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Histological assessment of cerebellar granule cell layer in postmortem brain; A useful marker of tissue integrity?


Abstract and Figures

Tissue quality control measures are routinely performed in brain banks with the assessment of brain pH being the most common measure. In some brain banks the assessment of the RNA integrity number is also performed, although this requires access to specialised equipment and is more expensive. The aim of this study is to determine if there is a correlation between the visual assessment of cerebellar granule cell integrity and brain pH or RIN. One hundred and five consecutive cases from the NSW Tissue Resource Centre, Sydney, Australia were accessed. The cerebrum was hemisected and one hemisphere sliced parasagittally at approximately 1-2 cm intervals and frozen. The other hemisphere was fixed in 15% buffered formalin for 2-3 weeks. The contralateral cerebellar hemisphere was preserved in the same manner as the cerebral hemisphere. Samples of fixed tissue were embedded in paraffin, 7 μm sections cut and stained routinely with hematoxylin and eosin. The granular cell layer (GCL) was assessed microscopically to determine the degree of autolytic degradation. Degradation was graded as nil, mild, moderate or severe. Brain tissue pH and RIN were measured using standardised protocols. This study showed that both brain pH and RIN significantly correlated with the severity of the degradation of the cerebellar granule cell layer. This additional screening tool can be performed during routine histological review of the cerebellar tissue to assess the suitability for further investigation of tissue quality.
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Histological assessment of cerebellar granule cell layer in
postmortem brain; a useful marker of tissue integrity?
Donna Sheedy,
Discipline of Pathology, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
Antony Harding,
Discipline of Pathology, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
Meichien Say,
Discipline of Pathology, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
Julia Stevens, and
Discipline of Pathology, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. Schizophrenia
Research Institute, Sydney, Australia
Jillian J. Kril
Discipline of Pathology, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. Discipline of
Medicine, Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Jillian J. Kril:
Tissue quality control measures are routinely performed in brain banks with the assessment of
brain pH being the most common measure. In some brain banks the assessment of the RNA
integrity number is also performed, although this requires access to specialised equipment and is
more expensive. The aim of this study is to determine if there is a correlation between the visual
assessment of cerebellar granule cell integrity and brain pH or RIN. One hundred and five
consecutive cases from the NSW Tissue Resource Centre, Sydney, Australia were accessed. The
cerebrum was hemisected and one hemisphere sliced parasagittally at approximately 1–2 cm
intervals and frozen. The other hemisphere was fixed in 15% buffered formalin for 2–3 weeks.
The contralateral cerebellar hemisphere was preserved in the same manner as the cerebral
hemisphere. Samples of fixed tissue were embedded in paraffin, 7 μm sections cut and stained
routinely with hematoxylin and eosin. The granular cell layer (GCL) was assessed microscopically
to determine the degree of autolytic degradation. Degradation was graded as nil, mild, moderate or
severe. Brain tissue pH and RIN were measured using standardised protocols. This study showed
that both brain pH and RIN significantly correlated with the severity of the degradation of the
cerebellar granule cell layer. This additional screening tool can be performed during routine
histological review of the cerebellar tissue to assess the suitability for further investigation of
tissue quality.
Postmortem; Brain pH; RIN
© Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011
Correspondence to: Jillian J. Kril,
NIH Public Access
Author Manuscript
Cell Tissue Bank
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 December 01.
Published in final edited form as:
Cell Tissue Bank
. 2012 December ; 13(4): 521–527. doi:10.1007/s10561-011-9265-1.
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Brain banks provide important support and enhance research into neurological and
psychiatric disorders. Paramount to the management of these facilities is the adherence to
standardised protocols for brain collection, dissection, classification and storage. Unlike
animal studies premortem events are a major contributor to the variability in tissue quality.
Recognised premortem factors such as co-existing pathology (Sheedy et al. 2008), hypoxia
and coma effect the histological and molecular structure of the brain (Harrison et al. 1995).
Exclusion criteria for donation can limit the effect of premortem factors to a large degree,
however it may sometimes be difficult to determine this information at time of death.
In any bio-bank the operational costs are considerable to ensure that the collection,
classification, integrity and long-term viability of each case are of the highest quality. The
measurement of brain pH is a widely recognised marker of brain tissue quality that is
utilised in most brain banks to assist in the allocation of research cohorts (Kingsbury et al.
1995; Monoranu et al. 2009). The positive correlation between low brain pH and degraded
RNA has been reported previously and validates the use of pH as a marker of tissue integrity
(Kingsbury et al. 1995; Monoranu et al. 2009; Schroeder et al. 2006; Webster 2006).
The RNA quality marker, as indicated by the RNA integrity number (Jolles et al. 1992), for
molecular studies is recognised as more reliable predictor of RNA integrity than the
previously employed ratio of 28S:18S ribosomal RNA (Schroeder et al. 2006; Weis et al.
2007). However, the measurement of mRNA, DNA and protein degradation requires access
to specialised instruments and these can be expensive or unavailable to some banks.
A number of previous studies have shown that neurons of the cerebellar granule cell layer
are sensitive to postmortem interval, agonal state and to the conditions of postmortem tissue
storage (Albrechtsen 1977a, b; Ikuta et al. 1963; Ogata et al. 1986). A previous report of a
pilot study from NSW Tissue Resource Centre (NSW TRC) showed a correlation between
the severity of granule cell layer autolysis and a lower mean brain pH (Sheedy et al. 2008).
The NSW TRC has a primary focus on the collection of neurological disorders associated
with alcohol abuse; psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder;
neurodegenerative diseases such as motor neuron disease, and multiple sclerosis, as well as
healthy controls. As the current NSW TRC quality control protocol incorporates the
measurement of brain pH and RIN this study investigated the relationship between the visual
assessment of the granule cell layer of the cerebellum and brain pH and RIN. Histological
assessment of granule cells may provide an additional quality screening assessment tool to
incorporate in routine diagnostic screening procedures.
Methods and materials
One hundred and five consecutive cases collected by the NSW TRC over a 20 month period
were assessed. The NSW TRC has approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee of
Sydney South West Area Health Service (X07-0074 and X08-0065) and The University of
Sydney. Collection and dissection protocols have been previously reported (Sheedy et al.
2008). In brief, cases are donated through either a prospective donor program or a forensic
institution. The NSW TRC protocols have exclusion criteria for donation to reduce the
potential of tissue degradation. These include artificial ventilation with 24 h of death, coma,
protracted agonal period, stroke, head trauma and postmortem interval greater than 72 h. At
postmortem, the cerebellum and brainstem are removed from the cerebrum and hemisected.
One cerebellar hemisphere is sliced parasagittal at approximately 1–2 cm intervals and
frozen. The other hemisphere is fixed in 15% buffered formalin for 2–3 weeks. Routine
samples of fixed tissue, including the lateral cerebellar hemisphere, were embedded in
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paraffin, 7 μm sections cut and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for neuropathological
assessment. Diagnosis was performed using standard protocols.
Brain tissue pH
A small segment (approximately 3 g) of the lateral cerebellar hemisphere was taken at the
time of the autopsy and frozen at −80°C. Brain tissue pH was measured using one gram of
tissue homogenized (IKA T10 basic Homogeniser; Crown Scientific) in 10 volumes of
distilled water at neutral pH (Kingsbury et al. 1995). Measurements were made in triplicate
using the Mettler Toledo MP220 temperature compensating pH meter and the mean value
calculated. Two calibration points were used, pH 4 and pH 7.
RNA integrity
Assessment of the RIN, for assigning integrity values to RNA measurements, was
performed as employed in other banks (Miller et al. 2004; Schroeder et al. 2006; Stan et al.
2006; Webster 2006). In brief, frozen cerebellum samples (30 mg) were homogenised using
the IKA T10 basic Homogeniser (IKA®-Werke GmbH & Co, Cat. #3420000, Germany).
Total RNA extraction was carried out using the Purelink RNA Mini Kit (Invitrogen by Life
Technologies, Cat. #12183018A, USA), according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Following extraction, RNA was eluted into 60 μl of supplied RNAse/DNAse free water.
Aliquots of 2 μl were sampled for measurement of RNA concentration using the Nanodrop
ND-1000 Spectrophotometer (Nanodrop Technologies, USA). For quality assessment, 5 μl
aliquots samples were electrophoresed according to the Agilent Bioanalyser 2100 (Agilent
Technologies, USA) manufacturer’s protocol (provided in the RNA Nano 6000 kit) for this
analysis. The 2100 Bioanalyzer Expert software then automatically determines the RIN, a
quantitation estimate and the 28S/18S ribosomal ratio. The RIN reflected the presence or
absence of degradation products; where higher RNA degradation was assigned a lower RIN
Histological assessment of autolytic change in cerebellar granule cell layer
The granular cell layer of the cerebellum was assessed microscopically to determine the
degree of autolytic degradation by one of the authors (AH) blinded to case information.
Degradation was graded as nil, mild, moderate or severe as described by Ogata et al.
(Albrechtsen 1977a, b; Ogata et al. 1986). Briefly, these categories are defined as; nil when
no morphological abnormality was detected and granule cells nuclei were clearly visible;
mild when there is a slight decrease in the number of the nuclei but remaining nuclei were
clearly identified; moderate when there is a diffuse decrease in the number of nuclei but
some individual nuclei are still clearly seen and severe when few or no nuclei are clearly
seen and there is vacuolation of the granule cell layer (Fig. 1).
Clinical indices
Postmortem clinical characterisation is performed in accordance with Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) diagnosis. Cases that are unable to have a
diagnosis confirmed are excluded from the main research cohorts. The mode of death or
agonal duration was determined by assessment of the rapidity of death and related
circumstances (Tomita et al. 2004). These were classified as:
- a terminal phase of less
than 1 h;
- a terminal phase of between one and 24 h and
long term
- longer than
1 day. Postmortem interval (death until freezing of tissue) was calculated in hours for all
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Statistical analysis
Group effects were tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Fisher’s protected least
squares difference (PLSD) was used for
post hoc
analysis where appropriate. Standard linear
regression was used to assess the relationship between postmortem interval; mode of death;
granule cell layer classification and the tissue quality measures of brain pH and RIN (a
value of <0.05 was used for significance). Analysis was performed using JMP statistical
software package (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).
The cases were allocated to the following diagnostic groups: alcohol abuse disorders,
controls, motor neuron disease (MND), multiple sclerosis (Mexal et al. 2006), psychiatric
disorders, and “other” (cases with an unconfirmed clinical diagnosis). Psychiatric disorders
group includes cases of DSM-IV diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar and major depression.
Alcohol abuse disorders group includes cases DSM-IV diagnosis of harmful use, substance
abuse (alcohol) and substance dependence (alcohol). Of the 105 cases, 26 were donated
through the prospective donor program and the remainder from the forensic donation
process. Case DSM-IV classification was not significantly correlated with either brain pH,
RIN or GCL. Post mortem interval (PMI) ranged from 3 to 72.5 h.
There was a positive correlation between brain pH and RIN (F1,101 = 69.11,
< 0.0001). No
significant correlation was seen with PMI and RIN (
= 0.383). A correlation with PMI and
brain pH (y = 6.35 + 0.0053, r2 = 0.10
, P
= 0.0013) within the whole group was observed.
The longer the PMI the brain pH increased. Further post hoc analysis of the diagnostic
groups showed this observation was more prominent in the alcohol abuse disorders and MS
groups though not highly significant,
= 0.05 and
= 0.07 respectively (Table 1).
Granule cell layer
Grading of the cerebellar granule cell layer determined there were 91 normal cases; 6 with
mild changes; 5 with moderate change and only 3 with severe autolysis. The mean values
for the quality markers brain pH and RIN for each category are shown in Table 2.
Brain pH
As shown in Fig. 2a there was a reduction in the mean of brain pH in relation to the severity
of degradation of the granule cell layer. This is highlighted in the comparison of the mean
values for the normal GCL grade 6.60 (±0.23) to the severe grade 5.77 (±0.15). Oneway
ANOVA showed significance for brain pH (F3,103 = 24.13,
< 0.0001). Post-hoc analyses
revealed the severity of the degradation of the GCL showed significance for brain pH when
compared to the normal GCL; mild
= 0.0004, moderate and severe both
< 0.0001. The
comparison between mild grade of autolysis to severe was significant
= 0.005 as well.
The mean RIN values as shown in Fig. 2b also decreases with the severity of the GCL
degradation. The mean RIN of the normal GCL grade was 7.30 (±0.90) as compared with
the severe grade, mean 1.6 (±2.77). Oneway ANOVA for the RIN (F3,103 = 37.44,
0.0001) displayed significance. Further post-hoc analyses found the RIN was affected by the
severity of degradation. The comparison of normal, mild and moderate groups to the severe
group showed to be highly significant (
< 0.0001). There was an effect between the normal
and moderate groups
= 0.0027. No significant difference was seen for normal to mild or
mild to moderate.
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Mode of death
The mode of death in the total cohort comprised of the ratio; 45% rapid, 30% intermediate
and 25% long term. Due to the characteristics of the disease, the cases with MND and MS
had a larger proportion (62%) with a long agonal phase. Of the three severe GCL cases, only
one had a long-term agonal phase, the other two had an intermediate phase. The effect of
mode of death on GCL was not significant; Chi Sq
> 0.367.
Brain banks endeavour to provide material of high quality for a range of research
techniques. The adherence to standardised protocols assists in meeting this goal. Allocation
of cases to study cohorts is also dependent on brain tissue quality markers; therefore having
an additional screening tool assists in the assessment of case suitability.
The normal density of the cerebellar granule cells in humans is approximately 107 per mm3
and during autolysis, cell lysis proceeds selectively leading to a lower pH as increased
lysosomal enzyme release leads to increase loss of remaining cells (Albrechtsen 1977a, b;
Averback 1980). Changes seen in the cerebellar granule cell layer without glial reaction
have been shown to be a postmortem event (Albrechtsen 1977a, b). In previous pathological
studies of human postmortem cerebellar cortex, the activity of the proteolytic enzyme,
naphthylamidase (LNAse), is consistently shown when the pH was at an optimum of 5.8
(Albrechtsen 1977a, b). This mainly occurred in the granule cell layer of the cerebellar
cortex. Our study shows a similar finding in the cases with severe degrading of the GCL
where the mean brain pH of was 5.77.
Brain tissue pH is an important factor in the interpretation of molecular data. Gene
expression studies have shown strong correlations to brain pH (Li et al. 2004; Mexal et al.
2006; Tomita et al. 2004; Weickert et al. 2010). Expression patterns exhibited by samples
with lower pH tend to involve energy metabolism and proteolytic activities. This increases
the genes encoding stress related response proteins and transcription factors (Li et al. 2004).
The ability to provide study cohorts that have been reviewed for quality integrity is essential
to postmortem research studies and the interpretation of their results. Even though there
were only a small number of cases with moderate or severe changes to the granule cell layer
the robust correlations with pH and RIN suggest that the visual assessment of GCL may be a
useful and inexpensive screening tool. Review of the histopathological changes of the
cerebellar granular cell layer can be performed during the routine neuropathology
examination, without adding time or complexity to the screen process. Indeed, the visual
assessment of the granule cell layer may reduce the necessity of performing expensive RNA
integrity analyses in those cases that have severe cerebellar granule cell layer autolysis.
Combined with the measurement of brain pH, the assessment of the cerebellar granule cell
layer may assist banks that do not have facilities to perform the extraction for RNA
The NSW TRC is supported by the University of Sydney, National Health and Medical Research Council of
, Schizophrenia Research Institute, and the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Albrechtsen R. Naphthylamidase used as a lysosome marker in the study of acute selective necrosis of
the internal granular layer of cerebellum. Acta Pathol et Microbiol Scand. 1977a; 85:875–888.
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Fig. 1.
Grading scheme used to assess the increasing severity of autolysis of the cerebellar granule
cell layer; a Normal, b Mild, c Moderate, d Severe. Sections are stained with haematoxylin
and eosin and photographed at magnification ×400
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Fig. 2.
a Effect of granule cell layer integrity grade on brain pH. Individual values and means ± SD
are shown for each histological grade. A significant difference was found between mild
grade and normal pathology (+
= 0.004); moderate grade and normal pathology (^
0.0001); severe grade and normal pathology (*
<0.0001) and severe and mild grades (#
0.0050). b Effect of granule cell layer integrity grade on the RNA Integrity Number (RIN).
Individual values and mean ± SD are shown for each histological grade. A significant
difference was found between moderate grade and normal pathology (+
= 0.0027) and
between severe grade and each of the other grades (*
< 0.0001 vs. normal pathology; #
0.0001 vs. mild grade; ^
< 0.0001 vs. moderate grade)
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Table 1
Demographic details and mean PMI, mean brain pH and mean RIN of clinical classification groups
Classification (N) Sex (N), Mean age (y) PMI (sd) Brain pH (sd) RIN (sd)
Alcohol abuse disorders 22 F (7), 55
M (15), 56 36 (16) 6.50 (0.32) 6.80 (1.89)
Control 34 F (8), 73
M (26), 61 30 (15) 6.51 (0.30) 7.07 (1.55)
Motor neurone disease 14 F (5), 67
M (4), 68 16 (11) 6.59 (0.27) 7.22 (0.86)
Multiple sclerosis 9 F (5), 58
M (4), 56 18 (12) 6.27 (0.33) 6.37 (0.98)
Psychiatric disorders 12 F (5), 52
M (7), 57 41 (18) 6.65 (0.22) 7.33 (1.03)
Other 14 F (8), 57
M (6), 60 44 (17) 6.60 (0.23) 7.28 (0.68)
Other—unconfirmed clinical diagnosis,
post mortem interval,
RNA integrity number
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Table 2
Mean brain pH, mean RIN, and mean PMI for granule cell layer grading groups
Granule cell layer grade N PMI, h (sd) Brain pH (sd) RIN (sd)
Normal 91 33 (18) 6.60 (0.23) 7.30 (0.90)
Mild 6 24 (17) 6.24 (0.27) 6.60 (0.74)
Moderate 5 23 (11) 6.05 (0.22) 5.80 (0.29)
Severe 3 18 (4) 5.77 (0.15) 1.60 (2.77)
Cell Tissue Bank
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 December 01.
... Tissue pH and RNA integrity number (RIN) (17) are the most important confounders among the others, such as age of death, sex, PMI, and antemortem drugs, since these two reflects the severity of the tissue degradation (18). Tissue pH mostly depends on the agonal state (19) but not on the PMI (20). ...
... Severe agonal states would expose brain cells to hypoxia, causing changes of gene expression level and cell death. Hypoxia results in lower pH due to increase of lactate production (27,28), while cell death also causes acidosis via release of intercellular vesicle (18). In addition, destruction of RNA along with cell damage itself may result in low tissue pH, since RNA consists of phosphoric acid. ...
Full-text available
Background Evaluating and controlling confounders are necessary when investigating molecular pathogenesis using human postmortem brain tissue. Particularly, tissue pH and RNA integrity number (RIN) are valuable indicators for controlling confounders. However, the influences of these indicators on the expression of each gene in postmortem brain have not been fully investigated. Therefore, we aimed to assess these effects on gene expressions of human brain samples. Methods We isolated total RNA from occipital lobes of 13 patients with schizophrenia and measured the RIN and tissue pH. Gene expression was analyzed and gene sets affected by tissue pH and RIN were identified. Moreover, we examined the functions of these genes by enrichment analysis and upstream regulator analysis. Results We identified 2,043 genes (24.7%) whose expressions were highly correlated with pH; 3,004 genes (36.3%) whose expressions were highly correlated with RIN; and 1,293 genes (15.6%) whose expressions were highly correlated with both pH and RIN. Genes commonly affected by tissue pH and RIN were highly associated with energy production and the immune system. In addition, genes uniquely affected by tissue pH were highly associated with the cell cycle, whereas those uniquely affected by RIN were highly associated with RNA processing. Conclusion The current study elucidated the influence of pH and RIN on gene expression profiling and identified gene sets whose expressions were affected by tissue pH or RIN. These findings would be helpful in the control of confounders for future postmortem brain studies.
... 3.6.2. Tissue pH-Brain tissue pH is a marker of brain tissue quality and is an important factor in the interpretation of molecular data (Sheedy et al., 2012). Approximately 3 g of lateral cerebellar hemisphere is taken and frozen at −80° C at the time of brain dissection. ...
... Histological assessment of autolytic change of cerebellar cell layer-The cerebellar cell layer is assessed microscopically to determine the degree of autolytic degradation by the experienced neuropathologists involved in the study. (Sheedy et al., 2012) This is an important consideration as the high ambient temperatures of Nigeria can introduce additional factors in the preservation and evaluation of the brain tissues. Post mortem delay and quick processing of the brain tissue are factors important to the integrity of the tissue. ...
Full-text available
Brain Banks are biorepositories of central nervous system (CNS) tissue including fixed and frozen whole brains, brain biopsies and spinal cord, as well as body fluids comprising the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood stored for research purposes. Though several independent brain banks exist in high income countries, only five low- and middle - income countries (LMIC) have brain banks. The African continent is yet to establish a formalized brain bank despite its huge human genomic diversity, ageing of her populations with concomitant increases in ageing - associated brain disorders and differential phenotypic expression and outcomes of brain disorders. Cellular and molecular clinicopathological studies are vital to shape our understanding of the interaction between racial (genetic) and geographical (environmental) factors in the natural history and mechanisms of disease, and unraveling frameworks of diagnostic biomarkers, and new therapeutic and preventative interventions. The Ibadan Brain Ageing, Dementia And Neurodegeneration (IBADAN) Brain Bank, the first organized brain tissue biorepository in sub - Saharan Africa, is set up to accrue, process and store unique brain tissues for future research into a broad spectrum of neurological and psychiatric disorders. The potential unique discoveries and research breakthroughs will benefit people of African ancestry and other ancestral populations.
... Neural tissue is particularly sensitive to environmental changes and starts to rapidly decompose after death [99,100]. Several factors affect the quality of brain samples, such as post-mortem interval, pH value, and the grading of autolytic degradation of the granule cell layer [101,102]. The acceptable range for these values depends in part on the research goals for which they are collected. ...
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Biobanking refers to the systematic collection , storage, and distribution of pre-or post-mortem biological samples derived from volunteer donors. The demand for high-quality human specimens is clearly demonstrated by the number of newly emerging biobanking facilities and large international collabora-tive networks. Several animal species are relevant today in medical research; therefore, similar initiatives in comparative physiology could be fruitful. Dogs, in particular , are gaining increasing attention in translational research on complex phenomena, like aging, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Therefore, biobanks gathering and storing dog biological materials together with related data could play a vital role in translational and veterinary research projects. To achieve these aims, a canine biobank should meet the same standards in sample quality and data management as human biobanks and should rely on well-designed collaborative networks between different professionals and dog owners. While efforts to create dog biobanks could face similar financial and technical challenges as their human counterparts , they can widen the spectrum of successful collaborative initiatives towards a better picture of dogs' physiology, disease, evolution, and translational potential. In this review, we provide an overview about the current state of dog biobanking and introduce the "Canine Brain and Tissue Bank" (CBTB)-a new, large-scale collaborative endeavor in the field.
... In three of the measured control patients ('13/15-6', '30/16-6' and '57/10-6'), granule cell layer autolysis occurred prior to fixation, which can be recognized in a substantial cell degenera- tion (cf. Fig. 9.1) [155]. Hence, these samples were excluded from the subsequent quantitative analysis. ...
... Histological evaluation of the autolytic changes in cerebellar granule cell layer: the degree of autolytic degradation was determined microscopically by assessment of the granular cell layer of the cerebellum as nil, mild, moderate or severe according to Sheedy et al. (2012). Nil means: no anomaly was detected; mild: there is a minimal reduction in the nuclei number; moderate: there is a widespread reduction in the nuclei number while a number of nuclei are still obviously visible and severe: minimal or no visible nuclei and there is vacuolation of the granule cell layer. ...
... Previous evaluations of the quality of biomolecules in postmortem tissues have been in the context of brain banking, forensic analyses or minimally invasive autopsies [19,[38][39][40]. However, such an analysis using tissues obtained from a research autopsy program for cancer research has not been performed. ...
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The last decade has seen a marked rise in the use of cancer tissues obtained from research autopsies. Such resources have been invaluable for studying cancer evolution or the mechanisms of therapeutic resistance to targeted therapies. Degradation of biomolecules is a potential challenge to usage of cancer tissues obtained in the post-mortem setting and remains incompletely studied. We analysed the nucleic acid quality in 371 different frozen tissue samples collected from 80 patients who underwent a research autopsy, including eight normal tissue types, primary and metastatic tumors. Our results indicate that RNA integrity number (RIN) of normal tissues decline with the elongation of post-mortem interval (PMI) in a tissue-type specific manner. Unlike normal tissues, the RNA quality of cancer tissues is highly variable with respect to post-mortem interval. The kinetics of DNA damage also has tissue type-specific features. Moreover, while DNA degradation is an indicator of low RNA quality, the converse is not true. Finally, we show that despite RIN values as low as 5.0, robust data can be obtained by RNA sequencing that reliably discriminates expression signatures.
There is an increasing demand for high-standard fetal and infant neuropathology examinations. Novel imaging techniques, development of new diagnostic methods and advances in genetics have stimulated the interest in gaining additional knowledge on developmental, perinatal and neonatal neuropathology. Approaching the subject from a practical standpoint, diagnostic templates for reports are provided in this essential guide to aid clinicians with different areas of expertise. Each chapter will includes numerous high-quality images, accompanied by explanatory legends from the authors' own experiences. Covering autopsy and tissue processing techniques, the authors discuss a range of disorders such as neural tube defects, brain tumours, storage disorders and many others. This book provides access to an online version on Cambridge Core, which can be accessed via the code printed on the inside of the cover. Compiling the latest advances in fetal and infant diagnostics and care, this book is a highly valuable educational resource.
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Research in neuroscience relies heavily upon postmortem human brain tissue. Cerebellar granular layer autolysis (GLA) is a surrogate marker for the quality of such tissue and suitability for molecular analysis. GLA is associated with reduced brain tissue pH. The aim of this study was to assess correlation of GLA with premortem systemic acid–base status. This is a retrospective study in which 62 consecutive adult autopsy cases were included. Sections of cerebellum were reviewed microscopically for presence of GLA. Autolysis was graded as negative, grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3. Medical records were reviewed for arterial blood gas analysis. Postmortem interval was recorded. 23 of 62 cases showed GLA. Of the 23 patients with autolysis, 22 were acidotic and 1 was alkalotic. Of these 23 cases, 15 had metabolic acidosis, 4 had respiratory acidosis, 3 had combined acidosis and 1 had respiratory alkalosis. There was no statistically significant difference in postmortem interval between the two groups. 10 cases with grade 3 autolysis had mean pH of 7.13, 7 cases with grade 2 autolysis had mean pH of 7.23 and in 6 cases with grade 1 autolysis the mean pH was 7.2. Overall, the mean pH in patients with GLA was 7.19, and in the non-autolytic cases the mean pH was 7.28 (P < 0.05). There was no correlation between the degree of acidosis and severity of autolysis. GLA is associated with premortem systemic acidosis, and premortem systemic alkalosis is associated with the absence of GLA. Premortem acid–base status may serve as an additional quality indicator for assessment of tissue for research.
Background: The neonatal development stage of the cerebellum in rats is equivalent to a human foetus in the third trimester of pregnancy. In this stage, cell proliferation, migration, differentiation, and synaptogenesis occur. Clinical and experimental findings have shown that ethanol exposure during brain development causes a variety of disruptions to the brain, including neurogenesis depression, delayed neuronal migration, changes in neurotransmitter synthesis, and neuronal depletion.During postnatal cerebellar development, neurons are more vulnerable to the destructive effects of ethanol. The effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) on the number of cells and thickness of the cell layers within the cerebellar cortex were examined during the first two postnatal weeks in rats following postnatal ethanol exposure. Method: Postpartum rats were distributed randomly into six groups. Normal saline was injected intraperitoneally into control animals and ethanol (20%) was injected into the intervention groups for three consecutive days. Intervention: groups received LIPUS at different frequencies (3 or 5MHz), after administration of ethanol. After transcardial perfusion, the rat's brain was removed, and a complete series of sagittal cerebellum sections were obtained by systematic random manner. Photomicrographs were made with Motic digital cameras and analysed using Nikon digital software. Results: The numbers of granular cells decreased in ethanol-treated rats compared to the control group. LIPUS, administered at (3 or 5MHz), combined with ethanol administration resulted in a reduction of ethanol's effects. Using 5MHz LIPUS resulted in significantly higher numbers of granular cells in the internal layer compared to the control rats. Using 3 or 5MHz LIPUS alone resulted in a significant enhancement in the granular cells of the molecular layer. A significant reduction was seen in the thickness of the external granular layer in ethanol-treated rats. Conclusion: This study showed that exposure to LIPUS can affect the number of granular cells and thickness of the cell layer within the cerebellar cortex in neonatal rats. LIPUS also could attenuate ethanol toxicity effects on the cerebellum.
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In order to conduct postmortem human brain research into the neuropatho-logical basis of schizophrenia, it is critical to establish cohorts that are well-characterized and well-matched. The aim of the present study was therefore to determine if specimen characteristics including: diagnosis, age, postmortem interval (PMI), brain acidity (pH), and/or the agonal state of the subject at death related to RNA quality, and to determine the most appropriate reference gene mRNAs. A matched cohort was selected of 74 subjects (schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder, n = 37; controls, n = 37). Middle frontal gyrus tissue was pulverized, tissue pH was measured, RNA isolated for cDNA from each case, and RNA integrity number (RIN) measurements were assessed. Using quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, nine housekeeper genes were measured and a geomean calculated per case in each diagnostic group. The RINs were very good (mean = 7.3) and all nine housekeeper control genes were significantly correlated with RIN. Seven of nine housekeeper genes were also correlated with pH; two clinical variables, agonal state and duration of illness, did have an effect on some control mRNAs. No major impact of PMI or freezer time on housekeeper mRNAs was detected. The results show that people with schizophrenia had significantly less PPIA and SDHA mRNA and tended to have less GUSB and B2M mRNA, suggesting that these control genes may not be good candidates for normalization. In the present cohort <10% variability in RINs was detected and the diagnostic groups were well matched overall. The cohort was adequately powered (0.80-0.90) to detect mRNA differences (25%) due to disease. The study suggests that multiple factors should be considered in mRNA expression studies of human brain tissues. When schizophrenia cases are adequately matched to control cases subtle differences in gene expression can be reliably detected.
There are major concerns that specific agonal conditions, including coma and hypoxia, might affect ribonucleic acid (RNA) integrity in postmortem brain studies. We report that agonal factors significantly affect RNA integrity and have a major impact on gene expression profiles in microarrays. In contrast to agonal factors, gender, age, and postmortem factors have less effect on gene expression profiles. The Average Correlation Index is proposed as a method for evaluating RNA integrity on the basis of similarity of microarray profiles. Reducing the variance due to agonal factors is critical in investigating small but validated gene expression differences in messenger RNA levels between psychiatric patients and control subjects.
The relationship between pH and mRNA preservation in post-mortem human brain was examined using in situ hybridization histochemistry and Northern hybridization with oligonucleotide probes in a large group of human subjects, including control and neuropathological cases. Tissue pH was found to correlate strongly with preservation of four mRNA species in three brain areas. Tissue with low pH, assumed to result from prolonged terminal hypoxia, contained reduced or absent mRNA, while tissue with higher pH was found to contain quantifiable amounts, the values for pathological brain samples being comparable to those for control material of similar pH. Measurement of tissue pH provides a simple means to screen post-mortem brain for mRNA preservation and is suggested as a means to match material in case-control studies of human neurodegenerative disease.
Most brain diseases are complex entities. Although animal models or cell culture experiments mimic some disease aspects, human post mortem brain tissue remains essential to advance our understanding of brain diseases using biochemical and molecular techniques. Post mortem artefacts must be properly understood, standardized, and either eliminated or factored into such experiments. Here we examine the influence of several premortem and post mortem factors on pH, and discuss the role of pH as a biochemical marker for brain tissue quality. We assessed brain tissue pH in 339 samples from 116 brains provided by 8 different European and 2 Australian brain bank centres. We correlated brain pH with tissue source, post mortem delay, age, gender, freezing method, storage duration, agonal state and brain ischaemia. Our results revealed that only prolonged agonal state and ischaemic brain damage influenced brain tissue pH next to repeated freeze/thaw cycles. pH measurement in brain tissue is a good indicator of premortem events in brain tissue and it signals limitations for post mortem investigations.
pH determinations by means of a study, spear-electrode inserted in the cerebellar tissue immediately after necropsy were carried out in 60 patients suffering from different disorders and dying in hospital, and from 25 individuals killed instantly by violent accidents. A correlation was found between the presence of NGL and low pH levels in the cerebellum (average pH 5.56); subjects without NGL changes showed an average pH of 6.08. No correlation was found between the pH levels and the time after death, or between pH and any specific disease. The so-called acute selective necrosis of the granular layer of the human cerebellar cortex (NGL), is considered from the present studies to be a phenomenon of postmortem origin. Its relationship to certain specific diseases can be explained by the fact that in these conditions there is a higher postmortem acidity, known to promote autolysis.
Histochemical examination of the activity of naphthylamidase (LNAse) in the cerebellar cortex of 70 human autopsies consistantly revealed a marked activity mainly in the internal granular layer with pH optimum of 5.8. Slight enzyme activity was also localized in sites corresponding to lipofuscin deposits and areas of acid phosphatase activity in the Bergmann glial cells, Purkinje cells and in perivascular cells. The histochemical findings support the LNAse reaction as a lysosome marker. Differences in localization of LNAse and acid phosphatase could possibly be due to prior release of the latter enzyme from the internal granular layer. Significant correlation between demonstrable loss of granule cell nuclei (the so-called acute, selective necrosis of the granular layer) and low pH of the cerebellar tissue could be demonstrated in 21 cases. The present findings support the hypothesis that an enzymatic disintegration of the granule cells takes place in postmortem cerebella with low pH simulating a necrotic vital phenomenon.
Phosphatidylinositol (PI) kinase and PI phosphate (PIP) kinase activities were measured in postmortem samples of brain tissue from patients with Alzheimer's disease and nondemented control subjects. A membrane-free cytosolic fraction from four neocortical locations, with exogenous inositol lipids as the substrate, was used. Tissue from patients with Alzheimer's disease was characterized by reduced PIP formation; the reduction was 50% in prefrontal cortex, temporal cortex, and parietal cortex and 40% in precentral gyrus. In contrast, no alterations were found in PI bisphosphate formation in these four neocortical locations. The specific changes in PI kinase but not PIP kinase activity suggest that the findings may have functional relevance to the involvement of brain membrane processes in Alzheimer's disease.
In a study of duration of brain death, granular layer autolysis (GLA) of the cerebellar cortex was analyzed in 45 patients who died of acute cerebrovascular diseases (CVDs). Twelve patients who died of causes other than intracranial disease served as controls. Tonsillar herniation occurred in all who died of acute CVDs. More advanced GLA was seen in the central folia adjacent to the central white medullary body of the cerebellum as compared with the peripheral folia. Widespread GLA involving the most of the peripheral folia was found solely in patients in whom brain death had been present over 18 h. Of the 12 control patients, 4 showed GLA only in the central folia. Although GLA of the central folia might develop during immersion fixation of the brain, the alteration of the peripheral folia is assumed to develop in the period of brain death. Widespread GLA extending to the peripheral folia could be a pathological finding characteristic of brain death, where intracranial blood flow could be absent or significantly reduced. Brain death for little less than 1 day would be necessary for GLA to develop.
The rate of disappearance of microneurons from the granular layer of the cerebellum of the rat during post-mortem autolysis was measured by image analysis of serial sections of perfusion preparations at various intervals during the first 24 hr after death. The cell population shows a logarithmic decrease during this period. The possible relation to cell death in disease and practical applications of this finding as a gauge of post-mortem interval are discussed.