ArticleLiterature Review

The Unfolded Protein Response: From Stress Pathway to Homeostatic Regulation

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The vast majority of proteins that a cell secretes or displays on its surface first enter the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where they fold and assemble. Only properly assembled proteins advance from the ER to the cell surface. To ascertain fidelity in protein folding, cells regulate the protein-folding capacity in the ER according to need. The ER responds to the burden of unfolded proteins in its lumen (ER stress) by activating intracellular signal transduction pathways, collectively termed the unfolded protein response (UPR). Together, at least three mechanistically distinct branches of the UPR regulate the expression of numerous genes that maintain homeostasis in the ER or induce apoptosis if ER stress remains unmitigated. Recent advances shed light on mechanistic complexities and on the role of the UPR in numerous diseases.

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... In addition, GCH-1 suppresses ferroptosis throughout the cell by producing tetrahydrobiopterin (BH 4 ), another radical trapping antioxidant [6][7][8] . The ferroptosis-inducing agent erastin activates the eIF2α-ATF4 signaling axis 9 , which is also induced during the UPR through PERK activation 10 . The mammalian UPR consists of multiple signaling branches that carry out distinct albeit redundant cellular functions 10 . ...
... The ferroptosis-inducing agent erastin activates the eIF2α-ATF4 signaling axis 9 , which is also induced during the UPR through PERK activation 10 . The mammalian UPR consists of multiple signaling branches that carry out distinct albeit redundant cellular functions 10 . However, the mechanisms of how other key UPR components regulate ferroptosis are largely unknown. ...
... Although earlier studies identified that certain ferroptosis inducers (FINs) activate the eIF2α-ATF4 signaling axis by interacting with the UPR, defining the role of the UPR in regulating ferroptosis has been elusive 9 . As the most evolutionarily conserved UPR branch, the IRE1α-X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1) pathway determines cell fate under endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress by regulating protein homeostasis and chaperone expression, but has never been functionally implicated in ferroptosis 10 . We found that when IRE1α was depleted in MDA-MB-231 triple-negative breast cancer cells, these cells became significantly more resistant to ferroptotic cell death induced by either erastin, an inhibitor of the cystine-glutamate antiporter SLC7A11, or cystine depletion ( Supplementary Fig. 4E). ...
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Cellular sensitivity to ferroptosis is primarily regulated by mechanisms mediating lipid hydroperoxide detoxification. We show that inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1α), an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident protein critical for the unfolded protein response (UPR), also determines cellular sensitivity to ferroptosis. Cancer and normal cells depleted of IRE1α gain resistance to ferroptosis, while enhanced IRE1α expression promotes sensitivity to ferroptosis. Mechanistically, IRE1α’s endoribonuclease activity cleaves and down-regulates the mRNA of key glutathione biosynthesis regulators glutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit (GCLC) and solute carrier family 7 member 11 (SLC7A11). This activity of IRE1α is independent of its role in regulating the UPR and is evolutionarily conserved. Genetic deficiency and pharmacological inhibition of IRE1α have similar effects in inhibiting ferroptosis and reducing renal ischemia–reperfusion injury in mice. Our findings reveal a previously unidentified role of IRE1α to regulate ferroptosis and suggests inhibition of IRE1α as a promising therapeutic strategy to mitigate ferroptosis-associated pathological conditions.
... One PDI transcript -genes which work in close association with the UPR and ERAD pathways to remove misfolded proteins -is co-expressed in the BCN and in close network proximity with c-luciferase, suggesting substrate specificity towards vargulin (31,32). We also identified deeply conserved genes associated with processes downstream of the ERS response pathways such as detoxification, including oxidation-reduction genes such as aldehyde dehydrogenase, sulfotransferases, cytochrome P450s, hydroxylases, and conjugation and hydrolytic enzymes (Fig. 1B, Dataset S1 A) (33,34). One sulfotransferase (Vt-LST3) that sulfates vargulin in vitro (35) is co-regulated with c-luciferase in the BCN and is upregulated in the bioluminescent upper lip compared to the eye and gut, is the best candidate for creating a storage form of vargulin in V. tsujii. ...
... Another class of deeply conserved genes that are highly expressed in the luminous upper lip and BCN are likely involved in mitigating cellular stress, perhaps to tolerate the high secretory load of bioluminescent secretion. Dedicated gland cells that secrete large amounts of proteins or small molecules have a high secretory load compared to other cells and may require a quality control system to accommodate mass production and secretion of products (10,33,34). The high demand of light-emitting compounds and other secretory products probably requires activation of cellular and protein stress response mechanisms (ERS response pathways) to increase secretory capacity of cells (10). ...
... The high demand of light-emitting compounds and other secretory products probably requires activation of cellular and protein stress response mechanisms (ERS response pathways) to increase secretory capacity of cells (10). Having a secretory toolkit to control and regulate cellular processes could facilitate evolutionary transitions from lower-output to high-output secretory systems (8,10,33,34). While we know large volumes of mucus are secreted during ostracod bioluminescence, we know of no similarly high-volume secretory function for non-luminous upper lips, which may function in digestion by smearing mucus on food (20,50,51), a far cry from the large, rapid, and voluminous secretions of luminous ostracods during defense or courtship displays (19,52). ...
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Evolutionary innovations in chemical secretion – such as the production of secondary metabolites, pheromones, and toxins – profoundly impact ecological interactions across a broad diversity of life. These secretory innovations may involve a “legacy-plus-innovation” mode of evolution, whereby new biochemical pathways are integrated with conserved secretory processes to create novel products. Among secretory innovations, bioluminescence is important because it evolved convergently many times to influence predator-prey interactions, while often producing courtship signals linked to increased rates of speciation. However, whether or not deeply conserved secretory genes are used in secretory bioluminescence remains unexplored. Here, we show that in the ostracod Vargula tsujii , the evolutionary novel c-luciferase gene is co-expressed with many conserved genes, including those related to toxin production and high-output protein secretion. Our results demonstrate that the legacy-plus-innovation mode of secretory evolution, previously applied to sensory modalities of olfaction, gustation, and nociception, also encompasses light-producing signals generated by bioluminescent secretions. This extension broadens the paradigm of secretory diversification to include not only chemical signals but also bioluminescent light as an important medium of ecological interaction and evolutionary innovation. Significance Statement Animals produce an enormous diversity of secreted chemical products, like toxins and pheromones, with wide-ranging impacts on ecological interactions. Although a deeply conserved toolkit of secretory genes may often underlie chemical interactions mediated through smell, taste, and sensing pain, whether or not this evolutionary mode generalizes to sensing light is unknown. Here we show that a bioluminescence secretion system, which creates light for anti-predator and courtship interactions, also uses genes of a deeply conserved secretory toolkit. Therefore, secretory innovations may act through all sensory modalities by integrating conserved genes with novel biosynthesis pathways, to serve as crucibles of evolutionary and ecological diversity.
... Proteins that fail to do so are cleared from the ER, most often through ER-associated degradation (ERAD), which entails dislocation to the cytosol for proteasomal degradation (Ellgaard & Helenius, 2003;Sitia & Braakman, 2003;Krshnan et al, 2022). When the load of clients overwhelms the folding capacity of the protein factory, ER stress ensues, which in turn activates three adaptive pathways (PERK, ATF6, and IRE1α) collectively referred to as the unfolded protein response (UPR) (Walter & Ron, 2011). The most conserved branch of the UPR is the one orchestrated by IRE1α. ...
... Upon ER stress, IRE1α is phosphorylated, oligomerizes, and acquires endonuclease activity, yielding spliced XBP1 mRNA (XBP1s). The resulting sXBP1 protein is a transcription factor that drives the expression of ER-resident chaperones, enzymes, and ERAD components (Walter & Ron, 2011). In such capacity, IRE1α plays a beneficial role as it is committed to re-establish ER homeostasis. ...
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The unfolded protein response can switch from a pro-survival to a maladaptive, pro-apoptotic mode. During ER stress, IRE1α sensors dimerize, become phosphorylated, and activate XBP1 splicing, increasing folding capacity in the ER protein factory. The steps that turn on the IRE1α endonuclease activity against endogenous mRNAs during maladaptive ER stress are still unknown. Here, we show that although necessary, IRE1α dimerization is not sufficient to trigger phosphorylation. Random and/or guided collisions among IRE1α dimers are needed to elicit cross-phosphorylation and endonuclease activities. Thus, reaching a critical concentration of IRE1α dimers in the ER membrane is a key event. Formation of stable IRE1α clusters is not necessary for RNase activity. However, clustering could modulate the potency of the response, promoting interactions between dimers and decreasing the accessibility of phosphorylated IRE1α to phosphatases. The stepwise activation of IRE1α molecules and their low concentration at the steady state prevent excessive responses, unleashing full-blown IRE1 activity only upon intense stress conditions.
... One of the roles of the UPR is to lead the synthesis of new chaperones to allow protein folding (e.g., GRP78, the final effector of UPR). However, if the ERS is severe and prolonged, UPR can lead to cell death by apoptosis (11). Several studies have shown that GRP78 and UPR mediators are enhanced in ARDS patients, suggesting that ERS may be a central component of lung inflammatory diseases. ...
... To respond to ERS, cells activate an adaptive pathway, the UPR, to synthesize chaperones (including GRP78) and restore normal ER function. While a strong UPR appears necessary in the acute stress phase, excessively prolonged ERS responses promote cell death as a result of an imbalance in favor of pro-apoptotic pathways rather than anti-apoptotic pathways (11). The fact that ERS and then UPR may promote apoptosis could be an explanation for the link between high GRP78 plasma levels and macroscopic volume of damaged organ. ...
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Introduction Links have been established between SARS-CoV-2 and endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS). However, the relationships between inflammation, ERS, and the volume of organ damage are not well known in humans. The aim of this study was to explore whether ERS explains lung damage volume (LDV) among COVID-19 patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). Materials and methods We conducted a single-center retrospective study (ancillary analysis of a prospective cohort) including severe COVID-19 ICU patients who had a chest computed tomography (CT) scan 24 h before/after admission to assess LDV. We performed two multivariate linear regression models to identify factors associated with plasma levels of 78 kDa-Glucose-Regulated Protein (GRP78; ERS marker) and Interleukin-6 (IL-6; inflammation marker) at admission. Results Among 63 patients analyzed, GRP78 plasma level was associated with LDV in both multivariate models (β = 22.23 [4.08;40.38]; p = 0.0179, β = 20.47 [0.74;40.20]; p = 0.0423) but not with organ failure (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score) at admission (r = 0.03 [−0.22;0.28]; p = 0.2559). GRP78 plasma level was lower among ICU survivors (1539.4 [1139.2;1941.1] vs. 1714.2 [1555.2;2579.1] pg./mL. respectively; p = 0.0297). IL-6 plasma level was associated with SOFA score at admission in both multivariate models (β = 136.60 [65.50;207.70]; p = 0.0003, β = 193.70 [116.60;270.90]; p < 0.0001) but not with LDV (r = 0.13 [−0.14;0.39]; p = 0.3219). IL-6 plasma level was not different between ICU survivors and non-survivors (12.2 [6.0;43.7] vs. 30.4 [12.9;69.7] pg./mL. respectively; p = 0.1857). There was no correlation between GRP78 and IL-6 plasma levels (r = 0.13 [−0.13;0.37]; p = 0.3106). Conclusion Among severe COVID-19 patients, ERS was associated with LDV but not with systemic inflammation, while systemic inflammation was associated with organ failure but not with LDV.
... Upon ER stress, when unfolded proteins reach a threshold and free GRP78 decreases, enough GRP78 dissociates from sensors, activating the downstream UPR pathway (Ibrahim et al., 2019). The activated UPR response restores ER homeostasis by regulating transcription and translation, enhances protein folding and turnover, and activates degradation pathways (Walter and Ron, 2011;Lemberg and Strisovsky, 2021). If these adaptive mechanisms fail to correct protein folding defects, cells undergo apoptosis, highlighting the ambivalent nature of ER stress (Hetz et al., 2020). ...
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The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a crucial organelle that orchestrates key cellular functions like protein folding and lipid biosynthesis. However, it is highly sensitive to disturbances that lead to ER stress. In response, the unfolded protein response (UPR) activates to restore ER homeostasis, primarily through three sensors: IRE1, ATF6, and PERK. ERAD and autophagy are crucial in mitigating ER stress, yet their dysregulation can lead to the accumulation of misfolded proteins. Cisplatin, a commonly used chemotherapy drug, induces ER stress in tumor cells, activating complex signaling pathways. Resistance to cisplatin stems from reduced drug accumulation, activation of DNA repair, and anti-apoptotic mechanisms. Notably, cisplatin-induced ER stress can dualistically affect tumor cells, promoting either survival or apoptosis, depending on the context. ERAD is crucial for degrading misfolded proteins, whereas autophagy can protect cells from apoptosis or enhance ER stress-induced apoptosis. The complex interaction between ER stress, cisplatin resistance, ERAD, and autophagy opens new avenues for cancer treatment. Understanding these processes could lead to innovative strategies that overcome chemoresistance, potentially improving outcomes of cisplatin-based cancer treatments. This comprehensive review provides a multifaceted perspective on the complex mechanisms of ER stress, cisplatin resistance, and their implications in cancer therapy.
... RNA sequence analysis of PIKFYVE-sensitive and PIKFYVE-resistant cells suggested that IL-24 mediated ER stress response is induced selectively in PIKFYVE-dependent cells by PIKFYVE inhibitors [28]. ER-stress results due to impaired protein glycosylation, disulfide bond formation, or overexpression of secreted proteins that exceeds the folding capacity of the ER to resolve this impairment [98][99][100]. Milder ER-stress initially arrest the protein synthesis through EIF2A phosphorylation and upregulates different protein chaperones to promote the processing and refolding of proteins till the cell recover from stress. ...
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The goal of cancer research is to identify characteristics of cancer cells that allow them to be selectively eliminated without harming the host. One such characteristic is autophagy dependence. Cancer cells survive, proliferate, and metastasize under conditions where normal cells do not. Thus, the requirement in cancer cells for more energy and macromolecular biosynthesis can evolve into a dependence on autophagy for recycling cellular components. Recent studies have revealed that autophagy, as well as different forms of cellular trafficking, is regulated by five phosphoinositides associated with eukaryotic cellular membranes and that the enzymes that synthesize them are prime targets for cancer therapy. For example, PIKFYVE inhibitors rapidly disrupt lysosome homeostasis and suppress proliferation in all cells. However, these inhibitors selectively terminate PIKFYVE-dependent cancer cells and cancer stem cells with not having adverse effect on normal cells. Here, we describe the biochemical distinctions between PIKFYVE-sensitive and -insensitive cells, categorize PIKFYVE inhibitors into four groups that differ in chemical structure, target specificity and efficacy on cancer cells and normal cells, identify the mechanisms by which they selectively terminate autophagy-dependent cancer cells, note their paradoxical effects in cancer immunotherapy, and describe their therapeutic applications against cancers.
... The ISR is an intracellular signalling response activated in response to proteostatic stress, regulated by four key "sentinel" kinases -PERK, PKR, GCN2, HRI [121,122]. The presence of misfolded or damaged proteins in the ER [123], relative amino acid starvation, oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction [124] in the ER or cytosol activates sentinel kinases, the activity of which converges on eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit α (eIF2α) phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of eIF2α produces wide ranging downstream effects, most notably alterations in protein synthesis and a reduction in global rates of mRNA translation. ...
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This review investigates links between post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC), post-infection viral persistence, mitochondrial involvement and aberrant innate immune response and cellular metabolism during SARS-CoV-2 infection. Advancement of proteomic and metabolomic studies now allows deeper investigation of alterations to cellular metabolism, autophagic processes and mitochondrial dysfunction caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection while computational biology and machine learning have advanced methodologies of predicting virus-host gene and protein interactions. Particular focus is given to interaction between viral genes and proteins with mitochondrial function and that of the innate immune system. Finally, the authors hypothesise that viral persistence may be a function of mitochondrial involvement in sequestration of viral genetic material. While further work is necessary to understand the mechanisms definitively, a number of studies now point to resolution of questions regarding the pathogenesis of PASC.
... The transport of excessive amounts of misfolded proteins or increased folding cycles can induce ER stress. A cellular defence mechanism to alleviate ER stress is the unfolded protein response (UPR) reducing ER protein influx and increasing protein folding capacity 33 . The UPR is mainly activated by BiP-bound misfolded proteins 34 . ...
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Parkinson’s disease is increasingly prevalent. It progresses from the pre-motor stage (characterised by non-motor symptoms like REM sleep behaviour disorder), to the disabling motor stage. We need objective biomarkers for early/pre-motor disease stages to be able to intervene and slow the underlying neurodegenerative process. Here, we validate a targeted multiplexed mass spectrometry assay for blood samples from recently diagnosed motor Parkinson’s patients (n = 99), pre-motor individuals with isolated REM sleep behaviour disorder (two cohorts: n = 18 and n = 54 longitudinally), and healthy controls (n = 36). Our machine-learning model accurately identifies all Parkinson patients and classifies 79% of the pre-motor individuals up to 7 years before motor onset by analysing the expression of eight proteins—Granulin precursor, Mannan-binding-lectin-serine-peptidase-2, Endoplasmatic-reticulum-chaperone-BiP, Prostaglaindin-H2-D-isomaerase, Interceullular-adhesion-molecule-1, Complement C3, Dickkopf-WNT-signalling pathway-inhibitor-3, and Plasma-protease-C1-inhibitor. Many of these biomarkers correlate with symptom severity. This specific blood panel indicates molecular events in early stages and could help identify at-risk participants for clinical trials aimed at slowing/preventing motor Parkinson’s disease.
... Activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4) is critical in ERS-induced apoptosis [11]. Excessive or prolonged ATF4 expression upregulates the expression of its downstream target C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP), upregulating the expression of death effectors downstream of CHOP and triggering apoptosis [12][13][14]. However, the role of ATF4 in chondrocyte apoptosis in OA and the regulation of its expression remain unclear. ...
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Background The present study evaluated whether the lack of histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) increases endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced chondrocyte apoptosis by releasing activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4) in human osteoarthritis (OA) cartilage degeneration. Methods Articular cartilage from the tibial plateau was obtained from patients with OA during total knee replacement. Cartilage extracted from severely damaged regions was classified as degraded cartilage, and cartilage extracted from a relatively smooth region was classified as preserved cartilage. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling staining was used to detect chondrocyte apoptosis. HDAC4, ATF4, and C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP) expression levels were measured using immunohistochemistry staining and real-time quantitative PCR. Chondrocytes were transfected with HDAC4 or HDAC4 siRNA for 24 h and stimulated with 300 µM H2O2 for 12 h. The chondrocyte apoptosis was measured using flow cytometry. ATF4, CHOP, and caspase 12 expression levels were measured using real-time quantitative PCR and western blotting. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 15) were randomly divided into three groups and transduced with different vectors: ACLT + Ad-GFP, ACLT + Ad-HDAC4-GFP, and sham + Ad-GFP. All rats received intra-articular injections 48 h after the operation and every three weeks thereafter. Cartilage damage was assessed using Safranin O staining and quantified using the Osteoarthritis Research Society International score. ATF4, CHOP, and collagen II expression were detected using immunohistochemistry, and chondrocyte apoptosis was detected using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling staining. Results The chondrocyte apoptosis was higher in degraded cartilage than in preserved cartilage. HDAC4 expression was lower in degraded cartilage than in preserved cartilage. ATF4 and CHOP expression was increased in degraded cartilage. Upregulation of HDAC4 in chondrocytes decreased the expression of ATF4, while the expression of ATF4 was increased after downregulation of HDAC4. Upregulation of HDAC4 decreased the chondrocyte apoptosis under endoplasmic reticulum stress, and chondrocyte apoptosis was increased after downregulation of HDAC4. In a rat anterior cruciate ligament transection OA model, adenovirus-mediated transduction of HDAC4 was administered by intra-articular injection. We detected a stronger Safranin O staining with lower Osteoarthritis Research Society International scores, lower ATF4 and CHOP production, stronger collagen II expression, and lower chondrocyte apoptosis in rats treated with Ad-HDAC4. Conclusion The lack of HDAC4 expression partially contributes to increased ATF4, CHOP, and endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced chondrocyte apoptosis in OA pathogenesis. HDAC4 attenuates cartilage damage by repressing ATF4-CHOP signaling-induced chondrocyte apoptosis in a rat model of OA.
... The unfolded protein response (UPR) is a stress response mechanism and a conserved cell survival strategy, which is triggered by the accumulation of unfolded or misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), also known as ER stress [5]. The activation of UPR could reduce the synthesis of proteins, degrade unfolded proteins, and increase the expression of chaperone proteins, thereby reduce ER stress. ...
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Background The unfolded protein response (UPR) is an adaptive and cytoprotective sensing-signaling network. Numerous studies have indicated the crucial role of UPR in the anti-tumor drug resistance and the modification of tumor microenvironment (TME). The aim of this study is to analyze the alterations of microenvironment and key regulatory genes in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with high UPR activity. Methods We profiled differentially expressed genes (DEGs) by UPR activity, and the biological functions of DEGs and the alterations of signaling pathways were explored. The Immune/Stromal scores and relative abundance of infiltrating cells of HCC tissues with RNA sequencing data downloaded from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) were calculated by the xCell and ESTIMATE algorithm. The correlations between the prognostic UPR-related genes with the microenvironment scores and infiltrating cells were analyzed using R package “corrplot”. Results Our results demonstrated that UPR-related genes mainly involved in immune-related signaling pathways. Microenvironment analysis revealed that HCC tissues with higher UPR activity had lower Stromal scores and the relative abundance of various infiltrating cells including hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs), microvascular endothelial cells, endothelial cells (ECs) and adipocytes decreased most significantly. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis indicated that the decline of Stromal scores and corresponding infiltrating stromal cells would result in worse prognosis. The expression levels of CLEC3B, RAMP3, GPR182 and DNASE1L3 were significantly positively correlated with Stromal scores and various infiltrating stromal cells, and down-regulation of these genes were also associated with worse prognosis of HCC. Conclusions HCC with high UPR activity had lower Stromal scores and worse prognosis. Down-regulated genes CLEC3B, RAMP3, GPR182 and DNASE1L3 may play an important regulatory role in the modification of microenvironment of HCC with high UPR activity.
... In cells, the amount of non-translating ribosomes bound to the ER dramatically increases as a result of the unfolded protein response (UPR) (Stephens et al, 2005;Walter & Ron, 2011). Indeed, we could previously observe the dramatic accumulation of nontranslating ribosomes bound to translocons in cryo-ET analysis of vesicles isolated from HEK cells that were treated with the ER stress-inducing drug dithiothreitol (DTT) at 10 mM concentration for 2 h . ...
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Multispanning membrane proteins are inserted into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane by the ribosome-bound multipass translocon (MPT) machinery. Based on cryo-electron tomography and extensive subtomogram analysis, we reveal the composition and arrangement of ribosome-bound MPT components in their native membrane environment. The intramembrane chaperone complex PAT and the translocon-associated protein (TRAP) complex associate substoichiometrically with the MPT in a translation-dependent manner. Although PAT is preferentially part of MPTs bound to translating ribosomes, the abundance of TRAP is highest in MPTs associated with non-translating ribosomes. The subtomogram average of the TRAP-containing MPT reveals intermolecular contacts between the luminal domains of TRAP and an unknown subunit of the back-of-Sec61 complex. AlphaFold modeling suggests this protein is nodal modulator, bridging the luminal domains of nicalin and TRAPα. Collectively, our results visualize the variability of MPT factors in the native membrane environment dependent on the translational activity of the bound ribosome.
... ATF4 serves as a stress integrator for nutrient and energy signals, modulating the gene expression of protective protein chaperones like GPR78/BiP, which regulate protein refolding, enzymes, and antioxidants such as heme oxygenase. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that ATF4 significantly interacts with mTOR and regulates the expression of genes involved in AUT, such as ULK1 [47][48][49][50]. ...
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Purpose. This paper aims to present a unique perspective that emphasizes the intricate interplay between energy, dietary proteins, and amino acid composition, underscoring their mutual dependence for health-related considerations. Energy and protein synthesis are fundamental to biological processes, crucial for the sustenance of life and growth of organisms. Methods and Results. We explore the intricate relationship between energy metabolism, protein synthesis, regulatory mechanisms, protein sources, amino acid availability, and autophagy, in order to elucidate how these elements collectively maintain cellular homeostasis. We underscore the vital role this dynamic interplay has in preserving cell life. Conclusion. A deeper understanding of the link between energy and protein synthesis is essential to comprehend fundamental cellular processes. This insight could have wide-ranging impact in several medical fields, such as nutrition, metabolism, and disease management.
... Our findings indicate that increased ER stress activity impairs iWAT beiging. However, the ER stress signaling pathway is initiated by three ER membrane-associated sensors: activating transcription factor-6 (ATF6), double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR)-like eukaryotic initiation factor 2α kinase (PERK) and inositol-requiring transmembrane kinase/endoribonuclease 1 (IRE1) 44 . Thus, it remains to be determined which downstream events in the ER stress pathways are involved in beige ...
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Thermogenic beige adipocytes are recognized as potential therapeutic targets for combating metabolic diseases. However, the metabolic advantages that they offer are compromised with aging. Here we show that treating mice with estrogen (E2), a hormone that decreases with age, can counteract the age-related decline in beige adipogenesis when exposed to cold temperature while concurrently enhancing energy expenditure and improving glucose tolerance in mice. Mechanistically, we found that nicotinamide phosphoribosyl transferase (NAMPT) plays a pivotal role in facilitating the formation of E2-induced beige adipocytes, which subsequently suppresses the onset of age-related endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Furthermore, we found that targeting NAMPT signaling, either genetically or pharmacologically, can restore the formation of beige adipocytes by increasing the number of perivascular adipocyte progenitor cells. Conversely, the absence of NAMPT signaling prevents this process. Together, our findings shed light on the mechanisms regulating the age-dependent impairment of beige adipocyte formation and underscore the E2-NAMPT-controlled ER stress pathway as a key regulator of this process.
... all eukaryotes, the UPR pathway plays significant roles in dealing with 338 cellular stress and balancing homeostasis and apoptosis(Walter and Ron, 2011).Failure 339 to mitigate the ER stress and reestablish homeostasis correlates with cell death, playing a 340 central role in numerous human diseases such as pancreatic -cell loss in diabetes 341 (Fonseca et al., 2011), retinal degeneration triggered by misfolded proteins in retinal 342 dystrophies (Lin and Lavail, 2010) and dopaminergic neuron degeneration in Parkinson 343 disease models (Valdes et al., 2014). In addition, under other biological conditions 344 involving intense ER functions such as viral infection (Dimcheff et al., 2003) or pathogen 345 defense (Richardson et al., 2010), the UPR is activated to relieve the ER stress. ...
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Precise patterning of dendritic fields is essential for the formation and function of neuronal circuits. During development, dendrites acquire their morphology by exuberant branching. How neurons cope with the increased load of protein production required for this rapid growth is poorly understood. Here we show that the physiological unfolded protein response (UPR) is induced in the highly branched Caenorhabditis elegans sensory neuron PVD during dendrite morphogenesis. Perturbation of the IRE1 arm of the UPR pathway causes loss of dendritic branches, a phenotype that can be rescued by overexpression of the ER chaperone HSP-4 (a homolog of mammalian BiP/grp78). Surprisingly, a single transmembrane leucine-rich repeat protein, DMA-1, plays a major role in the induction of the UPR and the dendritic phenotype in the UPR mutants. These findings reveal a significant role for the physiological UPR in the maintenance of ER homeostasis during morphogenesis of large dendritic arbors.
... These ER signalling proteins have a similar structure, consisting of ER luminal and cytosolic domains. The ER luminal domains are formed by a single pass through the membrane [9], while cytosolic domains are the mediators of the UPR ER [9,11]. Under physiological conditions, the chaperone BiP/glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78), binds to the luminal domains of the mediators of the UPR ER , repressing their activation [12,13]. ...
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Mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) have a synergistic relationship and are key regulatory hubs in maintaining cell homeostasis. Communication between these organelles is mediated by mitochondria ER contact sites (MERCS), allowing the exchange of material and information, modulating calcium homeostasis, redox signalling, lipid transfer and the regulation of mitochondrial dynamics. MERCS are dynamic structures that allow cells to respond to changes in the intracellular environment under normal homeostatic conditions, while their assembly/disassembly are affected by pathophysiological conditions such as ageing and disease. Disruption of protein folding in the ER lumen can activate the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR), promoting the remodelling of ER membranes and MERCS formation. The UPR stress receptor kinases PERK and IRE1, are located at or close to MERCS. UPR signalling can be adaptive or maladaptive, depending on whether the disruption in protein folding or ER stress is transient or sustained. Adaptive UPR signalling via MERCS can increase mitochondrial calcium import, metabolism and dynamics, while maladaptive UPR signalling can result in excessive calcium import and activation of apoptotic pathways. Targeting UPR signalling and the assembly of MERCS is an attractive therapeutic approach for a range of age-related conditions such as neurodegeneration and sarcopenia. This review highlights the emerging evidence related to the role of redox mediated UPR activation in orchestrating inter-organelle communication between the ER and mitochondria, and ultimately the determination of cell function and fate.
... The frameshift would in turn introduce a premature stop codon that likely caused NMD of the mutant transcript. To evaluate the pathogenicity of the p.Leu10Pro missense mutation in the signal peptide, we first analyzed the signal peptide sequences of amelogenin proteins of selected We further assessed if the mutant non-secreted AMELXs could cause ER stress (ERS) and subsequent cell apoptosis [22]. The qRT-PCRs indicated that while the expression level of overexpressed AMELX was comparable among groups, those of ERS-related genes, including HSPA5, DDIT3, ATF6, and spliced XBP1, significantly increased in both mutant groups compared to the wild type and the empty vector controls (Figure 8). ...
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AMELX mutations cause X-linked amelogenesis imperfecta (AI), known as AI types IE, IIB, and IIC in Witkop’s classification, characterized by hypoplastic (reduced thickness) and/or hypomaturation (reduced hardness) enamel defects. In this study, we conducted whole exome analyses to unravel the disease-causing mutations for six AI families. Splicing assays, immunoblotting, and quantitative RT-PCR were conducted to investigate the molecular and cellular effects of the mutations. Four AMELX pathogenic variants (NM_182680.1:c.2T>C; c.29T>C; c.77del; c.145-1G>A) and a whole gene deletion (NG_012494.2:g.307534_403773del) were identified. The affected individuals exhibited enamel malformations, ranging from thin, poorly mineralized enamel with a “snow-capped” appearance to severe hypoplastic defects with minimal enamel. The c.145-1G>A mutation caused a -1 frameshift (NP_001133.1:p.Val35Cysfs*5). Overexpression of c.2T>C and c.29T>C AMELX demonstrated that mutant amelogenin proteins failed to be secreted, causing elevated endoplasmic reticulum stress and potential cell apoptosis. This study reveals a genotype–phenotype relationship for AMELX-associated AI: While amorphic mutations, including large deletions and 5′ truncations, of AMELX cause hypoplastic-hypomaturation enamel with snow-capped teeth (AI types IIB and IIC) due to a complete loss of gene function, neomorphic variants, including signal peptide defects and 3′ truncations, lead to severe hypoplastic/aplastic enamel (AI type IE) probably caused by “toxic” cellular effects of the mutant proteins.
... During productive infection, viruses produce a large number of viral proteins that accumulate in the ER lumen and finally give rise to ER stress (72,73). To buffer ER stress and orchestrate the recovery of ER function, the UPR is activated by inhibiting global translation (74). The UPR consists of three pathways: PERK, IRE1, and ATF6 (75,76). ...
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Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) is a morbillivirus that causes the acute and highly pathogenic infectious disease peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in small ruminants and poses a major threat to the goat and sheep industries. Currently, there is no effective treatment for PPRV infection. Here, we propose Carboplatin, a platinum-based regimen designed to treat a range of malignancies, as a potential antiviral agent. We showed that Carboplatin exhibits significant antiviral activity against PPRV in a cell culture model. The mechanism of action of Carboplatin against PPRV is mainly attributed to its ability to block STING mediated autophagy. Together, our study supports the discovery of Carboplatin as an antiviral against PPRV and potentially other closely related viruses, sheds light on its mode of action, and establishes STING as a valid and attractive target to counteract viral infection.
... Mammalian cells cope with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress by initiating the unfolded protein response (UPR), a homeostatic mechanism operational in yeasts, mammals, and plants [1] . This response is mediated by three initiator/sensor molecules: inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1α), PKR-like ER kinase (PERK), and activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6), which are maintained in an inactive state through association with 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein (GRP78) [2] . ...
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Aim: Tumor-infiltrating macrophages are tumor-promoting and show activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR). The transcription factor X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1) is a conserved element of the UPR. Upon activation, the UPR mediates the transcriptional activation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and immune suppressive factors, hence contributing to immune dysregulation in the tumor microenvironment (TME). miR-214 is a short non-coding miRNA that targets the 3’-UTR of the Xbp1 transcript. Here, we tested a new method to efficiently deliver miR-214 to macrophages as a potential new therapeutic approach. Methods: We generated miR-214-laden extracellular vesicles (iEV-214) in a murine B cell and demonstrated that iEV-214 were enriched in miR-214 between 1,500 - 2,000 fold relative to control iEVs. Results: Bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) treated with iEV-214 for 24 h underwent a specific enrichment in miR-214, suggesting transfer of the miR-214 payload from the iEVs to macrophages. iEV-214 treatment of BMDM markedly reduced (> 50%) Xbp1 transcription under endoplasmic reticulum stress conditions compared to controls. Immune-related genes downstream of XBP1s (Il-6, Il-23p19, and Arg1) were also reduced by 69%, 51%, and 34%, respectively. Conclusions: Together, these data permit to conclude that iEV-214 are an efficient strategy to downregulate the expression of Xbp1 mRNA and downstream genes in macrophages. We propose miRNA-laden iEVs are a new approach to target macrophages and control immune dysregulation in the TME.
... ER stress is characterized by the accumulation of unfolded and/or misfolded proteins within the ER lumen, a process that can be triggered by the expression of abnormal proteins, proteasome inhibition, nutrient deficiency, hypoxia, calcium depletion, and other conditions. ER stress triggers a complex cellular reaction known as Unfolded Protein Response (UPR), which aims to restore ER homeostasis [39]. However, if UPR fails and/or ER stress is prolonged, it eventually leads to caspase activation and initiation of programmed cell death [40]. ...
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Podophyllotoxin (PPT) is an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) with established antitumor potential. However, due to its systemic toxicity, its use is restricted to topical treatment of anogenital warts. Less toxic PPT derivatives (e.g., etoposide and teniposide) are used intravenously as anticancer agents. PPT has been exploited as a scaffold of new potential therapeutic agents; however, fewer studies have been conducted on the parent molecule than on its derivatives. We have undertaken a study of ultrastructural changes induced by PPT on HaCaT keratinocytes. We have also tracked the intracellular localization of PPT using its fluorescent derivative (PPT-FL). Moreover, we performed molecular docking of both PPT and PPT-FL to compare their affinity to various binding sites of tubulin. Using the Presto blue viability assay, we established working concentrations of PPT in HaCaT cells. Subsequently, we have used selected concentrations to determine PPT effects at the ultrastructural level. Dynamics of PPT distribution by confocal microscopy was performed using PPT-FL. Molecular docking calculations were conducted using Glide. PPT induces a time-dependent cytotoxic effect on HaCaT cells. Within 24 h, we observed the elongation of cytoplasmic processes, formation of cytoplasmic vacuoles, progressive ER stress, and shortening of the mitochondrial long axis. After 48 h, we noticed disintegration of the cell membrane, progressive vacuolization, apoptotic/necrotic vesicles, and a change in the cell nucleus's appearance. PPT-FL was detected within HaCaT cells after ~10 min of incubation and remained within cells in the following measurements. Molecular docking confirmed the formation of a stable complex between tubulin and both PPT and PPT-FL. However, it was formed at different binding sites. PPT is highly toxic to normal human keratinocytes, even at low concentrations. It promptly enters the cells, probably via endocytosis. At lower concentrations, PPT causes disruptions in both ER and mitochondria, while at higher concentrations, it leads to massive vacuolization with subsequent cell death. The novel derivative of PPT, PPT-FL, forms a stable complex with tubulin, and therefore, it is a useful tracker of intracellular PPT binding and trafficking. Citation: Strus, P.; Sadowski, K.; Kostro, J.; Szczepankiewicz, A.A.; Nieznańska, H.; Niedzielska, M.; Zlobin, A.; Nawar Ra'idah, P.; Molęda, Z.; Szawkało, J.; et al. Cellular Distribution and Ultrastructural Changes in HaCaT Cells, Induced by Podophyllotoxin and Its Novel Fluorescent Derivative, Supported by the Molecular Docking Studies. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 5948. https://
... The UPR is transduced downstream of three ER transmembrane signaling protein sensors, namely inositol requiring enzyme 1-α (IRE1α), activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6), and protein kinase RNA-like ER kinase (PERK) (Walter and Ron, 2011). The three transmembrane signal transducers collaborate to induce gene expression programs and cytosolic responses that increase protein folding capacity and mitigate the burden of unfolded proteins. ...
... Proteostasis is a fundamental molecular mechanism whereby quality, quantity, and distribution of proteins are rigorously controlled through synthesis, trafficking, and degradation (Labbadia and Morimoto, 2014;Winckler et al., 2018;Liang, 2019). Lysosomal digestion is one of several mechanisms responsible for protein degradation (Nandi et al., 2006;Walter and Ron, 2011;Cao and Kaufman, 2012;Nixon, 2013;Xu and Ren, 2015;Lie and Nixon, 2018), playing a critical role in the breakdown of lipid-modified proteins, such as palmitoylated proteins. ...
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Palmitoylation and depalmitoylation represent dichotomic processes by which a labile posttranslational lipid modification regulates protein trafficking and degradation. The depalmitoylating enzyme, palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1 (PPT1), is associated with the devastating pediatric neurodegenerative condition, infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (CLN1). CLN1 is characterized by the accumulation of autofluorescent lysosomal storage material (AFSM) in neurons and robust neuroinflammation. Converging lines of evidence suggest that in addition to cellular waste accumulation, the symptomology of CLN1 corresponds with disruption of synaptic processes. Indeed, loss of Ppt1 function in cortical neurons dysregulates the synaptic incorporation of the GluA1 AMPA receptor (AMPAR) subunit during a type of synaptic plasticity called synaptic scaling. However, the mechanisms causing this aberration are unknown. Here, we used the Ppt1−/− mouse model (both sexes) to further investigate how Ppt1 regulates synaptic plasticity and how its disruption affects downstream signaling pathways. To this end, we performed a palmitoyl-proteomic screen, which provoked the discovery that Akap5 is excessively palmitoylated at Ppt1−/− synapses. Extending our previous data, in vivo induction of synaptic scaling, which is regulated by Akap5, caused an excessive upregulation of GluA1 in Ppt1−/− mice. This synaptic change was associated with exacerbated disease pathology. Furthermore, the Akap5- and inflammation-associated transcriptional regulator, nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT), was sensitized in Ppt1−/− cortical neurons. Suppressing the upstream regulator of NFAT activation, calcineurin, with the FDA-approved therapeutic FK506 (Tacrolimus) modestly improved neuroinflammation in Ppt1−/− mice. These findings indicate that the absence of depalmitoylation stifles synaptic protein trafficking and contributes to neuroinflammation via an Akap5-associated mechanism.
... Failure of the UPR in reestablishing ER homeostasis will result in cell death and disease progression ( Figure 1). 40 Nevertheless, how these misfolded protein sensors are activated is still unknown. Activation of the IRE1α-XBP1 branch of the UPR has been reported to be closely related to immune cells and this point has not been explored for immune cells in vitiligo. ...
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The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the main site of protein synthesis, transport, and modification. Its abnormal status has now emerged as an established cause of many pathological processes, such as tumors and autoimmune diseases. Recent studies also demonstrated that the defective functions of ER may lead to pigmentary diseases. Vitiligo is a depigmenting ailment skin disorder whose pathogenesis is now found to be associated with ER. However, the detailed mechanism is still unclear. In this review, we try to link the association between ER with its inter- and intra-organellar interactions in vitiligo pathogenesis and focus on the function, mechanism, and clinical potential of ER with vitiligo. Expand ER is found in melanocytes of vitiligo and ER stress (ERS) might be a bridge between oxidative stress and innate and adaptive immunity. Meanwhile, the tight association between ER and mitochondria or melanosomes in organelles levels, as well as genes and cytokines, is the new paradigm in the pathogenesis of vitiligo. This undoubtedly adds a new aspect to the understanding of vitiligo, facilitating the design of targeted therapies for vitiligo.
... The tissue response to PrP Sc accumulation is also known to be cell-specific. Different types of neurons may exhibit different thresholds of UPR activation, with downstream effects varying depending on cellular context 58,59 . This makes the UPR a suitable candidate for a local tissue parameter differentiating (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. ...
Prion diseases, or Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE), are neurodegenerative disorders caused by the accumulation of misfolded conformers (PrP Sc ) of the cellular prion protein (PrP C ). During the pathogenesis, the PrP Sc seeds disseminate in the central nervous system and convert PrP C leading to the formation of insoluble assemblies. As for conventional infectious diseases, variations in the clinical manifestation define a specific prion strain which correspond to different PrP Sc structures. In this work, we implemented the recent developments on PrP Sc structural diversity and tissue response to prion replication into a stochastic reaction-diffusion model using an application of the Gillespie Algorithm. We showed that this combination of non-linearities can lead prion propagation to behave as a complex system, providing an alternative to the current paradigm to explain strain specific phenotypes, tissue tropisms and strain co-propagation while also clarifying the role of the connectome in the neuro-invasion process.
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The pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is influenced by a number of variables, including endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER). Thioredoxin domain-containing 5 (TXNDC5) is a member of the protein disulfide isomerase family and acts as an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperone. Nevertheless, the function of TXNDC5 in hepatocytes under ER stress remains largely uncharacterized. In order to identify the role of TXNDC5 in hepatic wild-type (WT) and TXNDC5-deficient (KO) AML12 cell lines, tunicamycin, palmitic acid, and thapsigargin were employed as stressors. Cell viability, mRNA, protein levels, and mRNA splicing were then assayed. The protein expression results of prominent ER stress markers indicated that the ERN1 and EIF2AK3 proteins were downregulated, while the HSPA5 protein was upregulated. Furthermore, the ATF6 protein demonstrated no significant alterations in the absence of TXNDC5 at the protein level. The knockout of TXNDC5 has been demonstrated to increase cellular ROS production and its activity is required to maintain normal mitochondrial function during tunicamycin-induced ER stress. Tunicamycin has been observed to disrupt the protein levels of HSPA5, ERN1, and EIF2AK3 in TXNDC5-deficient cells. However, palmitic acid has been observed to disrupt the protein levels of ATF6, HSPA5, and EIF2AK3. In conclusion, TXNDC5 can selectively activate distinct ER stress pathways via HSPA5, contingent on the origin of ER stress. Conversely, the absence of TXNDC5 can disrupt the EIF2AK3 cascade.
In eukaryotes, Hsp90B1 serves as a vital chaperonin, facilitating the accurate folding of proteins. Interestingly, Hsp90B1 exhibits contrasting roles in the development of various types of cancers, although the underlying reasons for this duality remain enigmatic. Through the utilization of the Drosophila model, this study unveils the functional significance of Gp93, the Drosophila ortholog of Hsp90B1, which hitherto had limited reported developmental functions. Employing the Drosophila cell invasion model, we elucidated the pivotal role of Gp93 in regulating cell invasion and modulating c‐Jun N‐terminal kinase (JNK) activation. Furthermore, our investigation highlights the involvement of the unfolded protein response‐associated IRE1/XBP1 pathway in governing Gp93 depletion‐induced, JNK‐dependent cell invasion. Collectively, these findings not only uncover a novel molecular function of Gp93 in Drosophila , but also underscore a significant consideration pertaining to the testing of Hsp90B1 inhibitors in cancer therapy.
Besides regulation by karyotype, sex determination is also modulated by environmental cues like temperature, but the involving temperature-transduction mechanism remains elusive. Moreover, while sex determination was traditionally seen as dictated exclusively by either karyotype or temperature, recent observations suggest these factors can co-regulate sex, posing a mechanistic mystery. Here, we discovered that certain wild-isolated and mutant C. elegans strains displayed genotypic-germline-sex-determination (GGSD) but with a temperature override. We found that ER chaperone BiP transduces temperature into germline-sex-governing signal and enables the co-existence of GGSD and temperature-dependent-germline-sex-determination (TGSD). Mechanistically, BiP availability is reduced at warmer temperatures through detecting increased ER-protein-folding burden, which promotes male-germline-fate through ERAD-mediated downregulation of the oocyte-fate driving factor, TRA-2. Remarkably, we can induce a switch between GGSD and TGSD by manipulating this newly-discovered process. Functionally, TGSD facilitates C. elegans hermaphrodites in maintaining brood size at warmer temperatures. Moreover, BiP also acts in germline-sex-determination in a dioecious nematode. Collectively, our findings identify thermosensitive BiP as a conserved temperature sensor in TGSD and provide mechanistic insights into the fascinating transition of GGSD and TGSD.
Proteins are fundamental biomolecules that play diverse and critical roles in biological systems. Their three-dimensional structure is intricately linked to their functions, making protein structure-function relationships a central focus of scientific research. This research paper aims to provide an overview of protein structure, its determination methods, and the essential roles proteins play in various biological processes. By understanding protein structure and its functional implications, scientists can gain valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying cellular processes, drug design, and disease pathology.
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women, and triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) accounts for approximately 15%-20% of all breast cancers. TNBC is highly invasive and malignant. Due to the lack of relevant receptor markers, the prognosis of TNBC is poor and the five-year survival rate is low. Paclitaxel is the first-line drug for the treatment of TNBC, which can inhibit cell mitosis. However, many patients develop drug resistance during treatment, leading to chemotherapy failure. Therefore, finding new therapeutic combinations to overcome TNBC drug resistance can provide new strategies for improving the survival rate of TNBC patients. Cell viability assay, RT-qPCR, Colony formation assay, Western blot, and Xenogeneic transplantation methods were used to investigate roles and mechanisms of IRE1α/XBP1s pathway in the paclitaxel-resistant TNBC cells, and combined paclitaxel and IRE1α inhibitor in the treatment of TNBC was examined in vitro and in vivo. We found activation of UPR in paclitaxel-resistant cells, confirming that IRE1α/XBP1 promotes paclitaxel resistance in TNBC. In addition, we demonstrated that the combination of paclitaxel and IRE1α inhibitors can synergistically inhibit the proliferation of TNBC tumors both in vitro and in vivo,suggesting that IRE1α inhibitors combined with paclitaxel may be a new treatment option for TNBC. In this study, we demonstrated the important role of IRE1α signaling in mediating paclitaxel resistance and identified that combination therapies targeting IRE1α signaling could overcome paclitaxel resistance and enhance chemotherapy efficacy.
The common fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster provides a powerful platform to investigate the genetic, molecular, cellular, and neural circuit mechanisms of behavior. Research in this model system has shed light on multiple aspects of brain physiology and behavior, from fundamental neuronal function to complex behaviors. A major anatomical region that modulates complex behaviors is the mushroom body (MB). The MB integrates multimodal sensory information and is involved in behaviors ranging from sensory processing/responses to learning and memory. Many genes that underlie brain disorders are conserved, from flies to humans, and studies in Drosophila have contributed significantly to our understanding of the mechanisms of brain disorders. Genetic mutations that mimic human diseases—such as Fragile X syndrome, neurofibromatosis type 1, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease—affect MB structure and function, altering behavior. Studies dissecting the effects of disease-causing mutations in the MB have identified key pathological mechanisms, and the development of a complete connectome promises to add a comprehensive anatomical framework for disease modeling. Here, we review Drosophila models of human neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders via the effects of their underlying mutations on MB structure, function, and the resulting behavioral alterations.
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Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the deadliest and fastest‐growing cancers. Among HCC etiologies, metabolic dysfunction‐associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) has served as a major HCC driver due to its great potential for increasing cirrhosis. The obesogenic environment fosters a positive energy balance and results in a continuous rise of obesity and metabolic syndrome. However, it is difficult to understand how metabolic complications lead to the poor prognosis of liver diseases and which molecular mechanisms are underpinning MAFLD‐driven HCC development. Thus, suitable preclinical models that recapitulate human etiologies are essentially required. Numerous preclinical models have been created but not many mimicked anthropometric measures and the course of disease progression shown in the patients. Here we review the literature on adipose tissues, liver‐related HCC etiologies and recently discovered genetic mutation signatures found in MAFLD‐driven HCC patients. We also critically review current rodent models suggested for MAFLD‐driven HCC study.
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)–associated degradation (ERAD) plays key roles in controlling protein levels and quality in eukaryotes. The Ring Finger Protein 185 (RNF185)/membralin ubiquitin ligase complex was recently identified as a branch in mammals and is essential for neuronal function, but its function in plant development is unknown. Here, we report the map-based cloning and characterization of Narrow Leaf and Dwarfism 1 ( NLD1 ), which encodes the ER membrane–localized protein membralin and specifically interacts with maize homologs of RNF185 and related components. The nld1 mutant shows defective leaf and root development due to reduced cell number. The defects of nld1 were largely restored by expressing membralin genes from Arabidopsis thaliana and mice, highlighting the conserved roles of membralin proteins in animals and plants. The excessive accumulation of β-hydroxy β-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase in nld1 indicates that the enzyme is a membralin-mediated ERAD target. The activation of bZIP60 mRNA splicing–related unfolded protein response signaling and marker gene expression in nld1 , as well as DNA fragment and cell viability assays, indicate that membralin deficiency induces ER stress and cell death in maize, thereby affecting organogenesis. Our findings uncover the conserved, indispensable role of the membralin-mediated branch of the ERAD pathway in plants. In addition, ZmNLD1 contributes to plant architecture in a dose-dependent manner, which can serve as a potential target for genetic engineering to shape ideal plant architecture, thereby enhancing high-density maize yields.
Mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) sporadically transition to a transient totipotent state that resembles blastomeres of the two‐cell (2C) embryo stage, which has been proposed to contribute to exceptional genomic stability, one of the key features of mESCs. However, the biological significance of the rare population of 2C‐like cells (2CLCs) in ESC cultures remains to be tested. Here we generated an inducible reporter cell system for specific elimination of 2CLCs from the ESC cultures to disrupt the equilibrium between ESCs and 2CLCs. We show that removing 2CLCs from the ESC cultures leads to dramatic accumulation of DNA damage, genomic mutations, and rearrangements, indicating impaired genomic instability. Furthermore, 2CLCs removal results in increased apoptosis and reduced proliferation of mESCs in both serum/LIF and 2i/LIF culture conditions. Unexpectedly, p53 deficiency results in defective response to DNA damage, leading to early accumulation of DNA damage, micronuclei, indicative of genomic instability, cell apoptosis, and reduced self‐renewal capacity of ESCs when devoid of 2CLCs in cultures. Together, our data reveal that transition to the privileged 2C‐like state is a major component of the intrinsic mechanisms that maintain the exceptional genomic stability of mESCs for long‐term self‐renewal.
Ciliary defects are linked to ciliopathies, but impairments in the sensory cilia of Caenorhabditis elegans neurons extend lifespan, a phenomenon with previously unclear mechanisms. Our study reveals that neuronal cilia defects trigger the unfolded protein response of the endoplasmic reticulum (UPR ER ) within intestinal cells, a process dependent on the insulin/insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) signaling transcription factor and the release of neuronal signaling molecules. While inhibiting UPR ER doesn’t alter the lifespan of wild-type worms, it normalizes the extended lifespan of ciliary mutants. Notably, deactivating the cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel TAX-4 on the ciliary membrane promotes lifespan extension through a UPR ER -dependent mechanism. Conversely, constitutive activation of TAX-4 attenuates intestinal UPR ER in ciliary mutants. Administering a CNG channel blocker to worm larvae activates intestinal UPR ER and increases adult longevity. These findings suggest that ciliary dysfunction in sensory neurons triggers intestinal UPR ER , contributing to lifespan extension and implying that transiently inhibiting ciliary channel activity may effectively prolong lifespan.
Xenohormesis proposes that phytochemicals produced to combat stressors in the host plant exert biochemical effects in animal cells lacking cognate receptors. Xenohormetic phytochemicals such as flavonoids and phytoalexins modulate a range of human cell signaling mechanisms but functional correlations with human pathophysiology are lacking. Here, potent inhibitory effects of grapefruit‐derived Naringenin (Nar) and soybean‐derived Glyceollins (Gly) in human microphysiological models of bulk tissue vasculogenesis and tumor angiogenesis are reported. Despite this interference of vascular morphogenesis, Nar and Gly are not cytotoxic to endothelial cells and do not prevent cell cycle entry. The anti‐vasculogenic effects of Glyceollin are significantly more potent in sex‐matched female (XX) models. Nar and Gly do not decrease viability or expression of proangiogenic genes in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) cell spheroids, suggesting that inhibition of sprouting angiogenesis by Nar and Gly in a MPS model of the (TNBC) microenvironment are mediated via direct effects in endothelial cells. The study supports further research of Naringenin and Glyceollin as health‐promoting agents with special attention to mechanisms of action in vascular endothelial cells and the role of biological sex, which can improve the understanding of dietary nutrition and the pharmacology of phytochemical preparations.
EIF2AK3, also known as PERK, plays a pivotal role in cellular proteostasis, orchestrating the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) and Integrated Stress Response (ISR) pathways. In addition to its central position in intracellular stress regulation, human GWAS identify EIF2AK3 as a risk factor in tauopathies, neurodegenerative diseases caused by aberrant tau protein accumulation. Guided by these genomic indicators, our investigation systematically analyzed human PERK variants, focusing on those with potential tauopathy linkages. We assembled a comprehensive data set of human PERK variants associated with Wolcott Rallison Syndrome (WRS), tauopathies, and bioinformatically predicted loss‐of‐function, referencing the gnomAD, Ensembl, and NCBI databases. We found extensive racial/ethnic variation in the prevalence of common PERK polymorphisms linked to tauopathies. Using SWISS‐MODEL, we identified structural perturbations in the ER stress‐sensing luminal domain dimers/oligomers of tauopathy‐associated PERK variants, Haplotypes A and B, in combination with another tauopathy‐linked R240H mutation. Recombinant expression of disease‐associated variants in vitro revealed altered PERK signal transduction kinetics in response to ER stress compared to the predominant non‐disease variant. In summary, our data further substantiates that human PERK variants identified in tauopathy genetic studies negatively impact PERK structure, function, and downstream signaling with significant variations in prevalence among different racial and ethnic groups.
Herpesviruses adhere to a precise temporal expression model in which immediate-early (IE) genes play a crucial role in regulating the viral life cycle. However, there is a lack of functional research on the IE genes in Ictalurid herpesvirus 1 (IcHV-1). In this study, we identified the IcHV-1 ORF24 as an IE gene via a metabolic inhibition assay, and subcellular analysis indicated its predominant localisation in the nucleus. To investigate its function, we performed yeast reporter assays using an ORF24 fusion protein containing the Gal4-BD domain and found that BD-ORF24 was able to activate HIS3/lacZ reporter genes without the Gal4-AD domain. Our findings provide concrete evidence that ORF24 is indeed an IE gene that likely functions as a transcriptional regulator during IcHV-1 infection. This work contributes to our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying fish herpesvirus IE gene expression.
Since the days of Ramón y Cajal, the vast diversity of neuronal and particularly dendrite morphology has been used to catalog neurons into different classes. Dendrite morphology varies greatly and reflects the different functions performed by different types of neurons. Significant progress has been made in our understanding of how dendrites form and the molecular factors and forces that shape these often elaborately sculpted structures. Here, we review work in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans that has shed light on the developmental mechanisms that mediate dendrite morphogenesis with a focus on studies investigating ciliated sensory neurons and the highly elaborated dendritic trees of somatosensory neurons. These studies, which combine time-lapse imaging, genetics, and biochemistry, reveal an intricate network of factors that function both intrinsically in dendrites and extrinsically from surrounding tissues. Therefore, dendrite morphogenesis is the result of multiple tissue interactions, which ultimately determine the shape of dendritic arbors.
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With ever-increasing intensive studies of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), significant progresses have been made. Endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS)/unfolded protein reaction (UPR) is associated with the development and progression of IPF, and targeting ERS/UPR may be beneficial in the treatment of IPF. Natural product is a tremendous source of new drug discovery, and accumulating studies have reported that many natural products show potential therapeutic effects for IPF via modulating one or more branches of the ERS signaling pathway. Therefore, this review focuses on critical roles of ERS in IPF development, and summarizes herbal preparations and bioactive compounds which protect against IPF through regulating ERS.
The double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) sensor STING has been increasingly implicated in responses to sterile endogenous threats and pathogens without nominal DNA or cyclic di-nucleotide stimuli. Previous work showed an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response, known as the unfolded protein response (UPR), activates STING. Herein, we sought to determine if ER stress generated a STING ligand, and to identify the UPR pathways involved. Induction of IFN-β expression following stimulation with the UPR inducer thapsigargin (TPG) or oxygen glucose deprivation required both STING and the dsDNA-sensing cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS). Furthermore, TPG increased cytosolic mitochondrial DNA, and immunofluorescence visualized dsDNA punctae in murine and human cells, providing a cGAS stimulus. N-acetylcysteine decreased IFN-β induction by TPG, implicating reactive oxygen species (ROS). However, mitoTEMPO, a mitochondrial oxidative stress inhibitor did not impact TPG-induced IFN. On the other hand, inhibiting the inositol requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) ER stress sensor and its target transcription factor XBP1 decreased the generation of cytosolic dsDNA. iNOS upregulation was XBP1-dependent, and an iNOS inhibitor decreased cytosolic dsDNA and IFN-β, implicating ROS downstream of the IRE1-XBP1 pathway. Inhibition of the PKR-like ER kinase (PERK) pathway also attenuated cytoplasmic dsDNA release. The PERK-regulated apoptotic factor Bim was required for both dsDNA release and IFN-β mRNA induction. Finally, XBP1 and PERK pathways contributed to cytosolic dsDNA release and IFN-induction by the RNA virus, Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV). Together, our findings suggest that ER stressors, including viral pathogens without nominal STING or cGAS ligands such as RNA viruses, trigger multiple canonical UPR pathways that cooperate to activate STING and downstream IFN-β via mitochondrial dsDNA release.
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Protein secretion is an important process in any living organism, and this is mediated by numerous steps and several cellular components. This review provides an overview of protein production from nascent polypeptide synthesis stage to secretion of these proteins into extracellular space by vesicular sorting. This review also provides insights on the factors involved in ER and Golgi in this pathway and their role. It also covers responsibility of translocons and chaperones in stress response pathways such as UPR and ERAD. Beyond all these a series of quality control checks are performed by cellular machinery to ensure the quality of protein delivered. So essentially this review covers all the pathways involved from initiation of protein expression to secretion.
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Upon endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, activation of the ER-resident transmembrane protein kinase/endoribonuclease inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) initiates a key branch of the unfolded protein response (UPR) through unconventional splicing generation of the transcription factor X-box-binding protein 1 (XBP1s). Activated IRE1 can form large clusters/foci, whose exact dynamic architectures and functional properties remain largely elusive. Here we report that, in mammalian cells, formation of IRE1α clusters is an ER membrane-bound phase separation event that is coupled to the assembly of stress granules (SGs). In response to different stressors, IRE1α clusters are dynamically tethered to SGs at the ER. The cytosolic linker portion of IRE1α possesses intrinsically disordered regions and is essential for its condensation with SGs. Furthermore, disruption of SG assembly abolishes IRE1α clustering and compromises XBP1 mRNA splicing, and such IRE1α–SG coalescence engenders enrichment of the biochemical components of the pro-survival IRE1α–XBP1 pathway during ER stress. Our findings unravel a phase transition mechanism for the spatiotemporal assembly of IRE1α–SG condensates to establish a more efficient IRE1α machinery, thus enabling higher stress-handling capacity.
Background: This study aims to investigate the role of endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER stress) in human dermal lymphatic endothelial cells (HDLECs) and lymphatic malformations (LMs) and its relationship with aerobic glycolysis and inflammation. Methods: The proliferation and apoptosis of HDLECs were examined with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment. ER stress-associated proteins and glycolysis-related markers were detected by western blot. Glycolysis indexes were detected by seahorse analysis and lactic acid production assay kits. Immunohistochemistry was used to reveal the ER stress state of lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) in LMs. Results: LPS induced ER stress in HDLECs but did not trigger detectable apoptosis. Intriguingly, LPS-treated HDLECs also showed increased glycolysis flux. Knockdown of Hexokinase 2, a key enzyme for aerobic glycolysis, significantly inhibited the ability of HDLECs to resist ER stress-induced apoptosis. Moreover, compared to normal skin, glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78/BIP), and phosphorylation protein kinase R-like kinase (p-PERK), two key ER stress-associated markers, were upregulated in LECs of LMs, which was correlated with the inflected state. In addition, excessively activated ER stress inhibited the progression of LMs in rat models. Conclusions: These data indicate that glycolysis could rescue activated ER stress in HDLECs, which is required for the accelerated development of LMs. Impact: Inflammation enhances both ER stress and glycolysis in LECs while glycolysis is required to attenuate the pro-apoptotic effect of ER stress. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is activated in lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) of LMs, especially in inflammatory condition. The expression of ER stress-related proteins is increased in LMs and correlated with Hexokinase 2 expression. Pharmacological activation of ER stress suppresses the formation of LM lesions in the rat model. ER stress may be a promising and effective therapeutic target for the treatment of LMs.
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Some nascent proteins that fold within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) never reach their native state. Misfolded proteins are removed from the folding machinery, dislocated from the ER into the cytosol, and degraded in a series of pathways collectively referred to as ER-associated degradation (ERAD). Distinct ERAD pathways centered on different E3 ubiquitin ligases survey the range of potential substrates. We now know many of the components of the ERAD machinery and pathways used to detect substrates and target them for degradation. Much less is known about the features used to identify terminally misfolded conformations and the broader role of these pathways in regulating protein half-lives.
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Eukaryotic cells activate the unfolded-protein response (UPR) upon endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, where the stress is assumed to be the accumulation of unfolded proteins in the ER. Consistent with previous in vitro studies of the ER-luminal domain of the mutant UPR initiator Ire1, our study show its association with a model unfolded protein in yeast cells. An Ire1 luminal domain mutation that compromises Ire1's unfolded-protein-associating ability weakens its ability to respond to stress stimuli, likely resulting in the accumulation of unfolded proteins in the ER. In contrast, this mutant was activated like wild-type Ire1 by depletion of the membrane lipid component inositol or by deletion of genes involved in lipid homeostasis. Another Ire1 mutant lacking the authentic luminal domain was up-regulated by inositol depletion as strongly as wild-type Ire1. We therefore conclude that the cytosolic (or transmembrane) domain of Ire1 senses membrane aberrancy, while, as proposed previously, unfolded proteins accumulating in the ER interact with and activate Ire1.
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Ire1 is a signal transduction protein in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane that serves to adjust the protein-folding capacity of the ER according to the needs of the cell. Ire1 signals, in a transcriptional program, the unfolded protein response (UPR) via the coordinated action of its protein kinase and RNase domains. In this study, we investigated how the binding of cofactors to the kinase domain of Ire1 modulates its RNase activity. Our results suggest that the kinase domain of Ire1 initially binds cofactors without activation of the RNase domain. RNase is activated upon a subsequent conformational rearrangement of Ire1 governed by the chemical properties of bound cofactors. The conformational step can be selectively inhibited by chemical perturbations of cofactors. Substitution of a single oxygen atom in the terminal β-phosphate group of a potent cofactor ADP by sulfur results in ADPβS, a cofactor that binds to Ire1 as well as to ADP but does not activate RNase. RNase activity can be rescued by thiophilic metal ions such as Mn2+ and Cd2+, revealing a functional metal ion-phosphate interaction which controls the conformation and RNase activity of the Ire1 ADP complex. Mutagenesis of the kinase domain suggests that this rearrangement involves movement of the αC-helix, which is generally conserved among protein kinases. Using X-ray crystallography, we show that oligomerization of Ire1 is sufficient for placing the αC-helix in the active, cofactor-bound-like conformation, even in the absence of cofactors. Our structural and biochemical evidence converges on a model that the cofactor-induced conformational change in Ire1 is coupled to oligomerization of the receptor, which, in turn, activates RNase. The data reveal that cofactor-Ire1 interactions occur in two independent steps: binding of a cofactor to Ire1 and subsequent rearrangement of Ire1 resulting in its self-association. The pronounced allosteric effect of cofactors on protein-protein interactions involving Ire1's kinase domain suggests that protein kinases and pseudokinases encoded in metazoan genomes may use ATP pocket-binding ligands similarly to exert signaling roles other than phosphoryl transfer.
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It is well known that the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is capable of expanding its surface area in response both to cargo load and to increased expression of resident membrane proteins. Although the response to increased cargo load, known as the unfolded protein response (UPR), is well characterized, the mechanism of the response to membrane protein load has been unclear. As a model system to investigate this phenomenon, we have used a HeLa-TetOff cell line inducibly expressing a tail-anchored construct consisting of an N-terminal cytosolic GFP moiety anchored to the ER membrane by the tail of cytochrome b5 [GFP-b(5)tail]. After removal of doxycycline, GFP-b(5)tail is expressed at moderate levels (1-2% of total ER protein) that, nevertheless, induce ER proliferation, as assessed both by EM and by a three- to fourfold increase in phosphatidylcholine synthesis. We investigated possible participation of each of the three arms of the UPR and found that only the activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6) arm was selectively activated after induction of GFP-b(5)tail expression; peak ATF6α activation preceded the increase in phosphatidylcholine synthesis. Surprisingly, up-regulation of known ATF6 target genes was not observed under these conditions. Silencing of ATF6α abolished the ER proliferation response, whereas knockdown of Ire1 was without effect. Because GFP-b(5)tail lacks a luminal domain, the response we observe is unlikely to originate from the ER lumen. Instead, we propose that a sensing mechanism operates within the lipid bilayer to trigger the selective activation of ATF6.
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Adverse environmental conditions produce endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in plants. In response to heat or ER stress agents, Arabidopsis seedlings mitigate stress damage by activating ER-associated transcription factors and a RNA splicing factor, IRE1b. IRE1b splices the mRNA-encoding bZIP60, a basic leucine-zipper domain containing transcription factor associated with the unfolded protein response in plants. bZIP60 is required for the up-regulation of BINDING PROTEIN3 (BIP3) in response to ER stress, and loss-of-function mutations in IRE1b or point mutations in the splicing site of bZIP60 mRNA are defective in BIP3 induction. These findings demonstrate that bZIP60 in plants is activated by RNA splicing and afford opportunities for monitoring and modulating stress responses in plants.
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The unfolded protein response (UPR) activates Ire1, an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident transmembrane kinase and ribonuclease (RNase), in response to ER stress. We used an in vivo assay, in which disappearance of the UPR-induced spliced HAC1 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) correlates with the recovery of the ER protein-folding capacity, to investigate the attenuation of the UPR in yeast. We find that, once activated, spliced HAC1 mRNA is sustained in cells expressing Ire1 carrying phosphomimetic mutations within the kinase activation loop, suggesting that dephosphorylation of Ire1 is an important step in RNase deactivation. Additionally, spliced HAC1 mRNA is also sustained after UPR induction in cells expressing Ire1 with mutations in the conserved DFG kinase motif (D828A) or a conserved residue (F842) within the activation loop. The importance of proper Ire1 RNase attenuation is demonstrated by the inability of cells expressing Ire1-D828A to grow under ER stress. We propose that the activity of the Ire1 kinase domain plays a role in attenuating its RNase activity when ER function is recovered.
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Accumulation of misfolded proteins in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) activates the unfolded protein response (UPR). Ire1, an ER-resident transmembrane kinase/RNase, senses the protein folding status inside the ER. When activated, Ire1 oligomerizes and trans-autophosphorylates, activating its RNase and initiating a nonconventional mRNA splicing reaction. Splicing results in production of the transcription factor Hac1 that induces UPR target genes; expression of these genes restores ER homeostasis by increasing its protein folding capacity and allows abatement of UPR signaling. Here, we uncouple Ire1's RNase from its kinase activity and find that cells expressing kinase-inactive Ire1 can regulate Ire1's RNase, splice HAC1 mRNA, produce Hac1 protein, and induce UPR target genes. Unlike wild-type IRE1, kinase-inactive Ire1 cells display defects in Ire1 deactivation. Failure to properly inactivate Ire1 causes chronic ER stress and reduces cell survival under UPR-inducing conditions. Thus, Ire1-catalyzed phosphoryl-transfer aids disassembly of Ire1 signaling complexes and is a critical component of the UPR homeostatic feedback loop.
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Many biological processes are regulated through the selective dephosphorylation of proteins. Protein serine-threonine phosphatases are assembled from catalytic subunits bound to diverse regulatory subunits that provide substrate specificity and subcellular localization. We describe a small molecule, guanabenz, that bound to a regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 1, PPP1R15A/GADD34, selectively disrupting the stress-induced dephosphorylation of the α subunit of translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2α). Without affecting the related PPP1R15B-phosphatase complex and constitutive protein synthesis, guanabenz prolonged eIF2α phosphorylation in human stressed cells, adjusting the protein production rates to levels manageable by available chaperones. This favored protein folding and thereby rescued cells from protein misfolding stress. Thus, regulatory subunits of phosphatases are drug targets, a property used here to restore proteostasis in stressed cells.
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Ire1 (Ern1) is an unusual transmembrane protein kinase essential for the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) unfolded protein response (UPR). Activation of Ire1 by association of its N-terminal ER luminal domains promotes autophosphorylation by its cytoplasmic kinase domain, leading to activation of the C-terminal ribonuclease domain, which splices Xbp1 mRNA generating an active Xbp1s transcriptional activator. We have determined the crystal structure of the cytoplasmic portion of dephosphorylated human Ire1α bound to ADP, revealing the 'phosphoryl-transfer' competent dimeric face-to-face complex, which precedes and is distinct from the back-to-back RNase 'active' conformation described for yeast Ire1. We show that the Xbp1-specific ribonuclease activity depends on autophosphorylation, and that ATP-competitive inhibitors staurosporin and sunitinib, which inhibit autophosphorylation in vitro, also inhibit Xbp1 splicing in vivo. Furthermore, we demonstrate that activated Ire1α is a competent protein kinase, able to phosphorylate a heterologous peptide substrate. These studies identify human Ire1α as a target for development of ATP-competitive inhibitors that will modulate the UPR in human cells, which has particular relevance for myeloma and other secretory malignancies.
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Activation of the adaptive Ire1-XBP1 pathway has been identified in many solid tumors and hematologic malignancies, including multiple myeloma (MM). Here, we report the identification of STF-083010, a novel small-molecule inhibitor of Ire1. STF-083010 inhibited Ire1 endonuclease activity, without affecting its kinase activity, after endoplasmic reticulum stress both in vitro and in vivo. Treatment with STF-083010 showed significant antimyeloma activity in model human MM xenografts. Similarly, STF-083010 was preferentially toxic to freshly isolated human CD138(+) MM cells compared with other similarly isolated cell populations. The identification of this novel Ire1 inhibitor supports the hypothesis that the Ire1-XBP1 axis is a promising target for anticancer therapy, especially in the context of MM.
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Author Summary Secreted and membrane-spanning proteins constitute one of every three proteins produced by a eukaryotic cell. Many of these proteins initially fold and assemble in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). A variety of physiological and environmental conditions can increase the demands on the ER, overwhelming the ER protein folding machinery. To restore homeostasis in response to ER stress, cells activate an intracellular signaling pathway called the unfolded protein response (UPR) that adjusts the folding capacity of the ER according to need. Its failure impairs cell viability and has been implicated in numerous disease states. In this study, we quantitatively interrogate the homeostatic capacity of the UPR. We arrive at a mechanistic model for how the ER stress sensor Ire1 cooperates with its binding partner BiP, a highly redundant ER chaperone, to fine-tune UPR activity. Moving between a predictive computational model and experiments, we show that BiP release from Ire1 is not the switch that activates Ire1; rather, BiP modulates Ire1 activation and deactivation dynamics. BiP binding to Ire1 and its dissociation in an ER stress-dependent manner buffers the system against mild stresses. Furthermore, BiP binding accelerates Ire1 deactivation when stress is removed. We conclude that BiP binding to Ire1 serves to fine-tune the dynamic behavior of the UPR by modulating its sensitivity and shutoff kinetics. This function of the interaction between Ire1 and BiP may be a general paradigm for other systems in which oligomer formation and disassembly must be finely regulated.
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The extensive membrane network of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is physically juxtaposed to and functionally entwined with essentially all other cellular compartments. Therefore, the ER must sense diverse and constantly changing physiological inputs so it can adjust its numerous functions to maintain cellular homeostasis. A growing body of new work suggests that the unfolded protein response (UPR), traditionally charged with signaling protein misfolding stress from the ER, has been co-opted for the maintenance of basal cellular homeostasis. Thus, the UPR can be activated, and its output modulated, by signals far outside the realm of protein misfolding. These findings are revealing that the UPR causally contributes to disease not just by its role in protein folding but also through its broad influence on cellular physiology.
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Cells constantly adjust the sizes and shapes of their organelles according to need. In this study, we examine endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane expansion during the unfolded protein response (UPR) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We find that membrane expansion occurs through the generation of ER sheets, requires UPR signaling, and is driven by lipid biosynthesis. Uncoupling ER size control and the UPR reveals that membrane expansion alleviates ER stress independently of an increase in ER chaperone levels. Converting the sheets of the expanded ER into tubules by reticulon overexpression does not affect the ability of cells to cope with ER stress, showing that ER size rather than shape is the key factor. Thus, increasing ER size through membrane synthesis is an integral yet distinct part of the cellular program to overcome ER stress.
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Maintenance of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) function is achieved in part through Ire1 (inositol-requiring enzyme 1), a transmembrane protein activated by protein misfolding in the ER. The cytoplasmic nuclease domain of Ire1 cleaves the messenger RNA (mRNA) encoding XBP-1 (X-box-binding protein 1), enabling splicing and production of this active transcription factor. We recently showed that Ire1 activation independently induces the rapid turnover of mRNAs encoding membrane and secreted proteins in Drosophila melanogaster cells through a pathway we call regulated Ire1-dependent decay (RIDD). In this study, we show that mouse fibroblasts expressing wild-type Ire1 but not an Ire1 variant lacking nuclease activity also degrade mRNAs in response to ER stress. Using a second variant of Ire1 that is activated by a small adenosine triphosphate analogue, we show that although XBP-1 splicing can be artificially induced in the absence of ER stress, RIDD appears to require both Ire1 activity and ER stress. Our data suggest that cells use a multitiered mechanism by which different conditions in the ER lead to distinct outputs from Ire1.
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XBP-1, a transcription factor that drives the unfolded protein response (UPR), is activated in B cells when they differentiate to plasma cells. Here, we show that in the B cells, whose capacity to secrete IgM has been eliminated, XBP-1 is induced normally on induction of differentiation, suggesting that activation of XBP-1 in B cells is a differentiation-dependent event, but not the result of a UPR caused by the abundant synthesis of secreted IgM. Without XBP-1, B cells fail to signal effectively through the B-cell receptor. The signalling defects lead to aberrant expression of the plasma cell transcription factors IRF4 and Blimp-1, and altered levels of activation-induced cytidine deaminase and sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor. Using XBP-1-deficient/Blimp-1-GFP transgenic mice, we find that XBP-1-deficient B cells form antibody-secreting plasmablasts in response to initial immunization; however, these plasmablasts respond ineffectively to CXCL12. They fail to colonize the bone marrow and do not sustain antibody production. These findings define the role of XBP-1 in normal plasma cell development and have implications for management of B-cell malignancies.
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Diverse cellular stress responses are linked to phosphorylation of serine 51 on the alpha subunit of translation initiation factor 2. The resultant attenuation of protein synthesis and activation of gene expression figure heavily in the adaptive response to stress, but dephosphorylation of eIF2(alphaP), which terminates signaling in this pathway, is less well understood. GADD34 and CReP, the products of the related mammalian genes Ppp1r15a and Ppp1r15b, can recruit phosphatase catalytic subunits of the PPP1 class to eIF2(alphaP), but the significance of their contribution to its dephosphorylation has not been explored systematically. Here we report that unlike Ppp1r15a mutant mice, which are superficially indistinguishable from wild type, Ppp1r15b(-/-) mouse embryos survive gestation but exhibit severe growth retardation and impaired erythropoiesis, and loss of both Ppp1r15 genes leads to early embryonic lethality. These loss-of-function phenotypes are rescued by a mutation, Eif2a(S51A), that prevents regulated phosphorylation of eIF2alpha. These findings reveal that the essential process of eIF2(alphaP) dephosphorylation is the predominant role of PPP1R15 proteins in mammalian development.
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Deficiencies in the protein-folding capacity of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in all eukaryotic cells lead to ER stress and trigger the unfolded protein response (UPR). ER stress is sensed by Ire1, a transmembrane kinase/endoribonuclease, which initiates the non-conventional splicing of the messenger RNA encoding a key transcription activator, Hac1 in yeast or XBP1 in metazoans. In the absence of ER stress, ribosomes are stalled on unspliced HAC1 mRNA. The translational control is imposed by a base-pairing interaction between the HAC1 intron and the HAC1 5' untranslated region. After excision of the intron, transfer RNA ligase joins the severed exons, lifting the translational block and allowing synthesis of Hac1 from the spliced HAC1 mRNA to ensue. Hac1 in turn drives the UPR gene expression program comprising 7-8% of the yeast genome to counteract ER stress. Here we show that, on activation, Ire1 molecules cluster in the ER membrane into discrete foci of higher-order oligomers, to which unspliced HAC1 mRNA is recruited by means of a conserved bipartite targeting element contained in the 3' untranslated region. Disruption of either Ire1 clustering or HAC1 mRNA recruitment impairs UPR signalling. The HAC1 3' untranslated region element is sufficient to target other mRNAs to Ire1 foci, as long as their translation is repressed. Translational repression afforded by the intron fulfils this requirement for HAC1 mRNA. Recruitment of mRNA to signalling centres provides a new paradigm for the control of eukaryotic gene expression.
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Aberrant folding of proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum activates the bifunctional transmembrane kinase/endoribonuclease Ire1. Ire1 excises an intron from HAC1 messenger RNA in yeasts and Xbp1 messenger RNA in metozoans encoding homologous transcription factors. This non-conventional mRNA splicing event initiates the unfolded protein response, a transcriptional program that relieves the endoplasmic reticulum stress. Here we show that oligomerization is central to Ire1 function and is an intrinsic attribute of its cytosolic domains. We obtained the 3.2-A crystal structure of the oligomer of the Ire1 cytosolic domains in complex with a kinase inhibitor that acts as a potent activator of the Ire1 RNase. The structure reveals a rod-shaped assembly that has no known precedence among kinases. This assembly positions the kinase domain for trans-autophosphorylation, orders the RNase domain, and creates an interaction surface for binding of the mRNA substrate. Activation of Ire1 through oligomerization expands the mechanistic repertoire of kinase-based signalling receptors.
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We have characterized the association between the binding protein, BiP (also known as GRP 78), and misfolded forms of the influenza virus hemagglutinin precursor, HA0. BiP is a heat-shock-related protein that binds to unassembled immunoglobulin heavy chain and to a variety of misfolded proteins in the lumen of the ER. A small fraction (5-10%) of newly synthesized HA0 in CV-1 cells was found to be misfolded and retained in the ER. When glycosylation was blocked with tunicamycin, all of the HA0 produced was similarly misfolded. The misfolded HA0 was retained as relatively small (9-25-S) complexes associated with BiP. In these complexes the top domains of HA0 were correctly folded judging by their reactivity with monoclonal antibodies, but the polypeptides were cross-linked via anomalous interchain disulfides. The association with BiP was non-covalent and easily broken by warming to 37 degrees C or by adding ATP to the lysate. Pulse-chase experiments showed that HA0's self-association into complexes occurred immediately after synthesis and was followed rapidly by BiP association. The misfolded, BiP-associated HA0 was not transported to the plasma membrane but persisted as complexes in the ER for a long period of time before degradation (t1/2 = 6 h). The results suggested that BiP may be part of a quality control system in the ER and that one of its functions is to detect and retain misfolded proteins.
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The unfolded protein response (UPR) controls the levels of molecular chaperones and enzymes involved in protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We recently isolated ATF6 as a candidate for mammalian UPR-specific transcription factor. We report here that ATF6 constitutively expressed as a 90-kDa protein (p90ATF6) is directly converted to a 50-kDa protein (p50ATF6) in ER-stressed cells. Furthermore, we showed that the most important consequence of this conversion was altered subcellular localization; p90ATF6 is embedded in the ER, whereas p50ATF6 is a nuclear protein. p90ATF6 is a type II transmembrane glycoprotein with a hydrophobic stretch in the middle of the molecule. Thus, the N-terminal half containing a basic leucine zipper motif is oriented facing the cytoplasm. Full-length ATF6 as well as its C-terminal deletion mutant carrying the transmembrane domain is localized in the ER when transfected. In contrast, mutant ATF6 representing the cytoplasmic region translocates into the nucleus and activates transcription of the endogenous GRP78/BiP gene. We propose that ER stress-induced proteolysis of membrane-bound p90ATF6 releases soluble p50ATF6, leading to induced transcription in the nucleus. Unlike yeast UPR, mammalian UPR appears to use a system similar to that reported for cholesterol homeostasis.
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Considerable progress has been made in identifying the transcription factors involved in the early specification of the B-lymphocyte lineage. However, little is known about factors that control the transition of mature activated B cells to antibody-secreting plasma cells. Here we report that the transcription factor XBP-1 is required for the generation of plasma cells. XBP-1 transcripts were rapidly upregulated in vitro by stimuli that induce plasma-cell differentiation, and were found at high levels in plasma cells from rheumatoid synovium. When introduced into B-lineage cells, XBP-1 initiated plasma-cell differentiation. Mouse lymphoid chimaeras deficient in XBP-1 possessed normal numbers of activated B lymphocytes that proliferated, secreted cytokines and formed normal germinal centres. However, they secreted very little immunoglobulin of any isotype and failed to control infection with the B-cell-dependent polyoma virus, because plasma cells were markedly absent. XBP-1 is the only transcription factor known to be selectively and specifically required for the terminal differentiation of B lymphocytes to plasma cells.
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Upon encounter with antigen, B lymphocytes differentiate into Ig-secreting plasma cells. This step involves a massive development of secretory organelles, most notably the endoplasmic reticulum. To analyze the relationship between organelle reshaping and Ig secretion, we performed a dynamic proteomics study of B lymphoma cells undergoing in vitro terminal differentiation. By clustering proteins according to temporal expression patterns, it appeared that B cells anticipate their secretory role in a multistep process. Metabolic capacity and secretory machinery expand first to accommodate the mass production of IgM that follows.
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The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has a quality-control system for 'proof-reading' newly synthesized proteins, so that only native conformers reach their final destinations. Non-native conformers and incompletely assembled oligomers are retained, and, if misfolded persistently, they are degraded. As a large fraction of ER-synthesized proteins fail to fold and mature properly, ER quality control is important for the fidelity of cellular functions. Here, we discuss recent progress in understanding the conformation-specific sorting of proteins at the level of ER retention and export.
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In the unfolded protein response, the type I transmembrane protein Ire1 transmits an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress signal to the cytoplasm. We previously reported that under nonstressed conditions, the ER chaperone BiP binds and represses Ire1. It is still unclear how this event contributes to the overall regulation of Ire1. The present Ire1 mutation study shows that the luminal domain possesses two subregions that seem indispensable for activity. The BiP-binding site was assigned not to these subregions, but to a region neighboring the transmembrane domain. Phenotypic comparison of several Ire1 mutants carrying deletions in the indispensable subregions suggests these subregions are responsible for multiple events that are prerequisites for activation of the overall Ire1 proteins. Unexpectedly, deletion of the BiP-binding site rendered Ire1 unaltered in ER stress inducibility, but hypersensitive to ethanol and high temperature. We conclude that in the ER stress-sensory system BiP is not the principal determinant of Ire1 activity, but an adjustor for sensitivity to various stresses.
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Unfolded and malfolded client proteins impose a stress on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which contributes to cell death in pathophysiological conditions. The transcription factor C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP) is activated by ER stress, and CHOP deletion protects against its lethal consequences. We find that CHOP directly activates GADD34, which promotes ER client protein biosynthesis by dephosphorylating phospho-Ser 51 of the alpha-subunit of translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2alpha) in stressed cells. Thus, impaired GADD34 expression reduces client protein load and ER stress in CHOP(-/-) cells exposed to perturbations that impair ER function. CHOP(-/-) and GADD34 mutant cells accumulate less high molecular weight protein complexes in their stressed ER than wild-type cells. Furthermore, mice lacking GADD34-directed eIF2alpha dephosphorylation, like CHOP(-/-) mice, are resistant to renal toxicity of the ER stress-inducing drug tunicamycin. CHOP also activates ERO1alpha, which encodes an ER oxidase. Consequently, the ER of stressed CHOP(-/-) cells is relatively hypo-oxidizing. Pharmacological and genetic manipulations that promote a hypo-oxidizing ER reduce abnormal high molecular weight protein complexes in the stressed ER and protect from the lethal consequences of ER stress. CHOP deletion thus protects cells from ER stress by decreasing ER client protein load and changing redox conditions within the organelle.
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Unfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) activate the ER transmembrane sensor Ire1 to trigger the unfolded protein response (UPR), a homeostatic signaling pathway that adjusts ER protein folding capacity according to need. Ire1 is a bifunctional enzyme, containing cytoplasmic kinase and RNase domains whose roles in signal transduction downstream of Ire1 are understood in some detail. By contrast, the question of how its ER-luminal domain (LD) senses unfolded proteins has remained an enigma. The 3.0-Å crystal structure and consequent structure-guided functional analyses of the conserved core region of the LD (cLD) leads us to a proposal for the mechanism of response. cLD exhibits a unique protein fold and is sufficient to control Ire1 activation by unfolded proteins. Dimerization of cLD monomers across a large interface creates a shared central groove formed by α-helices that are situated on a β-sheet floor. This groove is reminiscent of the peptide binding domains of major histocompatibility complexes (MHCs) in its gross architecture. Conserved amino acid side chains in Ire1 that face into the groove are shown to be important for UPR activation in that their mutation reduces the response. Mutational analyses suggest that further interaction between cLD dimers is required to form higher-order oligomers necessary for UPR activation. We propose that cLD directly binds unfolded proteins, which changes the quaternary association of the monomers in the membrane plane. The changes in the ER lumen in turn position Ire1 kinase domains in the cytoplasm optimally for autophosphorylation to initiate the UPR. • Ire1 • unfolded protein response • MHC • protein folding • secretory pathway
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The unfolded protein response (UPR) is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism by which all eukaryotic cells adapt to the accumulation of unfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Inositol-requiring kinase 1 (IRE1) and PKR-related ER kinase (PERK) are two type I transmembrane ER-localized protein kinase receptors that signal the UPR through a process that involves homodimerization and autophosphorylation. To elucidate the molecular basis of the ER transmembrane signaling event, we determined the x-ray crystal structure of the luminal domain of human IRE1α. The monomer of the luminal domain comprises a unique fold of a triangular assembly of β-sheet clusters. Structural analysis identified an extensive dimerization interface stabilized by hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions. Dimerization creates an MHC-like groove at the interface. However, because this groove is too narrow for peptide binding and the purified luminal domain forms high-affinity dimers in vitro, peptide binding to this groove is not required for dimerization. Consistent with our structural observations, mutations that disrupt the dimerization interface produced IRE1α molecules that failed to either dimerize or activate the UPR upon ER stress. In addition, mutations in a structurally homologous region within PERK also prevented dimerization. Our structural, biochemical, and functional studies in vivo altogether demonstrate that IRE1 and PERK have conserved a common molecular interface necessary and sufficient for dimerization and UPR signaling. • endoplasmic reticulum • protein structure • signal transduction • protein kinase • endoplasmic reticulum stress
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In protein folding and secretion disorders, activation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress signaling (ERSS) protects cells, alleviating stress that would otherwise trigger apoptosis. Whether the stress-surviving cells resume normal function is not known. We studied the in vivo impact of ER stress in terminally differentiating hypertrophic chondrocytes (HCs) during endochondral bone formation. In transgenic mice expressing mutant collagen X as a consequence of a 13-base pair deletion in Col10a1 (13del), misfolded alpha1(X) chains accumulate in HCs and elicit ERSS. Histological and gene expression analyses showed that these chondrocytes survived ER stress, but terminal differentiation is interrupted, and endochondral bone formation is delayed, producing a chondrodysplasia phenotype. This altered differentiation involves cell-cycle re-entry, the re-expression of genes characteristic of a prehypertrophic-like state, and is cell-autonomous. Concomitantly, expression of Col10a1 and 13del mRNAs are reduced, and ER stress is alleviated. ERSS, abnormal chondrocyte differentiation, and altered growth plate architecture also occur in mice expressing mutant collagen II and aggrecan. Alteration of the differentiation program in chondrocytes expressing unfolded or misfolded proteins may be part of an adaptive response that facilitates survival and recovery from the ensuing ER stress. However, the altered differentiation disrupts the highly coordinated events of endochondral ossification culminating in chondrodysplasia.
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Multiple myeloma (MM) evolves from a highly prevalent premalignant condition termed MGUS. The factors underlying the malignant transformation of MGUS are unknown. We report a MGUS/MM phenotype in transgenic mice with Emu-directed expression of the XBP-1 spliced isoform (XBP-1s), a factor governing unfolded protein/ER stress response and plasma-cell development. Emu-XBP-1s elicited elevated serum Ig and skin alterations. With age, Emu-xbp-1s transgenics develop features diagnostic of human MM, including bone lytic lesions and subendothelial Ig deposition. Furthermore, transcriptional profiles of Emu-xbp-1s lymphoid and MM cells show aberrant expression of known human MM dysregulated genes. The similarities of this model with the human disease, coupled with documented frequent XBP-1s overexpression in human MM, serve to implicate XBP-1s dysregulation in MM pathogenesis.
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Chaperone protein BiP binds to Ire1 and dissociates in response to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. However, it remains unclear how the signal transducer Ire1 senses ER stress and is subsequently activated. The crystal structure of the core stress-sensing region (CSSR) of yeast Ire1 luminal domain led to the controversial suggestion that the molecule can bind to unfolded proteins. We demonstrate that, upon ER stress, Ire1 clusters and actually interacts with unfolded proteins. Ire1 mutations that affect these phenomena reveal that Ire1 is activated via two steps, both of which are ER stress regulated, albeit in different ways. In the first step, BiP dissociation from Ire1 leads to its cluster formation. In the second step, direct interaction of unfolded proteins with the CSSR orients the cytosolic effector domains of clustered Ire1 molecules.
Unfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) activate the ER transmembrane sensor Ire1 to trigger the unfolded protein response (UPR), a homeostatic signaling pathway that adjusts ER protein folding capacity according to need. Ire1 is a bifunctional enzyme, containing cytoplasmic kinase and RNase domains whose roles in signal transduction downstream of Ire1 are understood in some detail. By contrast, the question of how its ER-luminal domain (LD) senses unfolded proteins has remained an enigma. The 3.0-Å crystal structure and consequent structure-guided functional analyses of the conserved core region of the LD (cLD) leads us to a proposal for the mechanism of response. cLD exhibits a unique protein fold and is sufficient to control Ire1 activation by unfolded proteins. Dimerization of cLD monomers across a large interface creates a shared central groove formed by -helices that are situated on a -sheet floor. This groove is reminiscent of the peptide binding domains of major histocompatibility complexes (MHCs) in its gross architecture. Conserved amino acid side chains in Ire1 that face into the groove are shown to be important for UPR activation in that their mutation reduces the response. Mutational analyses suggest that further interaction between cLD dimers is required to form higher-order oligomers necessary for UPR activation. We propose that cLD directly binds unfolded proteins, which changes the quaternary association of the monomers in the membrane plane. The changes in the ER lumen in turn position Ire1 kinase domains in the cytoplasm optimally for autophosphorylation to initiate the UPR. Ire1 | unfolded protein response | MHC | protein folding | secretory pathway
Direct binding of unfolded proteins to a sensor in the endoplasmic reticulum triggers sensor oligomerization and a cellular stress response.
The unfolded protein response (UPR) detects the accumulation of unfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and adjusts the protein-folding capacity to the needs of the cell. Under conditions of ER stress, the transmembrane protein Ire1 oligomerizes to activate its cytoplasmic kinase and ribonuclease domains. It is unclear what feature of ER stress Ire1 detects. We found that the core ER-lumenal domain (cLD) of yeast Ire1 binds to unfolded proteins in yeast cells and to peptides primarily composed of basic and hydrophobic residues in vitro. Mutation of amino acid side chains exposed in a putative peptide-binding groove of Ire1 cLD impaired peptide binding. Peptide binding caused Ire1 cLD oligomerization in vitro, suggesting that direct binding to unfolded proteins activates the UPR.
In pancreatic β-cells, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an important cellular compartment for insulin biosynthesis, which accounts for half of the total protein production in these cells. Protein flux through the ER must be carefully monitored to prevent dysregulation of ER homeostasis and stress. ER stress elicits a signaling cascade known as the unfolded protein response (UPR), which influences both life and death decisions in cells. β-cell loss is a pathological component of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and recent findings suggest that ER stress is involved. In this review, we address the transition from the physiological ER stress response to the pathological response, and explore the mechanisms of ER stress-mediated β-cell loss during the progression of diabetes.
The ability to respond to perturbations in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) function is a fundamentally important property of all cells, but ER stress can also lead to apoptosis. In settings of chronic ER stress, the associated apoptosis may contribute to pathophysiological processes involved in a number of prevalent diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, atherosclerosis and renal disease. The molecular mechanisms linking ER stress to apoptosis are the topic of this review, with emphases on relevance to pathophysiology and integration and complementation among the various apoptotic pathways induced by ER stress.
Upon endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, an endoribonuclease, inositol-requiring enzyme-1α, splices the precursor unspliced form of X-box–binding protein 1 messenger RNA (XBP1u mRNA) on the ER membrane to yield an active transcription factor (XBP1s), leading to the alleviation of the stress. The nascent peptide encoded by XBP1u mRNA drags the mRNA–ribosome–nascent chain (R-RNC) complex to the membrane for efficient cytoplasmic splicing. We found that translation of the XBP1u mRNA was briefly paused to stabilize the R-RNC complex. Mutational analysis of XBP1u revealed an evolutionarily conserved peptide module at the carboxyl terminus that was responsible for the translational pausing and was required for the efficient targeting and splicing of the XBP1u mRNA. Thus, translational pausing may be used for unexpectedly diverse cellular processes in mammalian cells.
Accumulation of misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) triggers the unfolded protein response (UPR), an intracellular signaling pathway that adjusts the protein folding capacity of the ER according to need. If homeostasis in the ER protein folding environment cannot be reestablished, cells commit to apoptosis. The ER-resident transmembrane kinase-endoribonuclease inositol-requiring enzyme 1 (IRE1) is the best characterized UPR signal transduction molecule. In yeast, Ire1 oligomerizes upon activation in response to an accumulation of misfolded proteins in the ER. Here we show that the salient mechanistic features of IRE1 activation are conserved: mammalian IRE1 oligomerizes in the ER membrane and oligomerization correlates with the onset of IRE1 phosphorylation and RNase activity. Moreover, the kinase/RNase module of human IRE1 activates cooperatively in vitro, indicating that formation of oligomers larger than four IRE1 molecules takes place upon activation. High-order IRE1 oligomerization thus emerges as a conserved mechanism of IRE1 signaling. IRE1 signaling attenuates after prolonged ER stress. IRE1 then enters a refractive state even if ER stress remains unmitigated. Attenuation includes dissolution of IRE1 clusters, IRE1 dephosphorylation, and decline in endoribonuclease activity. Thus IRE1 activity is governed by a timer that may be important in switching the UPR from the initially cytoprotective phase to the apoptotic mode.
Signaling in the most conserved branch of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) unfolded protein response (UPR) is initiated by sequence-specific cleavage of the HAC1/XBP1 mRNA by the ER stress-induced kinase-endonuclease IRE1. We have discovered that the flavonol quercetin activates yeast IRE1's RNase and potentiates activation by ADP, a natural activating ligand that engages the IRE1 nucleotide-binding cleft. Enzyme kinetics and the structure of a cocrystal of IRE1 complexed with ADP and quercetin reveal engagement by quercetin of an unanticipated ligand-binding pocket at the dimer interface of IRE1's kinase extension nuclease (KEN) domain. Analytical ultracentrifugation and crosslinking studies support the preeminence of enhanced dimer formation in quercetin's mechanism of action. These findings hint at the existence of endogenous cytoplasmic ligands that may function alongside stress signals from the ER lumen to modulate IRE1 activity and at the potential for the development of drugs that modify UPR signaling from this unanticipated site.
Many mutations associated with retinal degeneration lead to the production of misfolded proteins by cells of the retina. Emerging evidence suggests that these abnormal proteins cause cell death by activating the Unfolded Protein Response, a set of conserved intracellular signaling pathways that detect protein misfolding within the endoplasmic reticulum and control protective and proapoptotic signal transduction pathways. Here, we review the misfolded proteins associated with select types of retinitis pigmentosa, Stargadt-like macular degeneration, and Doyne Honeycomb Retinal Dystrophy and discuss the role that endoplasmic reticulum stress and UPR signaling play in their pathogenesis. Last, we review new therapies for these diseases based on preventing protein misfolding in the retina.
The accumulation of unfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) under ER stress conditions activates a series of homoeostatic responses collectively termed the unfolded protein response (UPR). The UPR is unique in which the molecular mechanisms it uses to transmit signals from the ER lumen to the nucleus are completely different to those used for signalling from the plasma membrane. An ER stress signal is sensed and transmitted across the membrane by a transmembrane protein(s) in the ER. Interestingly, the number of such functional sensors/transducers, ubiquitously expressed, has increased with evolution, for example, one in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster, and three in mammals. Accordingly, mammalian cells are able to cope with ER stress in a more sophisticated manner. Here, I summarize the mechanisms and activation consequences of UPR signalling pathways in yeast, worm, fly and mammalian cells. I also discuss how they have evolved to counteract ER stress effectively.
The transcription factor ATF6 is held as a membrane precursor in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and is transported and proteolytically processed in the Golgi apparatus under conditions of unfolded protein response stress. We show that during stress, ATF6 forms an interaction with COPII, the protein complex required for vesicular traffic of cargo proteins from the ER. Using an in vitro budding reaction that recapitulates the ER-stress induced transport of ATF6, we show that no cytoplasmic proteins other than COPII are necessary for transport. ATF6 is retained in the ER by association with the chaperone BiP (GRP78). In the in vitro reaction, the ATF6-BiP complex disassembles when membranes are treated with reducing agent and ATP. A hybrid protein with the ATF6 cytoplasmic domain replaced by a constitutive sorting signal (Sec22b SNARE) retains stress-responsive transport in vivo and in vitro. These results suggest that unfolded proteins or an ER luminal -SH reactive bond controls BiP-ATF6 stability and access of ATF6 to the COPII budding machinery.
During endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, homeostatic signaling through the unfolded protein response (UPR) augments ER protein-folding capacity. If homeostasis is not restored, the UPR triggers apoptosis. We found that the ER transmembrane kinase/endoribonuclease (RNase) IRE1alpha is a key component of this apoptotic switch. ER stress induces IRE1alpha kinase autophosphorylation, activating the RNase to splice XBP1 mRNA and produce the homeostatic transcription factor XBP1s. Under ER stress--or forced autophosphorylation--IRE1alpha's RNase also causes endonucleolytic decay of many ER-localized mRNAs, including those encoding chaperones, as early events culminating in apoptosis. Using chemical genetics, we show that kinase inhibitors bypass autophosphorylation to activate the RNase by an alternate mode that enforces XBP1 splicing and averts mRNA decay and apoptosis. Alternate RNase activation by kinase-inhibited IRE1alpha can be reconstituted in vitro. We propose that divergent cell fates during ER stress hinge on a balance between IRE1alpha RNase outputs that can be tilted with kinase inhibitors to favor survival.
The integrity of cell membranes is maintained by a balance between the amount of cholesterol and the amounts of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids in phospholipids. This balance is maintained by membrane-bound transcription factors called sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBPs) that activate genes encoding enzymes of cholesterol and fatty acid biosynthesis. To enhance transcription, the active NH(2)-terminal domains of SREBPs are released from endoplasmic reticulum membranes by two sequential cleavages. The first is catalyzed by Site-1 protease (S1P), a membrane-bound subtilisin-related serine protease that cleaves the hydrophilic loop of SREBP that projects into the endoplasmic reticulum lumen. The second cleavage, at Site-2, requires the action of S2P, a hydrophobic protein that appears to be a zinc metalloprotease. This cleavage is unusual because it occurs within a membrane-spanning domain of SREBP. Sterols block SREBP processing by inhibiting S1P. This response is mediated by SREBP cleavage-activating protein (SCAP), a regulatory protein that activates S1P and also serves as a sterol sensor, losing its activity when sterols overaccumulate in cells. These regulated proteolytic cleavage reactions are ultimately responsible for controlling the level of cholesterol in membranes, cells, and blood.
The unfolded protein response (UPR) regulates gene expression in response to stress in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We determined the transcriptional scope of the UPR using DNA microarrays. Rather than regulating only ER-resident chaperones and phospholipid biosynthesis, as anticipated from earlier work, the UPR affects multiple ER and secretory pathway functions. Studies of UPR targets engaged in ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD) reveal an intimate coordination between these responses: efficient ERAD requires an intact UPR, and UPR induction increases ERAD capacity. Conversely, loss of ERAD leads to constitutive UPR induction. Finally, simultaneous loss of ERAD and the UPR greatly decreases cell viability. Thus, the UPR and ERAD are dynamic responses required for the coordinated disposal of misfolded proteins even in the absence of acute stress.
ATF6 is a membrane-bound transcription factor that activates genes in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response. When unfolded proteins accumulate in the ER, ATF6 is cleaved to release its cytoplasmic domain, which enters the nucleus. Here, we show that ATF6 is processed by Site-1 protease (S1P) and Site-2 protease (S2P), the enzymes that process SREBPs in response to cholesterol deprivation. ATF6 processing was blocked completely in cells lacking S2P and partially in cells lacking S1P. ATF6 processing required the RxxL and asparagine/proline motifs, known requirements for S1P and S2P processing, respectively. Cells lacking S2P failed to induce GRP78, an ATF6 target, in response to ER stress. ATF6 processing did not require SCAP, which is essential for SREBP processing. We conclude that S1P and S2P are required for the ER stress response as well as for lipid synthesis.
The unfolded protein response (UPR) allows the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to recover from the accumulation of misfolded proteins, in part by increasing its folding capacity. Inositol-requiring enzyme–1 (IRE1) promotes this remodeling by detecting misfolded ER proteins and activating a transcription factor, X-box–binding protein 1, through endonucleolytic cleavage of its messenger RNA (mRNA). Here, we report that IRE1 independently mediates the rapid degradation of a specific subset of mRNAs, based both on their localization to the ER membrane and on the amino acid sequence they encode. This response is well suited to complement other UPR mechanisms because it could selectively halt production of proteins that challenge the ER and clear the translocation and folding machinery for the subsequent remodeling process.
Numerous viruses including hepatitis B virus (HBV) induce endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, which interrupts protein folding causing accumulation of unfolded or misfolded proteins in ER. To alleviate the stress placed on ER, these proteins must be refolded or degraded by activating a specific cellular response known as ER stress response or unfolded protein response (UPR). Two UPR-specific signaling pathways involving transmembrane proteins ATF6 and XBP1 generate critical transcription factors that activate UPR-responsive genes. In this study, the role of the multifunctional regulatory protein of HBV (HBx protein) in activation of UPR was investigated. In Hep3B cells with transit or stable expression of HBx, XBP1 expression and ATF6 cleavage was observed, suggesting that the ATF6 and IRE1-XBP1 pathways were activated. Furthermore, these two pathways were also activated in HepG2.2.15 cells that constitutively replicate the intact HBV genome, and blocked at least partly by cotransfection with small interfering RNA (siRNA) expression plasmid that knocked down HBx expression. Our results clearly establish HBx as an inducer of UPR and the activator of the ATF6 and IRE1-XBP1 pathways of UPR. HBx-mediated activation of these pathways of UPR probably promote HBV replication and expression in liver cells, and contribute to liver pathogenesis, perhaps even to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development.
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) responds to the accumulation of unfolded proteins in its lumen (ER stress) by activating intracellular signal transduction pathways - cumulatively called the unfolded protein response (UPR). Together, at least three mechanistically distinct arms of the UPR regulate the expression of numerous genes that function within the secretory pathway but also affect broad aspects of cell fate and the metabolism of proteins, amino acids and lipids. The arms of the UPR are integrated to provide a response that remodels the secretory apparatus and aligns cellular physiology to the demands imposed by ER stress.
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress activates a set of signaling pathways, collectively termed the unfolded protein response (UPR). The three UPR branches (IRE1, PERK, and ATF6) promote cell survival by reducing misfolded protein levels. UPR signaling also promotes apoptotic cell death if ER stress is not alleviated. How the UPR integrates its cytoprotective and proapoptotic outputs to select between life or death cell fates is unknown. We found that IRE1 and ATF6 activities were attenuated by persistent ER stress in human cells. By contrast, PERK signaling, including translational inhibition and proapoptotic transcription regulator Chop induction, was maintained. When IRE1 activity was sustained artificially, cell survival was enhanced, suggesting a causal link between the duration of UPR branch signaling and life or death cell fate after ER stress. Key findings from our studies in cell culture were recapitulated in photoreceptors expressing mutant rhodopsin in animal models of retinitis pigmentosa.
Ire1 is an ancient transmembrane sensor of ER stress with dual protein kinase and ribonuclease activities. In response to ER stress, Ire1 catalyzes the splicing of target mRNAs in a spliceosome-independent manner. We have determined the crystal structure of the dual catalytic region of Ire1at 2.4 A resolution, revealing the fusion of a domain, which we term the KEN domain, to the protein kinase domain. Dimerization of the kinase domain composes a large catalytic surface on the KEN domain which carries out ribonuclease function. We further show that signal induced trans-autophosphorylation of the kinase domain permits unfettered binding of nucleotide, which in turn promotes dimerization to compose the ribonuclease active site. Comparison of Ire1 to a topologically disparate ribonuclease reveals the convergent evolution of their catalytic mechanism. These findings provide a basis for understanding the mechanism of action of RNaseL and other pseudokinases, which represent 10% of the human kinome.