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Neurosurgical management of occult spinal dysraphism associated with OEIS complex

  • Hachisuga Hospital

Abstract and Figures

OEIS complex has been described as a combination of defects consisting of omphalocele (O), exstrophy of the cloaca (E), imperforate anus (I), and spinal defects (S). As the first three defects are life-threatening and treated on a priority basis, neurosurgical intervention for spinal defects is deferred until recuperation from abdominogenital repair. However, the best timing for neurosurgical operation has not been precisely described. We reviewed our neurosurgical management of three cases (case 1: myelomeningocele; cases 2 and 3: terminal myelocystocele). At 2-6 (3.6 on average) months after birth, neurosurgical procedures, including reduction of the size of the lumbosacral cystic lesion and untethering of the spinal cord, were performed. During this period, the patients' weights increased from 1,911 to 3,368 g on average, and the lumbosacral cystic lesion was markedly enlarged. In all cases, no neurological deterioration was seen, and ventriculoperitoneal shunt was not indicated. Thus, neurosurgical procedures can be performed in patients weighing 3-4 kg and/or at an age of 3 months, after confirming recuperated conditions from abdominogenital repair. Careful observation should be made of the size of the lumbosacral cystic lesion and neurological deterioration.
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Neurosurgical management of occult spinal dysraphism
associated with OEIS complex
Takato Morioka & Kimiaki Hashiguchi &
Fumiaki Yoshida & Kenichi Matsumoto &
Yasushi Miyagi & Shinji Nagata & Takashi Yoshiura &
Kouji Masumoto & Tomoaki Taguchi & Tomio Sasaki
Received: 7 August 2007 / Published online: 26 October 2007
Springer-Verlag 2007
Introduction OEIS complex has been described as a
combination of defects consisting of omphalocele (O),
exstrophy of the cloaca (E), imperforate anus (I), and spinal
defects (S). As the first three defects are life-threatening and
treated on a priority basis, neurosurgical intervention for
spinal defects is deferred until recuperation from abdomi-
nogenital repair. However, the best timing for neurosurgical
operation has not been precisely descri bed.
Materials and methods We reviewed our neurosurgical
management of three cases (case 1: myelomeningocele;
cases 2 and 3: terminal myelocystocele). At 26 (3.6 on
average) months after birth, neurosurgical procedures,
including reduction of the size of the lumbosacral cystic
lesion and untethering of the spinal cord, were perfor med.
Results During this period, the patients weights increased
from 1,911 to 3,368 g on average, and the lumbosacr al
cystic lesion was markedly enlarged. In all cases, no
neurological deterioration was seen, and ventriculoperito-
neal shunt was not indicated.
Conclusion Thus, neurosurgical procedures can be per-
formed in patients weighing 34 kg and/or at an age of
3 months, after confirming recuperated conditions from
abdominogenital repair. Care ful observation should be
made of the size of the lumbosacr al cystic lesion and
neurological deterioration.
Keywords OEIS complex
Terminal myelocystocele
Occult spinal dysraphism
OEIS complex was described by Carey et al. [3]asa
combination of defects consisting of omphalocele (O),
exstrophy of the cloaca (E), imperforate anus (I), and spinal
defects (S). The incidence is not known, as many affected
pregnancies are terminated [1, 12]. Omphalocele, exstrophy
of the cloaca, and imperforate anus are life-threatening and
are treated by pediatric surgeons on a priority basis. By
contrast, the most common pathol ogical condition of spinal
deformity associated with OEIS complex is occult spinal
dysraphism, such as terminal myelocystocele, a deformity
that is covered with normal skin, and neurosurgical
intervention is deferred until recuperation from abdomino-
genital repair [4, 5, 13, 16]. However, the best timing for
neurosurgical operation has not been precisely described.
Thus, we reviewed the clinical and neuroradiological
findings of three cases with OEIS complex from a neu-
rosurgical point of view.
Childs Nerv Syst (2008) 24:723729
DOI 10.1007/s00381-007-0519-y
T. Morioka (*)
K. Hashiguchi
F. Yoshida
K. Matsumoto
Y. Miyagi
S. Nagata
T. Sasaki
Department of Neurosurgery,
Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University,
3-1-1 Maidashi, Higashi-ku,
Fukuoka 812-8582, Japan
T. Yoshiura
Department of Clinical Radiology,
Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University,
Fukuoka 812-8582, Japan
K. Masumoto
T. Taguchi
Department of Pediatric Surgery,
Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University,
Fukuoka 812-8582, Japan
Y. Miyagi
Division of Digital Patient, Digital Medicine Initiative,
Kyushu University,
Fukuoka 812-8582, Japan
Materials and methods
From 1995 to 2006, three patients with OEIS complex were
treated at our university hospital. All patients were female.
Clinical, neuroradiological, and operative findings, as well
as long-term outcomes, were reviewed retrospectively.
All patients were diagnosed as having abdominal-wall
defects with omphalocele and spinal dysraphism by trans-
abdominal ultrasound (US) examination at 2731 weeks of
gestation (Table 1). Case 3 also underwent prenatal
magnetic resonance imag ing (MRI) at 30 weeks and 3 days
of pregnancy, as described previously [6, 14], revealing an
abdominal-wall defect with omphalocele (Fig. 1a) and a
meningocele sac (Fig. 1b). Furthermore, prenatal MRI clearly
demonstrated that neither Chiari malformation nor hydro-
cephalus was present (Fig. 1b).Cases2and3underwent
perinatal management at the perinatal and maternity care unit
of our hospital, and case 1 received care at a related hospital.
In all cases, elective cesarean (C-) section was sched-
uled; however, emergency C-section was performed at
37 weeks 1 day, 33 weeks 4 days, and 36 weeks owing to
the pelvic position of the fetus, fetal distress, and premature
rupture of the membrane in cases 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
Body weight at birth was 1,900, 1,520, and 2,314 g in cases
1, 2, and 3, respectively (1,911 g on average). Apgar scores
were 7/8, 2/9, and 6/8 in cases 1, 2, and 3, respectively. At
birth, typical findings of omphalocele (Fig. 1c), exstrophy
of the cloaca (Fig. 1c), and imperforate anus (Fig. 1d) were
obtained. Small subcutaneous masses (56×3×3 cm in
length, wi dth, and thickness) covered with normal skin
were noted in the lumbosacral region (Fig. 1d). Positive
neurological findings of all cases were paraparesis with
deformity of legs. On 5 days after birth in case 1 and 0 day
in cases 2 and 3, primary or gradual closure of the abdominal
wall, closure of the urinary bladder, and ileostomy were
performed by pediatric surgeons.
Neurosurgical operations were performed at 2 months,
3 months, and 6 months (3.6 months on average) after birth,
respectively. Body weights at the time of neurosurgical
operation were 3,100, 2,505, and 4,500 g (3,368 g on
average) in cases 1, 2, and 3, respectively. During the
period before neurosurgery, the lumbosacral masses of all
patients gradually and markedly increased in size (to 16
23×717×9 cm; Fig. 2ac). However, no neurological
deterioration was present.
In case 1, preoperative MRI revealed a low-lying cord
and cystic dilatation of the terminal spinal cord, which was
surrounded by a huge subarachnoid space (Fig. 2d). At
surgery, opening of the small second cyst revealed a neural
placode anchoring the inner wall of the cyst (Fig. 2c).
Operative diagnosis was myelomeningocele instead of
terminal myelocystocele. The neural placode was unteth-
ered from the cyst wall (Fig. 2j).
In case 2, preoperative MRI also revealed a low-set
conus medullaris with a distal cystic dilatation, which was
surrounded by a huge subarachnoid space (Fig. 2e). Opening
Table 1 Clinical profile of the patients with OEIS complex
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
At birth
Gestation 37 weeks 1 day 33 weeks 4 days 36 weeks
Delivery Emergency C-section
(pelvic position)
Emergency C-section
(fetal distress)
Emergency C-section
Body weight 1,900 g 1,520 g 2,314 g
Apgar score 7/8 2/9 6/8
Lumbosacral mass size
5×3×3 cm 6×3×3 cm 5×3×3 cm
Pediatric surgery 5 days 0 day 0 day
At neurosurgery
Age 2 months 3 months 6 months
Body weight 3,100 g 2,505 g 4,500 g
Lumbosacral mass size 16×7×9 cm 23×17×9 cm 16×7×9 cm
Diagnosis Myelomeningocele Terminal myelocystocele Terminal myelocytocele
At present
Age 12 years 8 years 1 year
Neurology Paraparesis Paraparesis Paraparesis
Chiari malformation + −−
VP shunt −−
C-section Caesarean section; PROM premature rupture of membrane
724 Childs Nerv Syst (2008) 24:723729
of the small second cyst revealed a dilated terminal central
canal that communicated with the rostral central canal, a
typical finding in cases of terminal myelocystocele (Fig. 2h).
A neural placode was untethered from the wall of the cyst
(Fig. 2k), and the central canal was opened to the sub-
arachnoid space.
In case 3, preoperative MRI also revealed cystic
dilatation of the terminal spinal cord, which communicated
with the rostral hydromyelia (Fig. 2f). The lumbosacral
mass had two cystic components. Three-dimensional (3-D)
constructive interference in steady-state (CISS) imaging
was performed, as described previously [8, 9, 15, 18].
Serial sections of a thin-sliced reconstructed sagittal view of
3-D CISS images clearly showed the terminal myelocysto-
cele forming a caudal (main) cyst and rostal hydrom yelia
forming a rostral cyst (Fig. 3a). The two cystic lesions were
divided by a soft-tissue band. Although coronal CISS images
failed to reveal t his complicated pathology (Fig. 3b),
Fig. 1 Case 3. a, b Sagi ttal
view of a heavily T2-weighted
image (T2WI) with half-Fourier
acquisition single-shot turbo spin-
echo (HASTE) sequences at
30 weeks and 3 days of gestation
showing the abdominal-wall de-
fect with omphalocele (a, arrows)
and occult spinal dysraphism (b,
arrows). Neither Chiari malfor-
mation nor hydrocephalus is
noted. c, d Photograph at birth.
Typical findings of omphalocele
(c, white arrows), exstrophy of
the cloaca (c, black arrows) and
imperforate anus (d, white ar-
row) are seen. A small mass
covered with normal skin is
noted at the lumbosacral region
(d, black arrow)
Childs Nerv Syst (2008) 24:723729 725
curvilinear reconstruction of CISS sequences, reconstructed
according to the curved planes of the spinal cord, clearly
showed the topographical relationship between the two
cysts (two com ponents of the syringocele; Fig. 3c).
Opening of the cyst revealed an open central canal that
communicated with the rostral central canal (Fig. 2i). The
neural placode was untethered from the wall of the cyst,
and the central canal was opened to the subarachnoid space
(Fig. 2l). A fibromuscular band divided the two compo-
nents of the cyst.
Fig. 2 a, b, c Photograph of case 1 at 2 months, case 2 at 3 months,
and case 3 at 6 months, respectively. Note the giant lumbosacral mass,
which markedly increased in size (compare Fig. 2c with Fig. 1d). d, e, f
Preoperative sagittal view of conventional T2WI of cases 1, 2, and 3,
respectively. In cases 1 and 2, MRI reveals a low-lying spinal cord and a
cystic dilatation of the terminal cord, which is surrounded by a huge
subarachnoid space (d, e). In case 3, MRI also demonstrates a low-set
conus medullaris with cystic dilatation of the terminal cord, which is
connected to rostral hydromyelia (f). g, h, i Intraoperative photograph
after opening of the cystic lesions of cases 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
(Rostral to the viewerstop) j, k, l Intraoperative photograph after
untethering of the spinal cord of cases 1, 2 and 3, respectively. In case 1,
opening of the small cyst reveals a neural placode (g, white arrows)
anchoring the inner wall of the cyst, and myelomeningocele instead of
terminal myelocystocele is diagnosed. The neural placode is untethered
(j). In case 2, opening of the cyst reveals a dilated central canal that
communicates with the rostral central canal (h, white arrow). The neural
placode is untethered from the wall of the cyst, and the central canal is
opened to the subarachnoid space (k). In case 3, opening of the cyst
reveals a dilated central canal that communicates with the rostral central
canal (i). The neural placode is untethered from the wall of the cyst, and
the central canal i s opened to the subarachnoid space (l). A
fibromuscular band, which divides the two components of the cyst, is
726 Childs Nerv Syst (2008) 24:723729
As there was no ventricular enlargement in all cases, a
ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt was not indicated. Postop-
erative MRI confirmed the successful untethering of the
spinal cord. Syringomyelia was absent. Only case 1 had
Chiari malformation. At the 112 year follow-up, intellec-
tual development was shown to be normal in these patients;
however, there was no improvement in paraparesis. Cases 1
and 2 go to an ordinary junior high school and elementary
school, respectively, with the use of wheelchairs, and their
school marks are close to average.
The striking coexistence of occult spinal dysraphism, such
as terminal myelocystocele, with cloacal exstrophy, as seen
in OEIS complex, is well known [2, 5 ]. Cohen [5] suggests
that the entire spectrum of abnormalities in both cloacal
exstrophy and occult spinal dysraphism can be explained
by a single defect in the developing embryonic tail. The
coexistence of these de fects can be explained by the
proximity of the neural tube to the cloaca in the developing
embryo. A single insult to the primitive streak after closure
of the posterior neuropo re during the second month of
development can explain the pathogenesis of both cloacal
exstrophy and spinal dysraphism [5, 12]. Another notable
complex, which is complicated with occult spinal dysra-
phism, is VATER syndrome (for the nonrandom association
of vertebral abnormality, anal imperforation, tracheoeso-
phageal fistula, and renal-radial abnormalities) [4, 16]. We
have not experienced cases of VATER syndrome.
Terminal myelocystoceles are the most common spinal
dysraphism in patients with OEIS complex, although they
can occur independently of cloacal exstrophy [7, 10]. Choi
and McComb [4] reported a large series of cases of terminal
myelocystocele, in which seven out of nine cases had OEIS
complex. In Pangs[16] series, three of the four cases of
OEIS complex had a spinal cord ending in a terminal
myelocystocele, and the fourth case had a spinal lipoma of
transitional type. In the present study, two cases (cases 2
and 3) had terminal myelocystocele, and one had myelo-
To detect OEIS complex prenatally, fetal US examina-
tion remains the most noninvasive and best tool [1]. The
main prenatal US findings are ventral-wall defects with
omphalocele, skin-covered lumbosacral neural tube defects,
Fig. 3 Case 3. a Serial sections
of a thin-sliced reconstructed
sagittal view of three-dimensional
constructive interference in
steady-state (CISS) images
clearly demonstrate the terminal
myelocystocele and rostal
hydromyelia forming a rostral
cystic lesion. The two cystic
lesions are divided by a soft
tissue band. b Coronal CISS
images fail to reveal the com-
plicated pathology. c Curvilinear
reconstruction of CISS se-
quence, reconstructed according
to the curved planes of the
spinal cord, clearly demonstrates
the topographical relationship
between two cystic lesions
Childs Nerv Syst (2008) 24:723729 727
and nonvisualized bladder; however, prenatal US examina-
tion fails to demonstrate the abdominal genitalia, bladder
exstrophy, and anal atresia [1]. With detailed US examina-
tion, prenatal diagnosis can be made as early as 16 weeks of
gestation [1]. In this study, all patients were diagnosed as
having omphalocele and spina bifida by routine trans-
abdominal US examination at 2731 weeks of gestation.
In addition to US, information provided by prenatal MRI
permits a better understanding of the m orphological
abnormalities of the fetus [6, 14]. In particular, the half-
Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo (HASTE)
sequence, in which high-resolution heavily T2-weighted
images can be obtained in a reasonable time [19], provides
diagnostic images of the fetus [6, 14]. However, as far as
we know, there is no previous report regarding MRI in
fetuses with OEIS complex. In our case 3, HASTE MRI at
30 weeks and 3 days of gestation clearly demonstrated a
ventral-wall defect with omphalocele and a skin-covered
lumbosacral neural tube defect. Neither Chiari malforma-
tion nor hydrocephalus was present. However, it is difficult
to demonstrate abdominal genitalia, bladder exstrophy, and
anal atresia, as it is by US examination. Furthermore, the
type of spinal dysraphism could not be elucidated.
After birth, conventional MRI has been the inves tigation
of choice for the diagnosis of occult spina dysraphism, and
terminal myelocystocele typically shows a dilated ventric-
ulus terminalis with a trumpet-like flare [ 2, 7, 17]. In the
present study, preoperative diagnosis with conventional
MRI of all our patients was terminal myelocytocele;
however, operative findings reveale d that c ase 1 ha d
myelomeningocele instead of terminal myelocystocele. A
possible main reason for this misdiagnosis is that conven-
tional MRI provides sections that are 25 mm thick, a
thickness that is insufficient for detailed imaging of the
neural placode or nerves in neonates and infants [8, 9, 15].
In our previous studies, we reported on the usefulness of
3-D CISS sequence for diagnosing spinal dysraphism
[8, 9, 15]. It is possible to reconstruct 3-D CISS images
with a minimum slice thickness of 0.20.3 mm in any
specified linear or curved plane [8, 9, 15 ,18].
Case 3 had two cystic components in the lumbosacr al
mass, and serial sagittal sections and curvilinear reformat of
3-D CIS S clearly demonstrated that both cystic components
were serial syringoceles, which were divided by a fibro-
muscular band. Although conventional MRI is an excellent
screening test for spinal dysraphism associated with OEIS
complex, the details of spinal dysraphism can be further
delineated by 3-D CISS ima ges, which can also serve as a
surgical road map.
The main goal of neurosurgical intervention is to reduce
the size of the mass and to untether the spinal cord,
although these patients have no chance of bowel or bladder
control [4, 7]. In our cases, successful untethering of the
spinal cord was performed, and neurological deterioration
was not seen during long-term follow-up. Once the placode
is untethered, previous authors [4, 7] have stated that the
conus should be reconstructed with interrupted pia-arachnoidal
sutures to reduce the surface area available for scarring and
subsequent retethering. However , it is postulated that the
caudal part of the central canal should be opened to the
subarachnoid space (terminal ventriculostomy), as the terminal
myelocystocele is hydromyelic caudal spinal cord. To close the
central canal may cause subsequent hydromyelia in the rostral
spinal cord.
It is clear that neurosurgical treatment for occult spinal
dysraphism should usually be undertaken after the infant
recovers from the initial series of major abdominopelvic
procedures, as omphalocele, exstrophy of the cloaca, and
imperforate anus are life-threatening [5, 16]. However,
there are no established guidelines regarding the optimal
timing of neurosurgery. Although Choi and McComb [ 4 ]
documented that neurosurgical correction of the myelocys-
tocele in seven patients associated with OEIS complex was
undertaken between the ages of 1 and 19 months, with a
mean of 5 months, there was no theoretical basis regarding
the timing of neurosurgery.
One of the possible reasons why the neurosurgical
procedure would be deferred is low body weight of the
baby with serious anomalies. Although there is no precise
description of the body weight at birth of babies with OEIS
complex, the body weight of our babies was as low as
1,911 g on average. At our institute, when lumbosacral
lipoma with intact or subtle neurologic al findings is
diagnosed at birth, surgery is postponed until a baby
reaches a weight of 5 kg and/or an age of 3 months [15].
Another reason for delaying neurosurgery is that a VP
shunt may be necessary after the resection of the myelo-
meningocele or myelocystocele sac. As seen in our series, a
previous study revealed that pati ents with occult spinal
dysraphism have a low incidence of intracranial abnormal-
ities associated with opened spinal dysraphism, such as
Chiari malformation and hydrocephalus [11]. However,
Choi and McComb [4] demonstrated that one out of seven
patients with OEIS complex required a VP shunt for
progressive hydrocephalus. Gupta and Mahapatra [7] also
stated that hydrocephalus was seen in one case with
associated aqueductal stenosis out of 17 cases with terminal
myelocystocele (not associated with OEIS complex). As the
necessity of a VP shunt can not be completely excluded,
neurosurgical procedures are deferred until complete
recovery from abdominogenital problems is achieved.
However, all patients presented with progressively
increasing lumbosacral cystic masses [4, 7]. In all our
patients, the lumbosacral cystic lesion also slowly and
markedly grew from 56×3×3 cm to 1623×717×9 cm in
length, width, and thickness, during the postnatal 26months.
728 Childs Nerv Syst (2008) 24:723729
It is postulated that increased body weight (averaged 1,457 g)
is mostly attributed to increased cerebrospinal fluid in the
cyst, as it is hard for patients with intestinal problems, such as
ileostomy, to gain weight. A more important indication of
neurosurgery is neurological deterioration [4], as the clinical
manifestation of occult spinal dysraphism is probably due to
worsening of the tethering effect [16]. Case 2 of McLone and
Naidichs[13] series underwent repair of terminal myelo-
cystocele at 15 weeks of age because of deterioration of
paraparesis. However, in our patients, no neurological
deterioration was seen. Thus, neurosurgical procedures can
be performed in patients weighing 34kgand/oratanage
of 3 months, after confirming recuperated conditions from
abdominogenital repair. Careful observation should be made
of the size of the lumbosacral cystic lesion and neurological
Acknowledgment We thank Mikiko Hidaka for her valuable
assistance in preparing the manuscript.
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Childs Nerv Syst (2008) 24:723729 729
... Terminal myelocystocele (TMC) is a rare closed spinal dysraphism characterized by cystic dilatation of the terminal part of the central canal, surrounded by a subarachnoid space that then herniates dorsally to an extraspinal region through a posterior spina bifida. [5,6,13,15,20,21] TMC is one of the common spinal deformities associated with OEIS complex, which is a congenital condition consisting of omphalocele (O), exstrophy of the cloaca (E), imperforate anus (I), and spinal deformity (S) with an estimated incidence of one in 100,000-400,000 live births. [3,7] Because the first three conditions are life threatening and may determine prognosis, they are treated by pediatric surgeons and urologists on a priority basis. ...
... Neurosurgical intervention for closed spinal dysraphism, which is covered with normal skin, is deferred until other lifesaving procedures have been performed. [15,19,24] Some types of closed spinal dysraphism, including TMC, accompany the extraspinal portion filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which may progressively enlarge, leading to neurological deterioration, and early untethering surgery is recommended. [9,11,20] We present a case of TMC associated with OEIS in which the untethering surgery was deferred until 10 months after birth because of the delayed healing of the giant omphalocele and the respiratory instability due to hypoplastic thorax and increased intra-abdominal pressure. ...
... [8] At our institutes, untethering surgeries for TMC cases with OEIS have been performed immediately after recuperation from abdominogenital repair, and the postoperative course has been uneventful. [15] In the present case, we performed surgery for untethering and duraplasty in the same manner as before, except that the time of neurosurgery was delayed to 10 months after birth. erefore, the deferment of neurosurgery may be the principal factor for postoperative complication. ...
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Background Terminal myelocystocele (TMC) is an occult spinal dysraphism characterized by cystic dilatation of the terminal spinal cord in the shape of a trumpet (myelocystocele) filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which herniates into the extraspinal subcutaneous region. The extraspinal CSF-filled portion of the TMC, consisting of the myelocystocele and the surrounding subarachnoid space, may progressively enlarge, leading to neurological deterioration, and early untethering surgery is recommended. Case Description We report a case of a patient with TMC associated with OEIS complex consisting of omphalocele (O), exstrophy of the cloaca (E), imperforate anus (I), and spinal deformity (S). The untethering surgery for TMC had to be deferred until 10 months after birth because of the delayed healing of the giant omphalocele and the respiration instability due to hypoplastic thorax and increased intra-abdominal pressure. The TMC, predominantly the surrounding subarachnoid space, enlarged during the waiting period, resulting in the expansion of the caudal part of the dural sac. Although untethering surgery for the TMC was uneventfully performed with conventional duraplasty, postoperative CSF leakage occurred, and it took three surgical interventions to repair it. External CSF drainage, reduction of the size of the caudal part of the dural sac and use of gluteus muscle flaps and collagen matrix worked together for the CSF leakage. Conclusion Preoperative enlargement of the TMC, together with the surrounding subarachnoid space, can cause the refractory CSF leakage after untethering surgery because the expanded dural sac possibly increases its own tensile strength and impedes healing of the duraplasty. Early untethering surgery is recommended after recovery from the life-threatening conditions associated with OEIS complex.
... [11] e terminal myelocystocele (TMCC) is an unusual type of closed spinal dysraphism, characterized by cystic dilatation of the terminal portion of the central canal with a trumpet-like configuration that herniates through a spinal bifida. [1,7,8,18,19] In addition, the histopathological features of the TMCC wall are the same as those of RMC. Although the precise embryopathogenesis of TMCC remains obscure, recent authors considered that TMCC is also regression failure at the stage of the persistent terminal balloon, which is normally formed at the distal tip of the medullary cord and destined to detach from the skin and regress. ...
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Background The retained medullary cord (RMC), caudal lipoma, and terminal myelocystocele (TMCC) are thought to originate from the failed regression spectrum during the secondary neurulation, and the central histopathological feature is the predominant presence of a central canal-like ependyma-lined lumen (CC-LELL) with surrounding neuroglial tissues (NGT), as a remnant of the medullary cord. However, reports on cases in which RMC, caudal lipoma, and TMCC coexist are very rare. Case Description We present two patients with cystic RMC with caudal lipoma and caudal lipoma with an RMC component, respectively, based on their clinical, neuroradiological, intraoperative, and histopathological findings. Although no typical morphological features of TMCC were noted on neuroimaging, histopathological examination revealed that a CC-LELL with NGT was present in the extraspinal stalk, extending from the skin lesion to the intraspinal tethering tract. Conclusion This histopathological finding indicates the presence of TMCC that could not be completely regressed and further supports the idea that these pathologies can be considered consequences of a continuum of regression failure during secondary neurulation.
... En 1978, se describió por primera vez una asociación entre cuatro malformaciones congénitas graves con el acrónimo en inglés OEIS (Onphalocele, Extrophy bladder, Imperforated ano, Spinal defects) (1, 2) y ocasionalmente también se han descubierto otras espinal asociada con el complejo OEIS es el disrafismo espinal oculto (6), que se define como un grupo de malformaciones congénitas de la columna y la médula espinal caracterizadas por falla de fusión (total o parcial) de las estructuras neurales, el hueso y la línea media mesenquimatosa (7). Se desconoce la fisiopatología de esta entidad (8), se han propuesto varias hipótesis para explicar los mecanismos de desarrollo que conducen a la expresión fenotípica del complejo OEIS (9) y se cree que es causado por un defecto en la formación del mesodermo caudal y la migración entre las capas ectodérmica y endodérmica de la membrana cloacal, lo que lleva a una ruptura prematura o anormal de la membrana cloacal con respecto a la migración del tabique urorectal (10,11). ...
El complejo OEIS es un acrónimo en inglés que se refiere a una combinación de defectos que incluyen (Onphalocele, Extrophy bladder, Imperforated ano, Spinal defects). Es una malformación polimórfica poco frecuente. Su prevalencia mundial se ha estimado entre 0,04 % en recién nacidos o 1 caso por 200 000 – 400 000 embarazos, con una relación hombre /mujer de 1:2. Se describe caso de una gestante de 17 años de edad, con embarazo de 21 semanas, con diagnóstico antenatal de complejo OEIS evaluado por ecografía en la unidad de perinatología “Dr. Freddy Guevara Zuloaga” del Hospital Universitario de Caracas.El embarazo culminó de manera espontánea en óbito fetal a las 26 semanas de gestación. Se procedió a realizar correlación entre el estudio anatomopatológico y los hallazgos ecográficos antenatales y radiológicos posnatales. Se efectúa una revisión de la literatura referente al caso. Palabras clave: Complejo OEIS, Hallazgos ecográficos, Defectos de pared abdominal.
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Introducción. El complejo OEIS es un conjunto de defectos polimalformativos con baja incidencia y prevalencia mundial que suele estar asociado a causas epigenéticas y genéticas que ocasionan alteración al final de la blastogénesis, dando como resultado la asociación de cuatro malformaciones clásicas: onfalocele, extrofia vesical, ano imperforado y lesiones de la médula espinal. En ocasiones también se presenta espina bífida, diástasis de la sínfisis púbica y anormalidades en las extremidades. Presentación del caso. Paciente femenina de 7 meses de edad (al momento de la elaboración del presente reporte), procedente de un área rural colombiana, producto de una tercera gestación con alto riesgo obstétrico y diagnosticada prenatalmente con un defecto en el plegamiento caudal de la pared abdominal y un lipomeningocele. Durante el nacimiento se evidenció extrofia vesical, ano imperforado y disrafismo espinal, lo que permitió plantear el diagnóstico de complejo OEIS e iniciar manejo interdisciplinario pertinente. Conclusiones. El complejo OEIS es una polimalformación fetal con signos y anomalías características, en donde los conocimientos sobre la etiopatogenia, el diagnóstico pre y postnatal, el asesoramiento genético y las propuestas terapéuticas son primordiales para favorecer el manejo precoz de las diferentes comorbilidades, aliviar la sintomatología aguda, reducir múltiples comorbilidades y mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente.
Introduction: The retained medullary cord (RMC) is a newly defined entity of closed spinal dysraphism that is thought to originate from regression failure of the medullary cord during the last phase of secondary neurulation. The terminal myelocystocele (TMC) is an unusual type of closed spinal dysraphism, characterized by localized cystic dilatation of the terminal part of the central canal that then herniates through a posterior spinal bifida. The co-occurrence of RMC and TMC is extremely rare. Case presentation: We treated a baby girl with a huge sacrococcygeal meningocele-like sac with two components. Untethering surgery and repair surgery for the sac revealed that RMC, associated with intramedullary arachnoid cyst (IMAC), was terminated at the bottom of the rostral cyst, forming the septum of the two cystic components, and the caudal cyst was TMC derived from the central canal-like ependymal lining lumen (CC-LELL) of the RMC at the septum. IMAC within the RMC communicated with TMC, and both contained xanthochromic fluid with the same properties. Conclusion: We speculated that the mass effect of the coexistent IMAC impeded the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the CC-LELL within the RMC and eventually formed a huge TMC. In surgical strategies for such complex pathologies, it is important to identify the electrophysiological border between the functional cord and nonfunctional RMC and the severe RMC to untether the cord, as with a typical or simple RMC.
Objective: Myelocystocele (MCC) is an uncommon form of skin-covered spinal dysraphism. The authors aimed to present long-term functional outcomes of patients treated for MCC with and without associated abnormalities of cloacal development (ACD). Methods: All patients with MCC and at least one tethered cord release (TCR) treated at a single institution between 1982 and 2019 were retrospectively reviewed. Demographic, operative, and functional outcome data were analyzed. Results: Of 51 children with MCC, 30 (58.8%) had MCC only and 21 (41.2%) had associated ACD (MCC/ACD). Thirty-two patients (62.7%) had undergone one TCR, while 19 patients (37.3%) had multiple TCRs. Urinary continence assessment was possible in 41 patients (80.4%), and bowel continence assessment was possible in 43 patients (84.3%) who were either older than 6 years or toilet trained. Although patients with MCC only were more likely to void volitionally (p = 0.0001), there was no difference in overall bladder continence based on the presence of ACD (p = 0.15) or the need for additional untethering procedures (p = 0.15). Those with MCC only were more likely to have overall bowel continence (p = 0.0001) and not require any management (p = 0.002), while those with MCC/ACD were more likely to have an ileostomy (p = 0.01). Of the 30 patients with MCC only, 29 (96.7%) were able to ambulate in the community. Of 21 patients with MCC/ACD, 14 (66.7%) were able to ambulate in the community, 5 (23.8%) were not ambulating, and 2 (9.5%) were therapeutic ambulators. A greater proportion of children in the MCC cohort were ambulating in the community (p = 0.01). There was no difference in community ambulation based on the number of TCRs (p > 0.99), but those with multiple TCRs were more likely to use braces (p = 0.01) and require lower-extremity orthopedic surgery (p = 0.01). Conclusions: Patients born with an MCC, with or without an associated ACD, attained long-term favorable outcomes in bladder and bowel continence and ambulation.
Cutaneous stigmata of the midline spine are a common question in pediatrics. They are known to be related to a higher likelihood of underlying dysraphic spinal abnormalities. Clear understanding of different types of cutaneous stigmata and correlating dysraphic findings can aid in appropriate imaging workup and timely management of patient pathology. In this article, the authors review midline spinal cutaneous findings in the pediatric population with occult spinal dysraphism.
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The aim of this study was to evaluate three-dimensional Fourier transformation-constructive interference in steady-state (CISS) imaging as a preoperative anatomical evaluation of the relationship between the placode, spinal nerve roots, CSF space, and the myelomeningocele sac in neonates with lumbosacral myeloschisis. Five consecutive patients with lumbosacral myeloschisis were included in this study. Magnetic resonance (MR) CISS, conventional T1-weighted (T1-W) and T2-weighted (T2-W) images were acquired on the day of birth to compare the anatomical findings with each sequence. We also performed curvilinear reconstruction of the CISS images, which can be reconstructed along the curved spinal cord and neural placode. Neural placodes were demonstrated in two patients on T1-W images and in three patients on T2-W images. T2-W images revealed a small number of nerve roots in two patients, while no nerve roots were demonstrated on T1-W images. In contrast, CISS images clearly demonstrated neural placodes and spinal nerve roots in four patients. These findings were in accordance with intraoperative findings. Curvilinear CISS images demonstrated the neuroanatomy around the myeloschisis in one slice. The resulting images were degraded by a band artifact that obstructed fine anatomical analysis of the nerve roots in the ventral CSF space. The placode and nerve roots could not be visualized in one patient in whom the CSF space was narrow due to the collapse of the myelomeningocele sac. MR CISS imaging is superior to T1-W and T2-W imaging for demonstrating the neural placode and nerve roots, although problems remain in terms of artifacts.
The midline abdominal and pelvic defects of omphalocele (O), exstrophy of the bladder (E), imperforate anus (I), and spine (S) abnormalities occurring together in the same individual (OEIS complex) have received sparse attention in the literature. This constellation has been labeled with a wide variety of complicated and difficult-to-remember names including exstrophy of the cloaca, exstrophia splanchnica, vesicointestinal fissure, and ectopic cloaca. The above pattern of defects is frequently confused with other abdominal and pelvic malformations or considered a nonspecific pattern of malformations. Littre reported the first case of this condition in 1709 and Meckel added a similar patient in 1812. Between 1868 and 1974, 91 cases were documented in the literature. The incidence of the OEIS complex has been estimated to be 1/200,000 to 1/250,000. No familial cases have been described. The OEIS association presents with the striking midline defects mentioned above. The associated omphalocele is located more caudally than the usual isolated omphalocele and lies just cephalad to the everted lateral walls of the urinary bladder. The small bowel usually ends blindly and is often prolapsed into the midportion of the defect between the bladder walls. An orifice opening into a blind colonic remnant or tailgut lies just caudad to the bladder. Other gastro-intestinal defects such as malrotation and bowel shortening are common. Abnormalities of the external genitalia are present, with either total absence of any genital structure or various degrees of ambiguity. The upper urinary tract is abnormal in half of these patients. Imperforate anus and abnormalities of the lower spine such as hemivertebrae or sacral meningocele are also features. Club-feet and positional deformities of the lower limb are secondary effects that may occur as a result of the lower spine defect. Ten patients form the basis of this report and represent the largest single series reported to date. We suggest that the pattern involved be designated the OEIS complex, because this term is simple and recalls all of the major defects present. We also propose that the OEIS complex is a distinct and clinically recognizable entity of heterogeneous etiology.
Five infants with cloacal exstrophy underwent neurological evaluation and radiographic examination of the caudal spine shortly after birth. Each was found to have occult spinal dysraphism. Four had terminal myelocystoceles, and one had a lipomyelomeningocele. Pathological anatomy was confirmed during surgery for the release of the tethered spinal cords. The striking association between cloacal exstrophy and occult spinal dysraphism suggests a common developmental defect in the caudal pole of the embryo. A hypothesis is offered to explain this association. Terminal myelocystocele and lipomyelomeningocele appear to be part of a continuum of lesions associated with skin-covered spina bifida.
Two cases of terminal myelocystocele, a rare localized cystic dilatation of the caudal spinal central canal, are reviewed. Magnetic resonance imaging is a useful diagnostic tool for its evaluation. Terminal myelocystocele consists of the following: a myelocystocele which contains a "trumpet-like" flaring of the distal spinal cord central canal and thus is partially lined by ependymal tissue; a meningocele or dilated subarachnoid space located around the myelocystocele, which bulges into the subcutaneous region; and fibrolipomatous tissue surrounding the two cysts. This condition is usually associated with abnormalities of the vertebral column and sacrum as well as compression of the spinal cord and meningocele by a fibrous band. There is a possible relationship of the myelocystocele to teratogens such as loperamide HCl and retinoic acid, although the exact etiology of this entity is not known.
Terminal myelocystoceles constitute approximately 5% of skin-covered lumbosacral masses and are especially common in patients with cloacal exstrophy. Pathologically, terminal myelocystocele consists of (a) a skin-covered lumbosacral spina bifida (b) an arachnoid-lined meningocele that is directly continuous with the spinal subarachnoid space; and (c) a low-lying, hydromyelic spinal cord that traverses the meningocele and then expands into a large terminal cyst. The terminal cyst bulges into the extraarachnoid compartment caudal to the meningocele and forms a distal sac that does not communicate with the subarachnoid space. The terminal cyst is lined by ependyma and dysplastic glia, is directly continuous with the dilated central canal of the cord, and probably represents a ballooned terminal ventricle. Patients with terminal myelocystocele have normal intellectual potential and are usually born without neurological deficit, so these defects must be identified and repaired early, before the onset or progression of lower extremity pareses.
Thirty-three children and one adult with sacral agenesis (SA) were studied by computed tomographic myelography and/or magnetic resonance imaging and were monitored for a mean period of 4.7 years. Four children had the OEIS (concurrent omphalocele, cloacal exstrophy, imperforate anus, and spinal deformities) complex, and three others had VATER (vertebral abnormality, anal imperforation, tracheoesophageal fistula, and renal-radial anomalies) syndrome. All patients shared some of the characteristic features of SA, namely, a short, intergluteal cleft, flattened buttocks, narrow hips, distal leg atrophy, and talipes deformities. Neurologically, lumbosacral sensation was much better preserved than the motor functions, and urinary and bowel symptoms were universal. The level of the vertebral aplasia was correlated with the motor but not with the sensory level. The important neuroimaging findings of SA were as follows: 1) 12 patients (35%) had nonstenotic, tapered narrowing of the caudal bony canal, and 2 patients had hyperostosis indenting the caudal thecal sac; 2) 16 patients (47%) had nonstenotic, tapered narrowing and shortening of the dural sac, but 3 patients (9%) had true, symptomatic dural stenosis, in which the cauda equina was severely constricted by a pencil-sized caudal dural sac; 3) the coni could be divided into those ending above the L1 vertebral body (Group 1, 14 patients) and those ending below L1 (Group 2, 20 patients). Thirteen of 14 Group 1 coni were club or wedge-shaped, terminating abruptly at T11 or T12, as if the normal tip was missing. All 20 Group 2 coni were tethered: 13 were tethered by a thick filum; 2 were extremely elongated and had a terminal hydromyelia; 3 were terminal myelocystoceles; and 2 were tethered by a transitional lipoma. High blunt coni were highly correlated with high (severe) sacral malformations (sacrum ending at S1), but low-lying tethered coni were highly correlated with low sacral malformations (S2 or lower pieces present).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
To delineate the clinical and MR findings in children with an unusual type of spinal dysraphism, the terminal myelocystocele. Infants with a terminal myelocystocele carry a favorable neurologic prognosis if the entity is diagnosed early. Understanding the MR characteristics of this entity will allow for earlier and more accurate diagnosis. Analysis of the medical charts and MR studies in 15 children with surgically and histologically proven myelocystocele. In all 15 children, MR demonstrated the primary findings of a terminal cyst of the central canal of the spinal cord which is tethered and herniated with arachnoid and cerebrospinal fluid through an area of spinal dysraphia onto the back as a mass. Of these children, 10 had additional findings (one or more) on MR of Chiari I (five cases), Chiari II (one case), cervicothoracic hydromyelia (two cases), lumbar hydromyelia (two cases), hydrocephalus (2 cases) segmentation anomalies of vertebrae (3 cases) and partial agenesis of sacrum (six cases). Of the clinical findings, all 15 children had a back mass, 10 also had cloacal exstrophy. One had imperforate anus, 10 were girls, five had ambiguous genitalia and all were neurologically intact. Children with a terminal myelocystocele present with a back mass and there is a high association with cloacal exstrophy. MR is the best noninvasive modality to diagnose all of the components of a terminal myelocystocele and the associated central nervous system findings.
The value of a half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo (HASTE) sequence, in which high-resolution heavily T2-weighted images can be obtained within 2 sec, was evaluated in the imaging of the fetus during the second or third trimester. Eighteen women with complicated pregnancies as revealed on a sonogram during the second and third trimesters (16-36 weeks' gestation) were studied with a 1.5-T superconductive MR imaging unit that used a body phased-array coil. After informed consent, T1-weighted fast low-angle shot images, T2-weighted turbo spin-echo images, and HASTE images were obtained without any premedication. Images were analyzed with regard to image quality, degree of blurring, visualization of the normal fetal organs, and visualization of fetal and maternal abnormalities. On HASTE sequences, visualization of the fetal brain, visceral organs (lung, heart, liver, kidney, and bladder), extremities, and umbilical cord were significantly better than on fast low-angle shot or turbo spin-echo sequences (p < .01). In the brain, the white matter-gray matter distinction, gyrus formation, and myelination of the brain were clearly revealed by the HASTE sequence. Pathologic processes including fetal abnormalities (anomalies of the central nervous systems [n = 5], placenta previa [n = 1], and transverse lie in the third trimester [n = 1]) and maternal abnormalities (leiomyoma [n = 5], ovarian tumors [n = 3], and hydronephrosis [n = 1]) were clearly seen on HASTE imaging. The peak specific absorption rate for RF exposure in these studies was less than 1.5 W/kg. In situations when sonography is suggestive but not definitive, MR imaging with a HASTE sequence allows clear fetal imaging with high T2-weighted contrast.