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Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth


Abstract and Figures

In the 1980s stagflation and high unemployment caused a renewed interest in supply side economics and in factors determining economic growth. Simultaneously, the 1980s and 1990s have seen a reevaluation of the role of small firms and a renewed attention for entrepreneurship. The goal of this survey is to synthesize disparate strands of literature to link entrepreneurship to economic growth. This will be done by investigating the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic growth using elements of various fields: historical views on entrepreneurship, macro-economic growth theory, industrial economics (Porter's competitive advantage of nations), evolutionary economics, history of economic growth (rise and fall of nations) and the management literature on large corporate organizations. Understanding the role of entrepreneurship in the process of economic growth requires the decomposition of the concept of entrepreneurship. A first part of our synthesis is to contribute to the understanding of the dimensions involved, while paying attention to the level of analysis (individual, firm and aggregate level). A second part is to gain insight in the causal links between these entrepreneurial dimensions and economic growth. A third part is to make suggestions for future empirical research into the relationship between (dimensions of) entrepreneurship and economic growth. Copyright 1999 by Kluwer Academic Publishers
Content may be subject to copyright.
ABSTRACT. In the 1980s stagflation and high unemploy-
ment caused a renewed interest in supply side economics and
in factors determining economic growth. Simultaneously, the
1980s and 1990s have seen a reevaluation of the role of small
firms and a renewed attention for entrepreneurship. The goal
of this survey is to synthesize disparate strands of literature
to link entrepreneurship to economic growth. This will be done
by investigating the relationship between entrepreneurship and
economic growth using elements of various fields: historical
views on entrepreneurship, macro-economic growth theory,
industrial economics (Porter’s competitive advantage of
nations), evolutionary economics, history of economic growth
(rise and fall of nations) and the management literature on
large corporate organizations. Understanding the role of entre-
preneurship in the process of economic growth requires the
decomposition of the concept of entrepreneurship. A first part
of our synthesis is to contribute to the understanding of the
dimensions involved, while paying attention to the level of
analysis (individual, firm and aggregate level). A second part
is to gain insight in the causal links between these entrepre-
neurial dimensions and economic growth. A third part is to
make suggestions for future empirical research into the rela-
tionship between (dimensions of) entrepreneurship and
economic growth.
1. Introduction
Economic growth is a key issue both in economic
policy making and in economic research. In
Europe in particular, the interest in economic
growth is growing fast in view of the persistently
high rates of unemployment. In most OECD coun-
tries the first decades after World War II showed
historically high rates of economic growth.
Following the first oil crisis in 1973 a period of
stagflation set in, characterized by a combination
of inflation and slow growth. Since the mid-1980s
economic growth in some countries – such as the
Netherlands – has picked up again.
In the 1960s and 1970s academic and political
interest in many Western countries gradually
turned to matters of demand management and
income equality, whereas the interest in the causes
of economic growth waned. Neo-classical theory
explained economic growth by accumulation of
production factors and by exogenous technolog-
ical change. Mainstream economics however did
not show any substantial interest in the ultimate
causes underlying long-term factor accumulation
and technological development.
In the 1980s stagflation and high unemploy-
ment caused a renewed interest in supply side
economics and its underlying factors. As clearly
exposed by North and Thomas (1973), Olson
(1982) and more recently by Van de Klundert
(1997) the institutional foundations of an economy
are among the most prominent of these factors.
These authors focus attention on factors such as
incentives, regulation of markets and social rigidi-
ties. Somewhat understated in their analysis is the
primal role of the economic agents who link the
institutions at the micro level to the economic
outcome at the macro level. It remains veiled how
exactly institutions and cultural factors frame the
decisions of the millions of entrepreneurs in small
firms and of entrepreneurial managers working
within large companies. And little is known about
how these individuals materialize their decisions
into the kind of actions that aggregate into
economic growth. This directs our attention to two
related phenomena of the 1980s and 1990s: the
resurgence of small business and the revival of
There is ample evidence that economic activity
moved away from large firms to small firms in the
Linking Entrepreneurship
Sander Wennekers
and Economic Growth Roy Thurik
Small Business Economics 13: 27–55, 1999.
1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Final version accepted on February 22, 1999
EIM Small Business Research and Consultancy,
The Netherlands and Centre for
Advanced Small Business Economics (CASBEC),
Erasmus University Rotterdam,
The Netherlands
1970s and 1980s. The most impressive and also
the most cited is the share of the 500 largest
American firms, the so-called Fortune 500. Their
employment share dropped from 20 per cent in
1970 to 8.5 per cent in 1996 (Carlsson, 1992 and
1999). European data dealing with the size distri-
bution of firms were not available in a systematic
manner until recently. However, Eurostat has
begun publishing yearly summaries of the firm
size distribution of (potential) EU-members at the
two-digit level for the entire business sector. See
Eurostat (1994), for instance. The efforts of
Eurostat are supplemented by the European
Network for SME Research (ENSR), a coopera-
tion of 19 European institutes. This organization
publishes a yearly report on the structure and the
developments of the small business sectors in the
countries of the EU including Iceland, Norway,
Liechtenstein and Switzerland. See EIM
(1993/4/5/6/7). In its 1997 issue (EIM, 1997, p.
15) it is shown that small business employment
growth in Europe is in excess of that of their large
counterparts in the period 1988–1998.
Acs and Audretsch (1993) and Carlsson (1992)
provide evidence concerning manufacturing indus-
tries in countries in varying stages of economic
development. Carlsson advances two explanations
for the shift toward smallness. The first deals with
fundamental changes in the world economy from
the 1970s onwards. These changes relate to the
intensification of global competition, the increase
in the degree of uncertainty and the growth in
market fragmentation. The second deals with
changes in the character of technological progress.
He shows that flexible automation has various
effects resulting in a shift from large to smaller
firms. The pervasiveness of changes in the world
economy, and in the direction of technological
progress result in a structural shift affecting the
economies of all industrialized countries. Also
Piore and Sable (1984) argue that the instability
of markets in the 1970s resulted in the demise of
mass production and promoted flexible special-
ization. This fundamental change in the path of
technological development led to the occurrence
of vast diseconomies of scale.
This shift away from large firms is not confined
to manufacturing industries. Brock and Evans
(1989) show that this trend has been economy-
wide at least for the United States. They provide
four more reasons why this shift has occurred: the
increase of labor supply leading to lower real
wages and coinciding with an increasing level of
education; changes in consumer tastes; relaxation
of (entry) regulations and the fact that we are in
a period of creative destruction. Loveman and
Sengenberger (1991) stress the influence of two
trends of industrial restructuring: that of decen-
tralization and vertical disintegration and that of
the formation of new business communities. These
intermediate forms of market coordination flourish
owing to declining costs of transaction. Further-
more, they emphasize the role of public and
private policies promoting the small business
Audretsch and Thurik (1998) point at the
necessary shift towards the knowledge based
economy being the driving force behind the move
from large to smaller businesses. In their view
globalization and technological advancements
are the major determinants of this challenge of
the Western countries. See Loveman and
Sengenberger (1991), Acs et al. (1999) and Carree
et al. (1999) for a further documentation of indus-
trial changes and their causes.
The causes of this shift are one thing. Its con-
sequences cover a different area of research. Acs
(1992) has discussed them. He distinguishes four
consequences of the increased importance of small
firms: entrepreneurship, routes of innovation,
industry dynamics and job generation. His claims
are that small firms play an important role in the
economy serving as agents of change by their
entrepreneurial activity, being the source of con-
siderable innovative activity, stimulating industry
evolution and creating an important share of the
newly generated jobs. Baumol (1993a) amply
deals with the role of entrepreneurial activities and
the different effects it may have. The role of small-
ness in the process of innovative activities is
investigated extensively in Acs and Audretsch
(1990) and Audretsch (1995). The discussion of
the relation between the role of small firms and
industry dynamics is spread out: examples can be
found in Audretsch (1993, 1995). Cohen and
Klepper (1992) zoom in on the role of number of
firms and diversity for obtaining progress. The
role of small firms in the job creation process is
Clearly, there are many more consequences of
the increased share of small firms than the four
Sander Wennekers and Roy Thurik
mentioned by Acs (1992). For instance, an
increase in the share of small firms may lead,
ceteris paribus, to a lower orientation towards
exports, a lower propensity to export employment,
a qualitative change in the demand for capital and
consultancy inputs, more variety in the supply of
products and services or in the manner and aims
of conducting research and development. The
literature of the consequences of smallness is com-
plemented by some empirical exercises by Thurik
(1996) and Carree and Thurik (1998 and 1999) for
some European countries. They show that a rise
in the share of smallness in a certain economy,
respectively a high share of smallness in a certain
industry generates additional output in the entire
economy, respectively industry. Schmitz (1989)
provides a theoretical model with a similar result.
Audretsch and Thurik (1999) show that an
increase of the rate of entrepreneurship (number
of business owners per labor force) leads to lower
levels of unemployment in 23 OECD countries in
the period 1984 through 1994.
The reevaluation of the role of small firms is
related to a renewed attention to the role of entre-
preneurship. If the size class distribution has an
influence on growth, it must be differences in
organization that matter. The major difference
between the organization of a large firm and a
small one is the role of ownership and manage-
ment. In a small firm usually there is one person
or a very small group of persons which is in
control and which shapes the firm and its future.
The role of such a person is often described with
the term “entrepreneurship”.
In recent years renewed attention has been
given to the role of entrepreneurship in economic
development. This is related to the aforementioned
shift to supply side economics. Many economists
and politicians now have an intuition that there is
a positive impact of entrepreneurship on the
growth of GDP and employment. Furthermore,
many stress the role of the entrepreneur in imple-
menting innovations. This renewed interest of
politicians and professional economists coincides
with a revival of entrepreneurship rates in most,
though not in all, Western economies.
A related question is whether small firms and
entrepreneurship are synonymous. We will argue
that this is not the case.
Small firms certainly are
a vehicle in which entrepreneurship thrives. There
are more such vehicles, for instance business units
within large companies. Clearly, this broader
interpretation of entrepreneurship implies mea-
surement difficulties.
“Small business has to save us” is a slogan
often heard from European politicians and repre-
sentatives of social and institutional groups. They
fear for a further rise of the already unacceptably
high level of unemployment caused by the sheer
endless series of efficiency and cost-cutting
operations of the public and large business sectors.
They seek salvation with the residual sector, being
the small business sector. They hope that stimu-
lating smallness can fight unemployment. There is
probably some truth in their hopes and slogans.
The literature cited above points decisively it this
direction. However, there are more ways for entre-
preneurship to contribute to growth than through
small firms. Recent studies on the role of compe-
tition (Nickell, 1996), of deregulation (Koedijk
and Kremers, 1996) and of the nature of innova-
tion (Cohen and Klepper, 1996) support this view.
The objective of this article is to synthesize
disparate strands of literature in order to link
entrepreneurship to economic growth. This will be
done by investigating the relationship between
entrepreneurship and economic growth in the
following fields: historical views on entrepre-
neurship, macro-economic growth theory, indus-
trial economics (Porters competitive advantage of
nations), evolutionary economics, history of
economic growth (rise and fall of nations) and the
management literature on large organizations. This
last body of literature is taken into account
because management techniques within large orga-
nizations have tried to learn from their smaller
counterparts. This led to a wave of downsizing,
the creation of business units, forms of intrapre-
neurship, etc. Furthermore, as we have argued
above, our approach to entrepreneurship will not
be confined to its role in the arena of small firms.
Entrepreneurship is an ill-defined, at best
multidimensional, concept. Understanding its role
in the process of growth requires the decomposi-
tion of the concept of entrepreneurship. A
goal of this paper is to contribute to the under-
standing of the dimensions involved, while paying
attention to the level of analysis (individual, firm
and aggregate level). A
second goal is to provide
insight in the causal links between these entre-
Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth 29
preneurial dimensions and economic growth.
These insights, however valuable, are not a goal
in itself but should be viewed in a broader frame-
work. Empirical research of the role of entrepre-
neurship as a driving force of economic
development still is not well developed. Therefore,
third goal of our paper is to suggest ways in
which to measure entrepreneurship and to suggest
ways in which the relationship between dimen-
sions of entrepreneurship and growth might be
empirically investigated. This might shed light on
the way the capitalist market engine works.
The preliminary framework of this article is
given in Figure 1. This framework is adopted
because there is not usually a direct link between
entrepreneurship and economic growth. And
secondly, entrepreneurship is an ill-defined
concept. That is why we need
intermediate vari-
or linkages to explain how entrepreneurship
influences economic growth. Examples of these
intermediate variables are innovation, and entry
and exit of firms (competition). We will also
attempt to provide some
conditions for entrepre-
neurship. This is done for several reasons. First
personal traits lie at the origin of entrepreneurship.
Furthermore, both entrepreneurship and the inter-
mediate linkages may depend upon underlying
cultural and institutional conditions. The relevance
of these conditions will be looked into in some
detail. Finally, the possibility of feedbacks will
be considered.
This article is structured as follows. In section
2 introductory remarks will be made on current
and historical views on entrepreneurship. This
section also contains a part on the explanation of
the disappearance of entrepreneurship from
economic theory during the post war period, and
closes with the explanation of the revival of
interest in entrepreneurship since the 1980s.
Section 3 is concerned with understanding
economic growth. First, the significance of the
rejuvenation of macro-economic growth theory for
entrepreneurship research will be examined. This
theory focuses on the importance of (human)
capital formation and innovation. Next, some
seminal literature in the field of economic history,
in particular concerning the rise and decline of
nations, is discussed in order to search for the
underlying causes of economic growth such as the
cultural setting, legal framework and entrepre-
neurial activity. In a final section some modern
views regarding economic growth, as formulated
in industrial economics and in evolutionary eco-
nomics are considered. Section 4 focuses on the
role of entrepreneurship, downsizing and intrapre-
neurship within large organizations. Section 5
attempts to bring it all together. Some conclusions
will be drawn from the literature research reported
in sections 2 through 4, viewed through the frame-
work as it has developed in the course of our
investigations. This section also presents proposals
for further research.
2. Economic literature on entrepreneurship
In section 2.1 we will give an introduction to the
historical views of economists on entrepreneur-
ship, particularly by summarizing Hébert and Link
(1989) which again is a summary of Hébert and
Link (1982). In section 2.2 we will describe the
disappearance and the revival of the interest in
entrepreneurship. In section 2.3 we will expand on
two main aspects of entrepreneurship: start-ups
and innovation.
Historical views on entrepreneurship
Throughout intellectual history, the entrepreneur
has worn many faces and fulfilled many roles. At
least thirteen distinct roles for the entrepreneur can
be identified in the economic literature (Hébert
Sander Wennekers and Roy Thurik
Figure 1. Preliminary framework.
and Link, 1989, but also Van Dijk and Thurik,
1995 and Van Praag, 1996):
01. The person who assumes the risk associated
with uncertainty.
02. The supplier of financial capital.
03. An innovator.
04. A decision-maker.
05. An industrial leader.
06. A manager or a superintendent.
07. An organizer and coordinator of economic
08. The owner of an enterprise.
09. An employer of factors of production.
10. A contractor.
11. An arbitrageur.
12. An allocator of resources among alternative
13. The person who realizes a start-up of a new
Once we focus on the dynamic role of the entre-
preneur – a role most directly linked with change
and growth, implied in statements 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10,
11, 12, and 13 – the taxonomy of entrepreneurial
theories can be condensed into three major intel-
lectual traditions, each tracing its origin to Richard
Cantillon (Hébert and Link, 1989). The first is the
German tradition of von Thünen, Schumpeter and
Baumol, the second the (neo-)classical tradition of
Marshall, Knight and Schultz and the third the
Austrian tradition of Menger, von Mises, and
Kirzner. These traditions share a heritage and
common language but they point at different
aspects of the function of the entrepreneur. Repre-
senting differences in style and emphasis, they can
be summarized as follows. The (neo-)classicals
stress the role of the entrepreneur in leading
markets to equilibrium through their entrepre-
neurial activities. The Austrians concentrate on the
abilities of the entrepreneur to perceive profit
opportunities, usually after some exogenous
shock. The “Austrian” entrepreneur combines
resources to fulfill currently unsatisfied needs or
to improve market inefficiencies or deficiencies.
In the German or Schumpeterian tradition econo-
mists concentrate on the entrepreneur as a creator
of instability and creative destruction. The differ-
ence between the German (Schumpeterian) and
Austrian tradition can be summarized as follows:
“The creation of potential may be seen as
Schumpeterian and its realization as Austrian”
(Nooteboom 1993, p. 1).
The entrepreneur first appeared in the writings
of Cantillon (1680–1734). Cantillon recognized
three classes of economic agents: landowners,
entrepreneurs and employees. Cantillon’s entre-
preneur is someone who exercises business
engagements in the face of uncertainty. He argued
that the origin of entrepreneurship lies in the lack
of perfect foresight. Von Thünen also sharply
discriminates between the entrepreneur and the
supplier of financial capital, who is similar to
Cantillon’s landowner. Menger, being one of the
founders of the Austrian school, also makes this
distinction. See Hébert and Link (1989). He saw
the entrepreneur primarily as a person combining
production factors. This draws attention to the
personality of the entrepreneur. See also Lumpkin
and Dess (1996).
Marshall describes the function of “super-
intendence”. This superintendent organizes the
production in a firm. Marshall attached a more
important role to entrepreneurs, “the pioneers of
new paths” (Marshall, 1961), than any other neo-
classical theorist. The mainstream modern neo-
classical economists apparently have not cared to
include the entrepreneur in their formalized model.
Knight and Schumpeter distinguished this man-
agerial or superintendent role from the role of the
“entrepreneur”. Since the writings of Knight, it is
customary to distinguish between risk and uncer-
tainty. The latter is unique and uninsurable. We
will discuss the disappearance of the entrepreneur
from economic theory in section 2.2. We will also
see that Knight’s distinction between risk and
uncertainty parallels information problems within
firms, increasing the need for entrepreneurial coor-
Based on their study of the history of economic
thought about entrepreneurship, Hébert and Link
(1989, p. 47) propose the following “synthetic”
definition of who an entrepreneur is and what he
the entrepreneur is someone who specializes
in taking responsibility for and making judgmental
decisions that affect the location, form, and the use
of goods, resources, or institutions
”. When search-
ing for links between entrepreneurship and growth,
this definition does not fully suffice. The dynamics
of perceiving and creating new economic oppor-
tunities and the competitive dimensions of entre-
Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth 31
preneurship need more attention. We will return
to the definition of entrepreneurship in section 5.
Disappearance and revival
In the traditional interpretation of the neo-classical
model, all individual agents have perfect infor-
mation. Their economic objectives are clearly and
rationally stated. In equilibrium, consumers and
producers reach one set of prices at which demand
for each good equals its supply. All markets that
are implicitly assumed to exist and to work per-
fectly well are cleared at this set of equilibrium
prices. Given this definition of a firm’s task, there
is no need for innovative alertness and risk bearing
The neo-classical model, with its production
function, the internal logic of rational choice and
perfect information, leaves no room for an active
As neo-classical economics became
more formalized and as the mathematics of equi-
librium theory became more important, references
to the entrepreneur receded from the micro text-
books. The model left no room for aspects like
initiative, charisma, stubbornness and the struggle
with new ideas and uncertainty. “The model is
essentially an instrument of optimality analysis of
well defined problems which need no entrepreneur
for their solution” (Van Praag, 1996, p. 17, refer-
ring to Baumol, 1968 and 1993a). Also see
Barreto, 1989 and Kirchhoff (1984, p. 30).
Reality, however, does not consist of well-
defined problems alone. The neo-classical model
constrained the decision making of the entrepre-
neur, in terms of product quality and price, tech-
nology, within limits wholly alien to the context
in which real world entrepreneurs characteristi-
cally operate (Kirzner, 1985). It is now some
twenty years since economic theorists have come
to feel uncomfortable about the absence of entre-
preneurship from their models. A number of cir-
cumstances have contributed to this discomfort.
Firstly, the importance of the entrepreneur in
the real world became more and more difficult
to ignore. Some economists had predicted that
large firms would prevail in economic life, due to
their higher efficiency and superior technology
(Galbraith, 1967). In the 1980s it became clear that
firms of different size continued to coexist in
each industry. The importance of mass-producing,
“Fordist” firms declined (Piore and Sabel, 1984).
Flexibility of (groups of) small firms was shown
to result in competitive advantages. In some cir-
cumstances, like in a very turbulent environment,
small firms can act more resolutely. Also, large
firms have created more room for entrepreneurial
employees to act within the firm. We will expand
on this “corporate entrepreneurship” in section 4.
The share of small firms expanded in the 1980s
in many industries in many industrialized coun-
tries. This generated an increased interest in the
concept of entrepreneurship. Another reason why
the interest in entrepreneurship has grown, is the
employment problem in Western Europe. Many
politicians and economists have the intuition that
new possibilities for growth, innovation and
creating jobs will come from small and new firms.
Two theoretical developments outside the realm
of established neo-classical theory brought entre-
preneurship within the focus of attention (Casson,
1991). Leibenstein in formulating his X-efficiency
theory distinguished himself from the neo-classi-
cals. Basically, X-efficiency is the degree of
inefficiency in the use of resources within the
firm: it measures the extent to which the firm fails
to realize its productive potential. Four differences
can be identified between the X-efficiency theory
and neo-classical theory. One is that contracts are
incomplete. This leads to the second main differ-
ence, which can be compared to the principal-
agent problem. According to Leibenstein, there is
a tension between the employee and the employer
over how hard the former should work. Thirdly,
effort and alertness are required to change old
routines and production techniques. Finally,
Leibenstein differs from neo-classical theory in
regarding the firm as an organization of different
individuals that have no consensus on their
objectives. Leibenstein sees entrepreneurship as a
creative response to X-efficiency (Leibenstein,
1968 and 1979).
A second addition to neo-classical theory was
offered by institutionalism. Coase (1937) saw the
entrepreneur as a coordinator of production within
the firm. This coordination is needed because the
price mechanism is mostly not used to allocate
resources within the firm itself. Outside the firm,
price movements direct production. Williamson
(1975) elaborated on this approach with his thesis
that firms concentrate on economizing on trans-
Sander Wennekers and Roy Thurik
action costs. Institutionalism also focused atten-
tion on information problems and hierarchical
tensions within an organization. An important
question is how entrepreneurial individuals can
“appropriate” the gains of their specific abilities.
Is it within a firm as an “intrapreneur” or by
starting a new firm as an entrepreneur? We will
expand on this in the section on corporate entre-
In sum, we see that the importance of entre-
preneurship increased by developments in the
economic process itself and was recognized by
theories serving as a supplement or an alternative
to the established neo-classical paradigm.
Entrepreneurship: new entry and newness
Hébert and Link (1989) show that many different
of the entrepreneur can be distinguished.
However, from a viewpoint of linking entrepre-
neurship to economic growth, two major roles of
entrepreneurship can be singled out. The first has
to do with “new entry” and the second with
“newness” in general. First, the entrepreneur as the
founder of a new business: “. . . someone who
creates and then, perhaps, organizes and operates
a new business firm, whether or not there is
anything innovative in those acts”. Secondly,
entrepreneurship plays a more general innovative
role in economic life: “. . . the entrepreneur as the
innovator – as the one who transforms inventions
and ideas into economically viable entities,
whether or not, in the course of doing so they
create or operate a firm” (Baumol, 1993b, p. 198).
The latter approach can be embodied in the
former, i.e. an innovation implemented by a firm
start-up (see Kirchhoff, 1994 p. 37, who regards
entrepreneurship as “innovation by newly formed
independent firms”).
The management literature has a broader view
upon entry. In surveying this literature, Lumpkin
and Dess (1996) integrate the renewing aspects
of entrepreneurship. “New entry can be accom-
plished by entering new or established markets
with new or existing goods or services. New entry
is the act of launching a new venture, either by a
start-up firm, through an existing firm or via
internal corporate venturing” (Lumpkin and Dess,
1996, p. 136). In their view, the essential act of
entrepreneurship is more than new entry as we see
it. In section 4 we will see that entrepreneurial
activities in existing, large firms often take place
by mimicking smallness. Usually, new-firm start-
ups and innovative entrepreneurship are treated
separately. In the next two sections we will pay
attention to both appearances of entrepreneurship.
New entry: start-ups
To some the creation of new organizations is what
entrepreneurship is all about. This view is clearly
expressed by Gartner (1989, p. 62). A firm start-
up is a major form of (new) entry into an industry.
Both macro and micro-economic factors influence
start-ups. Since measuring the number of new-firm
start-ups has not been done systematically at the
industry level, but mostly at the macro-level
(Audretsch, 1995, p. 56), separating macro-
economic influences from microeconomic causes
of new-firm start-ups is difficult. Three major
points can be emphasized (Audretsch, 1995).
Firstly, the number of new-firm start-ups and its
importance relative to the total number of firms
differs considerably across industries. Secondly,
the number of start-ups differs significantly from
year to year. Thirdly, the impact of macro-
economic developments varies from industry to
The traditional view on why firms enter says
that firms are attracted by excess profitability in
an industry because of lack of competitors. Start-
ups play a more important role than reestablishing
market equilibrium. Antitrust regulation deter-
mines the legal structure for the role entrepre-
neurship can play in stimulating competitiveness.
We will return to this in section 3. New-firm start-
ups do not take place at the same rate in every
industry. Audretsch (1995, p. 63) finds that, due
to differences in the underlying knowledge struc-
ture, new-firm start-ups tend to be more important
in industries that can be characterized as having
an entrepreneurial technological regime. New
firms tend to be less important in industries with
a routinized technological regime. This difference
is caused by higher expected profits when starting
up in an industry with an entrepreneurial techno-
logical regime.
To start as an entrepreneur both “willingness”
and “opportunity” are essential (Van Praag, 1996,
p. 39). She defines opportunity as “the possibility
to become an entrepreneur if one wants to”.
Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth 33
Opportunity depends on starting capital, entrepre-
neurial ability and the (economic) environment.
Van Praag regards willingness to start as an
entrepreneur as “dependent on both individual
preferences for the special features of entrepre-
neurship as well as on the alternative available
options and their perceived attractiveness”.
Although reliable data are scant, there are indi-
cations that since the mid-1980s start-ups have
increased in several Western countries. This rise
was particularly strong in The Netherlands.
2.3.2. Newness: innovating entrepreneurship
was the economist who has most
prominently drawn attention to the “innovating
entrepreneur”. He or she carries out “new combi-
nations we call enterprise; the individuals whose
function it is to carry them out we call entrepre-
neurs” (Schumpeter, 1934, p. 74). Dess and
Lumpkin write that: “Innovativeness reflects a
firm’s tendency to engage in and support new
ideas, novelty, experimentation, and creative
processes that may result in new products,
services, or technological processes. Although
innovations can vary in their degree of radicalness,
innovativeness represents a basic willingness to
depart from existing technologies or practices and
venture beyond the current state of the art”
(Lumpkin and Dess, 1996, p. 142). Innovativeness
can be distinguished between product-market
innovation and technological innovation. The
latter which until recently enjoyed the main focus
of research into this field, “consists primarily of
product and process development, engineering,
research, and an emphasis on technical expertise
and industry knowledge. Product-market innova-
tiveness suggests an emphasis on product design,
market research and advertising and promotion”
(Lumpkin and Dess, 1996, p. 143). Using a broad
definition of new entry, Dess and Lumpkin point
out that entrepreneurship can be innovative
without new products or production processes
being introduced.
Enlarging the amount of innovative entrepre-
neurship has long been the aim of government
policy. Schumpeter does not formulate any
concepts for the role of government in stimulating
“innovative entrepreneurship”. Baumol states that
this is the main shortcoming of Schumpeters
theory: “. . . the paucity of insights on policy that
emerge from it”. Baumol finds that institutional
arrangements or other social phenomena affect the
quantity of entrepreneurial effort. These structural
and cultural factors can also determine the allo-
cation of entrepreneurship. Essential for economic
development is “. . . that the exercise of entre-
preneurship can sometimes be unproductive or
even destructive, and that whether it takes one of
these directions or one that is more benign
depends heavily on the structure of payoffs in the
economy – the rules of the game” (Baumol, 1990,
p. 899). Some examples can clarify this: Baumol
describes various types of rent seeking, like the
wars in the early Middle Ages in Western Europe
over land and castles. “Such violent economic
activity inspired frequent and profound innovation
. . . its net effect may be a . . . net reduction in
social income and wealth” (Baumol, 1990, p. 904).
A more recent example is that in Japan, when
compared to the United States, “. . . the rules of
the game have been designed to discourage the
allocation of entrepreneurial talent into rent-
seeking litigation” (Baumol, 1993a, p. 240). In
section 3 we will return to the role of entrepre-
neurship in the economic history of various
Conclusions from the literature on
2.4. entrepreneurship
The different historical views of economists offer
a broad perspective on the concept of entrepre-
neurship as well as on the intermediate variables
that form the connection between entrepreneurship
and economic growth. The neo-classicals stress
the role of the entrepreneur in leading markets to
equilibrium. In the Austrian tradition, the alertness
for profit opportunities and the importance of
competition are emphasized. Schumpeter sees the
entrepreneur as the innovator in economic life.
Table I provides our conclusions in terms of the
preliminary framework proposed in section 1.
Entrepreneurship has to do with individuals,
both with their traits and their actions (roles).
Newness through start-ups and innovations as well
as competition are the most relevant factors
linking entrepreneurship to economic growth.
Many questions remain, like what is the
influence of basic conditions on entrepreneurship
and on the intermediate linkages? Which is the
Sander Wennekers and Roy Thurik
role of smallness and what are the opportunities
for entrepreneurship within large organizations?
Which intermediate linkages are still missing from
the analysis? These questions will be touched
upon in the following sections.
3. Economic growth and entrepreneurship
Where entrepreneurship was the focus in the pre-
ceding section, we will now focus upon economic
growth. In section 3.1 we briefly deal with growth
theories. Some aspects of the history of economic
growth are surveyed in section 3.2. Finally, in
section 3.3, some modern views as formulated in
industrial economics and in evolutionary eco-
nomics are discussed.
Growth theory
In this section, the distinction will be made
between the “old” neo-classical growth theory and
the “new”, endogenous growth theory. For a long
period neo-classical growth theory concentrated
solely on the contribution of labor and capital to
the process of economic expansion. In its different
forms, either as growth accounting (Denison,
1985) or as a theory of long-run tendencies
(Solow, 1970), there remained much to explain.
Both forms generate a substantial residual, which
was ascribed to the effects of technological
change. This change is unaccounted for and is
viewed as exogenous “manna from heaven” (Van
de Klundert and Smulders, 1992, p. 177).
The basic idea of the new growth theory is to
endogenize the long-run rate of economic expan-
sion. Baumol (1993a, pp. 259–260) suggests
“. . . that so far as capital investment, education,
and the like are concerned, one can best proceed
by treating them as
endogenous variables in a
sequential process – in other words, these vari-
ables affect productivity growth, but productivity
growth, in turn, itself influences the value of these
variables, after some lag. These endogenous influ-
ences are, then, critical components of a feedback
process”. Baumol (p. 260) continues: “To some
degree, the same story can be told about the
exercise of entrepreneurship, investment in inno-
vation, and the magnitude of activity directed to
the transfer of technology. These too, clearly, are
influenced by past productivity growth achieve-
ments and they also, in their turn, influence future
growth. Yet it would seem plausible that there is
a strong streak of exogeneity in these variables,
which can help to account for the outbreak and
spread of industrial revolutions and for the relative
decline and even for the collapse of economies
that formerly were models of success”. These
statements describe both the contribution of
endogenous growth theory and the dilemma this
theory is confronted with.
Few attempts have been made to incorporate
entrepreneurship in growth models. Entrepreneur-
ship did not fit in the traditional, theoretical
neo-classical models for two reasons. Firstly, the
neo-classical axiom of perfect competition implies
that there are no profit opportunities for entrepre-
neurs left. Secondly, models of general equilib-
rium do not take into account the dynamics of
Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth 35
Conclusions based upon the historical views of economists
Items from the framework Relevant variables found in the literature Relevant disciplines Focal unit of observation
Conditions – (only indirect links were found in the
literature; to be discussed in section 3)
Entrepreneurship traits (alertness, perception) psychology individuals
roles of the entrepreneur economics individuals
Intermediate linkages newness through start-ups and industrial economics firms
markets and competition industrial economics firms and industries
equilibrium versus disequilibrium economics aggregate levels
Economic growth (only indirect links were found in the
literature; to be discussed in section 3)
“innovating entrepreneurship”, as described in
section 2. The axioms of the endogenous growth
theory have created new possibilities for fitting
entrepreneurship and/or innovation into growth
models. A first example is Romers version (1990)
in which the engine of growth is the research
sector which produces blueprints for new varieties
of capital goods that are in turn produced and used
in the goods-producing sector. The model assumes
increasing returns to scale. By assuming monop-
olistic competition (Chamberlin, 1933), rents can
be assigned to the research activities that generate
knowledge. Secondly, the model pertains to some
features of Schumpeters later work:
growth is
driven by monopoly rents obtained by the intro-
duction of new products, economic change is the
result of purposeful activities of profit-seeking
Van de Klundert and Smulders (1992, p. 191)
state that Schumpeters “creative destruction”
gives a much richer description of entrepreneur-
ship and economic dynamics. A recent attempt to
capture “creative destruction” in a formal model
can be found in Aghion and Howitt (1992). The
R&D sector invents new production techniques
making existing techniques obsolete. Producers
shift to this new technique and the innovator is
rewarded until a new technique is found which
replaces his invention. The intermediate variable
of innovativeness, enlarging the long-term growth,
can be seen as valuable in the endogenous growth
A connection between historical views on
entrepreneurship (Schultz, 1980) and the endoge-
nous growth theory (Lucas, 1988) can be made
using the concept of “enlarging entrepreneurial
ability”, as a form of human capital. Schultz stated
that the quantity and quality of entrepreneurial
efforts can be enhanced by investment in entre-
preneurial ability: “. . . the abilities of entrepre-
neurs to deal with the disequilibria that are
pervasive in a dynamic economy are a part of the
stock of human capital. . . . Many of the disequi-
libria that are associated with economic growth are
endogenous. An innovation by a business enter-
prise (Schumpeters innovator) is an endogenous
event” (Schultz, 1980, p. 437 and p. 444). Schultz
is a scholar of the Anglo-American tradition, since
he concentrates on the abilities of entrepreneur-
ship to restore equilibrium. Eliasson (1995)
contests this view. He stresses the importance of
entry and exit and selection mechanisms. Lucas
(1988) concludes from his models that structurally
divergent rates of growth can occur, due to the
external effects of human capital (spillovers). In
our view the external effects of entrepreneurship,
a special form of human capital, can be seen as
an additional intermediate variable derived from
the “new” growth theory.
The new growth theory puts emphasis on the
endogenous role of innovation and human capital
formation in explaining economic growth. On the
other hand, in spite of the strong technological
dynamism of today it is well to remember that in
world history technological creativity has been
an exception rather than a rule (Mokyr, 1990).
Underlying political, social and economic condi-
tions have time and again been seen to play a vital
Summing up, the endogenous growth theory
focuses explicit attention on the intermediate
variables (human) capital formation and innova-
tion. However, entrepreneurship remains largely
implicit and this theory does not shed light on the
underlying conditions of the entrepreneurial
activity needed for (human) capital formation and
innovation. This will be the subject of the next
Economic history and the causes of long
3.2. term growth
Growth accounting in a neo-classical framework
can disentangle economic growth into contributing
factors such as labor inputs (correcting for hours
of work and education), capital formation,
economies of scale and advances in the state of
knowledge. But it leaves a residual, and more
importantly it misses the fundamental causes gov-
erning capital formation and innovation. Lewis
(1955) already distinguishes between the proxi-
mate causes of economic growth (the effort to
economize, increase of knowledge and increase of
the amount of capital per head) and the underlying
“causes of these causes”, which are to be found
in beliefs and institutions. North and Thomas
(1973) put it even more bluntly: “The factors we
have listed (innovation, economies of scale, edu-
cation, capital accumulation, etc.) are not causes
of growth; they
are growth”. According to them
Sander Wennekers and Roy Thurik
the causes of economic growth are to be found in
the factors which determine the efficiency of the
economic organization: incentives, property rights
An interesting approach focusing on these
factors is chosen by economists studying histor-
ical processes of economic growth. An introduc-
tion to this approach which aims at “. . .
comprehending the economy as a dynamic, his-
torical process’ is provided by Lazonick (1991, pp.
115–117 and pp. 303–321). The time span covered
in these historical investigations is usually quite
long (a century or more). This time span encom-
passes large differences in average growth rates
between periods (usually referred to in terms of
the “rise and decline of nations”). It keeps track
of slowly changing factors in the culture, the legal
framework and the external organization of
markets, and it covers the full length of time it
may take for new technologies to disseminate
through the economic system.
Paraphrasing Cipolla (1981) who regards
growth accounting as highly artificial, because in
reality “everything flows together” can summarize
their approach. Referring to Schumpeter he states
that economic growth cannot be understood
without taking the role of entrepreneurship into
account. Cipolla (p. 120) however continues:
“Entrepreneurial activity is a necessary ingredient,
but not a sufficient one. It is the human vitality
of a whole society which, given the opportunity,
comes into play and sets loose the ‘creative
responses of history’”.
This field of “the rise and fall of nations” is
extremely wide and diverse.
Below we will
certainly do no full justice to the analysis of each
of the authors whom we cite. However, all is well
if we will have succeeded in painting a picture of
the role of entrepreneurship in the historical
analysis of economic growth. We follow two
approaches: historical case studies and general-
izations (Lewis, 1955). First some major periods
in European history will be summarized one by
one, while another short case study will discuss
the so-called East Asian miracle. Secondly, some
general views on the role of culture and institu-
tions will be discussed and the main findings will
be integrated in our final framework.
Role of entrepreneurship in European
3.2.1. history
Between 1000 and 1500 the European economy
seemed locked in the feudal system. Property
rights were not secure, the rendering of many
services in the so-called manorial system (Cipolla,
1981, p. 114) was not monetarized, local tolls
hindered a free flow of goods. These conditions
improved slowly. Gradually, a system evolved in
which entrepreneurship was primarily embodied
by a class of merchants advancing raw materials
to the craftsmen and marketing the finished goods.
Also, the rise of the cities created a frontier for
experimentation and innovation.
The Italian city states took the lead in this
development, and their commercial success went
hand in hand with a Renaissance of arts and
sciences. Gradually the center of gravity moved to
the Low Countries. In the seventeenth century
conditions in the Northern Netherlands were
highly conducive for an upsurge of entrepreneur-
ship. The legal framework was advanced, property
rights were secure and the economy had been
monetarized to a great extent. Markets for final
goods and production factors were reasonably
accessible. Social mobility was relatively high.
The rate of urbanization was far ahead of the rest
of Europe, and in these cities demand conditions
were favorable for economic expansion.
According to De Vries and Van der Woude (1985)
the resulting Golden Age can be regarded as the
first round of modern economic growth.
As is well known, in this period also the arts
and sciences bloomed. Again we quote Cipolla
(1981, p. 120): “In the seventeenth century, when
the Low Countries became the prime movers in
international trade while producing great entre-
preneurs such as De Geer or the Tripps, they also
produced jurists like Grotius, experimentalists
such as Huyghens and Leeuwenhoek, and painters
such as Rembrandt.” Regarding periods of
economic rise in general he continues: “In order
to understand what happened in certain societies,
it is necessary to understand an atmosphere of
collective enthusiasm, of exaltation and of coop-
Jane Jacobs (1984) has a great deal to offer
when dealing with entrepreneurship. While it is
fair to say that “cities” and not “entrepreneurship”
form the central theme of her writing, it is clear
Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth 37
from her analysis that the all-important growth of
import-replacing cities must be viewed as a highly
entrepreneurial process. Historically, she finds two
major patterns or motifs: reliance of backward
cities upon one another and economic improvisa-
tion. Her views on the rise of Venice and subse-
quently many other hitherto backward European
cities may serve to bear this out. Essentially the
Veneti used their initial trade with the rich city of
Constantinople as a springboard to start re-
exporting and selling their imitations to other
backward cities in Europe. They were able to
replace more imports by home production and to
shift to more sophisticated imports as their wealth
increased. Meanwhile, other cities used Venice as
a springboard. Finally, a volatile network of
inter-city trade developed, constantly changing in
content and stimulating new markets for city-made
innovations. According to Jacobs there were no
“ready-made schemes of producing predetermined
choices of products” underlying these develop-
ments. On the contrary, the entrepreneurs in the
backward cities of Europe had to experiment and
to improvise in order to develop and sell cheaper
substitutes for more sophisticated import-goods.
According to Cipolla (1981, p. 276), at the end
of the fifteenth century England was still an
“underdeveloped country” in comparison to coun-
tries such as Italy, the Low Countries, France and
Southern Germany. Between 1500 and 1700
considerable changes occurred. At first British
exports were dominated by wool and woolen cloth
only. After 1550, gradually the many immigrants
from France and the southern Low Countries
brought many other “industrious manufactures”
with them. English society at the time showed a
striking cultural receptiveness and open-minded-
ness for new ideas and techniques. Increasingly
young men were sent abroad to study at foreign
universities. English society showed an ability to
give positive and innovative responses to chal-
lenges and difficulties such as increasing compe-
tition and scarcity of raw materials. Entrepreneurs
adopted other methods of production, diversified
into other manufactures and penetrated new
markets. Gradually the English developed a world-
wide commercial network. The notable develop-
ment of international trade, according to Cipolla
(p. 295) “proved to be a great school of entrepre-
By 1700 the legal and institutional conditions
had also considerably changed and were favorable
for factor mobility and innovation in economic
activity (North and Thomas, 1973). The elimina-
tion of feudalism, the declining power of the
guilds, the burgeoning of the joint stock company
and the development of a banking system are some
important examples they cite. North and Thomas
(p. 156) conclude: “England . . . had developed an
efficient set of property rights embedded in
common law . . . and had begun to protect private
property in knowledge with its patent law. The
stage was now set for the industrial revolution”.
The Industrial Revolution was both a revolution
in production techniques (mechanization) and in
organization (the factory system). A great variety
of innovations, mutually reinforcing each other,
yielded an unprecedented increase in productivity
(Landes, 1969, p. 41). There is apparently no full
consensus why this revolution came about first in
Britain, but some factors seem beyond doubt.
Among these is the technological leadership
(Mokyr, 1990, p. 239) which Britain showed
between 1750 and 1850.
In explaining this leadership British superiority
in implementation (innovation) was more decisive
than their strength in inventions. It was not based
on scientific leadership although British inventors
and manufacturers were in constant contact with
scientists. Another factor was its endowment of
technically skilled labor, which had more to do
with on-the-job training than with schooling.
Mokyr (p. 254) sums it all up in one sentence: “It
is arguable that though Britain may have had an
absolute advantage in both inventors and entre-
preneurs, it had a comparative advantage in
entrepreneurs and skilled workers, and thus
imported inventions and inventors and exported
entrepreneurs and technicians to the industrializing
enclaves of the Continent”.
In Britain a free flow of entrepreneurship
between lines of business was also manifest, and
the allocation of resources was more responsive to
new opportunities than in Continental economies
which were characterized by occupational exclu-
siveness (Landes, 1969, p. 71). Also in these
countries social and psychological attitudes,
viewing the family business as a way of life and
not as a means to an end, were unfavorable to
effective entrepreneurship and competition
Sander Wennekers and Roy Thurik
(Landes, pp. 131–132). The inevitable conclusion
is that during the Industrial Revolution Britain
excelled in entrepreneurship.
During the 19th century decline set in. Some
figures from Maddison (1995, pp. 23–24) may
serve to illustrate this. During the period 1870
through 1973 real growth of GDP per capita in
Britain was only 1.3% annually and lagged behind
that in the U.S.A. (1.9%) and Germany (1.9%),
and certainly behind that in Japan (2.7%).
Consequently, in 1973 per capita income in
Britain, once the richest nation in the world, had
fallen substantially behind that in countries such
as Switzerland, Denmark, Germany and the U.S.A.
It is beyond the scope of this paper to consider
all the possible causes of this decline. We will only
view this retardation through the perspective of
entrepreneurship and some underlying factors.
Wiener (1981) paints a vivid picture of how the
Industrial Revolution seems to have caused a
strong cultural reorientation. Part of this was a
romantic reaction to industrial society (“our
England is a garden”). Another part has to do with
what Wiener calls “the gentrification of the
entrepreneurial class”, in which values such as
zeal for work, invention and money making gave
way to a preference for comfort, enjoyment and
public service. This was reinforced by the school
system which, modeling itself on the public
schools, separated the middle class from tech-
nology and business. Quite contrary to the U.S.A.
where Henry Ford was a folk hero, in Britain a
successful entrepreneur like William Morris “has
received largely uninformed and unenthusiastic
acceptance” (Wiener, 1981, p. 131). Wiener also
gives two examples illustrating how this cultural
reorientation permeated deeply into the 1960s and
the 1970s. First, several surveys among students
and graduates then showed a “combination of
ignorance and distaste” towards industry.
Secondly, a poll revealed that a large majority of
directors of leading British companies felt that
television and universities were “biased against
business and private enterprise”. At the same time
the legal and institutional framework – with high
marginal tax rates, public monopolies, shop
stewards, and collusive tendering among its
prominent features – had become less conducive
to entrepreneurship and competition.
Another authoritative source in this area is
Landes who also argues that the major reasons
why Britain declined when compared to Germany
were “. . . not material, but rather social and
institutional” (Landes, 1969, p. 334). As examples
he mentions the control of well-organized craft
workers and the limited organizational capabilities
of the entrepreneurs as major obstacles to inno-
Porter (1990, p. 502) sums it all up for the post-
war period: “British firms have, too often, a man-
agement culture that works against innovation and
change . . . Combined with such managerial atti-
tudes has been a debilitating relationship between
labor and management. . . . Unions have had great
power to negotiate restrictive practices, which
have inhibited innovation and retarded produc-
tivity.” According to Porter also the motivation
of managers and workers to work hard and to earn
a great deal of money was traditionally low in
Britain, and absenteeism into the early 1980s was
high. High personal tax rates contributed to dulled
incentives. Finally domestic rivalry according to
Porter has long been lacking. Instead of competing
fiercely British firms would rather attempt to
protect a monopoly or to merge with another firm.
Up to the early 1980s rivalry was also limited by
a slow rate of new business formation.
Summarizing one can say that entrepreneurship
has played a vital role both in the take off stages
of the European economy and during the Industrial
Revolution. Moreover, it is likely that economic
decline, such as experienced in late 19th and most
of 20th century Britain, was aggravated by the
cultural and institutional framework becoming less
conducive to entrepreneurship.
3.2.2. The East Asian miracle
One of the most interesting recent growth experi-
ences is the superior achievement of the East
Asian economies in the last decades. In a World
Bank policy research report, titled “The East Asian
Miracle; economic growth and public policy”, the
rapid and sustained growth of the Republic of
Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan,
Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand in the period
1965–1990 is analyzed. See World Bank (1993).
These eight so-called High-performing Asian
economies (HPAEs) experienced an average
annual growth rate of real GNP per capita of 5.5%,
more than twice that of the OECD countries. At
Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth 39
the same time the HPAEs diminished the
inequality of their income distributions.
In fact, the analysis of the World Bank fits well
into our framework. The remarkable growth
achievements manifest themselves in both exports
and domestic demand, and can directly be linked
to superior accumulation of physical and human
capital, allocation of resources to productive
investment, and the acquisition and mastering of
technology. These investment activities were
supported by public policies promoting macro-
economic stability, diminishing inequality and
universal primary and secondary education, as
well as by a reliable legal framework conducive
to competition and international trade. In spite of
this attention for fundamentals it is fair to say that
the analysis is primarily macroeconomic and
somehow does not convey that innovation, private
investment and marketing all are manifestations of
entrepreneurial activity. Apart from a factual
section on the profusion of small and medium-size
enterprises there is no analysis of the rise of entre-
preneurship. Nor is there an extensive analysis of
the role of cultural factors such as attitudes
towards risk and uncertainty, and openness to
foreign technology.
Support for an alternative view on the East
Asian miracle can be found with Phelps in his
comments on a paper by Mankiw (1995, pp.
312–313) concerning “The Growth of Nations”.
We quote Phelps: “The alternative view also has
implications for the demand for human capital.
Why is it that several countries have, in only a few
short decades, experienced a rapid accumulation
of human capital – the Asian miracle economies
– while other countries at about the same place in
the poverty ranking have not? Surely the answer
is the emergence of entrepreneurship, encouraged
and sanctioned by the government”. Porter (1990)
endorses this alternative view in his section on
Emerging Korea. Two of the key factors he
mentions are the willingness to take risk and the
intensity of competition. Primary focus of the
central government has been to promote interna-
tional competitiveness. Finally, Hofstede (1995,
pp. 208–209) points at the comparatively strong
long-term orientation prevalent in these countries,
which may have determined their remarkable
growth performance.
Culture and the legal framework
Values are often seen as the hard core of a culture.
The outer layers of a culture are then made up by
rituals, heroes and symbols. See Hofstede
pp. 18–20). Other authors, such as Lynn (1991),
speak of attitudes rather than of values. The atti-
tudes and values toward work, production, wealth
and saving, toward new information, invention and
strangers, and finally toward risk and failure seem
particularly relevant for economic growth.
Probably, these values are active through all
players be they consumers, workers, business men
or government officials. As we have seen from the
historical case studies, they may also influence
growth through the degree and quality of entre-
preneurship in a society.
Jane Jacobs has made some additional obser-
vations about culture and economic growth. In her
view: “In its very nature, successful economic
development has to be open-ended rather than
goal-oriented, and has to make itself up expedi-
ently and empirically as it goes along” (Jacobs,
1984, p. 221). Entrepreneurs have to find impro-
vised solutions for unforeseeable problems. And
this has little to do with “long-range planning” and
meeting “targets”. Jacobs also cites Cyril Stanley
Smith from MIT, who points out that the roots of
invention are to be found in curiosity, and espe-
cially “esthetic curiosity”. Smith also gives
examples how many industrial products and tech-
nologies first started out with frivolities and
A classic study of the relationship between
culture and economic development is Max
Webers famous essay (1958)
on “The Protestant
ethic and the spirit of capitalism”. Weber studies
how psychological conditions may have facilitated
the development of capitalism. In his view the
ascetic Calvinist ethic with its emphasis on piety,
industry and zeal, was greatly conducive to the
spirit of modern capitalism that emphasizes
rationality and discipline. Already contemporary
authors (Sir William Petty as quoted by Weber, p.
179) attributed the economic success of seven-
teenth century Holland to that the numerous
protestants in that country “are for the most part
thinking, sober men, and such as believe that
Labour and Industry is their duty towards God”.
In retrospect however, De Vries and Van der
Woude (1995, pp. 198–213) contend that much of
Sander Wennekers and Roy Thurik
the capitalist spirit was already present in (late)
medieval Holland and was mainly reinforced by
Several authors have also considered the rela-
tionship between culture and economic growth
during the 20th century. Hofstede (1995, pp.
208–217) points out that a long term orientation
as expressed by thrift, investment and persever-
ance may be particularly conducive to economic
growth. Some support for this hypothesis was
found in a sample of 23 countries for the years
1965–1987. Hofstede (1995, p. 211) also regards
this long-term orientation as conducive to entre-
preneurship. Lynn (1991) has conducted an
empirical study linking economic growth to
several work attitudes in 41 nations. Lynn reports
a significant positive correlation between “com-
petitiveness” in each country (measured as a
positive attitude towards competition) and the
growth performance of these countries over the
years 1970 through 1985.
Recently, however, Wildeman et al. (1998)
reported that relationships could also be counter-
intuitive, where they found a positive relationship
between uncertainty avoidance (at the national
level) in 23 developed countries and the rate of
self-employment in these countries. They explain
this result as further proof that dissatisfaction may
be a source of entrepreneurship.
In summarizing the literature we conclude that
the impact of cultural dimensions on entrepre-
neurship and economic growth, while probably
significant, is not straightforward. The role of the
following traits deserves further investigation
while distinguishing between the individual level,
the firm level and the country level:
open-mindedness towards other cultures;
curiosity, creativity and experimentation;
valuation of wealth and savings;
acceptance of risk and failure;
From the historical case studies we have already
seen the relevance of the legal framework and
economic institutions for economic growth. Lewis
(1955) offers a general framework to study the
role of institutions. He distinguishes:
the right to reward; this has to do with property
rights and the structure of incentives;
possibilities for trade and specialization; in
history as well as today the extent of the market
is determined by the presence or absence of
prohibitions such as tolls, guilds, tariffs, quota
and other barriers to the mobility of goods and
productive factors;
economic freedom, i.e. the freedom a society
permits for seeking out and seizing economic
opportunities; first of all this has to do with the
possibilities to make a profit and to go
bankrupt; also relevant is the legal framework
determining the access to resources through the
functioning of the labor market and the capital
market; finally economic freedom has to do
with the possibilities (both legal and cultural)
for vertical mobility.
The seminal contribution by Olson (1982) adds a
vital element to this perspective. His central thesis
is that special interest groups slow down a
society’s capacity to adopt new technologies and
to reallocate resources in response to changing
conditions, and thereby reduce the rate of
economic growth. Further evidence is found in
Mokyr (1990). Some major examples of these
coalitions are labor unions blocking labor saving
innovations, professional groups regulating entry
to their profession and price cartels. Olson
contends that the harm for society is often much
greater than is the gain for the interest group. As
he demonstrates through an extensive historical
tour d’horizon, stable societies accumulate more
collusion over time, and see their growth rates
falter. Whereas societies in which these narrow
interest groups have been destroyed (by war or
revolution) enjoy a period of great gains in
economic growth. Far from advocating “war and
revolution”, Olson does recommend to repeal
special interest legislation and regulation, and to
apply anti-trust law to cartels and forms of collu-
sion that fix wages or prices above competitive
We conclude that the legal and institutional
framework is another vital factor hidden behind
entrepreneurship and indispensable for a good
understanding of economic growth. Viewed from
the angle of entrepreneurship and economic
growth the most vital concepts seem to be the
incentives and the competition rules. Legal incen-
tives for entrepreneurship are mainly rooted in the
Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth 41
fiscal regime (replacement ratio, flat or steep tax
rates) and in the laws concerning bankruptcies.
Competition rules have to do with entry (de)reg-
ulation, anti-trust policy, removal of trade barriers
and market intransparancies, and finally with
union power in the labor market.
Conclusions from economic history
Economic history offers many insights with which
to fill in and expand the framework as proposed
in section 1. Our conclusions are summarized in
Table II. A major addition to our conclusions in
section 2.4 has to do with cultural and institutional
conditions stimulating entrepreneurial traits and
behavior within a population, as well as influ-
encing the intermediate linkages (such as interac-
tion between invention and innovation). A second
addition is the evidence that, far from denying the
vital role of capital formation and technological
change for economic growth, for a real under-
standing of long-term growth it is necessary to
explicitly take into account the role of entrepre-
neurial activity underlying these intermediary
Remaining questions have to do with the role
of smallness and selection and the possibilities for
entrepreneurship within large organizations. They
will be dealt with below. First we discuss the
relevance of the historical view for modern
Relevance of historical views at the
3.3. threshold of the new millennium
Why are the historical views on the role of culture,
the legal framework and entrepreneurial activity
still relevant for understanding economic growth
at the threshold of the new millennium? In this
section we will first consider some views on
economic growth as formulated in Porters “The
competitive advantage of nations” (1990). Next,
we will discuss the views on economic growth as
developed by evolutionary economics.
Entrepreneurship and the competitive
3.0.3. advantage of nations
The conclusions from economic history, as
exposed in Table II, can be related to the more
recent analysis of Porter (1990). In his analysis
four interrelated sets of factors or conditions deter-
mine the competitive strength of nations and
thereby the possibilities for sustained productivity
growth. These four sets of factors make up the
so-called national “diamond”. The four determi-
nants are
factor conditions. Porter distinguishes basic
factors (e.g. natural resources and cheap,
unskilled labor) from advanced factors (highly
skilled personnel, modern networks infrastruc-
demand conditions. These have three main
elements: the nature of buyer needs (e.g.
sophisticated instead of basic), the size and the
pattern of growth and the existence of mecha-
Sander Wennekers and Roy Thurik
Conclusions from economic history
Framework Variables Relevant disciplines Focal unit of observation
Conditions culture (open-mindedness, social psychology, anthropology groups and societies
acceptance of risk, long and sociology
term orientation etc.)
institutions (incentives, law and economics macro framework
competition rules) influencing micro behavior
Entrepreneurship traits and behavior psychology and managerial individual persons
Intermediate linkages conquest of new markets industrial economics firms and industries
invention and innovation
new business formation
Economic growth – rise and decline of nations – economics national economies
nisms by which a nation’s domestic preferences
are transmitted to foreign markets;
related and supporting industries. The presence
of internationally competitive supplier and
related industries stimulates rivalry and partial
the structure and culture of domestic rivalry.
This encompasses a wide scope such as oppor-
tunities provided to possible new entrants, the
nature of competition between incumbent firms,
dominant business strategies and management
The relevance of Porters diamond for our analysis
can be summed up in one sentence: “Invention
and entrepreneurship are at the heart of national
advantage” (Porter, 1990, p. 125). More specifi-
cally, Porters “diamond” can help investigating
the interface between entrepreneurship and
economic growth. Demand conditions signal needs
better in some nations than in others. National
factor creation mechanisms affect the pool of
knowledge and talent. Supplier industries provide
crucial help or are the source of new entrants.
Domestic rivalry creates a good “incubation
environment” for entrepreneurs, but it can also be
a mechanism by which entrepreneurship con-
tributes to growth. Finally, feedback mechanisms
are relevant because entrepreneurship can enhance
the quality of the factor conditions through the
learning process which starting a business
In terms of our framework Porters diamond
offers several extensions. First, invention or rather
innovation is best viewed as a direct manifestation
of entrepreneurship, more than an intermediate
process linking entrepreneurship to growth.
Secondly, international competitiveness is a
crucial intermediate linkage between entrepre-
neurship (innovation) and economic growth;
however domestic rivalry is an essential precon-
dition for international competitiveness; so com-
petition comes in as an intermediate linkage at two
levels. Thirdly, whereas in the short run there is a
straight direct line of causation as in our pre-
liminary framework in section 1, in the long run
feedbacks are active. Finally, it is also clear from
his analysis that entrepreneurship is not restricted
to small firms.
Evolutionary economics
The economy is entering a world governed by a
new technological paradigm. Like the steam
machine during the first Industrial Revolution,
Information and Communication Technology is a
pervasive new technology (or in terms of Mokyr:
a macro-invention) which will radically alter the
economy. A wave of micro-inventions and inno-
vations based on ICT is gaining momentum and
will sweep the world in the decades to come. The
implications of this radical transition for the
growth of nations will not only depend on macro-
economic conditions, but primarily on cultural and
organizational factors and on the adaptability of
institutions and the legal framework. An analysis
of the diffusion of the many applications of this
new technology will also have to include micro-
economic processes of new start-ups and of entry
by firms from outside the industry.
This ICT revolution makes it increasingly nec-
essary to distinguish between information and
knowledge. On the one hand information will
become more cheaply and readily available. In
some cases this will weaken existing entrepre-
neurial edges. On the other hand information has
to be selected, upgraded and combined with other
information in order to become useful for
economic application. Only then may it be called
“knowledge”. Whereas the raw material informa-
tion will become abundant, knowledge will remain
scarce. Undoubtedly, new entrepreneurial edges
will be based on knowledge. In this way an
economy may develop which is driven by ideas
and in which entrepreneurship equates to compe-
tition between ideas.
A framework helpful when analyzing this
transition at the level of sectors of industry is evo-
lutionary economics
as developed by Nelson and
Winter (1982), and the related theory of the
experimentally organized economy developed by
Eliasson (1995). These lines of thinking will be
briefly discussed in the following section.
seminal book by Nelson and Winter (1982),
bearing the title of this section, argues that in order
to understand how technical change functions as
the key driving force of long-run economic devel-
opment, it is necessary to incorporate the realities
of firm decision making as well as the dynamics
of the competitive process. In developing their
theory they acknowledge their intellectual debts
Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth 43
with Schumpeter (economic development) and
Simon (human and organizational behavior).
Nelson and Winter contend that the concepts of
optimization and equilibrium which are the core
of orthodox theory are unfruitful abstractions and
simplifications from reality. Instead of maximizing
behavior of firms they use the concept of decision
rules, and instead of equilibrium they see tenden-
cies. Next, in their evolutionary theory, they
borrow some major ideas from biology such as
from Darwin and Lamarck. Individual firms have
a kind of genetic endowment in terms of technical
routines, procedures etc. These routines usually
can evolve only gradually. However searching for
new routines (innovation) is itself also a routine.
Besides, exogenous shocks can press incumbent
firms or outsiders to search for new organizational
and technical routines. In the end the competitive
process at the sector level selects the most suc-
cessful routines and weeds out the routines which
are no longer suitable. So innovation (“muta-
tions”) and selection are the catchwords in this
Although the approach chosen by Nelson and
Winter is strongly based on the premise of variety
of behavior and performance of individual firms,
there is not much explicit attention for the role
of the entrepreneur. More explicit scope for the
entrepreneur is to be found in the work of Eliasson.
He argues that market competition and economic
growth cannot be understood without recourse to
non-linear selection mechanisms and the discon-
tinuities of technical change (Eliasson, 1995). In
his view the major production factor is compe-
tence capital embodied in people. This capital
accumulates through education and learning on the
job. It is allocated and reallocated through the
labor market and the market for mergers and
acquisitions, through entry of new enterprises –
often by entrepreneurial people leaving large firms
– and through the exit of failing enterprises. These
processes make up the mechanism of “competitive
selection among business experiments”. Eliasson
has incorporated these ideas into his micro-to-
macro model of the Swedish economy called
MOSES. In his model the long-term growth rate
is determined by the institutions regulating the
mechanisms of selection and the allocation of
competence. Eliasson also argues that 30 years of
post war mistreatment of the market mechanism
show up in a decline of the percentage share of
new firms and are responsible for the slow growth
of the Swedish economy since the 1970s.
Viewed from the perspective of “linking entre-
preneurship and growth” we may now distinguish
between two lines of thinking. The first is the
neo-classical paradigm. The second we will call
the entrepreneurial paradigm. See Figure 2.
The neo-classical paradigm seems most
applicable in the more mature sectors of the
economy, the entrepreneurial paradigm seems
most relevant for understanding the rise of new,
technology-driven industries. Audretsch and
Thurik (1997) would call these sectors the
“managed” and the “entrepreneurial” sectors,
respectively. Our expanded framework as devel-
oped in Table II remains valid. An essential
addition is the crucial role of diversity (variety)
and of selection as an intermediate linkage
between entrepreneurship and economic growth.
4. Entrepreneurship in large firms
Entrepreneurial activity not only takes place in
small firms. It also happens in large organiza-
Entrepreneurship not only occurs in the
form of new small firms but also in the form of
corporate entrepreneurship, new ideas and respon-
sibilities implemented in existing large organiza-
tions. According to Drucker (1985, p. 144) today’s
large businesses will not even survive “unless they
acquire entrepreneurial competence”.
Stopford and Baden-Fuller (1994, p. 521) sum-
Sander Wennekers and Roy Thurik
Figure 2. Two paradigms.
marize how the strategy literature identifies three
types of corporate entrepreneurship. The first type
is the creation of new businesses or business units
within an existing organization – corporate ven-
turing or intrapreneurship as it is sometimes
called. Another is the more pervasive activity
associated with the transformation or strategic
renewal of existing organizations. The third type
is where the enterprise changes the “rules of com-
petition” for its industry, for example by carrying
out an innovation that fundamentally alters the
industry. Stopford and Baden-Fuller (1994, p. 523)
distinguish five attributes that are common to all
types of (corporate) entrepreneurship: proactive-
ness, aspirations beyond current ability, team-
orientation, capability to resolve dilemmas and
learning capacity. Despite the classification of
Stopford and Baden-Fuller we will use the terms
corporate entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship
Stevenson and Jarillo (1990, pp. 23–25) also
regard corporate entrepreneurship as wider than
corporate venturing and include the “ability of
corporations to act entrepreneurially”. In their
view “. . . pursuing opportunity, whether through
specific company structures or not, constitutes the
core of entrepreneurship, both individual and
corporate”. In order to create corporate entrepre-
neurship top management is heavily dependent on
other individuals within the firm. As relevant
elements promoting corporate entrepreneurship
Stevenson and Jarillo mention “a conscious effort
to lessen negative consequences of failure when
opportunity is pursued” and facilitating “the
emergence of informal internal and external
networks”. This points again to the importance of
(business) culture. Furthermore they state “The
crux of corporate entrepreneurship is, then, that
opportunity for the firm has to be pursued by
individuals within it, who may have perceptions
of personal opportunity more or less at variance
with opportunity for the firm.”
Bridge et al. (1998, p. 190) also point out that
“Inventors are usually individuals, but intrapre-
neurship is frequently carried out by groups or
teams”. This underlines the need of what we have
called a vehicle for entrepreneurship. Regarding
the fostering of innovation they do not only
mention the toleration of failure but add the
reward of success. More generally speaking we
would consider both business culture and incen-
tives as potentially stimulating factors.
Of course there are also dilemmas in corporate
entrepreneurship in so far that there may be an
intrinsic tension between hierarchies and entre-
preneurial behavior. Also there is the appropri-
ability dilemma of individuals that possess “new
knowledge”. The question may be put forward
whether entrepreneurial employees who can
realize their ideas within the firm may be less
likely to create a spin off or start working for
another existing firm. On the other hand a firm
may have to explicitly offer the option of spinning
off when it wants to keep and attract entrepre-
neurial employees.
Regarding the possible effects of corporate
entrepreneurship we conclude that it plays an
essential role in the process of strategic renewal
of large and incumbent firms. It can be associated
with the typical growth enhancing features of
entrepreneurial behavior: alertness, finding new
product-market combinations and innovation. In
the short run corporate entrepreneurship can occur
simultaneously with corporate downsizing, which
is associated with the process of job destruction.
In the long run though, it is expected to stimulate
competitiveness and sales growth of the firm.
Furthermore, viewed in a macro-economic per-
spective downsizing creates opportunities for
growth by enhancing the creation of new ventures.
Wherever entrepreneurial employees reap the
benefits of their abilities, within the firm or in a
spin-off, their activities are likely to enhance
growth at the macro-level.
There seems to be a strong case to hypothesize
a positive impact of corporate entrepreneurship on
economic growth. On the other hand corporate
entrepreneurship remains an elusive concept.
Innovative empirical research will therefore be
needed to investigate this hypothesis. In that
respect it will be necessary to develop a scale for
measuring corporate entrepreneurship.
In this section we assert that entrepreneurship
occurs irrespective of the size of organizations.
A crucial element in organizing corporate entre-
preneurship is the necessity of an organizational
“vehicle” such as teams, business units or other
Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth 45
ways of decentralization. This is sometimes called
“mimicking smallness”. Corporate entrepreneur-
ship may also stimulate spin-offs. Our conclusions
are summarized in Table III.
5. Synthesis
We have investigated the relationship between
entrepreneurship and economic growth from
various perspectives: historical views on entre-
preneurship, macro-economic growth theory,
industrial economics (in particular, Porters
competitive advantage of nations), evolutionary
economics, history of economic growth (in par-
ticular, rise and fall of nations) and the manage-
ment literature on large corporate organizations.
The challenge is to synthesize these insights to
provide a broad picture of how economic growth
is linked to entrepreneurship. We will do so
defining entrepreneurship and considering its
inherent heterogeneity. We will present a frame-
work for linking economic growth to entrepre-
neurship while including conditions for
entrepreneurship. This framework is meant to help
setting an agenda for further research.
Definition of entrepreneurship
At least three levels of analysis can be distin-
guished when discussing the relationship between
entrepreneurship and economic growth: the level
of the individual entrepreneurs operating on their
own or in teams and partnerships, the firm level
and the aggregate levels of industries, regions and
national economies. Basically, entrepreneurship
has to do with activities of individual persons. The
concept of economic growth is relevant at levels
of firms, industries and nations. Linking entre-
preneurship to economic growth means linking the
individual level to the aggregate levels.
First we will define entrepreneurship. Inspired
by Hébert and Link (1989), Bull and Willard
(1993) and Lumpkin and Dess (1996), we propose
the following definition of entrepreneurship:
Entrepreneurship is the manifest ability and will-
ingness of individuals, on their own, in teams,
within and outside existing organizations, to:
perceive and create new economic opportuni-
ties (new products, new production methods,
new organizational schemes and new product-
market combinations) and to
introduce their ideas in the market, in the face
of uncertainty and other obstacles, by making
46 Sander Wennekers and Roy Thurik
Conclusions regarding individual and corporate entrepreneurship
Framework Individual entrepreneurship Corporate entrepreneurship
Conditions national culture: open-mindedness, business culture: open-mindedness,
acceptance of risk, etc. proactiveness, trust in employees etc.
institutions: property rights, incentives, internal rules and procedures, incentives
competition rules, entry barriers
Entrepreneurship personal traits: alertness, creativity, idem
ambition, perseverance
vehicle: smallness (autonomous role of vehicle: mimicking smallness (autonomous
owners of small firms) role of entrepreneurial individuals through
teams and business units)
manifestations or behavior: newness through manifestation or behavior: newness through
innovation, entry of new markets, start-ups innovation, entry of new markets, spin-offs,
joint ventures
Intermediate linkages domestic and international competition idem
between entrepreneurial variety and selection of viable ideas and variety and selection of viable ideas and re-
actions and performance replacement of obsolete enterprises engineering of corporations
Economic growth higher productivity; new niches and higher productivity; improving best
industries practice; new industries
international competitiveness idem
decisions on location, form and the use of
resources and institutions.
Essentially, entrepreneurship is a behavioral char-
acteristic of persons. This behavior has an input
and an output side: where on the one hand entre-
preneurial behavior requires entrepreneurial skills
and qualities, it also implies the participation in
the competitive process on the other.
It should be noted that entrepreneurship is not
an occupation and that entrepreneurs are not a
well-defined occupational class of persons. Even
obvious entrepreneurs may exhibit their entrepre-
neurship only during a certain phase of their career
and/or concerning a certain part of their activi-
ties. In this respect we agree with Gartner (1988,
p. 64) who asserts that “The entrepreneur is not a
fixed state of existence, rather entrepreneurship
is a role that individuals undertake to create
organizations”. See also Schumpeter (1934, p. 78)
who states “Because being an entrepreneur is not
a profession and as a rule not a lasting condition,
entrepreneurs do not form a social class in the
technical sense as, for example, landowners or
capitalists or workmen do”.
Entrepreneurship is not synonymous with small
business. Certainly, small firms are an outstanding
vehicle by which individuals can channel their
entrepreneurial ambitions. The small firm is an
extension of the individual who is in charge
(Lumpkin and Dess, 1996, p. 138). However, as
we have seen, entrepreneurship is not restricted
to persons starting or operating an (innovative)
small firm. Enterprising individuals in large firms,
the so-called “intrapreneurs” or “corporate entre-
preneurs”, undertake entrepreneurial actions as
well. In these environments there is a tendency of
“mimicking smallness”, for instance using
business units, subsidiaries or joint ventures.
Strictly speaking, entrepreneurship is a behav-
ioral characteristic of persons. By creating oppor-
tunities for entrepreneurial behavior of their
employees, organizations can also become entre-
preneurial. In the popular press Europe’s current
economic problems are often attributed to a lack
of entrepreneurial firms. This term is sometimes
used also in the academic literature. See Audretsch
(1995), Audretsch and Thurik (1997 and 1998)
and Carree et al. (1999).
Our survey suggests that entities at the macro
level such as industries, cities, regions and nations
can be entrepreneurial to a certain extent.
Therefore, we need to define and operationalize
concepts of entrepreneurship at the aggregate
levels of firms, industries and nations. These
concepts are usually intuitive and need further
developing. Probably, entrepreneurship at these
levels of analysis is a multidimensional concept.
Where entrepreneurs tend to reside at the tails of
the distribution of the dimensions of personal
characteristics, entrepreneurship is an inherent
complex phenomenon to capture. The develop-
ment of these concepts should be the subject of
future, probably multidisciplinary, research.
Measuring entrepreneurship
Clearly, it is difficult to measure entrepreneurship,
both at the individual level and at the aggregate
level. The concepts involved have to be opera-
tionalized. Meanwhile proxies are needed to help
researchers and policy makers to take their
bearings. At the aggregate level it seems pragmatic
to count numbers. However, because in colloquial
speech many terms like entrepreneurs, self-
employed and businessmen are used indiscrimi-
nately, it is not immediately clear which numbers
to count.
However, we can make some pragmatic dis-
tinctions. First, we distinguish between the
entrepreneurial, as defined in section 5.1,
managerial in the sense of organizing and
coordinating. Secondly, we make a distinction
between business-owners or
(including owner-managers of incorporated
and employees. Based on this double
dichotomy of self-employed versus employee and
entrepreneurial versus managerial, three types of
entrepreneurs may be distinguished. These three
types are the Schumpeterian entrepreneurs, the
Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth 47
Three types of entrepreneurs
Self-employed Employee
Schumpeterian Intrapreneurs
Managerial Managerial business Executive
owners managers
intrapreneurs and the managerial business owners
who are entrepreneurs in a formal sense only. This
is illustrated in Table IV.
Schumpeterian entrepreneurs are to be found
mostly in small firms. They own and direct
independent firms that are innovative and cre-
atively destroy
existing market structures. After
realizing their goals Schumpeterians often develop
into managerial business owners, but some may
again start new ventures or new firms.
Intrapreneurs or entrepreneurial managers also
belong to the core of real entrepreneurship. By
taking commercial initiatives on behalf of their
employer, and by risking their time, reputation and
sometimes their job in doing so, they are the
embodiment of leadership resulting in entrepre-
neurial ventures in larger firms. Sometimes these
entrepreneurial employees, either in teams or on
their own, spin off, start new enterprises and
become Schumpeterian entrepreneurs.
business owners (entrepreneurs in a formal sense)
are to be found in the large majority of small
firms. They include many franchisees, shop-
keepers and people in professional occupations.
They belong to what Kirchhoff (1994) calls “the
economic core” and sometimes entrepreneurial
ventures grow out of them.
While the managerial business owners fulfill
many useful functions in the economy such as the
organization and coordination of production and
distribution, they cannot be viewed as the engine
of innovation and creative destruction. This is the
major function of Schumpeterian entrepreneurs
and intrapreneurs. How all three groups can make
a contribution to economic growth, we will briefly
touch upon in section 5.3.
First however we want to consider the feed-
backs from economic development to both the
total number of self-employed and the number of
real entrepreneurs (the sum of Schumpeterians and
intrapreneurs). Figure 3 illustrates in a tentative
way how these numbers may depend on the stage
of economic development.
Figure 3 is based upon the assumption that the
number of self-employed includes an unknown but
probably relatively modest share of Schumpeterian
entrepreneurs. Clearly, this share depends on
various historical, institutional and structural
factors. Up to the late 1970s, most industrialized
economies experienced a long period of secular
decline in the number of self-employed per
population. Since the late 1970s the number of
self-employed in several of these countries is
increasing again (Wildeman et al., 1998). This
mirrors both a resurgence of entrepreneurship in
the intrinsic sense (Schumpeterian entrepreneur-
ship) as well as an increase of franchisees and
marginal start-ups.
Further evidence of this U-shaped trend of self-
employment rates over time (1965–1990) is pre-
sented in Acs, Audretsch and Evans (1994).
their analysis a U-shaped trend is a net effect of
Sander Wennekers and Roy Thurik
Figure 3. The hypothesized number of self-employed and of real entrepreneurs.
(among others) the negative influence of rising per
capita income and a positive one of the rising
share of the service sector. Further research should
dig more deeply into this relationship between
economic development and this U-shaped trend
(Carree et al., 1999). To what extent do stages of
economic development matter? And to what extent
is economic development over specific time
In Figure 3 it is hypothesized that the number
of real entrepreneurs will increase even more
steeply. It is hypothesized that the revival of
Schumpeterian start-ups the Western world is now
experiencing is matched or even surpassed by an
upsurge of intrapreneurship in its many forms.
The number of self-employed is the only
yardstick of entrepreneurship because statistical
information is available only along the ownership
dimension. This can be misleading. For instance,
it is unknown whether the relatively high number
of self-employed in Italy as compared to the
Netherlands expresses a high level of
Schumpeterian entrepreneurship or merely a time-
lag in economic development influencing the
number of marginal establishments. In recent
empirical studies other approximations are brought
forward. Audretsch (1995) uses the employment
share of surviving young firms as a proxy for
entrepreneurial activity in manufacturing indus-
tries. This variable may well express the compar-
ative entrepreneurial positions of these industries.
Outside the manufacturing sector this variable may
be biased due to the occurrence of franchising
firms and marginal or part-time start-ups.
Audretsch and Thurik (1997) and Carree and
Thurik (1998) use the share of small firms as
proxies. Also these proxies have obvious short-
comings. Moreover, the rate of intrapreneurship,
both in new and incumbent firms, is still lacking
in these approaches.
The number of real entrepreneurs would
approach the level of entrepreneurial activity more
closely. Measuring their number will necessitate
further conceptual development taking into
account personal capabilities and a wide array of
behavioral aspects. This implies a need to define
typologies of entrepreneurs, for instance based on
entrepreneurial dimensions (Lumpkin and Dess,
1996) and on the vehicle they use for materializing
their goals.
Of course counting numbers, in however
sophisticated a manner, will always remain an
approximation of the rate of entrepreneurship.
Hopefully other ways can be found to measure the
intensity of entrepreneurial activity.
Linking entrepreneurship to economic growth
5.3.1. Views in the economic literature
Entrepreneurship is “at the heart of national
advantage” (Porter, 1990, p. 125). It is of eminent
importance for carrying out innovations.
Concerning the role of entrepreneurship in stimu-
lating economic growth, many links have been
discussed. Both the role of the entrepreneur in
carrying out innovations and in enhancing rivalry
are important for economic growth. Our assess-
ment of the role of entrepreneurship as expressed
in several fields of research which we have drawn
from (such as historical views; management
literature; growth theory; evolutionary economics),
is shown in Table V. Competition is interpreted
in the broad sense: contestability of markets,
domestic rivalry and international competition.
In the historical views of the Schumpeterians
and the Austrians entrepreneurship is explicitly
relevant for explaining economic growth. On the
other hand, the neo-classicals have no explicit
room for the role of an active entrepreneur. The
endogenous growth theory may offer new theo-
retical perspectives for entrepreneurship. As yet
it does not offer many concrete starting-points.
Economic history is the foremost field in which
entrepreneurship is considered crucial for the
economic growth of nations. On the micro-
economic level the management literature of large
organizations devotes explicit attention to the
importance of entrepreneurship for performance.
Porters work offers distinctive starting points for
the role of entrepreneurship in explaining
economic development and growth of nations.
Entrepreneurship can be attached to the determi-
nants of his “diamond”. In the work of Eliasson
entrepreneurship is also considered crucial for
economic growth.
Final framework
Figure 4 presents our final framework inspired by
the many insights reaped from the fields of liter-
ature. In discussing this framework we concentrate
Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth 49
on entrepreneurship, economic growth and what
links them together. We also take into account
some wider ranging relationships. As we have
seen in section 5.1, it is crucial that three levels
of analysis be distinguished. More precisely,
linking entrepreneurship to economic growth also
means linking the individual level to the firm and
the macro level
Strictly speaking, entrepreneurship as defined
in section 5.1, is a concept operational at the indi-
vidual level. While requiring skills and other qual-
ities, essentially entrepreneurship has to with
Entrepreneurial action takes us to the firm level.
Entrepreneurs need a vehicle transforming their
personal qualities and ambitions into actions.
Small firms where the entrepreneur has a control-
ling stake provide such a vehicle. Larger firms
often mimic smallness (using organizational forms
like business units, subsidiaries and joint ventures)
to introduce corporate entrepreneurship. The
outcome of these entrepreneurial manifestations at
the firm level generally has to do with newness.
This can be newness through product, process and
organizational innovation, entry of new markets
and innovative business start-ups.
At the aggregate level of industries, regions and
national economies the many individual entrepre-
neurial actions compose a mosaic of new experi-
ments. In evolutionary terms this can be called
variety. A process of competition between these
various new ideas and initiatives takes place
continuously, leading to the selection of the most
viable firms and industries. Variety, competition,
selection and also imitation (for the latter see
Baumol, 1993a, p. 260) expand and transform the
productive potential of a regional or national
economy (by replacement or displacement of
obsolete firms, by higher productivity and by
expansion of new niches and industries). They
enhance its international competitiveness and
thereby its market share. Viewed from within a
closed economy or the world economy as a whole,
one could say that the additional productive poten-
tial in a competitive environment would create its
own demand.
We assume that the outcome of this
chain of variables linking the individual level to
the macro level, will be economic growth.
In this process Schumpeterian entrepreneurs,
intrapreneurs and managerial business owners all
play their part. Assuming that the secular trends
in Figure 3 may be regarded as equilibrium rates,
this implies “optimal” proportions for both real
entrepreneurs and self-employed.
from these rates can be expected to frustrate the
growth rate of an economy. A shortage of real
entrepreneurs will hamper innovation, whereas a
glut of self-employed may result in an average
scale of business below optimum levels. Besides
both the number of real entrepreneurs and that of
Sander Wennekers and Roy Thurik
Assessment of the role of entrepreneurship, drawn from several fields of research
Field of literature Specific domain Competition Innovation Firm start-ups Importance of
entrepreneurship for
economic growth
Historical views Schumpeter/Baumol ++ +++ + ++
Neo-classicals ++ + 0 +
Austrians ++ + 0 ++
Endogenous growth theory + +++ 0 +
Economic history ++ +++ + +++
Management literature + +++ ++ ++
Industrial economics Porter +++ +++ ++ +++
Evolutionary economics Eliasson +++ +++ +++ +++
0 Not present in the writings.
+ Implicitly present in the writings.
++ Explicitly present in the writings.
+++ Pivotal element in the writings.
self-employed may influence the intensity of com-
Next to the linkages from the individual level
to the aggregate level, it is likely that there are
important feedback mechanisms. Competition and
selection amidst variety undoubtedly enable
individuals (and firms) to learn from both their
own and others successes and failures.
learning processes enable individuals to increase
their skills and adapt their attitudes. The outcome
of these so-called spillovers will be new entre-
preneurial actions, creating a recurrent chain of
Clearly, the outcome of these dynamic
processes depends on a set of conditions referred
to in Figure 4. Given the psychological endow-
ments of the population, conditions refer to the
environment in which an individual carries out his
or her entrepreneurial activities. First, this refers
to the national (or regional) cultural environment,
and to the internal culture of corporations. The
linkages between culture and entrepreneurship are
by no means simple and straightforward, and
much is still unknown about these processes. As
we have seen in section 3, the history of the rise
and fall of nations has shown that cultural vitality,
thriving sciences and high tide in entrepreneurship
often coincide. Second, the institutional frame-
work, both on the national level and within firms,
defines the incentives for individuals to turn their
ambitions into actions, and determines to what
extent unnecessary barriers will hamper them. The
importance of institutions for the development of
entrepreneurship is paramount and deserves
further study.
Research conclusions
Entrepreneurship matters. In modern open
economies it is more important for economic
growth than it has ever been. The reason is that
globalization and the ICT-revolution imply a need
for structural change, requiring a substantial real-
location of resources. This induces an intense
demand for entrepreneurship (Audretsch and
Thurik, 1998 and Casson, 1995, p. 94). When it
comes to how the mechanisms operate, little is
known, either on how entrepreneurship can best
be promoted or on how entrepreneurship influ-
ences economic performance. Our paper has to be
viewed in exactly this broader framework of unan-
swered questions. It attempts to be a starting point
for an agenda of research into the field of entre-
preneurship and economic development. In for-
mulating such an agenda, we propose to
distinguish three main fields of research.
Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth 51
Figure 4. Final framework: linking entrepreneurship to economic growth.
The first field is that of measuring entrepre-
neurship. Much work has yet to be done in two
directions. First, that of the development of
typologies of entrepreneurship at the micro level.
Second, that of operationalization of a multi-
dimensional concept of entrepreneurship at higher
levels of aggregation such as industries and
national economies; possibly a scale can be devised
tracking the amount of entrepreneurship over time
or comparing it between national economies.
second field is that of the determinants of
entrepreneurship. Both culture and the institutional
framework are important conditions codetermining
the amount of entrepreneurship in an economy and
the way in which entrepreneurs operate in practice.
But also technological, demographic and eco-
nomic forces are at play.
Several questions
remain, such as
how do cultural variables influence the deci-
sions of individuals to start a business, and how
do cultural variables interact with economic and
technological developments or with policies
designed to promote entrepreneurship; what is
the role of the educational system in this
how do differences in incentive structures con-
tribute to the explanation of differences in
which role is played by business dynamics
(entry and exit) originating from deviations
between the actual and an equilibrium rate of
self-employment (entrepreneurship)?
Future research should attempt to explain the
statistical number of the self-employed, but will
also have to deal with explaining more qualita-
tive aspects such as the rise of Schumpeterian
entrepreneurship and that of intrapreneurship.
third field is that of the impact of entre-
preneurship on economic development. This major
field opens up many highly relevant questions for
research, both at the level of firm performance and
that of the development of industries and national
knowing that many new start-ups fail and that
only few develop into gazelles, which then are
the major determinants of failure, of mere
survival and of real success?
which specific contributions to the post war
performance of national economies were made
by Schumpeterian entrepreneurship, intrapre-
neurship and self-employment, respectively;
which role have institutions and policies
how can the results of these studies be incor-
porated in the econometric models
which are
now being used in policy analysis?
The authors would like to thank Folkert Buis for
his contributions, in particular to the references
system and to sections two and four. They are also
grateful to David Audretsch for his comments and
encouragement while visiting EIM in 1996 and
1997 and to three anonymous referees.
De Koning en Snijders (1992) provide an overview of the
various public policies in countries of the European Union
which have been introduced during the 1980s. You (1995)
attempts to use various lines of economic theory in explaining
the shift. Finally, Carree (1997) brings it all together in his
extensive survey of the determinants of the shift building upon
the literature of the determinants of firm size and firm-size
distribution and complemented with empirical material.
See Davis, Haltiwanger and Schuh (1996), Carree and
Klomp (1996) and Kleijweg and Nieuwenhuijsen (1996) for
a recent discussion.
Equating the growth of entrepreneurship by the number of
new firm start-ups and taking the Netherlands, for which we
have reliable figures, as an illustration, we observe that the
number of new start-ups in the Netherlands almost doubled
between 1986 and 1994. See Wennekers (1997).
Here we differ from Kirchhoff (1994, p. 37 and p. 62).
As Lazonick (1991, p. 309) points out, the neo-classicals
in fact use the terms “entrepreneur” and “manager” inter-
These roles are also corroborated by colloquial speech in
Germanic languages such as Dutch and German. The first
meaning of the Dutch word “ondernemen” is “to undertake”
but it also means “to dare”, “to attempt” and “to start”.
See Wennekers (1997) for more information about this
Schumpeter’s “Theory of Economic Development” was
published in German in 1911, and in English in 1934.
See Schumpeter (1996), which was first published in 1943.
Important publications concerning “the rise and fall of
nations” include Cipolla (1981), Jacobs (1984), Landes (1969),
Lewis (1955), Mokyr (1990), North and Thomas (1973), Olson
(1982) and Wiener (1981). A useful survey is presented in
De Jong and Van Paridon (1989).
“Stadtluft machts frei” (Cipolla. p. 146).
52 Sander Wennekers and Roy Thurik
For a partly conflicting view on the quality of British
entrepreneurship in the period 1870-1914, see Pollard who
argues: “In short, some failures there undoubtedly were, but
they were surely not characteristic of the period as a whole.
The entrepreneurs who had got to the top in late Victorian and
Edwardian Britain could hold their own with the very best
abroad” (Pollard, 1994, p. 89).
The economic problems that many countries in East Asia
are presently facing do not nullify their remarkable growth
performance in the past decades. It is yet too early to decide
whether the present setback is temporary or is another example
of “rise and fall”.
This publication builds upon Hofstede (1980) but also
includes new material.
Weber’s essay was first published in German in
Also see Witt (1993).
Also see Magnusson (1994).
We will focus our discussion on entrepreneurship in large
firms, but note that there is also a literature on “entrepreneurial
government” (see Osborne and Gaebler, 1992).
See also Stevenson and Gumpert (1991).
We will use the terms self-employed and business owners
interchangeably. For definitions see SBA, The state of small
business: a report of the president 1986, Washington: U.S.
Government Printing Office, chapter 4.
The concept of creative destruction was introduced by
Schumpeter (1996) which was first published in 1943.
See also Acs et al. (1999).
For instance, when Greece will have reached the 1990
per capita income of the U.S.A., its number of self-employed
will also have been influenced by global technological and
cultural trends. Besides, country-specific demographic, social
and institutional conditions will be relevant for its number of
Cf. Say’s law.
As the figure indicates there will also be an outcome at
the individual level (self-realization and personal wealth) and
at the firm level (performance).
There is an analogy with the work of Allen (1988, p. 116)
who asserts that the success of the overall system is deter-
mined by the balanced existence between “stochasts” (repre-
senting the adaptive capacity) and “cartesians” (representing
efficient performance).
Also see Dosi (1988, p. 235).
For an overview of possible determinants of the level of
entrepreneurship, see Wennekers (1997).
These models will have to incorporate the two-way rela-
tionship between entrepreneurship and economic development.
See Carree et al. (1999).
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Linking Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth 55
... Since it fosters innovation, increases job creation, and boosts labor market competitiveness, entrepreneurship is regarded as a significant contributing component and economic engine in any nation (Wennekers and Thurik, 1999). Consequently, many nations across the world have seen entrepreneurship as a strategic trend in recent years. ...
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Utilizing bibliometric analysis, this study identifies academic gaps, research trends, and data pertaining to student entrepreneurial activities. The authors conducted a qualitative analysis of 984 selected studies from the Google Scholar database. Data that have been analyzed include trends in publishing years, the number of papers published, the number of citations, and frequently used keywords in research on students' intentions to start their own enterprises from 2007 to 2022. Additionally, by developing network visualizations, co-authorship network maps, and keyword co-occurrence network maps over a 15-year period (2007-2022), this study validates how well biometric analysis works. In this study, VOSviewer's mapping capabilities helped identify six clusters (a rise in study themes, hot themes, notable authors, eminent journals, publications, and primary research directions). The study's findings aid in directing future research into entrepreneurship and provide policymakers and directors with relevant takeaways for encouraging student entrepreneurship intentions.
... These activities are based on innovation, bringing development to the economies (Al-Qudah et al., 2022). Entrepreneurial activities have been researched at the individual, corporate, and national levels in existing studies (Dutta & Meierrieks, 2021;Wennekers & Thurik, 1999). This study focuses on country-level data to promote entrepreneurship for the for the welfare of every individual and for the nation's well-being. ...
Entrepreneurship stands out in the diverse range of human pursuits, characterized by bold aspirations, steadfast determination, and a transformative mindset. This is the place where hurdles are transformed into bridges, uncertainties drive invention, and fear is replaced by bold jumps. Entrepreneurs use transmutation to convert ordinary things into extraordinary ones, creating paths to growth and sparking positive impact for everyone. This study aims to find the impact of economic growth, trade openness, and human capital on entrepreneurial activities. The study uses Ordinary Least Square (OLS), Fixed Effects (FE), and Generalized Methods of Movement (GMM) estimation techniques to the annual unbalanced panel data of 217 countries from 1999 to 2022. The findings of this study show that economic growth instigate entrepreneurial activities. The GMM results from the table of baseline results show that one-unit change in economic growth brings 0.030 units positive and significant change in new business density which indicates that higher economic growth rate is connected with a higher rate of entrepreneurial activities. It demonstrates that the level of entrepreneurial activities in different economies around the world grows as the economic growth of those economies increases. On the other hand, the results of GMM show that the one-unit change in interaction terms of financial development with economic growth show 0.332 units positive and significant change entrepreneurial activities. These findings indicate that financial development plays an essential moderating role in instigating entrepreneurial activities. The study provides guidance to the individuals, institutions, policymakers, researchers and all the stakeholders who want to take initiatives for business activities.
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The study examined the impact of entrepreneurship development on employment generation via the lens of binary logit regression in Sabon Gari Local Government, Kaduna State.
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Purpose: The high incidence of poverty, unemployment and low income in Nigeria has remained a major source of concern. Despite the deployment of several entrepreneurial initiatives by government and non-government entities, income generally remains low and this has been magnified by the high rate of youth unemployment in the country. While previous studies have examined the role of entrepreneurship towards job creation, improving welfare, and boosting shared prosperity, the intervening role that income plays in these relationships has not been given adequate attention especially in the context of primary data analysis. This prompted this study to examine the impact of entrepreneurship development on income generation using Sabon Gari Local Government Area of Kaduna State as a case study. Methodology: The data were randomly collected from 331 entrepreneurs across the study area. Findings: Using cross-tabulation and chi-square statistic, the result showed that there is a positive but insignificant relationship between entrepreneurship development and income generation. This may be explained by the fact that 42% of the 71% entrepreneurs sample and considered as innovators fall within the low-income range. Recommendation: Findings from this paper provide evidence that when government disburses adequate funding to promote entrepreneurship and innovative spirit, as entrepreneurs will be motivated to explore their creative capacity, thus, expanding their businesses which in turn increase their income.
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Purpose: This study examines the relationship between financial development, corruption, and entrepreneurship in a sample of 21 emerging economies from 2008 to 2020. Methodology: Utilizing the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) econometric approach, we explore the interactive dynamics between these variables. Results: Our findings indicate that higher levels of corruption are associated with increased entrepreneurial activity in these economies. This can be attributed to the prevalence of corrupt practices, such as bribery, which serve as a means for entrepreneurs to overcome barriers and initiate businesses. Conversely, while financial development has a positive influence on entrepreneurship, its impact is not statistically significant. However, when considering a combined effect of financial development and corruption, a positive net impact is observed. This suggests that corruption can facilitate access to financial resources for entrepreneurs in these emerging economies. These findings support the notion of the “grease the wheels effect”. Conclusion: This study provides valuable insights into the complex interplay between financial accessibility, corruption, and entrepreneurship in emerging economies, informing policymakers and stakeholders on strategies to foster entrepreneurship and drive sustainable economic growth.
Na difusão da compreensão e entendimento do fenômeno empreendedorismo, este trabalho busca apresentar o estudo de alguns aspectos relevantes e essenciais para o processo de aprendizagem sobre o termo empreendedorismo. São eles: a evolução histórica, os principais conceitos, definições e abordagens. Neste sentido, o objetivo principal foi apresentar o contexto histórico do assunto, bem como as evoluções do campo de pesquisa e seu contexto no desenvolvimento econômico. Com isso, o estudo pretendeu evidenciar por meio de um ensaio teórico, sua evolução e seus reflexos nas pesquisas acadêmicas e na sociedade. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa exploratória de cunho bibliográfico, baseando-se em publicações de diversos Journals que fazem parte da base de dados da CAPES, como também os periódicos RAUSP e RAC, e anais do EGEPE e EnANPAD.
Purpose This research investigates the barriers hindering women from pursuing entrepreneurship as a career choice, particularly in the Indian context. Design/methodology/approach The study employs rigorous data analysis techniques, including Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis, on a sample of 590 MBA students, comprising both male and female participants. Findings The findings reveal that social and psychological factors significantly influence women’s decisions regarding entrepreneurship. Social factors such as social stigma and cultural norms, along with psychological factors like societal expectations, emerge as major barriers. Research limitations/implications The findings have implications for policymakers, practitioners, and academics in designing interventions to address social and psychological barriers effectively. Recommendations include promoting cultural sensitivity and fostering confidence among women entrepreneurs. Originality/value This study contributes to the existing literature by quantifying the specific barriers faced by women entrepreneurs in India. It offers insights into advancing gender equity and inclusive economic development through targeted policies and programs.
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Entrepreneurship Education zielt darauf, Lernende zu Entrepreneur*Innen zu qualifizieren. Der weit überwiegende Teil der internationalen Entrepreneurship-Education-Forschung geht der Frage nach, wie erfolgreich – gemessen an unterschiedlichen Variablen, hauptsächlich der Gründungsabsicht – sie dabei ist. Dabei wird Entrepreneurship Education in der Regel jedoch unzutreffend als homogenes Gut betrachtet. Anstelle der dominierenden Ergebnis-Orientierung, nimmt der vorliegende Beitrag eine Binnenperspektive ein und geht der Forschungsfrage nach, wie Entrepreneurship auf tertiärer Ebene international gelehrt (Status quo) wird und wie die internationale tertiäre Entrepreneurship-Lehre optimiert werden kann (Verbesserungspotenziale) – im Hinblick auf zu identifizierende entrepreneurship-spezifische Lehr-/Lern-Ziele, Lehr-/Lern-Inhalte, Lehr-/Lern-Methoden und Methoden der Lernerfolgskontrolle. Zu diesem Zweck berichtet der Beitrag über fünf Teilstudien und führt diese zu einem holistischen Entrepreneurship-Curriculum zusammen. Der Status quo wird zum einen aus der Perspektive der Entrepreneurship-Education-Forschung durch eine bibliometrische Analyse und – spezifischer – aus der Perspektive des Teilgebiets der curricularen Entrepreneurship-Education-Forschung durch eine systematische Literaturanalyse, zum anderen aus der Perspektive der entrepreneurship-bezogenen Lehrpraxis mit Hilfe einer Curriculumanalyse ermittelt. Verbesserungspotenziale werden aus der Perspektive von Forschung und Lehre durch eine Delphi-Studie unter Entrepreneurship-Professor*Innen sowie aus der Perspektive der unternehmerischen Praxis durch problemzentrierte Interviews mit Unternehmer*Innen erhoben. Der Beitrag schließt mit theoretischen, lehrpraktischen und bildungspolitischen Implikationen sowie einem Forschungsausblick.
Most firms are small and don’t grow very much. Small firms have lower productivity and shorter life expectancy, pay lower wages, and provide fewer benefits and less employment security than large firms. They create a lot of new jobs, but they also often fail, so that their role as net creators of employment is unclear. Nevertheless, a strong argument can be made that small firms, especially entrepreneurial ones, are important — indeed, indispensable — for long-term economic growth and economic welfare.
The primary purpose of this article is to clarify the nature of the entrepreneurial orientation (EO) construct and to propose a contingency framework for investigating the relationship between EO and firm performance. We first explore and refine the dimensions of EO and discuss the usefulness of viewing a firm's EO as a multidimensional construct. Then, drawing on examples from the EO-related contingencies literature, we suggest alternative models (moderating effects, mediating effects, independent effects, interaction effects) for testing the EO-performance relationship.
With the publication of his best-selling books "Competitive Strategy (1980) and "Competitive Advantage (1985), Michael E. Porter of the Harvard Business School established himself as the world's leading authority on competitive advantage. Now, at a time when economic performance rather than military might will be the index of national strength, Porter builds on the seminal ideas of his earlier works to explore what makes a nation's firms and industries competitive in global markets and propels a whole nation's economy. In so doing, he presents a brilliant new paradigm which, in addition to its practical applications, may well supplant the 200-year-old concept of "comparative advantage" in economic analysis of international competitiveness. To write this important new work, Porter and his associates conducted in-country research in ten leading nations, closely studying the patterns of industry success as well as the company strategies and national policies that achieved it. The nations are Britain, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States. The three leading industrial powers are included, as well as other nations intentionally varied in size, government policy toward industry, social philosophy, and geography. Porter's research identifies the fundamental determinants of national competitive advantage in an industry, and how they work together as a system. He explains the important phenomenon of "clustering," in which related groups of successful firms and industries emerge in one nation to gain leading positions in the world market. Among the over 100 industries examined are the German chemical and printing industries, Swisstextile equipment and pharmaceuticals, Swedish mining equipment and truck manufacturing, Italian fabric and home appliances, and American computer software and movies. Building on his theory of national advantage in industries and clusters, Porter identifies the stages of competitive development through which entire national economies advance and decline. Porter's finding are rich in implications for both firms and governments. He describes how a company can tap and extend its nation's advantages in international competition. He provides a blueprint for government policy to enhance national competitive advantage and also outlines the agendas in the years ahead for the nations studied. This is a work which will become the standard for all further discussions of global competition and the sources of the new wealth of nations.
1. Introduction 2. Entrepreneurial Theories in the History of Economic Thought 3. The Disappearance of the Entrepreuneur from Microeconomic Theory - A History 4. An Explanation of the Disapperance of the Entrepreneur - The Description 5. An Explanation of the Disapperance of the Entrepreneur - The Rationale 6. An Explanation of the Disappearance of the Entrepreneur - The Motivation.