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Diagnosis of ear pain


Abstract and Figures

Many patients in primary care present with ear pain (otalgia). When the ear is the source of the pain (primary otalgia), the ear examination is usually abnormal. When the ear is not the source of the pain (secondary otalgia), the ear examination is typically normal. The cause of primary otalgia is usually apparent on examination; the most common causes are otitis media and otitis externa. The cause of secondary otalgia is often difficult to determine because the innervation of the ear is complex and there are many potential sources of referred pain. The most common causes are temporomandibular joint syndrome, pharyngitis, dental disease, and cervical spine arthritis. If the diagnosis is not clear from the history and physical examination, options include a trial of symptomatic treatment without a clear diagnosis; imaging studies; and consultation with an otolaryngologist. Patients who smoke, drink alcohol, are older than 50 years, or have diabetes are at higher risk of a cause of ear pain that needs further evaluation. Patients whose history or physical examination increases suspicion for a serious occult cause of ear pain or whose symptoms persist after symptomatic treatment should be considered for further evaluation, such as magnetic resonance imaging, fiberoptic nasolaryngoscopy, or an erythrocyte sedimentation rate measurement.
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Diagnosis of Ear Pain
University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa
ar pain (otalgia) is a common symp-
tom in primary care with many pos-
sible causes. When the cause arises
from the ear (primary otalgia), the
ear examination is usually abnormal and the
diagnosis is typically apparent. In secondary
or referred otalgia, the ear examination is
usually normal, and the pain may be referred
from a variety of sites.
The ear receives sensation fibers from cra-
nial nerves V (trigeminal), VII (facial), IX
(glossopharyngeal), and X (vagus), and cer-
vical nerves C2 and C3. These nerves have
long courses in the head, neck, and chest,
which is why so many diseases can cause
ear pain. The structures of the inner ear
(i.e., cochlea and semicircular canals) are
innervated by cranial nerve VIII (vestibulo-
cochlear), which has no pain fibers. There-
fore, most pathologic processes of the inner
ear do not produce pain.
However, inner ear
diseases such as Meniere’s disease can pro-
duce other sensations, such as pressure or
fullness (online Table A).
It is often stated that 50 percent of
pain in the ear is secondary otalgia,
and that
50 percent of secondary otalgia results from
dental causes
; however, these estimates are
not based on published data. In a study of
500 patients visiting an ear, nose, and throat
clinic, 58 presented with primary otalgia
and 28 with secondary otalgia.
In another
study involving 615 patients, the most com-
mon causes of secondary otalgia were dental
(38 percent), temporomandibular joint
(TMJ) disorders (35 percent), cervical spine
disorders (8 percent), and neuralgias (5 per-
The causes of otalgia in children are
similar to those in adults, although middle
ear disease (especially acute otitis media) is
more common in children.
Clinical Evaluation
Key points in the history include the patient’s
age, the location of pain (asking the patient to
point with one finger), the radiation of pain,
aggravating factors (e.g., chewing), associ-
ated symptoms (otologic and systemic), and
risk factors for tumor (e.g., age older than
Many patients in primary care present with ear pain (otalgia). When the ear is the source of the pain (primary otal-
gia), the ear examination is usually abnormal. When the ear is not the source of the pain (secondary otalgia), the ear
examination is typically normal. The cause of primary otalgia is usually apparent on examination; the most com-
mon causes are otitis media and otitis externa. The cause of secondary otalgia is often difficult to determine because
the innervation of the ear is complex and there are many potential
sources of referred pain. The most common causes are temporoman-
dibular joint syndrome, pharyngitis, dental disease, and cervical
spine arthritis. If the diagnosis is not clear from the history and phys-
ical examination, options include a trial of symptomatic treatment
without a clear diagnosis; imaging studies; and consultation with an
otolaryngologist. Patients who smoke, drink alcohol, are older than
50 years, or have diabetes are at higher risk of a cause of ear pain that
needs further evaluation. Patients whose history or physical exami-
nation increases suspicion for a serious occult cause of ear pain or
whose symptoms persist after symptomatic treatment should be con-
sidered for further evaluation, such as magnetic resonance imaging,
fiberoptic nasolaryngoscopy, or an erythrocyte sedimentation rate
measurement. (Am Fam Physician. 2008;77(5):621-628. Copyright ©
2008 American Academy of Family Physicians.)
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Ear Pain
Clinical recommendation
rating References
Magnetic resonance imaging and referral for nasolaryngoscopy should be considered for patients with
otalgia who have a normal ear examination and who have signs, symptoms, or risk factors for tumor
(e.g., tobacco or alcohol use, age older than 50 years).
C 1, 5
Young (i.e., younger than 40 years), otherwise healthy adults with otalgia and a normal ear examination
can be treated symptomatically. Referral is appropriate if symptoms persist.
C 1, 2
Patients older than 50 years with unexplained otalgia and a normal ear examination should have
an erythrocyte sedimentation rate measurement to help rule out temporal arteritis.
C 25
A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited quality patient-oriented evidence; C = consensus, disease-
oriented evidence, usual practice, expert opinion, or case series. For information about the SORT evidence rating system, see page 579 or http://
622 American Family Physician Volume 77, Number 5
March 1, 2008
Management of Ear Pain
Patient presents with ear pain
Perform ear examination
Abnormal ear
cause apparent
Subtle ear findings Normal or equivocal ear examination
Rule out “worst-case scenario”
1. Cholesteatoma (superior tympanic
membrane retraction pocket)
2. Malignant (necrotizing) otitis externa
(diabetes, immunocompromise)
Basic evaluation
1. Examine nose, oropharynx, neck, and chest
2. Examine TMJ
3. Audiometry, finger rub, or whispered voice
4. Tympanometry or pneumatic otoscopy
5. Tap on teeth
Refer to otolaryngologist
If cause not apparent, rule
out worst-case scenario
Risk factors for coronary disease
or thoracic aneurysm
Older than 50 years Low risk for worst-case scenario
(e.g., healthy young adult)
Risk factors for malignancy (e.g., alcohol
or tobacco use, age older than 50 years)
Consider imaging or
ECG, chest radiography,
troponin measurement
ESR to help rule out
temporal arteritis
Evaluation normal
Observe or treat empirically (e.g., NSAIDs, soft diet)
Follow up
Evaluate further or refer if persistent symptoms
Figure 1. Algorithm for the management of ear pain. (TMJ = temporomandibular joint; ECG = electrocardiography;
ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate; NSAIDs = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.)
Information from references 1, 4, and 6.
Ear Pain
March 1, 2008
Volume 77, Number 5 American Family Physician 623
50 years, tobacco or alcohol use). Otologic symptoms
that favor a primary cause include discharge, tinnitus,
hearing loss, and vertigo. The severity of pain is not nec-
essarily correlated with the seriousness of the cause. For
example, the pain from tumors can be mild, whereas the
pain from dental caries and otitis media can be severe.
Key components of the physical examination include
inspection of the auricle and periauricular region and
a thorough otoscopic examination, which may require
cerumen removal. Tenderness that occurs with traction
on the auricle (online Figure A) or pressure on the
tragus (online Figure B) indicates a condition of the
external auditory canal, usually otitis externa.
When the ear examination is normal, the physician
should palpate the TMJ for tenderness and crepitus as the
patient opens and closes the mouth (online Figure C).
In addition, the basic examination should include
inspection of the nose and oropharynx, palpation of the
head and neck, and examination of the cranial nerves. The
gingiva should be inspected and palpated and the teeth
inspected and percussed to assess tenderness. Fiberoptic
nasolaryngoscopy is not usually necessary. Patients may
need this procedure if they have risk factors for tumor or
if conservative measures do not resolve symptoms.
An assessment of hearing, by audiometry or simple test-
ing (i.e., finger rub or whispered voice), is indicated in
patients who notice hearing loss. An assessment of tym-
panic membrane mobility with pneumatic otoscopy
or tympanometry can be helpful if there is suspicion
of middle ear disease. When the physical examination
is normal and the goal is to rule out tumor, the patient
should have nasolaryngoscopy and magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) of the head and neck with gadolinium
When the disease is evident on examination
and the goal is to determine the extent of involvement,
computed tomography (CT) with contrast media is gen-
erally indicated. For example, temporal bone trauma
should be evaluated with CT scanning.
Referring to a list of the causes of otalgia (Tables 1
through 4,
online Table A) may be helpful, but
in many patients these causes do not seem to fit. When
the evaluation is unrevealing, a diagnosis of possible
TMJ syndrome or eustachian tube dysfunction is often
made. The physician must then decide whether to treat
the patient symptomatically or to evaluate further with
MRI or beroptic nasolaryngoscopy. Figure 1 provides
one approach to this decision.
In a patient at low
risk of tumor or other serious illness, it is reasonable to
offer symptomatic treatment (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-
inammatory drugs and a soft diet if TMJ syndrome is
suspected). If conservative measures are not helpful, MRI
or a more invasive examination should be considered.
As with any symptom, a rule out worst-case scenario”
strategy (in which certain diagnoses must be ruled out
immediately) may help avoid serious diagnostic errors.
In patients with otalgia, physicians should rule out sev-
eral potential causes that can have serious consequences
if the diagnosis is delayed; these are malignant (necro-
tizing) otitis externa, cholesteatoma, myocardial infarc-
tion, temporal arteritis, and malignant tumor. However,
these diseases can often be ruled out on the basis of a
nonworrisome history and physical examination rather
Table 1. Common Causes of Ear Pain: Abnormal Ear Examination
Cause History Physical findings Comments
Otitis media
Recent upper respiratory infection
Night restlessness in children
Red or cloudy tympanic membrane that
is immobile on pneumatic otoscopy
Most common cause of primary ear pain
More common in winter
Recent swimming
White discharge
Pain elicited by traction on auricle or
pressure on tragus
External auditory canal swollen and
red with white debris
Findings can be subtle (consider empiric
More common in summer
Consider malignant (necrotizing) otitis
externa in patients with diabetes or
Foreign body
Insects, small objects
Commonly occurs in children
Foreign body visible in ear canal May need sedation for removal
Pain onset during descent of
airplane or while scuba diving
Tympanic membrane hemorrhage
Serous or hemorrhagic middle ear fluid
Otoscopic signs of barotrauma are
present in 10 percent of adults and
22 percent of children after an airplane
Information from references 1 and 7 through 10.
Ear Pain
624 American Family Physician Volume 77, Number 5
March 1, 2008
than extensive testing. Risk factors that should prompt
consideration of these diseases are outlined in Table 5.
Common Causes of Ear Pain
Acute otitis media is probably the most common cause
of primary otalgia (online Figure D).
The tym-
panic membrane is classically red and bulging, but it
can also be white or pink, and the discoloration some-
times involves only part of the tympanic membrane.
Otitis externa (or swimmer’s ear) generally leads to
swelling and redness of the ear canal. There is often
debris in the ear canal or covering the tympanic mem-
Subtle otitis externa can be difficult to identify
on inspection, but it usually causes tenderness when the
examiner pulls on the auricle or presses on the tragus
(online Figures A and B).
Foreign bodies in the ear canal are most com-
mon in children. In one study, the most common
objects removed were beads, paper, popcorn kernels,
and insects.
Most foreign bodies can be removed under
direct visualization with a curette or alligator forceps.
If this is not successful, the child should have removal
of the foreign body under sedation and otomicroscopy.
Although most foreign bodies in the ear canal can be
managed nonurgently, hearing-aid batteries should be
removed promptly to prevent alkali burns.
Barotrauma typically occurs while scuba diving or
during an airplane flight with the onset of pain during
Eustachian tube dysfunction caused by an
upper respiratory infection or allergic rhinitis increases
the risk of barotrauma. The tympanic membrane is
typically hemorrhagic, and there may be blood or serous
fluid in the middle ear.
TMJ syndrome is characterized by pain and crepitus with
talking or chewing, and tenderness or crepitus on palpa-
tion of the TMJ joint (online Figure C).
It causes ear
pain, especially with chewing.
However, TMJ crepi-
tus is prevalent, and its presence should not prematurely
halt further investigation into other causes of otalgia.
Dental causes of otalgia generally involve the molar
teeth. A variety of dental diseases can produce otalgia,
but the most common are caries, periodontal abscesses,
and impacted third molars. The physician should pal-
pate the gingiva and tap on the teeth with a tongue blade
to assess for tenderness.
Pharyngitis and tonsillitis often cause referred pain to
the ear. In some patients with pharyngitis, ear pain can
be the primary complaint even when the ear is normal.
Idiopathic otalgia is common, but patients and phy-
sicians can be uncomfortable with this diagnosis.
a thorough evaluation is unrevealing and the physician
suspects a benign cause, empiric treatment for TMJ syn-
drome with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and
a soft diet would be reasonable (Figure 1
). If the phy-
sician suspects neuropathic pain, a trial of gabapentin
(Neurontin) or amitriptyline is reasonable.
Uncommon Causes of Ear Pain
Malignant otitis externa is defined by osteitis of the skull
base, typically caused by Pseudomonas infection, and it
Table 2. Common Causes of Ear Pain: Normal Ear Examination
Cause History Physical findings Comments
TMJ syndrome
Pain or crepitus with
talking or chewing
Tender TMJ
Crepitus or clicking on motion of mandible
May have restricted jaw movement
Risk factors include clenching and
biting inside of lips and mouth
Dental causes
(e.g., caries,
periodontal abscess,
impacted third
molars, pulpitis)
May have dental
complaints or
history of dental
Facial swelling
Teeth tender to percussion
Caries and abscess most common
Pharyngitis or
Often accompanied
by sore throat
Pharyngeal or tonsillar erythema
Otalgia can be the primary symptom
even if ear not involved
Cervical spine
Crepitus or pain with
neck movement
Decreased neck range of motion
Tender spinous processes or paraspinal muscles
Pain referred from C2, C3 cervical
nerve roots
Variable Normal In practice, often labeled TMJ
syndrome, neuropathic pain, or
eustachian tube dysfunction
TMJ = temporomandibular joint.
Information from references 4, 6, and 11 through 13.
Ear Pain
March 1, 2008
Volume 77, Number 5 American Family Physician 625
usually occurs in patients with diabetes or immunocom-
It is characterized by severe, deep, unrelenting
pain and by granulation tissue, which can be a subtle
nding, on the inferior aspect of the external auditory
canal at the bony-cartilaginous junction. Squamous cell
carcinoma of the external auditory canal can mimic
malignant otitis externa.
Ramsay Hunt syndrome (herpes zoster oticus) typi-
cally causes ear pain, facial paralysis, and vesicles in the
external auditory canal. Other symptoms can include
hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, taste disturbance, and
decreased tearing.
The syndrome is caused by herpes
zoster involving the geniculate ganglion (cranial nerve
VII), and it often involves cranial nerves V, IX, and X in
addition to the facial nerve.
Relapsing polychondritis is a systemic disease that
involves cartilage. It can affect many organs, including
the eyes, nose, heart, kidneys, and nervous system, but
the most commonly affected organ is the ear.
polychondritis often affects both ears, producing a red
or violaceous auricle. Sparing of the earlobe, which lacks
cartilage, helps distinguish auricular chondritis from
cellulitis. It is diagnosed by its relapsing course and typi-
cal appearance.
Cholesteatomas are epidermal cysts composed of des-
quamating epithelium. They gradually enlarge and can
erode the ossicular chain, inner ear, and bony facial nerve
canal. Cholesteatomas generally do not cause severe
pain, but may produce a sense of fullness. In patients
with otorrhea or conductive hearing loss, it is important
Table 3. Uncommon Causes of Ear Pain: Abnormal Ear Examination
Cause History Physical findings Comments
(necrotizing) otitis
Suspect in refractory otitis externa in
patients with diabetes, older patients,
and those with immunocompromise
Pain disproportionate to examination
Granulation tissue on floor
of external auditory canal
Easy to miss, findings can be subtle
Obtain technetium bone scan to
determine extent of disease and
gallium tagged white-cell scan
as baseline to follow response to
Ramsay Hunt
syndrome (herpes
zoster oticus)
Pain often precedes vesicles and is much
worse than in Bell’s palsy
Patient may have vertigo, hearing loss,
or tinnitus
Vesicular rash on auricle and
external auditory canal
Palsy of cranial nerve VII
Can involve other cranial
nerves (e.g., V [trigeminal], IX
[glossopharyngeal], X [vagus])
Pain can occur without significant
vesicular eruption
Preceding insect bite, scratch, or piercing
Rapid progression
Perichondritis characterized by persistent
redness, swelling, and pain
Earlobe usually involved
with cellulitis
Perichondritis must be treated
aggressively; sometimes requires
parenteral antibiotics
Recurrent swelling and redness of auricle
Hearing loss frequent
Earlobe is spared because
it has no cartilage
Can involve other cartilage such as
trachea and bronchi
Blunt or sharp trauma
Traumatic lesions of auricle,
ear canal, or tympanic
Most common injury is laceration
of the auricle
Recent or concurrent otitis media
Retroauricular pain
Protrusion of auricle
Tender edematous mastoid
Prevalence increased in children
with limited access to health care
Tumors or infected
cysts in auricle or
ear canal
Pain usually well localized to auricle
or ear canal
May require meticulous
examination of external
auditory canal
May need to remove cerumen
Diagnosis of ear canal tumors
is often delayed because
of misdiagnosis as chronic
Hearing loss
Oral or nasal ulcers
Often causes chronic otitis
media or serous otitis
Consider testing for antineutrophil
cytoplasmic antibodies
Viral myringitis
Presentation similar to acute otitis media Tympanic membrane red, but
not bulging; landmarks visible
Bullous myringitis is not
pathognomonic of viral myringitis
*—Rule out “worst-case scenario” diagnosis (see Table 5).
Information from references 14 through 22.
Ear Pain
Table 4. Uncommon Causes of Ear Pain: Normal Ear Examination
Cause History Physical findings Comments
Tumors (e.g., parotid,
hypopharynx, nasopharynx,
base of tongue, tonsillar
fossa, larynx, esophagus,
intracranial, cervical spine)
Risk factors include smoking,
alcohol use, age older
than 50 years, hoarseness,
dysphagia, radiation
exposure, weight loss
May require fiberoptic
Consider referral for invasive
examination and MRI
Neuralgias (e.g., trigeminal,
geniculate, sphenopalatine)
Pain usually brief (seconds),
severe, lancing, jabbing,
electric-shock–like, episodic
Usually none
May have trigger point
Trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux)
best defined
Bell’s palsy
Retroauricular pain, less severe
than Ramsay Hunt syndrome;
can precede or follow the palsy
Peripheral facial palsy
(involvement of
Pain occurs in 25 to 50 percent of
patients with Bell’s palsy
Temporal arteritis
* Age older than 50 years
Jaw claudication
Temporal arteries may
be tender, prominent,
or beaded
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate usually
greater than 50 mm per hour
Biopsy and prompt treatment are indicated
Oral aphthous ulcers Localized pain in mouth as well
as ear
Shallow ulcers with
gray, necrotic base
Often recurrent
Etiology not well defined
Cervical adenopathy May have recent upper
respiratory infection or scalp
Tender cervical or
periauricular lymph
Consider CT and fine needle aspiration
for lymph nodes > 1.5 cm, lasting
longer than six weeks
Myofascial pain, muscle
spasm or inflammation of
sternocleidomastoid or
muscles of mastication
Pain aggravated by chewing or
head movement
May have trigger point Can be caused by clenching, bruxism,
TMJ syndrome, and dental or oral
Eagle’s syndrome (elongation
of styloid process)
Deep, unremitting pain
exacerbated by swallowing,
yawning, or chewing
May have pain in neck, foreign
body sensation in throat
Reproduce pain
with tonsillar fossa
Diagnosed with CT
Most patients are 3 to 40 years of age
and have had a tonsillectomy
Styloid process longer than 1 inch
(2.5 cm)
Sinusitis/sinogenic referred
pain from allergy
Nasal congestion
Pain in maxillary sinuses
Nasal congestion
Tender over maxillary
Sinusitis is common but otalgia from
sinusitis is unusual
May have dysphagia and throat
Tender carotid artery More common in women
May have abnormal enhancement on MRI
Thyroiditis May report pain in thyroid Thyroid may be tender
or enlarged
Referred pain from cranial nerve X
Salivary gland disorders
(e.g., stones, mumps)
Pain in preauricular area Prominent, tender
parotid glands
There have been recent epidemics of
mumps in the United States
Cricoarytenoid arthritis
Ear pain and hoarseness
Pain is worse with speaking,
coughing, or swallowing
May have other
features of
inflammatory arthritis
Often caused by rheumatoid arthritis or
systemic lupus erythematosus
Gastroesophageal reflux
Acid reflux
Usually none Pain caused by irritation of oropharynx
(cranial nerves IX [glossopharyngeal]
and X) or of eustachian tube orifice
Angina pectoris, myocardial
Cardiac risk factors Usually none If suspected, obtain electrocardiogram
and serum troponin level
Thoracic aneurysms
(e.g., innominate artery,
thoracic aorta)*
More common in older men
May have hypertension and other
risk factors for atherosclerosis
May have chest or
back pain
Obtain chest CT scan or magnetic
resonance angiogram; plain chest
radiography is insensitive
Psychogenic (e.g., depression,
History of depression or anxiety Blunted affect
Depressed mood
Consider in patients with idiopathic
Other rare causes (e.g.,
subdural hematoma, lung
* central line
pillow otalgia,
carotid artery aneurysm)
Variable Variable Lung cancer is the best described of
these rare causes
MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; CT = computed tomography; TMJ = temporomandibular joint.
*—Rule out “worst-case scenario” diagnosis (see Table 5).
Information from references 1, 4, and 23 through 39.
Ear Pain
March 1, 2008
Volume 77, Number 5 American Family Physician 627
to visualize the most superior aspect of the tympanic
membrane to exclude a superior retraction pocket lead-
ing to a cholesteatoma (Figure 2).
Tumors in the nose, nasopharynx, oral cavity, orophar-
ynx, hypopharynx, infratemporal fossa, neck, or chest
can cause ear pain. The most common sites are the base
of the tongue, tonsillar fossa, and hypopharynx.
factors for head and neck tumors include tobacco or
alcohol use, dysphagia, weight loss, radiation exposure,
hoarseness, and age older than 50 years.
Neuralgias can involve cranial nerves V and IX, the
geniculate ganglion (cranial nerve VII), and the spheno-
palatine ganglion (cranial nerves V and VII). The best
known of these is trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux),
which is characterized by paroxysmal, sharp, lancinating
pain in the distribution of the maxillary and mandibular
divisions. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia causes pain in the
tonsillar area, pharynx, and, in some patients, the middle
ear; this pain may be elicited by palpation of the tonsillar
Sphenopalatine neuralgia results in pain around
the eye and nose in addition to the ear and mastoid.
Bells palsy is characterized by the sudden onset of
upper and lower facial paralysis. Postauricular pain
occurs in about 25 percent of patients.
Patients may
also have hyperacusis, taste disturbances, and decreased
Temporal arteritis often causes temporal pain and
tenderness that can involve the ear. Other symptoms
include malaise, weight loss, fever, and anorexia. It
is important to recognize temporal arteritis because
it can cause permanent blindness, but this is usually
preventable with prompt initiation of systemic corti-
costeroids. Only about 40 percent of patients have ten-
derness in the temporal arteries, but 65 percent have at
least one temporal artery abnormality (e.g., tenderness,
absent pulse, beading, prominence).
Although tem-
poral arteritis is unusual in patients younger than
50 years, it should be considered if there are multiple
ndings indicative of the disease.
The disease is rare in
patients with normal erythrocyte sedimentation rates
and unusual if the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is less
than 50 mm per hour.
The Authors
JOHN W. ELY, MD, MSPH, is a professor of family medicine at the University
of Iowa, Iowa City. He received his medical degree from the State Univer-
sity of New York Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse. Dr. Ely completed a
family medicine residency at the University of Washington, Seattle, and a
fellowship in faculty development at the University of Missouri, Columbia.
MARLAN R. HANSEN, MD, is an assistant professor of otolaryngology
head and neck surgery at the University of Iowa. He received his medical
degree from the University of Chicago (Ill.) Pritzker School of Medicine.
Table 5. Risk Factors for “Worst-Case Scenario”
Diagnoses in Patients with Ear Pain
Risk factor Possible diagnosis
Age older than 50 years, ESR greater
than 50 mm per hour
Temporal arteritis
Coronary artery disease risk factors Myocardial infarction
Diabetes or immunocompromise Malignant (necrotizing)
otitis externa
Tobacco and alcohol use, dysphagia,
weight loss, age older than 50 years
Head or neck tumor
Superior tympanic membrane
retraction pocket, otorrhea
Unilateral hearing loss Malignant otitis externa,
ESR = erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
Figure 2. Two examples of cholesteatoma.
Ear Pain
628 American Family Physician Volume 77, Number 5
March 1, 2008
Dr. Hansen completed an otolaryngology residency at the University of
Iowa and a fellowship in otology at the House Ear Clinic, Los Angeles,
ELIZABETH C. CLARK, MD, MPH, is currently assistant professor of fam-
ily medicine at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey,
Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine, New Brunswick. At the time of
writing the manuscript, she was an assistant professor of family medicine
at the University of Iowa. Dr. Clark received her medical degree from the
University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, and com-
pleted a family medicine residency and public health fellowship at the
Oregon Health and Science University, Portland.
Address correspondence to John W. Ely, MD, MSPH, Department of
Family Medicine, 01291-D PFP, University of Iowa Carver College of
Medicine, 200 Hawkins Dr., Iowa City, IA 52242 (e-mail: john-ely@ Reprints are not available from the authors.
Author disclosure: Nothing to disclose.
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... ex. infection des voies aériennes supérieures, traumatisme crânien, intervention chirurgicale ou médicale récente) et de la durée des symptômes 4 . Un examen complet de la tête et du cou est d'une importance capitale et devrait être effectué chez tous les patients qui présentent une otalgie 5 , notamment une palpation du cou, un examen de la cavité buccale et de l'oropharynx, une rhinoscopie antérieure (qui peut être réalisée à l'aide d'un otoscope), un examen des nerfs crâniens et une otoscopie 6 . ...
... Cancers de la tête et du cou. Un cancer de la tête et du cou est le diagnostic le plus crucial à exclure chez les patients qui présentent des sources référées suspectées d'otalgie 4 . Il faut éliminer la possibilité de cancers émanant du nasopharynx, de l'hypopharynx, de l'oropharynx, de la cavité buccale et du larynx. ...
... Il faut éliminer la possibilité de cancers émanant du nasopharynx, de l'hypopharynx, de l'oropharynx, de la cavité buccale et du larynx. Parmi les signaux d'alerte résultant de l'anamnèse qui devraient inciter les cliniciens à soupçonner un cancer, mentionnons une dysphonie (changements dans la voix), la dysphagie (difficulté à déglutir), l'odynophagie (déglutition douloureuse), la dyspnée (souffle court), une nouvelle masse dans le cou et des antécédents de tabagisme ou de consommation d'alcool 4,7 . Il est essentiel de procéder à un examen complet de la tête et du cou dans l'évaluation des patients chez qui un cancer est soupçonné. ...
... Head and neck cancer is the most critical diagnosis to exclude in patients presenting with suspected referred sources of otalgia. 4 Malignancies arising from the nasopharynx, hypopharynx, oropharynx, oral cavity, and larynx should be ruled out. Red flag features based on history that may increase the clinician's suspicion of malignancy include dysphonia (voice changes), dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), odynophagia (painful swallowing), dyspnea (shortness of breath), new neck mass, and history of smoking or alcohol use. ...
... Red flag features based on history that may increase the clinician's suspicion of malignancy include dysphonia (voice changes), dysphagia (difficulty swallowing), odynophagia (painful swallowing), dyspnea (shortness of breath), new neck mass, and history of smoking or alcohol use. 4,7 Complete head and neck examination is critical in the evaluation of patients with suspected malignancies. In patient presentations with a high suspicion of malignancy, computed tomography imaging (with contrast) of the neck (soft tissue) and referral to an otolaryngologist for assessment with flexible nasopharyngoscopy should be considered. ...
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Objective: To provide family physicians and general otolaryngologists with a practical, evidence-based, and comprehensive approach to the management of patients presenting with suspected referred otalgia. Sources of information: The approach described is a review based on the authors' clinical practices along with research and clinical review articles published between 2000 and 2020. MEDLINE and PubMed were searched using the terms otalgia, referred otalgia, and secondary otalgia. Current guidelines for the management of referred otalgia were also reviewed. Main message: Otalgia is defined as pain localized to the ear. It is one of the most common head and neck presentations in primary care, otolaryngology, and emergency medicine. Secondary otalgia arises from nonotologic pathology and represents nearly 50% of otalgia cases. Otalgia in the absence of other otologic symptoms is highly indicative of a secondary cause. A thorough assessment of patients presenting with referred otalgia requires an understanding of the possible causes of this condition, including dental and oral mucosal pathologies, temporomandibular joint disorders, cervical spine pathology, sinusitis, upper airway infection, and reflux, as well as head and neck malignancy. This paper aims to highlight the most common causes of referred otalgia, their presentations, and initial options for assessment and management. Conclusion: The prevalence of referred otalgia makes this an important condition for family physicians to be able to assess, manage, and triage based on patient presentation and examination. Understanding the common causes of referred otalgia will help reduce wait times for specialist assessment and allow ease and speed of access to management options for patients in community clinics.
... This is due to the complex nervous connections in the head and neck areas, the ear, the pharynx and the nose. 1 The primary causes of otalgia are often benign and can be easily identified on examination such as trauma, infection, lodging of foreign bodies, otitis media, otitis externa, acute otitis media, discharge and primary neoplasms which can be identified through otoscopy. The secondary causes of otalgia are considered only when the cause is not obvious and cannot be identified by primary investigations, these causes include barotrauma, dental inflammation and infection, temporomandibular joint disorders, trigeminal neuralgia, head and neck cancers, arytenoid arthritis. ...
... Certain grave diseases such as temporal arteritis and malignant neoplasms present as ear pain. 1,2 Objective: ...
... Objective audiometric and vestibular function tests support the otological origin of these symptoms in patients with TMD [9,11,12]. Additionally, ear pain is one of the most common presentations of TMD [13]. The TMJ and middle ear share common embryologic origin from the first branchial arch, emphasizing the notion that the TMJ and ear might be considered as a unit [14]. ...
... Symptoms such as erythema and bulging of the tympanic membrane, otorrhea and vertigo suggest acute otitis media. The pain is usually continuous and increases gradually [29]. Eustachian tube dysfunction is also a common cause of primary ear pain, resulting from pressure dysregulation in the middle ear. ...
Pain in the masticatory muscles or temporomandibular joints may in some cases be a symptom of other afflictions occurring in this region. The aim of the study was to present the differential diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and other diseases in the craniofacial area, based on review of the literature. Using the key words: "differential diagnosis of TMD", "pain of non-dental origin" and "chronic orofacial pain", PUBMED and Scopus databases were systematically searched for articles in English from 2005 to 2020. Additionally, the PUBMED database was supplementarily reviewed using the keywords "Lyme disease orofacial symptoms" for the English-language articles published in the years 1996-2020. Out of 445 publications from PUBMED and Scopus databases as well as other sources, 57 articles describing the pathogenesis and characteristic symptoms of diseases that may cause pain similar to that occurring in TMD as well as diagnostic methods used in differential diagnosis of TMD were selected for analysis. Dental and jawbones-related conditions, ear and maxillary sinus diseases, as well as ailments of neuropathic and vascular origin, were taken into account. Neoplastic processes taking place in this region and less often occurring diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites were also described. Conclusions. Correct diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders is based on medical history and thorough physical examination, as well as results of additional tests. Pain localized in the head and neck structures may have diverse, sometimes complex aetiology, and may require multidisciplinary treatment. Observation of the patient's behaviour and - in selected cases - the results of additional laboratory tests, also play a significant role.
Otalgia is an ear pain and is common affecting people of all ages with almost a 100% lifetime prevalence [1, 2]. Otalgia can be broken down into two categories of primary (otogenic) otalgia and secondary otalgia regarding its causes. Primary otalgia arises as a consequence of otologic diseases, and secondary otalgia arises from pathologic processes in structures other than the ear. Otalgia can be referred to as a primary otalgia when the etiology of otalgia is limited within the affected ear and the cause of otalgia can be identified by otoendoscopic examination. Primary otalgia can be caused by otitis externa, acute or chronic otitis media, impacted cerumen, mastoiditis, folliculitis, myringitis, and neoplasm [3]. Primary otalgia is far more common in children than in adults, and secondary otalgia is more common in adults [1–3]. When the pathoetiology of otalgia cannot be identified through physical examination and otoendoscopy, the cause of secondary otalgia should be investigated. Sensory innervation of the ear is provided by a complex neural network as a result of complex embryogenic development. Because the ear shares this complex neural network with other organs, numerous sources of secondary otalgia can be possible. Cranial nerves (CNs) V (trigeminal), VII (facial), IX (glossopharyngeal), X (vagus), and branches from the cervical plexus (C1, C2, and C3) all innervate the middle ear, external auditory canal, auricle and peri-auricular tissues, and irritation of any portion of CNs V, VII, IX, X or C1, 2, and 3 may cause otalgia. The auricle is innervated by CNs V, VII, X, C2, and C3, the external auditory canal is innervated by CNs V, VII, and X, the tympanic membrane is innervated by CNs VII, IX, and X, and the middle ear is innervated by CNs V, VII, and IX. The location of nerve irritation can be remote from the ear, and, for example, otalgia may be the sole manifestation of myocardial ischemia because the CN X innervates both the ear and heart [4–6]. Furthermore, although most secondary otalgia is caused by the problems of the neck, cervical spine, and temporomandibular joints, more ominous causes of otalgia such as occult malignancy should be taken into consideration.
Earache, which is also referred to as otalgia, is a regular sign as far as primary care is concerned with various likely causes. Normally, in situations where the causes emanate from the ear, the earn assessment ends up been anomalous resulting to an obvious diagnosis. On the other hand, in case of referred otalgia which could also be explained as secondary otalgia, the assessment of the ear tends to be normal with the ache been referred from various sites [1].
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Com o advento dos testes eletrofisiológicos, a avaliação clínica parece ter perdido interesse na paralisia de Bell. A eletroneuronografia (ENoG) associada ao estadiamento clínico da doença é o método mais freqüentemente utilizado para mensurar o prognóstico da paralisia de Bell. Entretanto, a ENoG constitui-se em um teste eletrofisiológico ainda não universalmente disponível, especialmente nos serviços de emergência. OBJETIVO: Estudar a medida do prognóstico da paralisia de Bell com base nos dados clínicos e no teste de estimulação elétrica mínima, teste de Hilger, permitindo assim uma previsão de prognóstico segura e factível na maioria dos serviços. FORMA DE ESTUDO: coorte historica. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudo coorte retrospectivo, analisando 1521 casos de paralisia de Bell, correlacionando-se os dados clínicos sexo, idade, lado da paralisia, modo de instalação, sintomas prévios, sintomas associados e os resultados do teste de estimulação elétrica mínima (Hilger), com a evolução da paralisia após 6 meses. RESULTADO: O estudo desses dados indicou que pacientes acima de 60 anos apresentaram prognóstico pior em comparação com pacientes com idade abaixo de 30 anos; o modo de instalação progressiva, a ausência de sintomas prévios, a presença de vertigem concomitante à paralisia e resposta acima de 3,5 mm no teste de Hilger estiveram relacionados com mau prognóstico. Por outro lado, a ausência de sintomas concomitantes, a diminuição do lacrimejamento e o início súbito foram relacionados com bom prognóstico. CONCLUSÃO: A análise de fatores clínicos, associada ao teste de Hilger, pode indicar o prognóstico da paralisia facial com reduzida margem de erro, sendo uma alternativa bastante interessante especialmente quando não há disponibilidade da ENoG.
SYNOPSIS Two patients with cervical spine arthritis and ear pain were recently evaluated at our clinic. Injection of the C1–2 facet joints with local anesthetic plus corticosteroid resulted in relief of the pain. Therapeutic cervical facet injections may be indicated in cases of recalcitrant head and neck pain due to cervical spine arthritis.
Referred otalgia is a challenging symptom, with the burden on the physician to identify the source. Only by careful patient history and physical examination can all causes in this extensive differential diagnosis be excluded. In the absence of primary otologic pathology, referred pain from a head and neck carcinoma must be considered foremost and ruled out.
A prospective study of otitis externa in the district of South Bedfordshire was undertaken between October 1990 and January 1991. Patients were referred untreated by general practitioners; self-referred patients with external otitis were also included. A detailed history was taken, the severity of the condition assessed, aural toilet performed, bacteriology swabs taken and the patient treated according to department protocol. 48 patients were included in the study; a similar number of age and sex-matched controls without otitis externa were randomly selected from the ENT outpatient clinics for comparison. Regular swimming emerged as a significant factor in the aetiology of otitis externa. The commonest organism cultured was Pseudomonas aeruginosa and this accounted for the most severe cases seen.
Two patients with cervical spine arthritis and ear pain were recently evaluated at our clinic. Injection of the C1-2 facet joints with local anesthetic plus corticosteroid resulted in relief of the pain. Therapeutic cervical facet injections may be indicated in cases of recalcitrant head and neck pain due to cervical spine arthritis.
In a prospective study of 1507 patients, evaluated consecutively for facial palsy in the Cranial Nerve Research Clinic at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Oakland, California, between 1966 and 1976, 185 cases (12%) were diagnosed as Ramsay Hunt syndrome. In 46 cases (25%), the diagnosis of herpes zoster was confirmed by acute and convalescent serum titers for varicella-zoster virus. In 139 cases (75%), viral titers were not performed and the diagnosis was based on the characteristic clinical presentation of the Ramsay Hunt syndrome. The data were subjected to multivariate analysis evaluating age, sex, race, signs, and symptoms at onset, severity of paralysis, associated medical problems with concomitant neurologic deficits, and response to therapy. These were compared with data of 1202 patients with Bell's (herpes simplex) palsy. The facial palsy of Ramsay Hunt syndrome was found to be more severe, to cause late neural denervation, and to have a less favorable recovery profile than Bell's (herpes simplex) facial palsy. Prognostic factors and treatment recommendations are discussed.
We carried out a prospective study to analyse if it would be possible to predict the coexistence of acute otitis media on the basis of symptoms and signs of infection. Of the 658 patients admitted to hospital during the period concerned, 197 (29.9%) had otitis media. For each child with otitis, the next patient of the same age was chosen as a control. The risk of having otitis media was increased among patients with cough, rhinitis and earache. All three variables together correctly classified 67% of those not having otitis media and 63% of those with acute otitis, compared with the 50% which would theoretically be achieved by chance alone. Prediction was worst (55%) among patients younger than 2 years of age not having otitis media and best among older patients who had otitis media, i.e. 78%. Prediction on these grounds would have caused significant over-treatment, and one-third of the otitis cases among the youngest group would have been missed. Thus it is important to always examine the ears of a child with an infection in order to reliably exclude the possibility of acute otitis media.
To investigate if there is a relationship between gastroesophageal reflux and ear pain in the pediatric age group, a series of children presenting with this picture were analyzed. Infants and children are often seen in an emergency room setting because of fretfulness, irritability, and pulling on the ears. A diagnosis of otitis media is usually made, but in some cases the diagnosis may be referred otalgia secondary to gastroesophageal reflux. Six children who presented with the above picture were seen by one of the authors (W.S.G.) the following morning and noted to have a normal ear exam. These children were studied for gastroesophageal reflux by esophageal pH monitoring and in some cases esophagoscopy with biopsy. All children exhibited gastroesophageal reflux and an anti-reflux regimen eliminated the pattern of 'recurring otitis media'. This paper will review the mechanism of referred otalgia along with data supporting the concept of GE reflux as a cause of otalgia in infants and children.