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Applicability of a segmental bioelectrical impedance analysis for predicting the whole body skeletal muscle volume


Abstract and Figures

This study aimed to test the hypothesis that a segmental bioelectrical impedance (BI) analysis can predict whole body skeletal muscle (SM) volume more accurately than a whole body BI analysis. Thirty males (19-34 yr) participated in this study. They were divided into validation (n = 20) and cross-validation groups (n = 10). The BI values were obtained using two methods: whole body BI analysis, which determines impedance between the wrist and ankle; and segmental BI analysis, which determines the impedance of every body segment in both sides of the upper arm, lower arm, upper leg and lower leg, and five parts of the trunk. Using a magnetic resonance imaging method, whole body SM volume was determined as a reference (SMV(MRI)). Simple and multiple regression analyses were applied to (length)(2)/Z (BI index) for the whole body and for every body segment, respectively, to develop the prediction equations of SMV(MRI). In the validation group, there were no significant differences between the measured and estimated SMV and no systematic errors in either BI analysis. In the cross-validation group, the whole body BI analysis produced systematic errors and resulted in the overestimation of SMV(MRI), but the segmental BI analysis was cross-validated. In the pooled data, the segmental BI analysis produced a prediction equation, which involves the BI indexes of the trunk and upper thigh as independent variables, with a SE of estimation of 1,693.8 cm(3) (6.1%). Thus the findings obtained here indicated that the segmental BI analysis is superior to the whole body BI analysis for estimating SMV(MRI).
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doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00255.2007
103:1688-1695, 2007. First published 30 August 2007;J Appl Physiol
Noriko I. Tanaka, Masae Miyatani, Yoshihisa Masuo, Tetsuo Fukunaga and Hiroaki
analysis for predicting the whole body skeletal muscle
Applicability of a segmental bioelectrical impedance
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Applicability of a segmental bioelectrical impedance analysis for predicting
the whole body skeletal muscle volume
Noriko I. Tanaka,
Masae Miyatani,
Yoshihisa Masuo,
Tetsuo Fukunaga,
and Hiroaki Kanehisa
Department of Sport System, Kokushikan University, Tokyo, Japan;
Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory, Lyndhurst
Centre Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada;
Department of Sport Sciences, School of Human
Sciences, Waseda University, Saitama, Japan; and
Department of Life Sciences (Sports Sciences), University of Tokyo,
Tokyo, Japan
Submitted 5 March 2007; accepted in final form 23 August 2007
Tanaka NI, Miyatani M, Masuo Y, Fukunaga T, Kanehisa H.
Applicability of a segmental bioelectrical impedance analysis
for predicting the whole body skeletal muscle volume. J Appl
Physiol 103: 1688–1695, 2007. First published August 30, 2007;
doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00255.2007.—This study aimed to test
the hypothesis that a segmental bioelectrical impedance (BI) analysis
can predict whole body skeletal muscle (SM) volume more accurately
than a whole body BI analysis. Thirty males (19 –34 yr) participated
in this study. They were divided into validation (n20) and
cross-validation groups (n10). The BI values were obtained using
two methods: whole body BI analysis, which determines impedance
between the wrist and ankle; and segmental BI analysis, which
determines the impedance of every body segment in both sides of the
upper arm, lower arm, upper leg and lower leg, and five parts of the
trunk. Using a magnetic resonance imaging method, whole body SM
volume was determined as a reference (SMV
). Simple and mul-
tiple regression analyses were applied to (length)
/Z(BI index) for the
whole body and for every body segment, respectively, to develop the
prediction equations of SMV
. In the validation group, there were
no significant differences between the measured and estimated SMV
and no systematic errors in either BI analysis. In the cross-validation
group, the whole body BI analysis produced systematic errors and
resulted in the overestimation of SMV
, but the segmental BI
analysis was cross-validated. In the pooled data, the segmental BI
analysis produced a prediction equation, which involves the BI in-
dexes of the trunk and upper thigh as independent variables, with a SE
of estimation of 1,693.8 cm
(6.1%). Thus the findings obtained here
indicated that the segmental BI analysis is superior to the whole body
BI analysis for estimating SMV
human body composition; magnetic resonance imaging; muscle dis-
tribution; validation; cross-validation
THE QUALITATIVE ASSESSMENT of human skeletal muscle (SM)
mass helps us to evaluate physical resources in relation to
physical performance in daily life and/or sporting activities
(16). There is increasing interest in the use of bioelectrical
impedance (BI) analysis to estimate SM mass because it is
safe, noninvasive, convenient, easy, and inexpensive (3). How-
ever, little information on the validity of BI analyses for
estimating whole body SM mass is available. To our knowl-
edge, only Janssen et al. (14) have tried to estimate whole body
SM mass using a BI analysis in which the BI value between the
right wrist and right leg was obtained. In their results, however,
the developed prediction equation produced a systematic error
and overestimated whole body SM mass. The BI analysis taken
in the prior study has been referred to as “whole body BI
analysis” (3, 5, 9, 14, 19), although the electric current in this
technique has been shown to be passed thorough the whole
trunk and one side of the extremities (9). When a whole body
BI analysis is used to estimate whole body SM mass, the
human body is assumed to be a cylindrical and isotrophic
conductor with a uniform cross-sectional area (CSA). How-
ever, the whole body BI value depends strongly on the varia-
tion in the CSA of the lower arm and lower leg (4, 8, 9).
Moreover, it has been reported that the change in the trunk SM
volume hardly affects the whole body BI value (9). Consider-
ing these points, it is hypothesized that the BI value obtained
by the whole body BI analysis may be mostly affected by SM
mass in the distal parts of limbs, and so this would be a reason
for the systematic error in the estimates of whole body SM
mass with the whole body BI analysis (14). However, no study
has examined this assumption.
As another technique of the BI analysis, Organ et al. (19)
developed various combinations of electrodes to determine
the BI value of every body segment, i.e., a segmental BI
analysis. A prior study (12) that used a subject sample with
a large variation in muscularity found that, compared with
the whole body BI analysis, a segmental BI analysis that
measured BI values from proximal segments of the human
body (i.e., upper arm, upper leg, and whole trunk) could
predict lean body mass without influence from differences in
the lean tissues between the proximal and distal parts (lower
arms and lower legs) of the body segments. The segmental
BI analysis can be used to estimate the limb SM volume
through comparison with that determined by magnetic res-
onance imaging (MRI) (2, 17, 18). In addition, Ishiguro
et al. (13) indicated that the segmental BI analysis could be
applicable to the estimation of trunk SM volume. Taking
these findings into account, it may be assumed that the
prediction equation developed from a segmental BI analysis,
which involves the BI indexes of the upper arm, upper leg,
and trunk as the independent variables, can predict whole
body SM mass with a higher degree of accuracy compared
with that developed from a whole body BI analysis. The
present study aimed to test this hypothesis. To this end, we
measured BI values using the whole body and segmental BI
analyses in young adult men, including athletes, who formed
a heterogeneous sample with respect to body physique and
muscular development. Some data on the physical charac-
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: N. I. Tanaka, Dept.
of Sport System, Kokushikan Univ., 7-3-1 Nagayama, Tama-shi, Tokyo
206-8515, Japan.
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment
of page charges. The article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement
in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
J Appl Physiol 103: 1688–1695, 2007.
First published August 30, 2007; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00255.2007.
8750-7587/07 $8.00 Copyright ©2007 the American Physiological Society http://www. jap.org1688
by guest on June 8, 2013 from
teristics of subjects and the trunk SM volume have been
reported elsewhere (13).
Subjects. Thirty healthy Asian males (19 –34 yr) voluntarily par-
ticipated in this study. Fourteen of the subjects were athletes (8
American football players, 3 power lifters, 1 weight lifter, 1 triathlete,
and 1 baseball player) who had participated in competitive meets in
their own events at the college level within a year preceding the
measurements. The remainder were either sedentary or mildly active,
but none was currently involved in any type of exercise program (30
min/day, 2 days/wk). To confirm the cross-validity of the predicting
equation, the subjects were randomly separated into a validation group
(n20) and a cross-validation group (n10), in which the
percentage of the number of athletes to the total number of subjects
was almost the same, i.e., 10 athletes in the validation group and 4
athletes in the cross-validation group. Physical characteristics of each
subject group are listed in Table 1. Data for the athletes were collected
during preseason training. Therefore, none of the athletes were dehy-
drated to control their body mass for competition. All measurements
for the athletes were performed more than 40 h after completion of a
training session. This study was approved by the ethics committee of
the Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences, University of Tokyo, and was consistent with their require-
ments for human experimentation. The subjects were fully informed
about the procedures and the purpose of this study. Written informed
consent was obtained from all participants.
Anthropometric measurements. Body height was measured to the
nearest 0.1 cm on a standard physician’s scale. The body mass was
measured to the nearest 0.1 kg on a calibrated electric scale. The
lengths of the limb on the right side of the body were measured to the
nearest 0.5 cm with a flexible metal tape (Flat rule, KDS). In this
study, the length of every body segment was defined as the distance
between the electrodes placed to determine the segmental BI values in
accordance with the prior study (11): upper arm, distance between the
acromion process and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus (L
upper arm
lower arm, distance between the head of the radius and the processus
styloideus (L
lower arm
); upper leg, distance between the greater trochanter
of the femur and articular cleft between the femoral and tibial condyles
upper leg
); lower leg, distance between the malleolus lateralis and the
articular cleft between the femoral and tibial condyles (L
lower leg
). The
distance between the acromion process of the right shoulder and the
greater trochanter of the right femur was measured from MRI images
and defined as the trunk length (L
MRI measurements. With the use of MRI scans taken with a body
coil (Airis, Hitachi Medco), a series of transverse images from the
acromion process to the malleolus lateralis was obtained. The image
condition was T1 weighted, spin-echo, multislice sequences with a
slice thickness of 10 mm and a slice interval of 20 mm, with a
repetition time of 200 ms and an echo time of 20 ms. Each subject lay
supine in the body coil with his arms and legs extended and relaxed.
We defined the whole body SM volume as the sum of trunk and limb
SM volumes (4). The trunk SM was separated from limbs by using
slices between specific landmarks, the acromion process of the shoul-
der and the greater trochanter of the femur (4). Therefore, some SM
located in the shoulder and/or gluteus (i.e, triangular and/or gluteal
muscle) were partially analyzed as the trunk SMs. From each cross-
sectional image, outlines of tissues (SM, subcutaneous fat, bone,
visceral, and others) were traced and digitized by personal computer
(Power Macintosh G4, Apple) to calculate the anatomic CSA of every
tissue. Adipose and tendinous tissues, which were imaged in different
tones from the muscle tissue, were excluded when digitizing. We
removed as much of intramuscular adipose tissue areas as possible
from the SM and categorized those as “others.” By summing the
anatomic SM CSA and then multiplying the sum by the interval of 20
mm, whole body SM volume was determined and referred to as
The test-retest variability of SMV
was assessed with 10 men
(22–26 yr) on two separate days. The intraclass correlation coefficient
for the test-retest measurements was 0.990 and the coefficient of
variation (CV) was 1.8. There was no significant difference between
the mean values of the two tests. Again, the intraobserver reproduc-
ibility was assessed by analyzing the MRI images of 5 men (22–26 yr)
two times. The intraclass correlation coefficient and the CV of
values from the two trials were 0.951 and 2.9, respectively.
There was no significant difference between the mean values of the
two trials.
BI measurements. A BI acquisition system (Muscle , Art Haven
9) and the disposable electrodes (Red Dot 2330, 3M) were used to
determine the BI values of the whole body and each body segment.
This system applies a constant current of 500 A and frequency of 50
kHz through the body. The measured BI value was referred to as Z.
The BI measurements were performed on different days from the MRI
measurements with an interval of 1 or 2 days. The subjects refrained
from vigorous exercise and alcohol intake for 24 h, and from taking
a meal for 4 h, preceding the experiments. All BI measurements were
carried out in the supine position, with the arms relaxed at the side but
not touching the body and the legs separated at least 25.0 cm at the
ankles so that there was no contact between the upper legs. The
subjects were instructed to keep breathing quietly because the respi-
ratory cycle affected the trunk Z(7). During the measurements, room
temperature was kept at 23°C (8).
The electrode placement is shown in Fig. 1. The source electrodes
were placed at the dorsal surface of the third metacarpal bone of the
right hand and the dorsal surface of the third metatarsal bone of
the right foot for the whole body BI analysis, and the dorsal surface
of the third metacarpal bone of both hands and the dorsal surface of
the third metatarsal bone of both feet for the segmental BI analysis.
The detector electrode placement was as follows: for the measurement
of whole body Z(Z
whole body
), at the dorsal surface of the right wrist
at the level of the hand of radial and ulnar bones and anterior surface
of the right ankle between the protruding portions of the tibial and
fibular bones; for the upper arm Z(Z
upper arm
), at the dorsal surface of
both elbows between the lateral epicondyles of the humerus and the
head of the radius and the acromion process of both shoulders; for
the lower arm Z(Z
lower arm
), at the dorsal surfaces of both wrists at the
level of the head of radial and ulnar bones and the dorsal surface of
both elbows between the lateral epicondyles of the humerus and the
head of the radius; for the upper leg Z(Z
upper leg
), at the articular cleft
between the femoral and tibial condyles of both legs and the greater
trochanter of both femurs; and for the lower leg Z(Z
lower leg
), at the
Table 1. Descriptive data on physical characteristics
and MRI-measured tissue volume of subjects
Validation Group
(n10) Total (n30)
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Age, yr 24.5 2.8 24.2 4.1 24.4 3.2
Height, cm 175.4 5.0 174.2 5.9 175.0 5.2
Body mass, kg 77.8* 10.7 73.0 7.3 76.2 9.8
BMI, kg/m
25.3 3.3 24.1 2.4 24.9 3.1
Segment length, cm
Upper arm 33.2 1.2 32.9 1.7 33.1 1.4
Lower arm 24.4 1.0 24.2 1.2 24.3 1.0
Upper leg 40.9 1.4 40.9 1.9 40.9 1.6
Lower leg 40.4 1.7 40.2 2.0 40.3 1.8
Trunk 61.0 2.8 58.4 3.0 60.1 3.1
nno. of men/group. BMI, body mass index. *Mean value is significantly
different from that for the cross-validation group at P0.05.
J Appl Physiol VOL 103 NOVEMBER 2007
by guest on June 8, 2013 from
anterior surface of both ankles between the protruding portions of the
tibial and fibular bones and the articular cleft between the femoral and
tibial condyles of both legs. For the trunk BI measurement, the
detector electrodes were placed at the acromion process of both
shoulders and the greater trochanter of both femurs. This combination
of electrodes can measure Zfrom five regions: both sides of the upper
trunk (Z
and Z
), the middle trunk (Z
), and both sides of the
lower trunk (Z
and Z
) (13). The whole trunk Z(Z
) can
be calculated with the following equation using each BI measurement
ZTRwhole (ZTRur ZTRul)/(ZTRur ZTRul)
ZTRm (ZTRlr ZTRll)/(ZTRlr ZTRll)
The BI indexes of the whole body and each body segment were
calculated as follows
BI index of whole body (height)2/Zwhole body
BI index of upper arm (Lupper arm)2/
[Zupper arm (right side) Zupper arm (left side)]
BI index of lower arm (Llower arm)2/
[Zlower arm (right side) Zlower arm (left side)]
BI index of upper leg (Lupper leg)2/
[Zupper leg (right side) Zupper leg (left side)]
BI index of lower leg (Llower leg)2/
[Zlower leg (right side) Zlower leg (left side)]
BI index of trunk (LTR)2/ZTRwhole
The test-retest variability of the Zvalues and BI indexes was assessed
with 23 men (19 –30 yr) on two separate days. The intraclass corre-
lation coefficients and the %CV were 0.839 0.978 and 1.6 –2.9% for
each Zvalue. There were no significant differences in each Zvalue
between the two tests.
Data analysis. Descriptive values were presented as means and
standard deviations (SDs). In the validation group, first, the equations
were developed for predicting the measured SMV
with the use of
the BI indexes as independent variables, determined in each of the
whole body and the segmental BI analyses. For the whole body BI
analysis, a simple regression analysis was applied to develop a
prediction equation for SMV
with (height)
whole body
as an
independent variable. For the segmental BI analysis, the multiple
regression analysis was used to develop the prediction equation for
using the BI indexes in the upper arm, upper leg, and trunk
as the independent variables. The estimated whole body SM volume
was referred to as SMV
whole body BI
refers to the whole body
BI analysis and SMV
segmental BI
for the segmental BI analysis. For
every independent variable selected, the product of the standard
regression coefficient in the multiple regression equation and the
simple correlation coefficient in the relationship with SMV
pressed as a percentage, was calculated as an index presenting its
relative contribution to the estimation of SMV
. Second, it was
confirmed that the regression slope and intercept for the relationship
between the SMV
and SMV
values did not significantly differ
from 1 and 0, respectively. Again, the significance of the difference
between SMV
and SMV
was confirmed using Student’s paired
t-test. The SE of the estimate (SEE) was calculated to evaluate the
accuracy of SMV
. The SEE was expressed as an absolute value and
relative to the mean of SMV
. Third, the residual (SMV
) was plotted against the mean SMV for the two methods to
examine for systematic error, as described by Bland and Altman (6).
When the three conditions mentioned above were satisfied, SMV
was calculated for the individuals of the cross-validation group using
the equation derived from the validation group. The cross-validity of
the prediction equation was examined by the same three steps as used
for the validation group. If either or both of the prediction equations
were cross-validated, the data from the two groups were pooled to
generate the final equation, and the standard regression coefficient of
each independent variable was calculated. With regard to the final
equation, too, the accuracy was confirmed by the same three steps as
mentioned above. A simple linear regression analysis was used to
calculate the correlation coefficient (r). The probability level for
statistical significance was set at P0.05.
Baseline characteristics of the validation and cross-valida-
tion groups. Table 1 shows the descriptive data on the physical
characteristics in the validation and cross-validation groups.
There were no significant differences between the two groups
in any variables except for body mass.
Figure 2 shows the distribution of the measured SM CSA in
every body segment, plotted at every 10% of the segment
length. The largest SM CSA was observed at 10% L
, and the
second one at 90% L
The SM volumes of the whole body and every body segment
determined by MRI did not differ between the validation and
cross-validation groups (Table 2). Moreover, there were no
significant differences between the groups in the measured Zs
and BI indexes (Table 3).
Prediction equation derived from the validation group. The
whole body BI index was significantly correlated to the
(r0.883, P0.05) in the validation group. This
relationship produced an equation, SMV
whole body BI
whole body
]1,201.4, with R
and SEE values of
0.779 and 2,180.6 cm
(7.7%), respectively.
In the segmental BI analysis, the BI indexes of the upper leg
and trunk were selected as significant contributors to predict
(Fig. 3) and produced an equation, SMV
segmental BI
Fig. 1. Schematic representations of the positions of electrodes for bioelectri-
cal impedance (BI) analyses.
J Appl Physiol VOL 103 NOVEMBER 2007
by guest on June 8, 2013 from
129.1 [(L
1,241.3 (L
upper leg
upper leg
6,844.1, with R
and SEE values of 0.852 and 1,866.0 cm
(6.6%), respectively. The relative contribution of each of the
two BI indexes to the prediction of SMV
was 51.9% for the
upper leg and 33.7% for the trunk. Even if the BI index of
the upper arm was entered as the predictive variable, R
and SEE (1,844.8 cm
, 6.5%) were similar as those in the
equation using the BI indexes of the upper leg and trunk.
The regression analyses indicated that the slopes and inter-
cepts of the regression equations for the relationship between
and SMV
were not significantly different from 1
and 0, respectively, in the whole body and segmental BI
analyses (Fig. 4, Aand B). In addition, there were no significant
differences between the measured and estimated SMVs in the
two BI analyses. Again, no significant systematic errors were
found in the Bland-Altman plots for the whole body [r
0.257, nonsignificant (NS)] and segmental (r0.204, NS) BI
analyses (Fig. 4, Cand D).
Cross-validation of the prediction equation. The prediction
equation derived from the validation group was used to
estimate SMV
in the cross-validation group. The slopes
and intercepts of the regression equations for the relation-
ships between SMV
and either SMV
whole body BI
segmental BI
were not significantly different from 1 and 0,
respectively (Fig. 5, Aand B). However, the Bland-Altman plot
for the whole body BI analysis indicated that SMV
whole body BI
tended to be influenced by the magnitude of SMV
0.635, P0.05) (Fig. 5C). SMV
segmental BI
3,312.2 cm
) did not significantly differ from SMV
(26,738.3 3,120.8 cm
), but SMV
whole body BI
3,694.3 cm
) was significantly greater (Fig. 6). Consequently,
the data obtained by the whole body BI analysis were omitted
from the analysis for developing the prediction equation using
the pooled data.
Prediction equation derived from the pooled data.Inthe
pooled data, too, the BI indexes of the upper leg and trunk were
selected as significant contributors to predict SMV
produced an equation, SMV
segmental BI
116.1 [(L
1,220.8 (L
upper leg
upper leg
]4,913.1, with R
and SEE values of 0.842 and 1,693.8 cm
(6.1%), respectively.
The relative contribution of two BI indexes to the prediction of
the SMV
was 52.6% for the upper leg and 32.8% for the
trunk. The regression analysis indicated that the slope and
intercept of the regression equation for the relationship be-
tween SMV
and SMV
segmental BI
were not significantly
different from 1 and 0, respectively (Fig. 7A). There was no
significant difference between SMV
and SMV
. In addi-
tion, no significant systematic error (r0.239, NS) was found
in the Bland-Altman plot (Fig. 7B).
The present study is the first to compare the accuracy of
between whole body and segmental BI analyses. In
the validation group, the whole body and segmental BI
analyses produced equations with a similar accuracy for
estimating SMV
. In the cross-validation group, however,
whole body BI
was significantly greater than SMV
, and
Fig. 2. Distribution of skeletal muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) in the whole
body. }, Sum of the CSAs in both sides of the body; {, CSAs in right side of
the body.
Table 2. Descriptive data on MRI-measured skeletal muscle volume of subjects
Validation Group
Cross-Validation Group
(n10) Total (n30)
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Skeletal muscle volume, cm
Whole body 28,429 5,256 26,451 3,077 27,770 4,684
Upper arm 2,642 565 2,482 601 2,589 572
Lower arm 1,349 350 1,283 265 1,327 321
Upper leg 9,542 1,964 9,107 1,213 9,397 1,740
Lower leg 2,946 505 3,062 524 2,985 505
Trunk 11,950 2,256 10,518 1,259 11,472 2,073
nno. of men/group.
J Appl Physiol VOL 103 NOVEMBER 2007
by guest on June 8, 2013 from
so only the segmental BI analysis was cross-validated. The
SEE value (6.3%) obtained from the application of the seg-
mental BI analysis to the pooled data was lower than that (9%)
reported in a prior study (14) that used the whole body BI
analysis to estimate whole body SM mass. The present results
indicated that the segmental BI analysis could predict SMV
more accurately than the whole body BI analysis.
Janssen et al. (14) reported that the prediction equation
derived from data on Caucasians obtained using the whole
body BI analysis overestimated the whole body SM mass in an
Asian cohort. They speculated that the biological differences
between Caucasians and Asians would influence the relation-
ship between Zvalue and the whole body SM mass. Mean-
while, the present study indicated that the whole body BI
analysis overestimated SMV
even though Asians were used
as the subjects to develop the prediction equation. Certainly,
there is a possibility that the poor performance of the whole
body BI analysis in the cross-validation group might be attrib-
uted to the subject sample size. However, if the volume units
are converted to mass units by multiplying the volumes by the
assumed constant density for adipose-free SM (1.04 kg/l) (20),
one can find a similar average value (27.5 5.9 kg) for the
subjects in the present study as that (26.4 7.6 kg)
examined by Janssen et al. (14). Regardless of the subject
sample size taken in the present study, therefore, it seems
that the whole body BI analysis itself has a potential to
overestimate SMV
A prior study (12) suggested that the application of the
whole body BI analysis to the estimation of the lean body mass
did not reflect the relative development of lean tissue mass in
the upper arms and upper legs within the arms and legs,
respectively, to the BI measurements. In general, SM volume is
less in the distal than the proximal segment in each of the arms
and legs. From the findings of Kanehisa and Fukunaga (15), the
SM CSA of the upper leg was greater in the strength-trained
athletes than in the untrained subjects, but that of the lower leg
was similar between the two groups, when the difference in
lean body mass was normalized. In the subject sample includ-
ing athletes, therefore, it was expected that the relative differ-
ence in the SM volume between the segments in either arms or
legs would be a factor explaining the residual of the whole
body BI analysis. In the pooled data of the present study,
however, there were no significant relationships between the
Table 3. Descriptive data on Z values and BI indexes of subjects
Validation Group
Cross-Validation Group
(n10) Total (n30)
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Z value,
Whole body BI analysis
whole body
447.0 61.7 454.0 61.4 449.3 60.6
Segmental BI analysis
upper arm
(right side) 75.1 13.9 79.5 15.1 76.5 14.2
upper arm
(left side) 73.9 15.0 78.7 14.7 75.5 14.9
lower arm
(right side) 117.7 19.0 119.3 20.8 118.3 19.3
lower arm
(left side) 120.4 19.7 121.0 20.9 120.6 19.8
upper leg
(right side) 51.7 7.5 53.4 6.3 52.3 7.1
upper leg
(left side) 51.2 7.2 53.3 8.1 51.9 7.5
lower leg
(right side) 141.5 10.3 140.0 18.0 141.6 18.6
lower leg
(left side) 142.2 21.0 143.5 17.8 142.7 19.7
33.2 21.0 33.7 3.0 33.3 3.7
BI index, cm
Whole body BI analysis
whole body
70.2 11.0 67.8 8.7 69.4 10.2
Segmental BI analysis
upper arm
upper arm
7.7 1.6 7.1 1.7 7.5 1.7
lower arm
lower arm
2.6 0.5 2.5 0.4 2.5 0.5
upper leg
upper leg
16.5 2.6 15.9 1.8 16.3 2.4
lower leg
lower leg
5.9 0.9 5.8 0.6 5.8 0.8
114.2 18.0 102.1 13.3 110.2 17.4
nno. of men/group. BI, bioelectrical impedance; Z, measured BI; L, segment length; TR, trunk.
Fig. 3. Selected electrode positions in the segmental BI analysis.
J Appl Physiol VOL 103 NOVEMBER 2007
by guest on June 8, 2013 from
residual of the whole body BI analysis and the SM volume
ratios of the upper arm to the arm (r⫽⫺0.117, NS) and
the upper leg to the leg (r0.271, NS). This implies that the
accuracy of the whole body BI analysis in the estimates of
was independent of the differences in SM distribution
between the proximal and distal parts in each of the upper and
lower extremities. On the other hand, the percentage of the sum
of SM volumes of the upper arm, upper leg, and trunk to the
was 84.4%. Compared with the SM CSAs and vol-
umes of these segments, those of the lower arm and lower leg
were considerably smaller as shown in Fig. 2 and Table 2.
Therefore, if the Zvalue measured by the whole body BI
analysis would reflect the SM volume of these distal segments
rather than that of the upper arm, upper leg, and trunk, it might
Fig. 4. Relationship between the measured skeletal muscle vol-
ume (SMV
) and estimated SMV (Aand B) and between the
residual (difference between the measured and estimated SMV)
and mean SMV determined by 2 methods (Cand D)inthe
validation group. Aand Cindicate the corresponding relationship
for the whole body BI analysis, and Band Dfor the segmental BI
analysis. SEE, SE of estimate. Solid lines, regression lines.
Dashed lines in Aand Bare lines of identity. Horizontal dashed
lines in Cand Dare lines of 2SD.
Fig. 5. Relationship between measured and estimated SMV
(Aand B) and between the residual (difference between the
measured and estimated SMV) and mean SMV determined by
2 methods (Cand D) in the cross-validation group. Aand C
indicate the corresponding relationship for the whole body BI
analysis, and Band Dfor the segmental BI analysis. Solid lines:
regression lines. Dashed lines in Aand Bare lines of identity.
Horizontal dashed lines in Cand Dare lines of 2SD.
J Appl Physiol VOL 103 NOVEMBER 2007
by guest on June 8, 2013 from
be a reason why the predicting equation was not cross-vali-
To test the assumption mentioned above, we applied a
multiple regression analysis using the whole body BI value as
the dependent variable and the BI values in the upper arm,
lower arm, upper leg, lower leg, and trunk as the independent
variables in the pooled data. As a consequence, the relative
contribution of the BI values in the lower arm and lower leg for
determining the whole body BI was 60.0%. In addition, the
residual in the estimate of SMV
using the BI indexes of the
lower arm and lower leg as the independent variables was
significantly correlated with that of the whole body BI analysis
(r0.831, P0.05) in the pooled data (Fig. 8). These results
indicate that the whole body BI value is largely influenced by
the distal extremities, and consequently it may be a factor
producing the error in the estimate of SMV
by the whole
body BI analysis. On the other hand, it may be that the
segmental BI analysis used in the present study resulted in a
higher accuracy for estimating SMV
compared with the
whole body BI analysis by selecting the BI indexes of the
upper leg and trunk, which have higher percentages of the SM
volume in the whole body (33.8% and 41.3%, respectively, in
the pooled data).
From the finding of Ishiguro et al. (12), the BI indexes of the
upper arm, upper leg, and trunk were selected for estimating
the lean body mass by segmental BI analyses. At the start of
the present study, it seemed that the BI index of the upper arm
would also be a significant contributor for predicting the whole
body SM volume. However, the present results indicated that
could be predicted by measuring the BI indexes of the
trunk and upper leg only. Adding the BI index of the upper arm
as a predictive variable did not improve the accuracy of the
estimates of SM volume. One reason for this result may be the
procedure used for measuring the trunk Zvalues. The present
study measured the Zvalues of the trunk in five regions (both
sides of the upper region, the middle region, and both sides of
the lower region). On the other hand, Ishiguro et al. (13)
assumed the trunk to be one cylinder and obtained the Zvalue
using a network circuit model with the detector electrodes on
both sides of knee and elbow. In their results, the contribution
of the trunk BI index for predicting lean body mass was only
7.1%. This value was considerably different from the substan-
tial percentage of the trunk lean tissue mass to that of the whole
body, 50% (19). We cannot directly compare the contribu-
tion of the trunk BI index of the present study to that of the
prior study (12) because the reference value (SMV
vs. the
lean body mass) and the subjects are different. In the present
results, however, the contribution of the trunk BI index [(L
] indicated a relatively high (32.8%) and closer value
to the average in the percentage of the trunk SM volume
(41.3 2.7%) to SMV
in the pooled data. On the other
hand, the percentage of the upper arm SM volume to the
was lower (9.3 1.0%) than that of upper leg
(33.8 1.9%) and trunk. The SM volume in the upper arm was
significantly correlated to that of the trunk (r0.888, P
0.05) and the upper leg (r0.816, P0.05). Therefore, it
may be assumed that the application of the electrode place-
ments that enabled us to obtain Zvalues from the five regions
of the trunk improved the contribution of the trunk BI index for
estimating SMV
and eliminated the need to enter the upper
Fig. 8. Relationship between the residuals (difference between the measured
and estimated SMV) in the predicting equation using the BI indexes of the
lower arm and lower leg as independent variables (y-axis) and in the whole
body BI analysis (x-axis) with the pooled data. Solid line, regression line.
Fig. 6. Measured and estimated SMV in both BI analyses. *Significantly
different from MRI.
Fig. 7. Relationship between the measured and estimated SMV (A) and
between the residual (difference between the measured and estimated SMV)
and mean SMV determined by 2 methods (B) with the pooled data. Both
indicate the corresponding relationship for the segmental BI analysis. Solid
line, regression line. Dashed line in Ais line of identity. Horizontal dashed
lines in Bare lines of 2SD.
J Appl Physiol VOL 103 NOVEMBER 2007
by guest on June 8, 2013 from
arm BI index into the prediction equation as the predictive
In estimating the trunk SM volume from the segmental BI
analysis, however, the influence of the visceral tissue volume
on the accuracy cannot be excluded. Particularly, the visceral
tissue volume at 41–50% L
which has high conductivity
because it is mainly made up of smooth muscle and water, has
a low but significant negative correlation between the residual
of the trunk SM volume estimates, expressed as a percentage of
the trunk SM volume (13). Meanwhile, a regression analysis
for the pooled data of this study indicated that the residual of
in the segmental BI analysis did not significantly
correlate to the percentage of the visceral tissue volume to the
SM volume in each part of the trunk (r⫽⫺0.259 to 0.011,
NS). In contrast to the relatively high percentage of the visceral
tissue volume to the total tissue volume (31.0%) in the trunk
(13), the corresponding value is 7.1% of the whole body in the
pooled data. This relatively low percentage might be assumed
to have less influence on the accuracy of the SMV
tion. However, the subjects examined here were healthy young
men. With regard to the influence of visceral tissue volume on
the estimate of the whole body SM, further investigation using
obese and/or elderly individuals is needed.
Before summarizing the present results, we should comment
on the limitations of the experimental design in the present
study. The sample size was relatively small. Also, only young
adult males were examined. In general, the distribution of the
SM of females differs from that of males (1). Moreover, the
accuracy of the predicting body composition from BI analysis
is influenced by the body fat percentage (4) and age (3). Hence,
we cannot deny that the accuracy of the equation developed in
the present study would vary when subject samples involving
females, obesity, and/or elderly are taken for analysis. In
addition, the method used to analyze the MRI scans for
regional areas was a bit primitive and did not exploit more
advanced segmentation software being used in this research
field. There remains a possibility that smaller islands of adi-
pose tissue within the skeletal muscle bundle are not fully
excluded, as they would be using newer approaches, and so the
SM volume might be overestimated. Especially, the use of the
software would be heightened to examine the elderly, because
they have three times higher accumulation of the intramuscular
fat compared with the young men (11). Further study, to clarify
the influences of differences in the subject samples and the
method used to analyze the MRI scans on the estimate of SM
volume, is needed to generalize the findings obtained in the
present study.
In summary, the findings obtained here indicated that the
validity and cross-validity of the segmental BI analysis that
measures Zvalues from both sides of the upper arm and upper
leg, and five regions (both sides of the upper, the middle, and
both sides of the lower region) of the trunk was confirmed. On
the other hand, the whole body BI analysis significantly over-
estimated the whole body SM volume. The development of
segmental BI technique predicting the whole body SM volume
will be of benefit to lean, obese, or long-term hospitalized
individuals as well as athletes for evaluating conventionally
their own muscularity.
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J Appl Physiol VOL 103 NOVEMBER 2007
by guest on June 8, 2013 from
... Mean impedance values for the hand-to-hand and the torso-to-torso measurements ranged on average from 242-670 and 12-35 , respectively. Despite differences in electrode locations, these values are within the range of previous research for handto-hand measurements [8,9] and for the latter setting [9]. While the extremities only account for a small fraction of the body volume, they contribute to the biggest part of the whole-body impedance contrary to the torso [10,11]. ...
... Mean impedance values for the hand-to-hand and the torso-to-torso measurements ranged on average from 242-670 and 12-35 , respectively. Despite differences in electrode locations, these values are within the range of previous research for handto-hand measurements [8,9] and for the latter setting [9]. While the extremities only account for a small fraction of the body volume, they contribute to the biggest part of the whole-body impedance contrary to the torso [10,11]. ...
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Bioimpedance analysis (BIA) is a non-invasive and safe method to measure body composition. Nowadays, due to technological progress, smaller and cheaper devices allow the implementation of BIA into wearable devices. In this pilot study, we analyzed the measurement precision of a cheap BIA solution for wearable devices. Intra-session, intra-day, and inter-day reproducibility of raw impedance values from three subjects at three different body locations (hand-to-hand, hand-to-torso, torso-to-torso), and for three different frequencies (6, 54, and 500 kHz) were analyzed using the coefficient of variation (CV%). Hand-to-hand and hand-to-torso measurements resulted, on average, in high intra-session (CV% = 0.14% and CV% = 0.11%, respectively), intra-day (CV% = 1.67% and CV% = 1.26%, respectively), and inter-day (CV% = 1.53% and CV% = 1.31%) precision. Absolute impedance values for the torso-to-torso measurements showed a larger mean variation (intra-session CV% = 0.68%; intra-day CV% = 5.53%, inter-day CV% = 3.13%). Overall, this cheap BIA solution shows high precision and promising usability for further integration into a wearable measurement environment.
... BIA was performed using Physion MD (Physion Co., Ltd, Kyoto, Japan) to estimate whole and regional body compositions. The devic e's result has a high correlation (r 0.9) with that obtained from magnetic resonance imaging 21) . The measurements were performed with the participants in a comfortable supine position. ...
... In addition, MRI has been validated as a reliable method in assessing body composition, having high correlation with DXA 44,45) . Given the high correlation (r 0.9) between the estimate obtained with our device and that with magnetic resonance imaging 21) , therefore, it is less likely that our inferred associations would differ significantly from those that would have been obtained using magnetic resonance imaging. ...
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Aims: Low muscle mass is associated with advanced atherosclerosis. However, only very few studies on the elderly have investigated a dose-response relationship between muscle mass and atherosclerosis. Furthermore, whether the relationship between muscle mass and atherosclerosis is stronger than that between body mass index (BMI) and atherosclerosis among the elderly population remains to be determined. Methods: A community-based sample of apparently healthy elderlies (≥ 65 years) was cross-sectionally examined for the association between appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASM) and br achial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV), a measure of atherosclerosis. We categorized the participants according to sex-specific quintiles of the ASM index (ASM/height 2 ) or BMI. Using multivariable linear regression, we compared the slope of one standard deviation higher ASM index for baPWV with the corresponding slope of BMI, separately (single-index model) and jointly (simultaneously-adjusted model). Results: The ASM index and BMI of a total of 995 participants (60.0% women, mean age 73 years) were significantly inversely associated with baPWV in a dose-response manner across the quintiles in both sexes. The slope for the ASM index tended to be greater than that for BMI in the single-index and simultaneously-adjusted models in both sexes after adjusting for confounders. Conclusions: Among a community-dwelling elderly population, the association between ASM and baPWV was stronger than, and independent of that between BMI and baPWV. These findings suggest that ASM provides more important information on atherosclerosis in the elderly than BMI does.
... Most studies that attempted to develop R or Z models for estimating SMM have used single-frequency BIA instead of MRI. These studies found that the bioelectric Z index (L 2 /Z 50 ), which is the square of the length (L) divided by Z (Z 50 ) or R (R 50 ) at 50 kHz, is strongly correlated with SMM; however, the available validation studies involved healthy young adults [15,16]. Skeletal muscle quality varies with the collagen concentration, elastic fiber system, fat accumulation in skeletal muscles, and expansion of ECW relative to the skeletal muscle [18]. ...
Background: Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a minimally invasive, safe, easy, and quick technology used to determine body composition. Objective: We compared the relationship among impedance indices obtained using single-frequency BIA, multi-frequency BIA, bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy (BIS), and skeletal muscle mass (SMM) of physically active young men and athletes using the creatine (methyl-d3) dilution method. We also compared the SMM and intracellular water (ICW) of athletes and active young men measured using a reference stable isotope dilution and BIS method, respectively. Methods: We analyzed data of 28 men (mean age, 20 ± 2 years) who exercised regularly. Single-frequency BIA at 5 kHz and 50 kHz (R5 and R50), multi-frequency BIA (R250-5), and BIS (RICW) methods of determining the SMM were compared. The deuterium and bromide dilution methods of obtaining the total body water, ICW, and extracellular water measurements were also used, and the results were compared to those acquired using bioimpedance methods. Results: The correlation coefficients between SMM and L2/R5, L2/R50, L2/R250-5, and L2/RICW were 0.738, 0.762, 0.790, and 0.790, respectively (p < 0.01). The correlation coefficients between ICW and L2/R5, L2/R50, L2/R250-5, and L2/RICW were 0.660, 0.687, 0.758, and 0.730, respectively (p < 0.001). However, the correlation coefficients of L2/R50, L2/R250-5, and L2/RICW for SMM and ICW were not significantly different. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that single-frequency BIA at L2/R50, multi-frequency BIA, and BIS are valid for assessing the SMM of athletes and active young men. Additionally, we confirmed that the SMM and ICW were correlated with single-frequency BIA, multi-frequency BIA, and BIS. Bioimpedance technologies may be dependable and practical means for assessing SMM and hydration compartment status of active young adult males, however, cross-validation is needed.
... On the other hand, some skeletal muscle groups in the trunk are more sensitive to aging and decline earlier than those in the limbs [15,16]. Because the trunk contains the highest SMM of the whole body [17], the amount of atrophy in trunk skeletal muscles has a larger absolute value than that in the limbs. Ido et al. [18] reported that the risk for MetS in obese patients was independently associated with the abdominal SMM but not with the thigh or calf SMM [18]. ...
Objectives: The aim of the present study was to examine the dose-response relationship between the trunk tissue composition and prevalence of metabolic syndrome in middle-aged Japanese men. Methods: In total, 1026 men aged between 35 and 59 years participated in the present study and were divided into 2 groups: those with metabolic syndrome (MetS) and those without (Non-MetS). Intramuscular adipose tissue (IntraMAT) content and the cross-sectional areas (CSAs) of visceral adipose tissue and skeletal muscle tissue were calculated using low-dose computed tomography images acquired at the level of the 3rd lumbar vertebra. Height, body mass, body fat, waist circumference, the presence of MetS, and lifestyle habits were also assessed. Results: IntraMAT content was significantly higher in MetS than in NonMetS. A 10% increase in IntraMAT content correlated with the prevalence of MetS (odds ratio: 4.197, 95% CI: 3.108–7.088; p<0.001), even after adjustments for age, height, adjusted skeletal muscle CSA, sleeping time, alcohol consumption, exercise habit, and cigarette smoking. Skeletal muscle CSA did not correlate with the prevalence of MetS after adjustments for IntraMAT content and other cofactors. Conclusions: Increase in IntraMAT content, not in skeletal muscle CSA, significantly correlated with the prevalence of MetS. These results suggest that countermeasures against the accumulation of trunk IntraMAT effectively prevent MetS in middle-aged Japanese men.
... For example, Hicks et al. (2019) reported that mean SM CSA measured by CT at the height of 4th-5th lumbar vertebra was 112.4 cm 2 in elderly males (78.6 ± 2.8 years, BMI was 26.6 ± 2.5 kg/m 2 ). Tanaka et al. (2007) showed that mean SM CSA measured by magnetic resonance imaging at the height of umbilicus was 137.3 ± 15.4 cm 2 for middle-aged males (BMI was 26.3 ± 2.2 kg/m 2 ), and 140.7 ± 19.6 cm 2 for young males (BMI was 24.7 ± 3.4 kg/m 2 ). We compared these findings with the present results (Table 1) only as a reference due to differences in the race and morphology of subjects, measurement devices, and measurement positions. ...
The present study investigated factors related to trunk intramuscular adipose tissue (IntraMAT) content in younger and older men. Twenty-three healthy younger (20 to 29 years) and 20 healthy older men (63 to 79 years) participated in this study. The trunk IntraMAT content was measured using magnetic resonance imaging at the height of the 3rd lumbar vertebra. In addition to blood properties and physical performance, dietary intake was assessed by a self-administered diet history questionnaire. The dietary intake status was quantified using the nutrient adequacy score for the intake of 10 selected nutrients by summing the number of items that met the criteria of dietary reference intakes for Japanese individuals. The results obtained revealed that the trunk IntraMAT content was significantly higher in the older group than in the younger group (p < 0.05). In the younger group, the trunk IntraMAT content significantly correlated with systolic and diastolic blood pressure and HbA1c (rs = 0.443 to 0.464, p < 0.05). In the older group, significant and negative correlations were observed between the trunk IntraMAT content and 5-m usual walking speed, handgrip strength, and nutrient adequacy scores (rs = −0.485 to −0.713, p < 0.05). These results indicate that factors associated with the trunk IntraMAT content differed in an age dependent manner. In the younger group, the trunk IntraMAT content correlated with the metabolic status such as blood pressure and HbA1c. In the older group, physical performance and the dietary intake status negatively correlated with the trunk IntraMAT content.
Objectives: The aim of the present study was to examine the dose-response relationship between trunk tissue composition and prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in middle-aged Japanese men. Methods: The 1026 men (between 35 and 59 y of age) who participated in the present study were divided into two groups: those with metabolic syndrome (MetS) and those without (non-MetS). Intramuscular adipose tissue (IntraMAT) content and the cross-sectional areas (CSAs) of visceral adipose tissue and skeletal muscle tissue were calculated using low-dose computed tomography images acquired at the level of the third lumbar vertebra. Height, body mass, body fat, waist circumference, the presence of MetS, and lifestyle habits were also assessed. Results: IntraMAT content was significantly higher in MetS than in non-MetS men. A 10% increase in IntraMAT content correlated with the prevalence of MetS (odds ratio, 4.197; 95% confidence interval, 3.108-7.088; P < 0.001), even after adjustments for age, height, adjusted skeletal muscle CSA, sleeping time, alcohol consumption, exercise habit, and cigarette smoking. Skeletal muscle CSA did not correlate with the prevalence of MetS after adjustments for IntraMAT content and other cofactors. Conclusions: Increase in IntraMAT content, not in skeletal muscle CSA, significantly correlated with the prevalence of MetS. These results suggest that countermeasures against the accumulation of trunk IntraMAT effectively prevent MetS in middle-aged Japanese men.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the usefulness of a simple dietary check sheet to assess the risk of muscle mass reduction in middle-aged and older adults. Methods: The study participants comprised 1,272 community-dwelling individuals aged 50–89 years (mean age; 68.7 years). Bioelectrical impedance analysis was performed to estimate the appendicular skeletal muscle mass index (SMI, kg/m²). The SMIs were expressed as z-scores and adjusted for age and gender. A simple dietary check sheet was used to assess the daily intake of foods associated with maintaining muscle mass, such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, soybean products, and vegetables. Results: Individuals with reduced muscle masses (SMI z-scores < –1.0) had significantly lower intakes of meat, fish, eggs, milk, and vegetables, and a lower overall dietary intake than individuals without reduced muscle masses (SMI z-scores ≥ –1.0). Food intake score was calculated to obtain quantitative estimates of the daily intake of these foods. The scores ranged from 0 to 14, with higher scores indicating higher intakes of foods that contribute to maintaining the muscle mass. Compared with the reference group with scores of ≥ 10, the groups with lower scores were at a higher risk of muscle mass reduction. The odds ratios (95% confidence interval) of the groups with scores of 9, 8, 7, 6, and ≤ 5 were 1.15 (0.42–3.13), 2.10 (0.89–4.95), 3.64 (1.61–8.23), 4.49 (1.90–10.58), and 7.53 (3.06–18.51), respectively, after adjusting for age, gender, obesity, alcohol intake, smoking, physical inactivity, hypertriglyceridemia, diabetes mellitus, and liver dysfunction. Conclusions: As the food intake scores were significantly associated with decreased muscle mass, the proposed simple dietary check sheet may help assess the risk of muscle mass reduction in middle-aged and older adults from a nutritional perspective.
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Electrodes and their placement play a vital role in medical diagnosis. Electrical signal in human body such as ECG, EEG and EMG etc., are the critical diagnosis parameter. Measurements of such signals are obtained by proper selection of electrode and their placement on human body surface. Electrical bioimpedance diagnoses used to detect various disorders are critically depends on type of the electrodes used and their position. In impedance measurements two electrodes are used to send electrical signal and minimum two electrodes to pick the electrical signal response on tissues in terms of voltage across two terminals. In this paper different electrode systems used for bioimpedance cardiac monitoring are analyzed based on the type of electrodes used, location of electrodes in human body and positioning of electrodes in specific location.
Purpose: This study aimed to examine whether cumulative smoking exposure affects the association between peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) and skeletal muscle mass in middle-aged and older adults. Methods: The study participants comprised 832 community-dwelling individuals aged 50-89 years (mean age: 69 years) without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Bioelectrical impedance analysis was performed to estimate the skeletal muscle mass of each participant. PEFR was assessed using an electronic spirometer. Cumulative smoking exposure was expressed in pack years, that is a product of the average number of packs of cigarettes smoked per day and smoking duration in years. Results: The whole-body skeletal muscle mass progressively reduced with decreasing PEFR levels in both males and females. In the multiple regression analysis, PEFR was found to be significantly associated with skeletal muscle mass, independent of the potential confounding factors. When participants were stratified based on the cumulative smoking exposure, the association between low PEFR and reduced skeletal muscle mass persisted in individuals with non-smoking and light-to-moderate smoking exposure (< 30 pack-years). However, this association was not clearly observed in individuals with heavy smoking exposure (≥ 30 pack-years). Conclusion: The findings of this study support the notion that PEFR declines with a reduction in systemic skeletal muscle mass due to aging. However, chronic cigarette smoking induces respiratory dysfunction exceeding the expected values by age, and thus a low PEFR level may not be used as a marker of reduced muscle mass in older adults exposed to heavy smoking.
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Sarcopenia is a wild chronic disease among elderly people. Although it does not entail a life-threatening risk, it will increase the adverse risk due to the associated unsteady gait, fall, fractures, and functional disability. The import factors in diagnosing sarcopenia are muscle mass and strength. The examination of muscle mass must be carried in the clinic. However, the loss of muscle mass can be improved by rehabilitation that can be performed in non-medical environments. Electronic impedance myography (EIM) can measure some parameters of muscles that have the correlations with muscle mass and strength. The goal of this study is to use machine learning algorithms to estimate the total mass of thigh muscles (MoTM) with the parameters of EIM and body information. We explored the seven major muscles of lower limbs. The feature selection methods, including recursive feature elimination (RFE) and feature combination, were used to select the optimal features based on the ridge regression (RR) and support vector regression (SVR) models. The optimal features were the resistance of rectus femoris normalized by the thigh circumference, phase of tibialis anterior combined with the gender, and body information, height, and weight. There were 96 subjects involved in this study. The performances of estimating the MoTM used the regression coefficient (r2) and root-mean-square error (RMSE), which were 0.800 and 0.929, and 1.432 kg and 0.980 kg for RR and SVR models, respectively. Thus, the proposed method could have the potential to support people examining their muscle mass in non-medical environments.
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The hypothesis that body composition can be estimated accurately from measurements of the length and resistance of the body segments was tested. Weight; stature; whole-body resistance; and the resistances, lengths, and circumferences of the leg, trunk, and arm were measured for 135 white men and women aged 18-58 y. Fat-free mass (FFM) and percent body fat (%BF) were obtained from densitometry. The resistance of the whole body was determined almost entirely by the resistances of the arm and the leg. The accuracy of the prediction of FFM from arm length2/arm resistance and of %BF from weight x arm resistance/arm length2 was only marginally less than that obtained by using whole-body measurements. Thus, measurements of the resistance and length of the arm can be used in place of the whole-body methods for estimating body composition from bioelectric impedance.
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Although the bioelectrical impedance technique is widely used in human nutrition and clinical research, an integrated summary of the biophysical and bioelectrical bases of this approach is lacking. We summarize the pertinent electrical phenomena relevant to the application of the impedance technique in vivo and discuss the relations between electrical measurements and biological conductor volumes. Key terms in the derivation of bioelectrical impedance analysis are described and the relation between the electrical properties of tissues and tissue structure is discussed. The relation between the impedance of an object and its geometry, scale, and intrinsic electrical properties is also discussed. Correlations between whole-body impedance measurements and various bioconductor volumes, such as total body water and fat-free mass, are experimentally well established; however, the reason for the success of the impedence technique is much less clear. The bioengineering basis for the technique is critically presented and considerations are proposed that might help to clarify the method and potentially improve its sensitivity.
The value of 'whole body' and segmental impedance measurements, and of simple anthropometric methods for predicting body composition was assessed in 24 normal (14m, 10f) subjects (BMI, 18.3-28.6), using densitometry as the reference method. The contribution of segmental impedance was assessed in a separate group of 24 normal (12m, 12f) subjects (BMI, 19.8-28.8) at two frequencies (1 kHz and 50 kHz). Estimates of specific resistivities of certain individual segments (upper arm, forearm, upper leg, and lower leg) were also made in this group, and compared to those obtained from a group of 7 obese female subjects (BMI, 32.6-56.1). The bias and 95 per cent limits of agreement between densitometrically determined body composition (fat and fat-free mass, and total body water) and the alternative methods were found to vary considerably, depending on the technique and/or equations employed. Estimates of whole body composition based on impedance or resistance measurements were found to be associated with only slightly smaller limits of agreement than those made by anthropometry. The upper limb was found to have the greatest influence on whole body impedance measurements. Indeed, the forearm, which accounts for 1.3 per cent of body weight contributes 25.0 per cent to 'whole body' impedance. The estimated specific resistivities of segments were found to be considerably greater in the obese individuals than in normal female subjects (for example, 75 per cent higher for the upper arm, P less than 0.001). The results suggest that: (a) there may be a systematic, population-related, error in predicting densitometric estimates of body composition with the use of standard equations, which incorporate variables such as weight, height, skinfold thicknesses, and impedance/resistance measurements; (b) in this population, impedance or resistance measurements confer only a small advantage over simple anthropometry for predicting body composition; (c) the impedance of the arm or leg may provide a simple alternative method for assessing the composition of the whole body; and (d) the estimated specific resistivity of individual body segments may be useful for assessing the composition of those segments.
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) was used to estimate body water and composition under both cool (14.4 degrees C, dry bulb) and warm (35.0 degrees C) ambient conditions in eight healthy adult men. The prediction equation provided with the commercially available instrument (RJL Systems) was used with the BIA measurements to estimate body composition. Skin temperature increased from 24.1 +/- 1.81 degrees C in the cool condition to 33.4 +/- 1.36 degrees C in the warm condition. (Mean increase was 9.3 +/- 1.75 degrees C, t = 15.05, P less than 0.01). The corresponding BIA resistances were 461 +/- 48 omega and 426 +/- 47 omega, respectively. (Mean reduction was 35.0 +/- 9.8 omega, t = 10.13, P less than 0.01). This resulted in a significant increase in predicted total body water (cool 47.4 +/- 5.5 l vs. warm 49.9 +/- 5.6 l, t = 3.88, P less than 0.01). Consequently, predicted fat mass was significantly lower in the warm than in the cool condition (8.8 +/- 3.2 kg vs. 11.0 +/- 3.7 kg; mean difference 2.23 +/- 0.69 kg, t = 9.22, P less than 0.01). These findings indicate that varying skin temperature by altering ambient temperature significantly changes resistance measurements and the estimation of total body water and percent fat by BIA. The observed changes in resistance are consistent with an apparent expansion of conductor volume in the warm environment and a reduction in the cooler condition. In this regard, the temperature-induced change in resistance could be due to alterations in cutaneous blood flow and/or compartmental distribution of body water. Thus, BIA measurements should be taken only under well-standardized ambient conditions.
Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) for body composition has been based on the volume conductor model that results in the mathematical relationship Ht2/R approximately FFM, where Ht is body height, R is whole body resistance or impedance, and FFM is fat-free mass. Although this relationship exists in the human subject, its strength and usefulness have been subject to conflicting reports. This study reassessed the theory and methodology of BIA and describes a new technique for measuring segmental impedance that may resolve some major limitations associated with the current whole body impedance methodology. By use of data from 200 adult subjects, a new theory and methodology for BIA were developed in four steps: 1) a rationale was presented for replacing the Ht2/R model by one based on electrical resistivity, 2) a practical six-electrode technique for segmental BIA that uses only peripheral electrode sites was described, 3) prediction equations for fat weight based on the new segmental BIA technique were developed, and 4) prediction equations for fat distribution, a potential new use of impedance methodology, were developed using a new measure of fat distribution, the impedance index.
The present study assessed the relative contribution of each body segment to whole body fat-free mass (FFM) and impedance and explored the use of segmental bioelectrical impedance analysis to estimate segmental tissue composition. Multiple frequencies of whole body and segmental impedances were measured in 51 normal and overweight women. Segmental tissue composition was independently assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The sum of the segmental impedance values corresponded to the whole body value (100.5 +/- 1.9% at 50 kHz). The arms and legs contributed to 47.6 and 43.0%, respectively, of whole body impedance at 50 kHz, whereas they represented only 10.6 and 34.8% of total FFM, as determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The trunk averaged 10.0% of total impedance but represented 48.2% of FFM. For each segment, there was an excellent correlation between the specific impedance index (length2/impedance) and FFM (r = 0.55, 0.62, and 0.64 for arm, trunk, and leg, respectively). The specific resistivity was in a similar range for the limbs (159 +/- 23 cm for the arm and 193 +/- 39 cm for the leg at 50 kHz) but was higher for the trunk (457 +/- 71 cm). This study shows the potential interest of segmental body composition by bioelectrical impedance analysis and provides specific segmental body composition equations for use in normal and overweight women.
Bioelectric-impedance analysis overestimates fat-free mass in obese people. No clear hypotheses have been presented or tested that explain this effect. This study tested the hypothesis that adipose tissue affects measurements of resistance by using data for whole body and body segment resistance and by using muscle, adipose tissue, and bone volumes from magnetic resonance imaging for 86 overweight and obese men and women (body mass index > 27 kg/m2; age 38.5 +/- 10.2 yr). In multiple-regression analysis, muscle volumes had strong associations with resistance, confirming that the electric currents are conducted primarily in the lean soft tissues. Subcutaneous adipose tissue had a slight but statistically significant effect in women, primarily for the leg, suggesting that adipose tissue can affect measured resistance when the volume of adipose tissue is greater than muscle volume, as may occur in obese women in particular. This resulted in a slight overestimation of fat-free mass (e.g., +3 kg) when a bioelectric-impedance-analysis equation calibrated for nonobese female subjects was applied.
To investigate the event-related profiles of musculoskeletal development in weight-categorized athletes, we measured the cross-sectional areas (CSA) of bone and muscle in the forearm, upper arm, lower leg and thigh, using a B-mode ultrasound apparatus, in college Olympic weightlifters (OWL, n = 19) and wrestlers (WR, n = 17) and untrained men (UM, n = 24), whose body masses were within the range from 55 kg to 78 kg. Both bone and muscle CSA at all sites were significantly correlated to the two-thirds power of fat-free mass (FFM(2/3)) with correlation coefficients of 0.430-40.741 (P < 0.05) and 0.608-0.718 (P < 0.05), respectively. Moreover, there were significant correlations between bone and muscle CSA at all sites (r = 0.664-0.829, P < 0.05). Even when bone and muscle CSA were expressed relative value to FFM(2/3), both OWL and WR showed significantly greater values than UM at all sites except for the lower leg. Furthermore, the comparison of the lean (bone + muscle) CSA ratio from site to site indicated a higher distribution of lean tissues in the upper extremities in OWL and WR compared to UM. While there was no significant difference between the two athlete groups in FFM(2/3), OWL showed significantly larger values than WR in the bone CSA of the upper arm and thigh and in the muscle CSA of the lower leg and thigh. However, lean CSA ratios of the upper extremities to the lower ones were significantly higher in WR than in OWL. Thus, the present results indicated that, compared to UM, OWL and WR had a greater lean tissue CSA in limbs, especially in the upper extremities, even when the difference in FFM was normalized. Moreover, the relative distribution of lean tissues in limbs differed between the two weight-categorized athletes in spite of there being no difference in FFM, which may be attributable to their own training regimens and/or competition style.