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Fetal hydrops and anemia as signs of Down syndrome


Abstract and Figures

Before the 20th week of gestation, the most common cause of nonimmune hydrops fetalis is chromosomal abnormalities. Herein, we report a case of fetal hydrops, anemia, and intrauterine growth retardation that presented at 27 weeks of gestation with a negative chromosomal abnormality screening. Cordocentesis and karyotype analysis revealed fetal pancytopenia and Down syndrome. Down syndrome rarely presents with fetal hydrops and anemia. Therefore, when hydrops and anemia are diagnosed, especially in the second trimester of gestation, the possibility of Down syndrome should be kept in mind. In addition, if the pregnancy results in a live birth, the baby should be examined for transient abnormal myelopoiesis.
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Fetal hydrops and anemia as signs of Down
Yavuz Emre S
¨r*, Murat Go
¨k, Vugar Bayramov, Acar Koc¸
Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Ankara Universitesi Tip Fakultesi,
Cebeci Hastanesi, Kadin Hastaliklari ve Dogum A.D., Dikimevi, 06100 Ankara, Turkey
Received 28 February 2009; received in revised form 23 April 2009; accepted 30 July 2009
Down syndrome;
fetal hydrops;
Before the 20
week of gestation, the most common cause of nonimmune hydrops fetalis is
chromosomal abnormalities. Herein, we report a case of fetal hydrops, anemia, and intra-
uterine growth retardation that presented at 27 weeks of gestation with a negative
chromosomal abnormality screening. Cordocentesis and karyotype analysis revealed fetal
pancytopenia and Down syndrome. Down syndrome rarely presents with fetal hydrops and
anemia. Therefore, when hydrops and anemia are diagnosed, especially in the second
trimester of gestation, the possibility of Down syndrome should be kept in mind. In addition,
if the pregnancy results in a live birth, the baby should be examined for transient abnormal
Copyright ª2011, Elsevier Taiwan LLC & Formosan Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Fetal hydrops may present as a result of any number of
fetal disorders. The incidence of fetal hydrops occurs in
approximately 1 out of 2500e3000 pregancies.
Rh blood
discordance between the fetus and mother may occur as
a result of this condition, but 87% of the cases have a non-
immunological etiology.
The incidence of immunological
fetal hydrops has declined dramatically since the advent of
prophylactic treatment using anti-D immunoglobulin, but it
is still seen on occasion.
The most common etiological factors for nonimmune
hydrops fetalis (NIHF) are structural defects and cardio-
vascular system abnormalities (15e50% of reported
The second most common etiological factor for
the development of NIHF is chromosomal abnormalities
(8e16% of cases).
The other causes of NIHF include
a variety of other syndromes, including infections, such as
cytomegalovirus (CMV), parvovirus B19, toxoplasmosis, and
syphylis, anemia and various thoracical and genitourinary
Furthermore, the etiology of 22e35% of NIHF
cases is unknown.
In the early gestational period, cardiac
failure will generally develop secondary to chromosomal
abnormalities, rather than cardiac abnormalities.
* Corresponding author. Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine,
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Ankara Universitesi Tip
Fakultesi, Cebeci Hastanesi, Kadin Hastaliklari ve Dogum A.D.,
Dikimevi, 06100 Ankara, Turkey.
E-mail address: (Y.E. S
0929-6646/$ - see front matter Copyright ª2011, Elsevier Taiwan LLC & Formosan Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Available online at
journal homepage:
Journal of the Formosan Medical Association (2011) 110, 716e718
A 28-year-old nulliparous woman, who had not received any
prenatal examinations, was diagnosed with intrauterine
growth retardation (IUGR) and fetal hydrops during the
week of gestation. Also, because this was her first
visit to an obstetrician, she had not received any nuchal
translucency measurements or the triple test. Her past
medical history included a spontaneous miscarriage at 6
weeks of gestation, but no other diseases or medications
were noted. At her first ultrasonographic examination,
IUGR (compatible with the 24
week of gestation), fetal
hydrops, cardiomegaly, pericardial effusion, ascites,
decreased amniotic fluid index (34 mm) and cardiac
arrhythmia were determined (Figs. 1 and 2). The stomach
and bladder of the fetus could not be visualized. The
patient’s blood group was B Rh (þ); therefore, Rh/Rh iso-
immunization was excluded. The presence of toxoplas-
mosis, hepatitis, syphilis, and parvovirus B19 infections
could not be determined on serological screening. Her
complete blood count was used to diagnose here with
maternal anemia (Hb: 9.5 g/dL). Cordocentesis was subse-
quently performed. The fetus’s blood group was A Rh (þ),
and parvovirus B19 IgM was negative. Fetal Hb electro-
phoresis was in normal range (HbF: 81.6%; HbA
: 1.7%;
: 16.7%), and no abnormal hemoglobins were detec-
ted. Fetal CBC results were as follows: 7.6 g/dL Hb, 16,200
WBC/mL, and 176,000 thrombocytes/mL. Karyotype analysis
was performed on the blood obtained by cordocentesis.
Because of the diagnosis of fetal supraventricular
tachycardia and anemia, maternal digitalization was per-
formed to determine the possibility of cardiac failure. The
patient was given 0.25 mg digoxin, three times per day, for
the first 24 hours and 0.25 mg digoxin, two times per day,
on the second day. Daily digoxin levels were studied then
studied and ECGs were performed for dose-regulation
During the 28
week of gestation, cordocentesis was
repeated in order to re-evaluate fetal pancytopenia. The
fetal CBC results were as follows: 4.6 g/dL Hb, 3100
WBC/mL (36.1% polymorphonuclear leucocytes, 56.1%
lymphocytes, 7.8% monocytes), and 28,000 thrombocytes/
mL. Due to the progression of pancytopenia, 75 mL of Rh (e)
blood, compatible with the blood groups of both the
mother and fetus, was slowly transfused via the umbilical
Serial ultrasonographic measurements were not able to
observe if the fetus was growing, and fetal exitus happened
during the 29
week of gestation. The baby was delivered
per vias naturales after induction with misoprostol. Autopsy
established the presence of a cleft lip, simian line in the
right hand, shortened left femur, hepatomegaly, and
extramedullary hematopoiesis. Necrotic and fibrotic areas
were present in the liver. The bone marrow appeared
normal, but hypocellularity was noted. Taken together, the
results of the chromosomal analysis indicated Down
When fetal hydrops is established, both the mother and fetus
should be evaluated, both minimally and invasively, using the
appropriate diagnostic tests. After determining the history of
familial diseases, intermarriage, and previous pregnancies,
screening ultrasonography should be performed to determine
plausible etiologies, including congenital, thoracic, and
genitourinary abnormalities. In this case, we determined
cardiomegaly, pericardial effusion, cardiac arrhythmia,
ascites, pleural effusion, fetal growth restriction, and
decreased amniotic fluid. Blood group determination and an
isoimmunization evaluation should be completed when these
conditions present and NIHF is established. Also, parvovirus
and TORCH (toxoplasmosis, rubella, CMV, hepatitis) screen-
ings should be performed using maternal blood samples.
Rarely, special virus and bacterial DNA investigations using
PCR may be necessary.
In this case, isoimmunization was not
required and there were no signs of infection.
Down syndrome is the most common autosomal chro-
mosomal abnormality.
Nuchal translucency thickness,
bowel and cardiac echogenic focuses, shortness of the
extremities, increment in the iliac angle, and pyelectasis
are the ultrasonographic signs of Down syndrome. Also fetal
hydrops, hepatomegaly, and cardiac arrhythmias may be
Figure 1 Fetal pericardial effusion and ascites.
Figure 2 Severe fetal ascites.
Fetal hydrops and anemia as signs of Down syndrome 717
One of the reasons for the development of fetal hydrops
in Down syndrome is transient abnormal myelopoiesis
(TAM). This condition presents in 10% of the babies born
with Down syndrome.
In this case, pancytopenia, which is
rarely seen, can be observed on transient abnormal mye-
The etiological mechanisms for hydrops in cases
of Down syndrome with TAM include heart failure due to
anemia, hepatomegaly, and portal hypertension due to
extramedullary hematopoesis and hypoalbuminemia.
TAM, fetal hydrops has a prognostic value.
mechanism for the development of hydrops in babies with
Down syndrome is disseminated lymphatic dysplasia.
the etiology of hydrops is due to chromosomal abnormali-
ties, the first sign is increased thickness of the nuchal
translucency. Subsequently, depending on the severity of
the dermal edema, pleural effusion and ascites can be
Fetal hydrops has a poor clinical prognosis and mortality
rates are greater than 50%.
The signs of poor prognosis
include chromosomal abnormalities, structural, cardiac, or
thoracic defects, bradycardia, and symptom onset before
the 24
week of gestation.
Treatment for fetal hydrops
is determined according to its etiology. Possible treatment
methods include transplacental or direct fetal medical
therapies, fetal transfusions, drainage procedures, and
surgery. Transplacental medications are generally applied
via the mother in order to prevent supraventricular tachy-
cardia. In Down syndrome cases, the treatment strategy
should be determined with the family.
The treatment for severe fetal anemia is the use of long-
term blood transfusions. Fetal transfusions are required to
treat fetal hemorrhage, isoimmunization, and parvovirus
B19 infections. The blood used for these transfusions should
be Rh (e), CMV (e), irradiated, and supplemented with
75e85% hematocrit in order to prevent volume overload.
Transfusion is done through the umbilical vein using enough
blood to reach the goal of 40e50% hematocrit.
possible complications of fetal transfusion are death,
infection, and membrane rupture; however, these compli-
cations are much more common in hydropic fetuses.
this hydropic case, fetal death occurred after the trans-
fusion and the possible mechanism is believed to be cardiac
failure due to anemia secondary to hydrops fetalis.
In conclusion, when NIFH is determined, screening
ultrasonography should first be performed in order to
detect any structural abnormalities. Also, laboratory tests
for parvovirus B19, TORCH, and syphilis should be per-
formed. Subsequently, fetal karyotype analysis should be
performed via amniocentesis or cordocentesis. It should be
determined if anemia, hepatomegaly, and cardiac abnor-
malities are present in addition to NIHF. One of the most
important diagnoses that can be made is Down syndrome,
and this disorder has a poor prognosis.
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718 Y.E. S
¨r et al.
... NIHF has been described in association with other aneuploidies, including trisomies 13 and 18, and triploidy. [24][25][26][27] In some cases, hydrops occurs due to cardiovascular malformations in aneuploid fetuses. NIHF has also been reported in trisomy 21 in the absence of structural heart defects. ...
... NIHF has also been reported in trisomy 21 in the absence of structural heart defects. 24,25,27,28 Some such cases occur due to a transient abnormal myelopoiesis, a leukemic condition that occurs in about 10% of infants with Down syndrome. 25,27 Postnatally, transient abnormal myelopoiesis is often mild and self-limiting; prenatally, it is less common but typically more severe. ...
Nonimmune hydrops is the presence of ≥2 abnormal fetal fluid collections in the absence of red cell alloimmunization. The most common etiologies include cardiovascular, chromosomal, and hematologic abnormalities, followed by structural fetal anomalies, complications of twinning, infection, and placental abnormalities. We sought to provide evidence-based guidelines for the evaluation and management of nonimmune hydrops fetalis. A systematic literature review was performed using MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library. The search was restricted to English-language articles published from 1966 through June 2014. Priority was given to articles reporting original research, although review articles and commentaries also were consulted. Abstracts of research presented at symposia and scientific conferences were not considered adequate for inclusion in this document. Evidence reports and guidelines published by organizations or institutions such as the National Institutes of Health, Agency for Health Research and Quality, American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine were also reviewed, and additional studies were located by reviewing bibliographies of identified articles. Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation methodology was employed for defining strength of recommendations and rating quality of evidence. Consistent with US Preventive Task Force guidelines, references were evaluated for quality based on the highest level of evidence. Evaluation of hydrops begins with an antibody screen (indirect Coombs test) to verify that it is nonimmune, detailed sonography of the fetus(es) and placenta, including echocardiography and assessment for fetal arrhythmia, and middle cerebral artery Doppler evaluation for anemia, as well as fetal karyotype and/or chromosomal microarray analysis, regardless of whether a structural fetal anomaly is identified. Recommended treatment depends on the underlying etiology and gestational age; preterm delivery is recommended only for obstetric indications including development of mirror syndrome. Candidates for corticosteroids and antepartum surveillance include those with an idiopathic etiology, an etiology amenable to prenatal or postnatal treatment, and those in whom intervention is planned if fetal deterioration occurs. Such pregnancies should be delivered at a facility with the capability to stabilize and treat critically ill newborns. The prognosis depends on etiology, response to therapy if treatable, and the gestational age at detection and delivery. Aneuploidy confers a poor prognosis, and even in the absence of aneuploidy, neonatal survival is often <50%. Mirror syndrome is a form of severe preeclampsia that may develop in association with fetal hydrops and in most cases necessitates delivery. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
... The neonate presented fetal hydrops, complicated by septic shock and renal failure; he was affected by Down syndrome, a chromosomic anomaly that rarely presents with fetal hydrops and anemia. This syndrome cannot be considered a drug-induced malformation [13]. ...
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Introduction: Data from the literature show that prolonged-release injectable antipsychotics (LAIs) ensure constant blood drug levels better patient compliance and offer a simpler treatment regimen for both patients and caregivers. This observational-descriptive study aims to detect the possible complications found in newborns of women with bipolar or psychotic disorders and LAI therapy during pregnancy. Methods: This study involved women with psychotic disorders during pregnancy who contacted the Teratology Information Center of Bergamo, Italy between 2016 and 2021 to receive counseling on the possible risks of exposure to LAI therapy. The follow-up procedure was carried out by telephone interview or direct contact with the patient and/or her physician. Results: In this study, LAI treatment in pregnancy was not associated with an increased risk of malformations. All but one of the children in the sample were born healthy and the mothers maintained psychopathological compensation during pregnancy. Conclusions: This study showed that, despite the small size of the sample under examination, the administration of LAIs do not compromise the normal intrauterine development of the unborn child and there were no evident major malformations.
... Therapeutic interventions have included pericardiocentesis and intrauterine transfusion of packed red cells and platelets. Red cell transfusion might be useful for fetal anaemia but may risk hyperviscosity or hyperleucocytosis (Malin et al, 2010;Sukur et al, 2011;Tamblyn et al, 2016). ...
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Associations among Down syndrome (DS), Dandy-Walker variant (DWv), pulmonary hypertension (PH) and childhood interstitial lung disease (chILD) are extremely rare. Several cases of trisomy disorders with Dandy-Walker malformation (DWM) and neurodevelopmental outcomes have been reported. The extent to which moderate to severe pulmonary hypertension with complications of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), PH and chILD leads to substantial morbidity and mortality in infants with DS and DWM should be studied. We report the case of an ex-premature 15-month-old girl with confirmed DS with DWv, who developed PH and chILD. This is the first case study reporting the complexity of multiple associations involving DS and DWv. This case led to a prognostic dilemma and required compassionate parental counselling because of the child's uncertain future.
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To systematically review current evidence regarding prenatal diagnosis and management of transient abnormal myelopoiesis (TAM) in fetuses with trisomy 21. A novel case of GATA1-positive TAM, in which following serial in utero blood transfusion clinical improvement and postnatal remission were observed, is included. A systematic search of electronic databases (inception to October 2014) and reference lists, hand-searching of journals and expert contact. All confirmed cases of prenatal TAM were included for analysis. Data on study characteristics, design and quality were obtained. Of 73 potentially relevant citations identified, 22 studies were included, describing 39 fetuses. All studies included comprised single case or small cohort studies; overall quality was 'very low'. Fetal/neonatal outcome was poor; 12 stillbirths (30.8%), 4 neonatal deaths (10.2%) and 7 infant deaths (17.9%). In two cases, the pregnancy was terminated (5.1%). TAM was primarily detected in the third trimester (79.4%), and in 14 a retrospective diagnosis was made postpartum. Ultrasound features indicative of TAM included hepatomegaly±splenomegaly (79.5%), hydrops fetalis (30.8%), pericardial effusion (23.1%) and aberrant liquor volume (15.4%). When performed, liver function tests were abnormal in 91.6% of cases. Prenatal TAM presents a challenging diagnosis, and prognosis is poor, with consistently high mortality. A low threshold to measure haematological and biochemical markers is advised when clinical features typical of TAM are detected in the context of trisomy 21. Larger prospective studies are warranted to accurately ascertain the role of GATA1 analysis and potential value of prenatal therapy. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to
Abstract Objective: To describe the presenting signs, diagnostic findings, and outcomes of 64 cases of non-immune hydrops fetalis (NIHF) cases seen in Women's Hospital, Qatar during the years 2003-2011. Method: A retrospective chart review of patients with signs suggesting of NIHF was done. A detailed scan was performed and karyotyping and detailed investigations were offered. Results: Average maternal age at diagnosis was 31 years. Fifty six percent of the patients were diagnosed during the 2nd trimester. Most common presenting signs were: ascites, pleural effusion, scalp edema, skin edema, pericardial effusion, generalize edema and cystic hygroma. Two patients were positive for PV B19 infection. Fetal karyotyping performed in 78% of the patients showed abnormal chromosomes in 9 cases. Three patients showed fetal anemia with abnormal peak systolic velocity of the medial cerebral artery (MCA-PSV). Seventeen (27%) fetuses survived the perinatal period with live births occurring between gestational ages 30-41 weeks. Ten (59%) of the 17 babies survived post delivery (6 months post survival data). Major identifiable abnormalities that might have caused symptoms of hydrops were cardiac (23.43%), and chromosomal (14%). Conclusion: Non-immune hydrops fetalis is a complex problem. Establishment of a clear procedure for the follow up of such patients is extremely important.
Transient Myeloproliferative Disorder (Transient Leukemia) is found in approximately 10% of newborn infants with Down Syndrome. It is characterized by the large numbers of megakaryoblasts in the peripheral blood, variable thrombocytopenia and, in a minority of cases, by a lethal course with hydrops fetalis or progressive hepatic fibrosis. Evidence is presented that this disease is truly leukemia, which, in most cases, recovers spontaneously. There is evidence that hematopoiesis is abnormal in Down Syndrome children who do not have leukemia. These abnormalities of red cells, platelets, and granulocytes are reviewed.
Hemolytic disease of the newborn secondary to rhesus alloimmunization was once a major contributor to perinatal morbidity and mortality. Today, rhesus immune globulin has markedly decreased the prevalence of this disease so that only one to six cases occur in every 1000 live births. The rarity of this condition warrants consideration of consultation or referral to a maternal-fetal medicine specialist. Once sensitization occurs, rhesus immune globulin is no longer effective. Evaluation for the presence of maternal anti-D antibody should be undertaken at the first prenatal visit. First-time sensitized pregnancies are followed with serial maternal titers and, when necessary, serial amniocenteses to detect fetal bilirubin by DeltaOD(450). In cases of a heterozygous paternal genotype, new deoxyribonudeic add techniques now make it possible to diagnose die fetal blood type through amniocentesis or even from plasma/serum deoxyribonudeic acid analysis. When there is a history of an affected fetus or infant, maternal titers are no longer diagnostic as a screening test. Serial peak middle cerebral artery velocities using Doppler ultrasound can be used in these pregnancies to detect fetal anemia. In some situations, intrauterine transfusion is necessary through ultrasound-directed puncture of the umbilical cord with the direct intravascular injection of red cells. Perinatal survival rates of more than 90% have been reported; hr drops fetalis reduces the chance for a viable outcome by up to 25%. Immediate neonatal outcome is complicated by the need for repeated transfusions secondary to suppressed erythropoiesis. Long-term studies have revealed normal neurologic outcomes in more than 90% of cases. Future therapy will involve selective modulation of the maternal immune system making the need for intrauterine transfusions a rarity. (C) 2002 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Hydrops fetalis is an uncommon but serious condition characterized by the presence of soft tissue effusions including pleural effusions, pericardial effusions, and ascites. Hydrops is classified into two broad categories that include immune and nonimmune hydrops fetalis. The etiology of immune hydrops is alloimmunization. Nonimmune hydrops fetalis includes hydrops due to any disease process other than alloimmunization. Currently, over 100 different disease processes have been implicated in the development of nonimmune hydrops. Prompt identification of the underlying cause is imperative. An accurate diagnosis provides the basis for determining the appropriate treatment avenue and supplies important information related to prognosis. Nurses caring for the patient with hydrops fetalis require a clear understanding of the pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis to provide optimal care.
We examined the incidence, aetiological factors and outcome in 40 cases of nonimmune hydrops fetalis (NIH) and suggest a rational approach to management. The incidence of NIH was 1 in 830 deliveries during the last 10-year period. In spite of extensive antenatal and postnatal investigation no cause could be established in 14 (35%) cases. A probable aetiological factor was found in 65% of cases. These included viral infection (7), cardiovascular (6), twin-to-twin transfusion (3), chromosomal abnormality (3), other malformation syndromes (4), renal dysplasia (1), laryngeal atresia (1) and severe fetomaternal haemorrhage (1). Five of the 40 fetuses survived, 2 treated antenatally for tachyarrhythmia, 2 had spontaneous resolution and the fifth fetus had repeated intrauterine transfusions because of human parvovirus B19-induced anaemia. After diagnosis of nonimmune hydrops fetalis, early referral to a tertiary centre is to be encouraged for investigation and provision of intensive perinatal care. Investigation allows parents to be counselled appropriately that the mortality is no longer 100% and a steadily growing number may be amenable to some form of fetal therapy.
Fetal hydrops is a common symptom of fetal disease at any stage of gestation. The aetiological mechanisms leading to non-immune fetal hydrops are complex and their impact variable at different stages of gestation. In early pregnancy, primary or secondary intra-uterine cardiac failures due to major cardiovascular defects are more often linked to a chromosomal abnormality than during the second half of gestation. In these cases, an increase of the nuchal translucency thickness is probably the first stage of fetal hydrops. Depending on the severity of the underlying defect, the next stage is generalized skin oedema with eventual placental oedema, ascites and pleural effusion. The natural history of fetal hydrops remains poorly understood and thus the prognostic factors determining fetal outcome are still unknown. Examination of the fetal nuchal anatomy between 10 and 15 weeks of gestation and the follow-up of these pregnancies offer an opportunity for an early screening in most aneuploidies and cardiovascular defects, and a better understanding of the aetiopathology of fetal hydrops.
This paper reviews 47 series of hydrops fetalis (804 cases) and 610 individual cases published since 1980. From this large number of cases, guidelines are derived for prenatal diagnosis and management.
We report the prenatal diagnosis of a transient myeloproliferative disorder suggestive of leukaemia in a fetus with hepatosplenomegaly, hydrops and 47, XY, +21 karyotype. The initial fetal white blood cell count at 26 + 5 weeks' gestation was 190/nl with 70 per cent blast cells. Immunophenotyping of the large blasts revealed surface markers suggestive of an early stem cell differentiation arrest resulting in undifferentiated polyclonal myelopoiesis. The fetal heart tracing showed minimal beat-to-beat variability in the presence of high leukocyte counts. Serial fetal blood sampling showed decreasing blast cells in the peripheral blood and normalization of white blood cell counts. Although there was increasing hydrops, this period was marked by improvement of the fetal heart rate pattern. Finally the fetus developed pancytopenia with increasing hydrops, AV-valvular insufficiency and venous Doppler studies indicative of cardiac decompensation prior to intra-uterine death at 31 + 5 weeks' gestation. Post-mortem examination revealed marked liver and splenic necrosis without evidence of residual leukaemic infiltration in any organ. Fetal hydrops and hepatosplenomegaly may indicate an underlying haematopoietic disorder warranting further investigation. Furthermore, this case indicates that transient abnormal myelopoesis may result in a fulminant clinical picture much like true leukaemia. This may be due to increased vulnerability of the fetus or represent a disease mechanism unique to fetuses with chromosomal abnormalities.
Transient Myeloproliferative Disorder (Transient Leukemia) is found in approximately 10% of newborn infants with Down Syndrome. It is characterized by the large numbers of megakaryoblasts in the peripheral blood, variable thrombocytopenia and, in a minority of cases, by a lethal course with hydrops fetalis or progressive hepatic fibrosis. Evidence is presented that this disease is truly leukemia, which, in most cases, recovers spontaneously. There is evidence that hematopoiesis is abnormal in Down Syndrome children who do not have leukemia. These abnormalities of red cells, platelets, and granulocytes are reviewed.
We examined the incidence, aetiological factors and outcome in 40 cases of nonimmune hydrops fetalis (NIH) and suggest a rational approach to management. The incidence of NIH was 1 in 830 deliveries during the last 10-year period. In spite of extensive antenatal and postnatal investigation no cause could be established in 14 (35%) cases. A probable aetiological factor was found in 65% of cases. These included viral infection (7), cardiovascular (6), twin-to-twin transfusion (3), chromosomal abnormality (3), other malformation syndromes (4), renal dysplasia (1), laryngeal atresia (1) and severe fetomaternal haemorrhage (1). Five of the 40 fetuses survived, 2 treated antenatally for tachyarrhythmia, 2 had spontaneous resolution and the fifth fetus had repeated intrauterine transfusions because of human parvovirus B19-induced anaemia. After diagnosis of nonimmune hydrops fetalis, early referral to a tertiary centre is to be encouraged for investigation and provision of intensive perinatal care. Investigation allows parents to be counselled appropriately that the mortality is no longer 100% and a steadily growing number may be amenable to some form of fetal therapy.
This investigation was undertaken to study the conditions resulting in midtrimester fetal hydrops and to evaluate its overall prognosis as regards counseling purposes. The etiology of midtrimester non-immune fetal hydrops was retrospectively evaluated as regards cases detected in singleton pregnancies (n=58) from January 1987 through December 1996. The condition was diagnosed by way of routine biochemical and ultrasonographic screening of a pregnant population. The rate of diagnosed midtrimester fetal hydrops was 1 in 1700 pregnancies and the overall survival rate in this usually unexpected condition was less than 10%. Various chromosomal and fetal structural abnormalities dominated as a cause of fetal hydrops, representing 44.8% and 43.1% of the cases, respectively. Infection caused only 6.9%. The underlying etiology remained unknown in only three cases. However, in 78% the diagnosis was already known prenatally. Although the overall prognosis is poor, knowledge of the primary etiology is important to determine a rational therapeutic strategy. If the results of routine investigations rule out malformation and abnormal chromosomes, follow-up serial ultrasonographic assessment may indicate that the hydropic state is transient, carrying a somewhat better prognosis.