by mixed cropping and earthworms; mixed cropping generally reduced the uptake of litter ¹⁵N by both crops, whereas earthworms generally increased it. The results document that soil decomposers differentially affect different genotypes of crops in particular in mixture and indicate that wheat benefits more from decomposers than beans. Both the non-uniform and complementary effects of soil decomposers on crop performance suggest that maintaining soil biodiversity may help in establishing sustainable cropping systems and this may be particularly important in mixture. The differential response of different genotypes to soil decomposers suggests that breeding programs targeting at establishing plant genotypes responsive to decomposer-mediated changes in plant performance may help in the establishment of sustainable monoculture but particularly mixed cropping systems in future.
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Biodiversity changes have been recognized as one of the major components of global change (Chapin et al. 2000). The investigation of the potential consequences that changes in biodiversity can have on ecosystem processes has aroused considerable interest (Naeem et al. 1994a; Tilman et al. 1996; Leadley and Korner 1996; Hooper and Vitousek 1997; Hector et al. 1999; Wardle et al. 1999; Van der Putten et al. 2000) as well as debate on the ecological interpretations and the scale of the inference that can be drawn from recent experiments (Grime 1997; Huston 1997; Wardle 1999; Huston et al. 2000). Despite these challenges, we believe that the experimental approach can help us to understand the links between biodiversity, community- and ecosystem-level processes, and abiotic factors better (Bazzaz 1996; Lawton 2000; Loreau et al. 2001).
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The multitrophic level approach to ecology addresses the complexity of food webs much more realistically than the traditional focus on simple systems and interactions. Only in the last few decades have ecologists become interested in the nature of more complex systems including tritrophic interactions between plants, herbivores and natural enemies. Plants may directly influence the behaviour of their herbivores' natural enemies, ecological interactions between two species are often indirectly mediated by a third species, landscape structure directly affects local tritrophic interactions and below-ground food webs are vital to above-ground organisms. The relative importance of top-down effects (control by predators) and bottom-up effects (control by resources) must also be determined. These interactions are explored in this exciting volume by expert researchers from a variety of ecological fields. This book provides a much-needed synthesis of multitrophic level interactions and serves as a guide for future research for ecologists of all descriptions.
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We tested the effects of three convenient defaunation methods; microwaving, deep-freezing + drying, and biocide application (carbofuran + naphthalene); on CO2 evolution, nitrogen leaching, and other parameters. Experiments were carried out on intact cores from two different forest soils, a deciduous forest in Georgia, USA, and a coniferous forest in Finland. Microwaving was most effective in eliminating the fauna, followed by freezing. On the other hand, microwaving also had strong side effects on soil properties such as lowering water holding capacity. It was concluded that when faunal effects are to be investigated using a defaunation experiment, control treatment should be included that has been defaunated and then refaunated. -from Authors
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We present a multisite analysis of the relationship between plant diversity and ecosystem functioning within the European BIODEPTH network of plant-diversity manipulation experiments. We report results of the analysis of 11 variables addressing several aspects of key ecosystem processes like biomass production, resource use (space, light, and nitrogen), and decomposition, measured across three years in plots of varying plant species richness at eight different European grassland field sites. Differences among sites explained substantial and significant amounts of the variation of most of the ecosystem processes examined. However, against this background of geographic variation, all the aspects of plant diversity and composition we examined (i.e., both numbers and types of species and functional groups) produced significant, mostly positive impacts on ecosystem processes. Analyses using the additive partitioning method revealed that complementarity effects (greater net yields than predicted from monocultures due to resource partitioning, positive interactions, etc.) were stronger and more consistent than selection effects (the covariance between monoculture yield and change in yield in mixtures) caused by dominance of species with particular traits. In general, communities with a higher diversity of species and functional groups were more productive and utilized resources more completely by intercepting more light, taking up more nitrogen, and occupying more of the available space. Diversity had significant effects through both increased vegetation cover and greater nitrogen retention by plants when this resource was more abundant through N2 fixation by legumes. However, additional positive diversity effects remained even after controlling for differences in vegetation cover and for the presence of legumes in communities. Diversity effects were stronger on above- than belowground processes. In particular, clear diversity effects on decomposition were only observed at one of the eight sites. The ecosystem effects of plant diversity also varied between sites and years. In general, diversity effects were lowest in the first year and stronger later in the experiment, indicating that they were not transitional due to community establishment. These analyses of our complete ecosystem process data set largely reinforce our previous results, and those from comparable biodiversity experiments, and extend the generality of diversity–ecosystem functioning relationships to multiple sites, years, and processes.
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A total of 67 studies were located in which the response of plants to presence of earthworms was investigated. The number of studies increased strongly during the last decade. In most of the studies (79%) shoot biomass of plants significanty increased in the presence of earthworms. However, knowledge on effects of earthworms on plant growth is very biased; most studies investigated crop plants, particularly cereals, and pastures; very little is known on plant species in more natural communities. Recently, interest in tropical plant species has increased considerably, however, the studies have considered almost exclusively agricultural plant species. Generally, experiments focused on the response of plant shoots but 45% of the studies also considered roots. Most of the studies investigated European earthworms (Lumbricidae); very little is known on other earthworm species. Some early studies indicated that earthworms affect the composition of plant communities but only very recently has it been documented that earthworms affect plant competition. However, there is virtually no information on how earthworms affect plant performance in detail including fitness parameters such as flowering and seed production. It has been realized recently that earthworms not only modify plant growth and vegetation structure but also the susceptability of plants to herbivores. Herbivore performance might be stimulated but also reduced due to the presence of earthworms. Furthermore, earthworms function as subsidiary food resources to generalist predators when herbivore prey is scarce. The complex indirect interactions between earthworms and the aboveground system deserve further investigation in both natural and agricultural ecosystems. The imperative for future research is adopting an ecological rather than an agricultural perspective in studying earthworm-plant interrelationships and viewing earthworms as driving factors of the aboveground food web. It is suggested that studies on earthworm-plant interactions may contribute significantly to a more comprehensive understanding of terrestrial ecosystems and to the development of more environmentally friendly agricultural practices.
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Considerable progress has been made in understanding specific interactions of plant roots with rhizosphere microorganisms and interactions with the soil fauna. Due to their function in nutrient mineralization, the role of soil organisms is usually considered important in long-term processes such as decomposition of litter materials. It would be incorrect, however, to assume that effects of decomposer animals on plant performance solely result from improved plant uptake of nutrients. In recent years, our view has profoundly changed, giving soil organisms a much more active role by interacting with living plants, their symbionts and pathogens and thereby shaping ecosystem processes. It has to be appreciated that decomposer animals consist of very different functional groups which differentially affect microbial diversity and function in the rhizosphere, thereby modifying plant physiology, morphology and phenology. These interactions cascade up to herbivores above the ground, ultimately affecting the whole aboveground food web. In addition to changing bottom-up forces on the herbivore community, the decomposer system may strengthen top-down forces on aboveground herbivores by subsidizing generalist predators with prey. The full implications of this integrated view of terrestrial ecosystem function have yet to be explored. In arable systems, intelligent management practices have to be developed employing the decomposer community to help in plant nutrition, to foster plant defence against herbivores and to support the control of herbivore pest populations. Current practices based on soil tillage and inorganic nutrient inputs certainly are inadequate in this respect. In more natural ecosystems the role of the decomposer community as driving agent for plant competition and community composition via modifying the rhizosphere environment needs considerably more attention. Microorganisms have been identified as an important structuring force of natural plant communities in recent years; however, those organisms that regulate the structure and functioning of microbial communities so far have been widely neglected. A comprehensive understanding of regulating forces in arable and natural systems will not be achieved without integrating the animal community below the ground.
This chapter provides an overview of the mechanisms of microarthropod by focusing on the microbial interactions in soil. Microarthropods control the distribution and abundance of fungi in soil, and they stimulate microbial metabolic activity, thereby amplifying microbial immobilization or mineralization of nutrients. Microarthropods are important as vectors of entomopathogenic fungi to holometabolous insects. In soils where fungi dominate, there are six mechanisms of interaction with microarthropods. Two control fungal distribution and abundance––namely, selective grazing of fungi by microarthropods and dispersal of fungal inoculum by microarthropods. Four additional mechanisms stimulate microbial activity: (1) direct supply of mineral nutrients in urine and feces, (2) stimulation of bacterial activity by microarthropod activity, (3) compensatory fungal growth due to periodic microarthropod grazing, and (4) release of fungi from competitive stasis due to microarthropod disruption of competing mycelial networks. Microarthropods carry fungal propagules, including those of root pathogens, to root surfaces. They also graze fungi on root surfaces, and selectively consume saprophytic fungi. In the rhizosphere, the mechanisms of interaction are dispersal and selective grazing. Simulation models of soil food webs might include responses to microarthropods.
The hypothesis that collembola affect rhizobia and mycorrhizas of soybean (Glycine max) and thus indirectly change leaf tissue nutrient concentration was studied in pot and field experiments. When a high density of the collembolan species Folsomia candida, was added to pots, the number of nodules per plant increased 52%. When moderate densities of two collembolan species, Folsomia candida and Tullbergia granulata, were added in factorial combinations to cylinders sunk in the soil around soybean in fields, the following responses were observed: 40% greater mycorrhizal root length, and 5% higher leaf tissue N, but no changes in leaf P, nodule number or root mass. Collembola density in the field was too low to increase nodule number per plant as observed in pot experiments: there was no mechanism to explain the 5% increase in leaf tissue N associated with collembola in the field. In the field, intermediate densities of collembola were associated with greater mycorrhizal root length, but since available soil P concentrations were high, longer mycorrhizal root length was not associated with higher leaf tissue P. A path model showed that if mycorrhizas had been positively associated with higher leaf P, the indirect effect of collembola would have been significantly higher leaf tissue P. This study showed that both available soil P and collembola density determine mycorrhizal benefits. In natural habitats, intermediate collembola density and low soil P are expected to maximize benefits of mycorrhizas to plants.