ArticleLiterature Review

The in vitro evidence for an effect of high homeopathic potencies - A systematic review of the literature

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Systematic assessment of the in vitro research on high potency effects. Publications of experiments were collected through databases, experts, previous reviews, citation tracking. Inclusion criteria: stepwise agitated dilutions <10(-23); cells or molecules from human or animal. Experiments were assessed with the modified SAPEH score. From 75 publications, 67 experiments (1/3 of them replications) were evaluated. Nearly 3/4 of them found a high potency effect, and 2/3 of those 18 that scored 6 points or more and controlled contamination. Nearly 3/4 of all replications were positive. Design and experimental models of the reviewed experiments were inhomogenous, most were performed on basophiles. Even experiments with a high methodological standard could demonstrate an effect of high potencies. No positive result was stable enough to be reproduced by all investigators. A general adoption of succussed controls, randomization and blinding would strengthen the evidence of future experiments.

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... In another comparative, prospective observational study (13), the outcomes of patients insured by a German health insurance fund receiving homeopathic treatment were compared to those on conventional medicine alone. A total of 459 patients took part. ...
... Quite clearly, the relevant number of clinical studies performed in recent decades did not deliver a definitive conclusion 13 . ...
... 12 In 2005, the esteemed scientific journal The Lancet officially announced "The end of homeopathy" in its editorial. 13 Simple models that have already been tested are, for example: ...
Technical Report
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This report on the current state of homeopathic research provides a summary on the research areas of healthcare research, randomised controlled clinical trials, meta-analyses and basic research. It aims to contribute to the discussion within the field of homeopathy concerning the need for research, the relevance of individual research fields and methods and their role in future research strategies. A summary analysis of the clinical research data offers sufficient evidence of the therapeutic effectiveness of homeopathic treatment. The results from numerous placebo-controlled trials and basic research experiments suggest, moreover, that potentised medicines offer specific efficacy. Put in perspective, there are many important open research areas – notably: Basic research into the optimisation of laboratory models and the understanding of the mode of action, Independent replications of studies in clinical and basic research, Exploration of the provision of homeopathic care in reality, also combined with conventional medicine and Health economic analyses to evaluate the costs and benefits (cost effectiveness).
... Therefore homeopathy is accused to be of being a humbug, a placebo. Many publications describe very critical[1,2]and many publications describe successful homeopathy[3,4]. For years many theories have ...
... In clinical cases mostly double blind trials are performed basing on the patients' symptoms. One part of the group gets the verum (remedy) and the other part the placebo[3,4]. But it is not possible to find people who need the same remedies at the same time, even if they have similar symptoms. ...
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Since Lenger's detection of magnetic photons in homeopathic remedies by magnetic resonance the mystery of homeopathy comes to a solution. Homeopathy is a regulation therapy curing hypo-and hyper-functions of pathological pathways. It reacts according to the principle of resonance. The fundamental principles of homeopathy as proving, symptom picture, curing according to the Law of Similars and the production of homeopathic remedies over the Avogadro number by repeated dilution and succussion are explained to have the same frequencies so that the resonance principle can work. Pathological pathways are cured by using their highly potentized substrates, inhibitors and enzymes, given daily or each second day. This is in contradiction to the normal applied homeopathy. The efficacy of homeopathy now has a scientific base and is completely explained by applying biochemical and biophysical laws.
... This has led to controversies on the efficacy of homeopathic medicines at the cellular and molecular levels. 4 When our group started working using cell-line models, we identified an urgent need for the standardization of the protocol for dosing cells in vitro to get uniform results across all studies. There were various parameters and different principles being followed by each group working in the various laboratories across the world. ...
... In the field of basic research in homeopathy, the chapter "Estudos experimentais em modelos biológicos (in vitro, em vegetais e em animais)" ["Experimental studies in biological models (in vitro, in plants and animals)"] describes hundreds of controlled experimental studies in cells, plants, and animals, demonstrating the superiority of the effect of homeopathic medicine compared with control groups and showing through systematic reviews and meta-analyses that "homeopathy is not placebo effect" [18][19][20] . ...
... Zum Beispiel mag sich das Argu ment gegen die Homöopathie ("Hochpotenzen enthalten keine Moleküle") vor dem Hintergrund des erweiterten Materiekonzepts als belanglos herausstellen. Auch die re produzierbaren Laboreffekte von Hochpotenzen in ver schiedenen Testsystemen [50][51][52][53][54][55][56] mögen mit diesem Konzept erklärbar werden. Sofern sich die Wirkungen homöopathischer Hochpotenzen nicht primär auf der physikalischchemischen Ebene eines Organismus ent falten, sondern auf der höheren Ebene der Gestaltbildung und erhaltung, mag auch verständlich werden, dass so ungewohnte Wirkprinzipien wie das Simileprinzip ("si milia similibus curentur") zur Geltung kommen. ...
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b> Hintergrund: In der Integration von konventioneller und komplementärer Medizin spiegelt sich der Methodenpluralismus der Wissenschaft. Die Ontologien vieler komplementärmedizinischer Systeme liegen allerdings außerhalb der Erklärbarkeit durch die Kräfte der Physik. Eine zentrale Frage ist deshalb: Gibt es Kräfte in der Natur, die eine materielle Wirkung haben, deren Ursprung aber nicht in Atomen oder Molekülen und in diesem Sinne nicht in der Materie liegt? Zusammenfassung: Die Annahme, dass in der Natur keine anderen als die mit Atomen und Molekülen assoziierten physikalischen Kräfte existent und wirksam seien, ist wissenschaftlich nicht begründet. Beispielsweise ist die Bildung und Erhaltung der funktionsfähigen Gestalt von Organismen nicht durch molekulare Prozesse (z.B. von der DNA zur RNA und weiter zu Aminosäuren und Proteinen) erklärbar. Die Prozesse auf jeder strukturellen Ebene – von den Molekülen, Organellen, Zellen, Organen bis hinauf zum Gesamtorganismus – sind in Hinblick auf die Bildung der funktionsfähigen Gestalt der jeweils nächsthöheren Ebene gesteuert. Für diese Gestaltbildung gibt es spezifische Kräfte, die systematisch erforscht werden können. Ihre Existenz impliziert eine erweiterte Konzeption von Materie. Diese Gestalt-bildenden Kräfte und dieses erweiterte Konzept von Materie sind relevant für die wissenschaftliche Erfassung komplementärmedizinischer Systeme. Zentrale Aussagen: In der Natur sind außer den physikalischen Kräften noch weitere spezifische Kräfte wirksam, beispielsweise bei der Bildung und Erhaltung der funktionsfähigen Gestalt von Organismen. Diese Kräfte können systematisch erforscht werden. Die Existenz dieser Kräfte impliziert eine erweitere Konzeption von Materie. Diese Kräfte und das erweiterte Materiekonzept sind relevant für die wissenschaftliche Erfassung komplementärmedizinischer Systeme, beispielsweise der Homöopathie.
... These discoveries have made the concept of a vital force, and consequently, homeopathy, appear outdated and no longer compatible with the current scientific paradigm. Nevertheless, homeopathy is used to the present day worldwide [6] and investigations indicate the presence of specific effects of homeopathic remedies [7,8], emphasising the need for further research in this field. ...
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Homeopathy is the subject of frequent debates, especially in public media. This systematic review aims to give an overview of conceptual criticisms of homeopathy in the scientific literature. The literature search was conducted in four databases (EMBASE, PubMed, Web of Science, PhilPapers) on August 25, 2020. Included were peer reviewed articles in English or German criticising the basic concepts of homeopathy as main topic; excluded were articles criticising homeopathy primarily based on analysis of empirical clinical and/or preclinical data. The formal structure of publications included was evaluated regarding the recommended structure for scientific publications (IMRaD, acronym for ‘Introduction’, ‘Methods’, ‘Results’ and ‘Discussion’). Arguments criticising the concepts of homeopathy were extracted and classified into groups. The literature search revealed 5139 articles, of which 15 articles (published between 1959 and 2020) met the inclusion criteria. These articles complied only partly with the IMRaD structure; just four articles considered with 8 or 9 IMRaD criteria the majority of the defined 11 IMRaD criteria. Extracted arguments against the concepts of homeopathy were classified into five groups: ‘Conflict with current scientific principles and the foundations of modern medicine’, ‘Lack of a scientific basis’, ‘Arguments based on scientific theories’, ‘Ethical considerations and social consequences’, ‘Lack of empirical clinical evidence’. This classification is intended to provide a basis for future in-depth scientific analyses and discussions. Based on the number of articles found in the peer reviewed literature, it can be concluded that the on-going discussion about homeopathy in the public media is not reflected in a corresponding academic debate.
... For example, the argument against homeopathy (there are no molecules in homeopathic high potencies) may turn out as irrelevant in regard to the extended concept of matter. This concept also may explain the reproducible effects of high potencies in various test systems [50][51][52][53][54][55][56]. Furthermore, when homeopathic high potencies do not primarily effect physico-chemical processes of the organisms but work on the higher level of Gestalt formation and maintenance, it may be not surprising that they have unfamiliar modes of action such as the Simile principle ("like cure like"). ...
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Background The integration of conventional and complementary medicine reflects the pluralism in science. Still, a critical issue is the conception of the natural world. Many complementary therapy sys-tems seem to contradict the reductionist-atomistic paradigm that all of natural reality is essential-ly based on the physical interactions of atoms and molecules. Thus, a fundamental question about the natural world is: Do other than the physical forces exist? Methods Elaboration of: the limitations of the reductionist-atomistic paradigm, the existence of specifi-cally Gestalt-forming and Gestalt-maintaining forces in organisms, and implications for the con-cept of matter. Results and Conclusion The assumption that no other than physical forces exist and work in the natural world is not tenable. For example, the formation and maintenance of the functional Gestalt of organisms can-not possibly be explained by molecular processes (e.g. from DNA to RNA and further to amino acids and proteins). The processes on each structural level – from molecules, organelles, cells, organs up to the whole organism – are regulated in regard to the formation of the next higher-level. Specific Gestalt-forming forces exist and can be systematically investigated. Their exist-ence implies an extended conception of matter. The Gestalt-forming forces and the extended concept of matter may be relevant for the scientific assessment of complementary therapy sys-tems.
... According to this SR, homoeopathy can have positive effects beyond placebo on disease in humans. This is in accordance with laboratory experiments showing partially replicable effects of homoeopathically potentised preparations in physico-chemical [46], in vitro [47], plant-based [48,49] and animal-based [50][51][52] test systems. ...
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Background and objective Since 1997, several meta-analyses (MAs) of placebo-controlled randomised efficacy trials of homoeopathy for any indication (PRETHAIs) have been published with different methods, results and conclusions. To date, a formal assessment of these MAs has not been performed. The main objective of this systematic review of MAs of PRETHAIs was to evaluate the efficacy of homoeopathic treatment. Methods The inclusion criteria were as follows: MAs of PRETHAIs in humans; all ages, countries, settings, publication languages; and MAs published from 1 Jan. 1990 to 30 Apr. 2023. The exclusion criteria were as follows: systematic reviews without MAs; MAs restricted to age or gender groups, specific indications, or specific homoeopathic treatments; and MAs that did not assess efficacy. We searched 8 electronic databases up to 14 Dec. 2020, with an update search in 6 databases up to 30 April 2023. The primary outcome was the effect estimate for all included trials in each MA and after restricting the sample to trials with high methodological quality, according to predefined criteria. The risk of bias for each MA was assessed by the ROBIS (Risk Of Bias In Systematic reviews) tool. The quality of evidence was assessed by the GRADE framework. Statistical analyses were performed to determine the proportion of MAs showing a significant positive effect of homoeopathy vs. no significant difference. Results Six MAs were included, covering individualised homoeopathy (I-HOM, n = 2), nonindividualised homoeopathy (NI-HOM, n = 1) and all homoeopathy types (ALL-HOM = I-HOM + NI-HOM, n = 3). The MAs comprised between 16 and 110 trials, and the included trials were published from 1943–2014. The median trial sample size ranged from 45 to 97 patients. The risk of bias (low/unclear/high) was rated as low for three MAs and high for three MAs. Effect estimates for all trials in each MA showed a significant positive effect of homoeopathy compared to placebo (5 of 5 MAs, no data in 1 MA). Sensitivity analyses with sample restriction to high-quality trials were available from 4 MAs; the effect remained significant in 3 of the MAs (2 MAs assessed ALL-HOM, 1 MA assessed I-HOM) and was no longer significant in 1 MA (which assessed NI-HOM). Discussion The quality of evidence for positive effects of homoeopathy beyond placebo (high/moderate/low/very low) was high for I-HOM and moderate for ALL-HOM and NI-HOM. There was no support for the alternative hypothesis of no outcome difference between homoeopathy and placebo. The available MAs of PRETHAIs reveal significant positive effects of homoeopathy beyond placebo. This is in accordance with laboratory experiments showing partially replicable effects of homoeopathically potentised preparations in physico-chemical, in vitro, plant-based and animal-based test systems. Systematic review registration PROSPERO CRD42020209661. The protocol for this SR was finalised and submitted on 25 Nov. 2020 and registered on 26 Dec. 2020.
... Some scientists There are some experimental supports for the idea that ultramolecular Homed might possess unique physical properties and can exert unique physiological effects. A systematic review was published research on homeopathic dilutions [12] . One of the leading current proposals for how ultra-molecular diluted Homed work is that water is capable of storing information relating to substances with which it has previously been in contact [13] . ...
... Moreover, some mathematical models based on the Langmuir equation state the homeopathic facts that high diluted potencies of these medicines may retain some of the source substance due to surface effects and not be as dilute as a simplistic application of Avogadro's principle [34,35]. A systematic assessment of the in vitro research on homeopathic potencies has reported a very heterogeneous methodology, uncertainty of unbiased results, and lack of succussed/potentized solvent in most of the experiments [36]. Hence, a more detailed and systemic study addressing the above lacunas is needed to illuminate their antioxidant and radical scavenging properties. ...
Background: Plant-derived homeopathic medicines (HMs) are cheap and commercially available but are mechanistically less explored entities than conventional medicines. Purpose: The aim of our study was to evaluate the impact of selected plant-derived HMs derived from Berberis aquifolium (BA), Berberis vulgaris (BV), Mentha piperita (MP), Curcuma longa (CL), Cinchona officinalis (CO), Thuja occidentalis (TO) and Hydrastis canadensis (HC) on cervical cancer (CaCx) cells in vitro. Methods: We screened the mother tincture (MT) and 30C potencies of the above-mentioned HMs for anti-proliferative and cytotoxic activity on human papillomavirus (HPV)-negative (C33a) and HPV-positive CaCx cells (SiHa and HeLa) by MTT assay. Total phenolic content (TPC) and the free-radical scavenging activity of each HM was also determined using standard assays. Phytochemicals reportedly available in these HMs were examined for their potential inhibitory action on HPV16 E6 by in silico molecular docking. Results: All tested MTs induced a differential dose-dependent cytotoxic response that varied with cell line. For C33a cells, the order of response was TO > CL > BA > BV > HC > MP > CO, whereas for SiHa and HeLa cells the order was HC > MP > TO > CO > BA > BV > CL and CL > BA > CO, respectively. 30C potencies of all HMs showed an inconsistent response. Further, anti-CaCx responses displayed by MTs did not follow the order of an HM's phenolic content or free radical scavenging activity. Analysis revealed anti-oxidant content of BA, BV and HC had the lowest contribution to their anti-CaCx activity. Using in silico modeling of molecular docking between the HPV16 E6 protein crystallographic structures (6SJA and 4XR8) and main phytochemical components of BV, BA, HC, CL and TO, their potential to inhibit the HPV16 E6 protein carcinogenic interactions was identified. Conclusion: The study has shown a comparative evaluation of the potential of several plant-derived MTs and HMs to affect CaCx cell line survival in vitro (through cytotoxicity and free radical scavenging) and their theoretical molecular targets in silico for the first time. Data demonstrated that MTs of BA and BV are likely to be the most potent HMs that strongly inhibited CaCx growth and have a strong anti-HPV phytochemical constitution.
... Other systematic reviews of in-vitro trials were consulted to try to duplicate methods (Witt et al., 2007;Tabatabaei-Malazy et al., 2012;Zusman et al. 2013). However, these, unlike those in this paper, had enough similarity to allow for statistical comparisons. ...
... Moreover, some mathematical models based on the Langmuir equation state the homeopathic facts that high diluted potencies of these medicines may retain some of the source substance due to surface effects and not be as dilute as a simplistic application of Avogadro's principle [34,35]. A systematic assessment of the in vitro research on homeopathic potencies has reported a very heterogeneous methodology, uncertainty of unbiased results, and lack of succussed/potentized solvent in most of the experiments [36]. Hence, a more detailed and systemic study addressing the above lacunas is needed to illuminate their antioxidant and radical scavenging properties. ...
Objectives Antioxidant property like radical scavenging is a primary target to elucidate the efficacy mechanism of a drug against diseases linked to oxidative stress such as cancer, metabolic disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. In alternative therapies, homeopathy is one of the preferred choices by patients and clinicians due to its potential to cure chronic and complex illnesses. However, the efficacy of homeopathic preparations at high diluted potencies attracts rational criticism due to insufficient scientific knowledge supporting the mechanism of action. Therefore, an attempt was made to estimate the total phenolic content (TPC) and radical scavenging activity of clinically prescribed homeopathic drugs. Methods With gallic acid as a reference control, mother tinctures (MTs) and different potencies of Eucalyptus globulus (EG), Syzygium jambolanum (SJ), Ruta graveolens (RG), and Thuja occidentalis (TO) were used to perform Folin–Ciocalteu test, 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS), and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assays. Results The results showed TPC of MTs equivalent to µg/mL of gallic acid viz; EG (4,872.5 ± 133.2), SJ (8,840.5 ± 14.8), RG (985.6 ± 39.1), and TO (341.5 ± 19.5) with significant ABTS and DPPH radical scavenging potential. Whereas 30C and 200C potencies of each homeopathic drug showed undetectable phenolic content and insignificant radical scavenging potential compared to vehicle control, i.e., alcohol 90% (2.0 ± 1.5). Conclusions The reported efficacy of 30C and 200C potencies of homeopathic medicines against oxidative stress-related illnesses might be due to mechanisms other than radical scavenging. Furthermore, the assays studied can be helpful in drug standardization and quality control of MTs that are used as starting material in homeopathic preparations.
... The efficiency of homeopathic remedies in treatment of hot flashes had been documented in huge-scale prospective trials (Colau et al. 2012). There are many clinical (Bornhoft and Matthiessen 2011) and basic science research (Witt et al. 2007) that had tested homeopathic remedies and reported the efficacy of homeopathic medicine for treatment of various diseases (Frass et al. 2005). Treating menopausal problems with homeopathic medicine is common all over the world, and the demand for more high-quality controlled studies has been recognized (Macías-Cortés and Juan 2013). ...
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Homeopathic medicine has a place among the non-hormonal treatment options for alleviating menopausal symptoms. The aim was to evaluate homeopathic treatment on menopausal symptoms. Thirty menopausal women were recruited from NRC and treated individually by homeopathic remedies for 6 weeks, with no change in their regular diets. Severity of menopausal symptoms was assessed before and after treatment using Menopause Rating Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory, and Beck Depression Inventory, and biochemical parameters (FSH, Testosterone, Progesterone, Estradiol, IL-6 MDA) were done before and after the treatment. The mean overall total symptoms score and biochemical markers showed significant improvement (p ≤ 0.05); however, FSH, Testosterone, Progesterone, IL-6, and MDA were decreased, while Estradiol was increased. The study concluded that homeopathic medicine could be effective in treatment of menopausal symptoms in peri-menopausal women.
... It provides fingerprint to recognize precise molecule (Pasteris and Beyssac, 2020). Homoeopathic medicines often lack standardization due to their ultramolecular nature which further makes it more implausible for even cutting-edge analytical methods (Dole et al., 2012b;Gosavi et al., 2011;Witt et al., 2007). Trituration is a mathemetico-mechanical process for step-by-step enhancing remedial power of the solid drug substances and succession is a liquid counterpart of this entire potentization process (Dole et al., 2012a;Gosavi et al., 2012;Kalliantas et al., 2021). ...
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Background: Raman Spectroscopy is very beneficial and effective tool for qualitative and quantitative analysis of various pharmaceutical products or formulations. This helps in scientific validation and accurate standardization of numerous drug products. Homoeopathic medicines are conventionally prepared from various complex organic and simple inorganic substances. Trituration and succussion are two methods of preparation of homeopathic medicines. Following certain steps of mathematical dilution, it crosses even subatomic level and practically becomes undetectable on even recent cutting-edge instruments as well. In this study homoeopathic formulation of Baryta Muriaticum is specifically chosen at lower potency to establish the primary standards for homoeopathic medicines quality control through the vibrational Raman Spectroscopy. Objective: The primary objective of this study was to perform Raman spectroscopic evaluation of homoeopathic preparations of'Baryta Muriaticum' (barium chloride) and its various potencies namely (3X, 6X and 12X) for pharmaceutical quality control. Methodology: The homoeopathic formulations of Baryta Muriaticum viz., 3X, 6X and 12X were prepared according to guidelines set by Indian Homeopathic Pharmacopeia, which were further analysed by Micro Raman spectroscope to assess the Scattering of molecule at different wavelengths along with intensities at [(UGC-DAE, CSR) Raman Laboratory (DAVV), Indore (Madhya Pradesh), India]. The spectra were collected within the wavenumber region of (50-4000 cm-1) and analysed after suitable baseline correction. Results: Significant structural alterations were seen in Raman spectra for homoeopathic preparations of Baryta Muriaticum 3X, 6X and 12X when compared to the vehicle control of lactose (sachrum lactis). This confirms the presence of Baryta Muriaticum in the given sample. Using linear regression model for goodness of fit, the (r 2) values [3X (r 2 = 0.6), 6X (r 2 = 0.6), and 12X (r 2 =0.8)], indicate that Raman spectroscopy was effective tool in detecting the variability in Raman shift (cm-1) when plotted against intensity (a.u.) which in turn possibly differentiated those three triturations of Baryta Muriaticum. Conclusion: This study concluded that Raman vibrational spectroscopy is a sensitive and effective application in detecting variability among various homoeopathic trituarations of Baryta Muriaticum and thus helpful technique in standardization and validation of homoeopathic medicines.
... The effort to coordinate multidisciplinary research has positively impacted the evolution of plant homeopathy and helped to build the foundations of the different branches of research (medicine, veterinary and agronomy), now much more unified. This can be evidenced in publications concerning the propagation of plants in vitro and homeopathic products tested in field applications (Sukul and Sukul, 2005;Witt et al. 2007;Scherr et al. 2007;Betti et al. 2009;Bonfim and Casali, 2012;Yamab-hai et al. 2013;Rodiuc, 2015;Trebbi et al. 2016;Barreto et al. 2016). ...
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This article reviews part of the history of ultra-high dilution (UHD) research or homeopathy applied to plants and water. The scientific relationship between European and Brazilian groups has resulted in solid research, producing evidence that had not previously been proposed. Amidst this evolution, new technologies have emerged, and some are discussed here. This review emphasizes diagnostic experiments using low-power laser and cold plasma generated images. Both technologies are methods discussed to assess seed germination and identify beneficial effects of UHDs in plants and water.
... Researchers are looking for in vitro effects of potentised medicines on molecular or cellular systems, despite the fact that there are many uncertainties about the scientific basis for their efficacy. 27 We reviewed 18 in vitro CA cell line articles, of which 7 articles were on breast CA, 3 each on CA lung and anti-CA effects in general, 2 on colon CA, 1 each on GBM, melanoma, hepatoma and in advanced CA patients. This review attempted to elucidate the molecular mechanism of HMs when targeting CA cells. ...
Background Cancer (CA) is the second leading cause of death, accounting for one out of every six deaths worldwide. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments have unwanted effects and due to financial constraints are not available to a large portion of the population. Many CA patients turn to homoeopathy to improve their quality of life and to relieve pain caused by illness/conventional treatments. Objective The review aims to appraise and summarise the findings of various in vitro CA cell line studies on homoeopathic medicines (HMs) and the detailed molecular mechanism behind the anti-CA effects of HMs. Methods A systematic search was conducted on the major electronic biomedical database PubMed/MEDLINE for articles on homoeopathy and the CA cell line published between 25 June 2011 and 24 June 2021. Result The searches identified 18 relevant articles. HMs showed cytotoxicity, increase in reactive oxygen species and decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential against CA cells while preserving normal cells. It interacts with deoxyribonucleic acid and up- and down-regulation of pro- and anti-apoptotic signalling proteins (p53, caspase-3 and Bax:B-cell lymphoma 2 [Bcl-2]), which all are involved in apoptosis. Increasing the treatment time of CA cells resulted in a higher percentage of cells in the G0/G1 phase (cell cycle arrest) and also showed inhibition of cell migration. HMs also had a complex effect on gene expression profiles. Conclusion This review highlights preliminary laboratory evidence that HMs have therapeutic potential for combating the menace of carcinogenesis. More data are needed to show anti-tumour potential in the current setting and therapeutic value in battling CA.
... Nonetheless, a systematic review of in-vitro studies found biological effects of potencies ≥D23 in nearly three-fourths of the studies and in more than two-thirds of the studies with highest quality. 38 ...
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Background: Regulatory assessment of anthroposophic medicinal products (AMPs) can be challenging due to their specific features. Objective: The aim of this paper is therefore to provide adequate scientific information on AMPs for regulatory purposes. Methods: A literature review was executed with database searches in PubMed, Cinahl, Merkurstab, Anthromedics, and Search terms were: anthroposophic medicinal products, anthroposophic medicines, anthroposophic pharmacy. There was no language restriction; searches were executed from onset until June 11, 2020. In addition, experts were invited to suggest relevant literature. Results: Eighty-seven of 660 identified publications were included. The system of anthroposophic medicine (AM) with its conceptual background and various aspects of AMPs was described: definition, pharmaceutical properties, an example of AMP development, use in clinical practice, similarities with and differences to conventional medicinal products, societal aspects, scientific and regulatory assessment. Conclusion: AMPs are part of the integrative whole medical system of AM. AMPs are manufactured according to Good Manufacturing Practice and national drug regulations and have an excellent safety status; the limited available evidence suggests clinical benefits. Current drug regulation of AMPs in the EU and most European countries does not take the special properties of AMPs into account. Future research should focus on appropriate methodologies for the evaluation of effects of AMPs as part of the AM whole medical system, the scientific quality of its non-atomistic holistic ontological position, and the integration of AM and conventional medicine in clinical practice. Future policies should focus on appropriate ways of addressing regulatory challenges to AMPs.
... Both the tested material showed antimicrobial efficacy. Of the two homeopathic medicines, RHUS Glabra showed statistically better results than Zincum Oxidatum.There is no explanation as to how it happens [45] but scientific body interest hasevidenced Biological effects can be achieved by ultra molecular solutions [46]. At the ultra molecular level the constituents of the tested material, RHUS Glabra contains antimicrobial agents like methyl ester of 3, 4, 5trihydroxy benzoic acid (methyl gallate), 4methoxy-3, 5-dihydroxybenzoic acid, and gallic acid.17 ...
Introduction: Various medicaments are used in conjugation with mechanical cleaning and shaping to render root canals free of microbes. The different medicaments used tend to react among themselves sometimes resulting in deleterious products. For this reason use of alternative medicine, therapy is advocated. Aim: To evaluate the antimicrobial extent of different homeopathic drugs in comparison to the Ayurvedic and Allopathic medicines. Materials and Methods: A biofilm model of 8 mm dentine discs was prepared from single-rooted teeth, which were inoculated with E. faecalis for 21 days. 100 samples were divided into six groups Group I: Saline (negative Control), Group II: 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate, Group III: Propolis, Group IV: RHUS Glabra, Group V: Zincum Oxydatum. The infected biofilm was then treated with the medicaments for seven days followed by testing to obtain threshold cycle (Ct) values using the Real-time polymerase chain reaction technique. DNA isolation was carried out and amplification was done using 16S rRNA gene sequence-based nested species-specific primers. DNA denaturation was done using DNA Thermocycler and a threshold cycle was obtained using Real-time Polymerize chain reaction technique. Results: The threshold cycle (Ct) values obtained were subjected to statistical analysis that revealed a significant difference between the groups and among all 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate, being the highest (30.3460±0.02505) followed by Propolis (30.1365±0.02621) then RHUS Glabra (30.0865±0.02581) better than Zincum Oxydatum (29.8070±0.02319) and least being Saline (29.6380±0.02505). Conclusion: All the homeopathic medicines showed antimicrobial properties comparable to the allopathic and ayurvedic drugs. Among RHUS Glabra and Zincum Oxydatum, RHUS Glabra performed significantly better.
... The first systematic review brought evidence of the in vitro biological activity of dynamized solutions on blood cells such as basophils, lymphocytes, granulocytes, and fibroblasts [92]. In a subsequent review [93], 67 experiments were evaluated, and a high potency effect of dilutions/dynamization was recorded in three-fourths of them. Considering the 18 best-quality experimental works, two-thirds of them reported statistically significant positive effects. ...
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Homeopathy is often attacked with claims of not being evidence-based or for the implausible nature of its major principles of dilution/potentization and/or the similars (“similia similibus curentur”). However, these statements have already been falsified on the experimental ground, besides being incorrect on an epistemological level. Here we provide an updated appraisal of the scientific approach to the principle of Similars and homeopathy, focusing on laboratory models. After a brief historical introduction concerning the early scientific investigations, some recent in vitro studies are reviewed, with particular reference to those from our group. The second part is devoted to explaining the homeopathic principle of Similars using conceptual models in the field of complexity science and the theory of dynamic systems.
... The effects of homeopathic medicines in relation to the vehicle (placebo) may be seen in studies performed in-vivo or in standard clinical trials. 8,9,[14][15][16][19][20][21][22][23] However, characterizing the specificity of such effects is even more important in refined studies designed in-vitro, 44 since it is known that the succussion itself can promote changes in the solvent organization, including the generation of different oxygenderived radicals, mainly when water is used. [45][46][47] Macrophage cultures are very sensitive for detecting the effect of high dilutions but are also sensitive for detecting such solvent changes as well, concerning elements related to cell oxidative metabolism. ...
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Encephalitozoon cuniculi (E. cuniculi) is a fungus that behaves as an intracellular parasite infecting different types of cells. In rabbits and immunosuppressed animals of other species, including humans, it parasites neural tissues causing a highly characteristic neurological syndrome, for which repertory analysis indicates Phosphorus. Successful treatment of 7 naturally infected rabbits with Phosphorus confirmed that this medicine probably is the remedy of the ‘epidemic genius’ of microsporidiosis. In the present study, an in vitro model was used to evidence the intracellular relationship between macrophages and E. cuniculi after treatment of co-cultures with different potencies of Phosphorus. RAW 254.7 macrophages were co-cultivated with E. cuniculi and treated with Phosphorus 6cH, 30cH and 200cH. Controls were untreated co-cultures and cultures treated with vehicle (0.06% final alcohol concentration). Phagocytosis and lysosome activity were after after 1 and 24 hours of incubation by means of the calcofluor and acridine orange staining methods, followed by automatic image analysis (Metamorph®). Cytokine production was assessed with the MAGPIX®-Luminex system. The vehicle increased IL-6, MCP-1 and MIP1 production (p
... The efficacy of this new combination therapy is likely to be due to a combination of conventional effects of sulpiride and olanzapine on dopamine-serotonin balance in the brain and the beneficial effects of homeopathy. The homeopathized isopathic (potentized) Krebs cycle components of Coenzyme Compositum are thought to act as non-specific metabolism activators [8]. Although some dispute the efficacy of homeopathic medicine, and it is widely suggested that homeopathy works via a placebo effect, there are competing opinions and a growing set of theories as to the mechanism of action [9,10]. ...
... However, to enable a better understanding of this point by the PLoS ONE editors, we provided them with a body of contemporary evidence published in peer-review journals demonstrating biological effects of homeopathic preparations in cell, animal, and plant models. [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] Homeopathic medicines prepared to 30c and 200c are not simply diluted to 10 À60 and 10 À400 respectively: if they were, then indeed one would expect them to be inert. But the homeopathic manufacturing process involves succussion (vigorous shaking with impact) between each step of serial dilution. ...
In April 2020 PLoS ONE retracted an original clinical research article, published in 2015, in which we demonstrated that individualized homeopathic treatment improves depression symptoms in climacteric women. The original assessment of this study was carried out by an expert in psychiatry (depression research) with close to 35 years' experience in the field of mental health. During post-publication discussions, no serious breaches of scientific procedure or misconduct were even insinuated. Our team answered all “points of concern”, raised by the current PLoS ONE editors, in extensive detail. All these were potential limitations of our study, which would usually be addressed by one of several appropriate post-publication actions, ranging from discussion of the concern within a systematic review, through to correcting the study itself by adding a correction notice. Therefore, in the interests of transparency and accuracy, a summary of the most relevant points is provided, so that a fair-minded reader can objectively form a clear opinion.
... These discoveries have made the concept of a vital force, and consequently, homeopathy, appear outdated and no longer compatible with the current scientific paradigm. Nevertheless, homeopathy is used to the present day worldwide [6] and investigations indicate the presence of specific effects of homeopathic remedies [7,8], emphasising the need for further research in this field. ...
... Other systematic reviews of in-vitro trials were consulted to try to duplicate methods (Witt et al., 2007;Tabatabaei-Malazy et al., 2012;Zusman et al. 2013). However, these, unlike those in this paper, had enough similarity to allow for statistical comparisons. ...
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Elderberry extract from fruit and flowers appears to show some inhibitory effect against many microorganisms including those found as nosocomial pathogens (hospital “super-bugs”) e.g. MRSA; HIV; Mycoplasmae; IBV coronavirus (an envelope virus), and influenza (and its bacterial super-infections). These effects may be stronger in-vivo than in-vitro. The immunomodulatory effects of S. nigra have been investigated and appear to show that the plant would be likely to stimulate the immune systems of the weak or immune-compromised. It has also been investigated to see whether it would exacerbate or mitigate a cytokine storm, and does not seem to make one worse and might dampen it. Elderberry is also shown to have potential as an ingredient in a hospital disinfectant for which in-vitro trials are sufficient, and without effective disinfectants modern medicine will become impossible. The S. nigra inactivates two distinct envelope viruses and should be tested on Ebola, also an envelope virus, as it is likely that it may inactivate that too. It should also be tested on SARS and other novel coronaviruses such as COVID-19 which are all envelope viruses. Other species of Sambucus appear to have very similar properties including inhibiting coronaviruses. Elderberry seems to have potential as a useful medicine, particularly since there are reasons to believe resistance to it is unlikely to ever develop. It might be possible to use it in combination with leeks (Gallium porrum) which are also anti-viral. Elderberry has been shown to be effective against upper respiratory tract diseases including some Coronaviruses, and has potential against the current pandemic of Covid-19. Two case studies, included here, suggest it to be effective against Covid-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2, and clinical trials are under way. In-vitro trials are planned to test it against other viral possible future pandemics.
... This is mainly due to the physicochemical nature of homeopathic remedies, which are produced by serial dilutions followed by a so-called "dynamization," and also the ultra-low concentrations used, which cannot explain the therapeutic effect [62,63]. However, the pharmacodynamic effects of homeopathic remedies have been proven in many animal and in vitro laboratory studies [64][65][66], and most meta-analyses demonstrate their clinical validity [24,67,68]. ...
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Background Seroma is a common surgical complication created by the inflammatory process that follows mastectomy and reconstruction [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. It is, therefore, common practice to insert surgical drains, which often remain in place for long periods and delay recovery [26, 27]. In light of the many advantages of homeopathic treatment, there has been a global trend of integrating this with conventional medicine [29]. In this study, we examined the effect of Arnica montana and Bellis perennis on seroma prevention after mastectomy and breast reconstruction. Methods This was a prospective double-blinded randomized analysis of 55 consecutive patients (78 breasts), who underwent mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction between January 2016 and August 2017. Patients were randomly assigned and treated with Arnica montana and Bellis perennis or placebo from surgery and up to the time of drain removal. Results The mean patient age was 47.9 years. Comorbidities included obesity, diabetes mellitus, essential hypertension, fibromyalgia, and hypothyroidism (1, 4, 6, 2, and 4 patients respectively). Age, body mass index, mastectomy type, and lymph node dissection were similar among groups. Forty-two breasts underwent one-stage procedure, and the remaining were two-stage. Arnica montana and Bellis perennis significantly reduced drain removal time (discharge < 30 ml) by 18% (2.4 days, p < 0.05), 11.1 (6.1) days in the study groups compared with 13.5 (6.4) days in the placebo group. Patient opioid intake was lower (p < 0.057) in the study group. Quality of life, postoperative pain, hemoglobin and cortisol levels, and complications were not associated with any treatment. Conclusions Arnica montana and Bellis perennis have been shown to reduce seroma formation and opioid intake following mastectomy and reconstruction. As this treatment lacks side effects and is inexpensive, it should serve as a valuable treatment adjunct in patients undergoing mastectomy and reconstruction. Level of evidence: Level I, therapeutic study.
... Existen más de 2.000 experimentos de laboratorio (HOMBREX) en diferentes sistemas biológicos, cuyas revisiones sistemáticas reflejan un 75-90 % de resultados positivos, que se replican las tres cuartas partes de las veces (Witt CM, 2007, Clausen J, 2011. Estos estudios permiten hablar del mecanismo de acción de algunos medicamentos homeopáticos. ...
ONCOLOGÍA INTEGRATIVA (SESMI) Sección II. SISTEMAS MÉDICOS INTEGRALES DE ORIENTE Y OCCIDENTE Capítulo 6: HOMEOPATÍA EN ONCOLOGÍA GENERALIDADES SOBRE HOMEOPATÍA Principios fundamentales, Ventajas terapéuticas, La Homeopatía en España. EVIDENCIAS CIENTÍFICAS: Seguridad, Bases teóricas, Publicaciones científicas, Estudios de laboratorio, Ensayos clínicos, Estudios de cohortes, Revisiones y discusión científica. TRATAMIENTO DEL PACIENTE CON CÁNCER DESDE LA HOMEOPATÍA Objetivos terapéuticos Aspectos éticos del uso de la homeopatía en pacientes con cáncer Estrategias terapéuticas (Tratamiento protocolizado, Tratamiento sintomático individualizado, Tratamiento constitucional individualizado, Tratamiento combinado) HOMEOPATÍA Y CÁNCER: EVIDENCIA CIENTÍFICA Interés de los pacientes oncológicos Estudios in vitro Ensayos clínicos Estudios de cohortes Estudios sobre sustitución terapéutica Estudios sobre supervivencia Corolario BIBLIOGRAFÍA (selección de 37 referencias)
... This is mainly due to the physicochemical nature of homeopathic remedies, which are produced by serial dilutions followed by a so-called "dynamization," and also the ultra-low concentrations used, which cannot explain the therapeutic effect [62,63]. However, the pharmacodynamic effects of homeopathic remedies have been proven in many animal and in vitro laboratory studies [64][65][66], and most meta-analyses demonstrate their clinical validity [24,67,68]. ...
... 8 Basic research has revealed that highly potentized substances (dynamized by repetitive succussion and dilution of substances) can have measurable effects in vitro, though the precise mode of action of homeopathic medicines in the human body is not yet known. 9 In a previous double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study with 23 participants in Israel, beneficial effects of individualized homeopathic treatment in women suffering from PMS were described. 10 In that pilot study, an individualized homeopathic treatment, using symptom clusters indicating a selected number of homeopathic medicines, proved an effective and safe treatment for these women. ...
Background: In a double-blind placebo-controlled randomized trial with parallel groups, the efficacy of individually prescribed homeopathic medicines was evaluated in women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Methods: In an outpatient department of a university clinic in Jerusalem, Israel (1996-1999), women with PMS, aged 18 to 50 years, entered a 2-month screening phase with prospective daily recording of premenstrual symptoms by the Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MDQ). They were included after being diagnosed with PMS. A reproducible treatment protocol was used: women received a homeopathic prescription based on symptom clusters identified in a questionnaire. The symptoms were verified during a complementary, structured, interview. Only women whose symptoms matched the symptom profile of one of 14 pre-selected homeopathic medicines were included. Each participant was administered active medicine or placebo via random allocation. Primary outcome measures were differences in changes in mean daily premenstrual symptom (PM) scores by the MDQ. Analysis was by intention-to-treat. Results: A total of 105 women were included: 49 were randomized to active medicine and 56 to placebo. Forty-three women in the active medicine group and 53 in the placebo group received the allocated intervention with at least one follow-up measurement and their data were analyzed. Significantly greater improvement of mean PM scores was measured in the active medicine group (0.443 [standard deviation, SD, 0.32] to 0.287 [SD, 0.20]) compared to placebo (0.426 [SD, 0.34] to 0.340 [SD, 0.39]); p = 0.043. Conclusions: Individually prescribed homeopathic medicines were associated with significantly greater improvement of PM scores in women with PMS, compared to placebo. Replication, with larger sample size and other refinements, is recommended to confirm the efficacy of this treatment in other settings.
... The effects of homeopathic medicines in relation to the vehicle (placebo) may be seen in studies performed in-vivo or in standard clinical trials. 8,9,[14][15][16][19][20][21][22][23] However, characterizing the specificity of such effects is even more important in refined studies designed in-vitro, 44 since it is known that the succussion itself can promote changes in the solvent organization, including the generation of different oxygenderived radicals, mainly when water is used. [45][46][47] Macrophage cultures are very sensitive for detecting the effect of high dilutions but are also sensitive for detecting such solvent changes as well, concerning elements related to cell oxidative metabolism. ...
Introduction Encephalitozoon cuniculi (E. cuniculi), a fungus that acts as an intracellular pathogen, causes a marked neurological syndrome in many host species and is a zoonotic concern. Although no well-established treatment for this syndrome is known, previous successful clinical experience using homeopathic phosphorus has been described in which symptom remission with no mortality occurred in 40/42 animals by means of unknown immunological mechanisms. The latter observation was the main motivation for this study. Objective To verify, in an in-vitro model, if macrophages infected with E. cuniculi can change in function after treatment with different potencies of phosphorus. Materials and Methods RAW 264.7 macrophages were infected with E. cuniculi in-vitro and treated with various homeopathic potencies of phosphorus. The vehicle was used as a control solution (0.06% succussed ethanol). After 1 and 24 hours, the following parameters were analyzed: parasite internalization (by the Calcofluor staining method), lysosome activity (by the acridine orange method), cytokine/chemokine production (by the MAGPIX system), and cell ultrastructure. Automatic image analysis was used when applicable, and the experiments were performed in triplicate. Results Treatment with vehicle alone increased interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor alpha and monocyte chemotactic protein -1 production (p ≤ 0.05) and reduced the number of internalized parasites (p ≤ 0.001). A progressive and time-dependent increase in RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted) and lysosome activity (p ≤ 0.002) was observed only after treatment with the highest potency of phosphorus (Phos 200cH), together with decreased apoptosis rate, intense parasite digestion, and the presence of non-internalized spores. Conclusions Phos 200 cH has a modulatory action on the activity of infected macrophages, especially a specific increase in RANTES, a key element in the prognosis of E. cuniculi-infected and of immunosuppressed patients bearing infections.
... A general adoption of succussed controls, randomization and blinding would strengthen the evidence of future experiments'. 8 Our review's conclusion regarding laboratory evidence was almost identical. ...
... 2 The well-established in vitro models are appropriate methods to help tackle this problem. 21 The present study shows, for the first time, using an in vitro follicle culture model that the diluted/dynamised FSH positively affects the rates of antrum formation and steroid production. ...
Objective: This study investigated the effect of two different follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) preparations (diluted/dynamised and diluted) on the in vitro development and steroid production (estradiol, progesterone and testosterone) of isolated porcine preantral follicle after in vitro culture. Methods: Secondary follicles were cultured in Alpha Minimum Essential Medium (α-MEM+) supplemented with grain ethanol (AL - 0.2%, v/v), diluted/dynamised FSH (rFSH 6cH - 0.05 fg/mL) or diluted-only FSH (1.5 ng/mL) for 4 days. Follicle development was evaluated on the basis of follicular growth, morphology and hormone production. Results: The percentage of follicular integrity and extrusion were not affected by the treatments after culture. For all treatments, follicular diameter increased significantly from Day 0 to Day 4. On Day 2 of culture, the estradiol production was significantly higher in AL and diluted-only FSH treatments compared with diluted/dynamised FSH. However, diluted/dynamised FSH showed a significantly higher progesterone production on Day 2. Only on Day 4, the testosterone production was higher in the AL than diluted-only FSH treatments, but similar to diluted/dynamised FSH treatment. Except for diluted/dynamised FSH treatment, progesterone production increased (P < 0.05) from Day 2 to Day 4; only for AL treatment, a significant increase of testosterone production was observed during culture. Conclusion: Compared to control the diluted/dynamised FSH addition increased progesterone production but decreased the estradiol production after in vitro culture of isolated porcine preantral follicles. Taken together the results suggest that at least for progesterone production the mechanism of action of diluted/dynamised FSH differs from its vehicle.
... La principal objeción que el EC presenta a la Homeopatía se basa en el uso de este tipo de diluciones. Con esto alegan que la Homeopatía no puede funcionar porque contradice todo lo que sabemos de física, biología y química, sin considerar que desde los años noventa y hasta el año 2010 ya se encontraban publicadas algunas revisiones narrativas, sistemáticas y meta-análisis, las cuales, colectivamente hablando, sugieren que algunas diluciones homeopáticas pueden inducir respuestas fisiológicas objetivas en animales, células o plantas 27,28 . Sin embargo, no todos los resultados han sido consistentes debido a que no se ha desarrollado un "modelo biológico estable" 29,30 . ...
Since 2010, different media and social network websites have published a list of ten arguments that apparently refute Homeopathy. Critics allege, from these analyzes, that homeopathy cannot have any scientific or practical value over the placebo effect. These allegations are debatable insofar as they have been used in an international sociopolitical context that presses for the teaching of homeopathy in different universities to be eliminated. In this essay I will explain some historical misunderstandings that are related to the inconsistencies that I identify in the discourse of the detractors of Homeopathy.
... Homeopathy is a popular CAM [15][16][17][18] associated with high patient satisfaction [19][20][21] and patient perceived positive health outcomes [21,22]. However, it is a contentious medical approach with debates about the nature of the active ingredient of ultra molecular doses and the mechanism for their action [23,24], research that suggests that ultra molecular doses exert in vitro effects [25] and the conflicting evidence of efficacy over placebo [26][27][28][29][30]. It has been suggested that the placebo or contextual effects of homeopathic interventions are thought to be as a result of the "therapeutic encounter" that is experienced in the consultation [31][32][33][34][35] and has recently been confirmed in an exploratory clinical trial [36]. ...
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Research into the homeopathic consultation has largely focused on patients’ experiences, although the practitioner is a crucial component of the therapeutic context and may have an important part in optimizing health outcomes. Therefore the aim of this qualitative research was to gain an in-depth understanding of homeopathic practitioners’ perceptions and experiences of the consultation. Medical and non-medical homeopaths were sampled from the registers of the Faculty and Society of Homeopaths. Two phases of data collection were employed. Phase 1 used in depth face-to-face interviews enabling the development of an initial model of the homeopathic consultation. Phase 2 involved observations of homeopathic consultations and practitioner reflective diaries in order to confirm, refute, or enlarge the model. Using the constant comparative method of grounded theory five main categories emerged, exploring the journey, finding the level, responding therapeutically, understanding self, and connecting, forming a model entitled “a theoretical model of a UK classical homeopathic consultation” which describes how homeopaths view and enact the consultation process. This study suggests that the process of identifying and prescribing the remedy is embedded in the consultation, highlighting the interconnectedness of the whole homeopathic consultation and aspects of the consultation that are unique and specific to homeopathy.
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People facing a new diagnosis of cancer are unsettled by their prognosis and treatment options, and they often seek to integrate complementary modalities into their conventional care plan, hoping to improve their chances of cure and decrease side effects. Many do so without informing their oncologist, for fear of alienating them or not convinced that their physician would be informed about complementary therapies. Integrative Oncology, the first volume in the Weil Integrative Medicine Library, provides a wealth of information for both practitioners and consumers on the emerging field of integrative oncology. Noted oncologist Donald Abrams and integrative medicine pioneer Andrew Weil and their international panel of experts present up-to-date and extensively referenced chapters on a wide spectrum of issues and challenges, bound in one comprehensive, reader-friendly text in a format featuring key points, sidebars, tables, and a two-color design for ease of use. It is destined to emerge as the definitive resource in this emerging field.
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La Homeopatía de México | Evidencias Científicas de la Homeopatía | Edición Especial de Aniversario (90 años) | 2023 || EDITORIAL: Para aquellos que demandan evidencias científicas de la Homeopatía. Marcus Zulian Teixeira. | ARTÍCULOS: Homeopatía: una breve descripción de esta especialidad médica. Marcelo Pustiglione, Eduardo Goldenstein, Y. Moisés Checinski. | Formación médica en la terapéutica no convencional en el mundo (Homeopatía y acupuntura). Marcus Zulian Teixeira. | Bases científicas del principio de curación homeopática en la farmacología moderna. Marcus Zulian Teixeira. | La solidez de la investigación homeopática fundamental. Leoni Villano Bonamin. | Efectos de las diluciones homeopáticas altas sobre los modelos in vitro: revisión de la literatura. Silvia Waisse. | Efectos de las diluciones homeopáticas altas sobre las plantas: revisión de la literatura. Marcus Zulian Teixeira, Solange M.T.P.G. Carneiro. | Investigación clínica en Homeopatía: revisiones sistemáticas y estudios clínicos aleatorizados. Silvia Waisse. | Estrógeno potenciado en el tratamiento homeopático del dolor pélvico asociado a endometriosis: Un estudio aleatorizado, doble ciego, controlado con placebo, de 24 semanas. Marcus Zulian Teixeira, Sérgio Podgaec, Edmund Chada Baracat. | Estudio aleatorizado, doble ciego, sobre la eficacia del tratamiento homeopático en niños con amigdalitis recurrente. Sérgio E. Furuta, Luc L. M. Weckx, Cláudia R. Figueiredo. | ¿Los medicamentos homeopáticos provocan agravación o efectos adversos dependientes de los fármacos? Flávio Dantas. | ¿Los medicamentos homeopáticos inducen síntomas en voluntarios aparentemente sanos? Contribución brasileña al debate sobre los estudios patogénicos homeopáticos. Flávio Dantas. |
La Homeopatía de México | Evidencias Científicas de la Homeopatía | Edición Especial de Aniversario (90 años) | 2023 || EDITORIAL: Para aquellos que demandan evidencias científicas de la Homeopatía. Marcus Zulian Teixeira. | ARTÍCULOS: Homeopatía: una breve descripción de esta especialidad médica. Marcelo Pustiglione, Eduardo Goldenstein, Y. Moisés Checinski. | Formación médica en la terapéutica no convencional en el mundo (Homeopatía y acupuntura). Marcus Zulian Teixeira. | Bases científicas del principio de curación homeopática en la farmacología moderna. Marcus Zulian Teixeira. | La solidez de la investigación homeopática fundamental. Leoni Villano Bonamin. | Efectos de las diluciones homeopáticas altas sobre los modelos in vitro: revisión de la literatura. Silvia Waisse. | Efectos de las diluciones homeopáticas altas sobre las plantas: revisión de la literatura. Marcus Zulian Teixeira, Solange M.T.P.G. Carneiro. | Investigación clínica en Homeopatía: revisiones sistemáticas y estudios clínicos aleatorizados. Silvia Waisse. | Estrógeno potenciado en el tratamiento homeopático del dolor pélvico asociado a endometriosis: Un estudio aleatorizado, doble ciego, controlado con placebo, de 24 semanas. Marcus Zulian Teixeira, Sérgio Podgaec, Edmund Chada Baracat. | Estudio aleatorizado, doble ciego, sobre la eficacia del tratamiento homeopático en niños con amigdalitis recurrente. Sérgio E. Furuta, Luc L. M. Weckx, Cláudia R. Figueiredo. | ¿Los medicamentos homeopáticos provocan agravación o efectos adversos dependientes de los fármacos? Flávio Dantas. | ¿Los medicamentos homeopáticos inducen síntomas en voluntarios aparentemente sanos? Contribución brasileña al debate sobre los estudios patogénicos homeopáticos. Flávio Dantas. |
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Background and objective Since 1997 several meta-analyses (MA) of placebo-controlled randomised efficacy trials of homoeopathy for any indication (PRETHAI) have been published, with different methods, results, and conclusions. To date, a formal assessment of these MA has not been undertaken. Main research objective for this systematic review was efficacy of homoeopathic treatment in MA of PRETHAI. Methods Inclusion criteria: MA of PRETHAI in humans; all ages, countries, settings, publication languages; published 1.1.1990-31.10.2020. Exclusion criteria: systematic reviews without MA; MA restricted to age or gender groups, specific indications, or specific homoeopathic treatments; MA not including efficacy. We searched 8 online databases (completed 14.12.2020). Primary outcome was the effect estimate for all included trials in each MA and after sample restriction to trials of higher methodological quality, according to predefined criteria. Risk of bias of MA was assessed by ROBIS. Quality of evidence was assessed by GRADE. Data synthesis was the proportion of MA showing a significant positive effect of homoeopathy vs. no significant difference. Results Six MA were included, covering individualised homoeopathy (I-HOM, n = 2), non-individualised homoeopathy (NI-HOM, n = 1) and all homoeopathy types (ALL-HOM = I-HOM + NI-HOM, n = 3), respectively. The MA comprised between 16 and 110 trials, published 1943-2014, with a median trial sample size of 45 to 97 patients. Risk of bias (low/unclear/high) was rated as low for three MA and high for three. Effect estimates for all trials in each MA showed a significant positive effect of homoeopathy, compared to placebo (5 of 5 MA, no data in 1 MA). Sample restriction to high-quality trials was available from 4 trials, the effect remained significant in 3 MA (thereof 2x ALL-HOM, 1x I-HOM) and was no longer significant in 1 MA of NI-HOM. Discussion The quality of evidence for positive effects of homoeopathy beyond placebo (high / moderate / low / very low) was high for I-HOM and moderate for ALL-HOM as well as for NI-HOM. There was no support for the alternative hypothesis of no outcome difference between homoeopathy and placebo. The available MA of PRETHAI show significant positive effects of homoeopathy beyond placebo. This is in accordance with laboratory experiments showing effects, in part reproducible, of homoeopathically potentised preparations in physico-chemical, in-vitro, plant-based and animal-based test systems. Other Primary funding sources: Christophorus-Stiftung, Stuttgart, DE; Stiftung Marion Meyenburg, Hamburg, DE; Dr. Hauschka-Stiftung, Bad Boll/Eckwälden, DE. Registration: PROSPERO, CRD42020209661
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Frederick K. Humphreys (1816-1900), founder of Humphreys Medicine Company, appeared at the rise of both greater acceptance and popularity of the homeopathy in the United States, as opposed to more orthodox medicine. Although bolstered by the relatively high cost and low success rate of traditional medicines, homeopathic remedies soon became a source of controversy due to the largely unknown ingredient lists and contradictory claims of effectiveness. Tandem mass spectrometry analysis (MS/MS) was used to pinpoint the ingredients of four “specifics” in Humphreys’ Homeopathic Remedies. Generated spectra showed similar base peak ions for each pill, leading to the hypothesis that each remedy contained the same basic ingredients. Further MS/MS analyses identified these base peak ions as adducts of sucrose (m/z 365, 381), its related ions (m/z 433, 203, 185), and apigenin (m/z 271). When placed into a historical context, the application of chemical analyses to study these early remedies can provide insight into the question of validity that evoked arguments during the late nineteenth century.
The aim of the present investigation was to replicate a study published by Demangeat in 2010 in the Journal of Molecular Liquids. We measured 20 MHz longitudinal (T1) and transverse (T2) proton relaxation of H2O in highly diluted silica-lactose (Sil/Lac) solutions in 0.15 M LiCl in water (Sil/Lac C6–C24, range 10⁻⁷ M – 10⁻⁴⁷ M). The samples were prepared by repetitive succussion and centesimal dilution under rigorously controlled laboratory conditions. Lactose solutions in 0.15 M LiCl in water (Lac C6–C24) were identically and simultaneously treated, as controls. Neither for lactose (Lac) nor for Sil/Lac solutions did T1 and T2 relaxation parameters show a significant correlation with increasing dilution level. A cross-correlation analysis of T1 and T2 revealed a significant negative correlation for both Sil/Lac and LiCl samples, which changed to positive after placing the tubes for 10 minutes in boiling water. These results diverge from those obtained in the study of Demangeat. In our investigation, the process of potentisation (repetitive succussion and dilution) seems to be responsible for the modifications of proton relaxation times, irrespective of the presence of silica. We hypothesise that succussion intensity during dilution is a crucial factor that needs to be investigated in more detail in future investigations.
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Background While disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are a mainstay of therapy for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), some patients with early RA refuse DMARDs. In anthroposophic medicine (AM), a treatment strategy for early RA without DMARDs has been developed. Preliminary data suggest that RA symptoms and inflammatory markers can be reduced under AM, without DMARDs. Patients and methods Two hundred and fifty-one self-selected patients aged 16–70 years, starting treatment for RA of <3 years duration, without prior DMARD therapy, participated in a prospective, non-randomized, comparative Phase IV study. C-patients were treated in clinics offering conventional therapy including DMARDs, while A-patients had chosen treatment in anthroposophic clinics, without DMARDs. Both groups received corticosteroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Primary outcomes were intensity of RA symptoms measured by self-rating on visual analog scales, C-reactive protein, radiological progression, study withdrawals, serious adverse events (SAE), and adverse drug reactions in months 0–48. Results The groups were similar in most baseline characteristics, while A-patients had longer disease duration (mean 15.1 vs 10.8 months, p<0.0001), slightly more bone destruction, and a much higher proportion of women (94.6% vs 69.7%, p<0.0001). In months 0–12, corticosteroids were used by 45.7% and 81.6% (p<0.0001) and NSAIDs by 52.8% and 68.5% (p=0.0191) of A- and C-patients, respectively. During follow-up, both groups not only had marked reduction of RA symptoms and C-reactive protein, but also some radiological disease progression. Also, 6.2% of A-patients needed DMARDs. Apart from adverse drug reactions (50.4% and 69.7% of A- and C-patients, respectively, p=0.0020), none of the primary outcomes showed any significant between-group difference. Conclusion Study results suggest that for most patients preferring anthroposophic treatment, satisfactory results can be achieved without use of DMARDs and with less use of corticosteroids and NSAIDs than in conventional care. Limitation Because of the non-randomized study design, with A-patients choosing anthroposophic treatment, one cannot infer how this treatment would have worked for C-patients.
RIASSUNTO Questo lavoro costituisce una rassegna delle attuali teorie riguardanti la farmaco-dinamica del medicinale omeopatico. E' necessario partire dall'idea che la patolo-gia rappresenti una conseguenza della perturbazione di sistemi molecolari e bio-elettrodinamici nell'organismo: le HD potrebbero trasportare un'informazione in grado di spostare lo squilibrio globale del paziente verso un nuovo "attrattore dinamico" più prossimo allo stato di salute. E' auspicabile un progressivo appro-fondimento in futuro di questi temi. PAROLE CHIAVE Omeopatia, omeodinamica, meccanismo d'azione del rimedio omeopatico, ricerca in omeopatia SUMMARY This work constitutes a review of the present theories regarding the homeody-namics of homeopathic remedies. It is necessary to start from the idea that the pathology represents a consequence of the perturbation of molecular systems in the organism: HD might carry an information able to move the global imbalance of the patient toward a new "dynamic attractor" nearer to the state of health. A progressive widening of these themes is desiderable in future. KEY WORDS Homeopathy, homeodynamic, mechanism of action of homeopathic remedy, homeopathic research.
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Para desmistificar a falácia ou pós-verdade de que “não existem evidências científicas em homeopatia”, disseminada indistintamente em todos os meios, a Câmara Técnica de Homeopatia do Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado de São Paulo (CREMESP) elaborou o Dossiê Especial “Evidências Científicas em Homeopatia”, que acaba de ser disponibilizado online na Revista de Homeopatia da Associação Paulista de Homeopatia (APH). Englobando 9 revisões (e 2 RCT) sobre diversas linhas de pesquisa existentes nos mais variados campos da ciência, as quais comportam centenas de artigos científicos publicados em periódicos distintos, esse dossiê evidencia à classe médica e científica, assim como ao público em geral, o estado da arte da pesquisa homeopática. Apesar das dificuldades e limitações existentes para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas na área, tanto pelos aspectos metodológicos quanto pela ausência de apoio institucional e financeiro, o conjunto de estudos experimentais e clínicos citados, que fundamentam os pressupostos homeopáticos e confirmam a eficácia e a segurança da terapêutica, é prova inconteste de que “existem evidências científicas em homeopatia”, ao contrário do preconceito falsamente disseminado. Com a elaboração e a divulgação desse dossiê, sob os auspícios da Câmara Técnica de Homeopatia do CREMESP, esperamos esclarecer e sensibilizar os colegas de profissão sobre a validade e a importância do emprego da homeopatia como prática médica adjuvante e complementar às demais especialidades, segundo princípios éticos e seguros, a fim de se ampliar o entendimento do processo de adoecimento humano e o arsenal terapêutico, incrementar o ato médico e sua resolutividade nas doenças crônicas, minimizar os efeitos adversos dos fármacos modernos e fortalecer a relação médico-paciente, dentre outros aspectos. Dessa forma, poderemos trabalhar unidos em torno da “mais elevada e única missão do médico que é tornar saudáveis as pessoas doentes, o que se chama curar” (Samuel Hahnemann, Organon da arte de curar, § 1).
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In July 2017, to demystify the fallacy – or post-truth – asserting “there are no scientific evidence for homeopathy”, the Technical Chamber for Homeopathy, Regional Medical Council of the State of São Paulo (CREMESP, Brazil) published the Special Dossier “Evidências Científicas em Homeopatia”, available online in the scientific journal of the São Paulo Homeopathic Medical Association (APH), Revista de Homeopatia. After this publication, in view of the request of homeopathic doctors and institutions from other countries, the Technical Chamber for Homeopathy, CREMESP, produced an edition of the dossier in English, “Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy”, which has just been made available online in the Revista de Homeopatia. Encompassing 9 revisions (and 2 randomized clinical trials) on several lines of homeopathic research, containing hundreds of scientific articles published in various journals, this dossier highlights to the scientific and medical class, as well as to the general public, the state of the art of homeopathic research: Despite the ongoing difficulties and limitations opposing the development of research in homeopathy – partly due to methodological aspects, and partly to lack of institutional and financial support – the experimental and clinical studies described in this dossier, which ground the homeopathic assumptions and confirm the efficacy and safety of this approach to therapeutics – provide unquestionable proof for the “availability of scientific evidence for homeopathy”, against the false and prejudiced opinion that is widely divulgated. With the divulgation of the present dossier, prepared with the support of Technical Chamber for Homeopathy, CREMESP, we hope to dispel doubts and sensitize our colleagues as to the validity and relevance of homeopathy as adjuvant treatment complementary to all other medical specialties according to ethical and safe principles. Our overall goals are to broaden the understanding of human disease, increase the therapeutic resources, contribute to the definition and effectiveness of medicine in chronic diseases, minimize the adverse effects of modern drugs and strengthen the patient-doctor relationship, among other aspects. In this way, we will be able to work together, since “The physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed (Samuel Hahnemann, Organon of medicine, § 1).
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Para desmitificar a falácia ou pós-verdade de que “não existem evidências científicas em homeopatia”, disseminada indistintamente em todos os meios, a Câmara Técnica de Homeopatia do Conselho Regional de Medicina do Estado de São Paulo (CREMESP) elaborou o Dossiê Especial “Evidências Científicas em Homeopatia”, que acaba de ser disponibilizado online na Revista de Homeopatia da Associação Paulista de Homeopatia (APH). Englobando 9 revisões (e 2 RCT) sobre diversas linhas de pesquisa existentes nos mais variados campos da ciência, as quais comportam centenas de artigos científicos publicados em periódicos distintos, esse dossiê evidencia à classe médica e científica, assim como ao público em geral, o estado da arte da pesquisa homeopática. Apesar das dificuldades e limitações existentes para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas na área, tanto pelos aspectos metodológicos quanto pela ausência de apoio institucional e financeiro, o conjunto de estudos experimentais e clínicos citados, que fundamentam os pressupostos homeopáticos e confirmam a eficácia e a segurança da terapêutica, é prova inconteste de que “existem evidências científicas em homeopatia”, ao contrário do preconceito falsamente disseminado. Com a elaboração e a divulgação desse dossiê, sob os auspícios da Câmara Técnica de Homeopatia do CREMESP, esperamos esclarecer e sensibilizar os colegas de profissão sobre a validade e a importância do emprego da homeopatia como prática médica adjuvante e complementar às demais especialidades, segundo princípios éticos e seguros, a fim de se ampliar o entendimento do processo de adoecimento humano e o arsenal terapêutico, incrementar o ato médico e sua resolutividade nas doenças crônicas, minimizar os efeitos adversos dos fármacos modernos e fortalecer a relação médico-paciente, dentre outros aspectos. Dessa forma, poderemos trabalhar unidos em torno da “mais elevada e única missão do médico que é tornar saudáveis as pessoas doentes, o que se chama curar” (Samuel Hahnemann, Organon da arte de curar, § 1).
Background A previous study reported a significant statistical interaction between experiment date and treatment effect of Argentum nitricum 14x–30x on the growth rate of duckweed (Lemna gibba L.). The aim of the present study was to investigate the stability of the test system and intra-laboratory reproducibility of the effects found. Methods Duckweed was treated with A. nitricum potencies (14x–30x) as well as succussed and unsuccussed water controls. The outcome parameter area-related growth rate for day 0–7 was determined by a computerised image analysis system in two series of independent randomised and blinded experiments. Systematic negative control (SNC) experiments were carried out to investigate test system stability. Statistical analysis was performed with full two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and protected Fisher's Least Significant Difference (LSD) test. Results In the first repetition series we found a significant treatment effect (p = 0.016), while in the second series no effect was observed. The negative control experiments showed that the experimental system was stable. An a posteriori subgroup analysis concerning gibbosity revealed the importance of this growth state of L. gibba for successful reproduction of the statistically significant interaction in the original study; flat: no interaction (p = 0.762); slight gibbosity: no interaction (p = 0.356); medium gibbosity: significant interaction (p = 0.031), high gibbosity: highly significant interaction (p = 0.005). Conclusions With the original study design (disregarding gibbosity status of L. gibba) results of the original study could not be reproduced sensu stricto. We conclude that the growth state gibbosity is crucial for successful reproduction of the original study. Different physiological states of the test organisms used for bioassays for homeopathic basic research must carefully be considered.
Homeopathy was founded over 200 years' ago by the German physician and scientist Dr Samuel Hahnemann. The scope for homeopathy in dental practice is broad. This article looks at how integrating homeopathy into dental practice can benefit the patient and expand the clinical expertise of the dental nurse.
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Experiments were designed to investigate the low-dose side of the so-called dose-effect relation of mercuric chloride on the proliferation of a murine lymphoblastic cell strain (MB VIa). Three concentration ranges, from 0.9 × 10 ⁻⁵ м to 0.9 × 10 ⁻¹⁸ м, from 0.9 × 10 ⁻¹² м to 0.9 × 10 ⁻²⁵ м , and from 0.9 × 10 ⁻¹⁵ м to 0.9 x 10 ⁻²¹ м, in which the concentration decreased stepwise by a factor 10, were studied in 61, 74 and 58 experimental repetitions, respectively. In the first range, the concentrations 0.9 × 10-5 M and 0.9 x 10 ⁻⁶ м HgCl 2 proved to be definitely toxic as was expected. However, also 0.9 × 10 ⁻¹⁶ м and 0.9 × 10 ⁻¹⁷ м appeared to be growth-inhibiting, the latter results being confirmed in the second and the third concentration ranges. These differences in cell growth were statistically significant.
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When human polymorphonuclear basophils, a type of white blood cell with antibodies of the immunoglobulin E (IgE) type on its surface, are exposed to anti-IgE antibodies, they release histamine from their intracellular granules and change their staining properties. The latter can be demonstrated at dilutions of anti-IgE that range from 1 x 10(2) to 1 x 10(120); over that range, there are successive peaks of degranulation from 40 to 60% of the basophils, despite the calculated absence of any anti-IgE molecules at the highest dilutions. Since dilutions need to be accompanied by vigorous shaking for the effects to be observed, transmission of the biological information could be related to the molecular organization of water.
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The activity of various inhibitors on several subcellular enzymes was studied. First we determined the inhibitory concentration required to reduce maximum enzymatic activity by 50%, then the effect of various hahnemannian dilutions of the same inhibitory agent was tested. Seven inhibitory agents were tested in this way on seven different enzymatic systems. No effects of these hahnemannian dilutions were shown.
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1. The effect of high dilutions of two homeopathic drugs Lung histamine (Lung his) and Apis mellifica (Apis mel) used for the treatment of allergic diseases has been assessed on in vitro human basophil degranulation. Experiments were conducted blind. 2. Basophil degranulation induced by 1.66 X 10(-9) M anti-IgE antibody was significantly inhibited in the presence of 5 Lung his (5th centesimal dilution of Lung his) and 15 Lung his (15th centesimal dilution of Lung his) by 28.8% and 28.6% respectively and by 65.8% in the presence of 9 Apis mel (9th centesimal dilution of Apis mel). Basophil degranulation induced by 1.66 X 10(-16) to 1.66 X 10(-18) M anti-IgE antibody was also inhibited by high dilutions of Lung his and Apis mel with an inhibition of nearly 100% with 18 Lung his (18th centesimal dilution of Lung his) and 10 Apis mel (10th centesimal dilution of Apis mel). An alternance of inhibition, inactivity and stimulation was observed when basophils were incubated in the presence of serial dilutions of Lung his and Apis mel. 3. The investigation of the clinical efficacy of high dilutions of Lung his and Apis mel should be envisaged in allergic diseases in parallel with in vitro and ex vivo biological assays.
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Summary If clinical evidence for the effectiveness and specifity of homoeopathic potencies further accumulates, preclinical research into the nature of homoeopathic dilutions will develop into an important research area of pharmacology. General methodological standards for preclinical investigations of homoeopathic potencies are discussed in order to improve the quality of future research. Beside the classical standards of the experimental sciences, special attention has to be given to the preparation of homoeopathic potencies and corresponding controls. A combined use of i) agitated but not diluted solvent and ii) untreated solvent is proposed as the most appropriate control within an investigation into possible effects of homoeopathic potencies.
Im folgenden wird die Wirkung homöopathischer Hochpotenzen des Zytokins TNFa auf die H2O2-Produktion der Neuroblastom-zellinie SK-N-SH beschrieben. Die Messung erfolgte mit einer hochempfindlichen Chemo-lumineszenzmethode (ECL), die auf der chemischen Verstärkung der Oxidation von Luminol in Gegenwart von Peroxidase und H2O2 basiert. Die Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehung zwischen TNFa und H2O2-Produktion wurde über den gesamten Bereich von 200ng/ml TNFa bis zu D100 untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich bei Interpolation eine wellenförmige Kurve (Phasenlänge 5-6), die einer wellenförmigen polynomischen Regressionskurve 10. Ordnung (Phasenlänge -35) aufgelagert schien. Besonders ausgeprägt (p < 0,0025, Student-t-test) waren die Effekte von TNFa in der 100. Dezimalpotenz. Wiederholt (in 9 von n = 10 Experimenten) wurden erhebliche Steigerungen der H2O2-Produktion nach Behandlung der Zellen mit TNFa in D100 beobachtet. Die hier zusammengefaßten Ergebnisse sprechen sehr stark dafür, daß die verwendete Chemolumineszenzmethodik sehr gut geeignet ist, den Einfluß von homöopathischen Hochpotenzen auf biologische Systeme zu demonstrieren und weiter zu erforschen. Zudem sind die EErgebnisse vielversprechend in Hinblick auf eine sinnvolle Ergänzung konventioneller Tumortherapie. Summary The following paper demonstrates the effects of homoeopathic high dilutions of the cytokine TNFa on H2O2-production of SK-N-SH neuroblastoma cells. H2O2 was measured using a highly sensitive chemilumines-cence method (ECL), based on chemical enhancement of luminoloxidation in the presence of peroxidase and H2O2. The dose-effect relationship between TNFa and H2O2-production of SK-N-SH cells was established over the whole ränge from 200ng/ml TNFa to D100. Interpolation yielded a wave shaped curve (phaselength 5-6) which appeared to "ride" on a waveshaped 10th order regressioncurve (phaselength -35). The effects of TNFa in D100 on H2O2-production were most significant (p < 0,0025, Student-t-test). Strong elevations of H2O2-production compared to controls were repeatedly (in 9 of n = 10 independent experiments) measured, when SK-N-SH cells were incubated in the presence of TNFa D 100. These results do very much support the ideathatthe chemiluminescence method used is suitable to demon-strate and further investigate the influence of homoeopathic high potencies on biological Systems. Furthermore these results are promising in view of a sensible complement of conventional tumortherapy.
Chronic exposure to heavy metals (e.g cadmium or lead), which are major environmental toxicants, can be associated with a variety of pathologies such as renal, hepatic or nervous damages (Mery and Fillastre, 1983; Humes and Weinberg, 1986). For decades, several authors have attempted to reduce in vivo metal toxicity using chelating agents or other metals as competing agents. Another method successfully applied consisted of pre- or post-treatment using either low concentrations (Terhar et al.., 1965; Ito and Sawauchi, 1966; Yoshikawa, 1973) or high dilutions (Fisher et al.., 1987; Cazin et al.., 1987; Herkovitz and Perez-Coll, 1991) of the same toxic inducing agent. Critical rewiews on the effectiveness of serially dilute agitated compounds in experimental toxicology have been recently published (Linde et al., 1994; Cambar et al., 1994).
The dephosphorylation of the synthetic substrate p-nitrophenylphosphate catalyzed by acid phosphatase was determined in the presence of cAMP-Injeel, cAMP-Injeel forte, Ubiquinone-Injeel, Ubiquinone-Injeel forte as well as in the presence of their constituent single potencies. The experimental set-up was conceived as follows: Starting with a specific base potency the other constituent single potencies of Injeel and Injeel forte, respectively, were stepwisely added to the reaction mixtures. With such an experimental design it was found that - potency chords (with the exception of Ubiquinone-Injeel) are superior to their single potencies in their inhibitory impact upon catalytic activity of acid phosphatase - the extent of enzymic inhibition caused by potency chords was in no case higher than the sum of effects caused by their single potencies and - therefore, potency chords have their own specific profile of action. The therapeutical superiority - already found in practice - of potency chords to their constituent single potencies could also be imaged on experimental level.
With the help of acid phosphatase it was investigated whether Ubiquinone-Injeel forte possess an own quality of efficiency or whether the effects observed in the presence of these mixtures are the result of the single potencies being elements of these mixtures. While within the Ubiquinone-Injeel forte experimental series a correlation was found between the decrease of catalytic activity of acid phosphatase and the number of single potencies added such a behaviour was not detected within the Ubiquinone-Injeel series. But, the extent of enzymic inhibition caused by mixtures was in no case higher than the sum of effects caused by single potencies.
In the presence of homoeopathically manufactured preparations of potassium cyanatum, mercurius bijodatus, mercurius solubilis, cartilago suis, sulfur and petroleum rectificatum the catalytic activity of uricase, acid phosphatase and glutathione-S transferases was determined by spectrophotometric assays. With the exception of petroleum rectificatum in potency D8, all other preparations were able to significantly modulate the catalytic activity of uricase. Compared to it, acid phosphatase did not show any modification in its activity in the presence of mercurius solubilis. The same held true for glutathione S-transferases in the presence of potassium cyanatum as well as sulfur. When using all the other preparations either a stimulation or an inhibition of the catalytic activities of both enzyme systems was found.
Introduction: The vitality and activity of cells kept in cell cultures can be examined by the MTT assay using the catalytic activity of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase as indicator. The applicability of the MTT assay for the clarification of questions relevant for homoeopathy is studied. Objective: The main target of the investigations was to prove whether potencies of arsenicum album influence the vitality and activity of cells kept in cell cultures. Methods: Potencies of the homoeopathic remedy arsenicum album produced in water or lactose were applied to adherent and immortalized EBL, HeLa and MDBK cells. After an incubation time varying from 24 to 96 h the vitality of cells was determined by the MTT assay. Results: 1. With the system described inhibiting effects of aqueous potencies of arsenicum album on cell activity can be observed up to a D6.2. Using lactose potencies of arsenicum album such inhibiting effects were only found in the presence of D4.3. None of the potencies in water or in lactose had a stimulatory effect on cell activity. 4. Cells pretreated with an aqueous D7 showed a diminished sensitivity to subsequent exposure to a toxic concentration of arsenic. 5. There was no positive effect of potencies on cell activity after a preceding exposure to a toxic concentration of arsenic. Conclusions: In principle, it is possible to use cells kept in cell cultures as indicators for effects caused by homoeopathically prepared substances. In spite of specific limitations an advantage of the detection system chosen is that it allows simultaneous testing of a great number of reaction assays.
ZusammenfassungEinleitung: Die Vitalität und Aktivität von in Zellkulturen gehaltenen Zellen lässt sich mit Hilfe des MTT-Testes ermitteln, wobei als Indikator die Aktivität der mitochondrialen Succinatdehydrogenase herangezogen wird. Die Anwendbar-keit des MTT-Testes zur Klärung für die Homöopathie relevanter Fragestellungen wird untersucht. Fragestellung: Hauptzielsetzung der Untersuchungen war es zu klären, ob Arsenicum-album-Potenzen eine Veränderung der Vitalität von in Zellkultur gehaltenen Zellen bewirken. Methoden: Das Homöopathikum Arsenicum album wurde als wässrige bzw. lactosehaltige Potenzierungen auf adhärente, immortalisierte Säugerzellen (EBL-, HeLa- und MDBK-Zellen) aufgebracht. Nach Ablauf einer Inkubationsphase über Zeiträume von 24 bis 96 h wurde die Vitalität der Zellen mit Hilfe des MTT-Testes bestimmt. Ergebnisse: 1. Auf Zellen aufgebrachte wässrige Arsenicum-album-Potenzen zeigten bis zur D6 eine supprimierende Wirkung auf die Zellaktivität. 2. Bei den lactosehaltigen Potenzierungen wurde eine solche Wirkung nur in Gegenwart der D4 beobachtet. 3. Keine der verwendeten wässrigen oder lactosehaltigen Potenzierungen von Arsenicum album führte zu einer Stimulierung der Zellaktivität. 4. Durch eine Vorbehandlung mit einer wässrigen D7 verringerte sich die Empfindhchkeit der Zellen gegenüber einer nachfolgenden Intoxikation mit Arsen. 5. Es war keine positive Beeinflussung der Zellaktivität durch Potenzen nach einer vorhergehenden Intoxikation mit Arsen zu beobachten. Schlussfolgerung: Prinzipiell können auch in Zellkultur gehaltene Zellen als Indikatoren für die Wirkung homöopathisch aufbereiteter Substanzen eingesetzt werden. Trotz spezifischer Einschränkungen liegt der Vorteil des ausgewählten Untersuchungs-systems vor allem darin, dass es die Testung eines relativ grossen Probenumfanges erlaubt.Copyright © 1996 S. Karger AG, Basel
Summary Objective: To determine whether any pre-clinical research in homoeopathy has been independently replicated. Search Strategy:CISCOM was searched using the key words ‘homeopathy’ and ‘basic research’. Further references were obtained from reviews, bibliographies, citation tracking and contact with experts. Selection Criteria:Studies comparing the effects of one or more homoeopathic medicines to no homoeopathic treatment on any live biological material apart from humans or animals under veterinary care. Research on intoxication and basophil degranulation was excluded. Data Collection and Analysis: Publications were grouped in experimental models. Studies were considered to comprise the same model if the outcome variable, biological material and homoeopathic treatment were the same. Publications relating to each experimental model were then arranged in chronological order. A model was considered to have been independently replicated if the first author was different and fewer than half of all authors had previously published research using that model. Results: 120 papers reported 61 different experimental models. Only three models were investigated by different research teams: growth of yeast, growth of wheat coleoptiles and ultra-violet-induced erythema in albino guinea pigs. In the case of yeast, attempts to replicate findings showing increased growth after treatment with Pulsatilla were unsuccessful. For wheat, two experiments by different research teams were conducted, but no single hypothesis was tested in both papers with the same result. Different research teams conducted very similar experiments on erythema treatment by Apis, but the methodological quality of the publications was low. Conclusions:There is a lack of independent replication of any pre-clinical research in homoeopathy. In the few instances where a research team has set out to replicate the work of another, either the results were negative or the methodology was questionable.
Suspensions of leucocytes from house-dust-sensitive individuals were incubated with 25 different homoeopathic potencies of house-dust and assayed by means of leucocyte migration inhibition. It was found that the homoeopathic preparation produced significant enhancement or inhibition of leucocyte migration compared with the control preparation, and that not all the potencies tested were equally effective. This study corroborates previous reports of the activity of homoeopathic preparations in in vitro and in vivo systems.
1. A method is described for investigating the possible action of microdoses of mercuric chloride on the hydrolysis of soluble starch with malt diastase. 2. The microdoses of the mercuric chloride used in the latest crucial series carried out in1946, 1948, and 1952, were what are termed “high potencies” made in accordance with the pharmaceutical method of preparation of drugs ordinarily used in the practice of homœotherapy. 3. These microdoses were prepared by separate stages of dilution, the solution at each stage being subjected to mechanical shock. The solutions were, theoretically, “dilutions” of the order of 1 in 10−61 and on present physical theory would not contain any molecules of the original mercuric chloride. 4. The difference in rate of hydrolysis between flasks containing starch, diastase, and distilledwater (controls) and flasks containing starch, diastase and microdoses of mercuric chloride (tests) were compared colorimetrically by the Spekker absorptiometer, and the frequencies of the differences statistically analysed, as the results obtained showed biological scatter. More than 500 such comparisons were carried out. The differences of means were examined by the Fisher “t” test, the variances tested and Cochrane and Cox's test applied where indicated. All the series gave a highly significant difference in the rate of hydrolysis between controls and tests, the microdoses stimulating the process. Statistically the significance is shown by the fact that a probability of <0·001 was obtained independently in each of the three years 1946, 1948 and 1952. The control results gave an approximately normal distribution. 5. The distribution, control methods, and accessory control procedures were considered toexclude, as a cause of the effects, adsorption of the original drug and the presence of extraneous contaminants by chance solely in test flasks. The only difference between control and microdose flasks was the addition of microdose, the distilled water being common to both controls and tests. 6. It was concluded that a factor, unidentified, derived from the mercuric chloride used, waspresent in solutions prepared by serial dilution with mechanical shock which could affect the distilled water diluent, that this change was transferable to subsequent “ultramolecular” stages of “dilution”, and that this factor was the source of the activity in the microdose solutions producing the acceleration of the rate of hydrolysis. 7. In an addendum there is described recent biological work which is also providing evidence of the presence of an active selective factor in “high potencies” derived from Strophanthus sarmentosus by the same methods of dilution with mechanical shock.
ZusammenfassungEinleitung: Die Vitalität und Aktivität von in Zellkultur gehaltenen Zellen lässt sich mit Hilfe des MTT-Testes ermitteln, wobei als Indikator die Aktivität der mitochondrialen Succinatdehydrogenase herangezogen wird. Die Anwendbarkeit des MTT-Testes zur Klärung für die Homöopathie relevanter Fragestellungen wird untersucht. Fragestellung: Hauptzielsetzung der Untersuchungen war es zu klären, ob Thuja-occidentalis-Potenzen eine Veränderung der Vitalität von in Zellkultur gehaltenen Zellen bewirken. Methoden: Das Homöopathikum Thuja occidentalis wurde als wässrige bzw. in Medium hergestellte Potenzen sowie in lactosehaltigen Potenzierungen auf adhärente, immortalisierte Säugerzellen (EBL-, HeLa- und MDBK-Zellen) aufgebracht. Nach Ablauf einer Inkubations-phase fiber Zeiträume von 2 bis 96 h wurde die Vitalität der Zellen mit Hilfe des MTT-Testes bestimmt. Ergebnisse: 1. Effekte von auf Zellen aufgebrachten Thuja-occidentalis-Potenzen sind mit der beschriebenen Methode bis zur D5 (wässrige/alkoholische Potenzen) zu beobachten. In einer Versuchsreihe mit in Medium hergestellten Potenzen auf EBL-Zellmonolayer waren die Ergebnisse nach 48,72 und 96 h auch für die D6 signifikant. Bei lactosehaltigen Potenzen konnte diese Wirkung nur bis zur D3 beobachtet werden. 2. Es konnte sowohl eine Stimulierung als auch eine Supprimierung der Zellaktivität nachgewiesen werden. Die beobachteten Effekte unterlagen dabei einer charakteristischen Dynamik, die stark von der Einwirkungsdauer der jeweiligen Probenlösung abhängig war. 3. Es zeigte sich eine nichtlineare Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehung bei den Potenzen. Diese Nichtlinearität spiegelte sich auch im morphologischen Erscheinungsbild der Zellen wider. Schlussfolgerungen: Prinzipiell können auch in Zellkultur gehaltene Zellen als Indikatoren für die Wirkung homöopatisch aufbereiteter Substanzen eingesetzt werden.Copyright © 1996 S. Karger AG, Basel
The effects of homoeopathic high dilutions of cytokine TNFα on H2O2 production of SK-N-SH neuroblastoma cells were studied. H2O2 was measured using a highly sensitive chemiluminescence method (ECL) based on chemical enhancement of luminol oxidation in the presence of peroxidase and H2O2. The dose-effect relationship between TNFα and H2O2 production of SK-N-SH cells was established over the whole range from 200 ng/ml of TNFα to 100x. Interpolation yielded a waveshaped curve (phase length 5–8) which appeared to ‘ride’ on a wave-shaped 10th order regression curve (phase length ≈35). The effects of TNFα 100x on H2O2 production were highly significant (p<0.002). Elevation of H2O2 production compared to controls was repeatedly seen following incubation of SK-N-SH cells in the presence of TNFα 100x. These results suggest that the chemiluminescence method used is suitable to demonstrate and investigate further the influence of homoeopathic high potencies on biological systems.
A number of different potencies of commercially available homœopathic preparations in saline solution were tested for their ability to regulate the oxidative metabolism (superoxide production) and adhesion function of human neutrophils in vitro. 15% to 30% inhibition of oxidative metabolism was caused by Sulphur 6x, Manganum phosphoricum 6x and 8x, and Magnesium phosphoricum 6x and 8x. Phosphorus slightly reduced superoxide production, with varying results in a series of experiments. Using Magnesium phosphoricum and Phosphorus, small inhibitory effects (8–11%) were noted event a high potencies. Among the organic acids, a group (Acidum malicum 4x and Acidum fumaricum 4x) enhanced superoxide production, while others either inhibited the response (Acidum citricum and Acidum succinicum, 3x and 4x) or had no effect (Acidum α-ketoglutanicum and Acidum cis-aconitum). Attempts to reproduce these effects using solutions prepared in the laboratory confirmed the inhibitory effects of Managanum phosphoricum 6x and of organic acids in the 3x, while other data indicated that critical factors in the methodology of preparation may affect the results.
A protocol based on anti-IgE induced human basophil activation was set up to allow the intra-assay calculation of basophil count significance. In 6 successive experiments, we demonstrated the normality of the basophil count distribution through a comparison of the mean values by Student's t-test. We confirm the inhibition of anti-IgE induced human basophil activation by histamine dilutions ranging from 10–10 M to 10–38 M, the most frequent inhibition observed being for 10–18, 10–20, and 10–32 M, in agreement with our previous results.
A previously reported effect of mechanically agitated dilutions of antiserum raised against IgE was investigated using the loss of metachromatic staining properties of human basophil leukocytes as a model. A series of 24 blind experiments was performed in which we determined the number of toluidine blue-stainable basophils after incubating with vortexed or non-vortexed dilutions of anti-IgE. Tenfold serial dilutions were used, in the range 10(21) to 10(30) (6.6 x 10(-26) to 6.6 x 10(-35) M anti-IgE). We found no evidence for a different effect of strongly agitated dilutions, compared to dilutions made with minimal physical agitation. In fact, in our hands no effect of extreme dilutions was shown at all. We conclude that the effect of extreme dilutions of anti-IgE, reported by Davenas et al., needs further clarification and that in this process the reproducibility of results between experimenters should be carefully determined.
Human peripheral blood lymphocytes from healthy controls, immunodepressed patients presenting chronic bacterial infections or neoplasias and from allergic patients were stimulated in vitro with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in culture medium supplemented or not with 1 x 10(-7), 1 x 10(-15) or 1 x 10(-30) succussed dilutions or bee venom or phosphorus in tridistilled water. The most significant inhibition due to DNA incorporation was noted in lymphocytes from allergic patients cultivated in media supplemented with 1 x 10(-30) succussed substance dilution in the presence of PHA. The cells from immunodepressed patients did not show a significant inhibition at 1 x 10(-30) dilution. Hypothetically, we try to explain these findings as the expression of the changes induced by the succussed solution on the water molecule which in turn, influences the chemical structure of the cellular membrane and implicitly, its functions.
We have attempted to reproduce the findings of Benveniste and co-workers, who reported in 1988 that degranulation of human basophil leukocytes is triggered by very dilute (10(2)-10(120)) antiserum against IgE. The results were contrary to conventional scientific theory and were not satisfactorily explained. Following as closely as possible the methods of the original study, we can find no evidence for any periodic or polynomial change of degranulation as a function of anti-IgE dilution. Our results contain a source of variation for which we cannot account, but no aspect of the data is consistent with the previously published claims.
The weak ultrasonication (40 kHz, 12 mW, 1 week) of ethanol solutions was found to reduce stimulation of the senses of smell and taste by the ethanol on the basis of blind tests with an aqueous ethanol solution (33.0% w/v) and an immature distilled spirit (25.0% v/v). Experiments on mice also demonstrated that a treated aqueous ethanol solution had a weaker depressant effect on the central nervous system, as evaluated by the relative frequency with which mice regained the righting reflex at a dose of either 4.0 or 4.5 g/kg (p < 0.05 or p < 0.01, respectively) and by the reduction in rectal temperature at a dose of 5.0 g/kg (p < 0.05) soon after ethanol administration. Analyses of both the ethanol concentration by head-space gas chromatography and the free radicals by electron spin resonance spectrometer failed to reveal any chemical changes in aqueous ethanol solutions subjected to weak ultrasonication. However, measurement of the spin-lattice relaxation time (7'i) of the 2H of water molecules by 2H-NMR showed that the treatment slightly accelerated the thermal motion of water molecules in the solutions. Treated solutions were also found to have a slightly higher density than untreated ones. These physical data demonstrate that weak ultrasonication induces a structural change, such as a more compact and homogeneous structure by changing the microdynamic behavior of the solution. These biological and physical studies suggest that only a slight structural change in an ethanol solution induces a marked change in the biological reactivity of ethanol without any chemical modification of the solution itself.
To determine whether any pre-clinical research in homoeopathy has been independently replicated. CISCOM was searched using the key words 'homeopathy' and 'basic research'. Further references were obtained from reviews, bibliographies, citation tracking and contact with experts. Studies comparing the effects of one or more homoeopathic medicines to no homoeopathic treatment on any live biological material apart from humans or animals under veterinary care. Research on intoxication and basophil degranulation was excluded. Publications were grouped in experimental models. Studies were considered to comprise the same model if the outcome variable, biological material and homoeopathic treatment were the same. Publications relating to each experimental model were then arranged in chronological order. A model was considered to have been independently replicated if the first author was different and fewer than half of all authors had previously published research using that model. 120 papers reported 61 different experimental models. Only three models were investigated by different research teams: growth of yeast, growth of wheat coleoptiles and ultra-violet-induced erythema in albino guinea pigs. In the case of yeast, attempts to replicate findings showing increased growth after treatment with Pulsatilla were unsuccessful. For wheat, two experiments by different research teams were conducted, but no single hypothesis was tested in both papers with the same result. Different research teams conducted very similar experiments on erythema treatment by Apis, but the methodological quality of the publications was low. There is a lack of independent replication of any pre-clinical research in homoeopathy. In the few instances where a research team has set out to replicate the work of another, either the results were negative or the methodology was questionable.
The protective effects of ultra-low doses (ULD) of glutamate against glutamate toxicity was studied in primary rat spinal, cortical and cerebellar neurons. Neurons were exposed to four subtoxic, ultra-low concentrations of glutamate (10(-18) M, 10(-20)M, 10(-22) M and 10(-30) M) for 72 h and then subsequently challenged with toxic concentrations (25 microM) of glutamate. Neuron viability was consistently 10% higher in spinal and cortical neurons pre-exposed to glutamate concentrations of 10(-18) M and 10(-22) M, and in cerebellar neurons pre-exposed to 10(-20) M and 10(-30) M. Using laser scanning confocal microscopy and the fluorescent calcium probe fluo-3, we found no alterations in intracellular calcium dynamics in the protected cells. This protective effect is consistent with a growing body of evidence for tolerance induced by low-dose toxin exposure but is the first time that such tolerance has been demonstrated with ultra-low glutamate exposure. Our data show that pre-exposure of neuronal cells to ULD glutamate can protect against subsequent exposure to toxic levels of glutamate.