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Differential polymerase activity in avian and mammalian cells determines host range of influenza virus. J. Virol., 81: 9601-9604.

American Society for Microbiology
Journal of Virology

Abstract and Figures

As recently shown, mutations in the polymerase genes causing increased polymerase activity in mammalian cells are responsible for the adaptation of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus SC35 (H7N7) to mice (G. Gabriel et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102:18590-18595, 2005). We have now compared mRNA, cRNA, and viral RNA levels of SC35 and its mouse-adapted variant SC35M in avian and mammalian cells. The increase in levels of transcription and replication of SC35M in mammalian cells was linked to a decrease in avian cells. Thus, the efficiency of the viral polymerase is a determinant of both host specificity and pathogenicity.
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JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, Sept. 2007, p. 9601–9604 Vol. 81, No. 17
0022-538X/07/$08.000 doi:10.1128/JVI.00666-07
Copyright © 2007, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
Differential Polymerase Activity in Avian and Mammalian Cells
Determines Host Range of Influenza Virus
G. Gabriel, M. Abram, B. Keiner, R. Wagner,† H.-D. Klenk,* and J. Stech‡
Institut fuer Virologie, Philipps-Universita¨t Marburg, Hans-Meerwein-Str. 2, 35043 Marburg, Germany
Received 28 March 2007/Accepted 6 June 2007
As recently shown, mutations in the polymerase genes causing increased polymerase activity in mam-
malian cells are responsible for the adaptation of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus SC35
(H7N7) to mice (G. Gabriel et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102:18590–18595, 2005). We have now
compared mRNA, cRNA, and viral RNA levels of SC35 and its mouse-adapted variant SC35M in avian and
mammalian cells. The increase in levels of transcription and replication of SC35M in mammalian cells
was linked to a decrease in avian cells. Thus, the efficiency of the viral polymerase is a determinant of both
host specificity and pathogenicity.
Influenza A viruses have wild aquatic birds as natural
hosts, in which they occur with a large variety of different
strains defined by 16 HA and 9 NA subtypes (15). Since the
host barrier is not an insurmountable obstacle for these
viruses, they can occasionally be transmitted from their nat-
ural reservoir to terrestrial birds and mammals, including
humans. Most of these transmissions are transient. On rare
occasions, the viruses adapt to the new species and give rise
to a new lineage. Adaptation requires multiple mutations
and may involve gene reassortment after coinfection with
another virus. By these mechanisms, the human H1N1,
H2N2, and H3N2 viruses, which caused the pandemics in
1918, 1957, and 1968, respectively, were generated (24, 26).
More recently, avian influenza viruses of subtypes H5N1,
H7N7, and H9N2 were transmitted from chickens directly to
humans, posing a severe pandemic threat (2, 6, 16, 22).
Species specificity has long been known to be a multifacto-
rial trait depending on most viral genes and many host
factors (9, 10, 18, 20). However, there is increasing evidence
that some viral proteins are particularly important for host
adaptation, among them the viral polymerase, which cata-
lyzes both the transcription of viral genomic RNA (vRNA)
to mRNA and the replication of vRNA with cRNA as an
intermediate. The polymerase, a heterotrimeric complex
consisting of subunits PB2, PB1, and PA (1), is active in the
nucleus. Nuclear and cytoplasmic host proteins serve as
cofactors of the polymerase (3, 4). Several important mark-
ers of host range and pathogenicity have been identified in
the polymerase genes. Numerous studies have shown that
adaptation of an avian virus to a mammalian host was linked
to the PB2 mutation E627K (11, 14, 21). However, other
mutations in the polymerase proteins or the associated NP
protein may also be involved. Thus, when comparing the
avian SC35 strain (H7N7) with its mouse-adapted variant
SC35M, we previously identified six mutations in SC35M
responsible for the increased virulence in mice (L13P and
S678N in PB1, D701N and S714R in PB2, K615N in PA, and
N319K in NP). By showing that the increase in virulence
correlated with enhanced polymerase activity in mammalian
cells, we also provided an explanation for the mechanism
underlying the adaptation process (7). It was not clear, how-
ever, from this study whether the increased polymerase ac-
tivity of SC35M was host dependent and whether replication
or transcription, or both, were affected. Here, therefore, we
have analyzed mRNA, cRNA, and vRNA synthesis in avian
and mammalian cells. Furthermore, we have compared the
pathogenicity of SC35 and SC35M in chicken embryos.
Transmission and replication of SC35 and SC35M in avian
and mammalian cells. To compare the transcription and rep-
lication properties of SC35 and SC35M, we performed primer
extension assays as described previously (5, 25). In primary
chicken embryo fibroblasts, mRNA, cRNA, and vRNA levels
of SC35M were only 40%, 30%, and 70% of SC35 levels,
respectively (100%) (Fig. 1A). In quail fibrosarcoma (QT6)
cells, SC35M activities were also reduced (Fig. 1B). In human
embryo kidney (293T) cells, however, SC35M showed signifi-
cantly higher transcription and replication activities than SC35
(Fig. 1C). Results obtained for monkey kidney (Vero) cells
were similar to those for 293T cells (Fig. 1D). These data
confirm our previous observations showing that SC35M has a
replicative advantage over SC35 in mammalian cells (7). They
also demonstrate that, vice versa, in avian cells SC35 replicates
more efficiently than SC35M.
Effects of individual mutations on transcription and repli-
cation. To find out how individual mutations acquired during
the adaptation process contributed to the functional differ-
ences in avian and mammalian cells, we studied a series of
recombinant SC35 mutants comprising, on the one hand, sin-
gle-gene reassortants (SGR viruses) of SC35 in which one
complete polymerase gene was replaced with the correspond-
ing SC35M gene and, on the other hand, SC35 recombinants
with SC35M-specific single point mutations (SPM viruses) (7).
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Institut fuer Virologie,
Philipps-Universita¨t Marburg, Hans-Meerwein-Str. 2, 35043 Marburg,
Germany. Phone: 49 6421 2866253. Fax: 49 6421 2868962. E-mail:
† Present address: Paul Ehrlich Institut, Paul Ehrlich Str. 51-59,
63225 Langen, Germany.
‡ Present address: Friedrich-Lo¨ffler-Institut, Bundesforschungsinsti-
tut fu¨r Tiergesundheit, Institut fu¨r Molekularbiologie, Boddenblick 5a,
17493 Greifswald, Insel Riems, Germany.
Published ahead of print on 13 June 2007.
First, we examined the SGR viruses for transcription and
replication properties in QT6 cells. SC35-PB2
, SC35-
, and SC35-NP
showed mRNA, cRNA, and
vRNA levels similar to those of SC35. However, SC35-
had lost the high transcription and replication prop
erties of SC35 (Fig. 2A). The reductions in transcription and
replication levels observed with SC35-PB1
were similar
to the reductions obtained with SC35M, indicating that PB1 of
SC35 is a crucial factor for transcription and replication in
avian cells. We then analyzed SPM viruses with PB1 point
mutations in QT6 cells. SC35-PB1
showed mRNA and
vRNA levels similar to those of SC35, whereas cRNA levels
were reduced. However, the mRNA and vRNA levels of SC35-
were higher than those of SC35, while cRNA levels
were unchanged (Fig. 2A).
To determine which of the SC35M-specific mutations con-
tribute to the increased transcription and replication levels in
mammalian cells, we then analyzed RNA levels in Vero cells.
With SC35-PB1
and SC35-NP
, mRNA, cRNA and
vRNA levels were increased, while SC35-PA
only vRNA enhancement (Fig. 2B). Therefore, the PB1 or NP
gene segment of SC35M, when introduced into the SC35 back-
ground, significantly enhanced both transcription and replica-
tion activities in mammalian cells. The PB2 and PA gene seg-
ments of SC35M enhanced replication slightly, whereas
mRNA levels remained unchanged. Finally, to throw light on
the effects of the individual mutations in PB1 and PB2, we
analyzed the respective PB1 and PB2 SPM viruses. SC35-
had increased mRNA and cRNA levels, while all RNA
species were strongly enhanced with SC35-PB1
. SC35-
and SC35-PB2
also showed increased mRNA and
cRNA levels, but there was no significant effect on vRNA
(Fig. 2B).
Taken together, the data shown in Fig. 2A and B demon-
strate that, in Vero cells, all mutations elevated transcription
and replication efficiently; none of them affected transcription
or replication exclusively. With some mutations, including the
PB1 mutation S678N, the PB1 double mutation L13P S678N,
and the PB2 double mutation D701N S714R, mRNA, cRNA,
and vRNA levels were elevated to similar extents. With other
mutants, enhancement was disproportionate. PA mutation
K615N and NP mutation N319K stimulate vRNA synthesis
more than mRNA and cRNA synthesis. The PB2 mutations
D701N and S714R do not enhance vRNA levels as much as
mRNA and cRNA levels. However, except for PB1 mutation
L13P, all mutations caused similar mRNA and cRNA shifts,
suggesting that mRNA and cRNA synthesis are closely linked.
This observation is interesting because it is compatible with the
proposal that mRNA and cRNA are synthesized simulta-
neously early in infection (25), but it does not rule out the
classical model implicating a switch from early transcription to
subsequent replication (8, 13, 19). PB2 mutations D701N and
S714R and NP mutation N319K, which are convergent with
H5N1 strains (7), also enhance the polymerase activity of re-
constituted RNP complexes in mammalian cells when trans-
ferred into the PB2 and NP genes of an unrelated avian virus
(Fig. 3). This result demonstrates that these mutations act in
mammalian cells independently of the context of the virus
genome. Whereas each individual mutation alters polymerase
activities quite significantly in mammalian cells, the effects are
FIG. 1. Transcription and replication activities of SC35 and SC35M in avian and mammalian cells. mRNA, cRNA, and vRNA levels in SC35-
and SC35M-infected chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) (A), quail fibrosarcoma (QT6) cells (B), human embryo kidney (293T) cells (C), and
African green monkey kidney (Vero) cells (D) were determined by primer extension. Primer extension analysis was performed 14 h after
inoculation at a multiplicity of infection of 0.1. Transcription products of three independent experiments were quantified using TINA 2.0 software.
The results shown are derived from three independent experiments.
9602 NOTES J. V
less distinct in avian cells. Only the PB1 double mutation L13P
S678N reduced transcription and replication activities to the
levels observed with SC35M. Interestingly, the PB1 mutation
S678N alone raised these activities in avian as well as mam-
malian cells, suggesting that the enhancing effect of this mu-
tation is host independent. Most mutations, however, did not
alter RNA synthesis in avian cells. These observations support
the notion that the virus, when crossing the species barrier,
goes through a phase that allows gradual acquisition of adap-
tive mutations without losing fitness for the old host. Such
conditions should favor the development of the constellation
of mutations necessary for optimal growth in mammalian cells.
Pathogenicity of SC35 and SC35M in chicken embryos. It
has been reported previously that both SC35 and SC35M are
pathogenic for chickens (12). However, that study was per-
formed with adult chickens and at a high inoculation dose of
PFU that did not allow quantitative assessment of the
virulence of these viruses. Therefore, we determined the 50%
egg lethal dose (ELD
) and the mean time to death (MDT)
for SC35 and SC35M in 11-day-old embryonated chicken eggs
as described previously (17, 24). Eggs were inoculated with
10-fold virus dilutions ranging from 10
to 10
showed lower virulence (ELD
, 11.5 log
PFU) and mortality
(MDT, 96 h) in chicken embryos than SC35 (ELD
, 0.2 log
FIG. 2. Transcription and replication activities of SGR and SPM viruses in avian and mammalian cells. Quail fibrosarcoma (QT6) cells (A) and
African green monkey kidney (Vero) cells (B) were infected with SC35, SGR viruses (SC35-PB1
, SC35-PB2
, SC35-PA
, and
), and SPM viruses (SC35-PB2
, SC35-PB2
, SC35-PB1
, and SC35-PB1
) at a multiplicity of infection of 0.1. At 14 h
postinfection, mRNA, cRNA, and vRNA levels were determined by primer extension. The results shown are derived from three independent
OL. 81, 2007 NOTES 9603
PFU; MDT, 24 h). These data demonstrate that the reduced
transcription and replication activity of SC35M in avian cells
corresponds to diminished virulence, while the high transcrip-
tion and replication properties of SC35 in avian cells corre-
spond to increased virulence in chicken embryos. Replication
efficiency is therefore a determinant not only of host range but
also of pathogenicity.
Our results suggest that the mutations observed with SC35M
mediate the adaptation of the viral polymerase complex to host
factors. This concept is supported by a recent study in which the
structure of the C-terminal domain of PB2 was elucidated. It
revealed that the mutation sites 701 and 714 are exposed at the
surface of the molecule, where they interact with a bipartite nu-
clear localization signal that promotes transport into the nucleus
by binding to importin 5 (23). Structural analysis of the NP
protein has shown that the mutation site 319 is also located at the
surface of the molecule, and it has been proposed that it may
mediate binding to other subunits of the polymerase (27). Thus, it
appears that the mutations responsible for adaptation to a new
host alter interaction with host factors by affecting the contact site
either directly, or indirectly by inducing structural changes in
other subunits of the polymerase.
We are indebted to the late R. Rott and the late M. Orlich, who
established the SC35–SC35M system. We thank G. G. Brownlee, E.
Fodor, T. Jung, and K. Hara for providing protocols on the primer
extension method and for helpful discussions.
This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,
grants SFB 593-TPB1 and DFG-Kl238/9-1; by the European Commis-
sion, SPSB-CT-2006-044263 (FLUPOL); and by the Fonds der Che-
mischen Industrie.
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FIG. 3. Effects of PB2 mutations D701N and S714R and NP mu-
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... The PB1 protein of the Tunisian H9N2 strains that were isolated during the period from 2015 to 2019 contains the conserved residues 13P, 207 K, 436Y and 622 G. These residues are associated with increased tropism to mammalian host receptors (Gabriel et al., 2007). All H9N2 isolates included in the analysis showed point mutations in the cap-binding region of the PB2 protein: E249A (strains isolated during the period from 2015 to 2018) and k339Q (strains isolated in 2015 and 2018) and K339 (strains isolated in 2016, 2017 and 2018). ...
Full-text available
Avian influenza virus subtype H9N2 is endemic in commercial poultry in Tunisia. This subtype affects poultry and wild birds in Tunisia and poses a potential zoonotic risk. Tunisian H9N2 strains carry, in their hemagglutinins, the human-like marker 226 L that is most influential in avian-to-human viral transmission. For a better understanding of how ecological aspects of the H9N2 virus and its circulation in poultry, migratory birds and environment shapes the spread of the dissemination of H9N2 in Tunisia, herein, we investigate the epidemiological, evolutionary and zoonotic potential of seven H9N2 poultry isolates and sequence their whole genome. Phylogeographic and phylodymanic analysis were used to examine viral spread within and among wild birds, poultry and environment at geographical scales. Genetic evolution results showed that the eight gene sequences of Tunisian H9N2 AIV were characterized by molecular markers involved with virulence and mammalian infections. The geographical distribution of avian influenza virus appears as a network interconnecting countries in Europe, Asia, North Africa and West Africa. The spatiotemporal dynamics analysis showed that the H9N2 virus was transmitted from Tunisia to neighboring countries notably Libya and Algeria. Interestingly, this study also revealed, for the first time, that there was a virus transmission between Tunisia and Morocco. Bayesian analysis showed exchanges between H9N2 strains of Tunisia and those of the Middle Eastern countries, analysis of host traits showed that duck, wild birds and environment were ancestry related to chicken. The subtypes phylodynamic showed that PB1 segment was under multiple inter-subtype reassortment events with H10N7, H12N5, H5N2 and H6N1 and that PB2 was also a subject of inter-subtype reassortment with H10N4.
... Similar host-adapt ing mutations/interactions have been described for the PB2 subunit of the influenza virus (18). Likewise, the differential activity of the influenza virus polymerase varies between mammalian and avian cells contributing toward host range (31) and mutation of the polymerase complex led to adaptation in a new species (32,33). ...
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SARS-CoV-2 emerged in the human population in late 2019, and human-to-human transmission has dominated the evolutionary landscape and driven the selection of different lineages. The first major change that resulted in increased transmission was the D614G substitution in the spike protein. This was accompanied by the P323L substitution in the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (NSP12). Together with D614G, these changes are the root of the predominant global SARS-CoV-2 landscape. Here, we found that NSP12 formed an interactome with cellular proteins. The functioning of NSP12 was dependent on the T-complex protein ring complex, a molecular chaperone. In contrast, there was a differential association between NSP12 variants and components of a phosphatase complex (PP2/PP2A and STRN3). The virus expressing NSP12 L323 was less sensitive to perturbations in PP2A and supports the paradigm that ongoing genotype to phenotype adaptation of SARS-CoV-2 in humans is not exclusively restricted to the spike protein. IMPORTANCE SARS-CoV-2 has caused a worldwide health and economic crisis. During the course of the pandemic, genetic changes occurred in the virus, which have resulted in new properties of the virus—particularly around gains in transmission and the ability to partially evade either natural or vaccine-acquired immunity. Some of these viruses have been labeled Variants of Concern (VoCs). At the root of all VoCs are two mutations, one in the viral spike protein that has been very well characterized and the other in the virus polymerase (NSP12). This is the viral protein responsible for replicating the genome. We show that NSP12 associates with host cell proteins that act as a scaffold to facilitate the function of this protein. Furthermore, we found that different variants of NSP12 interact with host cell proteins in subtle and different ways, which affect function.
... Thus, LPAIV circulating in wild birds poses an indirect threat to poultry and public health. It has been reported that A/H5N1 has the potential to be widely introduced into Africa by wild birds migrating from Europe, where A/H5N1 is present [12], and circulated within Africa from countries already experiencing outbreaks. In conclusion, the present study reports, for the rst time, the full-length genome sequences of ve AIV H9N2 isolated from greater amingo (GF) (P. ...
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H9N2 avian influenza viruses (AIV) have been isolated from various species of wild birds and domestic poultry worldwide. They have been described to not only infect mammals directly, but also provide gene segments to generate novel but lethal human reassortants. H9N2 AIV has circulated in Tunisian commercial poultry since 2009 and poses a serious threat to the poultry industry. In the present study, we investigate five H9N2 viruses isolated from greater flamingoes (GF) ( Phoenicopterus roseus ), gray-headed gull (GHG) ( Chroicocephalus crirrocephalus ), black-winged stilt (BWS) ( Himantopus himantopus ), and lagoon water (EN) from Maamoura Lagoon, Korba Lagoon, and Kuriat Island in Tunisia from 2014–2018. Full-length genome sequences of AIV H9N2.Viral sequence analyses showed several amino acid changes related to viral adaptation to mammals. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the five isolates belonged to the same sublineage G1and were close to AIV H9N2 poultry strains isolated in North Africa, West Africa, and the Middle East. At the hemagglutinin (HA) cleavage site, viruses (GF/120/15), (BSW/119/18), (GHG/216/18), and (EN/117/18) had the 335RSSR/GLF341 motif. However, (GF/121/14) undergo punctual substitutions at the HA1/HA2genesand acquires the dibasic pattern 335KSSR/GLF341.All Tunisian viruses carried in their hemagglutinins the human-like marker 226L, which is important for avian-to-human viral transmission. The neuraminidase (NA) of the five viruses showed S372A and R403W substitutions previously detected in H9N2 from Asia and the Middle East and in H3N2 and H2N2 strains reported in human pandemics. Many mutations associated with mammalian infections have been detected in internal proteins. Chicken experiments (IPIV) show that the five Tunisian viruses displayed low pathogenicity, causing mild symptoms in chickens. The virus could not kill mice, and merely replicated when administrated to mice. To our knowledge, this is the first study to address the evolution, pathogenicity, and transmission of the H9N2 viruses isolated from wild birds, waterfowl, and lagoon water in North Africa. Our results indicate that we should pay greater attention to H9N2 AIV surveillance in wilds birds. These results provide new insights into the measures that need to be undertaken regarding the role of wild birds in AIV introduction and persistence in Tunisia.
... The PB1 of all the studied H9N2 viruses showed residues 13P, 207 K, and 436Y that are associated with AIV adaptation to mammals (Gabriel et al., 2007). Gene analysis of PB2 protein demonstrated that amino acid 251 K was identified for GF/15. ...
H9N2 avian influenza virus (AIV) has been isolated from various species of wild birds and domestic poultry worldwide. It has been reported since the late 1990s, that H9N2 AIV has infected humans as reported in some Asian and North African countries. This subtype has already been circulating and constituting a serious threat to the poultry industry in Tunisia back in 2009. To investigate zoonotic potential and pathogenicity of H9N2 AIV in chickens and mice in Tunisia, five strains have been isolated during the period from 2014 to 2018. Samples were withdrawn from several wild bird species and environment (lagoon water) of Maamoura and Korba Lagoons as well as Kuriat Island. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the isolated H9N2 strains belonged to the G1-like sublineage and were close to AIV H9N2 poultry viruses from North Africa, West Africa and the Middle East. All strains carried in their hemagglutinin the residue 226L, which is an important marker for avian-to-human viral transmission. The hemagglutinin cleavage site has several motifs: PSKSSR/G, PARSSR/G and HARSSR/G. The neuraminidase showed S372A and R403W substitutions that have been previously detected in H3N2 and H2N2 viruses that were reported in human pandemics. Many mutations associated with mammalian infections have been detected in internal proteins. Pathogenicity evaluation in chickens showed that GF/14 replicates effectively in the lungs, tracheas, spleens, kidneys and brains and that it was transmitted among contact chickens. However, GHG/18 replicates poorly in chickens and has not an efficient transmission in contact chickens. GF/14 and GHG/18 could not kill mice though they replicated in their respiratory tract and caused a significant body weight loss (p < 0.05). This study highlights the importance of H9N2 AIV monitoring in both migratory birds and the environment to prevent virus transmission to humans.
Since the influenza pandemic in 1968, influenza A(H3N2) viruses have become endemic. In this state, H3N2 viruses continuously evolve to overcome immune pressure as a result of prior infection or vaccination, as is evident from the accumulation of mutations in the surface glycoproteins hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA). However, phylogenetic studies have also demonstrated ongoing evolution in the influenza A(H3N2) virus RNA polymerase complex genes. The RNA polymerase complex of seasonal influenza A(H3N2) viruses produces mRNA for viral protein synthesis and replicates the negative sense viral RNA genome (vRNA) through a positive sense complementary RNA intermediate (cRNA). Presently, the consequences and selection pressures driving the evolution of the polymerase complex remain largely unknown. Here we characterize the RNA polymerase complex of seasonal influenza A(H3N2) viruses representative of nearly 50 years of influenza A(H3N2) virus evolution. The H3N2 polymerase complex is a reassortment of human and avian influenza virus genes. We show that since 1968, influenza A(H3N2) viruses have increased the transcriptional activity of the polymerase complex while retaining a close balance between mRNA, vRNA and cRNA levels. Interestingly, the increased polymerase complex activity did not result in increased replicative ability on differentiated human airway epithelial (HAE) cells. We hypothesize that the evolutionary increase in polymerase complex activity of influenza A(H3N2) viruses may compensate for the reduced HA receptor binding and avidity that is the result of the antigenic evolution of influenza A(H3N2) viruses.
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Since 2020, a significant increase in the severity of H5Nx highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) epidemics in poultry and wild birds has been observed in Poland. To further investigate the genetic diversity of HPAI H5Nx viruses of clade, HPAIV-positive samples collected from dead wild birds in 2020–2022 were phylogenetically characterized. In addition, zoonotic potential and possible reassortment between HPAIVs and LPAIVs circulating in the wild avifauna in Poland have been examined. The genome-wide phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of three different avian influenza virus (AIV) subtypes (H5N8, H5N5, and H5N1) during the HPAI 2020/2021 season, while in the next HPAI 2021/2022 epidemic only one H5N1 subtype encompassing seven various genotypes (G1–G7) was confirmed. No reassortment events between LPAIVs (detected in the framework of active surveillance) and HPAIVs circulating in Poland have been captured, but instead, epidemiological links between wild birds and poultry due to bidirectional, i.e., wild bird-to-poultry and poultry-to-wild bird HPAIV transmission were evident. Furthermore, at least five independent H5N8 HPAIV introductions into the Baltic Sea region related to unprecedented mass mortality among swans in February–March 2021 in Poland, as well as a general tendency of current H5Nx viruses to accumulate specific mutations associated with the ability to break the interspecies barrier were identified. These results highlight the importance of continuous active and passive surveillance for AI to allow a rapid response to emerging viruses.
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Abstract: Despite the panzootic nature of emergent highly pathogenic avian influenza H5Nx viruses in wild migratory birds and domestic poultry, only a limited number of human infections with H5Nx viruses have been identified since its emergence in 1996. Few countries with endemic avian influenza viruses (AIVs) have implemented vaccination as a control strategy, while most of the countries have adopted a culling strategy for the infected flocks. To date, China and Egypt are the two major sites where vaccination has been adopted to control avian influenza H5Nx infections, especially with the widespread circulation of clade H5N1 viruses. This virus is currently circulating among birds and poultry, with occasional spillovers to mammals, including humans. Herein, we will discuss the history of AIVs in Egypt as one of the hotspots for infections and the improper implementation of prophylactic and therapeutic control strategies, leading to continuous flock outbreaks with remarkable virus evolution scenarios. Along with current pre-pandemic preparedness efforts, comprehensive surveillance of H5Nx viruses in wild birds, domestic poultry, and mammals, including humans, in endemic areas is critical to explore the public health risk of the newly emerging immune-evasive or drug-resistant H5Nx variants.
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The Mexican lineage H7N3 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) has persisted in Mexican poultry since its first isolation in 2012. To date, the detection of this virus has gradually expanded from the initial one state to 18 states in Mexico. Despite the HPAIV H7N3 outbreak occurring yearly, the transmission pathways have never been studied, disallowing the establishment of effective control measures. We used a phylogenetic approach to unravel the transmission pathways of 2022 H7N3 HPAIVs in the new outbreak areas in Northern Mexico. We present genetic data of H7N3 viruses produced from 18 poultry farms infected in the spring of 2022. Our results indicate that the virus responsible for the current outbreak in Northern Mexico evolved from the Mexican lineage H7N3 HPAIV discovered in 2012. In the current outbreak, we identified five clusters of infection with four noticeably different genetic backgrounds. It is a cluster IV-like virus that was transmitted into one northern state causing an outbreak, then spreading to another neighboring northern state, possibly via a human-mediated mechanical transmission mechanism. The long-distance transmission event highlights the necessity for the more rigorous enforcement of biosafety measures in outbreaks. Additionally, we examined the evolutionary processes shaping the viral genetic and antigenic diversities. It is imperative to enhance active surveillance to include birds, the environment, and humans to detect HPAI in domestic poultry at an earlier point and eliminate it.
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Introduction Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreaks caused by the Gs/Gd lineage of H5Nx viruses occur in Poland with increased frequency. The article provides an update on the HPAI situation in the 2020/2021 season and studies the possible factors that caused the exceptionally fast spread of the virus. Material and Methods Samples from poultry and wild birds delivered for HPAI diagnosis were tested by real-time RT-PCR and a representative number of detected viruses were submitted for partial or full-genome characterisation. Information yielded by veterinary inspection was used for descriptive analysis of the epidemiological situation. Results The scale of the epidemic in the 2020/2021 season was unprecedented in terms of duration (November 2020–August 2021), number of outbreaks in poultry (n = 357), wild bird events (n = 92) and total number of affected domestic birds (approximately ~14 million). The major drivers of the virus spread were the harsh winter conditions in February 2020 followed by the introduction of the virus to high-density poultry areas in March 2021. All tested viruses belonged to H5 clade with significant intra-clade diversity and in some cases clearly distinguished clusters. Conclusion The HPAI epidemic in 2020/2021 in Poland struck with unprecedented force. The conventional control measures may have limited effectiveness to break the transmission chain in areas with high concentrations of poultry.
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The outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza of the H5N1 subtype in Asia, which has subsequently spread to Russia, the Middle East, Europe, and Africa, has put increased focus on the role of wild birds in the persistence of influenza viruses. The ecology, epidemiology, genetics, and evolution of pathogens cannot be fully understood without taking into account the ecology of their hosts. Here, we review our current knowledge on global patterns of influenza virus infections in wild birds, discuss these patterns in the context of host ecology and in particular birds' behavior, and identify some important gaps in our current knowledge.
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In this review we examine the hypothesis that aquatic birds are the primordial source of all influenza viruses in other species and study the ecological features that permit the perpetuation of influenza viruses in aquatic avian species. Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequence of influenza A virus RNA segments coding for the spike proteins (HA, NA, and M2) and the internal proteins (PB2, PB1, PA, NP, M, and NS) from a wide range of hosts, geographical regions, and influenza A virus subtypes support the following conclusions. (i) Two partly overlapping reservoirs of influenza A viruses exist in migrating waterfowl and shorebirds throughout the world. These species harbor influenza viruses of all the known HA and NA subtypes. (ii) Influenza viruses have evolved into a number of host-specific lineages that are exemplified by the NP gene and include equine Prague/56, recent equine strains, classical swine and human strains, H13 gull strains, and all other avian strains. Other genes show similar patterns, but with extensive evidence of genetic reassortment. Geographical as well as host-specific lineages are evident. (iii) All of the influenza A viruses of mammalian sources originated from the avian gene pool, and it is possible that influenza B viruses also arose from the same source. (iv) The different virus lineages are predominantly host specific, but there are periodic exchanges of influenza virus genes or whole viruses between species, giving rise to pandemics of disease in humans, lower animals, and birds. (v) The influenza viruses currently circulating in humans and pigs in North America originated by transmission of all genes from the avian reservoir prior to the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic; some of the genes have subsequently been replaced by others from the influenza gene pool in birds. (vi) The influenza virus gene pool in aquatic birds of the world is probably perpetuated by low-level transmission within that species throughout the year. (vii) There is evidence that most new human pandemic strains and variants have originated in southern China. (viii) There is speculation that pigs may serve as the intermediate host in genetic exchange between influenza viruses in avian and humans, but experimental evidence is lacking. (ix) Once the ecological properties of influenza viruses are understood, it may be possible to interdict the introduction of new influenza viruses into humans.
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Reassortant viruses which possessed the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes of wild-type human influenza A viruses and the remaining six RNA segments (internal genes) of the avian A/Pintail/Alberta/119/79 (H4N6) virus were previously found to be attenuated in humans. To study the genetic basis of this attenuation, we isolated influenza A/Pintail/79 X A/Washington/897/80 reassortant viruses which contained human influenza virus H3N2 surface glycoprotein genes and various combinations of avian or human influenza virus internal genes. Twenty-four reassortant viruses were isolated and first evaluated for infectivity in avian (primary chick kidney [PCK]) and mammalian (Madin-Darby canine kidney [MDCK]) tissue culture lines. Reassortant viruses with two specific constellations of viral polymerase genes exhibited a significant host range restriction of replication in mammalian (MDCK) tissue culture compared with that in avian (PCK) tissue culture. The viral polymerase genotype PB2-avian (A) virus, PB1-A virus, and PA-human (H) virus was associated with a 900-fold restriction, while the viral polymerase genotype PB2-H, PB1-A, and PA-H was associated with an 80,000-fold restriction of replication in MDCK compared with that in PCK. Fifteen reassortant viruses were subsequently evaluated for their level of replication in the respiratory tract of squirrel monkeys, and two genetic determinants of attenuation were identified. First, reassortant viruses which possessed the avian influenza virus nucleoprotein gene were as restricted in replication as a virus which possessed all six internal genes of the avian influenza A virus parent, indicating that the nucleoprotein gene is the major determinant of attenuation of avian-human A/Pintail/79 reassortant viruses for monkeys. Second, reassortant viruses which possessed the viral polymerase gene constellation of PB2-H, PB1-A, and PA-H, which was associated with the greater degree of host range restriction in vitro, were highly restricted in replication in monkeys. Since the avian-human influenza reassortant viruses which expressed either mode of attenuation in monkeys replicated to high titer in eggs and in PCK tissue culture, their failure to replicate efficiently in the respiratory epithelium of primates must be due to the failure of viral factors to interact with primate host cell factors. The implications of these findings for the development of live-virus vaccines and for the evolution of influenza A viruses in nature are discussed.
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The two steps in influenza virus RNA replication are (i) the synthesis of template RNAs, i.e., full-length copies of the virion RNAs, and (ii) the copying of these template RNAs into new virion RNAs. We prepared nuclear extracts from infected HeLa cells that catalyzed both template RNA and virion RNA synthesis in vitro in the absence of an added primer. Antibody depletion experiments implicated nucleocapsid protein molecules not associated with nucleocapsids in template RNA synthesis for antitermination at the polyadenylation site used during viral mRNA synthesis. Experiments with the WSN influenza virus temperature-sensitive mutant ts56 containing a defect in the nucleocapsid protein proved that the nucleocapsid protein was indeed required for template RNA synthesis both in vivo and in vitro. Nuclear extracts prepared from mutant virus-infected cells synthesized template RNA at the permissive temperature but not at the nonpermissive temperature, whereas the synthesis of mRNA-size transcripts was not decreased at the nonpermissive temperature. Antibody depletion experiments showed that nucleocapsid protein molecules not associated with nucleocapsids were also required for the copying of template RNA into virion RNA. In contrast to the situation with the synthesis of transcripts complementary to virion RNA, no discrete termination product(s) were made during virion RNA synthesis in vitro in the absence of nucleocapsid protein molecules.
In this review we examine the hypothesis that aquatic birds are the primordial source of all influenza viruses in other species and study the ecological features that permit the perpetuation of influenza viruses in aquatic avian species. Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequence of influenza A virus RNA segments coding for the spike proteins (HA, NA, and M2) and the internal proteins (PB2, PB1, PA, NP, M, and NS) from a wide range of hosts, geographical regions, and influenza A virus subtypes support the following conclusions. (i) Two partly overlapping reservoirs of influenza A viruses exist in migrating waterfowl and shorebirds throughout the world. These species harbor influenza viruses of all the known HA and NA subtypes. (ii) Influenza viruses have evolved into a number of host-specific lineages that are exemplified by the NP gene and include equine Prague/56, recent equine strains, classical swine and human strains, H13 gull strains, and all other avian strains. Other genes show similar patterns, but with extensive evidence of genetic reassortment. Geographical as well as host-specific lineages are evident. (iii) All of the influenza A viruses of mammalian sources originated from the avian gene pool, and it is possible that influenza B viruses also arose from the same source. (iv) The different virus lineages are predominantly host specific, but there are periodic exchanges of influenza virus genes or whole viruses between species, giving rise to pandemics of disease in humans, lower animals, and birds. (v) The influenza viruses currently circulating in humans and pigs in North America originated by transmission of all genes from the avian reservoir prior to the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic; some of the genes have subsequently been replaced by others from the influenza gene pool in birds. (vi) The influenza virus gene pool in aquatic birds of the world is probably perpetuated by low-level transmission within that species throughout the year. (vii) There is evidence that most new human pandemic strains and variants have originated in southern China. (viii) There is speculation that pigs may serve as the intermediate host in genetic exchange between influenza viruses in avian and humans, but experimental evidence is lacking. (ix) Once the ecological properties of influenza viruses are understood, it may be possible to interdict the introduction of new influenza viruses into humans.
Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) cores of influenza virus A/PR/8/34 were dissociated into RNA polymerase (PB1-PB2-PA complex)-associated genome RNA and nuclear protein (NP) fractions by CsCl centrifugation. The RNA polymerase-RNA complexes were capable of catalyzing the endonucleolytic cleavage of capped RNA, the initiation of primer-dependent RNA synthesis, and the synthesis of small-sized RNA, but were unable to synthesize template-sized RNA. By adding the NP protein to the RNA polymerase complexes, RNP (RNA polymerase-RNA-NP) complexes were reconstituted; they synthesized tem plate-sized transcripts as did native RNP cores. These observations are consistent with the model where viral RNA polymerase is composed of the three P proteins while NP is essential for the elongation of RNA chains. RNP was completely dissociated into RNA-free proteins (PB1, PB2, PA, and NP) and a protein-free genome RNA fraction by centrifugation in cesium trifluoroacetate (CsTFA) and glycerol. By mixing the protein and RNA fractions, primer-dependent RNA-synthesizing activity was regained. These complexes, however, produced only small-sized RNA, presumably due to incorrect assembly of NP on viral RNA.
Temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of fowl plague virus with a ts-lesion in segment 1 (ts 3, polymerase 1 gene) or segment 2 (ts 90, transport gene) do not form plaques on MDCK cells at the permissive temperature, while the wild type and ts-mutants of other groups are able to do so. This property is correlated with the ts-lesion, since revertants for the ts-lesion of ts 3 and ts 90 again form plaques on MDCK cells. The block on MDCK cells--at least for ts3--may be located in a late function, since viral RNA polymerase and hemagglutinin are formed in almost normal yields. MDCK cells infected with ts 3 or ts 90 exhibit a retarded cytopathic effect at 33 degrees C, but no cytopathic effect at 39 degrees C, at which temperature the infected cells can be passaged and super-infected with the wild type strain. Cells surviving the infection with ts 90 at 33 degrees C sometimes grow out again to a normal monolayer. It is suggested that the spread of virus is inhibited under these conditions.
Influenza virus A/seal/Mass/1/80 (H7N7) was adapted to grow in MDCK cells and chicken embryo cells (CEC) in the absence of exogenous protease. The biological properties of the virus variants obtained coincided with intracellular activation of the hemagglutinin (HA) by posttranslational proteolytic cleavage and depended on the cell type used for adaptation. MDCK cell-adapted variants contained point mutations in regions of the HA more distant from the cleavage site. It is proposed that these mutations are probably responsible, through an unknown mechanism, for enhanced cleavability of HA in MDCK cells. Such virus variants were apathogenic in chickens. CEC-adapted variants, on the other hand, contained an insertion of basic amino acids at the HA cleavage site, in addition to scattered point mutations. The insertions converted the cleavage sites in the variant virus HAs so that they came to resemble the cleavage site found in highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses. CEC variants with such cleavage site modifications were highly pathogenic for chickens. The lethal outcome of the infection in chickens demonstrated for the first time that an influenza virus derived from a mammalian species can be modified during adaptation to a new cell type to such an extent that the resulting virus variant becomes pathogenic for an avian species.
It is an accepted concept that the pathogenicity of a virus is of polygenic nature. Because of their segmented genome, influenza viruses provide a suitable system to prove this concept. The studies employing virus mutants and reassortants have indicated that the pathogenicity depends on the functional integrity of each gene and on a gene constellation optimal for the infection of a given host. As a consequence, virtually every gene product of influenza virus has been reported to contribute to pathogenicity, but evidence is steadily growing that a key role has to be assigned to hemagglutinin. As the initiator of infection, hemagglutinin has a double function: (1) promotion of adsorption of the virus to the cell surface, and (2) penetration of the viral genome through a fusion process among viral and cellular membranes. Adsorption is based on the binding to neuraminic acid-containing receptors, and different virus strains display a distinct preference for specific oligosaccharides. Fusion capacity depends on proteolytic cleavage by host proteases, and variations in amino acid sequence at the cleavage site determine whether hemagglutinin is activated in a given cell. Differences in cleavability and presumably also in receptor specificity are important determinants for host tropism, spread of infection, and pathogenicity. The concept that proteolytic activation is a determinant for pathogenicity was originally derived from studies on avian influenza viruses, but there is now evidence that it may also be relevant for the disease in humans because bacterial proteases have been found to promote the development of influenza pneumonia in mammals.