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Social Complexity and Nesting Habits Are Factors in the Evolution of Antimicrobial Defences in Wasps

  • Australian College of Physical Education, Australia

Abstract and Figures

Microbial diseases are important selective agents in social insects and one major defense mechanism is the secretion of cuticular antimicrobial compounds. We hypothesized that given differences in group size, social complexity, and nest type the secretions of these antimicrobials will be under different selective pressures. To test this we extracted secretions from nine wasp species of varying social complexity and nesting habits and assayed their antimicrobial compounds against cultures of Staphylococcus aureus. These data were then combined with phylogenetic data to provide an evolutionary context. Social species showed significantly higher (18x) antimicrobial activity than solitary species and species with paper nests showed significantly higher (11x) antimicrobial activity than those which excavated burrows. Mud-nest species showed no antimicrobial activity. Solitary, burrow-provisioning wasps diverged at more basal nodes of the phylogenetic trees, while social wasps diverged from the most recent nodes. These data suggest that antimicrobial defences may have evolved in response to ground-dwelling pathogens but the most important variable leading to increased antimicrobial strength was increase in group size and social complexity.
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Social Complexity and Nesting Habits Are Factors in the
Evolution of Antimicrobial Defences in Wasps
Stephen J. Hoggard*, Peter D. Wilson, Andrew J. Beattie, Adam J. Stow
Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, North Ryde, Australia
Microbial diseases are important selective agents in social insects and one major defense mechanism is the secretion of
cuticular antimicrobial compounds. We hypothesized that given differences in group size, social complexity, and nest type
the secretions of these antimicrobials will be under different selective pressures. To test this we extracted secretions from
nine wasp species of varying social complexity and nesting habits and assayed their antimicrobial compounds against
cultures of Staphylococcus aureus. These data were then combined with phylogenetic data to provide an evolutionary
context. Social species showed significantly higher (18x) antimicrobial activity than solitary species and species with paper
nests showed significantly higher (11x) antimicrobial activity than those which excavated burrows. Mud-nest species
showed no antimicrobial activity. Solitary, burrow-provisioning wasps diverged at more basal nodes of the phylogenetic
trees, while social wasps diverged from the most recent nodes. These data suggest that antimicrobial defences may have
evolved in response to ground-dwelling pathogens but the most important variable leading to increased antimicrobial
strength was increase in group size and social complexity.
Citation: Hoggard SJ, Wilson PD, Beattie AJ, Stow AJ (2011) Social Complexity and Nesting Habits Are Factors in the Evolution of Antimicrobial Defences in
Wasps. PLoS ONE 6(7): e21763. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021763
Editor: Art F. Y. Poon, British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Canada
Received April 3, 2011; Accepted June 6, 2011; Published July 6, 2011
Copyright: ß2011 Hoggard et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: The work was funded by Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grant (#DP0879229). The funders had no role in study design, data collection
and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail:
Disease risk in social insects can be influenced by a variety of
intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Large group sizes and limited
genetic diversity commonly associated with social species are
known to be factors [1] and different nest substrates and
climates present arrays of pathogens which may compromise a
colony. Despite this, social Hymenoptera have successfully
established on every continent (except Antarctica) suggesting
that they have found one or more strategies to successfully
combat disease. Indeed, multiple disease resistance strategies
have been observed in various hymenopteran species including
behavioural (e.g. allogrooming, nest cleaning), genetic (e.g.
increased diversity) or biochemical (e.g. immune response,
antibiotic secretions) [2,3].
Cuticular antimicrobial compounds [1,4,5] are important
because they target pathogens before they can infect an
individual. Previous studies have shown that antimicrobial
activity scales positively with group size in both bees and thrips
[1,4] supporting the theory that larger group sizes lead to
greater risk of disease. However, in order to establish the
generality of these findings, more insect lineages should be
Within the Hymenoptera, wasps are of particular interest as
both bees and ants arose from wasp lineages (Apoidea and
Vespoidea superfamilies respectively [6]) and examples of all
major nesting habits and levels social complexity are found within
extant wasp taxa [7]. Additionally, antibacterial peptides have
been isolated from the cuticle and venom of social wasp species
[5]. Therefore, wasps provide the opportunity to examine the
factors affecting disease resistance from some of the most primitive
states up until the most recent and complex derivatives.
Given the diversity of wasp taxa we predicted that we would
observe a large amount of variation in the relative strength of
antimicrobial defences among species, based on life history traits.
For this study, we extracted putative antimicrobial compounds
from the cuticle of a variety of wasp species which span a range of
nesting habits and social complexity. Using an established bioassay
[8], the activity of these compounds was measured and compared.
Based on previous studies we expected those species with the
greatest group sizes (i.e. the social species) to possess the strongest
antimicrobial compounds.
According to published phylogenies [6,9] solitary wasp species
are ancestral to social wasp lineages. Individuals of solitary species
do not cooperate with one another and aggregations, if any, result
from the availability of limited nesting sites [10,11]. While not
subjected to the evolutionary pressures of disease arising from
sociality, as the ancestral lineage of social species, we predicted
that solitary wasps would possess weak cuticular antimicrobial
compounds. In contrast, for social species we predicted they would
possess strong cuticular antimicrobial compounds used to protect
themselves from disease risks associated with large, high-density
group sizes. To test this hypothesis, we performed a phylogenetic
reconstruction of the examined species as there are no compre-
hensive phylogenies for Australian vespid or apoid wasps. These
data provided our results with an evolutionary context, allowing
for inferences to be made regarding the order in which traits
evolved or co-evolved.
PLoS ONE | 1 July 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 7 | e21763
Materials and Methods
Ethics Statement
No animal ethics approval was required for this study however
wasps were incapacitated with carbon dioxide during sampling
and prior to extraction of cuticular compounds and internal tissue
to minimise stress to the animals.
Sampling locations and species identification
1268 individual wasps comprising members of nine different
species were collected from public land across Sydney (New South
Wales) and Alice Springs (Northern Territory), Australia. Species
were identified by morphology and sequencing of 28S nrDNA and
COI mtDNA fragments (see below). In four wasp species,
identification could only be resolved to genus-level due to lack of
identification keys for many Australian wasp genera. In one
instance, identification could only be resolved to the level of sub-
family (designated as ‘Pepsinae Sp1’). Species were then
categorised by social complexity (social, communal aggregator or
solitary) and by nest type (paper nest, mud nest or burrow;
Table 1), representing broad categories of group size and
environmental exposure. Paper nests were defined as clusters of
cells constructed from pulp and attached to the substrate by a
petiole [7]. Mud nests were defined as sealed and provisioned cells
constructed from mud and above-ground [12,13]. Burrows were
defined as either provisioned terrestrial burrows [10,14], or as
those species which burrowed for prey which was subsequently
paralysed and ectoparasitised [15].
Putative antimicrobial compounds were assayed by established
methods to assay antimicrobial compounds obtained from thrips
and bees [1,4] and were removed from the cuticle of live wasps by
washing whole animals with 70% ethanol for 10 minutes,
followed by two rinses to maximise extraction. Solvents were
removed by vacuum evaporated at 25uC and the recovered
residue was resuspended in LB broth. Extracts were assayed
against Staphylococcus aureus using opposing gradients of extract
concentration and cell numbers across rows of 12 wells in 96-
well microtitre plates [8]. As S. aureus is exclusively found in birds
and mammals [16], it is unlikely that any species of wasp
has developed pathogen-specific defensive compounds that
would bias our study of broad-scale antimicrobial compounds.
Concentration-growth curves were generated for each species
with a minimum of five replicates per species, and a minimum of
three replicates per colony for social species, when sample size
permitted. Three control rows were used in each assay: LB broth,
resuspended extract with LB broth and a gradient of S. aureus cell
numbers with LB broth. Initially, the maximum concentration of
extract used was equivalent to a single wasp, however,
preliminary assays indicated this was too low to detect activity
in many species. Where additional samples were available the
maximum concentration of extract was increased to 2.0
(Cryptocheilus sp.,Sceliphron laetum and Austroscolia sp.)or4.0(Bembix
sp.). Where only a single individual was collected (Delta sp.,Abispa
ephippium and Pepsinae Sp1) the highest concentration of extract
was equivalent to 0.5 wasps. For social and communal aggregator
species washes from between three and eight individuals were
pooled and then diluted to the required wasp equivalent
concentrations. All assays used a one-half serial dilution for both
the S. aureus and extract gradients. Following incubation at 37uC
for 19 h, growth in treatment and control wells was measured as
an increase in optical density (OD) at 590 nm. These data were
expressed as [increase in OD of treatment well]/[increase in OD
of control well] and then used to determine the concentration of
extract required to kill or inhibit 50% of S. aureus growth (herein
referred to as IC50). A total of 50 assays were performed across
the nine species (Table 1).
Calculating Relative Antimicrobial Strength
Following Smith et al. (2008), a modified Gompertz function was
fitted to the data using R (version 2.5.1 [17]) to calculate the IC50
value for each assay. Mean IC50 (695% CI) was calculated for
each species and each category of social complexity and nest type.
Two-sample t-tests were performed between pairs of social
complexity and nest type categories. To standardise measurements
across different species, concentrations of wasp equivalents were
converted to concentrations of equivalent surface area. Adapting
methods previously applied to bees [1], mean surface area for each
species was estimated by generating elliptical cylinders using
measurements from up to ten individuals per species. Although
regular cylinders would have been appropriate for most species,
some of the larger species exhibited up to ,1.5x difference
between height and width, rendering regular cylinders an
imprecise measure.
Table 1. Characterisation of wasp species.
Species (Family)
Sociality Nest type IC50 (±95% CI)
Polistes humilis (Vespidae) 1077 (10) Soc. Paper 6.03 (62.26) 28
Ropalidia plebeiana (Vespidae) 49 (2) Soc. Paper 7.58 (65.91) 5
Bembix sp. (Crabronidae) 83 Com Burrow 31.97 (627.62) 6
Austroscolia sp. (Scoliidae) 47 Sol. Burrow 158.27 (6152.82) 5 (3)*
Cryptocheilus sp. (Pompilidae) 4 Sol. Burrow 14.47 1
Pepsinae Sp1 (Pompilidae) 1 Sol. Burrow 90.26 1
Abispa ephippium (Vespidae) 1 Sol. Mud No Inhibition 1
Sceliphron laetum (Sphecidae) 5 Sol. Mud No Inhibition 2
Delta sp. (Vespidae) 1 Sol. Mud No Inhibition 1
n: number of individuals (number of colonies for social species); Sociality: social (Soc.), communal aggregator (Com.), solitary (Sol.); IC50: mean equivalent surface area
) of wasp cuticle required to kill or inhibit 50% of S. aureus growth; n
: number of replicates per species.
*Only three replicates for Austroscolia sp. showed activity over the assayed concentration gradient and the IC50 value given was calculated using only these data.
Evolution of Antimicrobial Defences in Wasps
PLoS ONE | 2 July 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 7 | e21763
DNA Extraction and Amplification
Using one member of each sampled species, DNA was extracted
from internal tissues in the thoracic region of wasps using
proteinase-K and ‘salting-out’ [18]. Phylogenetic reconstruction
was performed using two gene fragments; 28S nuclear rDNA and
COI mitochondrial DNA. Amplification of the 28S gene
fragments was performed using primers previously used in the
construction of microgastrid wasp phylogenies [19] and COI gene
fragments amplifications were performed using generic inverte-
brate primers for that region [20]. PCRs for both gene fragment
were carried out in 10 mL volumes containing 0.5U of GoTaq
Flexi DNA polymerase (Promega), 1 mM forward primer, 1 mM
reverse primer, 0.8 mM DNTPs, 1x GoTaq Buffer (Promega) and
2.0 mM MgCl
. PCR amplifications had an initial denaturation at
94uC for 3 min followed by six ‘touch down’ cycles of 94uC
denaturation for 30 s, annealing temperatures (60uC, 58uC, 56uC,
54uC, 52uC, 50uC) for 30 s and an extension step of 72uC for 45 s.
On the completion of the last touchdown cycle, another 35 cycles
were carried out at 50uC annealing temperature and a final
extension of 10 min at 72uC. Following PCR amplicons were
purified using ExoSap-IT (USB) according to the manufacturer
instructions and purified products were sequenced using their
corresponding forward primers with dye terminator reactions on a
3130x1 Genetic Analyser (Applied Biosystems).
Sequence Alignment
Phylogenetic reconstruction of nine wasp species (plus Apis
mellifera as an outgroup) was performed using a 941 bp sequence
generated by concatenating the two gene fragments: 28S nrDNA
(484 bp) and COI mtDNA (457 bp). Generated sequences
(Table 2) plus corresponding sequences from A. mellifera acquired
from GenBank (28S: AJ302936.1; COI: FJ582092.1) were aligned
using the ClustalW option with default parameters in MEGA v4.0
[21]. Length polymorphisms in sequence data were removed
following alignment and prior to concatenation of gene fragments.
Concatenation of the two sequences was deemed appropriate as a
partition homogeneity test performed in PAUP* v4.0b10 [22]
revealed no significant incongruencies between the two data sets
(p = 0.124). Phylogenies were created using both distance-based
(neighbour-joining) and Bayesian methods (maximum clade
Distance-based phylogenetic analysis
Neighbour-joining phylogenetic reconstruction was performed
in MEGA v4.0 [21] using the maximum composite likelihood
model. Both transition and transversion substitutions were
included, assuming homogeneous patterns among lineages and
uniform rates among sites. Gaps were treated as complete
deletions. Bootstrap values were obtained using 10000 replicates.
Bayesian phylogenetic analysis
Bayesian phylogenetic analysis was performed using BEAST
v1.5.4 [23]. The input file for BEAST was generated using
BEAUti v1.5.4. Trees were generated using a single MCMC chain
of 20 million steps sampling every 5000 steps. Generalised time-
reversible plus gamma (GTR+G) was selected as the model for
nucleotide substitution using jModelTest v0.1.1 [24]. The
molecular clock rate was fixed to 1.0 and the Yule process was
selected as the tree prior. All other parameters were left in their
default state as generated by BEAUti. Integrity of generated data
was checked using Tracer v1.5 [25]. TreeAnnotator v1.5.4
(distributed with BEAST v.1.5.4) was used to generate a maximum
clade credibility tree (MCC) using a burn-in period of 400 trees
and a posterior probability limit of 0.5. The MCC tree was
visualised using FigTree v1.3.1 [26].
Antimicrobial Activity
IC50 values could be calculated for 44 of the 50 assays
performed (Table 1). No antimicrobial activity was observed from
species belonging to the ‘mud nest’ category. Two of the five assays
performed using extract obtained from Austroscolia sp. also showed
no activity hence IC50 values were calculated using data from the
three assays for which IC50 values could be calculated. When
grouped by social complexity, mean IC50 values for social species
were significantly lower than those of solitary species (Two-sample
t-test: social = 6.26, solitary = 115.93; p = 0.038). When grouped
by nest type, mean IC50 values for paper nest species were
significantly lower than those of burrow species (Two-sample t-test:
paper nest = 6.26, burrow = 70.13; p = 0.015). As no species
belonging to the ‘mud nest’ category showed any antimicrobial
activity it was not possible to compare mean IC50 values with the
other nest types. Similarly these species were not included when
calculating differences in mean IC50 by social complexity.
Phylogenetic Reconstruction
Following the removal of length polymorphisms and concate-
nation of 28S and COI gene fragments, of the 941 bp sequence,
651 bp were found to be variable of which 346 bp were parsimony
informative. Both the neighbour-joining and maximum clade
credibility trees were highly congruent, except when placing the
clades containing the two pompilid species and Austroscolia sp.
which were switched between the two trees. In both trees the
placement of Austroscolia sp. was the least supported branch
(bootstrap support of 0.52; credibility support of 0.7853).
Additionally, our phylogenetic reconstruction showed that solitary
burrowing wasps diverged at basal nodes in both trees and that
social lineages arose following a single divergence event (bootstrap
support of 0.82; credibility support of 1.0; Figure 1).
It is clear from the data that levels of antimicrobial defences vary
among different wasp taxa and that these differences are strongly
linked to levels of social complexity. When examined together, the
Table 2. GenBank accession numbers by species.
Species name 28S COI
Polistes humilis JF510015 JF510006
Ropalidia plebeiana JF510016 JF510007
Bembix sp. JF510020 JF510011
Austroscolia sp. JF510021 JF510012
Cryptocheilus sp. JF510022 JF510013
Pepsinae Sp1 JF510023 JF510014
Abispa ephippium JF510017 JF510008
Sceliphron laetum JF510019 JF510010
Delta sp. JF510018 JF510009
28S: GenBank accession number for the amplified 28S nrDNA fragment
sequence; COI: GenBank accession number for the amplified COI mtDNA
fragment sequence.
Evolution of Antimicrobial Defences in Wasps
PLoS ONE | 3 July 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 7 | e21763
phylogenetic and antimicrobial data suggest that the production of
antimicrobial compounds may have first arisen in solitary wasps as a
response to environmental, probably soil-borne, pathogens.
Social complexity
We observed an eighteen-fold difference in the mean strength of
cuticular compounds when comparing social and solitary wasp
species. This difference did not take into account those species for
which a mean value could not be calculated, thus the actual
difference between the two groups could be much higher. This
finding is consistent with previous studies linking increased
antimicrobial defences with group size and sociality [1,4]. As
wasps are an ancestral lineage in Hymenoptera [6,9] and this
pattern has already been demonstrated among bees [1] the
relationship may hold throughout the social Hymenoptera.
Nest type
Burrowing wasps, exposed to soil-based pathogens, may have
developed broad-scale antimicrobial defences in response. These
may have evolved into stronger compounds in the social lineages.
Perhaps the lack of antimicrobial activity in solitary species that
construct mud nests is because they are constructed above-ground
where there is less risk of disease. Alternatively, individual species
may have developed specific compounds to combat niche
pathogens which are ineffective against S. aureus. We acknowledge
that there may be confounding of results when examining
comparisons of sociality and nest types as both ‘social’ species
were also ‘paper nest’ species. With a sufficiently large sample size
it may be possible to separate the effects of each of these traits,
however time required to perform a single assay prohibits this.
Phylogenetic considerations
Traditionally, wasp lineages have been placed in one of three
distinct superfamilies (Vespoidea, Apoidea and Chrysidoidea) [6]
however evidence from recent molecular-based phylogenies [9]
has cast doubt on traditional taxonomies [9] which may explain
some of the incongruencies between the phylogenetic trees
presented in this paper and pre-existing, morphology-based
phylogenies [6]. Our placement of species belonging to Vespidae
is supported by both traditional taxonomic and more recent
molecular phylogenies [6,27], however our placement of Sceliphron
and Bembix (which belong to the Apoidea superfamily) within
Vespoidea is more congruent with molecular phylogenies
published by Pilgrim et al. [9]. This is unsurprising as we did not
use morphological data in our phylogenetic reconstruction,
however to ensure that this result was not due to outgroup choice,
we replicated our phylogenetic analysis replacing Apis mellifera
(Apoidea) with Chrysis cembricola (Chrysididae; 28S: GQ374718.1;
COI: GQ374633.1) as an outgroup (Chrysidoidea is a sister taxa
to both Apoidea and Vespoidea). This substitution did not change
the placement of Apoidea species or branch support for their
nodes. We similarly removed Apis mellifera without replacement
and again, this did not alter the placement of Apoidea species
within the trees relative to the other taxa. The only difference
observed between any of these trees (excepting minor changes to
branch support values) was the placement of Austroscolia and
Pompilidae taxa, which as previously stated, are the least
supported branches in the analysis.
This study provides evidence for the origin of antimicrobial
defences in wasps and Hymenoptera as a whole, and increases our
understanding of trends in disease resistance strategies in all social
insects. Assaying against pathogens for which wasps have no
evolutionary relationship revealed those species which have
potentially evolved to cope with wide-ranging or rapidly evolving
pathogenic threats. The absence of such a response in mud-nest
constructing species may be indicate that they are not subject to
the same pathogenic evolutionary constraints as social and
ground-dwelling wasp species. Further investigation is required
to determine whether these species have lost their antimicrobial
defences or evolved specific compounds to cope with a much
narrower range of pathogenic threats.
We would like to thank Michael Elliott (Australian Museum) for his
assistance with morphological identification of wasp species and Dr
Christine Turnbull for her assistance with sample collection.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: SJH AS AB. Performed the
experiments: SJH. Analyzed the data: SJH PDW. Contributed reagents/
materials/analysis tools: SJH AS. Wrote the paper: SJH AS AB. Designed
the software module used in the antimicrobial analysis: PDW.
Figure 1. Distance-based neighbour-joining tree. Neighbour-joining phylogenetic reconstruction of nine wasp species using 941 bp sequence
generated by concatenating the two gene fragments: 28S nrDNA (484 bp) and COI mtDNA (457 bp). Social complexity and nest type are indicated
after the species names; social (Sol), communal aggregator (Com), solitary (Soc), paper nest (P), mud nest (M) and burrower (B). Bootstrap values were
obtained using 10000 replicates.
Evolution of Antimicrobial Defences in Wasps
PLoS ONE | 4 July 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 7 | e21763
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Evolution of Antimicrobial Defences in Wasps
PLoS ONE | 5 July 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 7 | e21763
... density-dependent prophylaxis or DDP; [7,8]). Ant queens cooperatively founding nests, for example, have higher investment in personal immunity than solitary foundresses [9], and cross-species studies of wasps, bees and thrips, have shown that the efficacy of cuticular antimicrobials increases with group size ( [10][11][12], but see [13]). Group living species can also employ a diverse array of cooperative immune defences which extend beyond the actor to benefit other group members. ...
... Further elucidation of the relationship between social evolution and immune function has been constrained by the limitations of appropriate model systems, including potential confounding effects arising from cross-species comparisons [10][11][12]24], transient life-history stages [9], the use of subsocial species, which we might expect to have limited socialimmune behaviours [25], and use of highly eusocial species, which are not suitable for studies of early stages in social evolution [5,20]. In this study, we provide a new perspective on this question by exploring the relationship between social context and personal immune efficacy in a facultatively social organism: the small carpenter bee Ceratina okinawana. ...
... Similarly, social immunity, once considered the hallmark of eusocial organisms, has been found in sub-social species [21], blurring the expected association between social behaviour and social immunity. Comparative studies across different kinds of social systems have shown increases in individual immune efficacy with increasingly complex social groups of related species ( [10][11][12], but see [25]), but cannot disentangle the effects of group size from those of social context, and are complicated by life-history differences among study species. The present study is the first study to our knowledge to investigate changes in immune efficacy in a socially polymorphic species, allowing us to investigate the role of social immunity in the early stages of social evolution without the potential confounding effects of interspecific comparisons. ...
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The evolution of group living is associated with increased pressure from parasites and pathogens. This can be offset by greater investment in personal immune defences and/or the development of cooperative immune defences (social immunity). An enduring question in evolutionary biology is whether social-immune benefits arose in response to an increased need in more complex societies, or arose early in group living and helped facilitate the evolution of more complex societies. In this study, we shed light on this question through investigating how immunity varies intraspecifically in a socially polymorphic bee. Using a novel immune assay, we show that personal antibacterial efficacy in individuals from social nests is higher than that of solitary individuals, but that this can be explained by higher densities in social nests. We conclude that personal immune effects are likely to play a role in the social/solitary transition in this species. These patterns are consistent with the idea that social immunity evolved secondarily, following the evolution of group living. The flexibility of the individual immune system may have favoured a reliance on its use during the facultative phase early in social evolution.
... The immune system defines the boundaries and threats of biological individuality, and is therefore essential for regulating organism integrity [1]. The evolution of immunity has been well studied at the cell and individual level and efforts to widen understanding to social organisms have been made, such as in bees, thrips and wasps [2][3][4][5][6]. ...
... In line with this view, many genes, including immune-related genes, have been shown to display castespecific expression patterns [14][15][16][17][18]. In addition, enhanced antimicrobial defences have been recorded in some social insects compared with their solitary relatives [2][3][4]19]. ...
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The evolution of biological complexity is associated with the emergence of bespoke immune systems that maintain and protect organism integrity. Unlike the well-studied immune systems of cells and individuals, little is known about the origins of immunity during the transition to eusociality, a major evolutionary transition comparable to the evolution of multicellular organisms from single-celled ancestors. We aimed to tackle this by characterizing the immune gene repertoire of 18 cockroach and termite species, spanning the spectrum of solitary, subsocial and eusocial lifestyles. We find that key transitions in termite sociality are correlated with immune gene family contractions. In cross-species comparisons of immune gene expression, we find evidence for a caste-specific social defence system in termites, which appears to operate at the expense of individual immune protection. Our study indicates that a major transition in organismal complexity may have entailed a fundamental reshaping of the immune system optimized for group over individual defence.
... However, evidence to support a symbiotic relationship is weak as P. dominulus nests have been shown to be collection points for heavy metals originating from combustion engines and thus, may trap actinomycete spores in a similar manner (Urbini et al., 2006;Madden et al., 2013). Furthermore, Hoggard et al. (2011) showed that paper wasps produce cuticular antimicrobial compounds that could play vital roles in maintaining nest hygiene. ...
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In recent years, the insect microbiome has become the focus of many actinomycete researchers in their search for novel bioactive compounds with members of the order Hymenoptera at the forefront of the revolution. Hymenoptera encompasses all bees, wasps, ants, and sawflies and is the third largest insect order by species richness. Additionally, Hymenoptera is the most diverse insect order in terms of ecological roles, behaviors, and social systems, thus making it an ideal starting point in the search for symbiotic actinomycetes. The aim of this review is to summarize current knowledge on hymenopteran associations with actinomycetes including information on interactions between actinomycetes and hymenopterans, isolation, and screening methodologies, as well as novel actinomycete species and natural products discovered between early 2013 and 2023. A total of 19 new species were discovered within this time period, with the genus Streptomyces being represented by 11 species while the remaining 8 belonged to rare actinomycetes genera. In addition, 35 novel compounds were reported from hymenopteran-associated actinomycetes within the same time period with the majority originating from Streptomyces strains. The reported novel compounds exhibit a range of biological activities including antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, anti-enzymatic, and antiproliferative activity, as well as cytotoxicity.
... Hence, the mutualistic dependency has imposed selective pressures that favour the development of defence mechanisms that operate at collective level (Penick et al., 2018;Schlüns & Crozier, 2009). In this sense, the ability to produce antimicrobial compounds within the nest, both by the workers and by associated microorganisms, is an adaptation that allows the LCAs to prevent the establishment of an infection focus (Hoggard et al., 2011;Penick et al., 2018;Stow & Beattie, 2008). In Acromyrmex species, the secretion of antimicrobial compounds is mediated in part by actinobacteria symbionts of the genus Pseudonocardia, which are harboured on the cuticle of workers (Cafaro et al., 2011;Currie et al., 2003;Poulsen et al., 2002). ...
The biological complexity of leaf‐cutting ants is determined in part by both positive and negative associations with microorganisms. These ants constantly face microorganisms that can compromise workers’ survival and the integrity of their symbiont fungus. The ability to produce antimicrobial compounds within the colony, both by the workers and by associated microorganisms, is an adaptive response that protects against these natural enemies. Atta cephalotes (Linnaeus, 1758) is an ecologically successful species with a great capacity to overcome pathogenic microorganisms. In contrast to the Acromyrmex genus, the evidence suggests that it does not maintain an association with antibiotic‐producing actinobacteria raising the question of whether this species maintains associations with bacterial communities that can potentially protect the colony against prejudicial microorganisms. In this direction, the diversity and composition of the culturable bacterial microbiota associated with A. cephalotes developmental stages were evaluated, as well as their potential to inhibit the growth of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae and the mycoparasite Trichoderma sp. Six nests were collected, of which a total of 900 larvae, 900 pupae and 900 adult workers were analysed. Culture‐dependent and molecular methods were used to identify the strains to genus level. To determine differences in bacterial composition in the development stages, analysis of the contribution to dissimilarity (SIMPER) were performed. Seventy‐seven strains corresponding to 18 genera were documented. Acinetobacter was the dominant one. On the other hand, Acinetobacter , Bacillus , Enterobacter , Serrati a and Microbacterium were maintained from the larval to the adult stage. Furthermore, except for Acinetobacter , different strains of these bacterial groups significantly inhibited pathogenic fungi growth. The results suggest the existence of a persistent association of A. cephalotes with strains of these bacterial genera and a potential role in defence at the collective level.
... Moreover, targets of the antimicrobial activity span from bacteria to fungi and even viruses. Hoggard et al. in 2011 [33] noted that the antimicrobial activity of social species, which build paper nests, tends to be the highest with respect to that of solitary species, with an increment also related to group size and social complexity. ...
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Eusocial wasps are represented in the Vespidae by the subfamilies Stenogastrinae, Vespinae and Polistinae. These wasps present colonies that are sometimes composed of thousands of individuals which live in nests built with paper materials. The high density of the adult and larval population, as well as the stable micro environment of the nests, make very favourable conditions for the flourishing of various types of microorganisms. These microorganisms, which may be pathogens, are beneficial and certainly contribute to model the sociality of these insects. The mutualistic relationships that we observe in some species, especially in Actinomycete bacteria and yeasts, could have important fallouts for the development of new medicines and for the use of these insects in agricultural environments.
... There is evidence that such individual, physiological defences covary with sociality, yet not necessarily in a consistent manner. Indeed, social species may show increased individual defences (Stow et al. 2007;Hoggard et al. 2011;Turnbull et al. 2011), but the reverse is also observed (Wilson et al. 2003). A reduced defence could also result from individuals being 'dispensable' for the social group (see below). ...
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Parasites and their social hosts form many different relationships. But what kind of selection regimes are important? A look at the parameters that determine fitness of the two parties suggests that social hosts differ from solitary ones primarily in the structure of transmission pathways. Because transmission is, both, the physical encounter of a new host and infecting it, several different elements determine parasite transmission success. These include spatial distance, genetic distance, or the temporal and ecological niche overlaps. Combing these elements into a ‘generalized transmission distance’ that determines parasite fitness aids in the identification of the critical steps. For example, short-distance transmission to genetically similar hosts within the social group is the most frequent process under sociality. Therefore, spatio-genetical distances are the main driver of parasite fitness. Vice versa, the generalized distance identifies the critical host defences. In this case, host defences should be primarily selected to defend against the within-group spread of an infection, especially among closely related group members.
... But the presence of pathogenic microbes can also be a challenge for animals (Dillon & Dillon 2004), especially for social insects due to their high densities and frequent interactions (Cremer et al. 2007;Liu et al. 2019). Therefore, social insects can produce antimicrobial compounds to kill microorganisms or to slow microbial growth (Stow et al. 2007;Hoggard et al. 2011;Tragust 2016;Pereira & Detrain 2020), or they can avoid habitats rich with microorganisms (Karlik et al. 2016). But microorganisms and animal-bacterial interactions are also important for the biology of animals. ...
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Acorn ants mostly inhabit cavities in fallen twigs and hollow acorns. Such places, e.g., dead wood, provide an attractive living resource for many groups of microorganisms, like fungi and bacteria, which can be important for ants. However, during experiments in laboratories, acorn ant colonies are typically kept without dead wood. During laboratory experiments , the preferences of the ant Temnothorax crassispinus for nest sites with pieces of dead wood were checked, and whether the presence of such wood influenced productivity. In binary choice tests, colonies had to choose a nest site when presented with two potential nest sites, one empty, or two cavities with different contents. The ant colonies preferred nest cavities with pieces of dead wood versus empty nest cavities. When cavities were filled with pieces of wood or with pieces of wood previously sterilized (72 hours, 70°C), colonies preferred the unsterilized zones. During a three-month laboratory experiment, colonies were kept in the Petri dishes containing pieces of dead wood, containing "sterilised" pieces of dead wood, or without access to wood. In the experiment, no influence was discovered on the availability of dead wood in either colony growth or colony per capita productivity. Thus, the ants prefer cavities with pieces of wood, but the lack of availability of dead wood during a multi-month experiment has no influence on life history parameters.
... Social immunity aims to reduce the uptake of pathogens from the external environment, to limit their development inside the nest and to increase resistance to infectious sources among colony members [7][8][9][10]. Social immunity is characterized by adaptive cooperative social defences that evolved at the physiological, behavioural and organisational levels in order to limit sanitary threats on colony survival (ants: [11], termites: [12,13], bees: [14], wasps: [15], reviewed in [10,16,17]). A major challenge for insect societies is to lower the risk of horizontal transmission of pathogens between nestmates. ...
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Ants are the hosts of many microorganisms, including pathogens that are incidentally brought inside the nest by foragers. This is particularly true for scavenging species, which collect hazardous food such as dead insects. Foragers limit sanitary risks by not retrieving highly infectious prey releasing entomopathogenic fungal spores. This study investigates whether similar prophylactic strategies are also developed for food associated with weak or delayed risks of fungal contamination. We compared, in Myrmica rubra ant colonies, the retrieval dynamics of dead flies that were (1) conidia-free, (2) covered with a low amount of Metarhizium brunneum entomopathogenic conidia or (3) recently fungus-killed but not yet sporulating. Foragers mostly avoided fungus-killed prey and delayed the retrieval of conidia-covered flies. A second sanitary filter occurred inside the nest through a careful inspection of the retrieved prey. Ultimately, ants mostly consumed conidia-free and conidia-covered flies, but they relocated and discarded all fungus-killed prey outside of the nest. Our study confirms that, as a host of generalist entomopathogenic fungi, Myrmica rubra ants have developed a prophylactic avoidance and a differential management of prey depending on their infectious potential. We discuss the functional value as well as the possible cues underlying pathogen avoidance and prey discrimination in ants.
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Social insects have co-existed with microbial species for millions of years and have evolved a diversity of collective defenses, including the use of antimicrobials. While many studies have revealed strategies that ants use against microbial entomopathogens, and several have shown ant-produced compounds inhibit environmental bacterial growth, few studies have tested whether exposure to environmental bacteria represents a health threat to ants. We compare four ant species’ responses to exposure to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis bacteria in order to broaden our understanding of microbial health-threats to ants and their ability to defend against them. In a first experiment, we measure worker mortality of Solenopsis invicta , Brachymyrmex chinensis , Aphaenogaster rudis , and Dorymyrmex bureni in response to exposure to E. coli and S. epidermidis . We found that exposure to E. coli was lethal for S. invicta and D. bureni , while all other effects of exposure were not different from experimental controls. In a second experiment, we compared the antimicrobial ability of surface extracts from bacteria-exposed and non-exposed S. invicta and B. chinensis worker ants, to see if exposure to E. coli or S. epidermidis led to an increase in antimicrobial compounds. We found no difference in the inhibitory effects from either treatment group in either species. Our results demonstrate the susceptibility to bacteria is varied across ant species. This variation may correlate with an ant species’ use of surface antimicrobials, as we found significant mortality effects in species which also were producing antimicrobials. Further exploration of a wide range of both bacteria and ant species is likely to reveal unique and nuanced antimicrobial strategies and deepen our understanding of how ant societies respond to microbial health threats.
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The evolution of biological complexity is associated with the emergence of bespoke immune systems that maintain and protect organism integrity. Unlike the well studied immunity at the cell and individual level, little is known about the origins of immunity during the transition to eusociality,a major evolutionary transition comparable to the evolution of multicellular organisms from single-celled ancestors. We tackle this by characterizing the immune gene repertoire of 18 cockroach and termite species, spanning the spectrum of solitary, subsocial and eusocial lifestyles. We identified five significant immune gene family contractions and one immune gene family expansion along the spine of a time-calibrated phylogeny, correlating with key transitions in termite sociality. In cross-species comparisons of immune gene expression, we find that termites appear to have evolved a caste-specific social defense system at the expense of individual immune protection. Our study indicates that a major transition in organismal complexity entailed a fundamental reshaping of the immune system optimized for group over individual defense.
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The 24 000+ described species of Vespoidea include many well-known stinging wasps, such as paper wasps and hornets (Vespidae), velvet ants (Mutillidae), spider wasps (Pompilidae) and ants (Formicidae). The compelling behaviours of vespoids have been instrumental in developing theories of stepwise evolutionary transitions, which necessarily depend on an understanding of phylogeny, yet, existing morphological phylogenies for Vespoidea conflict. We collected molecular data from four nuclear genes (elongation factor-1α F2 copy, long-wavelength rhodopsin, wingless and the D2–D3 regions of 28S ribosomal RNA (2700 bp in total)) to produce the first molecular phylogeny of Vespoidea. We analysed molecular data alone and in combination with published morphological data from Brothers and Carpenter. Parsimony analyses left many deeper nodes unsupported, but suggested paraphyly of three families. Total-evidence Bayesian inference produced a more resolved tree, in which the monophyly of Vespoidea was nevertheless ambiguous. Bayesian inference of molecular data alone returned a well-resolved consensus with posterior probabilities of over 95% for most nodes. We used this topology as the best estimate of phylogeny at the family and subfamily levels. Notable departures from previous estimates include: (i) paraphyly of Vespoidea resulting from the nesting of Apoidea within a lineage comprising Formicidae, Scoliidae and two subfamilies of Bradynobaenidae; (ii) paraphyly of Bradynobaenidae, Mutillidae and Tiphiidae; (iii) a sister relationship between Rhopalosomatidae and Vespidae; and (iv) Rhopalosomatidae + Vespidae as sister to all other vespoids/apoids. We discuss character evidence in light of the new phylogeny, and propose a new classification of Aculeata that recognizes eight superfamilies: Apoidea, Chrysidoidea, Formicoidea, Pompiloidea, Scolioidea, Tiphioidea, Thynnoidea and Vespoidea.
Howard Ensign Evans was a brilliant ethologist and systematist for whom the joy of science included lying on his belly in some remote location, digging out and diagramming a wasp’s nest. During his career, Evans described over 900 species and authored more than a dozen books, both technical and popular, on a wide range of entomological and natural history subjects. Upon his death in 2002, he left behind an unfinished manuscript, intended as an update (though not a revision) of his classic 1966 work, The Comparative Ethology and Evolution of the Sand Wasps. Kevin O’Neill, Evans’s former student and coauthor, has completed and enlarged Evans’s manuscript to provide coverage of all sand-wasp tribes in Evan’s earlier book. The result is a tribe-by-tribe, species-by-species review of studies of the Bembicinae that have appeared over the last four decades.
— We studied sequence variation in 16S rDNA in 204 individuals from 37 populations of the land snail Candidula unifasciata (Poiret 1801) across the core species range in France, Switzerland, and Germany. Phylogeographic, nested clade, and coalescence analyses were used to elucidate the species evolutionary history. The study revealed the presence of two major evolutionary lineages that evolved in separate refuges in southeast France as result of previous fragmentation during the Pleistocene. Applying a recent extension of the nested clade analysis (Templeton 2001), we inferred that range expansions along river valleys in independent corridors to the north led eventually to a secondary contact zone of the major clades around the Geneva Basin. There is evidence supporting the idea that the formation of the secondary contact zone and the colonization of Germany might be postglacial events. The phylogeographic history inferred for C. unifasciata differs from general biogeographic patterns of postglacial colonization previously identified for other taxa, and it might represent a common model for species with restricted dispersal.
The comprehensive cladistic study of family-level phylogeny in the Aculeata (sensu lato) by Brothers & Carpenter, published in 1993, is briefly reviewed and re-evaluated, particularly with respect to the sections dealing with Vespoidea and Apoidea. This remains the most recent general treatment of the subject, but several of the relationships indicated are only weakly supported, notably those of Pompilidae and Rhopalosomatidae. Characters used were almost entirely morphological, and re-evaluation of ground-plan states and hypotheses of character-state changes, specially from examination of different exemplars, is likely to lead to slightly different conclusions for some taxa, as is the use of additional or new characters, including molecular ones. The relationships of taxa within the Vespoidea are much better known than for those in the Apoidea, but recent work on the two major groups of bees (by Michener and colleagues) and various groups of sphecoid wasps (by Alexander and Melo) have provided greater clarity, for some families at least. A single cladogram showing the putative relationships of those taxa which should be recognized at the family level for the entire Aculeata is presented. These are, for the Chrysidoidea, Apoidea and Vespoidea, respectively (limits indicated by curly brackets): Plumariidae + (Scolebythidae + ((Bethylidae + Chrysididae) + (Sclerogibbidae + (Dryinidae + Embolemidae)))) + (Heterogynaidae + (Ampulicidae + (Sphecidae + (Crabronidae + Apidae))) + Sierolomorphidae + ((Tiphiidae + (Sapygidae + Mutillidae)) + ((Pompilidae + Rhopalosomatidae) + (Bradynobaenidae + (Formicidae + (Vespidae + Scoliidae)))))). Current knowledge of the relationships within the families of Vespoidea is reviewed. A new analysis of the subtaxa of Mutillidae, based on that of Brothers published in 1975, is presented; the subfamilies to be recognized are: (Myrmosinae [ = Myrmosini + Kudakrumiini] + (Pseudophotopsidinae + (Ticoplinae + (Rhopalomutillinae + (Sphaeropthalminae [ = Dasylabrini + (Sphaeropthalmina + Pseudomethocina)] + (Myrmillinae + Mutillinae [ = Ephutini + (Mutillina + Smicromyrmina)])))))).
Social behavior occurs in some of the smallest animals as well as some the largest, and the transition from solitary life to sociality is an unsolved evolutionary mystery. The Evolution of Social Wasps examines social behavior in a single lineage of insects, wasps of the family Vespidae. It presents empirical knowledge of social wasps from two approaches: one that focuses on phylogeny and life history; and one that focuses on individual ontogeny, colony development, and population dynamics. It also provides an extensive summary of the existing literature while demonstrating how it can be clouded by theory. This approach to the conflicting literature on sociality highlights how often repeated models can become fixed in the thinking of the scientific community. Instead, it presents a mechanistic scenario for the evolution of sociality in wasps that changes our perspective on kin selection, the paradigm that has dominated thinking about social evolution since the 1970s.
The comprehensive cladistic study of family-level phylogeny in the Aculeata (sensu lato) by Brothers & Carpenter, published in 1993, is briefly reviewed and re-evaluated, particularly with respect to the sections dealing with Vespoidea and Apoidea. This remains the most recent general treatment of the subject, but several of the relationships indicated are only weakly supported, notably those of Pompilidae and Rhopalosomatidae. Characters used were almost entirely morphological, and re-evaluation of ground-plan states and hypotheses of character-state changes, specially from examination of different exemplars, is likely to lead to slightly different conclusions for some taxa, as is the use of additional or new characters, including molecular ones. The relationships of taxa within the Vespoidea are much better known than for those in the Apoidea, but recent work on the two major groups of bees (by Michener and colleagues) and various groups of sphecoid wasps (by Alexander and Melo) have provided greater clarity, for some families at least. A single cladogram showing the putative relationships of those taxa which should be recognized at the family level for the entire Aculeata is presented. These are, for the Chrysidoidea, Apoidea and Vespoidea, respectively (limits indicated by curly brackets): Plumariidae + (Scolebythidae + ((Bethylidae + Chrysididae) + (Sclerogibbidae + (Dryinidae + Embolemidae)))) + (Heterogynaidae + (Ampulicidae + (Sphecidae + (Crabronidae + Apidae))) + Sierolomorphidae + ((Tiphiidae + (Sapygidae + Mutillidae)) + ((Pompilidae + Rhopalosomatidae) + (Bradynobaenidae + (Formicidae + (Vespidae + Scoliidae)))))). Current knowledge of the relationships within the families of Vespoidea is reviewed. A new analysis of the subtaxa of Mutillidae, based on that of Brothers published in 1975, is presented; the subfamilies to be recognized are: (Myrmosinae [ = Myrmosini + Kudakrumiini] + (Pseudophotopsidinae + (Ticoplinae + (Rhopalomutillinae + (Sphaeropthalminae [ = Dasylabrini + (Sphaeropthalmina + Pseudomethocina)] + (Myrmillinae + Mutillinae [ = Ephutini + (Mutillina + Smicromyrmina)])))))).
Scoliid wasps are ectoparasitoids that attack soil-dwelling scarabaeid larvae, and little is known about their host-searching behavior. In this study we investigated the cues used in host location by Campsomeriella annulata (Fabricius) and examined whether or not these wasps can detect hosts in the soil from the surface. In a dual-choice test with a Y-tube, female wasps were attracted to sand with host odor, sand with host feces, and sand used for rearing the host, the larvae of Anomala rufocuprea Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). In a dual-choice test for cues presented at a distance, the wasps did not discriminate between the Y-tube arms with and without cues. In an experimental arena in which host products and a host grub were buried 0.5cm below the surface the wasps did not respond to the cues from the surface in terms of the burrowing frequencies and antennal tapping rates. Our results indicate that C. annulata searches for the host grubs by using kairomones, residual cuticular substances, or feces deposited in the soil as the grubs move through it, and that wasps cannot perceive the host in the soil from the surface. We discuss how scoliid wasps search for soil-dwelling hosts using cues that are reliable but not highly detectable.