
Whole-body PET/CT imaging: Combining software- and hardware-based co-registration

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Aim: Combined whole-body (WB) PET/CT imaging provides better overall co-registration compared to separate CT and PET. However, in clinical routine local PET-CT mis-registration cannot be avoided. Thus, the reconstructed PET tracer distribution may be biased when using the misaligned CT transmission data for CT-based attenuation correction (CT-AC). We investigate the feasibility of retrospective co-registration techniques to align CT and PET images prior to CT-AC, thus improving potentially the quality of combined PET/CT imaging in clinical routine. Methods: First, using a commercial software registration package CT images were aligned to the uncorrected PET data by rigid and non-rigid registration methods. Co-registration accuracy of both alignment approaches was assessed by reviewing the PET tracer uptake patterns (visual, linked cursor display) following attenuation correction based on the original and co-registered CT. Second, we investigated non-rigid registration based on a prototype ITK implementation of the B-spline algorithm on a similar targeted MR-CT registration task, there showing promising results. Results: Manual rigid, landmark-based co-registration introduced unacceptable misalignment, in particular in peripheral areas of the whole-body images. Manual, non-rigid landmark-based co-registration prior to CT-AC was successful with minor loco-regional distortions. Nevertheless, neither rigid nor non-rigid automatic co-registration based on the Mutual Information image to image metric succeeded in co-registering the CT and no AC-PET images. In contrast to widely available commercial software registration our implementation of an alternative automated, non-rigid B-spline co-registration technique yielded promising results in this setting with MR-CT data. Conclusion: In clinical PET/CT imaging, retrospective registration of CT and uncorrected PET images may improve the quality of the AC-PET images. As of today no validated and clinically viable commercial registration software is in routine use. This has triggered our efforts in pursuing new approaches to a validated, non-rigid co-registration algorithm applicable to whole-body PET/CT imaging of which first results are presented here. This approach appears suitable for applications in retrospective WB-PET/CT alignment.

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... Besides different respiratory techniques, additional registration algorithms may be applied to the image data to further improve the fusion quality (15). In general, softwarebased image registration may be either linear (rigid) or nonlinear (elastic or nonrigid), depending on whether the algorithm elastically transforms data (16). Prior studies used registration methods based on a rigid-body assumption (13,14,17). ...
... Prior studies used registration methods based on a rigid-body assumption (13,14,17). Although in the case of cranial imaging this assumption can be applied, the situation for extracranial imaging is more challenging because of respiratory and cardiac movement (16). Nonrigid algorithms were introduced to solve at least some of the problems caused by intended and unintended patient motion (18)(19)(20). ...
... The software used for the retrospective coregistration of CT and PET images was originally developed for research and clinical applications in brain imaging (25,26). Although with the advent of PET/CT many institutions do not perform retrospective fusion of PET and CT data, software fusion is not obsolete even for the data obtained on hybrid PET/CT machines (16,26). Especially in the case of integrated PET/CT, it is essential to correctly align PET and CT data before calculation of the attenuation map (16), which can be essential for staging, therapy response monitoring, or radiotherapy planning (21). ...
In lung cancer, (18)F-FDG PET, CT, and (18)F-FDG PET/CT are used for noninvasive staging and therapy planning. Even with improved image registration techniques-especially in the modern hybrid PET/CT scanners-inaccuracies in the fusion process may occur, leading to errors in image interpretation. The aim of this study was to investigate by an intraindividual analysis whether, in comparison with a rigid algorithm, a nonrigid registration algorithm improves the quality of fusion between (18)F-FDG PET and CT. Sixteen patients with histologically proven non-small cell lung cancer underwent a thoracic (18)F-FDG PET acquisition in radiotherapy treatment position and 3 CT acquisitions (expiration, inspiration, and mid breath-hold) on the same day. All scans were registered with rigid and nonrigid procedures, resulting in 6 fused datasets: rigid inspiration, rigid expiration, rigid mid breath-hold, nonrigid inspiration, nonrigid expiration, and nonrigid mid breath-hold. The quality of alignment was assessed by 3 experienced readers at 8 anatomic landmarks: lung apices, aortic arch, heart, spine, sternum, carina, diaphragm, and tumor using an alignment score ranging from 1 (no alignment) to 5 (exact alignment). Nonrigid PET/CT showed better alignment than rigid PET/CT (3.5 +/- 0.7 vs. 3.3 +/- 0.7, P < 0.001). Regarding the breathing maneuver, no difference between nonrigid mid breath-hold and rigid mid breath-hold was observed. In contrast, the alignment quality significantly improved from rigid expiration to nonrigid expiration (3.4 +/- 0.7 vs. 3.6 +/- 0.7, P < 0.001) and from rigid inspiration to nonrigid inspiration (3.1 +/- 0.7 vs. 3.3 +/- 0.7, P < 0.001). With regard to individual landmarks, an improvement in fusion quality through the use of nonrigid registration was obvious at the lung apices, carina, and aortic arch. The alignment quality of thoracic (18)F-FDG PET/CT exhibits a marked dependence on the breathing maneuver performed during the CT acquisition, as demonstrated in an intraindividual comparison. Nonrigid registration is a significant improvement over rigid registration if the CT is performed during full inspiration or full expiration. The best fusion results are obtained with the CT performed at mid breath-hold using rigid registration, without an improvement using nonrigid algorithms.
... This is usually achieved in both patient and small-animal imaging by careful body positioning and scanning process optimisation, aided by software-based alignment. Well-established, clinically used solutions are available [12,13] and provide excellent results for fusion of positron emission tomography (PET), computed tomography (CT) and MRI data. Unfortunately, modalities such as OT that involve different positioning of the animal or patient pose a significant challenge to co-register. ...
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As optoacoustic tomography (OT) emerges as a mainstream pre-clinical imaging modality, understanding the relationship between optoacoustic and other imaging biomarkers in the context of the underlying tissue biology becomes vitally important. Complementary insight into tumour vasculature and hypoxia can be gained using OT alongside magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based techniques. To evaluate the relationship between these metrics and the relative performance of the two modalities in assessment of tumour physiology, co-registration of their output imaging data is required. Unfortunately, this poses a significant challenge due to differences in animal positioning during imaging. Here, we present an integrated framework for registration of OT and MR image data in mice. Our framework combines a novel MR animal holder, to improve animal positioning during imaging, and a landmark-based software co-registration algorithm. We demonstrate that our protocol significantly improves registration of both body and tumour contours between these modalities, enabling more precise multi-modal tumour characterisation.
... Image registration techniques develop a single fused image in which the functional SPECT or PET image is displayed in color over a grayscale CT or MR image of the same anatomic region. It can reveal a combined functional and molecular imaging evaluation of an extensive diversity of oncological, neurological, and musculoskeletal disorders[75,76].9. Further Radiological Imaging Applications9.1. ...
The purpose of this article was to provide an up-to-date review on the spectrum of new imaging applications in the practice of radiology. New imaging techniques have been developed with the objective of obtaining structural and functional analyses of different body systems. Recently, new imaging modalities have aroused the interest of many researchers who are studying the applicability of these modalities in the evaluation of different organs and diseases. In this review article, we present the efficiency and utilization of current imaging modalities in daily radiological practice.
... Since retrospective fusion of images acquired on separate PET and MR scanners has been available for longer, there are more studies based on image-fusion than on hybrid (simultaneous or sequential) PET/MR imaging. Although retrospective software-based PET and MRI fusion allows a degree of flexibility in choice of co-registration algorithm on a case-to-case basis, hybrid PET/MRI acquisition generally offers superior co-registration because the patient remains in the same position for both modalities [22,23]. ...
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Positron emission tomography (PET) combined with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a hybrid technology which has recently gained interest as a potential cancer imaging tool. Compared with CT, MRI is advantageous due to its lack of ionizing radiation, superior soft-tissue contrast resolution, and wider range of acquisition sequences. Several studies have shown PET/MRI to be equivalent to PET/CT in most oncological applications, possibly superior in certain body parts, e.g., head and neck, pelvis, and in certain situations, e.g., cancer recurrence. This review will update the readers on recent advances in PET/MRI technology and review key literature, while highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of PET/MRI in cancer imaging.
... Most of the commercial post-processing registration software for hybrid PET/CT only provides global rigid registration solution. This obviously does not solve complex deformations due to respiratory and heart movements at the thorax region that requires a more sophisticated registration technique (Weigert et al., 2008). The misregistration problem in hybrid PET/CT exists because of unmatched respiratory phase during PET and CT acquisitions (Goerres et al., 2002). ...
The integration of physiological (PET) and anatomical (CT) images in cancer delineation requires an accurate spatial registration technique. Although hybrid PET/CT scanner is used to co-register these images, significant misregistrations exist due to patient and respiratory/cardiac motions. This paper proposes a hybrid feature-intensity based registration technique for hybrid PET/CT scanner. First, simulated PET sinogram was filtered with a 3D hybrid mean-median before reconstructing the image. The features were then derived from the segmented structures (lung, heart and tumor) from both images. The registration was performed based on modified multi-modality demon registration with multiresolution scheme. Apart from visual observations improvements, the proposed registration technique increased the normalized mutual information index (NMI) between the PET/CT images after registration. All nine tested datasets show marked improvements in mutual information (MI) index than free form deformation (FFD) registration technique with the highest MI increase is 25%.
... These challenges may be overcome by the use of dual-modality systems described in the following section, however, software-based coregistration offers greater flexibility and might in some cases offer some complementary advantages to hardware-based approaches. 51,52 Various techniques have been developed to coregister clinical multimodality medical imaging data. 53,54 The coregistration problem in the breast is quite different from the situation in brain imaging. ...
Molecular imaging using high-resolution PET instrumentation is now playing a pivotal role in basic and clinical research. The development of optimized detection geometries combined with high-performance detector technologies and compact designs of PET tomographs have become the goal of active research groups in academic and corporate settings. Significant progress has been achieved in the design of commercial PET instrumentation in the last decade allowing a spatial resolution of about 4 to 6 mm to be reached for whole-body imaging, about 2.4 mm for PET cameras dedicated for brain imaging, and submillimeter resolution for female breast, prostate, and small-animal imaging. In particular, significant progress has been made in the design of dedicated positron emission mammography (PEM) units. The initial concept suggested in 1993 consisted of placing 2 planar detectors capable of detecting the 511-keV annihilation photons in a conventional mammography unit. Since that time, many different design paths have been pursued and it will be interesting to see which technologies become the most successful in the future. This paper discusses recent advances in PEM instrumentation and the advantages and challenges of dedicated standalone and dual-modality imaging systems. Future opportunities and the challenges facing the adoption of PEM imaging instrumentation and its role in clinical and research settings are also addressed.
... lenges may be overcome by the concurrent use of PET and MR imaging systems, although software-based registration offers greater flexibility and may sometimes offer complementary advantages to hardware-based approaches (3,4). Achieving a high degree of accuracy for spatial transformation between image sets can be quite complicated. ...
Unlabelled: Instruments that combine positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging have recently been assembled for use in humans, and may have diagnostic performance superior to that of PET/computed tomography (CT) for particular clinical and research applications. MR imaging has major strengths compared with CT, including superior soft-tissue contrast resolution, multiplanar image acquisition, and functional imaging capability through specialized techniques such as diffusion-tensor imaging, diffusion-weighted (DW) imaging, functional MR imaging, MR elastography, MR spectroscopy, perfusion-weighted imaging, MR imaging with very short echo times, and the availability of some targeted MR imaging contrast agents. Furthermore, the lack of ionizing radiation from MR imaging is highly appealing, particularly when pediatric, young adult, or pregnant patients are to be imaged, and the safety profile of MR imaging contrast agents compares very favorably with iodinated CT contrast agents. MR imaging also can be used to guide PET image reconstruction, partial volume correction, and motion compensation for more accurate disease quantification and can improve anatomic localization of sites of radiotracer uptake, improve diagnostic performance, and provide for comprehensive regional and global structural, functional, and molecular assessment of various clinical disorders. In this review, we discuss the historical development, software-based registration, instrumentation and design, quantification issues, potential clinical applications, potential clinical roles of image segmentation and global disease assessment, and challenges related to PET/MR imaging. Supplemental material:
... Currently, operator independent, robust and accurate standard of reference and measures of alignment are an area of active research (90). However, depending on the imaging modalities utilized qualitative assessment of the accuracy of co-registration using imaging overlay can be performed. ...
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Unlabelled: This work addresses the clinical adoption of FDG-PET/CT for image-guided radiation therapy planning (RTP). As such, important technical and methodological aspects of PET/CT-based RTP are reviewed and practical recommendations are given for routine patient management and clinical studies. First, recent developments in PET/CT hardware that are relevant to RTP are reviewed in the context of quality control and system calibration procedures that are mandatory for a reproducible adoption of PET/CT in RTP. Second, recommendations are provided on image acquisition and reconstruction to support the standardization of imaging protocols. A major prerequisite for routine RTP is a complete and secure data transfer to the actual planning system. Third, state-of-the-art tools for image fusion and co-registration are discussed briefly in the context of PET/CT imaging pre- and post-RTP. This includes a brief review of state-of-the-art image contouring algorithms relevant to PET/CT-guided RTP. Finally, practical aspects of clinical workflow and patient management, such as patient setup and requirements for staff training are emphasized. PET/CT-guided RTP mandates attention to logistical aspects, patient set-up and acquisition parameters as well as an in-depth appreciation of quality control and protocol standardization. Conclusion: Upon fulfilling the requirements to perform PET/CT for RTP, a new dimension of molecular imaging can be added to traditional morphological imaging. As a consequence, PET/CT imaging will support improved RTP and better patient care. This document serves as a guidance on practical and clinically validated instructions that are deemed useful to the staff involved in PET/CT-guided RTP.
... These challenges may be overcome by the use of combined PET/CT systems described in the following section, although software-based coregistration offers greater flexibility and might in some cases offer some complementary advantages to hardware-based approaches. 3,4 Achieving a high degree of accuracy for a spatial transformation between image sets can be complicated. Physical factors such as noise, limited spatial resolution, attenuation, scatter, and partial volume effect (PVE) and biologic factors such as persistent activity in the blood pool and nonspecific uptake may decrease the contrast and blur the images; therefore, it can be difficult to locate consistent landmarks. ...
Multimodality image registration and fusion have a key role in routine diagnosis, staging, restaging, and the assessment of response to treatment, surgery, and radiotherapy planning of malignant disease. The complementarity between anatomic (CT and MR imaging) and molecular (SPECT and PET) imaging modalities is well established and the role of fusion imaging widely recognized as a central piece of the general tree of clinical decision making. Moreover, dual modality imaging technologies including SPECT/CT, PET/CT, and, in the future, PET/MR imaging, now represent the leading component of contemporary health care institutions. This article discusses recent advances in clinical multimodality imaging, the role of correlative fusion imaging in a clinical setting, and future opportunities and challenges facing the adoption of multimodality imaging.
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Purpose: Positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) has become a critical tool in clinical oncology with an expanding role in guiding radiation treatment planning. As its application and availability grows, it is increasingly important for practicing radiation oncologists to have a comprehensive understanding of how molecular imaging can be incorporated into radiation planning and recognize its potential limitations and pitfalls. The purpose of this article is to review the major approved positron-emitting radiopharmaceuticals clinically being used today along with the methods used for their integration into radiation therapy including methods of image registration, target delineation, and emerging PET-guided protocols such as biologically-guided radiation therapy and PET-adaptive therapy. Methods and materials: A review approach was utilized using collective information from a broad review of the existing scientific literature sourced from PubMed search with relevant keywords and input from a multidisciplinary team of experts in medical physics, radiation treatment planning, nuclear medicine, and radiation therapy. Results: A number of radiotracers imaging various targets and metabolic pathways of cancer are now commercially available. PET/CT data can be incorporated into radiation treatment planning through cognitive fusion, rigid registration, deformable registration, or PET/CT simulation techniques. PET imaging provides a number of benefits to radiation planning including improved identification and delineation of the radiation targets from normal tissue, potential automation of target delineation, reduction of intra- and inter-observer variability, and identification of tumor subvolumes at high risk for treatment failure which may benefit from dose intensification or adaptive protocols. However, PET/CT imaging has a number of technical and biologic limitations that must be understood when guiding radiation treatment. Conclusion: For PET guided radiation planning to be successful, collaboration between radiation oncologists, nuclear medicine physicians, and medical physics is essential, as well as the development and adherence to strict PET-radiation planning protocols. When performed properly, PET-based radiation planning can reduce treatment volumes, reduce treatment variability, improve patient and target selection, and potentially enhance the therapeutic ratio accessing precision medicine in radiation therapy.
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Purpose Radiation therapy (RT) planning frequently utilizes contrast‐enhanced CT. However, dose calculations should not be performed on a contrast‐enhanced CT because the patient will not receive bolus during treatment. It is typical to acquire CT twice during RT simulation: once before injection of bolus and once after. The registration between these datasets introduces errors. In this work, we investigate the use of virtual noncontrast images (VNC) derived from dual‐energy CT (DECT) to eliminate the precontrast CT and the registration error. Methods CT datasets, including conventional 120 kVp pre‐ and postcontrast CTs and postcontrast DECT, acquired for ten pancreatic cancer patients were evaluated. The DECTs were acquired simultaneously using a dual source (DS) CT simulator. VNC and virtual mono‐energetic images (VMI) were derived from DECTs. Gross tumor volumes (GTV), planning target volumes (PTV), and organs at risks (OAR) were delineated on the postcontrast CT and then populated to the precontrast CT and the VNC. An IMRT plan (50.4 Gy in 28 fractions) was then optimized on the precontrast CT. Dose distributions were recalculated on the VNC images. Contours from the pre‐ and postcontrast CTs and the dose distributions based on both were compared. Results On average, the distance of centroids of the populated duodenum contours on precontrast CT differed by 6.0 ± 4.0 mm from those on postcontrast CTs. The dose distributions on the precontrast CT and VNC were almost identical. The PTV mean and maximum doses differed by 0.1% and 0.2% between the two plans, respectively. Conclusion The VNC derived from DECT can be used to replace the conventional precontrast CT scan for RT planning, eliminating the need for an additional precontrast CT scan and eliminating the registration errors. Thus, VNC can become an important asset to the future of RT.
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As optoacoustic tomography emerges as a mainstream preclinical imaging modality, understanding the relationship between optoacoustic and other imaging biomarkers in the context of the underlying tissue biology becomes vitally important. For example, assessment of blood haemoglobin concentration and oxygenation can be achieved using OT, and also by several magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based techniques. To evaluate the relationship between these metrics and the relative performance of the two modalities in assessment of haemoglobin physiology, co-registration of their output imaging data is required. Unfortunately, this poses a significant challenge due to differences in the data acquisition geometries. Here, we present an integrated framework for registration of OT and MR image data in small animals. Our framework combines a novel MR animal holder, to improve animal positioning for deformable tissues, and a landmark-based software co-registration algorithm. We demonstrate that our protocol significantly improves registration of both body and tumour contours between these modalities.
While PET shows much promise in improving target delineation in radiotherapy planning, there are some pitfalls which must be acknowledged before adopting wholescale implementation.
Image fusion is the process of registering and combining multiple images from single or multiple imaging modalities to improve the imaging quality and applicability. It reduces randomness and redundancy to increase the diagnostic value of images for better assessment of medical problems. Fusion imaging was designed to overcome the disadvantages of morphological and/or functional imaging, and attempts to provide inputs that improve treatment planning, resulting in better prognostication. This review attempts to summarize the techniques and their applications in head and neck imaging.
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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder which affects various regions of brain. The primary damage occurs in white matter (WM) tracts leading to disintegration and death of neurons. Diffusion tensor imaging is one of the most widely used techniques to study the microstructural changes in WM. In this work, variations in length of WM tracts for regions associated with emotional regulation are studied. The images obtained from ADNI database are pre-processed to remove non-brain tissues and non-rigid registration is performed. Deterministic streamline tractography is used to reconstruct the WM tracts for whole brain. Length of each tract is estimated by voxel counting method. Brodmann area maps are superimposed to extract the tracts for areas 11, 38 and 47. Average tract length of each subregion is compared for AD and normal controls. The results show that there is a reduction in average tract length for AD subjects in the three regions studied. Maximum reduction of 27.15% is observed for area 11 followed by 24.43% for area 38 and 16.31% for area 47. No correlation is observed with MMSE score for any of these three sub-regions. This method of quantification of WM degeneration can be used to assess the severity of AD progression.
Multimodality image registration and fusion have a key role in routine diagnosis, staging, restaging, and the assessment of response to treatment, surgery, and radiotherapy planning of malignant disease. The complementarity between anatomic (CT and MR imaging) and molecular (SPECT and PET) imaging modalities is well established and the role of fusion imaging widely recognized as a central piece of the general tree of clinical decision making. Moreover, dual modality imaging technologies including SPECT/CT, PET/CT, and, in the future, PET/MR imaging, now represent the leading component of contemporary health care institutions. This article discusses recent advances in clinical multimodality imaging, the role of correlative fusion imaging in a clinical setting, and future opportunities and challenges facing the adoption of multimodality imaging.
Retrospective evaluation of the impact of integrated positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) using (68)Ga-DOTA(0)-Phe(1)-Tyr(3)-octreotide ((68)Ga-DOTATOC) on the therapeutic management of patients with neuroendocrine tumors (NET). The (68)Ga-DOTATOC-PET/CT data of 66 patients (31 male, 35 female; age: 29-79, mean age: 56 years) with known or suspected NET were included. Imaging data (PET and triple-phase contrast-enhanced CT) were evaluated in consensus by two readers for the visualization of NET manifestations. Combined PET/CT, clinical and imaging follow-up as well as histopathology (if available) served as the reference standard. In order to assess the impact of the respective submodalities on the therapeutic strategy chosen, the results were compared to the treatment decision made by the interdisciplinary NET tumor board of our institution. Two of the initial 66 patients included did not suffer from NET according to further immunohistopathological examination. In 50 of the remaining 64 (78%) NET patients, a total of 181 NET manifestations were detected by PET/CT. 59/181 (32.6%) were detected by one submodality only (CT 17.1%, PET 15.5%, p for comparison of both = 0.459). Combined PET/CT reading had an impact on the therapeutic management in 24 of 64 (38%) NET patients: primary resection (n = 5), curative lymph node resection (n = 1), initiation/switch of chemotherapy (CTx) due to progressive disease (n = 10), no surgery due to systemic disease (n = 2), radiopeptide receptor therapy instead of CTx (n = 1), additional bisphosphonate therapy (n = 4), and hepatic brachytherapy (n = 1). In 12 of 24 (50%) of these patients, relevant findings were detected by a single submodality only: CT (n = 5), PET (n = 7); p for comparison = 0.774). (68)Ga-DOTATOC-PET/CT influences therapeutic management in about one third of patients examined. CT and PET are comparably sensitive, deliver complementary information and equally contribute to therapeutic decision-making. Thus, despite the merits of the PET modality, the CT component must not be neglected and an optimized multiphase CT protocol is recommended.
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User Guide for developer who use ITK in their applications. Everything you need to install, use, and extend the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolikit ITK. Includes detailed examples, installation procedures, and system overview for ITK version 2.4. (The included examples are taken directly from the ITK source code repository and are designed to demonstrate the essential features of the software.) The book comes with a CD-ROM that contains a complete hyperlinked version of the book plus ITK source code, data, Windows binaries, and extensive class documentation. Also includes CMake binaries for managing the ITK build process on a variety of compiler and operating system configurations. U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM).
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The availability of accurately aligned, whole-body anatomical (CT) and functional (PET) images could have a significant impact on diagnosing and staging malignant disease and on identifying and localizing metastases. Computer algorithms to align CT and PET images acquired on different scanners are generally successful for the brain, whereas image alignment in other regions of the body is more problematic. A combined PET/CT tomograph with the unique capability of acquiring accurately aligned functional and anatomical images for any part of the human body has been designed and built. The PET/CT scanner was developed as a combination of a Siemens Somatom AR.SP spiral CT and a partial-ring, rotating ECAT ART PET scanner. All components are mounted on a common rotational support within a single gantry. The PET and CT components can be operated either separately, or in combined mode. In combined mode, the CT images are used to correct the PET data for scatter and attenuation. Fully quantitative whole-body images are obtained for an axial extent of 100 cm in an imaging time of less than 1 h. When operated in PET mode alone, transmission scans are acquired with dual 137Cs sources. The scanner is fully operational and the combined device has been operated successfully in a clinical environment. Over 110 patients have been imaged, covering a range of different cancers, including lung, esophageal, head and neck, melanoma, lymphoma, pancreas, and renal cell. The aligned PET and CT images are used both for diagnosing and staging disease and for evaluating response to therapy. We report the first performance measurements from the scanner and present some illustrative clinical studies acquired in cancer patients. A combined PET and CT scanner is a practical and effective approach to acquiring co-registered anatomical and functional images in a single scanning session.
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To reduce potential mis-registration from differences in the breathing pattern between two complementary PET and CT data sets, patients are generally allowed to breathe quietly during a dual-modality scan using a combined PET/CT tomograph. Frequently, however, local mis-registration between the CT and the PET is observed. We have evaluated the appearance, magnitude, and frequency of respiration-induced artefacts in CT images of dual-modality PET/CT studies of 62 patients. Combined PET/CT scans during normal respiration were acquired in 43 subjects using single- or dual-slice CT. Nineteen patients were scanned with a special breathing protocol (limited breath-hold technique) on a single-slice PET/CT tomograph. All subjects were injected with approximately 370 MBq of FDG, and PET/CT scanning commenced 1 h post injection. The CT images were reconstructed and, after appropriate scaling, used for on-line attenuation correction of the PET emission data. We found that respiration artefacts can occur in the majority of cases if no respiration protocol is used. When applying the limited breath-hold technique, the frequency of severe artefacts in the area of the diaphragm was reduced by half, and the spatial extent of respiration-induced artefacts was reduced by at least 40% compared with the acquisition protocols without any breathing instructions. In conclusion, special breathing protocols are effective and should be used for CT scans as part of combined imaging protocols using a dual-modality PET/CT tomograph. The results of this study can also be applied to multi-slice CT to potentially reduce further breathing artefacts in PET/CT imaging and to improve overall image quality.
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The aim of this study was to compare PET with (18)F-FDG PET, in-line PET/CT, and software fusion of independently acquired CT and PET scans for staging of recurrent colorectal cancer (CRC). Fifty-one patients with suspected recurrent CRC were studied with in-line PET/CT. Thirty-four of these patients underwent an additional CT scan of the chest or abdomen within 4 wk of PET/CT. Software fusion of PET and CT was performed using a fully automated, intensity-based algorithm. The accuracy of the coregistration of PET and CT scans was evaluated by measuring the distance between landmarks visible in the PET and CT images. Histologic evaluation and follow-up for 6 mo served as the gold standard for the presence or absence of recurrent CRC. On a patient basis, the accuracy of staging was significantly higher for in-line PET/CT than for PET (88% vs. 71%, P = 0.01). Software fusion of the independently acquired PET and CT images was unsuccessful in 8 patients (24%). In the remaining patients, the mean distance between 62 landmarks visible in PET and CT was 12.9 +/- 7.9 mm, whereas it was only 7.7 +/- 4.7 mm for in-line PET/CT (P < 0.001). In patients with suspected recurrent CRC, in-line PET/CT significantly improves staging compared with PET alone. Due to its high failure rate, software fusion of independently acquired PET and CT studies cannot be considered to represent an alternative to in-line PET/CT.
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It was the success of software-based image registration that eventually led to the introduction of hardware-based concepts for image fusion, such as combined PET/CT tomographs. A prototype PET/CT was first presented in 1998, with various commercial designs to follow since 2000. PET/ CT is used primarily as a diagnostic modality in the field of extra-cerebral oncology imaging. The major advantage of combined imaging over retrospective software registration is the nearly identical position of the patient during both complementary examination, and therefore tomograms of identical parts of the body can be provided in spatially-corresponding slices. Despite the availability of hardware combinations of complementary imaging modalities software-based image registration, however, still inherits a major role in subsequent data processing, in particular when individual imaging modalities other than combined PET/CT are being used during patient workup. Furthermore, software is likely to become an important tool for the correction of residual motion-induced mis-registration within combined PET/CT data sets, and for follow-up studies involving, for example, CT, PET, and PET/CT. Therefore, flexible algorithms that utilize non-linear interpolation schemes implemented on fast computer systems are needed, and will continue to contribute to successful image registration and fusion in clinical practice.
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In this paper the authors present a new approach for the nonrigid registration of contrast-enhanced breast MRI. A hierarchical transformation model of the motion of the breast has been developed. The global motion of the breast is modeled by an affine transformation while the local breast motion is described by a free-form deformation (FFD) based on B-splines. Normalized mutual information is used as a voxel-based similarity measure which is insensitive to intensity changes as a result of the contrast enhancement. Registration is achieved by minimizing a cost function, which represents a combination of the cost associated with the smoothness of the transformation and the cost associated with the image similarity. The algorithm has been applied to the fully automated registration of three-dimensional (3-D) breast MRI in volunteers and patients. In particular, the authors have compared the results of the proposed nonrigid registration algorithm to those obtained using rigid and affine registration techniques. The results clearly indicate that the nonrigid registration algorithm is much better able to recover the motion and deformation of the breast than rigid or affine registration algorithms.
A new rank-two variable-metric method is derived using Greenstadt’s variational approach [ Math. Comp. , this issue]. Like the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell (DFP) variable-metric method, the new method preserves the positive-definiteness of the approximating matrix. Together with Greenstadt’s method, the new method gives rise to a one-parameter family of variable-metric methods that includes the DFP and rank-one methods as special cases. It is equivalent to Broyden’s one-parameter family [ Math. Comp. , v. 21, 1967, pp. 368–381]. Choices for the inverse of the weighting matrix in the variational approach are given that lead to the derivation of the DFP and rank-one methods directly.
Quasi-Newton methods accelerate the steepest-descent technique for function minimization by using computational history to generate a sequence of approximations to the inverse of the Hessian matrix. This paper presents a class of approximating matrices as a function of a scalar parameter. The problem of optimal conditioning of these matrices under an appropriate norm as a function of the scalar parameter is investigated. A set of computational results verifies the superiority of the new methods arising from conditioning considerations to known methods.
This paper presents a new minimization algorithm and discusses theoretically some of its properties when applied to quadratic functions. Results of comparative testing for a set of non-quadratic functions are described and reasons for the observed experimental behaviour are suggested.
To assess the accuracy of positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) when staging different malignant diseases. This was a retrospective, blinded, investigator-initiated study of 260 patients with various oncological diseases who underwent fluorine-18-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose PET/CT for tumor staging. CT images alone, PET images alone, PET + CT data viewed side by side, and fused PET/CT images were evaluated separately according to the tumor-node-metastasis system. One hundred forty patients with tumors not staged according to the tumor-node-metastasis system or a lack of reference standard were excluded from data analysis; 260 patients were included. Diagnostic accuracies were determined for each of the four image sets. Histopathology and a clinical follow-up of 311 (+/- 125) days served as standards of reference. PET/CT proved significantly more accurate in assessing tumor-node-metastasis system stage compared with CT alone, PET alone, and side-by-side PET + CT (P < .0001). Of 260 patients, 218 (84%; 95% CI, 79% to 88%) were correctly staged with PET/CT, 197 (76%; 95% CI, 70% to 81%) with side-by-side PET + CT, 163 (63%; 95% CI, 57% to 69%) with CT alone, and 166 (64%; 95% CI, 58% to 70%) with PET alone. Combined PET/CT had an impact on the treatment plan in 16, 39, and 43 patients when compared with PET + CT, CT alone, and PET alone, respectively. Tumor staging with PET/CT is significantly more accurate than CT alone, PET alone, and side-by-side PET + CT. This diagnostic advantage translates into treatment plan changes in a substantial number of patients.
An approach to variable metric algorithms has been investigated in which the linear search sub-problem no longer becomes necessary. The property of quadratic termination has been replaced by one of monotonic convergence of the eigenvalues of the approximating matrix to the inverse hessian. A convex class of updating formulae which possess this property has been established, and a strategy has been indicated for choosing a member of the class so as to keep the approximation away from both singularity and unboundedness. A FORTRAN program has been tested extensively with encouraging results.
A new information-theoretic approach is presented for finding the registration of volumetric medical images of differing modalities. Registration is achieved by adjustment of the relative position and orientation until the mutual information between the images is maximized. In our derivation of the registration procedure, few assumptions are made about the nature of the imaging process. As a result the algorithms are quite general and can foreseeably be used with a wide variety of imaging devices. This approach works directly with image data; no pre-processing or segmentation is required. This technique is, however, more flexible and robust than other intensity-based techniques like correlation. Additionally, it has an efficient implementation that is based on stochastic approximation. Experiments are presented that demonstrate the approach registering magnetic resonance (MR) images with computed tomography (CT) images, and with positron-emission tomography (PET) images. Surgical applications of the registration method are described.
Because anatomical information on fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) whole-body positron emission tomography (PET) images is limited, combination with structural imaging is often important. In principle, software co-registration of PET and computed tomography (CT) data or dual-modality imaging using a combined PET-CT camera has an important role to play, since "hardware-co-registered" images are thereby made available. A major unanswered question is under which breathing protocol the respiration level in the CT images of a patient will best match the PET images, which represent summed images over many breathing cycles. To address this issue, 28 tumour patients undergoing routine FDG PET examinations were included in this study. In ten patients, PET and CT were performed using a new combined high-performance in-line PET-CT camera without the need for repositioning of the patient, while in 18 patients imaging was performed on separate scanners located close to each other. CT was performed at four respiration levels: free breathing (FB), maximal inspiration (MaxInsp), maximal expiration (MaxExp) and normal expiration (NormExp). The following distances were measured: (a) between a reference point taken to be the anterior superior edge of intervertebral disc space T10-11 and the apex of the lung, (b) from the apex of the lung to the top of the diaphragm, (c) from the apex of the lung to the costo-diaphragmatic recess and (d) from the reference point to the lateral thoracic wall. Differences between CT and corresponding PET images in respect of these distances were compared. In addition, for each of 15 lung tumours in 12 patients, changes in tumour position between PET and CT using the same protocol were measured. CT during NormExp showed the best fit with PET, followed by CT during FB. The mean differences in movement of the diaphragmatic dome on CT during NormExp, FB, MaxInsp and MaxExp, as compared with its level on PET scan, were, respectively, 0.4 mm (SD 11.7), -11.6 mm (13.3), -44.4 mm (25.5) and -9.5 mm (25.6). CT acquired in MaxExp and MaxInsp is not suitable for image co-registration owing to the poor match of images in MaxInsp and because of difficulties with patient performance in MaxExp. With reference to lung lesions, NormExp showed the best results, with a higher probability of a good match and a smaller range of measured values in comparison with FB. Image misregistration in combined PET-CT imaging can be minimized to dimensions comparable to the spatial resolution of modern PET scanners. For PET-CT image co-registration, the use of a normal expiration breath-hold protocol for CT acquisition is recommended, independent of whether combined PET-CT systems or stand-alone systems are used.
Combined positron emission tomographic (PET)/computed tomographic (CT) scanners allow the use of CT data for attenuation correction of PET images. Eight patients with cancer underwent PET/CT scanning. Transmission scanning was performed with conventional attenuation correction and with CT scanning during maximum inspiration and normal expiration. Image quality was visually compared and fluorine 18 activities were measured in volumes of interest in the lung and myocardium. Analysis of variance for repeated measures revealed a significant decrease (P =.0001) in measured activities between PET images corrected with CT data acquired during maximum inspiration and those corrected with the conventional attenuation correction method or with CT data acquired during normal expiration. Deep inspiration during CT can result in severe deterioration in the final PET image.
New technology that combines positron tomography with x-ray computed tomography (PET/CT) is available from all major vendors of PET imaging equipment: CTI, Siemens, GE, Philips. Although not all vendors have made the same design choices as those described in this review all have in common that their high performance design places a commercial CT scanner in tandem with a commercial PET scanner. The level of physical integration is actually less than that of the original prototype design where the CT and PET components were mounted on the same rotating support. There will undoubtedly be a demand for PET/CT technology with a greater level of integration, and at a reduced cost. This may be achieved through the design of a scanner specifically for combined anatomical and functional imaging, rather than a design combining separate CT and PET scanners, as in the current approaches. By avoiding the duplication of data acquisition and image reconstruction functions, for example, a more integrated design should also allow cost savings over current commercial PET/CT scanners. The goal is then to design and build a device specifically for imaging the function and anatomy of cancer in the most optimal and effective way, without conceptualizing it as combined PET and CT. The development of devices specifically for imaging a particular disease (eg, cancer) differs from the conventional approach of, for example, an all-purpose anatomical imaging device such as a CT scanner. This new concept targets more of a disease management approach rather than the usual division into the medical specialties of radiology (anatomical imaging) and nuclear medicine (functional imaging).
A synergy of positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) scanners is the use of the CT data for x-ray-based attenuation correction of the PET emission data. Current methods of measuring transmission use positron sources, gamma-ray sources, or x-ray sources. Each of the types of transmission scans involves different trade-offs of noise versus bias, with positron transmission scans having the highest noise but lowest bias, whereas x-ray scans have negligible noise but the potential for increased quantitative errors. The use of x-ray-based attenuation correction, however, has other advantages, including a lack of bias introduced from post-injection transmission scanning, which is an important practical consideration for clinical scanners, as well as reduced scan times. The sensitivity of x-ray-based attenuation correction to artifacts and quantitative errors depends on the method of translating the CT image from the effective x-ray energy of approximately 70 keV to attenuation coefficients at the PET energy of 511 keV. These translation methods are usually based on segmentation and/or scaling techniques. Errors in the PET emission image arise from positional mismatches caused by patient motion or respiration differences between the PET and CT scans; incorrect calculation of attenuation coefficients for CT contrast agents or metallic implants; or keeping the patient's arms in the field of view, which leads to truncation and/or beam-hardening (or x-ray scatter) artifacts. Proper interpretation of PET emission images corrected for attenuation by using the CT image relies on an understanding of the potential artifacts. In cases where an artifact or bias is suspected, careful inspection of all three available images (CT and PET emission with and without attenuation correction) is recommended.
Software image registration is a powerful and versatile tool that allows the fusion of molecular and anatomic information. Image registration can be applied to compare anatomic information with function, localize organs and lesions, and plan radiation therapy, biopsy, or surgery. Automatic volume-based image registration techniques have been devised for both linear and nonlinear image alignment. Challenges remain in the validation of the accuracy of software registration. Image registration has been applied clinically in neurology and oncology and may be particularly practical in radiotherapy applications. Potential new applications in cardiology could allow the combination of CT angiography with perfusion and viability images obtained by PET, SPECT, or MRI. Software methods allow versatility in the choice of modalities and facilitate retrospective and selective application. Fully automatic registration algorithms are needed for routine clinical applications. Connectivity, compatibility, and cooperation between various clinical departments are essential for the successful application of software-based image fusion in a hospital setting.
Involuntary patient motion from insufficient patient preparation may lead to local misregistration of PET/CT images and, thus, can invalidate the attempt to fuse the resulting images. We estimate the efficacy of selected patient support structures in reducing the likelihood of patient motion in the area of the head and neck during whole-body PET/CT studies. Motion of the head and neck was estimated in 51 healthy volunteers during simulated whole-body PET/CT studies using an infrared camera-based tracking system. Four patient positioning schemes (arms down) were studied, with the neck placed on a standard PET head holder with no support at the sides (setup A), on a special head holder fitted with a subject-specific mold from construction foam (setup B), on a vacuum-lock bag (setup C), and on a special head holder fitted with a vacuum-lock bag (setup D). We report the average motion of the head and neck as the difference in the position of a set of target points between the simulated CT image and PET image of the head and neck. To estimate the efficacy of additional patient support measures in clinical practice, we reviewed the misregistration of the head and neck in whole-body PET/CT studies of 10 patients each who were imaged using setups A and C by comparing the mean translational and rotational alignment parameters from a semiautomatic linear registration approach needed to realign the CT and PET images. Average translational and rotational misalignment of the head and neck was highest for setup A, at 7 mm and 1 degrees , respectively. Misalignment was reduced to a minimum of 1.4 mm and 0.3 degrees for setup D. Setup B resulted in a similar reduction in patient motion of the head and neck: 2.4 mm and 0.4 degrees , whereas setup C provided only somewhat improved support, with a resulting average misalignment of 4.5 mm and 0.7 degrees. In clinical PET/CT, we found setup C to reduce translational misalignment of the CT and PET images of the head and neck to 2 mm, compared with 6 mm for setup A, whereas no significant reduction of rotational misalignment was observed. Average motion of the head and neck in unrestrained subjects during whole-body PET/CT examinations can be reduced by use of rigid positioning aids, such as foam molds, or vacuum-lock bags. Vacuum-lock bags are reusable, quickly adaptable, and olfactory neutral and can be used routinely, either alone or in combination with a head holder, in whole-body PET/CT for high-quality examinations.
Registration and fusion of whole-body functional PET and anatomic CT is significant for accurate differentiation of viable tumors from benign masses, radiotherapy planning and monitoring treatment response, and cancer staging. Whole-body PET and CT acquired on separate scanners are misregistered because of differences in patient positions and orientations, couch shapes, and breathing protocols. Although a combined PET/CT scanner removes many of these misalignments, breathing-related nonrigid mismatches still persist. We have developed a new, fully automated normalized mutual information-based 3-dimensional elastic image registration technique that can accurately align whole-body PET and CT images acquired on stand-alone scanners as well as a combined PET/CT scanner. The algorithm morphs the PET image to align spatially with the CT image by generating an elastic transformation field by interpolating quaternions and translations from multiple 6-parameter rigid-body registrations, each obtained for hierarchically subdivided image subvolumes. Fifteen whole-body (spanning thorax and abdomen) PET/CT image pairs acquired separately and 5 image pairs acquired on a combined scanner were registered. The cases were selected on the basis of the availability of both CT and PET images, without any other screening criteria, such as a specific clinical condition or prognosis. A rigorous quantitative validation was performed by evaluating algorithm performance in the context of variability among 3 clinical experts in the identification of up to 32 homologous anatomic landmarks. The average execution time was 75 and 45 min for images acquired using separate scanners and combined scanner, respectively. Visual inspection indicated improved matching of homologous structures in all cases. The mean registration accuracy (5.5 and 5.9 mm for images from separate scanners and combined scanner, respectively) was found comparable to the mean interexpert difference in landmark identification (5.6 +/- 2.4 and 6.6 +/- 3.4 mm, respectively). The variability in landmark identification did not show statistically significant changes on replacing any expert by the algorithm. We have presented a new and automated elastic registration algorithm to correct for nonrigid misalignments in whole-body PET/CT images as well as improve the "mechanical" registration of a combined PET/CT scanner. The algorithm performance was on par with the average opinion of 3 experts.
To retrospectively determine whether alignment of registered positron emission tomographic (PET) and computed tomographic (CT) data sets obtained independently varies significantly from alignment of data sets acquired from a combined PET/CT scanner. The study was approved by the institution's Human Research Committee with a waiver of informed consent and complied with HIPAA. Whole-body combined PET/CT data sets and separate routinely positioned thoracic CT data sets were obtained from 12 patients (six men, six women; mean age, 48.6 years; range, 24-62 years). Separate PET and thoracic CT data sets matched for patient positioning and respiration were acquired on the same day for nine patients (four men, five women; mean age, 71 years; range, 51-90 years). Computer nonlinear registration was performed on PET and CT data sets from combined PET/CT (fusion group 1), PET data sets from combined PET/CT with unmatched thoracic CT (fusion group 2), and data sets from separate PET and CT matched for patient positioning and respiration (fusion group 3). Quality of alignment was assessed by two radiologists in consensus blinded to the source of registered data in each fusion group at the following anatomic locations: diaphragm, aortic arch, heart, thoracic spine, and lung apices. Results were compared by using the Wilcoxon paired signed rank and unpaired rank sum tests. Quality of alignment did not significantly differ between fusion group 1 and fusion group 3. Fusion group 1 provided significantly better alignment in two of five anatomic locations (P = .008 for diaphragm and P = .031 for heart) than fusion group 2. Fusion group 3 provided significantly better alignment in two of five anatomic locations (P = .037 for diaphragm and P = .009 for heart) than fusion group 2. Thoracic anatomic alignment does not significantly differ between registered PET and CT data sets acquired on a combined PET/CT scanner or from separate PET and CT scanners obtained on the same day when carefully matched for anatomic positioning and respiration.
Motion in PET/CT leads to artifacts in the reconstructed PET images due to the different acquisition times of positron emission tomography and computed tomography. The effect of motion on cardiac PET/CT images is evaluated in this study and a novel approach for motion correction based on optical flow methods is outlined. The Lukas-Kanade optical flow algorithm is used to calculate the motion vector field on both simulated phantom data as well as measured human PET data. The motion of the myocardium is corrected by non-linear registration techniques and results are compared to uncorrected images.
Imaging of moving organs using the PET leads to blurred images due to long acquisition times. Simultaneous cardiac and respiratory gating of list-mode PET/CT is evaluated with the aim to improve image quality and assess the organ movement. We performed a N-13 ammonia PET/CT scan with a human volunteer, using the Siemens Biograph Sensation 16 scanner with list-mode acquisition. For ECG gating we used the scanner's integrated ECG device. Respiratory gating was done with the BioVet pneumatic sensor system. The sorting of the list-mode data post acquisition produced the desired matrix of eight cardiac times eight respiratory images. Organ movement could be measured in the series of gated PET images. The quantitation of tracer uptake in the myocardium showed artifacts due to the CT-based attenuation correction. Double gating is feasible in human PET/CT scans using a list-mode-based scan protocol. The image quality can be enhanced using double gated list-mode acquisition in PET/CT Attenuation correction protocols in PET using a single not gated fast CT introduces artifacts in moving organs.
Conference Paper
A combined PET/CT tomograph with the unique capability to acquire accurately aligned functional and anatomical images for any part of the human body has been designed and built. The PET/CT, or SMART scanner, was developed by combining a Siemens Somatom AR.SP spiral CT scanner with a partial ring rotating ECAT ART PET tomograph. All components are mounted on a common rotational support within a single gantry that has an axial depth of 110 cm. The PET and CT components can be operated either separately or in combined mode. In combined mode, the CT images are used to correct the PET data for scatter and attenuation. Fully quantitative whole-body images can be obtained for an axial extent of up to 100 cm in an imaging time of less than one hour. When operated in PET mode alone, transmission scans are acquired with two 15 mCi cesium sources. We report the first performance measurements from the scanner, and present some illustrative clinical studies
The human face is an elastic object. A natural paradigm for representing facial expressions is to form a complete 3D model of facial muscles and tissues. However, determining the actual parameter values for synthesizing and animating facial expressions is tedious; evaluating these parameters for facial expression analysis out of grey-level images is ahead of the state of the art in computer vision. Using only 2D face images and a small number of anchor points, we show that the method of radial basis functions provides a powerful mechanism for processing facial expressions. Although constructed specifically for facial expressions, our method is applicable to other elastic objects as well.
X-ray Based Attenuation Correction for PET/CT Scanners
  • P Kinahan
  • B Hasegawa
  • T Beyer
Kinahan P, Hasegawa B, Beyer T. X-ray Based Attenuation Correction for PET/CT Scanners. Sem Nucl Med 2003;33:166-79.
Accuracy of whole-body PET/CT for tumor staging in solid tumors: Comparison with CT and PET in 260 patients
  • G Antoch
  • N Saoudi
  • H Kuehl
  • G Dahmen
  • Sp Mueller
  • T Beyer
Antoch G, Saoudi N, Kuehl H, Dahmen G, Mueller SP, Beyer T, et al. Accuracy of whole-body PET/CT for tumor staging in solid tumors: Comparison with CT and PET in 260 patients. J Clin Oncol 2004;22:4357-68.
Generation of a MRI reference data set for the validation of automatic, non-rigid image co-registration algorithms
  • M Weigert
  • T Beyer
  • H Quick
  • U Pietrzyk
  • C Palm
  • S Muïler
Weigert M, Beyer T, Quick H, Pietrzyk U, Palm C, Muïler S. Generation of a MRI reference data set for the validation of automatic, non-rigid image co-registration algorithms. Nuklearmedizin 2007; 46:A116.
Dualmodality PET/CT imaging: the effect of respiratory motion on combined image quality in clinical oncology
  • T Beyer
  • G Antoch
  • T Blodgett
  • L Freudenberg
  • T Akhurst
  • S Mueller
Beyer T, Antoch G, Blodgett T, Freudenberg L, Akhurst T, Mueller S. Dualmodality PET/CT imaging: the effect of respiratory motion on combined image quality in clinical oncology. Eur J Nucl Med 2003;30:588-96.
Accuracy of whole-body PET/CT for tumor staging in solid tumors: Comparison with CT and PET in 260 patients
  • Antoch
The ITK Software Guide
  • L Ibáñez
  • W Schroeder
  • L Ng
  • J Cates
  • I S Consortium
Generation of a MRI reference data set for the validation of automatic, non-rigid image co-registration algorithms
  • Weigert
X-ray Based Attenuation Correction for PET/CT Scanners
  • Kinahan
Dualmodality PET/CT imaging: the effect of respiratory motion on combined image quality in clinical oncology
  • Beyer