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Reference gene validation for qPCR in rat carotid body during postnatal development


Abstract and Figures

ABSTRACT: The carotid bodies are the main arterial oxygen chemoreceptors in mammals. Afferent neural output from the carotid bodies to brainstem respiratory and cardiovascular nuclei provides tonic input and mediates important protective responses to acute and chronic hypoxia. It is widely accepted that the selection of reference genes for mRNA normalization in quantitative real-time PCR must be validated for a given tissue and set of conditions. This is particularly important for studies in carotid body during early postnatal maturation as the arterial oxygen tension undergoes major changes from fetal to postnatal life, which may affect reference gene expression. In order to determine the most stable and suitable reference genes for the study of rat carotid body during development, six commonly used reference genes, β-actin, RPII (RNA polymerase II), PPIA (peptidyl-proyl-isomerase A), TBP (TATA-box binding protein), GAPDH, and 18s rRNA, were evaluated in two age groups (P0-1 and P14-16) under three environmental oxygen conditions (normoxia, chronic hypoxia and chronic hyperoxia) using the three most commonly used software programs, geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper. The three programs produced similar results but the reference gene rankings were not identical between programs or experimental conditions. Overall, 18s rRNA was the least stable reference gene for carotid body and, when hyperoxia and/or hypoxia conditions were included, actin was similarly unstable. Reference or housekeeping gene expression for qPCR studies of carotid body during postnatal development may vary with developmental stage and environmental conditions. Selection of the best reference gene or combination of reference genes for carotid body development studies should take environmental conditions into account. Two commonly used reference genes, 18s rRNA and actin, may be unsuitable for studies of carotid body maturation, especially if the study design includes altered oxygen conditions.
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SHOR T REPOR T Open Access
Reference gene validation for qPCR in rat carotid
body during postnatal development
Insook Kim
, Dongjin Yang
, Xinyu Tang
and John L Carroll
Background: The carotid bodies are the main arterial oxygen chemoreceptors in mammals. Afferent neural output
from the carotid bodies to brainstem respiratory and cardiovascular nuclei provides tonic input and mediates
important protective responses to acute and chronic hypoxia. It is widely accepted that the selection of reference
genes for mRNA normalization in quantitative real-time PCR must be validated for a given tissue and set of
conditions. This is particularly important for studies in carotid body during early postnatal maturation as the arterial
oxygen tension undergoes major changes from fetal to postnatal life, which may affect reference gene expression.
In order to determine the most stable and suitable reference genes for the study of rat carotid body during
development, six commonly used reference genes, b-actin, RPII (RNA polymerase II), PPIA (peptidyl-proyl-isomerase
A), TBP (TATA-box binding protein), GAPDH, and 18s rRNA, were evaluated in two age groups (P0-1 and P14-16)
under three environmental oxygen conditions (normoxia, chronic hypoxia and chronic hyperoxia) using the three
most commonly used software programs, geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper.
Findings: The three programs produced similar results but the reference gene rankings were not identical
between programs or experimental conditions. Overall, 18s rRNA was the least stable reference gene for carotid
body and, when hyperoxia and/or hypoxia conditions were included, actin was similarly unstable.
Conclusions: Reference or housekeeping gene expression for qPCR studies of carotid body during postnatal
development may vary with developmental stage and environmental conditions. Selection of the best reference
gene or combination of reference genes for carotid body development studies should take environmental
conditions into account. Two commonly used reference genes, 18s rRNA and actin, may be unsuitable for studies
of carotid body maturation, especially if the study design includes altered oxygen conditions.
Mammals have evolved a complex oxygen sensing sys-
tem that links rapidly responding peripheral arterial PO
sensors, the carotid body (CB) chemoreceptors, with
central respiratory motor output and cardiovascular
reflexes. Afferent neural output from the carotid bodies
is transmitted via the carotid sinus nerves (CSN) to
brainstem respiratory and cardiovascular nuclei, which
control ventilatory, heart rate and blood pressure
responses to hypoxia [1] and mediate other important
defenses during hypoxic stress [2-6]. In all species
studied to date, CB responsiveness to hypoxia is low in
newborns and increases with age [7,8].
Glomus cells (or type-1 cells), the O
-sensing cells of
the CB, are arranged in clusters with apposed nerve
terminals of the carotid sinus nerve, whose cell bodies
are located in the petrosal ganglion (PG) [9]. Studies of
rat glomus cells from our laboratory demonstrate that
the magnitude of hypoxia-induced cell membrane depo-
larization, the intracellular calcium response ([Ca
-sensitive back-
ground K
current increase with age from birth (postna-
tal day 0: P0) to postnatal day 14-21 (P14-21) [10-12].
The mechanisms are unknown but may involve postna-
tal changes in glomus cell ion channel expression.
Therefore, studies of ion channel expression are crucial
to understanding the mechanisms of CB glomus cell O
sensing and its postnatal maturation.
* Correspondence:
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Department of Pediatrics,
Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Arkansas Childrens Hospital Research
Institute, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
Kim et al.BMC Research Notes 2011, 4:440
© 2011 Carroll et al; licensee BioMed Centra l Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (http://creative, which permits unrestricted use, distribu tion, and reproduction in
any medium, pro vided the original work is properly cited.
Developmental studies of gene expression typically
employ relative quantification by qPCR, where normali-
zation against an internal control gene is commonly
used. The use of internal control genes (reference
genes) assumes that their expression is invariant in the
cells or tissue under study and with experimental treat-
ments. Developmental studies, in addition, assume that
reference genes for qPCR do not change with stage of
development or ambient conditions. However, numer-
ous studies show that commonly used reference genes,
such as b-actin, GAPDH or 18s rRNA, are not constant
between different developmental stages and different
experimental conditions [13-20]. Normalization of the
data with unstable reference genes can result in mislead-
ing or false conclusions.
It has become widely accepted that the selection of
reference genes must be validated for a given tissue and
set of conditions [21] and the use of multiple reference
approach to normalization [21-24]. This approach can
be facilitated by the use of tools such as geNorm [22],
NormFinder [25] and BestKeeper [26], which allow
selection of the most stable reference genes and deter-
mination of the best combination to use for normaliza-
tion for a given tissue and set of conditions.
Fetal arterial PO
in mammals is about 23-28 mmHg
and rises ~ 4 fold within the first two hours after birth
[27,28], raising the additional possibility that oxygen-
dependent gene expression may change during the first
days or weeks after birth [29,30]. Specifically, oxygen
tension may affect the expression of reference genes in a
tissue-specific manner [13,31], suggesting that candidate
reference genes for normalization should be validated
not only for a given tissue but also for oxygen condi-
tions that may affect expression and over the time
frame when such changes may occur.
In the present study, six candidate reference genes
were evaluated using three reference gene selection
tools in whole rat carotid bodies during a crucial devel-
opmental period (P0 to P16) and under conditions of
peri- and postnatal normoxia, hypoxia and hyperoxia.
Results indicate that actin and 18s rRNA, housekeeping
genes commonly used for qPCR normalization, were
among the least stable reference genes under most
Overview of study design
Six commonly used reference genes, b-actin, RPII (RNA
polymerase II), PPIA (peptidyl-proyl-isomerase A), TBP
(TATA-box binding protein), GAPDH, and 18s rRNA,
were validated using geNorm [22], NormFinder [25] and
BestKeeper [26] for two age groups (P0-1 and P14-16)
under three environmental oxygen conditions
(normoxia, chronic hypoxia and chronic hyperoxia).
This yielded four groups as follows: age P0-1, normoxia
(N1), age P14-16, normoxia (N14), age P14-16, chronic
hyperoxia treated (Hyper14), and age P14-16, chronic
hypoxia treated (Hypo14). To reduce the inter-assay var-
iations, all six reference genes were run with qPCR with
all four sets of samples; N1, N14, Hyper14, and Hypo14.
In order to evaluate CB reference gene stability under
conditions relevant to postnatal development we per-
formed the analysis, with geNorm, NormFinder and
BestKeeper, using four combinations of the conditions,
as follows: N1+N14 (development), N14+Hyper14
(chronic hyperoxia during development), N14+Hypo14
(chronic hypoxia during development) and N1+N14
+Hyper14+Hypo14 (development + altered environmen-
tal condition). The procedures used in this study were
approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use
Committee of the University of Arkansas for Medical
Chronic Hyperoxia or Hypoxia Treatment
For chronic hyperoxia or hypoxia treatment, timed-preg-
nant Sprague-Dawley rats were placed in a controlled
atmosphere chamber 1-2 days prior to expected delivery
cler Model A84XOV, BioSpherix, Redfield, NY). The
system continuously monitors and maintains a preset
oxygen level, and O
tensions are recorded con-
tinuously (AnaWin software). The chambers employ a
controlled leak to the room environment in order to
limit CO
/humidity buildup. For chronic hyperoxia and
hypoxia treatment, rats were exposed to 0.60 FiO
0.12 FiO
, respectively. Pups and dams were maintained
in the chamber until use at P14-16.
Isolation of Rat CB and tRNA Extraction
Carotid bodies (CB) were isolated from rats age P0-1
(N1), P14-16 (N14), P14-16 male and female rats
exposed continuously to hyperoxia (60% O
(Hyper14), and P14-16 rats exposed to hypoxia (12%
) from birth (Hypo14) as described previously [12].
For CB isolation, rats were anesthetized with isoflurane
and decapitated under deep surgical anesthesia. The car-
otid bifurcations were dissected and placed in ice-cold
were then removed from the bifurcations and placed in
cold sterile PBS. Isolated CBs were placed into a 1.5 ml
centrifuge tube, washed with ice-cold PBS, and stored in
RNAlater stabilization reagent (Qiagen) at -80°F. Frozen
collected CBs were processed to extract the Total RNA
(tRNA) using AquaPure RNA isolation kit (Bio-Rad).
tRNA was extracted from ~ 50 frozen CBs and the
tRNA pellet was reconstituted in 10-16 μlofhydration
solution depending on size of isolated CB. The
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concentration of extracted tRNA was measured by spec-
trophotometer (SmartSpec Plus, Bio-Rad) at 260 nm.
Purity of tRNA was determined as the 260 nm/280 nm
ratio with expected values between 1.8 and 2.
Extracted tRNA were treated with RQ1 RNA-free
DNase (Promega) and estimated 1 μgofpuretRNAran
for cDNA sysnthesis (20 μl) by using iScript cDNA
synthesis kit (Bio-Rad). cDNA at 5X dilution were run
using qPCR in triplicate. The six putative reference
genes, b-actin, RPII (RNA polymerase II), PPIA (pepti-
dyl-proyl-isomerase A), TBP (TATA-box binding pro-
tein), GAPDH, and 18s rRNA, were evaluated using
qPCR. All six reference genes were tested with cDNA
synthesized from N1, N14, Hyper14, and Hypo14 on the
same plate to reduce inter-assay variations.
Quantitative Real Time RT-PCR (qPCR)
Primers for reference genes were designed by using Bea-
con Designer 2.0; PPIA, TBP, RPII, b-actin, GAPDH,
18s rRNA, TASK-1, TASK-2 and TASK-3 (Table 1).
Designed primers were ordered from Integrated DNA
Technologies (IDT, Coraville, IA) and tested on cDNA
from positive control tissues prior to testing on cDNA
of CB. The PCR efficiency of each primer pair was
tested with the serial dilution of cDNA prepared with
N14 CB in triplicate (Table 1). The real-time PCR effi-
ciency rate (E) in the exponential phase was calculated
according to the following equation [32]:
To exclude genomic DNA contamination, tRNA was
treated with RQ1 RNase-free DNase (Promega) as
described above (tRNA extraction methods) and cDNA
was synthesized using iScript cDNA synthesis kit (Bio-
Rad). To check for DNA contamination on newly made
tRNA, cDNA without reverse transcriptase (-RT) was
synthesized and tested prior to use. To prevent false
detection with the qPCR, a no-template-control (NTC)
was tested on every run for each primer set and the
melting curve was checked.
Real time PCR using SYBR green technology was per-
formed on an iCycler iQ real-time detection system in
96-well microtitre plates using a final volume of 20 μl
(Bio-Rad). SYBR Green Supermix (Bio-Rad and Applied
Biosystems) and 0.1 μM of primers were mixed with
DNAse and RNase-free water to make the 9/10
of the
total reaction volume and 1/10
of cDNA was added
into the mixture. The following amplification program
was used: after 5 min of denaturation at 95°C, 50 cycles
of real time PCR with 2-step amplification were per-
formed consisting of 15s at 95°C for denaturation, 45s
at 60°C for annealing and 1min at 95°C for polymerase
elongation. In each qPCR run, all six reference genes
were run on all four conditions, N1, N14, Hyper 14, and
Hypo 14, in one 96 well PCR plate simultaneously. All
samples were amplified in triplicate and the mean was
obtained for further calculation. C
values of 50 were
excluded from further mathematical calculation, because
50 represents no quantitative information of the RNA
amount, but only the end of the PCR run.
Table 1 Information on the primers used for real time PCR
Gene Accession # Primers Product Size (bp) Efficiency Rate (E)
b-actin NM_031144 F CAGGGTGTGATGGTGGGTATGG 115 2.03
Nucleotide sequences for the primers, size of PCR products, and PCR amplification efficiency rate of each primer set. All the genes are from rat origin. The real-
time PCR efficiency rate (E) in exponential phase was calculated according to the equation: E = 10[-1/slope] [32].
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Data analysis
Reference gene ranking and selection of best combination
of multiple reference genes
Three popular software programs, geNorm [22], Norm-
Finder [25] and BestKeeper [26], were used to evaluate
or validate the best reference genes for use during CB
development. In general, they are based on the principle
that the expression of reference genes should be the
same under all experimental conditions and cell types
studied. geNorm measures the variation between any
two candidate control genes as the standard deviation of
(log-transformed) control gene ratios. Each candidate
comparing it (in a pairwise fashion) with each other
reference gene candidate. The candidate genes with the
most stable expression have the lowest M. The genes
are then ranked, using stepwise exclusion of the least
stable genes. NormFinder [25] uses a model-based
approach to estimate overall reference gene stability but
also considers variations between sample subgroups.
BestKeeper [26] uses repeated pair-wise correlation ana-
lysis to determine the optimal reference genes. For rela-
tive gene quantification, REST 384 or REST2009 were
used [33].
Statistical Method for Rank Aggregation
These three programs, geNorm, NormFinder and Best-
Keeper, have been previously reported to yield different
rankings of reference genes [34]. As they use different
approaches to evaluating reference gene stability [34],
they would not be expected to yield identical results.
Therefore, weighted rank aggregation was performed to
combine the ordered lists of genes produced by geN-
orm, NormFinder, and BestKeeper to a consensus rank
of genes. The M-values obtained from geNorm, variabil-
ity measurements from NormFinder, and the coefficients
of correlation from BestKeeper were used as weights in
the aggregation process. Brute force method was used to
enumerate all possible candidate lists and find the one
with the minimum Spearman footrule distance using the
BruteAggreg function [35]. Although it is recommended
that the Cross-Entropy Monte Carlo algorithm should
be used when the size of the ranking list is relatively lar-
ger than 10, it was used additionally to validate the con-
sensus rank of genes resulting from the brute force
approach. The two methods yielded consistent ranking
lists, demonstrating that the consensus ranks of genes
were robust to the methods used. The rank aggregations
were conducted with R software version 2.11.1 (R Devel-
opment Core Team, 2009).
All six reference genes, PPIA, TBP, RPII, b-actin,
GAPDH, and 18s rRNA, were detected from all tested
CB samples (Figure 1). The median expression levels
value) for each validated reference gene are shown
in Figure 1. For 18s rRNA, cDNA was diluted 125x to
fit its C
value into a reasonable C
range. TBP showed
the lowest expression level among 6 reference genes,
but its C
values were at a reasonable detection level for
SYBR green real time PCR.
Reference genes during CB development in normoxia,
chronic hyperoxia and chronic hypoxia treatment were
evaluated with extracted RNA in four combinations as
follows: N1+N14, N14+Hyper14, N14+Hypo14, or N1
+N14+Hyper14+Hypo14. geNorm found PPIA and TBP
or RPII and TBP to be the most stable reference gene
combinations (Table 2). 18s rRNA was the least stable
in all groups according to geNorm (Table 2). geNorm
calculates an expression stability value, termed M,
which is highest for the least stable gene and lowest for
the most stable (Figure 2). The PPIA and TBP combina-
tion was by far the most stable and 18s rRNA was the
least stable reference gene (Figure 2).
For the combination of all four conditions, N1+N14
+Hyper14+Hypo14, NormFinder also selected PPIA and
Figure 1 The distribution of gene expression levels of tested
reference genes in pooled C
values. Data obtained from
immature (N1), mature (N14), chronic hyperoxia (Hyper14), and
chronic hypoxia (Hypo14) treated rat CB. Top panel: PCR amplicons
from all tested reference genes were detected on 1.5% agarose gel
as single band and correct size of PCR product. Bottom panel: C
values for each reference gene are shown as medians (line in box),
means (asterisks), 25 to 75 percentile (boxes), and 1 to 99 percentile
ranges (whiskers).
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TBP as the best two reference genes (Table 2) and Best-
Keeper ranked PPIA and TBP as the top two most
stable reference genes (Table 2). Rankings for other
combinations of conditions varied more with NormFin-
der and BestKeeper, compared to geNorm (Table 2).
Similar to the 18s rankings produced by geNorm, 18s
rRNA tended to rank near the bottom of stability rank-
ings using NormFinder and BestKeeper (Table 2).
As the three programs produced different results, we
attempted to determine consensus rankings using
weighted rank aggregation. The most consistent result
of consensus rankings was that 18s rRNA ranked at or
near the bottom of the rankings under all conditions
(Table 3). For development alone (N1+N14) PPIA and
GAPDH ranked as the top two reference genes by con-
sensus analysis (Table 3). For hyperoxia during develop-
ment (N14+Hyper14) RPII and TBP were ranked as the
top two genes by consensus (Table 3). In both groups
involving hypoxia during development (N14+Hypo14
and N1+N14+Hyper14+Hypo14) TBP and PPIA were
Table 2 Ranking of the 6 selected reference genes in rat whole carotid bodies by geNorm, NormFinder and
geNorm N1+N14 (n = 16) N14+Hyper14 (n = 14) N14+Hypo14 (n = 14) N1+N14+Hyper14+ Hypo14 (n = 28)
Rank Gene M-value Gene M-value Gene M-value Gene M-value
Best two genes RPII TBP 0.26 PPIA TBP 0.20 PPIA TBP 0.29 PPIA TBP 0.26
3 PPIA 0.27 RPII 0.35 RPII 0.36 RPII 0.38
4 actin 0.34 GAPDH 0.43 GAPDH 0.45 GAPDH 0.44
5 GAPDH 0.38 actin 0.50 actin 0.50 actin 0.49
6 18s 0.40 18s 0.57 18s 0.52 18s 0.53
Norm Finder N1+N14 (n = 16) N14+Hyper14 (n = 14) N14+Hypo14 (n = 14) N1+ N14+Hyper14+ Hypo14 (n = 28)
Rank Gene Variability Gene Variability Gene Variability Gene Variability
Best two genes TBP Actin 0.009 RPII GAPDH 0.007 RPII GAPDH 0.008 PPIA TBP 0.011
1 GAPDH 0.01 RPII 0.013 TBP 0.007 TBP 0.015
2 PPIA 0.011 GAPDH 0.013 PPIA 0.015 GAPDH 0.017
3 actin 0.014 TBP 0.014 GAPDH 0.018 18s 0.019
4 TBP 0.015 actin 0.019 RPII 0.018 PPIA 0.020
5 RPII 0.016 PPIA 0.021 18s 0.020 RPII 0.021
6 18s 0.018 18s 0.021 actin 0.021 actin 0.023
Best Keeper N1+N14 (n = 16) N14+ yper14 (n = 14) N14+Hypo14 (n = 14) N1 + N14 + Hyper14+ Hypo14 (n = 28)
Rank Gene Coeff. of corr.[r] Gene Coeff. of corr.[r] Gene Coeff. of corr.[r] Gene Coeff. of corr.[r]
1 PPIA 0.89 RPII 0.97 RPII 0.86 PPIA 0.97
2 actin 0.84 PPIA 0.96 PPIA 0.85 TBP 0.95
3 GAPDH 0.83 GAPDH 0.96 TBP 0.85 GAPDH 0.95
4 18s 0.73 TBP 0.95 actin 0.75 RPII 0.93
5 RPII 0.72 actin 0.93 GAPDH 0.69 actin 0.92
6 TBP 0.70 18s 0.87 18s 0.56 18s 0.89
The reference genes are ranked in several groups of CB as follows: N1+N14 = immature and mature CB, reared in normoxia (n = 16). N14+Hyper14 = mature
normoxia and hyperoxia treated CB (n = 14). N14+Hypo14 = mature normoxia and hypoxia treated CB (n = 14). N1+N14+Hyper14+Hypo14 = immature,
normoxia (N1), mature, normoxia (N14), mature, hyperoxia (Hyper14), and mature, hypoxia treated (Hypo14) CB (n = 28). Genes are ranked on their stability value
calculated by each respective program: geNorm, M-value; NormFinder, Variability; and BestKe eper, Coefficient of correlation [r]. (n) = number of independent
Figure 2 geNorm analysis of the 6 candidate reference genes
in all pooled data from N1, N14, Hyper14, and Hypo14 rat CB
(n = 28). Average expression stability of candidate reference gene
was determined by stepwise exclusion of least stable genes. Lower
M values indicate greater stability.
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ranked, by consensus, as the top two most stable refer-
ence genes (Table 3). When the group included hyper-
oxia or hypoxia during development, actin ranked at or
near the bottom of stability rankings (Table 3).
Another potential source of variability is the source of
the qPCR master mixture. Therefore, the six reference
genes were tested with iQ SYBR green supermix from
Bio-Rad and compared with PCR master mix from
Applied Biosystems, using geNorm, NormFinder and
BestKeeper (Table 4). Overall, the Applied Biosystems
SYBR green mastermix provided more consistent rank-
ings across the three software programs. However, in
spite of the greater variability in rankings in the Bio-Rad
group, the consensus rankings were nearly identical for
the two different vendors (Table 4).
The impact of reference gene choice was evaluated by
determining the relative gene expression ratios of three
relevant targets during CB development, genes for
TASK-1, TASK-2 and TASK-3 potassium channels.
Their relative expression during development was evalu-
ated with REST2009 (
rest-2009.html) using the stable combination PPIA and
TBP, as determined by geNorm, vs. the least stable
reference gene, 18s rRNA. As shown in table 5, TASK-2
expression was found to be significantly down-regulated
during development when PPIA+TBP were the refer-
ence genes, but not when 18s rRNA was used as a refer-
ence gene.
We investigated the expression stability in rat whole
carotid body of multiple commonly used qPCR refer-
ence genes, during early postnatal development when
rat CB O
-sensing maturation takes place [10-12,36,37],
using three popular software programs for reference
gene selection as well as qPCR reagents from different
vendors. Although the three programs produced similar
results, the rankings were not identical and, in some
cases, were substantially different. With respect to
agreement between the three programs, for the combi-
nation of all conditions (N1+N14+Hyper14+Hypo14)
geNorm and NormFinder selected PPIA+TBP as the
best combination of multiple reference genes and Best-
Keeper selected PPIA and TBP as the two highest
ranked (more stable) reference genes. The results indi-
cated that 18s rRNA was the least stable reference gene
for CB overall and, when hyperoxia and/or hypoxia con-
ditions are included, actin was similarly unstable. The
use of reagents from different vendors may substantially
impact reference gene stability rankings.
geNorm produced the most consistent results across
all developmental/oxygen conditions, selecting PPIA
+TBP as the best multiple reference gene combination
multiple reference gene combination PRII+TBP, selected
by geNorm for N1+N14, is very close to that for PPIA,
suggesting that PPIA+TBP would be a good choice of
reference genes for all groups (Table 2).
Although our study was not designed to measure the
effect of altered oxygen environment on individual refer-
ence gene expression, it appears that hyperoxia and
hypoxia affect the stability rankings of specific genes.
For example, NormFinder ranked actin as one of the
best two reference genes for N1+N14, while actin was
ranked as the least stable reference gene for the two
groups that included chronic hypoxia (Table 2). Simi-
larly, BestKeeper ranked actin as one of the most stable
reference genes for development (N1+N14), while actin
was ranked among the least stable in the groups that
Table 3 Consensus ranking
Gene ranking for group N1+N14 (n = 16)
Rank Position geNorm NormFinder BestKeeper Consensus
3 PPIA Actin GAPDH Actin
4 Actin TBP 18s RPII
6 18s 18s TBP 18s
Gene ranking for group N14+Hyper14 (n = 14)
Rank Position geNorm NormFinder BestKeeper Consensus
5 Actin PPIA Actin Actin
6 18s 18s 18s 18s
Gene ranking for group N14+Hypo14 (n = 14)
Rank Position geNorm NormFinder BestKeeper Consensus
5 Actin 18s GAPDH Actin
6 18s Actin 18s 18s
Gene ranking for group N1+N14+Hyper14+Hypo14 (n = 28)
Rank Position geNorm NormFinder BestKeeper Consensus
5 Actin RPII Actin 18s
6 18s Actin 18s Actin
Weighted rank aggregation was performed to combine the ordered lists of
genes produced by geNorm, NormFinder, and BestKeeper to a consensus rank
of genes.
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included chronic hyperoxia or hypoxia (Table 2). Thus,
may vary with experimental conditions and should be
tested for a given tissue and set of conditions. We did
not investigate the effects of chronic intermittent
hypoxia (CIH) on reference gene stability because there
are many different CIH exposure paradigms and such a
large undertaking was beyond the scope of the present
An obvious potential limitation of this study is that
better combinations of reference genes may exist, for
the study of rat CB development, beyond the ones cho-
sen. The choice of the six candidate reference genes stu-
died was based on their common use and evidence that
they are stable so-called housekeeping genesin other
tissues. Never-the-less, others may exist that will turn
out to be equally or more stable and suitable for devel-
opmental carotid body studies.
Our results add to a growing body of literature show-
ing that reference or housekeeping gene expression for
qPCR may vary with developmental stage and environ-
mental conditions, and the specific genes, pattern and
timing of variation may be tissue-specific [38]. It is also
important to consider that our results are likely to be
species-specific and may be developmental time-frame
specific; studies of carotid body maturation in other spe-
cies should validate reference genes for each species, O
conditions and developmental time-frame.
This study was supported by NIH grant 5R01HL054621.
Author details
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Department of Pediatrics,
Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Arkansas Childrens Hospital Research
Institute, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
University of Arkansas for Medical
Sciences, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Biostatistics, Arkansas
Childrens Hospital Research Institute, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
IK participated in study concept and design, carried out the qPCR studies
and participated in drafting the manuscript. DY helped with the qPCR
studies. XT performed rank aggregation statistical analysis and participated in
writing the manuscript. JC participated in study concept, design and
drafting the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Competing interests
Statement for all authors:
Table 4 Gene ranking and consensus ranking using SYBR green super mixtures from two different vendors, Bio-Rad
and Applied Biosystems
Gene and consensus ranking for group N1+N14 (n = 16) using Bio-Rad SYBR
Bio-Rad SYBR
Rank Position geNorm M-value NormFinder Variability BestKeeper Coeff. of corr. [r] Consensus
1 TBP 0.26 GAPDH 0.01 PPIA 0.89 PPIA
2 RPII 0.26 PPIA 0.011 Actin 0.84 GAPDH
3 PPIA 0.27 Actin 0.014 GAPDH 0.83 Actin
4 Actin 0.34 TBP 0.015 18s 0.73 TBP
5 GAPDH 0.38 RPII 0.016 RPII 0.72 RPII
6 18s 0.40 18s 0.018 TBP 0.70 18s
Gene and consensus ranking for group N1 + N14 (n = 16) using Applied Biosystems SYBR
Applied Biosystems SYBR
Rank Position geNorm M-value NormFinder Variability BestKeeper Coeff. of corr. [r] Consensus
1 PPIA 0.21 PPIA 0.008 PPIA 0.99 PPIA
2 GAPDH 0.21 GAPDH 0.013 GAPDH 0.99 GAPDH
3 Actin 0.25 Actin 0.013 Actin 0.99 Actin
4 RPII 0.32 RPII 0.014 RPII 0.98 RPII
5 TBP 0.34 TBP 0.016 TBP 0.98 TBP
6 18s 0.39 18s 0.024 18s 0.97 18s
The reference genes are ranked for N1+N14 group by geNorm, Normfinder and BestKeeper and the consensus ranking determined by rank aggregation. (n) =
number of independent determinations.
Table 5 Relative gene expression ratios of three interest
TASK channel genes, TASK-1, TASK-2, and TASK-3, were
compared by using one least stable reference gene (18s
rRNA) and two best stable reference genes
(PPIA and TBP)
Reference Gene TASK-1
(pvalue, n)
(pvalue, n)
(pvalue, n)
18s rRNA 1.172
(0.756, n = 11)
(0.442, n = 8)
(0.661, n = 12)
PPIA & TBP 0.69
(0.183, n = 13)
(0.000, n = 11) Down
(0.545, n = 13)
The ratios and statistical pvalues of three interest genes in groups N1+N14
were analyzed by REST2009 software. (n) = number of independent
Kim et al.BMC Research Notes 2011, 4:440
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The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Received: 29 June 2010 Accepted: 24 October 2011
Published: 24 October 2011
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Cite this article as: Kim et al.: Reference gene validation for qPCR in rat
carotid body during postnatal development. BMC Research Notes 2011
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Kim et al.BMC Research Notes 2011, 4:440
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... Moreover, several software programs have been developed to rank the reference candidate genes from the most stable to the least stable one. These soft-ware programs have been shown to rank the reference genes differently (Najafpanah et al., 2013) due to acquisition of different algorithms (Kim et al., 2011). Hence, the objective of the current study was to evaluate the stability of 8 commonly used candidate reference genes including Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), Peptidylprolyl isomerase A (PPIA), Tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/ tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, Zeta polypeptide (YWHAZ), B-actin, Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), RNA polymerase II subunit A (POLR2A), Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 (PGK1) and Beta-2-microglobulin (B2M) in adipose and muscle tissues of fat-tailed Lori-Bakhtiari male lambs under periods of negative and positive energy balance by 3 software programs including BestKeeper, NormFinder and geNorm and also consensus ranking of these software programs. ...
BACKGROUND: Fat-tailed sheep breeds have a unique ability to tolerate periods of negative energy balance due to seasonal changes in feed availability. This ability is attributed to presence of fat-tail as a body energy reserve, however the exact underlying mechanisms controlling the response of adipose tissue depots to variations in energy balance in fat-tailed breeds are not well understood.
... Therefore, in order to evaluate the gene expression data accurately, it becomes necessary to normalize the target gene expression data with a panel of appropriate RG (Huggett et al., 2005;Palve et al., 2018;Verma et al., 2021). It is now an established fact that for each experimental condition involving various cell, tissue types or physiological, pathological, developmental stages, there is a need to identify a panel of stably expressed RGs (Kim et al., 2011). As a part of mice trial with respect to A1A1, A2A2, and A1A2 milk-based diet for a period of 6 and 9 months, this study was planned to identify a panel of stable reference genes in liver tissues so that accurate normalization of expression data could be achieved. ...
... In this study, 15 commonly used candidate RNA reference genes (He et al., 2013;Kim et al., 2011;Klenke et al., 2016;Ruedrich et al., 2013;Taki, Abdel-Rahman & Zhang, 2014) were investigated in the hindgut of both normal and ETU-induced ARMS in rat fetuses. Detailed information including full names, NCBI accession numbers, and position and PCR product lengths of these candidate genes are listed in Table 1. ...
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Background: Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) is a sensitive method for quantifying mRNA abundance. With relative expression analysis, however, reliable data output is dependent on stably expressed reference genes across the samples being studied. In anorectal malformations (ARMs), there is limited data on the selection of appropriate reference genes. Purpose: This study was aimed to investigate the optimal reference genes for PCR in ARM rat models. Methods: We selected 15 commonly used reference genes (Rps18, Actb, B2m, Gapdh, Ppia, Hprt1, Pgk1, Ywhaz, Tbp, Ubc, Rps16, Rpl13a, Rplp1, Sdha, and Hmbs) as candidate reference genes and detected their mRNA expression in ARM samples by RT-qPCR. The expression stability and variability of these transcripts were subsequently evaluated using four methods (geNorm, NormFinder, comparative ΔCt, and BestKeeper). Results: The abundance of the candidate reference genes was qualified by RT-qPCR and the cycle threshold (Ct) values ranged between 14.07 (Rplp1) and 21.89 (Sdha). In the overall candidate genes, different variations existed across the different algorithms. A comprehensive analysis revealed that Rpl13a ranked first among the relatively stable genes, followed by Ywhaz, Rps18, Sdha, and Hmbs. Conclusions: The most stable reference genes for RT-qPCR were Rpl13a, Ywhaz, and Rps18 in ETU-induced ARMs in rat fetus. This study provided a foundation for reference gene selection for future gene expression analyses.
... Previous studies have also reported similar discrepancies in ranking order between the results of different models. Kim et al. indicated that the ranking order of reference genes in rat carotid body was not consistent using geNorm NormFinder, and BestKeeper softwares [37]. This discrepancy was also reported by Klie and Debener (2011), who could not determine any single gene with stable expression across all the samples studied. ...
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Following the increasing use of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and the growing exposure to these particles, nanotoxicity has become a general concern among researchers around the world. Although quantitative real time PCR (RT-qPCR) is the technique of choice in genotoxicity assessment, use of unconfirmed reference genes could result in data misinterpretation. GeNorm and NormFinder algorithms assist in the selection of appropriate reference genes in RT-qPCR expression analysis. Using these two algorithms, here, the stability of six reference genes’ expression including GAPDH, ACTB, UBC, TBP, HPRT-1 and YWHAZ was evaluated in MCF-7 cells treated with different concentrations (under IC50 estimated by MTT assay) of AgNP. results showed that cytotoxicity can occur in a dose dependent fashion in MCF-7 cells with IC50 value of 5.495 µg/ml. Cumulative analysis by geNorm and NormFinder programs indicated that the normalization of the RT-qPCR data under AgNPs treatment in MCF-7 cells would be greatly improved utilizing two reference genes including TBP and GAPDH. This study is the first investigation for the selection of suitable reference genes for RT-qPCR analysis in MCF-7 cells treated with different concentration of AgNPs, and could be used in future researches established to reveal mechanisms underlying nanosilver exposure.
... Real-time cycling conditions were: 95°C for 10 min, 40 cycles at 95°C for 30 s, and 60°C for 1 min. Potentially stable housekeeping genes were chosen on the basis of previous algorithmic studies showing their relative stability when studying effects of chronic hypoxia on postnatal CB development (25). Housekeeping gene stability was further tested in preliminary experiments where equal amounts of sample cDNA were used. ...
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The carotid body (CB) chemoreflex maintains blood PO2 and PCO2/H(+) homeostasis and displays sensory plasticity during exposure to chronic hypoxia. Purinergic signaling via P1 and P2 receptors plays a pivotal role in shaping the afferent discharge at the sensory synapse containing catecholaminergic chemoreceptor (type I) cells, glial-like type II cells, and sensory (petrosal) nerve endings. However, little is known about the family of ectonucleotidases that control synaptic nucleotide levels. Using quantitative PCR (QPCR), we first compared expression levels of ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (NTPDases1,2,3,5,6) and ecto-5'-nucleotidase (E5'Nt/CD73) mRNAs in juvenile rat CB versus brain, petrosal ganglia, sympathetic (superior cervical) ganglia, and a sympathoadrenal chromaffin (MAH) cell line. In whole CB extracts, QPCR revealed a high relative expression of surface-located members NTPDase1,2 and E5'Nt/CD73, compared to low NTPDase3 expression. Immunofluorescence staining of CB sections or dissociated CB cultures localized NTPDase2,3 and E5'Nt/CD73 protein to the periphery of type I clusters, and in association with sensory nerve fibers and/or isolated type II cells. Interestingly, in CBs obtained from rats reared under chronic hypobaric hypoxia (~60 kPa, equivalent to 4,300m) for 5-7 days, in addition to the expected upregulation of tyrosine hydroxylase and VEGF mRNAs, there was a significant upregulation of NTPDase3 and E5'Nt/CD73 mRNA, but a downregulation of NTPDase1 and NTPDase2 relative to normoxic controls. We conclude that NTPDase1,2,3 and E5'Nt/CD73 are the predominant surface-located ectonucleotidases in the rat CB, and suggest that their differential regulation during chronic hypoxia may contribute to CB plasticity via control of synaptic ATP, ADP and adenosine pools.
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Mammalian carotid body arterial chemoreceptors function as an early warning system for hypoxia, triggering acute life-saving arousal and cardiorespiratory reflexes. To serve this role, carotid body glomus cells are highly sensitive to decreases in oxygen availability. While the mitochondria and plasma membrane signaling proteins have been implicated in oxygen sensing by glomus cells, the mechanism underlying their mitochondrial sensitivity to hypoxia compared to other cells is unknown. Here, we identify HIGD1C, a novel hypoxia-inducible gene domain factor isoform, as an electron transport chain Complex IV-interacting protein that is almost exclusively expressed in the carotid body and is therefore not generally necessary for mitochondrial function. Importantly, HIGD1C is required for carotid body oxygen sensing and enhances Complex IV sensitivity to hypoxia. Thus, we propose that HIGD1C promotes exquisite oxygen sensing by the carotid body, illustrating how specialized mitochondria can be used as sentinels of metabolic stress to elicit essential adaptive behaviors.
The panel of suitable reference genes in the fetal liver have not been reported. In this study, five commonly used reference genes (GAPDH, β-actin, Rn18 s, Rpl13a, and Rps29) were firstly selected as candidates. Bestkeeper, GeNorm, and NormFinder software were then used to screen out the panel of suitable reference genes of male and female fetal rat liver under physiological and prenatal dexamethasone exposure (PDE) conditions. Finally, we verified the reliability of the screened panel of reference genes by standardizing sterol regulatory element binding protein 1c (SREBP1c) expression with different reference genes. The results showed that GAPDH + Rn18 s and GAPDH + Rpl13a were respectively the panel of suitable reference genes in male and female rat fetal liver under the physiological model, while Rn18 s + Rps29 and GAPDH + Rn18 s were respectively under the PDE model. The results showed that different reference genes affected the statistical results of SREBP1c expression, and the screened panel of suitable reference genes under the PDE model had smaller intragroup differences, when compared with other reference genes under physiological and PDE models. In conclusion, we screened and determined that the panel of suitable reference genes were GAPDH + Rn18 s and Rn18 s + Rps29 in the male rat fetal liver under physiological and PDE models, while they were GAPDH + Rpl13a and GAPDH + Rn18 s in the females, and confirmed that the selection of the panel of suitable reference genes in the fetal liver had gender differences and pathological model specificity.
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Background: Several molecular mechanisms contribute to the initiation and progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD); however, the exact mechanism is not completely understood. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) is one of the most promising pathways that regulates various cellular functions including lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. cAMP induces gene transcription through phosphorylation of the transcription factor, cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB). The action of cAMP is tightly regulated by its level and repression. Among the repressors, Inducible cAMP Early Repressor (ICER) is the only inducible CRE-binding protein. The present study aimed to evaluate the role of hepatic CREB level in the development of experimental NAFLD model to clarify the pathogenesis of the disease. NAFLD 35 male Wistar rats fed a high fat diet for a period of 14 weeks were studied compared with 35 control rats fed a standard diet. Five fasting rats were sacrificed each 2 weeks intervals for a period of 14 weeks. Results: NAFLD group revealed a remarkable duration-dependent elevation in cAMP and CREB levels in the liver tissue compared to control group (P value < 0.004, P value < 0.006, respectively). In contrast, ICER gene expression, as a dominant-negative regulator of CREB, was downregulated in the liver of NAFLD group compared to control group. We also demonstrated that CREB levels were positively correlated with liver function tests, and glucose homeostasis parameters. Conclusions: Our results indicate that cAMP/CREB pathway provides an early signal in the progression to NAFLD representing a noninvasive biomarker that can early detect NAFLD and a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of the disease as well.
Background Several molecular mechanisms contribute to the initiation and progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD); however, the exact mechanism is not completely understood. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) is one of the most promising pathways that regulates various cellular functions including lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. cAMP induces gene transcription through phosphorylation of the transcription factor, cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB). The action of cAMP is tightly regulated by its level and repression. Among the repressors, Inducible cAMP Early Repressor (ICER) is the only inducible CRE-binding protein. The present study aimed to evaluate the role of hepatic CREB level in the development of experimental NAFLD model to clarify the pathogenesis of the disease. NAFLD 35 male Wistar rats fed a high fat diet for a period of 14 weeks were studied compared with 35 control rats fed a standard diet. Five fasting rats were sacrificed each 2 weeks intervals for a period of 14 weeks. Results NAFLD group revealed a remarkable duration—dependent elevation in cAMP and CREB levels in the liver tissue compared to control group (P value < 0.004, P value < 0.006, respectively). In contrast, ICER gene expression, as a dominant-negative regulator of CREB, was downregulated in the liver of NAFLD group compared to control group. We also demonstrated that CREB levels were positively correlated with liver function tests, and glucose homeostasis parameters. Conclusions Our results indicate that cAMP/CREB pathway provides an early signal in the progression to NAFLD representing a noninvasive biomarker that can early detect NAFLD and a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of the disease as well.
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Normalisation to standard reference gene(s) is essential for quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) to obtain reproducible and comparable results of a gene of interest (GOI) between subjects and under varying experimental conditions. There is limited evidence to support selection of the commonly used reference genes in rat ischaemic and toxicological kidney models. Employing these models, we determined the most stable reference genes by comparing 4 standard methods (NormFinder, qBase+, BestKeeper and comparative ΔCq) and developed a new 3-way linear mixed-effects model for evaluation of reference gene stability. This new technique utilises the intra-class correlation coefficient as the stability measure for multiple continuous and categorical covariates when determining the optimum normalisation factor. The model also determines confidence intervals for each candidate normalisation gene to facilitate selection and allow sample size calculation for designing experiments to identify reference genes. Of the 10 candidate reference genes tested, the geometric mean of polyadenylate-binding nuclear protein 1 (PABPN1) and beta-actin (ACTB) was the most stable reference combination. In contrast, commonly used ribosomal 18S and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) were the most unstable. We compared the use of PABPN1×ACTB and 2 commonly used genes 18S and GAPDH on the expression of 4 genes of interest know to vary after renal injury and expressed by different kidney cell types (KIM-1, HIF1α, TGFβ1 and PECAM1). The less stable reference genes gave varying patterns of GOI expression in contrast to the use of the least unstable reference PABPN1×ACTB combination; this improved detection of differences in gene expression between experimental groups. Reduced within-group variation of the now more accurately normalised GOI may allow for reduced experimental group size particularly for comparison between various models. This objective selection of stable reference genes increased the reliability of comparisons within and between experimental groups.
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The study of mammalian gene expression is often carried out at the level of mRNA. In such analyses, one usually measures the amount of an mRNA of interest under different conditions such as stress, growth, development, cell and tissue localization or as part of an evaluation of the effects of gene transfection. A variety of techniques exist to measure gene expression and most commonly involve Northern hybridization analysis, ribonuclease protection or RT-PCR. Common to all of these assays is the inclusion of a so-called loading or internal control (i.e., analysis of an mRNA that does not change in relative abundance during the course of treatments). Here, we discuss the uses and pitfalls of the most popular of these controls, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and beta-actin, with special emphasis on precautions associated with the use of GAPDH.
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Analysis of RNA expression using techniques like real-time PCR has traditionally used reference or housekeeping genes to control for error between samples. This practice is being questioned as it becomes increasingly clear that some housekeeping genes may vary considerably in certain biological samples. We used real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) to assess the levels of 13 housekeeping genes expressed in peripheral blood mononuclear cell culture and whole blood from healthy individuals and those with tuberculosis. Housekeeping genes were selected from conventionally used ones and from genes reported to be invariant in human T cell culture. None of the commonly used housekeeping genes [e.g., glyceraldehyde-phosphate-dehydrogenase (GAPDH)] were found to be suitable as internal references, as they were highly variable (>30-fold maximal variability). Furthermore, genes previously found to be invariant in human T cell culture also showed large variation in RNA expression (>34-fold maximal variability). Genes that were invariant in blood were highly variable in peripheral blood mononuclear cell culture. Our data show that RNA specifying human acidic ribosomal protein was the most suitable housekeeping gene for normalizing mRNA levels in human pulmonary tuberculosis. Validations of housekeeping genes are highly specific for a particular experimental model and are a crucial component in assessing any new model.
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Background: Gene-expression analysis is increasingly important in biological research, with real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) becoming the method of choice for high-throughput and accurate expression profiling of selected genes. Given the increased sensitivity, reproducibility and large dynamic range of this methodology, the requirements for a proper internal control gene for normalization have become increasingly stringent. Although housekeeping gene expression has been reported to vary considerably, no systematic survey has properly determined the errors related to the common practice of using only one control gene, nor presented an adequate way of working around this problem. Results: We outline a robust and innovative strategy to identify the most stably expressed control genes in a given set of tissues, and to determine the minimum number of genes required to calculate a reliable normalization factor. We have evaluated ten housekeeping genes from different abundance and functional classes in various human tissues, and demonstrated that the conventional use of a single gene for normalization leads to relatively large errors in a significant proportion of samples tested. The geometric mean of multiple carefully selected housekeeping genes was validated as an accurate normalization factor by analyzing publicly available microarray data. Conclusions: The normalization strategy presented here is a prerequisite for accurate RT-PCR expression profiling, which, among other things, opens up the possibility of studying the biological relevance of small expression differences.
Regulation of arterial oxygen levels is critically important in mammals, particularly during early life. Peri-and postnatal hypoxia may lead to death, impaired cognitive development, and abnormalities in cardiovascular function, breathing control maturation, and lung function (1-5).
Infants and children spend one- to two-thirds of their life asleep. Despite this, very little attention has been paid to understanding both normal sleep and sleep-related abnormalities during child development. This volume is devoted to breathing during sleep, its changes with development (from the fetus onwards), and the pathophysiology of sleep-related breathing disorders. Sleep and Breathing in Children: • investigates breathing during sleep from the fetus onwards. • Examines the effects of sleep on upper airway resistance, ventilatory drive, and respiratory muscle tone. • Compares differences between childhood and adult obstructive sleep apnea, and the profound changes in breathing and sleep during growth and maturation. • discusses the current research within the field of pediatric sleep disorders. • Reviews the history of childhood obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, and outlines a future framework for the study of childhood sleep-disordered breathing.
Use of the real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify cDNA products reverse transcribed from mRNA is on the way to becoming a routine tool in molecular biology to study low abundance gene expression. Real-time PCR is easy to perform, provides the necessary accuracy and produces reliable as well as rapid quantification results. But accurate quantification of nucleic acids requires a reproducible methodology and an adequate mathematical model for data analysis. This study enters into the particular topics of the relative quantification in real-time RT-PCR of a target gene transcript in comparison to a reference gene transcript. Therefore, a new mathematical model is presented. The relative expression ratio is calculated only from the real-time PCR efficiencies and the crossing point deviation of an unknown sample versus a control. This model needs no calibration curve. Control levels were included in the model to standardise each reaction run with respect to RNA integrity, sample loading and inter-PCR variations. High accuracy and reproducibility (<2.5% variation) were reached in LightCycler PCR using the established mathematical model.
Blood gas measurements and complementary, noninvasive monitoring techniques provide the clinician with information essential to patient assessment, therapeutic decision making, and prognostication. Blood gas measurements are as important for ill newborns as for other critically ill patients, but rapidly changing physiology, difficult access to arterial and mixed venous sampling sites, and small blood volumes present unique challenges. This paper discusses considerations for interpretation of blood gases in the newborn period. Blood gas measurements and noninvasive estimations provide important information about oxygenation. The general goals of oxygen therapy in the neonate are to maintain adequate arterial P(a)O2 and S(a)O2, and to minimize cardiac work and the work of breathing. Pulse oximetry and transcutaneous oxygen monitoring are extraordinarily useful techniques of estimating and noninvasively monitoring the neonate's oxygenation, but each method has limitations. Arterial blood gas determinations of pCO2 provide the most accurate determinations of the adequacy of alveolar ventilation, but capillary, transcutaneous, and end- tidal techniques are also useful. An approach to and examples of acid-base disorders are presented. Three hemoglobin variants relevant to the newborn are considered: fetal hemoglobin, carboxyhemoglobin, and methemoglobin. Blood gases obtained in the immediate perinatal period can help assess perinatal asphyxia, but particular attention must be paid to the sampling site, the time of life, and the possible and proven diagnoses.