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A Pathway-Specific Function for Different AMPA Receptor Subunits in Amygdala Long-Term Potentiation and Fear Conditioning


Abstract and Figures

The AMPA receptor subunit glutamate receptor 1 (GluR1 or GluR-A) contributes to amygdala-dependent emotional learning. It remains unclear, however, to what extent different amygdala pathways depend on GluR1, or other AMPA receptor subunits, for proper synaptic transmission and plasticity, and whether GluR1-dependent long-term potentiation (LTP) is necessary for auditory and contextual fear conditioning. Here, we dissected the role of GluR1 and GluR3 (GluR-C) subunits in AMPA receptor-dependent amygdala LTP and fear conditioning using knock-out mice (GluR1-/- and GluR3-/-). We found that, whereas LTP at thalamic inputs to lateral amygdala (LA) projection neurons and at glutamatergic synapses in the basal amygdala was completely absent in GluR1-/- mice, both GluR1 and GluR3 contributed to LTP in the cortico-LA pathway. Because both auditory and contextual fear conditioning were selectively impaired in GluR1-/- but not GluR3-/- mice, we conclude that GluR1-dependent synaptic plasticity is the dominant form of LTP underlying the acquisition of auditory and contextual fear conditioning, and that plasticity in distinct amygdala pathways differentially contributes to aversive conditioning.
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A Pathway-Specific Function for Different AMPA Receptor
Subunits in Amygdala Long-Term Potentiation and
Fear Conditioning
Yann Humeau,
* Daniel Reisel,
* Alexander W. Johnson,
* Thilo Borchardt,
Vidar Jensen,
Christine Gebhardt,
Verena Bosch,
Peter Gass,
David M. Bannerman,
Mark A. Good,
Øivind Hvalby,
Rolf Sprengel,
and Andreas Lu¨thi
Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, CH-4058 Basel, Switzerland,
Unite´ Mixte de Recherche 7168, Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique, F-67084 Strasbourg, France,
Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3UD, United Kingdom,
School of
Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF10 3YG, United Kingdom,
Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research,
D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany,
Molecular Neurobiology Research Group, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, N-0317 Oslo, Norway, and
Central Institute of Mental Health Mannheim, J5, D-68159 Mannheim, Germany
The AMPA receptor subunit glutamate receptor 1 (GluR1 or GluR-A) contributes to amygdala-dependent emotional learning. It remains
unclear, however, to what extent different amygdala pathways depend on GluR1, or other AMPA receptor subunits, for proper synaptic
transmission and plasticity, and whether GluR1-dependent long-term potentiation (LTP) is necessary for auditory and contextual fear
conditioning. Here, we dissected the role of GluR1 and GluR3 (GluR-C) subunits in AMPA receptor-dependent amygdala LTP and fear
conditioning using knock-out mice (GluR1
and GluR3
). We found that, whereas LTP at thalamic inputs to lateral amygdala (LA)
projection neurons andat glutamatergic synapses in the basal amygdala was completely absent in GluR1
mice, both GluR1 and GluR3
contributed to LTP in the cortico-LA pathway. Because both auditory and contextual fear conditioning were selectively impaired in
but not GluR3
mice, we conclude that GluR1-dependent synaptic plasticity is the dominant form of LTP underlying the
acquisition of auditory and contextual fear conditioning, and that plasticity in distinct amygdala pathways differentially contributes to
aversive conditioning.
Key words: lateral amygdala; basal amygdala; fear conditioning; synaptic transmission; LTP; GluR1; GluR3
One basic mechanism that is thought to be involved in memory
formation is synaptic plasticity mediated by AMPA receptors
containing the glutamate receptor 1 (GluR1) subunit (Zamanillo
et al., 1999; Reisel et al., 2002). Mice lacking the GluR1 subunit
both fail to express hippocampal CA3-to-CA1 long-term poten-
tiation (LTP) and exhibit impaired spatial working memory.
However, both LTP and spatial working memory are restored on
selective reexpression of GluR1 in hippocampal pyramidal neu-
rons (Mack et al., 2001; Schmitt et al., 2005). GluR1 is involved in
many forms of activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in brain
regions other than the hippocampus (Malinow and Malenka,
2002). However, the existence of GluR1-independent forms of
LTP (Hoffman et al., 2002; Jensen et al., 2003) indicates that other
subunit combinations, such as GluR2/3 (GluR-B/C), may also
play an important role (Malinow and Malenka, 2002) (but see
Meng et al., 2003).
Here, we studied the function of GluR1 and GluR3 in projec-
tion neurons in two nuclei of the basolateral amygdaloid complex
(BLA), the lateral (LA) and the basal (BA) amygdala. The BLA
plays an important role during the formation of a Pavlovian as-
sociation between a conditioned stimulus (CS) and an aversive
unconditioned stimulus (US) (LeDoux, 2000; Davis and Whalen,
2001; Maren, 2001). Whereas the LA is thought to represent the
site of convergence between a discrete auditory CS and the US
during auditory fear conditioning (Romanski and LeDoux, 1992;
Nader et al., 2001), the BA, by means of its strong anatomical and
functional interactions with the hippocampal formation (Maren
and Fanselow, 1995; Pitkanen et al., 2000), may constitute an
important substrate integrating BLA and hippocampus-
dependent context–US associations (Kim and Fanselow, 1992;
Phillips and LeDoux, 1992; Calandreau et al., 2005).
In vivo and in vitro electrophysiological studies have identified
cellular correlates of auditory fear conditioning, such as NMDA
receptor-dependent LTP (Maren and Quirk, 2004; Sigurdsson et
al., 2007). The mechanisms underlying amygdala LTP have been
studied most extensively in the thalamo- and cortico-LA path-
ways (Sigurdsson et al., 2007), where both GluR1/2 and GluR2/3
subunit combinations are thought to be expressed (Farb and Le-
Received June 7, 2007; revised Aug. 22, 2007; accepted Aug. 26, 2007.
This work was supported by the Volkswagen Foundation, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, and the
Novartis Research Foundation. We thank G. Casassus for helpful discussions and comments on this manuscript, and
Peter H. Seeburg for his generous support.
*Y.H., D.R., and A.W.J. contributed equally to this work.
Correspondence should be addressed to Andreas Lu¨thi, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research,
Maulbeerstrasse 66, CH-4058 Basel, Switzerland. E-mail:
Copyright © 2007 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/07/2710947-10$15.00/0
The Journal of Neuroscience, October 10, 2007 27(41):10947–10956 10947
Doux, 1997, 1999; Radley et al., 2007). Whereas in vivo studies
indicate that the thalamo-amygdala pathway is rapidly potenti-
ated during the acquisition of conditioned fear (Quirk et al.,
1995, 1997), the relative contribution of these two pathways to
the acquisition of auditory fear conditioning is still a matter of
debate. Furthermore, a recent study has demonstrated, using vi-
ral transfection techniques, that disrupting GluR1 trafficking
blocks thalamo-amygdala LTP, but only partially reduces the ac-
quisition of auditory fear conditioning (Rumpel et al., 2005). We
therefore examined the contribution of GluR1 and GluR3 to syn-
aptic transmission and plasticity in different amygdala pathways.
Although our study reveals pathway-specific involvements of
GluR1- and GluR3-dependent mechanisms to glutamatergic
synaptic transmission and plasticity, the former appears to dom-
inate during auditory and contextual fear conditioning.
Materials and Methods
Gene-targeted mice
The gene-targeted mouse lines for the GluR1 (GluR-A) and GluR3
(GluR-C) knock-out were generated in the laboratory of R. Sprengel and
were published and described in detail by Zamanillo et al. (1999) and
Sanchis-Segura et al. (2006), respectively. In brief, in both targeting
events mouse R1-embryonic stem cells (Nagy et al., 1993) were used to
manipulate the Gria1 and Gria3 alleles. R1-embryonic stem cell clones
that were identified by Southern blot as being positive for the targeting
events were injected into C57BL/6/N blastocysts to produce chimeric
animals. The chimeric male mice were then backcrossed for more than
six generations with C57BL/6/N animals. Both the GluR1 and the GluR3
knock-out mice are kept as a heterozygous line. For individual experi-
ments, the colonies of wild-type (WT) and knock-out mice were simul-
taneously produced by mating of heterozygous mice.
Whole-cell recordings
Standard procedures were used to prepare 350- to 400-
m-thick coronal
slices from 4- to 5-week-old male wild-type, GluR1
, and GluR3
mice following a protocol approved by the Veterinary Department of the
Canton of Basel-Stadt (Humeau et al., 2003). Briefly, the brain was dis-
sected in ice-cold artificial CSF (ACSF), mounted on an agar block, and
sliced with a vibratome (Leica VT 1000; Leica, Wetzlar, Germany) at 4°C.
Slices were maintained for 45 min at 35°C in an interface chamber con-
taining ACSF equilibrated with 95% O
/5% CO
and containing the
following (in m
M): 124 NaCl, 2.7 KCl, 2 CaCl
, 1.3 MgCl
, 26 NaHCO
0.4 NaH
, 18 glucose, 4 ascorbate, and then for at least 45 min at
room temperature before being transferred to a superfusing recording
chamber. Whole-cell recordings from LA projection neurons were per-
formed at 30 –32°C. Neurons were visually identified with infrared
videomicroscopy using an upright microscope equipped with a 40 ob-
jective (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). Patch electrodes (3–5 M) were pulled
from borosilicate glass tubing and normally filled with a solution con-
taining the following (in m
M): 120 K-gluconate, 20 KCl, 10 HEPES, 10
phosphocreatine, 4 Mg-ATP, and 0.3 Na-GTP (pH adjusted to 7.25 with
KOH or CsOH, respectively, 295 mOsm). For voltage-clamp experi-
ments, K-gluconate was replaced by equimolar Cs-gluconate. All exper-
iments were performed in the presence of the GABA
receptor blocker
picrotoxin (100
M). In current-clamp recordings, the membrane poten-
tial was kept manually at 70 mV. Data were recorded with an Axopatch
200B, filtered at 2 kHz, and digitized at 10 kHz. In all experiments, series
resistance was monitored throughout the experiment by applying a hy-
perpolarizing current or voltage pulse. If the series resistance changed by
15%, the data were not included in the analysis. Data were acquired
and analyzed with ClampEx9.2, ClampFit9.2 (Molecular Devices, Palo
Alto, CA), and the Mini Analysis Program (Synaptosoft, Decatur, GA).
Monosynaptic EPSPs exhibiting constant 10 –90% rise times and laten-
cies were elicited by stimulation of afferent fibers with a bipolar twisted
platinum/10% iridium wire (25
m diameter). Although we never ob-
served any antidromic spikes, we cannot exclude the possibility that some
fibers originating from LA projection neurons were stimulated. Minia-
ture EPSCs (mEPSCs) were recorded in the presence of the sodium chan-
nel blocker TTX (1
M)at70 mV and analyzed off-line by a computer
program (Mini Analysis Program). mEPSC amplitudes and decay time
constants were obtained by monoexponentially fitting the decay of each
individual event. To construct cumulative histograms, an equal number
of events was randomly selected from each neuron and pooled. To record
quantal events from defined afferent pathways, stimulation-evoked EP-
SCs were desynchronized by replacing extracellular Ca
with Sr
M). The threshold for Sr
-mEPSC detection was set to 5 pA and at
least 120 events were analyzed per cell. To compare the AMPA/NMDA
ratio of evoked synaptic transmission, the AMPA component was mea-
sured as the EPSC peak amplitude at 70 mV; the NMDA component
was determined by measuring the current amplitude at 100 ms after
EPSC onset at 30 mV. LTP was induced by pairing afferent stimulation
(four times 100 Hz; 1 s; 0.1 Hz) with postsynaptic depolarization to 20
mV. LTP was quantified for statistical comparisons by normalizing and
averaging EPSP slopes during the last 5 min of experiments relative to the
5 min of baseline before LTP induction. All values are expressed as
means SEM. Statistical comparisons were done with paired or un-
paired Student’s t test as appropriate (two-tailed p 0.05 was considered
Extracellular field recordings
Adult (4 6 months of age) wild-type, GluR1
, and GluR3
were killed with desflurane. The brains were removed and cooled to
0 4°C in ACSF of the following composition (in m
M): 124 NaCl, 2 KCl,
1.25 KH
, 1.3 MgSO
, 2.5 CaCl
, 26 NaHCO
, 12 glucose, bubbled
with 95% O
–5% CO
, pH 7.4. All experiments were conducted accord
ing to the Norwegian Animal Welfare Act and the European Union’s
Directive 86/609/EEC. Coronal slices (400
m) containing the amygdala
were cut with a vibroslicer in 4°C O
-bubbled ACSF. Slices were
placed in an interface chamber exposed to humidified gas at 28–32°C
and perfused with ACSF. Orthodromic synaptic stimuli (50
s; 300
A; 0.1 Hz) were delivered alternately through two tungsten electrodes:
one placed in the internal capsule, close to the medial border of the lateral
nucleus of the amygdala (thalamic pathway), and the other in the capsula
externa (cortical pathway). Extracellular synaptic responses were moni-
tored by two glass electrodes (filled with ACSF), placed in the LA. After
stable synaptic responses had been obtained in both pathways for at least
15 min, one pathway was tetanized (100 Hz for 1 s repeated four times at
5 min intervals). The second pathway served as a control pathway and
never exhibited any significant changes. In a subset of experiments, one
of the stimulation electrodes was placed at the medial border of the BA
and a recording electrode within the BA. Six consecutive responses (1
min) were averaged and normalized to the mean value recorded 1– 4 min
before the first tetanization. Data from the different pathways were
pooled across animals of the same genotype and are presented as mean
SEM. Statistical significance was evaluated using a paired two-tailed t
test, whereas LTP levels between genotypes were statistically compared
by linear mixed-model analysis.
Subjects. All experiments were conducted in two replications with 10- to
12-month-old male GluR1
(n 9), GluR3
(n 9), and wild-type
littermate (n 13) mice. The wild-type group consisted of six littermates
of the GluR1
mice and seven littermates of the GluR3
mice. There
was no significant difference between the two groups of wild-type mice
originating from the two colonies (GluR1 and GluR3) in any of the
behavioral measures. Subjects were housed individually in a holding
room with a 12 h light/dark cycle (lights on from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.),
with food and water ad libitum. All experiments were conducted under
the auspices of the United Kingdom Home Office Project and personal
licenses held by the authors.
Apparatus. Behavioral procedures were performed in two identical
standard operant chambers (internal dimensions, 12.5 cm wide by 12.5
cm deep by 30 cm high; Coulbourn Instruments, Allentown, PA), housed
in sound attenuating boxes. Each chamber had two aluminum walls, a
transparent Perspex wall and a Perspex door that served as a fourth wall.
The two aluminum walls were divided into three sections, and the ceiling
was also aluminum and contained an infrared detector measuring the
10948 J. Neurosci., October 10, 2007 27(41):10947–10956 Humeau et al. AMPA Receptor Subunits in Amygdala Function
animal’s locomotor activity. The chambers received ambient illumina-
tion from a house light operated at 24 V located on the middle section at
the top of the right side wall. A speaker was mounted at the top of the left
side aluminum wall located in the middle section, through which a com-
puter generated tone (80 dB) was emitted. The subject’s behavior was
recorded using a digital camera directed at the transparent wall and
attached to a VCR.
Fear conditioning. Mice were transferred to the operant chamber and,
after an initial acclimatization period of 6 min, were presented with three
pairings of the auditory conditioning stimulus with footshock (0.4 mA;
2 s). The cue was presented for 30 s, and the shock was administered for
the last 2 s, coterminating with the auditory cue. Pairings were separated
by 2 min, and mice were removed from the chamber 30 s after the last
shock presentation. Twenty-four hours after training, mice were tested
for CS-induced conditioned responses. For each chamber, the sections of
the side aluminum walls were replaced with sections containing check-
erboard patterns, which were also attached to each Perspex wall, and
additionally fresh sawdust was scattered on the floor of each chamber.
After an initial acclimatization period of 6 min, the CS was presented for
8 min (CS test). Twenty-four hours later, an additional test was per-
formed for context conditioning. The chambers were altered to the orig-
inal configuration used during conditioning. Subjects were placed in the
chamber for 8 min (context test).
Scoring. During each stage of fear conditioning, the mouse’s tendency
to freeze was scored. Observation was performed using a time-sampling
procedure. Every 5 s, each mouse was judged as either freezing or active.
Freezing was defined as the absence of visible movement, except for
respiration (Blanchard and Blanchard, 1969). Scoring began 10 s after
the mouse was placed in the chamber and continued until the session had
finished. From this observation, a percentage freezing score was calcu-
lated by dividing the number of intervals the
subject was judged to be freezing by the total
number of observations. All scoring was con-
ducted by observers who were “blind” with re-
spect to the critical aspects of the manipulation;
that is, they were unaware of the genotype of the
mice and their conditioning history. The inter-
rater reliability between observers who used
this scoring procedure was 95%. To provide
an independent assessment of changes in loco-
motor activity, we also recorded the activity of
the mice using an infrared movement detector
(Coulbourn Instruments; model H24-61MC;
set to mouse sensitivity) mounted (22 cm above
the floor) in the ceiling of the apparatus. This
device calculated the animal’s movement in
“movement units”; each unit corresponding to
whether movement was detected during a 20
ms period (maximum movement unit pulses
was 50 pulses per second).
AP5 was from Tocris-Cookson (Bristol, UK).
TTX was from Latoxan (Valence, France). All
other drugs were from Fluka/Sigma (Buchs,
Reduction of AMPA receptor-mediated
synaptic transmission at thalamo- and
cortico-LA synapses in GluR1
We first analyzed the GluR1 and GluR3
contribution to AMPA receptor-mediated
synaptic transmission by recording mEP-
SCs in LA projection neurons in the pres-
ence of TTX (Fig. 1). GluR1- and GluR3-
deficient mice (Zamanillo et al., 1999;
Sanchis-Segura et al., 2006) exhibited a
similar decrease in mEPSC amplitude and
mEPSC frequency indicating that GluR1 and GluR3 AMPA re-
ceptor subtypes contribute to excitatory transmission (Fig. 1)
(wild type: 12.4 0.9 pA, n 20; GluR1
: 8.1 0.4 pA,
n 14, p 0.01; GluR3
: 9.1 0.5 pA, n 6, p 0.01; wild
type: 5.8 1.5 Hz, n 20; GluR1
: 2.8 0.9 Hz, n 14, p
0.05; GluR3
: 2.1 0.5 Hz, n 6, p 0.05). In addition,
mEPSCs exhibited a slower decay time constant with no differ-
ence in the 10 –90% rise time in GluR3
mice (Fig. 1c) (wild
type: 5.0 0.3 ms, n 20; GluR1
: 5.4 0.1 ms, n 14, NS;
: 6.1 0.2 ms, n 6, p 0.05).
The comparable overall reduction in AMPA receptor currents
at synapses on LA projection neurons in GluR1
mice appeared, however, to be input-specific, because
AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission at thalamo- and
cortico-LA synapses was affected only in GluR1
Whereas GluR1
mice showed a dramatic reduction in the
AMPA/NMDA receptor ratio at both thalamo- and cortico-LA
synapses, in GluR3
mice the AMPA/NMDA ratio was not
different from wild-type mice in either pathway (Fig. 2) (tha-
lamic: wild type, 6.5 1.6, n 8; GluR1
, 2.7 0.3, n 9, p
0.05; GluR3
, 8.4 1.2, n 13, NS; cortical: wild type, 7.6
1.9, n 8; GluR1
, 2.4 0.3, n 9, p 0.05; GluR3
, 8.0
0.9, n 13, NS). Because the mEPSC amplitude and frequency
were equally affected in both knock-out mice, the regular AMPA/
NMDA ratio in GluR3
mice indicates that either a different
population of synapses (other than thalamo- and cortico-LA syn-
Figure 1. Reduced mEPSC amplitude and frequency in GluR1
and GluR3
mice. a, Representative sample traces from
WT, GluR1
, and GluR3
mice. Calibration: 12 pA, 350 ms. b, Histograms illustrating the relative reduction in large
amplitude events in GluR1
and GluR3
animals relative to wild-type controls. Histograms are normalized to the total
number of events recorded in each genotype. The gray line indicates mEPSC amplitude distribution in wild-type mice. The traces
represent averaged mEPSC waveforms obtained from all events. Calibration: 7 pA, 5 ms. c, Cumulative distributions of mEPSC
amplitude, interevent intervals, and
for all genotypes containing 300 randomly selected events from each cell (wild type,
n 20 cells; GluR1
, n 14; GluR3
, n 6). The insets show mean SEM for mEPSC amplitude, frequency, and
Thetracesillustrateincreased decay in GluR3
mice(tracesarepeak-scaled averages obtained from all cells).Calibration,5ms.
*p 0.05; **p 0.01.
Humeau et al. AMPA Receptor Subunits in Amygdala Function J. Neurosci., October 10, 2007 27(41):10947–10956 10949
apses) contributed to the loss of mEPSCs in absence of GluR3 or,
alternatively, that there was a concomitant reduction in NMDA
receptor-mediated transmission in GluR3
To exclude a reduction in the NMDA receptor component, we
examined synaptic efficacy in terms of quantal amplitude of
AMPA receptor-mediated transmission at thalamo- and
cortico-LA synapses. We recorded stimulation-induced desyn-
chronized mEPSCs (in the presence of extracellular Sr
of Ca
). Consistent with the reduced TTX–mEPSC amplitude
and the marked reduction in the AMPA/NMDA ratio,
stimulation-induced mEPSCs at thalamo- and cortico-LA syn-
apses were significantly smaller in GluR1
mice compared
with wild-type mice (Fig. 3a– c) (thalamic: wild type, 14.0 0.2
pA, n 4; GluR1
, 8.2 1.8 pA, n 5, p 0.05; cortical:
wild type, 16.9 0.4 pA, n 4; GluR1
, 9.9 1.1 pA, n
5, p 0.01). In GluR3
mice, however, quantal amplitudes
were not different from wild-type animals (thalamic: 13.8
1.9 pA, n 5, NS; cortical: 16.4 1.7 pA, n 5, NS) (Fig.
3a– c). There was no difference in the decay kinetics between
groups (Fig. 3d). Thus, at thalamic and cortical inputs to LA
projection neurons, the lack of GluR1 leads to a pronounced
reduction in the efficacy of AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic
transmission, which also might include a reduction in the num-
ber of functional synapses. For GluR3
mice, we observed that
the amplitude of Sr
mEPSCs was unchanged compared with
control animals, suggesting that pathways other than the
thalamo- and cortico-LA pathways are affected in the absence of
LTP in the thalamo-amygdala pathway depends on GluR1
We analyzed whether deletion of either the GluR1 or the GluR3
subunit affected LTP in the neural pathways associated with au-
ditory cued fear conditioning (Sigurdsson et al., 2007). In slices
from wild-type mice, the average field EPSP (fEPSP) slope in the
thalamic pathway was significantly increased 40 45 min after the
last tetanization when compared with the pretetanic control
value (117 5%; n 22; p 0.01) (Fig. 4a). In GluR1
however, we failed to observe a persistent potentiation (102
5%; n 27; p 0.77), whereas the amount of LTP in GluR3
mice was similar to wild-type animals (112 6%; n 17; p
0.64) (Fig. 4a).
In GluR1
mice, the failure to observe tetanization-
induced LTP in the thalamo-amygdala pathway could be ex-
plained by an insufficient depolarization during the induction
caused by the reduced AMPA receptor-mediated responses.
We therefore used whole-cell recordings to compensate for a
possible deficit in postsynaptic depolarization and induced
LTP by pairing a similar presynaptic stimulation pattern (1 s;
100 Hz; four times; 0.1 Hz) with postsynaptic depolarization
to 20 mV. In addition, we blocked GABA
mediated inhibition, thereby facilitating the induction of LTP
(Wigstro¨m and Gustafsson, 1985; Bissie`re et al., 2003). In gen-
eral, thalamo-LA LTP induced by pairing presynaptic stimu-
lation with postsynaptic depolarization in the presence of a
receptor antagonist (Fig. 4b) appeared to be more
stable than LTP induced by tetanic stimulation alone (Fig. 4a).
This may indicate that the extent of postsynaptic depolariza-
tion during LTP induction at thalamo-LA synapses has an
impact on LTP stability or, alternatively, that thalamo-LA fEP-
SPs contain an additional nonsynaptic component that decays
over time. Similar to the extracellular results, however, whole-
cell recordings revealed an almost complete lack of LTP in the
thalamo-amygdala pathway in GluR1
mice (GluR1
114 8% of baseline, n 9, NS), whereas the magnitude of
LTP was of similar size in wild-type and GluR3
mice (wild
type: 159 21% of baseline, n 12, p 0.05; GluR3
149 9% of baseline, n 5, p 0.05) (Fig. 4b). Thus, LTP
expression at thalamo-amygdala synapses depends on the
presence of the GluR1 subunit.
Figure 2. GluR1
mice exhibit a decreased AMPA/NMDA ratio of evoked synaptic transmission at thalamo- and cortico-LA synapses. a, Placement of stimulation and recording electrodes. b,
Sample traces depicting evoked EPSC waveforms at thalamo- and cortico-LA synapses recorded at 70 mV and at 30 mV in wild-type, GluR1
, and GluR3
mice. The AMPA component
was obtained by measuring the EPSC peak amplitude at 70 mV; the NMDA component was determined by measuring the current amplitude at 100 ms after EPSC onset at 30 mV (arrows). c,
Averaged data illustrating the significant ( p 0.05) reduction in the AMPA/NMDA ratio at cortical and thalamic afferents in GluR1
mice. Number of experiments is indicated on bars. *p
0.05. Error bars indicate SEM.
10950 J. Neurosci., October 10, 2007 27(41):10947–10956 Humeau et al. AMPA Receptor Subunits in Amygdala Function
LTP in the cortico-amygdala pathway depends on GluR1
and GluR3
Next, we examined whether LTP in the cortico-amygdala path-
way was similarly GluR1 dependent. Cortical afferents to the LA
were stimulated by placing a stimulation electrode in the external
capsule above the LA (Humeau et al., 2003). Whereas LTP was
readily induced in wild-type animals (125 3%; n 34; p
0.01), we failed to obtain LTP in both GluR1
and GluR3
mice (GluR1
: 104 3%, n 33, NS; GluR3
: 105 4%,
n 26, NS) (Fig. 5a). To exclude a failure in LTP induction, we
used the same pairing procedure as in the thalamo-amygdala
pathway. Although LTP was not completely abolished, we ob-
served a substantial reduction in this pathway both in GluR1- and
GluR3-deficient mice (wild type: 195 28%, n 14, p 0.01;
: 137 13%, n 7, p 0.05; GluR3
: 142 5%,
n 5, p 0.01) (Fig. 5b). This suggests that both GluR1 and
GluR3 subunits contribute to LTP expression at cortico-LA syn-
apses. Moreover, because quantal amplitude at cortico-LA syn-
apses was reduced in GluR1- but not in GluR3-deficient mice, a
reduced synaptic efficacy and/or density in this pathway can
hardly account for the similar reduction in LTP in the two geno-
types. Thus, in contrast to thalamo-amygdala LTP, LTP in the
cortico-amygdala pathway does not solely depend on the GluR1
LTP within the BA is GluR1 dependent
Based on previous studies indicating a role for the BA in both
contextual and cued fear conditioning (Anglada-Figueroa and
Quirk, 2005; Calandreau et al., 2005; Goosens and Maren, 2006),
we next analyzed whether deletion of either the GluR1 or the
GluR3 subunit affected LTP within the BA.
As at thalamo-LA synapses, we found that
LTP in the BA was normal in GluR3
mice, but completely absent in GluR1
mice (wild type: 125 4%, n 12, p
0.05; GluR1
: 103 3%, n 16, p
0.23; GluR3
: 124 8%, n 13, p
0.05) (Fig. 6a,b).
mice exhibit complete
absence of freezing behavior during
fear conditioning
To study whether GluR1- and/or GluR3-
containing AMPA receptors participate in
emotional learning, we analyzed the ac-
quisition and retention of auditory cued
and contextual fear conditioning. Before
CS–US pairings, all genotypes displayed
similar levels of baseline activity (supple-
mental Fig. 1, available at www.jneurosci.
org as supplemental material). Con-
versely, after the first CS–US pairing,
activity levels decreased as freezing re-
sponses increased for GluR3
and wild-
type mice. In contrast, GluR1
showed similar activity levels throughout
the conditioning session, indicating major
impairments during the acquisition phase
of fear conditioning in the absence of
GluR1 (Fig. 7a,b). This is substantiated by
the detailed analysis of the activity levels
and freezing responses during the three in-
tertrial intervals (ITIs) preceding CS1,
CS2, and CS3, respectively (Fig. 7c,d). Main effects analysis of
mean activity levels revealed no effect of genotype during the first
ITI period (F 1). However, a significant effect of genotype was
revealed during the second and third ITI time bins (smallest
8.97; p 0.001) (Fig. 7c). Multiple post hoc Newman–
Keuls comparisons supported this, showing that during the sec-
ond ITI, wild-type mice differed from both GluR1
( p
0.0001) and GluR3
mice ( p 0.05). However, during the
third ITI, GluR3
and wild-type mice showed similar levels of
activity suppression, suggesting that acquisition of fear condi-
tioning may be delayed in GluR3
mice. In contrast, GluR1
mice exhibited no change in activity across the ITI period ( p
0.05) (Fig. 7c). The analysis of the freezing data suggested a sim-
ilar pattern of behavior (Fig. 7d). Thus, whereas GluR3
exhibited delayed, but mostly normal levels of activity suppres-
sion and freezing behavior, GluR1
animals showed a com
plete absence of any CS- or context-induced fear behavior during
the acquisition phase of fear conditioning.
The impaired fear responses of GluR1
mice during the
acquisition phase of fear conditioning were not caused by a deficit
in detecting novel auditory stimuli or insensitivity to the foot-
shook as revealed by the unconditioned suppression of activity
elicited by the novel tone and by the initial agitation induced by
the footshock (Bouton and Bolles, 1980) (Fig. 8a). The locomo-
tor activity was scored in 0.5 s time bins for the last4softhefirst
ITI and the first4softhefirst CS tone presentation. An ANOVA
confirmed that there was a main effect of phase (ITI vs CS), which
did not interact with genotype, and a significant interaction be-
tween phase and time bin (F
3.54; p 0.05). The test of
simple main effects revealed a significant effect of time bin only
Figure 3. GluR1
mice exhibit a reduction in quantal amplitude at thalamo- and cortico-LA synapses. a, Sample traces of evoked
EPSCs in the presence of Ca
or Sr
. In the presence of Sr
, asynchronous quantal events are detectable. Calibration: 20 pA, 50 ms;
insets,10 pA, 25 ms. b,Normalized histograms illustrating theselective reduction in mEPSC amplitude in the two pathways in GluR1
mice (wild type, n 691 events from 5 cells; GluR1
, n 985 events from 5 cells; GluR3
, n 713 events from 5 cells). Fits
indicate mEPSC amplitude distribution in wild-type animals. c, Same data plotted as cumulative probability distributions and averaged
means SEM (insets). d,GluR1
exhibitedno significant difference inmEPSC kinetics (wildtype, n 5;GluR1
n 5; GluR3
, n 5; p 0.05). Superimposed traces represent amplitude-scaled mEPSC waveforms obtained by averaging the
scaled mean mEPSC waveforms from each cell. Calibration, 4 ms. *p 0.05; **p 0.01.
Humeau et al. AMPA Receptor Subunits in Amygdala Function J. Neurosci., October 10, 2007 27(41):10947–10956 10951
during the CS period (F
7.83; p 0.001) that reflected a
gradual rise in locomotor activity during the CS for all genotypes
suggesting that all genotypes were able to detect the presentation
of the tone. Similarly, the unconditioned reaction to footshock
measured by mean locomotor activity responses, for the first
1.25 s after presentation of the footshock was similar for all geno-
types (Fig. 8b), indicating that all mice were able to detect the US.
Absence of long-term memory of conditioned fear in
Fear memory was tested by assessing retention of conditioned
responses 24 h after conditioning by measuring locomotor activ-
ity and freezing responses before and after the CS presentation in
a novel context (Fig. 9a,b). Before the presentation of the audi-
tory CS, both freezing and activity levels were comparable for all
groups. On presentation of the auditory CS, both GluR3
wild-type mice exhibited freezing responses, indicating a mem-
ory for the CS. GluR1
mice, however, showed no change in
activity or freezing responses throughout the duration of the CS
presentation, demonstrating that the GluR1 deletion results in a
complete failure to acquire and/or retain memory for cued audi-
tory fear conditioning (Fig. 9a). This pattern of results was also
evident in the analysis of the locomotor activity data (Fig. 9b).
Before the presentation of the cue, there was an apparent trend
for GluR1
mice to show higher baseline levels of activity in the
novel context. However, this difference was not significant. In
contrast, there was a significant difference between the genotypes
in locomotor activity during the tone presentation. Both the WT
and GluR3
mice showed lower levels of locomotor activity
than GluR1
mice on presentation of the CS.
Twenty-four hours later, retention of contextual fear condi-
tioning was assessed. The experimental chambers were altered
back to the original configuration used during conditioning.
Subjects were placed in the chamber for 8 min. GluR3
wild-type mice showed a steady suppression of locomotor activ-
ity, as a consequence of the freezing elicited by the context (Fig.
9c,d). In contrast, GluR1
mice failed to show enhanced freez
Figure 4. Selective absence of thalamo-LA LTP in GluR1
but not GluR3
mice. a,
TimecourseofthefEPSPslopeatthalamicafferentsin wild-type (n 22), GluR1
(n 27),
and GluR3
(n 17) mice. Whereas wild-type and GluR3
animals exhibited signifi
cant LTP ( p 0.01), LTP could not be induced in GluR1
animals ( p 0.77). LTP was
induced by tetanic stimulation of thalamic afferents (100 Hz; 1 s; repeated 4 times with 5 min
interval). The depicted traces show averaged fEPSPs before and 45 min after the last tetaniza-
tion. Calibration: 0.5 mV, 5 ms. b, Pairing-induced LTP at thalamic afferents is selectively abol-
ished in GluR1
but not GluR3
mice. Time course of the EPSP slope at thalamo-LA
synapses in wild-type (n 12), GluR1
(n 9), and GluR3
(n 5) mice. LTP was
induced by pairing afferent stimulation (4 times; 1 s, 100 Hz; arrow) with postsynaptic depolar-
ization to 20 mV. The depicted traces show averaged EPSPs for 2 min of baseline and 2 min of
LTP (25–30 min after pairing). Calibration: 2 mV, 10 ms.
Figure 5. Equal reduction of LTP at cortico-LA synapses in GluR1
and GluR3
a, Time course of the fEPSP slope in the cortico-LA pathway in wild-type (n 34), GluR1
(n 33), and GluR3
(n 26) mice. LTP in both GluR1
and GluR3
animals was
absent 40 45 min after induction ( p 0.05). LTP was induced by tetanic stimulation of
corticalafferents (4 times; 1 s, 100 Hz). The depictedtraces show averaged fEPSPs before and 45
min after the last tetanization. Calibration: 0.5 mV, 5 ms. b, Pairing-induced LTP at cortico-LA
synapsesis equally reduced inGluR1
mice.Time course of theEPSP slope in
the cortico-LA pathway in wild-type (n 14), GluR1
(n 7), and GluR3
(n 5)
mice.LTPwasinducedbypairingafferentstimulation (4 times; 1 s; 100 Hz; arrow)withpostsyn-
apticdepolarization to 20 mV. The depicted tracesshow averaged EPSPs for 2 min of baseline
and 2 min of LTP (25–30 min after pairing). Calibration: 2 mV, 10 ms.
Figure 6. Selective absence of LTP in the BA in GluR1
but not GluR3
mice. a,
Placement of stimulation and recording electrodes. b, Time course of the fEPSP slope in the
basal amygdala of wild-type (n 12) and GluR1
(n 16) mice. Whereas wild-type
animals exhibit robust LTP ( p 0.05), LTP is completely abolished in GluR1
mice ( p
0.05). c, GluR3
animals (n 13) exhibit normal LTP ( p 0.05). LTP was induced by
tetanic stimulation of local afferents (100 Hz; 1 s; repeated 4 times with 5 min interval). The
depictedtraces show averaged fEPSPs beforeand 45 min after the last tetanization. Calibration:
0.5 mV, 2.5 ms.
10952 J. Neurosci., October 10, 2007 27(41):10947–10956 Humeau et al. AMPA Receptor Subunits in Amygdala Function
ing responses and exhibited correspondingly higher levels of lo-
comotor activity relative to GluR3
and wild-type control
mice (Fig. 9c,d). In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that
, but not GluR3
mice, are impaired in the forma
tion of conditioned fear memories for both contextual and audi-
tory cues.
Our electrophysiological analysis revealed a striking difference
between GluR1 and GluR3 function in terms of AMPA receptor-
mediated synaptic transmission and LTP at thalamic and cortical
synapses onto LA projection neurons. In the absence of GluR1,
the postsynaptic efficacy and possibly the number of thalamo-
and cortico-amygdala synapses were strongly reduced. Although
AMPA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission at thalamo- and
cortico-LA synapses appeared normal when GluR3 is missing, we
found a significant reduction in the amplitude and frequency of
mEPSCs recorded in TTX. In principle, this reduction in mEPSC
frequency can be caused by presynaptic and/or postsynaptic
mechanisms (e.g., by a reduction in the release probability or by
removal of postsynaptic AMPA receptors at a subset of synapses).
However, the finding that the postsynaptic quantal amplitude at
thalamo- and cortico-LA inputs was normal, whereas the overall
quantal amplitude of mEPSCs measured in TTX was markedly
reduced, cannot be explained by a presynaptic mechanism. This
indicates that in LA projection neurons postsynaptic GluR3-
containing AMPA receptors play a more prominent role at other
glutamatergic inputs, such as for example at intra-amygdala con-
nections. Thus, different AMPA receptor subunits participate in
a pathway-specific manner to synaptic transmission in LA pro-
jection neurons and the GluR3 content is low or absent at tha-
lamic and cortical inputs under baseline conditions.
Whereas LTP at thalamo-amygdala synapses and fear mem-
ory appeared to be normal in the GluR3
mice, LTP and fear
memory were severely impaired in the GluR1
mice. These
results are in agreement with previous work indicating that the
thalamo-amygdala pathway is rapidly potentiated during audi-
tory fear conditioning (Quirk et al., 1995, 1997), that local pre-
vention of GluR1 trafficking in the LA interferes with thalamo-
amygdala LTP and auditory fear conditioning (Rumpel et al.,
2005), and that fear conditioning induces rapid expression of
GluR1 (Yeh et al., 2006). Together with previous studies (Hu-
meau et al., 2005; Rumpel et al., 2005), our findings strongly
support a postsynaptic expression mechanism for thalamo-
amygdala LTP (but see Apergis-Schoute et al., 2005).
Although baseline synaptic transmission at cortico-LA syn-
Figure 7. GluR1
mice exhibit a complete lack of CS- and context-induced fear behavior
during conditioning. a, Mean infrared activity (IR) levels during the three presentations of the
30 s auditory CS. Whereas WT (n 13; p 0.05) and GluR3
(n 9; p 0.05) mice
exhibit a significant reduction in activity levels during conditioning, activity levels in GluR1
mice(n 9) remain unaffected ( p 0.05).Number of CS is indicatedonthe x-axis. A two-way
ANOVA revealed no main effect on genotype on baseline activity before CS–US pairing time
bin; largest F
1.20, p 0.20. Analysis of the activity scores during the three CS
presentations revealed a main effect of genotype (F
6.68; p 0.01), and CS presenta
tion (F
34.96; p 0.0001). There was a significant genotype by CS presentation inter
action (F
7.43; p 0.0001). Analysis of the simple main effects followed by post hoc
Newman–Keuls comparisons revealed a significant effect of genotype during the second and
third CS presentation (smallest F
3.18; p 0.05) with GluR1
mice differing from
and wild-type groups ( p 0.05). b, Percentage of freezing responses during the
three presentations of the 30 s auditory CS. Only WT (n 13; p 0.05) and GluR3
9;p 0.05) animals show a significant increase in freezing levels. Freezing levels of GluR1
mice do not increase during conditioning (n 9; p 0.05). The number of CS is indicated on
the x-axis. There is a main effect of genotype (F
61.30; p 0.0001) and of CS presen
tation (F
122.87; p 0.0001) and a significant interaction between these two factors
30.43; p 0.0001). Simple main effects analysis followed by post hoc Newman–
Keuls comparisons revealed a significant effect of genotype during the second and third CS
presentations (smallest F
38.57; p 0.001), with GluR1
mice differing from all
other genotypes ( p 0.05). c, Mean IR activity levels during the ITIs. Number of ITIs preceding
CS1,CS2,and CS3 areindicatedon the x-axis.Duringthe ITIs, GluR1
micedonot exhibit any
reduction in locomotor activity with conditioning (n 9; p 0.05), whereas activity levels are
significantly reduced in WT (n 13; p 0.05) and GluR3
(n 9; p 0.05) mice. A
two-way mixed ANOVA of the activity data revealed a main effect of genotype (F
p 0.01) and of activity time bin (F
59.38; p 0.0001) and a genotype by ITI time bin
interaction (F
22.07; p 0.0001). d, Percentage of freezing responses during the ITIs
does not increase in GluR1
mice (n 9; p 0.05), whereas WT (n 13; p 0.05) and
(n 9; p 0.05) mice exhibit a significant increase in freezing levels with a main
effects of genotype (F
147.07; p 0.0001) and of ITI time bin (F
219.52; p
0.0001)and an interaction between the two factors (F
62.47; p 0.0001). Simple main
effects analysis followed by multiple post hoc Newman–Keuls comparisons revealed again a
significanteffect of genotype duringthe second andthird ITI bins (smallestF
92.93; p
0.0001), with wild-type mice differing from both knock-out groups during the second ITI bin,
and GluR1
differing from GluR3
and wild-type mice during the third ITI bin ( p
0.05). Error bars indicate SD.
Figure8. Comparable CSand US reactivity inwild-type,GluR1
Mean infrared activity (IR) levels for the 4 s period before presentation of the first CS during
conditioning,and the 4 s period of CS presentation does notdiffer between WT,GluR1
mice. Activity scores averaged across 0.5 s time bins (WT, n 13; GluR1
, n
9; GluR3
, n 9; p 0.05). A two-way ANOVA of the activity data revealed no main effect
of genotype (F
2.52; p 0.09). There was a main effect of phase (ITI vs CS; F
13.58; p 0.01), main effect of time bin (F
14.16; p 0.01), and a significant inter
3.54;p 0.05), but no interactions involving genotype.
The test of simple main effects revealed a significant effect of time bin only during the CS period
7.83;p 0.001) that reflected agradualrise in locomotor activity duringtheCS for all
genotypes, suggesting that all genotypes were able to detect the presentation of the tone. b,
Comparable activity levels of wild-type, GluR1
, and GluR3
animals for the 1.25 s
period after presentation of the first shock. Activity scores averaged across 0.25 s time bins (WT,
n 13; GluR1
, n 9; GluR3
, n 9; p 0.05). A two-way ANOVA with genotype
and time bin as factors revealed no main effect of genotype (F
2.36; p 0.1121).
However, there was a main effect of time bin, which reflected a reduction in locomotor activity
after offset of the shock (F
10.01; p 0.0001).
Humeau et al. AMPA Receptor Subunits in Amygdala Function J. Neurosci., October 10, 2007 27(41):10947–10956 10953
apses was impaired in GluR1
, but not GluR3
mice, LTP
expression was equally reduced in the two genotypes. We and
others have shown that cortico-LA LTP can be induced presyn-
aptically and postsynaptically depending on the induction proto-
col (Huang and Kandel, 1998; Tsvetkov et al., 2002, 2004; Hu-
meau et al., 2003, 2005; Shaban et al., 2006; Humeau and Lu¨thi,
2007). Together with our previous studies (Humeau et al., 2003),
the present results indicate that presynaptic and postsynaptic ex-
pression mechanisms may coexist at cortico-LA synapses.
The loss of synaptic plasticity in the BA in GluR1
mice is
consistent with the observed impairment in contextual fear con-
ditioning, thereby extending the parallels between the behavioral
effects of GluR1 deletion and lesions of the LA and/or BA, which
also disrupt conditioned freezing to discrete cues and to context
(Phillips and LeDoux, 1992; Nader et al., 2001; Calandreau et al.,
2005; Anglada-Figueroa and Quirk, 2005; Goosens and Maren,
2006). Our results suggest that GluR1-dependent synaptic plas-
ticity may play a general role at different synapses within the
amygdala during the acquisition of both cued and contextual fear
mice displayed a robust deficit in the acquisition of
conditioned freezing, both to a discrete CS and to the experimen-
tal context. The deficit in fear conditioning was unlikely to be
attributable to differences in baseline activity levels or to differ-
ences in CS or US detection, because unconditioned CS and US
responses were normal. In contrast, GluR3
mice revealed a
delayed acquisition of conditioned freezing behavior. However,
after the third CS–US pairing and during CS and context memory
tests, freezing behavior of GluR3
mice was equal to wild-type
The relatively normal conditioned freezing displayed by the
mice, which exhibit deficient LTP at the cortico-LA
pathway, suggests that AMPA receptor plasticity in this pathway
is not essential for conditioned freezing. It could be argued that
the delayed acquisition of conditioned freezing observed after the
first tone–footshock pairing may reflect a modulatory role for
GluR3-dependent plasticity in the cortico-LA pathway. This dis-
sociation in electrophysiological phenotypes between the two
mouse mutants may therefore explain the different behavior,
suggesting that the deficits in conditioned freezing observed in
mice are attributable to the reduction of AMPA
receptor-dependent synaptic transmission and/or the absence of
GluR1-dependent synaptic plasticity at thalamo-LA synapses
(Rumpel et al., 2005).
There are a number of important caveats, however. First, rel-
atively normal conditioned freezing in GluR3
mice does not
completely preclude a role for plasticity at cortico-LA synapses in
supporting this behavior in normal wild-type mice. The LA re-
ceives auditory inputs from thalamus and cortex (Carlsen and
Heimer, 1988; Farb and LeDoux, 1997, 1999; McDonald, 1998;
Smith et al., 2000), and conditioned freezing to a simple auditory
CS can be mediated by either of these pathways (Romanski and
LeDoux, 1992). It may be the case therefore that plasticity in both
cortical and thalamic pathways can contribute to conditioned
freezing in normal animals. It is also possible that the intact LTP
at thalamo-LA synapses in GluR3
mice can compensate and
support the behavior in these mutant mice, and that plasticity in
both thalamic and cortical inputs must be impaired before a be-
havioral deficit becomes evident (as in the GluR1
mice). Al
ternatively, it has been argued that the cortico-LA pathway is
important for more complex auditory stimuli or for stimulus
discriminations (Thompson, 1962; Jarrell et al., 1987; Shaban et
al., 2006) (but see Armony et al., 1997), and therefore the tha-
lamic pathway is more likely to support conditioning to a simple
tone CS. Indeed, the present data suggest that synaptic plasticity
in the cortico-LA pathway has a more subtle and limited role in
this particular form of conditioned freezing, thus potentially re-
flecting the relatively simple nature of the tone CS used in the
present study.
Second, it is also possible that the deficits in conditioned freez-
ing in the GluR1
mice, in particular to the experimental con
text, could be explained by a deficit in hippocampal synaptic
plasticity (Zamanillo et al., 1999). Previous studies have shown
that GluR1
mice are impaired on hippocampus-dependent
tasks that require the rapid encoding and/or expression of trial-
Figure 9. GluR1
but not GluR3
mice exhibit severe memory deficits in cued and
contextual fear conditioning. Retention test. a, b, The percentage observations of a freezing
response(a)and the mean IRlocomotor activity responses (b) duringthe baseline period before
the CS and during the CS presentation in WT (n 13), GluR1
, and GluR3
mice (n
9 each). No differences in baseline freezing (F
1; p 0.10; two-way ANOVA) or activity
(2, 28)
1.52; p 0.10; two-way ANOVA) levels was observed. Two-way ANOVAs were
conducted on the freezing response and activity data obtained during presentation of the CS.
Analysis of the freezing data revealed a main effect of genotype (F
33.42; p 0.0001),
of time bin (F
23.79; p 0.0001), and an interaction between these two factors
6.69; p 0.0001). Analysis of the simple main effects followed by post hoc New
man–Keulscomparisons revealed a main effect of genotype during freezing bins 13–23 (small-
est F
3.56; p 0.05) with GluR1
differing from GluR3
and WT groups ( p
values 0.05). Analysis of the infrared activity data, similarly, revealed a main effect of geno-
type (F
6.03; p 0.01), and of activity time bin (F
17.01; p . 00001), and a
genotype by activity time bin interaction (F
1.781; p 0.01). Simple main effects
analysis revealed a main effect of genotype during activity bins 13–19 and 21–23 (smallest
4.37; p 0.05). Post hoc Newman–Keuls comparisons revealed differences between
mice and the remaining groups ( p 0.005). c, d, Context extinction test: the
percentage observations of a freezing response (c) and the mean IR locomotor activity re-
sponses conditioning context (d)ofWT(n 13), GluR1
, and GluR3
mice (n 9
each). WT and GluR3
mice showed a steady suppression of locomotor activity. GluR1
mice showed considerably reduced freezing responses and higher levels of locomotor activity
relative to GluR3
and WT mice. The analysis of the freezing response data revealed a main
effectof genotype (F
17.57; p 0.0001) andof time bin (F
4.91; p 0.0001),
and an interaction between the two factors (F
2.92; p 0.001). Simple main effects
analysis revealed a main effect of genotype at bins 4 6 and 8 –16 (smallest F
p 0.05). Post hoc Newman–Keuls comparisons identified differences between GluR1
mice and all other groups ( p values 0.05). A two-way ANOVA analysis of the activity data
revealed a main effect of genotype (F
6.65; p 0.01), of activity time bin (F
2.21;p 0.01),andagenotypebyactivitytimebininteraction(F
3.004;p 0.0001).
Analysis of the simple main effects followed by post hoc Newman–Keuls comparisons revealed
a main effect of genotype at bins 4 6 and 8 –16 (smallest F
3.43; p 0.05), with
mice differing from all other groups ( p values 0.05).
10954 J. Neurosci., October 10, 2007 27(41):10947–10956 Humeau et al. AMPA Receptor Subunits in Amygdala Function
specific memories (Reisel et al., 2002; Schmitt et al., 2003, 2004).
Thus, it is possible that a GluR1-dependent, hippocampal mem-
ory could play a role in fear conditioning tasks such as that used in
the present study in which acquisition is rapid, and occurs in just
one or two trials. Against this, it could be argued that because
GluR1 gene inactivation disrupts conditioned freezing not only
to context but also to a discrete CS, then the latter, at least, is more
likely to be the result of an amygdala dysfunction. This is based on
several lesion studies that have shown that hippocampal damage
produces deficits in conditioned freezing to context but not to a
discrete CS (Kim and Fanselow, 1992; Phillips and LeDoux, 1992;
Maren et al., 1997) (but see Richmond et al., 1999). In contrast,
lesions of the BLA reliably disrupt freezing responses to both
kinds of cues (Phillips and LeDoux, 1992). Targeted lesions of the
BA, the main amygdala target of hippocampal afferents and ori-
gin of projections to the hippocampus (Pitkanen et al., 2000),
revealed a selective impairment of contextual fear conditioning
(Calandreau et al., 2005) (but see Goosens and Maren, 2006). In
accordance with a role of the BA in contextual conditioning, we
found that GluR1
but not GluR3
mice are deficient in BA
In summary, we conclude that activity-dependent synaptic
plasticity in distinct amygdala pathways depends on different
AMPA receptor subunit combinations. The absence of condi-
tioned freezing to the auditory CS and the experimental context
in GluR1
mice suggests a dominant role for GluR1-
dependent synaptic plasticity in amygdala-dependent emotional
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J. Neurosci., October 10, 2007 27(41):10947–10956 Humeau et al. AMPA Receptor Subunits in Amygdala Function
... Molecules 2024, 29, 427 2 of 12 development [9,10]. The amygdala, another region rich in AMPA receptors, is crucial for processing emotions and fear responses [11]. The discovery and characterization of AMPA receptors have been pivotal in unraveling the mechanisms underlying synaptic plasticity, which forms the basis of learning and memory in the brain. ...
... [ 11 C]Methane ([ 11 C]CH 4 ) was produced in-target via the 14 N(p,α) 11 4 dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (300 µL) were added. The reaction mixture was heated at 135 • C for 4 min. ...
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The aim of this study was to measure the brain penetrance and kinetics of BIIB104, a first-in-class AMPA receptor potentiator developed for cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia. It was recently halted in phase 2 clinical development, and there are a lack of tools to directly measure AMPA receptor engagement. To achieve this, the drug candidate was radiolabeled with carbon-11, and its brain penetrance and kinetics were measured in non-human primates via dynamic PET scans. Radiolabeling was achieved through a three-step nucleophilic [11C]cyanation reaction in one pot, resulting in the high radioactivity and radiochemical purity (>99%) of [11C]BIIB104. The study found that [11C]BIIB104 entered the non-human primate brains at 4–5% ID at peak, with a homogeneous distribution. However, a mild regional heterogeneity was observed in the thalamus. The lack of conclusive evidence for a change in regional values after BIIB104 dosing suggests that any specific binding component of BIIB104 is negligible compared to the free and non-specific components in the living brain. Overall, the study demonstrated high brain uptake with minor variability in [11C]BIIB104 distribution across various brain regions, its kinetics were consistent with those of passive diffusion, and the dominating components were the free concentration and non-specific binding. This information is valuable for understanding the potential effects and mechanisms of BIIB104 in the brain.
... There were no overt differences in anxiety levels between Gria1/3 DFb and control mice on several ethological, unconditioned tests of anxiety, e.g., light/dark box, food hyponeophagia, and the successive alleys test which is a modified version of the elevated plus maze ( Figure 3F; and Table S1). As expected from the emotional learning deficits in GluA1 knockout mice, 55,56 Gria1/3 DFb mice displayed a pronounced deficit on the passive avoidance test when tested 24 h after conditioning ( Figure 3G). A similar impairment was previously correlated with a selective absence of GluA1-dependent LTP in the basolateral amygdala. ...
... A similar impairment was previously correlated with a selective absence of GluA1-dependent LTP in the basolateral amygdala. 56 Spatial memory performance in Gria1/3 DFb mice Given the role of the hippocampus in spatial memory [57][58][59] and the altered synaptic transmission and plasticity at hippocampal CA3-to-CA1 synapses in Gria1/3 DFb mice, we aimed at testing whether the previously reported impaired GluA1-dependent spatial working memory 27 will (B) AMPA/NMDA ratios were measured from electrically evoked EPSCs in CA1 pyramidal cells in Mg 2+ -free ACSF in control and Gria1/3 À/À mice. The left panel shows example traces of pharmacologically isolated putative NMDA and AMPA currents. ...
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Pharmacological studies established a role for AMPARs in the mammalian forebrain in spatial memory performance. Here we generated global GluA1/3 double knockout mice (Gria1/3−/−) and conditional knockouts lacking GluA1 and GluA3 AMPAR subunits specifically from principal cells across the forebrain (Gria1/3ΔFb). In both models, loss of GluA1 and GluA3 resulted in reduced hippocampal GluA2 and increased levels of the NMDAR subunit GluN2A. Electrically-evoked AMPAR-mediated EPSPs were greatly diminished, and there was an absence of tetanus-induced LTP. Gria1/3−/− mice showed premature mortality. Gria1/3ΔFb mice were viable, and their memory performance could be analyzed. In the Morris water maze (MWM), Gria1/3ΔFb mice showed profound long-term memory deficits, in marked contrast to the normal MWM learning previously seen in single Gria1−/− and Gria3−/− knockout mice. Our results suggest a redundancy of function within the pool of available ionotropic glutamate receptors for long-term spatial memory performance.
... In line with these findings, previous studies mainly performed in GRIA3 KO mice suggested a role of GluA3 in the modulation of social behaviour (Adamczyk et al., 2012;Li et al., 2023) in the absence of gross behavioural abnormalities (Adamczyk et al., 2012;Humeau et al., 2007;Sanchis-Segura et al., 2006). In addition, mutations, and polymorphisms in the GRIA3 gene have been associated with alterations in sociability in humans and the appearance of a more aggressive phenotype (Peng et al., 2022). ...
... first, followed by GluA4. What is especially clear from this literature is that much more data on AMPAR trafficking is needed to confirm and revise different models of learning, particularly for mammalian eyeblink and fear conditioning, although much progress has been made [104,124,125]. The neural pathways underlying these forms of learning are largely known, and focused attention to this issue would significantly advance our understanding of basic cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying associative learning. ...
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An in vitro model of delay eyeblink classical conditioning was developed to investigate synaptic plasticity mechanisms underlying acquisition of associative learning. This was achieved by replacing real stimuli, such as an airpuff and tone, with patterned stimulation of the cranial nerves using an isolated brainstem preparation from turtle. Here, our primary findings regarding cellular and molecular mechanisms for learning acquisition using this unique approach are reviewed. The neural correlate of the in vitro eyeblink response is a replica of the actual behavior, and features of conditioned responses (CRs) resemble those observed in behavioral studies. Importantly, it was shown that acquisition of CRs did not require the intact cerebellum, but the appropriate timing did. Studies of synaptic mechanisms indicate that conditioning involves two stages of AMPA receptor (AMPAR) trafficking. Initially, GluA1-containing AMPARs are targeted to synapses followed later by replacement by GluA4 subunits that support CR expression. This two-stage process is regulated by specific signal transduction cascades involving PKA and PKC and is guided by distinct protein chaperones. The expression of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein is central to AMPAR trafficking and conditioning. BDNF gene expression is regulated by coordinated epigenetic mechanisms involving DNA methylation/demethylation and chromatin modifications that control access of promoters to transcription factors. Finally, a hypothesis is proposed that learning genes like BDNF are poised by dual chromatin features that allow rapid activation or repression in response to environmental stimuli. These in vitro studies have advanced our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie associative learning.
... There is also direct evidence for low expression of the GluA2 subunit in rat BLA spines (Gryder et al. 2005) and general retention of receptors containing this subunit in the cytoplasm, at least in thalamo-amygdala synapses (Radley et al. 2007). On the other hand, GluA1 is increased in rat BLA synapses following stressor exposure (Hubert et al. 2014), and acquisition of auditory and contextual fear conditioning is impaired in GluA1 −/− mice, with LTP at thalamic inputs to LA neurons being completely absent (Humeau et al. 2007), which is not the case for GluA3 −/− mice. ...
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Auditory fear conditioning in rats is a widely used method to study learning, memory, and emotional responding. Despite procedural standardizations and optimizations, there is substantial interindividual variability in fear expression during test, notably in terms of fear expressed toward the testing context alone. To better understand which factors could explain this variation between subjects, we here explored whether behavior during training and expression of AMPA receptors (AMPARs) after long-term memory formation in the amygdala could predict freezing during test. We studied outbred male rats and found strong variation in fear generalization to a different context. Hierarchical clustering of these data identified two distinct groups of subjects that independently correlated with a specific pattern of behaviors expressed during initial training (i.e., rearing and freezing). The extent of fear generalization correlated positively with postsynaptic expression of GluA1-containing AMPA receptors in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala. Our data thus identify candidate behavioral and molecular predictors of fear generalization that may inform our understanding of some anxiety-related disorders, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), that are characterized by overgeneralized fear.
... Fear memory is supported by changes in synaptic strength and plasticity in the BLA, characterized by AMPA receptor synaptic presence and NMDA-dependent long-term potentiation (Clugnet and LeDoux, 1990;Maren and Fanselow, 1995;Rogan and LeDoux, 1995;Humeau et al., 2007). Synaptic potentiation is supported by several intracellular processes that contribute to changes in gene expression and the synthesis of new proteins, including MAPK and PKA cellular signaling, epigenetic modifications, and subsequent changes in gene expression. ...
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Following fear conditioning, behavior can be reduced by giving many CS-alone presentations in a process known as extinction or by presenting a few CS-alone presentations and interfering with subsequent memory reconsolidation. While the two share procedural similarities, both the behavioral outcomes and the neurobiological underpinnings are distinct. Here we review the neural and behavioral mechanisms that produce these separate behavioral reductions, as well as some factors that determine whether or not a retrieval-dependent reconsolidation process or an extinction process will be in effect.
We describe a novel role for dopamine in devaluing sensory memories of reward. Mesencephalic dopamine cells activated during a mediated devaluation phase were later chemogenetically reactivated. This retrieval of the devalued reward memory elicited a reduction in the hedonic evaluation of sucrose reward. Through optogenetic and chemogenetic manipulations, we confirm dopamine cells are both sufficient and necessary for mediated devaluation, and retrieval of these memories reflected dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens. Consistent with our computational modelling data, our findings indicate a critical role for dopamine in encoding predictive representations of the sensory features of reinforcement. Overall, we illuminate the elaborate nature of reinforcement signals encoded by dopamine and suggest novel approaches to treating a host of psychobiological disorders.
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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric condition characterized by persistent fear responses and altered neurotransmitter functioning due to traumatic experiences. Stress predominantly affects glutamate, a neurotransmitter crucial for synaptic plasticity and memory formation. Activation of the N-Methyl-D-Aspartate glutamate receptors (NMDAR) can trigger the formation of a complex comprising postsynaptic density protein-95 (PSD95), the neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), and its adaptor protein (NOS1AP). This complex is pivotal in activating nNOS and nitric oxide (NO) production, which, in turn, activates downstream pathways that modulate neuronal signaling, including synaptic plasticity/transmission, inflammation, and cell death. The involvement of nNOS and NOS1AP in the susceptibility of PTSD and its comorbidities has been widely shown. Therefore, understanding the interplay between stress, fear, and NO is essential for comprehending the maintenance and progression of PTSD, since NO is involved in fear acquisition and extinction processes. Moreover, NO induces post-translational modifications (PTMs), including S-nitrosylation and nitration, which alter protein function and structure for intracellular signaling. Although evidence suggests that NO influences synaptic plasticity and memory processing, the specific role of PTMs in the pathophysiology of PTSD remains unclear. This review highlights pathways modulated by NO that could be relevant to stress and PTSD.
AMPA-type receptors for the neurotransmitter glutamate are very dynamic entities, and changes in their synaptic abundance underlie different forms of synaptic plasticity, including long-term synaptic potentiation (LTP), long-term depression (LTD) and homeostatic scaling. The different AMPA receptor subunits (GluA1-GluA4) share a common modular structure and membrane topology, and their intracellular C-terminus tail is responsible for the interaction with intracellular proteins important in receptor trafficking. The latter sequence differs between subunits and contains most sites for post-translational modifications of the receptors, including phosphorylation, O-GlcNAcylation, ubiquitination, acetylation, palmitoylation and nitrosylation, which affect differentially the various subunits. Considering that each single subunit may undergo modifications in multiple sites, and that AMPA receptors may be formed by the assembly of different subunits, this creates multiple layers of regulation of the receptors with impact in synaptic function and plasticity. This review discusses the diversity of mechanisms involved in the post-translational modification of AMPA receptor subunits, and their impact on the subcellular distribution and synaptic activity of the receptors.
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The goal of the present study was to examine the contribution of thalamo-amygdala and thalamo-cortico-amygdala projections to fear conditioning. Lesions were used to destroy either the thalamo-cortico-amygdala projection, the thalamo-amygdala projection, or both projections, and the effects of such lesions on the acquisition of conditioned fear responses (changes in arterial pressure and freezing behavior) to a tone paired with footshock were measured. In each group of animals examined, a large lesion of the acoustic thalamus, including all nuclei of the medial geniculate body and adjacent portions of the posterior thalamus, was made on one side of the brain to block auditory transmission to the forebrain at the level of the thalamus on that side. In this way, experimental lesions could be made on the contralateral side of the brain. Thus, animals with thalamo-amygdala pathway lesions received a large lesion of the acoustic thalamus on one side. Contralaterally, only the nuclei that project to the amygdala (the medial division of the medial geniculate body, the posterior intralaminar nucleus, and the suprageniculate nucleus) were selectively destroyed, leaving much of the thalamo-cortico-amygdala projection intact. For thalamo-cortico-amygdala pathway lesions, the acoustic thalamus was destroyed on one side and temporal and perirhinal cortices were ablated contralaterally. In these animals, thalamo-amygdala projections were intact on the side of the cortical lesion. Destruction of either pathway alone had no effect on auditory fear conditioning. However, combined lesions of the two sensory pathways disrupted conditioning.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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Emotional responses such as fear are rapidly acquired through classical conditioning. This report examines the neural substrate underlying memory of acquired fear. Rats were classically conditioned to fear both tone and context through the use of aversive foot shocks. Lesions were made in the hippocampus either 1, 7, 14, or 28 days after training. Contextual fear was abolished in the rats that received lesions 1 day after fear conditioning. However, rats for which the interval between learning and hippocampal lesions was longer retained significant contextual fear memory. In the same animals, lesions did not affect fear response to the tone at any time. These results indicate that fear memory is not a single process and that the hippocampus may have a time-limited role in associative fear memories evoked by polymodal (contextual) but not unimodal (tone) sensory stimuli.
The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is a critical component of the circuitry through which environmental stimuli are endowed with emotional meaning through association with painful or threatening events. Individual cells in LA receive convergent input from auditory processing areas in the thalamus and cortex, and the excitatory amino-acid l-glutamate (Glu) participates in synaptic transmission in both pathways. Previously, we characterized the ultrastructure of pre- and postsynaptic processes in the thalamo–amygdala pathway, and showed the relation of presynaptic inputs to N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and α-amino-3-hydoxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) receptor subunits. In the present study, we examined the nature of cortico–amygdala synaptic interactions with Glu receptors in LA and determined whether they are similar or different from those in the thalamo–amygdala pathway. Cortical afferents to the LA were identified by anterograde transport of biotinylated-dextran amine (BDA) and postsynaptic sites were labeled immunocytochemically using antisera directed against the R1 subunit the NMDA receptor, and the R1 and R2/3 subunits of the AMPA receptor. Electron microscopy revealed that the vast majority of cortical afferents (99%) synapse onto distal dendritic processes and most of these processes (62%) contained at least one glutamate receptor subtype. Cortical afferents synapsed on approximately the same proportion of immunoreactive targets for each glutamate receptor subtype examined. These data provide morphological evidence that cortical afferents form direct synaptic contacts with LA neurons that express both NMDA and AMPA receptors and are consistent with recent physiological studies demonstrating the participation of NMDA and AMPA receptors in cortico–amygdala-transmission. These results are nearly identical to those obtained in the studies of the thalamo–amygdala pathway. Synapse 33:218–229, 1999.
Projections from the medial geniculate body (MGB) to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) have been implicated in the conditioning of emotional reactions to acoustic stimuli. Anatomical and physiological studies indicate that this pathway uses the excitatory amino acid L-glutamate as a transmitter. Recent physiological studies have demonstrated that synaptic transmission in the thalamo-amygdala pathway requires the activation of both N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate (AMPA) receptors, two of the major classes of ionotrophic glutamate receptors. In order to characterize the nature of thalamo-amygdala interactions, we examined the synaptic associations between thalamic afferents and amygdala neurons that contain at least one glutamate receptor subtype. Thalamic afferents to the amygdala were identified by lesion-induced anterograde degeneration and anterograde transport of biotinylated dextran-amine, while postsynaptic glutamate receptors were labeled immunocytochemically using antisera directed the R1 subunit of the NMDA receptor and the GluR1 and GluR2/3 subunits of the AMPA receptors. Both methods demonstrated that the majority (77%) of thalamic afferents contact dendritic spines, and most (60%) of these spines express at least one glutamate receptor subtype. To a lesser extent, identified afferents also contacted small and large dendritic shafts, and many of these were immunoreactive. Thalamic afferents terminated on approximately the same proportion (60%) of immunoreactive targets for each glutamate receptor studied. These data provide morphological evidence that thalamic afferents directly synapse onto amygdala neurons that express glutamate receptors and suggest ways in which thalamic afferents activate and influence amygdala circuitry. Synapse 27:106–121, 1997.
Rats with complete excitotoxic hippocampal lesions or selective damage to the dorsal or ventral hippocampus were compared with controls on measures of contextually conditioned freezing in a signaled shock procedure and on a spatial water-maze task. Complete and ventral lesions produced equivalent, significant anterograde deficits in conditioned freezing relative to both dorsal lesions and controls. Complete hippocampal lesions impaired water-maze performance; in contrast, ventral lesions improved performance relative to the dorsal group, which was itself unexpectedly unimpaired relative to controls. Thus, the partial lesion effects seen in the 2 tasks never resembled each other. Anterograde impairments in contextual freezing and spatial learning do not share a common underlying neural basis; complete and ventral lesions may induce anterograde contextual freezing impairments by enhancing locomotor activity under conditions of mild stress.
Rats received either forward or backward pairings of an auditory CS and shock. They were then tested for conditioned suppression to the CS while barpressing for food, licking a sucrose solution, or being spontaneously active. Behavior was simultaneously observed using a time-sampling method. In each case, forward-conditioned animals exhibited more freezing than controls, and freezing was reliably correlated with suppression of the baseline. These results suggest that the different loss-of-baseline measures of aversive conditioning reflect the amount of defensive behavior evoked by the CS. They also suggest the utility of freezing as an index of conditioning. Freezing assayed by the time-sampling method was comparable to the more conventional indices of conditioning in sensitivity to the effects of conditioning.