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Phaeohyphomycosis in a Free-Living Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina)


Abstract and Figures

A free-ranging eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) was referred to the Wildlife Center of Virginia with a three-month history of marked swelling of the right hind limb initially diagnosed as chromomycosis by histopathology. Hematology revealed severe anemia (9%), leukocytosis (12.8 cells x 10(3)/microl), heterophilia (6.14 cells x 10(3)/microl), and monocytosis (0.51 cells x 10(3)/microl). Gross necropsy revealed a firm, encapsulated 3 x 1 cm subcutaneous mass filled with dark brown-black, friable necrotic material of the distal right hind limb. Microscopically, the mass was characterized by a granulomatous inflammatory process with numerous multinucleated histiocytic giant cells. Fungal elements were present within necrotic centers and associated with multinucleated cells. Special stains revealed numerous phaeoid hyphae and yeast; Exophiala jeanselmei was isolated by routine mycologic culture. Phaeohyphomycosis was diagnosed based on the histologic appearance of the fungal elements within the mass and culture results. There was no histopathological evidence of systemic infection. This is the first report of phaeohyphomycosis caused by fungi of the genus Exophiala in free-living reptiles.
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Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 42(4), 2006, pp. 883–888
Wildlife Disease Association 2006
Phaeohyphomycosis in a Free-Living Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene
carolina carolina)
Priscilla H. Joyner,
Allison A. Shreve,
John Spahr,
Andrea L. Fountain,
and Jonathan M. Sleeman
The Wildlife Center of Virginia, PO Box 1557, Waynesboro, Virginia 22980, USA;
Blue Ridge Pathologists,
Fishersville, Virginia 22939, USA;
Department of Microbiology, Augusta Medical Center, Fishersville, Virginia
22939, USA;
Current address: VCA Tampa Bay Animal Clinic, 8501 La Due Lane, Tampa, Florida 33614, USA;
Current address: Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 4010 West Broad Street, Richmond,
Virginia 23230, USA;
Corresponding author (email:
A free-ranging eastern box turtle
(Terrapene carolina carolina) was referred to
the Wildlife Center of Virginia with a three-
month history of marked swelling of the right
hind limb initially diagnosed as chromomycosis
by histopathology. Hematology revealed severe
anemia (9%), leukocytosis (12.8 cells310
heterophilia (6.14 cells310
/ml), and monocy-
tosis (0.51 cells310
/ml). Gross necropsy re-
vealed a firm, encapsulated 331 cm subcuta-
neous mass filled with dark brown-black, friable
necrotic material of the distal right hind limb.
Microscopically, the mass was characterized by
a granulomatous inflammatory process with
numerous multinucleated histiocytic giant cells.
Fungal elements were present within necrotic
centers and associated with multinucleated
cells. Special stains revealed numerous phaeoid
hyphae and yeast; Exophiala jeanselmei was
isolated by routine mycologic culture. Phaeo-
hyphomycosis was diagnosed based on the
histologic appearance of the fungal elements
within the mass and culture results. There was
no histopathological evidence of systemic in-
fection. This is the first report of phaeohypho-
mycosis caused by fungi of the genus Exophiala
in free-living reptiles.
Key words: Eastern box turtle, Exophiala
jeanselmei, mycosis, phaeohyphomycosis, Ter-
rapene carolina carolina.
Limited information is available regard-
ing fungal disease in free-ranging reptiles
with very few reports (McAllister et al.,
1993; Jacobson and Cheatwood, 2000;
Rose et al., 2001; Cheatwood et al.,
2003). Furthermore, there are fewer
reports in the literature describing in-
fection due to phaeohyphomycotic agents,
a group of dematiaceous (pigmented)
fungal organisms, in reptiles (Weitzman
et al., 1985; Jacobson and Cheatwood,
2000). These fungi are ubiquitous in soil
and decaying matter and are opportunistic
pathogens of vertebrates usually intro-
duced by traumatic inoculation. Although
infection is most frequently reported in
immunocompetent humans, in animals it
may be associated with a compromised or
suppressed immune system (Lobetti,
1996). This paper describes a case of
phaeohyphomycosis in an eastern box
turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) and
to our knowledge is the first report of
clinical infection caused by the genus
Exophiala in a free-living reptile.
An adult male eastern box turtle was
referred to the Wildlife Center of Virginia
(WCV) in December 2003. Initially, the
turtle was presented to a wildlife re-
habilitation facility in Fairfax County
Virginia by a private citizen. Three months
prior to referral, the animal was treated
for marked swelling of the right hind
limb. A mass involving the right proximal
tibia was removed at the referring facility
and diagnosed as chromomycosis by his-
topathology. Treatment included sup-
portive care, a series of antimicrobial
treatments, and a 1-mo course of 1 mg
itraconazole administered orally once dai-
ly. On presentation to WCV, the turtle
weighed 0.45 kg and was well hydrated
and in good body condition. Swelling with
localized edema was visible surrounding
and distal to the right stifle, and a circum-
ferential mass was palpable on the right
proximal tibia. The lateral two digits were
missing from the right hind foot. No
additional abnormalities were noted on
physical examination.
Two-tenths milliliters of blood was
collected from the subcarapacial sinus into
a heparinized 1-ml syringe using a 25-
gauge needle. Hematocrit was determined
by microhematocrit centrifugation, and
plasma protein levels were approximated
using a refractometer. Within 10 min of
obtaining the blood sample, a manual
white blood cell count was performed
using the eosinophil UnopetteH 5877
system (Becton Dickinson and Company,
Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, USA) and
a hemocytometer. The total leukocyte
count was determined, and the white
blood cell differential was calculated by
the indirect method (Campbell, 1988).
Results were compared with physiological
reference ranges for the common box
turtle (Terrapene carolina) and presented
as mean 6SD (International Species In-
ventory System, 2002). The hematocrit
was decreased at 9% (mean522.266.6%),
and the hemogram revealed a leukocyto-
sis (12.80 cells310
/ml; mean57.056
/ml) with heterophilia (6.14
/ml; mean52.4762.05310
and monocytosis (0.51 cells310
mean5 0.1260.07 cells310
/ml). Lateral
and caudo-cranial radiographs revealed
marked soft tissue swelling of the entire
right hind limb, particularly the caudal
and plantar aspects. The third and fourth
digits of the right hind limb were absent.
No other abnormalities were noted on
radiographic examination. The box turtle
was euthanized with intravenous pento-
barbital because of the severity and extent
of the soft tissue involvement and guarded
prognosis for return to function and sub-
sequent survival in the wild.
At necropsy, the right hind limb was
swollen with a palpably firm subcutaneous
mass surrounding the right proximal tibia.
The third and forth digits were absent
from the right hind limb. Subcutaneously,
a3cm31 cm encapsulated mass extend-
ed distally along the caudal aspect of the
right tibia. A subcutaneous adhesion was
associated with the mass on the caudolat-
eral aspect of the right midtibia where
a remnant of suture material was present.
The capsule was filled with dark brown-
black, friable necrotic material (Fig. 1).
The liver was diffusely pale, and a black
branching line was visible on the surface
of the right lobe. The lungs had diffuse
multifocal patches of dark red discolor-
ation on the surface. No other gross
abnormalities were noted.
Histopathologic examination of the sub-
cutaneous soft tissue mass revealed a gran-
ulomatous inflammatory process including
lymphoid cells, eosinophils, and histio-
cytes (Fig. 2). Numerous multinucleated
histiocytic giant cells, often arranged in
ringed groups around necrotic debris,
were present. Numerous phaeoid (brown)
fungal elements consisting of hyphae and
1. Necropsy specimen of the right hind
limb of an eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina
carolina). The skin is reflected distally to expose
a subcutaneous mass. Note the small opening and
pigmentation in the caudodistal portion of the
capsule, as well as edema.
yeastlike cells were seen within the
necrotic centers and associated with mul-
tinucleated cells. Gomori methenamine
silver stains revealed chains of ovoid
yeastlike bodies (conidia) as well as short
rectangular hyphae with occasional right-
angle branching. The coelomic viscera
were unremarkable, except for the liver,
which had pale and clear hepatocytes.
There was no microscopic evidence of
systemic fungal infection in any of the
other tissues examined including lung,
heart, esophagus, stomach, spleen, pan-
creas, liver, kidney, testes, intestine, cloa-
ca, and right hind limb integument. A
histopathologic diagnosis of chromomyco-
sis of the subcutaneous tissue was made.
A sterile swab of the pigmented lesion
was obtained at necropsy and submitted
for fungal culture at the Augusta Medical
Center, Fishersville, Virginia, USA. The
specimen was cultured on Brain Heart
Infusion Agar with 10% sheep blood,
gentamicin, and chloramphenicol, Inhibi-
tory Mold Agar with gentamicin, Myco-
Agar, and Sabouraud Dextrose Agar
Prepared Plated Media, BD Di-
agnostic Systems, Sparks, Maryland, USA)
and incubated at 30 C. After 48 hr, several
small, white colonies were observed on the
Sabouraud plate and were identified as
Candida (Torulopsis) glabrata using the
API20C yeast identification system (bio-
Merieux, 595 Anglum Road, Hazelwood,
Missouri, USA). After 7 days, numerous
colonies (small, black, and shiny with black
reverse [colony color on back of petri
dish]) were seen on all media. Colonies
changed to dark gray, velvety colonies
after an additional 7-day incubation peri-
od. A slide culture was performed using
Cornmeal Agar (BBL
Prepared Plated
2. Photomicrograph of the subcutaneous lesion on the right hind limb of an eastern box turtle
(Terrapene carolina carolina). Note the granuloma with peripheral multinucleated histiocytic giant cells and
a necrotic center with brown pigmented fungal hyphae and conidia (arrow). H&E. Bar510 mm.
Media) incubated at 30 C and was exam-
ined microscopically after sufficient
growth was observed on the coverslip.
Microscopic examination revealed septate
hyphae with slender, tubular annellides,
occasionally branched with tapered tips,
supporting clusters of small, oval conidia
2–3 mm in length. Based on growth rate
and macroscopic and microscopic appear-
ance, the organism was identified as
Exophiala jeanselmei (Larone, 1995).
Chromomycosis is a general term for
a group of clinicopathologic syndromes
caused by fungal agents classified as
chromoblastomycoses and phaeohyphomy-
coses (de Hoog et al., 2000a). The distinc-
tion lies in the fungal form present in the
tissues: dermal muriform cells or sclerotic
bodies in chromoblastomycosis versus hy-
phal fungal forms in phaeohyphomycosis
(de Hoog et al., 2000a). Infection can be
further classified based on location in-
cluding superficial, cutaneous, subcutane-
ous, and deep mycoses. Colonization is
often associated with traumatic inoculation
(Wagner, 2000) and/or immunocompro-
mised hosts (Lobetti, 1996). Deep mycoses
may occur secondary to inhalation, in-
gestion, or dissemination via blood and
lymphatic systems (de Hoog et al., 2000b).
Infection can be diagnosed via cytology or
histology, but the causative agent must be
isolated by culture (de Hoog et al., 2000a).
Chromomycosis has been described in
domestic mammals, birds, reptiles, am-
phibians, fish, and crustaceans (Bube et
al., 1992; Aiello, 1998; Reavill and
Schmidt, 2004). Although mycotic infec-
tions are relatively common in captive
reptiles (Schumacher, 2003), reports of
phaeohyphomycosis are scarce in the
reptile literature. A microscopic descrip-
tion of Scolecobasidium, a phaeohyphomy-
cotic agent of fish, has been reported in an
eastern box turtle (Weitzman et al., 1985).
Chromomycosis has been reported in
a mangrove snake (Boiga dendrophila);
however, cultures were unsuccessful, and
it was not possible to identify the organism
(Jacobson, 1984).
Various antifungal drugs have been
used in the treatment of phaeohyphomy-
coses with questionable efficacy (Wagner,
2000). Excision or debulking is recom-
mended before chemotherapy begins and
is potentially curative (de Hoog et al.,
2000a; Meletiadis et al., 2000; Wagner,
2000). Surgical debulking of the lesion was
not performed in this case because of the
extent of local tissue invasion and the
possibility of disseminated disease due to
chronic infection.
Exophiala jeanselmei is a saprophytic
dematiaceous fungus most commonly
found in decaying wood and soil that is
enriched with organic waste as well as
polluted water and sewage (de Hoog et al.,
2000a; Nucci et al., 2002). It is considered
an opportunistic pathogen, but phaeohy-
phomycosis caused by Exophiala species
has been reported in both immunosup-
pressed and immunocompetent human
patients (Wagner, 2000). Fungal disease
caused by Exophiala has been reported in
humans, domestic animals (Lobetti, 1996;
Helms and McLeod, 2000), wild turkeys
(Meleagris gallopavo) (Davidson et al.,
1989), fruit-eating bats (Eidolon helvum)
(Muotoe-Okafor and Gugnani, 1993), and
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) (Otis et
al., 1985). Although it was not possible in
this case to confirm the presence of
Exophiala in tissue by immunohistochem-
istry (IHC) or polymerase chain reaction
(PCR), the histologic sections clearly
showed a phaeoid fungus in the appropri-
ate inflammatory reaction, implicating this
as the infectious agent. The cultural
isolation of E. jeanselmei validates the
histopathology, especially the finding of
yeastlike cells, which are often seen in
young colonies of this genus (de Hoog et
al., 2000b). Histopathology with corrobo-
rating microbiology is a time-honored
standard for defining a specific infectious
etiology. As fungal elements in affected
tissues were phaeoid and not consistent
with the morphology of C. glabrata,we
suspect Candida was a contaminant, and
its isolation was considered incidental.
This represents the first substantiated
report of Exophiala-associated phaeohy-
phomycosis in a free-living reptile.
The origin of infection is unknown.
Phaeohyphomycotic infections are gener-
ally caused by traumatic implantation into
the skin. When the soft tissue mass was
dissected, there was a small opening in the
caudodistal portion of the subcutaneous
capsule suggestive of a possible site of
inoculation. Although the integument
showed no obvious evidence of trauma,
the absent digits of the right hind limb
indicated possible previous traumatic in-
oculation. In addition, infection has been
associated with a local or systemic immu-
nosuppression. Lymphopenia has been
reported as a common factor in previous
cases of phaeohyphomycosis in dogs (Lo-
betti, 1996); however, lymphopenia was
not present in this case. Other means of
assessing immune function were not
explored; therefore, we were unable to
determine definitively whether this in-
fection was the result of direct inoculation,
immunosuppression, or both.
We thank the staff at the Wildlife
Center of Virginia and Caroline Seitz for
referral of this case.
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... 25,59 Systemic mycotic infections commonly affect the respiratory or the gastrointestinal systems but can also show as an ulcerative skin or shell lesions mainly in aquatic chelonian species. 5,9,11,12,16,21,27,30,33,35,39,41,42,44,45,47,48,51,52,57,61 Reported fungal infections in chelonians that are potentially susceptible to terbinafine include Purpureocillium lilacinum (or Paecilomyces spp.), 5,10,16,19,21,30,33,35,41,51,52 Beauveria bassiana, 9,21,48 Curvularia spp., 39 Fusarium semitectum, 45 and Emydomyces testavorans. 8,61 Emy-domyces testavoransis (order Onygenales) is a keratinophilic fungal organism associated with ulcerative skin and shell disease in at least 10 amphibious chelonian species, including the Argentine snake-necked turtle (Hydromedusa tectifera), western pond turtle (Actinemys marmarota), savanna side-necked turtle (Podocnemis vogli), spiny soft-shelled turtle (Apalone spinifera), ringed map turtle (Graptemys oculifera), alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii), red-bellied short-necked turtle (Emydura subglobosa), mata mata (Chelus fimbriatus), yellow-spotted river turtle (Podocnemis unifilis), and red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans). ...
... 25,59 Systemic mycotic infections commonly affect the respiratory or the gastrointestinal systems but can also show as an ulcerative skin or shell lesions mainly in aquatic chelonian species. 5,9,11,12,16,21,27,30,33,35,39,41,42,44,45,47,48,51,52,57,61 Reported fungal infections in chelonians that are potentially susceptible to terbinafine include Purpureocillium lilacinum (or Paecilomyces spp.), 5,10,16,19,21,30,33,35,41,51,52 Beauveria bassiana, 9,21,48 Curvularia spp., 39 Fusarium semitectum, 45 and Emydomyces testavorans. 8,61 Emy-domyces testavoransis (order Onygenales) is a keratinophilic fungal organism associated with ulcerative skin and shell disease in at least 10 amphibious chelonian species, including the Argentine snake-necked turtle (Hydromedusa tectifera), western pond turtle (Actinemys marmarota), savanna side-necked turtle (Podocnemis vogli), spiny soft-shelled turtle (Apalone spinifera), ringed map turtle (Graptemys oculifera), alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii), red-bellied short-necked turtle (Emydura subglobosa), mata mata (Chelus fimbriatus), yellow-spotted river turtle (Podocnemis unifilis), and red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans). ...
... 49 A central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) with Metarhizium viride infection was unsuccessfully treated with a combination of oral voriconazole and terbinafine hydrochloride (5 mg/kg, PO, 10 wk). 48 Exophiala caused disseminated infection in a Galapagos tortoise (Geochelone nigra), 37 subcutaneous inflammatory mass in an eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina), 30 and bone and carapace infection in an Aldabra tortoise (Aldabrachelys [Geochelone] gigantea). 57 Several Exophiala isolates showed terbinafine MICs ranging from 0.01 to 0.5 lg/ml, indicating that terbinafine (alone or in combination with azoles) may be a good treatment choice for cutaneous and subcutaneous Exophiala infections. ...
In this pilot study, the pharmacokinetics of terbinafine were determined in six apparently healthy red-eared slider turtles (Trachemys scripta elegans) after a single PO administration. Terbinafine suspension (15 mg/kg, once) was administered via gavage tube to all turtles. Blood samples were collected immediately before (time 0) and at 1, 2, 4, 8, 24, and 48 h after drug administration. Plasma terbinafine concentrations were quantified by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, and noncompartmental pharmacokinetic analysis was performed. None of the animals showed any adverse responses following terbinafine administration. Mean area under the curve from time 0 to 24 h was 1,213 h × ng/ml (range 319-7,309), mean peak plasma concentration was 201.5 ng/ml (range 45.8-585.3), mean time to maximum plasma concentration was 1.26 h (range 1-4), mean residence time was 7.71 h (range 3.85-14.8), and mean terminal half-life was 5.35 h (range 2.67-9.83). The administration of terbinafine (15 mg/kg, PO) may be appropriate for treatment of select fungal organisms with low minimum inhibitory concentrations in red-eared slider turtles but may require q12h administration even for organisms with low minimum inhibitory concentrations. Multiple-dose studies as well as clinical studies are needed to determine ideal dosages and efficacy.
... infection is also reported in humans and mammals including dogs, cats, and a horse (2). Table 1 (5,6). There is a case of oral granuloma and disseminated granulomas caused by Exophiala spp in a Radiated tortoise (Astrochelys radiata) (7). ...
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Phaeohyphomycosis is an infection caused by melanized fungi. This disease has been reported in several animal species including invertebrates, cold-blooded vertebrates, mammals, and humans. Melanized fungi have similar phenotypical features and confirmation requires culture and molecular diagnostics. To exemplify this we present a case of a 333 g adult of unknown age, free-ranging, male Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) that was referred to the Turtle Rescue Team at North Carolina State University for evaluation of multilobulated masses occupying the entire left orbit and at the right forelimb on the plantarolateral aspect of the foot. A fine needle aspirate cytologic examination of the mass on the right forelimb revealed large numbers of inflammatory cells and fungal organisms. Histopathology of the skin biopsies from the right forefoot was consistent with phaeohyphomycosis. A course of antifungal medication was started (Fluconazole 21 mg/kg loading dose IV then 5 mg/kg PO SID q 30 days). Due to concern for the patient's quality of life and the lack of a curative treatment plan, humane euthanasia was elected. Gross and histological postmortem examination confirmed the presence of multiple coelomic masses similar in appearance to those observed in the left orbit and right forefoot indicating disseminated phaeohyphomycosis. A swab of the periocular mass was submitted for fungal culture and phenotypic identification. The isolate was later identified as Exophiala equina through a combination of phenotypic characterization and sequencing of the ITS region of the nuclear rDNA. Exophiala is a genus in the family Herpotrichiellaceae, order Chaetothyriales and is considered an opportunistic “black yeast” causing infection in aquatic invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals including humans. Exophiala equina is infrequently reported in animals, with only three cases in the literature including the herein report.
... Haematological parameters are vital for health evaluation in reptiles, and particularly chelonians because they demonstrate few observable clinical signs (Lopez-Olvera et al., 2003). (Christopher et al., 2003;Diaz-Figueroa, 2005, Joyner et al., 2006Omonona et al., 2011). Information on the effect of haemogregarines on the haematologic and biochemical parameters of affected Kinixys tortoises in Nigeria is scarce because of overt focus on parasites of domestic animals. ...
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This study was conducted to evaluate haematological and biochemical parameters of haemogregarine-infected (h-infected) and non-infected African hinge-back tortoises in Ibadan, Nigeria. Blood samples were collected from 120 tortoises, of which 70 were Kinixys belliana and 50 were K. homeana. Stained thin smears were examined for haemogregarines using light microscope. Haematological and biochemical analyses were carried out following standard procedures. A total of 91(75.83 %) tortoises were positive for haemogregarines. Significantly (P<0.05) lower values of haematocrit (23.92 %), haemoglobin (5.21g/dl) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) (21.78 %) were recorded for h-infected tortoises with haematocrit (33.29 %), haemoglobin (8.31g/dl) and MCHC (24.96 %). Higher values of white blood cells (WBC) (7.26 x 109/L) and lymphocytes (2.71x109/L), were observed in h-infected than non-infected with WBC (5.58 x 109/L) and lymphocytes (2.15x109/L). Higher values of haematocrit and haemaglobin were recorded for K. Homeana. Males had higher haematocrit (27.27 %) and WBC (7.09 x 109/L) than females with haematocrit (24.35 %) and WBC (6.93 x 109/L). Females had higher MCHC, haemoglobin and calcium values than males.The lower values of haematocrit, haemoglobin and MCHC obtained for h-infected tortoises were expected since haemogregarines are usually found intra-erythrocytic in their host thereby destroying affected erythrocytes and causing a decrease in haematocrit value. Higher WBC counts in h-infected tortoises is typical in diseased conditions. The higher level of calcium in female tortoises is due to their reproductive cycle especially vitellogenesis and egg formation. Hypo-proteinaemia recorded in h- infected tortoises was attributed to parasitism. It is concluded that majority of haematological and biochemical analytes showed considerable variations with level of infection status, species and gender.
... Novel and known pigmented fungi are increasingly implicated worldwide in diseases affecting a wide diversity of hosts including invertebrates (Boeger et al., 2007;Van Dover et al., 2007;Vicente et al., 2012), fish (Faisal et al., 2007;Khoo, 2000;Nyaoke et al., 2009;Steckler et al., 2014), reptiles (Donnelly et al., 2015;Joyner et al., 2006;Manharth et al., 2005;Olias et al., 2010), amphibians (Seilern-Moy et al., 2019), birds (Blalock et al., 1973;Randall et al., 1981) and mammals (Sidrim et al., 2015;Strzok et al., 2019;Velázquez-Jiménez et al., 2019), including humans (Revankar & Sutton, 2010). The term "phaeohyphomycosis" incorporates localized or systemic disease caused by dematiaceous fungi. ...
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A broadening fish host range is affected by novel and known pigmented fungal pathogens. A review of 2,250 piscine submissions received by the Aquatic Pathology Service, University of Georgia, revealed 47 phaeohyphomycosis cases (2.1%), representing 34 bony and cartilaginous fish species. The majority involved bony fish (45/47, 95.7%) and were predominantly marine (41/47, 87.2%), with only a few freshwater species (4/47, 8.5%). Cartilaginous fish cases included two zebra sharks (Stegostoma fasciatum) (2/47, 4.3%). Northern seahorses (Hippocampus erectus) had the highest incidence overall (7/47, 14.9%). Culture and sequencing of the internal‐transcribed spacer region of the rDNA (ITS), large ribosomal subunit gene D1/D2 domains (LSU) and the DNA polymerase II gene (RPB2) were performed for fungal identification when fresh tissue was obtainable. Exophiala, Ochroconis and Neodevriesia spp. were identified, with Exophiala as the most common fungal genus (8/11, 72.7%). Exophiala lecanii‐corni and Neodevriesia cladophorae were described for the first time from fish. Microscopically, lesions were characterized by necrosis, granulomatous inflammation and angioinvasion most frequently affecting the skin/fin, skeletal muscle and kidneys. In this study of diverse aquarium‐housed fish species, phaeohyphomycosis cases occurred sporadically and in rare outbreaks with variable pathologic presentations, tissue distributions and severities.
... 1,2 In tortoises, conditions such as anemia, leukemia, inflammation and allergy are associated with changes in blood cell values. 3,4 While cell morphometry of numerous terrestrial, semiaquatic and marine tortoises has been previously described, [5][6][7] there are still species of great ecological importance that are yet to be characterized. ...
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Morphometric characteristics of blood cells were examined in 44 (16 males, 28 females) Bolson tortoises (Gopherus flavomarginatus) in Mapimí, Mexico. Blood samples were drawn from the subcarapacial vein, and smear stains were used to differentiate and measure the diameter and surface area of cells. Mature and polychromatophilic erythrocytes were identified, as well as five types of leukocytes (lymphocytes, heterophils, eosinophils, basophils and monocytes), and thrombocytes. The shape and color of G. flavomarginatus blood cells were similar to those reported for the G. agassizii, and G. polyphemus species. Blood cell sizes fitted related data from other reptile species. The information generated in this study can help monitor the health status of G. flavomarginatus individuals in the wild, thus advancing efforts to protect this endangered species.
... In amphibians, infection with Exophiala are reported in marine toads (Bufo marinus) and European blind cave salamanders (Proteus anguinus) (24). Case reports of dermal or disseminated disease in reptiles are described in a Galapagos tortoise (Geochelone nigra) (25), Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) (26), and Aldabra tortoise (Geochelone gigantean) (27). Exophiala dermatitidis and E. oligosperma have both been reported to cause infections in humans (7). ...
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The genus Exophiala is composed of ubiquitous, pigmented, saprotrophic fungi and includes both terrestrial and waterborne species. Though Exophiala species are generally considered opportunistic pathogens, exophialosis can be an important cause of morbidity and mortality in aquatic and semi-aquatic species. Over a 6-year period, a captive 32-year-old male eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis), was treated for recurring, slow growing, ventral midline cutaneous masses. Excisional biopsies were characterized histologically by granulomatous dermatitis with low numbers of intralesional, pigmented fungal conidia and hyphae. Bacterial and fungal cultures of the masses and skin were negative on two separate submissions. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of a short fragment of the fungal 28S large subunit (LSU) ribosomal RNA was positive with 100% nucleotide sequence identity to several species of Exophiala. Following recurrence after successive rounds of antifungal therapy, euthanasia was elected. At necropsy, similar dermal granulomatous inflammation and intralesional pigmented fungal elements as observed in excisional biopsies formed a thick band in the dermis and extended through the coelomic body wall. Visceral dissemination was noted in the lung and kidney. Postmortem DNA sequence analysis of a large portion of the fungal LSU as well as the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) from a portion of frozen affected dermis identified the fungus as a novel species, Exophiala sp. 1 (UTHSCSA R-5437).
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The effects of environmental pollution on three populations of the Balkan terrapin [Mauremys rivulata (Valenciennes, 1833)] from the Bozcaada, Gökçeada and Dardanos regions were evaluated. The morphological parameters of Balkan terrapins collected on each site were measured and blood samples were taken for haematological analysis and micronucleus detection. The physicochemical, microbiological and microelement analyses of the water samples from each region were conducted by standard methods. The highest red blood cell, white blood cell and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration values were seen in the samples from Gökçeada. The highest haemoglobin value was found in the samples originating from Bozcaada, whereas the highest haematocrit and mean corpuscular volume values were found in the animals from Dardanos. Based on the microbiological analysis of the water samples, the most polluted site was Gökçeada. The microelement contents of the water and blood samples were different at the three sites, the lowest being in the Gökçeada area. It was revealed that the percentage of red blood cell micronuclei and other nucleus abnormalities in the M. rivulata blood samples was the lowest also in the animals living in the region of Gökçeada.
Testudines, also referred to as Chelonia, are poikilothermic nonmammalian vertebrates that belong to the class Reptilia. Over 300 species occupy terrestrial, fresh‐water, and marine habitats worldwide, and include turtles, tortoises, and terrapins. Testudine leukocytes consist of heterophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. Assessing primary hemostasis poses several challenges due to the tendency of thrombocytes to form clumps and their similar appearance to small lymphocytes. On occasion, it may be necessary to submit bone marrow to permit a more detailed hematologic evaluation; however, there are very few descriptions of bone marrow cytology from healthy or diseased turtles. Hematopoiesis occurs primarily in bone marrow in adult turtles and tortoises with erythropoiesis localized to blood sinuses and myelopoiesis to the extravascular spaces. Inclusion of lymph‐diluted samples in reference intervals results in increased variability and decreased diagnostic acuity.
Fungi are always important for nature as they help in soil fertility, decomposition of organic matter, production of mycotoxins, agro-economic benefits, etc. Fungi are causative agents of many human and animal diseases and are easily spread through spores via different agents. Fungal infections (mycoses) are a state where fungal filaments enter the tissues by simple invasion that may spread in many ways such as localized, superficial, or deeper infections. It may also enter in bloodstream and lungs and causes serious diseases. Fungal infections are not depending upon the immunity of organism, so its control and treatment is very important. Laboratory animals are highly prone for fungal infections, and it causes great loss to biological research. Diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections is very sensitive, cost-, and time-effective as there are diversity of fungi and identification and analysis of disease is very important for successful treatment. Traditional approaches of fungal strain diagnosis include direct microscopic examination of clinical samples, histopathology, culture, and serology. Fungal infections are always addressed as global threats to human and animal health, so more focused research is required to explore the immunopathology of fungal diseases, in order to bring advancements in fungal diagnostics and drug development. Diagnosis at histopathological level in lab organism model is always a matter of concern; there are different symptoms in different animal species caused by fungi, which is actually a tough task to understand easily. In this chapter, we discuss types of fungal infections in different lab models and methods of fungal infections diagnosis and treatment.
Environmental enrichment supports the well-being and welfare of captive animals. In the current study, the most suitable form of enrichment device for captive green turtles (Chelonia mydas) was investigated, to support head-start programs rearing turtles for release into their natural habitat. Fifteen-day-old turtles (113-114 g initial weight, n = 75) were randomly distributed into 15 experimental plastic tanks, comprising 5 treatments across three pools of each condition. The turtles in the experimental groups were exposed to four forms of enrichment devices (RS, ring shape; HSQS, hollow square shape; SS, sphere shape; CS, cylinder shape), and their outcomes related to growth, feed utilization, behavior, reduction of injury from conspecifics, and several health parameters were compared to those of a control group. At the end of the 10-week trial, the growth and feed utilization parameters did not differ across the five groups (p > .05). Of the turtles in the experimental treatments, those in the RS treatment spent more time interacting with the enrichment device, followed by the HSQS group. The percentage of wounds suffered through biting was significantly reduced in the groups exposed to enrichment devices, notably in the turtles exposed to the SS device, followed by the RS device. Significant differences between experimental groups in the specific activities of the major intestinal protein-digesting enzymes (trypsin and chymotrypsin) were observed. There were no effects noted in the hematological parameters and the main carapace elemental profile as compared to the control treatment. These findings suggest that the RS device is most appropriate in enriching the environment of juvenile green turtles in captivity programs, as well as in zoos or aquaria.
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Between Septeniber 1997 and March 1998, a severe skin, eye, and mouth disease was observed in a population of dusky, pigmy rattlesnakes (Sistrurus miliarius barbouri), at the Lake Woodruff National Wildlife Refuge in Volusia County,, Florida (USA). Three affected pigmy rattlesnakes were submitted for necropsy. All snakes had severe necrotizing and predominantly granulomatous dermatitis, stomatitis, and ophthalmitis, with involvement of the subadjacent mus-culature and other soft tissues. Numerous fungal hyphae were seen throughout tissue sections stained with periodic acid Schiff and Gomori's methenamine silver. Samples of lesions were cultured for bacteria and fungi. Based on hyphae and spore characteristics, four species of fungi were identified from culture: Sporothrix schenckii, Pestalotia pezizoides, Geotrichnin candidum (Galactomyces geotrichum), and Pecilomces sp. While no additional severely affected pigmy rattlesnakes were seen at the study site, a garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) and a ribbon snake (Thamnophis sauritis) with similar lesions were found. In 1998 and 1999, 42 pigmy rattlesnakes with multifocal minimal to moderate subcutaneous masses were seen at the study site. Masses from six of these snakes were biopsied in the field. Hyphae morphologically similar to those seen in the severe cases were observed with fungal stains. Analysis of a database representing 10,727 captures in previous years was performed after the 1998 outbreak was recognized. From this analysis we determined that 59 snakes with clinical signs similar to those seen during the 1998 outbreak were documented beteeen 1992 and 1997. This study represents the first documented report of a mycotic disease of free-ranging snakes.
Numerous myotic diseases have been reported in reptiles. Although the integumentary system is most commonly affected, systemic disease also occurs. The fungi commonly isolated from lesions in reptiles include Paecilomyces, Penicillium, Fusarium, Geotrichium, Mucor, and Aspergillus. Systemic mycotic diseases such as histoplasmosis, coccidiodomycosis, and cryptococcosis are rarely seen in reptiles. This review includes many of the known reports of mycoses in reptiles. Proper techniques for sampling and fungal culture are also presented. Based on the limited information in the literature, use of appropriate chemotherapeutics is discussed.
Post-mortem examinations were performed on two marine toads, one animal showing neurological disorders and the other multifocal dermatitis. In one case, lesions consisted of a severe granulomatous encephalomyelitis and in the other of multiple granulomas in the nasal cavity, lungs, heart, bone marrow, ovaries and skin. Histologically, the lesions revealed varying amounts of dark brown fungal elements, predominantly sclerotic bodies indicative of a mycotic infection due to a pigmented fungus.
Wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) from Pearl River Wildlife Management Area, St. Tammany Parish and from adjacent St. Helena Parish, Louisiana (USA) were observed to have broken and frayed rectrices. The condition was noted in 21% of 90 wild turkeys harvested by hunters during the springs of 1985 through 1988 from the Pearl River Wildlife Management Area. Damage to feathers ranged from mild to severe. Histologic and microbiologic study of five birds disclosed colonization and invasion of the rachis sheath and pulp by fungi of the genera Aspergillus, Curvularia, Cladosporium, Dactylella, Exophiala, Helminthosporium and Trichophyton and by Streptomyces. Sterilized normal rectrices from wild turkeys were inoculated with these organisms and subsequently developed damage that was histologically compatible with field cases. The condition was diagnosed as a multiple etiology mycosis. Successful colonization and invasion of experimentally inoculated feathers required addition of moisture and elevation of relative humidity within the cultures. The apparent high moisture requirements of the fungi suggest that late winter and early spring flooding may be a probable predisposing factor for this condition.
Scolecobasidium humicola, a soil fungus and etiologic agent of phaeohyphomycosis in fish, is herein reported to cause cutaneous lesions in a tortoise, Terrapine carolina var. carolina. S. humicola was isolated from lesions on the foot and dematiaceous hyphae were observed in KOH preparations of the biopsy and in stained preparations. This isolate and others were compared morphologically and physiologically with isolates of Dactylaria gallopava which it resembles. As a result of this investigation, we concluded that D. gallopava may be differentiated from S. humicola macroscopically, by the production in D. gallopava of an extensive diffusible purplish-red to reddish-brown pigment when cultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar; microscopically, by the presence and usually predominance of conidia, whose apical cell is markedly wider than the basal cell, and usually constricted at the septum; and physiologically, by the ability to grow on media containing cycloheximide and by the ability to grow well at 36-45 degrees C. In contrast, S. humicola does not usually produce a diffusible pigment on Sabouraud's dextrose agar or if present, is not extensive; it lacks the wider upper cell; is less constricted or non-constricted at the central septum; grows on media containing cycloheximide, although some inhibition may occur and lastly, does not grow at 36 degrees C or higher. Both species were urease positive, hydrolysed tyrosine but not casein, xanthine, or gelatin.