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Food Packaging?Roles, Materials, and Environmental Issues

  • Woodstock Institute for Science & the Humanities

Abstract and Figures

The Institute of Food Technologists has issued this Scientific Status Summary to update readers on food packaging and its impact on the environment.
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R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
JFS R: Concise Reviews/Hypotheses in Food Science
Food Packaging—Roles, Materials,
and Environmental Issues
The Institute of Food Technologists has issued this Scientific Status Summary to update readers on food packaging
and its impact on the environment.
Keywords: food packaging, food processing
Advances in food processing and food packaging play a pri-
mary role in keeping the U.S. food supply among the safest in
the world. Simply stated, packaging maintains the benefits
of food processing after the process is complete, enabling foods to
travel safely for long distances from their point of origin and still be
wholesome at the time of consumption. However, packaging tech-
nology must balance food protection with other issues, including
energy and material costs, heightened social and environmental
consciousness, and strict regulations on pollutants and disposal of
municipal solid waste.
Municipal solid waste (MSW) consists of items commonly thrown
away,including packages, food scraps, yard trimmings, and durable
items such as refrigerators and computers. Legislative and regula-
tory efforts to control packaging are based on the mistaken percep-
tion that packaging is the major burden of MSW. Instead, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that approximately
only 31% of the MSW generated in 2005 was from packaging-related
materials, including glass, metal, plastic, paper, and paperboard—a
percentage that has remained relativelyconstant since the 1990s de-
spite an increase in the total amount of MSW. Nonpackaging sources
suchasnewsprint, telephone books,andofficecommunicationgen-
erate more than twice as much MSW (EPA 2006a). Food is the only
product class typically consumed 3 times per day by every person.
Consequently, food packaging accounts for almost two-thirds of to-
tal packaging waste by volume (Hunt and others 1990). Moreover,
food packaging is approximately 50% (by weight) of total packaging
sales. Although the specific knowledge available has changed since
publication of the 1st Scientific Status Summary on the relationship
between packaging and MSW (IFT 1991), the issue remains poorly
understood, complicating efforts to address the environmental im-
pact of discarded packaging materials. This article describes the role
of food packaging in the food supply chain, the types of materials
used in food packaging, and the impact of food packaging on the
environment. In addition, this document provides an overview of
EPA’s solid waste management guidelines and other waste manage-
AuthorMarshis president of KennethS. Marsh & Associates, Ltd., Central,SC,
U.S.A. Author Bugusu is Research Scientist, Dept. of Science and Technology
Projects, Institute of Food Technologists, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Direct
inquiries to author Bugusu (E-mail:
ment options. Finally, it addresses disposal methods and legislation
on packaging disposal.
Roles of Food Packaging
The principal roles of food packaging are to protect food prod-
ucts from outside influences and damage, to contain the food,
and to provide consumers with ingredient and nutritional informa-
tion (Coles 2003). Traceability, convenience, and tamper indication
are secondary functions of increasing importance. The goal of food
packaging is to contain food in a cost-effective way that satisfies in-
dustry requirements and consumer desires, maintains food safety,
and minimizes environmental impact.
Food packaging can retard product deterioration, retain the ben-
eficial effects of processing, extend shelf-life, and maintain or in-
crease the quality and safety of food. In doing so,packaging provides
protection from 3 major classes of external influences: chemical, bi-
ological, and physical.
Chemical protection minimizes compositional changes trig-
gered by environmental influences such as exposure to gases
(typically oxygen), moisture (gain or loss), or light (visible, infrared,
or ultraviolet). Many different packaging materials can provide a
chemical barrier. Glass and metals provide a nearly absolute barrier
to chemical and other environmental agents, but few packages are
purely glass or metal since closure devices are added to facilitate
both filling and emptying. Closure devices may contain materials
that allow minimal levels of permeability. For example, plastic caps
have some permeability to gases and vapors, as do the gasket mate-
rials used in caps to facilitate closure and in metal can lids to allow
sealing after filling. Plastic packaging offers a large range of barrier
properties but is generally more permeable than glass or metal.
Biological protection provides a barrier to microorganisms
(pathogens and spoiling agents), insects, rodents, and other ani-
mals, thereby preventing disease and spoilage. In addition, biolog-
ical barriers maintain conditions to control senescence (ripening
and aging). Such barriers function via a multiplicity of mechanisms,
including preventing access to the product, preventing odor trans-
mission, and maintaining the internal environment of the package.
Physical protection shields food from mechanical damage and
includes cushioning against the shock and vibration encountered
2007 Institute of Food Technologists Vol. 72, Nr. 3, 2007JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE R39
doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2007.00301.x
Further reproduction without permission is prohibited
R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status Summary—Food Packaging . . .
during distribution. Typically developed from paperboard and
corrugated materials, physical barriers resist impacts, abrasions,
and crushing damage, so they are widely used as shipping containers
and as packaging for delicate foods such as eggs and fresh fruits. Ap-
propriate physical packaging also protects consumers from various
hazards. For example, child-resistant closures hinder access to po-
tentially dangerous products. In addition, the substitution of plastic
packaging for products ranging from shampoo to soda bottles has
reduced the danger from broken glass containers.
Containment and food waste reduction
Any assessment of food packagings impact on the environment
must consider the positive benefits of reduced food waste through-
out the supply chain. Significant food wastage has been reported in
vegetables (FAO 1989). Inadequate preservation/protection, stor-
age, and transportation have been cited as causes of food waste.
Packaging reduces total waste by extending the shelf-life of foods,
thereby prolonging their usability. Rathje and others (1985) found
that the per capita waste generated in Mexico City contained less
packaging, more food waste, and one-third more total waste than
generated in comparable U.S. cities. In addition, Rathje and others
(1985) observed that packaged foods result in 2.5% total wasteas
compared to 50% for fresh foodsin part because agricultural by-
products collected at the processing plant are used for other pur-
poses while those generated at home are typically discarded. There-
fore, packaging may contribute to the reduction of total solid waste.
Marketing and information
A package is the face of a product and often is the only product
exposure consumers experience prior to purchase. Consequently,
distinctive or innovative packaging can boost sales in a compet-
itive environment. The package may be designed to enhance the
product image and/or to differentiate the product from the com-
petition. For example, larger labels may be used to accommodate
recipes. Packaging also provides information to the consumer. For
example, package labeling satisfies legal requirements for product
identification, nutritional value, ingredient declaration, net weight,
and manufacturer information. Additionally, the package conveys
important information about the product such as cooking instruc-
tions, brand identification, and pricing. All of these enhancements
may impact waste disposal.
The Codex Alimentarius Commission defines traceability as the
ability to follow the movement of a food through specified stage(s)
of production, processing and distribution(Codex Alimentarius
Commission 2004). Traceability has 3 objectives: to improve sup-
ply management, to facilitate trace-back for food safety and quality
purposes, and to differentiate and market foods with subtle or unde-
tectable quality attributes (Golan and others 2004). Food manufac-
turing companies incorporate unique codes onto the package labels
of their products; this allows them to track their products through-
out the distribution process. Codes are available in various formats
(for example, printed barcodes or electronic radio frequency iden-
tification [RFID]) and can be read manually and/or by machine.
Convenience features such as ease of access, handling, and dis-
posal; product visibility; resealability; and microwavability greatly
influence package innovation. As a consequence, packaging plays
a vital role in minimizing the effort necessary to prepare and serve
foods. Oven-safe trays, boil-in bags, and microwavable packaging
enable consumers to cook an entire meal with virtually no prepara-
tion. New closure designs supply ease of opening, resealability, and
special dispensing features. For example, a cookie manufacturer re-
cently introduced a flexible bag with a scored section that provides
access to the cookies. A membrane with a peelable seal covers the
opening before sale and allows reclosureafter opening. Advances in
food packaging have facilitated the development of modern retail
formats that offer consumers the convenience of 1-stop shopping
and the availability of food from around the world. These conve-
nience features add value and competitive advantages to products
but may also influence the amount and type of packaging waste
requiring disposal.
Tamper indication
Willful tampering with food and pharmaceutical products has
resulted in special packaging features designed to reduce or elim-
inate the risk of tampering and adulteration. Although any pack-
age can be breeched, tamper-evident features cannot easily be re-
placed. Tamper-evident features include banding, special mem-
branes, breakaway closures, and special printing on bottle liners
or composite cans such as graphics or text that irreversibly change
upon opening. Special printing also includes holograms that can-
not be easily duplicated. Tamper-evident packaging usually requires
additional packaging materials, which exacerbates disposal issues,
but the benefits generally outweigh any drawback. An example of a
tamper-evident feature that requires no additional packaging ma-
terials is a heat seal used on medical packaging that is chemically
formulated to change color when opened.
Other functions
Packaging may serve other functions, such as a carrier for pre-
miums (for example, inclusion of a gift, additional product, or
coupon) or containers for household use. The potential for pack-
aging use/reuse eliminates or delays entry to the waste stream.
Materials Used in Food Packaging
Package design and construction play a significant role in de-
termining the shelf life of a food product. The right selection
of packaging materials and technologies maintains product quality
and freshness during distribution and storage. Materials that have
traditionally been used in food packaging include glass, metals (alu-
minum, foils and laminates, tinplate, and tin-free steel), paper and
paperboards, and plastics. Moreover, a wider variety of plastics have
been introduced in both rigid and flexible forms. Todays food pack-
ages often combine several materials to exploit each materials func-
tional or aesthetic properties. As researchto improve food packaging
continues, advances in the field may affect the environmental im-
pact of packaging.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates packag-
ing materials under section 409 of the federal Food, Drug, and Cos-
metic Act. The primary method of regulation is through the food
contact notification process that requires that manufacturers notify
FDA 120 d prior to marketing a food contact substance (FCS) for a
new use. An FCS is any substance intended for use as a component
of materials used in manufacturing, packing, packaging, transport-
ing or holding of food if the use is not intended to have a tech-
nical effect in such food(21 USC §348(h)(6)). All FCSs that may
reasonably migrate to food under conditions of intended use are
identified and regulated as food additives unless classified as gen-
erally recognized as safe (GRAS) substances.
R40 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCEVol. 72, Nr. 3, 2007
R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status SummaryFood Packaging . . .
Glasshasanextremelylong historyin food packaging; the 1st glass
objects for holding food are believed to have appeared around 3000
BC (Sacharow and Griffin 1980). The production of glass containers
involves heating a mixture of silica (the glass former), sodium car-
bonate (the melting agent), and limestone/calcium carbonate and
alumina (stabilizers) to high temperatures until the materials melt
into a thick liquid mass that is then poured into molds. Recycled
broken glass (cullet) is also used in glass manufacture and may ac-
count for as much as 60% of all raw materials. Glass containers used
in food packaging are often surface-coated to provide lubrication
in the production line and eliminate scratching or surface abrasion
and line jams. Glass coatings also increase and preserve the strength
of the bottle to reduce breakage. Improved break resistance allows
manufacturers to use thinner glass, which reduces weight and is
better for disposal and transportation (McKown 2000).
Because it is odorless and chemically inert with virtually all food
products, glass has several advantages for food-packaging applica-
tions: It is impermeable to gases and vapors, so it maintains product
freshness for a long period of time without impairing taste or flavor.
The ability to withstand high processing temperatures makes glass
useful for heat sterilization of both low- acid and high-acid foods.
Glass is rigid, provides good insulation, and can be produced in
numerous different shapes. The transparency of glass allows con-
sumers to see the product, yet variations in glass color can protect
light-sensitive contents. Finally, glass packaging benefits the envi-
ronment because it is reusable and recyclable.
Like any material, glass has some disadvantages. Despite efforts
to use thinner glass, its heavy weight adds to transportation costs.
Anotherconcern is its brittleness and susceptibility to breakage from
internal pressure, impact, or thermal shock.
Metal is the most versatile of all packaging forms. It offers a com-
bination of excellent physical protection and barrier properties,
formability and decorative potential, recyclability, and consumer
acceptance. The 2 metals most predominantly used in packaging
are aluminum and steel.
Aluminum. Commonly used to make cans, foil, and laminated
paper or plastic packaging, aluminum is a lightweight, silvery white
metal derived from bauxite ore, where it exists in combination with
oxygen as alumina. Magnesium and manganese are often added
to aluminum to improve its strength properties (Page and others
2003). Unlike many metals, aluminum is highly resistant to most
forms of corrosion; its natural coating of aluminum oxide provides
a highly effective barrier to the effects of air, temperature, moisture,
and chemical attack.
Besides providing an excellent barrier to moisture, air, odors,
light, and microorganisms, aluminum has good flexibility and sur-
face resilience, excellent malleability and formability, and outstand-
ing embossing potential. It is also an ideal material for recycling
because it is easy to reclaim and process into new products. Pure
aluminum is used for light packaging of primarily soft-drink cans,
pet food, seafood, and prethreaded closures. The main disadvan-
tages of aluminum are its high cost compared to other metals (for
example, steel) and its inability to be welded, which renders it useful
only for making seamless containers.
Aluminum foil. Aluminum foil is made by rolling pure alu-
minum metal into very thin sheets, followed by annealing to achieve
dead-folding properties (a crease or fold made in the film will stay
in place), which allows it to be folded tightly. Moreover, aluminum
foil is available in a wide range of thicknesses, with thinner foils
used to wrap food and thicker foils used for trays. Like all aluminum
packaging, foil provides an excellent barrier to moisture, air, odors,
light, and microorganisms. It is inert to acidic foods and does not
require lacquer or other protection. Although aluminum is easily
recyclable, foils cannot be made from recycled aluminum without
pinhole formation in the thin sheets.
Laminates and metallized films. Lamination of packaging in-
volves the binding of aluminum foil to paper or plastic film to
improve barrier properties. Thin gauges facilitate application. Al-
though lamination to plastic enables heat sealability, the seal does
not completely bar moisture and air. Because laminated aluminum
is relatively expensive, it is typically used to package high valuefoods
such as dried soups, herbs, and spices. A less expensive alternative
to laminated packaging is metallized film. Metallized films are plas-
tics containing a thin layer of aluminum metal (Fellows and Axtell
2002). These films have improved barrier properties to moisture,
oils, air,and odors, and the highly reflective surface of the aluminum
is attractive to consumers. More flexible than laminated films, met-
allized films are mainly used to package snacks. Although the indi-
vidual components of laminates and metallized films are technically
recyclable, the difficulty in sorting and separating the material pre-
cludes economically feasible recycling.
Tinplate. Produced from low-carbon steel (that is, blackplate),
tinplate is the result of coating both sides of blackplate with thin lay-
ers of tin. The coating is achieved by dipping sheets of steel in molten
tin (hot-dipped tinplate) or by the electro-deposition of tin on the
steel sheet (electrolytic tinplate). Although tin provides steel with
some corrosion resistance, tinplate containers are often lacquered
to provide an inert barrier between the metal and the food product.
Commonly used lacquers are materials in the epoxy phenolic and
oleoresinous groups and vinyl resins.
In addition to its excellent barrier properties to gases, water va-
por, light, and odors, tinplate can be heat-treated and sealed her-
metically,making it suitable for sterile products. Because it has good
ductility and formability,tinplate can be used for containers of many
differentshapes.Thus, tinplate is widely used to form cans for drinks,
processed foods, and aerosols; containers for powdered foods and
sugar- or flour-based confections; and as package closures.Tinplate
is an excellent substrate for modern metal coating and lithoprinting
technology,enabling outstanding graphical decoration. Its relatively
low weight and high mechanical strength make it easy to ship and
store. Finally, tinplate is easily recycled many times without loss of
quality and is significantly lower in cost than aluminum.
Tin-free steel. Also known as electrolytic chromium or chrome
oxide coated steel, tin-free steel requires a coating of organic ma-
terial to provide complete corrosion resistance. Even though the
chrome/chrome oxide makes tin-free steel unsuitable for weld-
ing, this property makes it excellent for adhesion of coatings such
as paints, lacquers, and inks. Like tinplate, tin-free steel has good
formability and strength, but it is marginally less expensive than
tinplate. Food cans, can ends, trays, bottle caps, and closures can all
be made from tin-free steel. In addition, it can also be used to make
large containers (such as drums) for bulk sale and bulk storage of
ingredients or finished goods (Fellows and Axtell 2002).
Plastics are made by condensation polymerization (polycon-
densation) or addition polymerization (polyaddition) of monomer
units. In polycondensation, the polymer chain grows by condensa-
tion reactions between molecules and is accompanied by formation
of low molecular weight byproducts such as water and methanol.
Polycondensation involves monomers with at least 2 functional
groups such as alcohol, amine, or carboxylic groups. In polyaddi-
tion, polymer chains grow by addition reactions, in which 2 or more
Vol. 72, Nr. 3, 2007JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE R41
R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status SummaryFood Packaging . . .
molecules combine to form a larger molecule without liberation
of by-products. Polyaddition involves unsaturated monomers; dou-
ble or triple bonds are broken to link monomer chains. There are
several advantages to using plastics for food packaging. Fluid and
moldable, plastics can be made into sheets, shapes, and structures,
offering considerable design flexibility. Because they are chemically
resistant, plastics are inexpensive and lightweight with a wide range
of physical and optical properties. In fact, many plastics are heat
sealable, easy to print, and can be integrated into production pro-
cesses where the package is formed, filled, and sealed in the same
production line. The major disadvantage of plastics is their vari-
able permeability to light, gases, vapors, and low molecular weight
There are 2 major categories of plastics: thermosets and ther-
moplastics (EPA 2006b). Thermosets are polymers that solidify or
set irreversibly when heated and cannot be remolded. Because they
are strong and durable, they tend to be used primarily in automo-
biles and construction applications such as adhesives and coatings,
not in food packaging applications. On the other hand, thermoplas-
tics are polymers that soften upon exposure to heat and return to
their original condition at room temperature. Because thermoplas-
tics can easily be shaped and molded into various products such
as bottles, jugs, and plastic films, they are ideal for food packaging.
Moreover, virtually all thermoplastics are recyclable (melted and
reused as raw materials for production of new products), although
separation poses some practical limitations for certain products.
The recycling process requires separation by resin type as identified
by the American Plastics Council (Table 1).
There have been some health concerns regarding residual
monomer and components in plastics, including stabilizers, plas-
ticizers, and condensation components such as bisphenol A. Some
of these concerns are based on studies using very high intake levels;
others have no scientific basis. To ensure public safety,FDA carefully
reviews and regulates substances used to make plastics and other
packaging materials. Any substance that can reasonably be expected
to migrate into food is classified as an indirect food additive subject
to FDA regulations. A threshold of regulationdefined as a spe-
cific level of dietary exposure that typically induces toxic effects and
therefore poses negligible safety concerns (21 CFR §170.39)may
be used to exempt substances used in food contact materials from
regulation as food additives. FDA revisits the threshold level if new
scientific information raises concerns. Furthermore, FDA advises
consumers to use plastics for intended purposes in accordance
with the manufacturers directions to avoid unintentional safety
Despite these safety concerns, the use of plastics in food packag-
ing has continued to increase due to the low cost of materials and
functional advantages (such as thermosealability, microwavability,
optical properties, and unlimited sizes and shapes) over traditional
materials such as glass and tinplate (Lopez-Rubio and others 2004).
Table 1 --- Resin identification codes for plastic recycling
Amount Amount
generated recycled
Resin Code (thousand tons) (thousand tons)
Polyethylene terephthalate 1 2860 540
High-density polyethylene 2 5890 520
Polyvinyl chloride 3 1640
Low-density polyethylene 4 6450 190a
Polypropylene 5 4000 10
Polystyrene 6 2590
Other resins 7 5480 390
Source: American Plastics Council (2006b) and EPA (2006a).
aIncludes linear low-density polyethylene.
Multiple types of plastics are being used as materials for packaging
food, including polyolefin, polyester, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyli-
dene chloride, polystyrene, polyamide, and ethylene vinyl alcohol.
Although more than 30 types of plastics have been used as packag-
ing materials (Lau and Wong 2000), polyolefins and polyesters are
the most common.
Polyolefins. Polyolefin is a collective term for polyethylene and
polypropylene, the 2 most widely used plastics in food packaging,
and other less popular olefin polymers. Polyethyleneand polypropy-
lene both possess a successful combination of properties, including
flexibility,strength, lightness, stability, moisture and chemical resis-
tance, and easy processability, and are well suited for recycling and
The simplest and most inexpensive plastic made by addition
polymerization of ethylene is polyethylene. There are 2 basic cat-
egories of polyethylene: high density and low density. High-density
polyethylene is stiff, strong, tough, resistant to chemicals and mois-
ture, permeable to gas, easy to process, and easy to form. Itis used to
make bottles for milk, juice, and water; cereal box liners; margarine
tubs; and grocery, trash, and retail bags. Low-density polyethylene
is flexible, strong, tough, easy to seal, and resistant to moisture. Be-
cause low-density polyethylene is relatively transparent, it is pre-
dominately used in film applications and in applications where
heat sealing is necessary. Bread and frozen food bags, flexible lids,
and squeezable food bottles are examples of low-density polyethy-
lene. Polyethylene bags are sometimes reused (both for grocery and
nongrocery retail). Of the 2 categories of polyethylene, high-density
polyethylene containers, especially milk bottles, are the most recy-
cled among plastic packages.
Harder, denser, and more transparent than polyethylene,
polypropylene has good resistance to chemicals and is effective at
barring water vapor. Its high melting point (160 C) makes it suit-
able for applications where thermal resistance is required, such as
hot-filled and microwavable packaging. Popularuses include yogurt
containers and margarine tubs. When used in combination with an
oxygen barrier such as ethylene vinyl alcohol or polyvinylidene chlo-
ride, polypropylene provides the strength and moisture barrier for
catsup and salad dressing bottles.
Polyesters. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE), polycar-
bonate, and polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) are polyesters, which
are condensation polymers formed from ester monomers that re-
sultfromthereactionbetweencarboxylicacid and alcohol.The most
commonly used polyester in food packaging is PETE.
Polyethylene terephthalate. Formed when terephthalic acid reacts
with ethylene glycol, PETE provides a good barrier to gases (oxy-
gen and carbon dioxide) and moisture. It also has good resistance
to heat, mineral oils, solvents, and acids, but not to bases. Con-
sequently, PETE is becoming the packaging material of choice for
many food products, particularly beverages and mineral waters.
The use of PETE to make plastic bottles for carbonated drinks is
increasing steadily (van Willige and others 2002). The main rea-
sons for its popularity are its glass-like transparency, adequate
gas barrier for retention of carbonation, light weight, and shat-
ter resistance. The 3 major packaging applications of PETE are
containers (bottles, jars, and tubs), semirigid sheets for thermo-
forming (trays and blisters), and thin-oriented films (bags and
snack food wrappers). PETE exists both as an amorphous (trans-
parent) and a semicrystalline (opaque and white) thermoplastic
material. Amorphous PETE has better ductility but less stiffness
and hardness than semicrystalline PETE, which has good strength,
ductility, stiffness, and hardness. Recycled PETE from soda bot-
tles is used as fibers, insulation, and other nonfood packaging
R42 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCEVol. 72, Nr. 3, 2007
R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status SummaryFood Packaging . . .
Polycarbonate. Polycarbonate is formed by polymerization of a
sodium salt of bisphenol acid with carbonyl dichloride (phosgene).
Clear, heat resistant, and durable, it is mainly used as a replacement
for glass in items such as large returnable/refillablewater bottles and
sterilizable baby bottles. Care must be taken when cleaning polycar-
bonate because using harsh detergents such as sodium hypochlorite
is not recommended because they catalyze the release of bisphenol
A, a potential health hazard. An extensive literature analysis by vom
Saal and Hughes (2005) suggests the need for a new risk assessment
for the low-dose effects of this compound.
Polyethylene naphthalate. PEN is a condensation polymer of
dimethyl naphthalene dicarboxylate and ethylene glycol. It is a rel-
atively new member of the polyester family with excellent perfor-
mance because of its high glass transition temperature.PENsbarrier
properties for carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water vapor are superior
to those of PETE, and PEN provides better performance at high tem-
peratures, allowing hot refills, rewashing, and reuse. However, PEN
costs 3 to 4 times more than PETE. Because PEN providesprotection
against transfer of flavors and odors, it is well suited for manufac-
turing bottles for beverages such as beer.
Polyvinyl chloride. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), an addition poly-
mer of vinyl chloride, is heavy, stiff, ductile, and a medium strong,
amorphous, transparent material. It has excellent resistance to
chemicals (acids and bases), grease, and oil; good flow characteris-
tics; and stable electrical properties. Although PVC is primarily used
in medical and other nonfood applications, its food uses include
bottles and packaging films. Because it is easily thermoformed, PVC
sheets are widely used for blister packs such as those for meat prod-
ucts and unit dose pharmaceutical packaging.
PVC can be transformed into materials with a wide range of flex-
ibility with the addition of plasticizers such as phthalates, adipates,
citrates, and phosphates. Phthalates are mainly used in nonfood
packagingapplicationssuchascosmetics,toys, and medical devices.
Safety concerns have emerged over the use of phthalates in certain
products, such as toys (FDA 2002; Shea 2003; EuropeanUnion 2005).
Because of these safety concerns, phthalates are not used in food
packaging materials in the United States (HHS 2005); instead, al-
ternative nonphthalate plasticizers such as adipates are used. For
example, di-(2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA) is used in the manufac-
ture of plastic cling wraps. These alternative plasticizers also have
the potential to leach into food but at lower levels than phthalates.
Low levels of DEHA have shown no toxicity in animals. Finally, PVC
is difficult to recycle because it is used for such a variety of prod-
ucts, which makes it difficult to identify and separate. In addition,
incineration of PVC presents environmental problems because of
its chlorine content.
Polyvinylidene chloride. Polyvinylidene chloride (PVdC) is an
additionpolymerofvinylidenechloride.Itis heat sealable and serves
as an excellent barrier to water vapor, gases, and fatty and oily prod-
ucts. It is used in flexible packaging as a monolayer film, a coating, or
part of a co-extruded product. Major applications include packaging
of poultry, cured meats, cheese, snack foods, tea, coffee, and con-
fectionary. It is also used in hot filling, retorting, low-temperature
storage, and modified atmosphere packaging. PVdC contains twice
the amount of chlorine as PVC and therefore also presents problems
with incineration.
Polystyrene. Polystyrene, an addition polymer of styrene, is
clear, hard, and brittle with a relatively low melting point. It can be
mono-extruded, co-extruded with other plastics, injection molded,
or foamed to produce a range of products. Foaming produces an
opaque, rigid, lightweight material with impact protection and ther-
mal insulation properties. Typical applications include protective
packaging such as egg cartons, containers, disposable plastic silver-
ware, lids, cups, plates, bottles, and food trays. In expanded form,
polystyrene is used for nonfood packaging and cushioning, and it
can be recycled or incinerated.
Polyamide. Commonly known as nylon (a brand name for a
range of products produced by DuPont), polyamides were origi-
nally used in textiles. Formed by a condensation reaction between
diamine and diacid, polyamides are polymers in which the repeating
units are held together by amide links. Differenttypes of polyamides
are characterized by a number that relates to the number of carbons
in the originating monomer.For example, nylon-6 has 6 carbons and
is typically used in packaging. It has mechanical and thermal prop-
erties similar to PETE, so it has similar usefulness, such as boil-in bag
packaging. Nylon also offers good chemical resistance, toughness,
and low gas permeability.
Ethylene vinyl alcohol. Ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) is a
copolymer of ethylene and vinyl alcohol. It is an excellent barrier
to oil, fat, and oxygen. However, EVOH is moisture sensitive and
is thus mostly used in multilayered co-extruded films in situation
where it is not in direct contact with liquids.
Laminates and co-extrusions. Plastic materials can be man-
ufactured either as a single film or as a combination of more
than 1 plastic. There are 2 ways of combining plastics: lamination
and co-extrusion. Lamination involves bonding together 2 or more
plastics or bonding plastic to another material such as paper or
aluminum (as discussed in the section on metal). Bonding is com-
monly achieved by use of water-, solvent-, or solids-based adhe-
sives. After the adhesives are applied to 1 film, 2 films are passed
between rollers to pressure bond them together. Lamination using
laser rather than adhesives has also been used for thermoplastics
(Kirwan and Strawbridge 2003). Lamination enables reverse print-
ing, in which the printing is buried between layers and thus not
subject to abrasion, and can add or enhance heat sealability.
In co-extrusion, 2 or more layers of molten plastics are combined
during the film manufacture. This process is more rapid (requires 1
step in comparison to multiple steps with lamination) but requires
materials that have thermal characteristics that allow co-extrusion.
Because co-extrusion and lamination combine multiple materials,
recycling is complicated. However, combining materials results in
the additive advantage of properties from each individual material
and often reduces the total amount of packaging material required.
Therefore, co-extrusion and lamination can be sourcesof packaging
Paper and paperboard
The use of paper and paperboards for food packaging dates back
to the 17th century with accelerated usage in the later part of the
19th century (Kirwan 2003). Paper and paperboard are sheet ma-
terials made from an interlaced network of cellulose fibers derived
from wood by using sulfate and sulfite. The fibers are then pulped
and/or bleached and treated with chemicals such as slimicides and
strengthening agents to produce the paper product. FDA regulates
the additives used in paper and paperboard food packaging (21 CFR
Part 176). Paper and paperboards are commonly used in corrugated
boxes, milk cartons, folding cartons, bags and sacks, and wrapping
paper. Tissue paper, paper plates, and cups are other examples of
paper and paperboard products.
Paper. Plain paper is not used to protect foods for long periods
of time because it has poor barrier properties and is not heat seal-
able. When used as primary packaging (that is, in contact with food),
paper is almost always treated, coated, laminated, or impregnated
with materials such as waxes, resins, or lacquers to improve func-
tional and protective properties. The many different types of paper
used in food packaging are as follows:
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Scientific Status SummaryFood Packaging . . .
rKraft paperProduced by a sulfate treatmentprocess, kraft pa-
per is available in several forms: natural brown, unbleached,
heavy duty, and bleached white. The natural kraft is the
strongest of all paper and is commonly used for bags and wrap-
ping. It is also used to package flour, sugar, and dried fruits and
rSulfite paperLighter and weaker than kraft paper, sulfite pa-
per is glazed to improve its appearance and to increase its wet
strength and oil resistance. It can be coated for higher print
quality and is also used in laminates with plastic or foil. It is
used to make small bags or wrappers for packaging biscuits
and confectionary.
rGreaseproof paperGreaseproof paper is made through a pro-
cess known as beating, in which the cellulose fibers undergo a
longer than normal hydration period that causes the fibers to
break up and become gelatinous. These fine fibers then pack
densely to provide a surface that is resistant to oils but not wet
agents. Greaseproof paper is used to wrap snack foods,cookies,
candy bars, and other oily foods, a use that is being replaced by
plastic films.
rGlassineGlassine is greaseproof paper taken to an extreme
(further hydration) to produce a very dense sheet with a highly
smooth and glossy finish. It is used as a liner for biscuits, cook-
ing fats, fast foods, and baked goods.
pulp (passed through a sulfuric acid bath). The acid modifies
the cellulose to make it smoother and impervious to water and
oil, which adds some wet strength. It does not provide a good
barrier to air and moisture, is not heat sealable, and is used to
package fats such as butter and lard.
Paperboard. Paperboard is thicker than paper with a higher
weight per unit area and often made in multiple layers. It is com-
monly used to make containers for shippingsuch as boxes, car-
tons, and traysand seldom used for direct food contact. The vari-
ous types of paperboard are as follows (Soroka 1999):
rWhite boardMade from severalthin layers of bleached chem-
ical pulp, white board is typically used as the inner layer of a
carton. White board may be coated with wax or laminated with
polyethylene for heat sealability, and it is the only form of pa-
perboard recommended for direct food contact.
rSolid boardPossessing strength and durability, solid board
has multiple layers of bleached sulfate board. When laminated
with polyethylene, it is used to create liquid cartons (known as
milk board). Solid board is also used to package fruit juices and
soft drinks.
rChipboardChipboard is made from recycled paper and of-
ten contains blemishes and impurities from the original paper,
which makes it unsuitable for direct contact with food, print-
ing, and folding. It is often lined with white board to improve
both appearance and strength. The least expensive form of pa-
perboard, chipboard is used to make the outer layers of cartons
for foods such as tea and cereals.
rFiberboardFiberboard can be solid or corrugated. The solid
type has an inner white board layer and outer kraft layer and
provides good protection against impact and compression.
When laminated with plastics or aluminum, solid fiberboard
can improve barrier properties and is used to package dry prod-
ucts such as coffee and milk powder. The corrugated type, also
known as corrugated board, is made with 2 layers of kraft pa-
per with a central corrugating (or fluting) material. Fiberboards
resistance to impact abrasion and crushing damage makes it
widely used for shipping bulk food and case packing of retail
food products.
Paper laminates. Paper laminates are coated or uncoated pa-
pers based on kraft and sulfite pulp. They can be laminated with
plastic or aluminum to improve various properties. For example,
paper can be laminated with polyethylene to make it heat sealable
and to improve gas and moisture barrier properties. However, lami-
nation substantially increases the cost of paper. Laminated paper is
used to package dried products such as soups, herbs, and spices.
EPA Guidelines for Management of MSW
Proper waste management is important to protect human health
and the environment and to preserve natural resources. EPA
strives to motivate behavioral change in solid waste management
through nonregulatory approaches, including pay-as-you-throw
and WasteWise.In pay-as-you-throw systems, residents are charged
for MSW services on the basis of the amount of trash they discard.
This creates an incentive to generate less trash and increasematerial
recovery through recycling and composting. On average, commu-
nities with pay-as-you-throw programs achieve waste reductions of
14% to 27% per year.
WasteWise(launched in 1994) is a voluntar y partnership between
EPA and U.S. businesses, institutions, nonprofit organizations, and
government agencies to prevent waste, promote recycling, and buy
recycled content products. More than 1800 organizations partici-
pated in the WasteWise program in 2005 (EPA 2005). Moreover, the
EPA Environmentally Preferable Purchasing program helps federal
agencies and other organizations purchase products with lesser or
reduced effects on human health and the environment as compared
to other products that serve the same purpose. Pollution prevention
is the primary focus, with a broader environmental scope than just
waste reduction.
Froma regulatory standpoint, EPA guidelines for solid wasteman-
agement emphasize the use of a hierarchical, integrated manage-
ment approach (EPA 1989): source reduction, recycling, compost-
ing, combustion, and landfilling. As waste disposal methods, com-
bustion and landfilling are governed by regulations issued under
subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (40 CFR
Parts 239-259).
Source reduction
Source reduction (that is, waste prevention) is reducing the
amount and/or toxicity of the waste ultimately generated by chang-
ing the design, manufacture, purchase, or use of the original ma-
terials and products. EPA considers source reduction the best way
to reduce the impact of solid waste on the environment because it
avoids waste generation altogether. Source reduction encompasses
using less packaging, designing products to last longer, and reusing
products and materials (EPA 2002). Specific ways to achieve source
reduction include lightweighting packaging materials, purchasing
durable goods, purchasing larger sizes(which use less packaging per
unit volume) or refillable containers, and selecting toxic-free prod-
ucts. Overall, source reduction has many environmental benefits,
including conservation of resources, protection of the environment,
and prevention of greenhouse-gas formation.
Lightweighting. One way to achieve source reductionis through
lightweighting, which is using thinner gauges of packaging materials
either by reducing the amount used or by using alternate materials.
Girling (2003) reported that the average weight of glass containers
decreased by nearly 50% from 1992 to 2002. Similarly, aluminum
cans were 26% lighter in 2005 than in 1975, with approximately 34
cans being made from 1 pound of aluminum, up from 27 cans in
1975 (Aluminum Assn. 2006). According to EPA (2004), Anheuser-
Busch Companies Inc.lightweighted their 24-ounce aluminum cans
in 2003, which resulted in reducing the use of aluminum by 5.1 mil-
R44 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCEVol. 72, Nr. 3, 2007
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Scientific Status SummaryFood Packaging . . .
lion pounds. The amount of aluminum used in foil laminates has
also been reduced. Moreover, steel cans have been lightweighted,
with cans now at least 40% lighter than those of 1970. The amount
of tin has been drastically reduced from pre-World War II levels of
50 pounds of tin per ton of tinplate steel to a current average of 6
pounds per ton (Miller 1993).
ers have reduced in weight as well. The weight of 2-L PETE soft drink
bottles has decreased by 25% (from 68 to 51 g) since 1977, resulting
in a savings of more than 206 million pounds of plastic packaging
each year (American Plastics Council 2006a). Similarly, the 1-gallon
plastic milk jug has undergone a weight reduction of 30% in the last
20 y.
Lightweighting has been achieved in the paperboard industry by
using thinner gauge materials. For example, Anheuser-Busch saved
7.5 million pounds of paperboard by decreasing the thickness of its
12-pack bottle packaging (EPA 2004).
Reusable and refillable containers. Another way to achieve
source reduction is through reuse.For example, some glass contain-
ers, especially bottles, are frequently reusedafter washing with pow-
erful detergents. Plastic refillable containers are commonly made
from PETE, PEN, or high-density polyethylene, and trial programs
with polycarbonate, although its use is on the decline. This is partly
because collecting, transporting, and cleaning such containers of-
fers logistical difficulties that lead to manufacturing preferences for
1-way containers.
Furthermore, manufacturers have achieved source reduction by
offering refill products, particularly with nonfood items such as
householdcleaners.Refillableglass containers for beverage use have
been mostly replaced with thinner 1-way glass or plastic containers
because of transportation costs and cleaning requirements. How-
ever, refillable glass containers are still prevalent in other countries.
PETE containers have been depolymerized and repolymerized to
avoid any potential problems with contamination through postcon-
sumer waste streams, but the process has not been economically
Recycling diverts materials from the waste stream to material re-
covery. Unlike reuse, which involves using a returned product in
its original form, recycling involves reprocessing material into new
products. A typical recycling program entails collection, sorting and
processing, manufacturing, and sale of recycled materials and prod-
ucts.To make recyclingeconomicallyfeasible, recycled products and
materials must have a market.
EPAs Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG) promote
the purchase of products made with recycled materials. EPA des-
ignates products that can be made with recovered materials and
recommends practices for buying these products. After EPA desig-
nates a product, procuring agencies are required to purchase the
product with the highest recovered material content level possible.
EPA has selected more than 60 recycled content products under the
CPG program and proposed several additional products.
Almost all packaging materials (glass, metal, thermoplastic, pa-
per, and paperboards) are recyclable. Various factors play into any
economic assessment of recycling, including costs for collection,
separation, cleaning or reprocessing, and transportation (energy).
There also needs to be a market and application for recycled prod-
ucts and the existence of competing materials. For instance, ma-
terials reclaimed through metal and glass recycling are considered
safe for food contact containers because the heat used to melt and
form the material is sufficient to kill microorganisms and pyrolyze
organic contaminants. Although the reprocessing of plastics also
utilizes sufficient heat to destroy microorganisms, it is not sufficient
to pyrolyze all organic contaminants, and postconsumer recycled
plastics are not generally used in food contact applications.
In general, recycling rates have been on the rise (EPA 2006a). A
total of 30 million tons of containers and packaging were recycled
in 2005 (40% of amount generated). Because of increased collec-
tion and demand for recycled glass, glass recycling has grown in
recent years. About 90% of recycled crushed glass (cullet) is used as
raw material to make new containers. Aluminum can recycling also
has risen, hitting 52% in 2005 after reaching 50% in 2003 (Aluminum
Assn. and others 2006). Rates of plastic recyclingparticularly those
of PETE and high-density polyethylene bottleshave increased sig-
nificantly since the 1990s (American Plastics Council 2004).
EPA considers composting a form of recycling. Composting is
the controlled aerobic or biological degradation of organic materi-
als such as food and yard wastes. Accordingly, it involves arranging
organic materials into piles and providing sufficient moisture for
aerobic decomposition by microorganisms. Periodic turning of the
piles promotes aeration to prevent anaerobic conditions.The result-
ing humus, a soil-like material, is used as a natural fertilizer, thereby
reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. Organic materials con-
tinue to be a large component of total MSW (about 25% for food
scraps and yard trimmings [Table 2]), which makes composting a
valuable alternative to waste disposal.
Combustionthe controlled burning of waste in a designated
facilityis an increasingly attractive alternative for waste that can-
not be recycled or composted. Reducing MSW volume by 70% to
90%, combustion incinerators can be equipped to produce steam
that can either provide heat or generate electricity (waste-to-energy
combustors or WTE facilities). In fact, plastics are derived from
petroleum feedstocks and possess a high heat content that is ad-
vantageous for waste-to-energy incineration. In 2004, the United
States had 94 combustion facilities of which 89 were WTE facilities,
with a processing capacity of about 95000 tons per day or about
13% of MSW (Kiser and Zannes 2004). There are 3 types of incinera-
tors, also known as municipal waste combustors (MWCs): mass-
burn incinerators, refuse-derived fuel incinerators, and modular
Mass-burn incinerators. Mass-burn incinerators accept all
types of as-is MSW except for items that are too large to go through
the feed system. Integrated waste is placed on a grate that moves
through the combustor while air is forced into the system above
and below the grate to promote complete combustion. Mass-burn
incinerators are distinct from other MWCs because they burn the
waste in a single stationary chamber and are typically constructed
on site. Most mass-burn facilities areinstalled with boilers to recover
the combustion heat for energy production. In 2004, 65 of the total
89 WTE facilities (77%) in the United States employed mass-burn
technology to process approximately 22 million tons of MSW.
Refuse-derived fuel incinerators. Refuse-derived fuel (RDF)
incinerators use waste that has been preprocessed to remove non-
combustibles and recyclables. The combustibles are shredded into
a uniform fuel that has a higher heating value. An RDF facility may
be equipped for only processing or combustion, or both. In 2004 half
of the 20 RDF facilities in the United States did both processing and
combustion while the remaining 10 were equally divided between
processing only and combustion only (Kiser and Zannes 2004). RDF
incinerators had a capacity of 8 million tons of MSW in 2004.
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Modularcombustors. As with mass-burn incinerators, modular
combustors accept all waste without preprocessing but are typically
smaller than mass burn. They are usually prefabricated off site and
can be quickly assembled wherever they are needed. Modular com-
bustors accounted for about 10% (9 out of the total 89) of the total
U.S. MWC units in 2004.
Landfills provide environmentally sound disposal of any remain-
ing MSW and the residues of recycling and combustion operations.
The location and operation of landfills are governed by federal
and state regulations, and todays landfills are carefully designed
structures in which waste is isolated from the surrounding environ-
ment and groundwater. A properly designed MSW landfill manages
leachate and collects landfill gases (methane and others) for po-
tential use as an energy source. Having passed through or emerged
from landfill waste, leachate contains soluble, suspended, or mis-
cible materials from the waste. EPA is investigating a modification
in landfill design known as a bioreactor that can enhance aerobic
and/or anaerobic degradation of leachate and organic waste (EPA
The growing awareness of environmental problems, including
increased use of synthetic packaging materials coupled with slow
Table 2 --- Materials generatedaand discarded in the
municipal waste stream in 2005
Material discarded
Percent of as a percentage
Source Tons MSW by of total MSW
material (million) weight disposal
Paper and
84 34.2 25.2
Glass 12.8 5.2 6
Ferrous 13.8 5.6 5.3
Aluminum 3.2 1.3 1.5
Other nonferrousb1.7 0.7 0.3
Total metals 18.7 7.6 7.1
Plastics 28.9 11.8 16.3
Rubber and leather 6.7 2.7 3.4
Textiles 11.1 4.5 5.6
Wood 13.9 5.7 7.6
Other 4.6 1.9 2.1
Total materials in
180.7 73.5 73.4
Other wastes
Food scraps 29.2 11.9 17.2
Yard trimmings 32.1 13.1 7.3
inorganic waste
3.7 1.5 2.2
Total other wastes 65 26.5 26.7
Total MSW generated 245.7 100
Containers and
76.7 31.2 27.7
Nondurable goods 63.7 25.9 25.9
Durable goods 40.3 16.4 19.6
Total product waste 180.7 73.5
Other wastes
Food scraps 29.2 11.9 17.2
Yard trimmings 32.1 13.1 7.3
inorganic waste
3.7 1.5 2.2
Total other wastes 65 26.5 26.7
Total MSW generated 245.7 100
Source: EPA (2006a).
aIncludes waste from residential, commercial, and institutional sources. Details
may not add up to totals because of rounding.
bIncludes lead from lead-acid batteries.
degradation in landfills, has prompted the development of ad-
vanced landfill technology, environmental regulations for landfills,
and biodegradable packaging materials. Modern landfills are well
engineered to prevent environmental contamination and managed
to ensure compliance with federal regulations (40 CFR Part 258) or
equivalent state regulations. EPA has established a landfill recla-
mation approach that enables expansion of existing MSW landfill
capacity and preclusion of land acquisition for new landfills (EPA
1997). EPA also runs the landfill methane outreach program, which
is a voluntary program that promotes the use of landfill gas as a
renewable energy source.
Having established biodegradation as a minor benefit in landfills,
EPA has developed bioreactor landfills that are designed to rapidly
degrade organic waste by adding liquid or air to speed microbial
processes. There are 3 types of bioreactors: aerobic, anaerobic, and
hybrid. An initiative by the EPA to identify bioreactor standards or
recommend operating parameters is underway.
Other Disposal Methods
Anaerobic degradation
The main form of degradation that occurs in landfills is anaero-
bic degradation or digestion. In anaerobic degradation or digestion,
microorganisms slowly break down solid wasteprimarily organic-
based materials such as wood and paper(in the absence of oxygen)
into primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and ammonia. Collecting
andpumpingleachatethroughthecompactedsolidwaste can accel-
erate this process by inoculating the mass and providing a moisture
source that promotes further degradation. To prevent groundwater
contamination, leachate should be contained in a system, usually
a combination of liners and storage systems. Ultimately, leachate is
processed by a treatment facility to make a stable residue that can
be disposed of safely. Anaerobic degradation is mostly used to treat
biosolids (sewage sludge) and organic waste contaminants. More
research is necessary to realize the full potential of anaerobic degra-
dation in the management of solid waste.
Biodegradable polymers
Biodegradable polymers are derived from replenishable agricul-
tural feedstocks, animal sources, marine food processing industry
wastes, or microbial sources. In addition to renewable raw ingredi-
ents, biodegradable materials break down to produce environmen-
tally friendly products such as carbon dioxide, water, and quality
compost (Tharanathan 2003).
Biodegradable polymers made from cellulose and starches have
been in existence for decades, with the 1st exhibition of a cellulose-
based polymer (which initiated the plastic industry) occurring
in 1862 (Miles and Briston 1965). Cellophane is the most com-
mon cellulose-based biopolymer. Starch-based polymers, which
swell and deform when exposed to moisture, include amylose, hy-
droxylpropylated starch, and dextrin. Other starch-based polymers
are polylactide, polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), polyhydroxybuterate
(PHB), and a copolymer of PHB and valeric acid (PHB/V). Made from
lactic acid formed from microbial fermentation of starch derivatives,
polylactide does not degrade when exposed to moisture (Auras and
others 2004). PHA, PHB, and PHB/V are also formed by bacterial
action on starches (IFT 1997). In addition, biodegradable films can
also be produced from chitosan, which is derived from the chitin of
crustacean and insect exoskeletons. Chitin is a biopolymer with a
chemical structure similar to cellulose.
Edible films, thin layers of edible materials applied to food as a
coating or placed on or between food components, are another form
of biodegradable polymer. They serve several purposes, including
R46 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCEVol. 72, Nr. 3, 2007
R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status SummaryFood Packaging . . .
inhibiting the migration of moisture, gases, and aromas and im-
proving the foods mechanical integrity or handling characteristics
(Institute of Food Technologists 1997). Edible films are derived from
plant and animal sources such as zein (corn protein), whey (milk
protein), collagen (constituent of skin, tendon, and connective tis-
sue), and gelatin (product of partial hydrolysis of collagen).
Synthetic polymers can also be made partially degradable by
blending them with biopolymers, incorporating biodegradable
components (such as starches), or adding bioactive compounds.
The biocomponents are degraded to break the polymer into smaller
components. Bioactive compounds work through various mecha-
nisms. For example, they may be mixed with swelling agents, which
expandthemolecularstructureof the plastic upon exposure to mois-
ture to allow the bioactive compounds to break down the plastic.
Arguments supporting the development of biodegradable poly-
mers range from addressing problems of solid waste disposal and
litter to substituting renewable resources (plant origin) for nonre-
newable resources (oil, coal, and natural gas) as raw materials. De-
spite certain advantages, the use of biodegradable materials is not
a solution to all solid waste management problems. A switch from
synthetic polymers to biopolymers will have little impact on source
reduction and incineration, but recycling could be complicated by
the existence of blended or modified polymers unless they are sep-
arated from the recycling stream. Biodegradable plastics have little
benefit in a landfill because landfills generally exclude the oxygen
and moisture that are required for biodegradation. If biopolymers
become widely used, it is questionable whether there will be suffi-
cient plant materials to make sufficient quantities of packaging poly-
mers and whether optimizing crops for such polymers will interfere
with food production. At this time, bioplastics are more expensive
than most petroleum-based polymers, so substitution would likely
result in increased packaging cost.
Even if biodegradable packaging is not practical on a broad basis,
the advantages are very significant for certain applications. The litter
argument for biodegradable plastics has merit to the extent that
biodegradable plastics will tend to break down and become less
obtrusive after being littered. Biodegradability is important in the
marine environment in which litter poses hazards to marine life.
Biodegradability can also be useful in military applications for which
traditionaldisposaloptionsarelacking.Specificbut minor functions
for biodegradable polymers include limiting moisture, aroma, and
lipid migration between food components.
Commercialization of bioplastics is under way. NatureWorks, LLC
(a stand-alone company wholly owned byCargill Inc.) manufactures
polylactide from natural products (corn sugar). After the original
use, the polymer can be hydrolyzed to recover lactic acid, thereby
approaching the cradle-to-cradle objective (that is, imposing zero
impact on future generations). In addition, Wal-Mart Inc. is using
biopolymers by employing polylactide to package fresh cut produce
(Bastioli 2005).
Theoretically, all plastics require sorting, but the reality is that
recycling is often restricted to easily identifiable polymers and sys-
tems, most notably high-density polyethylene milk bottles and PETE
soda bottles. Other polymers can be comingled into thermoplastic
resins used for items such as park benches and playground equip-
ment, which decreases the pressure to sort by specific polymer. Be-
cause polylactide is destined for commercial composting, it requires
its own code and mechanisms for sorting if this advantage is to be
Litteringistheimproperdisposalofsolid waste. Because beverage
containers are a visible component in litter, 11 states have enacted
bottle bills to help ensure a high rate of recycling or reuse and to
reduce litter. These bottle bills or container deposit laws mandate a
minimum refundable deposit on beer, soft drink, and other bever-
age containers, thereby providing an economic incentive to ensure
the return of used bottles. Beverage containers made from metal,
glass, and plastics have been the most notable recycling successes
because they are easily identifiable and made of single materials that
are recyclable. Alternatively, biodegradable packaging could slowly
help remove unsightliness and the hazards to animal and marine
life caused by litter. However, it is possible that the existence of
biodegradable containers may cause people to be less careful with
their discards, which could hamper recycling efforts.
Current Disposal Statistics
The most recently compiled waste generation statistics indicate
that 245.7 million tons of MSW were generated in 2005 (EPA
2006a), which is an increase of approximately 37% over the 179.6
million tons generated in 1988 (EPA 1990; IFT 1991) and a decrease
of 1.6 million tons from 2004 (EPA 2006a). The decrease in waste
generation is attributed in part to the decrease in individual waste
generation rate. EPA analyzes MSW in 2 ways: (1) by materials (pa-
per and paperboards, glass, metals, plastics, rubber and leather, tex-
tiles, wood, food scraps, and yard trimmings) and (2) by major prod-
uct categories (containers and packages, nondurable goods, durable
goods, and other wastes).
In the product categories, containers and packaging represent
mainly waste from food packaging such as soft drink cans, milk car-
tons, and cardboard boxes. Nondurable goods encompass newspa-
pers, magazines, books, office paper, tissue, paper plates and cups,
and clothing and footwear. Durable goods include household ap-
pliances, furniture and furnishings, carpets and rugs, rubber tires,
batteries, and electronics.
MSW generation analysis
Table 2 shows the EPA breakdown of MSW by both materials and
products generated in the municipal solid stream. Among materials,
paper and paperboard accounted for 34.2% (84 million tons) while
food scraps accounted for 11.9% (29.2 million tons) of the total MSW.
Glass, aluminum, and plastics contributed 5.2% (12.8 million tons),
1.3% (3.2 million tons) and 11.8% (28.9 million tons), respectively.
In product categories, containers and packaging formed the highest
portion of the total solid waste generated at 31.2% (76.7 million tons)
followed by nondurable goods at 25.9% (63.7 million tons).
The weight and percentage of products generated in municipal
solid waste from 1960 to 2005 with details on containers and pack-
aging are shown in Table 3 and 4. The general trend indicates a
continued increase in overall tonnage generated over the years up
to 2004 followed by a decline in 2005. The total amount (weight)
of waste generated from containers and packaging showed an in-
creasing trend since 1990 with a small decrease in 2003 and 2005
(Table 3), but the percentage of total waste remained relatively con-
stant at about 31% (Table 4). Additionally, EPA analysis of individual
MSW generation shows a relatively constant rate of 4.5 pounds per
person per day since the 1990s (EPA 2006a) with the exception of
2000 and 2004, when it was at an all-time high of 4.6 pounds per
Analysis of containers and packaging indicates that paper and
paperboard were the single largest contributors with 39 million tons
(15.9%) followed by plastics at 13.7 million tons (5.6%) and glass at
10.9 million tons (4.4%). The tonnage for food scraps and plastic
packaging has significantly increased since the 1990s.
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R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status SummaryFood Packaging . . .
MSW recovery analysis
While waste generation has grown quite steadily since 1960,
recovery through recycling has also increased. In 2005, a total
of 79 million tons (32.1%) of MSW were recovered through re-
cycling and composting. Of this amount, slightly more than 58.4
million tons were recovered by recycling and the rest (20.6 mil-
lion tons) by composting (EPA 2006a). The net per capita recov-
ery was at an all-time high of 1.5 pounds per person per day in
Among the product categories, containers and packaging were
the most recovered (39.9% of amount generated) followed by non-
durable goods (31%). Table 5 shows the generation and recovery
of materials (categorized as packaging and nonpackaging) in MSW
for 2005. About 59% of paper and paperboard, 51% of metals, 25%
of glass, and 9% of plastics generated in containers and packaging
were recovered. Among the materials, recovery of yard trimmings
was the highest at 62% (20 million tons), followed by paper and
Table 3 --- Weight of products generatedain MSW from 1960 to 2005, with detail on containers and packaging
Weight (million tons)
Product 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2003 2004 2005
Durable goods 9.9 14.7 21.8 29.8 36.8 39.4 39.9 40.3
Nondurable goods 17.3 25.1 34.4 52.2 64.1 62.3 64.4 63.7
Containers and packaging
Glass packaging
Beer and soft drink bottles 1.4 5.6 6.7 5.6 5.7 6.8 7.0 7.2
Wine and liquor bottles 1.1 1.9 2.5 2.0 1.9 1.6 1.6 1.6
Food and other bottles and jars 3.7 4.4 4.8 4.2 3.4 2.2 2.3 2.1
Total glass packaging 6.2 11.9 14.0 11.8 11.0 10.6 10.9 10.9
Steel packaging
Beer and soft drink cans 0.6 1.6 0.5 0.2 Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg.
Food and other cans 3.8 3.5 2.9 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.1
Other steel packaging 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Total steel packaging 4.7 5.4 3.6 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.4
Aluminum packaging
Beer and soft drink cans Neg. 0.1 0.9 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Other cans Neg. 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Foil and closures 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
Total aluminum packaging 0.2 0.6 1.3 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.9
Paper and paperboard packaging
Corrugated boxes 7.3 12.8 17.1 24.0 30.2 29.7 31.5 30.9
Milk cartonsb0.8 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4
Folding cartonsb3.8 4.3 5.8 5.6 5.5 5.0
Other paperboard packaging 3.8 4.8 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Bags and sacksb3.4 2.4 1.5 1.2 1.3 1.2
Wrapping papersb0.2 0.1 Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg.
Other paper packaging 2.9 3.8 0.9 1.0 1.7 1.4 1.5 1.4
Total paper and paperboard packaging 14.1 21.4 26.4 32.7 39.9 38.6 40.4 39.0
Plastic packaging
Soft drink bottlesb0.3 0.4 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9
Milk bottlesb0.2 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8
Other containers 0.1 0.9 0.9 1.4 2.6 3.0 3.2 3.1
Bags and sacksb0.4 0.9 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.6
Wrapsb0.8 1.5 2.6 2.8 2.9 2.8
Other plastic packaging 0.1 1.2 0.8 2.0 3.5 3.9 4.4 4.4
Total plastic packaging 0.1 2.1 3.4 6.9 11.9 12.9 14.0 13.7
Wood packaging 2.0 2.1 3.9 8.2 8.1 8.3 8.4 8.5
Other misc. packaging 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3
Total container and packaging 27.4 43.6 52.7 64.5 76.0 75.4 78.6 76.7
Total product wastesc54.6 83.2 108.9 146.5 177.1 177.1 182.8 180.7
Other wastes
Food scraps 12.2 12.8 13.0 20.8 26.5 28.2 29.1 29.2
Yard trimmings 20.0 23.2 27.5 35.0 30.5 31.5 31.8 32.1
Miscellaneous inorganic wastes 1.3 1.8 2.3 2.9 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.7
Total other wastes 33.5 37.8 42.8 58.7 60.5 63.3 64.5 65.0
Total MSW generated 88.1 121.1 151.6 205.2 237.6 240.3 247.3 245.7
Source: EPA (2006a).
aGeneration before materials recovery or combustion. Details may not add to totals because of rounding.
bNot estimated separately prior to 1980. Paper wraps not reported separately after 1996.
cOther than food products.
Neg. =less than 5000 tons.
paperboard at 50% (42 million tons) and metal at 37% (7 million
In spite of the trend of increasing recovery rates, the quantity of
MSW requiring disposal has historically risen due to the increase in
amounts generated. In 2005 approximately 168 million tons (68%) of
MSW were discarded into the municipal waste stream of which 33.4
million tons (20%) were combusted prior to disposal (EPA 2006a)
and 133.3 million tons were directly discarded in landfills. The total
amount of MSW actually declined slightly from 2004; it is too soon
to determine whether this is a change in the overall trend or merely
a small variation that will not be maintained.
Limitations of Solid Waste Management Practices
Proper waste management requires careful planning, financ-
ing, collection, and transportation. Solid waste generation in-
creases with population expansion and economic development,
which poses several challenges.
R48 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCEVol. 72, Nr. 3, 2007
R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status SummaryFood Packaging . . .
Source reduction compared to convenience
Source reduction and convenience are often opposing pressures
in food packaging. Convenience features such as unit packages, dis-
pensability, and microwavability usually require additional packag-
ing, which is directly at odds with source reduction efforts. Similarly,
tamper indication features also add to the amount of waste gener-
ated. Consumers dictate what is produced by what they choose to
buy, and industry will produce what consumers demand if it can be
done profitably. At some point, consumers need to evaluate whether
the convenience and added safety are worth the increase in mate-
rials. Source reduction can be accelerated if consumers are willing
to accept the loss of convenience and modify their buying habits
accordingly. Refillable plastic containers have been developed as a
strategy for source reduction but their use has declined in favor of
nonreturnable containers.
Two competing trends influence source reduction of packaging
materials. One trend is toward more economical bulk packs that
Table 4 --- Percentage of products generatedain MSW from 1960 to 2005, with detail on containers and packaging
Percent of total generation
Product 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2003 2004 2005
Durable goods 11.3 12.1 14.4 14.5 15.6 16.4 16.1 16.4
Nondurable goods 19.7 20.7 22.7 25.4 27.0 25.9 26.0 25.9
Containers and packaging
Glass packaging
Beer and soft drink bottles 1.6 4.6 4.4 2.7 2.4 2.8 2.8 2.9
Wine and liquor bottles 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.7
Food and other bottles and jars 4.2 3.7 3.2 2.0 1.4 0.9 0.9 0.9
Total glass packaging 7.0 9.8 9.2 5.8 4.6 4.4 4.4 4.4
Steel packaging
Beer and soft drink cans 0.7 1.3 0.3 0.1 Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg.
Food and other cans 4.3 2.9 1.9 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.9
Other steel packaging 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Total steel packaging 5.3 4.4 2.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1
Aluminum packaging
Beer and soft drink cans Neg. 0.1 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Other cans Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg.
Foil and closures 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Total aluminum packaging 0.2 0.5 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Paper and paperboard packaging
Corrugated boxes 8.3 10.5 11.3 11.7 12.7 12.4 12.7 12.6
Milk cartonsb0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Folding cartonsb2.5 2.1 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.0
Other paperboard packaging 4.4 4.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Bags and sacksb2.2 1.2 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5
Wrapping papersb0.1 0.1 Neg. Neg. Neg. Neg.
Other paper packaging 3.3 3.1 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6
Total paper and paperboard packaging 16.0 17.7 17.4 15.9 16.8 16.1 16.3 15.9
Plastic packaging
Soft drink bottlesb0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3
Milk bottlesb0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Other containers 0.1 0.8 0.6 0.7 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3
Bags and sacksb0.3 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Wrapsb0.6 0.7 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.1
Other plastic packaging 0.1 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.6 1.8 1.8
Total plastic packaging 0.1 1.7 2.2 3.4 5.0 5.4 5.6 5.6
Wood packaging 2.3 1.7 2.6 4.0 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.5
Other misc. packaging 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Total container and packaging 31.1 36.0 34.7 31.4 32.0 31.4 31.8 31.2
Total product wastesc62.0 68.8 71.8 71.4 74.5 73.7 73.9 73.5
Other wastes
Food scraps 13.8 10.6 8.6 10.1 11.1 11.7 11.8 11.9
Yard trimmings 22.7 19.2 18.1 17.1 12.8 13.1 12.8 13.1
Miscellaneous inorganic wastes 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Total other wastes 38.0 31.2 28.2 28.6 25.5 26.3 26.1 26.5
Total MSW generated 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: EPA (2006a).
aGeneration before materials recovery or combustion. Details may not add to totals because of rounding.
bNot estimated separately prior to 1980. Paper wraps not reported separately after 1996.
cOther than food products.
Neg. =less than 5000 tons.
need less packaging material per unit of product. If the ratio of pack-
age dimensions remains constant, increased size will increase the
enclosure dimensions as a square function and increase the volume
as a cube function. Therefore, the volume increases more rapidly,
resulting in less packaging per unit volume. The trend toward larger
sizes (as is typical in warehouse clubs) therefore represents a source
reduction. The competing trendis for convenience and portion ser v-
ings, in which individual portions are packaged, thereby increasing
increase MSW. However, large portion sizes for small families can
lead to food waste (food becomes unacceptable by physical, chem-
ical, or biological means) and thus increase total discards.
Materials for reuse and recycling must be sufficiently cleaned
to remove any safety hazard posed by contaminants. The mate-
rials are often washed with powerful (usually caustic) detergents
that create liquid waste that must be properly treated. Furthermore,
transportation costs can be high, depending on the proximity of
Vol. 72, Nr. 3, 2007JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE R49
R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status SummaryFood Packaging . . .
each plant (Stilwell and others 1991). Shipment of reusable or recy-
clable containers over long distances may require more energy than
is saved by refilling. Glass is a heavy material, and recycling crushed
glass (cullet) requires transportation of postconsumer glass to a lim-
ited number of glass manufacturing facilities. If oil prices increase,
the transportation distance that can be justified decreases. Lifecycle
analysis studies can help determine the environmental impacts and
resource demands of different waste management scenarios.
An unintended negative consequence of bottle bills is the en-
try of potentially contaminated materials into a food environment
when the beverage containers are brought in for redemption. For
example, if a bottle were used for garden chemicals, gasoline trans-
fer, or any other nonfood use prior to return, this contamination
could pose a hazard at the place of return if it were a food establish-
ment. Furthermore, if the bottle were not adequately cleaned be-
fore recycling, the contamination could ultimately transfer to a new
package made with the recycled materials. Unless they are rinsed to
remove food residues, used soft drink bottles can also attractinsects
and other pests into a food establishment and foster the growth of
microorganisms. This concern exists among many food establish-
ments (Carolina Recycling Assn. 2002). These potential problems
can be resolved, but the costs subtract from the realized benefits.
The use of recycling centers instead of food establishments reduces
these concerns.
Landfilling compared to the environment
Because landfills have the potential to contaminate air and
groundwater, proper design, construction, and management are
Table 5 --- Impact of packaging materials and recycling on MSW 2005a
Weight generated Weight recovered Discards Recovery as percentage of
Materials (million tons) (million tons) (million tons) generation
Paper and paperboards (34.1%)b
Packaging 39.0 22.9 16.1 58.8
Nonpackaging 44.9 19.0 25.9 42.4
Total 83.9 42.0 41.9 50.0
Metals (7.6%)
Packaging 4.3 2.3 2.1 51.3
Nonpackaging 14.5 4.7 9.7 33.0
Total 18.7 6.9 11.8 36.8
Plastics (11.8%)
Packaging 13.7 1.3 12.4 9.4
Nonpackaging 15.3 0.4 14.9 2.6
Total 28.9 1.7 27.3 5.7
Glass (5.2%)
Packaging 10.9 2.8 8.2 25.3
Nonpackaging 1.8 Neg. 1.8 Neg.
Total 12.8 2.8 10.0 21.6
Wood packaging (5.7%)
Packaging 8.5 1.3 18.4
Nonpackaging 5.4 Neg. 5.4 Neg.
Total 13.9 1.3 12.6 9.4
Other miscellaneous (1.9%)
Packaging 0.3 Neg. 0.3 Neg.
Nonpackaging 4.3 1.2 3.1 27.9
Total 4.6 1.2 3.4 26.1
Rubber and leather (2.7%) 6.7 1.0 5.7 14.3
Textiles (4.5%) 11.1 1.7 9.4 15.3
Yard wastes (13.1%) 32.1 19.9 12.2 62.0
Food wastes (11.9%) 29.2 0.7 28.5 2.4
Other wastes (1.5%) 3.7 Neg. 3.7 Neg.
Total MSW 245.7 79.2 166.5 32.1
Total packaging 76.7 30.6 46.1 39.9
Total nonpackaging 169.0 48.6 120.4 28.8
Source: EPA (2006a).
aDetail may not add to totals because of rounding.
bPercentages after item represent percent of total MSW.
Neg. =negligible.
essential to prevent environmental damage. Prior to 1970, land-
fills were sited on the most convenient, least expensive lands, such
as wetlands, marshes, quarries, spent mines, and gravel pits. Envi-
ronmental impact with regard to toxic matter generation was not
considered. The only environmental consideration was to cover the
solid waste with soil to reduce odors, litter, and rodents.
In 1991, the emergence of evidence that siting landfills in wet-
land areas created groundwater contamination caused the promul-
gation of MSW Landfills Criteria (40 CFR Part 258). The standards
address location restrictions, operating practices,and requirements
for composite liners, leachate collection and removal, and ground-
water monitoring.
Improperly designed landfills contaminate groundwater when
water from rain or the waste itself permeates the landfill and dis-
solves substances in the waste. Acidic/alkaline conditions can en-
hance the extraction of certain substances. Under the standards,
composite liners prevent leachate from reaching groundwater and
allowitscollectionandtreatmentbefore disposal. Even though these
efforts minimize groundwater contamination, limiting air and water
permeation of waste also hinders the degradation of organic mate-
rial within landfills. EPAs research into bioreactors and support of
composting are attempts to better address the management of or-
ganic waste.
Many MSW landfills are also subject to air emission standards (40
CFR Part 60, Subparts Cc and WWW). Landfill gas emissions contain
methane, carbon dioxide, and more than 100 different nonmethane
organic compounds such as vinyl chloride, toluene, and ben-
zene. Air emission standards require gas collection and treatment
R50 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCEVol. 72, Nr. 3, 2007
R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status SummaryFood Packaging . . .
systems; in addition, systems that incorporate energy recovery are
Public opposition to siting of incinerators and landfills for waste
disposal is described by the acronyms NIMBY (not in my backyard),
NIMED (not in my election district), and NIMTO (not in my term of
office). The siting problem is therefore not only an issue of technical
significance but also economic, social, and political. Effective public
involvement is a significant component of a comprehensive siting
Combustion compared to the environment
With the continued decline in landfill capacity, combustion
especially waste-to-energy combustionis becoming a widely used
method to address increased MSW disposal needs (166.7 million
tons in 2005). However, with the exception of modular combustors,
incinerators require considerable initial capital, and construction
takes 3 to 5 y. In addition, incineration results in air emissions that
must be considered and controlled. Carbon dioxide, a greenhouse
gas, is released when products derived from fossil fuels (such as plas-
tics) are burned. Pollution concerns include the emission of partic-
ulate matter, acidic gases (particularly sulfur dioxide and nitrogen
oxides), heavy metals, halogens, dioxins, and products of incom-
plete combustion. Dioxins and halogens are released from inciner-
ation of chlorinated polymers, the most abundant of which is PVC,
constituting approximately 1% of MSW. Incomplete combustion of
the organic components of MSW is also possible with suboptimal
operation of an incinerator.
Lead- and cadmium-based additives for plastics and colorants
contribute to the heavy metal content of MWC ash. Although used in
small quantity, these metals concentrate in the ash as the polymers
are burned off. Ash disposal is currently managed as potentially
hazardous material under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation
and Recovery Act. In addition, the Clean Air Act regulates MWCs.
Several regulations arecurrently in place for new and existing MWCs
(40CFR Part60,SubpartsEa, Eb, Cb,AAAA, and BBBB). In2004nearly
all MWCs were equipped with particulates and acid gas controls in
compliance with state and federal standards (Kiser 2004).
Packaging Legislation
at addressing the disposal of packaging materials is beyond the
scope of this Scientific Status Summary, certain actions merit brief
discussion. Legislation to address food packaging in MSW typically
involves bottle bills and recycling programs,including requirements
for recycling levels (Raymond Communications 2005).
Designed to encourage recycling and reduce litter, bottle bills ap-
pear to be making a positive impact: Litter surveys have shown a
reduction in total roadside and beverage container litter in states
with bottle bills (Container Recycling Inst. 2006b). The 11 states that
have bottle bills are California, Connecticut,Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa,
Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Oregon, and Vermont
(Container Recycling Inst. 2006a). Some of these states are attempt-
ing to expand bottle bill programs while others are reviewing their
existing programs.
In addition, California, Oregon, and Wisconsin have passed rigid
plastics packaging container requirements, which specify recycling
rates for rigid containers. Proposals for similar legislation exist in
New Jersey. Encouraging recycling is of obvious benefit; neverthe-
less, strict mandates can pose problems. The Chinese economy has
expanded so rapidly that China is willing to purchase postconsumer
materials, which could reduce the availability of such materials in
the United States. As a result, recycling can occur on a global level
but may make it difficult for states to meet their recycling targets.
The emphasis on packaging and solid waste management is
different in other countries compared to the United States (Ray-
mond Communications 2006). Numerous countries have imple-
mented container deposit legislation, including Australia, Canada,
Denmark, Germany, Norway, and Sweden. As a somewhat differ-
ent approach, take-back programs require that companies collect
and recycle a portion of their secondary packaging, such as ship-
ping containers and outer wrapping. Such programs are in effect in
many European countries. Some companies perform the take-back
themselves, and some opt to join collection organizations.
Moreover, waste management programs add expenses that are
passed on to the consumer, and the programs may or may not have
the intended beneficial impact on solid waste reduction. For in-
stance, the Duales System Deutschland program in Germany had
to change to a for-profit organization because of Germanys lu-
crative packaging laws. Fee-based programs such as Green Dot
charge companies for the right to sell packaged goods in certain
locales; the fees may or may not be tied to recycling programs.
Regulatory programs that impose fees on landfill disposal, such
as those in Taiwan, affect the cost and choice of materials for
In some instances, requirements ostensibly designed to reduce
the environmental impact of packaging are a veiled trade barrier.
Examples include testing that must be performed in country or in
certified labs, national standards that differ from international stan-
dards, take-back programs that impose greater expense on imports
than domestic products, and unnecessary bans on substances irrel-
evant in the importing country such as tropical pesticides (Marsh
1993). Definitions can also result in trade barriers. For example, a
mandate for recycled content that requires domestic sources for
materials may be a trade barrier for imports.
Considerations for Use of Different
Packaging Materials
The key to successful packaging is to select the package mate-
rial and design that best satisfy competing needs with regard to
product characteristics, marketing considerations (including dis-
tribution needs and consumer needs), environmental and waste
management issues, and cost. Not only is balancing so many fac-
tors difficult, but also it requires a differentanalysis for each product,
considering factors such as the properties of the packaging material,
the type of food to be packaged, possible food/package interactions,
the intended market for the product, desired product shelf-life, en-
vironmental conditions during storage and distribution, product
end use, eventual package disposal, and costs related to the pack-
age throughout the production and distribution process. Some of
these factors are interrelated: for example, the type of food and the
properties of the packaging material determine the nature of food
package interactions during storage. Other times, the factors are at
odds with each other: for example, single-serving packaging meets
consumer needs, but bulk packaging is better for environmental
reasons. Table 6 provides an overview of the variety of factors at play
in package selection.
Product characteristics
A thorough knowledge of product characteristics, including de-
terioration mechanisms, distribution needs, and potential interac-
tions with the package, is essential for package design and devel-
opment. These characteristics concern the physical, chemical, bio-
chemical, and microbiological nature of the product. Materials that
provide optimum protection of product quality and safety are most
preferred. Similarly, distribution systems and conditions help deter-
mine the type of packaging material used.
Vol. 72, Nr. 3, 2007JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE R51
R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status SummaryFood Packaging . . .
Table 6 --- Properties, environmental issues, and cost for packaging materials
Product characteristics/food compatibility Consumer/marketing issues Environmental issues
Material Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages Cost
Glass rImpermeable to moisture
and gases
rNonreactive (inert)
rWithstands heat processing
rBrittle and breakable
rNeeds a separate closure
rTransparent, allows
consumer to see
rCan be colored for
rPoor portability: heavy
and breakable
rRelatively difficult to
rOften contains
recycled content
rHeavy and bulky to
rLow cost material but
somewhat costly to
Aluminum rImpermeable to moisture
and gases
rResistant to corrosion
rWithstands heat processing
rCannot be welded
rLimited structural strength
rEasy to decorate
rGood portability,
lightweight, and not
rLimited shapes rRecyclable
incentive to
rNo disadvantages in
rigid form
rSeparation difficulties
in laminated form
rRelatively expensive
but value encourages
Tinplate rImpermeable
rStrong and formable
rResistant to corrosion
rWithstands heat processing
rCan react with foods;
coating required
rEasy to decorate rTypically requires a can
opener to access
rMagnetic thus
easily separated
rHeavier than
rCheaper than
Tin-free steel rStrong
rGood resistance to
rWithstands heat processing
rDifficult to weld, requires
removal of coating
rLess resistant to corrosion
rEasy to decorate rTypically requires a can
opener to access
rMagnetic thus
easily separated
rHeavier than
rCheaper than tinplate
Polyolefins rGood moisture barrier
rResistant to chemicals
rPoor gas barrier rLightweight rSlight haze or
rHigh energy
source for
rEasily recycled in
semi-rigid form but
identification and
separation more
difficult for films
rLow cost
Polyesters rStrong
rWithstands hot filling
rGood barrier properties
rHigh clarity
rShatter resistant
rRecyclablea,brEasily recycled in
rigid form but
identification and
separation more
difficult for films
rInexpensive but higher
cost among plastics
rResistant to chemicals
rHigh clarity rRecyclablearContains chlorine
rRequires separating
from other waste
rHigh barrier to moisture
and gases
rHeat sealable
rWithstands hot filling
rMaintains product
rRecyclablearContains chlorine
rRequires separating
from other waste
rInexpensive but higher
cost among plastics
(continued on next page)
R52 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCEVol. 72, Nr. 3, 2007
R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status SummaryFood Packaging . . .
Table 6 Continued.
Product characteristics/food compatibility Consumer/marketing issues Environmental issues
Material Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages Cost
Polystyrene rAvailable in rigid, lm, and
foam form
rPoor barrier properties rGood clarity rRecyclablearRequires separating
from other waste
Polyamide rStrong
rGood barrier properties
rRecyclablearRequires separating
from other waste
rInexpensive but higher
cost among plastics
Ethylene vinyl
rHigh barrier to gases and
rLow moisture barrier/
moisture sensitive
rMaintains product
quality for oxygen-
sensitive products
rRecyclablearRequires separating
from other waste
rInexpensive when
used as thin lm
PLA rBiodegradable hydrolysable rRecyclablea,crRequires separating
from other waste
rRelatively expensive
Paper &
rVery good strength to
weight characteristics
rPoor barrier to light rLow-density materials rMoisture sensitive, loses
strength with
increasing humidity
rMade from
rLow cost
rRecycled content makes it
unsuitable for food contact
rEasily decorated rTears easily rRecyclableb
rEfcient, low cost
rProperties can be tailored
for product needs
rFlexibility in design
and characteristics
rOften allows for
rLayer separation is
rRelatively expensive
but cost effective
for purpose
aAll thermoplastics are technically recyclable and are recycled at the production environment, which contributes to lower cost. As inexpensive materials, postconsumer recycling competes with ease of separating and cleaning
the materials.
bRecycled extensively for nonfood product uses.
cCan be broken down to monomer level and reprocessed.
In particular,food/package interaction plays an important role in
the proper selection of packaging materials for various food appli-
cations. Each packaging material has different inherent properties
(for example, rigidity and permeability to gases). These properties
affect the selection of which material is best for a particular food,
given the characteristics of that food (for example, acidity and light
Food/package interaction involves the transportation of low
molecular weight compounds such as gases or vapors and water
from (1) the food through the package, (2) the environment through
the package, (3) the food into the package, and/or (4) the package
into the food (IFT 1988). It may also include chemical changes in the
food, package, or both. These interactions result in food contamina-
tion (a potential health issue), loss of package integrity (a potential
safety issue), or decrease in quality.
The most common foodpackage interactions are the migration
of low molecular weight substances such as stabilizers, plasticizers,
antioxidants, monomers, and oligomers from plastic packaging ma-
terials into food (Arvanitoyannis and Bosnea 2004). Furthermore,
low molecular weight compounds (volatile and nonvolatile) may
migrate from food into packaging materials through the sorption
mechanism (Hotchkiss 1997). The volatile substances such as fla-
vors and aromas directly affect food quality while the nonvolatile
compounds such as fat and pigments affect the package (Tehrany
and Desobry 2004).
Marketing is a prerequisite to successful innovation in the pack-
aging industry; it promotes products in a competitive marketplace
and increases consumer choice (Coles 2003). Consumers areconsis-
tently looking for packages that offer convenience attributes such as
resealability, container portability (lightweight materials preferred),
ease of opening, convenient preparation features, and product vis-
Environmental characteristics
As a comprehensive analysis of the material from production to
disposal, life cycle analysis is important in determining the environ-
mental impact of a package. The analysis incorporates a quantitative
evaluation of environmental costs, considering issues such as ma-
terial use, energy consumption, and waste generation (Smith and
White 2000). The sustainability goal inherent within the cradle-to-
cradle concept (imposing zero impact on future generations) builds
on life cycle analysis to address material and energy recovery as
well (McDonough and Braungart 2002). Furthermore, new pack-
aging materials are being developed to facilitate the goal of true
Balancing priorities
Ideally, a food package would consist of materials that maintain
the quality and safety of the food indefinitely with no degradation
over time; are attractive, convenient, and easy to use while convey-
ing all pertinent information; are made from renewable resources,
generating no waste for disposal; and are inexpensive. Rarely, if ever,
do todays food packages meet this lofty goal. Creating a food pack-
age is as much art as science, trying to achieve the best overall result
without falling below acceptable standards in any single category
(an exercise in balancing and negotiation).
From a product characteristic perspective, the inertness and ab-
solute barrier properties of glass make it the best choice material
for most packaging applications. However, the economic disadvan-
tage of glass boosts the use of alternatives such as plastic. While
plastics offer a wide range of properties and are used in various
Vol. 72, Nr. 3, 2007JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE R53
R: Concise Reviews in Food Science
Scientific Status SummaryFood Packaging . . .
food applications, their permeability is less optimalunlike metal,
which is totally impervious to light, moisture, and air. Attempts to
balance competing needs can sometimes be addressed by mixing
packaging materialssuch as combining different plastics through
co-extrusion or laminationor by laminating plastics with foil or
Ultimately, the consumer plays a significant role in package de-
sign. Consumer desires drive product sales, and the package is a
significant sales tool. Although a bulk glass bottle might be the best
material for fruit juice or a sport beverage, sales will be affected if
competitors continue to use plastic to meet the consumer desire for
shatterproof, portable, single-serving containers.
The primary purpose of food packaging must continue to be
maintaining the safety, wholesomeness, and quality of food.
The impact of packaging waste on the environment can be mini-
mized by prudently selecting materials, following EPA guidelines,
and reviewing expectations of packaging in terms of environmental
impact. Knowledgeable efforts by industry, government, and con-
sumers will promote continued improvement, and an understand-
ing of the functional characteristics of packaging will prevent much
of the well-intentioned but ill-advised solutions that do not ade-
quately account for both preconsumer and postconsumer packag-
ing factors.
IFT thanks the following individuals for reviewing the manuscript of
this Scientific Status Summary: JohnKrochta, Ph.D., Professor,Dept.
of Food Science and Technology, Univ. of California, Davis; Mohan
Rao,Ph.D.,Researchand Development, Frito-Lay Inc.; JosephMarcy,
Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Virginia
Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ.; and Jung Hoon Han, Ph.D., Assis-
tant Professor, Univ. of Manitoba.
Mary Helen Arthur and Toni Tarver, Scientific and Technical
Communications Manager, Institute of Food Technologists, con-
tributed to the preparation and editing of this Scientific Status
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Vol. 72, Nr. 3, 2007JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE R55
... 1,2 Polymer packaging materials safeguard food from external inuences (microorganisms, chemical interactions, ultraviolet (UV)/visible light, temperature, and humidity), thus preserving food quality and extending its shelf life. 3 The consumption of food packaging materials is projected to increase annually at approximately 7.05% (from 2019 to 2026), raising concerns about plastic packaging waste. 4 Because conventional food-packaging materials (such as polypropylene and polyethylene terephthalate) are not biodegradable, plastic waste decomposition takes ten to hundreds of years. ...
... 5 Therefore, increased plastic waste from food packaging has caused grave environmental concerns. 3 These worries and the scarcity of petroleum resources have prompted the development of biodegradable food packaging materials. 6,7 Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is one of the most commonly employed biodegradable synthetic polymers. ...
... Through acid hydrolysis, cellulose's amorphous domains are dissolved to produce CNC with predominantly crystalline domains. 13 Nanoscale CNC typically has a rod-like shape (3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20) nm in diameter and 100-1000 nm in length). CNC has exceptional mechanical strength, Young's modulus, good oxygen barrier properties, a large surface area, and excellent biodegradability. ...
Full-text available
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were loaded on deprotonated cellulose nanocrystals (CNCd) and incorporated into polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) to develop novel active food packaging films. The AgNPs were fabricated using the liquid phase chemical reduction method using the sodium borohydride reductant of AgNO3. The analysis using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis) showed that the CNCd surface had a homogeneous distribution of AgNPs with a diameter of about 100 nm. Additionally, CNCd/Ag was successfully incorporated into the PVA film. The developed PVA/CNCd/Ag film showed significantly improved mechanical properties, thermal stability, and UV barrier properties compared to a neat PVA film. The PVA/CNCd/Ag composite film could significantly preserve bananas for 14 days, preventing deterioration and allowing extended storage periods. This composite film generally shows promise in food packaging and prolongs food's shelf life.
... Salah satu fungsi utama dari sebuah kemasan adalah melindungi makanan yang terdapat di dalamnya dari potensi kerusakan dan zat zat berbahaya serta menjadi informasi bagi konsumen (Cole, 2003). (Marsh & Bugusu, 2007) berpendapat bahwa kemasan memiliki beberapa peranan penting seperti misalnya : memperlambat kerusakan produk, memperpanjang umur produk, serta melindungi makanan dari 3 kemungkinan kerusakan (kimiawi, biologis dan kontak fisik), sementara (Sari, 2013) menyatakan bahwa kemasan memerankan peranan penting dalam mengedukasi konsumen dan serta memberikan gambaran dan informasi terkait produk serta brand yang dimiliki oleh konsumen. ...
... Ketiga semantik tersebut dapat diinterpretasikan bahwa faktor estetika yang ada sekarang belumlah nampak dan dapat dirasakan secara kasat mata dan secara emosi oleh konsumen, sehingga perlu adanya penambahan unsur estetika pada kemasan yang ada. 3. Faktor Keamanan : Faktor keamanan disusun atas 2 semantik yaitu aman dan inovatif. Selain aman, kemasan juga diharapkan memiliki faktor inovasi oleh konsumen, hal ini berdasarkan bahwa kemasan yang ada saat ini kurang dapat melindungi isi makanan yang merupakan tugas penting dari sebuah kemasan, konsep ini sejalan dengan konsep yang dikemukakan oleh (Marsh & Bugusu, 2007) bahwa kemasan makanan memiliki beberapa peranan penting seperti : melindungi makanan dari kerusakan dan memungkinan untuk memperpanjang umur produk. ...
Kemasan memainkan peranan penting dalam sebuah pembungkus makanan, selain sebagai perlindungan makanan dari beberapa zat berbahaya dan tidak diinginkan, kemasan memiliki fungsi lain yang dapat dipergunakan sebagai identitas ataupun sarana informasi bagi perusahaan yang memiliki produk makanan tersebut. Kemasan yang menarik juga dapat menjadi selling point karena dapat menarik minat dari para pembeli untuk kembali membeli produk terkait, namun permasalahan kemasan ini masih belum banyak diperhatikan oleh UMKM, padahal hal tersebut bisa menjadi faktor pendorong bagi UMKM untuk terus berkembang. The Jambal’s, adalah UMKM yang bergerak di produk kripik kulit, memiliki potensi besar sebagai penyedia layanan jajanan makanan, namun kemasan yang dipergunakan masih belum sepenuhnya membangkitkan potensi dari UMKM tersebut. Salah satu metode yang memasukkan unsur emosi, salah satunya estetika dalam pengembangan produk, adalah Kansei Engineering (KE), metode ini kemudian dikolaborasikan dengan Quality Function Deployment dimana pengembangan kemasan tetap berdasarkan dari kebutuhan konsumen yang didapat dari emosi melalui proses KE. Hasil akhir pada penelitian ini adalah kemasan yang telah sesuai dengan apa yang diinginkan konsumen serta memunculkan unsur estetika di dalamnya.
... The growth of the retail food industry and food supply has further increased the use of plastic in packaging, and today, around 40 % of the total plastic used in Europe is used for packaging purposes (PlasticsEurope, 2023). Plastic packaging is now the second most widely used method for packaging and is used in over 50 % of all packaged products (Marsh and Bugusu, 2007;Coles and Kirwan, 2011). ...
... Plastics have several advantages for food packaging, such as their ability to be molded into various shapes and structures, being cost-effective and lightweight with a range of physical and optical properties, and having chemical resistance (Kitz et al., 2022). However, plastics also have disadvantages for the food industry, such as permeability to gases, light, vapours, and low molecular weight molecules (Marsh and Bugusu, 2007). According to Eurostat (2022), in 2021, packaging waste generated in the EU was estimated at 188.7 kg kg per capita. ...
... Scientists suspect that the primary toxic component of DBP is its initial breakdown product, monobutyl phthalate, which has been linked to adverse effects on the male reproductive system, particularly leading to birth defects in laboratory animals, especially male offspring (Kopelovich et al., 2015). The use of phthalates in consumer items has been outlawed or severely regulated by responsible regulatory bodies in the USA, the EU, Australia, Canada, and UK (Marsh and Bugusu, 2007). This has raised concerns and attracted great attention since signi cant number of plastics are used for packaging worldwide, highlighting the possible leaching of phthalates into food products consumed (Rastkari et al., 2017). ...
Full-text available
The safety and quality of pharmaceutical products can be affected by chemical contaminants that migrate into them, depending on the type and composition of the packaging material. The migration of phthalates during manufacturing of plastics poses potential significant health concerns. This research aims to provide insight into factors driving phthalate migration and propose strategies for reducing its occurrence in extemporaneous preparations in Ashanti region, Ghana. Factors such as storage time and migration kinetics over two years were investigated to understand their impact on phthalate levels in Mist Senna Co (MSC), Mist Potassium Citrate (MPC), Mist Magnesium Trisilicate (MMT) and Mist Expectorant Sedative (MES). The samples were analysed using reverse phase – High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC) with Photodiode array (PDA) detection. A gradient elution using acetonitrile and 0.1% formic acid at a detection wavelength of 235 nm and a flow rate of 1 mL/min was employed. As the storage time increased, the levels of the phthalates increased. The migration of phthalates was influenced by the duration the polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle was in contact with the content of the bottle. The highest migration rate per week for all the phthalates was observed in diethylhexyl phthalate with the highest level being 19 µg/L in MMT, 16 µg/L in MSC, 12 µg/L in MES and 8.3 µg/L in MPC. The finding emphasizes the significance of implementing optimized storage time in reducing phthalate exposure in extemporaneous preparations in Ghana. This study could contribute to enhancing the safety and quality of pharmaceutical products in Ghana.
... Moreover, it is likely that key drivers such as environmental concern, perceived recyclability, task-specific benefits, and convenience may help to engage consumers [4,5]. More specifically, food packaging provides numerous functional roles and incorporates different materials (such as plastic, glass, metal, paper/cardboard), subsequently contributing to notable disposal-related challenges [1,[6][7][8]. In addition, ensuring that food packaging utilises sustainable materials and encourages appropriate end-user behaviour is fundamental; accordingly, this represents key global challenges for both companies and consumers alike [1,[9][10][11]. ...
Full-text available
There is increasing pressure for everyone to adopt sustainable behaviours and typically this starts at-home via appropriate food-based disposal practices; however, this is associated with various barriers impacting compliance. Targeted education in college and/or the university environment could provide a viable approach to overcome such difficulties; yet, limited readily available resources exist to bring this forth. This paper explores students’ food packaging expectations and attitudes as well as information preferences in four countries (UK, France, India, and China). Students (n = 533) completed an online survey capturing food packaging purchase-based decisions, disposal-related challenges, and communication preferences. Students noted that food packaging had a dominant role in product choice. Fresh produce was considered an area for improvement, especially in the UK, India, and France, whereas snacks/baked goods were a priority in China. Disposal-related challenges were mostly associated with mixed materials. Students cited no clear information, limited choices, excessive packaging, and no nearby bins as common food packaging issues. This suggests that improving infrastructure (more bins, clearer signing) could be fundamental to encourage students to implement more sustainable food packaging behaviour. Furthermore, colleges and/or universities should consider students’ preferred information formats (infographics, videos) and develop targeted education (recyclability) which can be easily disseminated to promote engagement and sustainable food packaging knowledge and awareness.
... Thus, environmental sustainability of food packaging has in recent years received a lot of both scholarly and political attention (e.g., European Commission, 2018;Plastics Europe, 2015). On top of the packaging waste that constitutes over one half of total global waste, the production of packaging consumes natural resources and produces carbon emissions (European Commission, 2018;Marsh and Bugusu, 2007). Worldwide, the carbon emissions induced by the packaging sector are valued to be around 5% (Krauter et al., 2022). ...
The growing amount of waste originating from food packaging has increased both practical and scholarly interest in the technological development, design and marketing of sustainable food packaging. This article, in turn, scrutinizes the sustainability of packaging from the consumer perspective, arguing that the sustainability of a package is entangled not only in the content of the packaging but also in the functions it fulfills, and that the conditions for acceptable sustainable food packaging from the consumers’ perspective differ from the packaging industry’s views. We examine the meanings of the packaging functions for consumers based on the data collected through an online consumer panel in Finland. The findings show that while the containment function of packaging plays the most important role for the consumer in general, the informative function is particularly relevant from the viewpoint of sustainability. Moreover, we identified two novel functions consumers highly appreciate –usability and disposability – that are largely irrelevant from the industry perspective. The findings provide important insights in the transformation to more sustainable food packaging and in the development of novel packaging solutions.
This study evaluated the frictional behaviour of flexible polymer‐coated and dispersion‐coated materials used in vertical form–fill–seal (VFFS) machines. A laboratory‐scale friction measurement device was developed to investigate the relationship between different surface topographies, roughness and frictional properties. Furthermore, surface roughness, contact angle and surface energy of the material were analysed and a microscopic analysis was performed to further understand the effect of material properties on friction. Thermal camera analysis was performed to measure the temperature changes within the material during the film‐transport stage of the VFFS machine. The friction measurement results indicated that the sliding direction did not affect the static and kinetic coefficients of friction. The significant influence of friction on the surface topography of the plate (forming shoulder and tube) was particularly evident. Some materials experienced the stick–slip phenomenon during sliding, depending on the surface type. Teflon tape, which is commonly used in the forming tubes of VFFS machines, exhibited the lowest coefficient of friction. Thermal camera analysis revealed that polymer‐coated paper materials generated more heat than dispersion‐coated papers during VFFS trials and thermoplastic films generated the least heat. No clear relationship between the surface roughness of the paper, fibre orientation, surface energy and friction coefficient was noted. Furthermore, paper‐based materials exhibited a higher coefficient of friction, which is possibly related to the dispersion components of surface energy. The findings of this study provide additional knowledge for designing the forming tube, shoulder geometry and surface plate to minimize the occurrence of defects, such as wrinkles, in paper‐based packages.
Use of plastics as packaging materials has grown rapidly during the last several decades (Figure 131.1) (1). The development of new plastic resins and the combination of resins in multilayer structures has allowed plastics to substitute for glass and metal, in particular, in a variety of applications. Such changes generally result in smaller and lighter packages that take less space and consume less energy in manufacture, storage, and distribution. Plastics have also substituted for paper in a significant number of applications. In other cases, a combination of paper and plastics, sometimes with aluminum foil as well, has replaced glass or metal. The area of flexible packaging has been a major source of growth for the use of plastics. However, plastics are certainly not confined to such uses.
This book discusses all the main types of packaging based on paper and paperboard. It considers the raw materials and manufacture of paper and paperboard, and the basic properties and features on which packaging made from these materials depends for its appearance and performance. The manufacture of twelve types of paper- and paperboard-based packaging is described, together with their end-use applications and the packaging machinery involved. The importance of pack design is stressed, and how these materials offer packaging designers opportunities for imaginative and innovative design solutions. Environmental and waste management issues are addressed in a separate chapter. The book is directed at those joining companies which manufacture packaging grades of paper and paperboard, companies involved in the design, printing and production of packaging, and companies which manufacture inks, coatings, adhesives and packaging machinery. It will be essential reading for students of packaging technology.
There has been a growing interest and effort over the last few years in the development of novel food packaging concepts, which can play a proactive role regarding product preservation, shelf-life extension, and even improvement. Several strategies have been devised to exert a positive action over the packaged foodstuff, including retention of desirable molecules (i.e., aldehydes, oxygen) and release of substances (i.e., carbon dioxide, aromas). These new developments have been generally termed active packaging technologies. However, many of these emerging active packaging technologies are finding in the versatility and special properties of plastic materials an efficient vehicle to exploit and enhance their commercial interest. This overview examines the most recent developments and technologies designed to include the active principle within the plastic packaging materials and generally termed active plastics technologies. Due to the novelty of most of these active packaging developments, the scope of this article has mainly been focused on peer-reviewed literature as this offers, in principle, a more objective description of these new technologies.
Yard waste includes grass, leaves, and tree and brush trimmings. Grass is the biggest component of yard waste by weight, while leaves are the biggest component by volume. Local yard waste generation varies dramatically based on a number of factors, including climate, yard size, and the percentage of the population in single-family housing. Yard waste can be the largest component of municipal solid waste (MSW) streams during the summer and fall months, with grass predominating in the summer, and leaves in the fall. Yard waste is the largest individual component of generated MSW by weight and of landfilled MSW by volume.
There has been a growing interest and effort over the last few years in the development of novel food packaging concepts, which can play a proactive role regarding product preservation, shelf-life extension, and even improvement. Several strategies have been devised to exert a positive action over the packaged foodstuff, including retention of desirable molecules (i.e., aldehydes, oxygen) and release of substances (i.e., carbon dioxide, aromas). These new developments have been generally termed active packaging technologies. However, many of these emerging active packaging technologies are finding in the versatility and special properties of plastic materials an efficient vehicle to exploit and enhance their commercial interest. This overview examines the most recent developments and technologies designed to include the active principle within the plastic packaging materials and generally termed active plastics technologies. Due to the novelty of most of these active packaging developments, the s...