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Disinfection by-product formation and mitigation strategies in point-of-use chlorination of turbid and non-turbid waters in western Kenya


Abstract and Figures

Over 1.1 billion people in the world lack access to improved drinking water. Diarrheal and other waterborne diseases cause an estimated 2.2 million deaths per year. The Safe Water System (SWS) is a proven household water treatment intervention that reduces diarrheal disease incidence in users in developing countries. Because the SWS recommends the addition of sodium hypochlorite to unfiltered water sources, concerns have been raised about the potential long-term health effects of disinfection by-products to SWS users. This study investigated the production of trihalomethanes (THMs) in water treated with sodium hypochlorite from six sources used for drinking water in western Kenya. The turbidity values of these sources ranged from 4.23 NTU to 305 NTU. THM concentrations were analysed at 1, 8, and 24 hours after addition of sodium hypochlorite. No sample exceeded the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline values for any of the four THMs: chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, or bromoform. In addition, no sample exceeded the WHO additive total THM guideline value. These results clearly show that point-of-use chlorination of a variety of realistic source waters used for drinking did not lead to THM concentrations that pose a significant health risk to SWS users.
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Disinfection by-product formation and mitigation
strategies in point-of-use chlorination of turbid and
non-turbid waters in western Kenya
D. S. Lantagne, B. C. Blount, F. Cardinali and R. Quick
D. S. Lantagne (corresponding author)
R. Quick
Enteric Diseases Epidemiology Branch, M/S A-38,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
1600 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta GA 30333,
Tel.: 404 639 0231
Fax: 404 639 2205
B. C. Blount
F. Cardinali
Division of Laboratory Sciences,
National Center for Environmental Health,
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Atlanta, GA 30341,
Over 1.1 billion people in the world lack access to improved drinking water. Diarrheal and other
waterborne diseases cause an estimated 2.2 million deaths per year. The Safe Water System
(SWS) is a proven household water treatment intervention that reduces diarrheal disease
incidence in users in developing countries. Because the SWS recommends the addition of sodium
hypochlorite to unfiltered water sources, concerns have been raised about the potential long-
term health effects of disinfection by-products to SWS users. This study investigated the
production of trihalomethanes (THMs) in water treated with sodium hypochlorite from six sources
used for drinking water in western Kenya. The turbidity values of these sources ranged from
4.23 NTU to 305 NTU. THM concentrations were analysed at 1, 8, and 24 hours after addition of
sodium hypochlorite. No sample exceeded the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline values
for any of the four THMs: chloroform, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, or
bromoform. In addition, no sample exceeded the WHO additive total THM guideline value. These
results clearly show that point-of-use chlorination of a variety of realistic source waters used for
drinking did not lead to THM concentrations that pose a significant health risk to SWS users.
Key words
developing countries, disinfection by-products, drinking water, household water
treatment, point-of-use chlorination, Safe Water System
Point-of-use water treatment and the Safe Water
An estimated 1.1 billionpeople lack access to improved water
supplies and2.4 billion people are withoutadequate sanitation
(WHO/UNICEF 2000). The health consequences of
inadequate water and sanitation services include an estimated
4 billion cases of diarrhea and 2.2 million deaths each year,
mostly among young children in developing countries
(WHO/UNICEF 2000). In addition, waterborne diarrheal
diseaseslead to decreased food intakeand nutrient absorption,
malnutrition, reduced resistance to infection (Baqui et al.
1993), and impaired physical growth and cognitive develop-
ment (Guerrant et al. 1999). Recently, point-of-use drinking
water treatment and safestorage optionshave been recognized
as approaches which can accelerate the health gains associ-
ated with improved water until the longer term goal of
universal access to piped, treated water can be attained
(Fewtrell & Colford 2004). Household water treatment and
storage practices can prevent disease, and thereby support
poverty alleviation and development goals.
Chlorination was first used for disinfection of public
water supplies in the early 1900s, and is one factor that
contributed to dramatic reductions in waterborne disease in
cities in the United States (Cutler and Miller 2005).
Although small trials of point-of-use chlorination had
been implemented in the past (Mintz et al. 1995), larger
scale trials began in the 1990s, as part of the Pan American
doi: 10.2166/wh.2007.013
67 QUS Government 2008 Journal of Water and Health
Health Organization (PAHO) and the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) response to
epidemic cholera in Latin America (Tauxe 1995). The Safe
Water System (SWS) strategy devised by CDC and PAHO
includes three elements: water treatment with dilute sodium
hypochlorite at the point-of-use, storage of water in a safe
container, and behavior change communication to improve
hygiene and water and food handling practices. The sodium
hypochlorite solution is packaged in a bottle with directions
instructing users to add one full bottle cap of the solution to
clear water (or 2 caps to turbid water) in a standard sized
storage container, agitate, and wait 30 minutes before
drinking. In five randomized controlled trials, the SWS
has resulted in reductions in diarrheal disease incidence
ranging from 26–84% (Semenza 1998;Quick 1999;Quick
2002;Luby 2004;Crump et al. 2005).
The standard Safe Water System sodium hypochlorite
dosage provides a maximum CT factor of 56.25 mg-min/L.
A CT factor of 56.25 is sufficient to inactivate most bacteria,
viruses, and some protozoa (such as giardia) which cause
waterborne diseases (CDC 2006). It will not inactivate
Cryptosporidum and populations at risk for Cryptospo-
ridum infection should consider a filtration step prior to
chlorination to remove the oocysts.
This well-documented reduction of diarrheal disease
incidence in SWS users has encouraged non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) and governments to broadly dis-
seminate the program. National, regional, and local SWS
projects have been implemented with NGO and govern-
ment partners in over 20 countries since 1998. As access to
the SWS has expanded in developing countries, where
many water sources contain suspended organic material,
some health officials and implementing organizations have
expressed concern about the formation of disinfection
by-products in treated water and the attendant risk to users.
In 1974, Rook discovered that hypochlorous acid and
hypobromous acid react with naturally occurring organic
material to create four compounds with potential human
health effects: chloroform (CHCl
), bromoform (CHBr
bromodichloromethane (CHCl
Br), and dibromochloro-
methane (CHClBr
)(Rook 1974). These four compounds
are collectively termed trihalomethanes (THMs). Initially,
research focused on the long-term health effects of chloro-
form and the other trihalomethanes, however, further
research has shown that chlorination of drinking water
leads to the formation of numerous compounds that may or
may not have mutagenic activity. Richardson et al. (2002)
identified greater than 600 water disinfection byproducts in
chlorinated tap water, including haloacetic acids (HAAs).
THMs, and to a lesser extent HAAs, are currently used by
regulatory agencies as indicator chemicals for all potentially
harmful compounds formed by the addition of chlorine to
The World Health Organization (WHO) has estab-
lished guideline values for trihalomethane exposure, based
on epidemiological and laboratory studies. The guideline
values are based on an allowable risk of one extra cancer
attributable to THM exposure in 100,000 people who ingest
two litres of chlorinated water per day with trihalomethane
concentrations at the guideline value for a lifetime period of
70 years.
Chloroform has been classified as possibly carcinogenic
to humans, based on sufficient evidence for carcinogenicity
in experimental animals but inadequate evidence in humans
(IARC 1999). The WHO guideline value for chloroform is
300 mg/L (300 parts per billion (ppb)) (WHO 2005).
Bromodichloromethane (BDCM) has been classified as
probably carcinogenic to humans, with sufficient evidence
in animals and inadequate evidence in humans (IARC 1991).
The WHO guideline value for BDCM is 60 mg/L (WHO
2004). Both dibromochloromethane (DBCM) and bromo-
form have been classified as not classifiable in humans for
carcinogenicity (IARC 1991), and the WHO guideline values
for both are 100 mg/L (WHO 2004)
WHO also proposes the use of an additive toxicity
guideline value, using the fractionation equation that the
sum of the four THMs’ actual concentration (C) divided
by their guideline value (GV) should not be greater than
Note that the publication Trihalomethanes in Drinking-Water (WHO 2005) supersedes
the 3rd Edition of the Guidelines for drinking-water quality (WHO 2004) with an updated
chloroform guideline value. The chlorine guideline value has been increased from
200 mg/L in 1993 to 300 mg/L in 2006 due to an increase in the proportion of chloroform
exposure attributed to drinking water (with low chloroform concentrations) and a
decrease in the proportion of chloroform exposure from other mechanisms (with higher
chloroform concentrations). This updated guideline value will be formalized in an
addendum to the Guidelines for drinking-water quality anticipated in early 2007 (Bartram
personal communication 2006).
68 D.S. Lantagne et al.
Disinfection by-product formation in point-of-use chlorination Journal of Water and Health
one (WHO 2004).
In addition, the WHO Guidelines specifically state that:
‘Where local circumstances require that a choice must be
made between meeting either microbiological guidelines or
guidelines for disinfectants or disinfectant by-products, the
microbiological quality must always take precedence, and
where necessary, a chemical guideline value can be adopted
corresponding to a higher level of risk. Efficient disinfection
must never be compromised’ (WHO 1993).
In contrast to the health-based WHO THM guidelines, the
USEPA and other developed country regulatory agencies
regulate the reduction of trihalomethane concentrations in
drinking water through technology improvements to ‘provide
an incremental step towards mitigating potential risks’ and
‘potential health concerns’ (USEPA 2006). The USEPA
maximum contaminant level (MCL) for total trihalomethanes
(there are no individual analyte thihalomethane USEPA
MCLs) is currently 80 mg/L. In response to these regulations,
the majority of the trihalomethane literature has analyzed
trihalomethane formation potential of source waters and
mitigation strategies such as the use of alternate disinfectants
in centralized water treatment plants in developed countries.
No known research to date has examined the formation
of trihalomethanes consequent to household water treatment
with sodium hypochlorite, which is the most practical form of
treatment in many parts of the world lacking piped water
supplies. In September 2003, we conducted research on
trihalomethane formation resulting from the chlorination of
stored water from a variety of sources with varying turbidity
levels, and the effectiveness of several potential mitigation
strategies, in rural Western Kenya, where CDC and the
NGOs CARE International and Population Services Inter-
national operate an SWS program which began in 1999.
This study was conducted in September 2003 in areas
surrounding Homa Bay, which is south of Kisumu on Lake
Victoria in rural western Kenya. Previous studies have
found that SWS users in this region access a wide variety of
drinking water sources, with low to extremely high turbidity
levels (Ogutu et al. 2001;Crump et al. 2004). In one study
that examined 30 samples from a variety of surface and
borehole water sources in Western Kenya, the mean
turbidity was 331.9 Nephalometric Turbidity Units
(NTUs), with a range of 0.3 to 1724 NTUs (Crump et al.
2004). The addition of sodium hypochlorite in the house-
hold to this water led to a 26% reduction in diarrheal
disease risk among users as compared to controls who
implemented safe storage practices only (Crump et al. 2005).
Study design
We analyzed THM concentrations after chlorination in six
different water sources which were used for drinking by
local communities: lake, river, earth pond, protected well,
open well, and rainwater catchment system (Figure 1).
To assess whether use of different types of water storage
containers led to different THM exposure risk, water
treatment procedures were conducted in water stored in
both 20-litre HDPE plastic jerry cans and locally purchased
ceramic pots. The jerry cans were cleaned, recycled
vegetable oil containers which are widely used as water
storage containers throughout Africa. The ceramic water
storage pots are the preferred storage container in many
parts of Africa because they are locally available from
potters, inexpensive, and the stored water is cooled by
transpiration through the ceramic pores.
For each of the six water sources, THM concentrations
were measured after three different treatment procedures
were used in plastic jerry cans and in ceramic pots (Table 1):
1) after the addition of sodium hypochlorite solution; 2) after
filtration of sample water through a commonly available local
cloth before adding sodium hypochlorite; and 3) after settling
of the water for 24 hours and decanting supernatant water
before adding sodium hypochlorite. In addition, samples
in plastic jerry cans were treated with the alternate point-of-
use water treatment product PuR
(Procter & Gamble
Company, Cincinnati, OH, USA), and samples in ceramic
pots were pre-treated with the natural flocculant moringa
seeds. PuR
and moringa seeds were not tested in both plastic
and ceramic containers due to sample number limitations,
and thus it was decided to test the commercial PuR
69 D.S. Lantagne et al.
Disinfection by-product formation in point-of-use chlorination Journal of Water and Health
in plastic jerry cans and the local moringa seeds, normally
used in rural areas, in the locally-made ceramic pots.
A 1% sodium hypochlorite solution, marketed under the
brand name WaterGuard by Popula tion Services International
(PSI) (Figure 2), was used in the study. Two 500ml bottles of
WaterGuard were purchased locally, and each was tested to
ensure correct concentration with a Hach (Loveland, CO)
Method 8209 portable iodimetric digital titration kit for high-
range total chlorine. The sodium hypochlor ite concentration of
the two bottles was 0.96% and 1.02%, respectively, which
reflects non-concerning variation of concentration in the
production process. An 8 ml (1 capful) volume from one of
the two containers was added to water in plastic containers
from all sources except the river water, to which 16 ml (two
capfuls) was added. For the ceramic pots, 8 ml (1 capful) of
1.02% WaterGuard sodium hypochlorite solution was added
to earth pond water; 16 ml (two capfuls) of 0.96% or 1.02%
sodium hypochlorite solution was added to rainwater, open
well water, protected well water, and lake water; and 24ml
(three capfuls) of 1.02% solution was added to the river water.
This dosing regime, and the difference from the dosing in the
plastic containers, was developed by Ogutu et al. (2001) in
response to concern that organic material in the ceramic pots
would exert additional chlorine demand than in plastic
Figure 1
Water sources used in study (Clockwise from top left: rainwater catchment, lake, protected well, earth pond, river). Note the open well source was not photographed.
70 D.S. Lantagne et al.
Disinfection by-product formation in point-of-use chlorination Journal of Water and Health
containers. This dosage is double the amount of chlorine
recommended currently in Safe Water System programs,
including in Kenya. Based on additional chlorine demand
testing in both plastic and ceramic containers, the new
recommended dose for Kenya is 1.875 mg/L of chlorine in
clear sources, and 3.75 mg/L in turbid sources in both plastic
and ceramic containers. The utilization of this older dosing
regime provides a worst-case scenario of trihalomethane
formation potential for Safe Water System programs.
A sachet of the Procter & Gamble point-of-use treatment
, includesa proprietary mixtureof the flocculant
ferrous sulphate and the disinfectant calcium hypochlorite.
sachets are now marketed in Kenya by PSI, but for this
study sachets were obtained in the United States. A sachet was
added to 10 litres of water, which was stirred for five minutes,
allowed to settle, and then poured through a locally-available
cloth to remove the floc.
The natural flocculant Moringa oleifera pods were
obtained locally. Pods were opened to remove the seeds,
which were peeled and crushed into a powder using a
mortar and pestle. Two grams of the powder was measured
on a digital scale and were added to 20 litres of water
(Madsen et al. 1987), stirred for 5 minutes, and allowed to
settle for 24 hours before supernatant water was decanted
off and treated with sodium hypochlorite. The coagulation
properties of moringa are attributed to polypeptides acting
as cationic polymers (Madsen et al. 1987).
Water collection
Water from each of the six sources was collected in eight
clean 20 litre plastic jerry cans and transported to the lab
the day before analysis occurred.
Water testing procedures
On each day of analysis, each source water sample was
tested for chemical and bacteriological water quality
parameters before treatment began to characterize the
source water, ensure samples with well differentiated
water quality characteristics were collected, and provide
appropriate data for regression analysis.
Each water sample was analyzed for turbidity, pH,
ammonia, conductivity, temperature, free and total chlo-
rine, and total coliform and Esherichia coli colony counts.
In addition, a water sample was collected for later analysis
for total organic carbon (TOC) in a glass container, acidified
to a pH below 2.0, and stored on ice below 68C for later
analysis in the United States. Total organic carbon samples
were delivered to Analytical Services, Incorporated
(Norcross, GA, USA) within two weeks of collection.
EPA Method 9060 was used to analyze the samples, and
all laboratory quality control guidelines were met.
Turbidity was measured after agitation of the sample
water with a Lamotte 2020 turbidimeter (Cherstertown, MD,
Table 1
Water storage, clarification, and treatment procedures completed for each of six water sources
Container type Water clarification procedure Disinfection procedure
1 Plastic None Sodium hypochlorite
2 Plastic Filtered through cloth Sodium hypochlorite
3 Plastic Settled for 24 hours and decanted Sodium hypochlorite
4 Plastic PuR
(ferrous sulphate) PuR
(Calcium hypochlorite)
5 Ceramic None Sodium hypochlorite
6 Ceramic Filtered through cloth Sodium hypochlorite
7 Ceramic Settled for 24 hours and decanted Sodium hypochlorite
8 Ceramic Moringa addition for 24 hours and decanted Sodium hypochlorite
71 D.S. Lantagne et al.
Disinfection by-product formation in point-of-use chlorination Journal of Water and Health
USA) calibrated weekly with non-expired stock calibration
solutions. pH and conductivity were measured with a Hanna
multimeter (Bedfordshire, UK) calibrated weekly with non-
expired stock calibration solutions. Temperature was
measured with an Envirosafe
non-mercury thermometer
(Ben Meadows Company, Jainsville, WI, USA). Ammonia
was measured with an Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Ammonia NH
test kit (Oxfordshire, UK).
Free and total chlorine were measured immediately
after sample collection using a Lamotte 1200 single
wavelength chlorine colorimeter and DPD-1 and DPD-3
tablets (Chestertown, MD, USA). The meter was calibrated
daily using non-expired stock calibration solutions at 0, 0.1,
1.0, and 2.65 mg/L free chlorine.
Total coliform and E. coli were measured using a
portable Millipore (Billerica, MA, USA) filtration stand and
mColiBlue24 media. Samples were diluted appropriately
with sterile buffered water, filtered aseptically through a
45-micron filter, placed in a petri-dish with a media soaked
pad, and incubated for 24 hours at 358C following Standard
Methods (1998). Negative controls were included within
each daily run.
For each of the six water sources, at 1 hour, 8 hours, and
24 hours after each treatment procedure was completed in
the plastic jerry cans and the ceramic containers, three
water quality testing procedures were completed: 1) Free
and total chlorine were measured using the procedures
detailed above; 2) Total coliform and E. coli samples were
collected and analyzed on site using the procedures detailed
above; and 3) An THM sample was collected and stored on
ice for later analysis in the United States.
Trihalomethane sampling
Samples for THM testing were collected by using a pre-
cleaned 40 ml VOA vial to transfer liquid into a pre-cleaned
12 ml glass vial containing 125 ml of a bufferquench solution
(Cardinali et al. 2004). The 12 ml vial was slightly overfilled
to create an inverted meniscus and avoid air bubbles. The
sample vials were then sealed with Teflon-lined silicone
septa and stored in a cool (4 88C temperature range) and
dark location. Samples were stored no longer than two
weeks before delivery to the Division of Laboratory
Sciences at the National Center for Environmental Health,
CDC, for analysis of trihalomethanes (THMs).
Water samples were analyzed for THMs (chloro-
form, bromodichloromethane, dibromochloromethane,
and bromoform) using stable isotope dilution headspace
SPME GC–MS (Cardinali et al. 2004). Briefly, water vials
were removed from refrigerated storage and allowed to
equilibrate to room temperature before analysis. Immedi-
ately after removal of the vial cap, water (5.0 ml) was
removed using a pre-cleaned gas-tight syringe and trans-
ferred into an SPME headspace vial. Stable isotope labeled
analog solution was added to the sample and the SPME vial
immediately crimp-sealed using Teflon-lined septum.
We analyzed samples using SPME/GC–MS on a
ThermoFinnigan TraceMS (ThermoFinnigan, Austin, TX,
USA) attached to a Trace 2000 gas chromatograph
equipped with a split/splitless injector and operated in the
Figure 2
The PSI Kenya WaterGuard product.
72 D.S. Lantagne et al.
Disinfection by-product formation in point-of-use chlorination Journal of Water and Health
splitless mode. Because of the volatility of THMs, a
cryo-trap (model 961, Scientific Instrument Services, Ring-
oes, NJ, USA) was used to cryofocus the analytes at the
head of the GC column. VOCs were chromatographically
separated on a VRX capillary column (20 m £0.18 mm
i.d. £1.0 mm film, Restek, Bellefonte, PA, USA) during a
thermal gradient from 208C to 2008C. Automated sampling
was done using a CombiPAL autosampler (CTC Analytics
AG, Zwingen, Switzerland) equipped with a 75-mm Car-
boxen/PDMS SPME fiber assembly (Supelco, Bellefonte,
PA, USA) and heated/agitated headspace extraction (8 min,
500 rpm, 508C). The fiber was promptly desorbed by
insertion into the hot GC inlet (2008C). The mass
spectrometer was equipped with an electron impact source
and run in the selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode at unit
mass resolution. Xcalibur Quan software (ThermoFinnigan,
Austin, Texas, USA) was used for peak integration,
calibration, and quantification. We performed peak inte-
grations with ICIS integrator and confirmed by visual
inspection. We calculated relative response factors on the
basis of the relative peak areas of analyte quantitation ion
and labeled analog ion. Quality control consisted of daily
analysis of blind quality control material and pure water
blanks. Trihalomethanes were quantified by comparing the
ratios of analyte peak areas with labeled analog areas for
both unknowns and freshly prepared calibrators.
Data analysis
All data were entered into Microsoft Excel, and the
Analysis ToolPak regression tools were utilized to analyze
the data.
Source water quality
Results of the water quality testing are presented in Table 2.
A wide range of turbidity (4.2 305 NTU) and TOC
(0–7 mg/L) values were found in water from the six
sources. Turbidity and TOC values, however, were not
related (R
¼0.03). The lowest and highest turbidity values
were seen in rainwater catchment and river water, respect-
ively. The lowest and highest TOC values were seen in the
open well water and earth pond water, respectively.
The WHO has established a maximum recommended
pH value for chlorination of water of 8.0, as chlorine is less
effective at inactivating microorganisms at higher pH values
(WHO 2004). The only pH value that exceeded this
recommendation in source waters in this study was
obtained from earth pond water. Conductivities were well
differentiated (10 –770 mmhos/cm). Conductivity is a
measure of the ionic material dissolved in the water,
Table 2
Source water physical and chemical characteristics and microbiological water quality
Source 1: Rainwater
catchment Source 2: Lake Source 3: Protected well Source 4: Earth pond Source 5: River Source 6: Open well
Turbidity (NTU) 4.2 28.2 40.4 59.6 305 8.4
TOC (mg/L) 2 4 1 7 3 ,1
pH 6.9 8.0 6.7 8.6 7.2 7.2
Conductivity (mmhos/cm) 10 160 260 200 70 770
Temperature (8C) 19.5 23.5 22 23.5 23.0 23.5
Ammonia (mg/L) 0 0.25 0 0.25 0–0.25 0–0.25 0–0.25 0–0.25
Total coliform (col/100 ml) 3,550 10,600 6,700 5,200 57,000 .4,000
E. coli (col/100 ml) 350 285 220 700 2,700 50
73 D.S. Lantagne et al.
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including chloride. Chlorine and bromide are often closely
related, and thus conductivity is potentially related to
bromide concentration. The lowest and highest conduc-
tivity values were seen in rainwater catchment and open
well water, respectively.
Source water temperatures were normal for the Western
Kenya region, ranging from 19.5– 23.58C. Ammonia values in
all samples were at a similarly low, undifferentiated level. No
source had detectable free or total chlorine before treatment.
All sources, whether protected or not, were contaminated
with total coliform (range 3,550– 57,000col/100 ml) and
E. coli (range of 50 –2,700 col/100 ml) at concentrations
that far exceed the WHO drinking water guideline
values of ,1 col/100ml for both total coliform and E. coli
(WHO 2004).
Water quality characterization of the six source waters
demonstrated that they were well differentiated in terms of
TOC, turbidity, and conductivity, and therefore provided
appropriate data for regression analysis.
Quality control
Duplicate sampling was conducted for each water quality
parameter tested. All data met high quality control
standards (Table 3). The relative percent difference (RPD)
of duplicated samples was 5.3% for turbidity, 1.76% for pH,
0.0% for conductivity, 0.0% for temperature, and 0.0% for
ammonia. On average, the RPD of duplicated free chlorine
samples was 12.6%, and of duplicated total chlorine
samples was 5.7%.
For quality control of microbiologic testing, an R
was calculated in place of RPD to account for readings of
0 col/100 ml. Results for original and duplicate water
samples were highly correlated for E. coli (R
and total coliform (R
All THM quality control materials were evaluated using
Westgard rules (Westgard 1981). Of 143 total samples
analyzed for THM concentration, 47 (32.9%) were dupli-
cated. Each of the duplicate samples was analyzed for all
Table 3
Quality control for water quality parameters
Total samples collected Number and percent of duplicated samples Relative percent difference R
Free chlorine 144 28 (19.4%) 12.6%
Total chlorine 144 22 (15.3%) 5.7%
E. coli 131 41 (31.3%) 0.997
Total Coliform 131 33 (25.2%) 0.943
Turbidity 57 6 (10.5%) 5.3%
pH 6 3 (50%) 1.76%
Conductivity 6 3 (50%) 0%
Temperature 6 1 (16.7%) 0%
Ammonia 6 1 (16.7%) 0%
Trihalomethanes 572 188 (32.9%) 3.59%
Chloroform 143 47 (32.9%) 2.76%
Bromodichloromethane 143 47 (32.9%) 2.42%
Dibromochloromethane 143 47 (32.9%) 1.32%
Bromoform 143 47 (32.9%) 7.85%
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four THMs, for a total of 188 duplicate trihalomethane
results, 47 for each analyte. The average RPD of the 188
samples was 3.89%, with only 5 (2.7%) of the 188 individual
analyte duplicate samples exceeding a 10% RPD. The
individual RPDs for chloroform, bromodichloromethane,
dibromochloromethane, and bromoform were 2.76%,
2.42%, 1.32%, 7.85%, respectively (Table 3).
Overall THM data
Results from all 143 samples analyzed for the four individual
THMs are presented in Table 4. One sample broke in transit.
No sample exceeded the WHO guideline values for any of the
four individual THMs.
The WHO additive ratio guideline values ranged from
0.004 to 0.997, with a mean of 0.285 and a standard
deviation of 0.199. Thus, all samples also met the additive
guideline value: the sum of the four THMs’ actual values
divided by their guideline value should not be greater
than one.
The average relative percentage for all treatment types of
the individual THM analytes and the average concentration
of individual THM analytes by source is presented in
Table 5. There was no significant difference seen in
individual analyte percentage between the plastic and
ceramic containers. Chloroform was the dominant analyte
in the rainwater, lake water, protected well water, earth
pond water, and river water (74.9–95.2% of the total
trihalomethanes (TTHM)), with correspondingly low per-
centages of the DBCM and bromoform analytes. In the
open well water source, there was substantially lower
chloroform (47.9%), and correspondingly higher BDCM
and DBCM percentages.
The percent chloroform was related to the conductivity
of the source water as shown in Equation 2:
Percent Chloroform¼20:0565£Conductivityðmmhos=cmÞ
R2¼0:9414;p2value 0:0013
Conductivity is inversely related to the percent chloro-
form, accounting for 94% of the variance in the percent
chloroformin the six samples, and can thereforebe considered
a good indicator of bromide concentration in these waters.
Sources with higher bromide concentrations (with corre-
sponding increases in the conductivity due to the presence of
the dissolved ionic chloride and thus bromide), such as open
well water, will have a lower chloroform percentage, and
higher percentage of the brominated trihalomethanes, in the
treated water. Presence of bromine impacts the additive
guideline value results as well, as the individual guideline
value for chloroform is higher than the individual guideline
values for the brominated trihalomethanes.
No significant variation was seen in the individual THM
percentages between plastic and ceramic containers. Because
of this lack of variation in individual THM percentages, in the
followinganalysis by treatment methodology, allresults will be
presented as TTHMs, which is the summation of the four
individual trihalomethane analytes. The analysis will focus on
samples collected at 24 hours after chlorine addition, as this is
the highest TTHM value seen in the samples. Supplementary
analysis by individual analyte is available from the authors.
Sixteen of the 48 samples (33%) taken at 24 hours after
chlorine addition exceeded the USEPA MCL for TTHM. Two
of the twelve total chlorination only samples exceeded the
Table 4
Individual analyte trihalomethane results, all samples
Average (ppb) Minimum (ppb) Maximum (ppb) Standard deviation (ppb) WHO guideline value (ppb)
Chloroform 43.4 0.6 160 36.4 300
Bromodichloromethane 7.2 0.1 33.0 5.6 60
Dibromochloromethane 2.0 0.0 8.1 1.9 100
Bromoform 0.1 0.0 1.1 0.2 100
75 D.S. Lantagne et al.
Disinfection by-product formation in point-of-use chlorination Journal of Water and Health
USEPA MCL for TTHM, from the river water in plastic and
ceramic containers.
Chlorination only in plastic containers
Free chlorine residual was maintained in water from all
sources for 24 hours (range 0.07 –3.64 mg/L). Water
samples from all sources had no detectable E. coli colonies
at 1 and 8 hours after treatment, however, at 24 hours in the
lake water and the earth pond water, there was slight
regrowth of E. coli (12 and 32 col/100 ml, respectively).
The chlorine residual levels in these sources at 24 hours
were low, at 0.10 and 0.33 mg/L, respectively.
No sample using treatment with sodium hypochlorite
solution only in plastic containers exceeded any of the
WHO guideline values for the four individual THMs.
TTHM results over time for these samples are presented
in Figure 3. TTHM at 24 hours was strongly correlated with
turbidity, according to the equation:
TTHM ðmg=LÞ¼0:3692 £Turbidity ðNTUÞþ40:2
R2¼0:8907;p2value 0:0084
Turbidity accounted for 89% of the variance in the
TTHM concentration at 24 hours. In the regression analysis,
there were no statistically significant correlations between
the other source water quality parameters, including TOC,
and TTHM concentrations at 24 hours.
The WHO additive ratio guideline valueresults at 24 hours
ranged from 0.182 to 0.674, well below the WHO guideline
value of lessthan one, with the protected wellwater lowest and
the river water highest. The open well water had relatively
higher additive guideline values due to the higher proportion
of bromodichloromethane, which has a lower guideline value
than the other trihalomethanes.
Potential mitigation strategies: Filtration, settling &
decanting, and PuRYin plastic containers
Neither filtration nor settling & decanting showed any
statistically significant reduction of THM levels at 1, 8, or
24 hours after chlorine addition, indicating that the THM
precursors are smaller particles than are removed by filtration
or settling & decanting. In fact, there was little difference in
the resultant TTHM values when the chlorination only
Table 5
Average individual THM percentage and concentration by source
Source Chloroform Bromodichloromethane Dibromochloromethane Bromoform
1: Rainwater 95.2% 4.5% 0.3% 0%
42.88 mg/L 2.13 mg/L 0.17 mg/L ,0.1 mg/L
2: Lake water 78.4% 18.2% 3.4% 0%
45.63 mg/L 9.26 mg/L 1.70 mg/L ,0.1 mg/L
3: Protected well water 75.2% 17.4% 7.0% 0.4%
16.71 mg/L 3.99 mg/L 1.57 mg/L 0.09 mg/L
4: Earth pond water 74.9% 19.6% 5.2% 0.3%
56.46 mg/L 14.10mg/L 3.50 mg/L 0.18 mg/L
5: River water 90.1% 9.1% 0.8% 0.0%
84.02 mg/L 7.4 mg/L 0.53 mg/L ,0.1 mg/L
6: Open well water 49.7% 26.6% 20.8% 2.9%
13.50 mg/L 6.08 mg/L 4.40 mg/L 0.57 mg/L
76 D.S. Lantagne et al.
Disinfection by-product formation in point-of-use chlorination Journal of Water and Health
results are compared with these two potential mitigation
strategies (Figure 4). The rainwater results presented in
Figure 4 are similar to the other five sources tested. The use of
these two pretreatments did not consistently reduce turbidity
and maintain higher chlorine residuals at 24 hours after
chlorine addition as compared to the chlorination only
samples, and this accounts for the lack of statistically
significant TTHM reduction.
In contrast, PuR
was a very effective mitigation strategy.
After the use of PuR
, turbidity in the samples dropped from a
range of 4.23–305 NTU to a range of 0.93–2.1 NTU. On
average, in the six different source samples when compared
with the chlorine only samples, TTHM levels were 26.1%
lower at 1 hour after treatment, 65.0% lower at 8 hours, and
73.1% lower at 24 hours in PuR
treated samples. All
individual and TTHM values were very low (Figure 5), and
the WHO additive ratio guideline value results at 24 hours
ranged from 0.015–0.183. No significant relationship was
seen between TTHM and any of the water quality variables.
Low levels of free chlorine residual were maintained using
in all six water sources after 24 hours, ranging from
0.08 –0.32 mg/L, and there was no regrowth of E. coli.
Chlorination only in ceramic containers
Free chlorine residual was maintained in all stored water
samples from all sources for 24 hours after chlorine addition
(range 0.28– 3.5 mg/L). All E. coli were removed in the six
sources and all sources remained E. coli free at 24 hours.
No chlorination only samples in ceramic containers
exceeded any of the WHO guideline values for the four
individual THMs. TTHM results over time for these samples
are presented in Figure 6. TTHM at 24 hours was correlated
with turbidity using the following equation:
TTHM ðmg=LÞ¼ 0:2925 £Turbidity ðNTUÞþ48:7
R2¼0:6648;p2value 0:0606
Turbidity of the source water accounted for 66% of the
variability in the TTHM concentrations at 24 hours. In the
regression analysis, there were no statistically significant
Figure 3
TTHM versus time in plastic containers, chlorination only.
Figure 4
TTHM versus time in rainwater using plastic containers and four treatments.
77 D.S. Lantagne et al.
Disinfection by-product formation in point-of-use chlorination Journal of Water and Health
correlations between the other source water quality para-
meters, including TOC, and TTHM concentration at 24
hours. These findings were similar to those obtained in
water stored in plastic containers. The reason for the low
TTHM value in the 24–hour earth pond water sample is
unknown (Figure 6). This value is considered an outlier and
was excluded from the regression analysis due to this
unexplained TTHM drop over time, which might be
attributable to sampling error.
The WHO additive ratio guideline value results at 24
hours were 0.142 to 0.607 (as compared with the chlorination
only values in the plastic containers of 0.182 to 0.674), with
the protected well water lowest and the river water highest
(the same as in the chlorination only samples in plastic
containers). These results were strikingly similar to the
chlorination only values in the plastic containers (Table 6).
Potential mitigation strategies: Filtration, settling &
decanting, and moringa in ceramic containers
Both filtration and settling and decanting showed no
statistically significant reduction of TTHM levels at 1, 8, or
24 hours after chlorine addition. In fact, in ceramic pots, as in
the plastic containers, there was little difference in the
Figure 5
TTHM versus Time in Plastic Containers using PuR.
Figure 6
TTHM versus time in ceramic containers, chlorination alone.
78 D.S. Lantagne et al.
Disinfection by-product formation in point-of-use chlorination Journal of Water and Health
resultant TTHM values between samples treated with chlori-
nation only and samples pre-treated with the two potential
mitigation strategies.
Moringa was also an ineffective THM formation
mitigation strategy. The 2-gram dose of moringa reduced
turbidity in medium turbidity source waters (lake, protected
well, and earth pond) (Table 7), but had less effect in river
water, and was ineffective in low turbidity rain water.
The use of moringa seeds as a flocculant resulted in little or
no reduction in TTHM concentration in treated water as
compared with the chlorination only samples. In fact, there
was a slight increase in TTHM concentration in five of the six
source samples at 24 hours as compared to the chlorination
only in ceramic container samples. The WHO additive ratio
guideline value results at 24 hours were 0.200 to 0.997, as
compared to the chlorination only values in the ceramic
containers of 0.142 to 0.607. The protected well water had the
lowest additive guideline value. The earth pond water had the
highest additive guideline value seen in the study, at 0.997.
No point-of-use treatment method, alone or in combination
with any pre-treatment method, yielded any samples that
exceeded WHO guideline values for any of the four
individual THMs or the additive TTHM ratio guideline
value irrespective of the water source or storage container.
This is not a surprising result, although the relatively low
percentage of samples that exceeded the USEPA MCL (33%
of samples at 24 hours after chlorine addition) is of note. In
contrast to public utilities in the United States and Europe,
which devote considerable expense to reducing trihalo-
methane concentrations in their treated water through
technology improvements as part of balancing the risk of
waterborne disease and reducing disinfection by-products
to “mitigate potential risks” (USEPA 2006), WHO simply
considers health effects and health risk to potential users
from exposure to a certain compound when developing
guideline values (WHO 2005). WHO has defined the
acceptable risk from the individual THMs as one extra
cancer in every 100,000 people who drink two litres of
chlorinated water for 70 years. WHO guidelines, which are
considered separately from the goal of providing highly
treated water through infrastructure, are applicable to the
Safe Water System, and other health-based point-of-use
water treatment interventions.
A significant difference in THM concentrations in water
stored in ceramic and plastic storage containers was not seen.
We added ceramic pots to the study to test whether the ceramic
would either absorb THMs, or add THM precursors to stored
water. The data clearly showed neither significant gains nor
losses of TTHMs in the ceramic container, suggesting that
TTHMs were not absorbed into the ceramic, and that organic
material with TTHM formation potential did not leach from the
ceramic containers into the stored water. It is likely that organic
material that would lead to THM formation potential was
burned off in the firing process of the ceramic.
The majority of TTHMs were formed within 8 hours
after chlorine addition, indicating that as chlorine residual
decays during storage, there is less TTHM production.
Pretreatment of water by filtration through a cloth or
settling for 24 hours and decanting supernatant water before
chlorination did not appear to be effective THM mitigation
strategies. Neither procedure reduced TTHM concentrations
in chlorinated water as compared to chlorination only. These
are not unexpected results, as THM precursor compounds
have been identified as primarily organic carbon particles
smaller than 0.45 microns in size (Chow et al. 2005). It is
unlikely that such gross filtration mechanisms as tested in this
study would remove such small particles. It was, however,
important to test these potential mitigation strategies, as they
are practical and inexpensive strategies available to and used
by the populations who are targeted by point-of-use water
treatment intervention programs like the Safe Water System.
Table 6
Comparison of plastic and ceramic results, chlorination only treatment
TTHM (ppb) in chlorination only treatment
at 24 hours after chlorine addition
Source Plastic containers Ceramic containers
1: Rainwater 47.4 78.2
2: Lake water 62.9 78.6
3: Protected well water 27.9 24.9
4: Earth pond water 75.1 47.3
5: River water 152.8 121.7
6: Open well water 39.8 34.1
79 D.S. Lantagne et al.
Disinfection by-product formation in point-of-use chlorination Journal of Water and Health
There were inconclusive results as to whether the use of
these two pretreatment mechanisms increases the chlorine
residual present in stored water at 24 hours after chlorination
because of reduction in chlorine demand. It is recommended
that the impact of these pretreatment mechanisms on free
chlorine residual over time, as compared to chlorination only,
be further investigated to fully characterize their potential
effectiveness in maintaining free chlorine residual.
The use of PuR
led to significantly lower TTHM
concentrations at 24 hours after treatment than the use of
chlorination only and was thus an effective TTHM mitigation
strategy. This finding was expected because PuR
has been
proven to reduce turbidity (Crump et al. 2004). PuR
marketed by PSI for sale in Kenya at a product cost-recovery
price of 7 Kenya Shillings (9.7 US cents) to treat 10 litres of
water (0.97 cents per litre). In contrast, the Safe Water System
product, WaterGuard (Figure 2), is marketed by the NGO
Population Services International (PSI) in Kenya at a product
cost-recovery price of 20 Kenya Shillings (27.8 US cents) to
treat 1,000 litres of water (0.0278 cents per litre). As both are
available to the Kenyan population, variables such as dis-
posable income and user preference will impact each family’s
choice of which household water treatment product to utilize.
Our findings suggest that the use of ground moringa seeds
increases TTHM concentrations as compared to chlorination
alone, particularly at 24 hours after the addition of sodium
hypochlorite solution. It is postulated that the addition of the
which led to a corresponding higher THM formation potential
than would be expected in water chlorinated without moringa
pre-treatment. In addition, the dose of moringa necessary to
remove turbidity varied depending on the turbidity of the source
water. It is recommended that organizations promoting
moringa seed use for flocculation followed by chlorination for
disinfection consider the potentialimpactsofthiscombineduse
on TTHM concentrations. Further research should be con-
ducted to determine more appropriate use of moringa in waters
of different turbidity levels.
In this study, conductivity wasidentiedasasurrogatefor
bromide concentration to predict THM speciation (R
and turbidity was significantly related to TTHM concentration
at 24 hours after chlorine addition in both plastic (R
and ceramic containers (R
¼0.66). The relationship between
conductivity and bromide is clear, as increases in the dissolved
ionic chloride concentration, which is related to bromide, will
lead to corresponding increases in the conductivity. Other
minerals and sodium chloride can also cause increases in
conductivity, so this result cannot be generalized. Turbidity has
traditionally been used in drinking water treatment as a
surrogate parameter for particle concentrations. While UV
absorbance has been identified as a surrogate indicator of THM
formation potential (Chow et al. 2005), it is more difficult to
measure in areas without access to a spectrophotometer
(Standard Methods 1998). It is recommended that, in situations
in which access to laboratory facilities is limited, further
research should consider using water quality parameters of
conductivity and turbidity as indicators for bromide concen-
tration and THM formation potential, respectively, because
they can be accurately measured in the field.
Source waters tested in this study represent a wide rangeof
drinking waters typically used by populations who would
benefit from chlorine-based household water treatment
Table 7
Turbidity reduction using moringa powder
Source Source water turbidity (NTU) After addition of 2 grams moringa and 24 hours of settling (NTU) Percent reduction (%)
1: Rainwater 4.2 7.4 276.2
2: Lake water 28.2 3.1 89.0
3: Protected well water 40.4 2.9 92.8
4: Earth pond water 59.6 7.4 87.6
5: River water 305.0 211.0 30.8
6: Open well water 8.4 6.0 28.6
80 D.S. Lantagne et al.
Disinfection by-product formation in point-of-use chlorination Journal of Water and Health
products to improve water quality. Although further testing of
THM formation in additional water sources is warranted, this
study provides strong evidence that use of the Safe Water
System in both turbid and non-turbid waters does not cause
the formation of trihalomethanes in excess of WHO drinking
water guideline values. Thus, it is recommended that, when
microbiologic water quality cannot be assured; households
adopt or continue to use the Safe Water System or PuR
both turbid and non-turbid waters in western Kenya.
Diarrheal diseases kill an estimated 2.2 million people each
year, and point-of-use chlorination options, including both
the Safe Water System and PuR
, are proven interventions
that can reduce diarrheal disease incidence and protect
health in developing countries. Because the SWS includes
the addition of sodium hypochlorite to unfiltered water
sources, concerns have been raised about the potential
long-term health effects of disinfection by-products to SWS
users. The data presented herein clearly show that chlori-
nation of turbid and non-turbid waters does not lead to
trihalomethane concentrations that exceed the WHO
guideline values. Proper chlorination of household water
with the Safe Water System does not form harmful levels of
disinfection by-products. This approach to water quality
improvement and disease prevention merits wider
promotion and use.
The authors thank Philip Makutsa, Sam Ombeki, Alex
Mwaki, John Migele, Charles Komolleh, Charles Ndinya,
Mary Ayalo, and Meshak Ajode of CARE/Kenya in Homa
Bay, and Bill Gallo, Sr. for their assistance in sample
collection and logistical coordination.
The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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82 D.S. Lantagne et al.
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... These HWTS include chlorination, filtration (e.g., slow-sand, membrane, and ceramic), flocculation, solar disinfection (combination of ultraviolet radiation and solar mild-heat), and solar pasteurization (SOPAS; heating of water to > 60 • C), amongst others [29,68]. For example, while assessing the chlorination treatment of environmental water sources, Lantagne et al. [36] reported that Escherichia coli (E. coli) and total coliforms were reduced by 2.85 logs and 3.85 logs, respectively. ...
... The reason attributed for this observation was derivation of the maximum benefit of free forms that are more effective than the combined forms of chlorine [24]. Minimization of chlorine dose can further reduce the formation of carcinogenic by-products [25,26]. ...
... The source of water samples was the Bourn brook river, Birmingham, and samples were collected between March 2019 and October 2019. The turbidity value range is consistent with previous research (Okoro, Sharifi, Jesson, Bridgeman, & Moruzzi, 2021) and represents various turbidity types seen in surface water used in low-income countries (Lantagne et al., 2007;Petersen et al., 2016;Wilhelm et al., 2018). Similar to the collection method used in Okoro, Sharifi, Jesson, Bridgeman, and Moruzzi (2021), low turbidity water (LTW) and medium turbidity water (MTW) were collected from two points along the river channel, while the high turbidity water (HTW) was derived by adding scooped river-bottom sediment to the MTW. ...
Full-text available
This study evaluates the coagulation performance of kenaf protein fractions (KPFs) comprising of albumin (AlbKP), globulin (GloKP), prolamin (ProKP), and glutenin (GluKP), in the treatment of high (500 NTU), medium (150 NTU), and low (30 NTU) turbidity water. Based on preliminary experimental results, the study focused on GloKP due to it outperforming the other kenaf coagulation products (KCPs) in all water types tested. The influence of GloKP, both as a primary coagulant and coagulant aid to aluminum sulfate (AS) on organic matter removal, was examined. Parametric analysis on turbidity, TSS, pH, dosages, retention time, and KPFs storage time was completed. Results indicated that GloKP could be used both as a primary coagulant and coagulant aid. GloKP had a higher turbidity and solids removal than the AlbKP and other KPFs (ProKP and GluKP). Solution pH greatly influenced the performance of the GloKP, and optimum dosage at pH 2 resulted in the highest organic matter removal. High dosages also resulted in negative mobility of particles and a more stable suspension. When used as a coagulant aid to AS, GloKP was more effective in removing dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Scanning electron microscopy elemental analysis (SEM‐EDAX) and Fourier transform infrared (FT‐IR) spectra showed the structure of the KPFs. SEM‐EDAX indicated the presence of metal cations capable of forming complexes essential for flocs formation. The enhanced floc formation, detailed in this paper, is ascribed to the collective effect of charge neutralization of the AS species and the adsorption and bridging effect of the GloKP, which improves the bonds formed between flocs. The coagulation–flocculation process can be significantly improved using dual coagulants. GloKP was also an excellent alternative to its crude (CrKP) and solvent extract (HxKP) form for removing suspended and dissolved particles from all water types. Practitioner Points Kenaf protein fractionates can destabilize stable particles. The globulin protein fractionate (GloKP) aggregated the most particles and contained least dissolved organic material. GloKP is pH sensitive with pH 2 reported as best working pH. Coagulant dosage and coagulation mechanism were assessed.
... Among the numerous products of the chemical industry, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) represents one of the most popular, due to its effectiveness as a disinfectant, bleach, and sanitizer [19,20]; therefore, several research reported the utilization of the cleaning methods of sodium hypochlorite [21] in combination with other substances, such as Fe 2+ [22] and lactic acid [23]. Chlorine-containing disinfectants have been widely used, due to the reactivity of chlorine with organic substances to generate disinfection by-products [19,24]. Thus, sodium hypochlorite presents antimicrobial activity with action on bacterial essential enzymatic sites promoting irreversible inactivation originated by hydroxyl ions and chlorination action [25,26]. ...
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Mainly in the first part of COVID-19 pandemics, sodium hypochlorite was used as disinfectant, surprisingly also to spray over people. Several hazards may be associated to the production of this compound, such as chlorine gas toxicity and explosive hazards, due to the presence of hydrogen and chlorine, and corrosive hazards. Thus, loss prevention strategies must be ad-hoc developed to mitigate the risks. In the present work, the risk assessment of the first block of the process was performed, focusing the attention on chlorine risks. To this end, HAZOP analysis was first performed to identify the most critical top event, noticing the major issues in the quality of the final product and in the release of chlorine from pipes. Then, the fault tree analysis was built to calculate its failure rate. CFD simulations were used instead of empirical model to assess with a rigorous approach the chlorine dispersion, taking into account all the boundary conditions. In particular, by setting a hazardous chlorine concentration of 180 ppm corresponding to 50 % fatalities for chlorine exposition for an exposure of 60 min, results without aspiration demonstrate the possibility for the cloud to impact workers at ground level also very far from the source point, while the chlorine cloud is moved upwards with a maximum length of 6.5 m when an aspiration is used, although the air ventilation speed is kept low.
... Hence, the risk of microbial pollution requires appropriate monitoring and treatment facilities for maintaining a sustainable RWH system (Karim, 2010). There are many approved treatment technologies for biological treatments among which chlorination, ozone treatment, ultraviolet (UV) treatment, filtration and solar disinfection are very well recognized (Lantagne et al., 2008;Zhang et al., 2013;Moreira Neto et al., 2012). However, the selection of a proper treatment technology depends on the degree of the contamination and the customer's willingness to pay for the treatment. ...
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Purpose The effects of population growth in the developing world and climate change have increased the stress on available water resources. The majority of Rajshahi city, Bangladesh, is facilitated with groundwater withdrawal. As Bangladesh is a country of monsoon climate, reserved rainwater can be contributed as an alternative to extracted groundwater. This study aims to develop a framework for rooftop rainwater harvesting (RRWH) for domestic purposes and estimate the appropriate size of the storage tanks and their costs required to fulfill the annual drinking and cooking water demands through RRWH in Rajshahi city of Bangladesh. Design/methodology/approach A total of 100 single-story residential dwellings with varying rooftop areas were surveyed for the projection of RRWH potential. The relationship between the size and cost of a water tank and the rooftop areas of different houses is expressed using a general mathematical equation. Cost estimates for the proposed RRWH system for all houses have been completed, and a cost model illustrating the relationship between rooftop or catchment area and associated cost of RRWH system has been developed. Findings This study reveals that a maximum of 110.75 m3/year rainwater can be collected from a 100 m2 rooftop area of Rajshahi city. Moreover, this study finds that such harvesting of rainwater can reduce municipal water supply to the extent of almost 75%. Water samples collected from rooftops also revealed that if germs were removed through bacteria treatment, the collected rainwater potentially can be used for drinking and cooking purposes. Originality/value The novelty of this study is that it focused mainly on how significant RRWH can be to meet people’s daily required amount of water for household purpose and ascertain the cost reduction using the RWH method. This paper also is unique as it assessed the volume of the storage tank that is sufficient to distribute the necessary amount of water for drinking and cooking purpose as a sustainable alternative source in the dry season.
... Among the numerous products of the chemical industry, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) represents one of the most popular, due to its effectiveness as a disinfectant, bleach, and sanitizer [19,20]; therefore, several research reported the utilization of the cleaning methods of sodium hypochlorite [21] in combination with other substances, such as Fe 2+ [22] and lactic acid [23]. Chlorine-containing disinfectants have been widely used, due to the reactivity of chlorine with organic substances to generate disinfection by-products [19,24]. Thus, sodium hypochlorite presents antimicrobial activity with action on bacterial essential enzymatic sites promoting irreversible inactivation originated by hydroxyl ions and chlorination action [25,26]. ...
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Access to drinking water infrastructure in low- and middle-income countries has increased over the last 30 years, but much of that infrastructure functions intermittently, provides water of poor quality, or fails prematurely. Financing for the recurrent costs of delivering truly safe and reliable services is far lower than needed. Drawing on two price experiments and one Monte Carlo simulation, this dissertation contributes to understanding the extent to which water users’ willingness and ability to pay (their effective demand) for innovative, community-level water supply improvements could fill this financial gap, as well as the determinants of their effective demand both initially and over time.
Chlorination has historically provided microbiologically safe drinking water in public water supplies. Likewise, chlorine has also been introduced as a low-cost disinfection method in rural and marginalized communities, both at community and household level, as well as during emergencies. Although this practice is common and well established for use as a household water treatment technology in the Global South, several challenges in effective and efficient implementation still need to be addressed. Here, we explored these issues by a literature review and narrowed them to the status of three Latin American countries (Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil). Overall, it was found that although guidance on household-based chlorination includes information on health risks and hygiene, this may not create enough incentive for the user to adapt the method satisfactorily. Physicochemical quality of the water influences chlorination efficiency and it is found that variations in quality are rarely considered when recommending chlorine doses during implementation. These are far more often based on a few measurements of turbidity, thereby not considering dissolved organic matter, or seasonal and day-to-day variations. Other factors such as user preferences, chlorine product quality and availability also represent potential barriers to the sustainable use of chlorination. For chlorination to become a sustainable household water treatment, more focus should therefore be given to local conditions prior to the intervention, as well as support and maintenance of behavioural changes during and after the intervention.
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The world is not on track to meet Sustainable Development Goal 6.1 to provide universal access to safely managed drinking water by 2030. Removal of priority microbial contaminants by disinfection is one aspect of ensuring water is safely managed. Passive chlorination (also called in-line chlorination) represents one approach to disinfecting drinking water before or at the point of collection (POC), without requiring daily user input or electricity. In contrast to manual household chlorination methods typically implemented at the point of use (POU), passive chlorinators can reduce the user burden for chlorine dosing and enable treatment at scales ranging from communities to small municipalities. In this review, we synthesized evidence from 27 evaluations of passive chlorinators (in 19 articles, 3 NGO reports, and 5 theses) conducted across 16 countries in communities, schools, health care facilities, and refugee camps. Of the 27 passive chlorinators we identified, the majority (22/27) were solid tablet or granular chlorine dosers, and the remaining devices were liquid chlorine dosers. We identified the following research priorities to address existing barriers to scaled deployment of passive chlorinators: (i) strengthening local chlorine supply chains through decentralized liquid chlorine production, (ii) validating context-specific business models and financial sustainability, (iii) leveraging remote monitoring and sensing tools to monitor real-time chlorine levels and potential system failures, and (iv) designing handpump-compatible passive chlorinators to serve the many communities reliant on handpumps as a primary drinking water source. We also propose a set of reporting indicators for future studies to facilitate standardized evaluations of the technical performance and financial sustainability of passive chlorinators. In addition, we discuss the limitations of chlorine-based disinfection and recognize the importance of addressing chemical contamination in drinking water supplies. Passive chlorinators deployed and managed at-scale have the potential to elevate the quality of existing accessible and available water services to meet "safely managed" requirements.
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Summary A novel water quality intervention that consists of point-of-use water disinfection, safe storage and community education was field tested in Bolivia. A total of 127 households in two periurban communities were randomized into intervention and control groups, surveyed and the intervention was distributed. Monthly water quality testing and weekly diarrhoea surveillance were conducted. Over a 5-month period, intervention households had 44% fewer diarrhoea episodes than control households (P =0.002). Infants < 1 year old (P = 0.05) and children 5-14 years old (P = 0.01) in intervention households had significantly less diarrhoea than control children. Campylobacter was less commonly isolated from intervention than control patients (P = 0.02). Stored water in intervention house holds was less contaminated with Escherichia coli than stored water in control households (P < 0.0001). Intervention households exhibited less E. coli contamination of stored water and less diarrhoea than control households. This promising new strategy may have broad applicability for waterborne disease prevention.
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The effects of a Sudanese water purification method traditionally used in Sudan to treat turbid waters were studied with respect to turbidity reduction and removal of faecal indicator bacteria as well as selected enteric bacterial pathogens. Water treatment was performed at 30 degrees C with Moringa oleifera seed material as a coagulant, and the technique employed corresponded closely to that used to clarify turbid water in Sudanese villages. A turbidity reduction of 80.0-99.5% paralleled by a primary bacterial reduction of 1-4 log units (90.00-99.99%) was obtained within the first 1 to 2 h of treatment, the bacteria being concentrated in the coagulated sediment. During the 24 h observation period a secondary bacterial increase due to regrowth in the supernatant water was consistently observed for Salmonella typhimurium and Shigella sonnei, in some cases for Escherichia coli, but not for Vibrio cholerae, Streptococcus faecalis and Clostridium perfringens. The potential of the method when compared with some alternative for the improvement of rural drinking water supplies is discussed.
Livestock wastes contain many pathogenic microorganisms including bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Following the application of these wastes to land the potential exists for environmental contamination. Plants, soil and ultimately water courses which may subsequently be used as catchments for public water supplies may all be affected. Research attention is now being focused on this possibility, especially in the case of protozoan pathogens which may be the most important as they are often resistant to current methods used in public water treatment. In this review we highlight some of the many factors that are likely to influence the degree of pollution by their effect on both the vertical and horizontal transport of microorganisms through soil. Soil pH, temperature, the presence of plants, microbial surface properties, type of waste, soil type and soil water content and flow may all affect the rate and extent of vertical transport, with the latter two generally considered to be the most important. Lateral movement is a particular problem in soils with impermeable substrata or in waterlogged conditions and in these cases the major factors affecting movement include rainfall rate, topography of the land and the rate at which microorganisms partition into the runoff.
Major mechanisms influencing the removal of fecal microorganisms in constructed wetlands treating sewage in tropical regions include the effects of temperature, solar radiation, sedimentation, adsorption and filtration. This study aims to develop a model describing the kinetics of fecal conform removal in free-water-surface (FWS) constructed wetlands. Separate model equations were proposed for removal rate coefficients for each of the major removal mechanisms. The model parameters were assessed from both literature and the performance data of laboratory-scale FWS constructed wetland units planted with cattails (Typha angustifolia). The model parameters and the kinetic model were validated with experimental data of two pilot-scale constructed wetlands. Statistical analyses of the calculated and observed performance data of the pilot-scale units revealed good correlation and were without significant practical difference, suggesting the kinetic model was feasible.
There are still compounds to identify, and new data indicate that already known DBPs may pose additional health risks.
Pathogens present in animal fecal deposits excreted to land undergo a poorly defined process of dispersion, transport or attenuation, and inactivation. The transport of pathogens overland in surface runoff is clearly responsible for event-related increases in the concentrations of in-stream waterborne pathogens in many watersheds. However, there are significant knowledge gaps concerning the precise mechanisms of pathogen transport. This article reviews the fate and transport of pathogens in watersheds supplying drinking water, from their deposition in feces and septic seepages on land to their dispersion in major tributaries. Pathogens considered representative of those associated with waterborne disease included enteric viruses derived from human fecal contamination, bacterial pathogens represented by Escherichia coli O157:H7, and the protozoan pathogens Cryptosporidium and Giardia. References to suitable model and index organisms for these pathogens are described. The key processes determining the fate and transport of pathogens within watersheds are discussed in the context of changing agricultural practices, climate, and scale factors. A generic conceptual model for watershed processes is described in light of the knowledge gaps identified from this review. Future areas for fundamental research were identified and included: (1) inactivation kinetics of pathogens in soil and fecal matrices; (2) characterization of the particle sizes with which pathogens are transported; (3) characterization of pathogen properties and watershed-specific features that affect terrestrial transport and attenuation; and (4) the inactivation and sedimentation of pathogens during their initial introduction to the aquatic environment. Such information is critical to advance the assessment of pathogen total maximum daily loads (TMDL), determining management priorities and appropriate control points, as well as integrating pathogens within the broader watershed hydrologic models.
A modeling study was conducted to evaluate the impact of body-contact recreation (e.g., water skiing, jet skiing, swimming) on pathogen concentrations in a source drinking water reservoir under construction in eastern Riverside County in Southern California. A hybridized Monte Carlo-finite segment model was used to predict pathogen concentrations in the reservoir resulting from pathogen inputs associated with shed fecal material and accidental fecal releases (AFRs). Monte Carlo techniques were incorporated into the finite segment model to define characteristics about individual recreators which affect pathogen loading to the reservoir (e.g., infection, pathogen shedding rate, location). Results of simulations are provided in the form of cumulative distribution and probability density functions derived from uncertainty analyses. The model predicted considerable spatial and temporal variability in pathogen concentrations within the reservoir, with elevated levels of Cryptosporidium, rotavirus, and poliovirus in the epilimnion during periods of high recreational use. Predicted Giardia concentrations were lower than the other pathogens. Hypolimnetic concentrations of all pathogens were generally 1–3 orders of magnitude lower than the overlying epilimnetic concentrations. Model results also suggest that field sampling will underestimate the mean, range and variance of pathogen concentrations in the reservoir. The model was further modified to include a particle tracking scheme to allow for transport of aggregated fecal material. Results from simulations using this approach demonstrate a potential for high pathogen loads due to body-contact recreation periodically reaching treatment plants.
Occysts of Cryprosporidium parvum can survive for several months in surface water, one of the main factors determining their success in environmental transmission and thus their health hazard via water. Several factors in the environment, e.g. temperature, presence of predators and exo-enzymes will probably influence oocyst survival. The high persistence of oocysts may also limit the value of traditional faecal indicator bacteria. The aim of this study was to determine the rate at which C. parvum oocysts, E. coli, faecal enterococci and C perfringens spores die in surface water and the influence of temperature and the presence of autochthonous (micro)orgsnisms on the die-off rate. Microcosms with autoclaved river water were inoculated with the organisms. Microcosms with untreated river water were inoculated with concentrated primary effluent containing the bacteria and with C parvum oocysts. Microcosms were incubated at 5°C or 15°C at 100rpm. Viability of oocysts was monitored by in vitro excystation and dye-exclusion; viability of the bacteria was determined on appropriate selective media. When pseudo first-order die-off kinetics were assumed, the die-off rate of oocysts at 5°C was 0.010 log10/d and at 15°C, 0.006–0.024 log10/d. These rates underestimate die-off since oocyst disintegration was not accounted for. Incubation in autoclaved or untreated water did influence the die-off rate of oocysts at 15°C but not at 5°C. The die-off rate of E coli and enterococci was faster in the non-sterile river water than in autoclaved water at both temperatures. At 15°C, E coli (and possibly E faecium) even multiplied in autoclaved water. In untreated river water, the die-off of E coli and enterococci was approximately 10x faster than die-off of oocysts but die-off rates of C perfringens were lower than those of oocysts. As for oocysts, die-off of the bacteria and spores was faster at 15°C than at 5°C. Oocysts are very persistent in river water the time required for a 10x reduction in viability being 40–160d at 15°C and 100d at 5°C. Biological/biochemical activity influenced oocyst survival at 15°C and survival of both vegetative bacteria at 5 and 15°C, The rapid die-off of E coli and enterococci makes them less suitable as indicators of oocyst presence in water. As C perfringens survived longer in untreated river water than oocysts, it may prove useful as an indicator of the presence of C parvum.