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The Strength and Conditioning Practices of Strongman Competitors


Abstract and Figures

This study describes the results of a survey of the strength and conditioning practices of strongman competitors. A 65-item online survey was completed by 167 strongman competitors. The subject group included 83 local, 65 national, and 19 international strongman competitors. The survey comprised 3 main areas of enquiry: (a) exercise selection, (b) training protocols and organization, and (c) strongman event training. The back squat and conventional deadlift were reported as the most commonly used squat and deadlift (65.8 and 88.0%, respectively). Eighty percent of the subjects incorporated some form of periodization in their training. Seventy-four percent of subjects included hypertrophy training, 97% included maximal strength training, and 90% included power training in their training organization. The majority performed speed repetitions with submaximal loads in the squat and deadlift (59.9 and 61.1%, respectively). Fifty-four percent of subjects incorporated lower body plyometrics into their training, and 88% of the strongman competitors reported performing Olympic lifts as part of their strongman training. Seventy-eight percent of subjects reported that the clean was the most performed Olympic lift used in their training. Results revealed that 56 and 38% of the strongman competitors used elastic bands and chains in their training, respectively. The findings demonstrate that strongman competitors incorporate a variety of strength and conditioning practices that are focused on increasing muscular size, and the development of maximal strength and power into their conditioning preparation. The farmers walk, log press, and stones were the most commonly performed strongman exercises used in a general strongman training session by these athletes. These data provide information on the training practices required to compete in the sport of strongman.
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Sport Performance Research Institute New Zealand, School of Sport and Recreation, AUT University, Auckland; and
Department of Sport and Recreation, School of Applied Science, Bay of Plenty Polytechnic, Tauranga, New Zealand
Winwood, PW, Keogh, JWL, and Harris, NK. The strength and
conditioning practices of strongman competitors. J Strength
Cond Res 25(11): 3118–3128, 2011—This study describes
the results of a survey of the strength and conditioning
practices of strongman competitors. A 65-item online survey
was completed by 167 strongman competitors. The subject
group included 83 local, 65 national, and 19 international
strongman competitors. The survey comprised 3 main areas of
enquiry: (a) exercise selection, (b) training protocols and
organization, and (c) strongman event training. The back squat
and conventional deadlift were reported as the most commonly
used squat and deadlift (65.8 and 88.0%, respectively). Eighty
percent of the subjects incorporated some form of periodization
in their training. Seventy-four percent of subjects included
hypertrophy training, 97% included maximal strength training,
and 90% included power training in their training organization.
The majority performed speed repetitions with submaximal
loads in the squat and deadlift (59.9 and 61.1%, respectively).
Fifty-four percent of subjects incorporated lower body plyo-
metrics into their training, and 88% of the strongman
competitors reported performing Olympic lifts as part of their
strongman training. Seventy-eight percent of subjects reported
that the clean was the most performed Olympic lift used in their
training. Results revealed that 56 and 38% of the strongman
competitors used elastic bands and chains in their training,
respectively. The findings demonstrate that strongman com-
petitors incorporate a variety of strength and conditioning
practices that are focused on increasing muscular size, and the
development of maximal strength and power into their
conditioning preparation. The farmers walk, log press, and
stones were the most commonly performed strongman
exercises used in a general strongman training session by
these athletes. These data provide information on the training
practices required to compete in the sport of strongman.
KEY WORDS hypertrophy, maximal strength, periodization,
power, survey, training organization
In the past decade, the sport of strongman has surged in
popularity in many countries, both as a spectator sport
and in the number of active competitors. Strongman
style training modalities may have some advantages
over traditional gym-based resistance training approaches.
For example, traditional gym-based training exercises are
generally performed with 2 feet side by side and require the
load to be moved in the vertical plane (20). Strongman events
represent functional movements in multiple planes and
challenge the whole musculoskeletal system in terms of
strength, stability, and physiological demands (25). As a
result, many strength and conditioning specialists are
beginning to incorporate strongman exercises into the
conditioning programs of their athletes (1,13). Although
the resistance training practices of strength and conditioning
coaches (6–9) and athletes (14,16,27,29,31,34,35) have been
extensively examined, no research has yet examined
common strongman training practices. Thus, strength and
conditioning coaches have little evidence base on which to
inform the inclusion of strongman training within their
programming practice.
Only 4 scientific studies appear to have been conducted on
any of the strongman events (3,19,20,25) with the emphasis
being on the metabolic and biomechanical (kinematic
determinants of performance and lower back and hip loads)
demands of these exercises. The first published study of
a strongman event examined the metabolic demands of
pushing and pulling a motor vehicle (3). The athletes
achieved peak VO
and heart rate (HR) values within the first
100m (65 and 96%, respectively, of treadmill maximum
values), recorded a blood lactate (BLa) concentration of 15.6
, and experienced an acute decrement in vertical
jump height of 10 cm (217% of maximum) immediately after
performing each of these tasks. In a more recent study, Keogh
et al. (20) examined the change in HR and BLa across
multiple sets of tire flips. Findings from this study showed
Address correspondence to Paul Winwood, paul.winwood@boppoly.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Ó2011 National Strength and Conditioning Association
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
comparable HR and BLa levels to that of car push and car
pull of Berning et al. (3).
Of the biomechanical studies, the first study published
was that of McGill et al. (25). Trunk muscle activation and
lumbar spine motion, load, and stiffness were examined in
3 strongman competitors and comparisons made in the
different strongman events (tire flip, Atlas stones, log lift,
farmers walk, and yoke walk). These lifts were generally
characterized by high to very high spinal compression and
shear forces, joint torques, and activity of many of the hip and
trunk stabilizers (as assessed via electromyography [EMG]).
The other 2 biomechanical studies conducted have sought to
characterize the kinematics of 2 strongman exercises, that is,
the tire flip and heavy, sprint-style sled pull (19,20). Keogh
et al. (20) examined the temporal analysis of the tire flip. The
main finding of the study was that the duration of the second
pull was the strongest determinant of tire flip performance.
The heavy sprint–style sled pull was examined using
6 resistance trained subjects experienced in performing the
heavy sled pull (19). Video analysis showed kinematic
similarities to the acceleration phase of sprinting; however,
the sled pull had significantly smaller step lengths and step
rates, longer ground contact time, and a more horizontal
trunk in several phases of these sled pulls. The findings
suggest that the ability to generate large propulsive anterio-
posterior forces and impulses during relatively short periods
of ground contact is critical for successful heavy sled pull
The strongman studies provide some evidence of the
physiological and biomechanical characteristics of strongman
training. The studies show that the athletes need power
through midrange (20), metabolic conditioning (3) and high
core and hip abduction strength and stability, grip strength,
and high levels of overall strength (25). There is no empirical
evidence on how strongman competitors train. The purpose
of this study was to (a) describe the strength and condi-
tioning practices employed by strongman competitors and
(b) determine how well strongman competitors apply the
scientific principles of resistance training. Such an analysis
would be most useful for novice strongman competitors and
those wishing to compete in the sport of strongman. Strength
and conditioning coaches will also benefit in terms of how
to best incorporate strongman exercises into their athlete’s
resistance training programs to help maximize performance
Experimental Approach to the Problem
This exploratory descriptive study was designed to provide
comprehensive descriptive information about the training
practices of strongman competitors. The research hypothesis
was that strongmen competitors follow scientifically based
strength and conditioning practices in their annual training
programs, which was assessed through a comprehensive
survey of strength and conditioning practices.
Inclusion criteria were defined as being a local, National, and
International strongman competitor. Participants had to be
men aged 18–45 years, have at least 12 months current
experience in using common strongman exercises such as the
tire flip, farmers walk, log press, and sled drags in their
conditioning programs. They had to have competed in at least
1 strongman competition within the last year or were in
training for their first strongman competition. Only fully
completed questionnaires were used for data analysis. Thus,
the results from 167 strongman competitors from 20 countries
were used in this study. The subjects consisted of 83 local,
65 national, and 19 international competitors. Tables 1 and 2
provide a summary of the results. To protect the confiden-
tiality of the strongman competitors, no participant’s details
were associated with the survey. The participants’ mean
(6SD) age, height, and weight were 30 67 years, 183 6
7 cm, and 113 620 kg, respectively. This study was
approved by the AUT University Ethics Committee,
Auckland, New Zealand.
Research Instrument
The survey StrongmanTraining Practices was adapted from the
survey used in research with elite powerlifters (34). The
original survey was pilot tested with participants of the local
strongman and power lifting club to ensure its validity for use
with this population. As a result of the pilot testing, the
survey was slightly modified including clarifying and im-
proving the wording of a small number of questions before it
was administered to the sample. The 65-item strongman
survey was sectioned into 3 main different areas of inquiry,
including exercise selection, training protocols and organi-
zation, and strongman training. Training protocols and
organization included questions on periodization, hypertro-
phy (i.e., training directly focused on building muscle size
and mass), maximal strength training, strength and power
training (i.e., training methods that were focused on
increasing explosive strength and power), and aerobic and
anaerobic conditioning. The strongman events training
section included questions on strongman implements used
in training. Participants were asked to give their most
common or typical training values for each training phase.
Closed questions were used for all questions (questions 1–64)
except question 65 where an open-ended question was
presented. Additional demographic information including
gender, age, height, weight, weight training, and strongman
training experience, and 1RM lifts were collected from the
questionnaire (demographic and 1RM information was self-
reported from participants). was used to
launch the electronic survey on the Internet.
Data Collection
Strongmen were recruited through multimedia. The primary
method was posting the link to the survey on national and
international strongman forums (e.g., Aussie Strength forum,
Australia; Sugden Barbell forum, United Kingdom; Marunde
VOLUME 25 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2011 | 3119
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Muscle, USA; and North American Strongman Incorporated)
and the social networking site Facebook. Presidents of
strongman clubs in New Zealand, Australia, and America
were contacted by email and sent an electronic link to the
online survey to deliver to their club members. An
information sheet outlining the objectives and purpose of
the study was detailed on the first page of the online survey.
Statistical Analyses
All questions that were related to the application of the
scientific principles of resistance training were categorized.
Categorical and ordinal data were reported as percentages of
response. Univariate analysis was used to describe the basic
features of the data in this study. Microsoft excel was used for
data analysis.
TABLE 1. Summary of the most common strength and conditioning practices for exercise selection and training
organization among strongman competitors.
Percentage that reported using
the training practice
Exercise selection
Perform traditional resistance exercises 100
Type of squats commonly used in training
Back squats most commonly performed 65.8
Type of deadlifts commonly used in training
Conventional deadlift most commonly performed 88.0
Training organization
Periodization and planning
Use periodization in training organization 80.2
Use training log or training diary 82.6
Performed hypertrophy training 73.7
Performed hypertrophy training close to failure 63.4
Performed 10 reps for hypertrophy training 32.2
Performed 3 sets per exercise for hypertrophy training 36.0
Use rest periods 1–1:59 min for hypertrophy training 39.7
Maximal strength training
Performed maximal strength training 97.0
Performed 3 reps for maximal strength training 46.3
Performed 3 sets per exercises for maximal strength training 30.0
Use rest periods 3–4 min for maximal strength training 35.6
Performed power training 90.4
Performed 3 reps for power training 33.8
Performed 5 sets for power training 31.8
Use rest periods 2–2:59 min for power training 28.5
Performed traditional resistance exercises as fast as possible 50.6
Performed squat as fast as possible (submaximal loads 0–70% 1RM) 59.9
Performed squat as fast as possible with the submaximal load of 51–60% 1RM 67.3
Performed deadlift as fast as possible (submaximal loads 0–70% 1RM) 61.1
Performed deadlift as fast as possible with the submaximal load of 51–60% 1RM 63.1
Use bands 56.3
Use chains 37.7
Use Olympic lifts 88.0
Use loads 81–90% for Olympic lifting 31.7
Performed the clean in training 77.8
Performed ballistic lifting (squat jumps and bench press throws) 20.4
Use loads 31–40% for Ballistic lifting 25.0
Performed lower body plyometric drills 53.9
Performed upper body plyometric drills 29.3
Aerobic/anaerobic conditioning
Performed aerobic/anaerobic conditioning 89.8
Performed 16–30 min 39.3
Performed sport specific conditioning 35.3
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Strongman Training Practices
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Exercise Selection
One hundred and sixty-seven subjects (100%) reported
performing traditional resistance exercises such as the squat
and deadlift as part of their training. Subjects were asked to
indicate what type of squats and deadlifts they most
commonly performed in their training. Sixty-six percent of
subjects reported that the back squat was the most commonly
performed squat, and 88% reported that the conventional
deadlift was the most commonly performed deadlift used in
their training. Front squats and partial deadlifts were reported
as sometimes and quite often performed by 68 and 63% of
subjects, respectively.
Training Protocols and Organization
One hundred and thirty-four of the 167 (80.2%) subjects
included some method of periodization in their training
organization, and 138 of the 167 (82.6%) subjects used some
sort of training log or training diary.
Hypertrophy. One hundred and twenty-three of the 167
(73.7%) subjects included hypertrophy training in their
training organization. Eight-two percent of subjects per-
formed their hypertrophy training close to failure or to failure.
Eighty percent of the subjects performed 8–12 repetitions per
set for their hypertrophy training. Ten repetitions were the
most common reported training practice (32.2%) performed
for hypertrophy among strongman competitors. Eighty-five
percent of the subjects performed 3–5 sets per exercise for
their hypertrophy training. Fifty-nine percent of the subjects
used rest periods of ,2 minutes between sets for their
hypertrophy training, with between 1 and 2 minutes the most
common reported rest period (39.7%).
Strength. One hundred and sixty-two of the 167 (97.0%)
subjects included maximal strength training in their training
TABLE 2. Summary of the most common training practices for strongman training.
Percentage that reported
using the training practice
Performed with strongman implements only 50.2
Performed with strongman implements once a week 43.7
Tire flip
Performed the tire flip 82.0
Performed ,1 a week 53.3
Performed 3 sets 40.1
Performed 10 repetitions 31.4
Performed with same load as competition 50.4
Log clean and press
Performed the log clean and press 95.2
Performed once a week 61.0
Performed 5 sets 37.1
Performed 5 repetitions 30.4
Performed with same load as competition 47.5
Performed the stones 94.0
Performed once a week 48.4
Performed 3 sets 28.0
Performed 5 repetitions 29.3
Performed with same load as competition 61.5
Farmers walk
Performed the farmers walk 96.4
Performed once a week 59.6
Performed a distance of 20 m 37.9
Performed with heavier load than in competition 46.6
Truck pull
Performed the truck pull 48.5
Performed ,1 a week 69.1
Performed a distance of 30 m 39.5
Performed with same load as competition 43.0
Rest period between sets
Use rest periods .4 min 58.1
VOLUME 25 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2011 | 3121
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organization. Ninety-seven percent of the subjects performed
1–6 repetitions per set for their maximal strength training.
Three repetitions were the most common reported training
practice (46.3%) performed for maximal strength training.
Seventy-one percent of the subjects performed 3–5 sets per
exercise for maximal strength training. Eight-seven percent of
the subjects performed rest periods of .2 minutes between
sets for their maximal strength training, with the most
common rest period being 3–4 minutes (35.6%).
Power. One hundred and fifty-one of the 167 (90.4%) subjects
included power training in their training organization. Eight-
y-eight percent of the subjects performed 1–6 repetitions per
set for their power training. Three repetitions were the most
common reported training practice (33.8%) performed for
power among strongman competitors. Seventy percent of the
subjects performed 3–5 sets per exercise for their power
training. Five sets were the most common reported training
practice (31.8%) performed for power among strongman
competitors. Fifty-eight percent
of the subjects performed rest
periods of .2 minutes between
sets for their power training. The
most common reported rest
period between sets (28.5%)
among strongman competitors
for power training was 2–2:59
Repetition Speed. Subjects
were asked whether they per-
formed their traditional resis-
tance exercises as fast as
possible (maximum), at speeds
less than maximum, or a mixture
of maximum and less than
maximum. The results showed
that 50.6% of strongman com-
petitors performed traditional
resistance exercises as fast as
possible (maximum), and 40.7% performed a mixture of
maximum and less than maximum.
Explosive Training Load. Subjects were asked
whether they attempted to lift submaximal loads (0–70%
1RM) as fast as possible in the squat or deadlift. Approxi-
mately 60% of strongman competitors performed speed
repetitions with submaximal loads in the squat and deadlift.
The submaximal load of 51–60% of 1RM was the most
popular training load in the squat (67.3%) and deadlift (63.1%).
Figure 1 illustrates the percentage of strongman competitors
who used submaximal loads for each of the power lifts.
Resistance Materials Used. Fifty-six percent of the
strongman competitors surveyed incorporated elastic bands
in their training, and 38% used chains. Figure 2 illustrates the
use of bands and chains in the squat, upper body press,
deadlift, and assistance exercises.
Figure 1. Analysis of submaximal loads (expressed as a %1 repetition maximum [%1RM]) used for speed
repetitions in the squat and deadlift.
Figure 2. Percentage of strongman competitors who used bands or
chains for the squat, upper body press, deadlift, or assistance exercises.
Figure 3. Percentage of strongman competitors who perform Olympic
lifting and their derivatives.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Strongman Training Practices
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Adjunct Power Training Methods. Eight-eight
percent of the strongman competitors reported that they
perform Olympic lifts or their derivatives (cleans, snatch, jerk,
and high pull) as part of their strongman training. Subjects
were asked to indicate what type of Olympic lifts they
performed in their training. Seventy-eight percent of subjects
reported that the clean was the most performed Olympic lift
used in theirtraining. Figure 3 illustrates the use of the various
types of Olympic lifts.
Subjects were asked what loads (as a % of their maximum)
they most typically train with for their Olympic lifting.
Thirty-two percent reported using 81–90% of 1RM as
their most common Olympic lifting training load. Figure 4
illustrates the loads used for Olympic lifting and their
Strongman competitors were asked if they performed
upper and lower body plyometrics as part of their training.
Twenty-nine percent reported using upper body plyometrics,
and 54% performed lower body plyometrics.
Twenty percent of the strongman competitors reported
that they perform weighted ballistic lifts (i.e., squat jump,
bench press throw) as part of their strongman training.
Subjects were also asked what loads (as a % of their
maximum) they most typically train with for their ballistic
lifting. Twenty-five percent reported using the training load of
31–40%. Figure 5 illustrates the loads used for ballistic lifting.
Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditioning. One hundred and fifty
subjects (89.8%) reported performing aerobic/anaerobic
conditioning as part of their strongman training. The time
of 16–30 minutes was the most common reported training
practice (28.5%) performed for aerobic/anaerobic training.
Thirty-five percent of subjects reported that other condition-
ing (i.e., sport specific) was the most commonly performed
aerobic/a-naerobic conditioning. High-intensity interval
training and a combination of high and low intensity cardio
were reported as sometimes and quite often performed by 55
and 53% of subjects, respectively.
Strongman Events Training
Fifty percent of the strongman competitors surveyed use
strongman implements only in a strongman events training
day, and 50% mixed gym work and strongman implements
together. Forty-four percent of strongman competitors
trained with strongman implements once a week, compared
to 24% who trained twice a week and 18% who trained ,1
a week (may only train once every 2 weeks).
The farmers walk, log press, and stones had the highest
percentage of use (96.4, 95.2, and 94.0%, respectively)
among the strongman competitors surveyed in this study.
Subjects were asked to indicate what other type of
strongman implements they used on a frequent basis in
their strongman training. Figure 6 illustrates the percentage
of strongman competitors that use the various strongman
implements in training. Other strongman exercises and
implements reported used in training by 37 competitors
included; Overhead press (Viking, sleeper press, and dumb-
bells), carries (Conan’s wheel, shield, hydrant, and frame),
pulls (harness, arm over arm, ropes, and chains), walks
(duck and yoke), lifts (safe, kettle bells, and car deadlift), holds
(crucifix), and grip exercises (block, hand, and tools).
Figure 4. Analysis of loads used for Olympic lifting and their derivatives.
Figure 5. Analysis of loads used for ballistic lifting.
Figure 6. Percentage of strongman competitors who use the strongman
implements in training.
VOLUME 25 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2011 | 3123
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Tire Flip. One hundred and thirty-seven of the 167 (82.0%)
subjects included the tire flip in their strongman training.
Ninety-one percent of those subjects performed the tire flip
once a week or once every 2 weeks. Less than once a week
was the most commonly reported training practice (53.3%)
performed for the tire flip among strongman competitors.
Three sets were the most common reported training practice
(40.1%) performed for tire flip training among strongman
competitors. Ninety-one percent of the subjects performed
3–10 repetitions per set for their tire flip training, with 10
repetitions per set being the most commonly (31.4%)
performed. The majority of the subjects performed the tire
flip with loads the same as (50.4%) or heavier (34.6%) than
those encountered in competition.
Log Clean and Press. One hundred and fifty-nine of the 167
(95.2%) subjects included the log clean and press in their
strongman training. Once a week was the most common
reported training practice (61.0%) performed for the log clean
and press among strongman competitors. Eight-three percent
of the subjects performed 3–6 sets for their log clean and press
training, with 5 sets being the most common reported training
practice (37.1%). Eight-four percent of the subjects performed
3–10 repetitions per set for their log clean and press training,
with 5 repetitions per set being the most common reported
training practice (30.4%). The majority of the subjects
performed the log clean and press with loads the same as
(47.5%) or heavier (39.4%) than those encountered in
a competition involving the log clean and press for repetitions.
Stones. One hundred and fifty-seven of the 167 (94.0%)
subjects included the stones in their strongman training.
Ninety-four percent of subjects performed the stones less than
once a week. Once a week was the most common reported
training practice (48.4%) performed for the stones among
strongman competitors. Ninety-one percent of the subjects
performed 1–6 sets for their stones training. Three sets were
the most common reported training practice (28.0%)
performed for stones training among strongman competitors.
Ninety-five percent of the subjects performed 1–6 repetitions
per set for their stones training. Five repetitions per set were
the most common reported training practice (29.3%)
performed for stones training among strongman competitors.
Sixty-two percent of the subjects performed the stones with
loads the same as those encountered in a competition.
Farmers Walk. One hundred and sixty-one of the 167 (96.4%)
subjects included the farmers walk in their strongman
training. Ninety-three percent of subjects performed the
farmers walk once every 2 weeks or once a week. Once
a week was the most common reported training practice
TABLE 3. Comments (N= 46).*
Higher-order themes Responses Select raw data representing responses to this question.
Request for a copy of the findings 3 ‘‘Please email me a copy.’’
Enjoyed the survey 2 ‘‘Great survey’’!
Looking forward to the results 4 ‘‘I look forward to reading the final study.’’
Expression of thanks and good luck 9 ‘‘Thank you and best of luck.’’
Contact information provided 4 A specific email address was provided.
Concerns about wording of a question 6 ‘‘Hard to answer these generic questions.’’
‘‘Reps and sets and loads vary all the time we never do the same
thing in a row, and the only constant is change.’’
Clarification about information provided
in the survey
22 ‘‘Often sets and reps vary depending on the exercise within a
hypertrophy, power and strength session—most common values
were given.’’
‘‘Most strongman-specific training load varies between lighter,
same and heavier than contest loads. Lighter usually mean longer
distance for speed (+25 m). Heavier means shorter distance
for strength and getting used to heavy loads (10–15 m).’’
‘‘For some of the events, sometimes the sets/rep will change
depending on if we are working toward a max effort in a
contest vs. a contest which has a press for reps event.’’
Miscellaneous 13 ‘‘Flexibility and movement athleticism is very important. I’d be
interested to note how others also incorporate flexibility training
into their programming as well.’’
‘‘Another good question for stone training would be: How often
do you use tacky in your stone training sessions?’’
*In some cases, the participants provided information that represented .1 concept, and their response contributed to .1 higher-
order theme.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Strongman Training Practices
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
(59.6%) performed for the farmers walk among strongman
competitors. Eighty-nine percent of the subjects covered the
distance of 20–50 m as part of a working set for their farmers
walk training. Twenty meters was the most common reported
training practice (37.9%) performed per set for farmers walk
training among strongman competitors. The majority of the
subjects performed the farmers walk with loads the same
(42.3%) as or heavier (46.6%) than those encountered in
a competition.
Truck Pull. Eighty-one of the 167 (48.5%) subjects included the
truck pull in their strongman training. Ninety-nine percent of
subjects performed the truck pull once every 2 weeks or once
a week. Less than once a week was the most common
reported training practice (69.1%) among strongman com-
petitors who performed the truck pull. Seventy-two percent
of the subjects covered the distance of 20–30 m as part of
a working set for their truck pull training. Thirty meters was
the most common reported training practice (39.5%)
performed per set for truck pull training among strongman
competitors. Eighty-three percent of the subjects performed
the truck pull with loads the same (43.0%) as or lighter (40.0%)
than those encountered in a competition.
Subjects were asked to indicate how long their rest periods
were between sets for their strongman training. Fifty-eight
percent of subjects rested for .4 minutes between sets.
The last question of the survey was designed to provide the
strongman competitors an opportunity to provide additional
data or make specific comments regarding the survey. Forty-
six strongman competitors offered a variety of responses.
These responses are described in Table 3.
This is the first survey of the strength and conditioning
practices of strongman competitors. The number of respond-
ents (167) is higher than the number of respondents
associated with surveys of strength and conditioning practices
in football, hockey, baseball, basketball, and power lifting
(6–9,30,34). The majority of strongman competitors use
training variables (loads, sets, reps, and rest periods) that are
within the suggested guidelines for the various phases and
types of training investigated in this study, thus supporting
the hypothesis that most of the strongmen competitors in
this study follow many scientifically based strength and
conditioning practices.
The majority of subjects (80.2%) included some method of
periodization in their training organization, which is lower
than that previously reported in elite British powerlifters
(96.4%) (34) but similar to those reported by major league
baseball strength coaches (85.7%) and National basketball
strength coaches (85.0%). This finding suggests that the
majority of strongman competitors design their training to
emphasize a particular adaptation with the goal of increasing
physical performance.
Because all subjects performed traditional gym-based
resistance exercises, it shows that they understand the need
for increasing strength for successful strongman performance.
Variants of squats and deadlifts were performed, with back
and front squats, and conventional and partial deadlifts the
preferred choices of these exercises.
One hundred and twenty-three of the 167 (73.7%) subjects
included hypertrophy training in their training organization.
The majority of subjects performed 3–5 sets of 8–12
repetitions per exercise for hypertrophy training, which is
consistent with guidelines for this form of training (11).
Research has established that the force a muscle can exert is
related to its cross-section area (21). Strongman competitors
may use hypertrophy training to increase their fat-free mass,
which in turn allows for greater force production (4,18).
Ninety-seven percent of subjects included maximal
strength training in their training organization. This finding
suggests that strongman competitors believe that maximal
strength is one of the most important physiological com-
ponents to compete successfully in strongman events. The
majority of subjects performed 3–5 sets of 1–6 repetitions per
exercise with rest periods .2 minutes. These variables are
within the suggested guidelines reported for performing
maximal strength training (11). The high levels of maximal
strength training may be necessary in the sport of strongman
to enable these athletes to cope with the extremely high
spinal and hip loads (25).
The results of this study demonstrate that strongman
competitors use a variety of power training methods. The
majority of subjects attempted to lift loads in traditional
exercises (i.e., squat, bench press, and deadlift) as fast as
possible. This training practice is commonly referred to as
compensatory acceleration and may provide a superior way
of training to increase force and rate of force production
(2,36). Results from this study demonstrated that 60% of
strongman competitors incorporate submaximal loads in the
squat and deadlift in their explosive training. This is lower
than the 75.0% reported by elite powerlifters (34). The
submaximal load of 51–60% 1RM was the most common
training load in the squat (67.3%) and deadlift (63.1%) among
strongman competitors. This finding represents a slightly
lower explosive training load than the 61–70%1RM recently
reported by elite powerlifters (34). These differences may be
because of the differences between the sports type. In the
sport of strongman, the ability to move heavy loads at higher
velocities would be advantageous. This is evident in this
study with 88% of strongman competitors using Olympic
lifting exercises or their derivatives as part of their strongman
training, which is higher than the 69% reported by elite
powerlifters (34). This finding gives evidence to the
similarities between the training practices of strongman
competitors, elite powerlifters, and weightlifters. The unique
biomechanical characteristics of Olympic lifting exercises
allow for the use of heavy loads to be moved at high
velocities, thus producing higher power outputs than
VOLUME 25 | NUMBER 11 | NOVEMBER 2011 | 3125
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
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Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
traditional lifts (24). In addition, the greater skill complexity
required for the Olympic lifting exercises may be advanta-
geous by facilitating the development of a broader physical
abilities spectrum (i.e., balance, coordination, and flexibility),
which seems to be better transferred to performance (15).
The findings from this study demonstrate that strongman
competitors in common with elite powerlifters combine
compensatory acceleration with heavy and submaximal
loads to enhance force and rate of force development across
a range of velocities.
In this study, 80% of strongman competitors performed
their Olympic lifts with loads 51–90% of 1RM. Research has
found that peak power for the power clean was maximized at
70% of 1RM; however, no statistically significant differences
existed between peak power outputs at 50, 60, 80, and 90% of
1RM (17). In this study, the clean was the most commonly
performed Olympic lifting exercise performed by strongman
competitors followed by the jerk, the snatch, and the high
pull. The clean was also the most frequently performed
Olympic lifting exercise among elite powerlifters; however,
only 10% of elite powerlifters performed the jerk compared
to the 52% of strongman competitors. These differences may
be because of the specificity of the sports. Strongman
competitors may incorporate the jerk in training to have
a crossover effect to overhead events such as the axle or log
clean and press. Stone et al. (32) have suggested that the
more similar a training exercise is to actual physical
performance, the greater the probabilities of transfer. The
results of this study therefore demonstrate that strongman
competitors use a range of Olympic lifting exercises that
simulate common competition events and use training loads
for these exercises that elicit the highest power outputs.
The use of ballistic training and plyometrics has been
reported in the literature as ways of developing power and
whole-body explosiveness (33,34). The results of this study
indicated that 29% of strongman competitors perform upper
body plyometrics, and 54% perform lower body plyometrics.
This is higher than the 14.3 and 17.9%, respectively, reported
by elite powerlifters (34). The differences between the sports
may indicate sport specificity. Plyometric exercises are based
on the use of the stretch-shortening cycle. A rapid eccentric
muscle action stimulates the stretch reflex and storage of
elastic energy thus increasing the force produced during the
subsequent concentric action. For strongman competitor
training, this stretch reflex may be beneficial for events such
as the keg toss and log press where higher forces and rate of
force production would be advantageous.
In ballistic exercises, loads are accelerated through the
whole range of motion (there is no deceleration phase). This
results in greater velocity of movement, force output, and
EMG activity than the traditional exercises performed
explosively (28). The results of this study indicated that
only 20% of the strongman competitors perform ballistic lifts
(i.e., squat jump, bench press throw) as part of their
strongman training. Part of this reason may be sport
specificity. Strongman events are generally performed with
the intention to move heavy loads as quickly as possible, thus
competitors may think it more advantageous training with
heavy resistance to improve the high-force portions of the
force–velocity curve instead of the high–velocity portion. Of
those subjects, however, who performed ballistic lifting, 93%
trained with loads of 10– 60% 1RM. The training loads of 20
and 50% of 1RM have been recommended for the jump squat
and bench press, respectively, as these loads were found to
maximize peak power (5,12). The results of this study
indicate that strongman competitors who performed ballistic
exercises typically use the training loads that will elicit the
highest peak powers.
The results of this study found that 56% of strongman
competitors surveyed incorporated elastic bands in their
training, and 38% used chains. Recently, Swinton et al. (34)
found that 57.1% of powerlifters incorporated chains, and
39.3% incorporated bands (respectively) in their training. It is
likely that strongman competitors and powerlifters use
chains and bands as a means of developing strength and
power. The use of chains and bands is recommended for
multijoint exercises such as the squat that are characterized
by an ascending strength curve (26). The increased training
load during the ascent offers the potential for a greater
concentric training load than that is manageable because of
the mechanical advantage that occurs as the lifter ascends
during these exercises (10). As a result, greater muscle tension
can be achieved throughout the range of movement thereby
improving the potential for neuromuscular adaptations.
Strongman events can last from a few seconds (e.g., 1RM
log press) to several minutes (e.g., truck pull and medleys) and
involve high physiological demands both aerobically and
anaerobically (3,20). In this study, 89.8% of strongman
competitors performed aerobic/anaerobic conditioning as
part of their strongman training. Strongman competitors
incorporate low- and high-intensity aerobic/anaerobic
conditioning in their programs; however, sport-specific
conditioning is the most commonly performed (35%). Some
clarification of sport-specific conditioning was given by some
strongman competitors in the open-ended question at the
end of the survey. When training for sport-specific condi-
tioning, strongman competitors used lighter than competi-
tion loads, which allowed a high number of repetitions to be
performed for events such as the log clean and press or to
help obtain large distances for events such as the farmers
walk. The results of this study demonstrate that strongman
competitors incorporate a variety of aerobic and anaerobic
training in their strongman training to optimize performance.
The results of this study found that the majority of
strongman competitors trained with strongman implements
at least once a week. Fifty percent of the strongman
competitors use strongman implements only in a strongman
events training day, whereas the remainder combined gym
work and strongman event training in the same session. This
finding suggests that strongman use 2 different methods to
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Strongman Training Practices
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
incorporate event training in their programs. However, it is
unclear if one approach is superior to the other.
The results of this study demonstrated that strongman
competitors use a wide variety of training implements in their
training. The farmers’ walk, log press, and stones had the
highest percentage of use (96.4, 95.2, and 94.0%, respectively)
among the strongman competitors surveyed in this study.
Other implements reported as being used by the majority of
competitors were the tire flip, axle, yoke, sleds, and kegs.
Thirty-seven competitors reported using other implements
that consisted of grip strength tools, kettle bells, and
dumbbells; and carrying; lifting; dragging; and pressing
The results from this study demonstrated that the majority
of subjects rested for .4 minutes between sets for their
strongman implement training. Previous research has dem-
onstrated that the rest period between sets and exercises
affects the muscles responses to resistance exercise and
influence how much of the adenosine triphosphate phos-
phocreatine (ATP-PC) energy source is recovered (22).
In addition, the length of the rest period has a dramatic
influence on the metabolic, hormonal, and cardiovascular
responses to an acute bout of resistance exercise and the
performance of subsequent sets (23). The rest interval of
.4 minutes indicates that strongman competitors use the
long rest period to increase their ability to exhibit maximal
strength and power with heavy strongman implements. This
results indicates that strongman competitors understand the
optimal rest periods for strength and power training as
the rest interval of .4 minutes is within the suggested
guidelines reported for performing absolute strength or
power training (11).
The tire flip, log clean and press, farmers walk, and truck
pull are strongman events commonly found in strongman
competitions. In this study, 82% percent of competitors
reported using the tire flip, 95.2% included the log clean and
press, 96.4% included the farmers walk, and 48.5% included
the truck pull in their strongman training. Differences existed
in the way the subjects trained each event. The majority of
subjects trained the tire flip less than once per week with the
most common reported training practice being 3 sets of 10
repetitions with the same load as encountered in competition.
Strongman competitors may use the higher rep range for the
tire flip to help with the high physiological demands the tire
flip places on the bodies system (20). In contrast, the majority
of subjects performed the log clean and press once a week
with the same loads as encountered in competition. Five sets
of 5 repetitions was the most common reported training
practice, which has previously been reported as one of the
best methods to elicit increases in maximal strength (33).
The farmers walk and truck pull were reported as the most
common (96.4%) and least used (48.5%) strongman training
events, respectively, used by the subjects in this study. The
majority of subjects reported performing the farmers walk
once a week and the truck pull less than once per week.
Differences existed in training practices with the distances and
the loads used between these events. The most common
reported training practices for the truck pull was pulling
a truck for 30 m with loads the same as encountered in
competition, whereas subjects performed the farmers walk at
a distance of 20 m with loads heavier than encountered in
competition. This result may indicate that for the farmers
walk, subjects use the heavier loads to help improve their grip
and carrying strength. Observations of elite strongman
competitors competing in the farmers walk gives support
to the fact that grip strength and carrying strength may be
fundamental factors in successful farmers walk performance.
However, further research is needed to validate this.
Analysis of the answers to the open-ended question in the
survey revealed that strongman competitors vary their training
and periodically alter training variables (i.e., sets, reps, loads)
during different stages of their training. The type of events (i.e.,
max effort or reps event) in a competition can determine loading
strategies, and competitors determine the most efficacious
training protocols for each event. Future studies should build on
this study and examine how strongman training practices differ
at various phases of the year.
This article serves as the first comprehensive description
of common strength and conditioning practices of strongman
competitors. Strongman competitors and strength and
conditioning coaches can use these data as a review of
strength and conditioning practices and as a possible source of
new ideas to diversify and improve their training practices.
These data should also prove useful to future investigators and
practitioners as a source for comparison. Future research
should investigate the risks and neuromuscular benefits
associated with using strongman-type implements in training.
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Strongman Training Practices
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... The practice of Strongman Training (ST) has recently garnered the attention of strength training, athletic, and rehabilitation communities. ST provides alternative styles of resistance training by placing unique demands on the body through functionally-complex movement patterns [38,[57][58][59]. These practical training stresses may be beneficial when completed properly, particularly for individuals who move substantial loads on a daily basis. ...
... Interestingly, ST has been recommended not only for its services in performance enhancement; but also for rehabilitation [26,38,57,58,60,62]. These recommendations are based on the inclusion of variety in both multi-planar movement patterns and available equipment. ...
... Thus, the increased use of these exercises may be due to their functional suitability for daily task performance, in addition to improvements in physical health. Previous studies regarding ST have provided insights into biomechanical and anthropometrical measures of strongman competitors and its implementation in strength and conditioning performance [30,38,[57][58][59]. However, limited studies have analyzed the acute physiological effects of ST regarding muscle damage nor reported muscle soreness [26,30,58]. ...
PurposeThe Farmer’s Walk (FW) may supplement resistance training through functional tasks like lifting and carrying weight over various distances. Minimal information exists concerning the intramuscular responses resulting from FW performance, possibly impacting its application in exercise prescription. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to investigate Creatine Kinase (CK) and myoglobin (Mb) responses following the Farmers Walk Condition (FWC) compared to a control protocol (NWC).Methods Fifteen participants (Mean ± SEM; age: 21.6 ± 0.5 years; height: 172.5 ± 2.4 cm; body weight: 81.8 ± 4.0 kg) completed an initial session to measure body composition, lower body power, and strength. Participants then completed two counter-balanced exercise protocols consisting of a 20-m walk performed within 5 sets of 2 repetitions while either carrying weight (FWC; average wt: 85.15 ± 25.55 kg) or not (NWC) with collection of Visually Perceived Muscle Soreness (VPMS), Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE), and blood samples. VPMS, blood samples, and Countermovement Jump (CMJ) height were also collected during recovery from each exercise protocol with significance of P < 0.05.ResultsSignificant differences were observed between exercise protocols performed including participant RPE (P < 0.01), CK (P = 0.01), and overall, upper body, and lower body VPMS (P < 0.05) post-FWC. No significant differences were noted for Mb or CMJ height.Conclusion Training variables implemented during the FWC may have indirectly minimized muscle damage and neuromuscular inhibitions in performance. Although participants reported mild soreness, the negligible physiological damage suggests the FWC is a safe and appropriate functional movement exercise.
... When an athlete failed to lift the stone over the prescribed height bar, the athlete was given one additional attempt to successfully complete the lift. Athletes were assigned rest periods of six to eight minutes between each stone attempt (Winwood, Keogh & Harris, 2011). The mass of the heaviest stone the athlete was able to successfully pass over the bar was determined to be their 1RM. ...
... This indicates that a rapid extension of the hip and knee is key in initiating movement of the stone from the ground to a position close to the athlete's chest and centre of mass (COM) at the beginning of the lap phase. Training for power and rate of force development during rapid extension of the hip and knee and to a lesser extent the ankle (in exercises such as the power clean or other weightlifting derivatives) may promote the physiological adaptations required for greater performance throughout the first pull phase of the atlas stone lift (Winwood, Keogh & Harris, 2011;James et al., 2020). ...
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Background The atlas stone lift is a popular strongman exercise where athletes are required to pick up a large, spherical, concrete stone and pass it over a bar or place it on to a ledge. The aim of this study was to use ecologically realistic training loads and set formats to (1) establish the preliminary biomechanical characteristics of athletes performing the atlas stone lift; (2) identify any biomechanical differences between male and female athletes performing the atlas stone lift; and (3) determine temporal and kinematic differences between repetitions of a set of atlas stones of incremental mass. Methods Kinematic measures of hip, knee and ankle joint angle, and temporal measures of phase and repetition duration were collected whilst 20 experienced strongman athletes (female: n = 8, male: n = 12) performed three sets of four stone lifts of incremental mass (up to 85% one repetition maximum) over a fixed-height bar. Results The atlas stone lift was categorised in to five phases: the recovery, initial grip, first pull, lap and second pull phase. The atlas stone lift could be biomechanically characterised by maximal hip and moderate knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion at the beginning of the first pull; moderate hip and knee flexion and moderate ankle plantarflexion at the beginning of the lap phase; moderate hip and maximal knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion at the beginning of the second pull phase; and maximal hip, knee extension and ankle plantarflexion at lift completion. When compared with male athletes, female athletes most notably exhibited: greater hip flexion at the beginning of the first pull, lap and second pull phase and at lift completion; and a shorter second pull phase duration. Independent of sex, first pull and lap phase hip and ankle range of motion (ROM) were generally smaller in repetition one than the final three repetitions, while phase and total repetition duration increased throughout the set. Two-way interactions between sex and repetition were identified. Male athletes displayed smaller hip ROM during the second pull phase of the first three repetitions when compared with the final repetition and smaller hip extension at lift completion during the first two repetitions when compared with the final two repetitions. Female athletes did not display these between-repetition differences. Conclusions Some of the between-sex biomechanical differences observed were suggested to be the result of between-sex anthropometric differences. Between-repetition differences observed may be attributed to the increase in stone mass and acute fatigue. The biomechanical characteristics of the atlas stone lift shared similarities with the previously researched Romanian deadlift and front squat. Strongman athletes, coaches and strength and conditioning coaches are recommended to take advantage of these similarities to achieve greater training adaptations and thus performance in the atlas stone lift and its similar movements.
... Where the athlete failed the second attempt, the previous successfully completed load was prescribed as their 1RM. Athletes were assigned a rest period of six to eight min between each attempted load (Winwood et al., 2011). Session two was performed a minimum of seven days after session one and required athletes to perform three sets of a 20 m yoke walk as quickly as possible at a load of 85% of their ...
... Where an athlete dropped the yoke during a set, data were only included from the previously completed 5 m intervals within that set. Athletes were assigned a rest period of six to eight min between each set (Winwood et al., 2011). ...
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The yoke walk is a popular strongman exercise where athletes carry a heavily loaded frame balanced across the back of their shoulders over a set distance as quickly as possible. The aim of this study was to use ecologically realistic training loads and carry distances to (1) establish the preliminary biomechanical characteristics of the yoke walk; (2) identify any biomechanical differences between male and female athletes performing the yoke walk; and (3) determine spatiotemporal and kinematic differences between stages (intervals) of the yoke walk. Kinematic and spatiotemporal measures of hip and knee joint angle, and mean velocity, stride length, stride rate and stance duration of each 5 m interval were taken whilst 19 strongman athletes performed three sets of a 20 m yoke walk at 85% of their pre-determined 20 m yoke walk one repetition maximum. The yoke walk was characterised by flexion of the hip and slight to neutral flexion of the knee at heel strike, slight to neutral extension of the hip and flexion of the knee at toe-off and moderate hip and knee range of motion (ROM), with high stride rate and stance duration, and short stride length. Between-interval comparisons revealed increased stride length, stride rate and lower limb ROM, and decreased stance duration at greater velocity. Although no main between-sex differences were observed, two-way interactions revealed female athletes exhibited greater knee extension at toe-off and reduced hip ROM during the initial (0–5 m) when compared with the final three intervals (5–20 m), and covered a greater distance before reaching maximal normalised stride length than males. The findings from this study may better inform strongman coaches, athletes and strength and conditioning coaches with the biomechanical knowledge to: provide athletes with recommendation on how to perform the yoke walk based on the technique used by experienced strongman athletes; better prescribe exercises to target training adaptations required for improved yoke walk performance; and better coach the yoke walk as a training tool for non-strongman athletes.
... The aim is to lift the most weight across the three movements for nine attempts [18]. Sports similar to powerlifting that heavily rely upon strength include Olympic weightlifting [19], strongman [20], highland games [21] and the shot-put [22], to name but a few examples. Not all of these sports mentioned have a weight class or a weight requirement, but for those that do, depending on the rules of the competition, this weight requirement may be evaluated within twenty-four or even forty-eight hours prior to the event [23]. ...
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Purpose: There is growing evidence to suggest that competitive male athletes in aesthetic sports that scrutinize their body image may experience undesirable mental health outcomes. However, there is limited research to address these issues in strength sports, particularly the sport of Powerlifting. Methods: This study employed the Multidimensional Body Image Self Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ), which recruited 365 male participants across the following subgroups. Powerlifters (P) (n = 133), Active Subjects (AS) (n = 79), Appearance Based Sports (ABS) (n = 68), Strength Sports (SS) (n = 47) and Other Sports (OS) (n = 38). Results: One–way ANOVA showed significant (p < 0.05) results between all groups across six of the nine MBSRQ subscales. Post hoc comparisons found nine significant results with the powerlifting group achieving two of them against OS (p < 0.01) and AS (p < 0.01) groups respectively. Conclusions: Overall, the results showed that male powerlifters expressed their bodies-as-function rather than their bodies-as-object with regard to health evaluation and fitness orientation. This is supported by their stable and balanced scores across the MBSRQ subscales which indicates they have healthier and lower perceptions of negative body image concerns. The powerlifters results implied that a focus on objective performance improvement and maintaining a healthy body to prevent injury had body image benefits. Applications in Sport: The study concludes that male powerlifters present healthy body image perceptions compared to the other males in their respective sports and focus on their body functionality objectively rather than the subjective perception and presentation of their body image.
... Consistent with this view, Travis et al. (21) demonstrated that powerlifters undergoing a taper can reduce training intensity by 25% and still improve 1RM performances. Based on the results of the study and other tapering transport studies, it would appear that the manipulation of training intensity during a taper might be somewhat athlete specific, with this potentially being influenced by the training load and fatigue before the taper (9,15), the unique physiological demands of the sport (1,5,16,17,24,27), and the associated injury epidemiology (8). ...
This study provides the first empirical evidence of how Highland Games heavy event athletes train and taper for Highland Games competitions. Athletes (n = 169) (mean ± SD: age 40.8 ± 10.7 years, height 181.2 ± 9.5 cm, weight 107.2 ± 23.0 kg, 18.8 ± 10.3 years of general resistance training, and 8.1 ± 6.9 years of competitive Highland Games experience) completed a self-reported 4-page online survey on training and tapering practices. Analysis by sex (male and female) and competitive standard (local or regional, national, and international) was conducted. Seventy-eight percent (n = 132) of athletes reported that they used a taper. Athletes stated that their taper length was 5.2 ± 3.5 days, with the step (36%) and linear tapers (33%) being the most performed. Athletes reported that their highest training volume and intensity were 5.5 and 3.8 weeks out (respectively) from competition, and all training ceased 2.4 ± 1.4 days before competition. Training volume decreased during the taper by 34%. Athletes typically stated that, tapering was performed to achieve recovery, peak performance, and injury prevention; training intensity, frequency, and duration stayed the same or decreased; game-specific training increased with reductions in traditional exercises; the caber toss, weight for height, and heavy weight throw were performed further out from competition than other events; muscular power and strength were the most common types of training performed; static stretching, foam rolling, and massage were strategies used in the taper; and poor tapering occurred because of life/work circumstances, lack of sleep/rest, or training too heavy/hard. These results may aid Highland Games athletes to optimize training and tapering variables leading to improved performances.
... Further, the literature supports the benefits of short-term (4 weeks) and long-term (8-10 weeks) heavy RST training (i.e., V dec 50%-80%, sled load of ∼90% body mass) on horizontal force production in the early acceleration phase and power output (27)(28)(29)(30). Given the linear relationship between the tested loads and the resistive force in this study, the regression equations can be used to calculate a higher F h value that may occur during extremely heavy training events, such as the "truck pull," which is commonly seen among strongman competitors (31). This study has certain limitations. ...
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Sport performance coaches use a range of modalities to apply a horizontal force ( F h ) to athletes during resisted sprint training (RST). These modalities include parachutes, weighted vests, pulley devices, motored tethered devices, and, most notably, weighted sleds. Despite the widespread use of these devices, the resistance forces of the pulley devices have not been evaluated for reliability and accuracy. Therefore, the primary aim of this study is to quantify the F h of a commercially available pulley device (EXER-GENIE®) and determine how resistance force is related to the load settings on the device. The secondary aim is to identify the differences in the F h values between three EXER-GENIE® devices that use 36 m and 60 m ropes. The F h values in the Newtons (N) of the three EXER-GENIE® devices were analyzed using a motorized winch, a lead acid battery, and an S-beam load cell. Four 10 s winch-driven trials were performed using 15 different EXER-GENIE® loads, ranging from 0.028 kg to 3.628 kg, employing two different 36 m devices and one 60 m device. The mean ± standard deviation for F h was reported across the four trials for each load setting. All devices produced similar F h values across lighter load settings (loads ≤0.141 kg). However, at heavier loads (loads ≥0.226 kg), the 60 m device had F h values 50–85 N greater than those of the 36 m device. The coefficient of variation across the four trials was extremely high at light loads but sharply decreased to <10% at heavy loads. Absolute reliability was high for each device [intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) = 0.99]. A regression analysis for F h values and EXER-GENIE® load indicated a strong positive relationship between load and F h values across all devices ( R 2 = 0.96–0.99). Caution should be exercised when using identical loads on the different-length pulley devices, as the 60 m device produced greater F h values than the 36 m devices at load settings higher than 0.226 kg. These results can provide coaches and practitioners with a better understanding of the magnitude of resistance that is applied when prescribing EXER-GENIE® devices for higher training loads.
... Improvements in maximal strength are crucial for success in various sports [7,[120][121][122], especially those where athletes should overcome larger loads (e.g., throwing events, weightlifting) [123]. However, the percentage of athletes from maximal strength sports that incorporate UBPT regularly is relatively low, with ~ 14% in powerlifting and ~ 29% in strongman [124,125]. Results from this systematic review can be helpful in evidence-based practice, but the limited number of studies available on the effect of UBPT on maximal strength performance precludes a robust analysis of the optimal prescription variables to maximize improvements. ...
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Background Upper-body plyometric training (UBPT) is a commonly used training method, yet its effects on physical fitness are inconsistent and there is a lack of comprehensive reviews on the topic. Objective To examine the effects of UBPT on physical fitness in healthy youth and young adult participants compared to active, specific-active, and passive controls. Methods This systematic review followed PRISMA 2020 guidelines and utilized the PICOS framework. PubMed, WOS, and SCOPUS were searched. Studies were assessed for eligibility using the PICOS framework. The effects of UBPT on upper-body physical fitness were assessed, including maximal strength, medicine ball throw performance, sport-specific throwing performance, and upper limb muscle volume. The risk of bias was evaluated using the PEDro scale. Means and standard deviations were used to calculate effect sizes, and the I ² statistic was used to assess heterogeneity. Publication bias was assessed using the extended Egger's test. Certainty of evidence was rated using the GRADE scale. Additional analyses included sensitivity analyses and adverse effects. Results Thirty-five studies were included in the systematic review and 30 studies in meta-analyses, involving 1412 male and female participants from various sport-fitness backgrounds. Training duration ranged from 4 to 16 weeks. Compared to controls, UBPT improved maximal strength (small ES = 0.39 95% CI = 0.15–0.63, p = 0.002, I ² = 29.7%), medicine ball throw performance (moderate ES = 0.64, 95% CI = 0.43–0.85, p < 0.001, I ² = 46.3%), sport-specific throwing performance (small ES = 0.55, 95% CI = 0.25–0.86, p < 0.001, I ² = 36.8%), and upper limbs muscle volume (moderate ES = 0.64, 95% CI = 0.20–1.08, p = 0.005, I ² = 0.0%). The GRADE analyses provided low or very low certainty for the recommendation of UBPT for improving physical fitness in healthy participants. One study reported one participant with an injury due to UBPT. The other 34 included studies provided no report measure for adverse effects linked to UBPT. Conclusions UBPT interventions may enhance physical fitness in healthy youth and young adult individuals compared to control conditions. However, the certainty of evidence for these recommendations is low or very low. Further research is needed to establish the optimal dose of UBPT and to determine its effect on female participants and its transfer to other upper-body dominated sports.
... In fact, Travis et al. (35) recently demonstrated experimentally that during a taper, training intensity can be reduced by 25% and 1RM performances can be improved in powerlifters. It seems that for weightlifting and athletes in the strength sports, the manipulation of training intensity is quite individualized and may be influenced by a number of variables, including the training load and fatigue going into the taper (15,26), the unique physiological demands (2,7,28,42,44) of the sport, and the associated injury epidemiology (13). A limitation in the present study is that we did not differentiate between changes of intensity to competition-specific exercises vs traditional exercises. ...
Winwood, PW, Keogh, JW, Travis, SK, and Pritchard, HJ. The tapering practices of competitive weightlifters. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000–000, 2022—This study explored the tapering strategies of weightlifting athletes. Weightlifting athletes ( n = 146) (mean ± SD ; age: 29.2 ± 8.7 years, height: 172.5 ± 10.1 cm, body mass: 84.0 ± 17.2 kg, 4.7 ± 3.4 years of weightlifting training experience, and 3.9 ± 3.3 years of competitive weightlifting experience) completed a self-reported 4-page, 39-item internet survey on tapering practices. Subgroup analysis by sex (male and female) and competitive standard (local or regional, national and international level) was conducted. Ninety-nine percent ( n = 144) of weightlifting athletes reported they used a taper. Athletes stated that their typical taper length was 8.0 ± 4.4 days, with the linear (36%) and step tapers (33%) being the most performed. Training volume decreased during the taper by 43.1 ± 14.6%, and athletes ceased all training 1.5 ± 0.6 days out from competition. Muscular strength, light technique work, and aerobic conditioning were the most common types of training performed in the taper. Athletes typically stated that tapering was performed to achieve rest and recovery, physical preparation for peak performance and mental preparation; training intensity and training duration decreased whereas training frequency remained the same or decreased; traditional exercises were performed further out from competition than weightlifting exercises; assistance exercises and some strength work were reduced; nutritional changes, foam rolling, static stretching, and massage were strategies used in the taper; and poor tapering occurred because of training too heavy, too hard, or too light and life–work circumstances. These results may aid athletes and coaches in strength sports to optimize tapering variables leading to improved performances.
Gillingham, B, Bishop, A, Higa, GK, Adams, KJ, and DeBeliso, M. The relationship between partial and full range of motion deadlift 1-repetition maximum: a technical note. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2022-The full range of motion (FROM) or partial range of motion (PROM) deadlift (DL) are often included in resistance training (RT) programs and are performed by strength athletes in competition. This study examined the relationship between the FROM and PROM 1-repetition maximum (1RM) DL and if the PROM 1RM DL can be estimated by the FROM 1RM DL. Eighteen National Collegiate Athletic Association wrestlers (20.8 ± 1.2 years, 176.0 ± 5.2 cm, 78.9 ± 10.6 kg) performed a warm-up followed by the assessment of the FROM and PROM 1RM DLs. The FROM DLs were executed with a starting position of the bar resting on the lifting platform. Partial range of motion DLs were executed in a power rack with the bar starting position at ≈2.54 cm above the patella. Regression analysis was employed to estimate PROM 1RM DL based on FROM 1RM DL, body height, and mass. A Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) was used to compare the PROM 1RM DL with FROM 1RM DL. A dependent t test was used to compare the PROM 1RM DL and FROM 1RM DL scores (α < 0.05). The PROM 1RM DL scores (226.0 ± 40.6 kg) were significantly greater than the FROM 1RM DL scores (191.7 ± 37.2 kg) (p < 0.05: effect size = 0.92). The PCC between the PROM and FROM 1RM DL was r = 0.85 (p < 0.05). The regression coefficient for the FROM 1RM DL was significant (p < 0.05; R = 0.85, R2 = 0.73). The regression coefficients for body mass and height were not significant (p > 0.05). The PROM and FROM DL may be interchangeable modalities within an RT program, and the PROM 1RM DL can be accurately predicted by the FROM 1RM DL.
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McGowan, CJ, Pyne, DB, Raglin, JS, Thompson, KG, and Rattray, B. Current warm-up practices and contemporary issues faced by elite swimming coaches. J Strength Cond Res 30(12): 3471–3480, 2016—A better understanding of current swimming warm-up strategies is needed to improve their effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to describe current precompetition warm-up practices and identify contemporary issues faced by elite swimming coaches during competition. Forty-six state-international level swimming coaches provided information through a questionnaire on their prescription of volume, intensity, and recovery within their pool and dryland-based competition warm-ups, and challenges faced during the final stages of event preparation. Coaches identified four key objectives of the precompetition warm-up: physiological (elevate body temperature and increase muscle activation), kinesthetic (tactile preparation, increase “feel” of the water), tactical (race-pace rehearsal), and mental (improve focus, reduce anxiety). Pool warm-up volume ranged from ∼1300 to 2100 m, beginning with 400–1000 m of continuous, low-intensity (∼50–70% of perceived maximal exertion) swimming, followed by 200–600 m of stroke drills and 1–2 sets (100–400 m in length) of increasing intensity (∼60–90%) swimming, concluding with 3–4 race or near race-pace efforts (25–100 m; ∼90–100%) and 100–400 m easy swimming. Dryland-based warm-up exercises, involving stretch cords and skipping, were also commonly prescribed. Coaches preferred swimmers complete their warm-up 20–30 minutes before race start. Lengthy marshalling periods (15–20+ minutes) and the time required to don racing suits (>10 minutes) were identified as complicating issues. Coaches believed that the pool warm-up affords athletes the opportunity to gain a tactile feel for the water and surrounding pool environment. The combination of dryland-based activation exercises followed by pool-based warm-up routines seems to be the preferred approach taken by elite swimming coaches preparing their athletes for competition.
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The aim of this study was to investigate the kinematics, kinetics, and neural activation of the traditional bench press movement performed explosively and the explosive bench throw in which the barbell was projected from the hands. Seventeen male subjects completed three trials with a bar weight of 45% of the subject's previously determined 1RM. Performance was significantly higher during the throw movement compared to tile press for average velocity, peak velocity, average force, average power, and peak power. Average muscle activity during the concentric phase for pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, triceps brachii, and biceps brachii was higher for the throw condition. It was concluded that performing traditional press movements rapidly with light lends does not create ideal loading conditions for the neuromuscular system with regard to explosive strength production, especially in the final stages of the movement, because ballistic weight loading conditions where the resistance was accelerated throughout the movement resulted in a greater velocity of movement, force output, and EMG activity.
A survey designed to record training practices of athletes with disabilities was administered to participants in the 1990 and 1991 National Wheelchair Athletic Association Elite and Developmental Athlete Training Camp. Information on age, weight, nature and level of disability, the sport and experience in it, sources of training information, dietary practices, and alcohol and cigarette consumption was requested. The athletes were also asked to report their weekly training practices by quarters for the previous year concerning average number of workouts per week, number of hours per workout, number of miles per week, percent of time spent on speed work and/or interval training per week, number of weight training sessions per week, and the number of competitions entered per quarter. Results indicate that most of the athletes derived much of their training information from personal contact with coaches, other athletes, and sport scientists. Many do not set goals in developing training routines, training diets, or competition schedules.
This project assessed training behaviors and attributes of elite wheelchair racers. Training information was received from 36 participants in the 1985 National 10K Wheelchair Roadracing Championship. Data were obtained about age, weight, nature and level of disability, racing experience, sources of training information, level of cigarette and alcohol use, and dietary habits. Weekly training behaviors across yearly quarters were assessed with regard to the number of weekly pushing workouts, length of pushing workouts, number of miles pushed per week, percentage of training time allocated to interval training and/or speedwork, number of weekly weight-training sessions, and number of other augmentative physical activities pursued twice or more per week. Perceived exertion during interval and noninterval, steady-state training tasks was also measured. Results revealed that training behaviors of elite wheelchair racers are very heterogeneous. Participation in and age of introduction to elite wheelchair racing were found to be predominantly adult phenomena. The health practices of the athletes regarding cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, and weight control were generally found to be good, However, inadequate caloric control measures by the quadriplegics and the ingestion of protein supplements by male racers indicate that some dietary counseling may be needed. The results provide a starting point for a data base pertaining to training behaviors in wheelchair racing.
Principles and Practice of Resistance Training represents a true breakthrough in planning and monitoring strength training programs. This research-based book details how to systematically examine the physical, physiological, and biomechanical parameters associated with crafting resistance training programs to improve sport performance and strength and power in athletes. The authors bring together more than 100 collective years of teaching, conducting research, and coaching national- and international-level athletes to share their unique insights concerning adaptations to strength and conditioning. The text is written in a manner that challenges professionals while remaining accessible to advanced coaches. It begins by presenting readers with an understanding of basic science. This scientific foundation allows readers to formulate a sound training process that is more likely to produce the desired short- and long-term results. Next, the text examines how to test, monitor, and evaluate adaptations to various types of training programs. It emphasizes the significance of appropriately monitoring training programs to identify elements of the program to adjust so the goals of clients or athletes are more effectively and efficiently achieved. Finally, the authors discuss exercise selection and present a practical example so readers can learn to apply the information in the text to build their own training programs. Each chapter is written in a “stand-alone” manner so that readers can refer back to the material as needed. Principles and Practice of Resistance Training also explores key questions that currently have no clear, scientifically proven answers. For these issues, the authors offer reasoned, speculative explanations based on the best available information and data--including anecdotal evidence-- intended to stimulate additional observation and research that will eventually offer a clearer understanding and resolution of the issues involved. In sharing their personal experiences as coaches and research scientists, the authors are able to address issues that are not normally dealt with in academic programs. Principles and Practice of Resistance Training is far more than a general guide for strength training. It is an in-depth exploration of the science behind the training. Armed with the scientific understanding and the tools to put that information into practice, you will be able to develop training programs that help your athletes or clients excel.
There are distinct differences between training for a strong man competition and training to improve athletic performance. However, there are facets of strong man training that are applicable to training many types of athletes. One example of this is integrating the use of water filled barrels as a form of resistance. Applying the concept of specificity, a fluid resistance provides a higher degree of sport specificity than a static resistance because for many athletes the type of resistance they encounter during competition is not static but moving. While a majority of our training is performed with a standard barbell or dumbbell, water filled barrels have become an important part of our training program.
This study investigated the effects of execution speed on measures of strength, muscular power, and hypertrophy. Eighteen male subjects trained with the half-squat exercise using an 8- to 12-RM load for 7-1/2 weeks. Eight subjects tried to produce fast concentric contractions while 10 subjects emphasized slow controlled movements. Both groups improved significantly in all measures; however, no significant differences were observed between the groups over the training period. Trends based on percentage improvements gave some support for the fast group improving more (68.7%) than the slow group (23.5%) in maximum rate of force development. The slow group improved to a greater extent (31%) that the fast group (12.4%) in absolute isometric strength, whereas the percentage gains in hypertrophy were similar for both groups. It was concluded that strength, speed-strength, and hypertrophy measures can be simultaneously developed significantly in beginning weight trainers. Beginner athletes should consider the possible effects of consciously controlling speed of contraction in weight training. (C) 1993 National Strength and Conditioning Association
The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effect of involvement in power lifting, Olympic lifting, and sprinting on strength and power characteristics in the squat movement. A standard one repetition maximum squat test, jump squat tests, and vertical jumps with various loads were performed. The power lifters (PL, n = 8), Olympic lifters (OL, n = 6), and sprinters (S, n = 6) were significantly stronger than the controls (C, n = 8) (p ≤ 0.05). In addition, the OL group was significantly stronger than the S group. The OL group produced significantly higher peak forces, power outputs, velocities, and jump heights in comparison to the PL and C groups for jump trials at various loads. The S group produced higher peak velocities and jump heights in comparison to the PL and C groups for jump trials at various loads. The PL group was significantly higher in peak force and peak power for jump trials at various loads in comparison to the C group. The data indicates that strength and power characteristics are specific to each group and are most likely influenced by the various training protocols utilized.