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Cocaine Experience Controls Bidirectional Synaptic Plasticity in the Nucleus Accumbens


Abstract and Figures

Plasticity of glutamatergic synapses is a fundamental mechanism through which experience changes neural function to impact future behavior. In animal models of addiction, glutamatergic signaling in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) exerts powerful control over drug-seeking behavior. However, little is known about whether, how or when experience with drugs may trigger synaptic plasticity in this key nucleus. Using whole-cell synaptic physiology in NAc brain slices, we demonstrate that a progression of bidirectional changes in glutamatergic synaptic strength occurs after repeated in vivo exposure to cocaine. During a protracted drug-free period, NAc neurons from cocaine-experienced mice develop a robust potentiation of AMPAR-mediated synaptic transmission. However, a single re-exposure to cocaine during extended withdrawal becomes a potent stimulus for synaptic depression, abruptly reversing the initial potentiation. These enduring modifications in AMPAR-mediated responses and plasticity may provide a neural substrate for disrupted processing of drug-related stimuli in drug-experienced individuals.
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Cocaine Experience Controls Bidirectional Synaptic
Plasticity in the Nucleus Accumbens
Saı¨d Kourrich,
Patrick E. Rothwell,
Jason R. Klug,
and Mark J. Thomas
Departments of Neuroscience and Psychology and Institute of Human Genetics, and
Graduate Program in Neuroscience, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
Plasticity of glutamatergic synapses is a fundamental mechanism through which experience changes neural function to impact future
behavior. In animal models of addiction, glutamatergic signaling in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) exerts powerful control over drug-
seeking behavior. However, little is known about whether, how or when experience with drugs may trigger synaptic plasticity in this key
nucleus. Using whole-cell synaptic physiology in NAc brain slices, we demonstrate that a progression of bidirectional changes in gluta-
matergic synaptic strength occurs after repeated in vivo exposure to cocaine. During a protracted drug-free period, NAc neurons from
cocaine-experienced mice develop a robust potentiation of AMPAR-mediated synaptic transmission. However, a single re-exposure to
cocaine during extended withdrawal becomes a potent stimulus for synaptic depression, abruptly reversing the initial potentiation. These
enduring modifications in AMPAR-mediated responses and plasticity may provide a neural substrate for disrupted processing of drug-
related stimuli in drug-experienced individuals.
Key words: AMPAR; NMDAR; metaplasticity; synaptic scaling; long-term depression; psychostimulant; addiction
Neural circuits are thought to encode information via synaptic
plasticity, a persistent upregulation or downregulation in the ef-
ficacy of excitatory synaptic transmission. Previous evidence sug-
gests that synaptic plasticity in reward circuits is hijacked by ad-
dictive drugs to produce the pathological behaviors that
characterize addiction (Hyman et al., 2006). The neural circuit
that mediates these behaviors includes the nucleus accumbens
(NAc). Excitatory synaptic transmission in NAc appears to be
particularly important, as manipulation of NAc glutamatergic
signaling controls drug-seeking behavior in animal models of
addiction (Kalivas, 2004; Self et al., 2004). Medium-spiny projec-
tion neurons (MSNs), the principal cells of the NAc, contain
abundant glutamatergic synapses and are known targets of long-
lasting molecular and cellular adaptations to addictive drugs
(Nestler, 2001). However, the hypothesis that in vivo drug expe-
rience triggers persistent changes in excitatory synaptic function
in NAc has not been thoroughly examined.
Previous studies indicate that repeated in vivo cocaine can
reduce AMPAR EPSCs in MSNs in the NAc shell (Thomas et al.,
2001). Thus, cocaine treatment has the capacity to engage endog-
enous synaptic plasticity mechanisms in NAc. This synaptic de-
pression appears to play an important role in behavioral changes
caused by drugs, as a peptide that disrupts AMPAR endocytosis
interferes with behavioral sensitization to amphetamine (Breb-
ner et al., 2005). However, repeated in vivo psychostimulant ex-
posure increases the number of dendritic spines on NAc MSNs
(Robinson and Kolb, 2004), cell surface expression of AMPARs
in NAc (Boudreau and Wolf, 2005), and the behavioral response
to AMPA infusion into NAc (Pierce et al., 1996; Cornish and
Kalivas, 2000; Suto et al., 2004). These results suggest psycho-
stimulants may potentiate glutamatergic synapses in NAc MSNs.
How can we reconcile data supporting a potentiation with
data supporting a depression? In general, studies consistent with
NAc synaptic depression include a “challenge” injection of psy-
chostimulant after a drug-free period to measure the persistence
of drug-induced behavioral adaptations, whereas those consis-
tent with synaptic potentiation do not. We hypothesize that an
animal’s recent history of drug experience alters the direction of
plasticity at NAc excitatory synapses. Drug re-exposure during
abstinence can induce relapse to drug-seeking in human addicts
and animal models (Shaham et al., 2003). Thus, examination of
this factor may not only unite some seemingly disparate experi-
mental findings, but perhaps help us to understand the brain’s
response to relapse-inducing stimuli. To investigate this issue, we
made whole-cell recordings in acute NAc brain slices from
cocaine-treated mice. Based on the fact that NAc shell is an im-
portant locus of persistent cocaine-induced adaptations (Self et
al., 2004) and on electrophysiological results from a previous
study (Thomas et al., 2001), we performed all recordings in NAc
shell neurons. We report two major findings. First, repeated co-
caine exposure followed by an extended drug-free period (with-
drawal) triggers a persistent potentiation of NAc excitatory syn-
apses. Second, during extended withdrawal, an additional
cocaine exposure becomes a potent stimulus for initiating NAc
Received Dec. 20, 2006; revised June 11, 2007; accepted June 11, 2007.
This work was supported by National Institute on Drug Abuse Grants R01 DA019666 (M.J.T.) and T32 DA07234
(P.E.R.) and the Whitehall Foundation (M.J.T.). We thank Drs. Marina Wolf, Peter Kalivas, Reed Carroll, and Paul
Mermelstein for helpful comments on a previous version of this manuscript. We also thank Bonnie LaCroix for expert
technical assistance.
Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. Mark J. Thomas, University of Minnesota, 6-145 Jackson Hall, 321
Church Street Southeast, Minneapolis, MN 55455. E-mail:
Copyright © 2007 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/07/277921-08$15.00/0
The Journal of Neuroscience, July 25, 2007 27(30):7921–7928 • 7921
synaptic depression. This signals a dramatic switch in the direc-
tion of experience-dependent synaptic plasticity in animals with a
history of cocaine exposure.
Materials and Methods
Behavior. Male C57BL/6J mice (24 –28 d old) received five once-daily
injections of either cocaine (15 mg/kg, i.p.) or saline (0.9% NaCl). Mice
were habituated for 20 min in activity boxes (Applied Concepts, Ann
Arbor, MI) before injection. Immediately after each injection, horizontal
locomotor activity, measured as “crossovers” from one side of the box to
the other, was monitored for 40 min. In Figure 5B, mice in the saline- and
cocaine-challenged groups were handled and injected with saline 2– 4
times (1 per day) during the withdrawal period to mitigate any potential
effects of stress during the challenge injection procedure.
Electrophysiology. Sagittal slices of the NAc shell (240
m) were pre-
pared as described previously (Thomas et al., 2001). Slices recovered in a
holding chamber for at least 1 h before use. During recording they were
superfused with ACSF (22–23°C) saturated with 95% O
/5% CO
containing (in mM) 119 NaCl, 2.5 KCl, 1.0 NaH
, 1.3 MgSO
, 2.5
, 26.2 NaHCO
and 11 glucose. Picrotoxin (100
M) was added to
block GABA
receptor-mediated IPSCs. Cells were visualized using
infrared-differential interference contrast optics. Medium spiny neurons
were identified by their morphology and high resting membrane poten-
tial (75 to 85 mV). To assess excitatory synaptic transmission, neu-
rons were voltage clamped at 80 mV using a Multiclamp 700A ampli-
fier (Molecular Devices, Foster City, CA). Electrodes (3–5 M)
contained (in mM) 117 cesium gluconate, 2.8 NaCl, 20 HEPES, 0.4
EGTA, 5 tetraethylammonium-Cl, 2 MgATP, and 0.3 MgGTP, pH 7.2–
7.4 (285–295 mOsm). Series resistance (10 –40 M) and input resistance
were monitored on-line witha4mVdepolarizing step (100 ms) given
with each afferent stimulus. Afferents were stimulated at 0.1 Hz by a glass
monopolar microelectrode filled with ACSF and placed at the prelimbic
cortex–NAc border. Data were filtered at 2 kHz, digitized at 5 kHz, and
collected and analyzed using custom software (Igor Pro; Wavemetrics,
Lake Oswego, OR). AMPAR/NMDAR ratios were computed from EP-
SCs at 40 mV with and without 50
MD-AP-5 as described previously
(Thomas et al., 2001). NMDAR EPSC decay time constants were calcu-
lated from averaged currents (those used to obtain AMPAR/NMDAR
ratio) by fitting to double exponential equations. Weighted mean decay
time constants were calculated to compare between groups (Rumbaugh
and Vicini, 1999). Miniature EPSCs (300 per cell) were collected in the
presence of either tetrodotoxin (1.5
M) or lidocaine hydrochloride
(0.6 – 0.8 mM). Dual-component mEPSCs were collected in the addi-
tional presence of 20
Mglycine, in the absence of added Mg
and at a
holding potential of 65 mV. Quantal events were analyzed using Mini-
analysis software (Synaptosoft, Decatur, GA) and verified by eye. For
each cell, a random stretch of 200 mEPSCs was used to construct cumu-
lative probability plots and to calculate mean mEPSC amplitudes. Cur-
rent–voltage (I–V) experiments (see Figs. 1D,4B,5B) and paired-pulse
experiments (see Fig. 2D) were performed in the presence of 50
D-AP-5. Internal solution for I–V experiments contained 0.1 mMsperm-
ine (see Fig. 1D) only holding potentials were corrected for liquid junc-
tion potential.
Statistics. In all experiments, data acquisition and analysis were per-
formed blindly. On 90% of recording days, a similar amount of data
were collected from cocaine and saline groups. Results are presented as
mean SEM. Statistical significance was assessed using two-tailed Stu-
dent’s ttests or ANOVA and Newman–Keuls post hoc tests for paired-
pulse experiments (see Fig. 2 D) and data presented in Figures 4Band 5B.
Traces in figures have had stimulus artifacts removed and are averages of
20 –25 consecutive responses.
Cocaine treatment increases synaptic strength in NAc
shell MSNs
We used a standard paradigm for cocaine treatment (five once-
daily injections of 15 mg/kg, i.p.) (Fig. 1A) that produced clear
behavioral sensitization (38.2 6.4 vs 183.3 16.2 crossovers on
days 1 vs 5, measured in a subset of subjects; t
8.30; p
0.001). To examine long-lasting physiological effects of cocaine
exposure, we prepared acute NAc brain slices from cocaine- and
saline-treated mice 10 –14 d after the last injection. We first mea-
sured the ratio of peak AMPAR- to peak NMDAR-mediated
evoked synaptic current in whole-cell recordings from MSNs in
the NAc shell. This ratio has proven to be a sensitive assay for the
detection of differences in glutamatergic synaptic strength be-
tween cells in different slices from different animals (Hsia et al.,
1998; Thomas et al., 2001; Ungless et al., 2001; Saal et al., 2003;
Borgland et al., 2004; Dong et al., 2004; Faleiro et al., 2004; Du-
mont et al., 2005; Bellone and Luscher, 2006; Clem and Barth,
2006). We observed a 40% increase in the AMPAR/NMDAR ra-
tio in cells from cocaine- versus saline-treated mice (Fig. 1C)
(1.58 0.06 vs 1.13 0.07; t
4.62; p0.0005).
AMPARs lacking an edited GluR2 subunit show inward recti-
fication mediated by intracellular polyamines (Cull-Candy et al.,
2006). Thus, an inclusion or exclusion of synaptic GluR2-lacking
10-14 days
cocaine or saline
+40 mV
-80 mV
-80 -40 40
Norm. I
sal coc
Figure 1. Repeated cocaine administration increases NAc excitatory synaptic strength. A,
Experimental timeline. B, Sample EPSCs from saline- (sal) and cocaine-treated (coc) animals.
Calibration: 100 ms, 20 pA. C, AMPAR/NMDAR ratio values from neurons in saline- (open circles;
n8 cells, 5 mice) and cocaine-treated mice (filled circles; n7 cells, 6 mice). Hash marks
indicate mean values. D, Left, Examples of evoked AMPA-mediated EPSCs at membrane poten-
tials from 80 mV to 40 mV. Calibration: 50 pA, 20 ms. Right, I–V relationship for AMPAR
EPSCs in saline- and cocaine-treated mice (n8 cells, 5 mice in each group). The lines repre-
sent the linear regression (r0.99 for each group). Error bars represent SEM.
7922 J. Neurosci., July 25, 2007 27(30):7921–7928 Kourrich et al. Cocaine Induces Bidirectional Synaptic Plasticity
AMPARs would be represented as a change in the AMPAR/
NMDAR ratio as measured at a positive potential. Although we
pharmacologically isolated AMPAR EPSCs and provided a de-
fined concentration of intracellular polyamines (0.1 mMsperm-
ine), we did not detect a difference in either the reversal potential
(2.09 2.91 mV for saline vs 0.85 3.77 mV for cocaine) or the
rectification index, which we measured by dividing the EPSC
amplitude at 40 mV by the amplitude at 80 mV (0.55 0.06
for saline and 0.54 0.06 for cocaine) (Fig. 1D). This suggests
that the cocaine-induced increase in AMPAR/NMDAR ratio
does not reflect a change in the presence of GluR2-lacking
AMPARs at the synapse.
Cocaine treatment increases AMPAR mEPSC amplitude
and frequency
To determine the source of the AMPAR/NMDAR ratio increase
in cocaine-treated mice, we recorded miniature AMPAR EPSCs
(mEPSCs) in NAc MSNs. The mean amplitude distribution of
quantal events in the cocaine group was shifted to the right com-
pared with the saline group (Fig. 2B) and the mean amplitude
was significantly increased (Fig. 2C)(t
2.42; p0.027).
These results suggest that the increase in AMPAR/NMDAR ratio
is attributable, at least in part, to increased AMPAR function
and/or number. The frequency of mEPSCs was also increased in
the cocaine group (Fig. 2C)(t
2.56; p0.020). A fre-
quency increase is classically interpreted as an enhancement of
presynaptic function. However, the responses to paired-pulse
stimulation, a standard paradigm to test for changes in glutamate
release probability ( p
), were not affected in the cocaine group
(Fig. 2D), arguing against a global change in p
. The increase in
mEPSC frequency could simply indicate that a larger number of
events are rising above the amplitude detection threshold in the
cocaine group. However, given that cocaine exposure induces
new dendritic spine formation (Robinson and Kolb, 2004), our
results would also be consistent with activity at these putative
additional synaptic contacts.
No cocaine-induced changes in synaptic NMDAR function
To test for changes in NMDAR function, we compared the mean
amplitude of NMDAR-mediated mEPSCs between groups. Be-
cause of inherent difficulties in measuring “pure” NMDAR-
mediated mEPSCS in NAc MSNs (Thomas et al., 2001), we mea-
sured a mean NMDAR mEPSC amplitude for each cell using a
subtraction method. We recorded under zero-Mg
to measure a mean dual-component mEPSC, followed by record-
ing in the NMDAR antagonist, D-AP-5 (50
M), to measure the
mean AMPAR mEPSC. Digital subtraction of the mean AMPAR
mEPSC from the mean dual component mEPSC yielded a mean
NMDAR mEPSC. We did not detect a significant difference in the
mean amplitude of NMDAR mEPSCs in cocaine-treated mice
(Fig. 3A) (1.93 0.24 mV for saline vs 2.02 0.31 mV for
cocaine). The kinetics of NMDAR EPSC decay can be altered by
changes in the types of NR2 subunits incorporated into synaptic
NMDARs (Monyer et al., 1994); however, we found no difference
between groups in this parameter (Fig. 3B) (95.8 8.2 ms for
saline vs 96.3 6.6 ms for cocaine). Thus, we are not able to
detect any cocaine-induced alteration of NMDAR function
and/or number.
Development of cocaine-induced synaptic plasticity is a
function of withdrawal duration and dosing schedule
Previous studies have identified cocaine-induced changes in NAc
AMPARs and/or AMPAR involvement in cocaine sensitization
that only emerge during extended withdrawal (Pierce et al., 1996;
Li et al., 1997; Churchill et al., 1999; Boudreau and Wolf, 2005).
To determine whether withdrawal time is a critical parameter for
cocaine-induced NAc synaptic potentiation, we first examined
AMPAR/NMDAR ratio in mice 24 h after a repeated injection
paradigm (15 mg/kg daily for 5 d) (Fig. 4A). Whereas there is no
significant difference between injection-naive mice and saline-
injected mice, we find a significant decrease in mean AMPAR/
NMDAR ratio in cocaine-treated mice (Fig. 4B). This decrease is
not accompanied by any change in the synaptic I–V curve (Fig.
4B) or NMDAR decay kinetics (data not shown), arguing against
widespread changes in subunit composition for synaptic AM-
PARs or NMDARs. This decrease in AMPAR/NMDAR ratio dur-
ing early withdrawal starkly contrasts with the robust potentia-
tion in AMPAR/NMDAR ratio observed during extended
withdrawal (Fig. 1), strongly suggesting that synaptic potentia-
tion is not present during early withdrawal, but develops as a
function of the duration of withdrawal.
To understand the effect of dosing schedule on the develop-
ment of cocaine-induced synaptic plasticity, we first tested the
idea that a single injection of cocaine might be sufficient to induce
synaptic plasticity. In ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons,
for example, it is well established that a single, modest dose of
cocaine (15 mg/kg, i.p.) is sufficient to induce robust synaptic
010 20 30
mEPSC Amplitude (pA)
Cumulative probability
sal coc
sal coc
mEPSC A mplit ude (pA)
mEPSC Frequency (Hz)
01000 2000
Inter-event Interval (ms)
Cumulative probability
0 50 100 150 200
Interstimulus inte rval (ms)
Mean pair ed-pulse r atio
sa line
Figure 2. Repeated cocaine administration increases the amplitude and frequency of
AMPAR mEPSCs without changing the paired-pulse ratio. A, Sample traces of mEPSCs from
neurons in saline- (sal) and cocaine-treated (coc) groups. Calibration: 100 ms, 20 pA. B, Cumu-
lative probability for mEPSC amplitude (left) and mEPSC interevent interval (right) obtained in
saline- (gray line; n12 cells, 6 mice) and cocaine-treated mice (black line; n7 cells, 4
mice). C, Mean values for mEPSC amplitude and frequency. *p0.05. D, Mean paired-pulse
ratio values in saline- (n10 cells, 6 mice) and cocaine-treated (n9 cells, 4 mice) mice are
shown for different interstimulus intervals (two-way ANOVA, F
1.907, p0.05). Error
bars represent SEM.
Kourrich et al. Cocaine Induces Bidirectional Synaptic Plasticity J. Neurosci., July 25, 2007 27(30):7921–7928 • 7923
potentiation (Ungless et al., 2001). We found that neither a single
injection of 15 mg/kg cocaine nor 40 mg/kg cocaine (the highest
dose which does not induce seizures, in our hands) induced any
change in the mean AMPAR/NMDAR ratio after 24 h of with-
drawal (Fig. 4D), suggesting that these treatments do not induce
synaptic plasticity in NAc during early withdrawal. Given the
time dependence for the emergence of NAc synaptic potentiation
with repeated cocaine, we also tested whether a single 40 mg/kg
injection would produce potentiation after7dofwithdrawal. We
did not observe any significant difference at this time point either
(Fig. 4D). Together, these data suggest that a single cocaine in-
jection is not sufficient to induce synaptic plasticity in NAc
MSNs. Thus, both the duration of drug withdrawal and the dos-
ing schedule are important factors in the induction and the di-
rection of this synaptic plasticity.
Cocaine history determines the direction of cocaine-induced
synaptic plasticity
In human addicts and animal models, a single drug exposure in
drug-experienced individuals can reinstate drug-seeking behav-
ior, even after a protracted drug-free period (Shaham et al.,
2003). Manipulations of NAc glutamate signaling exert powerful
control over reinstatement of drug-seeking as well as the expres-
sion of behavioral sensitization to cocaine (Kalivas, 2004). Thus,
we hypothesized that experience-elicited plasticity of NAc gluta-
matergic synapses may be differentially engaged by cocaine re-
exposure in cocaine-experienced versus drug-naive mice. After
repeated cocaine injection and 10 –14 d of withdrawal, mice were
either left undisturbed (no challenge) or injected with saline or
zero Mg
zero Mg
sal coc
saline cocaine
sal coc
NMDAR EPSC decay τw (ms)
Figure3. Repeatedcocaineadministration does not affect synaptic NMDARfunction.A,Top,
Samples of mEPSCs recorded at 65 mV in zero Mg
solution in the absence (top) and
presence (bottom) of D-APV (50
M) in a cocaine-treated mouse. Calibration: 100 ms, 20 pA.
Bottom,Sampleaveragedtraces of mEPSCs obtained in each condition plus thesubtractedtrace
that yielded an average NMDAR mEPSC. Calibration: 10 ms, 2 pA. Bottom right, Mean NMDAR
mEPSCamplitudevaluesforindividualneurons[n5cells,4 mice for saline (sal); n12 cells,
6 mice for cocaine (coc)]. Hash marks indicate group means. B, Left, Sample traces of NMDAR
EPSCs from saline- and cocaine-treated mice (in gray) are shown with a superimposed double
exponential curve (in black). Calibration: 500 ms, 20 pA. Right, Weighted decay time constant
)valuesofevoked NMDAR EPSCs from saline- (n8 cells, 5mice)andcocaine-treated(n
7 cells, 6 mice) mice. Hash marks indicate group means. Error bars represent SEM.
sal coc sal coc sal coc
-80 -40 40
15 mg/kg
40 mg/kg
40 mg/kg
coc or sal
Day 24h pos t-injection
coc or sal
Day 24h pos t
17d post
record record
Figure 4. Cocaine-induced NAc synaptic potentiation is absent during early withdrawal and
does not develop after a single cocaine exposure. A, Timeline for experiments in B.B, Left,
Mean AMPAR/NMDAR ratio from naive mice (n16 cells, 5 mice), saline-treated mice (sal;
n18 cells, 5 mice), and cocaine-treated mice (coc; n21 cells, 6 mice; ANOVA, F
4.843, p0.012; Student–Newman–Keuls post hoc test, *p0.05). Right, I–V relationship
for AMPAR EPSCs in naive, saline-treated, and cocaine-treated mice. The lines represent the
linear regression (r0.99 for each group). C, Timeline for experiments in D.D, Left, Mean
AMPAR/NMDAR ratio from saline- and cocaine-treated mice (15 mg/kg early withdrawal, n
6cells,4miceineach group; 40 mg/kg early withdrawal, n11 cells, 6 mice for saline andn
7 cells, 4 mice for cocaine; 40 mg/kg extended withdrawal, n11 cells, 5 mice for saline and
n12 cells, 5 mice for cocaine). Error bars represent SEM.
7924 J. Neurosci., July 25, 2007 27(30):7921–7928 Kourrich et al. Cocaine Induces Bidirectional Synaptic Plasticity
cocaine 24 h before electrophysiological study. Consistent with
our previous experiment (Figs. 1, 2), we find that repeated co-
caine treatment followed by extended withdrawal results in ro-
bust synaptic potentiation relative to an experimentally naive
control group (Fig. 5B). However, this new potentiated baseline
level of AMPAR-mediated transmission is reversed by a single
additional cocaine injection but not by saline (Fig. 5B). This in-
dicates that the cocaine history specifically altered the response to
cocaine re-exposure. Previous work has demonstrated that this
cocaine-induced decrease in AMPAR/NMDAR ratio reflects a
reduction in AMPAR function and/or number, and was not as-
sociated with any detectable change in NMDAR function and/or
number (Thomas et al., 2001). Here, we report the additional
findings that this AMPAR/NMDAR ratio decrease in the cocaine-
challenged group is not accompanied by any change in the AM-
PAR EPSC I–V relationship (Fig. 5C), nor
any change in decay time constants of syn-
aptic NMDARs (data not shown).
In contrast to drug-experienced mice, a
single cocaine injection in drug-naive mice
(i.e., mice that received repeated saline in-
jections according to the schedule in Fig.
5A) did not induce any significant change
in the AMPAR/NMDAR ratio (1.49
0.093 for saline and 1.38 0.105 for co-
caine; t
0.788; p0.441) (Fig. 5D).
These data are summarized in Figure 5D,
with values for cocaine-challenged animals
normalized to saline-challenged controls.
These results demonstrate the ability of a
single cocaine exposure to differentially
modify glutamatergic synaptic strength on
NAc MSNs in drug-experienced versus
drug-naive animals.
Our results indicate that in vivo cocaine ex-
erts dynamic bidirectional control over ex-
citatory synaptic strength in NAc, a struc-
ture known for its involvement in
producing drug-seeking behavior. These
data provide direct evidence of experience-
dependent changes in NAc synaptic
strength, little of which has been collected
to date. Several previous studies have dem-
onstrated that cocaine exposure can alter
the capacity of NAc synapses to undergo
synaptic plasticity that is triggered by the
experimenter (Fourgeaud et al., 2004; Yao
et al., 2004; Goto and Grace, 2005; Martin
et al., 2006). In general, however, these
studies were not purposefully designed to
assess whether NAc synaptic strength is
modified directly by cocaine experience.
Thus, this issue has remained open for
speculation. Our data add to a growing
body of evidence that cocaine experience
drives endogenous synaptic plasticity in
the mesolimbic dopamine system.
We find that cocaine experience pro-
duces a potentiation that develops during
drug withdrawal, and an abrupt depres-
sion that follows a single drug re-exposure.
Thus, repeated in vivo cocaine establishes a
new elevated baseline level of excitatory synaptic transmission in
the NAc and converts a cocaine injection, an ineffective stimulus
in drug-naive mice, into a potent stimulus for synaptic depres-
sion. This information may unify interpretations of intriguing
results which had seemed mutually incompatible. For example,
extended withdrawal from repeated cocaine exposure increases
cell-surface expression of AMPAR subunits in NAc tissue (Bou-
dreau and Wolf, 2005) as well as dendritic spine density in NAc
MSNs (Robinson and Kolb, 2004), both of which are consistent
with a synaptic potentiation. However, in studies where cocaine
withdrawal was interrupted by cocaine re-exposure 1 d before
sampling, AMPAR-mediated mEPSCs in NAc MSNs were atten-
uated and the induction of in vitro long-term depression was
occluded (Thomas et al., 2001). Our present results indicate that
sal chal
coc chal
(% sal chal)
-80 -40 40
Norm. I
-- --
coc coc coc
sal coc
coc or sal
10-14 days
1 2345
record record
coc-sal coc-coc
Figure 5. Cocaine exposure history determines whether NAc excitatory synapses exhibit potentiation or depression. A, Exper-
imental timeline. B, Left,Sample EPSCs from naive and cocaine-treated mice. Calibration: 100 ms, 20 pA. Right, Mean AMPAR/
NMDAR ratio in naive (n6 cells, 3 mice), coc-nochal (coc treatment with no challenge; n8 cells, 5 mice), coc-sal (coc
treatment with sal challenge; n11 cells, 6 mice), and coc-coc (coc treatment with coc challenge; n13 cells, 6 mice) groups.
Significantly different from each bar labeled with an asterisk (ANOVA, F
8.167, p0.0004; Student–Newman–Keuls
post hoc test, p0.05). C,I–V relationship for AMPAR EPSCs in coc-nochal/coc-sal and coc-coc mice. Data from coc-nochal and
coc-salhavebeenpooledbecausethere is no significant difference between groups. The lines represent thelinearregression(r
0.99 for each group). D, Summary graph indicating percentage decrease of AMPAR/NMDAR ratio in cocaine-challenged mice
relative to saline-challenged controls. Animals that had no previous drug experience (repeated saline; n13 cells, 6 mice for
saline challenge, and n7 cells, 5 mice for cocaine challenge) showed no significant depression. Drug-experienced animals
(coc-coc vs coc-sal; normalized to coc-sal) exhibited significant depression. Error bars represent SEM.
Kourrich et al. Cocaine Induces Bidirectional Synaptic Plasticity J. Neurosci., July 25, 2007 27(30):7921–7928 • 7925
a single additional cocaine exposure in drug-experienced animals
can determine whether NAc glutamatergic synapses exhibit de-
pression or potentiation.
Cocaine experience-elicited synaptic potentiation in NAc
A possible mechanism for the potentiation is suggested by an
intriguing line of experiments by Wolf et al. (2004) examining
AMPAR surface expression in cultured NAc neurons. In these
experiments, transient activation of dopamine receptors in-
creases surface-level AMPARs. This raises the possibility that in
vivo, the transient activation of dopamine receptors during co-
caine exposure may increase NAc AMPAR surface levels and en-
hance EPSCs. However, the story is not likely to be so straight-
forward. For example, dopamine receptor activation inhibits
AMPAR EPSCs in NAc slices (Nicola et al., 2000), an effect that is
enhanced with repeated cocaine administration (Beurrier and
Malenka, 2002). Furthermore, the day after discontinuing re-
peated cocaine injections, neither the synaptic potentiation (Fig.
4B) nor the increased level of surface AMPARs (Boudreau and
Wolf, 2005) is present. The fact that the potentiation takes time to
develop during withdrawal suggests it is not directly related to the
ability of dopamine receptor activation to drive AMPAR inser-
tion into the membrane.
Another possible mechanism for the potentiation is homeo-
static synaptic scaling: an alteration in synaptic responses
throughout a cell that compensates for chronic changes in activ-
ity (Turrigiano and Nelson, 2004). For example, by suppressing
activity in visual cortex through visual deprivation, AMPAR EP-
SCs can be upregulated in a cell-wide manner (Desai et al., 2002).
Repeated in vivo cocaine is known to reduce intrinsic excitability
of NAc MSNs (Zhang et al., 1998; Hu et al., 2004; Dong et al.,
2006). Thus, decreased excitability after drug cessation could
trigger synaptic scaling mechanisms to augment excitatory syn-
aptic strength. Another possibility, raised by Boudreau and Wolf
(2005), is that the decreased levels of extracellular glutamate
known to occur in NAc after repeated cocaine (Pierce et al., 1996;
Baker et al., 2003) may engage synaptic scaling. However it may
be triggered, the scaling phenomenon typically involves changes
in number (as opposed to purely changes in function) of synaptic
AMPARs (Turrigiano and Nelson, 2004). Cocaine-elicited syn-
aptic potentiation in NAc appears to be consistent with this
mechanism. For example, repeated cocaine exposure increases
surface expression of AMPARs, a portion of which are associated
with synapses (Boudreau and Wolf, 2005).
The functional significance of cocaine-induced NAc synaptic
potentiation is not yet clear. However, viral vector-mediated
overexpression of AMPAR subunits in NAc is sufficient to mod-
ify reward-related behaviors such as cocaine conditioned-place
preference (Kelz et al., 1999) intracranial self-stimulation (Tod-
tenkopf et al., 2006), and stress-induced reinstatement of
cocaine-seeking behavior (Sutton et al., 2003). Once we under-
stand the degree to which this overexpression can artificially po-
tentiate excitatory synaptic strength on MSNs, we will have a
framework within which to understand how cocaine-induced
changes in NAc synaptic strength can affect behavioral output of
reward circuits.
Cocaine experience-induced metaplasticity?
A single cocaine injection in drug-experienced animals during an
extended drug-free period triggers a synaptic depression whereas
the same treatment in drug-naive animals does not. Thus, re-
peated cocaine dramatically alters an animal’s response to subse-
quent cocaine during extended withdrawal. This type of shift has
been referred to as metaplasticity, a condition in which the his-
tory of activity in a given neuron or synapse alters the magnitude
or direction of plasticity in response to subsequent stimulation
(Abraham and Bear, 1996; Bear, 2003). A compelling example of
metaplasticity comes from visual deprivation experiments. Re-
duction in activity of visual cortical neurons can shift the re-
sponse of these neurons to a given evoked stimulus from long-
term depression to long-term potentiation (LTP) (Kirkwood et
al., 1996; Bear, 2003). As in other forms of metaplasticity, re-
peated cocaine experience appears to shift the threshold neces-
sary for generating a plastic response, in this case, synaptic de-
pression. Our data indicate that multiple cocaine exposures are
necessary to decrease the AMPAR/NMDAR ratio in mice that
had previously been drug-naive. However, a single cocaine re-
exposure is sufficient for NAc synaptic depression in drug-
experienced, “abstinent” mice. Although the degree of overlap in
the mechanisms for any synaptic depression elicited under these
two conditions will require additional study, it is clear that co-
caine experience and withdrawal lowers the threshold (i.e., the
number of drug exposures necessary) for cocaine-induced NAc
synaptic depression.
What are potential mechanisms for this threshold shift? In
visual cortical metaplasticity, changes in the subunit composition
of synaptic NMDARs, an enhanced inclusion of NR2B-
containing receptors, prolong calcium entry and facilitate LTP
induction (Quinlan et al., 1999a,b; Philpot et al., 2001). NR2B
expression in NAc is reported to be decreased at 24 h after re-
peated cocaine and increased after 2 weeks of withdrawal (Loftis
and Janowsky, 2000). Thus, we examined NMDAR EPSC decay
kinetics, an indicator for addition or loss of synaptic NR2B-
containing receptors (Monyer et al., 1994; Vicini et al., 1998;
Rumbaugh and Vicini, 1999; Schilstrom et al., 2006). We did not
observe any changes in this parameter. This does not rule out a
potential change in NR2B-containing receptors that are extra-
synaptic (van Zundert et al., 2004; Kohr, 2006). However, the lack
of change in NMDAR EPSC decay kinetics strongly suggests that
the mechanism for cocaine-induced metaplasticity is not directly
shared with other known forms of in vivo metaplasticity.
Another possible mechanism for the reduced synaptic depres-
sion threshold is suggested by the fact that cocaine treatment
enhances NAc glutamate release after cocaine re-exposure during
extended withdrawal (Pierce et al., 1996; Reid and Berger, 1996).
Coupled with our finding of enhanced AMPAR EPSCs, this sug-
gests cocaine re-exposure in cocaine-treated animals triggers su-
praphysiological activation of NAc glutamate transmission. In-
tense glutamate signaling can induce AMPAR endocytosis and
synaptic depression in vitro, most commonly through prolonged
NMDAR activation (Carroll et al., 1999; Beattie et al., 2000;
Mangiavacchi and Wolf, 2004). The involvement of AMPAR en-
docytosis in the synaptic depression described here seems a likely
possibility. For example, the delivery of an AMPAR-endocytosis-
blocking peptide into NAc interfered with the expression of be-
havioral sensitization to amphetamine (Brebner et al., 2005).
These results offer potential clues to the mechanism of cocaine-
elicited NAc synaptic depression. They also suggest that this de-
pression is a key factor in long-lasting behavioral modification by
addictive drug exposure.
Our results define prominent features of cocaine-induced synap-
tic plasticity in a key neural circuit for reward and drug-seeking
behavior. An important future direction will be to determine
whether these alterations may be pathogenic mediators that con-
7926 J. Neurosci., July 25, 2007 27(30):7921–7928 Kourrich et al. Cocaine Induces Bidirectional Synaptic Plasticity
tribute to addiction, or perhaps homeostatic adaptations that
counteract it. For example, the increase in NAc synaptic efficacy
measured here may be a balancing factor against deleterious ad-
aptations, in which case its reversal during a drug re-exposure
may gate a signal for drug-seeking behavior. There is increasing
evidence that inhibition of NAc MSNs (GABAergic projection
neurons) promotes reward-seeking behavior (Kelley, 2004; Taha
and Fields, 2006), perhaps by disinhibiting “downstream” re-
gions such as the ventral pallidum (McFarland and Kalivas, 2001;
Tindell et al., 2005) and lateral hypothalamus (Harris et al.,
2005). Understanding the role of cocaine-induced NAc synaptic
plasticity in addiction will require detailed examination of this
phenomenon in relationship to animal behavior in models of
addiction. The present results should help bridge the divide be-
tween our rapidly expanding knowledge base of molecular neu-
roadaptations to cocaine and the reorganization of brain reward
circuits that results in addiction.
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7928 J. Neurosci., July 25, 2007 27(30):7921–7928 Kourrich et al. Cocaine Induces Bidirectional Synaptic Plasticity
... Repeated drug exposure causes adaptations in the neural reward pathway that reinforce compulsive drug-seeking behavior [3] through mechanisms that synergize with multiple addictive substances [35]. Earlier studies show that repeated cocaine administration alters synaptic transmission in the NAc [36], and that drug-induced reward behavior can be assessed in a memory model linking perception of drug-related pleasure with context-dependent environmental cues [37]. Here, we sought to determine whether altered TRPA1 expression in the NAc affects cocaine reward-related behavior using the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm. ...
... To determine the impact of TRPA1 knockdown on synaptic transmission in the NAc core and shell, we recorded spontaneous AMPAR-mediated excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSC) in MSNs from the NAc core and shell of both male and female mice ( Fig. 2A-H). As other studies have shown [36,38], repeated cocaine administration significantly increased the sEPSC amplitude of MSNs in the NAc core of both male and female mice ( Fig. 2A, E). However, the sEPSC amplitude of MSNs in the NAc shell only increased in male mice ( Fig. 2C) but not in female mice (Fig. 2G). ...
... Foundational studies documented that MSNs in the NAc are involved in addiction-related neuronal mechanisms [36,58]. D1Rand D2R-MSNs are thought to have distinct actions on reward behavior. ...
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Drug addiction therapies commonly fail because continued drug use promotes the release of excessive and pleasurable dopamine levels. Because the connection between pleasure and drug use becomes hard-wired in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), which interfaces motivation, effective therapies need to modulate this mesolimbic reward system. Here, we report that mice with knockdown of the cation channel TRPA1 (transient receptor potential ankyrin 1) were resistant to the drug-seeking behavior and reward effects of cocaine compared to their wildtype litter mates. In our study, we demonstrate that TRPA1 inhibition in the NAc reduces cocaine activity and dopamine release, and conversely, that TRPA1 is critical for cocaine-induced synaptic strength in dopamine receptor 1-expressing medium spiny neurons. Taken together, our data support that cocaine-induced reward-related behavior and synaptic release of dopamine in the NAc are controlled by TRPA1 and suggest that TRPA1 has therapeutic potential as a target for drug misuse therapies.
... Following 2 days of habituation during which all mice (n = 77) received saline in the behavioral testing chamber ( Figure 1B), mice were subdivided, receiving either daily cocaine (15 mg/kg) or saline for the next 5 days ( Figure 1C). This dose of cocaine has been used previously by our lab for psychomotor sensitization and examination of NAcSh neuroplasticity (2,4). This dosing has also been used in follow-up studies to examine the effects of cocaine on D1R-and D2R-MSN excitability in the NAcSh of male mice (9). ...
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Background Cocaine-induced plasticity in the nucleus accumbens shell of males occurs primarily in dopamine D1 receptor–expressing medium spiny neurons (D1R-MSNs), with little if any impact on dopamine D2 receptor–expressing medium spiny neurons (D2R-MSNs). In females, the effect of cocaine on accumbens shell D1R- and D2R-MSN neurophysiology has yet to be reported, nor have estrous cycle effects been accounted for. Methods We used a 5-day locomotor sensitization paradigm followed by a 10- to 14-day drug-free abstinence period. We then obtained ex vivo whole-cell recordings from fluorescently labeled D1R-MSNs and D2R-MSNs in the nucleus accumbens shell of male and female mice during estrus and diestrus. We examined accumbens shell neuronal excitability as well as miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs). Results In females, we observed alterations in D1R-MSN excitability across the estrous cycle similar in magnitude to the effects of cocaine in males. Furthermore, cocaine shifted estrous cycle–dependent plasticity from intrinsic excitability changes in D1R-MSNs to D2R-MSNs. In males, cocaine treatment produced the anticipated drop in D1R-MSN excitability with no effect on D2R-MSN excitability. Cocaine increased mEPSC frequencies and amplitudes in D2R-MSNs from females in estrus and mEPSC amplitudes of D2R-MSNs from females in diestrus. In males, cocaine increased both D1R- and D2R-MSN mEPSC amplitudes with no effect on mEPSC frequencies. Conclusions Overall, while there are similar cocaine-induced disparities regarding the relative excitability of D1R-MSNs versus D2R-MSNs between the sexes, this is mediated through reduced D1R-MSN excitability in males, whereas it is due to heightened D2R-MSN excitability in females.
Drugs of abuse induce neuroadaptations, including synaptic plasticity, that are critical for transition to addiction, and genes and pathways that regulate these neuroadaptations are potential therapeutic targets. Tropomodulin 2 (Tmod2) is an actin-regulating gene that plays an important role in synapse maturation and dendritic arborization and has been implicated in substance abuse and intellectual disability in humans. Here, we mine the KOMP2 data and find that Tmod2 knock-out mice show emotionality phenotypes that are predictive of addiction vulnerability. Detailed addiction phenotyping shows that Tmod2 deletion does not affect the acute locomotor response to cocaine administration. However, sensitized locomotor responses are highly attenuated in these knock-outs, indicating perturbed drug-induced plasticity. In addition, Tmod2 mutant animals do not self-administer cocaine indicating lack of hedonic responses to cocaine. Whole-brain MR imaging shows differences in brain volume across multiple regions, although transcriptomic experiments did not reveal perturbations in gene coexpression networks. Detailed electrophysiological characterization of Tmod2 KO neurons showed increased spontaneous firing rate of early postnatal and adult cortical and striatal neurons. Cocaine-induced synaptic plasticity that is critical for sensitization is either missing or reciprocal in Tmod2 KO nucleus accumbens shell medium spiny neurons, providing a mechanistic explanation of the cocaine response phenotypes. Combined, these data, collected from both males and females, provide compelling evidence that Tmod2 is a major regulator of plasticity in the mesolimbic system and regulates the reinforcing and addictive properties of cocaine.
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Administration of the Zeta Inhibitory Peptide (ZIP) interferes with memory maintenance and long-term potentiation (LTP). However, mice lacking its putative target, the protein kinase PKMz, exhibit normal learning and memory as well as LTP, making ZIP’s mechanism unclear. Here, we show that ZIP disrupts LTP by removing surface AMPA receptors through its cationic charge alone. This effect was fully blocked by drugs that block macropinocytosis and is dependent on endophilin A2 (endoA2)-mediated endocytosis. ZIP and other cationic peptides selectively removed newly inserted AMPAR nanoclusters, providing a mechanism by which these peptides erase memories without effects on basal synaptic function. Lastly, cationic peptides can be administered locally and/or systemically and can be combined with local microinjection of macropinocytosis inhibitors to modulate memories on local and brain-wide scales. Our findings have critical implications for an entire field of memory mechanisms and highlight a previously unappreciated mechanism by which memories can be lost.
Recent studies have implicated the ethanol metabolite, acetic acid, as neuroactive, perhaps even more so than ethanol itself. In this study, we investigated sex-specific metabolism of ethanol (1, 2, and 4 g/kg) to acetic acid in vivo to guide electrophysiology experiments in the accumbens shell (NAcSh), a key node in the mammalian reward circuit. There was a sex-dependent difference in serum acetate production, quantified via ion chromatography only at the lowest dose of ethanol (males > females). Ex vivo electrophysiology recordings of NAcSh medium spiny neurons (MSN) in brain slices demonstrated that physiological concentrations of acetic acid (2 mM and 4 mM) increased NAcSh MSN excitability in both sexes. N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) antagonists, AP5 and memantine, robustly attenuated the acetic acid-induced increase in excitability. Acetic acid-induced NMDAR-dependent inward currents were greater in females compared to males and were not estrous cycle dependent. These findings suggest a novel NMDAR-dependent mechanism by which the ethanol metabolite, acetic acid, may influence neurophysiological effects in a key reward circuit in the brain from ethanol consumption. Furthermore, these findings also highlight a specific sex-dependent sensitivity in females to acetic acid-NMDAR interactions. This may underlie their more rapid advancement to alcohol use disorder and increased risk of alcohol related neurodegeneration compared to males.
Drug abuse changes neurophysiological functions at multiple cellular and molecular levels in the addicted brain. Well-supported scientific evidence suggests that drugs negatively affect memory formation, decision-making and inhibition, and emotional and cognitive behaviors. The mesocorticolimbic brain regions are involved in reward-related learning and habitual drug-seeking/taking behaviors to develop physiological and psychological dependence on the drugs. This review highlights the importance of specific drug-induced chemical imbalances resulting in memory impairment through various neurotransmitter receptor-mediated signaling pathways. The mesocorticolimbic modifications in the expression levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and the cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB) impair reward-related memory formation following drug abuse. The contributions of protein kinases and microRNAs (miRNAs), along with the transcriptional and epigenetic regulation have also been considered in memory impairment underlying drug addiction. Overall, we integrate the research on various types of drug-induced memory impairment in distinguished brain regions and provide a comprehensive review with clinical implications addressing the upcoming studies.
Cocaine-induced plasticity in the nucleus accumbens shell of males occurs primarily in D1 dopamine receptor expressing neurons (D1-MSNs), with little if any impact on D2 dopamine receptor neurons (D2-MSNs). Using ex vivo whole cell recordings in male and female mice, we observe alterations in D1-MSN excitability across the estrous cycle similar in magnitude to the actions of cocaine in males. Furthermore, cocaine shifts estrous cycle-dependent plasticity from intrinsic excitability changes in D1-MSNs to D2-MSNs. Overall, while there are similar cocaine-induced disparities regarding the relative excitability of D1-MSN versus D2-MSN between the sexes, in males this is mediated through reduced D1-MSN excitability, whereas in females it is due to heightened D2-MSN excitability.
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In rat cerebellar granule neurons, mRNA and protein levels of the NR2A and NR2C subunits of the NMDA receptor increase during the second postnatal week. At this time, mRNA and protein levels of the NR2B subunit begin to fall. To investigate targeting of NMDA receptor subunits, we performed whole-cell recordings from rat cerebellar granule neurons at different times during development and investigated the pharmacological and biophysical properties of mossy fiber-evoked NMDA EPSCs. Isolated NMDA EPSCs from newly formed synapses in the first postnatal week exhibited partial block by the NR2B subunit-specific antagonist (1 S ,2 S )-1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-(4-hydroxy-4-phenylpiperidino)-1-propanol (CP 101,606). By the end of the second postnatal week, NMDA EPSCs were virtually unaffected by the NR2B antagonist. In parallel, NMDA EPSC decay times decreased over a similar developmental time course. We compared properties of synaptic NMDA receptors with extrasynaptic receptors that are present on the cell body with rapid application of glutamate to excised nucleated patches. Deactivation of patch responses accelerated with development and closely resembled evoked NMDA EPSCs in rats of the same age. However, patch responses were highly sensitive to CP 101,606 through the second postnatal week, and sensitivity was seen in some neurons up to the fourth postnatal week. Spermine potentiated peak NMDA patch responses from postnatal days 10–14 rats but had little effect on evoked NMDA EPSCs. Our data suggest selective targeting of a distinct NMDA receptor subtype to synaptic receptor populations in cerebellar granule neurons. Later in development, similar changes occur in the extrasynaptic receptor population.
In the visual cortex, as elsewhere, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) play a critical role in triggering long-term, experience-dependent synaptic plasticity. Modifications of NMDAR subunit composition alter receptor function, and could have a large impact on the properties of synaptic plasticity. We have used immunoblot analysis to investigate the effects of age and visual experience on the expression of different NMDAR subunits in synaptoneurosomes prepared from rat visual cortices. NMDARs at birth are comprised of NR2B and NR1 subunits, and, over the first 5 postnatal weeks, there is a progressive inclusion of the NR2A subunit. Dark rearing from birth attenuates the developmental increase in NR2A. Levels of NR2A increase rapidly (in <2 hr) when dark-reared animals are exposed to light, and decrease gradually over the course of 3 to 4 days when animals are deprived of light. These data reveal that NMDAR subunit composition in the visual cortex is remarkably dynamic and bidirectionally regulated by sensory experience. We propose that NMDAR subunit regulation is a mechanism for experience-dependent modulation of synaptic plasticity in the visual cortex, and serves to maintain synaptic strength within an optimal dynamic range
Increased glutamate transmission in the nucleus accumbens and ventral tegmental area has been proposed as a mechanism underlying sensitized behavioral responses to repeated cocaine administration. GluR1, GluR2/3, and NMDAR1 subunits of glutamate receptors were quantified from immunoblots in these brain nuclei in rats at 24 h and 3 weeks after discontinuing 1 week of daily cocaine injections. Motor behavior was monitored after the first and last injections of daily cocaine, and those rats that showed >20% increase in motor activity after the last compared with the first injection were considered to have developed behavioral sensitization. The subjects that developed behavioral sensitization showed a significant increase in GluR1 levels in the nucleus accumbens at 3 weeks but not at 24 h of withdrawal. Conversely, sensitized animals showed a significant increase in NMDAR1 and GluR1 levels in the ventral tegmental area at 1 day but not at 3 weeks of withdrawal. None of these increases occurred in the rats exposed to daily cocaine that did not develop behavioral sensitization (<20% increase in motor activity), and no changes were measured in the level of GluR2/3 in any treatment group. The functional importance of the increases in glutamate receptor subunit levels is suggested by the fact that the changes were present only in rats that developed behavioral sensitization to repeated cocaine administration.
Assessing the development of local circuitry in the hippocampus has relied primarily on anatomic studies. Here we take a physiological approach, to directly evaluate the means by which the mature state of connectivity between CA3 and CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells is established. Using a technique of comparing miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs) to EPSCs in response to spontaneously occurring action potentials in CA3 cells, we found that from neonatal to adult ages, functional synapses are created and serve to increase the degree of connectivity between CA3-CA1 cell pairs. Neither the probability of release nor mean quantal size was found to change significantly with age. However, the variability of quantal events decreases substantially as synapses mature. Thus in the hippocampus the developmental strategy for enhancing excitatory synaptic transmission does not appear to involve an increase in the efficacy at individual synapses, but rather an increase in the connectivity between cell pairs.
An in situ study of mRNAs encoding NMDA receptor subunits in the developing rat CNS revealed that, at all stages, the NR1 gene is expressed in virtually all neurons, whereas the four NR2 transcripts display distinct expression patterns. NR2B and NR2D mRNAs occur prenatally, whereas NR2A and NR2C mRNAs are first detected near birth. All transcripts except NR2D peak around P20. NR2D mRNA, present mainly in midbrain structures, peaks around P7 and thereafter decreases to adult levels. Postnatally, NR2B and NR2C transcript levels change in opposite directions in the cerebellar internal granule cell layer. In the adult hippocampus, NR2A and NR2B mRNAs are prominent in CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cells, but NR2C and NR2D mRNAs occur in different subsets of interneurons. Recombinant binary NR1-NR2 channels show comparable Ca2+ permeabilities, but marked differences in voltage-dependent Mg2+ block and in offset decay time constants. Thus, the distinct expression profiles and functional properties of NR2 subunits provide a basis for NMDA channel heterogeneity in the brain.
In many regions of the cerebral cortex, Ca2+ influx through NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) sensitive glutamate receptors (NMDA receptors) can trigger two forms of synaptic plasticity: long-term depression (LTD) and long-term potentiation (LTP). LTD is induced by low levels of postsynaptic NMDA-receptor activation, for instance in response to low-frequency stimulation, whereas LTP is induced by the stronger activation that occurs following high-frequency stimulation. Theoretical studies have shown that the properties of synaptic LTD and LTP can account for many aspects of experience-dependent plasticity in the developing visual cortex, provided that the LTD-LTP crossover point (the modification threshold, theta(m)) varies as a function of the history of cortical activity. Here we provide direct experimental evidence that the value of theta(m) depends on sensory experience. We find in visual cortex of light-deprived rats that LTP is enhanced and LTD diminished over a range of stimulation frequencies, and that these effects can be reversed by as little as two days of light exposure. Our findings support the idea that a variable synaptic modification threshold allows synaptic weights in neural networks to achieve a stable equilibrium.
In this paper, we review experimental evidence for a novel form of persistent synaptic plasticity we call metaplasticity. Metaplasticity is induced by synaptic or cellular activity, but it is not necessarily expressed as a change in the efficacy of normal synaptic transmission. Instead, it is manifest as a change in the ability to induce subsequent synaptic plasticity, such as long-term potentiation or depression. Thus, metaplasticity is a higher-order form of synaptic plasticity. Metaplasticity might involve alterations in NMDA-receptor function in some cases, but there are many other candidate mechanisms. The induction of metaplasticity complicates the interpretation of many commonly studied aspects of synaptic plasticity, such as saturation and biochemical correlates.