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The extended IL-10 superfamily: IL-10, IL-19, IL-20, IL-22, IL-24, IL-26, IL-28, and IL-29



Cytokines are involved in virtually every aspect of immunity and inflammation. A cascade of responses evolves after cytokine activation, although optimal function might ultimately involve several complementary cytokines. Understanding the function of individual cytokines is complicated because their role can vary depending on the cellular source, target, and phase of the immune response. In fact, numerous cytokines have both proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory potential, with the contrasting outcome observed being determined by the immune cells present and their state of responsiveness to the cytokine. These issues make the study of cytokine biology daunting, particularly so for IL-10 and IL-10-related genes. The IL-10 superfamily is highly pleiotropic. These genes are linked together through genetic similarity and intron-exon gene structure. Significant commonality exists not only through shared receptors but also through conserved signaling cascades. However, its members mediate diverse activities, including immune suppression, enhanced antibacterial and antiviral immunity, antitumor activity, and promotion of self-tolerance in autoimmune diseases.
Update review
The extended IL-10 superfamily: IL-10, IL-19, IL-20, IL-22,
IL-24, IL-26, IL-28, and IL-29
Scott Commins, MD, PhD, John W. Steinke, PhD, and Larry Borish, MD Charlottesville, Va
Cytokines are involved in virtually every aspect of immunity
and inflammation. A cascade of responses evolves after cytokine
activation, although optimal function might ultimately involve
several complementary cytokines. Understanding the function
of individual cytokines is complicated because their role can
vary depending on the cellular source, target, and phase of the
immune response. In fact, numerous cytokines have both
proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory potential, with the
contrasting outcome observed being determined by the immune
cells present and their state of responsiveness to the cytokine.
These issues make the study of cytokine biology daunting,
particularly so for IL-10 and IL-10–related genes. The IL-10
superfamily is highly pleiotropic. These genes are linked
together through genetic similarity and intron-exon gene
structure. Significant commonality exists not only through
shared receptors but also through conserved signaling cascades.
However, its members mediate diverse activities, including
immune suppression, enhanced antibacterial and antiviral
immunity, antitumor activity, and promotion of self-tolerance in
autoimmune diseases. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2008;121:
Key words: IL, cytokine, IL-10–related cytokines
Cytokines are involved in virtually every aspect of immunity
and inflammation. Not only do cytokines determine whether a
response occurs after an immune insult, the production of
particular cytokines subsequently determines the nature of the
response (cytotoxic, humoral, cell mediated, or allergic) or, in
contrast, nonresponsiveness and active immune suppression. A
cascade of responses evolves after cytokine activation, although
optimal function might ultimately involve several complementary
cytokines. Understanding the function of individual cytokines is
complicated because their role can be variable depending on the
cellular source, target, and phase of the immune response during
which they function. In fact, numerous cytokines have both
proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory potential, with the con-
trasting outcome observed being determined by the immune cells
present and their state of responsiveness to the cytokine. These
issues make the study of cytokine biology daunting, particularly
so for IL-10 and IL-10–related genes. For this review, updates in
our understanding of the extended IL-10 family will be discussed.
IL-10 is an important immunoregulatory cytokine with multi-
ple biologic effects on different cell types. Although the primary
T-cell source for IL-10 is regulatory T lymphocytes, monocytes
and B cells are the major sources of IL-10 in human subjects.
10 forms a homodimer and exerts its biologic function through the
IL-10R1 and IL-10R2 receptor complex, with subsequent activa-
tion of Janus kinase (Jak) 1 and tyrosine kinase 2, signal trans-
ducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 1, and STAT3
(Table I). Other kinases, including mitogen-activated protein ki-
nase and enzymes (heme oxygenase-1) are likely also involved
in IL-10 signaling. IL-10 inhibits production of IFN-gand IL-2
by T
1 lymphocytes; IL-4 and IL-5 by T
2 lymphocytes; IL-
1b, IL-6, CXCL8 (IL-8), IL-12, and TNF-aby mononuclear
phagocytes; and IFN-gand TNF-aby natural killer cells. Mono-
cyte MHC class II molecule expression is inhibited by IL-10, as is
expression of CD23 (low-affinity IgE receptor, FceRII), intracel-
lular adhesion molecule 1, and CD80 (B7.1)/CD86 (B7.2). IL-10
inhibition of expression of the important costimulatory molecules
CD80 and CD86 by dendritic cells (DCs) and other antigen-pre-
senting cells (APCs) eliminates the ability of the APC to provide
the accessory signals necessary for T
cell activation. This inhi-
bition of accessory function is primarily responsible for the inhi-
bition of T
1 and T
2 cytokine production. Notably, recent
studies have also indicated that IL-10 functions directly on T cells
to inhibit their cytokine production by suppressing expression of
the T cell–costimulatory molecules CD28 and inducible T-cell
costimulator, thereby regulating their threshold of T-cell
Growing evidence supports a modulating role for IL-10 in
human allergic disease. Constitutive expression of IL-10 by APCs
in the respiratory tract of healthy subjects has a crucial role in the
induction and maintenance of tolerance to allergens, whereas
From the Asthma and Allergic Disease Center, Beirne Carter Center for Immunology
Research, University of Virginia Health System.
Disclosure of potential conflict of interest: J. W. Steinke has received research support
from the National Institutes of Health and the Richmond Eye & Ear Foundation.
L. Borish has received research support from GlaxoSmithKline and the National
Institutes of Health, has received honoraria from Merck & Co, and has volunteered at
the Charlottesville Free Clinic. S. Commins has declared that he has no conflict of
Received for publication January 7, 2008; revised February 19, 2008; accepted for pub-
lication February 20, 2008.
Available online April 14, 2008.
Reprint requests: Larry Borish, MD, University of Virginia Health System, Asthma and
Allergic Disease Center, Box 801355, Charlottesville, VA 22908. E-mail: lb4m@
Ó2008 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
Abbreviations used
APC: Antigen-presenting cell
DC: Dendritic cell
Jak: Janus kinase
STAT: Signal transducer and activator of transcription
asthma and allergic rhinitis are associated with diminished IL-10
expression in the allergic airway.
This diminished IL-10 expres-
sion is thought to contribute to the development of an inflamma-
tory milieu, reflecting in part the presence of mature DCs. IL-10
has inhibitory effects on eosinophil survival and IL-4–induced
IgE synthesis; however, in B lymphocytes it functions as an acti-
vating factor that stimulates cell proliferation and immunoglobu-
lin secretion. IL-10 augments isotype switching to IgG4 and
functions as a growth cofactor for cytotoxic T cells. Thus IL-10
inhibits cytokines associated with cellular immunity and allergic
inflammation while stimulating humoral responses (Table II).
More detailed reviews of the biology of IL-10 can be found
IL-19 was discovered in 2000 and was found to share 21%
amino acid identity with IL-10, but as with other members of the
IL-10 superfamily, it is their similar exon-intron structure that
primarily defines their homology. Within the immune system, IL-
19 is primarily produced by monocytes, and its expression can be
induced by LPS, IL-4, and GM-CSF. IL-19 signals through a
receptor complex composed of the IL-20R1 and IL-20R2 chains
and activates monocytes in an autocrine and paracrine fashion to
release the cytokines IL-6, TNF-a, and numerous reactive oxygen
species. Monocyte IL-19 production is downregulated by IFN-g.
Roles for IL-19 have primarily been investigated in psoriasis
and allergic disorders. IL-19 is found in the suprapapillary basal
layer of healthy skin. Patients with psoriasis have increased levels
of IL-19 in basal and suprabasal keratinocytes of involved skin,
where it is thought to contribute to the inflammatory process.
Human CD8
T cells exposed to IL-19 induced keratinocyte
growth factor, and in a positive feedback loop, keratinocyte
growth factor–responsive elements in the IL-19 promoter increase
expression of IL-19. Cyclosporine decreases IL-19 expression,
and this might explain some of the utility of this drug in the treat-
ment of psoriasis (Table II).
IL-19 is capable of promoting T
2 immune deviation through
a positive feedback loop, resulting in increased numbers of IL-4–
producing and fewer IFN-g–producing cells.
Consistent with a
role for IL-19 in asthma, serum levels of IL-19 in asthmatic pa-
tients were found to be twice those of the healthy control sub-
jects and correlated with higher levels of IL-4 and IL-13 in the
The human IL-20 gene maps to a 195-kb region on chromo-
some 1q32 that also includes IL-10,IL-19, and IL-24.
part of the same family, IL-20 has diverged to a large extent from
IL-10 in sequence and function. The amino acid sequences of IL-
20 and IL-10 are only 28% identical, and the recombinant human
IL-20 protein seems to form a monomer instead of the intercalat-
ing dimer characteristic of IL-10.
Although multiple cell types
express IL-20, it is predominantly expressed by monocytes and
skin keratinocytes. IL-20 protein is also found at high levels in
the skin of patients with psoriasis. Overexpression of IL-20 in
mice is lethal secondary to defective skin formation. Similar to
IL-19, IL-20 signals through the IL-20R1/IL-20R2 heterodimer;
however, IL-20 also binds to the receptor complex composed of
IL-22R1 and IL-20R2 (Table I). Each of these heterodimer recep-
tor complexes functions partly through the Jak-STAT pathways.
In addition to a role in psoriasis, IL-20 has been found in higher
concentrations in synovial fluid from patients with rheumatoid ar-
Other studies have also suggested a potential role for IL-
20 in atherosclerosis and angiogenesis (Table II).
IL-22 expression is found in activated T cells and, at lower
levels, in activated natural killer cells.
Among T-lymphocyte
subsets, IL-22 is preferentially expressed by CD4
cells. No
expression of IL-22 has been found in macrophages, mature or
immature DCs, or nonimmune cells.
The preferential
TABLE II. IL-10 superfamily: biologic effects and clinical effect
Member Biologic effect Clinical association
IL-10 Immune suppression, anti-inflammatory Burkitt lymphoma, malignant B-cell lymphomas
IL-19 Skin development, immunoregulatory Psoriasis, asthma
IL-20 Skin development and inflammation, hematopoiesis Psoriasis, atherosclerosis, angiogenesis
IL-22 Acute-phase response, innate immunity Crohn’s disease, interstitial lung disease,
rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis
IL-24 Proapoptosis, epidermal functions, inflammatory cascade Melanoma, psoriasis, inflammation
IL-26 Mucosal and cutaneous immunity T-cell transformation
IL-28, IL-29 Antiviral immunity Hepatitis B/C infection
TABLE I. IL-10 superfamily: receptors and signaling
Member 18Cell source Receptor Activated signal transducer
IL-10 Monocytes, B cells, regulatory T lymphocytes IL-10R1/IL-10R2 Jak1, tyrosine kinase 2, STAT1, STAT3
IL-19 Monocytes IL-20R1/IL-20R2 STAT1, STAT3
IL-20 Monocytes, skin keratinocytes IL-20R1/IL-20R2, IL-22R1/IL-20R2 Jak/STAT
IL-22 Activated T cells, activated natural
killer cells, T
17 cells
IL-22R1/IL-10R2 STAT3 (keratinocytes)
IL-24 Melanocytes, monocytes, T
2 lymphocytes IL-20R1/IL-20R2, IL-22R1/IL-20R2
(skin only)
IL-26 Monocytes, memory T cells IL-20R1/IL-10R2 STAT1, STAT3
IL-28, IL-29 DCs IFNLR1/IL-10R2 Jak1, STAT1, 2, 3 and 5
production of IL-22 by T cells suggests that increased levels of
this cytokine might exist in T lymphocyte–mediated diseases. No-
tably, psoriasis, Crohn’s disease, interstitial lung diseases, and
rheumatoid arthritis all have evidence of increased levels of IL-
22 protein or mRNA transcripts, and these correlate with disease
severity (Table II).
The IL-22 receptor complex is a hetero-
dimer consisting of the IL-22R1 and IL-10R2 chains (Table I).
Neither resting nor stimulated immune cells express IL-22R1,
and therefore despite its structural similarity to IL-10, immune
cells are not the target cells of IL-22. The pattern of IL-22R1/
IL-10R2 expression suggests that the most important cellular tar-
gets of IL-22 are found within the skin, kidney, respiratory, and
digestive systems. Given that these target cells are located in tis-
sues that are in contact with the environment and that IL-22 leads
to the production of antimicrobial peptides, IL-22 is presumed to
play an important role in innate pathogen defense. IL-22 also in-
duces acute-phase reactants in hepatocytes and likely possesses a
protective role in liver injury. Complicating the matter is the un-
certain role that the IL-22 binding protein, a secreted soluble de-
coy receptor, might have in modulating IL-22 effects. Another
postulated function of IL-22 binding protein includes temporary
sequestration of IL-22 to prolong its half-life, possibly facilitating
the arrival of IL-22 at remote parts of the body.
Originally identified as a tumor suppressor molecule (mela-
noma differentiation-associated gene 7) that was expressed in
healthy melanocytes but not metastatic melanoma cells, mela-
noma differentiation-associated gene 7 was subsequently discov-
ered to have a chromosomal location within the IL-10 locus with
which it shares structural and sequence homology and is now
termed IL-24. It is produced by monocytes and T
2 lymphocytes
in an IL-4–inducible fashion. IL-24 signals through a heterodimer
consisting of the IL-20R1 and IL-20R2 chains, leading to activa-
tion of STAT3 (Table I). IL-24 promotes secretion of TNF-aand
IL-6 from human monocytes. Its potential role as a cancer thera-
peutic is derived from evidence that IL-24 induces antitumor im-
mune responses with significant independent ‘‘bystander’’
antitumor effects (Table II).
In addition, IL-24 promotes ap-
optosis of tumor cells without apparently targeting nonneoplastic
tissue. Jak/STAT activation is not involved in apoptotic signaling
because Jak/STAT knockout mice still demonstrate apoptosis of
tumor cells after exogenous IL-24 addition. Current investiga-
tions are focused instead on the unique expression of the intracel-
lular chaperone molecule GRP78/BiP by cancerous cells, which
might play a role in their susceptibility to apoptosis. Given the ap-
parently ubiquitous apoptotic effect on malignant cells, the lack
of an effect on normal cells, and the absence of significant side ef-
fects (eg, cytokine storm), IL-24 is a potentially important candi-
date cancer therapeutic, and early-phase I/II studies have shown
In contrast to IL-19,IL-20, and IL-24,IL-26 is located on chro-
mosome 12q15, where it clusters with IL-22 and IFN-g. IL-26
is primarily generated by monocytes and memory T cells. It is
considered important in the transformation of human T cells after
their infection by herpes virus saimiri.
The herpes virus saimiri/
IL-26 interaction exhibits shared features with the role of the
similar herpesvirus, EBV, in B-cell transformation. Similar to
IL-10, IL-26 forms homodimers. IL-26 has a unique receptor con-
sisting ofa heterodimer of the IL-20R1 chain and theIL-10R2 chain
(Tab le I).
Binding of the IL-26 receptor leads to phosphorylation
of both STAT1 and STAT3 and induction of CXCL8 (IL-8), IL-10,
and intracellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1).
IL-28 AND IL-29
IL-28A and IL-28B, alternatively named IFN-l2 and IFN-l3,
belong, with IL-29 (IFN-l1), in a new cytokine family that shares
with type I IFNs the same Jak/STAT signaling pathway. IFN-ls
exhibit several common features with type I IFNs, including
antiviral, antiproliferative, and antitumor activities. Despite sig-
nificant amino acid homology with type I IFNs, the intron-exon
structure of the IFN-lfamily genes more closely resembles that
of IL-10.
Moreover, IFN-ls act through a cell-surface receptor
composed of 2 chains, one being IFN-lspecific (IFN-lR1) and
the second, IL10R2, being shared among IL-10, IL-22, and IL-
26. The gene encoding IFN-lR1 is located on human chromo-
some 1, which is in close proximity to the gene encoding the
IL-22 receptor. In addition to the mRNA encoding the full-length
IFN-lR1, 2 splice variants have been identified in human cells.
One variant encodes a receptor with a deletion of 29 amino acids
in its intracytoplasmic portion, likely disabling its signaling ca-
pacity, thus suggesting decoy function. The second variant en-
codes only the ectodomain, which is likely a secreted (soluble)
The ratio of the 2 receptor variants will determine
whether a given cell signals in response to the cytokine.
Although IL-10R2 is ubiquitously expressed, IFN-lR1 appears
to be more tightly regulated. The mRNA encoding IFN-lR1 is
undetectable in fibroblast and endothelial cells.
freshly isolated from human blood do not express IFN-lR1, but
its expression can be induced when they differentiate into DCs af-
ter IL-4 and GM-CSF treatment. IFN-lR1 is expressed in cell
lines from various tumors. Initial work showed that all IFN-lsub-
types were induced on infection of HeLa, HuH7, or HT29 cell
lines by Dengue virus, Sindbis virus, vesicular stomatitis virus,
or encephalomyocarditis virus supporting a role in antiviral im-
Subsequent work has shown that other viruses are
also capable of inducing IFN-lexpression.
Similar to type I IFNs, IL-28 and IL-29 (IFN-ls) induce the
activation of the Jak/STAT signaling pathways that variously lead
to phosphorylation of STAT1, STAT2, STAT3, STAT4, and
Jak1, in particular, has been shown to be critical in
mediating IFN-l–induced STAT phosphorylation.
suggests that STAT2 is the crucial STAT in establishing type I
IFN activity because it is specifically recruited in the cascade
leading to IFN-stimulated response element promoter activity.
IFN-linduces homodimers of STAT2 capable of recognizing
both the IFN-stimulated response element and IFN-gactivation
site sequences. It is therefore not surprising that many genes
whose expression is classically induced by both type I IFNs and
IFN-gare also induced by IFN-ls. One notable difference be-
tween IFN-land type I IFNs is that IFN-lshifts immature DCs
toward a program characterized by the ability to produce
Foxp3-expressing CD4
regulatory T cells. In fact, recent
studies performed with a mixed lymphocyte reaction show that
IFN-l–treated DCs induce IL-2–dependent proliferation of
innate regulatory T cells. Hence IFN-ls
are able to generate tolerance-inducing DCs.
By definition, an IFN must be able to ‘‘interfere’’ with viral
replication. As discussed above, IFN-lindeed exhibits antiviral
MAY 2008
activities. Of note, IFN-linhibits hepatitis B and C virus
replication (Table II).
This observation could be important be-
cause IFN-lmight be an alternative to IFN-afor the treatment
of HCV-infected patients displaying resistance to IFN-a, espe-
cially if their resistance is due to type I IFN dysfunction.
from recent studies suggest that the in vivo antiviral activity of
IFN-lis exerted on the immune system rather than preventing
the cells from becoming infected.
Moreover, IFN-ls exert an
in vivo antitumor effect similar to that of type I IFNs that is likely
mediated by an action on tumor immune surveillance rather than
through its antiproliferative activity on tumor cells.
To date,
there is no described phenotype associated with defective IFN-
lproduction on signaling except one single nucleotide polymor-
phism in the gene encoding IFN-lR1 that might be associated
with susceptibility to allergic rhinitis.
The IL-10 superfamily is highly pleiotropic. Its members are
linked together through genetic similarity and intron-exon gene
structure. Significant commonality exists not only through shared
receptors but also through conserved signaling cascades. How-
ever, its members mediate diverse activities, including immune
suppression, enhanced antibacterial and antiviral immunity, an-
titumor activity, and promotion of self-tolerance in autoimmune
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... These genes are located on the long arm of chromosome 19, region q13+13 1,2 . The IFNL3 (IL28B) gene sequence had been described to has similarity of 96% and 81% with IFNL2 (IL-28A) and IFNL1 (IL-29) genes, respectively [2][3][4] . ...
... Commins et al 4 pointed the antiviral activity of the Interleukin 28B (IL28B) mainly in viral infections caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), and other researchers in HIV and in human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) infections [5][6][7][8] . ...
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Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, rs12979860 e rs8099917) in the Interferon Lambda 4 gene (IFNL4, formerly IFNL3 and/or IL28B) has been associated with failure in the innate immune response, sustained virological response in hepatitis C, and HTLV-1-associated myelopathy (HAM) development. To search for these polymorphisms several methodologies can be employed, such as sequencing, real-time or quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis in PCR products (PCR-RFLP), and tetra-primer PCR. The present study compared the performance of the tetra-primer PCR in relation to the PCR-RFLP, both optimized in the Research HTLV Laboratory of the Center of Immunology of Instituto Adolfo Lutz in São Paulo. One hundred DNA samples obtained from patients of STD/Aids Reference Centre in São Paulo, previously analyzed for IL28B SNPs by PCR-RFLP were selected for analysis, after confirming that they represent all IL28B SNPs patterns described in the literature. The results obtained showed concordance between the PCR-RFLP and the tetra-primer PCR SNPs results, and because of the low cost, easy to perform, and minor employment of biological specimen and reagents, the tetra- primer PCR is of choice to be used in routine.
... autoimmune disorders is harmful to the host's ability to survive [52,53]. Vertebrates have evolved with a parallel mechanism depending on antiinflammatory cytokines to control the overly exuberant inflammatory responses and prevent reactivity to oneself that is necessary to limit host damage [54,55]. As an anti-inflammatory cytokine, IL-10 serves the indispensable regulatory role in tissue inflammation caused by pathogen infections by suppressing excessive expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines [56,57]. ...
... IL-20 and IL-24 both belong to the family of IL-10 cytokines. Both have been reported to be of importance in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory skin diseases and can readily be detected in respective tissue samples 44 . Both cytokines can transmit signals through the IL-20R1/IL-20R2 and the IL-22R1/IL-20R2 heterodimer complexes. ...
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A subgroup of patients suffering from atopic dermatitis (AD) does not respond to biologics therapy targeting the key players of type-2 inflammation, and it is an ongoing discussion whether skin-infiltrating Th17 cells may underlie this phenomenon. This study aimed to investigate the potential of allergen-induced, immune-cell derived IL-17 on the induction of inflammatory processes in keratinocytes. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells derived from respectively sensitized AD patients were stimulated with house dust mite (HDM) extract and cell culture supernatants were applied subsequently in absence or presence of secukinumab to primary human keratinocytes. Hereby we confirm that the immune response of sensitized AD patients to HDM contains aside from type-2 cytokines significant amounts of IL-17. Blocking IL-17 efficiently reduced the stimulation-induced changes in keratinocyte gene expression. IL-17-dependent transcriptional changes included increased expression of the cytokines IL-20 and IL-24 as well as Suppressor of Cytokine Siganling 3 (SOCS3), a negative feedback-regulator of the STAT3/IL-17/IL-24 immune response. We conclude that the immune response to HDM can induce pro-inflammatory cytokines from keratinocytes in AD, which in part is mediated via IL-17. Targeting IL-17 may turn out to be a reasonable alternative therapy in a subgroup of patients with moderate to severe AD and HDM sensitization.
Liver disease is a severe public health concern worldwide. There is a close relationship between the liver and cytokines, and liver inflammation from a variety of causes leads to the release and activation of cytokines. The functions of cytokines are complex and variable, and are closely related to their cellular origin, target molecules and mode of action. Interleukin (IL)-20 has been studied as a pro-inflammatory cytokine that is expressed and regulated in some diseases. Furthermore, accumulating evidences has shown that IL-20 is highly expressed in clinical samples from patients with liver disease, promoting the production of pro-inflammatory molecules involved in liver disease progression, and antagonists of IL-20 can effectively inhibit liver injury and produce protective effects. This review highlights the potential of targeting IL-20 in liver diseases, elucidates the potential mechanisms of IL-20 inducing liver injury, and suggests multiple viable strategies to mitigate the pro-inflammatory response to IL-20. Genomic CRISPR/Cas9-based screens may be a feasible way to further explore the signaling pathways and regulation of IL-20 in liver diseases. Nanovector systems targeting IL-20 offer new possibilities for the treatment and prevention of liver diseases.
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Cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (CTCLs), encompassing mycosis fungoides (MF) and Sézary syndrome (SS), present a complex landscape influenced by cytokines and cellular responses. In this work, the intricate relationship between these inflammatory proteins and disease pathogenesis is examined, focusing on what is known at a clinical and therapeutic level regarding the most well-known inflammatory mediators. An in-depth look has been given to their possible alterations caused by novel immunomodulatory drugs and how they may alter disease progression.From this narrative review of the actual scientific landscape, Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) emerges as a central player, demonstrating a dual role in both promoting and inhibiting cancer immunity, but the work navigates through all the major Interleukins known in inflammatory environments.Immunotherapeutic perspectives are elucidated, highlighting the crucial role of the cutaneous microenvironment in shaping dysfunctional cell trafficking, antitumor immunity, and angiogenesis in MF, showcasing advancements in understanding and targeting the immune phenotype in CTCL.In summary, this manuscript aims to comprehensively explore the multifaceted aspects of CTCL, from the immunopathogenesis and cytokine dynamics centred around TNF-α and IFN-γ to evolving therapeutic modalities. Including all the major known and studied cytokines in this analysis broadens our understanding of the intricate interplay influencing CTCL, paving the way for improved management of this complex lymphoma.
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Cutaneous T cell lymphomas (CTCLs), encompassing mycosis fungoides (MF) and Sézary syndrome (SS), present a complex landscape influenced by cytokines and cellular responses. In this work, the intricate relationship between these inflammatory proteins and disease pathogenesis is examined, focusing on what is known at the clinical and therapeutic levels regarding the most well-known inflammatory mediators. An in-depth look is given to their possible alterations caused by novel immunomodulatory drugs and how they may alter disease progression. From this narrative review of the actual scientific landscape, Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) emerges as a central player, demonstrating a dual role in both promoting and inhibiting cancer immunity, but the work navigates through all the major interleukins known in inflammatory environments. Immunotherapeutic perspectives are elucidated, highlighting the crucial role of the cutaneous microenvironment in shaping dysfunctional cell trafficking, antitumor immunity, and angiogenesis in MF, showcasing advancements in understanding and targeting the immune phenotype in CTCL. In summary, this manuscript aims to comprehensively explore the multifaceted aspects of CTCL, from the immunopathogenesis and cytokine dynamics centred around TNF-α and IFN-γ to evolving therapeutic modalities. Including all the major known and studied cytokines in this analysis broadens our understanding of the intricate interplay influencing CTCL, paving the way for improved management of this complex lymphoma.
The immune system is intimately involved in the pathophysiology of heart failure. However, it is currently underused as a therapeutic target in the clinical setting. Moreover, the development of novel immunomodulatory therapies and their investigation for the treatment of patients with heart failure are hampered by the fact that currently used, evidence-based treatments for heart failure exert multiple immunomodulatory effects. In this Review, we discuss current knowledge on how evidence-based treatments for heart failure affect the immune system in addition to their primary mechanism of action, both to inform practising physicians about these pleiotropic actions and to create a framework for the development and application of future immunomodulatory therapies. We also delineate which subpopulations of patients with heart failure might benefit from immunomodulatory treatments. Furthermore, we summarize completed and ongoing clinical trials that assess immunomodulatory treatments in heart failure and present several therapeutic targets that could be investigated in the future. Lastly, we provide future directions to leverage the immunomodulatory potential of existing treatments and to foster the investigation of novel immunomodulatory therapeutics.
Background: Recently, increasing evidence has demonstrated that IL-10 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are associated with the risk of acute leukemia (AL), but the findings of different articles remain controversial. Thus, we performed a meta-analysis to further investigate the exact roles of IL-10 SNPs in AL susceptibility. Methods: Six common Chinese and English databases were utilized to retrieve eligible studies. The strength of the association was assessed by calculating odds ratios and 95 % confidence intervals. All analyses were carried out using Review Manager (version 5.3) and STATA (version 15.1). The registered number of this research is CRD42022373362. Results: A total of 6391 participants were enrolled in this research. The results showed that the AG genotype of rs1800896 increased AL risk in the heterozygous codominant model (AG vs. AA, OR = 1.41, 95 % CI = 1.04-1.92, P = 0.03) and overdominant model (AG vs. AA + GG, OR = 1.32, 95 % CI = 1.04-1.70, P = 0.03). In the subgroup analysis, associations between the G allele, GG genotype, AG genotype, AG + GG genotype of rs1800896 and increased AL risk were also observed in the mixed population based on allelic, homozygote codominant, heterozygous codominant, dominant, and overdominant models. Furthermore, an association between the AC genotype of rs1800872 and increased AL risk was observed in the Caucasian population in the overdominant model. However, the rs1800871, rs3024489 and rs3024493 polymorphisms did not affect AL risk. Conclusion: IL-10 rs1800896 and rs1800872 affected the susceptibility of AL and therefore may be biomarkers for early screening and risk prediction of AL.
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Although herpesvirus saimiri-transformed T lymphocytes retain multiple normal T-cell functions, only a few changes have been described. By subtractive hybridization, we have isolated a novel cellular gene, ak155, a sequence homolog of the interleukin-10 gene. Specifically herpesvirus saimiri-transformed T cells overexpress ak155 and secrete the protein into the supernatant. In other T-cell lines and in native peripheral blood cells, but not in B cells, ak155 is transcribed at low levels. AK155 forms homodimers similarly to interleukin-10. As a lymphokine, AK155 may contribute to the transformed phenotype of human T cells after infection by herpesvirus saimiri.
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Regulated expression of type I interferon (IFN)-stimulated genes (ISG) requires the binding of the signal transducer and activator of transcription (Stat) complexes to enhancer elements located in the ISG promoters. These enhancer elements include the IFN-stimulated response element (ISRE) and the palindromic IFN-gamma activation site (GAS) element. Regulated expression of ISRE containing ISG depends on IFN-stimulated gene factor 3 (ISGF3), a heterodimer involving Stat1 and Stat2 in association with a DNA-binding adapter protein, p48/IFN regulatory factor-9 (IRF-9). Several GAS binding Stat complexes involving Stat1, Stat3, Stat4, and Stat5 have been described, but their contribution to GAS-dependent ISG expression remains to be established. We and others previously identified an IFN-alpha-inducible Stat2:1 heterodimer that exhibits binding to the GAS element of the IRF-1 gene. These previous studies raise the possibility that Stat2:1 may participate in the transcriptional activation of the subset of ISG containing GAS elements. To address this question, we performed a PCR-assisted binding site selection procedure to define the Stat2:1 recognition sequence. The data reveal that Stat2:1 preferentially binds to a palindromic sequence similar to the consensus GAS element found in the promoter of several ISG. Our results establish that in addition to the classic complex formation involving Stat2, Stat1, and p48 associations, Stat2:1 heterodimers are formed in response to IFN treatment that may play an important role in the transcriptional regulation of certain ISG.
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This study investigated the expression of five novel human IL-10-related molecules and their receptors in blood mononuclear cells. IL-19 and IL-20 were found to be preferentially expressed in monocytes. IL-22 and IL-26 (AK155) expression was exclusively detected in T cells, especially upon type 1 polarization, and in NK cells. IL-24 (melanoma differentiation-associated gene 7) expression was restricted to monocytes and T cells. Detection of these molecules in lymphocytes was predominantly linked to cellular activation. Regarding T cells, IL-26 was primarily produced by memory cells, and its expression was independent on costimulation. In contrast to the high expression of receptors for IL-10 homologs in different tissues and cell lines, monocytes and NK, B, and T cells showed clear expression only of IL-10R1, IL-10R2, and IL-20R2. In these cells, IL-20R2 might be part of a still-unknown receptor complex. Therefore, immune cells may represent a major source but a minor target of the novel IL-10 family members.
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Cytokines play a critical role in modulating the innate and adaptive immune systems. Here, we have identified from the human genomic sequence a family of three cytokines, designated interleukin 28A (IL-28A), IL-28B and IL-29, that are distantly related to type I interferons (IFNs) and the IL-10 family. We found that like type I IFNs, IL-28 and IL-29 were induced by viral infection and showed antiviral activity. However, IL-28 and IL-29 interacted with a heterodimeric class II cytokine receptor that consisted of IL-10 receptor beta (IL-10Rbeta) and an orphan class II receptor chain, designated IL-28Ralpha. This newly described cytokine family may serve as an alternative to type I IFNs in providing immunity to viral infection.
A structural, profile-based algorithm was used to identify interleukin 20 (IL-20), a novel IL-10 homolog. Chromosomal localization of IL-20 led to the discovery of an IL-10 family cytokine cluster. Overexpression of IL-20 in transgenic (TG) mice causes neonatal lethality with skin abnormalities including aberrant epidermal differentiation. Recombinant IL-20 protein stimulates a signal transduction pathway through STAT3 in a keratinocyte cell line, demonstrating a direct action of this ligand. An IL-20 receptor was identified as a heterodimer of two orphan class II cytokine receptor subunits. Both receptor subunits are expressed in skin and are dramatically upregulated in psoriatic skin. Taken together, these results demonstrate a role in epidermal function and psoriasis for IL-20, a novel cytokine identified solely by bioinformatics analysis.
IL-10 gene transcription and IL-10 protein production was assessed in both type 1 (Th1) and type 2 (Th2) CD4+ human T cell clones by polymerase chain reaction and ELISA, respectively. Although Th2 clones apparently showed higher IL-10 mRNA levels, IL-10 mRNA expression was consistently found in Th1 clones, as well. Likewise, measurable IL-10 levels were found in the supernatants of both Th1 and Th2 clones. The effect of human IL-10 (h-IL-10) and viral IL-10 (v-IL-10) on the proliferative response and cytokine production by Th1 and Th2 human clones was also investigated. Addition in culture of h-IL-10 and v-IL-10 significantly reduced the proliferation of both Th1 and Th2 clones in response to the specific Ag and to PHA, but it had no inhibitory effect on the proliferative response of Th1 and Th2 clones to IL-2. h-IL-10 and v-IL-10 also inhibited the Ag-induced production of gamma-interferon (IFN-gamma) by Th1 clones and the production of IL-4 and IL-5 by Th2 clones, whereas they had no effect on the cytokine synthesis by the same clones stimulated with PMA plus anti-CD3 antibody. Preincubation of APC, but not of clonal T blasts, with h-IL-10 resulted in the inhibition of Ag-induced proliferation of both Th1 and Th2 clones, supporting the view that h-IL-10 primarily affects APC. These data demonstrate that, unlike the murine system where IL-10 is a product of Th2 (but not Th1) cells and seems to mainly down-regulate the Th1 response, in the human system, IL-10 is produced by, and down-regulates the function of, both Th1 and Th2 cells.
Interleukin-10 or cytokine synthesis inhibitory factor has important antiinflammatory activities in immune diseases. We speculated that diminished IL-10 production in asthma would permit the unopposed synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines, contributing to the development and severity of asthma. Our data demonstrate constitutive secretion of IL-10 into bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid of normal, nonasthmatic subjects (130 +/- 61 pg/ml; n = 8). Asthmatic patients' BAL fluid was characterized by diminished concentrations of IL-10 (9 +/- 18 pg/ml; n = 8; p < 0.01 compared with that of normal subjects). By using the RNA-based polymerase chain reaction, we demonstrated that diminished IL-10 occurred as a result of inhibition of transcription. IL-10 transcription, but not protein, was observed at the time of the late asthmatic response. We speculate that the subsequent appearance of IL-10 protein could contribute to the resolution of the late asthmatic response. Similar to what was observed in the BAL fluid, peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with asthma demonstrated decreased spontaneous (0.01 +/- 0.01 ng/ml-asthmatic and 0.09 +/- 0.04 ng/ml-normal; p < 0.05) and stimulated (0.60 +/- 0.22 ng/ml-asthmatic and 1.69 +/- 0.49 ng/ml-normal; p < 0.05) IL-10 production compared with normal subjects. In support of the hypothesis that IL-10 mitigates the development of inflammation, we demonstrated that the addition of a neutralizing anti-IL-10 antibody to resting peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures of normal subjects stimulated the spontaneous production of interferon-gamma (10.4 +/- 4.3 to 152.4 +/- 23.6 ng/ml; p < 0.01). Finally, we reasoned that corticosteroids might exert at least part of their antiinflammatory activity through the induction of IL-10 secretion. However, methylprednisolone inhibited the lipopolysaccharide-stimulated production of IL-10 (2.34 +/- 0.49 ng/ml IL-10 with lipopolysaccharide alone to 1.11 +/- 0.38 ng/ml in the additional presence of 10(-6) mol/L methylprednisolone; p < 0.05).
A structural, profile-based algorithm was used to identify interleukin 20 (IL-20), a novel IL-10 homolog. Chromosomal localization of IL-20 led to the discovery of an IL-10 family cytokine cluster. Overexpression of IL-20 in transgenic (TG) mice causes neonatal lethality with skin abnormalities including aberrant epidermal differentiation. Recombinant IL-20 protein stimulates a signal transduction pathway through STAT3 in a keratinocyte cell line, demonstrating a direct action of this ligand. An IL-20 receptor was identified as a heterodimer of two orphan class II cytokine receptor subunits. Both receptor subunits are expressed in skin and are dramatically upregulated in psoriatic skin. Taken together, these results demonstrate a role in epidermal function and psoriasis for IL-20, a novel cytokine identified solely by bioinformatics analysis.