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Effect of drinking arsenic-contaminated water in children

  • DNGMResearchFoundation


Chronic arsenic toxicity due to drinking of arsenic contaminated water is a major environmental health hazard throughout the world including India. Though lot of information is available on health effects due to chronic arsenic toxicity in adults, knowledge of such effect on children is scanty. A review of available literature has been made to highlight the problem in children. Scientific publication in journals, monograph, thesis and proceedings of conferences on arsenic in regard to epidemiological, clinical and psychometric studies were reviewed. Skin abnormalities including pigmentation change and keratosis are the diagnostic signs of chronic arsenic toxicity in adults. Incidence of skin manifestations vary between 1.9-37.1% in various arsenic exposed children populations in different regions of the world. Occurrence of chronic lung disease including pulmonary interstitial fibrosis was described in arsenic exposed children in Chile. Affection of intellectual function is also reported from Thailand, Bangladesh and India. Chronic arsenic toxicity due to drinking of arsenic contaminated water causes significant morbidity in children in different parts of the world.
Indian Journal of Public Health, Volume 56, Issue 3, July-September, 2012
Effect of Drinking Arsenic-Contaminated Water in Children
Kunal K. Majumdar1, *D. N. Guha Mazumder2
1Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, KPC Medical College & Hospital,
2Director, DNGM Research Foundation, Kolkata, India
Chronic arsenic toxicity due to drinking of arsenic-contaminated water has been a major environmental health hazard
throughout the world including India. Although a lot of information is available on health effects due to chronic arsenic
toxicity in adults, knowledge of such effect on children is scanty. A review of the available literature has been made
to highlight the problem in children. Scienti c publications on health effects of chronic arsenic toxicity in children with
special reference to psychological issues are reviewed. The prevalence of skin abnormalities such as pigmentation
change and keratosis, the diagnostic signs of chronic arsenic toxicity, vary in various arsenic-exposed children population
in different regions of the world. The occurrence of chronic lung disease including pulmonary interstitial brosis has
been described in arsenic-exposed children in Chile. Affection of intellectual function has also been reported to occur
in arsenic-exposed children studied in Thailand, Bangladesh, and India. Methylation patterns of arsenic in children
aggregate in families and are correlated in siblings, providing evidence of a genetic basis for the variation in arsenic
methylation. Chronic arsenic toxicity due to drinking of arsenic-contaminated water causes signi cant morbidity in
children resulting in skin lesions, lung disease, and defect in intellectual function.
Key words:
Key words: Arsenicosis in children, Arsenic skin pigmentation, Intellectual defect, Keratosis
Many aquifers in various parts of the world have been
found to be contaminated with arsenic. Of these, the
most noteworthy occurrences are in large areas of
India, Bangladesh, Taiwan, and Northern China. Asian
countries affected are Lao PDR, Cambodia, Myanmar,
Pakistan, Nepal, and Vietnam. Other countries having
reports of signi cant arsenic contamination of ground
water are Hungary, Mexico, USA, Chile, and Argentina.
In India over and above West Bengal, other states affected
*Corresponding Author: Dr. D. N. Guha Mazumder,
Director, DNGM Research Foundation,
37C, Block ‘B’, New Alipore, Kolkata - 700 053, India.
Special Article
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DOI: 10.4103/0019-557X.104250
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are Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, and Assam.1 There
are suf cient evidence from human studies that chronic
ingestion of inorganic arsenic causes cutaneous and
systemic manifestations along with skin, bladder, and
lung cancer in adults.2
Skin abnormalities such as pigmentation changes
and keratosis have long been known to be hallmark
signs of chronic arsenic exposure in adults. These
lesions are the most common health effects found in
populations exposed to arsenic-contaminated drinking
water. Pigmentation and keratosis caused by arsenic are
quite distinctive. The hyperpigmentation is marked by
raindrop-shaped discolored spots, diffuse dark brown
spots, or diffuse darkening of the skin on the limbs and
trunk. Spotty depigmentation (leucomelanosis) also
occurs in arsenicosis. Simple keratosis usually appears
as bilateral thickening of the palms and soles, while
in nodular keratosis, multiple raised keratotic lesions
appear in palm and soles. Skin lesions pose an important
public health problem because advanced forms of
keratosis are painful, and the consequent dis gurement
can lead to social isolation in the villages. In contrast
to cancer which takes decades to develop, these skin
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224 Majumdar KK and Guha Mazumder DN: Arsenicosis in Children
lesions are generally observed 5–10 years after exposure
commences. Although limited epidemiological data
exist, other reported clinical manifestations resulting
from ingestion of arsenic-contaminated drinking water
in adults include weakness, conjunctival congestion,
hepatomegaly, portal hypertension, lung disease, poly
neuropathy, solid edema of limbs, ischemic heart disease,
peripheral vascular disease, hypertension, and anemia.2,3
Initial report of the nonmalignant pulmonary effect
of chronic ingestion of arsenic by drinking arsenic-
contaminated water was available from studies in children
in Chile as early as in seventies. Rosenberg conducted
autopsies on ve children manifesting characteristic
features of chronic arsenic toxicity, including pigmentation
and/or keratosis. Lung tissue was examined in four of
the ve children, with abnormalities found in each and
two having pulmonary interstitial brosis with mild
bronchiectasis.4 Arsenical skin lesions were reported
in 144 school children in Antofagasta, Chile, during a
cross-sectional survey in 1976. The investigators further
reported that chronic cough was complained of by 38.8%
of children with skin lesion compared with 3.1% of
children with normal skin.5
The prevalence of skin manifestations in children due
to drinking of arsenic-contaminated water was reported
from epidemiological studies carried out in 1995–96 in
South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India. Pigmentation
and keratosis were observed among boys and girls
(age <9 years), who were exposed to arsenic above
50 mg/l although less compared with adults. Nine (1.7%)
of 536 girls and 12 (1.9%) of 613 boys below the age
of 9 years had pigmentation due to exposure of high
level of arsenic in water. The number of subjects with
keratosis was 1 (0.2%) and 3 (0.48%) in girls and boys,
respectively.6 In another study in West Bengal, India, 114
(3.7%) of 6695 children below 11 years had evidences
of arsenical skin disease. In Bangladesh, 298 (6.11%)
of 4877 children below 11 years were reported to
have arsenical skin lesion due to drinking of arsenic-
contaminated water.7 However, higher prevalence of skin
lesion due to consumption of contaminated groundwater
was observed by Watanabe and others among 241 children
(age 4–15 year) living in two rural villages in northern
Bangladesh. The arsenic concentrations of the tube-well
waters ranged from less than detection limit to 535 g/L.
Approximately half of the examined children exhibited
dermatological symptoms with relatively obscured dose-
response relationship; an observation suggesting that the
children were no less susceptible to the dermatological
effects of arsenic than the adults living in the same
communities. Proportion of the children with lower body
mass index (BMI) signi cantly increased with increasing
arsenic exposure level and the dose–response relationship
was consistently observed among the subgroups.8 The
incidence of arsenicosis in children was found to be
12.2% in Inner Mongolia, China, when studied in a
population of 728 subjects below 19 years who were
exposed to arsenic.9 Arsenic-speci c skin lesions were
reported in infants aged 6–18 months in China.10 In a
recent study carried out in Cambodia, higher incidence of
arsenic-related skin lesion was also observed in children
who were drinking arsenic-contaminated water.11 Ten of
27 (37.04%) children below 16 years of age were found
to show evidences of arsenical skin lesions. From the
reports available in the literature, it appears that children
are similarly affected as adults due to chronic arsenic
exposure although the incidence of arsenic-related skin
manifestation vary depending on various factors, which
include dose and duration of exposure, nutritional status
of children, and ethnicity.
The study report on children’s intellectual function in
the arsenic-exposed region of Thailand was available
for review.12 Chronic arsenic exposure assessed by hair
concentrations was related to developmental retardation
as judged by IQ measured by using the Wechsler
intelligence scale test for children. Multiple classi cation
analysis was conducted with data from 529 children
aged 6–9 years who had lived in Ronpiboon district
since birth. The percentage of children in the average
IQ group decreased remarkably from 56.8 to 40.0 as the
arsenic level increased. After adjusting for confounders,
they observed a statistically signi cant relationship that
arsenic could explain 14% of variance in children’s IQ.
The extent of arsenic exposure was dif cult to assess.
Hair concentrations were found to have an average
of 2.42 mg/kg (range: 0.48–26.94 mg/kg) of arsenic,
whereas normal was quoted as less than 1 mg/kg.
Another study was conducted on the effect of water
arsenic exposure and children’s intellectual function
in Araihazar, Bangladesh.13 It was found that exposure
to arsenic from drinking water was associated with
reduced intellectual function in Wechsler Intelligence
Scale for children (WISC) III for children, in a dose–
response manner after adjustment for sociodemographic
covariates and water Mn. Children with water arsenic
levels >50 mg/l achieved signi cantly lower performance
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Indian Journal of Public Health, Volume 56, Issue 3, July-September, 2012
Majumdar KK and Guha Mazumder DN: Arsenicosis in Children 225
and full-scale scores than did children with water arsenic
level <50 mg/l. The association was generally stronger
for well water arsenic than for urinary arsenic. In a study
of 720 children between 8 and 12 years of age in rural
villages in Shanyin county, Shanxi province, China, it
was found that the IQ scores of the children in the high-
As group were the lowest. It is more signi cant that
high concentrations of As affect children’s intelligence
and growth.14
A cross-sectional study of intellectual development was
done in West Bengal on 351 children aged 5–15 years in
families selected from a surveyed source population of
7683 people15 in West Bengal, India. Intellectual function
was assessed based on six subsets from the WISC,
the total sentence recall test, the colored progressive
matrices (CPM) test, and a Pegboard test. Information on
sociodemographic factors was collected and height and
weight were measured. Arsenic level in urine samples
collected from the participants and water samples
consumed by them were measured by AAS. Urinary
arsenic concentrations strati ed into tertiles showed
an inverse trend with the vocabulary test scores, the
object assembly test scores, and the picture completion
test scores, adjusted for potential confounders. This
corresponds to a relative reduction of the mean scores
related to exposure in the upper tertile in the vocabulary
tests of 12.6%, in the object assembly test of 20.6%, and
in the picture completion test of 12.4%. Reduction in
intellectual function scores, particularly the vocabulary
and picture completion test scores, was associated with
increased urine arsenic concentrations, but not with
various measures of water concentrations. There was
little evidence of an association between arsenic drinking
water concentrations alone and intellectual function.15
Current urine concentrations re ecting exposure from
all sources appeared to be more relevant than peak, or
cumulative exposure based on measurements of water
sources. A study from Bangladesh reported that urinary
arsenic may be a strong predictor of skin lesions than
arsenic in drinking water in the population.16
The biotransformation of arsenic in humans occurs
through the methylation process. Few data exist that
link methylation patterns to arsenic-induced disease. In
a study from West Bengal, it was reported that second
methylation capacity in children is higher than adults,
as the values of the DMA/MMA ratio is signi cantly
(positive t-test) higher in children than adults (average
8.15 vs. 4.11) in the exposed group. That means that
the second methylation step in the arsenic metabolic
pathway is more active in children than adults. From
these results, the authors suggested that children retain
less arsenic in their body than adults does. From this
study, the authors observed that children do not show
skin lesions compared with adults when both are drinking
same contaminated water.17 However, observation of
higher prevalence of skin lesion in some arsenic-exposed
children in Bangladesh and also in China and Cambodia
as presented earlier8,9,11 suggest that other factors than age
may also be related to methylation capacity in a child.
Various studies have been carried out to assess
whether genetic polymorphisms cause variation in
arsenic methylation with variation in arsenical disease
manifestation. Family correlation studies assist in
determining whether variations in methylation patterns
may be caused by genetic polymorphisms. If genetic
factors contribute to arsenic methylation capacity, family
studies should demonstrate that siblings have a higher
correlation of methylation activity than their parents.
Chung et al.18 conducted a study on methylation patterns
in children in a small village in northern Chile situated in
extremely dry desert environment where all of its residents
shared the sole drinking-water supply to the village which
contained high levels of arsenic. Eleven families were
selected because of their long-term exposure to very
high levels of arsenic in drinking water (735–762 g/l).
Each family consisted of a father, a mother, and two
children. The authors measured urinary arsenic and its
methylated metabolites for each participant (n = 44). The
intraclass correlation coef cients showed that 13–52%
of the variations in the methylation patterns were from
being a member of a speci c family. Family correlations
were calculated for father–mother, parent–child, and
sibling–sibling pairs. Methylation patterns correlated
strongly between siblings [r = 0.78 for InAs/metAs,
95% con dence interval (CI), 0.34–0.94; r = 0.82 for
MMA/DMA, 95% CI, 0.43–0.95] compared with lower
correlations in father–mother pairs (r = 0.18, r = 0.01,
respectively), after adjustment for total urinary arsenic,
age, and sex. Family correlations were not notably
altered when adjustments were made for speci c blood
micronutrients (methionine, homocysteine, folate,
vitamin B6, selenium, and vitamin B12) potentially related
to methylation. The study substantiates that methylation
patterns aggregate in families and are correlated in
siblings, providing evidence of a genetic basis for the
variation in arsenic methylation.18
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226 Majumdar KK and Guha Mazumder DN: Arsenicosis in Children
Arsenicosis has a socioeconomic effect on children.
Children affected by pigmentation and/or keratosis
due to chronic arsenic toxicity discourage them from
attending school for fear of ridicule. Very often when
a family member, especially an earning male member
develops arsenicosis, his treatment takes precedence over
other expenses like children’s schooling, which may be
abandoned if the family cannot afford both. Children
also may have to contribute to the family income, thus
depriving them of education. Arsenicosis may force
changes in responsibilities within and outside the home
for victim as well as the rest of the family. The burden of
the disease and its treatment as well have the impact on
households and their coping strategies, which vary with
the victim’s occupation and earning capacity.
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Cite this article as: Majumdar KK, Guha Mazumder DN. Effect of Drinking
Arsenic-Contaminated Water in Children. Indian J Public Health 2012;56:223-6.
Source of Support: Nil. Con ict of Interest: None declared.
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... Although Syed et al. (2012) highlighted serious issues related to mental health among arsenicosis patients from developing countries. Two Indian studies from West Bengal have reported possible significant association between ones' psychological health and prolonged arsenic exposure (Majumdar and Mazumder 2012;Sen and Biswas 2012). Prolonged arsenic exposure in the arsenic endemic regions is also associated with low quality of life and poor mental health (Syed et al. 2012;Chowdhury et al. 2016); depressions, anxiety, stress (Kumar and Bharti, 2021b), social injustice, discrimination and prejudice (Nasreen 2003;Keya 2004;Chowdhury et al. 2006). ...
Environmental health hazard of arsenic contamination in groundwater causes cancer and thus is a serious human health concern worldwide. A cross-sectional correlational research was undertaken to assess mental health and quality of life of arsenic induced cancer (AIC) patients from arsenic contaminated Gangetic plain of Bihar. With purposive sampling technique 93 AIC patients were drawn from the arsenic endemic regions of Bihar state. Comparative 103 cancer patients and 76 healthy individuals were drawn from non-arsenic affected regions of Bihar. Mental health and quality of life (QoL) was assessed using the Mental Health Inventory and WHOQOL-BREF scale respectively. Patients of AIC reported poor QoL especially, in terms of immediate environment and poor mental health in terms of integration of personality and environmental mastery compared to the cancer patients and their healthy counterparts from non-arsenic endemic regions of Bihar. However, AIC patients have intact perception of reality than their counterparts from non-arsenic endemic regions of Bihar. Conclusively, AIC seems to be a risk for the quality of life and mental health of its patients in the arsenic endemic middle Gangetic plain of Bihar. Findings advocates for future research on the adverse psychological impact of groundwater arsenic contamination in general and AIC in particular. Timely psychological interventions for affected population are also warranted from the policy makers, NGOs and social work sectors.KeywordsArsenic endemicArsenic induced cancerGroundwater contaminationMental healthQuality of life
... In case of school going children, the severe impact of As tainted drinking water is a subject of immense concern in As exposed areas at present (Ahmed et al., 2022;Baig et al., 2016;Joardar et al., 2021a). In contrast to skin lesions and pigmentation of various forms that display within 5-10 years of As exposure, ingestion for a longer period of time can give rise to more severe conditions like cancer and neurological disorders (Mazumder, 2007). Also, even in a low dose, long-term As poisoning can hamper neurobehavioral activities in children which can be reflected through their impaired intellect, memory pattern, inattentiveness, loss of focus and preparedness (Kumar et al., 2019). ...
... The psychological perspective of arsenic-induced cancer (AIC) has been grossly ignored in the research pursuit in Asian countries and in India particularly. Only two studies from West Bengal (Majumdar & Mazumder 2012;Sen & Biswas 2012) have explored the relationship between chronic arsenic exposure and its psychological aspect in India (lower Gangetic plain). However, the psychological perspective of cancer caused by arsenic exposure in the middle Gangetic plain was yet to be explored; hence, this study provides baseline findings for mental health in AIC as a function of perceived social support from the arsenic-affected middle Gangetic plain of Bihar. ...
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The health impact of groundwater arsenic contamination shall remain partially understood while its psychological aspects are not studied. So, this correlational survey research explored mental health as a function of perceived social support in arsenic-induced cancer (AIC), which is highly prevalent in the middle Gangetic plain. Mental health inventory and multidimensional scale of perceived social support were used to assess mental health (MH) and perceived social support (PSS) respectively in 77 AIC patients. Findings show significant impact of PSS on MH in the arsenic-affected regions. PSS from significant others have strong impact on overall MH. Perception of reality was predicted by PSS from family while global PSS predicted two dimensions of MH, i.e. positive self-evaluation and environmental mastery. This baseline study suggests that global PSS and that from family and significant others is important and has a strong impact on MH of this population. These findings would help early identification and/or psychological intervention (from non-government organizations, oncology social workers/researchers, and policy makers) to promote better health and well-being in this arsenic-affected population. HIGHLIGHTS Ground water arsenic contamination in the Indo Gangetic plain bears health risk beyond physiological consequences.; Mental health is explored in arsenic induced cancer (AIC) patients.; Perceived social supports from friends, family and significant others have protective impact on mental health.; Psychological aspects of As exposure calls for policy making and timely intervention to achieve the UN-SDG-3.;
... Thus, there is a constant need to propose new methods of synthesis, as well as materials that help in the water treatment for human consumption or at least for agricultural applications. Lead, arsenic, copper, cadmium, zinc, fluorine and mercury, among others, as well as, a large amount of bacteria, viruses and parasites can be commonly found as part of contaminated water (Kinuthia et al., 2020;Li et al., 2012;Mazumder, 2008;Miyake et al., 2007;Suthar et al., 2008;Tangahu et al., 2011). Consequently, their concentrations need to be controlled under regulations. ...
The high levels of heavy metals contained in residual water and the pollution generated by a large amount of unexploited agro-industrial waste are a serious problem for the environment and mankind. Therefore, in the present work, with the aim of treating and reducing the pollution caused by heavy metal ions (Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu), activated carbons (ACs) were synthesized from sugarcane bagasse (SCB) and orange peel (OP) by means of physical - chemical activation method in an acid medium (H3PO4, 85 wt%) followed by an activation at high temperature (500 and 700 °C). Thereafter, these materials were used to produce carbon foams (CF) by the replica method and to evaluate their adsorbent capacity for the removal of heavy metals from synthetic water. XRD, FTIR, DLS, BET, Zeta Potential (ζ), SEM-EDS and AAS were used to investigate their structures, surface area, pore size, morphology, and adsorption capacity. The results show that as-prepared CF have a second level mesoporous structure and AC present a micro-mesoporous structure with a pore diameter between 3 and 4 nm. The experimental adsorption capacities of heavy metals showed that the CF from OP present a better elimination of heavy metals compared to the AC; exhibiting a removal capacity of 95.2 ± 3.96% (Pb) and 94.7 ± 4.88% (Cu) at pH = 5. The adsorption values showed that the optimal parameters to reach a high metal removal are pH values above 5. In the best of cases, the minimum remaining concentration of lead and copper were 2.4 and 2.6 mg L⁻¹, respectively. The experimental data for carbon adsorbents are in accordance with the Langmuir and BET isotherms, with R² = 0.99 and the maximum homogenous biosorption capacity for lead and copper was Qmax = 968.72 and 754.14 mg g⁻¹, respectively. This study showed that agro-industrial wastes can be effectively retrieved to produce adsorbents materials for wastewater treatment applications.
... The toxic effects of arsenic in adults, depending on exposure levels and times, include skin injuries, cardiovascular effects, gastrointestinal disturbances, liver disease, and cancer [6]. In children, lung disease and defective intellectual functions [7] are its toxic effects. Now, As(III) is reported as being 25-60 times more toxic than As(V) and hundreds of times more toxic than its methylated forms [8,9]. ...
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Arsenic is an inorganic pollutant that, depending on oxidation–reduction and pH level conditions, may be found in natural waters in two variants: As(III) and As(V). Any treatment to effectively remove arsenic from water will be conditioned by the presence of one or both variants. In this context, this study assesses using electrochemically produced Fe(VI) with Fe(III) to remove As(III), As(V), and their combinations from the Synthetic Bangladesh Groundwater (SBGW) containing anions that interfere with iron-based arsenic removal processes. The combined use of Fe(VI) and Fe(III) allowed us to remove the total arsenic below the 10 mg L−1 threshold established by the World Health Organization and Peruvian regulations for drinking water. An optimum combination of 1 mg L−1 of Fe(VI) and 30 mg L−1 of Fe(III) was identified and tested on the removal of four different proportions of As(III):As(V) for two total concentrations: 500 and 250 mg L−1. There were no significant differences in the final removal values under the different proportions of As(III):As(V) for each total concentration, with a final removal average of 99.0% and 96.9% for the 500 and 250 µg L−1 concentrations, respectively.
Skin pigmentation by melanocytes is regulated by complex mechanisms including melanoblast migration, melanosome transport, melanosome transfer and melanogenesis. Melanogenesis is influenced by UV light, and endocrine, paracrine and autocrine factors. This leads to a large differential diagnosis of pigmentary disorders. Additionally, melanocytes are highly immunogenic and can be targeted by the immune system, leading to vitiligo and halo naevi. Non‐melanin pigmentation arises from endogenous sources such as haemosiderosis, carotenoderma and ochronosis or exogenous pigmentation such as metals, mediation and tattoos.
Many physicians and patients do not believe that dermatology involves life-threatening situations. However, there are many emergencies that the dermatologist needs to address and many cutaneous diseases in the emergency room that require rapid dermatologic consultation. The dermatologist is frequently the first physician to examine these patients before a hospital admission, and also the first to identify a critical situation, stabilize the patient, and choose urgent and appropriate intervention. The first chapters of this book are directed toward those dermatologists who care for hospitalized patients with severe and dangerous skin diseases. Later chapters are intended for all physicians, including dermatologists, who wish to hone their diagnostic skills, expand their knowledge and understanding of pathological events, and learn treatment options available for acute life-threatening skin diseases. This book brings together top dermatologists around the world to address the complicated and multifaceted field of dermatologic emergencies for the practising dermatologist and emergency physician.
Exposure to dust from active and abandoned mining operations may be a very significant health hazard, especially to sensitive populations. We have previously reported that inhalation of real-world mine tailing dusts during lung development can alter lung function and structure in adult male mice. These real-world dusts contain a mixture of metal(oid)s, including arsenic. To determine whether arsenic in inhaled dust plays a role in altering lung development, we exposed C57Bl/6 mice to a background dust (0 arsenic) or to the background dust containing either 3% or 10% by mass, calcium arsenate. Total level of exposure was kept at 100 μg/m3. Calcium arsenate was selected since arsenate is the predominant species found in mine tailings. We found that inhalation exposure during in utero and postnatal lung development led to significant increases in pulmonary baseline resistance, airway hyper-reactivity, and airway collagen and smooth muscle expression in male C57Bl/6 mice. Responses were dependent on the level of calcium arsenate in the simulated dust. These changes were not associated with increased expression of TGF-β1, a marker of epithelial to mesenchymal transition. However, responses were correlated with decreases in the expression of Club cell protein 16 (CC16). Dose dependent decreases in CC16 expression and increases in collagen around airways was seen for animals exposed in utero only (GD), animals exposed postnatally only (PN) and animals continuously exposed throughout development (GDPN). These data suggest that arsenic inhalation during lung development can decrease CC16 expression leading to functional and structural alterations in the adult lung.
Background and research question The relationships of Arsenic (As) and selenium (Se) to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) are not clearly known. This case-control observational study aims to investigate the possible relationship of these elements to the diagnosis and pathophysiology of the disease. Methods This case-control observational study was performed using 40 AD patients in different clinical stages and 40 healthy control subjects, living in a similar environment with low As exposure. The levels of As and Se in nail and hair were measured with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. The results were analysed with regards to clinical condition, age, disease duration, sex, education, living environment, and the relationship of the two elements using Mann Whitney U test and Spearman Rho or Pearson correlation tests as appropriate. Results The levels of As and Se were not related to age, disease duration, sex, education, or living environment in the study groups (p > 0.05). The levels of As and Se in hair and nail samples of all patients and patient subgroups were higher than those in the healthy subjects (p < 0.001). A positive correlation was found between the levels of As and Se in both hair and nail samples only in the patient group (p < 0.01). Conclusion According to the results, As and Se levels probably increase due to some metabolic or genetic factors affecting both of them together. There may be an increase in the unregulated pool (selenomethionine) and a decrease in the regulated pool of Se (selenosycteine) in AD. Our findings need verification and the subject seems to deserve more elaborate evaluations including genetic analyses and analysis of different chemical forms of these elements.
In spite of the availability of a large number of publications reporting on studies of health effects of chronic As toxicity, no standard definition is available to characterize fully the clinical effects of chronic As exposure in man. Only a small number of reports are based on valid As exposure data, blinding of cases and controls, total assessment of clinical effect and correlation of these effects with As level in water and various biomarkers. It was, therefore, necessary to propose a clinical case definition of chronic arsenicosis. Thirty-three papers on As-related health effects were reviewed directly and numerous cross references consulted. Giving weight to the quality of these papers, diagnostic criteria of chronic arsenicosis has been developed. On the basis of a literature review, a minimum period of six months of ingestion of As is required for the diagnosis of arsenicosis. Normal As values of urine, hair and nails determined by proper techniques, e.g. atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) or neutron activation analysis (NAA), have also been reviewed. Mean + 2SD of the normal values of the acceptable published reports have been calculated. From these, the upper limit of normal As level in urine, hair and nail was considered to be 0.05 mg/l, 0.8 mg/kg and 1.3 mg/kg, respectively. Skin lesions, simulating arsenical dermatosis but caused by other systemic or skin diseases, have been reviewed. These conditions need to be considered in the differential diagnosis of arsenicosis. Over and above skin lesions, the criteria related to systemic manifestation and various As-related cancers were also considered for the preparation of case definition of chronic arsenicosis. A simplified algorithm of case definition, using dermatological criteria as the major clinical diagnostic parameter, has been developed. Before reviewing the literature for a clinical case definition, it is essential to define the term arsenicosis. This will help to identify the criteria that will be needed for proper case definition. The term arsenicosis is meant to characterize various clinical manifestations caused by chronic arsenic (As) toxicity due to prolonged drinking of As-contaminated water or chronic exposure of As through other sources. It does not denote the clinical effect of acute exposure of high dose of arsenic for a short period of time as these are referred to as acute arsenic poisoning. In spite of the availability of a large number of publications reporting on studies of health effects of chronic As toxicity, no standard definition is available to characterize fully the clinical effects of chronic As exposure in man. Earlier reports mainly highlighted the effects of the dermatological manifestations like pigmentation, keratosis and skin cancer. Later on, various non-cutaneous manifestations were also reported based on various clinical and epidemiological studies. However, only a small number of reports are based on valid As exposure data, blinding of cases and controls, total assessment of clinical effect and correlation of these effects with As level in water, urine, hair or nails, by estimation of As using sensitive techniques like AAS and NAA. It was therefore felt necessary to develop a clinical case definition of arsenicosis on the basis of review of clinical data obtained by objective criteria and validated by testing of water and biological samples in cases of chronically As-exposed people.
Endemic Arsenicosis: a Clinical Diagnostic Manual with Photo Illustrations. Bangkok: East Asia and Pacific Regional Office, United Nations Children′s Fund
  • G F Sun
  • J Y Liu
  • D J Sun
  • T V Luong
  • L Y Wang