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A systematic review of the accuracy of peripheral thermometry in estimating core temperatures among febrile critically ill patients


Abstract and Figures

There is uncertainty about the accuracy of peripheral thermometers in measuring temperatures within the febrile physiological range. To determine the accuracy of peripheral thermometers in detecting febrile core temperatures among critically ill patients, and, if required, to determine a standard conversion equation to improve accuracy. A systematic search of MEDLINE, Embase, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and PubMed was undertaken to identify clinical trials comparing peripheral thermometry in critically ill adult patients with core temperatures > 37.5°C. Our prespecified plan was to perform a meta-analysis of the clinical accuracy of mean peripheral thermometer temperature difference from core temperature and calculation of limits of agreement. Systematic review identified three studies that compared infrared tympanic, rectal or oral thermometer readings with pulmonary artery catheter core temperature readings among critically ill adults with fever. Studies were heterogeneous and all failed to report appropriate measurements of variation for the estimates of clinical accuracy, which prevented meta-analysis and limited interpretation of the results. Mean differences were within ± 0.2°C in five of seven tympanic thermometer/mode/ temperature combinations and in the one oral thermometer studied. All of three rectal thermometer/temperature combinations studied reported mean differences outside this range. The identified studies suggest that in critically ill patients, tympanic and oral thermometry provide, on average, accurate measures of core temperatures within the febrile range and can be recommended for this purpose. Further studies with appropriate statistical methods are required to assess the accuracy of peripheral thermometers among critically ill patients with fever.
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Critical Care and Resuscitation Volume 13 Number 3 September 2011194
Crit Care Resusc ISSN: 1441-2772 1 Septem-
ber 2011 13 3 194-199
©Crit Care Resusc 2011
Fever is common among critically ill patients, and its
detection has important implications for patient manage-
ment.1 Fever occurs as a response to tissue injury and
inflammation. The detection of a new fever may herald the
onset of an infection, often leading to additional investiga-
tions and changes in patient management. The presence of
persistent fever may indicate treatment failure, progressive
disease or disordered thermoregulation, and may be associ-
ated with poor prognosis.2 Accurate determination of body
temperature in the febrile range is not only important in
influencing intensive care unit practice, but also in the
setting of clinical research, where inclusion criteria or
interventions may be set at specific temperature thresholds.
Direct measurement of core temperature is regarded as
the most accurate method to determine body temperature,
as it is less influenced by variables such as ambient temper-
ature and peripheral perfusion. Core temperature is best
represented by the pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) ther-
mometer, the “gold standard” for clinical thermometry,
although other methods of core temperature assessment,
such as with oesophageal and bladder devices, are also
considered accurate.3 However, devices used to measure
core temperature are generally more expensive and more
invasive than peripheral thermometry, and may require a
skilled operator to position.
Over the past four decades, clinical thermometry has
developed to enable rapid, convenient core temperature
estimation using electronic devices at peripheral sites.4
These electronic thermometers often have functions that
convert temperatures measured at one site of the body to
an estimate of the temperature at another site (eg, core,
oral, rectal). Conversion algorithms for these functions vary
between thermometers and are determined by the manu-
facturer. For all modes other than “unadjusted” (or
“equal”) mode, a fixed number is automatically added to
the temperature taken. Clinical studies investigating the
accuracy of peripheral thermometers in determining core
temperature have reported differing accuracy at different
core temperatures,5,6 and recommendations have been
made for further investigation to take into account poten-
tial confounders, including temperature range variables.7
Background: There is uncertainty about the accuracy of
peripheral thermometers in measuring temperatures within
the febrile physiological range.
Objective: To determine the accuracy of peripheral
thermometers in detecting febrile core temperatures among
critically ill patients, and, if required, to determine a
standard conversion equation to improve accuracy.
Methods: A systematic search of MEDLINE, Embase, the
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and PubMed
was undertaken to identify clinical trials comparing
peripheral thermometry in critically ill adult patients with
core temperatures > 37.5°C. Our prespecified plan was to
perform a meta-analysis of the clinical accuracy of mean
peripheral thermometer temperature difference from core
temperature and calculation of limits of agreement.
Results: Systematic review identified three studies that
compared infrared tympanic, rectal or oral thermometer
readings with pulmonary artery catheter core temperature
readings among critically ill adults with fever. Studies were
heterogeneous and all failed to report appropriate
measurements of variation for the estimates of clinical
accuracy, which prevented meta-analysis and limited
interpretation of the results. Mean differences were within
±0.2°C in five of seven tympanic thermometer/mode/
temperature combinations and in the one oral thermometer
studied. All of three rectal thermometer/temperature
combinations studied reported mean differences outside
this range.
Conclusion: The identified studies suggest that in critically
ill patients, tympanic and oral thermometry provide, on
average, accurate measures of core temperatures within the
febrile range and can be recommended for this purpose.
Further studies with appropriate statistical methods are
required to assess the accuracy of peripheral thermometers
Crit Care Resusc 2011; 13: 194199
among critically ill patients with fever.
A systematic review of the accuracy of peripheral
thermometry in estimating core temperatures among
febrile critically ill patients
Sarah Jefferies, Mark Weatherall,
Paul Young and Richard Beasley
Critical Care and Resuscitation Volume 13 Number 3 September 2011 195
In view of the uncertainty regarding the accuracy of
peripheral thermometry at elevated core temperatures, and
the importance of detecting fever in the ICU, we undertook
a systematic review with the intention of performing a
meta-analysis. We hypothesised that peripheral thermome-
try would tend to underestimate febrile core temperatures,
and that meta-analysis would determine a standard conver-
sion to calculate core temperature based on peripheral
temperature measurements.
Search strategy
Four databases were used to identify clinical studies com-
paring measurements from peripheral thermometers with
those obtained simultaneously from core thermometers in
the critically ill. The databases used were MEDLINE (1950 to
present); Embase (1947 to present); the Cochrane Central
Register of Controlled Trials (1991 to present) and PubMed
(1950 to present): search date, 29 December 2010. Key-
words were: “thermometer*”; and “pulmonary artery” or
“bladder”; limited to human and clinical trials. Potentially
relevant articles that were not written in English were
translated. One of us (S J) examined each article’s title and
abstract and the full article if necessary. The reference lists
of all relevant articles were also reviewed, and additional
hand searching was carried out.
Inclusion criteria
Clinical trials that investigated the accuracy of peripheral
methods of temperature measurement compared with
pulmonary artery catheter or bladder thermometry among
adult patients with core temperatures > 37.5°C, and pre-
sented appropriate summary statistics, were included. For
the purpose of this systematic review, peripheral thermo-
metry included any method of thermometry other than
pulmonary artery, oesophageal or bladder thermometry.
Exclusion criteria
Non-human studies.
Studies that involved iatrogenic physical temperature
manipulation (eg, external warming or cooling), as this
may introduce thermal gradients that are distinct from
physiological fever.
Studies with no data for febrile core temperature ranges.
Studies that only presented data in graphical form, so
that use of data for analysis would have required estima-
tion of data points.
Studies that examined temporal artery thermometry.
Data extraction and interpretation
Extraction of data was based on reported summary statis-
tics. These were the mean differences, reflecting bias, and
appropriate measurements of variance. In the original
publication by Bland and Altman, limits of agreement were
defined as plus or minus two times the standard deviation
of the difference in measurements of the same research
participants measured twice only, reflecting that about
95% of the difference between future paired measure-
ments would fall between the limits of agreement.8
We recognised that research designs in this area often
involve measuring the same patients’ temperatures on
multiple occasions, often with multiple different peripheral
thermometers. We therefore reviewed publications for
reports of appropriate measures of variance for the mean
difference that could be used to calculate approximate 95%
confidence intervals for an individual predicted value. In
particular, we attempted to find the reports of variance
components due to measurement error that took into
account multiple measurements on individual research par-
ticipants. We were planning on performing a meta-analysis
of the size of the mean bias and attempted to find reports
of variance measurements, or appropriately calculated con-
fidence intervals, appropriate to the mean difference.
Based on previous research, we were particularly interested
in clinical accuracy, defined as a mean peripheral thermome-
ter temperature difference from a febrile core temperature
within ±0.2°C, and limits of agreement within ±0.5°C.9-12
We had planned to perform an inverse variance weighted
meta-analysis in critically ill patients with febrile core temper-
atures for clinical accuracy and limits of agreement.
Systematic review identified three studies reporting the
accuracy of peripheral thermometers in detecting febrile
core temperatures in critically ill patients (Figure 1).10,13,14 All
three studies included multiple measurements, often in a
poorly specified number of febrile patients, and the statisti-
cal methods either failed to account for repeated measures
on the same participants or did not report appropriate
measures of variation. As a result, we were unable to
conduct a meta-analysis.
Characteristics of included studies
All three included articles were prospective, non-experimen-
tal, observational studies in adult critical care patients,
undertaken over a decade ago (Table 1). In the three
studies, details of baseline characteristics of the febrile
patients, such as sex and diagnosis, were not provided.
Details of the number of febrile patients studied or the
number of measurements taken in each patient were also
All articles used PAC as the method of core temperature
measurement. The type of peripheral electronic thermo-
Critical Care and Resuscitation Volume 13 Number 3 September 2011196
meter and modes selected varied between studies. Milewski
and colleagues studied both an infrared (IR) tympanic
thermometer in its unadjusted mode and a digital electronic
rectal thermometer.13 Rotello and colleagues investigated
three types of IR tympanic thermometer (one in adjusted-
to-oral mode, two in unadjusted mode) and one digital
electronic rectal thermometer.14 Giuliano and colleagues
investigated two types of IR tympanic thermometer (both in
the core mode setting) and one oral electronic thermome-
ter.10 In this study, most patients were intubated and oral
temperatures were not collected within 30 minutes of a
patient receiving mouth cares.10
In one study, the researcher operating the thermometers
was blinded.14 In two studies, more than one operator was
involved, with attempts made to evaluate interoperator
error.10,13 All study protocols provided operator device train-
ing, described adequate device calibration and accounted
for “draw down”, in which false reductions in tympanic
temperature occur when repeated readings are taken from
the same ear within 2 minutes.
Two of the three studies did not describe the exclusion
of ear pathological features, which can affect the accu-
racy of tympanic thermometry;10,13 and none described
device cleaning, replacement of IR thermometer probe
caps with each reading or the control of other variables,
such as recent warming of the ear by head position on
pillow.9,15 The use of the “ear tug” technique, which may
influence tympanic measurements, varied in the three
Clinical accuracy data
Table 2 summarises the mean differences reported in the
included studies which compared tympanic, oral and rectal
thermometry with core temperature measurements. Meta-
analysis could not be performed, as all studies reported
error data without accounting for the effects of repeated
measures due to multiple measurements among study
An assessment of clinical accuracy could therefore only
be made based on the reported mean differences. Five of
seven different tympanic thermometer/mode/core tempera-
ture range combinations among the studies were clinically
accurate, with a mean difference within ±0.2°C of core
febrile temperatures (Table 2). The two tympanic thermo-
meter/mode/core temperature range combinations that
exceeded this limit were the Thermoscan Pro-1 in unad-
justed mode for core temperatures 37.6–38.0°C (mean
difference, 0.22°C from core), although clinical accuracy
was demonstrated in this device/mode at >38.0°C, and the
Thermoscan HM-1 in oral mode (mean difference from core
0.24°C). Oral thermometry was used in one study and was
clinically accurate with a mean difference from core of
Figure 1. Flow diagram of search strategy
Results of “thermometer*”; and “pulmonary
artery” or “bladder”; limited to human and
clinical trials (n = 167)
Clinical trials comparing the accuracy of
peripheral thermometry with core
temperatures in critically ill adult patients
with fever (n = 3)
Exclusion of duplicates and
articles not potentially relevant
(n = 143)
Potentially relevant
from reference lists
and hand searching
(n = 50)
n = 24
n = 74
n = 62
n = 46
n = 43
n = 10
Excluded if not a clinical trial
(n = 12):
Review (n = 11)
Laboratory experiment (n = 1)
Excluded if inappropriate type
of thermometer (n = 16):
No comparison with core
temperature (n = 8)
Peripheral device is temporal
artery thermometer (n = 8)
Excluded if sample population
paediatric patients (n = 3)
Excluded if no data for febrile
core temperature ranges or
febrile data points presented in
an unclear graphical form
(n = 33)
Excluded if sample population
included patients subject to
iatrogenic physical temperature
manipulation (n = 7)
Critical Care and Resuscitation Volume 13 Number 3 September 2011 197
0.18°C.10 Rectal thermometry demonstrated clinical inaccu-
racy, overestimating core temperature measured by PAC
(Table 2).
Our systematic review suggests that for critically ill patients,
on average, tympanic and oral thermometry provide accu-
rate estimations of core temperatures within the febrile
range, but that rectal thermometry is clinically inaccurate.
However, because of limitations in study reports, we were
unable to present a pooled estimate of clinical accuracy,
limits of agreement or appropriate confidence limits.
To the best of our knowledge, no other systematic review
has evaluated the accuracy of peripheral thermometry in
the febrile critically ill adult patient population. Hooper and
colleagues reviewed the accuracy of peripheral thermo-
metry among adult critical care patients, including several
studies that did not meet the criteria for our review.7 They
found variable reports of accuracy among a highly hetero-
geneous set of studies, and concluded that there was a
requirement for further investigation to account for differ-
ences in accuracy across sex, ethnicity, age and temperature
range variables.7 In another adult critical medicine review,
O’Grady and colleagues concluded that the accuracy of
tympanic thermometry was “consistently poor” and ranked
their recommendations for peripheral thermometry in the
order of rectal, oral, and lastly tympanic.16 They did not
discuss the flaws in statistical methods or reporting, nor the
heterogeneity of the studies upon which they based this
Two studies that did not meet the criteria for our review
further demonstrate the variability in the existing evidence.
Schmitz and colleagues compared peripheral with core
methods of thermometry specifically among critically ill
patients who were febrile at baseline.6 However, as their
analysis incorporated readings taken while the patients
were afebrile, their research was excluded from our ana-
lysis. They reported that tympanic thermometry overesti-
mated core temperature at PAC temperatures < 38.3°C and
underestimated at PAC temperatures 38.3°C. This sug-
gests that the comparable performance of tympanic ther-
mometry may vary across the physiological febrile range.
In a more recent study by Moran and colleagues, the
average temperature difference between PAC and tympanic
thermometry was 0.36 (SD, 0.47), with reported limits of
agreement of 0.56 and 1.28°C, representing a greater
bias and variability from core temperature than that found
with axillary thermometry.17 In this article, the results were
derived from patients who experienced a range of core
temperatures, from hypothermia to hyperthermia, and
therefore it did not meet the criteria for our analysis.
However, the authors further report that regression analyses
examining temperature differences between PAC and tym-
panic, and PAC and axillary measurements, across the range
of patient temperatures, were not statistically significant.17
Table 1. Characteristics of the included studies
pants; no.
(mode) Protocol
No. of
Use of
ear tug
of ear
of devices
of other
Milewski et
al, 199113
Adult ICU;
febrile n=?
total n=9
Tympanic TM1
(unadjusted); rectal RT1
1–2-hourly single
measurements for up
to 48 h; RT read at
3 min from insertion
>1 (not
YR ear, no
Y N Y Individual
Rotello et
al, 199614
Adult ICU;
febrile n=9,
total n=20
Tympanic TM2 (oral);
tympanic TM3
tympanic TM4
(unadjusted); rectal RT2
3 readings with each
TM at 2 min intervals
and a RT2 reading
with the third TM, the
RT2 having been
placed for 6 min
1 (single
Y R ear, with
Y Y Y Clinical
between the
TM devices
Giuliano et
al, 200010
Adult ICU;
febrile n=?
total n=72
TM5 (core); TM6 (core);
oral OT1 (not specified)
1 reading per device
(one TM per ear) over
1 min. Repeated up
to 3 times at least
20 min apart
3 (not
ears, ear tug
use not
Y N Y Clinician–
ICU = intensive care unit. TM = tympanic ther mometer. RT = rectal thermo meter. OT = oral thermo meter. TM1 = Thermoscan Pro-1 (Thermoscan Inc, San Diego, Calif, USA). TM2 = Thermoscan
HM-1 (Thermoscan Inc). TM3= Thermoscan Pro-1 (Thermoscan Inc). TM4 =Thermoscan Pro-LT (Thermoscan Inc). TM5 = FirstTemp Genius II (model 3000A, Sherwood Medical, Carlsbad,
Calif, USA). TM6 =ThermoScan Ear Pro-1 (model IR-1, Thermoscan Inc). RT1= Electronic rectal thermometer (Diatek, San Diego, Calif, USA). RT2 =electronic rectal thermometer (Diatek).
OT1 =SureTemp oral thermometer (model 678, Welch Allyn, San Diego, Calif, USA).
Critical Care and Resuscitation Volume 13 Number 3 September 2011198
This suggests that the bias between PAC and these two
thermometry measurements does not change in the febrile
range. When we considered the reported limits of agree-
ment by inspection of the Bland–Altman plots for tympanic
or axillary thermometry versus PAC, there appeared to be
greater variability in differences at mean temperatures
<38°C. However, this is difficult to verify without analysis
of the febrile-range participants.
Inspection of the plots also strongly suggested that the
limits of agreement calculated by the authors were based
on the standard deviation of all the paired readings and do
not take into account the multiple readings on the same
participants, and so are likely to be too narrow. This is less
likely to have a significant effect on the calculated mean
bias. Moran and colleagues concluded that urinary ther-
mometry was superior in accuracy to tympanic thermo-
metry and questioned the use of tympanic thermometers in
critically ill patients.17
This review is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it
summarises the limited available data comparing peripheral
and core temperatures among febrile critically ill patients,
but indicates that tympanic and oral thermometry may be
used to accurately detect febrile core temperatures among
these patients. Secondly, it highlights the lack of published
data on the performance of some of the brands of
peripheral thermometers currently used in clinical practice.
Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, the analysis high-
lights a major statistical flaw in the existing published
literature, discussed further below.
This systematic review was performed with a sensitive
search of four major databases, with further hand searches
and review of reference lists. We are confident that all
relevant articles were identified by this strategy. However,
the studies included in the systematic review were hetero-
geneous by design and did not use statistical analysis to
adequately account for variation due to repeated measures.
The original description of the Bland–Altman method
assumes that each research participant in an agreement
study is measured once with each measurement device.8
The purpose of the method is to derive approximately 95%
confidence intervals for a future individual predicted value
of bias. For the simple design where participants are only
measured twice, this is based on plus or minus two times
the standard deviation of the differences and the two
methods of measurement agree if the limits of agreement
are acceptable on subject-matter grounds. For comparisons
between measurements of temperature, ±0.5°C has been
proposed as acceptable limits of agreement.10-12
The situation is more complex when participants in a
study of agreement are measured more than twice. This is
because there are two or more sources of variation to
consider: between patients, between measurement instru-
ments, if more than one is used, and the “leftover varia-
tion”. The leftover variation is the measurement error that is
appropriate to assess agreement. In the Bland–Altman
procedure, with only two measurements per participant,
the between-patient component is automatically accounted
for by working with the differences only. The standard
method of accounting for repeated, more than two, meas-
urements on the same patients are mixed linear models, of
which repeated-measures analysis of variance is a simple
example. These techniques use a variety of methods, of
which the most used is restricted maximum likelihood, to
estimate the variation due to measurement error. Failure to
Table 2. Summary data presented by the included studies of mean differences from PAC for febrile core
temperature ranges in critically ill patients
Mean difference from PAC, °C* (n)
Study Febrile range(s), °C Tympanic Oral Rectal
Milewski et al, 199113 37.6–38.0 TM1 0.22 (n= 41) RT1 0.46 (n= 35)
38.1–40.0 TM1 0.01 (n= 40) RT1 0.53 (n= 36)
Rotello et al, 199614 37.6–39.1 TM2 0.24 (n= 27) RT2 0.35 (n= 27)
TM3 0.14 (n= 27)
TM4 0.01 (n= 27)
Giuliano et al, 200010 38.1–39.3 TM5 0.17 (n= 50) OT1 0.18 (n= 48)
TM6 0.05 (n= 50)
PAC= pulmonary artery catheter. TM =tympanic thermometer. RT= rectal thermometer. OT= oral thermometer. TM1 = Thermoscan Pro-1 (Thermoscan Inc,
San Diego, Calif, USA). TM2 = Thermoscan HM-1 (Thermoscan Inc). TM3 = Thermoscan Pro-1 (Thermoscan Inc). TM4 = Thermoscan Pro-LT (Thermoscan Inc).
TM5 =FirstTemp Genius II (model 3000A, Sherwood Medical, Carlsbad, Calif, USA). TM6 = ThermoScan Ear Pro-1 (model IR-1, Thermoscan Inc). RT1 =
electronic predictive (Diatek, San Diego, Calif, USA). RT2 = Electronic predictive (Diatek). OT1 = SureTemp (model 678, Welch Allyn, San Diego, Calif, USA).
* Peripheral thermometer mean core thermometer mean; negative numbers therefore represent a mean underestimate of core temperatures. †No. of
Critical Care and Resuscitation Volume 13 Number 3 September 2011 199
account for repeatedly measuring the same research parti-
cipants, or that different research participants are measured
a different number of times, will give inappropriate esti-
mates of variation (eg, standard deviations or standard error
of the mean, and confidence intervals) for differences
between different measuring techniques. This difference is
likely to mean that confidence intervals are inappropriately
narrow. Simply taking the standard deviation of all the
differences for repeated measurements does not appropri-
ately estimate the correct element of variation to judge
It is likely that the estimates of the mean values of bias,
shown in Table 2, are close to those obtained from analysis
that properly accounts for components of variation, if each
participant’s temperature was measured about the same
number of times. However, if some participants’ tempera-
tures were measured far more than those of others, these
participants are inappropriately weighted in calculating the
mean and the mean difference may itself be biased.
We recommend that further studies with appropriate
statistical methods be conducted to properly assess the
accuracy of peripheral thermometers currently being used
in critically ill adult patients with fever. Such studies need to
account for the components of variation to estimate meas-
urement error. This will require analysis that explicitly
accounts for repeated measurements together with appro-
priate estimates of bias and precision derived from, for
example, mixed linear models, with appropriate specifica-
tion of random and fixed effects. For the purposes of
ongoing clinical practice and trials using oral, tympanic or
rectal thermometry, we advise that, on the basis of the
limited available evidence, tympanic and oral thermometry
methods should be regarded as equivalent to core tempera-
ture and that rectal thermometry should not be used.
Competing interests
None declared.
Author details
Sarah Jefferies, Medical Research Fellow,1 and Medical Registrar2
Mark Weatherall, Physician,2 and Associate Professor3
Paul Young, Intensivist2
Richard Beasley, Director,1 and Physician2
1 Medical Research Institute of New Zealand, Wellington, New
2 Capital and Coast District Health Board, Wellington, New Zealand.
3 University of Otago Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand.
Correspondence: Sarah.Jefferie
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2 Circiumaru B, Baldock G, Cohen J. A prospective study of fever in
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3 Lefrant JY, Muller L, de La Coussaye JE, et al. Temperature
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5 Erickson RS, Kirklin SK. Comparison of ear-based, bladder, oral, and
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6 Schmitz T, Bair N, Falk M, Levine C. A comparison of five methods
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12 Lawson L, Bridges EJ, Ballou I, et al. Accuracy and precision of
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... Other semi-invasive methods such as esophageal or rectal thermometry may provide close to core temperature measurements. However, the invasive and inconvenient nature of these methods makes them difficult to use outside of hospital settings [3]. ...
... These devices offer an advantage over invasive thermometers due to their fast measurement speed and convenient access to measurement location [4]. However, estimating core temperature through the skin surface can be difficult, as skin temperature is lower than core body temperature and can be influenced by external factors such as ambient temperature, peripheral blood perfusion and remoteness of the measurement site [3,5]. The oral temperature may better indicate the core body temperature; however, its readings can be influenced by eating, drinking and smoking, and accurate measurement takes longer [6]. ...
... However, the dangers of breakage and potential toxicity from mercury exposure have led to the decline of glass mercury thermometers in developed countries [7]. As a result, the use of infrared and digital thermometers has grown significantly over the last decade [3]. ...
Full-text available
The purpose of this study was to investigate the accuracy of infrared thermography for measuring body temperature. We compared a commercially available infrared thermal imaging camera (FLIR One) with a medical-grade oral thermometer (Welch-Allyn) as a gold standard. Measurements using the thermal imaging camera were taken from both a short distance (10cm) and long-distance (50cm) from the subject. Thirty young healthy adults participated in a study that manipulated body temperature. After establishing a baseline, participants lowered their body temperature by placing their feet in a cold-water bath for 30 minutes while consuming cold water. Feet were then removed and covered with a blanket for 30 minutes as body temperature returned to baseline. During the course of the 70-minute experiment, body temperature was recorded at a 10-minute interval. The thermal imaging camera demonstrated a significant temperature difference from the gold standard from both close range (mean error: +0.433°C) and long range (mean error: +0.522°C). Despite demonstrating potential as a fast and non-invasive method for temperature screening, our results indicate that infrared thermography does not provide an accurate measurement of body temperature. As a result, infrared thermography is not recommended for use as a fever screening device.
... Other semi-invasive methods such as esophageal or rectal thermometry may provide close to core temperature measurements. However, the invasive and inconvenient nature of these methods makes them difficult to use outside of hospital settings [3]. ...
... These devices offer an advantage over invasive thermometers due to their fast measurement speed and convenient access to measurement location [4]. However, estimating core temperature through the skin surface can be difficult, as skin temperature is lower than core body temperature and can be influenced by external factors such as ambient temperature, peripheral blood perfusion and remoteness of the measurement site [3,5]. The oral temperature may better indicate the core body temperature; however, its readings can be influenced by eating, drinking and smoking, and accurate measurement takes longer [6]. ...
... However, the dangers of breakage and potential toxicity from mercury exposure have led to the decline of glass mercury thermometers in developed countries [7]. As a result, the use of infrared and digital thermometers has grown significantly over the last decade [3]. ...
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The purpose of this study was to determine which thermometry technique is the most accurate for regular measurement of body temperature. We compared seven different commercially available thermometers with a gold standard medical-grade thermometer (Welch-Allyn): four digital infrared thermometers (Wellworks, Braun, Withings, MOBI), one digital sublingual thermometer (Braun), one zero heat flux thermometer (3M), and one infrared thermal imaging camera (FLIR One). Thirty young healthy adults participated in an experiment that altered core body temperature. After baseline measurements, participants placed their feet in a cold-water bath while consuming cold water for 30 min. Subsequently, feet were removed and covered with a blanket for 30 min. Throughout the session, temperature was recorded every 10 min with all devices. The Braun tympanic thermometer (left ear) had the best agreement with the gold standard (mean error: 0.044 °C). The FLIR One thermal imaging camera was the least accurate device (mean error: −0.522 °C). A sign test demonstrated that all thermometry devices were significantly different than the gold standard except for the Braun tympanic thermometer (left ear). Our study showed that not all temperature monitoring techniques are equal, and suggested that tympanic thermometers are the most accurate commercially available system for the regular measurement of body temperature.
... Specifically, clinical accuracy was defined as bias between each method and the others within ± 0.2°C. 16 Clinical adequacy was set at LoA of 1°C compared with core temperature. ...
... These shortcomings were further highlighted in an initial systematic review. 16 In a further systematic review of 75 studies in adult and paediatric patients from different clinical settings (only 45% ICU), investigators concluded that peripheral thermometers do not have clinically acceptable accuracy, although high quality data were limited and study heterogeneity was significant. In a more recent systematic review of 13 studies in adult ICU patients, Cutuli and colleagues 32 found that the majority of studies did not control for clinical confounders 33 or used suboptimal statistical methods. ...
... In a more recent systematic review of 13 studies in adult ICU patients, Cutuli and colleagues 32 found that the majority of studies did not control for clinical confounders 33 or used suboptimal statistical methods. [21][22][23][24] Because of such limitations and the wide types of non-invasive thermometry used to assess BT, both systematic reviews 16,32 could not synthesise the data available and/or obtain conclusive results. Given the above problems, we aimed to overcome such methodological issues. ...
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Objective: The accuracy of different non-invasive body temperature measurement methods in intensive care unit (ICU) patients is uncertain. We aimed to study the accuracy of three commonly used methods. Design: Prospective observational study. Setting: ICUs of two tertiary Australian hospitals. Participants: Critically ill patients admitted to the ICU. Interventions: Invasive (intravascular and intra-urinary bladder catheter) and non-invasive (axillary chemical dot, tympanic infrared, and temporal scanner) body temperature measurements were taken at study inclusion and every 4 hours for the following 72 hours. Main outcome measures: Accuracy of non-invasive body temperature measurement methods was assessed by the Bland–Altman approach, accounting for repeated measurements and significant explanatory variables that were identified by regression analysis. Clinical adequacy was set at limits of agreement (LoA) of 1C compared with core temperature. Results: We studied 50 consecutive critically ill patients who were mainly admitted to the ICU after cardiac surgery. From over 375 observations, invasive core temperature (mostly pulmonary artery catheter) ranged from 33.9C to 39C. On average, the LoA between invasive and non-invasive measurements methods were about 3C. The temporal scanner showed the worst performance in estimating core temperature (bias, 0.66C; LoA, 1.23C, +2.55C), followed by tympanic infrared (bias, 0.44C; LoA, 1.73C, +2.61C) and axillary chemical dot methods (bias, 0.32°C; LoA, 1.64C, +2.28C). No methods achieved clinical adequacy even accounting for significant explanatory variables. Conclusions: The axillary chemical dot, tympanic infrared and temporal scanner methods are inaccurate measures of core temperature in ICU patients. These non-invasive methods appeared unreliable for use in ICU patients.
... Therefore, the acceptable error between measurements were set to ± 5 bpm for pulse rate and ± 5 breaths per minute for respiration rate in this study. For temperature measurement the priorly defined mean error (bias) within ± 0.2˚C and limits of agreement within ± 0.5˚C was considered as the clinically acceptable bias [22]. In the same manner, the clinically acceptable bias for oxygen saturation measurement was defined to be < 1% [23]. ...
... Continuous monitoring of neonatal vital sign in NICU is often performed using a variety of monitoring devices, including pulse oximeters, electrocardiograms (ECG), respiratory belt transducers, nasal thermocouples, and piezoelectric transducers [22,23]. These devices frequently include adhesive transducers and electrodes that are directly applied to the fragile skin of infants, resulting in skin injury and infections [14,24]. ...
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Background Realtime and remote monitoring of neonatal vital signs is a crucial part of providing appropriate care in neonatal intensive care units (NICU) to reduce mortality and morbidity of newborns. In this study, a new approach, a device for remote and real-time monitoring of neonatal vital signs (DRRMNVS) in the neonatal intensive care unit using the internet of things (IoT), was proposed. The system integrates four vital signs: oxygen saturation, pulse rate, body temperature and respiration rate for continuous monitoring using the Blynk app and ThingSpeak IoT platforms. Methods The Wemos D1 mini, a Wi-Fi microcontroller, was used to acquire the four biological biomarkers from sensors, process them and display the result on an OLED display for point of care monitoring and on the Blynk app and ThingSpeak for remote and continuous monitoring of vital signs. The Bland-Altman test was employed to test the agreement of DRRMNVS measurement with reference standards by taking measurements from ten healthy adults. Results The prototype of the proposed device was successfully developed and tested. Bias [limits of agreement] were: Oxygen saturation (SpO2): -0.1 [− 1.546 to + 1.346] %; pulse rate: -0.3 [− 2.159 to + 1.559] bpm; respiratory rate: -0.7 [− 0.247 to + 1.647] breaths/min; temperature: 0.21 [+ 0.015˚C to + 0.405˚C] ˚C. The proof-of-concept prototype was developed for $33.19. Conclusion The developed DRRMNVS device was cheap and had acceptable measurement accuracy of vital signs in a controlled environment. The system has the potential to advance healthcare service delivery for neonates with further development from this proof-of-concept level.
... First, the tympanic temperature was measured to help reduce discomfort in conscious patients; however, the tympanic temperature can differ from the intraoperative esophageal temperature in the GA group. Additionally, tympanic measurements have been reported as acceptable in critically ill patients in a systematic review by Jefferies et al, [16] but had low sensitivity and high specificity in other systematic review. [17] Second, for the reasons mentioned above, esophageal temperature was considered as the core temperature in our study. ...
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Introduction Inadvertent perioperative hypothermia (IPH), defined as core body temperature below 36°C, is associated with various complications. Shoulder arthroscopy is a risk factor of IPH. This study aimed to compare the incidence of IPH between general anesthesia (GA) and interscalene brachial plexus block (ISBPB) for shoulder arthroscopy. Method Patients scheduled for shoulder arthroscopy were prospectively enrolled and randomly assigned to GA or ISBPB groups. The body temperature of the patients was measured from baseline to the end of anesthesia and in the post-anesthetic care unit to compare the incidence of IPH. Results Of the 114 patients initially identified, 80 were included in the study (GA = 40, ISBPB = 40). The incidence of IPH differed significantly between the groups, with GA at 52.5% and ISBPB at 30.0% ( P = .04). Profound IPH (defined as < 35.0°C) occurred in 2 patients with GA. Upon arrival at the post-anesthesia care unit, the GA group exhibited a significantly lower mean body temperature (35.9 ± 0.6°C) than the ISBPB group (36.1 ± 0.2°C, P = .04). Conclusion The incidence of IPH in the GA group was higher than that in the ISBPB group during shoulder arthroscopy, suggesting that ISBPB may be a preferable anesthetic technique for reducing risk of IPH in such procedures.
... Peripheral thermometers estimate body temperature noninvasively at measurement sites such as the ear canal, axilla, skin surface, forehead, temporal artery, and mouth, offering an advantage over invasive devices due to their measurement speed and convenient access to measurement location (Kresch, 1984;Muma et al., 1991;Morley et al., 1992;Wilshaw et al., 1999;Cattaneo et al., 2000;Jean-Mary et al., 2002;Suleman et al., 2002;Callanan, 2003;Crawford et al., 2006;Kimberger et al., 2007;Kimberger et al., 2009). However, in all of these methods, the temperature is assessed through the skin surface, and this can be difficult, as skin temperature is lower than core body temperature and can be influenced by external factors such as peripheral blood perfusion and ambient temperature (Jefferies et al., 2011;Eshraghi et al., 2014). The oral temperature may better express the core body temperature, but it is influenced by various activities such as eating and drinking, and accurate measurement takes longer (Lim et al., 2008). ...
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Introduction: Body temperature is essential for diagnosing, managing, and following multiple medical conditions. There are several methods and devices to measure body temperature, but most do not allow continuous and prolonged measurement of body temperature. Noninvasive skin temperature sensor combined with a heat flux sensor, also known as the “double sensor” technique, is becoming a valuable and simple method for frequently monitoring body temperature. Methods: Body temperature measurements using the “double sensor” method in a wearable monitoring device were compared with oral and core body temperature measurements using medical grade thermometers, analyzing data from two prospective clinical trials of different clinical scenarios. One study included 45 hospitalized COVID-19 patients in which oral measurements were taken using a hand-held device, and the second included 18 post-cardiac surgery patients in which rectal measurements were taken using a rectal probe. Results: In study 1, Bland-Altman analysis showed a bias of −0.04°C [0.34–(−0.43)°C, 95% LOA] with a correlation of 99.4% ( p < 0.001). In study 2, Bland-Altman analysis showed a bias of 0.0°C [0.27–(−0.28)°C, 95% LOA], and the correlation was 99.3% ( p < 0.001). In both studies, stratifying patients based on BMI and skin tone showed high accordance in all sub-groups. Discussion: The wearable monitor showed high correlation with oral and core body temperature measurements in different clinical scenarios.
... Non-invasive thermometry methods include oral, tympanic, temporal artery (TA), forehead and axillary temperature measurement by digital electronic thermometers, which display estimated core body temperature values according to conversion algorithms. 10 Infrared tympanic thermometers are ideal as they yield core body temperature and are practical to use. 11 The blood supply of the tympanic membrane is shared with the hypothalamus, from the common carotid artery. ...
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Background: Fever is one of the most common complaints in children in day-to-day practice. The pattern and grade of fever provide some evidence in determining the etiology of fever. Equally important is the identification and documentation of hypothermia in neonates. Hence there is need for an accurate thermometry mode, which should also be convenient to use in children.Methods: This was a cross-sectional observation study on all the neonates and children satisfying the inclusion criteria. Infrared forehead thermometer and digital axillary thermometer were used to record temperature and compared with Infrared tympanic temperature which was taken as gold standard.Results: A total of 240 neonates and children were evaluated. Strong positive correlation was observed between Means of Forehead Thermometer (FT) and Ear Thermometer (ET) with correlation coefficient of 0.777 and p value <0.001. Similar correlation was also observed with Axillary Temperature (AT) with correlation coefficient of 0.944 and p<0.001.Conclusions: Non-contact Infrared thermometer may be used in neonates and children without causing discomfort. It gives instant and comparable readings which are especially significant in the current coronavirus disease (COVID) pandemic setting.
Objective Reliable and accurate temperature assessment is fundamental for clinical monitoring; noninvasive thermometers of various designs are widely used in intensive care units, sometimes without a specific assessment of their suitability and interchangeability. This study evaluated agreement of four noninvasive thermometers with a pulmonary artery catheter temperature. Methods This prospective method comparison study was conducted in an Australian adult intensive care unit. One hundred postoperative adult cardiothoracic surgery patients who had a pulmonary artery catheter (Edwards Lifescience) in situ were identified. The temperature reading from the pulmonary artery catheter was compared to contemporaneous measurements returned by four different thermometers—temporal Artery (TA, Technimed), Per Axilla (Axilla, Welch Allyn), Tympanic (Tymp, Covidien), and the NexTemp® (NEXT, Medical Indicators [used per axilla]). The time required to obtain each noninvasive temperature measurement was recorded. Results Agreements between each noninvasive temperature and the pulmonary artery catheter standard were assessed using summary statistics and the Bland–Altman method comparison approach. A clinically acceptable maximum difference from the standard was defined as ±0.5 °C. Temperature agreement with the pulmonary artery standard (mean difference °C [95% limits of agreement °C]) was greatest for Tymp (−0.20 [−0.92 to 0.52]), intermediate for AXILLA (−0.37 [−1.3 to 0.59]) and NEXT (−0.71 [−1.7 to 0.27]), and least for TA (−0.60 [−2.0 to 0.81]). The proportion of measurements within ±0.5 °C of the standard were TYMP (81%), AXILLA (63%), TA (45%), and NEXT (30%). The time to obtain measurements varied, with the Tymp and TA estimates immediate, the AXILLA a mean of 40 s (standard deviation = 11 s), while NEXT results were at the manufacturer-recommended 3-min point. Conclusions Tympanic thermometers showed closest agreement with the pulmonary artery standard. Deviations by more than 0.5 °C from that standard were relatively common with all noninvasive devices.
It is not wrong to say that there are no application standards or best practices in balneotherapy considering traditional applications. There is not enough information about how changes in body temperature, duration, and frequency of exposure to heat affect therapeutic outcomes of balneotherapeutic applications. Body core temperature (BCT) is probably the best parameter for expressing the heat load of the body and can be used to describe the causal relationship between heat exposure and its effects. There are several reasons to take BCT changes into account; for example, it can be used for individualized treatment planning, defining the consequences of thermal effects, developing disease-specific approaches, avoiding adverse effects, and designing clinical trials. The reasons why BCT changes should be considered instead of conventional measures will be discussed while explaining the effects of balneotherapy in this article, along with a discussion of BCT measurement in balneotherapy practice.
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Tympanic thermometry using infrared thermography technology offers a noninvasive, rapid temperature measurement tool which may be useful for selected intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Multiple comparisons of pulmonary artery catheter (PAC), rectal (R), and tympanic membrane (TM) temperatures were performed in nine adult ICU patients using PAC temperature as the gold standard. The correlation between R (r=0.93) and PAC was significantly better than TM (r=0.74) temperatures. However, PAC (37.2 ± 0.06°C ; mean ± SEM) and TM (37.1 ± 0.08°C) temperatures were not significantly different, whereas R (37.6 ± 0.07°C) was significantly warmer than both (P <.05). Differences between either R (+0.4°C) or TM (-0.1 °C) and PAC temperatures were consistent over selected ranges between 35°C and 40°C. The performance of TM and R was similar in the ability to predict PAC temperatures.
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Tympanic thermometry using infrared thermography technology offers a noninvasive, rapid temperature measurement tool which may be useful for selected intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Multiple comparisons of pulmonary artery catheter (PAC), rectal (R), and tympanic membrane (TM) temperatures were performed in nine adult ICU patients using PAC temperatures as the gold standard. The correlation between R (r = 0.93) and PAC was significantly better than TM (r = 0.74) temperatures. However, PAC (37.2 +/- 0.06 degrees C; mean +/- SEM) and TM (37.1 +/- 0.08 degrees C) temperatures were not significantly different, whereas R (37.6 +/- 0.07 degrees C) was significantly warmer than both (P less than .05). Differences between either R (+0.4 degrees C) or TM (-0.1 degrees C) and PAC temperatures were consistent over selected ranges between 35 degrees C and 40 degrees C. The performance of TM and R was similar in the ability to predict PAC temperatures.
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To investigate the clinical accuracy of infrared ear thermometer derived and equilibrated rectal temperatures in estimating core body temperature. The clinical bias (i.e., mean difference between body sites), and variability (SD of the differences) of simultaneous temperatures were compared with pulmonary artery temperatures. Clinical repeatability (pooled SD of triplicate reading differences) was also examined for three ear infrared thermometers. Prospective clinical study. A multidisciplinary, adult intensive care unit. Twenty patients with an existing pulmonary artery catheter were studied in a multidisciplinary, adult intensive care unit. A single operator using optimum ear infrared technique and masked to ear and rectal temperatures recorded triplicate measurements with each of three infrared ear thermometers, each over a 4-min period with each infrared thermometer, while an assistant recorded temperatures. Infrared and rectal temperatures were compared with a simultaneous pulmonary artery temperature. Infrared ear thermometers and rectal thermometers were calibrated daily, and pulmonary artery catheters were calibrated on removal from the patient. Patients were grouped into afebrile and febrile groups, based on initial pulmonary artery temperature. Bias and variability were compared between thermometers using analysis of variance. Clinical bias, but not variability, was significantly different between three ear infrared thermometers (0.16 +/- 0.46 degrees C, 0.07 +/- 0.38 degrees C, and -0.22 +/- 0.47 degrees C). The repeatability was not different between ear infrared thermometers (range 0.13 degrees C to 0.14 degrees C). Rectal temperature had a significantly greater bias (average 0.3 degrees C), but less variability (average 0.2 degrees C). Bias was increased, and variability decreased for both rectal and infrared ear temperatures when pulmonary artery temperature was increased. The three infrared ear thermometers studied provided a closer estimate of core body temperature than equilibrated rectal temperature. Clinical bias was greatest in febrile vs. afebrile intensive care unit patients.
In the last two decades, there has been a significant change in the technology of clinical thermometry. Mercury-in-glass thermometers have been replaced with electronic devices that offer faster readings with minimal inconvenience to the patient. Each user should be aware of the characteristics and limitations of these devices to interpret correctly the temperature reading on the display. The article provides an insight into commonly used clinical thermometers, how they determine each temperature reading and, crucially, how users affect the measurement process.
When comparing a new method of measurement with a standard method, one of the things we want to know is whether the difference between the measurements by the two methods is related to the magnitude of the measurement. A plot of the difference against the standard measurement is sometimes suggested, but this will always appear to show a relation between difference and magnitude when there is none. A plot of the difference against the average of the standard and new measurements is unlikely to mislead in this way. We show this theoretically and by a practical example.
A clinically useful temperature measurement method should correlate well with the body's core temperature. Although previous investigators have studied temperature readings from different sites in hypothermic and normothermic patients, none have compared methods specifically in febrile patients. To compare temperature measurement methods in febrile intensive care patients. Temperature readings were obtained in rapid sequence from an electronic thermometer for oral and axillary temperature, rectal probe, infrared ear thermometer on "core" setting, and pulmonary artery catheter, approximately every hour during the day and every 4 hours at night. The sample consisted of 13 patients with pulmonary artery catheters and with temperatures of at least 37.8 degrees C. Rectal temperature correlated most closely with pulmonary artery temperature. Rectal temperature showed closest agreement with pulmonary artery temperature, followed by oral, ear-based, and axillary temperatures. Rectal and ear-based temperatures were most sensitive in detecting temperatures greater than 38.3 degrees C. Likelihood ratios for detecting hyperthermia were 5.32 for oral, 2.46 for rectal, and 1.97 for ear-based temperature. Rectal and ear-based temperatures had the lowest negative likelihood ratios, indicating the least chance of a false negative reading. Axillary temperature had a negative likelihood ratio of 0.86. Rectal temperature measurement correlates most closely with core temperature. If the rectal site is contraindicated, oral or ear-based temperatures are acceptable. Axillary temperature does not correlate well with pulmonary artery temperature. These results underscore the importance of consistency in method when establishing temperature trends, and of awareness of method when interpreting clinical data.
To compare the accuracy of infrared ear-based temperature measurement in relation to thermometer, ear position, and other temperature methods, with pulmonary artery temperature as the reference. Ear-based temperature measurements were made with four infrared thermometers, three in the core mode and two in the unadjusted mode, each with tug and no-tug techniques. Pulmonary artery, bladder (n = 21), and axillary temperatures were read after each ear-based measurement and oral temperature was measured once when possible (n = 32). Subjects consisted of a convenience sample of 50 patients with pulmonary artery catheters who were in adult critical care units of a university teaching hospital. Ear-based measurements correlated well with pulmonary artery temperature (r = .87 to .91), although closeness of agreement differed among thermometer-mode combinations (mean offsets = -0.7 to 0.5 degree C) and had moderately high variability between subjects (SD = +/- 0.5 degree C) with all instruments. Use of an ear tug either made no difference or resulted in slightly lower readings. Bladder temperature was nearly identical to pulmonary artery temperature values (r = .99, offset = 0.0 +/- 0.2 degree C). Oral readings were slightly lower (r = .78, offset = -0.2 degree C) and axillary readings much more so (r = .80 to .82, offset = -0.7 degree C); both were highly variable (SD = +/- 0.6 degree C) and affected by external factors. Infrared ear thermometry is useful for clinical temperature measurement as long as moderately high variability between patients is acceptable. Readings differ among thermometers, although several instruments provide values close to pulmonary artery temperature in adults. Readings are not higher with an ear tug. Bladder temperature substitutes well for pulmonary artery temperature, whereas oral and axillary values may be influenced by external factors in the critical care setting.
To determine the accuracy and repeatability of ear-based, bladder, oral, and axillary temperature methods. Prospective, descriptive comparison of the accuracy of four temperature methods in relation to pulmonary artery temperature and the repeatability of each method. Critical care units of a university teaching hospital. Convenience sample of 38 adult patients with indwelling pulmonary artery thermistor catheters. None. Ear-based estimates of core temperature with an infrared thermometer and pulmonary artery, bladder, oral, and axillary temperatures with thermistor-based instruments were made every 20 mins for 4 hrs. Mean offsets (+/- SD) from pulmonary artery temperature for each method were as follows: ear-based 0.07 +/- 0.41 degrees C; bladder 0.03 +/- 0.23 degrees C; oral 0.05 +/- 0.26 degrees C; and axillary -0.68 +/- 0.57 degrees C. The accuracy of each method varied with the level of pulmonary artery temperature. Repeated measurements with all four methods had mean SD values within +/- 0.2 degrees C. Infrared ear thermometry provided a relatively close estimate of pulmonary artery core temperature, although with more variability than bladder or oral methods, while axillary readings were substantially lower than the pulmonary artery temperature and highly variable.
To determine the epidemiology of fever on the intensive care unit (ICU). Prospective, observational study. Nine-bed general ICU in a 500-bed tertiary care inner city institution. 100 consecutive admissions of 93 patients over a 4-month period between July and October 1996. All patients were seen and examined by one investigator within 24 h of ICU admission. Patients were followed up on a daily basis throughout their ICU stay, and all clinical and laboratory data were recorded during the admission. Fever (core temperature > or = 38.4 degrees C) was present in 70% of admissions, and it was caused by infective and non-infective processes in approximately equal number. Most fevers occurred early in the course of the admission, within the first 1-2 days, and most lasted less than 5 days. The median Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score was 15 (+/- 0.6). The 70 episodes associated with fever at any time were associated with a significantly higher APACHE II score on admission than the afebrile episodes (15.8 +/- 6.1 vs 12.1 +/- 6.7, p = 0.04). The most common cause of non-infective fever was in the group designated post-operative fever (n = 34). All the patients in the post-operative fever group were febrile on day 0 or day 1; their mean admission APACHE score was 12.4 (+/- 4.4) compared to 15.9 (+/- 7.1) for the remaining patients (p = 0.01). Fever alone was not associated with a higher mortality: 26/70 (37%) of febrile patients died, compared to 8/30 (27%) of afebrile patients, (chi 2 = 1.23, p = 0.38). Prolonged fever (> 5 days) occurred in 16 patients. In 13 cases, fever was due to infection, and in the remaining 3 both infective and non-infective processes occurred concurrently. The mortality in the group with prolonged fever was 62.5% (10/16) compared to 29.6% (16/54) in patients with fever of less than 5 days' duration, a highly significant difference (p < 0.0001). Fever is a common event on the intensive care unit. It usually occurs early in the course, is frequently non-infective and is often benign. Prolonged fever is associated with a poor outcome. Post-operative fever is a well-recognised but poorly defined syndrome which requires further study.