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Chinese Immigrants in Vancouver: Quo Vadis?


Abstract and Figures

This paper reports findings from a Vancouver study which examines the settlement and adaptation experience of Chinese immigrants in Vancouver. The study reveals that noneconomic reasons, such as the environment, education and citizenship, constituted the primary motivations for Chinese immigrants to move to Canada. Employment and language facilities were the most frequently cited barriers inhibiting their integration into the Vancouver social and economic spheres. Their poor economic performances coupled with the devaluation of both their acquired Chinese education qualifications and labour market experience have hindered integration and increased dissatisfaction with their lives in Canada. Given the logic of our posited triangular migration model we argue that this dissatisfaction will encourage Chinese emigration from Vancouver.
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IZA DP No. 2340
Chinese Immigrants in Vancouver: Quo Vadis?
Shibao Guo
Don J. DeVoretz
zur Zukunft der Arbeit
Institute for the Study
of Labor
September 2006
Chinese Immigrants in Vancouver:
Quo Vadis?
Shibao Guo
University of Calgary
Don J. DeVoretz
RIIM, Simon Fraser University
and IZA Bonn
Discussion Paper No. 2340
September 2006
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IZA Discussion Paper No. 2340
September 2006
Chinese Immigrants in Vancouver: Quo Vadis?
This paper reports findings from a Vancouver study which examines the settlement and
adaptation experience of Chinese immigrants in Vancouver. The study reveals that non-
economic reasons, such as the environment, education and citizenship, constituted the
primary motivations for Chinese immigrants to move to Canada. Employment and language
facilities were the most frequently cited barriers inhibiting their integration into the Vancouver
social and economic spheres. Their poor economic performances coupled with the
devaluation of both their acquired Chinese education qualifications and labour market
experience have hindered integration and increased dissatisfaction with their lives in Canada.
Given the logic of our posited triangular migration model we argue that this dissatisfaction will
encourage Chinese emigration from Vancouver.
JEL Classification: J15, J61, J60
Keywords: Chinese immigrants, emigration, integration, triangle theory
Corresponding author:
Don J. DeVoretz
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6
The authors would like to thank both Bryan Yu and Roman Deng for their excellent research
assistance and note the Vancouver Centre of Excellence for its financial support. Finally, SUCCESS
provided useful contacts and a venue to interview their clients.
The 2001 Census of Canada reveals that Canada’s population is becoming increasingly
ethno-culturally diverse. It reports that as of May 15, 2001, 18.4% of Canada’s total
population was foreign-born and that 13.4% identified themselves as visible minorities
(Statistics Canada, 2003). According to the 2001 census, the Chinese have become the largest
visible minority group in Canada, approaching a total of 1,029,400 up from 860,100 in 1996.
At the provincial level, Chinese residents comprised the largest proportion of the visible
minority populations in British Columbia (44%), Alberta (30%), and Saskatchewan (29%).
While many Chinese permanently settle in Canada, an increasing number return “home,” be
it Hong Kong, Taiwan, or Mainland China. Factors which increase or decrease their level of
satisfaction while residing in Canada will ultimately influence their move-stay decision. This
paper attempts to identify the salient factors which affected the ability of these Chinese
immigrants resident in Vancouver to realize their goals and influence their levels of
This survey based study is part of a large scale research project entitled “The Chinese
Leaver-Stayer Project,” which examines the underlying forces that influence the “move-stay”
decision for Chinese immigrants after their arrival in Canada. The study is comprised of two
stages. Stage One seeks to understand the settlement and adaptation experience of Chinese
immigrants in Vancouver. Their responses will be compared with those of Chinese
immigrants who returned “home” in Stage Two. We employ two distinct methodologies.
First, we employed an online survey investigation complemented with in-person
questionnaires such that the survey respondents would mimic the salient features of the
actual Chinese population in Vancouver circa 2002.
The paper is organized into four parts. The first part provides contextual information
and a review of the literature on immigrant circulation. The second section introduces our
research methodology. Third, we report the findings of the study. Finally, we conclude with a
discussion of the results and their policy implications.
The Web-based instrument can be found at The in-person
questionnaires used an identical set of questions.
Chinese Emigration to Canada
To understand the experience of Chinese immigrants, it is important to examine the
social and political contexts within which Chinese immigrants lived before their arrival in
Canada. According to Li (1998), the majority of the Chinese immigrants originated from
three areas: Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China – the focus of this review.
Hong Kong was the primary source of Chinese emigration to Canada after the Second
World War (Li, 1998). According to Wong (1992), there have been three major waves of
emigration from Hong Kong since the end of the Second World War. The first occurred
between 1958 and 1961, owing to dramatic changes in Hong Kong’s agriculture sector. The
second wave was triggered by a political crisis, the 1967 riot. This riot was a spill-over effect
of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) in China. Threatened by bombs and political
instability, thousands of Hong Kong’s elite left for the United States and Canada. The third
wave of emigration, described by Wong, began in the 1980s. According to the 1984 Sino-
British Agreement on the future of Hong Kong, the colony would become a special
administrative region under the rule of China. Many of the residents who were worried about
their future began to leave Hong Kong. A large number of them found homes in Canada.
Wong described this latest group of emigrants as “predominantly ‘yuppies’ – young,
educated, middle class professionals” (Wong, 1992, p.4).
China had been isolated from the rest of the world since the People’s Republic of
China (PRC) was founded in 1949. Until the 1980s direct emigration from China to Canada
was relatively small (Li, 1998). The pro-democracy student movement in 1989 became a
catalyst as well as a hindrance for the emigration of Chinese people. On the one hand, the
event prompted the Canadian government to issue permanent resident status to many Chinese
students and scholars who were studying in Canada at that time. On the other hand, the
Chinese government tightened the rules to further restrict people’s mobility. However, this
restriction did not last long. The 1990s witnessed substantial emigration from China to
Canada. China’s “open door” policy and economic development resulted in an economic
boom in China and a new middle income class. Combined with the relaxed Chinese passport
restrictions by the Chinese government, China entered the “emigration phase” (Wallis,
Given these developments, the PRC émigrés outnumbered Hong Kong’s and
Taiwan’s émigrés in 1998, as the PRC became the top source region for immigrants to
Canada after 1998 (Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 1999).
Taiwan is a unique case. The influx of emigrants from Taiwan has always been
closely related to the island’s political instability, particularly with regard to Taiwan’s
relationship vis-à-vis mainland China (Tseng, 2001). In addition to this concern over political
instability, emigration from Taiwan may also be understood as a middle-class response to the
problems resulting from discontent with the quality of life under rapid industrialization.
According to Kotkin (1993, cited in Tseng, 2001), an estimated 50,000 Taiwanese emigrated
between 1985 and 1991, with the United States, Australia, and Canada being the most
popular destinations.
Review of Literature
The move-stay decision has a long history in the migration literature. The original
work of Grubel and Scott (1966) and Vanderkamp (1968) on the move-stay decision
reflected on the narrow decision that only economically disappointed migrants returned home
during their presumably productive years. This neo-classical view argues that migrants were
economically rational and only moved if the increase in income exceeded the costs of
movement. If their post-movement experience proved this incorrect, then economically failed
immigrants returned home to increase their economic gains.
In the 1990’s two new branches of migration literature emerged to rationalize the now
observed repeated moves of modern immigrants. The first, transnationalism, focused on
repeated moves between the sending and one receiving country. Thus migration in a
transnational model is described as continuous phenomenon rather than completed event
(Ley & Kobayashi, 2005). Drawing from the experience of returned Hong Kong Chinese
immigrants from Canada, Ley and Kobayashi argue that return migration represents one stop
in a transnational sojourner’s journey. The authors identify economic activity as the recurrent
Furthermore, Canada opened its immigration office in Beijing, which processed immigration applications
directly from China.
pull to Hong Kong and quality of life as the attraction which draws the family back
repeatedly to Canada. Strategic switching between the two identifies appears as they move to
separate stations within an extended but unified social field.
We agree with Borjas and Bratsberg (1996) that transnationalism is an incomplete
model and we will favour the more strategically rich explanation embedded in the triangular
immigration model.
DeVoretz, Ma, and Zhang (2003) earlier adopted a triangular model to
explain the movement of Chinese immigrants between Hong Kong, Canada, and the rest of
the world (ROW). This model predicts a complex movement pattern of immigrants from
sending countries (including Hong Kong) to entrepôt countries (Canada and Australia), and
then on to the rest of the world (USA). The authors argue that immigrants initially choose an
entrepôt country like Canada because it supplies subsidized human capital (language training,
education) and other free public goods (a passport, good government, etc.). However, the
authors continue to argue that, after the initial move to the entrepôt country, these immigrants
face three future choices: (i) staying permanently in the new entrepôt country (Canada), (ii)
returning to the origin country (Hong Kong or PRC), or (iii) moving on to a third country
(U.S.A. or the rest of the world). This triangular model further predicts that immigrants will
stay in the entrepôt destination (Canada) or move on depending on their economic
satisfaction while resident in the entrepôt country relative to other possible destinations given
their new citizenship status. We will use the theoretical arguments of the triangular model to
frame our survey questions and to analyze our findings when we assess the level of
satisfaction of the resident Chinese in Vancouver and their prospects of remaining in Canada.
Research Methodology
This research adopts a questionnaire approach. Earlier work by DeVoretz, Ma and
Zhang (2003) and Ma and Tian (2006) on this topic clearly stated the limitations of an
econometric analysis based solely on census data. Thus, the raison d’être for a web-based
Neo-classical theory allowed return migration after retirement since pensions earned in the host country often
would lead to greater disposable income in the sending country so this return movement was deemed rational.
Borjas and Bratsberg (1996) argue that return migration could be rational in a Neo-Classical model if we note
that immigrants acquire skills after moving and may exploit these skills by returning home.
questionnaire approach derives from its capability to explore in depth the motivations that
might ultimately condition the decision to stay or move and to maximize the number of
responses in a reasonably short time. There are four parts to the questionnaire: i) basic
demographic information, ii) a description of the motivations for immigrating to Canada, iii)
the Canadian experience of Chinese immigrants including their level of satisfaction with
Canada, and iv) concluding remarks.
Part one seeks to understand the participants in terms of their age, gender, citizenship,
immigrant entry category, and their educational background. Part two aims to examine the
Chinese immigrants’ motivations for moving to Canada, and whether they have achieved
their original goals they had prior to immigrating to Canada. Part three is the core of the
questionnaire, which addresses their integration experience in Canada, including their
economic, social, cultural, and language integration, and their experience with government
and non-government organizations. The last part includes only open-ended questions which
invite participants to comment on changes they feel need to be made in order to help
immigrants integrate into Canadian society more effectively. The questionnaire was made
available in both English and Chinese.
The sample that was ultimately drawn covered 322 completed questionnaires for
those reported to be Vancouver residents, with 174 drawn from the web source and the
remaining 148 the result of in-person questionnaires up to August 17th, 2005. In order to
make this sample representative, we allowed our sample to mimic the main characteristics of
the economically active Chinese-born population resident in Vancouver as reported in the
2001 census.
The response rate for the web based survey is not possible to calculate directly
since presumably everyone is eligible to fill in the form but of course they first must be
aware of the form’s existence. A proxy for the response rate is the number of questionnaires
that were “opened” on the website but not completed. This ratio was 30% indicating that of
those who self selected to open the questionnaire 30% actually completed the questionnaire
The economically active is defined as those respondents who were aged 20 to 65 and were currently in the
Vancouver labour force.
on line for all questions posed.
In addition, of the 148 face to face administed questionnaires
the response rate was 100%.
One bias inherent in this web based approach is that the computer literate web based
population is young and highly educated. In order to minimize this bias we, as earlier noted,
we compared our original web based sample to the Chinese population as reported in the
2001 Canadian census and filled in the gaps with in-person questionnaires. Thus the survey
while small is representative of the Chinese immigrant population in Vancouver circa 2001.
Research Findings
Sample Design
This survey is strategic in nature; namely we seek to understand the motivations of
recent Vancouver Chinese immigrants to consider staying or leaving. In fact, as Figure 1
portrays, we are oversampling the economically active Chinese immigrant population
residents in Vancouver circa 2004-2005 since over 90% of our surveyed population are aged
20 to 60.
Figure 1: Age Distribution
<20 20-25 26-30 31-33 34-36 37-39 40-42 43-45 46-48 49-51 52-55 56-59 >=60
The exact breakdown of the response ratios by linguistic type of questionnaire was (61 Chinese + 249 English)
/ (222 Chinese + 813 English).
We completed 43 questionnaires at SUCCESS and the remaining 105 at MOSAIC, ISS, and Surrey-Delta
Immigrant Services. All these agencies arranged these interviews as a by product of their citizenship or other
integration classes.
In addition, as Figure 2 demonstrates, over 60% of the sample was comprised of
males and 40% females, which again mimics the gender distribution of Vancouver’s Chinese
labour force circa 2001 and fulfills our goal of emphasizing the economically active Chinese
immigrant population.
Figure 2: Gender
Male Female
Place of birth is an essential conditioner in the move-stay decision since the level of
development in the origin country relative to Canada will often entice immigrants to return
(DeVoretz, Ma, and Zhang 2003). Moreover, an historical analysis of Chinese immigrants
who leave Canada suggests that the majority who leave are from the PRC and they leave in
the first five years.
Thus, to capture that portion of the Vancouver Chinese population that is
most prone to leave, we would like to over sample recent PRC immigrant arrivals. Figure 3
demonstrates that this survey sample fulfills this goal since mainland China (PRC) arrivals
represent 58% of the sample with Hong Kong (27%) and Taiwan (10.4%) providing another
33% by place of arrival.
Figure 3: Place of Birth
Canada Mainland China Taiwan Hong Kong Other
See Statistics Canada (2003).
See Abdurrahmna and Robinson (2006).
Between 1997 and 2004, PRC Chinese immigrants represented 18.4% of the Canadian immigrant inflow.
In sum, Figures 1 to 3 report that the survey population reflects those we aimed to
target, namely the economically active recent Chinese immigrant arrivals to Vancouver who
are most prone to leave.
Sample Statistics
Marital status and visa status may also condition the immigrant’s degree of
integration and hence satisfaction with Vancouver and these characteristics for the Chinese
sample population in Vancouver are reported in Figures 4 and 5.
Figure 4: Marital Status
The majority of our survey population is married (62%) with permanent residence
status in Canada since they are either Canadian citizens (48%) or landed immigrants (44%).
These two characteristics, married with Canadian citizenship should positively influence the
sampled households’ economic outcomes and enhance integration if the Chinese immigrant
community in Vancouver follows the general Canadian immigrant population (DeVoretz &
Pivnenko, 2006).
Single Widowed Married Separated Divorced Common law
Figure 5: Current Status in Vancouver
Chinese Citizen Temporary Canadian Citizen Landed Immigrant
or PR
The length of time in residence in Canada (Figure 6) for our sampled population is,
on average, short (7 years, 5 months) and this short residency may hinder integration.
Nonetheless, the vast majority of the Chinese immigrants sampled (75%) have been in
residence greater than three years, which would explain this relatively high rate of
citizenship acquisition.
Figure 6: Length of Stay
0-12 Months 1-3 Years 3-6 Years 6-10 Years 10-15 Years 15-18 Years Over 18
Three years of continuous residence qualifies a permanent Canadian immigrant to apply for citizenship. In
practice, citizenship acquisition requires at least four years in residence (DeVoretz & Pivnenko, 2006)
Conditions Prior to and at Arrival in Canada
Why did this sampled Chinese group of immigrants move to Vancouver? The answer
to this question can ultimately shed light on the degree of satisfaction experienced by recent
Chinese arrivals to Vancouver. Since our sampled group is young and married and living in
Canada with permanent visa status or citizenship, we would anticipate that their motives to
move were long term and perhaps economic in nature. An inspection of Figure 7 indicates
that, in fact, economic motivations (i.e. a higher paying job, greater job security or
promotion) taken collectively only motivated 37% of the recent arrivals. Acquiring Canadian
citizenship (39.7%) and Canada’s pleasant physical environment (51.7%) were clearly the
strongest forces motivating a move to Vancouver. In addition, the immigrant’s intentions to
acquire further education (25.5%) and facilitate their children’s education acquisition
(32.1%) were also incentives to move to Vancouver. In sum, what economists would label as
tax financed public goods – the environment, education and citizenship were the stated
primary goods which attracted these immigrants to Vancouver. This is a unique finding and
in the concluding section we will explore the implications of this non-economic motivation
in the context of the triangular model outlined above.
Figure 7: Motivations for Moving to Canada
More Job
More Promotion
Less Stress
Family Reunion
Taking Care of
Living in the
Canadian Culture
Speaking English
Seeking New
System for
Joining Old
Given these motivations to move and remembering the average length of stay of this
surveyed population was seven years, did these immigrants realize their defined goals?
Figure 8: Main Goals Achieved?
Yes No
A majority (58.2%) did indicate according to Figure 8 that they had achieved their
goals with 42% indicating disappointment in not achieving their goals. Of those who did not
achieve their goals, over 70% rated their chances of achieving their remaining goals as
uncertain or slim (Figure 9).
Figure 9: Possibility of Achieving Main goals
Very High High Not Sure Slim Very Slim
Given this uncertain status of achieving their goals, it is not surprising that 74% of the
surveyed population encountered difficulties after arrival (Figure 10), with language and
employment being the most frequently cited barriers.
Figure 10: Major Difficulties
Being a
Canadian PR
Given that employment was viewed as one of the major difficulties encountered by
these surveyed immigrants, we explored the nature of their employment difficulties in detail
Figure 11: Employment Status in Vancouver
Over 60% of the Vancouver surveyed Chinese population indicated that their
employment situation in Canada was worse than in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Mainland
China and only a minority (17%) perceived it as better (Figure 11). This finding is
noteworthy since our data report that 72.5% of our survey population have post-secondary
education, among whom 26.7% have either a master’s or doctoral degrees. Moreover, the
majority of our surveyed respondents felt that their Chinese labour market experience was
not helpful (Figure 12) in the Vancouver labour market.
Much Better Better Same Worse Much Worse
Figure 12: Chinese Work Experience
Yes No Don't Know or hard to say
Table 1: Income Distribution in Vancouver (CND $)
Household Income in Canada (CND $ 2005)
Up to 20000 43.7%
20001 to 31000 15.9%
31001 to 46000 17.1%
46001 to 62000 8.2%
62001 to 78000 4.45%
Over 78000 10.6%
These pessimistic responses are mirrored in their reported household incomes (Table
1) with over 60% of the surveyed households reporting earnings of less than $31,000 with
44% reporting poverty level incomes of less than $20,000.
Even more pressing than this lack of employment integration was the cited language
barriers reported by the Chinese in Figure 10. We also explore this impediment in detail
Figure 13: English Level upon Arrival
Advanced Intermediate Basic
These reported income levels of this highly skilled group is less than for refugees in Canada (Biser, DeVoretz
& Pivnenko, 2005).
Given the stated linguistic difficulties noted in Figure 10, the results reported in
Figure 13 seem puzzling with 55% of the surveyed Chinese stating that at the time of the
survey they had advanced level English skills.
Figure 14: Language Classes Ever Attended
English French Both None
Figure 14 reports a high number of Chinese immigrants attending English classes
after arrival (70%) and confirms our suspicions that their language skills were not as stated as
in Figure 13, or their English (e.g., Chinese accent) was not acceptable in the host society.
Immigrant Assessment of Vancouver
Given their stated motivations to move and their linguistic and employment
difficulties encountered after arrival in Vancouver, what was this group’s overall assessment
of Vancouver when compared to their expectations prior to arrival? In other words was there
a significant gap between expectations and reality?
Figure 15: Vancouver Compared with Expectation
The even split between those who felt they were better or worse off (Figure 15) after
arrival reflects their reported employment and linguistic experiences in Vancouver.
Much Better Better Worse Much Worse
Figure 16: Any Regrets about Moving to Vancouver
Yes No In Some Ways
How did this reported gap between expectations and reality translate into a summary
statement about any regrets about moving to Vancouver? The results in Figure 16 which
report stated regrets are surprising given the often stated gap in expectations and reality for
their Vancouver integration experience since only 11.7% of the respondents felt any regrets
about moving to Vancouver.
Nonetheless, even given this lack of regret about moving to Canada, the Chinese
sought help from friends and not NGOs or governments (Table 2). However, if they did visit
a Vancouver NGO, the majority (60% of visits) visited mainly a uni-cultural Chinese
organization (S.U.C.C.E.S.S.) primarily to find a job (60% of cases).
Table 2: Distribution of Organizations Visited in Vancouver
Organization(s) Visited n = 188
Burnaby Multicultural Society 5.9%
Family Services of Greater Vancouver 0.00%
ISS 12.2%
North Shore Multicultural Society 2.7%
Taiwanese Canadian Cultural Society 8.0%
Other 5.9%
Logistic Regression Analysis
In order to predict which groups of Vancouver resident Chinese are the most likely to
experience dissatisfaction and possibly leave Vancouver, we offer a simulation exercise based
on a logit analysis. The intuition at this point is to look at several questions which would
indicate the subject’s inherent willingness to stay or leave Vancouver. Next, we attempt
through logit analysis to find what elements reported in the survey influence the respondents’
answers to the question under consideration.
For example, question 2.6, or: Have you
achieved your main goals in Canada?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know or hard to say
allows an analysis of the determinants of the log odds of answering yes or no to this question.
We argue that the answer to question 2.6 takes the form of logistic function which can
be expressed as the probability of observing a positive response (or yes) from a
representative sample of Chinese immigrant in Vancouver conditioned on a vector of
independent explanatory variables.
The independent variables that condition the log odds of
answering yes are age, education (number of years of
education), Canadian education,
number of years in Canada and the income level of the household.
The vector of parameters
was estimated with the Maximum Likelihood Method.
We report the results of the first stage of this analysis below in Table 3 with the
significant coefficients denoted in bold face and the variables defined in the Appendix.
We thank James Kwan for this insight.
The logistic function is
is the probability of
observing a positive response from a sampled Chinese immigrant in Vancouver conditioned on a vector of
explanatory variables
, which may influence the likelihood of a positive or negative answer.
Table 3. Did Chinese Immigrants achieve their goals whilst in Canada: A Logit analysis of question 2.6
Variable Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
Gender -.026575 .3430713 -0.08 0.938 -.698983 .6458316
Age .0915444 .022728 4.03 .0.000 .0469982 1360906
-1.07540 .442433 -2.43 0.015 -1.94256 -.2082543
-.129855 .1483841 -0.88 0.382 -.420682 .1609725
-.983042 .3580266 -2.75 0.006 -1.68476 -.2813229
Length of
Stay in
-.003608 .0058829 -0.61 0.540 -.015138 .0079216
.0000398 9.69e-06 4.11 0.000 .0000208 .0000588
Constant -1.4748 1.052621 -1.40 0.161 -3.5379 .5882988
Notes: Number of observations = 203, Pseudo R
= 0.2051
Age, marital status, educational location and household income all significantly
conditioned the log odds of answering question 2.6.
The older an immigrant (age) and the
greater his/her household income, the greater the log odds of having achieved his/her goals
whilst in Canada. On the other hand, if the individual was unmarried or obtained a non
Canadian education the log odds of achieving his/her goals in Canada was lower.
We further explore the respondents’ answers to question 2.6 by analyzing through a
logistic analysis the answer to question 2.6.2:
2.6.2 If you answered question 2.6 “no,” what is the possibility of achieving the
main goals you set up for yourself before moving to Canada?
The possible answers were as follows:
a. Very high
b. High
c. Not sure
d. Slim
e. Very slim
In this second stage for ease of analysis we regroup the answers to question 2.6.2 into
three categories: (1) very high and high (2) not sure and (3) slim and very slim.
Now we
perform a multi-nominal logit to determine which of above variables predict the log-odds of
being in categories 1 to 3. In effect, this model attempts to predict which of these variables
If the null hypothesis is rejected then the coefficient is not equal to zero. For the coefficient to be significant
than the z value should be greater than .85.
Note a negative coefficient just indicates a reduction in the log odds of responding question to question 2.6.
This regrouping yielded allowed us to have sufficient cell sizes.
significantly changed the log odds of influencing the immigrant’s chances of achieving their
unrealized goals.
We divided our analysis into those Chinese who felt optimistic about achieving their
goals and then carried out the same analysis for those Chinese who stated they were
pessimistic about achieving their goals. We used the same variables as those reported in table
3 and the majority of these variables (unreported) were not significantly related to either
being very optimistic about achieving their goals or very pessimistic about achieving their
goals. However, an increase in household income did significantly increase the log odds of
stating that the likelihood of being successful in the future was either very high or high. On
the other hand, as the respondent aged the log odds of stating that the likelihood of success
was slim grew significantly.
A second crucial question which could reveal the Chinese resident’s satisfaction and
ultimate intention to stay in Vancouver or leave appears in the survey as:
“Compared with your situation in China, how would you describe your social life in
With the following possible answers:
a. Much better
b. Better
c. Same
d. Worse
e. Much worse
Which for purposes of our logit analysis were regrouped into these three groups:
1. Much Better/Better
2. Same
3. Worse/Much worse
Table 4. Multinomial Logit Analysis of Questions 3.11
Variable Coef. Std. Err. Z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
Panel A. Comparison of category 2 to 1
Gender .0094964 .3618503 0.03 0.979 -.6997171 .7187098
Age -.0492663 .0201535 -2.44 0.015 -.0887665 -.0097661
Marital State
.2717483 .2658162 1.02 0.307 -.2492419 .7927385
.3031285 .1535447 1.97 0.048 .0021864 .6040706
.5431739 .3610247 1.50 0.132 -.1644214 1.250769
Length of
-.0042336 .00564 -0.75 0.453 -.0152878 .0068206
-6.17e-07 9.23e-06 -0.07 0.947 -.0000187 .0000175
constant -.4858698 1.18561 -0.41 0.682 -2.809623 1.837883
Panel B: Comparison of category 2 to 3
Gender -.1985158 .4321508 -0.46 0.646 -1.045516 .6484843
Age -.1121822 .0292965 -3.83 0.000 -.1696023 -.0547621
.5432876 .3374052 1.61 0.107 -.1180144 1.20459
.2239037 .190089 1.18 0.239 -.1486639 .5964713
.525899 .4407227 1.19 0.233 -.3379015 1.3897
Length of
-.0038618 .0060732 -0.64 0.525 -.015765 .0080414
6.63e-06 .0000107 0.62 0.534 -.0000143 0000275
Constant 1.020565 1.358957 0.75 0.453 -1.642942 3.684073
Notes: N=322 Pseudo R
= 0.08
Table 4 Panel A reports the significant effect (in bold) of variables collected from our
Vancouver sample on the log odds of being in category 2 (the same) versus 1 (much
better/better). The older the respondent was in the survey period, the less likely would be the
log odds that this person would report that he or she was much better or better off socially in
Vancouver. If the respondent had a high educational level or obtained his/her education in
Canada the log odds of being socially satisfied in Vancouver increased significantly.
Panel B where indicates that the log odds of moving from being much worse (or
worse) socially in Canada relative to an identical standing vis-à-vis China is significantly
negatively affected by the respondent’s age, and positively affected by being married.
In sum, this logit analysis indicates that well know sample characterisitics including
age, education, marital status influence the Vancouver Chinese resident population’s degree
of integration.
Suggestions from Immigrants
Recognizing the fact that the majority of questions we posed offered limited space for
participants to express their opinions in detail, we included two open-ended questions in the
1) From your experience, what could the Canadian Government do to help new
Chinese immigrants integrate into Canadian society more effectively?
2) Is there anything both the Canadian and Chinese governments could do in
cooperation to better help Chinese immigrants?
We received 145 entries to these open ended questions. Responses concerning what
the Canadian government can do are organized into two major categories: pre-landing
immigration and post-landing settlement actions. Many people suggested that immigrant
settlement should start before immigrants have landed in Canada. One respondent said:
“[The] Canadian government should go to China to let those who want to emigrate to
Canada better understand Canada.” Another suggested to: “Hold classes in China to help
immigrants adjust to the life in Canada.” Still another commented that Canada should: “Help
immigrants to know the difference between the two countries from all aspects as early as
Some people felt misinformed about Canada before applying for immigration.
Therefore, many of them suggested that the Canadian government: “Provide Chinese people
[with] a more realistic view of Canada.” “[The] Canadian government should tell people in
advance of all difficulties they may encounter in Canada in the near future and help them
prepare for it.” And “Inform potential immigrants that their qualifications may not be
recognized by [the] Canadian society.”
A few respondents also commented on the application process. One respondent
suggested to: “Speed up the processing time of immigration applications.” Another one said:
Improve immigration application and management” while others suggested to: “Encourage
international graduates to immigrate to Canada.
Suggestions concerning post-landing settlement are mainly concentrated in four
areas: 1) employment, 2) the recognition of Chinese credentials and work experience, 3) the
provision of English training programs, and 4) settlement services. In particular, many
surveyed Chinese are concerned with their unemployment and underemployment situations.
Some people suggested government intervention to: “Provide more training and employment
opportunities,” or to: “Fund immigrants to find a job or start [their] own business.”
Some respondents also made concrete suggestions, such as: “Create and introduce
more internship or co–op opportunities so that new immigrants can obtain their first North
American experience to find a job they like,” or: “Help local companies to hire new
immigrants by providing (a) funding/incentive.
Many respondents attributed their unemployment and underemployment situations to
the non-recognition of their Chinese credentials and work experience. Some commented that:
“Immigrants are underemployed because their educational levels are not recognized;” or
that the lack of: “‘Canadian experience’ is a racist excuse,” and “The federal government
needs to cooperate with professional associations (such as establishing committees) to keep
immigrants [in Canada].”
Furthermore, people made numerous comments about existing English language
programs. Many respondents feel that current English classes do not meet the needs of
immigrant professionals and that the wait time to enrol in Vancouver is too long. Some
people specifically commented on the Host Program and funding for community
organizations. Sample comments include: “Improve services for immigrants and provide
help when there are difficulties,” “Need more programs like the Host Program,” and “Give
more funds to organizations such as SUCCESS to help more immigrants systematically,
provide permanent rather than temporary services.”
Some respondents felt that cooperation between the Canadian and Chinese
governments could help Chinese immigrants integrate and argued that “dual citizenship” or
the elimination of a visa requirement would help the free flow of Chinese immigrants.
These suggestions, while often politically naïve, reveal the multidimensional nature
of the challenges facing Chinese immigrants in Vancouver.
The primary aim of this research project was to better understand the integration experience
of Chinese immigrant residents in Vancouver circa 2004-05 and to infer the prospects of their
staying or moving in the future. In particular, we surveyed that portion of the Chinese
Vancouver immigrant community that would be most prone to move. Our Web-based survey,
supplemented with in-person questionnaires, produced 322 respondents in the economically
active group (20-65) who had high levels of education and putatively good English language
skills. In addition, those surveyed were relatively recent arrivals (average 7 years in
residence), predominantly from Mainland China, who were predominately married with a
permanent residency status in Canada. Given this background we asked how well integrated
this most recent Chinese immigrant group felt in Vancouver with respect to several key
measures. Did they achieve their original goals prior to moving, and if not, what were the
perceived impediments?
This surveyed resident group definitely had a long-term time horizon if we reflect on
their motivations to emigrate to Vancouver. They came to Canada to become Canadian
citizens, enjoy the natural environment and educate their children. Superficially these
motivations appear to reflect the traditional goals of Canada’s past immigrants whose
intention was to presumably remain permanently in Canada. However, there exists another
interpretation that is more consistent with the work of DeVoretz, Ma and Zhang (2003),
which suggests that these motivations are those of sojourner immigrants who, when faced
with short-term economic exigencies, may later be tempted to leave Vancouver.
The key sequence of events in the triangular migration model are the arrival of
immigrants to an entrepôt country such as Canada who then begin to equip themselves with
subsidized education and citizenship to hedge against future movement. This interpretation
mirrors the findings for the surveyed Vancouver Chinese immigrant group. The necessary
conditions for the triangle model to hold (citizenship acquisition and human capital
accumulation) are fulfilled by many of the Chinese residents in Vancouver. However, if these
necessary conditions are supplemented by weak (strong) economic outcomes in Canada
(China or the rest of the world) then later onward movement will (not) occur to complete the
In fact, the reported poor employment prospects of Chinese immigrants in
Vancouver, the devaluation of both their acquired Chinese education and their labour market
experience and finally their low incomes all fulfill the necessary conditions for this group to
move on as predicted by the triangular model. Faced with these dire economic circumstances
these surveyed Chinese immigrants in Vancouver did exactly what the triangular model
would predict. They invested in themselves with subsidized public goods with 70% of the
adults reporting further language training, acquiring citizenship and educating their children.
Thus, this penultimate prediction of the triangular model of extensive human capital
acquisition would suggest that our surveyed Chinese immigrants experienced dissatisfaction
with Canada and prepared themselves to move on. In fact 50% of the respondents felt they
were worse off in Vancouver than in China. Thus, we predict that both the necessary and
sufficient conditions exist for a continued large-scale emigration of the post-1998 Chinese
immigrant arrivals as earlier reported by Abdurrahmna and Robinson (2006).
This study argues that successful integration into Vancouver of Chinese immigrants
depends on their ability to realize their initial goals. An analysis of our econometric results
indicates marital status, obtaining at least one degree in Canada and having a high income all
increased the respondent’s likelihood of realizing their goals and being socially satisfied
while in Vancouver.
This increased satisfaction will presumably enhance the probability
that recent Chinese immigrants will stay in Vancouver. It is important to note that none of
these conditioning factors, except possibly the educational location of their highest degree, is
amenable to Canadian policy makers’ actions.
They report that up to 40% of the working age immigrants from Hong-Kong to Canada have left Canada.
Being single reduced the log odds of realizing their goals while the opposite was true for their degree of
social satisfaction in Canada.
Moreover, for those who have not achieved their goals and presumably would be
more likely to leave, only an increase in household income increases their log odds of feeling
optimistic about achieving their goals in the near future. Again, this variable is not directly
amenable to public policy action. However, government action to expedite credential
recognition could increase both their employment prospects and their eventual income. Thus,
there appear to be two indirect policy measures (credential recognition and Canadian
educational bridging) available to stem the tide of pessimism of this group with respect to
achieving their goals. However, without credential recognition or local educational bridging
we should expect a continued exodus of Vancouver Chinese immigrants in the near future.
Appendix A Variable Definitions For Logit Analysis
Variable Name Variable Definition Operational Definition
Gender Male or Female Male=1 Female=2
Age Respondent’s age Age= Midpoint of
Marital Status Marital Status Single=1 Married=2
Separated=3 Divorced=4
Widowed=5 Common=6
Education Respondent’s Highest level High school =1 H.S.=2
Diploma=3 BA=4 MA=5
Canadian Education Location of Highest Degree 2=Canada 1=China
Length of Stay Months since arrival
Income Household Income in intervals Midpoint of interval
SSTNCA Compared to China how is Much Better=1 Better = 1
Your social life in Canada? Same=2, Worse=3 Much
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... The scholarship on integration of Chinese immigrants also points to the growing importance of non-economic integration factors, including those related to natural environment, education and access to citizenship. Common integration challenges involve difficulties arising due to the language barrier and human capital devaluation (Guo and DeVoretz, 2006). On the other hand, research conducted among Chinese migrants fluent in English shows its limited impact on the diversity of social life. ...
... Following van Metereen's conception of investment, settlement and legalization migrations (2014) we checked for difference among the Chinese and Vietnamese depending on their settlement intentions. We focused on the importance of non-economic factors to settlement plans (see ex. Guo and DeVoretz, 2006), and included statistics related to perception of different aspects of life in Poland as opposed to life in China or Vietnam. Additionally, building on the work of de Haas (2011) and Martiniello and Rea (2014) we evaluated the change of aspirations between the first and present stay in Poland. ...
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Abstract: Chinese and Vietnamese immigrants were long understood through their ethnic enclave activity, and considered as economic migrants focused on wealth generation, without much desire for deeper social or economic integration. We draw on results of a quantitative study to challenge these assumptions and to analyse the significance of both economic and non-economic factors in shaping intentions to stay. We first place our discussion within literature on economic migrations from East Asia, and discuss how in line with their growing diversification, the Chinese and Vietnamese economic integration in Poland might take place beyond traditional activity centred around the ethnic enclave economy. We then bring attention to the growing importance of non-economic factors, which play a significant role in professional and livelihood decision-making. Unlike earlier migration waves, both groups attach significant importance to non-economic aspects of life in Poland, including a good environment for rising children and access to public services, such as education or the healthcare system. For both groups, these factors make Poland an attractive destination and might compensate for the lower salaries or limited opportunities for professional development. Our research also shows that economic integration, as measured by work outside of the ethnic enclave economy and by economic success (job satisfaction or higher income) was not relevant for settlement plans among either the Chinese or the Vietnamese.
... The number of immigrants from Asian countries has dramatically increased. In 1998, for example, the People's Republic of China became the number one immigrant source country for Canada (CIC, 2007;Guo and DeVoretz, 2006). In 2010, China dropped to number three, with the Philippines moving to the top and India retaining its position in second place (CIC, 2011). ...
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This chapter presents the results of the Italy case study realised within the context of a research carried out by the Independent Network of Labour Migration and Integration Experts on Recognition of qualifications and Competences of Migrants. The purpose of the study, supported by DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the european Commission, was to investigate the existing national practice for assessing, validating and recogniziong formal, non-formal and informal learning of migrants based on selected expericence within and outside the European Union. National practices were reviewed against the complex requirements of modern labour markets and differing needs of various skill groups of migrants with the aim of exploring the possible policy approaches to counteract brain waste of different groups of migrants resident in the EU Member States.
... However, they could not find jobs in their original professions because their Chinese qualifications and work experiences were not recognised. Their lack of access to professional occupations resulted in downward social mobility to the extent that some lived in poverty (Guo & Devoretz, 2006). Branker (2017) and Pendakur (2005) noted negative labour market outcomes for Caribbean and Afghan immigrants in Canada. ...
... For many skilled migrants, their inability to secure employment in their profession in the host country can lead to unemployment and underemployment (Fernando, Almeida & Dharmage, 2015). Some researchers have identified how barriers to employment for skilled migrants are like a double jeopardy in downward social mobility (Guo, 2009;Guo & DeVoretz, 2006) especially for certain types of immigrants from certain countries of origin (Basran & Zong, 1998). For example, Mansour (1996) found Canadian employers treat education in certain countries of origin (Asia, Africa and Latin America) differently from education attained in Europe and North America. ...
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Skilled migration has become a significant strategy for meeting skill demands and shortages in Australia; however, many skilled migrants experience barriers to securing employment which creates an array of social and economic insecurities and vulnerabilities. Those whose overseas qualifications and work experience are not recognised in host countries will often experience skill wastage and atrophy and exploitation. The recognition of overseas qualifications and experience (ROQE) has been identified as a ‘central immigration issue of the new century … in all post-industrial societies receiving immigrants’. For many skilled migrants, ROQE creates a barrier for securing employment commensurate with qualifications and experience and thereby creates skills wastage and downward mobility. The aim of this paper is to analyse ROQE through the dual theoretical lenses of human capital theory and the critical analyses of knowledge hierarchies. Data from a survey of skilled migrants in Western Australia are used to compare the occupations of skilled migrants prior to entering Australia and their current occupation. The paper offers a dual lens theoretical analysis of the problematic ROQE phenomenon and concludes with policy- and practice-based strategies that would assist in reducing skills wastage and the exploitation of skilled migrants.
... However, they could not find jobs in their original professions because their Chinese qualifications and work experiences were not recognised. Their lack of access to professional occupations resulted in downward social mobility to the extent that some lived in poverty (Guo & Devoretz, 2006). Branker (2017) and Pendakur (2005) noted negative labour market outcomes for Caribbean and Afghan immigrants in Canada. ...
In the age of transnational migration, the practices and policies of lifelong learning in many immigrant-receiving countries continue to be impacted by the cultural and discursive politics of colonial legacies. Drawing on a wide range of anti-colonial and anti-racist scholarship, we argue for an approach to lifelong learning that aims to decolonise the ideological underpinnings of colonial relations of rule, especially in terms of its racialised privileging of ‘whiteness’ and Eurocentrism. In the context of lifelong learning, decolonisation would achieve four important purposes. First, it would illustrate the nexus between knowledge, power, and colonial narratives by interrogating how knowledge-making is a fundamental aspect of ‘coloniality’. Second, decolonisation would entail challenging the hegemony of western knowledge, education, and credentials and upholding a ‘multiculturalism of knowledge’ that is inclusive and responsive to the cultural needs and values of transnational migrants. Third, decolonisation would lead to the need for planning and designing learning curricula as well as institutionalised pedagogy based on non-western knowledge systems and epistemic diversity. The final emphasis is on the urgency to decolonise our minds as lifelong learners, practitioners and policy-makers in order to challenge the passivity, colonisation, and marginalisation of learners both in classrooms and workplaces.
... Another country that has been successful in attracting well-educated migrants is Canada. Despite the fact that skilled immigrants bring significant human capital resources to Canada, a number of studies demonstrate that highly educated immigrant professionals experience deskilling and devaluation of their prior learning and work experience after immigrating to Canada (Mojab 1999, Ng 1999, Krahn et al. 2000, Guo and DeVoretz 2006. In a Vancouver-based study with immigrants from the People's Republic of China, Guo and DeVoretz found that most recent Chinese immigrants came to Canada with post-secondary education (72.5%). ...
This chapter examines opportunities, challenges, and tensions pertaining to lifelong learning in the age of transnational migration. Drawing on transnationalism as its theoretical framework, this analysis is informed by a critical scholarship on lifelong learning which places the concept of democracy and citizenship at its heart of this discussion. The chapter begins with an effort to map the changing context of transnational migration in the age of globalisation and then moves on to analysing the lifelong learning experience of transnational migrants in major immigrant-receiving countries. Through this analysis, the chapter addresses the question of the extent to which adult and lifelong education has upheld its progressive roots in creating socially just and inclusive education environments for adult immigrants.
Göçmenler genellikle birçok eşitsizliğe karşı savunmasız oldukları ve eğitim, sağlık, istihdam, ekonomik alanlardan ve sosyal yaşamdan dışlanma gibi birçok sorunu yaşadıkları için dezavantajlı gruplar içerisinde yer almaktadırlar. Göçmenlik başlı başına dezavantajlı bir durum olmasına rağmen göçmenler arasında da engelliler ve yaşlılar daha çok risk altındadırlar. Göçün kapsayıcılığının tam olarak anlaşılabilmesi için göç yaşayan bireyler içerisinde dezavantajlılık yaşayanların değerlendirilebileceği bu tarz çalışmalar önem taşımaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu bölüm, geçici koruma statüsünde bulunan Suriyelilerin içerisinde yer alan engelli ve yaşlı konumunda bulunan bu kişilerin Türkiye’de ne durumda oldukları ve yaşadıkları sorunların neler olduğu hakkında bir içerik sunmaktadır. Göçmen yaşlı ve engelliler, ne sadece göç yaşamaları sebebiyle ne de sadece dezavantajlı olmaları sebebiyle daha fazla sorunla karşılaşmaktadırlar. Asıl mesele, her iki sorunu aynı anda ve iç içe geçmiş bir şekilde yaşamalarıdır. Bu sebeple söz konusu her iki grubun da içinde bulunduğu kesişimsel dezavantajlılık yaşayan bireylerin sorunları hem göçün etkisine hem de dezavantajlılık durumlarına göre şekillenebilmektedir. Ülkemizde var olan Suriyeli göçmenlerden engelli ve yaşlıları sistematik olarak belirlemek, sahip oldukları özel ihtiyaçları analiz etmek ve anında ve uygun bir şekilde bu ihtiyaçlara cevap verme gereksinimi olduğu ifade edilebilir.
Asian immigrant parents often expect their children to pursue higher education and to succeed academically; this may be reinforced as parents lose social status upon arrival to the host country. In response, Asian immigrant youth often experience psychological distress and alienation from their parents. We studied Asian immigrant youth’s exposure to parental expectations and parents’ struggles post-migration to Canada, in conjunction with Asian immigrant youth’s career and academic choices and level of distress. Forty-nine first- and second-generation Asian immigrant university students from a single Canadian university institution completed an on-line survey assessing their migration trajectory, parents’ expectation and influence in choosing their field of study, and distress. Parental difficulties and participants’ awareness of those were highly correlated with perceptions of high parental expectations and filial piety. Whereas second-generation youth focused more on how they received direct pressure from parents to succeed according to parental standards, first-generation youth placed higher emphasis on how their own awareness of parental difficulties acted as a source of internal motivation. The average depression score of first-generation respondents was significantly higher than that of second-generation respondents, and association between family’s financial struggle and guilt was observed. This study provides insight on possible contributors to distress in Asian immigrant youth related to parental expectations and struggles post-migration.
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Budaya merupakan sebuah proses perkembangan pola pikir yang terjadi secara bertahap dalam waktu yang lama. Proses ini terjadi selama manusia ada dan terus berkembang sesuai dengan pengembangan wawasan keilmuan. Setting lingkungan merupakan salah satu faktor yang berperan kuat dalam pembentukan karakter budaya. Tionghoa merupakan etnis yang banyak melakukan perpindahan ke daerah lain termasuk diantaranya daerah barat dan asia, baik dengan hubungan perdagangan maupun ekspedisi. Saat ini, banyak ditemukan daerah Permukiman Tionghoa di beberapa tempat, sebut saja Pecinan atau China town. Namun yang menarik adalah perbedaan tempat dan lingkungan tersebut tidak membuat eksistensi Budaya Tionghoa memudar. Dari sekian banyak karakter budaya Tionghoa, yang paling menonjol adalah bentuk arsitekturnya. Hal ini terjadi karena bentuk budaya yang paling mudah dilihat adalah bentuk fisiknya dalam hal ini arsitektur bangunannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi bagaimana Budaya Tionghoa dapat bertahan dengan eksistensi nilai arsitektur bangunannya. Pemahaman terhadap karakteristik Arsitektur Tionghoa menjadi sangat penting dalam memahami perkembangan budayanya. Penelitian ini dibatasi pada ruang lingkup arsitektur tradisional. Pemilihan wilayah studi juga berkaitan dengan perbandingan Arsitektur Tionghoa pada budaya barat dan timur. Interpretasi deskriptif berdasarkan persamaan dan perbedaan arsitektur bangunan akan menjelaskan bagaimana Etnis Tionghoa mampu meminimalisir pengaruh budaya lain terhadap karakter arsitekturnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan identitas arsitektur tradisional Tionghoa terbentuk dengan konsistensi terhadap nilai kepercayaanya. Sementara kepercayaan adalah landasan utama yang membentuk Kebudayaan Tionghoa. Oleh karena itu, refleksi eksistensi Budaya Tionghoa akan berimplikasi terhadap eksistensi identitas arsitekturnya Culture is a process of mindset development that occur gradually over a long time. This process occurs during human life on earth and continue to evolve in accordance with the development of scientific knowledge. The environment setting is one of the factors that play a strong role in shaping the cultural character. Chinese is ethnic which has a lot of migration to other areas such as western and asian regions, either by trading or expedition. Currently, many Chinese settlement areas are found in several places, called Pechinan or China town. The interesting one is the difference of environment where they live does not make the existence of their culture are fade. From several characters of Chinese culture, the most prominent is the architecture. This happens because of cultural forms is most easily seen in form of physical or architecture of the building. This study aims to identify how the Chinese culture can survive with the existence of architectural value. Understanding about Chinese architecture characteristic is very important to understand the development of the culture. This study limited only to the scope of traditional architecture. The selection of study area is also related to the comparation of Chinese architecture in western and eastern culture. Descriptive interpretation based on similarities and differences in the architecture of the building were able to explained how the Chinese ethnic minimize other cultural influences on the character of the architecture. The results showed that the traditional Chinese architectural identity is formed by the consistency of the religious value. While religion is the major base in the Chinese cultural forming. Therefore, the reflection of existence of Chinese culture have implications for the existence of their architectural identity REFERENCES Banks, J.A., Banks, & McGee, C. A. 1989. 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The article considers the economic aspects of the brain drain, which involves the migration of highly educated individuals between countries, especially low to high-income countries. These individuals on average earn an income that equals their productivity so that the incomes of the people in the countries of departure or destination are basically unchanged except for marginal gains due to the increased ability to trade. Their migration to countries where their incomes are increased raises total income in the world. The paper discusses the effects on this conclusion resulting from the production of externalities by the highly skilled migrants, concluding that pure knowledge is available freely in the world and the people in their country of origin while most other externalities tend to be captured by their producers whether in high or low income countries..
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This article focuses on an explanation of return migration to Hong Kong based not on the economic failure of Hong Kong immigrants, but on their strategic vision to accumulate human capital while abroad, which they then exploit on their return. We found that Hong Kong returnees with degrees earned abroad in 2001 constituted about 20% of the highly educated Hong-Kong resident group, with the largest flow emanating from Canada. An econometric investigation revealed that both the income and the odds of being a manager were significantly higher for returned migrants than for their counterparts who remained in Canada. Our findings suggests that this return migration is motivated by returnees’ ability to exploit their accumulated foreign transnational capital in the context of Hong Kong. Cet article repose sur une explication de la migration de retour vers Hong Kong, motivée non pas par la faillite économique des immigrants de Hong Kong, mais plutôt par leur vision stratégique consistant à accumuler le capital humain pendant leur séjour à l’étranger pour ensuite l’exploiter lors de leur retour. Nous avons constaté qu’à Hong Kong, le groupe de gens très éduqués était constitué, à environ 20%, de rapatriés détenant des diplômes obtenus à l’étranger, et que la plupart d’entre eux revenaient du Canada. Une analyse économiétrique a révélé que, par rapport aux migrants qui étaient restés au Canada, ceux qui étaient retournés à Hong Kong jouissaient d’un revenu plus ⫑evé et d’une meilleure chance de devenir cadres. Nos résultats permettent de conclure que cette migration de retour est motivée par la capacité des migrants de mettre á profit, dans le contexte de Hong Kong leur capital transnational accumulé à l’étranger.
This large-scale emigration of the elites has caused alarm in Hong Kong. There are fears that such an outflow will undermine social stability for three main reasons. First, it is said that the brain drain will lead to a depletion of the "functional core' of the economy. Second, it is felt that the widespread desire to leave will engender a doomsday syndrome and result in a state of anomie. Third, it is alleged that desertion by the elites will create a crisis of legitimacy and an erosion of the moral basis of authority. Such worries are widely held and deserve careful analysis. By scrutinizing each of them in turn, I shall argue that some of these concerns have been exaggerated and others have missed the crux of the matter. However, before we examine separately the issues of drain drain, anomie, and crisis of legitimacy, it would be instructive to review the nature and consequences of previous waves of emigration. -Author
Immigrants ascend to citizenship at differential rates in Canada. Why is this so? This paper investigates the economic costs and benefits derived from citizenship to rationalize the differential rates of citizenship ascension. Canadian earnings evi- dence confirms the sizable economic benefits of citizenship. A decomposition ana- lysis attributes this benefit to self-selection, namely only the more productive im- migrants become Canadian citizens.
Abstract In this article we reconsider the meaning of return migration in a period of growing transnational practices. In its conventional use, return migration conveys the same sense of closure and completion as the immigration-assimilation narrative. But in a transnational era, movement is better described as continuous rather than completed. Focus groups held in Hong Kong with middle-class returnees from Canada reveal that migration is undertaken strategically at different stages of the life cycle. The return trip to Hong Kong typically occurs for economic reasons at the stage of early or mid career. A second move to Canada may occur later with teenage children for educational purposes, and migration at retirement is even more likely when the quality of life in Canada becomes a renewed priority. Strategic switching between an economic pole in Hong Kong and a quality-of-life pole in Canada identifies each of them to be separate stations within an extended but unified social field.
LocationCanada is a vast country, occupying the northern half of North America. It borders three oceans: the North Atlantic Ocean in the east, the North Pacific Ocean in the west, and the Arctic Ocean in the north. In the south, it shares a border with the continental United States. Almost 85% of its population lives within 300 km of the U.S. border.Since the beginning of the twentieth century, Chinese Canadians have preferred to settle in urban areas. Today, the Chinese population is primarily concentrated in the major Canadian cities of Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, and Calgary. However, Chinese Canadians also reside across Canada in medium-sized cities and small towns. Indeed, across the country, Chinese Canadian family-run cafes offering “Chinese Canadian cuisine” have become ubiquitous as small-town icons.HistoryChinese settlements began on the northwest coast of North America before the founding of Canada as a nation. Since the mid nineteenth century, distinct but ...
This paper analyzes the return migration of foreign-born persons in the United States. The authors argue that return migration may have been planned as part of an optimal life-cycle residential location sequence. Return migration also occurs because immigrants based their initial migration decision on erroneous information about opportunities in the United States. The study uses the 1980 Census and administrative data from the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Immigrants tend to return to wealthy countries that are not too far from the United States. Moreover, return migration accentuates the type of selection characterizing the immigrant population left in the United States. Copyright 1996 by MIT Press.