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Effectiveness of antiresorptive agents in the prevention of recurrent hip fractures


Abstract and Figures

Hip fracture is associated with recurrent fractures and increased mortality. The results of our retrospective cohort study support the use of antiresorptive agents to prevent recurrent hip fractures in this population. Hip fracture, the most serious consequence of osteoporosis, is associated with recurrent fractures and increased mortality. Antiresorptive therapy has proven efficacy in the prevention of fractures after vertebral fractures. It is unknown if it can prevent recurrent fractures after a hip fracture. We designed a population based, retrospective cohort study, using administrative databases and identified patients hospitalized for a hip fracture between 1996 and 2002. The exposure was defined as being dispensed a prescription for an antiresorptive agent at any time following discharge. Multivariate Cox regression models were used to estimate the hazard ratio of recurrent hip fracture. Subgroup and propensity score analyses were performed. A total of 20,644 patients were identified; 6,779 filled a prescription for antiresorptive agents. There were 992 recurrent hip fractures. Patients exposed to antiresorptives had a 26% reduction in the rate of recurrent fractures (adjusted hazard ratio 0.74; 95% CI, 0.64-0.86) compared to patients who were not. All subgroups experienced a reduction in recurrent fracture, except the very elderly. Propensity score analyses were consistent with the main analysis. Antiresorptive therapy reduces the risk of recurrent hip fractures in elderly patients. These results provide evidence that this therapy should be considered for secondary prevention of hip fractures.
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Effectiveness of antiresorptive agents in the prevention
of recurrent hip fractures
S. Morin & E. Rahme & H. Behlouli & A. Tenenhouse &
D. Goltzman & L. Pilote
Received: 19 March 2007 / Accepted: 13 June 2007 / Published online: 19 July 2007
International Osteoporosis Foundation and National Osteoporosis Foundation 2007
Summary Hip fracture is associated with recurrent fractures
and increased mortality. The results of our retrospective
cohort study support the use of antiresorptive agents to
prevent recurrent hip fractures in this population.
Introduction Hip fracture, the most serious consequence of
osteoporosis, is associated with recurr ent fractures and
increased mortality. Antiresorptive therapy has proven efficacy
in the prevention of fractures after vertebral fractures. It is
unknown if it can prevent recurrent fractures after a hip fracture.
Methods We designed a population based, retrospective
cohort study, using administrative databases and identified
patients hospitalized for a hip fracture between 1996 and
2002. The exposure was defined as being dispensed a
prescription for an antiresorptive agent at any time following
discharge. Multivariate Cox regression models were used to
estimate the hazard ratio of recurrent hip fracture. Subgroup
and propensity score analyses were performed.
Results A total of 20,644 patients were identified; 6,779 filled
a prescription for antiresorptive agents. There were 992
recurrent hip fractures. Patients exposed to antiresorptives
had a 26% reduction in the rate of recurrent fractures (adjusted
hazard ratio 0.74; 95% CI, 0.640.86) compared to patients
who were not. All subgroups experienced a reduction in
recurrent fracture, except the very elderly. Propensity score
analyses were consistent with the main analysis.
Conclusions Antiresorptive therapy reduces the risk of
recurrent hip fractures in elderly patients. These results
provide evidence that this therapy should be considered for
secondary prevention of hip fractures.
Keywords Antiresorptive agents
Hip fracture
Observational study
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by quantitative and
qualitative changes of bone [1]. In the United States, ten
million individuals over age 50 suffer from osteoporosis
and 34 million more are at risk. Each year an estimated 1.5
million Americans suffer an osteoporotic-related fracture;
women are affected in 80% of the cases [2]. Hip fracture is
the most serious consequence of osteoporosis. It is
associated with a doubling in the relative risk of recurrent
fractures and excess mortality rate of 25% and higher,
compared to sex- and age-matched individuals [37].
In randomized controlled trials, several therapies have
documented efficacy in primary and secondary prevention
of ost eopor osis -rel ated vertebral fractures and p rimar y
prevention of non-vertebral fractures. Calcium and vitamin
D supplementation has been associated with a reduction in
non-vertebral fractures, including the hip, in institutional-
ized elderly persons and with a decreased risk of falls [8, 9].
Antiresorptive agents include hormone replacement therapy
(HRT), bisphosphonates, selective estrogen receptor mod-
Osteoporos Int (2007) 18:16251632
DOI 10.1007/s00198-007-0421-1
Dr. Morin is a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Bone Scholar,
Dr. Pilote is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Dr. Pilote is a William Dawson Professor of Medicine at McGill
University. This study was supported in part by a grant from the
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (#ATF-66669).
S. Morin (*)
E. Rahme
H. Behlouli
A. Tenenhouse
D. Goltzman
L. Pilote
Division of Internal Medicine,
McGill University Health Center (MUHC),
1650 Cedar Ave, Room B2-118,
Montreal, QC H3G 1A4, Canada
S. Morin
E. Rahme
H. Behlouli
A. Tenenhouse
D. Goltzman
L. Pilote
Clinical Epidemiology, the Research Institute of the McGill
University Health Center,
1650 Cedar Ave, Room B2-118,
Montreal, QC H3G 1A4, Canada
ulators and calcitonin; they have been studied in diverse
populations of women with osteoporosis and to lesser
extent in men. Their anti-fracture efficacy ranges between
3065% for new and recurrent vertebral fractures, depend-
ing on the agent and the population studied [10]. Clinical
trials have demonstrated reductions in the risk of a first hip
fracture with HRT (34%) and with bisphosphonates (27
49%) in postmenopausal women [11, 12]. Alendronate and
risedronate also reduced vertebral fractures in osteoporotic
men but data on hip fracture among men are lacking [13,
14]. Obs ervational studies have documented effectiveness
of antiresorptive agents in reducing fractures in patients
identified in medical and pharmacy claims; however, it is
usually unknown if the patients are receiving treatment for
primary or secondary prevention of fractures [15, 16].
Further, there are no data on whether these medications are
effective when used after a hip fracture.
Despite insufficient data to support secondary prevention
of non-vertebral fractures, most osteoporosis-management
clinical guidelines advocate initiation of pharmacological
therapy in patients with any prevalent osteoporosis-related
fractures that confer a high risk of recurrence [17, 18]. It is
unknown, however, if any pharmacological therapy is
effective in preventing recurrent fracture in individuals
who have sustained a hip fracture.
The objectives of this study were to describe the patterns
of use of antiresorptive agents in older individuals from
1996 to 2002, and to determine their effectiveness in
preventing recurrent hip fractures.
Study design and population
We designed a retrospective cohort study of men and
women hospitalized for a hip fracture between 1996 and
2002, using the province of Quebec (Canada) hospital
discharge summary and the physician and drug claims
databases.The hospital discharge summary database pro-
vides information on hospital admissions for the entire
province including discharge diagnosis, up to 15 secondary
diagnoses, length of stay, discharge destination and in-
hospital mortality. The physician and drug claim database
provides information on all in- and out-patient diagnostic
and therapeutic procedures and physicians visits, out-of-
hospital mortality, as well as drug prescriptions for all
persons aged 65 years and older. The two databases were
merged using encrypted health insurance numbers. These
databases have been the source of many published epidemi-
ological studies. Information on vital status provided in these
databases has been shown to be accurate [19].
We identified all patients 65 years and older who were
discharged from hospital with a discharge diagnosis of hip
fracture (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth
revision (ICD-9) code 820.x) between April 1, 1996 and
March 31, 2002. We included all patients discharged from
acute care hospitals and rehabilitation centers. We excluded
patients with duplicate records (indicating a transfer
between institutions for the same episode of fracture) and
patients discharged to long-term care facilities because their
medications are not available in the provincial drug claim
database. The accuracy of these databases for the coding of
hip fractures, co-morbidities and prescription claims has
been shown to be high [20, 21].
The drug claim database was used to determine exposure to
medications. We considered the following medications as
antiresorptive agents: etidronate, alendronate, risedronate,
raloxifene, calcitonin (subcutaneous and nasal spray), and
hormone replacement therapy (HRT). All doses were consid-
ered. Alendronate was included on the provincial formulary in
1997; raloxifene, calcitonin by nasal spray and risedronate in
2000. Access to these medications is unrestricted in Quebec.
Calcium and Vitamin D supplements are available over the
counter, but can also be obtained by prescription.
We defined as exposed those individuals who filled at least
one prescription for any antiresorptive agent at any point
during their follow up after discharge from the acute care
hospital or rehabilitation center; provided this prescription
occurred prior to a recurrent fracture.
Non-exposed individuals were categorized as such if
they never received a prescription for antiresorptive agents
during the follow up period or, if they received it after a
recurrent fracture.
Recurrent fractures were defined as incident hip fractures
(ICD-9 code 820.x) requiring hospital readmission during
the observation period. We chose recurrent hip fractures as
a primary outcome, as opposed to all fractures, to ensure
completeness of ascertainment (nearly all hip fractures
require hospital admission) and because 90% of docu-
mented recurrent fractures in our cohort were of the hip.
Length of observation
Patients were followed until the first one of these events:
occurrence of a recurrent fracture, death or March 31, 2003
(providing at least one year of observation for patients who
were admitted with a hip fracture in 2002). We followed
1626 Osteoporos Int (2007) 18:16251632
exposed patients starting at the time of the filling of the first
prescription (time 0). To reduce the potential of survival
bias in favour of the exposed, the non-exposed patients
were assigned starting dates that were frequency matched to
those of the exposed; where the overall distribution of time
0 of the non-exposed is matched to that of the exposed [22].
The non-exposed, assigned a time 0 after a study outcome
had already occurred, were excluded from the analysis.
Confounders known to affect fracture risk were identified
from the literature [23, 24]. To control for confounding in
subsequent analyses, the following variables were defined at
the time of the initial admission to hospital (available in the
hospital discharge database) : age, sex, co-medications (oral
corticosteroids, thiazide diuretics, calcium and vitamin D
supplementation; shown to affect fracture risk [25]), and
comorbidities (hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, chronic
lung disease, diabetes, dementia, malignancy, osteoporosis,
neurological diseases, renal dysfunction and rheumatologic
diseases). Comorbidities have been associated with increased
risks of falls and fragility fractures [2628]. A comorbidity
index score (Charlson Index score as modified by Romano
for use in administrative databases) was derived for each
patient [29]. We defined length of stay as the time (days)
spent in the acute care hospital and in the rehabilitation
center prior to discharge home. Calendar year was included
in all analyses to control for temporal trends in prescription
of antiresorptive agents and supplements.
Because confounding variables were not distributed equally
amongst the two groups of patients, the effect of antiresorptive
agents was then compared in subgroups of patients who shared
similar baseline characteristics. We stratified the cohort based
on the presence or absence of comorbidities as defined by the
Charlson Index score (score of 0 or score >0).
Studies have shown that the efficacy of anti-osteoporotic
medications may vary with age, being less with increasing
age [30]. We chose to examine the effect of therapy after
stratifying the cohort based on age group (<80 years,
80 years).
Increased mortali ty rates, highest in the first year
following a hip fracture, constitute an important competing
risk for the occurrence of recurrent fractures [4]. Therefore,
we also conducted the analysis in patients who survived the
first year after their discharge to the community, indicative
of a healthier subgro up.
Persistence with treatment has been found to be low in
post-menopausal women with osteoporosis and associated
with increased fracture risk [16, 17]. We evaluated the
dose-response relationship by analysing the re-fracture rates
in two subgroups of pat ients with different levels of
persistence with therapy. We defined persistence with therapy
as the cumulative days of use of an agent, consecutive or not,
over the first complete year of follow up (number of days on
medication/ 365 days×100) [31]. We identified individuals
with a high persistence as those who used an antiresorptive
agent for 80% of the time or more, during that year.
Propensity scores are used in observational studies to
estimate ones conditional probability of a particular exposure
versus another, given observed confounders. Patients with
similar propensity scores have similar characteristics and
probability of exposure. This type of analysis permits the
evaluation of the effect of exposure in groups with similar
baseline characteristics, analogous to the intent of a random-
ized trial [32]. The success of the propensity score is judged
by confirming that, balance on pre-treatment characteristics
has been achieved between the treatment groups. Stratifica-
tion adjustment using the propensity score can then be used
to produce an unbiased estimate of the treatment effects [33].
To assess the robustness of our main analysis, we assessed
the treatment effect of antiresorptives after stratifying our
cohort on propensity score.
Statistical analysis
Multivariate Cox proportional models were used to estimate
the hazard ratio of recurrent hip fractures in the exposed and
non-exposed, after adjustment for potential differences in
baseline covariates. All potential confounders listed above
were simultaneously included in the model.
Analyses were also performed, using the same models, in
predefined subgroups: according to the presence or absence of
comorbidities, in different age groups (<80 years, 80 years)
and in patients who survived the first year after the initial
Propensity scores were obtained in logistic regression
models. The selection of variables to be included in the model
was based on forward selection and the model checked against
a model based on backward selection. We divided the cohort
in quintiles of propensity scores and examined the risk of re-
fracture in each quintile.
All analyses were performed using the statistical software
SAS version 9.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina). A P
value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant
for all analyses.
Ethical considerations
All the data used for the analyses were anonymous and
confidential; personal ident ifiers were encrypted by the
governmental agency prior to receiving the data. The McGill
University Institutional Review Board approved this study.
Osteoporos Int (2007) 18:16251632 1627
In total, 30,634 patients were admitted to hospital following
a hip fracture between 1996 and 2002 .After exclusions of
patients who did not survive to discharge (3,382) and who
were discharged to a long-term care institution (6,608), a
cohort of 20,644 patients was identified; 6,779 filled a
prescription for antiresorptive agents (exposed). In general,
exposed patients were younger and had less comorbidity
than non-exposed patients (Table 1). Women comprised
80% of the cohort and were 81 [SD 7] years old on average.
Men were younger (mean age 78 [SD 8] years), had more
comorbidity and were less like ly to receive antiresorptive
therapy. Median time to first prescription was 85 days
(interquartile range 11395). Mean time of follow up was
2.15 [SD 1.6] years for the exposed and 2.24 [1.7] years for
the non-exposed. During this time, there were 992 recurrent
hip fractures and 9146 deaths.
Prescriptions for antiresorptive agents increased during
the study period as agents became available; by 2002,
bisphosphonates were the agents prescribed most frequently
(Fig. 1). Median duration of therapy was 317 d ays
(interquartile range 90729). Among exposed patients, the
cumulative proportions who received a prescription for any
agent 30, 90 and 365 days following discharge were
respectively: 35, 51 and 74%.
The rate of recurrent fracture was 2.17 per 100 person-
years in the exposed group and 2.90 per 100 person-years
in the non-exposed group (crude rate ratio 0.75; 95% CI
0.650.86). In adjusted multi variable models, subjects
exposed to antiresorptive agents experienced a reduction
in the rate of recurrent hip fracture of 26% (HR 0.74; 95%
CI 0.640.86) (Table 2).
After adjusting for baseline covariates, exposure was
associated with a decrease in the risk of recurrent fracture in
patients with and without comorbidities (HR 0.71; 95% CI
0.590.86 and HR 0.80; 95% CI 0.641.00, respectively)
(Fig. 2). The largest benefit of exposure was observed in
the subgroup of patients 80 years and younger as their risk
of recurrent fracture was almost half of that of the non-
exposed (HR 0.53; 95% CI 0.420.67). We were unable to
show a positive effect of exposure in the older age group
(HR 0.92; 95% CI 0.771.10). The interaction between
exposure to antiresorptives and age was significant (p=
0.02) suggesting that the effect of treatment varied with
age. In patients who survived the first year after disch arge,
results were consistent with the main analysis (HR, 0.82;
95% CI 0.680.97).
In patients who persisted with therapy 80% of the time
or more, exposure was associated with a reduction in
recurrent of fractures of 3 4% (crude rate ratio 0.66; 95% CI
0.520.84) when compared with patients who were less
Finally, our propensity score model predicted exposure
to antiresorptive agents (C statistic=0.725) and adequately
balanced the co nfounders between the two exp osure
groups. Using our proportionate multivariable model, we
repeated the analysis in each quintile of propensity score
and confirmed that the risk of recurrent fracture was
reduced in the exposed compared to the non-exposed, in
the four quintiles where there were enough patients exposed
to antiresorptive agents (Fig. 3).
In this large popula tion of elderly patients with a major
fragility fracture, exposure to antiresorptive therapy reduced
recurrent hip fractures. It is the first time that effectiveness
of therapy is evaluated in this population. We showed that
all subgroups, except the very elderly, benefited from
Table 1 Baseline characteristics of subjects, by exposure status
(N=6779) (N=13865)
Mean age (SD), years 79 (7) 81 (8)
Age groups, (%)
6569 years 11 8
7074 years 17 13
7579 years 24 20
80 years 48 60
Women, (%) 90 73
Co-morbidities, (%)
Hypertension 39 35
Chronic obstructive lung disease 16 16
Diabetes 11 15
Dementia 4 14
Neurological disease 8 11
Congestive heart failure 5 8
Myocardial infarction 4 5
Renal failure 2 5
Rheumatologic disease 4 1
Malignancy 3 4
Osteoporosis 1 0
Median Charlson index
(IQR) 0 (0, 2) 1 (0, 3)
Medication at discharge, (%) 12 3
Calcium supplement 12 3
Vitamin D supplement 10 3
Oral corticosteroid 3 3
Thiazide diuretic 27 17
Median length of stay
(IQR), days 34 (16, 53) 30 (13, 52)
IQR- interquartile range
As documented by physicians in the hospital discharge database.
Romanos adaptation of the Charlson Index for use with claims
Length of stay in both acute care hospital and rehabilitation center.
1628 Osteoporos Int (2007) 18:16251632
treatment; although the overall risk reduction was less than
that documented in randomized trials. The larger benefits
noted in these studies might be explained by the systematic
use of calcium and Vitamin D by the participants as well as
younger age, absence of comorbidities and homogeneity of
the study populations [10]. Nonetheless, we have docu-
mented reductions in risk of hip fracture in the subgroups of
patients without any co-morbidity and patients 80 years of
age and less, comparable to participants of clinical trials.
The lack of effect of therapy in the older age group may
be explained in part by the following factors. Vitamin D
insufficiency is highly prevalent in elderly patients with hip
fractures [34]. It is responsible for accelerated bone loss and
increased risk for fractures [35]. In vitamin D insufficient
patients, therapeutic response to antiresorptive agents is less
than that demonstrated in clinical trials [36]. Non-skeletal
factors such as fall patterns may dictate the risk for
fractures, regardless of therapy. Post hoc analyses of older
subgroups (80 years and older) of wom en in randomized
trials have shown benefits of risedronate in reducing
recurrent verteb ral, but not non-vertebral fractures [30].
Although not documented with raloxifene or calcitonin, this
differential therapeutic effect deserves future investigation.
Antiresorptive agents rapidly reduce bone remodelling.
This leads to increased bone strength and reduced fracture
risk within a year of initiating therapy [37, 38]. Such
efficacy is essential because patients with a recent osteo-
porosis-fracture have a high incidence of recurrence in the
year following the initial event, as seen in our cohort [39].
In patients who survived the first year after discharge from
the hospital experienced an 18% reduction in the risk of re-
fracture after exposure to antiresorptive therapy.
Persistence with therapy improves outcomes [40]. In our
study, individuals who persisted longer with treatment had
a larger reduction in the risk for recurrent fracture. Our
method of assessment of persistence has been used in other
studies and shown to be accurate; however, because of the
number of different medications and doses evaluated in our
cohort we were unable to evaluate the effect of persistence
to individual agents [31 ].
Few patients received a prescription for calcium and
vitamin D supplements upon discharge; this has been
recorded previously [41]. These supplements are available
without prescription; there fore, their dispensations are not
recorded in databases and unavailable for inclusion in our
analyses. It is possible, that part of the effect seen in the
patients exposed to antiresorptive be secondary to a higher
usage of calcium and vitamin D as they have been
associated with lower risk of hip fractures in elderly
individuals [9]. However, data from randomized trials have
shown that in patients at high risk of re-fracture, calcium
and vitamin D supplementation, as used in the placebo
groups, was not sufficient to prevent recurrences.
We also did n ot have information on whether bone
mineral density (BMD) measurements were performed.
BMD has been shown to be correlated with fracture risk
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Hormonal therapy
% of
Fig. 1 Temporal trends in the
proportion of patients who fill
prescriptions for antiresorptive
agents between 1996 and 2002
Table 2 Effectiveness of antiresorptive agents in preventing recurrent
hip fractures
Hazard ratio 95% CI
Antiresorptive therapy 0.74 (0.640.86)
0.75 (0.630.90)
1.03 (1.021.04)
2.32 (1.154.65)
Model is adjusted for age, sex, baseline characteristics and calendar
Men compared to women.
For each additional year of age.
As documented by physicians in the hospital discharge database.
Osteoporos Int (2007) 18:16251632 1629
and known to influence initiation of therapy when measure-
ments are available [42]. Although BMD is measured in
less than 15% of patients following a hip fracture, there
may have been differential assessment of BMD between the
groups [41]. A possible scenario would be that, screened
patients would be found to have a BMD result diagnostic of
osteoporosis and encourage the clinician to prescribe
antiresorptive therapy. This would, however, tend to
increase the proportion of patients with more severe disease
in the exposed group.
Unmeasured confounders may, in part ex plain our
findings. We had limited data on clinical indicators of
frailty and risk for falls. Risk factors that have been
strongly associated with falls include age, cognitive
impairment, the presence of two or more chronic con-
ditions, low body mass and gait impairment [43]. We were
able to adjust for many of these factors in our analysis and
feel that imbalances in the distribution of these unmeasured
confounders did not account for the results found in the
Because of limited numbers of patients per class of
antiresorptive agents we could not analyse the effect of one
agent versus another, such as has been done in other
analyses to reduce confounding [15, 44]. Thus, on the
whole, our adjusted results support the effectiveness of
antiresorptive therapy in the prevent ion of recurrent hip
Finally, patients discharged to long-term care were
excluded from the analysis because their prescription
records are unavailable in the databases. Such patients are
frail, have higher mortality rates and are less likely to
receive antiresorptive therapy [45]. Their presence in the
cohort would have increased the proportion of unexposed
patients and would have been unlikely to change the
direction of the results of the analyses.
Despite these limitations, an observational study design
has the undisputed advantage of obtaining data on a large
population of patients that otherwise would not be
accessible. Randomized clinical trials are difficult to carry
out in frail elderly patients. Therefore, results of observa-
tional studies, such as the one we have conducted, add to
the body of knowledge collected from previous clinical
trials and quantify the effectiveness of treatment in real
world practice.
At least 300,000 hip fractures occur in the United States
every year and this figure will rise over the next decade [2].
Although 90% of fractures are related to falls, interventions
that decrease the risk of falling have had a modest impact
on the reductions of fractures [46, 47]. Consequently,
All Patients
Without comorbidities
With comorbidities
Age group < 80 years
Age group
80 years
Patients who survive
year after discharge
0.74 (0.64-0.85)
0.71 (0.59-0.86)
0.80 (0.64-1.00)
0.53 (0.42-0.67)
0.92 (0.77-1.10)
0.82 (0.68-0.97)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2.0
Adjusted Hazard Ratios (95% Confidence Intervals)
Fig. 2 Risk of Recurrent Hip
Fracture in Subgroups
0 0.5 1 1.5 2.0
Main analysis
Quintile 1
Quintile 2
Quintile 3
Quintile 4
Quintile 5
N Expose
Hazard Ratio (95% Confidence Intervals)
Fig. 3 Risk of recurrent hip fracture by propensity score quintile (Q1
to Q5)
1630 Osteoporos Int (2007) 18:16251632
efforts to rapidly increase bone strength through pha rma-
cological modalities have been extensive.
Our data s upports, for the first time, the u se of
antiresorptive agents for the redu ct ion of the ri sk of
recurrent fractures in patients after a hip fracture.
Acknowledgements This study was funded in part by grant #ATF
6669 from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Dr. Morin is a
scholar of the CIHR Skeletal Health Training Program. The funding
agency had no role in the design of the study, in the collection,
analysis and interpretation of the data, in the writing of the manuscript
and in the decision to submit the paper for publication.
Conflict of interest statement Dr. Morin has received honoraria
(consultant and speaker fees) from the Alliance for Better Bone
Health, Merck and Eli Lilly. Dr. Rahme has received grants and
consultant fees from Merck, Pfizer and Boehringer Ingelheim. All
other authors have no conflict of interest.
Author_s contributions:
Drs Morin and Pilote were responsible for the conception of the
Dr. Pilote was responsible for acquisition of the data.
Drs. Morin and Behlouli were responsible for the data programming.
Drs. Morin, Pilote, Rahme, Behlouli and Goltzman were responsible
for the design of the study, data analysis and interpretation.
Dr. Morin was responsible for writing the manuscript.
All authors were responsible for revising the manuscript critically
for important intellectual content.
All authors have seen and approved the final version of the
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... A total of 4,216 were excluded after review of the title/abstract. After full text review, 19 records (Ensrud, 1997;Mcclung et al., 2001;Marcus et al., 2003;Boonen et al., 2004;Boonen et al., 2006;McCloskey et al., 2006;Morin et al., 2007;Eastell et al., 2009;Boonen et al., 2010;Boonen et al., 2011;McClung et al., 2012;Nakano et al., 2014;Bawa et al., 2015;Greenspan et al., 2015;Cosman et al., 2016;Axelsson et al., 2017;Cosman et al., 2017;Bergman et al., 2018;McClung et al., 2018) selected independently by MG and BP (100% concordance) were included in the systematic review and 10 (Ensrud, 1997;Mcclung et al., 2001;Marcus et al., 2003;Boonen et al., 2004;McCloskey et al., 2006;Boonen et al., 2010;Boonen et al., 2011;McClung et al., 2012;Axelsson et al., 2017;Bergman et al., 2018) in the meta-analysis (Table 1). Figure 1 shows a flowchart of the literature search and study selection. ...
... The included studies had a number of different designs, including four randomized controlled trials (RCTs) (Mcclung et al., 2001;McCloskey et al., 2006;Greenspan et al., 2015;Cosman et al., 2016), eight post-hoc analyses (Ensrud, 1997;Marcus et al., 2003;Boonen et al., 2004;Boonen et al., 2010;Boonen et al., 2011;McClung et al., 2012;Nakano et al., 2014;McClung et al., 2018), one pre-planned and post-hoc analysis , two pre-specified subgroup analyses (Boonen et al., 2006;Cosman et al., 2017), one prospective cohort study (Axelsson et al., 2017) and three retrospective cohort studies (Morin et al., 2007;Bawa et al., 2015;Bergman et al., 2018). ...
... Two retrospective cohorts also studied raloxifene, hormone Frontiers in Aging 03 (Morin et al., 2007;Bawa et al., 2015) but these treatments are not approved for osteoporosis treatment in older people. Studies were conducted in North America, Europe, Australia, China, or Japan. ...
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Background: Osteoporosis consists in the reduction of bone mineral density and increased risk of fracture. Age is a risk factor for osteoporosis. Although many treatments are available for osteoporosis, there is limited data regarding their efficacy in older people. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of osteoporosis treatments in patients over 75 years old. Methods: We reviewed all published studies in MEDLINE, Cochrane and EMBASE including patients over 75 years old, treated by osteoporosis drugs, and focused on vertebral fractures or hip fractures. Results: We identified 4,393 records for review; 4,216 were excluded after title/abstract review. After full text review, 19 records were included in the systematic review. Most studies showed a reduction in vertebral fracture with osteoporosis treatments, but non-significant results were observed for hip fractures. Meta-analysis of 10 studies showed that lack of treatment was significantly associated with an increased risk of vertebral fractures at one (OR = 3.67; 95%CI = 2.50–5.38) and 3 years (OR = 2.19; 95%CI = 1.44–3.34), and for hip fractures at one (OR = 2.14; 95%CI = 1.09–4.22) and 3 years (OR = 1.31, 95%CI = 1.12–1.53). Conclusion: A reduction in the risk of vertebral fractures with osteoporosis treatments was observed in most of the studies included and meta-analysis showed that lack of treatment was significantly associated with an increased risk of vertebral fractures. Concerning hip fractures, majority of included studies did not show a significant reduction in the occurrence of hip fractures with osteoporotic treatments, but meta-analysis showed an increased risk of hip fractures without osteoporotic treatment. However, most of the data derived from post hoc and preplanned analyses or observational studies.
... Abrahamsen et al. 24 showed that bisphosphonate use was associated with a reduced risk of hip fracture independently from baseline characteristics. Again, Morin et al. 25 found that bisphosphonates were associated with a 30% lower risk of hip fracture, a proportion that is similar to our findings. Interestingly, Morin et al. approached the issue with a similar study design; namely, Cox regression in the main analysis and propensity score matching in sensitivity 26 used a 1:1 propensity score matching to control for confounders as well. ...
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Introduction Randomized clinical trials have shown that anti-osteoporotic treatments can increase bone mineral density (BMD) and reduce the incidence of fragility fractures. However, data on the real-life effectiveness of anti-osteoporotic medications are still scarce. Methods We conducted a cohort study on women at high risk of fracture. We retrieved clinical and densitometric data from the DeFRA database, which derives from the DeFRA tool, a web-based fracture risk assessment tool. Multivariable Cox regression survival models were employed to analyze the effectiveness of different anti-osteoporotic drugs on fracture. In sensitivity analyses, we conducted 1:1 propensity score matching analyses. Results Data on 50,862 women were available. Among these, 3574 individuals had at least two consecutive visits. The crude fracture rate was 91.9/1000 person-year for non-treated patients. The crude fracture rate in bisphosphonate users was 72.1/1000 person-year, in denosumab users was 58.2/1000 person-year, and in teriparatide users was 19.3/1000 person-year. Overall, we found that bisphosphonate use was associated with a 30% lower risk of fracture compared to no treatment [adjusted hazard ratio (aHR): 0.70, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.50–0.98]. Treatment with denosumab and teriparatide were associated with 60% and 90% lower risk of fracture, respectively (aHR: 0.43, 95% CI: 0.24–0.75 and aHR: 0.09, 95% CI: 0.01–0.70). Bisphosphonate use was associated with a lower risk of fracture only after 1 year of treatment. Conclusion In conclusion, we found that all anti-osteoporotic medications considered in the study effectively reduced the risk of fracture in the real-life. The effect of bisphosphonate on fracture risk was apparent only after the first year of treatment. Our findings do not support the use of bisphosphonates in patients at imminent risk of fracture.
... There is evidence that the UK has done poorly with initiation of secondary prevention compared to other European countries [34]. Antiresorptive therapy after a hip fracture is important to prevent the risk of recurrent hip fractures [35] and lower the risk of death [36,37]. ...
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The Blue Book published by the British Orthopaedic Association and British Geriatrics Society, together with the introduction of National Hip Fracture Database Audit and Best Practice Tariff, have been influential in improving hip fracture care. We examined ten-year (2009–2019) changes in hip fracture outcomes after establishing an orthogeriatric service based on these initiatives, in 1081 men and 2891 women (mean age = 83.5 ± 9.1 years). Temporal trends in the annual percentage change (APC) of outcomes were identified using the Joinpoint Regression Program v4.7.0.0. The proportions of patients operated beyond 36 h of admission fell sharply during the first two years: APC = − 53.7% (95% CI − 68.3, − 5.2, P = 0.003), followed by a small rise thereafter: APC = 5.8% (95% CI 0.5, 11.3, P = 0.036). Hip surgery increased progressively in patients > 90 years old: APC = 3.3 (95% CI 1.0, 5.8, P = 0.011) and those with American Society of Anaesthesiologists grade ≥ 3: APC = 12.4 (95% CI 8.8, 16.1, P < 0.001). There was a significant decline in pressure ulcers amongst patients < 90 years old: APC = − 17.9 (95% CI − 32.7, 0.0, P = 0.050) and also a significant decline in mortality amongst those > 90 years old: APC = − 7.1 (95% CI − 12.6, − 1.3, P = 0.024). Prolonged length of stay (> 23 days) declined from 2013: APC = − 24.6% (95% CI − 31.2, − 17.4, P < 0.001). New discharge to nursing care declined moderately over 2009–2016 (APC = − 10.6, 95% CI − 17.2, − 2.7, P = 0.017) and sharply thereafter (APC = − 47.5%, 95%CI − 71.7, − 2.7, P = 0.043). The rate of patients returning home was decreasing (APC = − 2.9, 95% CI − 5.1, − 0.7, P = 0.016), whilst new discharge to rehabilitation was increasing (APC = 8.4, 95% CI 4.0, 13.0; P = 0.002). In conclusion, the establishment of an orthogeriatric service was associated with a reduction of elapsed time to hip surgery, a progressive increase in surgery carried out on high-risk adults and a decline in adverse outcomes.
... Data retrieved in the present study could not confirm this statement, possibly due to the very low number of patients constituting the corticosteroid therapy group. Antiresorptive medications for osteoporosis treatment are an efficient preventative strategy for patients with high risk for controlateral fractures (47)(48)(49). In the present study, no significant differences in osteoporosis treatment was noted between single or bilateral fracture patients. ...
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Background and aim of the work: Given the high impact of proximal femur fractures (PFFs) on elderly patients and healthcare systems, the burden of contralateral PFFs might be overlooked. Aim of the study is to analyze the epidemiology and risk factors of contralateral proximal femur fractures. Secondary aim is to detect mortality rate differences in first and contralateral PPF. Methods: A population of 1022 patients admitted for proximal femur fractures in a single center was studied. Prevalence at admission as well as incidence of contralateral PFF during a 18 to 36 months follow-up was recorded. Epidemiology of contralateral PFF was studied recording number of events, time to second fracture and fracture type. Mortality at 1-year was recorded for all patients and compared between first and second PFF patients. Comorbidities, pharmacotherapy, BMI, MNA and SPMSQ were studied as possible risk factors. Results: Prevalence and incidence of contralateral PFFs were 9.4% and 6.5% respectively. Median time to second fracture was 12 months. One-year mortality of contralateral PFFs was significantly lower (20.5% vs 25.1%, p 0.003) than first PFF. Contralateral fracture patients had a significantly lower BMI and a significantly lower proportion of malnourished patients. Conclusions: The incidence and prevalence of contralateral PFFs is relevant. Mortality of contralateral PFFs results to be lower than first PFF. Patients with higher BMI and malnourished patients have a lower risk of contralateral PFF.
... Observational studies have examined the effectiveness of osteoporosis treatments for reducing clinical fractures. The designs of these observational studies include comparisons between patients with or without bisphosphonate use [16,17] and compliant or not compliant with bisphosphonate use [18][19][20]. A key limitation in interpreting any of these comparisons is uncertainty whether known or unknown differences in baseline fracture risk between patient populations account for some of the estimated effect. ...
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We studied effectiveness of osteoporosis treatment in women older than 80 years, who often are not included in clinical trials. Treatments were as effective on bone density and fractures as in younger women.IntroductionTo study real-world effectiveness of osteoporosis treatment on BMD and fractures in the oldest old women (≥ 80 years) compared with women (60–79 years) in the clinical setting using Swedish health register data.Methods National registers and data from DXA machines were used to study effectiveness of all available osteoporosis treatments in women 60–79 and ≥ 80 years using three approaches: (1) Total Hip BMD change up to 8 years after treatment start; (2) fracture incidence where patients served as their own controls, comparing the first 3 months after treatment start with the subsequent 12 months; and (3) comparison of fracture incidence post-fracture in women ≥ 80 years treated with osteoporosis treatment or calcium/vitamin D.ResultsAnalysis 1: Total Hip BMD increased by up to 6.7% and 7.7% in women 60–79 and ≥ 80 years old, respectively. The mean increase in BMD was 1.1%-units per year in both age groups. Analysis 2: Relative to the 3-month baseline, fracture incidence decreased during the subsequent 12 months of treatment. Incidence rate ratios were estimated at 0.65, 0.74, 0.29, and 0.81 for any, hip, vertebral, and non-hip-non-vertebral fracture, respectively. Analysis 3: A 24-month incidence of any fracture in women ≥ 80 years given post-fracture osteoporosis treatment was lower (HR = 0.78) than in women given calcium/vitamin D, but treatment allocation was not random, with lower mortality (HR = 0.51) in patients receiving OP treatment.Conclusions Osteoporosis medication in women > 80 years in clinical practice likely works, and the magnitude of effect is similar to what was estimated in younger women. The choice between osteoporosis treatment and calcium/vitamin D after fracture in women ≥ 80 years is not random but appears associated with the patient’s health status and presence of vertebral fractures, rather than the known risk profile of sustaining a fracture at a high age.
... It is indeed debatable whether all fragility fractures mandate a BMD testing before initiation of therapy. [38,39] have independently verified these observations in their respective studies. These authors and others (Trevisan [40]) have concluded that the prevention of secondary fractures by medical management of osteoporosis is far more cost effective than the morbidity and mortality associated with the inevitable surgical management of such lesions. ...
Purpose: To study the adequacy of evaluation and treatment of osteoporosis after fragility fractures of the hip. The study also attempts to estimate the prevalence of secondary fractures after the original injury. Methods: This is a retrospective evaluation of the electronic database to search all the admissions for fractures of the hip in patients over 50 years at a tertiary care Trauma and Orthopaedic center in the Sultanate of Oman. The study period was defined as October 2010 to December 2015. Their case records, BMD reports, and laboratory data were analyzed. Pharmacological interventions and the documented compliance with such therapy were also recorded. Results: Over the study period, 318 fragility fractures of the hip were treated. Of these, 233 (73.3%) did not receive a DEXA scan and 94% did not have their vitamin D3 (vit D) tested. About 29.9% percent cases did not receive any nutritional supplement or therapeutic intervention though diagnosed as fragility fracture. Twenty-eight patients (8.8%) reported for secondary fractures of the hip. Of these, 86% was initiated on supplement after their index fracture though 78.6% had not had a BMD study. Conclusions: Less than 27% patients receive BMD test following fragility fracture of the hip and only 6% a vit D3 assay. Secondary fractures of the hip tend to occur in approximately 9% of the cases in Oman; this seems to occur equally in patients who have had as well as not had any calcium and vit D supplements after the index injury.
... Determining whether a longer delay in bisphosphonate treatment adversely affects functional recovery after hemiarthroplasty in femoral neck fracture patients would require a longer period of no bisphosphonate treatment, which could have ethical implications relative to what is considered safe and unsafe patient care. Although guideline-recommended osteoporosis treatment with bisphosphonate can substantially reduce fracture risk to approximately 30-40% [35][36][37], the rate of osteoporosis treatment following hip fracture remains low [38][39][40]. One intervention that may improve osteoporosis treatment rates is the establishment of a fracture liaison service [41]. ...
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Introduction: Bisphosphonate is the mainstay therapy for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of bisphosphonate initiation on short-term functional recovery in femoral neck fracture patients at 2 versus 12 weeks after hemiarthroplasty. Methods: One hundred patients were randomly allocated into two groups in a parallel group designed, randomized, controlled trial. Both groups received risedronate 35 mg/week at either 2 or 12 weeks after hemiarthroplasty. All patients received calcium and vitamin D supplementation. Functional recovery was assessed by de Morton Mobility Index, Barthel Index, EuroQol 5D, visual analog scale, 2-min walk test, and timed get-up-and-go test at 2 weeks, 3 months, and 1 year after surgery. Results: At the 3-month follow-up, all functional outcome measures showed significant improvement in both groups. There were no statistically significant differences in any of the functional outcomes between groups at both the 3-month and 1-year follow-ups. Although patients who received bisphosphonate initiation at week 2 had lower serum calcium level at 3 months and more overall adverse events than patients in the week 12 group, no patients in either group discontinued their prescribed medications. Conclusions: While underpowered, the findings of this study suggest that there were no significant differences in short-term functional recovery or significant adverse events between the two bisphosphonate groups. Thus, the initiation of bisphosphonate therapy may be considered as early as 2 weeks after femoral neck fracture. It is important that low serum calcium and vitamin D status must be corrected with calcium and vitamin D supplementation prior to or at the time of bisphosphonate initiation. Clinical trial registration number: This study was registered in the database via the Protocol Registration and Results System (PRS) (NCT02148848).
... Since Taiwan's compulsory national health care system covers 99% of Taiwan nationals, almost all patients with hip fractures would receive surgical treatment. The persistently high recurrent hip fracture and mortality rate demonstrates that, in addition to surgical management, better pharmacological [43] and rehabilitation [44] regimens comprising a comprehensive fracture prevention strategy, such as the Fracture Liaison Service model [45], may help to improve secondary preventions. ...
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Introduction: The aim of the study is to assess the incidence rates (IRs) of hip fractures, including changes in trends and medical costs, and second hip fractures in the Taiwanese population. Methods: The number of hip fractures and the associated medical costs were obtained from the annual report of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan, for individuals ≥50 years of age. The data of population at risk were retrieved from annual population reports from the Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan. The incidence of second hip fractures was evaluated from the National Health Insurance Research Database of Taiwan for insured individuals aged ≥50 years from 2001 to 2011 with follow-up until 2013 using a competing risk model. Results: The IR for the entire population increased from 332.7 to 336.5 per 100,000 person-years during 2001-2005 and decreased thereafter. This secular change was driven by a decrease in hip fractures for both men and women. The 10-year cumulative incidence rate of second hip fracture was 11.2% (95% CI 11.0-11.5%) in women and 7.9% (95% CI 7.6-8.1%) in men. Adjusted by consumer price index (CPI), the costs of hospitalization due to hip fracture increased from NTD 1.17 billion in 2001 to NTD 1.43 billion in 2012. However, the CPI-adjusted costs of each admission decreased from NTD 74944 in 2001 to NTD 65791 in 2012. Conclusions: Since 2006, the IR of hip fractures has been declining in Taiwan. The 10-year cumulative IR of mortality is substantial for individuals who with first hip fracture.
Alendronate is effective in preventing second hip fracture in osteoporotic patients. However, no consensus exists on the duration that is effective in preventing a second hip fracture. Our study demonstrated that risk can be reduced when the prescription is ≥ 6 months for the year following the index hip fracture.IntroductionAlendronate is effective in preventing second hip fracture in osteoporotic patients. However, no consensus exists on the accurate medication possession ratio (MPR) that is effective in preventing a second hip fracture. Our objective was to compare the risk of second hip fracture in patients treated with different MPR of alendronate.Methods In this population-based cohort study, data from National Health Insurance Research Database of Taiwan were analyzed. Patients 50 years and older who had an index hip fracture and were not receiving any osteoporotic medications before their fracture during 2000–2010 were included. The cohort consisted of 88,320 patients who were new alendronate users (n = 9278) and non-users (n = 79,042). Those without alendronate were matched 4:1 as the control group. Patients were subdivided into those with no medication, MPR < 25%, MPR 25–50%, MPR 50–75%, and MPR 75–100%. Cox proportional hazard models were used to calculate the adjusted hazard ratios for different MPRs of alendronate.ResultsAfter matching, 38,675 patients were included in this study; 20,363 (52.7%) were women, and 30,940 (80%) patients were without medication of alendronate. During follow-up on December 31, 2012, 2392 patients had a second hip fracture, for an incidence of 1449/100,000 person-years. Patients with alendronate MPR 50–75% had a lower risk of a second hip fracture compared to non-users (hazard ratio 0.66). When the MPR increased to 75–100%, the hazard ratio decreased to 0.61.Conclusions In this population-based cohort study, risk of a second hip fracture can be reduced when the alendronate MPR is ≥ 50% for the year following the index hip fracture. As the MPR increases, the risk of a second hip fracture decreases.
Background: Second osteoporotic fracture of the hip is a serious comorbidity that can directly cause mortality. Preventing its occurrence is particularly important in Japan, given its rapidly aging society. Here, the clinical characteristics of such recurrence were evaluated using the data of the Clinical Pathway with Regional Alliance (CPRA). Methods: CPRA for hip fracture started in 2007 and has allowed intranet-based data sharing since July 2011. Data from this alliance, such as number of second cases, duration from initial fracture, Functional Impairment Measure (FIM), revised Hasegawa Dementia Scale (HDS-R) score, muscle force and range of motion of hip joint, and gait status (GS) were collected and statistically evaluated. Results: Overall, 45 of 1118 cases (2.68/100 person-years) developed a second fracture. The mean interval from initial to second fracture was 13.3 months. Thirty of these cases (66.7%, 1.79/100 person-years) occurred within 1 year from initial fracture (G < 1Y). The second fracture tended to be associated with worse parameter values than initial fracture, especially for GS. FIM score for cognitive function, HDS-R score, and GS at acute fracture in the G < 1Y group were significantly lower than in the initial fracture patient group (Initial). The withdrawal rate was also significantly higher than for Initial, whereas deaths and serious comorbidities were also much more numerous. Conclusions: Osteoporotic second hip fracture is a severe issue, and its prognosis is remarkably poor. The majority of these cases may occur within 1 year from the initial fracture. Dementia severity correlates with such recurrence within 1 year.
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OBJECTIVE: To define medication adherence and describe the limitations of various assessment methods, reasons for nonadherence to medications used to manage chronic illness, the impact of nonadherence to osteoporosis medications, and strategies for improving medication adherence.
CONTEXT: Despite decades of accumulated observational evidence, the balance of risks and benefits for hormone use in healthy postmenopausal women remains uncertain. OBJECTIVE: To assess the major health benefits and risks of the most commonly used combined hormone preparation in the United States. DESIGN: Estrogen plus progestin component of the Women's Health Initiative, a randomized controlled primary prevention trial (planned duration, 8.5 years) in which 16608 postmenopausal women aged 50-79 years with an intact uterus at baseline were recruited by 40 US clinical centers in 1993-1998. INTERVENTIONS: Participants received conjugated equine estrogens, 0.625 mg/d, plus medroxyprogesterone acetate, 2.5 mg/d, in 1 tablet (n = 8506) or placebo (n = 8102). MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURES: The primary outcome was coronary heart disease (CHD) (nonfatal myocardial infarction and CHD death), with invasive breast cancer as the primary adverse outcome. A global index summarizing the balance of risks and benefits included the 2 primary outcomes plus stroke, pulmonary embolism (PE), endometrial cancer, colorectal cancer, hip fracture, and death due to other causes. RESULTS: On May 31, 2002, after a mean of 5.2 years of follow-up, the data and safety monitoring board recommended stopping the trial of estrogen plus progestin vs placebo because the test statistic for invasive breast cancer exceeded the stopping boundary for this adverse effect and the global index statistic supported risks exceeding benefits. This report includes data on the major clinical outcomes through April 30, 2002. Estimated hazard ratios (HRs) (nominal 95% confidence intervals [CIs]) were as follows: CHD, 1.29 (1.02-1.63) with 286 cases; breast cancer, 1.26 (1.00-1.59) with 290 cases; stroke, 1.41 (1.07-1.85) with 212 cases; PE, 2.13 (1.39-3.25) with 101 cases; colorectal cancer, 0.63 (0.43-0.92) with 112 cases; endometrial cancer, 0.83 (0.47-1.47) with 47 cases; hip fracture, 0.66 (0.45-0.98) with 106 cases; and death due to other causes, 0.92 (0.74-1.14) with 331 cases. Corresponding HRs (nominal 95% CIs) for composite outcomes were 1.22 (1.09-1.36) for total cardiovascular disease (arterial and venous disease), 1.03 (0.90-1.17) for total cancer, 0.76 (0.69-0.85) for combined fractures, 0.98 (0.82-1.18) for total mortality, and 1.15 (1.03-1.28) for the global index. Absolute excess risks per 10 000 person-years attributable to estrogen plus progestin were 7 more CHD events, 8 more strokes, 8 more PEs, and 8 more invasive breast cancers, while absolute risk reductions per 10 000 person-years were 6 fewer colorectal cancers and 5 fewer hip fractures. The absolute excess risk of events included in the global index was 19 per 10 000 person-years. CONCLUSIONS: Overall health risks exceeded benefits from use of combined estrogen plus progestin for an average 5.2-year follow-up among healthy postmenopausal US women. All-cause mortality was not affected during the trial. The risk-benefit profile found in this trial is not consistent with the requirements for a viable intervention for primary prevention of chronic diseases, and the results indicate that this regimen should not be initiated or continued for primary prevention of CHD.
Objectives To clarify the factors associated with prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of osteoporosis, and to present the most recent information available in these areas. Participants From March 27-29, 2000, a nonfederal, nonadvocate, 13-member panel was convened, representing the fields of internal medicine, family and community medicine, endocrinology, epidemiology, orthopedic surgery, gerontology, rheumatology, obstetrics and gynecology, preventive medicine, and cell biology. Thirty-two experts from these fields presented data to the panel and an audience of 699. Primary sponsors were the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases and the National Institutes of Health Office of Medical Applications of Research. Evidence MEDLINE was searched for January 1995 through December 1999, and a bibliography of 2449 references provided to the panel. Experts prepared abstracts for presentations with relevant literature citations. Scientific evidence was given precedence over anecdotal experience. Consensus Process The panel, answering predefined questions, developed conclusions based on evidence presented in open forum and the literature. The panel composed a draft statement, which was read and circulated to the experts and the audience for public discussion. The panel resolved conflicts and released a revised statement at the end of the conference. The draft statement was posted on the Web on March 30, 2000, and updated with the panel's final revisions within a few weeks. Conclusions Though prevalent in white postmenopausal women, osteoporosis occurs in all populations and at all ages and has significant physical, psychosocial, and financial consequences. Risks for osteoporosis (reflected by low bone mineral density [BMD]) and for fracture overlap but are not identical. More attention should be paid to skeletal health in persons with conditions associated with secondary osteoporosis. Clinical risk factors have an important but poorly validated role in determining who should have BMD measurement, in assessing fracture risk, and in determining who should be treated. Adequate calcium and vitamin D intake is crucial to develop optimal peak bone mass and to preserve bone mass throughout life. Supplementation with these 2 nutrients may be necessary in persons not achieving recommended dietary intake. Gonadal steroids are important determinants of peak and lifetime bone mass in men, women, and children. Regular exercise, especially resistance and high-impact activities, contributes to development of high peak bone mass and may reduce risk of falls in older persons. Assessment of bone mass, identification of fracture risk, and determination of who should be treated are the optimal goals when evaluating patients for osteoporosis. Fracture prevention is the primary treatment goal for patients with osteoporosis. Several treatments have been shown to reduce the risk of osteoporotic fractures, including those that enhance bone mass and reduce the risk or consequences of falls. Adults with vertebral, rib, hip, or distal forearm fractures should be evaluated for osteoporosis and given appropriate therapy.
OBJECTIVE: To determine if short-term exercise reduces falls and fall-related injuries in the elderly. DESIGN: A preplanned meta-analysis of the seven Frailty and Injuries: Cooperative Studies of Intervention Techniques (FICSIT)--independent, randomized, controlled clinical trials that assessed intervention efficacy in reducing falls and frailty in elderly patients. All included an exercise component for 10 to 36 weeks. Fall and injury follow-up was obtained for up to 2 to 4 years. SETTING: Two nursing home and five community-dwelling (three health maintenance organizations) sites. Six were group and center based; one was conducted at home. PARTICIPANTS: Numbers of participants ranged from 100 to 1323 per study. Subjects were mostly ambulatory and cognitively intact, with minimum ages of 60 to 75 years, although some studies required additional deficits, such as functionally dependent in two or more activities of daily living, balance deficits or lower extremity weakness, or high risk of falling. INTERVENTIONS: Exercise components varied across studies in character, duration, frequency, and intensity. Training was performed in one area or more of endurance, flexibility, balance platform, Tai Chi (dynamic balance), and resistance. Several treatment arms included additional nonexercise components, such as behavioral components, medication changes, education, functional activity, or nutritional supplements. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Time to each fall (fall-related injury) by self-report and/or medical records. RESULTS: Using the Andersen-Gill extension of the Cox model that allows multiple fall outcomes per patient, the adjusted fall incidence ratio for treatment arms including general exercise was 0.90 (95% confidence limits [CL], 0.81, 0.99) and for those including balance was 0.83 (95% CL, 0.70, 0.98). No exercise component was significant for injurious falls, but power was low to detect this outcome. CONCLUSIONS: Treatments including exercise for elderly adults reduce the risk of falls. Language: en
Objective: To revise and expand the 1996 Osteoporosis Society of Canada clinical practice guidelines for the management of osteoporosis, incorporating recent advances in diagnosis, prevention and management of osteoporosis, and to identify and assess the evidence supporting the recommendations. Options: All aspects of osteoporosis care and its fracture complications - including classification, diagnosis, management and methods for screening, as well as prevention and reducing fracture risk - were reviewed, revised as required and expressed as a set of recommendations. Outcomes: Strategies for identifying and evaluating those at high risk; the use of bone mineral density and biochemical markers in diagnosis and assessing response to management; recommendations regarding nutrition and physical activity; and the selection of pharmacologic therapy for the prevention and management of osteoporosis in men and women and for osteoporosis resulting from glucocorticoid treatment. Evidence: All recommendations were developed using a justifiable and reproducible process involving an explicit method for the evaluation and citation of supporting evidence. Values: All recommendations were reviewed by members of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Osteoporosis Society of Canada, an expert steering committee and others, including family physicians, dietitians, therapists and representatives of various medical specialties involved in osteoporosis care (geriatric medicine, rheumatology, endocrinology, obstetrics and gynecology, nephrology, radiology) as well as methodologists from across Canada. Benefits, harm and costs: Earlier diagnosis and prevention of fractures should decrease the medical, social and economic burdens of this disease. Recommendations: This document outlines detailed recommendations pertaining to all aspects of osteoporosis. Strategies for identifying those at increased risk (i.e., those with at least one major or 2 minor risk factors) and screening with central dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry at age 65 years are recommended. Bisphosphonates and raloxifene are first-line therapies in the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Estrogen and progestin/progesterone is a first-line therapy in the prevention and a second-line therapy in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Nasal calcitonin is a second-line therapy in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Although not yet approved for use in Canada, hPTH(1-34) is expected to be a first-line treatment for postmenopausal women with severe osteoporosis. Ipriflavone, vitamin K and fluoride are not recommended. Bisphosphonates are the first-line therapy for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in patients requiring prolonged glucocorticoid therapy and for men with osteoporosis. Nasal or parenteral calcitonin is a first-line treatment for pain associated with acute vertebral fractures. Impact-type exercise and age-appropriate calcium and vitamin D intake are recommended for the prevention of osteoporosis. Validation: All recommendations were graded according to the strength of the evidence; where the evidence was insufficient and recommendations were based on consensus opinion alone, this is indicated. These guidelines are viewed as a work in progress and will be updated periodically in response to advances in this field.
Objective. —To determine if short-term exercise reduces falls and fall-related injuries in the elderly.Design. —A preplanned meta-analysis of the seven Frailty and Injuries: Cooperative Studies of Intervention Techniques (FICSIT)—independent, randomized, controlled clinical trials that assessed intervention efficacy in reducing falls and frailty in elderly patients. All included an exercise component for 10 to 36 weeks. Fall and injury follow-up was obtained for up to 2 to 4 years.Setting. —Two nursing home and five community-dwelling (three health maintenance organizations) sites. Six were group and center based; one was conducted at home.Participants. —Numbers of participants ranged from 100 to 1323 per study. Subjects were mostly ambulatory and cognitively intact, with minimum ages of 60 to 75 years, although some studies required additional deficits, such as functionally dependent in two or more activities of daily living, balance deficits or lower extremity weakness, or high risk of falling.Interventions. —Exercise components varied across studies in character, duration, frequency, and intensity. Training was performed in one area or more of endurance, flexibility, balance platform, Tai Chi (dynamic balance), and resistance. Several treatment arms included additional nonexercise components, such as behavioral components, medication changes, education, functional activity, or nutritional supplements.Main Outcome Measures. —Time to each fall (fall-related injury) by self-report and/or medical records.Results. —Using the Andersen-Gill extension of the Cox model that allows multiple fall outcomes per patient, the adjusted fall incidence ratio for treatment arms including general exercise was 0.90 (95% confidence limits [CL], 0.81, 0.99) and for those including balance was 0.83 (95% CL, 0.70,0.98). No exercise component was significant for injurious falls, but power was low to detect this outcome.Conclusions. —Treatments including exercise for elderly adults reduce the risk of falls.(JAMA. 1995;273:1341-1347)