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Ventilation in chest trauma


Abstract and Figures

Chest trauma is one important factor for total morbidity and mortality in traumatized emergency patients. The complexity of injury in trauma patients makes it challenging to provide an optimal oxygenation while protecting the lung from further ventilator-induced injury to it. On the other hand, lung trauma needs to be treated on an individual basis, depending on the magnitude, location and type of lung or chest injury. Several aspects of ventilatory management in emergency patients are summarized herein and may give the clinician an overview of the treatment possibilities for chest trauma victims.
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Journal of
Trauma, and Shock
Synergizing Basic Science, Clinical Medicine, & Global Health
ISSN : 0974-2700
Published by Medknow Publications
Official Publication of INDO-US Emergency and Trauma Collaborative
Online full text & article submission at
Volume 4
Issue 2
Apr-Jun 2011
Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock • Volume 4 • Issue 2April-June 2011 • Pages 159-****
Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock I 4:2 I Apr - Jun 2011
all organs of the thoracic cavity can be involved in chest trauma.
The most common types of collateral damage that result from chest
trauma include injuries to ribs, lung contusion, hematoma of the
chest wall, pleural effusion, pneumothorax and hematothorax.[4-6]
Respiratory impairment
Damage to the osseous structure of the thorax by rib and
sternum fractures destabilizes the rib cage and impairs
spontaneous breathing mechanics substantially. This condition
is amplied by pain, which further reduces breathing function.
Direct traumatic damage to the lung (i.e., lung contusion), in
combination with a concurrent increase in vascular permeability
of the lung capillaries in the injured area, leads to an extravasation
of protein-rich uid with an altered surfactant composition,
eventually resulting in slow but progressive respiratory failure.[7,8]
The lethality of isolated chest traumas is about 5% to 8%. Up to
25% of all deaths caused by trauma are related to chest injuries,[1]
and mortality dramatically increases as a function of increased
chest trauma force.[2] Direct forces, abrupt deceleration and other
mechanisms can cause injury to thoracic structures like major
intrathoracic vessels or the heart. Chest injuries often occur in
combination with other severe injuries, such as extremity, head
and brain and abdominal injuries.[1]
Chest trauma, as shown in Table 1, can occur after vehicle
collisions, assaults, falls and explosive blasts via a variety of
different mechanisms.[3] In elderly patients, a minor trauma can
cause a more serious injury due to the increased stiffness of the
rib cage as a function of advanced age. In contrast, in children,
the elasticity of the osseous structures of the chest can lead to
an underestimation of parenchymateous injuries.
Penetrating injuries are mostly caused by gunshot, stitch or
impalement damage, and the impact of a blunt trauma is typically
conducted to many different intrathoracic structures; hence nearly
Ventilation in chest trauma
Torsten Richter, Maximilian Ragaller
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Dresden Carl Gustav Carus, Technical University, Dresden, Germany
Chest trauma is one important factor for total morbidity and mortality in traumatized emergency patients. The complexity
of injury in trauma patients makes it challenging to provide an optimal oxygenation while protecting the lung from further
ventilator-induced injury to it. On the other hand, lung trauma needs to be treated on an individual basis, depending on
the magnitude, location and type of lung or chest injury. Several aspects of ventilatory management in emergency patients
are summarized herein and may give the clinician an overview of the treatment possibilities for chest trauma victims.
Key Words: Chest trauma, instability of rib cage, mechanical ventilation, pneumothorax, spontaneous breathing
Address for correspondence:
Prof. Maximilian Ragaller, E-mail: maximilian.ragaller@uniklinikum-
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Table 1: Injuries after chest trauma
Osseous injuries Rib fractures
Sternal fractures
Scapular fractures
Spine fractures
Heart and vessel injuries Aortic injury (rupture/dissection)
Cardiac contusion
Myocardial rupture
Myocardial infarction
Pulmonary injury Pneumothorax
Pulmonary contusion
Pulmonary parenchymal injuries
Tracheobronchial injuries
Injury of the esophagus Fistula, mediastinitis
Injury of the diaphragm Enterothorax, herniation, bleeding
252 Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock I 4:2 I Apr - Jun 2011
The disturbance of diffusion, the reduction of compliance and
functional residual capacity and ventilation-perfusion mismatch
create an intrapulmonary shunt with subsequent elevated PaCO2
levels and reduced oxygenation.[9,10] After severe chest trauma,
intrapulmonary shunting can also be caused by a disruption of
pulmonary capillaries and extravasation into the alveolar spaces.
Aspiration of blood and/ or gastric contents, fat embolism to
the lung due to long bone fractures and systemic inammatory
response syndrome may additionally exacerbate respiratory
deficits and may lead to acute lung injury (ALI) or acute
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).[11]
After alveolar overdistension and rupture, extra-alveolar gas has
the potential (supported by mechanical ventilation) to move along
the pressure gradient through the damaged alveolar wall into
the bronchovascular space and pulmonary interstitium, causing
pulmonic interstitial emphysema.[12] The extra-alveolar gas may
push further into the pleural cavity, mediastinum and subcutaneous
tissues. As a consequence, bronchoalveolar stula, pneumothorax
or tension pneumothorax, and emphysema may develop.
Cardiovascular impairment
A reduction in normal intraventricular filling by tension
pneumothorax, pericardial tamponade or massive hemorrhage
may result in a life-threatening reduction in cardiac output.
Moreover, intracardiac structural damage or heart contusions
with concomitant arrhythmias are additional contributors to
reduced cardiac output.
Patient history can provide clues about the severity of trauma and
the resultant injuries. Instability of the thorax, signs of hemorrhagic
shock, low cardiac output and intrathoracic bowel sounds indicating
diaphragm rupture are the clinical signs of severe chest trauma.
Table 2 provides an overview of chest injury indicators.
The location of a chest injury may provide signs of associated
injuries. Fractures of the 1st to 3rd ribs indicate severe causative
forces because of their protected location and may be associated
with mediastinal injury. Therefore, injuries of large blood vessels
(aorta) or tracheal/ bronchial structures may be associated and
must be specically excluded. Lower rib (9th to 12th ribs)[13]
fractures are more often associated with hepatic injury on the
right side, splenic laceration on the left side or renal injury on
the posterior lower chest wall.
Exact preclinical diagnosis is typically difcult. A spiral computed
tomography (CT) scan of the chest and an echocardiogram
provide the most diagnostic information concerning intrathoracic
injuries. If necessary, chest x-ray, bronchoscopy, pulmonal angio-
CT, and an electrocardiogram may provide further diagnostic
information. Clinicians must be aware that patients remain at risk
for deterioration and that radiographic ndings may develop with
a time delay of up to four hours or more after injury.
1) Chest wall osseous injuries
Injuries of one or two ribs are typically not dangerous and can be
handled without hospital admission; however, at any level of rib
fracture, the risk of pneumothorax and pulmonary contusion exists.
More than two rib fractures put the patient at signicant risk
of complications.
Fractures of more than two adjacent ribs at two different
locations result in thorax instability with paradoxical motion. This
ail chest condition is most often accompanied by an underlying
pulmonary parenchymal injury and can be life threatening.
The pleural cavity generates negative pressure during inspiration,
and the chest wall moves outwards during inspiration; however, in
the case of ail chest, the oating segment of chest wall and soft
tissue will move paradoxically in an inward direction, resulting in
elevated respiratory effort, dyspnea and hypoxemia.[14]
Therapeutic aspects
A sufcient reduction in pain is critical to optimizing patient
ventilation. Therein, the systemic administration of painkillers,
regional anesthesia with intercostal blockades, pleural catheters
and thoracic epidurals as well as paravertebral blockades may
be helpful.
Epidural analgesia has been demonstrated to benecially impact
ventilatory function in patients suffering from blunt chest
trauma[15] and is associated with a decreased rate of nosocomial
pneumonia and a reduced duration of mechanical ventilation in
patients after rib fractures.[16] Pneumatic stabilization is based on
the use of positive intrathoracic pressure provided by noninvasive
positive-pressure ventilation (NPPV) by mask; or after intubation,
by invasive positive-pressure ventilation (IPPV).[17]
Preventing atelectasis and pneumonia requires additional
chest physiotherapy. Frequent exible bronchoscopy typically
provides sufcient removal of secretions and blood from the
lungs. In severe cases of chest wall instability, reconstruction of
vertebrosternal ribs 3, 6 and 9 at an early stage may be required.
Surgical stabilization has been found to be associated with a
faster recovery of pulmonary function and a shorter ICU time
in a select group of ail chest patients who required prolonged
ventilatory support.[17,19]
Table 2: Clinical signs of chest trauma
External signs of contusion, lesion, gash, external bleeding, instability of thorax
Dyspnea, hemoptysis
Tracheal deviation
Side-specic breathing sounds
Vena cava superior syndrome
Intrathoracic bowel sounds
Richter and Ragaller: Chest trauma ventilation
Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock I 4:2 I Apr - Jun 2011
2) Pneumothorax
Injuries of the lungs or the thoracic wall can create a pleural
injury, resulting in the collection of air in the pleural space,
which is associated with a collapse of the lung. Consequently,
all penetrating thoracic injuries and most blunt chest injuries are
associated with pneumothorax. Occult pneumothorax among
victims of blunt trauma appears in 2% to 55% of patients who
undergo CT scans.[20] The closed form, or a small pneumothorax,
is mostly inconspicuous; however, tension pneumothorax may
occur when the amount of air in the pleural space increases and
the loss of air is impaired or impossible due to a valve mechanism.
This results in a displacement of the mediastinal structures and
the lungs and induces a reduction of venous ow to the heart,
reducing cardiac output. Clinical signs of pneumothorax, which
can vary depending on its extent, are summarized in Table 3.
Many patients after penetrating trauma have been diagnosed
to have a hemopneumothorax, in the absence of clinical
ndings. Chest radiograph or CT scan should be the initial
test for all patients with penetrating chest injuries[21] or blunt
thoracic trauma.[22] Ultrasound is also useful in the diagnosis of
pneumothorax and hematothorax.[6,23]
Therapeutic aspects
Thorax drainage should be performed except in asymptomatic
patients with occult pneumothorax, although they should be
closely observed.[24] Patients who are mechanically ventilated
should be treated immediately with a tube thoracostomy to
prevent the development of tension pneumothorax.
Suspected tension pneumothorax is typically treated with
immediate decompression of the pleural space by blunt
dissection and nger decompression. This is a reliable and safe
procedure prior to chest tube insertion. Needle thoracocentesis
should be the technique of last resort during hospital and trauma
reception, because of signicant failure rates; and the delay in
providing formal pleural decompression, caused due to incorrect
needle placement.[25]
Thorax drainage is typically performed to drain air as well as
blood and to reduce the air leak due to bronchopulmonal stulas.
The optimal tube size depends on the air leakage rate, wherein a
tube size of 28 or 32 French is normally sufcient for patients
who develop pneumothorax during mechanical ventilation or for
traumatic pneumothoraces with the risk of a large air leak due
to bronchopulmonal stulas. Larger chest tubes or an additional
chest tube should be considered if an additional drainage of
blood is necessary.
The application of negative pressure to the drainage system may
be necessary to maintain lung expansion, but it has the potential
to increase stula ow and retard closure.[26] Pleural drainage
systems can vary in their ability to evacuate large gas ows
(6- 50 L/min).[27] Some patients have highly variable stula ows,
which can be inuenced by body position. These patients should
choose a body position that produces the smallest possible stula
gas ow. Patients with high stula ows, wherein reexpansion
of the lungs cannot be achieved, may require further surgical
treatment (i.e., stula closure or lobectomy).
Nonconventional efforts were made to decrease
bronchopulmonary ow. The principle behind these methods
is either an intermittent thoracostomy tube closure during
mechanical inhalation and a release during exhalation[28,29]; or a
“counter-pressure” in the form of positive intrapleural pressure,
similar to the positive intrapulmonary pressure at the end of
expiration (PEEP).[30,32] Such methods are only allowed under
careful monitoring in the ICU setting.
If mechanical ventilation is needed, the ventilator setting should
support stula closure and limit inationary pressure (peak,
plateau and end-expiratory) and volume. Early spontaneous
breathing might support stula closure.
3) Hematothorax or hematopneumothorax
Sources of massive bleeding can include aortic rupture,
myocardial rupture and injuries to hilar structures. Other sources
could be injuries to the chest wall with lesions on intercostal or
mammary blood vessels. The hemodynamic reduction of cardiac
output may reach the level of hemorrhagic shock.
Therapeutic aspects
Thoracic drainage is the therapy of choice. The intent of
thoracic draining is the drainage and quantication of blood,
removal of possible coexisting pneumothorax, and tamponade
of the bleeding source. Arterial hemorrhage is life threatening;
therefore, the amount of blood loss must be closely monitored.
An initial blood loss in excess of 1,500 mL (≥20 mL/kg) or a
blood loss of about 300-500 mL/h via the chest tube should
lead to a surgical thoracotomy to stop bleeding.[33,34]
If a hematothorax is not drained, coagulated blood can produce
a clotted hemothorax, empyema and fibrothorax, with a
prolonged disturbance of ventilation, which results in extended
hospitalization. If the chest tube does not effectively drain the
blood, thoracoscopic drainage is a further possibility within the
rst week.[18]
4) Respiratory duct injury
Tracheal or bronchial injuries mostly occur as a component of
Table 3: Clinical signs of pneumothorax
Diminished or absent sounds of breathing on the aected side
Unilateral hyperresonance to percussion
Pleuratic pain
Tracheal deviation
Pulsus paradoxus
Elevated central venous pressure, superior vena cava syndrome
Increased pressure on ventilator
End-tidal CO2 elevation, decreased PaO2 and SpO2 levels
Richter and Ragaller: Chest trauma ventilation
254 Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock I 4:2 I Apr - Jun 2011
multiple trauma, and the majority of patients with such injuries
die before hospital admission.[35] Injuries of the upper airways are
usually caused by blunt or, to a lesser extent, penetrating chest
traumas. Injury of the cranial part of the trachea is uncommon,
but it can occur even from a direct, low-energy blow.
Approximately 80% of tracheobronchial ruptures are located
around the carina (approximately a 2-cm radius) and are caused
by high-energy trauma. The right main bronchus is involved
more often than the left main bronchus.[36,37] Such injuries usually
involve the pars membranacea of the trachea; whereas in the main
bronchi, the ruptures are transversal between two chondral rings.
Dyspnea, hemoptysis, emphysema, pneumothorax and
pneumomediastinum that reaccumulates despite tube
thoracostomy and continuous air loss after placement of a chest
tube are clinical manifestations of tracheobronchial injury.
Diagnosis is achieved by bronchoscopy and is often difcult.
Signs of airway-vascular communication — such as hemoptysis
and sudden cardiovascular or neurologic dysfunction; air in
arterial aspiration; and air in retinal vessels — may alert the
clinician to symptoms of life-threatening systemic air embolism.
Therapeutic aspects
Intubation should be performed during spontaneous breathing
if possible because positive-pressure ventilation may enlarge an
incomplete rupture and may worsen symptoms. Ruptures above
the carina can be protected with a single- or double-lumen tube,
whereas ruptures at the carina level or more distal ones make a
double-lumen tube indispensable.[39] Further distally, a univent
bronchial blocker may be necessary to isolate the affected
bronchopulmonary segment and to promote healing.
[40,41] Surgical
closure is usually necessary.[33] In cases of systemic air embolism
where the source is suspected on one side, one-lung ventilation
may be applied. In cases of bilateral sources of airway-vascular
communication, the ventilation pressure should be kept as low
as possible to decrease a further collection of air in the vascular
5) Lung contusion
Lung contusion is the most frequently diagnosed intrathoracic
injury that results from blunt trauma.[42] Isolated lung contusions
are considered more benign.[43] The risk of pulmonary contusion
appears to correlate with the severity of forces and the proximity
of the zone of the impact to the patient.[44] In the early phase of
injury, the impairment of oxygenation seems to correlate with
the involved lung tissue.[45] Clinically, gas exchange impairment
is obvious. Chest x-ray with irregular, nonlobular opacication
provides no indication of the severity of contusion and cannot
lead to a reliable prognosis. Thorax CT scan and blood gases are
better indicators of the grade of lung contusion.[46,47]
Therapeutic aspects
Respiratory relief can be achieved by positive-pressure ventilation
(i.e., continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP), sufcient pain
management, physiotherapy and pulmonary drainage (to prevent
pneumonia). Pulmonary drainage may be successfully supported
by high-frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO).[48] In severe
cases, the need for volume and blood substitution can add further
damage to the lung parenchyma by capillary leakage. In cases of
impaired gas exchange, intubation and mechanical ventilation are
necessary. Additionally, early xation of concomitant long bone
fractures may prevent further pulmonary complications, such as
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
Other related injuries after chest trauma include rare traumatic
diaphragmatic rupture, which requires surgical repair.[49]
The presence of pulmonary contusion with or without ail chest
is usually associated with a high incidence of ventilatory support
requirements[50]; however, there is often no clear correlation
between the affected lung volume and the severity and duration
of hypoxemia.[3] Respiratory support can avoid asynchronous
paradoxical movements and can achieve pneumatic stabilization.
A general optimal ventilatory strategy that is applicable to all
patients after chest trauma does not exist. Understanding the
pathophysiology of individual patients, with their specic kinds
of lung damage after trauma, and accordingly devising and
implementing ventilation strategies may support the respiratory
system and prevent further ventilator-associated lung injury
(VALI). VALI has the potential to induce acute lung injury (ALI)
or ARDS, as well as multiple organ failure.[51,52]
The risk factors for developing trauma-associated ARDS
include direct pulmonary injury, direct chest wall injury,
aspiration, hemorrhagic shock, massive transfusion, old age,
underlying diseases, malignancy, severe traumatic brain injury,
and quadriplegia.[53,54]
Clinicians need to be aware that barotrauma, as well as VALI in
general, results from elevated pulmonary pressures, large tidal
volumes, overdistension and an increased fraction of inspired
oxygen, viz., FiO2 >0.6. Limiting plateau airway pressures
and reducing tidal volumes help minimize the risk of VALI.
Therefore, it is helpful that physiological parameters (e.g.,
SpO2, CO2, pH) need not be corrected to physiologic norms,
as previously described.[55] One exception involves patients with
elevated intracranial pressures (ICPs), where normoventilation
should be achieved. In trauma patients, wherein thorax injury is
combined with head injuries (about 18% of fatally injured car
drivers),[56] an additional goal is to optimize the cerebral perfusion
pressure. Hypercapnia and acidosis compromise cerebral
perfusion and should therefore be avoided in these patients.
In addition to VALI, other problems can occur in combination
with mechanical ventilation. One important complication is the
reduction of cardiac output due to elevated intrathoracic pressure
created by positive-pressure ventilation with resultant reduced
venous return and hypotension. The challenge for the physician
Richter and Ragaller: Chest trauma ventilation
Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock I 4:2 I Apr - Jun 2011
is to achieve the ne balance between ventilation, oxygenation
and adequate cardiac output in chest trauma patients.
Clinicians can select between two different strategies to apply
mechanical ventilation: noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation
(NPPV) and invasive positive-pressure ventilation (IPPV).
Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation
NPPV delivers positive pressure to patients through nasal,
facial or helmet interfaces, without an endotracheal airway, and
should be used in cooperative patients without hemodynamic
instability, facial injuries and a risk of aspiration. NPPV is typically
associated with fewer serious complications, a shorter stay at
the ICU, shorter periods of ventilation and improvements in
oxygenation.[57,58] NPPV may reduce the incidence of intubation
in patients with chest trauma–induced hypoxemia.[59] Therefore,
NPPV should be considered the rst choice in the absence of
contraindications. In the event of noncompliance or failure to
respond, intubation and IPPV are indicated.
The advantages of noninvasive ventilation are the avoidance of
complications related to endotracheal intubation, avoidance of
sedation and paralysis and the easy removal and reinstitution
of NPPV, if needed. There are no guidelines for administering
continuous or intermittent NPPV therapy, and so it should be
adapted to the patient’s needs.
The disadvantages of NPPV are typically related to the interface
(a mask with an air leak and necrosis) and the lack of a protected
airway. However, tracheal intubation should never be delayed if
the respiratory status worsens under NPPV.
Invasive positive-pressure ventilation
The choice of endotracheal tube depends on the type of injury
and the requirements of further surgery. Trauma patients with
maxillofacial injury, full stomach, cervical spine instability, neck
hematoma, laryngeal injury or respiratory distress may require
more extensive airway management.[50,61] IPPV should be
primarily selected in patients who need a denitive airway and
need to be protected from aspiration.
Ventilator setting
NPPV is part of a noninvasive technique that delivers continuous
PEEP or CPAP, or it is used to maintain two positive airway
pressures [pressure support ventilation (PSV) and PEEP]. The
avoidance of airway and alveolar collapse by CPAP prevents
atelectasis, maintains functional residual capacity and increases
cardiac output. In the PSV mode, the patient triggers the
ventilator to provide a variable ow of gas that increases until
airway pressure reaches a selected limit. Patients with PSV control
the respiratory rate and the inspiratory and expiratory times.
The setting should be adjusted to provide the lowest inspiratory
pressures or volumes needed to obtain improved gas exchange
and patient comfort.[62] A pressure differential of 5 cm H2O
should be maintained between the inspiratory positive airway
pressure and expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP), starting
with an EPAP of 3 cm H2O. Inspiratory and expiratory pressures
can be gradually increased over the course of 5 minutes if
necessary. The impact of these pressure changes on oxygenation
improvement should be monitored by using continuous pulse
oximetry and end-tidal CO2.
Higher EPAP levels (≥12 cm H2O) may require IPPV. The
implementation of the open lung concept with a PEEP ≥10
cm H2O increases normally aerated lung volume and arterial
oxygenation in patients with severe chest trauma.[63] Otherwise,
patients with significant lung contusion and poor lung
compliance have an increased risk of barotrauma. In patients
with hemorrhagic shock, PEEP levels higher than 5 cm H2O
can exacerbate hypotension.
Therefore, this type of trauma patient needs a ventilator strategy
that minimizes airway pressure[64] and incorporates permissive
hypercapnia, meaning that the strategy of protective mechanical
ventilation should be applied by limiting peak lung distension and
preventing end-expiratory collapse with —
. Low tidal volumes
Tidal volumes of 6 mL/kg of predicted body weight;
for men = [50+0.91 (body height in cm − 152.4)] and
for women = [45.5+0.91 (body height in cm − 152.4)].
. Limited plateau pressure viz., <30 cm H2O
A plateau pressure <28 cm H2O is associated with less tidal
hyperinflation and is even more protective than a plateau
pressure (Pplat) <30 cm H2O in patients with a large, dependent
and nonaerated lung compartment.[65] To adequately distend
the lung, in several types of patients (e.g., with morbid obesity),
higher, additional pressures [including elevated PEEP (as the
rst choice)] might be needed to lift the restricted chest wall
away from the lung.
. An FiO2 that is as low as possible
Unclear initial situations in polytraumatized patients require high
FiO2 values. This is supported by studies that have shown a lower
mortality in animals with hemorrhagic shock and with high FiO2
levels,[66] and a better prognosis in patients with head and brain
injuries.[67] Under controlled conditions of an ICU, FiO2 should
be adapted to obtain a PaO2 of 8-10 kPa per 60-80 mm Hg (or
oxygenation saturation ≥90%). This can be optimized by using
closed-loop control systems.[68]
. Optimal PEEP
PEEP should be incrementally added to optimize oxygenation
and CO2–elimination and may reach a range of 14-16 cm H2O
in patients with severe lung injury.[69] A meta-analysis of the
treatment of patients with acute lung injury and ARDS (which
includes a fraction of patients with multiple trauma) compared
the outcomes after treatment with higher (11-15 cm H2O) vs.
lower (8-9 cm H2O) PEEP levels and showed that higher levels
of PEEP were associated with improved hospital survival only
among the subgroup of patients with ARDS.[70] However, severe
Richter and Ragaller: Chest trauma ventilation
256 Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock I 4:2 I Apr - Jun 2011
hypotension and a substantial reduction of cardiac output have
to be avoided.
. Permissive hypercapnia
Elevated PaCO2 levels can be tolerated, so long as the pH is greater
than 7.2, except in patients with elevated intracranial pressures.
Ventilator modes
Unfortunately, there is a limited amount of scientic data that can
be used to guide the practitioner in the selection of the best mode
of ventilation. Despite the several ventilator modes introduced
into the clinical routine, there is no evidence that the choice
between a volume-controlled mode and a pressure-controlled
mode inuences the mortality or morbidity of patients.[71] PSV
assists respiratory muscles during noninvasive and invasive
ventilation and is patient-triggered and ow-cycled (see above).
In the event of leakage (i.e., bronchopulmonal stula), PSV
with an adjustable termination ow should be used to prevent
prolonged inspiration.
Airway pressure release ventilation (APRV) is a mode that
can permit spontaneous breathing at any time throughout the
respiratory cycle. Airway pressure is transiently released to a
lower level to create a deep expiration and to support the patient
effort during CPAP breathing. Hereby, the lower pressure level
is extremely shorter than the time of the upper pressure level.
APRV has been shown to improve oxygenation in trauma patients
and therefore may be a good option.[72-74]
High-frequency oscillation ventilation (HFOV) is an additional
option for mechanical ventilation and is typically used as a
rescue mode of ventilation in patients with severe respiratory
[75] With HFOV, the lung achieves a higher mean airway
pressure in comparison to conventional mechanical ventilation
and very low tidal volumes (44-210 mL),[76] preventing cyclical
lung de-recruitment and overdistension. The potential benecial
effects of HFOV still need elaboration and evaluation in the
chest trauma population.[77]
Under the assumption that mechanical ventilation patterns that
produce variable airway pressures and inspiratory times may be
advantageous to maximize lung recruitment and stabilization,[78] a
new mode of "noisy ventilation" with variable tidal volumes and
xed respiratory frequencies to improve respiratory function has
been introduced. However, this mode has not been demonstrated
in human patients.[79,80]
Gas exchange through an artificial lung
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) or
extracorporeal life support (ECLS) is benecial in treating ALI
and ARDS after trauma[81-84] and can improve the survival of
trauma patients.[85] Extracorporeal oxygenation needs systemic
anticoagulation and is therefore difcult to apply in patients
with multiple trauma[86] and is only provided in specialized
Independent lung ventilation
Chest trauma can lead to disproportionate or unilateral lung
trauma. In such cases, the affected lung cannot be sufciently
ventilated without compromising the healthy lung with VALI.
Conventional respiration methods may fail in such a condition
of the lungs. Here independent lung ventilation should be
considered to optimize the respiratory and hemodynamic
situations. Non-synchronized independent ventilation can be
used to provide the lungs with selective ventilator management,
according to the different statuses of the affected and non-
affected lungs.[87,88] In this way, after intubation with a double-
lumen tube, two ventilators that are independently attached to
the lungs can provide different ventilator modes, ows, pressure
levels, rates, volumes and inspired oxygen. Independent lung
ventilation provides the option of combining high-frequency jet
ventilation to the affected side with protective lung ventilation
to the non-affected side.[89-92]
The use of differential PEEP is another important factor for
improving gas exchange in unilateral parenchymal lung injuries
after trauma.[93-95] In bronchopleural stula, the positive pressure
(PEEP/ CPAP) and inationary volume should be limited, and
inverse-ratio inationary holds should be avoided on the affected
side. Further limitation in positive pressure can be achieved by
reducing the rate of positive-pressure breaths with the affected
lung. In very severe cases, the affected side may be left open
to the atmosphere or connected to an oxygen-rich gas source,
whereas the non-affected side is ventilated.[32,96]
Ventilation in patients after chest trauma is challenging because of
the difculty in achieving balance between sufcient ventilation
and the avoidance of further harm to the lungs. Coexisting
neurologic, osseous and vascular injuries may require more
attention by the emergency physician than the pulmonary trauma
itself. The goal of rst-line clinical therapy for chest trauma
patients is to achieve an adequate level of oxygenation and to
protect the lungs from further injury using reduced tidal volumes
(6 mL/kg pbw), a pressure limit below 30 cm H2O and a level
of FiO2 as low as possible. The magnitude, location and type of
lung or chest injury require a gradually adapted therapy tailored
to individual patient’s needs and which includes NIPPV or IPPV
with i.e. APRV. Additionally, ECMO should be considered, as
should independent, side-specic lung ventilation in combination
with HFOV. Chest tube management, chest physiotherapy,
extensive bronchial drainage, bronchial alveolar lavage sampling
and other options, such as the use of bronchial blockers and the
performance of a tracheostomy, should be incorporated into the
management of ventilation in chest trauma patients.
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How to cite this article: Richter T, Ragaller M. Ventilation in chest
trauma. J Emerg Trauma Shock 2011;4:251-9.
Received: 09.12.10. Accepted: 09.12.10.
Source of Support: Nil. Conict of Interest: None declared.
Richter and Ragaller: Chest trauma ventilation
... Penetrating trauma introduces air directly into the thoracic cavity, either through the injury site or from the tracheobronchial tree following injury to lung parenchyma. When a penetrating injury leads to pneumothorax, it is often referred to as open pneumothorax, and it may frequently coincide with hematothorax (30)(31)(32)(33). In contrast, blunt traumainduced pneumothorax may arise from visceral pleural injury due to rib fractures or alveolar rupture, often a consequence of increased alveolar pressure during chest compression. ...
... In contrast, blunt traumainduced pneumothorax may arise from visceral pleural injury due to rib fractures or alveolar rupture, often a consequence of increased alveolar pressure during chest compression. In cases of chest injury, tension pneumothorax, a life-threatening condition, can develop (30,31). ...
... Tension pneumothorax is marked by respiratory distress, lung collapse, tracheal deviation, mediastinal shift, hypotension, decreased consciousness level, neck vein distension, and cyanosis. In all cases of thoracic injury, clinical suspicion of pneumothorax is essential (30,31). ...
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This comprehensive review aims to delineate the prevailing non-cardiac thoracic injuries occurring in urban environments following initial on-site treatment and subsequent admission to hospital emergency departments. Our study involved a rigorous search within the PubMed database, employing key phrases and their combinations, including "thorac-ic injury," "thoracic trauma," "haemothorax," "lung contusion," "traumatic pneumotho-rax," "rib fractures," and "flail chest." We focused on original research articles and reviews. Non-cardiac thoracic injuries exhibit a high prevalence, often affecting polytrau-ma patients, and contributing to up to 35% of polytrauma-related fatalities. Furthermore, severe thoracic injuries can result in a substantial 5% mortality rate. This review provides insights into clinical entities such as lung contusion, traumatic haemothorax, pneumothorax, rib fractures, and sternal fractures. Thoracic injuries represent a frequent and significant clinical concern for emergency department physicians and thoracic surgeons , warranting thorough understanding and timely intervention.
... La letalidad del trauma de tórax es de 5-8%; por encima de 25% del total de las muertes en trauma es por trauma de tórax. 27,28 El daño estructural de tórax desestabiliza la mecánica de la ventilación; además del dolor, en el tórax inestable aumenta el trabajo respiratorio por segmento fl otante. El efecto cardiovascular del trauma de tórax es por alteración del llenado ventricular por neumotórax a tensión, taponamiento cardiaco y arritmias, disminuyendo el gasto cardiaco. ...
... El efecto cardiovascular del trauma de tórax es por alteración del llenado ventricular por neumotórax a tensión, taponamiento cardiaco y arritmias, disminuyendo el gasto cardiaco. 28 Robinson y su grupo mostraron uno de los primeros estudios que relacionan el trauma con asincronía; en su trabajo se determinó la frecuencia y las características de asincronía en pacientes traumáticos. 16 El proceso de extubación implica aumento de la precarga y del trabajo respiratorio, y esto se puede correlacionar con los niveles de péptido natriurético cerebral (BNP). ...
... Por ello, se precisa determinar una relación entre índice de asincronía/BNP (IA/BNP) como predictor en el resultado de la extubación de pacientes con TT. 25,28 El presente estudio pretende correlacionar el índice de asincronía/péptido natriurético cerebral (IA/BNP) con el resultado en la extubación en pacientes con TT. ...
... The treatment of pulmonary contusions remains majorly supportive with good oxygenation and adequate analgesia support. There is usually a very minimal need for invasive and mechanical ventilation [7]. Rather, one can raise the question of whether or not an NIV modality would help in early recovery and treating obstructive atelectasis. ...
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Both blunt and penetrating chest trauma in children are less common than in adults but cause severe acute morbidity and mortality. As the literature suggests, pulmonary contusion is the most common chest injury in children, occurring in more than half of all blunt chest trauma cases. Even patients with blunt injuries are likely to have a longer hospital stay. The difference in physiological and anatomical variations in children compared to adults makes it more difficult from the diagnosis, management, and monitoring perspectives. A thorough physical examination is needed with close clinical monitoring, and additional vigilance is important during the management of a child. The physiologic consequences, such as the dreaded complication of alveolar hemorrhage and pulmonary parenchymal destruction, usually manifest within a few hours of the trauma and can take up to seven days to recover. Hence, timely diagnosis is crucial during the emergency evaluation. The clinical diagnosis can be supported by a special imaging modality in the form of chest computed tomography (CT), which confirms the radiological parenchymal destruction with high sensitivity. Management is mostly supportive to start with and includes high-flow oxygen, ventilatory pressure support as needed for the severity of acute lung injury (ALI) or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), judicious fluid administration, control of the pain associated with bony and thoracic soft tissue injuries, and careful hemodynamic monitoring for other complications and sequelae likely to develop. Here, we report an interesting case of a 10-year-old male child presenting to the Pediatric Emergency Department with acute moderate-to-severe respiratory distress that developed after two days of a few vomiting episodes along with non-specific lower chest and substernal pain following blunt trauma to the chest. The injury was trivial in nature as described by the father caused by an accidental fall on a small pile of bricks while playing near his home. After triaging under the red category, the child was managed in line with acute respiratory distress. We ruled out pneumothorax, hemorrhagic pleural effusion or pericardial effusion, and other evidence of invasive chest as well as gross abdominal injuries by comprehensive but focused history and clinical examinations, including adjuncts such as point-of-care ultrasound) and chest X-ray (CXR). Although the initial arterial blood gas analyses were suggestive of a mild form of ARDS or ALI by the criteria based on the P:F ratio (PaO2 to FiO2 ratio, which was between 200 and 300 for the case), the CXR and the chest CT revealed that the child had significant lung parenchymal injury in the form of bilateral fluffy pulmonary infiltrates. This case indicates that even a trivial blunt trauma can induce certain mechanisms of lung injury, leading to severe manifestations and sometimes fatal complications such as pulmonary contusion, hemorrhage, and ARDS.
... In children, the elasticity of the osseous structure of the chest can lead to an underestimation of parenchymal injuries. 4 In our case, neither the history nor the physical examination suggested chest injury. The chest x-ray, although taken was not available for viewing due to technical glitches prior to surgery. ...
Polytraumatized patients with blunt chest trauma pose unique challenges when admitted to the hospital. Some patients require oxygen supplementation and analgesia. However, a few unfortunate patients with severe lung injury might land up with noninvasive ventilation (NIV) or invasive ventilation. A carefully planned NIV initiated on time could improve underlying respiratory issues and could even prevent invasive ventilation. Contrary to other patients like cardiogenic pulmonary edema, fluid overload, or ARDS due to other causes, patients with blunt trauma need good-quality, titrated analgesia instead of drugs like benzodiazepines. Several regional anesthesia techniques can be offered to these patients depending on the nature of the injury, available expertise, and infrastructure. This chapter discusses the various pharmacological options and regional anesthesia alternatives which can be considered in polytrauma patients with blunt chest trauma.
In the trauma setting, acute respiratory failure (ARF) can complicate the clinical course in up to 20% of major trauma patients, and non-invasive ventilation (NIV) plays a considerable role in the management of it. ARF following trauma can be the consequence of direct chest injury (i.e. rib fracture, pulmonary contusion, penetrating chest trauma, pneumothorax) or indirect injury (i.e. traumatic brain injury, fat embolism, TRALI) and in each of the cases the ventilation goal is to preserve lung recruitment and gas exchange, while avoiding ventilator-associated lung injury (VALI). In selected trauma patients, NIV can represent the best strategy of respiratory support, thanks to its reduced risk of developing ventilator-associated pneumonia if compared to invasive ventilation; the proper ventilation setting should be protective, with the aim of minimizing airway pressure and, at the same time, preventing end-expiratory collapse. In the trauma setting NIV appears to be safe and helpful when used in appropriately selected patients, however strong evidences are still needed.
Noninvasive ventilation (NIV), the delivery of positive air pressure through a noninvasive interface, has a well-established role in the treatment of conditions such as the exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Recently, new indications for NIV have emerged. We aimed to review these novel applications of NIV, and the available evidence in literature to support its use.KeywordsNoninvasive ventilationNew indicationsCOVID-19
Although the first successful use of extracorporeal life support (ECLS) in adults was reported in post-traumatic respiratory failure, trauma has been traditionally considered a relative contraindication to ECLS due to the possible complications. In recent years, however, technological improvement and a better pathophysiological understanding led to increased use of ECLS in selected patients. Indeed, most uncertainties were related to hemorrhagic and thrombotic complications and were overcome with newer materials that allow for the initiation of support without anticoagulation when hemorrhagic risk is high. The main indications for ECLS in trauma are represented by acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and chest trauma, including cardiac trauma and traumatic cardiac arrest, cerebral trauma and bleeding, hemorrhage, hypothermia, and burns in both adults and children. Specific scenarios including combat casualties are emerging indications as well. Extracorporeal support can interrupt the vicious circle represented by the lethal triad of trauma (hypothermia, acidosis, and coagulopathy) by controlling temperature, providing an adequate cardiac output, and unloading the venous system. This can lead, according to registry data, to survival rates of around 60% in thoracic trauma patients supported with ECLS. In this chapter, we will discuss the rationale and indications of ECLS in trauma and present some challenges for the application in this setting.
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Blunt trauma patients with rib fractures were studied to determine whether the number of rib fractures or their patterns were more predictive of abdominal solid organ injury and/or other thoracic trauma. Rib fractures were characterized as upper zone (ribs 1 to 4), midzone (ribs 5 to 8), and lower zone (ribs 9 to 12). Findings of sternal and scapular fractures, pulmonary contusions, and solid organ injures (liver, spleen, kidney) were characterized by the total number and predominant zone of ribs fractured. There were 296 men and 14 women. There were 38 patients with scapular fracture and 19 patients with sternal fractures. There were 90 patients with 116 solid organ injuries: liver (n = 42), kidney (n = 27), and spleen (n = 47). Lower rib fractures, whether zone-limited or overlapping, were highly predictive of solid organ injury when compared with upper and midzones. Scapular and sternal fractures were more common with upper zone fractures and pulmonary contusions increased with the number of fractured ribs. Multiple rib fractures involving the lower ribs have a high association with solid organ injury, 51 per cent in this series. The increasing number of rib fractures enhanced the likelihood of other chest wall and pulmonary injuries but did not affect the incidence of solid organ injury.
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The objective of our study was to compare the performance of low-dose linear slit digital radiography (DR) with computed radiography (CR) for the detection of trauma sequelae in the chest including rib fractures, pneumothorax, and lung contusion. Eighty trauma victims (62 males, 18 females; mean age, 51.5 years) with a total of 612 rib fractures and 80 consecutive patients without rib fractures (59 males, 21 females; mean age, 39.5 years) were retrospectively analyzed. All patients had undergone whole-body linear slit DR and consecutive chest CT, and 87 patients underwent follow-up CR of the chest within 24 hours of DR and CT. Four blinded readers assessed image quality, rib fracture localization with diagnostic confidence, and the presence of pneumothorax and lung contusion on linear slit DR and CR images. Sensitivity for rib fractures and image quality were compared using the Wilcoxon's test. For the detection of pneumothorax and lung contusion, the difference in the areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves were calculated. The rate of correctly identified rib fractures was higher (true-positive findings per image, 2.55 vs 2.21, respectively; p = 0.02), the rate of missed fractures was lower (false-negative findings per image, 4.98 vs 6.19; p = 0.02), and the diagnostic confidence was greater (2.03 vs 1.73 on a 3-point scale; p = 0.01) with linear slit DR than with CR, respectively. Image quality and performance for detecting pneumothorax and lung contusion with both techniques were not statistically different (p = 0.22, 0.85, and 0.55, respectively). Linear slit DR is a reliable substitute for CR in the initial evaluation of chest trauma, with better sensitivity for detecting rib fractures and similar performance in assessing pneumothorax and lung contusion.
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Mechanical ventilation is a supportive and life saving therapy in patients with acute lung injury (ALI)/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Despite advances in critical care, mortality remains high [1]. During the last decade, the fact that mechanical ventilation can produce morphologic and physiologic alterations in the lungs has been recognized [2]. In this context, the use of low tidal volumes (VT) and limited inspiratory plateau pressure (Pplat) has been proposed when mechanically ventilating the lungs of patients with ALI/ARDS, to prevent lung as well as distal organ injury [3]. However, the reduction in VT may result in alveolar derecruitment, cyclic opening and closing of atelectatic alveoli and distal small airways leading to ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) if inadequate low positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is applied [4]. On the other hand, high PEEP levels may be associated with excessive lung parenchyma stress and strain [5] and negative hemodynamic effects, resulting in systemic organ injury [6]. Therefore, lung recruitment maneuvers have been proposed and used to open up collapsed lung, while PEEP counteracts alveolar derecruitment due to low VT ventilation [4]. Lung recruitment and stabilization through use of PEEP are illustrated in Figure 1. Nevertheless, the beneficial effects of recruitment maneuvers in ALIIARDS have been questioned. Although Hodgson et al. [7] showed no evidence that recruitment maneuvers reduce mortality or the duration of mechanical ventilation in patients with ALI/ARDS, such maneuvers may be useful to reverse life-threatening hypoxemia [8] and to avoid derecruitment resulting from disconnection and/or airway suctioning procedures [9]. Fig. 1. Computed tomography images of oleic acid-induced acute lung injury in dogs at different inspiratory and expiratory pressures. Note the improvement in alveolar aeration at end-expiration after the recruitment maneuver. Large arrows represent ispiration and expiration. Double-ended arrows represent the tidal breathing (end-expiration and end-inspiration). Adapted from [4].
Purpose Flow rates and pressures generated by commercially available pleural drainage units (PDUs) and flow rates through available pleural drainage catheters (PDCs) are not known. This information may be important clinically depending on the volume of air leak associated with a bronchopleural fistula. Design Eight PDUs were assessed for flow rates at various suction levels and for the percent accuracy of suction pressures generated at various settings. Eleven commonly used PDCs were assessed for flow rates at various suction control levels. All devices were donated by their manufacturer. Flow rates and pressures were measured by a RT 200 Calibration Analyzer (Timeter Instrument Corporation; St. Louis, MO) at body temperature, ambient pressure, saturated with water vapor. Five devices of each type were tested. Analysis of variance was performed with p < 0.05 being significant. Results Multiple significant differences between PDUs were noted at a pressure of − 20 cm H2O. The Argyle Sentinel Seal (Sherwood Medical; Tillamore, Ireland) had significantly lower flow rates (mean ± SD, 10.8 ± 0.6 L/min) compared with all other models. The Argyle Aqua-Seal (Sherwood Medical) had the highest PDU flow rate of devices tested (42.1 ± 1.0 L/min). The accuracy of PDUs at manufacturer-suggested settings varied from a mean percentage error of 0.0 to 15.5% from expected pressures; significant differences were noted in accuracy among multiple interdevice pressure comparisons. Similarly, multiple significant flow rate differences between PDCs were noted at − 20 cm H2O. Lowest flow rates were noted with thoracentesis catheters (used as PDCs) containing side ports. Arrow drainage catheters (14F, pigtail and straight) [Arrow International; Reading, PA] both had significantly greater flow rates (both, 16.8 ± 0.1 L/min), compared with the 14F (12.8 ± 0.3) and 16F (14.8 ± 0.6) Cook devices (Cook; Bloomington, IN). Conclusions These differences in flow rates for PDUs and PDCs may be clinically important, particularly in patients with large pneumothorax-related air leaks. Observed differences in PDU-generated pressures are likely not clinically important.
Background: Elevated airway pressures during mechanical ventilation are associated with hemodynamic compromise and pulmonary barotrauma. We studied the cardiopulmonary effects of a pressure-limited mode of ventilation (airway pressure release ventilation) in patients with the adult respiratory distress syndrome.Methods: Fifteen patients requiring intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV) and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) were studied. Following measurement of hemodynamic and ventilatory data, all patients were placed on airway pressure release ventilation (APRV). Cardiorespiratory measurements were repeated after a 2-hour stabilization period.Results: During ventilatory support with APRV, peak inspiratory pressure (62±10 vs 30±4 cm H2O) and PEEP (11±4 vs 7±2 cm H2O) were reduced compared with IMV. Mean airway pressure was higher with APRV (18±5 vs 24±4 cm H2O) There were no statistically significant differences in gas exchange or hemodynamic variables. Both cardiac output (8.7±1.8 vs 8.4±2.0 L/min) and partial pressure of oxgen in arterial blood (79 ±9 vs 86±11 mm Hg) were essentially unchanged.Conclusions: Our results suggest that while airway pressure release ventilation can provide similar oxygenation and ventilation at lower peak and end-expiratory pressures, this offers no hemodynamic advantages.(Arch Surg. 1993;128:1348-1352)
Background: The supine anteroposterior chest radiograph (CXR) is an insensitive test for posttraumatic pneumothoraces (PTXs). Computed tomographic (CT) scanning often detects PTXs that were not diagnosed on CXR (occult PTXs [OPTXs]). The purpose of this study was to define the incidence, predictors, and outcomes for OPTXs after trauma. Methods: Thoracoabdominal CT scans and corresponding CXRs of all trauma patients entered into a regional database were reviewed. Patients with OPTXs were compared with those with overt, residual, and no PTXs regarding incidence, demographics, associated injuries, early resuscitative predictors, treatment, and outcomes. Results: Paired CXRs and CT scans were available for 338 of 761 (44%) patients (98.5% blunt trauma). One hundred three PTXs were present in 89 patients, 57 (55%) of which were occult; 6 (11%) were seen only on thoracic CT scan. Age, sex, length of stay, and survival were similar between all groups. OPTXs and PTXs were similar in comparative size index and number of images. Subcutaneous emphysema, pulmonary contusion, rib fracture(s), and female sex were independent predictors of OPTXs. Seventeen (35%) patients with OPTXs were ventilated, of whom 13 (76%) underwent thoracostomy. No complications resulted from observation, although 23% of patients with thoracostomy had tube-related complications or required repositioning. Conclusion: OPTXs are commonly missed both by CXR and even abdominal CT scanning in seriously injured patients. Basic markers available early in resuscitation are highly predictive for OPTXs and may guide management before CT scanning. Further study of OPTX detection and management is required.
Objective: To determine the published incidence of adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) as well as the clinical evidence supporting a causal association between ARDS and its major risk factors. Data Sources: The National Library of Medicine MEDLINE database and the bibliographies of selected articles. Study Selection: Clinical studies were selected from the English literature, if they pertained to either the incidence of ARDS or its association with one or more commonly identified risk factors. Data Extraction: All relevant studies identified by the search were evaluated for strength of design, and risk factors were scored according to established criteria for the strength of causation. Data Synthesis: A total of 83 articles were considered relevant: six on incidence and 77 on risk factors. Only 49% of the 83 articles provided a definition of ARDS; a definition of risk factors was given in 64%, and 23% had no definition for either ARDS or risk factors. The published, population-based incidence of ARDS ranges from 1.5 to 5.3/105 population/yr. The strongest clinical evidence supporting a cause-effect relationship was identified for sepsis, aspiration, trauma, and multiple transfusions. The weakest clinical evidence was identified for disseminated intravascular coagulation. The following study types were represented by the 77 articles on risk factors: observational case-series (56%); cohorts (23%); case-controls (12%); nonrandomized clinical trials (5%); and randomized clinical trials (3%). Only a single study reported an odds ratio. Conclusions: The significant variation in the incidence of ARDS is attributed to differences in the type and strength of study designs, as well as definitions of ARDS. While a substantial body of evidence exists concerning a causal role for ARDS risk factors, such as sepsis, aspiration, and trauma, more than 60% of clinical studies employed weak designs. The lack of reproducible definitions for ARDS or its potential risk factors in 49% of studies raises concerns about the validity of the conclusions of these studies regarding the association between ARDS and the supposed risk factors. (Crit Care Med 1996; 24:687-695)
The efficacy of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) was first demonstrated for the treatment of patients with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) [1, 2, followed by a broader use for other kinds of acute respiratory failure of various etiologies including acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema [3], after solid organ transplant [4], and in immunosuppressed hematology patients [5]. NIV therapy is increasingly popular for the treatment of acute respiratory failure as well as for new indications such as postoperative acute respiratory failure [6–8]. This widening of indications has been accompanied by improvement in and development of ventilation techniques by physicians and manufacturers. The place of NIV in postoperative acute respiratory failure is not yet well established. Nevertheless, use of NIV to avoid reintubation or to treat postoperative acute respiratory failure has often been described in observational and/or randomized studies (Table 1).