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Decreases in IL-7 levels during antiretroviral treatment of HIV infection suggest a primary mechanism of receptor-mediated clearance


Abstract and Figures

IL-7 is essential for T-cell homeostasis. Elevated serum IL-7 levels in lymphopenic states, including HIV infection, are thought to be due to increased production by homeostatic feedback, decreased receptor-mediated clearance, or both. The goal of this study was to understand how immune reconstitution through antiretroviral therapy (ART) in HIV(+) patients affects IL-7 serum levels, expression of the IL-7 receptor (CD127), and T-cell cycling. Immunophenotypic analysis of T cells from 29 HIV(-) controls and 43 untreated HIV(+) patients (30 of whom were followed longitudinally for ≤ 24 months on ART) was performed. Restoration of both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells was driven by increases in CD127(+) naive and central memory T cells. CD4(+) T-cell subsets were not fully restored after 2 years of ART, whereas serum IL-7 levels normalized by 1 year of ART. Mathematical modeling indicated that changes in serum IL-7 levels could be accounted for by changes in the receptor concentration. These data suggest that T-cell restoration after ART in HIV infection is driven predominantly by CD127(+) cells and that decreases of serum IL-7 can be largely explained by improved CD127-mediated clearance.
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Decreases in IL-7 levels during antiretroviral treatment of HIV infection suggest a
primary mechanism of receptor-mediated clearance
Jessica N. Hodge,1Sharat Srinivasula,2Zonghui Hu,3Sarah W. Read,4Brian O. Porter,1Insook Kim,5JoAnn M. Mican,6
Chang Paik,7Paula DeGrange,8Michele Di Mascio,3and Irini Sereti1
1Laboratory of Immunoregulation, Division of Intramural Research, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Bethesda, MD; 2Biostatistics
Research Branch, SAIC-Frederick Inc, NCI-Frederick, Frederick, MD; 3Biostatistics Research Branch, NIAID, Bethesda, MD; 4Division of AIDS, NIAID,
Bethesda, MD; 5Applied/Developmental Research Directorate, SAIC-Frederick Inc, Frederick, MD; 6Division of Clinical Research, NIAID, Bethesda, MD;
7Radiopharmaceutical Laboratory, Nuclear Medicine, Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Clinical Center, Bethesda, MD; and 8Battelle/Charles River–Integrated
Research Facility–NIAID Frederick, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
IL-7 is essential for T-cell homeostasis.
Elevated serum IL-7 levels in lymphopenic
states, including HIV infection, are thought
to be due to increased production by
homeostatic feedback, decreased recep-
tor-mediated clearance, or both. The goal
of this study was to understand how
immune reconstitution through antiretro-
viral therapy (ART) in HIVpatients af-
fects IL-7 serum levels, expression of the
IL-7 receptor (CD127), and T-cell cycling.
Immunophenotypic analysis of T cells
from 29 HIVcontrols and 43 untreated
HIVpatients (30 of whom were followed
longitudinally for <24 months on ART)
was performed. Restoration of both CD4
and CD8T cells was driven by increases
in CD127naive and central memory
T cells. CD4T-cell subsets were not fully
restored after 2 years of ART, whereas
serum IL-7 levels normalized by 1 year of
ART. Mathematical modeling indicated
that changes in serum IL-7 levels could
be accounted for by changes in the recep-
tor concentration. These data suggest
that T-cell restoration after ART in HIV
infection is driven predominantly by
CD127cells and that decreases of se-
rum IL-7 can be largely explained by
improved CD127-mediated clearance.
(Blood. 2011;118(12):3244-3253)
T-cell homeostasis tightly regulates the composition of the T-cell
compartment,1but many aspects of these homeostatic mechanisms
in humans remain unclear. IL-7 is a cytokine produced by stromal
cells in the BM, thymus, and lymph node2and is critical for T-cell
thymopoiesis. Through the JAK-STAT5 signaling pathway, IL-7 is
essential for the development, maturation, and survival of naive
and memory T cells in the periphery.2-6
The IL-7 receptor (IL-7R) consists of 2 chains: the chain
(IL-7R/CD127) and the common chain shared by IL-2, IL-4,
IL-9, IL-15, and IL-21.7Previous studies have found that, in
addition to T cells, dendritic cells and monocytes also express
CD127.8,9 Elevated levels of serum or plasma IL-7 have been
observed in CD4 T-cell lymphopenia, including HIV infection,
idiopathic CD4 lymphocytopenia, and after chemotherapy and BM
transplantation.10-13 A strong inverse association has been observed
between serum IL-7 levels and CD4 T-cell counts, especially in
severe CD4 T-cell lymphopenia (200 cells/L).10,11 Two pos-
sible hypotheses have been proposed to explain this association:
increased production of IL-7 as part of a compensatory homeostatic
response (possibly regulated by the presence of CD127 receptor on
dendritic cells) or decreased receptor-mediated clearance from
reduced availability of CD127 in lymphopenic conditions14-17
leading to accumulation of IL-7. It has been previously described
that CD8 T-cell proliferation is more effective than CD4 prolifera-
tion in recovering depleted populations in response to homeostatic
signals.18 Some studies have further suggested that very high IL-7
levels may negatively affect CD4 T-cell homeostatic proliferation,9
although in other animal models of lymphopenia-induced prolifera-
tion, excess IL-7 led to improved restoration of the T-cell pool,
despite high serum levels.19
The goal of our study was to understand how immune reconsti-
tution resulting from combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) and
HIV viral suppression in HIV-infected patients affects longitudinal
CD127 expression and cycling of CD4 and CD8 T cells with the
aim of addressing the fundamental question of IL-7 regulation and
T-cell homeostasis in HIV infection. By mathematical modeling,
we attempted to determine whether changes in serum IL-7 levels
could be attributed to alterations of receptor-mediated clearance.
Forty-three HIV-1patients who were enrolled in National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Institutional Review Board–
approved protocols at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical
Research Center were followed between 1996 and 2007. At entry, all
patients signed informed consent in accordance with the Declaration of
Helsinki and were ART naive. Thirty participants with a CD4 T-cell
count 350 cells/L initiated ART and were longitudinally followed for
Submitted December 6, 2010; accepted July 5, 2011. Prepublished online as
Blood First Edition paper, July 21, 2011; DOI 10.1182/blood-2010-12-323600.
Presented in poster form at the 16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic
Infections, Montreal, QC, February 8-11, 2009; at the Keystone Symposium for “HIV
Immunobiology: from Infection to Immune Control,” Keystone, CO, 2009; and “HIV
Pathogenesis” in Banff, AB, March 27 throughApril 1, 2008.
The online version of this article contains a data supplement.
The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge
payment. Therefore, and solely to indicate this fact, this article is hereby
marked ‘‘advertisement’’ in accordance with 18 USC section 1734.
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2 years with HIV-1 RNA 500 or 50 copies/mL, depending on assay
sensitivity. PBMCs and serum were collected and cryopreserved before
ART initiation at month 0 (M0) and at months 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 (M1, M3,
M6, M12, and M24) after ART initiation. HIV-1 RNA levels were
determined with a modification of the Roche Amplicor HIV Monitor assay
kit with a lower limit of detection of 500 or 50 copies/mL. Twenty-nine HIV
seronegative controls (HCs) were also studied after enrollment in a blood
draw NIH Institutional Review Board–approved protocol at the NIH
Clinical Research Center.
Immunophenotypic analysis of cryopreserved PBMCs was performed by
8-color flow cytometry. PBMCs were thawed in RPMI 1640 (Sigma-
Aldrich) supplemented with 10% FCS and DNase I (10 U/mL; Roche
Diagnostics). PBMCs were washed in PBS (Invitrogen), and dead cells
were stained (Live/dead Fixable Blue Dead Cell Stain Kit; Invitrogen).
Surface staining was performed with the following monoclonal antibodies:
CD4-QDot 605 (Invitrogen), CD8-Pacific Blue (R&D Systems), CD45RO-
Cy7PE (BD), CD27-APC (BD Biosciences), and CD127-PE (Beckman
Coulter). PBMCs were then washed, fixed, and permeabilized (Fix/Perm;
eBioscience) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Intracellular
staining for the nuclear antigen Ki67 was performed (Ki67-FITC; BD
Samples were collected on an LSR II (BD Biosciences) with the use
of FACS Diva software. Approximately 4 105total events were
collected per sample. Flow cytometric data were analyzed with FlowJo
Version 8 software (TreeStar). Viable CD3cells were selected, and then
events were sequentially gated on CD4or CD8T cells and then on naive
and memory populations. Naive cells were defined as CD45ROCD27.
Memory cells were defined as CD45ROCD27(central memory; CM) or
CD45ROCD27(effector memory; EM). Afourth population of cells was
defined as CD45ROCD27(effectors).
Cytokine values
Serum IL-7 levels in cryopreserved sera were measured with the Quantikine
high-sensitivity human IL-7 immunoassay (R&D Systems) with a lower
limit of detection 0.1 pg/mL. The assay was performed according to the
manufacturer’s instructions, and all specimens were run in duplicate.
[125I]IL-7 binding assays
The binding affinity of IL-7 to its receptor (CD127) and the number of
CD127 receptors per cell were estimated through an [125I]IL-7 binding
assay with the use of freshly isolated PBMCs from 2 healthy donors.
Recombinant human IL-7 was kindly provided by Cytheris. Iodination of
IL-7 was performed with [125I]NaI with the use of the Iodogen method as
previously described.20 [125I]IL-7 was purified by a size exclusion PD-10
column eluted with 0.02M sodium phosphate and 0.155M sodium chloride
(normal saline), pH 7.2. The purified [125I]IL-7 was stored at 4°C in 0.02M
sodium phosphate to 0.155M sodium chloride (normal saline solution), pH
7.2, containing 2% BSA and had a specific activity of 48 Ci (1.8 Bq)/g.
After PBMC isolation, erythrocytes were lysed with ACK lysing buffer
(BioWhittaker). Binding assays were performed as previously described.21
Briefly, PBMCs were washed and resuspended in the binding medium at a
concentration of 9 106cells/mL in PBS containing 2% BSA, 20mM
HEPES buffer, and 0.2% sodium azide at pH 7.2. Total binding was
measured by incubating cells at various concentrations of [125I]IL-7
[0.05-10nM] for 30 minutes at 37°C. Nonspecific binding was measured by
first incubating cells with 1000-fold molar excess of unlabeled IL-7 for
20 minutes at 37°C and subsequently with various concentrations of
[125I]IL-7 for 30 minutes at 37°C. After incubation, samples were centri-
fuged for 2 minutes at 12 000 rpm, and the counts per minute in the cell
pellet were measured. All data were corrected for nonspecific binding. The
equilibrium binding data were fitted to an equation consisting of the sum of
2 Michaelis-Menten terms22 with the use of the nonlinear least-squares
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.23 The 95% confidence interval of the
estimates was obtained by bootstrapping the residuals between the observed
data and the best-fitted (theoretical) values.
Statistical analysis
Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used for comparison between HC and HIV
(n 30) at each time point, and Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used for
paired comparisons between each on-ART time point and M0. Association
between 2 variables was explored by Spearman rank correlation coefficient
(R) and simple linear regressions. Association between one variable and
multiple covariates was explored by multiple linear regressions, after
log-transformation of viral load and proliferation data; for these analyses,
one patient was eliminated because of the inability to measure levels of
proliferation (below the limits of the assay). To account for the multiple
tests, differences or associations with P.01 were considered statistically
In the longitudinal analysis, the growth rate of cell populations after M3
was calculated as the change in cell count between 2 adjacent time points
divided by the change in time between the 2 time points; the growth rate
before M3 was calculated as the regression slope among the 3 measure-
ments at M0, M1, and M3. The rate of change of cell populations or IL-7
level was also estimated by nonparametric local linear mixed-effects
modeling (24 and supplemental Methods, available on the Blood Web site;
see the Supplemental Materials link at the top of the online article). At any
time t, the longitudinal curve of the variable was locally approximated by a
line, with the slope of the line giving the rate of change at t. Letting tvary
over the observation period, we obtained the time profile for the rate of
change in the variable. Applying nonparametric local linear mixed-effects
modeling simultaneously to a pair of variables, we obtained the time profile
for the correlation between the rates of change in the 2 variables.25
Mathematical modeling
A mathematical model was used to test whether changes in serum IL-7
levels during ART could be explained by receptor-mediated clearance on
the basis of CD127 expression on T cells. The model was based on the
idealization of an in vitro experiment in which the binding of IL-7 ligand to
the surface CD127 receptors is governed by the law of mass action coupled
to a first-order kinetics of ligand-induced internalization26 and is explained
by 3 differential equations for the unbound ligand (L), unoccupied receptors
(R), and the complex (C; ie, the receptors occupied by the ligand). The rates
of association kf, dissociation kr, and internalization ke, are constants and
depend only on the type of ligand and receptor. The generalization of the
model for the in vivo dynamics of the interplay between IL-7 serum levels
and changes in CD127 receptors assumes that the ligand (L) is produced and
cleared from the peripheral system at constant rates aand cl, respectively,
and the receptors (R) are refilled at a constant source rate sand grow and
disappear at rates p(t) and d(t), respectively. The receptors occupied by the
ligand, C, like the unbound receptors, also disappear at rate d(t). The rates
of growth and disappearance for the receptors (R) will change from their
quasi steady state values at baseline to reach a new quasi steady state level
after initiation of ART. The cell binding assays performed on fresh PBMCs
from 2 healthy donors confirmed previous observations from other groups
that CD127 receptors display dual affinity binding to IL-721,27; thus, the
aforementioned differential equations for the receptors (R) and the complex
(C) will be translated in the following 5 differential equations to account for
high- and low-affinity receptors, where R R1 R2 and C C1 C2.
aclL kfLR krC
sipRidRikfiLRikriCii1,2 (1)
Data analysis. The coupled set of differential equations were solved
numerically using the “Runge-Kutta 4” ODE solver, that is, a fixed
step-size, single-step explicit Runge-Kutta fourth-order method. Curve
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fitting, confidence interval estimates, and model simulations were per-
formed with Labview 2010 (National Instruments). Steady state solution
was solved with Mathematica 6 (Wolfram Research). Statistical analyses
were performed with R software (R Project).
Clinical characteristics
The baseline clinical characteristics of the ART-naive HIV
patients (n 43), including the subgroup that received ART, and
HCs are shown in Table 1. Longitudinal graphs include only those
patients who initiated ART after their baseline visit (n 30).
By M6, 76% of HIVpatients (22 of 29) achieved plasma
viremia below detection levels (viral load data were missing for
one patient at M6, but suppression was documented at M12). HIV
patients had significantly lower CD4and higher CD8T cells/L
and higher serum IL-7 levels than HCs at most time points (Figure
1A-B,D; significant Pvalues are shown as gray symbols). In a
paired comparison of each time point to M0, CD4T-cell count
significantly increased at all time points (Figure 1A; paired
comparison significant Pvalues are represented as black symbols).
CD4T cells/L and IL-7 levels were significantly inversely
associated in HIVpatients at baseline (R⫽⫺0.76, P.0001;
Figure 1C) but not in the HC group (R⫽⫺0.34, P.068). HCs
were significantly older than the HIVpatients (Table 1), but there
was no association between age and serum IL-7 levels in the HCs
or the HIVpatients (supplemental Figure 1). IL-7 levels de-
creased from M1 onward and did not differ from HC levels at M12
and beyond (Figure 1D). In addition, HIVpatients had a
significantly lower proportion of CD4CD127and CD8CD127
T cells than HCs, with restoration in the CD8but not in the CD4
T-cell subset at M24 (Figure 1E-F). The proportion of CD4and
CD8T cells expressing CD127 began increasing significantly
compared with baseline at M6 and beyond (Figure 1E-F).
Cycling in T-cell subsets
Although CD8T cells initially showed increased cycling (Ki67)
that normalized by M3, CD4T cells maintained increased cycling
compared with HCs up to M6 (Figure 2A-B). The proportion of
cycling CD3T cells was also increased but normalized by M3
(Figure 2C). Similarly, increased cycling of both CD3CD127
and CD8CD127cells normalized shortly after ART initiation
compared with HCs, whereas increased cycling in CD4CD127
T cells was observed through M6 (Figure 2D-F). The cycling of
CD4CD127and CD8CD127T-cell subsets was not different
from the HCs at most time points studied (Figure 2G-I).
The proportion of cycling CD4, CD4CD127, and
CD4CD127T cells did not significantly change from M0 to M1
and M3 but decreased at M6, M12, and M24. The proportion of
cycling CD8and CD8CD127T cells decreased from M0 at M3
and at all time points thereafter. The proportion of cycling CD3,
CD3CD127, and CD3CD127T cells decreased from M0 at
M6, M12, and M24 (Figure 2).
Univariate linear regressions showed a positive association of
the percentage of proliferating CD4CD127T cells with HIV-1
RNA (slope 0.42, P.019) and serum IL-7 (slope 0.02,
P.027) levels and an inverse association with the CD4CD127
T-cell counts (slope ⫽⫺0.0072, P.001) at baseline (M0) and
similarly at M1. However, the multivariate linear regression
involving all the above covariates showed a significant association
only between the percentage of proliferating CD4CD127T cells
and total number of CD4CD127T cell/L(P.01 1 year
and P.023 at 2 years on ART).
The numbers of cycling CD4, CD8, and CD3T cells are
shown in supplemental Figure 2. The number of cycling CD4
T cells was similar, but the numbers of cycling CD8and CD3
T cells were higher compared with HCs (supplemental Figure
2A-C). The number of cycling CD127T cells was similar to
controls in the CD8and CD3subsets yet was significantly lower
in the CD4T-cell subsets (supplemental Figure 2D-F).
Recovery of T cells expressing CD127
In the HIVgroup, CD4CD127, CD8CD127, and
CD3CD127T cells/L were significantly lower than HCs at M0
(28 vs 485 T cells/L, P.0001; 71 vs 157 T cells/L, P.034;
and 112 vs 641 T cells/L, P.0001, respectively) and increased
over time (Figure 3A-C). In contrast, CD4CD127, CD8CD127,
and CD3CD127T cells/L increased from M0 to M1 and then
leveled off. CD4CD127T cells increased continuously through-
out ART but did not normalize by M24 (Figure 3A). In contrast,
CD8CD127T cells normalized by M1 but then exceeded HC
levels at both M12 and M24 (Figure 3B). At all study time points
(except M12) there was a significant positive correlation between
CD4CD127and CD8CD127T cells/L (overall r0.53,
P.0001). The number of CD3CD127T cells/L increased
with ART and reached HC levels by M24 (Figure 3C). Compared
with M0, T-cell counts increased at M1 (CD4CD127,
CD4CD127, CD8CD127, and CD3CD127cells/L) and
at M3 (CD3CD127cells/L) from paired comparisons within
the HIVgroup.
CD127 expression on naive and CM T-cell subsets
Restoration of total numbers of CD4and CD8naive, CM, EM,
and effector T cells/L were studied (supplemental Figure 3). The
number of naive and CM CD4T cells did not reach HC levels,
whereas CD8naive T cells normalized, and CM cells were higher
than HCs (supplemental Figure 3A-D). Effector memory and
Table 1. Baseline clinical characteristics of all ART-naive HIVstudy participants, the subset of HIVparticipants that initiated ART, and
HIV-seronegative controls (HCs)
HIV(n 43), median
(interquartile range)
HIV/ART (n 30), median
(interquartile range)
HC (n 29), median
(interquartile range)
Age, y 38 (33-43) 36 (33-42) 47 (43-58) .0002 .0002
CD4T cells/L187 (47-383) 69 (21-229) 623 (432-879) .0001 .0001
CD4T cells, % 15 (5-26) 8 (2-19) 45 (40-52) .0001 .0001
CD8T cells/L539 (351-977) 457 (290-798) 291 (230-470) .0005 .023
CD8T cells, % 58 (45-66) 60 (49-68) 22 (17-30) .0001 .0001
Serum IL-7, pg/mL 24.8 (19.3-36.3) 30.0 (22.3-40.5) 15.3 (12.3-19.6) .0001 .0001
Log10 plasma HIV-1 RNA, copies/mL 4.76 (3.98-5.15) 5.02 (4.48-5.41) NA NA NA
3246 HODGE et al BLOOD, 22 SEPTEMBER 2011 VOLUME 118, NUMBER 12
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effector CD4T cells quickly normalized, whereas EM and
effector CD8T cells were higher than HCs (supplemental Figure
3E-H). The number of CD4T-cell memory subsets increased
significantly from M0 to subsequent time points. Only naive CD8
T cells increased significantly from M0 to most studied time points.
CD127 expression on naive CD4T cells increased from M0
throughout ART but did not normalize by M24 (Figure 4A). In
contrast, the number of naive CD4CD127T cells/L reached
levels similar to HC by M12 (Figure 4C). CD127 expression on
naive CD8T cells also increased with ART but exceeded levels
seen in HCs at both M12 and M24 (Figure 4B). The CD4CM
T-cell subset closely paralleled the naive subset (Figure 4E,G). The
number of CD8CD127CM T cells/L was low at M0 but
normalized subsequently (Figure 4F). The number of CD8CD127
CM T cells/L exceeded HC levels at all time points (Figure 4H).
The number of naive CD8CD127T cells/L never differed from
HCs (Figure 4D). In the paired comparisons, naive CD4CD127,
CD4CD127, CD8CD127and CM CD4CD127,
CD4CD127, CD8CD127all increased at M1 or M3 com-
pared with M0 (Figure 4A-C,E-G).
Growth rate of CD127and CD127subsets in CD4and
CD8T cells
The growth rate of various cell populations is graphically depicted
in Figure 5C to L. The growth rate of the CD127subsets was
higher than the growth rate for the CD127subsets, particularly at
later time points (M6 and beyond), in both CD4and CD8T cells
once the HIV viral load was suppressed. However, this trend held
true only for naive and CM cell populations and not for EM and
effector cell subsets.
Analysis of the model
Extracellular (free) ligand (L) binds reversibly to free surface
receptor (R) with an on rate kfand an off rate krto form the
ligand-receptor complexes (C). The ligand-receptor complexes are
endocytosed with an average rate constant ke. The free ligand enters
Figure 1. CD4and CD8T cells/L and proportion of CD4CD127T cells do not normalize with ART,whereas IL-7 levels do not differ from HCs after 12 months of
ART.Data shown include the total number of CD4(A) and CD8(B) T cells/L, serum IL-7 pg/mL (D), and proportion of CD4CD127(E) and CD8CD127(F) T cells in the
group of HIVpatients (n 30) who were followed longitudinally from M0 to M24. The association between CD4T cells/L and serum IL-7 levels in HIVat M0 and HCs is
shown (C). Circles (black) represent median values and vertical bars indicate interquartile range (IQR). Gray dashed lines indicate HC median values. Pvalues (gray) at the top
of the graphs represent unpaired comparisons between HC and HIVat each time point, and Pvalues (black) above the IQR bars indicate paired comparisons of HIVpatients
at each time point during the therapy to the pretherapy level (M0). Significant Pvalues .01 are reported, *P.01 .001, **P.001 .0001, and ***P.0001. HIVdata
are shown as black circles and HCs as gray squares.
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the compartment at a rate aand is cleared at a rate cl. The
peripheral system is continuously replenished with new receptors
at a constant rate s(time1). Receptors grow in number at a rate p.
Both unbound and bound receptors (C) also disappear at a rate d.
As described in “Methods,” applying the law of mass action to
this compartmental scheme generates a system of 5 differential
equations that accounts for the high- and low-affinity displayed by
the CD127 receptors to its ligand, IL-7.
The binding affinity of IL-7 to the IL-7 receptor (CD127) and
the number of CD127 receptors per cell were estimated through a
[125I]IL-7 binding assay with the use of fresh PBMCs from 2
healthy donors. As shown in the insert plots in Figure 6, the
Figure 2. Increased proportion of cycling (Ki67) CD4and CD4CD127T cells persists up to M12 after ART, whereas the proportion of cycling CD8and
CD8CD127T-cell normalizes shortly after ART initiation. The proportion of cycling CD4(A), CD8(B), CD3(C), CD4CD127(D), CD8CD127(E), CD3CD127
(F), CD4CD127(G), CD8CD127(H), and CD3CD127(I) is shown in the group of HIVpatients (n 30) who were followed longitudinally from M0 to M24. Circles
(black) represent median values, and bars indicate interquartile range (IQR). Gray dashed lines indicate HC median values. Pvalues (gray) at the top of the graphs represent
unpaired comparison between HC and HIVat each time point, and Pvalues (black) above the IQR bars indicate paired comparison of HIVpatients at each time point during
the therapy to the pretherapy level (M0). Significant Pvalues .01 are reported, *P.01 .001, **P.001 .0001, and ***P.0001.
Figure 3. Restoration of CD4, CD8, and CD3T cells/L expressing CD127 after ART initiation. The total number of CD4CD127(A), CD8CD127(B),
CD3CD127(C), CD4CD127(D), CD8CD127(E), and CD3CD127(F) T cells/L is shown in the group of HIVpatients (n 30) who were followed longitudinally
from M0 to M24. Circles (black) represent median values, and bars indicate interquartile range (IQR). Gray dashed lines indicate HC median values. Pvalues (gray) at the top
of the graphs represent unpaired comparison between HC and HIVat each time point, and Pvalues (black) above the IQR bars indicate paired comparison of HIVpatients at
each time point compared with the pretherapy level (M0). Significant Pvalues .01 are reported, *P.01 .001, **P.001 .0001, and ***P.0001.
3248 HODGE et al BLOOD, 22 SEPTEMBER 2011 VOLUME 118, NUMBER 12
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Scatchard analysis of the data in both binding experiments yielded
a curvilinear plot, confirming that CD127 receptors display dual-
affinity binding to IL-7, as previously reported.21,27 The high-
affinity receptors had a Kdof 0.155nM (95% CI, 0-0.52nM) and
0.112nM (95% CI, 0-0.52nM) and 678 (95% CI, 265-1378) and
588 (95% CI, 241-1368) CD127 receptors per cell, respectively,
with kdkr/kf; the low-affinity receptors had a Kdof 9.84nM (95%
CI, 5.8-22.97nM) and 11.56nM (95% CI, 5.63-72.5nM) and 9058
(95% CI, 7321-13 944) and 7608 (95% CI, 5607-27 003) CD127
receptors per cell, respectively. Thus, 7% of the CD127 recep-
tors display high-affinity binding.
The following parameters and assumptions were used in
simulating the model described in equation 1: an estimate for the
clearance rate of IL-7 (cl) is obtained from the decay in plasma
levels observed after administration of rhIL-7 in HIV-1 infected
patients.28 In that study, a clearance of 1 log in 20 hours was
observed, which translates into a clearance rate (cl) of 0.115
hour1. An estimate for the endocytosis rate, ke, of 0.1467 hours1,
is provided from the kinetics of the percentage of internalized
CD127-bound receptors described in Carini et al.29 The receptor
growth and disappearance rates, pand d, respectively, at steady
state, are inferred from the proliferation and disappearance rates as
estimated from in vivo labeling studies in HIV-infected patients,30
because the rates of change in receptors can be assumed to equal
the rate of changes in CD127T cells. The association and
dissociation rates are unknown from our study, because only their
ratio could be estimated from the [125I]IL-7 binding assay; how-
ever, simulations showed low sensitivity to changes in kror kf,
whereas the dynamics of IL-7 changes are mostly dominated by
their ratio (data not shown). The values of rate of free ligand
entering the compartment (a), the source rate of receptors (si), and
the baseline ligand-receptor complexes (Ci) were obtained from the
steady state equations.
The model was simulated (in time scale of hours) for 720 days
of ART therapy. The initial values of free ligand and free receptors
and the fold-changes were obtained from the mean levels of serum
IL-7 and mean number of CD127receptors from the 30 HIVpatients
who underwent therapy. The mean serum IL-7 level was 33.8 pg/mL
(1.35 1012M) at M0 and 18.7 pg/mL (7.47 1013M) at M24
(IL-7 MW 25 kDa). The mean number of CD127T cells in the
blood was 201/L and 578/L at M0 and M24, respectively, which
converts to receptor molar concentrations of 2.99 1012MatM0
and 8.6 1012M at M24. The receptor molar concentration was
calculated from the total number of CD127 receptors estimated
from the binding assay (8966/cell). The initial values for ligand-
receptor complexes were obtained from the steady state solution.
We used baseline (M0) steady state levels of growth and disappear-
ance rates P.001 hour1and d0.004 hour1, respectively.
Moreover, the growth rate [p(t)] during the course of the therapy is
assumed to follow the observed pattern in proportion of proliferat-
ing CD127T cells as inferred from the Ki67 staining (linear
interpolation between 2 adjacent time points), whereas the disap-
pearance rate [d(t)] is assumed to normalize from its pretherapy
steady state level after an exponential decay with a minimum
Figure 4. Restoration of naive and CM T cells expressing CD127
after ART.The total number of naive (A-D) and CM (E-F) CD4CD127,
CD8CD127, CD4CD127, and CD8CD127T cells/L is shown in
the group of HIVpatients (n 30) who were followed from M0 to M24.
Circles (black) represent median values and bars indicate interquartile
range (IQR). Gray dashed lines indicate HC median values. Pvalues
(gray) at the top of the graphs represent unpaired comparisons between
HC and HIVat each time point, and Pvalues (black) above the IQR
bars indicate paired comparison of HIVpatients at each time point
during the therapy to the pretherapy level (M0). Significant Pval-
ues .01 are reported, *P.01 .001, **P.001 .0001, and
***P.0001. Naive cells were defined as CD45ROCD27;CMas
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threshold (fixed as posttherapy disappearance rate observed in
patients treated with ART)30 of 3-fold lower compared with before
therapy (Figure 7). The model was evaluated and updated with
Runge-Kutta fourth-order continuous solver with a step size of
0.01 hour. With the use of the above-mentioned parameters, the
model described in equation 1 shows that 0.1% of total receptors
(CD127) are occupied by the ligand at any time during the course
of therapy (not shown).
Model simulations with the use of the concentration of CD127
receptors in the blood show that the 2.8-fold increase of the CD127
receptors observed in the peripheral blood after 2 years of ART is
not enough to reduce the free ligand concentration from the serum.
However, most lymphocytes reside in the lymphoid tissues (lymph
nodes and spleen), where lymphocytes are highly concentrated.
With the use of the estimate that 70% of 2 109lymphocytes/g of
lymphoid tissue in HCs are CD3,31 (72% of which are CD127,
and normalizing on the CD127T-cell count in the blood at M0),
the same model shows that a 2.8-fold increase of CD127 receptors
in the lymphoid tissue is enough to decrease the free ligand
concentration in the serum by 2.2-fold (Figure 7).
Our model also predicts an inverse association between the
rates of change of IL-7 and CD127 receptors. Because these rates
may change over time, instead of using linear regressions for
constant rates, the nonparametric local linear mixed-effects model-
ing was applied for estimating the rates of change of IL-7 and
CD127 as functions of time, as well as the correlation between the
2 rates. Figure 5A shows the correlations on the basis of the group
of HIVpatients who started ART: the correlation between the rate
of change of IL-7 levels and that of CD3CD127population is
close to zero and is nearly constant over time, whereas a negative
correlation is observed between that of IL-7 levels and
CD3CD127population immediately after ART initiation. The
same trend of correlation is also observed for the CD4T cells
(which predominantly express the CD127 receptor) but not for the
CD3or CD8T cells (Figure 5B).
In this HIVcohort treated with ART for 2 years, we found that
CD4T-cell subsets were not completely reconstituted and main-
tained elevated cycling longer in comparison to CD8T-cell
subsets. The restoration of both CD4and CD8T cells was
predominantly driven by increases in CD127naive and CM
T cells. Despite the persistence of low CD4T-cell counts, serum
IL-7 levels normalized by 1 year of ART, suggesting that tight
homeostatic feedback may not significantly contribute to increases
in IL-7 during lymphopenia. These data, in conjunction with
mathematical modeling, suggest that the observed fluctuations of
IL-7 after ART may be related to improved CD127-mediated
clearance as T cells expressing CD127 are restored.
Figure 5. Rates of change of IL-7 and CD127 receptors and growth rates of CD127and CD127T cells of CD4and CD8T-cell subsets. (A) Time profiles for the
correlation between the rate of change in serum IL-7 levels and that in CD3127T cells/L (red line), and the correlation between the rate of change in serum IL-7 and that in
CD3127(blue line), with the dashed lines indicating the respective 95% confidence intervals. (B) Time profiles for the correlation between the rate of change in serum IL-7
with that in total CD3(black), CD4(red), and CD8(green) T cells/L. The dashed lines represent the 95% confidence intervals. These time profiles are estimated up to
6 months, because later observations were sparse and the algorithm failed to converge. The growth rates of total (C-D), naive (E-F), CM (G-H), EM (I-J), and effector (K-L)
CD4and CD8T cells after ART initiation. Median values are shown. The growth rate from M0 to M3 with intermediate data at M1 is calculated with the linear interpolation and
is plotted at 1.5 months on the x-axis. Pvalues represent the differences in the growth rate between CD127and CD127T cells. Significant Pvalues .01 are reported,
*P.01 .001, **P.001 .0001, and ***P.0001.
3250 HODGE et al BLOOD, 22 SEPTEMBER 2011 VOLUME 118, NUMBER 12
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Many studies have previously reported that initiation of ART in
HIVpatients decreases T-cell cycling and increases naive T-cell
restoration and CD127 expression in T cells.17,32-35 In our study all
these variables were tested in concert and followed longitudinally
with early post-ART time points to address specifically whether
changes in the T cells expressing the IL-7 receptor could account
for changes in serum IL-7 levels. The idea that IL-7 levels are
elevated as a compensatory response to lymphopenia has much
support, although the mechanism in humans (especially regarding
IL-7 production) is not entirely clear. Napolitano et al found
increased IL-7 in lymphocyte-depleted lymph nodes compared
with hyperplastic specimens with the use of immunohistochemistry
methods.10 However, this could have been because of the local
accumulation of the cytokine in lymphopenic areas. Supranormal
IL-7 levels were found in “CD4-exploders,” HIVpeople with
very strong responses to ART,36 suggesting that CD4 T-cell count is
significantly influenced by homeostatic control by IL-7. In a mouse
model of lymphopenia CD4T-cell homeostatic proliferation was
regulated through CD127 signaling on antigen presenting cells,9
and high IL-7 levels, either through lymphopenia or exogenous
administration, actually decreased IL-7 production in stroma-
derived cells and in APCs. Although this mechanism of controlling
homeostatic proliferation through decreased IL-7 production was
nicely proven in mice, we do not have adequate means of
measuring IL-7 production in these cell types in humans.
With our compilation of all the relevant variables from a
longitudinal cohort and novel mathematical model we show that
there is consistency, although nonexclusively, with one of the
2 theories about increased IL-7 levels in lymphopenia. On the basis
of the binding affinity of IL-7 for CD127 and the estimated number
of receptors per unit mass of lymphoid organs, the concentration of
this and probably other cytokines measured in the serum, appears
to fall in the right order of magnitude to detect changes in the
concentrations of its receptor. We saw that fluctuations in IL-7
levels during improvement of lymphopenia are less tightly depen-
dent on CD4T-cell counts and more dependent on receptor-
mediated clearance.
The model may not be comprehensive in considering all factors
affecting the clearance of IL-7. Collagen deposition in the lym-
phoid tissue of HIVpatients may be 4- to 10-fold higher than in
the uninfected person.37 There are no data about fibronectin
concentrations or changes during ART; however, in vitro binding
assays suggest ultra-low affinity of IL-7 to fibronectin (100- and
10 000-fold lower compared with the 2 types of affinities observed
in our PBMC in vitro data).38 On the basis of our modeling, the
changes in CD127 receptors are indeed sufficient to explain the
decrease in IL-7 observed during therapy, but further investigations
will be needed to address the role of fibronectin or specific types of
collagen in the clearance of free IL-7. In addition, peripheral blood
was exclusively used in our study, but in SIV-infected macaques it
has been clearly shown that CD127 expression in T cells tightly
correlates between tissues and blood.39
Although it is agreed that IL-7 levels are increased in untreated
HIV infection, there is no consensus as to whether they return to
normal levels with effective ART. We found increased IL-7 levels
that normalized at 1 year of ART similar to others,40,41 including a
recent large longitudinal study.42 However, lack of normalization of
serum IL-7 with ART has also been reported,17,43 but the ART-
treated patients were not virologically suppressed or the observed
IL-7 levels were much lower than in our cohort. In most studies though,
including animal models,15 a clear association has been seen
between CD4CD127T cells with changes in serum IL-7 level.
Other mechanisms may also contribute to high IL-7 levels or
may affect the responsiveness of cells to IL-7 in lymphopenia. The
response to IL-7 may depend on thymic function and age.
Reconstitution of naive T cells with ART is decreased in older
HIVpatients,44 and a relation between T-cell counts and IL-7 in
patients with low thymic volume has been observed.45 It has also
been shown that T-cell responsiveness to IL-7 may be impaired by
HIV infection34 because of overstimulation and desensitization of
the pSTAT5 signaling pathway. However, the near absence of
viremia at M6 of ART and beyond would suggest that normal
responses to IL-7 should be restored, yet we found persistently
decreased CD4T-cell count with normalized IL-7 levels at 1 and
2 years on ART.
Serum IL-7 levels did not independently correlate with T-cell
cycling. In fact, a transient increase in CD4and CD8T-cell
cycling despite lowering IL-7 levels was seen at M1, suggestive of
improved survival of cycling T cells. In addition, increased cycling
of CD4T cells and CD4CD127cells was maintained longer
than in the CD8T cells even after viral suppression, suggesting
the possibility of lineage-specific proliferative response to lym-
phopenia. Data reported recently46 clearly showed lineage-specific
T-cell homeostatic proliferation in sooty mangabeys and rhesus
macaques after either CD4or CD8T-cell depletion. This is also
in agreement with the observation that different stimuli may be
driving the cycling of CD4(lymphopenia) and CD8(viremia)
T cells47 in HIV. It has been suggested that CD8 recovery in
response to homeostatic proliferation may be more effective than
CD4 recovery and, in fact, that very high IL-7 levels may even
hinder CD4T-cell recovery.9Although CD8T cells express
Figure 6. Equilibrium binding of [125I]IL-7 to fresh PBMCs from 2 healthy
donors. The inserts show Scatchard representation of specific binding; r molecules/
cell bound.
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much lower levels of CD127 than CD4T cells, they can be
responding to other cytokines, including IL-2 and IL-15. In our
study we also found evidence of the preferential recovery of
CD127naive and CM subsets in both CD4and CD8T cells
and corroborated findings of CD4T-cell recovery that lags behind
that of CD8T cells. However, the lack of restoration of
CD4CD127cell numbers (and also CM and naive subsets) and
the increase above baseline levels of the number of CD8CD127
and naive CD8CD127T cells, along with a normalization of the
number of CD3CD127T cells/L by M24 could be indicative of
blind homeostasis that has been shown in mouse48 and BM
transplantation studies49 and has both been supported and refuted in
HIV infection.50 The fact that CD4T cells had not normalized and
yet IL-7 levels and cell cycling decreased by M12 to M24 would
suggest that the subset-specific homeostatic forces may be more
evident and efficient in extreme lymphopenia. It is possible that the
duration of lymphopenia and the relative changes of specific T-cell
subsets that express cytokine receptors, and thus regulate available
levels of circulating cytokines, could be the determinants of
whether homeostasis would appear blind or lineage specific.
In conclusion, we provide evidence that receptor-mediated
clearance could account for changes in IL-7 during reconstitution
of T cells after initiation of ART. These findings offer support for
the involvement of a more complex regulation of T-cell homeosta-
sis in human conditions of severe lymphopenia that goes beyond a
simple IL-7 feedback production loop.
The authors thank the patients for their generous donation of
time and study samples as well as the outpatient clinic 8 staff at
NIH who managed their care. They also thank Dr Scott Durum
for helpful discussions and Dr Dean Follmann for statistical
This work was supported in part by the Intramural Research
Program of NIAID/NIH.
Contribution: I.S., M.D.M., and S.W.R. designed research; I.S. and
J.M.M. provided study samples; J.N.H., S.S., S.W.R., P.D., and
M.D.M. performed research experiments and collected data; S.S.,
Z.H., and M.D.M. performed statistical analysis; I.S., M.D.M.,
S.S., and J.N.H. interpreted and analyzed data; S.S. and M.D.M.
completed mathematical models and analysis; and J.N.H., I.S.,
M.D.M., and S.S. wrote the manuscript. All authors reviewed and
contributed to the manuscript preparation.
Conflict-of-interest disclosure: The authors declare no compet-
ing financial interests.
Figure 7. Simulation of the model described in equation 1 for
up to 24 months of ART. Theoretical curves predicted by the
model (solid line), for the mean values of the concentration of
receptors (CD127) and free ligand (serum IL-7 levels) in the group
of 30 HIVpatients at each time point (dots) are shown with the
use of estimates observed in the blood compartment (A) or
expected for the lymph node compartment (B). The receptor
growth rate p(t) and the disappearance rate d(t) during the course
of the therapy were assumed to follow the observed proportion of
Ki67(proliferating) CD3CD127T cells and an exponential
decay kinetics, respectively (C). The mean values of low- and
high-binding affinities from the 2 donors were used for simula-
3252 HODGE et al BLOOD, 22 SEPTEMBER 2011 VOLUME 118, NUMBER 12
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Correspondence: Irini Sereti, Clinical and Molecular Retrovirol-
ogy Section, Laboratory of Immunoregulation, NIAID, NIH, 10
Center Dr, Bldg 10, Rm 11B07A, Bethesda MD 20892; e-mail:
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online July 21, 2011 originally publisheddoi:10.1182/blood-2010-12-323600
2011 118: 3244-3253
JoAnn M. Mican, Chang Paik, Paula DeGrange, Michele Di Mascio and Irini Sereti
Jessica N. Hodge, Sharat Srinivasula, Zonghui Hu, Sarah W. Read, Brian O. Porter, Insook Kim,
suggest a primary mechanism of receptor-mediated clearance
Decreases in IL-7 levels during antiretroviral treatment of HIV infection
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... Elevated levels of serum or plasma IL-7 are observed in PLWH and animal models (Napolitano et al., 2001;Camargo et al., 2009), and IL-7 administration promotes HIV viral persistence during ART treatment by promoting rapid viral production (Vandergeeten et al., 2013). One potential mechanism that may contribute to ART-mediated rescue of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells counts is through enhanced IL-7 clearance via increased receptor availability of IL-7R on T cells (Hodge et al., 2011). Altogether, these findings point toward a hypothesis that increases in IL-7 and dysregulation of IL-7/IL-7R signaling may contribute to the pathophysiology of HIV, and that reduced IL-7 may help mediate the therapeutic efficacy of ART. ...
... In the present study, IL-7 was only decreased in EcoHIV-infected mice with B/F/TAF treatment. While the current study did not assess CNS EcoHIV expression, it is possible that B/F/TAF-mediated suppression of IL-7 within the NAc may reduce CNS infection, which would align with evidence of ART-mediated reductions in IL-7 may reduce HIV reservoirs (Hodge et al., 2011;Goonetilleke et al., 2019). ...
HIV infection is an ongoing global health issue despite increased access to antiretroviral therapy (ART). People living with HIV (PLWH) who are virally suppressed through ART still experience negative health outcomes, including neurocognitive impairment. It is increasingly evident that ART may act independently or in combination with HIV infection to alter immune state, though this is difficult to disentangle in the clinical population. Thus, these experiments used multiplexed chemokine/cytokine arrays to assess peripheral (plasma) and brain (nucleus accumbens; NAc) expression of immune targets in the presence and absence of ART treatment in the EcoHIV mouse model. The findings identify effects of EcoHIV infection and of treatment with bictegravir (B), emtricitabine (F) and tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) on expression of numerous immune targets. In the NAc, this included EcoHIV-induced increases in IL-1α and IL-13 expression and B/F/TAF-induced reductions in KC/CXCL1. In the periphery, EcoHIV suppressed IL-6 and LIF expression, while B/F/TAF reduced IL-12p40 expression. In absence of ART, IBA-1 expression was negatively correlated with CX3CL1 expression in the NAc of EcoHIV-infected mice. These findings identify distinct effects of ART and EcoHIV infection on peripheral and central immune factors and emphasize the need to consider ART effects on neural and immune outcomes.
... Elevated levels of serum or plasma IL-7 are observed in PLWH and animal models [68,69]; IL-7 administration promotes HIV viral persistence during ART treatment, by promoting rapid viral production [65]. One potential mechanism that may contribute to the ART-mediated rescue of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells counts is through enhanced IL-7 clearance, via the increased receptor availability of IL-7R on T cells [70]. Altogether, these findings point toward a hypothesis that increases in IL-7, the dysregulation of IL-7/IL-7R signaling may contribute to the pathophysiology of HIV, and that reduced IL-7 may help mediate the therapeutic efficacy of ART. ...
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HIV infection is an ongoing global health issue, despite increased access to antiretroviral therapy (ART). People living with HIV (PLWH) who are virally suppressed through ART still experience negative health outcomes, including neurocognitive impairment. It is increasingly evident that ART may act independently or in combination with HIV infection to alter the immune state, though this is difficult to disentangle in the clinical population. Thus, these experiments used multiplexed chemokine/cytokine arrays to assess peripheral (plasma) and brain (nucleus accumbens; NAc) expression of immune targets in the presence and absence of ART treatment in the EcoHIV mouse model. The findings identify the effects of EcoHIV infection and of treatment with bictegravir (B), emtricitabine (F), and tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) on the expression of numerous immune targets. In the NAc, this included EcoHIV-induced increases in IL-1α and IL-13 expression and B/F/TAF-induced reductions in KC/CXCL1. In the periphery, EcoHIV suppressed IL-6 and LIF expression, while B/F/TAF reduced IL-12p40 expression. In the absence of ART, IBA-1 expression was negatively correlated with CX3CL1 expression in the NAc of EcoHIV-infected mice. These findings identify distinct effects of ART and EcoHIV infection on peripheral and central immune factors and emphasize the need to consider ART effects on neural and immune outcomes.
... Так, однонуклеотидная замена rs6897932 в гене, кодирующем альфа-цепь рецептора интерлейкина-7 (IL-7Ra), ассоциирована со сниженной экспрессией CD127 и более медленным приростом числа CD4 + Т-клеток у ВИЧ-инфицированных пациентов, получающих лечение [15]. Представленные данные согласуются с результатами других авторов, показавших, что низкая чувствительность к IL-7 у CD4 + Т-лимфоцитов влияет на их жизнестойкость, пролиферативную активность и способность к регенерации в целом [16]. ...
In 10 to 40% of HIV-infected patients being adherent to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), viral load suppression is not accompanied by a significant increase in the number of CD4 ⁺ T-lymphocytes. This phenomenon, known as immunological non-response to treatment, is associated with a high risk of developing AIDS-associated and non-AIDS-associated diseases, as well as premature death. The bases of immunological non-response to HAART are poorly understood, while information on the risk factors for its development is scattered. The aim of the present review is to organize data on non-immune-system risk factors for the development of immunological nonresponse to HAART. Materials and methods . Electronic searching using PubMed, Science Direct, and Scopus were conducted. Results and discussion. The database search delivered information on genetic, virological, infectious, and pharmacological risk factors for the development of immunological non-response to HAART. Each factor contribution might be substantially different. Still, none of them can be considered a trigger mechanism for this phenomenon. Conclusion. Immunological non-response to HAART is a polyetiological condition. Apparently, this phenomenon is based on normally imperceptible immune system features or defects, which manifest during the CD4 ⁺ T-cell regeneration.
... Hodge et al. [22] explored how immune reconstitution through antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients affects IL-7 serum levels, expression of the IL-7 receptor (CD127), and T-cell cycling. Immunophenotypic analysis of T cells from 29 HIV-uninfected controls and 43 untreated HIV-infected patients (30 of whom were followed longitudinally for ≤24 months on cART) was performed. ...
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The use of combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) inhibits the replication of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and thus may affect the functioning of the immune system, e.g., induce changes in the expression of certain cytokines. The aim was to examine the effect of cART on the expression of selected cytokines: interleukin -4, -7 and -15 in HIV-infected subjects. The test material was the plasma of HIV-infected men and healthy men (C, control group). The levels of interleukin were measured by immunoenzymatic method before cART and one year after treatment in relation to the C group. HIV-infected men were analyzed in subgroups depending on the HIV-RNA viral load, CD4+ and CD8+T-cell counts, and the type of therapeutic regimen. A significantly higher level of IL-4 was demonstrated in HIV-infected men before cART compared to those after treatment and in the control group. The use of cART resulted in a significant decrease in the level of IL-7 in HIV-infected men; however, high levels of IL-7 were associated with a low number of CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells. An increase in the level of IL-15 in HIV-infected men was noted after the use of cART. There was no difference in the expression of interleukins depending on the treatment regimen used. The study showed the effect of cART on the expression of interleukins, especially IL-4 and IL-7. Further research in this direction seems promising, confirming the role of these interleukins in the course of the disease.
... Therefore, it cannot be excluded that the anti-IL-15 treatment, by inducing IL-7 as a homeostatic response, promoted the appearance of CD32 + CD4 + T cells through a bystander effect in anti-IL-15 treated animals. IL-7 can also be increased in HIV-1 and SIVmac infection as a consequence of CD4 + T cell depletion, as shown during primary infection in the blood and intestine (77)(78)(79). Thus, the increase in CD32 + CD4 + T cells might be a mixture of factors directly and indirectly related to HIV/SIV replication. ...
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CD4 T cell responses constitute an important component of adaptive immunity and are critical regulators of anti-microbial protection. CD4⁺ T cells expressing CD32a have been identified as a target for HIV. CD32a is an Fcγ receptor known to be expressed on myeloid cells, granulocytes, B cells and NK cells. Little is known about the biology of CD32⁺CD4⁺ T cells. Our goal was to understand the dynamics of CD32⁺CD4⁺ T cells in tissues. We analyzed these cells in the blood, lymph nodes, spleen, ileum, jejunum and liver of two nonhuman primate models frequently used in biomedical research: African green monkeys (AGM) and macaques. We studied them in healthy animals and during viral (SIV) infection. We performed phenotypic and transcriptomic analysis at different stages of infection. In addition, we compared CD32+CD4+ T cells in tissues with well-controlled (spleen) and not efficiently controlled (jejunum) SIV replication in AGM. The CD32⁺CD4⁺ T cells more frequently expressed markers associated with T cell activation and HIV infection (CCR5, PD-1, CXCR5, CXCR3) and had higher levels of actively transcribed SIV RNA than CD32⁻CD4⁺T cells. Furthermore, CD32⁺CD4⁺ T cells from lymphoid tissues strongly expressed B-cell-related transcriptomic signatures, and displayed B cell markers at the cell surface, including immunoglobulins CD32+CD4+ T cells were rare in healthy animals and blood but increased strongly in tissues with ongoing viral replication. CD32⁺CD4⁺ T cell levels in tissues correlated with viremia. Our results suggest that the tissue environment induced by SIV replication drives the accumulation of these unusual cells with enhanced susceptibility to viral infection.
... This could be due to a decreased production of IL-7 from lymphatic endothelial cells in secondary lymphoid tissues, presumably as a consequence of lymphoid fibrosis and collagen deposition following HIV infection [38,39]. Although a previous study showed that serum IL-7 levels normalized one year after the initiation of ART [40], we found lower levels in HIV+ participants here. While this difference could be due to the small sample size of the HIV-negative control group, it is worth noting that the cohort of participants recruited in this other study had low CD4 T cell counts while all of our participants had normalized CD4 T cell counts. ...
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The precise role of CD4 T cell turnover in maintaining HIV persistence during antiretroviral therapy (ART) has not yet been well characterized. In resting CD4 T cell subpopulations from 24 HIV-infected ART-suppressed and 6 HIV-uninfected individuals, we directly measured cellular turnover by heavy water labeling, HIV reservoir size by integrated HIV-DNA (intDNA) and cell-associated HIV-RNA (caRNA), and HIV reservoir clonality by proviral integration site sequencing. Compared to HIV-negatives, ART-suppressed individuals had similar fractional replacement rates in all subpopulations, but lower absolute proliferation rates of all subpopulations other than effector memory (TEM) cells, and lower plasma IL-7 levels (p = 0.0004). Median CD4 T cell half-lives decreased with cell differentiation from naïve to TEM cells (3 years to 3 months, p<0.001). TEM had the fastest replacement rates, were most highly enriched for intDNA and caRNA, and contained the most clonal proviral expansion. Clonal proviruses detected in less mature subpopulations were more expanded in TEM, suggesting that they were maintained through cell differentiation. Earlier ART initiation was associated with lower levels of intDNA, caRNA and fractional replacement rates. In conclusion, circulating integrated HIV proviruses appear to be maintained both by slow turnover of immature CD4 subpopulations, and by clonal expansion as well as cell differentiation into effector cells with faster replacement rates.
... 24 Elevated levels of IL-7 in the serum of patients have been observed, 27 as in other lymphopenic states, possibly due at least in part to decreased receptor-mediated clearance, as T cells are depleted and the expression of CD127 (alpha chain of IL-7 receptor) is decreased on CD4 T cells. 28 In addition, despite (or perhaps because of) high levels of IL-7, in vitro responses to IL-7 of T cells derived from ICL patients were blunted. 29 This could represent another consequence rather than the cause of lymphopenia per se, although decreased IL-7 signaling probably further impairs the survival of lymphocytes. ...
Idiopathic CD4 lymphopenia (ICL) is a heterogeneous syndrome characterized by low CD4 T lymphocyte counts at <300 cells/μL on at least two occasions in the absence of a known infection or intercurrent illness. The clinical manifestations of ICL vary greatly, from asymptomatic lymphopenia to severe opportunistic disease, autoimmunity, or neoplasia (frequently related to persistent viral infections). Most common infections reported in ICL include cryptococcal disease, human papilloma, and herpes zoster viruses. The diagnosis of ICL requires exclusion of genetic immune deficiencies and other hematologic diseases or infections, and confirmation of low CD4 lymphocyte counts. Although cytokine therapies and allogeneic stem cell transplantation have been rarely used with variable success, there is currently no specific therapy for ICL. Treatment of underlying infections and antibiotic prophylaxis are the mainstay of available therapy of ICL. A better understanding of the etiology, pathogenesis, and prognosis of ICL will assist in improved therapeutic approaches.
... Current ART use was treated as a categorical variable based on duration of ART and we chose 2 years as the cutoff to ensure each category could have sufficient sample (nonuser, used for<2 years, and used for ≥2 years); we chose 2 years as the cutoff because some clinical studies reported a recovery of immune homeostasis after 2 years of ART utilization. 21,22 Age at diagnosis of HIV infection was obtained via medical record which was used to calculate the duration of HIV infection (duration = current age-age at HIV diagnosis). Age, ethnicity groups, income, education background, marital status, smoking history, and lifetime sexual partner were obtained by self-report. ...
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China lacks data demonstrating associations of cervical neoplastic lesions with CD4 T‐lymphocyte (CD4 cell) counts and antiretroviral therapy (ART) among HIV‐infected women, suggesting relevant investigations are needed. A total of 545 HIV‐infected women were enrolled in Yunnan, China, between 2011 and 2013. CD4 cell counts and ART were measured via medical records and cervical neoplastic lesions were measured by professional pathologists. Multivariable logistic models, which treated cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1+ and CIN2+ as outcomes, calculated adjusted odds ratio (aOR) of CD4 cell counts and ART. Subgroup analysis treating CIN1+ as the outcome was conducted by HIV infection duration (<4 vs ≥4 years), ethnicity (Han vs non‐Han), and study site (Mangshi vs Kunming). The prevalence of CIN1+ and CIN2+ was 17.4% and 7.3%, respectively. Overall, 243 (44.6%) women had CD4 cell counts ≥500 cell/μL, 187 (34.3%) used ART for less than 2 years, and 236 (43.3%) used ART for at least 2 years. We found inverse associations of CIN1+ with CD4 cell counts (≥500 compared to <500 cells/μL: aOR = 0.46, 95% CI = 0.27‐0.79) and ART use (<2 years: aOR = 0.43, 95% CI = 0.21‐0.87; ≥2 years: aOR = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.27‐1.10). Point estimates did not change substantially for CIN2+ but aORs of ART became nonsignificant. No significant interaction was observed for HIV infection duration. We found significant interaction between CD4 cell counts and ethnicity and study site in relation to CIN1+. Our study suggests potential protective effects of high CD4 cell counts against cervical neoplastic lesions among HIV‐infected women, whereas associations of ART are less consistent.
... Interleukin 7 (IL-7) is a homeostatic cytokine that increases T-cell repertoire diversity through expansion of naive T cells (82) and is being investigated in several malignancies. IL-7 levels increase in HIV-associated CD4 lymphocytopenia and decrease with immune reconstitution (142). Exogenous administration of IL-7 is associated with dosedependent increases in CD4 and CD8 T cells in PLWH on ART (143), including HIV-specific CD8 T cells (83). ...
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HIV infection alters the natural history of several cancers, in large part due to its effect on the immune system. Immune function in people living with HIV may vary from normal to highly dysfunctional and is largely dependent on the timing of initiation (and continuation) of effective antiretroviral therapy (ART). An individual's level of immune function in turn affects their cancer risk, management, and outcomes. HIV-associated lymphocytopenia and immune dysregulation permit immune evasion of oncogenic viruses and premalignant lesions and are associated with inferior outcomes in people with established cancers. Various types of immunotherapy, including monoclonal antibodies, interferon, cytokines, immunomodulatory drugs, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant, and most importantly ART have shown efficacy in HIV-related cancer. Emerging data suggest that checkpoint inhibitors targeting the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway can be safe and effective in people with HIV and cancer. Furthermore, some cancer immunotherapies may also affect HIV persistence by influencing HIV latency and HIV-specific immunity. Studying immunotherapy in people with HIV and cancer will advance clinical care of all people living with HIV and presents a unique opportunity to gain insight into mechanisms for HIV eradication.
... Accordingly, we propose that blocking of T cell memory formation to prevent HIV-1 seeding of the reservoir should begin very early, possibly alongside ART initiation and continue short-term until all productively infected CD4 + T cells are cleared; that is the participant is no longer viremic (Figure 2). In the pre-INSTI era, ART regimens increased CD127 + CD4 + CM T cells within 1 month of ART initiation (132). Detailed studies describing the kinetics of CD4 + T cell memory restoration in the weeks-months following INSTI-ART initiation are however needed to better inform dosing strategies. ...
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Recent studies demonstrate that the stable HIV-1 reservoir in resting CD4⁺ T cells is mostly formed from viruses circulating when combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) is initiated. Here we explore the immunological basis for these observations. Untreated HIV-1 infection is characterized by a progressive depletion of memory CD4⁺ T cells which mostly express CD127, the α chain of the IL-7 receptor (IL-7R). Depletion results from both direct infection and bystander loss of memory CD4⁺ T cells in part attributed to dysregulated IL-7/IL-7R signaling. While IL-7/IL7R signaling is not essential for the generation of effector CD4⁺ T cells from naïve cells, it is essential for the further transition of effectors to memory CD4⁺ T cells and their subsequent homeostatic maintenance. HIV-1 infection therefore limits the transition of CD4⁺ T cells from an effector to long-lived memory state. With the onset of ART, virus load (VL) levels rapidly decrease and the frequency of CD127⁺ CD4⁺ memory T cells increases, indicating restoration of effector to memory transition in CD4⁺ T cells. Collectively these data suggest that following ART initiation, HIV-1 infected effector CD4⁺ T cells transition to long-lived, CD127⁺ CD4⁺ T cells forming the majority of the stable HIV-1 reservoir. We propose that combining ART initiation with inhibition of IL-7/IL-7R signaling to block CD4⁺ T cell memory formation will limit the generation of long-lived HIV-infected CD4⁺ T cells and reduce the overall size of the stable HIV-1 reservoir.
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Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is followed by a period of profound immune deficiency, during which new T lymphocytes are generated from either stem cells or immature thymic progenitors. Interleukin-7 (IL-7) induces proliferation and differentiation of immature thymocytes. We examined whether the in vivo administration of IL-7 to mice receiving BMT would alter thymic reconstitution. Lethally irradiated C57BL/6 mice received syngeneic BMT, followed by either IL-7 or placebo from days 5 to 18 post-BMT. At day 28, BMT recipients that had not received IL-7 had profound thymic hypoplasia (< 5% of normal), with relative increases in the numbers of immature thymocytes, decreased numbers of mature peripheral (splenic) T lymphocytes, and severely impaired T- and B-cell function. In contrast, transplanted mice treated with IL-7 had normalization of thymic cellularity, with normal proportions of thymic subsets and T-cell receptor beta variable gene (TCRV beta) usage, normal numbers of peripheral CD4+ T lymphocytes, and improved antigen- specific T- and B-cell function. In the BMT-IL-7 mice, there was an eightfold increase in the number of immature CD3-CD4-CD8- thymocytes in G2-M of the cell cycle, indicating that restoration of thymic cellularity was due to enhanced proliferation of immature thymic progenitors. Similar effects following IL-7 administration were also observed when donor bone marrow was depleted of mature T lymphocytes, indicating that IL-7 administration affected immature hematopoietic progenitors. IL-7 promotes thymic reconstitution after BMT, and may be useful in preventing post-BMT immune deficiency.
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Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is followed by a period of profound immune deficiency, during which new T lymphocytes are generated from either stem cells or immature thymic progenitors. Interleukin-7 (IL-7) induces proliferation and differentiation of immature thymocytes. We examined whether the in vivo administration of IL-7 to mice receiving BMT would alter thymic reconstitution. Lethally irradiated C57BL/6 mice received syngeneic BMT, followed by either IL-7 or placebo from days 5 to 18 post-BMT. At day 28, BMT recipients that had not received IL-7 had profound thymic hypoplasia (< 5% of normal), with relative increases in the numbers of immature thymocytes, decreased numbers of mature peripheral (splenic) T lymphocytes, and severely impaired T- and B-cell function. In contrast, transplanted mice treated with IL-7 had normalization of thymic cellularity, with normal proportions of thymic subsets and T-cell receptor beta variable gene (TCRV beta) usage, normal numbers of peripheral CD4+ T lymphocytes, and improved antigen- specific T- and B-cell function. In the BMT-IL-7 mice, there was an eightfold increase in the number of immature CD3-CD4-CD8- thymocytes in G2-M of the cell cycle, indicating that restoration of thymic cellularity was due to enhanced proliferation of immature thymic progenitors. Similar effects following IL-7 administration were also observed when donor bone marrow was depleted of mature T lymphocytes, indicating that IL-7 administration affected immature hematopoietic progenitors. IL-7 promotes thymic reconstitution after BMT, and may be useful in preventing post-BMT immune deficiency.
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Many features of T-cell homeostasis in primates are still unclear, thus limiting our understanding of AIDS pathogenesis, in which T-cell homeostasis is lost. Here, we performed experiments of in vivo CD4(+) or CD8(+) lymphocyte depletion in 2 nonhuman primate species, rhesus macaques (RMs) and sooty mangabeys (SMs). Whereas RMs develop AIDS after infection with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), SIV-infected SMs are typically AIDS-resistant. We found that, in both species, most CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cells in blood and lymph nodes were depleted after treatment with their respective antibodies. These CD4(+) and CD8(+) lymphocyte depletions were followed by a largely lineage-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell proliferation, involving mainly memory T cells, which correlated with interleukin-7 plasma levels. Interestingly, SMs showed a faster repopulation of naive CD4(+) T cells than RMs. In addition, in both species CD8(+) T-cell repopulation was faster than that of CD4(+) T cells, with CD8(+) T cells reconstituting a normal pool within 60 days and CD4(+) T cells remaining below baseline levels up to day 180 after depletion. While this study revealed subtle differences in CD4(+) T-cell repopulation in an AIDS-sensitive versus an AIDS-resistant species, such differences may have particular relevance in the presence of active SIV repli cation, where CD4(+) T-cell destruction is chronic.
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The sequence of a novel hemopoietic cytokine was discovered in a computational screen of genomic databases, and its homology to mouse thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) suggests that it is the human orthologue. Human TSLP is proposed to signal through a heterodimeric receptor complex that consists of a new member of the hemopoietin family termed human TSLP receptor and the IL-7R alpha-chain. Cells transfected with both receptor subunits proliferated in response to purified, recombinant human TSLP, with induced phosphorylation of Stat3 and Stat5. Human TSLPR and IL-7Ralpha are principally coexpressed on monocytes and dendritic cell populations and to a much lesser extent on various lymphoid cells. In accord, we find that human TSLP functions mainly on myeloid cells; it induces the release of T cell-attracting chemokines from monocytes and, in particular, enhances the maturation of CD11c(+) dendritic cells, as evidenced by the strong induction of the costimulatory molecules CD40 and CD80 and the enhanced capacity to elicit proliferation of naive T cells.
Lymphatic tissues (LTs) are structurally organized to promote interaction between antigens, chemokines, growth factors, and lymphocytes to generate an immunologic response and maintain normal-sized populations of CD4⁺ and CD8⁺ T cells. Inflammation and tissue remodeling that accompany local innate and adaptive immune responses to HIV-1 replication cause damage to the LT architecture. As a result, normal populations of CD4⁺ and CD8⁺ T cells cannot be supported and antigen-lymphocyte interactions are impaired. This conclusion is supported herein following LT sampling before and during anti-HIV therapy in persons with acute, chronic, and late-stage HIV-1 infection. Among seven individuals treated with anti-retroviral therapy (ART) and four individuals deferring therapy we found evidence of significant paracortical T cell zone damage associated with deposition of collagen, the extent of which was inversely correlated with both the size of the LT CD4⁺ T cell population and the change in peripheral CD4⁺ T cell count with anti-HIV therapy. The HIV-1–associated inflammatory changes and scarring in LT both limit the ability of the tissue to support and reestablish normal-sized populations of CD4⁺ T cells and suggest a novel mechanism of T cell depletion that may explain the failure of ART to significantly increase CD4⁺ T cell populations in some HIV-1–infected persons.
Activation of human peripheral blood T cells renders them capable of proliferating to IL-2, -4, and -7, and upregulates the receptors for IL-2 and -4. In this study the effect of activation on the receptor for IL-7 has been investigated. Scatchard analysis showed dual affinity binding of IL-7 to peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Furthermore, activation of PBMC with anti-CD3 antibodies resulted in a 4-fold downregulation of both the high and low affinity IL-7 receptors. SDS - PAGE analysis of [I-125]IL-7 cross-linked resting PBMC revealed a major complex of 104/107 kDa (reduced/non-reduced) and a minor complex of 184/178 kDa (reduced/non-reduced). In contrast, cross-linking of activated PBMC revealed a third prominent complex of 93 kDa (non-reduced) not seen on unstimulated cells. This 93 kDa complex was observed on purified activated peripheral blood T cells and T cell blasts. Moreover, on a panel of IL-7 responsive T cell clones the 93 kDa complex was the only major cross-linked product observed. These results demonstrate that T cell activation causes changes in both the level of expression of the IL-7 receptor and the nature of the proteins associated with the receptor. It is postulated that these changes in receptor structure may be related to the acquisition of responsiveness to the IL-7 growth signal.
Despite suppression of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) load by highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), recovery of CD4+ T cell counts can be impaired. We investigated whether this impairment may be associated with hyporesponsiveness of T cells to gamma-chain (gammac) cytokines known to influence T cell homeostasis. The responsiveness of T cells to interleukin (IL)-2, IL-7, and IL-15 was determined by assessing cytokine-induced phosphorylation of the signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 (STAT5) in peripheral T cells obtained from 118 HIV-positive subjects and 13 HIV-negative subjects. The responsiveness of T cells to interleukin (IL)-7 but not to IL-2 or IL-15 was lower among HIV-positive subjects than among HIV-negative subjects. Among subjects with viral load suppression, the degree of IL-7 responsiveness (1) correlated with naive CD4+ T cell counts and was a better immune correlate of the prevailing CD4+ T cell count than were levels of human leukocyte antigen-DR1 or programmed death-1, which are predictors of T cell homeostasis during HIV infection; and (2) was greater in subjects with complete (i.e., attainment of >or=500 CD4+ T cells/mm3>or=5 years after initiation of HAART) versus incomplete immunologic responses. The correlation between plasma levels of IL-7 and CD4+ T cell counts during HAART was maximal in subjects with increased IL-7 responsiveness. Responsiveness of T cells to IL-7 is associated with higher CD4+ T cell counts during HAART and thus may be a determinant of the extent of immune reconstitution.