
Make your company a talent factory

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Despite the great sums of money companies dedicate to talent management systems, many still struggle to fill key positions - limiting their potential for growth in the process. Virtually all the human resource executives in the authors' 2005 survey of 40 companies around the world said that their pipeline of high-potential employees was insufficient to fill strategic management roles. The survey revealed two primary reasons for this. First, the formal procedures for identifying and developing next-generation leaders have fallen out of sync with what companies need to grow or expand into new markets. To save money, for example, some firms have eliminated positions that would expose high-potential employees to a broad range of problems, thus sacrificing future development opportunities that would far outweigh any initial savings from the job cuts. Second, HR executives often have trouble keeping top leaders' attention on talent issues, despite those leaders' vigorous assertions that obtaining and keeping the best people is a major priority. If passion for that objective doesn't start at the top and infuse the culture, say the authors, talent management can easily deteriorate into the management of bureaucratic routines. Yet there are companies that can face the future with confidence. These firms don't just manage talent, they build talent factories. The authors describe the experiences of two such corporations - consumer products icon Procter & Gamble and financial services giant HSBC Group -that figured out how to develop and retain key employees and fill positions quickly to meet evolving business needs. Though each company approached talent management from a different direction, they both maintained a twin focus on functionality (rigorous talent processes that support strategic and cultural objectives) and vitality (management's emotional commitment, which is reflected in daily actions).

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... Bu nedenle, yeteneklerin şirketlerde işe alınmasını, yerleştirilmesini, geliştirilmesini ve tutulmasını sağlamak için bir yetenek fabrikası kurulmasının, bireysel gelişimi ve tüm kurumsal iş performansını yükseltebileceği vurgulanmaktadır (Fang Li & Devos, 2008). Geleceğe güvenle bakan işletmeler, çalışanlarının yeteneklerini yöneten ve yetenek fabrikası olarak ifade edilen yapıyı oluşturabilen örgütlerdir (Ready & Conger, 2007). Bu çalışmada, yetenek yönetimi ve yetenek fabrikası modeli kavramları ele alınarak özel okulların öğretmen seçimi, yerleştirilmesi, geliştirilmesi ve elde tutulması aşamalarında izlediği süreçler incelenmiştir. ...
... Yetenek yönetimi uygulamalarının başarılı olması için kurumun üst yönetiminin buna inanması, uygulamaya koyması ve bunun kurum kültürünün bir parçası haline getirilmesi gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde yetenek yönetimi süreçleri verimli olmayan rutinlere dönüşebilmektedir (Ready & Conger, 2007). ...
... Doğru insanların işletmelerin gerekli pozisyonlarına yerleştirilmesi ise yetenek fabrikası modelinin bir gerekliliğidir. İşletmeyi ileriye götürecek yetenekli çalışanların keşfedilmesi, işletme bünyesine alınması ve doğru pozisyonlarda değerlendirilmesi ile birlikte bu çalışanların korunması gerekmektedir (Ready & Conger, 2007). Çalışanları elde tutmanın anahtarı, çalışanların çalışmayı tercih edecekleri ve diğer iş fırsatlarının mevcudiyeti göz önüne alındığında kalacakları bir ortam yaratmaktır (Winterton, 2011). ...
İnsan kaynakları yönetimi açısından yetenek yönetimi önemli hale gelmiştir. Bu kapsamda kurumların bir “yetenek fabrikası” olarak ele alındığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışma,özel okulların öğretmenlik iş pozisyonu açısından yetenek fabrikası modeli kapsamındaki uygulamalarını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu kapsamdadört özel okulun yöneticisi ile görüşme yapılmıştır. Yöneticilerin görüşleri,model kapsamında yer alan işe alım,işe yerleştirme, geliştirme ve elde tutma unsurları açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmaya dahil olan kurumlar, model kapsamındaki unsurlara yönelik birtakım uygulamalar gerçekleştirmektedir. İş gereklerine yönelikyetkinlik kriterleri belirleme, sınav,mülakat ve yetenek testiyapma, performans değerleme, sosyal motivasyon etkinlikleri düzenleme, tatmin edici ücretlendirme, kurslar, seminerler, eğitimlerverme gibi çabalar söz konusudur.Ancak bunların istenilen düzeyde olmadığı ve geliştirilmesi gerektiği ifade edilmektedir. Yöneticiler, yetenek fabrikası modelinin uygulanması ile birlikte kalitede artış ve gelirlerde yükseliş olacağına inanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın, insan kaynakları yönetiminin bir parçası olan yetenek yönetimi anlayışı kapsamında, yetenek fabrikası modeli bakış açısıyla öğretmenlik iş pozisyonuna yönelik durumu ortaya koymak suretiyle literatüre katkı sağlaması beklenmektedir.
... This perspective is considered as an approach that begins with identifying crucial jobs for those positions that need highly performed and talented people (Tarique and Schuler, 2010;Sparrow et al., 2014). According to Ready and Conger (2007), talent management is the process of planning human resources to meet up with the demands of the organization under the terms of employing talented personnel. To achieve that goal an effective reward system existence is obligatory (Ready and Conger, 2007). ...
... According to Ready and Conger (2007), talent management is the process of planning human resources to meet up with the demands of the organization under the terms of employing talented personnel. To achieve that goal an effective reward system existence is obligatory (Ready and Conger, 2007). ...
... Mastery of management appears in the organizations` abilities to enhance strategies, policies, and programs for attracting, developing, and retaining talented employees (Snell, 2007). That can be achieved by determining what the organization needs of either current capabilities or envisioned talents required (Ready, 2007). To apply talent management professionally, the human resources department needs the assistance of the top management of that organization to be highly effective and fruitful starting from workforce planning until talent retention and passing attracting talented employees and developing them (Cappelli, 2008;Shrimali and Gidwani,2012). ...
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Talent Management (TM) has become one of the important strategic topics for managers in global organizations and businesses in general. Despite the importance of talent management, researches in the area are still few, mainly conceptual research. The purpose of this article is to enhance the readers understanding of the domain of talent management concept perspectives, importance and the main practices. At the same time giving a general idea about the connection with other HRM functions, based on secondary data and researches in the areas of talent management. To achieve the aim of this article, the existing body of studies was reviewed, which were chosen based on the relevance to the talent management issue. Also, the articles which were published recently in this field were adopted.
... A survey conducted by Cooke et al. (2014) highlighted that 34% of Indian employers were troubled with the problem of talent shortage and this number was even higher in case of China at 40%. Ready and Conger (2007) in a study of forty companies around the world found that talented employees were insufficient to fill the strategic position of the companies in the future. ...
... One of the main challenges of talent management is the lack of research studies on employee perspective of talent management. Ready and Conger (2007) in a study across forty companies around the world found that employees were not having a clear picture of their talent management system. Organisations also face a challenge where employees are not convinced with organisational talent management efforts. ...
... GTM thus emerges as a multidisciplinary field of research while above all representing a strategic issue for internationalized companies for a series of different reasons: (i) there is growing recognition of the critical role performed by globally competent management whose talents ensure the success of the international operations of companies and corporations, reflecting the intensification of global competition and the greater need for learning and innovation in the multinational corporate sector (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 1989); (ii) the competition among employers for such talent has changed whether approached at the national, regional, or even at the global level (Ready & Conger, 2007;Sparrow, Brewster, & Harris, 2004;Stahl et al., 2007); (iii) the scarcity of management resources and professional talent emerges as the main challenge for the majority of large companies that engage in external markets (Bjorkman & Lervik, 2007); and (iv) the success or failure of international strategies directly interrelate with GTM (Cohn, Khurana, & Reeves, 2005;Stahl et al., 2007). ...
... Garavan, Carbery, and Rock (2012) define talent development as concentrating on the planning, selection, and implementation of development strategies for the entire pool of talent in order to guarantee that the organization maintains not only the current but also the future supply of talent necessary to meet its strategic objectives. Therefore, high potential talents are able to obtain better results and hence produce a better standard of international performance (Iles, Chuai, & Preece, 2010;Ready & Conger, 2007). ...
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The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought terrifying effects for labor markets all around the world. Just as we witness rapid changes in terms of the ways of working (working from home), we are also observing an increase in unemployment. The ways in which major corporations with international operations process their global talent management (GTM) already represents a challenge in relatively stable times and clearly, in a period of such great and sustained turbulence as current experienced, this task becomes still more difficult. Hence, our research aims to study the impact of GTM on the international performance of major companies during the COVID-19 pandemic period. To this end, we surveyed a sample of 59 large companies that act in external markets. Through recourse to multiple linear regressions, we conclude that GTM practices return positive impacts on levels of international performance. Our research returns theoretical implications in terms of the application of integrated GTM models and with the results of significant relevance to corporations operating internationally, and thus enabling them to better understand which strategic human resource management policies will return the best GTM results.
... Alan yazın incelendiğinde, bilginin ve insan faktörünün yoğun olduğu işletmeler için yetenek yönetim sistemi aşamalarının öneminin vurgulandığı ve özellikle son yıllarda çalışmalara ağırlık verildiği görülmektedir (Beck, 2003;Hiermann ve Höfferer, 2003;Schweyer, 2004;Ready ve Conger, 2007;Ensley vd. 2010;Akar, 2015;Altınöz, 2018). ...
... Benzer şekilde, turizm işletmeleri de mevcut iş alanları için yetenekli ve kalifiyeli, ekip çalışmasına yatkın çalışanları tercih etmektedir. Bu nedenle işletmeler, yetenek yönetim sistemi ve gerekliliklerine yönelik stratejileri, mevcut uygulamaları ve işletmeye özgü yetenek modellerini değerlendirmektedir (Cappelli, 2000;Ready ve Conger, 2007). ...
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Örgütler çalışanlarının yeteneklerini geliştirmek, hedeflerine ulaşmalarını sağlamak için kariyer planlamasına ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Kariyer planlaması ve yönetimi, örgüt amaçlarıyla birey amaçlarının karşılıklı uyumunu sağlayacak, hem bireyi hem örgütü memnun edecek, örgütün rekabet avantajını arttırırken bireyin de hedeflerini gerçekleştirmesine katkıda bulunarak başarıyı getirecektir. Kariyer planlama olgusu son zamanlarda sadece bireylerin sorunu olmaktan çıkmış, artık örgütlerin de sorumlulukları arasında yerini almıştır (Bingöl, 2008). Başarılı örgütler, birey odaklı hareket etmekte farklı birey ihtiyaçlarını göz önünde bulunduran planlamalar yapmaktadırlar (Tunçer, 2012). Turizm işletmeleri de nitelikli personeli temin etmek, elinde tutmak, gelişimini sağlamak için planlamalara gereksinim duymaktadır (Kong, Cheung ve Song, 2012). Günümüzde hızla büyümeye devam eden turizm endüstrisi nitelikli personel sorunu ile karşı karşıya kalmaktadır (Richardson, 2009; Chaung ve Lei, 2011 ). Yüksek oranlarda genç, yarı zamanlı, kadın, öğrenci istihdamı ve bu istihdamın düşük ücretlerle gerçekleştirilmesi, büyük bir kısmının da normal iş saatleri dışında çalıştırılması başlıca insan kaynakları sorunları arasında yer almaktadır (Brien, 2004; Chaung ve Lei, 2011). Bu sorunların üstesinden gelebilmek için turizm işletmeleri çalışanları koruyan geliştiren, onlara birtakım kariyer fırsatları sunan, kariyer gelişimlerini teşvik edici nitelikli planları programları hayata geçirmelidir (Brien, 2004). Turizm işletmelerinin örgüt amaçlarını gerçekleştirmede her örgütte olduğu gibi nitelikli iş gücüne, becerisine, devamlılığına ve geliştirilmesine ihtiyacı vardır.
... Everything done to recruit, retain, develop, reward and make people perform forms a part of talent management as well as strategic workforce planning. A talent management strategy should link to business strategy to function more appropriately (Michaels, 2001;Ready and Conger, 2007) It is important to note that talent management is in line with a competitive advantage in human capital that the resource-based view (RBV) emphasizes (Barney, 1991). According to the RBV, if a company possesses and exploits valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable resources and capabilities (VRIN framework), it will achieve sustainable competitive advantage. ...
... It reveals the possibility that SMEs have greater chance to be a small giant enterprises when it has talent management system. This is because preferential treatment of core talent in SMEs can create a sense of disharmony and alienation among their peers and undermine cooperation (Ready and Conger, 2007). Taking this into consideration, SMEs without securing core talent are hard 生産性論集 第33卷 第3號(2019年 9月) 76 to become small giant enterprises. ...
... The rationale for organizations to invest in internship programs can be justified when these programs align with corporate strategies, thereby contributing to the organization's competitiveness. The resources allocated to sponsor, coach, and mentor the students (Ready & Conger, 2007) can be perceived as an investment, but at the same time, these activities are taking time away from employees who are also accountable to their job responsibilities as outlined in their personal objectives which will be the basis of their performance appraisals. ...
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In today’s competitive economy, the war for talent has intensified. Organizations are increasingly investing in student engagement initiatives to build a robust talent pipeline. Among these initiatives, the offering of internship placements is a popular choice as it not only helps identify suitable talent, students can also benefit with valuable opportunities to develop work-related skills and gain experience. However, ensuring mutually beneficial outcomes for all stakeholders involved remains a challenge due to diverging expectations among stakeholder groups. This study aims to enhance our understanding of high-quality internship design by applying stakeholder theory (ST) and the expectancy theory of motivation (ET) as theoretical frameworks. Qualitative research methods were employed, including semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders from higher education institutions, human resources managers, and front-line supervisors as well as a focus group with graduating business students. Thematic analysis of the data revealed several key themes related to stakeholder priorities and interests. The findings of this paper contribute to the fields of ST and ET by addressing an under-researched area: the motivations of supervisors as crucial stakeholders in delivering the internship experience. Scholars and practitioners have largely overlooked this aspect. From a managerial perspective, the findings highlight opportunities for fostering more synergistic partnerships between stakeholders, not only at the institutional level but also among internal stakeholder groups, including top management, human resources functions, and front-line supervisors.
... It has been discovered that 47% of US employment is at high risk, i.e. jobs that could be eliminated in the next decades (Frey and Osborne, 2017). A recent study of 40 worldwide corporations discovered that they lacked sufficient talent in the pipeline, which is constraining their capacity to grow (Ready and Conger, 2007). To address these difficulties, organizations should first identify future business needs in terms of knowledge, skills, capabilities, and job roles with the ability to differentially impact the firm performance. ...
Purpose The study aims to explore digital transformation from the viewpoint of human resource management to uncover possible threads of relationship using bibliometric analysis. It also aims to identify the trending research themes within the domains of digital transformation (DT) and human resource management (HRM) collectively. Design/methodology/approach The research employs a mix of quantitative bibliometric techniques and qualitative content analysis. A corpus of 227 articles retrieved from the Scopus database was analyzed using the R-based Biblioshiny and VOS viewer. Findings The study shows publication trends, influential authors, leading journals, highly productive institutions, and, countries in the domain of DT and HRM. Co-citation and co-occurrence analysis was undertaken to identify the research clusters, depicting trending research themes that extensively dominate the research under this domain. Research limitations/implications This study will serve as a ready reckoner for academicians and business leaders, giving them useful insights to make their road towards digital transformation less challenging with the assistance of human capital. Originality/value This study is one of the initial efforts to quantitatively synthesize the results of earlier publications using bibliometric techniques in the domain of DT and HRM together. It will aid researchers in locating research gaps and filling those gaps in the future.
... It examines creative methods for pay, professional development, work-life balance, and organizational culture through in-depth case studies of top banks. Talent shortages have become one of the biggest human resource concerns for multinational corporations today (Cappelli, 2008;Ready & Conger, 2007) 3 . ...
In the very competitive Indian banking industry, this case study focuses on talent retention tactics. Through in-depth case studies of top banks, it examines cutting-edge methods for pay, career advancement, work-life balance, and organizational culture. Find out why it's crucial to keep the best employees by examining the circumstances of the intense competition among Indian banks. It is abundantly evident that the study concentrates around talent retention tactics inside India's ercely competitive banking sector, employing a case study technique to go deeper into the subject. In the very competitive Indian banking industry, this case study investigates talent retention tactics. It examines creative methods for pay, professional development, work-life balance, and organizational culture through in-depth case studies of top banks. Talent shortages have become one of the biggest human resource concerns for multinational corporations today (Cappelli, 2008; Ready & Conger, 2007) 3 .
... Talent acquisition is a critical challenge for MNEs (Cappelli, 2008;Ready & Conger, 2007). In their overseas operations, MNEs face a "war for talent" in competition with local firms and other MNEs (Minbaeva et al., 2007). ...
In the contemporary “war for talent,” multinational enterprises increasingly deploy referral hiring, using bonuses to identify and attract prospective job candidates. Despite the emergence of referral bonuses as a global “best practice,” our knowledge about how bonuses operate across diverse national contexts is insufficient. In this paper, we leverage insights from social network research to develop our theory about how context shapes the effect of bonuses on job referring. We hypothesize that the effect of bonuses on referrals is stronger in China, where affective networks dominate, than in the United States, where instrumental networks dominate. In China, employees perceive bonuses as a tacit approval to engage in behavior they already find socially desirable. Thus, while bonuses incentivize referrals in the US, they legitimize them in China. Data from nationally representative surveys conducted in the US and China in 2012 support our hypothesis. Further analyses reveal that bonuses are associated with more external referrals (referrals to employers other than one’s own) in China, a finding not replicated in the US, providing additional support for the legitimization mechanism. The results underscore how social networks shape hiring processes in diverse national contexts and call for a richer model of motivations in job referring.
... Talent engagement refers to a new field of business science that combines strategic disciplines like workforce planning, acquisition, development, mobility, and measurement. Furthermore, it is generally accepted that involving talent means doing good deeds, including executive actions for top performers that are designed to make the greatest use of their competencies (Pruis, 2011;Ready & Conger, 2007). Héder and Dajnoki (2017) state that there are various stages of talent engagement, including the training of management, employees, and certification. ...
... Another controversy is related to the way in which the need for talent is ensured within the organization. There are opinions pro attracting these talents from outside the organization, while more and more voices support the idea that organizations should pay more attention to identifying employees with high potential within their own employees (Ready, DA. and Conger, JA., 2007). Maślanka-Wieczorek, B. (2014, p.103), based on the studies conducted by Juchowicz, warned even that attracting talent from other organizations, without careful analysis, can be an inappropriate action, since talent can be specific to a particular organization and it is not always possible to be transferred between organizations. ...
Currently organizations are facing a double challenge: to effectively manage their talents, while adapting themselves to the rapid technological changes. This paper aims to conduct a literature review about two concepts considered to be of great interest and actuality, both in academic and managerial literature: talent management and digitalization, in order to investigate how digitalization is reshaping talent management.
... Career planning is the process of identifying career options and preferences, setting up development objectives, and establishing action plans to help employees match their interests and capabilities with organizational opportunities (Puah & Ananthram, 2006). On the other hand Career management is usually talent management, in which management monitors the implementation of career programmes in order to ease employees' adaptation to rapid organizational changes such as a turbulent working environment, job instability and insecurity, flexible work practice, and multiskilling (Ready & Conger, 2007). Consequently the ability of employees to adapt to these organizational changes may enhance employees' progression of their career ladders in organizations (Adekola, 2011). ...
... Similar voices have advocated considering the importance of leadership development, not just leader development. For example, scholars have argued that LDPs improve performance management (Day, 2000), help to cultivate organizations' leadership pipeline (Ready & Conger, 2007), facilitate corporate socialization, and improve interpersonal relationships (Burke & Collins, 2005). However, our findings suggested that these claims should be empirically examined as well as integrated systematically into the language of evaluation. ...
... Despite this understanding, Ready and Conger (2007) assert that firms continue to report a talent shortage in key positions, which has a negative effect on the economy. In addition, talent management is becoming increasingly important for utilizing human capital as a competitive advantage (Tarique & Schuler, 2010). ...
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Purpose: The objective of this study was to investigate talent management in Saudi Arabia collecting data from various organizations using a survey analysis. Theoretical framework: Talent management is the process of identifying, recruiting, developing, and retaining talented individuals so that their extraordinary contributions can be fully realized. This process becomes less effective during crisis as organizations face enormous challenges when trying to manage their workforces. However, Research on talent management in Saudi Arabia or the Arab world, especially GCC countries, is noticeably sparse. Design/methodology/approach: The study quantitively analyse data collected from a survey disseminated to experts and professionals working in several sectors in Jeddah, KSA, to gain some understanding about the talent management practices in general and during crises in particular. Findings: The study finds that organizations in KSA adopt and apply practices of talent management. There appears to be no relationship between organisations size or type and the engagement of employees in the deployment of talent management practices. In addition, the study finds that there is no significant difference in applying talent management practises or in identifying and recruiting talent between the no-crisis and the crisis periods. However, a statistically significant difference was found in developing and retaining talent between the no-crisis and the crisis periods. Research, Practical & Social implications: the study suggest additional deeper interviews to gain more understanding of the specifics of talent management in KSA. Originality/value: Findings of this study give a sense of satisfaction about the condition of talent management in Saudi Arabian organizations.
... Paternalistic strategy (Ready & Conger, 2017). ...
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This study aimed to model the structural equations of the relationship between HR strategies and talent management with respect to the educating workers. The current research is applied and developmental in terms of purpose and with regard to the research method it is a descriptive and correlational one. The statistical population of this study included all employees of government agencies in Kerman province in 2019 (n=8675), and the sample size was 367 using Cochran formula, which were selected by stratified random sampling. Data collection instrument consisted of three researcher-made questionnaires including 50-item queastionaire of HR strategies with validity of 0.82 and reliability of 0.87, 50-item questionaire of talent management with validity of 0.77 and reliability of 0.79 and 98 questionnaires of knowledge worker employees with validity of 0.84 and reliability of 0.74. Structural equation modeling using amos22 software was used for data analysis. The results revealed that the relationship between human resource strategies to educate the foals of this study to the workers in Kerman province government agencies was well-fitted. Strategies Human resources, which involves commitment, free agent, paternalistic, secondary strategies, can have a significant relationship with talent management, including the components of hire, evaluate, develop and maintain, and knowledge workers have mediating role with knowledge and technical reasoning, individual skills and attitudes, professional skills and attitudes, interpersonal skills and attitudes, and system, product, and process development skills in line with HR strategies and talent management, and free agent strategy is the best and most effective HR strategy that affects talent management.
... An interesting study by Ready and Conger [95] of forty global business companies found that nearly all of the sample companies do not have a sufficient talent pipeline to fill key positions within the organization, which significantly constrained the future growth of their business. Another study by James Kehinde [94] found that there is a significant and positive impact of talent management practices on the overall performance of the organization. ...
In today’s dynamic business environment, organizations are looking to add new and improved or innovative capabilities to their portfolio of business. To achieve these objectives organizations need to add a very vital component called human resources. Therefore, Talent management is the buzzword in the IT sector to attract and retain a talented workforce. The current research paper aims to explore the attitude of the employees towards the major factors that influence the talent management practices in Indian IT firms intending to stay in the organization. To realize the stated objectives the researchers have collected the primary data from two hundred talented employees across the IT sector. In this context talented means one has consistently been a top performer or received the best employee or star performer reward or recognition from the employer for at least two years in a specific domain. For this purpose, the researchers have identified eight major factors such as quality of supervision, Compensation Management practices, job engagement, innovation practices, open climate, Career Development Path, organizational Environment, and quality of working Environment. The multiple regression model results revealed that the independent variable Compensation management, Job engagement, Open climate, Organizational environment, and quality of working environment were the major drivers of intention to stay in the current organization. When we rank the determinants we found the most prominent determinant being Job Engagement followed by Quality of working environment, Open climate, Compensation management, and Organizational environment. The current study makes significant contributions to both talent management theory and practices. Firstly, we provide empirical support from the perspective of employees about the various talent management practices and strategies employed by various IT companies in the Indian context. Secondly, we provide a scheme of suggestions to IT firms across the sector and various strategies to retain the talented workforce. Thirdly, we have ranked the various variables chosen for the study based on the empirical evidence and suggested the managers' various interventions to nurture and retain the talented workforce. Additionally, the current paper is aimed to assist managers with some of the vital issues they face with the implementation of talent management strategies.
... Section S2. Worker's preferences regarding work and types of talent with recommending actions [3,19,26,27,37,74,[78][79][80]. Section S3. ...
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The transformation in Industry 4.0 has impacted not only manufacturing systems but also work, essentially changing the nature of work. “Work 4.0” is referred to as “Industry 4.0”, but with a focus on sustainable employment relationships and the forms of work. However, the issue of talent retention (TR) in the Work 4.0 context remains unsolved. The purpose of this study was to identify factors influencing TR among different generations for the development of sustainable employment relationships from a Work 4.0 perspective. Accordingly, we put forward propositions concerning TR and generational effects in Work 4.0 scenarios. By evaluating the influencing factors using the fuzzy Delphi method, 19 TR determinants were eventually extracted. Furthermore, considering generational effects, our results indicate that Work 4.0 has a higher impact on TR for Gen Y than for Gen X and Baby Boomers. The talents of the new generation seem to pay more attention to autonomy and digitalization at work (e.g., flexible work arrangements and knowledge management through digitalization) but are tired of bureaucracies. The results provided in this study may offer organizations a reference for better meeting the preferences of talents, regarding work in the context of Work 4.0, allowing them to fine-tune their strategies for sustainable talent management, thus enhancing TR in the digital era.
... Review of Literature: Ready and Conger, (2007)revealed that lack ofadequate talent channel to fill the tacticalpolicies related positions in the organization, may affect adversely their capability to nurture their business.As a final point, talent management tricksdwell in a noteworthyquantity of organizational wealth. ...
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ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEM ABSTRACT Purpose: This study is trying to find out the major challenges existing in the ways of talent management practices pursued by private technical educational institutions in selected areas. Design/Methodology/Approach: This study comprises the exploratory analysis of Talent management practices pursued by the private technical educational institutions in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India. Study conducted with the 50 representatives of the private technical educational institutions from Prayagraj, by using the focused group discussion technique of qualitative analysis. The purposive sampling method was used to select the sample units. The variables were identified from the available reviews and data were analyzed by using the simple percentage analysis. Findings: The observations of present study are indicating that, there are so many factors existing in the way of better talent management practices like salary, leave flexibility, fair pay, compensation, location of the institutions, leaders behavior, fair performance appraisal system, multi tasking and job suitability etc. While considering the suggestions of many researchers which revealed that; the organizations should follow the basic principles on the basis of humanitarian ground to retain and develop the available talent. On the other hand it was also accepted by many organization that flexible policies of the organizations enables talent to be happy and motivated. Originality/value: This study seeks to add to the greater pool of knowledge with respect to the talent management domain, through examining the talent management and related area within the broader domain of human resource management and general management. The idea of this research is to examine that; how talent management aimed at at specialists should be done, with the intention of precede the facts on talent management practices for individuals who are not in a administration career track.
... Talent management theories have expanded on a global scale, and the studies of global talent management (GTM) have emerged in the TM field (Garavan, 2012). This is owing to business being driven by globalization, changing demographics, increasing competition, and a shortage of international managers (Farndale, Scullion, & Sparrow, 2010;Ready & Conger, 2007). Hence, GTM has become central and inevitable to MNCs (Tarique & Schuler, 2010). ...
As the global economy continues to fight the war for talent, talent management has increasingly become a critical function that must be addressed if corporations are to survive and thrive. In this connection, South Korea's (henceforth, Korea)'s transformation from a third‐world and under‐developed economy to a global powerhouse and an important mature emerging market has caught the attention of scholars in numerous fields. In this comprehensive review of talent management in Korea, we trace its evolution and address the following questions: what challenges does Korea face in attracting global talent? What are the main impacts of Korea's government policies and interventions in its macro talent management system? We develop a revised macro talent management framework and offer propositions. We conclude by offering specific suggestions for the state and policymakers toward attracting and retaining talent.
... We initially reviewed some articles that deal with talent management and ER and its related issues to identify our research and define the scope of the present study (e.g. Michaels et al., 2001;Whitley, 2002;Robertson and Abbey, 2003;Morton, 2004;Heinen and O'Neill, 2004;Schweyer, 2004;Morton, 2005;Tansley et al., 2006;Romans and Lardner, 2005;Lewis and Heckman, 2006;Ready and Conger, 2007;Bhatnagar, 2007;Makhijani et al., 2009;Silzer and Dowell, 2010;Chikumbi, 2012;Holt et al., 2012;Nazia and Begum, 2013;Malinen et al., 2013;Festing and Sch€ afer, 2014;Brockbank et al., 2018;Di Romualdo et al., 2018). ...
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Purpose The authors have attempted to understand how big data and predictive analytics (BDPA) can help retain employees in the organization. Design/methodology/approach This study is grounded in the positivism philosophy. The authors have used a resource-based view (RBV) to develop their research hypotheses. The authors tested their research hypotheses using primary data gathered using a single-informant questionnaire. The authors obtained 254 usable responses. The authors performed the assumptions test, performed confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to test the validity of the proposed theoretical model, and further tested their research hypotheses using hierarchical regression analysis. Findings The statistical result suggests that the various human resource management strategies play a significant role in improving retention under the mediating effect of the BDPA. Research limitations/implications The authors have grounded their study in the positivism philosophy. Moreover, the authors tested their hypotheses using single-informant cross-sectional data. Hence, the authors cannot ignore the effects of the common method bias on their research findings. Moreover, the research findings are based on a particular setting. Thus, the authors caution the readers that their findings must be examined in the light of their study limitations. Practical implications The study provided empirical findings based on survey data. Hence, the authors provide numerous guidelines to the practitioners that how the organization can invest in creating BDPA that helps analyze complex data to extract meaningful and relevant information. This information related to employee turnaround may guide top management to reduce the dissatisfaction level among the employees working in high-stress environments resulting from a high degree of uncertainty. Social implications The study helps understand the complex factors that affect the morale of the employee. In the high-paced environment, the employees are often exposed to various negative forces that affect their morale which further affect their productivity. Due to lack of awareness and adequate information, most of the employees and their issues are not dealt with effectively and efficiently by their line managers. Thus, the BDPA can help tackle the most complex problem of society in a significant way. Originality/value This study offers some useful contributions to the literature which attempts to unfold the complex nexus between human resource management, information management and strategy. The study contributes to the BDPA literature and how it helps in the retention of employees is one of the areas which still remains elusive to the academic community. Moreover, the managers are still skeptical about the application of BDPA in understanding human-related issues due to a lack of understanding of how and to what extent the employee-related information can be stored and processed. This study’s findings further open the new avenues of research that need to be tackled.
... In the 21st century, talent management is one of the key emerging and strategic issues that organizations face (Boudreau and Ramstad, 2007;Cappelli, 2008;Collings and Mellahi, 2009;Ready and Conger, 2007). The varied reasons behind the implementation of talent management in renowned organizations had regarded as ambiguous in the past literature (Khdour, 2016). ...
Talent management is the recruitment, selection, and retainment of the most talented workforce which indicates that it is an advanced field of human resource management (HRM). The prosperity of an organization depends upon its talent force. In todays dynamic and competitive world, talent management is one of the main stumbling issues that organizations face. This research study examines the reality of talent management in Pakistan; besides, the challenges in the implementation of talent management have also been investigated. This research study is qualitative; in-depth semi-structured interviews have been conducted to collect the primary data from a Pakistani public based multinational corporation. Using content analysis, the key themes were identified. The findings reveal that talent management practices lack in Pakistan, but the renowned multinational corporations follow proper procedures and policies related to talent management. Furthermore, the findings further discover that there are three major types of challenges which are being faced today by the organizations; the managerial behavioral challenges are the most important, employee behavioral challenges are the least important and the structural challenges are also essential to overcome, for the implementation of talent management. The findings from this research can be used by the management or the policymakers of different organizations to execute talent management effectively and efficiently.
... Career management becomes a crucial topic for organisation because it is connected with someone's job and affects the employee outcomes. According to Ready and Conger (2007), career management is commonly seen as talent management where management observe the implementation of career programmes under systematic review in order to make it easier for employees to adapt with the rapid organisational changes such as unstable working environment, job instability and insecurity, flexible work practice and multiskilling to achieve higher career progression in organisations. ...
... The expansion of neoliberal thought has contributed to TM's spread by provoking fears about talent shortages and using metaphors of war (Downs and Swailes, 2013). New opportunities in emerging markets have caused many multinational enterprises to fear that they will not be able to fill their strategic positions due to a flight of talent (Mellahi and Collings, 2010;Ready and Conger, 2007). Yet, TM does not consider the importance of upholding certain rigorous standards, and, as a result, there have been numerous unfortunate scenarios in which TM fails to establish the talent pipeline that does ensure the right person for the right position at the right time or to create organizational readiness for the future (Rani and Joshi, 2012). ...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical review of the literature on talent management (TM) and highlight the potential downsides of exclusive TM approaches and workforce differentiation. Design/methodology/approach A literature review of 32 theoretical and empirical studies published in peer-reviewed scholarly journals in the field of TM was conducted. Findings The review resulted in four overarching themes that highlight the dysfunctional aspects of exclusive TM approaches and workforce differentiation: (a) organizational justice, (b) ethics, (c) internal competition and (d) workplace diversity. Based on the four themes, the authors present a conceptual model that includes a feedback loop for reevaluating and improving on existing TM processes. Several research questions and propositions are also presented for consideration in future TM research. Research limitations/implications This paper highlights the need for more empirical studies and statistically rigorous evidence to demonstrate and justify the effectiveness of TM. Practical implications The authors suggest that the locus of TM practices should be shifted from managing individual job competencies to managing organizational capabilities. Originality/value This review illuminates the need to reevaluate existing TM approaches and minimize TM's potential downsides for long-term organizational health and competitiveness.
... It is a well established fact that in order to retain talent the organizations have to develop them. A developed and committed talent pool ensures many attractive business opportunities (Ready and Conger, 2007). A rigorous talent management system ensures that the right people are available at the right time enhancing profitability and productivity. ...
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in the era of cut-throat competition, it has become very important for the organizations to attract, develop and retain the right kind of talents. There is a "war for talent" going on between the organization as there is a scarcity of talented employees. Global mobility has also worsened the situation. A work pool of loyal, committed, developed and talented employees helps the organizations in establishing a competitive edge in the industry. This paper is an attempt to understand the meaning and concept of the talent management and employee commitment. The paper also tries to throw some light on the complex but integral relationship of talent management with employee commitment.
... An integral part of succession planning is a talent review process, which can be viewed on two different levels; the process level or individual level. The process level is discussed by Ready & Conger (2007); they refer to a global company that has established a talent review process whereby each country, business, and function is evaluated for their capacity in talent management, i.e. in attracting, deploying, developing and retaining talent. The evaluation happens in light of set objectives for the talent management process. ...
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Talent management is currently seen as a high-priority issue in organizations worldwide, and a critical determinant of organizational success. Organizations spend a great deal of resources on identifying and developing talent necessary for strategy implementation and to achieve strategic targets. When looking at critical factors for competitive advantage and business success, ‘talent’ is gaining status as an important element, almost equal to financial resources. Furthermore, both management researchers and practitioners have found the identification and development of high potential employees to be one of the major challenges of the current human resource function. Even if talent management has in recent years received much attention in academia, research on different contexts, such as that of non-profit organizations, is limited. This dissertation explores talent management in the context of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), and more precisely in humanitarian aid organizations. The focal organization of this study is the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
... In this context, Mellahi and Collings (2010) define global TM as "the systematic identification of key positions which differentially contribute to the organization's sustainable competitive advantage on a global scale, the development of a talent pool of high potential and high performing incumbents to fill these roles which reflect the global scope of the multinational enterprise (MNE), and the development of a differentiated human resource architecture to facilitate filling these positions with the best available incumbent and to ensure their continued commitment to the organization" (Mellahi and Collings 2010, p. 143). However, Al Ariss et al. (2014) notice that many corporations fail to fill strategically critical positions due to an inadequate supply of talents (Ready and Conger 2007;Al Ariss et al. 2014). Several researchers highlight difficulties such as filling vacancies due to issues such as the lack of talent possessing the necessary skills (Makarius and Srinivasan 2017;Whysall et al. 2019) or insufficient capabilities of talent to keep pace with technological change (Tatoglu et al. 2016). ...
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In the field of supply chain management (SCM), attracting and developing appropriate talent is critical for achieving most SCM goals, as extensive skills are necessary to do the job properly. In order to ensure that future‐proof talent can continue to emerge in this discipline, the role of SCM executives is extremely important. Although many studies have been conducted in the field of talent management (TM), the future role of SCM executives has been mostly neglected in research. The present empirical study addresses this gap, taking into consideration the fourth industrial revolution, as innovation in technology continues to drive significant changes in the SCM field. Aiming to investigate the extent to which increasing digitalization is influencing the future role of SCM executives, a Delphi study with 103 experts from industry, academics, and politics/associations was carried out. In order to identify meaningful topic clusters from the data, fuzzy c‐means clustering was used. From an actor‐network theory perspective, our results show that in some areas of TM, digitalization is leading to a strong fusion of SCM executives and digital technologies, as well as to a clear division of roles, in which either SCM leaders or technology will dominate in the future.
... It is not a one-time occurrence or communication. Talent management supports all strategic and cultural objectives and embodies emotional commitment by management that is reflected in their actions and decisions (Ready & Conger, 2007). This allows organizations to develop and retain key employees to meet evolving business needs. ...
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In the dynamic landscape of the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector, human resource (HR) practices play an indispensable role in shaping organizational success. This research paper aims to delve deeply into the HR practices of Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (HUL), one of India's leading FMCG giants and a subsidiary of the global conglomerate Unilever. Through a comprehensive analysis, the study seeks to asses the prospects and challenges that characterize HUL's approach to managing its diverse workforce. By examining the qualitative data, this research sheds light on the effectiveness of HR initiatives in fostering employee engagement, talent management, and organizational culture. Furthermore, the study aims to provide actionable insights and recommendations to enhance HUL's HR practices, ensuring sustainable growth and competitive advantage in the marketplace.
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This study aims to identify, rationalize and resolve the issue of labor competitiveness as human capital in organizations/companies from the perspective of human capital management in Indonesia. This study uses qualitative methods, observation or document study to collect data and analyze the data descriptively which is used to examine the condition of the object under study. The secondary data used in this study is aimed at supporting the primary information that has been obtained. The results of the study indicate that the competitiveness of the workforce as human capital is a workforce that has the ability to work, work skills and employability to develop a more effective and efficient work system in order to increase work productivity. This can be built and created through quality education and skills training programs based on information and communication technology (ICT) by encouraging vocational education and training, apprenticeships, and competency certification for students in the field of national education.
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امروزه دنیای بودن هوش مصنوعی و فناروی را نمی توان تصور نمود. این امر در تمامی عرصه های زندگی انسانی و سازمانی رخنه نموده است و تاثیرات قابل ملاحظه ای بر ان داشته است. در این راستا این پژوهش درصدد است تا به بررسی هوش مصنوعی در مدیریت منابع انسانی در سازمانها بپردازد و در این راستا به بررسی تاثیرات هوش مصنوعی در ابعاد مختلف منابع انسانی را بررسی نماید. روش پژوهش مروری از نوع روایتی می باشد و محقق به بررسی نظرات محققان مختلف در این زمینه پرداخته و نتایج بدست امده در پژوهش های مختلف را خلاصه نموده و مورد بررسی قرار می دهد. در پایان این بررسی محقق نتیجه گرفت که هوش مصنوعی در 7 مولفه مدیریت منابع انسانی از قبیل استخدام و جذب استعدادها ، انتخاب ، آموزش، حفظ و نگهداری کارکنان، بهبود فرایند تصمیم گیری، مدیریت دانش و مدیریت ارتباطات بیشترین تاثیر و کاربرد را دارا می باشد
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Özet: Günümüzde örgütler arasında yaşanan sert ve yoğun rekabet koşulları, ulusal ve uluslararası piyasadaki tüm sektörlerde köklü değişiklere yol açmış ve örgütleri hayati kararlar almaya zorlamıştır. Yaşanan hızlı değişim rüzgarını arkasına almak isteyen örgütler, yetenek kavramını ve sağladığı rekabet avantajını keşfederek yetenek yönetimine ciddi kaynaklar ayırmaya başlamışlardır. Örgütlerin yetenekli çalışanlara her zamankinden daha fazla ihtiyaç duyduğu günümüz piyasa koşullarında nitelikli çalışanların örgüte çekilmesi, yeteneklerinin geliştirilmesi ve örgütte tutulması örgütler açısından gittikçe daha zor hale gelmiştir. İnsan kaynakları yönetiminden yetenek yönetimine doğru bir geçiş yaşayan iş dünyası, yüksek performansa sahip yetenekli çalışanları örgüte çekmek ya da örgütte tutmak için yeni stratejiler geliştirip eylemlerde bulunarak örgütlerini bir üst noktaya taşımayı ve başarıya ulaşmayı hedeflemişlerdir. Bu bağlamda eğitim örgütleri de yaşanan dönüşüme kayıtsız kalmayarak yetenek yönetimi kültürünü kendi örgütleriyle bütünleştirmeyi sağlayacak çalışmalara ağırlık vermeye başlamışlardır. Ülkemiz açısından değerlendirildiğinde özel öğretim kurumlarının yetenek yönetimi uygulamalarını devlet okullarına kıyasla daha etkili kullandıkları, devlet okullarındaki merkezi, katı hiyerarşik yapı ve bürokrasiden dolayı yetenek yönetimi uygulamalarının sınırlı düzeyde sergilenebildiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Yetenekli çalışanlardan daha fazla yararlanmak adına yetenek yönetiminin kamu kurumlarında uygulanabilirliğini artırmaya yönelik çeşitli politikalar geliştirilerek yasal düzenlemeler yapılmalıdır. Abstract: Today, the harsh and intense competition conditions between organizations have led to radical changes in all sectors in the national and international market and have forced organizations to take vital decisions. Organizations that want to take the wind of rapid change experienced behind them have started to allocate serious resources to talent management by discovering the concept of talent and the competitive advantage it provides. In today's market conditions, where organizations need talented employees more than ever, it has become more and more difficult for organizations to attract, develop and retain qualified employees. The business world, which is undergoing a transition from human resources management to talent management, has aimed to carry their organizations to a higher point and achieve success by developing new strategies and taking actions to attract or retain talented employees with high performance. In this context, educational organizations didn't remain indifferent to the transformation and started to focus on efforts to integrate talent management culture with their own organizations. When evaluated in terms of our country, it has been concluded that private education institutions use talent management practices more effectively than public schools, and that talent management practices can be exhibited at a limited level due to the central, strict hierarchical structure and bureaucracy in public schools. In order to benefit more from talented employees, various policies should be developed and legal arrangements should be made to increase the applicability of talent management in public institutions.
El principal objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar, basándose en la teoría AMO, las diferencias en las percepciones de las personas trabajadoras de mano de obra directa e indirecta con respecto a las prácticas de gestión de personas implantadas en una cooperativa de MONDRAGON. La literatura académica ha prestado poca atención a cómo perciben las personas trabajadoras las prácticas de gestión de personas en las cooperativas teniendo en cuenta la variable del tipo de mano de obra (directa e indirecta). El análisis se ha realizado mediante un estudio de caso, combinando el enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que, en el seno de una misma cooperativa y en lo que a las prácticas de gestión de personas se refiere, existen diferencias significativas en las percepciones de las personas trabajadoras de mano de obra directa e indirecta. Ello se debe a las diferentes características, trabajos y/o tareas que desarrollan ambos colectivos, lo que se traduce en comportamientos y percepciones diferentes. El presente estudio pretende servir a las organizaciones, y sobre todo a los departamentos de gestión de personas de las mismas, como input de reflexión sobre cómo se aproximan a las personas trabajadoras y cómo tienen diseñados sus procesos de gestión de personas, animándolas a personalizar las mismas según el tipo de mano de obra.
As the world moves toward the “New Normal” with borderless innovation and remote work, Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) are increasingly involved in tapping talent that is external to organizational boundaries. This study distills learnings from the use of globally distributed external talent that has been facilitated by innovation intermediaries, a development that holds significant managerial implications for the post‐COVID industrial era. Moving beyond the conventional and recognized need for global talent management practices, we provide a perspective on talent management outside organizational boundaries, a topic that that has received limited attention so far. Through the lenses of open innovation and talent management, we define a typology of innovation problems on the basis of latent talent needs. We take a step further, and for each problem type, we identify the competencies that are relevant, the reward mechanisms of the intermediaries, and the extent of collaboration required with internal talent. This typology provides a basis for researchers in the talent management community to study talent acquisition and management strategies of MNEs across various contexts and various innovation needs.
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Purpose: The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the four factors that are categorized in distinguishing critical position, skill training, development and reward management that may contribute to talent management. Further, the study measures the impact of talent management on women career enhancement in banking sector of Indore region. Design/Methodology: The data were collected from 300 working females in bank sector. The reliability of the data has been checked (+0.8) although the study use standardized scale of authors. The study applied the statistical tool to measure the variable by applying test of regression, chi-square test and ANOVA. Finding: The finding reveals that the there is impact of talent management on women career enhancement in banking. If any banking organization put effort by developing women employees, create talent pool for them and distribute fair justice among employee without any biasness and provide intrinsic and extrinsic reward to the women help in gaining the career advancement in the workplace. Further the study also reveals that there is impact of age and qualification on women career enhancement in the organizations. Gap & Future work: Although the study was successful conducted but there are some limitations as the data were collected from 300 working females who work in banking sector of Indore region only.
Le présent article a pour but de répondre aux récents appels pour des recherches sur les mécanismes qui permettent à la gestion des talents d’influencer les résultats des travailleurs talentueux. Dans cet article, nous nous sommes appuyés sur les théories de l’attraction-sélection-attrition et de la capacité, de la motivation et des opportunités pour examiner l’un des mécanismes, à savoir l’adéquation personne-poste, par lequel la gestion des talents influence l’engagement affectif et les intentions de départ des travailleurs de talent dans les institutions parapubliques au Ghana. Nous avons utilisé un échantillon de 232 membres du vivier de talents pour tester un modèle de médiation partielle à l’aide d’une modélisation par équation structurelle. Nos observations indiquent que la gestion des talents n’a pas seulement un effet direct, mais aussi un effet indirect sur les résultats des travailleurs de talent en termes d’engagement affectif et d’intentions de départ par le biais de l’adéquation personne-poste. Nous examinerons les implications de ces observations. Remarques à l’intention des praticiens Les spécialistes des ressources humaines peuvent tenter d’accroître l’engagement affectif et de réduire les intentions de départ en cherchant à faire coïncider les tâches professionnelles et les connaissances, les compétences et les capacités des travailleurs de talent, tout en répondant à leurs besoins par les fournitures qui émanent de leur travail grâce aux pratiques de gestion des talents. Les professionnels des ressources humaines peuvent choisir d’évaluer l’adéquation personne-poste des travailleurs de talent au cours de la phase de présélection de leur vivier de talents. Les spécialistes des ressources humaines peuvent parvenir à une adéquation personne-poste pour les membres actuels de leur vivier de talents grâce à la conception des tâches et à la planification de carrière, ainsi qu’à l’avancement professionnel. Pour les professionnels des ressources humaines soucieux de maintenir en poste les travailleurs de talent et d’accroître leur engagement, il peut être utile de s’efforcer d’assurer l’adéquation personne-poste grâce à des pratiques de gestion des talents pour réduire les intentions de départ des travailleurs et maintenir un niveau d’engagement élevé.
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Res earch on the concept of talent management in the public sector is still rarely done compared to similar research in business organizations. The National Police as part of a public organization that has the National Police Talent Management (MTP) program ha ve also never conducted research related to the appli the talent management , even though MTP has been running for 6 years and problems are still found in its implementation. The application of MTP can be interpreted as a management process system for the regeneration of Polri officers as talent officers through the identification stage of Polri's talents to be determined as talents, then talent grouping, coaching and talent development is carried out and then talent placement. This article will dis t he concept of talent management , especially in the aspect of identifying key positions in the MTP placement pattern, the placement of Polri talent officers in the MTP program as well as the obstacles that occur in the implementation of MTP, especiall y the talent pool 2018 generation the HR function of the National Police Headquarters and the talents of the 20 18 Police Force. The results of the study found 15 talents who had not been assigned to key organizational positions out of 38 existing talents, this will affect the motivation of the talents, as a result there will be a decrease in individual performance and not in accordance with the development plan Police talent. Then, the obstacles in the implementation of the MTP: first, the whereabouts of the talents of the National Police are still not fully known by the direct superiors or indirect superiors in the regional unit. Second, mentoring in the context of supervising and fostering Polri talents has not been optimal. Third, the evaluation process carried out is only administrative in nature, not a comprehensive MTP evaluation has been carried out.
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This study aims to determine the impact of Knowledge Management factors on Talent Performance. This paper discusses the possibility of a growing tension between talent progression and capability development which emerges as a result of Knowledge Management and Talent Management strategies. It is argued that the interrelationship between the increasing trend to develop Knowledge Management strategies leads to developing Talent Management in the organization. Merging of the two concepts, KM&TM , has so far been considered only by human resource scholars who have tended to examine how learning from the field of KM can achieve TM goals. Talent management involves the practice of continuously discovering, developing, using and retaining those people in an organization who are especially valuable in terms of having a great potential for the future of the organization. The knowledge management system includes all of the interacting and interdependent elements that pertain to monitoring and controlling knowledge like: creating knowledge, evaluating knowledge, using knowledge and sharing knowledge. This paper clarifies the knowledge management and reviews various techniques for knowledge representation and examines how the principles of knowledge management (KM) can be used to enhance an organization's talent management (TM).
The legal and compliance departments in organizations have more influence than ever before. Why then are companies so vulnerable to legal liability? The problem may not be with talented legal professionals, but with the lack of legal knowledge held by MBAs and other business school graduates that make day-to-day decisions in modern organizations. Firms can close this knowledge gap and minimize legal liability by training their managers in legal astuteness, the ability of a manager to successfully address legal issues, by instilling four essential traits: respecting the rule of law, recognizing legal issues, resolving problems proactively, and reporting complex legal issues to experts. Job candidates should also be screened for traits of legal astuteness. A legally astute candidate, especially a graduate of a business school that requires legal education for all its students, can be a cultural ambassador for legal astuteness and a valuable liaison between legal and compliance departments and the candidate’s functional area. A legally ignorant candidate will require significant training and a frank assessment of the legal risk they bring to the organization. Modern firms in today’s legal environment face two choices: hire a legally astute manager now or deal with a compliance headache later.
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The companies should have the abilities of listing the core competencies of the business and their assessment tools for measuring, training to support these core competencies and they should develop solutions accordingly. Talent management is an effective way to provide a significant competitive advantage to business success factor. In this study, the concept of talent management by addressing in detail reveals developing different strategic view points were discussed based on the main literature.The study discussed talent management systems and structures that support the implementation phase of the concept. In the research part of the study, a private bank in Turkey with a significant market share and a spesific talent management department was examined. Finally, the findings on the bank's ability to process management applications and systems within the concept of talent management were evaluated. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- İşletmelerin kendi temel yetkinliklerini ve bunları ölçen değerlendirme araçlarını listelemeleri, bu temel yetkinlikleri destekleyecek eğitim ve çözümler geliştirmeleri gerekmektedir. Son yıllarda hem iş hem akademik çevrede üstünde çok durulmaya başlanan bir kavram haline gelen yetenek yönetimi, etkin bir şekilde uygulandığında işletmelere rekabet avantajı sağlayan önemli bir başarı faktörüdür. Bu çalışma, yetenek yönetimi kavramını ayrıntılı bir şekilde ele alarak kavramla ilgili gelişen farklı stratejik bakış açılarını ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışmada yetenek yönetimini destekleyen sistem ve yapılara detaylıca değinilmiş ve kavramın uygulama aşamaları ayrıntılı bir şekilde incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın araştırma kısmında, Türkiye'de önemli bir pazar payına sahip ve ayrı bir yetenek yönetimi departmanı olan özel bir bankanın, yetenek yönetimi uygulama süreç ve sistemi incelenerek değerlendirilmiştir.
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Objective: The present study aimed to validate the talent management model of elementary school teachers in Iran, and determine its fitness. Method: The study was done by a combined exploratory method in the academic year 2019-2020. In the qualitative phase of the study, the research method was deductive content analysis, in which 5 comprehensive themes of identification, recruitment, selection, employment, development and maintenance were extracted, and then according to the comprehensive themes, 10 organizing themes: identifying elite people, motivating to recruit elites, fitting a person to a job, electing qualified people, fully utilizing the capabilities of people, providing performance conditions, increasing individual knowledge, improving job and professional skills, teachers’ excellence and well-being, and integrating people with the job of a teacher, and 40 basic themes were extracted. After confirmation of the validity and reliability, through the opinions of experts and specialists in educational sciences, in the quantitative part of the study, a descriptive-survey method was used to developing a questionnaire. The statistical population consisted of a small number of elementary school principals, deputies, and experts from education departments: experts of the elementary education, human resource promotion, administrative affairs, in education departments and the experts at the Farhangian universities. The sample size was 377 people who were selected based on the table of Cohen et al. by multi-stage random sampling method. After confirmation of the validity of the questionnaire and the obtained reliability (0.74), through Cronbach’s alpha, the modeling method of covariance-based structural equations was used to validate the research model. Findings: All themes with high factor loading were confirmed, which indicated that the validity and reliability of the model was high. Conclusion: The implementation of this model can facilitate the realization of the goals of education in finding, recruiting and maintaining elite and effective people.
Zasadniczym celem pracy jest ustalenie wpływu zarządzania talentami na orientację na uczenie się przedsiębiorstw. Jego realizacja wymagała opracowania spójnych koncepcji obu zagadnień oraz ich empirycznej weryfikacji. Autorka ocenia programy i procesy zarządzania talentami w Polsce, zajmuje się problemem modelowania organizacji uczącej się oraz przedstawia wyniki swoich badań.
Using a niche service provider, Zforce Government Solutions (ZGS), this case provides the reader with a first-hand examination of the organizational issues resulting from ineffective recruiting, retention, and succession planning, allowing for the acknowledgment of the coherent, interdependent, and interrelated relationship between the aforementioned topics. This case study performs a revelatory assessment of ZGS's application of Harvard's Soft HRM model and fundamentals of key issues reflecting organizational mismanagement of human talent, where human talent is vital to organizational continuity. Written from the vantage point of a previous ZGS senior management employee, this case study utilizes a qualitative research approach, with empirical data gathered from four in-depth interviews conducted with previous ZGS leadership employees. Ultimately, the case study is intended to induce reader-reflection on the various components of importance in talent management, which play a significant role in accomplishing employee loyalty and employee retention.
Notwithstanding the popular consensus around the relevance of potential, in both practitioner and scholarly publications, the field still lacks a unified definition and theoretical clarity allowing to build on previous work and conducting empirical and comparative studies. Using a systematic review (SR), this paper aims to present a synthesis of the extant literature. The findings of this SR indicate that there are both similar and differing viewpoints for defining potential and that, theoretically, the study of potential from the perspective of the individual is still lacking. As a result, a comprehensive definition of potential is presented. Furthermore, we recommend incorporating this perspective and formulate a conceptual model to advance in the understanding of this phenomenon. Full text at:
This study explores the processes of global talent management (GTM) in multinational corporations (MNCs) by means of case studies of Turkish subsidiaries of Japanese MNCs, focusing on the role of regional headquarters (RHQs) in identifying and incorporating talent into headquarters (HQs). Until recently, the role of RHQs has been overlooked in research on international business and GTM. For this study, 30 individuals of 10 Japanese MNCs and related organizations in Turkey were interviewed. The three main findings of the study are as follows. First, it reveals that GTM practices are influenced not only by MNCs’ standardization and localization but also by regional effects. Second, RHQs intermediate the information gaps and social bonds between HQs and distant subsidiaries by convening training and development workshops at RHQs. Third, Japanese MNCs with RHQs successfully identify and incorporate local talent into the talent pool at HQs through management meetings at RHQs.
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