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Is food portion size a risk factor of childhood overweight?


Abstract and Figures

Food portion sizes have been increasing in industrialized countries and this is thought to be one of the risk factors of overweight. France is also facing the development of adiposity, particularly in its child population, where overweight rates are rising faster than in adults. Given this background, the objectives of the present study were, for each food category, to describe dietary intake in French children aged 3-11 years, and to assess the relationship between childhood overweight and portion size, adjusting for dietary energy density, physical activity and sedentary behaviour. A representative sample of 748 French children aged 3-11 years was taken from the 1998-1999 cross-sectional French INCA1 (Enquête Individuelle et Nationale sur les Consommations Alimentaires) food consumption survey. Dietary intake was assessed using a 7-day food record. Portion sizes were estimated for 23 food categories. Weight and height, physical activity and sedentary behaviour were reported by parents or children in questionnaires. In multivariate logistic regression adjusted models, overweight in children aged 3-6 years was positively correlated to portion sizes of croissant-like pastries and other sweetened pastries. Conversely, portion sizes of liquid dairy products were inversely associated with overweight in children aged 7-11 years. At very young ages, the increase in overweight may be driven in part by a shift in eating patterns towards larger portion size of energy-dense and nutrient-poor foods.
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Is food portion size a risk factor of childhood
S Lioret
, J-L Volatier
, L Lafay
, M Touvier
and B Maire
French food safety agency (AFSSA), Dietary survey unit—Nutritional epidemiology, Maisons-Alfort, France and
Institut de recherche
pour le de
veloppement (IRD), UR106—Nutrition, food and society, WHO Collaborating Centre in Human Nutrition, Montpellier,
Background/Objectives: Food portion sizes have been increasing in industrialized countries and this is thought to be one of the
risk factors of overweight. France is also facing the development of adiposity, particularly in its child population, where
overweight rates are rising faster than in adults. Given this background, the objectives of the present study were, for each food
category, to describe dietary intake in French children aged 3–11 years, and to assess the relationship between childhood
overweight and portion size, adjusting for dietary energy density, physical activity and sedentary behaviour.
Subjects/Methods: A representative sample of 748 French children aged 3–11 years was taken from the 1998–1999 cross-
sectional French INCA1 (Enque
te Individuelle et Nationale sur les Consommations Alimentaires) food consumption survey.
Dietary intake was assessed using a 7-day food record. Portion sizes were estimated for 23 food categories. Weight and height,
physical activity and sedentary behaviour were reported by parents or children in questionnaires.
Results: In multivariate logistic regression adjusted models, overweight in children aged 3–6 years was positively correlated to
portion sizes of croissant-like pastries and other sweetened pastries. Conversely, portion sizes of liquid dairy products were
inversely associated with overweight in children aged 7–11 years.
Conclusions: At very young ages, the increase in overweight may be driven in part by a shift in eating patterns towards larger
portion size of energy-dense and nutrient-poor foods.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2009) 63, 382391; doi:10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602958; published online 21 November 2007
Keywords: portion size; dietary patterns; energy density; food category; childhood overweight; France
Portion sizes of many foods have been increasing in
countries with a well-established industrialized food supply.
Unlike in France, this trend has been well documented in the
United States (Nielsen and Popkin, 2003; Young and Nestle,
2003). It is part of the general change in lifestyle and dietary
shifts that have taken place over the last three decades, such
as greater away-from-home consumption (Guthrie et al.,
2002), the increasing prevalence of snacking (Jahns et al.,
2001; Zizza et al., 2001; Nielsen et al., 2002) and the
increasing consumption of snack foods and soft drinks
(Borrud et al., 1997; Putmann and Allshouse, 1999).
Since the trend towards larger portion sizes occurred at the
same time as the rise in the prevalence of obesity, it is worth
investigating this food consumption pattern as a potential
contributing risk factor of weight gain. In adults, positive
relationships between portion size and energy intake (EI)
have been demonstrated in short-term trials (Diliberti et al.,
2004; Rolls et al., 2006a). However, very few studies have
investigated the relationship between food portion size and
both EI and weight status in children (Huang et al., 2004;
McConahy et al., 2004). Even fewer studies also addressed
dietary energy density, a potential confounder for the
relationship between food portion size and adiposity (Kral
and Rolls, 2004; Ledikwe et al., 2005).
Received 15 February 2007; revised 16 October 2007; accepted 17 October
2007; published online 21 November 2007
Correspondence: S Lioret, French food safety agency (AFSSA), Direction of risk
assessment for nutrition and food safety (DERNS), Office of scientific support
for risk assessment (PASER), Dietary survey unit—Nutritional epidemiology
(OCA-EN), 27-31 Avenue du Ge
ral Leclerc, Maisons-Alfort, 94701
Contributors: SL designed the study, analysed and interpreted the data and
wrote the manuscript. BM contributed to the conceptualization of the study,
interpretation of the results, and editing of the manuscript. J-LV contributed to
the design of the survey and the data collection, and together with LL and MT,
supervised the analysis and helped to write the paper.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2009) 63, 382391
2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0954-3007/09 $
Given this background, the present study used data from
the French INCA1 (Enque
te Individuelle et Nationale sur les
Consommations Alimentaires) food consumption survey to
describe dietary intake in each food category in French
children aged 3–11 years, and to assess the relationship
between childhood overweight (OW) and portion sizes of
food groups, taking into account dietary energy density,
physical activity and sedentary behaviour. To our knowl-
edge, no findings on these issues in children have been
published to date. We considered it relevant to study these
issues in France, where the child population is undergoing a
rapid increase in OW, with rates close to 20% in this age
range (Rolland-Cachera et al., 2002; Labeyrie and Niel, 2004;
Lioret et al., 2007), according to the International Obesity
Task Force (IOTF) definition (Cole et al., 2000).
Subjects and methods
The French INCA1 food consumption survey was performed
between August 1998 and June 1999 by the Research centre
for the study and the observation of way of life (CREDOC)
and the French food safety agency (AFSSA). This cross-
sectional survey was primarily designed to assess the food
intake patterns of French children and adults (n ¼ 3003). A
complex sampling design was used to obtain a nationally
representative sample of members of French households.
The survey design and sampling frame have been described
in more detail elsewhere (Volatier, 2000; Lioret et al., 2007).
The present study focused on children aged 3–11 years
(n ¼ 748), who were separated into two age groups of similar
size, namely 3–6 years (n ¼ 340) and 7–11 years (n ¼ 408).
This stratification was based on the assumption that children
may respond differently to food cues and have different
eating patterns depending on their age (Birch and Fisher,
A 7-day record was used to note all food and drink
consumption during the week of the survey. The other
variables, that is, anthropometrical, behavioural and socio-
demographical, were self-reported in questionnaires. These
documents were delivered at home by a trained and certified
investigator, who explained to the parents and their child
how to fill them out. At the end of the survey, he also
checked the accuracy of the information reported in both
the food record and the questionnaires in the presence of the
participants. If the child was under 10 years old, parents or
caregivers completed both documents together with the
Dietary data. In the 7-day record, subjects reported the type
of eating occasion at which each food was consumed, that is,
meals and snacks. One line of the record corresponded to
one item consumed (food or drink), and thus to one eating
occasion for this specific item. Participants estimated portion
sizes of each item by comparing their actual consumption
with photographs in the Su.Vi.MAX (SUpple
mentation en
VItamines et en Mine
raux AntioXydants) food portion size
manual (Hercberg et al., 1994). These pictures represented
increasing portion sizes of each dish. Macronutrient intake
was evaluated with the CIQUAL (Centre d’information sur la
des aliments) food composition tables (Favier et al.,
1995). In the present study, we assessed the average daily
energy, food, sugar, fat and protein intakes (in kJ per day and
g per day, respectively).
Foods were separated into categories that were relatively
homogeneous with respect to their food origin, portion size
and energy density. This homogeneity constraint, together
with the fact that we wanted to limit the total number of
food categories, led us to a compromise of 23 food or drink
groups (Table 1). Some foods and drinks (that is, oleaginous
seeds, dried fruits, jam, honey, sugar, sea food and water)
were not included in our classification since neither their
energy density nor portion sizes were homogeneous with
any of the 23 groups described in Table 1. As they accounted
for only 2.4% of the EI, we considered that it was not worth
Table 1 Food classification
Sweet or savoury snacks: sugar or chocolate confectioneries, snack bars,
ice cream, chocolate spreads and all savoury appetizers.
Sweetened pastries: cakes, pies and other sweetened desserts with no
(or very little) lactose.
Croissant-like pastries: French breakfast pastries made of flaky pastry.
Fast foods: rapid consumed savoury foods such as pizzas, sandwiches,
hamburgers, savoury pies and other savoury pastries.
Breakfast cereals.
Solid dairy products: yoghurt, heavy cream, cottage cheese, caramel
cream, whipped cream and other sweetened dairy desserts.
Solid fruits and vegetables: natural fruits, cooked fruits, compotes, raw
or cooked vegetables, but not including freshly squeezed fruit juices and
Starchy foods: bread, rice, pasta, potatoes (including roast or fried
potatoes), noodles, semolina and pulses.
Meat: beef, lamb, pork and offal.
Meat products 1: such as chipolata and other sausages, small sausages
made of chitterlings, blood sausage and white sausage.
Meat products 2: cold cuts such as salami, chorizo, diced bacon, bacon
and ‘pa
Poultry and game.
Mixed dishes: such as sauerkraut, stews, ‘couscous’, ‘paella’, ‘lasagne’
and ‘chilli con carne’.
Fat spreads: butter, margarine, oil and other fats, ketchup, mayonnaise
and other dressings.
Liquid dairy products: milk (regular and flavoured), milk shakes and
yoghurt drinks.
Freshly squeezed fruit juices and soups.
Noncarbonated sweetened beverages: including manufactured fruit
juices, but not including carbonated soft drinks and milk.
Carbonated soft drinks: nondiet sweetened and carbonated beverages.
Food portion size and childhood overweight
S Lioret et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
increasing the total number of food groups to take them into
We used an indirect measurement of portion size, using
methodology similar to that developed both by McConahy
et al. (2002) and Huang et al. (2004). The portion size of each
food group (g) was defined as the total intake (g) of items
included in the group and consumed during the week of the
survey, divided by the number of eating occasions of these
items. Energy density of the intake was also estimated at the
individual level, weighting the composition of each item
consumed (energy, in kJ) by its effective consumption over
the week (g). It was calculated in kJ per 100 g consumed, first
for the overall intake (ED) and second separately for each
food or drink category.
Physical activity data. The physical activity questionnaire
was derived from the French translation (Deheeger et al.,
1997) of the Modifiable Activity Questionnaire designed for
adolescents by Kriska et al. (1990) and adapted for children
(Fontvieille et al., 1993). It asked for the usual amount of
time spent in taking part in several sportive activities outside
school in an ordinary week. A physical activity indicator was
derived from the average time spent doing such activities (h
per week) and used as a proxy of leisure time physical activity
(LTPA). Sedentary behaviour (SED) was established from the
time spent either watching television or playing video games
in an ordinary week. An average daily time (h per day) was
calculated and weighted from the values reported for each
type of day, that is, school or nonschool days. Previous
findings have shown that these two behavioural variables are
independent patterns of physical activity (Platat et al., 2006;
Lioret et al., 2007).
Anthropometrical data. Self-reported weight and height were
used to calculate the child body mass index (BMI, in kg m
Obesity and OW were then estimated according to the IOTF
age- and gender-specific child BMI cut-off points (Cole et al.,
Statistical analysis
Data were analysed using SAS 8.2 software. Bivariate
descriptive analyses stratified by age category were per-
formed to describe dietary intake of French children. We
estimated the percentage of consumers and the energy
density of all food categories. For each food category, portion
sizes were estimated among children who had consumed at
least one item of the food group over the week. We assessed
the contributions of the groups to energy, sugar, fat and
protein intakes. The relationships between total EI and
portion size were also evaluated for each food category. All
statistical inferences were drawn at a significance level of 5%
with two-sided tests. Means were compared using Student’s
t-tests. w
-tests were used to compare frequencies and
Cramer’s V statistic was used to measure the strength of
the associations between ordinal variables.
Simple logistic regression analyses were first performed for
each food category to investigate the associations between
OW (including obesity) as the dependent variable and
portion size (Model 1). The analyses were conducted
separately in the two age classes and adjusted for sex and
age (introduced as a continuous variable to eliminate any
remaining potentially confounding effect of age within each
age category). We next computed multivariate stepwise
logistic regressions (Model 2) stratified on the two age classes
where OW was still the dependent variable and where
portion sizes of all food categories were introduced simulta-
neously. Critical P-values that selected food portion size
variables were established at P ¼ 0.15. The adjustment
variables, that is, sex, age, ED, LTPA and SED, were forced
in this multivariate model.
For these analyses, EI, food portion sizes, ED, LTPA and
SED were divided into tertiles. Since these variables are
strongly and positively correlated to age, the tertiles were
assessed within the age categories. The lowest tertile of each
discrete variable was taken as the reference group for
assessment of odds ratios. In order to limit potential
misreporting, we excluded five children from the data set
whose log-transformed value of EI was out of the range of the
mean value
3 s.d. within the age classes.
Bivariate results
Of the 748 children included in the study, 29 observations
were eliminated in the analyses because of incomplete data
(behaviours: n ¼ 2; anthropometry: n ¼ 22) or potential
misreporting (n ¼ 5). Taken together, these children repre-
sented 3.6% of the initial sample and did not differ from the
others with regard to age, sex or socio-economic status
(determined from the head of household’s occupation).
Characteristics of the sample are presented by age in Table 2.
Prevalence of OW in children aged 3–6 years and 7–11 years
was 15.7 and 17.3%, respectively, without statistically
significant difference between the age classes. Conversely,
food intake, EI and ED of the diet were significantly higher
among the older children, as were LTPA and SED.
Characteristics of dietary intake differed between food
groups (Table 3 and Table 4). The percentage of consumers
was 460% for almost all food categories, except carbonated
soft drinks, freshly squeezed fruit juices and soups. Food
intake and food portion sizes were significantly higher
among the 7–11 year age group or similar across both age
categories for almost all food groups except dairy products,
whose consumption was significantly lower among the older
children. Sweet or savoury snacks, biscuits, croissant-like
pastries and sweetened pastries accounted for more than
20% of the energy, sugar and fat intakes. It should be noted
that these ‘sweet/fatty snack foods’ are both energy-dense
Food portion size and childhood overweight
S Lioret et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
(energy density 4800 kJ per 100 g consumed) and low-
nutrient-dense products. Conversely, healthier products
with higher nutrient density, such as fruits and vegetables,
only contributed to 5% of the EI and 15% of sugar intake.
Lastly, among all food categories, pastries and fat spreads
were the most strongly correlated to total EI (Cramer’s
statistic 40.20, results not shown).
Multivariate results
The age- and sex-adjusted logistic regression models per-
formed for each food group (Model 1) showed that OW in
children aged 3–6 years was positively correlated to portion
sizes of biscuits (P ¼ 0.0392) and sweetened pastries
(P ¼ 0.0027) (Table 5). Almost significant positive trends
were also observed for portion sizes of croissant-like pastries
(P ¼ 0.0568) and meat (P ¼ 0.0574). Not all these relation-
ships were maintained in the multivariate regression ana-
lyses (Model 2) suggesting the presence of collinearity
between several food groups in terms of portion size. The
positive associations were confirmed in Model 2 for
croissant-like pastries (P ¼ 0.0522) and other sweetened
pastries (P ¼ 0.0051). In children aged 7–11 years, the former
age- and sex-adjusted logistic regressions (Model 1) indicated
a negative relationship between OW and portion size of
liquid dairy products (P ¼ 0.0003) (Table 6), which was
confirmed in the final multivariate model (Model 2). The
absence of significant interaction was checked between ED
and food portion sizes.
Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions world-
wide. France is also involved, particularly in this age range
Table 3 Characteristics of dietary intakes by food category in children aged 3–6 years (n ¼ 338) and 7–11 years (n ¼ 405): percentage of consumers,
intake, food portion size and energy density
Food categories Percentage of
consumers (%)
Food intake (g per day) Food portion size among
consumers (g per portion)
Energy density (kJ per100 g)
3–6 years 7–11 years 3–6 years 7–11 years 3–6 years 7–11 years 3–6 years 7–11 years
Sweet or savoury snacks 83.4 86.2 14.7
15.7 16.8
16.6 25.8
17.3 32.8
19.2**** 1640.9
781.8 1736.4
Biscuits 91.1 84.4** 31.7
28.0 28.6
27.9 49.5
30.4 57.2
36.6** 1653.9
531.9 1531.3
Sweetened pastries 69.8 75.6 25.7
30.3 35.4
40.8*** 116.1
73.8 134.5
89.2** 824.4
555.3 883.5
Croissant-like pastries 66.9 70.6 20.4
27.2 25.6
35.0* 68.7
32.7 79.0
41.6** 1099.8
777.2 1158.0
Fast foods 83.4 83.2 25.6
23.5 36.5
32.5**** 102.4
46.6 140.6
81.4**** 876.3
434.0 868.4
Breakfast cereals 63.0 69.9* 15.3
24.6 21.5
28.0*** 41.6
29.0 52.3
27.4**** 976.4
751.2 1071.8
Solid dairy products 97.9 96.1 125.6
68.2 113.8
71.1* 113.1
30.4 119.1
41.8* 508.1
239.8 495.1
Solid fruits and vegetables 98.8 99.0 157.5
111.8 191.7
125.6**** 92.2
34.2 110.1
40.5**** 181.6
66.1 171.2
Starchy foods 100.0 100.0 138.9
68.3 196.9
91.1**** 74.4
27.0 98.4
36.2**** 662.9
143.1 689.7
Meat 95.6 96.5 37.4
26.4 51.0
32.8**** 87.1
33.4 110.6
35.8**** 861.7
227.2 872.6
Ham 71.9 69.1 7.7
8.0 8.5
9.1 41.2
18.3 48.9
20.0 405.5
275.8 393.0
Meat products 1 62.7 53.1** 9.4
11.5 10.7
15.2 68.1
40.5 86.2
55.7**** 845.4
662.9 715.2
Meat products 2 63.6 64.0 6.8
9.1 8.3
11.3 34.2
23.7 40.7
33.0* 940.4
737.8 951.3
Poultry and game 78.7 81.7 18.8
17.2 29.3
33.4**** 93.2
46.3 120.6
63.9**** 564.6
310.1 580.5
Fish 83.7 75.3** 19.3
17.3 22.1
24.8 87.1
52.3 110.5
77.8**** 547.4
315.5 483.8
Eggs 61.8 60.0 10.6
11.5 12.3
14.0 76.0
38.3 100.0
56.0**** 421.0
336.1 411.0
Cheese 87.3 89.6 19.8
20.1 22.5
21.6 32.0
18.7 38.5
16.9**** 1174.3
466.2 1199.4
Mixed dishes 78.1 77.5 43.9
44.3 58.6
62.5*** 175.9
81.2 227.2
102.7**** 405.1
271.6 427.3
Fat spreads 100.0 100.0 16.9
10.2 21.9
10.5**** 5.4
2.8 6.8
3.1**** 2813.6
431.5 2829.1
Liquid dairy products 93.8 94.6 263.5
140.9 229.2
141.2*** 160.0
54.1 165.5
59.1 215.1
83.3 215.9
Freshly squeezed fruit
juices and soups
48.5 46.9 37.5
56.4 40.0
62.8 233.8
95.8 265.3
109.5** 64.0
67.0 60.7
Noncarbonated sweetened
87.9 78.5*** 125.6
145.6 113.6
129.8 153.9
72.3 185.9
87.7**** 229.3
244.4 177.9
Carbonated soft drinks 53.9 59.3 51.9
84.2 69.4
112.4* 233.1
98.4 255.6
93.4* 90.0
83.3 98.8
Between-age comparisons: *Pp0.05; **Pp0.01; ***Pp0.001; ****Pp0.0001.
s.d. (all such values).
Table 2 Demographical, anthropometrical and behavioural character-
istics of the sample
Age category
3–6 years (n ¼ 338)7–11 years (n ¼ 405)
Sex, male (%) 54.4 51.6
Overweight (including
obesity) (%)
15.7 17.3
Food intake (g per day) 1682.4
378 6 1880.0
Energy intake (kJ per day) 6901
1754 8182
Dietary energy density
(kJ per 100 g)
98.3 592.2
Leisure time physical activity
(h per week)
3.4 4.2
Sedentary behaviour (h per day) 1.7
1.2 2.0
Between-age comparisons: *Pp0.05; **Pp0.01; ***Pp0.001; ****Pp0.0001.
s.d. (all such values).
Food portion size and childhood overweight
S Lioret et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
where rates of OW are on average 17%, as already reported
based on the same data set (Lioret et al., 2007). Given this
background, our results provide useful insights into some
behavioural risk factors likely to be involved in weight gain.
To our knowledge, this study is the first to examine the
epidemiological relationships between portion size by food
group and childhood OW, taking into account potential
confounders, like dietary ED, LTPA and SED. This study also
provides useful descriptive values on portion size and dietary
intake by food group in French children aged 3–11 years at a
national scale, which has rarely been the case using
observational data.
We found that portion sizes of croissant-like pastries and
other sweetened pastries were positively correlated to OW in
children aged 3–6 years. These results are consistent with
findings from two cross-sectional studies in children linking
meal portion size to increased body weight using a similar
definition of portion size, that is, mean quantities in grams
consumed on one eating occasion (McConahy et al., 2002;
Huang et al., 2004). Additionally, our study shows that this
relationship could be attributed to specific food sources,
most of which belong to the category of ‘convenience foods’,
which are often packaged for single-serving consumption,
and whose portion sizes have been reported to be increasing
(Young and Nestle, 2002).
Most of the studies that focused on portion size investigated
its association with EI. Several well-controlled, laboratory-
based studies have shown that providing adults and children
(aged 4 years or more) with larger food portions can lead to
significant increases in EI (Rolls et al., 2000, 2002; Orlet Fisher
et al., 2003; McConahy et al., 2004; Ello-Martin et al., 2005).
This effect has been demonstrated for snacks and a variety of
single meals and shown to persist over a 2-day period (Rolls
et al., 2006b). Despite increases in intake, individuals
presented with large portions generally do not report or
respond to increased levels of satiety, suggesting that hunger
and satiety signals are ignored or overridden (Kral, 2006). It is
notable that the INCA1 food consumption data were collected
over seven days, which potentially allowed for compensatory
mechanisms, if any, following the intake of large portion sizes
on one or several eating occasions over the survey week to be
taken into account. In addition, the analyses performed on
the INCA1 data set confirmed that portion size of several food
categories was positively correlated to total EI, with the
strongest relationships observed for croissant-like pastries,
sweetened pastries and fat spreads (results not shown).
Table 4 Characteristics of dietary intakes by food category in children aged 3–6 years (n ¼ 338) and 7–11 years (n ¼ 405): contribution of each food
category to energy, sugar, fat and protein intakes
Food categories Contribution (%) of each food group to:
Energy intake Sugar intake Fat intake Protein intake
3–6 years 7–11 years 3–6 years 7–11 years 3–6 years 7–11 years 3–6 years 7–11 years
Sweet or savoury snacks 4.02
3.98 4.06
3.95 8.01
8.13 8.98
8.81 4.26
4.80 4.69
5.04 1.02
1.26 1.12
Biscuits 8.21
6.84 6.29
5.84**** 7.37
7.43 6.40
7.23 9.07
7.86 6.84
6.58**** 3.35
3.14 2.50
Sweetened pastries 4.15
4.62 4.75
5.07 4.01
4.92 5.47
6.49*** 4.72
5.56 5.29
5.93 2.38
3.12 2.63
Croissant-like pastries 4.66
5.64 4.88
5.85 0.97
1.26 1.24
1.90* 5.60
6.66 5.79
6.77 2.81
3.87 2.82
Fast foods 4.01
3.57 4.70
4.20* 0.45
0.53 0.58
0.70** 5.09
4.96 5.65
5.11 4.59
4.26 5.40
Breakfast cereals 3.38
4.89 4.07
4.86 2.80
5.40 4.09
6.21** 0.68
1.92 0.68
1.82 1.76
2.96 2.02
Solid dairy products 9.07
5.74 6.89
4.87**** 15.17
9.51 13.62
9.65* 9.15
6.91 6.87
5.69**** 9.24
5.53 6.62
Solid fruits and
3.09 4.13
2.88 12.70
9.80 14.14
10.78 0.77
1.57 0.96
1.81 1.91
1.42 2.05
Starchy foods 13.27
5.81 16.60
7.00**** 1.30
1.24 1.96
1.59**** 4.54
2.76 5.24
3.75** 9.75
4.81 11.93
Meat 4.89
3.32 5.70
3.64** 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 6.95
5.14 7.91
5.23* 14.59
8.92 16.60
Ham 0.63
0.68 0.61
0.72 0.00
0.02 0.00
0.01 0.78
0.93 0.74
0.91 2.27
2.28 2.11
Meat products 1 1.87
2.27 1.70
2.26 0.03
0.11 0.01
0.07 4.12
4.86 3.62
4.70 2.06
2.52 1.92
Meat products 2 1.46
1.95 1.54
2.24 0.03
0.08 0.04
0.15 3.03
3.95 3.13
4.32 1.87
2.42 1.92
Poultry and game 2.01
1.95 2.62
2.92** 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 2.07
2.43 2.62
3.28** 7.88
6.71 9.78
Fish 1.81
1.67 1.76
2.40 0.01
0.07 0.02
0.08 1.90
2.01 1.84
2.62 5.33
4.79 4.79
Eggs 1.10
1.27 1.06
1.25 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 2.03
2.37 1.92
2.25 2.32
2.67 2.21
Cheese 3.72
3.49 3.64
3.25 0.08
0.21 0.06
0.14 7.15
6.56 6.91
5.96 6.37
5.77 6.19
Mixed dishes 3.19
3.36 4.06
4.48** 0.92
1.42 1.30
1.93** 4.04
4.60 5.20
6.02** 4.94
5.35 6.00
Fat spreads 6.77
3.29 7.47
3.11** 0.17
0.44 0.16
0.30 17.99
8.13 19.63
7.60** 0.16
0.18 0.18
Liquid dairy products 9.28
6.22 6.41
4.18**** 19.42
12.68 15.93
10.86**** 5.22
3.58 3.54
2.30**** 13.70
8.08 9.53
Freshly squeezed fruit
juices and soups
1.12 0.70
1.25 1.09
1.85 1.14
2.52 0.09
0.32 0.10
0.36 0.48
0.81 0.48
sweetened beverages
4.18 2.63
3.34**** 13.24
12.09 10.92
11.90** 0.01
0.11 0.00
0.00 0.01
0.17 0.00
Carbonated soft drinks 1.25
1.91 1.44
2.22 4.73
7.19 6.48
9.98** 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
Between-age comparisons: *Pp0.05; **Pp0.01; ***Pp0.001; ****Pp0.0001.
s.d. (all such values).
Food portion size and childhood overweight
S Lioret et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Table 5 Age- and sex-adjusted and multivariable-adjusted odds ratios
(ORs) (and 95% CIs) for overweight (including obesity) by portion sizes
of food categories in children aged 3–6 years, using logistic regression
analysis (n ¼ 329)
Food groups Age- and
sex-adjusted ORs
Sweet or savoury snacks
0.49 (0.23–1.05)
0.99 (0.50–1.98)
P for trend
T1 1.00
T2 1.47 (0.68–3.17)
T3 2.20 (1.03–4.68)
P for trend 0.0392
Sweetened pastries
T1 1.00 1.00
T2 1.41 (0.61–3.27) 1.38 (0.56–3.40)
T3 3.06 (1.43–6.56) 2.99 (1.31–6.84)
P for trend 0.0027 0.0051
Croissant-like pastries
T1 1.00 1.00
T2 1.37 (0.64–2.93) 1.43 (0.63–3.26)
T3 2.05 (0.98–4.30) 2.18 (0.96–4.96)
P for trend 0.0568 0.0522
Fast foods
T1 1.00
T2 0.74 (0.35–1.59)
T3 1.50 (0.74–3.03)
P for trend 0.2496
Breakfast cereals
T1 1.00
T2 0.53 (0.22–1.28)
T3 0.70 (0.37–1.33)
P for trend 0.2775
Solid dairy products
T1 1.00
T2 0.82 (0.39–1.73)
T3 1.18 (0.58–2.39)
P for trend 0.6585
Solid fruits and vegetables
T1 1.00
T2 1.07 (0.52–2.21)
T3 1.14 (0.55–2.35)
P for trend 0.7322
Starchy foods
T1 1.00
T2 1.22 (0.59–2.50)
T3 1.11 (0.53–2.32)
P for trend 0.7865
T1 1.00 1.00
T2 2.02 (0.95–4.29) 2.19 (0.96–4.99)
T3 2.10 (0.98–4.53) 1.70 (0.72–4.01)
P for trend 0.0574 0.1164
Table 5 Continued
Food groups Age- and
sex-adjusted ORs
T1 1.00
T2 1.00 (0.46–2.18)
T3 1.48 (0.73–3.02)
P for trend 0.2636
Meat products 1
T1 1.00
T2 0.54 (0.25–1.15)
T3 0.74 (0.37–1.49)
P for trend 0.3577
Meat products 2
T1 1.00
T2 0.49 (0.19–1.22)
T3 1.33 (0.70–2.56)
P for trend 0.3659
Poultry and game
T1 1.00
T2 1.83 (0.84–3.96)
T3 2.04 (0.94–4.40)
P for trend 0.0741
T1 1.00
T2 1.84 (0.92–3.70)
T3 0.73 (0.32–1.68)
P for trend 0.5278
T1 1.00
T2 0.38 (0.16–0.89)
T3 0.61 (0.31–1.17)
P for trend 0.1207
T1 1.00
T2 1.47 (0.70–3.08)
T3 1.56 (0.75–3.24)
P for trend 0.2357
Mixed dishes
T1 1.00
T2 1.36 (0.65–2.88)
T3 1.48 (0.72–3.08)
P for trend 0.2929
Fat spreads
T1 1.00
T2 0.84 (0.41–1.74)
T3 0.91 (0.45–1.86)
P for trend 0.7918
Liquid dairy products
T1 1.00 1.00
T2 1.96 (1.00–3.83) 1.38 (0.65–2.91)
T3 0.48 (0.21–1.10) 0.38 (0.15–0.93)
P for trend 0.1582 0.0740
Freshly squeezed fruit juices and
T1 1.00
T2 0.88 (0.37–2.07)
Food portion size and childhood overweight
S Lioret et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
But children are also responsive to the increasing avail-
ability of highly palatable foods, which contribute to making
self-regulation of EI less operational (Rolls et al., 2006b). In
fact, it is not only portion size that increases EI, but rather,
large portions of energy-dense foods, known to be more
palatable (Kral and Rolls, 2004; Ledikwe et al., 2006). Energy
density and palatability of foods are directly related to their
fat content and, in the present study, croissant-like pastries
and the other sweetened pastries, which were shown to be
positively associated with OW in terms of portion size in
children aged 3–6 years, fall into the category of highly-
palatable energy-dense foods. Their energy density is
4800 kJ per 100 g consumed, and their contribution to EI,
fat and sugar intakes is relatively high. Conversely, their
nutrient density is very low. It should be underlined that
‘sweet/fatty snack foods’ might displace the child’s con-
sumption of other more nutritious and less energy-dense
foods, such as fruits and vegetables, dairy products, fish and
starchy foods (Bell et al., 2005). This food selection, when
associated with large portion sizes, could therefore contri-
bute to weight gain. Conversely, our results indicated that
portion size of liquid dairy products was inversely associated
with OW in children aged 7–11 years. In a recent review,
Zemel and Miller (2004) described the enhancing effect of
dairy calcium on lipolysis and thus on fat loss. It was also
Table 5 Continued
Food groups Age- and
sex-adjusted ORs
T3 0.93 (0.48–1.81)
P for trend 0.8128
Noncarbonated sweetened
T1 1.00
T2 1.15 (0.53–2.49)
T3 1.69 (0.82–3.50)
P for trend 0.1491
Carbonated soft drinks
T1 1.00
T2 1.11 (0.55–2.27)
T3 1.00 (0.49–2.05)
P for trend 0.9691
Age- and sex-adjusted logistic regression analyses: there are 23 logistic
regression models (Model 1).
Stepwise multivariate logistic regression analysis adjusted for sex, age
(continuous), dietary energy density, leisure time physical activity and
sedentary behaviour (Model 2). Only the odds ratios of the food groups
selected by the stepwise logistic regression are given.
T1, tertile 1 of portion size distribution of food groups; T2, tertile 2; T3, tertile
3. Reference ¼ T1.
Tests for linear trend were performed using the ordinal score on categories of
each variable.
Since there was a high percentage of nonconsumers (433.3%), it was not
possible to obtain balanced tertiles for the portion sizes of these food groups.
The population was therefore split into three classes, the first corresponding to
nonconsumers (T1). The threshold that determined the two other categories
(T2 and T3) was the median of the portion size distribution among consumers
in each food category concerned.
Table 6 Age- and sex-adjusted and multivariable-adjusted odds ratios
(and 95% CIs) for overweight (including obesity) by portion sizes of food
categories in children aged 7–11 years, using logistic regression analysis
(n ¼ 390)
Food groups Age- and
sex-adjusted ORs
adjusted ORs
Sweet or savoury snacks
1.03 (0.55–1.93)
0.70 (0.37–1.34)
P for trend
T1 1.00
T2 1.20 (0.63–2.29)
T3 1.24 (0.65–2.38)
P for trend 0.5188
Sweetened pastries
T1 1.00
T2 1.84 (0.95–3.58)
T3 1.66 (0.85–3.25)
P for trend 0.1530
Croissant-like pastries
T1 1.00
T2 0.87 (0.44–1.72)
T3 1.31 (0.70–2.44)
P for trend 0.3627
Fast foods
T1 1.00
T2 0.78 (0.39–1.53)
T3 1.51 (0.81–2.81)
P for trend 0.1763
Breakfast cereals
T1 1.00
T2 0.82 (0.44–1.53)
T3 0.60 (0.32–1.14)
P for trend 0.1202
Solid dairy products
T1 1.00
T2 0.99 (0.51–1.92)
T3 1.24 (0.66–2.34)
P for trend 0.4839
Solid fruits and vegetables
T1 1.00
T2 1.42 (0.74–2.72)
T3 1.22 (0.63–2.34)
P for trend 0.5781
Starchy foods
T1 1.00
T2 1.01 (0.51–1.96)
T3 1.52 (0.81–2.88)
P for trend 0.1845
T1 1.00
T2 1.12 (0.58–2.17)
T3 1.23 (0.65–2.35)
P for trend 0.5243
T1 1.00
Food portion size and childhood overweight
S Lioret et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
suggested that bioactive components in milk proteins and
whey may act with calcium to attenuate lipogenesis (Shah,
2000). It is also likely that the consumption of large portion
sizes of liquid dairy product is an indicator of an overall
healthy lifestyle pattern regarding energy balance and
weight regulation. However, further research is needed to
confirm and explain the protective role of dairy intake
against OW in children (Huang and McCrory, 2005).
One strong point of the INCA1 survey is taking into
account the comprehensive variables related to the three
components of the energy balance equation, that is, dietary
intake, energy expenditure and weight status. However, in
such a large-scale study, precision and accuracy cannot be
optimal for all measurements. Compared to other methods
(for example 24-h recall), the 7-day food record is more
suitable for taking the day-to-day variability of food intake in
children into account, which is approximately twice of that
observed in adults (Livingstone and Robson, 2000). More-
over, recent studies have demonstrated the ability of
children to report food portion size accurately using food
photographs (Lillegaard et al., 2005; Foster et al., 2006).
However, people may grow tired of filling out a prolonged
food record, which may result in food intake being under-
reported (Livingstone and Robson, 2000). Potential bias due
to under-reporting of body weight or food intake (Brener
et al., 2003; Rennie et al., 2005) should not be excluded, even
though this has mainly been described in obese adolescents
and adults (Bandini et al., 1990; Strauss, 1999). Finally the
associations observed between OW status and food portion
Table 6 Continued
Food groups Age- and
sex-adjusted ORs
adjusted ORs
T2 0.58 (0.29–1.17)
T3 0.85 (0.47–1.53)
P for trend 0.5910
Meat products 1
T1 1.00
T2 0.53 (0.25–1.13)
T3 1.01 (0.56–1.81)
P for trend 0.8891
Meat products 2
T1 1.00
T2 0.65 (0.34–1.24)
T3 0.83 (0.45–1.53)
P for trend 0.4952
Poultry and game
T1 1.00
T2 0.73 (0.38–1.39)
T3 0.84 (0.45–1.58)
P for trend 0.5981
T1 1.00
T2 1.02 (0.55–1.88)
T3 0.78 (0.40–1.51)
P for trend 0.4664
T1 1.00
T2 0.68 (0.36–1.29)
T3 0.86 (0.46–1.60)
P for trend 0.5705
T1 1.00
T2 0.70 (0.36–1.39)
T3 1.42 (0.77–2.65)
P for trend 0.2302
Mixed dishes
T1 1.00
T2 0.79 (0.41–1.51)
T3 1.05 (0.56–1.96)
P for trend 0.8870
Fat spreads
T1 1.00
T2 0.69 (0.36–1.31)
T3 0.81 (0.44–1.51)
P for trend 0.5182
Liquid dairy products
T1 1.00 1.00
T2 0.54 (0.28–1.04) 0.57 (0.29–1.11)
T3 0.30 (0.15–0.59) 0.30 (0.14–0.60)
P for trend 0.0003 0.0006
Freshly squeezed fruit juices and soups
T1 1.00 1.00
T2 0.56 (0.28–1.13) 0.55 (0.26–1.16)
T3 0.66 (0.34–1.28) 0.61 (0.31–1.22)
P for trend 0.1351 0.1107
Noncarbonated sweetened beverages
T1 1.00
Table 6 Continued
Food groups Age- and
sex-adjusted ORs
adjusted ORs
T2 0.89 (0.47–1.69)
T3 1.03 (0.55–1.96)
P for trend 0.9148
Carbonated soft drinks
T1 1.00
T2 0.79 (0.39–1.60)
T3 1.38 (0.76–2.49)
P for trend 0.2982
Age- and sex-adjusted logistic regression analyses: there are 23 logistic
regression models (Model 1).
Stepwise multivariate logistic regression analysis adjusted for sex, age
(continuous), dietary energy density, leisure time physical activity and
sedentary behaviour (Model 2). Only the odds ratios of the food groups
selected by the stepwise logistic regression are given.
T1, tertile 1 of portion size distribution of food groups; T2, tertile 2; T3, tertile
3. Reference ¼ T1.
Tests for linear trend were performed using the ordinal score on categories of
each variable.
Since there was a high percentage of nonconsumers (433.3%), it was not
possible to obtain balanced tertiles for the portion sizes of these food groups.
The population was therefore split into three classes, the first corresponding to
nonconsumers (T1). The threshold that determined the two other categories
(T2 and T3) was the median of the portion size distribution among consumers
in each food category concerned.
Food portion size and childhood overweight
S Lioret et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
size were based on cross-sectional data and therefore
causality cannot be directly inferred. One cannot exclude
the possibility that some OW children who were willing to
lose weight deliberately changed the portion size of certain
foods they consumed, which might have weakened certain
relationships. Therefore, additional studies based on long-
itudinal design are needed to confirm our results and
conclude in causality.
This study suggests that the current worldwide increase in
childhood OW, which has also been described in France,
may be driven not only by increased sedentary behaviour
and consumption of particular foods, but also by the shift in
eating patterns towards larger portion sizes of specific foods,
notably energy-dense and nutrient-poor products. The
precocity of these harmful choices and behaviours towards
food needs to be taken seriously as, once established, eating
habits are actually difficult to change (Nicklaus et al., 2005).
Consequently, although these cross-sectional observations
need to be confirmed by further longitudinal studies, there is
a need to deliver public health messages that consider
portion sizes and energy density of foods together. Con-
sumption of large portion sizes of palatable energy-dense
foods should be discouraged both inside and outside home,
while nutritious low-energy-dense foods, such as grains,
some dairy products, fish, fruits and vegetables should be
promoted in the context of a balanced diet.
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Food portion size and childhood overweight
S Lioret et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
... For example, if an individual consumed 200 g of meat for lunch in the first day and 200 g in the lunch of the second day, then his/her PS at lunch from this food item was 200 g, and if individual consumed 200 g of meat only in lunch and did not consume meat in the lunch of second day, his/her PS was 200 g. Various studies have adapted the same methodology, such as the study of food PS effect on overweight in children and adults [48,49]. Thus, these data represent per-consumer averages, not per capita averages and are aimed to show the average change on the PS for those who consume a certain item. ...
... PS were estimated for the 20% most frequently consumed food groups per eating occasion, and then we selected the food items that had been identified as high-ED foods, according to World Cancer Research Fund (containing 225-275 kcal/100 g) [20], and identified in previous research as the foods with the greatest contribution to energy intake, with positive associations to BMI in Europe and the rest of countries [11,48]. Eleven food groups were selected in this analysis and include 1-"breakfast cereals"; 2-"bread and rolls"; 3-"sweet bakery products"; 4-"confectionary nonchocolate"; 5-"chocolate"; 6-"sugar, honey, and jam"; 7-"cheese"; 8-"meat"; 9-"meat and poultry products"; 10-"vegetable oils"; and 11-"carbonated soft and isotonic drinks." ...
... In this study, a positive association was observed between PS and BMI for some ED foods, and there were differences between plausible reporters and under-reporters. In another cross-sectional study in children, it was showed that overweight was positively correlated with the PS of sweetened pastries and biscuits [48]. Similarly, a positive correlation was found for PS of cakes, biscuits, and cheese and BMI in plausible reporter adolescents but not in the under-reporters. ...
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Obesity prevalence has been simultaneously increasing with high consumption of large food portion sizes (PS). However, there is scarce information on PS of energy-dense (ED) foods as a potential risk factor of obesity in adolescents. In the present study, we investigate the association between the PS of the most ED foods and body composition. A sample of 1889 adolescents (54.4% females) from the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence cross-sectional multicenter study (HELENA–CSS) study were included. Most ED foods (e.g., cheese) were selected according to higher fat and/or sugar content and low fiber and water. Linear and ordinal logistic regression models were adjusted for age, physical activity, total energy intake (TEI), and socioeconomic status (SES). Analysis was performed both in those adolescents reporting plausible energy intake according to the approach of Goldberg et al. and in the whole sample. In male plausible reporters, PS from “breakfast cereals” showed a significant and positive association with BMI (β = 0.012; 0.048). PS from “carbonated soft drinks” in males (OR = 1.001; 95% CI 1.000; 1.002) and “bread and rolls” in females (OR = 1.002; 95% CI 1.000; 1.004) were associated with higher probability of having obesity, while “sweet bakery products” were associated with lower probability of having obesity (OR = 0.996; 95% CI 0.991; 0.999) in females. The present study suggests association between PS of ED foods and obesity in European adolescents. Prospective studies are needed to examine the effect of prolonged exposure to large PS and obesity development.
... Carbonated sweetened beverages included non-diet carbonated beverages that also contained sugar, while noncarbonated sweetened beverages included industrial fruit juices, excluding hot drinks and milk. Definitions for choosing fast food and sweetened beverages were based on previous study by Lioret et al. [23]. The intake of fast food and sweetened beverages were shown relative to energy intake (g/1000 kcal). ...
... beverages included non-diet carbonated beverages that also contained sugar, while carbonated sweetened beverages included industrial fruit juices, excluding hot drink milk. Definitions for choosing fast food and sweetened beverages were based on pre study by Lioret et al. [23]. The intake of fast food and sweetened beverages were s relative to energy intake (g/1000 kcal). ...
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Dietary supplement users tend to have a better diet quality and overall prudent lifestyle. The main goals of this research were to report the prevalence and type of dietary supplements among Croatian adolescents and to examine the differences in the diet quality among dietary supplement users vs. non-users at the beginning (15/16 y) and at the end of high school education (18/19 y). This research is based on results of the longitudinal CRO-PALS study in which 607 adolescents participated, who had complete dietary, anthropometric, and physical activity data at the beginning (15/16 y) and at the end of their high school education (18/19 y). The dietary assessment method used was a single multi-pass 24 h recall. Dietary supplement users were divided into two groups for the purposes of statistical analysis-users of vitamin and multivitamin preparations (VMV) and users of mineral and multivitamin preparations (MMV). As they aged, there was an increase in the consumption of dietary supplements, and the most frequently used preparation in both age groups was vitamin C (23.7% of users). Dietary supplement users had a higher intake of non-carbonated sweetened drinks and a lower intake of fruits and vegetables in both genders and both age groups. Fast food intake was higher among dietary supplement girl users and boys who were not dietary supplements users in both age groups. Dietary supplement users had a higher achieved average intake of most micronutrients (values obtained only from food) in both genders and both age groups (with exceptions for certain vitamins and minerals). By observing other parameters for assessing the diet quality in this research, we can conclude that girls who do not use dietary supplements have a better diet quality in both age groups.
... Carbonated sweetened drinks included non-diet carbonated drinks that contained sugar, while non-carbonated sweetened beverages included industrial fruit juices, excluding milk and hot drinks. The definitions used for fast food, non-carbonated and carbonated sweetened drinks have already been introduced (Lioret et al., 2009). The intake of fruit and vegetables is expressed as a total intake in grams and percentage of energy intake (g/1000 kcal; % kcal). ...
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Location of meal consumption can affect the quality of adolescents’ diet. The main goal of this study was to observe if eating outside the home affects diet quality of 607 adolescents from the CRO-PALS longitudinal study. 24-hour recall was used as a dietary assessment method and meal location was also recorded during the interview. Two measurements were taken: one in the first and one in the final year of high school, so the goal was also to determine the differences between the groups and between the two measurements. As expected, considering previous studies, adolescents who had a higher energy intake consumed outside the home showed lower diet quality, more so in the case of girls and during the first year.
... If the individual consumed 60 g of bread only for breakfast and not for any other meal, their PS was 60 g. Several studies of food PS effect on overweight children and adults have used the same methodology [24,25]. Thus, these data represent per-consumer, not per-capita, averages, and show the average change on PS for those who consume a certain item. ...
Objective To investigate the associations between portion sizes (PS) from different food groups and energy, nutrient intakes in European adolescents. Methods A sample of 1631 adolescents (54.2 % girls) were included from the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence Cross-Sectional (HELENA) study. Mean food PS was calculated by dividing the total intake of the items by the number of eating occasions of these consumed items. To determine the key items for analysis, foods were ranked by frequency of consumption. One-way between-groups analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test for significant differences in means across tertiles. Finally, Multivariable linear regression analysis was carried out, adjusting for age, gender, maternal education, BMI and using country as a level. Results Energy intake increased with elevated intakes of energy-dense foods. Large portions from ‘rice and other grains’, ‘starch roots and potatoes’ and ‘meat substitutes, nuts, and pulses’ were associated with increased carbohydrate and fibre intake. Larger portions from ‘cheese’ and ‘butter and animal's fat’ were significantly associated with higher fat intake. Lower intakes of some vitamins and micronutrients were noticed when larger portions of high energy-dense foods such as ‘desserts and pudding’, ‘margarines and vegetable oils’ and ‘butter and animal fats’ were consumed. Conclusion Large food PSs may be associated with positive energy, macronutrient and micronutrient intake. Moreover, the findings from this study may help future development of dietary guidance in general, as well as specific to PS, and support targeted strategies to address intakes of certain nutrients in European adolescents.
... For instance, if an individual consumed 100 g of meat for lunch in the first day and 100 g in the lunch for the second day, then his/her PS at lunch from this food item was 100 g, and if the individual consumed 100 g of meat only in lunch and did not consume meat in any other meal, his/her PS was 100 g. Several studies of food PS effect on overweight in children and adults have used the same methodology [35,36]. Thus, these data represent per consumer averages, not per capita averages, and it is used to show the average change on the PS for those who consume a certain item. ...
Background and Aims This study aims to examine associations of food portion sizes (PS) with markers of insulin resistance (IR) and clustered of metabolic risk score in European adolescents. Methods 495 adolescents (53.5% females) from the HELENA study were included. The association between PS from food groups and HOMA-IR index, VO2 max, and metabolic risk score was assessed by multilinear regression analysis adjusting for several confounders. ANCOVA was used to determine the mean differences of food PS from food groups by HOMA-IR cut off categories, using maternal education as covariable. Results Larger PS from vegetables in both gender, and milk, yoghurt, and milk beverages in males were associated with higher VO2 max, while larger PS from margarines and vegetable oils were associated with lower VO2 max (p< 0.05). Males who consumed larger PS from fish and fish products; meat substitutes, nuts, pulses; cakes, pies, biscuits; and sugar, honey, jams, chocolate have a higher metabolic risk score (p<0.05). Males with lower HOMA-IR cut off values consumed larger PS from vegetables, milk, yoghurt, and milk beverages (p < 0.05). Females with lower HOMA-IR cut off values consumed larger PS from breakfast cereals, while those with higher HOMA-IR cut off values, consumed larger PS from butter and animal fats (p =0.018). Conclusion The results show that larger PS from dairy products, cereals, and high energy dense foods are a significant determinant of IR and VO2 max and larger PS from food with higher content of sugar were associated with higher metabolic risk score.
... Another French study on children aged between 3 and 11 years, taken from the 1998-1999 cross-sectional study, observed that overweight in children aged 3 to 6 years was positively associated with the PS of biscuits (p = 0.0392) and sweetened pastries (p = 0.0027). Also significantly positive trends were observed for PSs of croissant-like pastries (p = 0.0568) and meat (p = 0.0574) (64). In UK adolescents, there was also a positive association between PS of biscuits and cakes and BMI (9). ...
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Introduction: The purpose of this narrative review is to provide evidence for the impact of food portion sizes on the development of obesity in children and adolescents. Strategies are needed on portion size estimation and on the relationship of portion size with certain health problems such as obesity, insulin resistance, and emotional eating in all age groups, in order to provide information for parents, teachers, and health professionals aiming to promote healthy eating. A wide range of controlled laboratory studies have found that portion size (PS) had the strongest effect on the amount of food consumed. The effect of PS on total energy intake has been already observed with different types of foods and beverages, especially with energy-dense foods. The influence of large PS was persistent and happened regardless of demographic characteristics such as age, gender, income level, or body mass index. Although a direct causal link between PS and obesity remains controversial, some health and dietetics organizations recommend to moderate PS, especially for energy-dense foods. Research studies in both laboratory and free-living contexts are needed to determine the causal link between increased PS, obesity, and related metabolic complications in children and adolescents.
... Children with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities are subject to similar risk factors for obesity as TD children/ adolescents including increased consumption of high calorie, nutrient poor foods, increased sedentary behaviour (Lioret et al., 2009;Spear et al., 2007), parent weight status (Whitaker et al., 1997) and parent feeding behaviours (e.g. food restriction and control ;Faith et al., 2004). ...
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Background Obesity rates are higher in children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (DD) compared to typically developing (TD) children. In TD children, family‐based (FB) interventions for obesity are the most effective interventions. Research addressing obesity interventions for children with IDD is limited. Method We adapted a community‐based obesity intervention created for TD children for children with IDD and added a parent education component. The current study examined the feasibility of Enhanced‐Operation Fit, a camp‐based intervention created in order to reduce weight, and improve health behavior outcomes. Participants were 16 children (68.8% male; Mage = 13.15, SDage = 1.62) and their parents. Results Results indicated that incorporating a daily parent education group limited recruitment potential, but showed promising preliminary improvements in parent feeding and child eating behaviors. Conclusions Health interventions for children with IDD are greatly needed and the current study may be a cost and time‐efficient intervention to help address this public health crisis.
The consumption frequency and portion size of discretionary snacks are thought to contribute to a greater food intake and risk of overweight or obesity in the developed world but evidence from epidemiological studies is inconclusive. To investigate this, we systematically evaluated evidence on the effects of discretionary snack consumption on weight status, energy intake, and diet quality. Articles involving discretionary snacks reported against the outcome measures of any primary, peer‐reviewed study using human participants from free‐living conditions for all age groups were included. A total of 14,780 titles were identified and 40 eligible publications were identified. Three key outcomes were reported: weight status ( n = 35), energy intake ( n = 11), and diet quality ( n = 3). Increased discretionary snack consumption may contribute modestly to energy intake, however, there is a lack of consistent associations with increased weight/BMI. Although cross‐sectional analyses offered conflicting findings, longitudinal studies in adults showed a consistent positive relationship between discretionary snack intake and increasing weight or body mass index. Given that experimental findings suggest reducing the size of discretionary snacks could lead to decreased consumption and subsequent energy intake, food policy makers and manufacturers may find it valuable to consider altering the portion and/or packaging size of discretionary snacks.
Background Parents are children's primary role models, are food and physical activity gatekeepers, and create the home structure/lifestyle environment. Thus, parents strongly influence children's weight-related behaviors and have the opportunity to cultivate a “culture of health” within the home. Yet, there is a dearth of evidence-based obesity prevention intervention programs, especially for families with children aged 6–11 years, commonly called middle childhood. Methods The aim of the HomeStyles-2 online learning mode RCT is to determine whether this novel, age-appropriate, family intervention enables and motivates parents to shape home environments and weight-related lifestyle practices (i.e.,diet, exercise, sleep) to be more supportive of optimal health and reduced obesity risk in middle childhood youth more than those in the control condition. The RCT will include the experimental group and an attention control group. The participants will be parents with school-age children who are systematically randomly assigned by computer to study condition. The HomeStyles intervention is predicated on the social cognitive theory and a social ecological framework. The RCT will collect sociodemographic characteristics of the participant, child, and partner/spouse; child and parent health status; parent weight-related cognitions; weight-related behaviors of the parent and child; and weight-related characteristics of the home environment. Deliverables Enrollment for this study will begin in 2022. Discussion This paper describes these aspects of the HomeStyles-2 intervention: rationale; sample eligibility criteria and recruitment; study design; experimental group intervention theoretical and philosophical underpinnings, structure, content, and development process; attention control intervention; survey instrument development and components; outcome measures; and planned analyses. Trial registration, Protocol #NCT04802291, Registered March 14, 2021.
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The increase in the prevalence of obesity has coincided with an increase in portion sizes of foods both inside and outside the home, suggesting that larger portions may play a role in the obesity epidemic. Although it will be difficult to establish a causal relationship between increasing portion size and obesity, data indicate that portion size does influence energy intake. Several well-controlled, laboratory-based studies have shown that providing older children and adults with larger food portions can lead to significant increases in energy intake. This effect has been demonstrated for snacks and a variety of single meals and shown to persist over a 2-d period. Despite increases in intake, individuals presented with large portions generally do not report or respond to increased levels of fullness, suggesting that hunger and satiety signals are ignored or overridden. One strategy to address the effect of portion size is decreasing the energy density (kilojoules per gram; kilocalories per gram) of foods. Several studies have demonstrated that eating low-energy-dense foods (such as fruits, vegetables, and soups) maintains satiety while reducing energy intake. In a clinical trial, advising individuals to eat portions of low-energy-dense foods was a more successful weight loss strategy than fat reduction coupled with restriction of portion sizes. Eating satisfying portions of low-energy-dense foods can help to enhance satiety and control hunger while restricting energy intake for weight management.
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Laboratory-based investigations indicate that the consumption of foods with a low energy density (kcal/g) decreases energy intake. Although low-energy-dense diets are recommended for weight management, relations between energy density, energy intake, and weight status have not been clearly shown in free-living persons. A representative US sample was used to determine whether dietary energy density is associated with energy intake, the weight of food consumed, and body weight and to explore the influence of food choices (fruit, vegetable, and fat consumption) on energy density and body weight. A cross-sectional survey of adults (n = 7356) from the 1994-1996 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals and two 24-h dietary recalls were used. Men and women with a low-energy-dense diet had lower energy intakes (approximately 425 and 275 kcal/d less, respectively) than did those with a high-energy-dense diet, even though they consumed more food (approximately 400 and 300 g/d more, respectively). Normal-weight persons had diets with a lower energy density than did obese persons. Persons with a high fruit and vegetable intake had the lowest energy density values and the lowest obesity prevalence. Adults consuming a low-energy-dense diet are likely to consume more food (by weight) but to have a lower energy intake than do those consuming a higher-energy-dense diet. The energy density of a variety of dietary patterns, including higher-fat diets, can be lowered by adding fruit and vegetables. Our findings support the hypothesis that a relation exists between the consumption of an energy-dense diet and obesity and provide evidence of the importance of fruit and vegetable consumption for weight management.
Context While general consensus holds that food portion sizes are increasing, no empirical data have documented actual increases.Objective To determine trends in food portion sizes consumed in the United States, by eating location and food source.Design, Setting, and Participants Nationally representative data from the Nationwide Food Consumption Survey (1977-1978) and the Continuing Survey of Food Intake by Individuals (1989-1991,1994-1996, and 1998). The sample consists of 63380 individuals aged 2 years and older.Main Outcome Measure For each survey year, average portion size consumed from specific food items (salty snacks, desserts, soft drinks, fruit drinks, french fries, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, pizza, and Mexican food) by eating location (home, restaurant, or fast food).Results Portion sizes vary by food source, with the largest portions consumed at fast food establishments and the smallest at other restaurants. Between 1977 and 1996, food portion sizes increased both inside and outside the home for all categories except pizza. The energy intake and portion size of salty snacks increased by 93 kcal (from 1.0 to 1.6 oz [28.4 to 45.4 g]), soft drinks by 49 kcal (13.1 to 19.9 fl oz [387.4 to 588.4 mL]), hamburgers by 97 kcal (5.7 to 7.0 oz [161.6 to 198.4 g]), french fries by 68 kcal (3.1 to 3.6 oz [87.9 to 102.1 gl), and Mexican food by 133 kcal (6.3 to 8.0 oz [178.6 to 226.8 g]).Conclusion Portion sizes and energy intake for specific food types have increased markedly with greatest increases for food consumed at fast food establishments and in the home.
Dietary calcium plays a key role in the regulation of energy metabolism and obesity risk. This appears to be mediated primarily by dietary calcium modulation of circulating calcitriol, which in turn regulates adipocyte intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i). Increased [Ca2]i stimulates lipogenic gene expression and activity and inhibits lipolysis, resulting in increased adipocyte lipid accumulation. Since calcitriol stimulates adipocyte Ca2+ influx, low calcium diets promote adiposity, while dietary calcium-suppression of calcitriol reduces adiposity. These concepts are confirmed in controlled rodent studies as well as by epidemiological and clincial trial data, all of which confirm protection from obesity with high calcium intakes. Moreover, dairy sources of calcium exert markedly greater effects which are most likely attributable to additional bioactive compounds in dairy which act synergistically with calcium to attenuate adiposity.
There is an urgent need to identify nutrition-related risk factors for obesity and the metabolic syndrome, because the prevalence of these conditions continues to rise among children and adolescents. While some studies suggest that dairy and calcium intake may attenuate obesity and the metabolic syndrome, others do not support these findings. In addition, very little research has been done in children and adolescents, especially in minority youth, who are at the greatest risk for obesity and metabolic dysfunctions. Longitudinal studies examining the role of dairy intake in relation to changes in body composition and metabolic profiles during growth are also critically needed. Of the studies conducted thus far, part of the discrepancy in findings may be due to the uncertainty over whether the effect of dairy intake is independent of energy intake or other eating pattern variables. Further, there is no consensus on how to qualify (i.e., which foods) or quantify (i.e., which cutoffs and/or units) dairy consumption. The widespread problem of implausible dietary reporting in observational studies and the lack of compliance monitoring in intervention trials may also contribute to inconsistent findings. Given the lack of consensus on the effect of dairy, particularly in children and adolescents, more research is warranted before any recommendations can be made on dietary guidelines, policies, and interventions.
Objective To develop an internationally acceptable definition of child overweight and obesity, specifying the measurement, the reference population, and the age and sex specific cut off points. Design International survey of six large nationally representative cross sectional growth studies. Setting Brazil, Great Britain, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Singapore, and the United States Subjects 97 876 males and 94 851 females from birth to 25 years of age Main outcome measure Body mass index (weight/height2). Results For each of the surveys, centile curves were drawn that at age 18 years passed through the widely used cut off points of 25 and 30 kg/m2 for adult overweight and obesity. The resulting curves were averaged to provide age and sex specific cut off points from 2-18 years. Conclusions The proposed cut off points, which are less arbitrary and more internationally based than current alternatives, should help to provide internationally comparable prevalence rates of overweight and obesity in children.
Background: Studies on children and adolescents suggest a large increase in the role of snacking; however, little is know about changes in the snacking behavior of young adults. Methods: USDA's nationally representative surveys from 1977-1978 to 1994-1996 are used to study snacking trends among 8,493 persons 19-29 years old. Results: Snacking prevalence increased from 77 to 84% between 1977-1978 and 1994-1996. The nutritional contribution of snacks to total daily energy intake went from 20 to 23%, primarily because energy consumed per snacking occasion increased by 26% and the number of snacks per day increased 14%. The mean daily caloric density (calorie per gram of food) of snacks increased from 1.05 to 1.32 calories. The energy contribution of high-fat desserts to the total calories from snacking decreased (22 to 14%), however, this food group remained the most important source of energy. The energy contribution of high-fat salty snacks doubled. Sweetened and alcoholic beverages remained important energy contributors. Conclusion: This large increase in total energy and energy density of snacks among young adults in the United States may be contributing to our obesity epidemic.