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Advanced Trauma Life Support®. ABCDE from a radiological point of view


Abstract and Figures

Accidents are the primary cause of death in patients aged 45 years or younger. In many countries, Advanced Trauma Life Support(R) (ATLS) is the foundation on which trauma care is based. We will summarize the principles and the radiological aspects of the ATLS, and we will discuss discrepancies with day to day practice and the radiological literature. Because the ATLS is neither thorough nor up-to-date concerning several parts of radiology in trauma, it should not be adopted without serious attention to defining the indications and limitations pertaining to diagnostic imaging.
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Advanced Trauma Life Support®. ABCDE from a radiological
point of view
Digna R. Kool & Johan G. Blickman
Received: 3 April 2007 / Revised: 8 May 2007 /Accepted: 19 May 2007 / Published online: 12 June 2007
Am Soc Emergency Radiol 2007
Abstract Accidents are the primary cause of death in
patients aged 45 years or younger. In many countries,
Advanced Trauma Life Support® (ATLS®) is the founda-
tion on which trauma care is based. We will summarize the
principles and the radiological aspects of the ATLS®, and
we will discuss discrepancies with day to day practice and
the radiological literature. Beca use the ATLS® is neither
thorough no r u p-to-date concerning several parts of
radiology in trauma, it should not be adopted without
serious attention to defining the indications and limitations
pertaining to diagnostic imaging.
Keywords Trauma
Diagnostic imaging
ATLS® Advanced Trauma Life Support®
FAST focused abdominal sonography in trauma
A airway
B breathing
C circulation
D disability
E environment and exposure
CT computed tomography
In many countries, trauma care is based on Advanced
Trauma Life Support® (ATLS®) [1]. Althoug h the ATLS®
manual and course are neither evidence based nor up-to-
date concerning several parts of radiology in trauma,
surgeons use the ATLS® recommendations, if present,
routinely to support indications for diagnostic imaging. In
addition, surgeons refer to th e ATLS® unjustly with
indications for imaging that are not supported by the
ATLS® at all. Radiologists must be aware of this to
intervene appropriately when sub-optimal imaging indica-
tions are presented. In this respect, knowing the content and
the language of the ATLS can be helpful.
The objective of this review is to familiarize radiologist
with the ATLS®. For this purpose, the rationale and
indications of diagnostic imaging is assessed where it
pertains to the ATLS® protocol. Instances of disagreement
with the evidence in the literature and daily practice are
highlighted [1].
Purpose of ATLS®
Accidents are the primary cause of death in patients aged
45 years or younger. In The Netherland s, 22 out of 100,000
people die each year because of accidental injury. For every
one patient who dies, there are three survivors with serious
disabilities [1, 2].
The purpose of adequate trauma care is to decrease this
morbidity and mortality, which is expected to be achieved by
fast, systematic, and effective assessment and treatment of the
injured patient. Contrary to the ATLS guidelines, we think that
imaging should play a prominent role in this process.
Emerg Radiol (2007) 14:135141
DOI 10.1007/s10140-007-0633-x
D. R. Kool (*)
J. G. Blickman
Department of Diagnostic Imaging,
University Medical Centre Nijmegen,
Geert Groote plein 10, route 667,
P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands
History of ATLS®
In 1976, an airplane with an orthopedic surgeon, his wife
and children crashed in a corn field in Nebraska. The wife
died. The surgeon and three of his four children were
seriously injured. Although they survived, he considered
the standard of care in the local hospital insufficient and
decided to develop a system to improve the care for trauma
victims, and thus, ATLS® was born.
Since the first ATLS® course in 1978, the concept has
matured, has been disseminated around the world and has
become the standard of emergency care in trauma patients
in 46 countries [1].
The ATLS® concept is also used in the pre-hospital
phase of trauma patient care and has been adopte d for non-
trauma medical emergencies and implemented in resuscita-
tion protocols around the world.
Originally, ATLS® was designed for emergency situa-
tions where only one doctor and one nurse are present.
Nowadays, ATLS® is also accepted as the standard of care
for the first (golden) hour in level-1 trauma centers. The
priorities of emergency trauma care according to the
ATLS® principles are independent of the number of people
caring for the patient.
ATLS® course
The ATLS® course is organized under license of the
American College of Surgeons. Before the course, the
students peruse the course manual. During a 2-day course,
16 students, mostly residents in surgery and anesthesiology,
are trained by eight instructors. These instructors now
number more than 100 in the Dutch ATLS® secti on, mostly
surgeons and anesthesiologists but also two radiologists.
During the course, all emergency measures are taught
and reviewed. By means of observing, practicing, and
repeating the ATLS® concepts, the object of the course is
that the students are capable to perform the necessary
measures independently with the correct priorities.
The course concludes with a written and practical
examination, which has a pass rate of 8090%.
During the course, attention is also g iven to the
multidisciplinary character of trauma care and the organi-
zation and logistics of traumacareinhospitalsand
surrounding area.
Radiology has a minor part in the course There are only
50 min to teach the systematic evaluation of chest radio-
graphs and another 50 min to teach in cervical spine
radiographs, with the objective for the student to be able to
identify life-threatening and potentially life-threatening
injuries on chest radiographs and identify fractures on the
radiographs of the spine. There is no lecture or skill set
concerning computed tomography (CT).
Essentials of ATLS®
ATLS® is a method to establish priorities in emergency
trauma care. There are three underlying premises. (1) Treat
the greatest threat to life first. (2) Indicated treatment must
be applied even when a definitive diagnosis is not yet
established. (3) A detailed hist ory is not necessary to begin
evaluation and treatment.
Therefore, the assessment of a trauma patient is divided in
a primary and a secondary survey. In the primary survey, life-
threatening injuries are diagnosed and treated simultaneously.
All other injuries are evaluated in the secondary survey.
Primary survey
In the primary survey, the mnemonic ABCDE is used to
remember the order of assessment with the purpose to treat
first that kills first (Table 1). Airway obstruction kills
quicker than difficulty of breathing caused by a pneumo-
thorax, and a patient dies faster from bleeding from a
splenic laceration then from a subdural hematoma.
Injuries are diagnosed and treated according to the ABCDE
sequence. Only when abnormalities belonging to a letter are
evaluated and treated as efficacious as possible can one
continue with the next letter. In case of deterioration of a
patients condition during assessment, one should return to
A. Imaging should not intervene with or postpone treatment.
A: Airway
The airway is the first priority in trauma care. All patients
get 100% oxygen through a non-rebreathing mask. The
airway is not compromised when the pati ent talks normally.
A hoarse voice or audible breathing is suspicious; facial
fractures and soft tissue injury of the neck can compromise
the airway, while patients in a coma are not capable of
Table 1 In the primary survey, the mnemonic ABCDE is used to
remember the order of assessment with the purpose to treat first that
kills first
A Airway and C-spine stabilization
B Breathing
C Circulation
D Disability
E Environment and Exposure
136 Emerg Radiol (2007) 14:135141
keeping their airway patent. Endotracheal intubation is the
most definite way to secure the airway.
In A, the cervical spine needs to be immobilized. As
long as the cervical spine is not cleared by physical
examination, with or without diagnostic imaging, the spine
should remain stabilized.
For the evaluation of A, no diagnostic ima ging is
necessary. Imaging of the cervical spine is just an adjunct to
the primary survey and not part of the A, specifically
because, as long as the spine is immobilized, possible
spinal injury is stabilized and diagnostic imaging can be
postponed. W hen A is secure, one can continue with B.
B: Breathing
Breathing is the second item to be evaluated in trauma care.
Tension pneumothorax, massive hemothorax, flail thorax
accompanied by pulmonary contusion, and an open pneu-
mothorax compromise breathing acutely and can be diag-
nosed with physical examination alone and should be treated
immediately. Most clinical problems in B can be treated
with relatively simple measures as endotracheal intubation,
mechanical ventilatio n, ne edle thorac ocentesis, or tube
thoracostomy. The lack of a definitive diagnosis should
never delay an indicated treatment. To evaluate the efficiency
of breathing, a pulse oximeter can be applied.
Injuries, like a simple pneumothorax or hemothorax, rib
fractures, and pulmonary contusion, are often more difficult
to appreciate with physical examination. Because these
conditions have less effect on the clinical condition of the
patient, they can be identified in the secondary survey.
A chest radiograph is an adjunct to the primary survey
and can be helpful in evaluating breat hing difficulties and is
necessary to evaluate the position of tubes and lines. When
B is stabilized, one can continue with C.
C: Circulation
Circulation is the third priority in the primary survey.
Circulatory problems in trauma patients are usually caused
by hemorrhage. The first action should be to stop the
bleeding. Hemorrhage can be external from extremity and
facial injury or not visible from bleeding in chest, abdomen,
and pelvis. Instable pelvic fractures can be temporarily
stabilized with a pelvic band to decrease blood loss.
Blood pressure and heart rate are measured; two intrave-
nous lines are started, and blood is obtained for laboratory
In the search for internal blood loss, imaging can be very
helpful. Radiological investigations such as a chest radio-
graph, when not already performed, ultrasound of the
abdomen (focussed abdominal sonography in trauma, FAST)
and a pelvic X-ray can suggest the localization of the bleeding.
A tension pneumothorax can be the cause of circulatory
distress but is usually diagnosed and treated in B. When a
patients condition deteriorates, this diagnosis must be
reconsidered. Hemodynamic instability can, infrequently,
be caused by pericardial tamponade. Therefore, ultrasonog-
raphy of the pericardial sac is part of a FAST examination.
Other less frequently occurring causes of circulatory
problems in trauma patients are myocardial contusion and
loss of sympathetic tone caused by cervical and upper
thoracic spinal cord injuries.
When it is not possible to stabilize the patient in the
trauma suite, other intervention like operation or emboliza-
tion should be performed. The remainder of the primary
survey will be finished thereafter. When C is stabilized,
one can continue with D.
D: Disability
Disability should be assessed as the fourth priority in the
primary survey, and this includes asse ssment of the
neurological status. The Glasgow coma score (GCS) is
used to evaluate the severity of head injury. This score is
arrived at by scoring eye opening, best motor response, and
best verbal response. Patients who open their eyes
spontaneously, obey commands, and are normally oriented
score a total of 15 points. The worst score is 3 points. A
decreased GCS can be caused by a focal brain injury, such
as an epidural hematoma, a subdural hematoma, or a
cerebral contusion, and by diffuse brain injuries ranging
from a mild contusion to diffuse axonal injury. To prevent
secondary injury to the brain, optimal oxygenation and
circulation are importan t. Also, impaired consciousness can
be caused or aggrava ted by hypoxia or hypotension for
which ABC stabilization is essential.
If a cranial CT is indicated, it should be done in the
secondary survey.
E: Environment and exposure
Environment and exposure represent hypothermia, burns,
and possible exposure to chemical and radioactive sub-
stances and should be evaluated and treated as the fifth
priority in the primary survey.
At the end of the primary survey, before continuing with
the secondary survey, the ABCDEs should be re-evaluated
and confirmed.
Secondary survey
During the secondary survey, the patient is examined from
head to toe, and appropriate additional radiographs of the
thoracic and lumbar spine and the extremities are performed
Emerg Radiol (2007) 14:135141 137
when indicated. CT scans, when indicated, are also done in
the secondary survey.
If, during the secondary survey, the patients condition
deteriorates, the primary survey should be repeated begin-
ning with A.
The rigid spine board should be removed as early as
possible because it is a serious risk for decubitus ulcer
formation. Removing the hard backboard should not be
delayed for the lone purpose of obtaining definitive spine
Diagnostic imaging
Radiographs of the chest, pelvis, C-spin e, and FAST are
adjuncts to the primary survey.
Imaging is considered helpful but should be used
judiciously and should not interrupt or delay the resus cita-
tion process. When appropriate, radiography may be
postponed until the secondary survey.
CT, contrast studies, and radio graphs of the thoracic
spine, lumbar spine, and extremities are also adjunc ts to the
secondary survey.
Imaging is most useful and efficient if consulting with a
radiologist becomes routine [3, 4]. We extrapolate this
advice to the trauma setting and endorse consultation with
clinicians strongly; however, consulting a radio logist is not
mentioned once in the ATLS® manual!
Contrary to (ever-increasing) daily practice, CT plays a
minor role in the ATLS®. With the increasing use of CT in
the evaluation of trauma patients, radiation exposure should
be a major issue in the field of emergency radiology. CT
scanners using an automatic exposure control techniqu e can
help to reduce radiation dose [5, 6].
Blunt trauma
A chest radiograph must be obtained to document the
position of tubes and lines and to evaluate for pneumotho-
rax o r hemothorax and mediastinal abnormalities. When not
obtained in the primary survey, it should be done in the
secondary survey. From the ATLS® manual, it is not clear if
a chest radiograph should be performed in every patient [1].
However, this is in accordance with the literature. At
present, no clinical decision rule is available concerning the
indication for chest radiography in trauma patients.
A CT of the chest is considered an accurate screening
method for traumatic aortic injury. If a contrast enhanced
helical CT is negative for mediastinal hemorrhage and aortic
injury, no additional diagnostic imaging is necessary [1].
If a CT is positive, the ATLS® manual states that the
trauma surgeon is in the best position to determine which, if
any other, diagnostic imaging is warranted. The possibility
to construct multiplanar reconstructions (MPRs), maximum
intensity projections (MIPs), volumetric, and v irtual angio-
scopic three-dimensional views from MDCT data, making
diagnostic angiography superfluous, is not stated [7]. The
same post-processing tools can be used to differentiate
between traumatic aortic injury and norm al variants [7].
Neither consulting with a radiologist nor endovascular
treatment of traumatic aortic injury are mentioned in the
ATLS® manual.
Although it is recognized that the severity of pulmonary
contusions does not correlate very well with the chest
radiograph, a CT for the evaluation of pulmonary contusion
is not mentioned. The superiority of CT in the detection of
pneumothoraces and evaluation of the position of chest
tubes is not stated [8, 9].
FAST is used in hemodynamic abnormal patients as a rapid,
non-invasive, bedside, repeat able method to document fluid
in the pericardial sac, hepato-renal fossa, spleno-rena l fossa ,
and pelvis or pouch of Douglas. When FAST is available, it
replaces diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) [10]. FAST is a
good performing screening tool in evaluating hypotensive
trauma patients to differentiate those patients who do need
urgent laparo tomy from those who do not [11].
An abdominal CT is the most sensitive and specific
investigation for the diagnosis of visceral and vascular
injury; however, according to the ATLS®, an abdominal CT
can only be performed in hemodynamically normal patients
because a CT is considered time consuming. This is no
longer true with the helical CT available today. The rate-
limiting step has become the movement of the patient to the
CT suite and on and off the CT table [12].
According to the ATLS® manual, an upper GI contrast
study is the imaging method of choice in suspected
diaphragm rupture. CT is not mentioned as an option. On
the contrary, it is stated that CT misses diaphragmatic
injuries. Although CT is not 1 00% sensitive, neither are GI
contrast studies. A comparative study is not available.
MDCT has the advantage that it is much easier and quicker
to perform in trauma patients [1, 13]. Although no consensus
of opinion exists, coronal, and sagittal multiplanar recon-
structions (MPRs) might improve the accuracy of MDCT
for the diagnosis of blunt traumatic diaphragm rupture
[14, 15].
A final omission, and contrary to daily practice in many
hospitals, is that interventional radiology is not mentioned
as an adjunct to non-operative management in patients with
abdominal visceral injury [16, 17 ].
138 Emerg Radiol (2007) 14:135141
It is recommended that a pelvic radiograph shoul d be
performed when the mechanism of injury or the physical
examination indicates the possibility of a pelvic fracture.
Evaluation of the pelvis on an abdominal CT is not
mentioned [18]. Compared to conventional radiography,
CT has a higher sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis
of pelvic fractures, and MPRs can be used to delineate the
full extend of the fracture [19, 20].
In a hemodynamically abnormal patient with a pelvic
fracture and no indication for intra-abdominal hemorrhage
on FAST or DPL, angiography with embolization is advised
preceding surgical pelvic fixation.
In patients with an unstable pelvic fracture, inability to
void, blood at the meatus, a scrotal hematoma, perineal
ecchymoses, or a high-riding prostate, there is a suspicion of
a urethral tear, and in these patients, a retrograde urethrogram
should be performed before insertin g a urinary catheter [1].
To exclude an intraperitoneal or extraperitoneal bladder
rupture in patients with hematuria, a conventional or a CT
cystogram can be performed [1, 21].
Cervical spine
Cervical spine radiographs are not indicated in patients who
are awake, alert, sober, neurologically normal, have no neck
pain or midline tenderness, can voluntary move their neck
from side to side, and flex and extend without pain. In all
other patients, a lateral, AP, and open-mouth odontoid view
should be obtained. Although it is not mentioned in the
ATLS® manual, this seems to be a combination of the
Canadian C-spine rules and the Nexus criteria but the cri-
terion painful distracted injury has disappeared between
the sixth and the seventh edition of the ATLS manual [1,
2224]. Possi bly, this was done because the definition of
painful distracting injury is difficult, but if omitted, this
reduces the sensitivity of the clinical decision rule [25].
On the lateral view of the cervical spine film, the base of
the skull to the first thoracic vertebra must be assessed. If
not all seven cervical vertebrae are visualized, a swimmers
view must be obtained and is considered sufficient and safe
[1]. Supine oblique v iews and, contrary to ava ilable
literature, performing a CT scan of this area is not
mentioned [2628]. Further, of all suspicious areas and all
not adequat ely visualized areas, an axial CT with 3-mm
intervals should be obtained. In the cervical spine section,
multidetector CT as sessment with corona l and sagittal
MPRs is not mentioned at all [1].
Performing a CT of the cervical spine without a
preceding conventional radiograph as the screening method
of choice is not mentioned. The recent ACR appropriate-
ness criteria suggest otherwise [29].
To detect occult instability in patients without an altered
level of consciousness, or those who complain of neck pain,
flexion-extension radiographs of the C-spine may be
obtained [1]. As flexion-extension radiographs are often
non-diagnostic and necessitate movement of the spine that
is potentially dangerous, at least, performing a CT first to
exclude osseous injury or a magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) for the detection of ligamentous injury should be
recommended today [27, 29, 30].
MRI is recommended in patients with neurological
deficits to detect an epidural hematoma or a traumatic
herniated disc. Contrary to the ACR appropriateness
criteria, the ATLS states that, when a MRI is not available,
CT myelography may be used [1, 29].
Angiography or CT angiography for the evaluation of
injury to the carotid or vertebral artery is not mentioned [1].
Again, according to the protocol, a cranial CT should be
considered in all head-injured patients with a focal neuro-
logic deficit of which the cause can be localized in the brain,
a Glasgow coma scale less than 15, amnesia, loss of
consciousness of more than 5 min, or severe headaches.
This is insufficient to detect all clinical relevant brain injury.
There is no reference to evidence-based clinical decision
rules such as the Canadian head CT rule, the New Orleans
head CT rule or the CHIP prediction rule [1, 3134].
Thoracic and lumbar spine
The indications for diagnostic imaging are the same as for
the cervical spine. AP and lateral radiographs should be
performed with additional CT of suspicious areas [1].
It is not mentioned that the thoracic and lumbar spine
can be reliably evaluated on a CT of thorax and abdomen.
When a CT of thorax and abdomen has already, or will be,
performed, conventional radiography does not have any
additional value especially when MPRs of the spine are
obtained [35].
Penetrating trauma
Pneumothorax and hemothorax can be diagnosed with a
chest radiograph. Even in patients with a normal chest
radiograph, a CT is advocated for the evaluation of heart,
pericardium, and great vessels in patients with a suspicion
of mediastinum transversing injury. For the heart and
pericardial sac, a CT can be replaced by ultrasound, and
for the major vessels, an angiography can be performed.
For the evaluation of oesophageal injury, esophagography
Emerg Radiol (2007) 14:135141 139
using a water-soluble contrast agent and complementary
esophagoscopy should be performed. The trachea and
bronchial tree can be evaluated by bronchoscopy.
Patients with penetrating injury of the lower chest below
the transnipple line anterior and the inferior tip of the
scapula posterior are considered to have abdominal trauma
as well until proven otherwise [1].
A hemodynamically abnormal patient with a penetrating
abdominal wound does not need diagnostic imaging but
should undergo laparotomy immediately.
In a hemodynamically normal patient, an upright chest
radiograph can document intraperitoneal air and is useful to
exclude hemothorax or pneumothorax. An abdominal radio-
graph (supine, upright, or lateral decubitus) may be useful in
hemodynamically normal patients to detect extra-luminal air
in the retroperitoneum or free air under the diaphragm.
In all patients with penetrating abdominal injury, an
emergency laparotomy is a reasonable option, especially in
patients with gunshot wounds. In initially asymptomatic
patients with a lower chest wound or injuries to the back or
flank, the ATLS® considers double or triple contrast CT,
DPL, and serial physical examination less invasive diag-
nostic options, equivalent to each other [1].
For asymptomatic patients with anterior abdominal stab
wounds, DPL, laparoscopy, and serial physical examination
are mentioned as diagnostic options. However, alth ough
there is a significant body of evidence that this may not be
optimal, CT is not ment ioned as a diagnostic option in these
patients [36].
ATLS® is a well-tried systematic approach for the assess-
ment of trauma patients. In multidisciplinary trauma care, it
is beneficial and, maybe, even mandatory for effective
communication that all members of the trauma team,
including the radiologist, speak the same ATLS® language.
Although imaging should not intervene with or postpone
treatment, a chest radiograph, pelvic radiograph, and FAST
can direct treatment decisions and should be performed in
the primary survey when indicated. Imaging of the cervical
spine is also an adjunct to the primary survey but can be
postponed as long as the spine is immobilized. All other
imaging should be done in the secondary survey.
Unfortunately, according to the ATLS®, CT plays a minor
role in the evaluation of trauma victims. In the ATLS®, chest
CT is only mentioned for the diagnosis of traumatic aortic
injury but, in our experience, chest CT is valuable for the
evaluation of pulmonary contusions and hemothorax and
pneumothorax. Nowadays, abdominal CT is less time
consuming than the ATLS® states and can be used to evaluate
the extent of the abdominal injury in patients in whom no
immediate laparotomy is indicated to evaluate the possibilities
for non-operative management with or without endovascular
embolization. The indications for head CT according to the
ATLS® are insufficient to diagnose all patients with signifi-
cant head injury. CT of the cervical spine can be used as a
primary investigating tool and not only as an adjunct to
conventional radiography. When a CT of the chest and
abdomen is indicated, the thoracic and lumbar spine, as well
as the pelvis, can be evaluated on the axial CT images
combined with coronal and sagittal multiplanar reconstruc-
tions, and in these cases, conventional radiography of the
spine and pelvis do not have any additional diagnostic value.
Because the ATLS® is neither thorough nor up-to-date
concerning several parts of radiology in trauma, it should
not be adopted without questions to define indications for
diagnostic imaging. Consultation between clinicians and
radiologists can improve the efficiency and quality of
diagnostic imaging in trauma patients.
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... Appropriate prehospital management can improve the neurological status of patients upon hospital arrival, a credit often attributed to the immobilisation of the cervical spine during initial response following the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) protocol [5]. Improved neurological outcomes can also be attributed to resuscitation strategies that serve to improve perfusion to the spinal cord. ...
... [45] GCS-simplified neurological exams improve targeted head trauma assessments. [46] GCS, a key factor in earthquake trauma inpatient mortality, emphasizes the need for cautious initial resuscitation in patients with scores of 8 or better due to the high mortality risk in those with low GCS scores deemed unsuitable for treatment. [7,47,48] SAVE's BTS is based on ABA guidelines for modern burn care and triage. ...
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This compilation covers emergency medical management lessons from the February 6 th Kahramanmaraş earthquakes. The objective is to review relevant literature on emergency services patient management, focusing on Koenig’s 1996 Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (START) and Secondary Assessment of Victim Endpoint (SAVE) frameworks. Establishing a comprehensive seismic and mass casualty incident (MCI) protocol chain is the goal. The prehospital phase of seismic MCIs treats hypovolemia and gets patients to the nearest hospital. START-A plans to expedite emergency patient triage and pain management. The SAVE algorithm is crucial for the emergency patient secondary assessment. It advises using Glasgow Coma Scale, Mangled Extremity Severity Score, Burn Triage Score, and Safe Quake Score for admission, surgery, transfer, discharge, and outcomes. This compilation emphasizes the importance of using diagnostic tools like bedside blood gas analyzers and ultrasound devices during the assessment process, drawing from 6 February earthquake research. The findings create a solid framework for improving emergency medical response strategies, making them applicable in similar situations.
... Questions about the mechanism of the injury are important due to delayed and not immediately obvious tissue injuries manifestations, which make it more difficult to determine the definite wound boundaries, and may subsequently require additional debridement 3 . In the case of a strong clinical suspicion (GCS <15 two hours post injury, suspected open skull fracture, sign of base of skull fracture, vomiting more than twice, age >65 years) according to Canadian CT head rule (CCTHR), additional imaging, such as a head CT, is necessary to detect concomitant intracranial, craniofacial, ophthalmological, and cervical spine injuries [3][4][5] . A thorough physical examination of all wounds is required, with attention to detail, to assess soft tissue damage and determine if there are concomitant injuries, where necessary. ...
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Background: Facial wounds are often seen in the emergency department. Whether isolated or associated with cranial injuries or poly-trauma, they can have a significant impact on the patient’s facial aesthetics and consequently, their eminent psychological states. Case presentation: A 63-year-old man was referred to our emergency department with an extensive facial injury, which occurred when a grinder disc for working with metal broke, while he was working at home and hit him with high velocity in the face. The patient was hemodynamically stable with a disfiguring, profusely bleeding wound of the maxilla and mandible. One tooth in the lower jaw had been broken and one was missing. The wound was closed with synthetic, resorbable, interrupted sutures in two layers (the inner layer was buccal mucosa, and the other layer was only the skin). Discussion and conclusion: The extent of damage to soft tissue depends on the type and velocity of the object. Proper wound treatment is necessary, including thorough irrigation, removal of foreign bodies, tension-free closure, reconstruction of anatomical landmarks and correct follow-up. Wound healing starts shortly after the initial tissue trauma, and can take up to several months to complete. Disorder in hemostasis and uncontrolled inflammation can lead to an unfavorable outcome. Facial injuries are treated by general surgeons in only 0.5% of cases, with plastic surgeons, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, and otolaryngologists/head and neck surgeons being the most common specialties. Anatomic, diagnostic, and handling considerations should be analyzed to achieve the best results and minimize late post traumatic deformities. Complex facial reconstruction is possible when treated by an experienced general surgeon.
... Majercik, Fox [11,12] evaluated the incidence of 30-day and 1year mortality among adult trauma patients based on RDW. The results of the study showed that reduced RDW percent is a significant predictor of 30-day mortality in males only and 1-year mortality in both, males and females. ...
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Background Identifying the severity of trauma to provide timely and adequate treatment and predict the prognosis are some of the significant challenges in trauma management. Increased red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is associated with several pathologies and associated mortality. This study aims to evaluate the RDW in predicting 24-hour and 30-day mortality among multiple trauma patients. Methods In this retrospective study, multiple trauma patients with ISS ≤ 16 were included. Blood samples of the patients were collected at 1 hour and 24 hours of the referral to determine RDW. Demographic data, 24-hour and 30-day mortality, injury severity score (ISS), and RDW outcomes were evaluated for all the patients. Results Of the 300 patients included in the study, 52 patients died in the first 24 hours, and 85 patients within 30 days. 1-hour and 24-hour RDW were not significantly different in 30-day mortality patients, P =0.104 and P =0.156, respectively. RDW in 30-day mortality patients was not significantly different at 1-hour and 24-hour, p-value = 0.875. The means ISS in 24-hour, 30-day mortality and survivors was significantly different, P <0.001. Conclusion Our study does not report a significant increase in RDW among 24-hour and 30-day mortality and survivor patients. ISS was significantly different among the two groups.
El sexto volumen del "Compendio en Temas de Imagenología" emerge como un hito destacado en la exploración y comprensión de las fronteras más avanzadas de la imagenología médica. Compilado por distinguidos expertos, este libro ofrece una perspectiva actualizada y exhaustiva de las técnicas, avances y aplicaciones más recientes en diagnóstico por imágenes, consolidándose como una obra esencial para radiólogos y profesionales de la salud dedicados a esta disciplina.
Traumatic injury represents the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in developed countries worldwide. Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST) examination has progressively expanded to include a rapid assessment of almost every aspect of the trauma patient. As a result, ultrasound is viewed not only as a diagnostic tool, but also as an extension of the physical examination.
Standards: A three-view cervical spine series (anteroposterior, lateral, and odontoid views) is recommended for radiographic evaluation of the cervical spine in patients who are symptomatic after traumatic injury. This should be supplemented with computed tomography (CT) to further define areas that are suspicious or not well visualized on the plain cervical x-rays. Guidelines: There is insufficient evidence to support treatment guidelines. Options: It is recommended that cervical spine immobilization in awake patients with neck pain or tenderness and normal cervical spine x-rays (including supplemental CT as necessary) be discontinued after either a) normal and adequate dynamic flexion/extension radiographs, or b) a normal magnetic resonance imaging study is obtained within 48 hours of injury.Cervical spine immobilization in obtunded patients with normal cervical spine x-rays (including supplemental CT as necessary) may be discontinued a) after dynamic flexion/extension studies performed under fluoroscopic guidance, or b) after a normal magnetic resonance imaging study is obtained within 48 hours of injury, or c) at the discretion of the treating physician.
Clinical investigations that provide Class I evidence involving nearly 40,000 patients, plus Class II and III evidence studies involving more than 5000 patients, convincingly demonstrate that asymptomatic patients do not require radiographic assessment of the cervical spine after trauma. The combined negative predictive value of cervical spine x-ray assessment of asymptomatic patients for a significant cervical spine injury is virtually 100% (2, 4-6, 9, 14, 16-18). In contrast, the reported incidence of cervical spine injuries in the symptomatic patient ranged from 1.9 to 6.2% in these Class I evidence studies. Symptomatic patients require radiographic study to rule out the presence of a traumatic cervical spine injury before the cervical spine immobilization is discontinued (2, 4-6, 9, 14, 16-18). The type and extent of radiographic assessment of symptomatic patients after trauma is reviewed in Chapter 5.
Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy between computed tomography (CT) and frontal chest radiography in the diagnosis of malpositioned chest tubes (MCT). Materials and methods: CT scans positive for MCT between March 2000 and March 2004 were reviewed. Two radiologists assessed for intra- and extrathoracic locations of MCT in CT studies. Two physicians who were blinded to the results of CT scans assessed the frontal chest radiographs for location of chest tubes, within the pleural space or outside pleural space. The results of CT were then compared with the results of frontal chest radiographs. Medical records were also reviewed for function of the chest tubes and any complications induced by MCT. Results: CT revealed 28 MCT among the 76 chest tubes that were placed in 54 patients. Among the 28 MCT detected by CT, 23 tubes were in the intrathoracic location (20 intraparenchymal; 3 intrafissural) and 5 tubes were in the extrathoracic location (4 in mediastinum; I in chest wall). Frontal chest radiographs only revealed six MCT. Among 28 MCT, 16 sufficient, 8 insufficient, and 4 indeterminate functions of the chest tubes were noted from medical charts. One patient complicated with lung abscess, four patients had suffered pleural empyema, and one patient suffered active lung parenchymal bleeding, resulting from MCT. Conclusions: CT is more accurate than chest radiograph for the diagnosis of MCT. For selected patients with inadequacy drainage of the tubes and when chest radiograph is noncontributory, CT scan is recommended to clarify the exact location of chest tubes. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A short cut review was carried out to establish whether swimmer's views were better than superior oblique views at visualising the C7/T1 junction. Eleven papers were found using the reported search, of which one presented the best evidence to answer the clinical question. The author, date and country of publication, patient group studied, study type, relevant outcomes, results, and study weaknesses of this best paper are tabulated. A clinical bottom line is stated.
The steady increase in costs related to testing has been a major factor in the overall growth of health care expenses (1). Concern is substantial about the excessive number of tests ordered by physicians without measurable improvement in patients' outcomes (2). This is of particular concern in teaching hospitals, because in addition to the direct impact on national health care expenditures, these are the institutions in which young physicians train and formulate test-ordering practices. Proper selection of imaging tests is a complex process that requires detailed information about the patient; specific ques- tions to be answered; and knowledge of the characteristics of the test, including sensitivity, specificity, risks, and cost. To date, no systematic method exists for combining the expertise of the radiologist with that of the referring physician before the tests are selected. Therefore, we designed a new clinical service within the radiology department that allows formal, on-the-ward consultation to assist internal medicine housestaff in the selec- tion of radiologic tests. The goal of this study was to assess the feasibility of this formal radiology consultation service and to determine how often its imaging recommendations were imple- mented for patients with complicated medical conditions.
Purpose: To test the clinical feasibility and utility of a single-pass, whole-body multidetector CT (MDCT) protocol in the evaluation of the multiple trauma patient. Materials and methods: A whole-body, single-pass MDCT protocol was designed for optimal imaging quality and maximum flexibility for retrospective reconstruction and multiplanar reformation. Five consecutive trauma patients with moderate to severe mechanisms of injury were scanned on an MDCT scanner using the single-pass protocol. Times were recorded for the scan alone and for time spent in the CT bay. Times were compared with those for five random trauma patients scanned on a single-detector helical CT (SDHCT) scanner who were matched for body segments imaged and trauma severity. Results: Compared to SDHCT, MDCT scan times were shortened by a factor of 10 (3 min for MDCT vs 41 for SDHCT) and patient throughput times by a factor of 3 (23 min for MDCT vs 65 for SDHCT). Image quality was mildly compromised in MDCT by beam hardening due to arm position, but overall was comparable to segmental imaging. Conclusion: Whole-body MDCT is feasible and offers a marked time advantage over conventional segmental imaging in multiple trauma patients. Added flexibility through reformation of image data allows imaging evaluation as needed even after the patient has left the scanner bay.
Diaphragm injuries are uncommon consequences of blunt and penetrating trauma. Early diagnosis and repair prevent potentially devastating complications that typically result from visceral herniation through the posttraumatic diaphragm defect. Although clinical and radiographic manifestations frequently are nonspecific, the stalwarts of trauma imaging--chest radiography and CT--typically demonstrate these injuries. To render the appropriate diagnosis, the radiologist must be familiar with the varied imaging manifestations of injury, and maintain a high index of suspicion within the appropriate clinical setting.
As utilization of computed tomography (CT) scans in the evaluation of trauma patients increases, pneumothoraces (PTXs) seen on CT but not on chest X-ray (CXR), known as occult PTXs (OPTXs), are becoming more prevalent. The incidence of PTXs simply missed on CXR among OPTXs is unclear. A previous retrospective review of CXRs at our institution generally confirmed the occult versus missed designation, but lower fidelity images may have biased this determination. Thus, we repeated this evaluation using the high-quality images and improved the methodology. The 70 Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)-quality CXR images were randomly selected from two prospectively collected trauma databases including 22 normal, 5 overt PTX, and 43 study OPTX images. All CXR images were corroborated with multidetector CT imaging. Two blinded fellowship-trained radiologists reviewed and evaluated all the images on an IMPAX viewer. All images were deemed "adequate" except for one CXR by a single reviewer. For PTX diagnosis, agreement was 60% for overt PTXs, 86% for normal CXRs, and 81% for study OPTXs, yielding a kappa statistic of 0.51 (95% confidence interval, 0.22-0.81) indicating moderate agreement. Considering only the cases where the reviewers agreed, 80% of the study OPTXs were truly occult versus missed (95% confidence interval, 63-92%). In the 7 missed PTXs, subcutaneous emphysema (5), pleural line (3), and deep sulcus sign (2) were detected. We estimate that 80% of PTXs considered occult in the trauma room were truly occult. The most common missed sign was subcutaneous emphysema. PTXs are poorly assessed by CXR, and accurate diagnosis should focus on other imaging modalities.