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Abstract and Figures

Individual compartments of abdominal adiposity and lipid content within the liver and muscle are differentially associated with metabolic risk factors, obesity and insulin resistance. Subjects with greater intra-abdominal adipose tissue (IAAT) and hepatic fat than predicted by clinical indices of obesity may be at increased risk of metabolic diseases despite their "normal" size. There is a need for accurate quantification of these potentially hazardous depots and identification of novel subphenotypes that recognize individuals at potentially increased metabolic risk. We aimed to calculate a reference range for total and regional adipose tissue (AT) as well as ectopic fat in liver and muscle in healthy subjects. We studied the relationship between age, body-mass, BMI, waist circumference (WC), and the distribution of AT, using whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in 477 white volunteers (243 male, 234 female). Furthermore, we used proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to determine intrahepatocellular (IHCL) and intramyocellular (IMCL) lipid content. The anthropometric variable which provided the strongest individual correlation for adiposity and ectopic fat stores was WC in men and BMI in women. In addition, we reveal a large variation in IAAT, abdominal subcutaneous AT (ASAT), and IHCL depots not fully predicted by clinically obtained measurements of obesity and the emergence of a previously unidentified subphenotype. Here, we demonstrate gender- and age-specific patterns of regional adiposity in a large UK-based cohort and identify anthropometric variables that best predict individual adiposity and ectopic fat stores. From these data we propose the thin-on-the-outside fat-on-the-inside (TOFI) as a subphenotype for individuals at increased metabolic risk.
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76 VOLUME 20 NUMBER 1 | JANUARY 2012 |
articles nature publishing group
integrative Physiology
Obesity is a major risk factor for insulin resistance, type 2 dia-
betes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease (CVD). However,
not every obese patient is insulin resistant or at high risk of
diabetes mellitus and CVD (1). Abdominal obesity is associ-
ated with an increased predisposition to metabolic and CVD
risk with the compartmental distribution of adipose tissue (AT)
linked to dierences in susceptibility (2,3). Intra-abdominal
AT (IAAT) appears to play a major role in the pathogenesis
of insulin resistance, diabetes, dyslipidemia, inammation,
hypertension, and CVD, whereas the metabolic consequences
of subcutaneous AT (SAT) are less clear (1,4–6).
SAT has been linked to features of the metabolic syndrome
independently of intra-abdominal fat, including obesity-related
insulin resistance (7,8). However, data suggests that while both
IAAT and SAT are correlated with metabolic risk factors, IAAT
remains more strongly associated with an adverse metabolic
risk prole even aer accounting for anthropometric indices
(9,10). Loss of IAAT following diet and exercise is associ-
ated with improvements in insulin sensitivity, blood pressure,
and circulating lipid levels, whereas comparable loss of SAT
by liposuction does not result in amelioration of these meta-
bolic abnormalities (7,11,12). Interestingly, human and animal
studies have indicated a possible protective role for SAT; in
humans, increased SAT in the leg is associated with decreased
risk of perturbed glucose and lipid metabolism (13), whereas
in mice, transplantation of SAT into intra-abdominal compart-
ments results in improved glucose metabolism and a reduction
in body mass and total fat mass (14). Additional variables such
as age, gender, and ethnicity may also be an important con-
founding factors in the relationship between adiposity stores
and metabolic risk.
The Missing Risk: MRI and MRS Phenotyping
of Abdominal Adiposity and Ectopic Fat
E. Louise Thomas1, James R. Parkinson1, Gary S. Frost2, Anthony P. Goldstone1, Caroline J. Do3,
John P. McCarthy1, Adam L. Collins4, Julie A. Fitzpatrick1,5, Giuliana Durighel1,
Simon D. Taylor-Robinson5 and Jimmy D. Bell1
Individual compartments of abdominal adiposity and lipid content within the liver and muscle are differentially
associated with metabolic risk factors, obesity and insulin resistance. Subjects with greater intra-abdominal adipose
tissue (IAAT) and hepatic fat than predicted by clinical indices of obesity may be at increased risk of metabolic
diseases despite their “normal” size. There is a need for accurate quantification of these potentially hazardous
depots and identification of novel subphenotypes that recognize individuals at potentially increased metabolic risk.
We aimed to calculate a reference range for total and regional adipose tissue (AT) as well as ectopic fat in liver and
muscle in healthy subjects. We studied the relationship between age, body-mass, BMI, waist circumference (WC),
and the distribution of AT, using whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in 477 white volunteers (243 male,
234 female). Furthermore, we used proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to determine intrahepatocellular
(IHCL) and intramyocellular (IMCL) lipid content. The anthropometric variable which provided the strongest individual
correlation for adiposity and ectopic fat stores was WC in men and BMI in women. In addition, we reveal a large
variation in IAAT, abdominal subcutaneous AT (ASAT), and IHCL depots not fully predicted by clinically obtained
measurements of obesity and the emergence of a previously unidentified subphenotype. Here, we demonstrate
gender- and age-specific patterns of regional adiposity in a large UK-based cohort and identify anthropometric
variables that best predict individual adiposity and ectopic fat stores. From these data we propose the thin-on-the-
outside fat-on-the-inside (TOFI) as a subphenotype for individuals at increased metabolic risk.
Obesity (2012) 20, 76–87. doi:10.1038/oby.2011.142
1Metabolic and Molecular Imaging Group, MRC Clinical Sciences Centre, Imperial College London, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK; 2Nutrition and Dietetic
Research Group, Department of Investigative Medicine, Imperial College London, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK; 3MRC Clinical Trials Unit, London, UK;
4Nutritional Sciences Division, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, Surrey, UK; 5Division of Diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism,
Department of Medicine, Imperial College London, London, UK. Correspondence: Elizabeth L. Thomas (
Received 24 February 2010; accepted 5 April 2011; published online 9 June 2011. doi:10.1038/oby.2011.142
integrative Physiology
BMI is the current benchmark for obesity classication, but
like all anthropometric measurements, it only oers a proxy
measure of body adiposity (15). Waist circumference (WC) is
widely used as a surrogate of central fat distribution, but while
easily obtainable, it is unable to distinguish between IAAT and
abdominal SAT (ASAT) deposition (16). Magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive technique that allows accurate
measurement of whole-body fat and specic internal stores
of AT. MRI studies have demonstrated signicant variation
among individual AT compartments that is not predicted by
total body or trunk fat or standard anthropomorphic charac-
teristics; such as skin-fold measurements, BMI, and waist-to-
hip ratio (WHR) (6,17,18). Ectopic fat in organs has also been
linked to obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus,
and in particular, the lipids within the muscle cells (intramyo-
cellular lipids (IMCL)) and the liver (IHCL) (19–22). Recent
data have suggested a dierence between individual ectopic fat
depots with IHCL, but not with IMCL being linked to insulin
resistance (23).
In this study, we have employed magnetic resonance tech-
niques to accurately measure the patterns of fat deposition
in 477 UK-based white volunteers. In addition to providing
gender- and age-specific reference range data, we aimed to
describe the relationships between individual anthropomet-
ric, adiposity, and ectopic fat measurements. The variation
observed in metabolically adverse internal fat deposition
led to our proposal of the thin-on-the outside fat-on-the-
inside (TOFI) subphenotype; a ratio of IAAT and ASAT
calculated from the range of abdominal adiposity stores of
a defined healthy subset of volunteers, as a simple, quanti-
tative means of identifying those that may be at increased
metabolic risk.
Written, informed consent was acquired from all volunteers. Ethical
approval permission for this study was obtained from the research
ethics committee of Hammersmith and Queen Charlottes and Chelsea
Research Ethics Committee Hospital, London (Rec: 07Q04011/19).
In total, 477 unpaid volunteers (243 male, 234 female) were recruited
via advertisements in newspapers, websites, and academic newslet-
ters, inviting male and female volunteers of white ethnicity from the
general public. No age constraints were placed on recruitment in
order to generate cross-sectional data. Self-reported exclusion crite-
ria included subjects suering from chronic disease (including dia-
betes, cardiovascular or liver disease, metabolic conditions, anyone
taking prescribed medication and women on the contraceptive pill).
Volunteers underwent anthropometric assessment, total body MRI
scanning and in vivo proton (
H) magnetic resonance spectroscopy
(MRS) of liver and calf muscle.
Anthropometric measurements
Body mass (kg), height (cm), WC (cm), and hip circumference (cm)
were measured in each subject by a single experienced observer. WC
was measured at the (WHO recommended) midpoint (24) between
the distal border of the lowest rib and the superior border of the iliac
crest. From these values, BMI (kg/m2), WHR (waist/hip), and waist-to-
height ratio (WHtR, waist/height) were calculated. BMI grouping cor-
responded to the following ranges: 1: 18.5 <25 kg/m2, 2: 25 <30 kg/ m2,
3: 30 <40 kg/m2, 4: 40+ kg/m2.
MRI scanning: Total body and regional AT content
Rapid T
-weighted MR images were acquired using a 1.5T Phillips
Achiva scanner (Phillips, Best, the Netherlands), as previously
described (17). Subjects lay in a prone position with arms straight above
the head, and were scanned from ngertips to toes, acquiring 10-mm
thick contiguous transverse images throughout the body. Images were
analyzed using SliceOmatic (Tomovision, Montreal, Quebec, Canada).
Regional volumes were recorded in liters (l); comprising; ASAT, non-
ASAT (NASAT), IAAT, and non-abdominal internal-AT (NAIAT)
which includes internal AT in the head, neck, chest, pelvis, arms, and
legs as previously described (17). e abdominal region was dened
as the image slices from the slice containing the femoral heads, to the
slice containing the top of the liver/bottom of the lungs; therefore the
measurement of IAAT contains a mixture of visceral, perirenal, and
retroperitoneal AT (17). Total AT was calculated from the sum of SAT
and internal adipose stores: TAT = SAT + Internal. SAT was subdivided
into ASAT and non-NASAT: SAT = ASAT + NASAT. Total internal AT
(Internal) was subdivided into IAAT and non-abdominal internal AT
(NAIAT): Internal = IAAT + NAIAT. In order to gauge abdominal adi-
posity as a whole, “trunk” fat was derived from the sum of IAAT and
ASAT: Trunk = IAAT + ASAT.
MRS of liver and muscle fat
During the same scanning session, 1H MR spectra were also
acquired at 1.5T, using a surface coil. Transverse images of the
liver were used to ensure accurate positioning of the (20 × 20 × 20 mm)
voxel in the liver, avoiding blood vessels, the gall bladder, and fatty
tissue. Spectra were obtained from the right lobe of the liver using a
PRESS sequence (repetition time 1,500 ms, echo time 135 ms) with-
out water saturation and with 128 signal averages. Intrahepatocellular
lipids (IHCL) were measured relative to liver water content, as previ-
ously described (21). IMCL were measured in the soleus (S-IMCL)
and tibialis (T-IMCL) muscles by 1H MRS. Proton MR spectra were
acquired from 20 × 20 × 20 mm voxels localized to the soleus and
tibialis muscles of the le calf using a PRESS sequence (repetition
time 1,500 ms, echo time 135 ms). IMCL were subsequently mea-
sured, relative to total muscle creatine signal, as previously described
(25). Spectra from both S-IMCL and T-IMCL muscles were obtained
because their dierences in ber composition and fuel requirements
(tibialis primarily utilizes carbohydrate; soleus predominantly uti-
lizes lipid) result in dierent lipid levels and metabolism. MRS data
(IHCL, S-IMCL, and T-IMCL) are presented as the geometric mean,
whereas statistical analysis was performed on loge transformed vari-
ables, due to the positively skewed distribution of these datasets (21).
Of the male volunteers (total = 243) IHCL data was available for 234
individuals, S-IMCL for 239, T-IMCL for 239 subjects; whereas for
females (total = 234): IHCL was available for 169, S-IMCL for 179,
and T-IMCL for 178. We have previously published data concerning
the reproducibility of the MRI (26) and MRS protocols for IHCL (21)
and IMCL (25) measurements implemented here.
Definition of healthy controls
To identify subjects who had a fat distribution which deviated from
“normal” it was necessary to dene a healthy control group from our
larger population. e following criteria were used to dene white indi-
viduals within our test population as healthy controls: (i) Absence of
disease/metabolic condition; (ii) BMI: 18.5 <25 kg/m2 (WHO guide-
lines (27)); (iii) WC: male ≤94 cm, female ≤80 cm (WHO guidelines
(28)); (iv) WHR: male ≤0.90, female ≤0.80 (29); (v) age: male (18–50
years), female (18–39 years): the younger age group in female subjects
was chosen in order to eliminate the eects of menopause from our con-
trol group, as there is a signicant increase in obesity related-metabolic
disorders aer menopause, which has been linked to alterations in body
adiposity, notably an increase in IAAT. (vi) Activity level: sedentary
subjects were identied using Baecke (30) and/or I-PAQ questionnaires
(31). Both tests calculate weekly physical activity, classifying individuals
into low, moderate, or high categories based on specic criteria; I-PAQ
78 VOLUME 20 NUMBER 1 | JANUARY 2012 |
integrative Physiology
assesses the duration and frequency of walking, moderate intensity, and
vigorous intensity activity. We included subjects with a high or mod-
erate score in our denition of “healthy” as this level of activity was
considered sucient to maintain cardiovascular health while individu-
als reported in the “low” physical activity group from either test were
excluded. Subjects with a fat distribution that deviated by 2 s.d. from
that found in healthy controls were identied by comparing the ratio of
intra-abdominal to ASAT (IAAT/ASAT) and against BMI.
Age- and BMI-related reference ranges
Age group (16–25 years, 26–35 years, 36–45 years, and 56+ years) and
BMI group reference ranges were calculated for each anthropometric
and adipose variable for male and female subjects. For each depend-
ent variable a fractional polynomial model was tted to predict the
mean curve estimated using generalized least squares (32). e s.d. was
assumed to be constant and estimated using the residual mean square
from the model. e reference ranges were calculated on the logarith-
mic scale and back transformed to the original scale of measurement
for presentation. A logarithmic scale was used for the y axis in each
graph. For IHCL the y axis contains (IHCL + 0.03) as it is not possible
to plot IHCL values of zero on a logarithmic scale as the log of zero is
not dened. Residuals from each tted model were assessed for nor-
mality using normal plots and Shapiro and Francias W’-test of normal-
ity (33). Loge transformations were used for all six dependent variables
to improve the assumption of normality of residuals of the models. As
there were some values of zero for IHCL, the statistical analysis used a
log (IHCL + 0.03) transformation. For T-IMCL a log (T-IMCL + 0.8)
transformation was used to improve the normality of the residuals.
Multiple regression analysis
Regression models predicting AT were tted to 11 variables: TAT,
SAT, ASAT, NASAT, total internal, IAAT, NAIAT, trunk AT, S-IMCL,
T-IMCL, and IHCL. Separate regression models were tted to males
and females. Loge transformations were used for all dependent variables
to improve the assumption of normality of residuals of the models. As
there were some values of zero for IHCL, the statistical analysis used a
log (IHCL + 0.03) transformation. For T-IMCL a log (T-IMCL + 0.8)
transformation was used to improve the normality of the residuals. For
each dependent variable six regression models were tted. Independent
variables considered were WC, BMI, hip, age, WHtR, and weight. e
six regression models were: 1a: WC BMI; 1b: WC BMI hip; 1c: WC
BMI hip age; 2a: WHtR weight; 2b: WHtR weight hip; 2c: WHtR weight
hip age. e Bayesian Information Criterion was used to compare the
goodness-of-t of these six models (34).
Statistical analysis
Gender dierences were analyzed using the Students t-test. Signicance
is taken as P < 0.05. All data are presented as mean ± s.d. e statisti-
cal analysis was performed using Stata Release 11. Age- and BMI-
related reference ranges were tted to the data using established Stata
routines (32).
Descriptive statistics
e mean age of all subjects was 37 years (range 18–71 years)
with 25.0% of all subjects classied as overweight (32.6% of
Table 1 Gender-specific variable data
Male (n = 243) Female (n = 234) P
Mean ± s.d. Range Mean ± s.d. Range M vs. F
Age (years) 40.3 ± 13 17–70 34.5 ± 12.4 17–71 <0.001
Weight (kg) 87.6 ± 16.2 59.0–146.6 71.4 ± 17.6 40.7–146.8 <0.001
BMI (kg/m2) 27.3 ± 4.8 18.6–44.5 26.2 ± 6.6 15.5–57.3 <0.05
WC (cm) 95.4 ± 13.3 70.0–131 81.4 ± 13.8 56.5–131 <0.001
Hip (cm) 103.5 ± 8.4 85.4–136 102.3 ± 10.7 76–134 0.23
Height (cm) 179 ± 7.3 143–199 165.2 ± 6.6 145.5–182 <0.001
WHR 0.92 ± 0.07 0.75–1.11 0.8 ± 0.07 0.58–1.04 <0.001
WHtR 0.53 ± 0.08 0.37–0.85 0.49 ± 0.09 0–0.78 <0.001
IHCLa6.8 ± 14.0 0–89.6 2.8 ± 8.5 0–65.0 <0.001
S-IMCLa15.5 ± 9.7 2.9–100.1 11.5 ± 6.9 2.28–51.0 <0.001
T-IMCLa6.3 ± 3.8 0.25–30.5 6.7 ± 4.1 0.96–35.4 0.25
TAT (l) 24.9 ± 10.9 6–67.7 31.2 ± 15.9 8.3–106.2 <0.001
SAT (l) 18.6 ± 8.4 4.2–58.2 26.6 ± 13.5 7.3–90.5 <0.001
ASAT (l) 5.3 ± 3.0 0.7–20.2 7.6 ± 4.9 1.5–29.7 <0.001
NASAT (l) 13.3 ± 5.6 1.3–38 19.0 ± 8.8 5.8–60.9 <0.001
Internal (l) 6.3 ± 3.3 0.7–15.8 4.6 ± 2.8 1–15.7 <0.001
IAAT (l) 3.5 ± 2.1 0.2–9.4 2.3 ± 1.8 0.4–9.6 <0.001
NAIAT (l) 2.8 ± 1.4 0.5–7.9 2.4 ± 1.1 0.6–6.2 <0.001
Trunk (l) 8.8 ± 4.7 1.0–25.5 9.9 ± 6.4 1.9–39.3 <0.05
IAAT/ASAT 0.7 ± 0.3 0.18–1.64 0.3 ± 0.1 0.09–0.97 <0.001
Mean and range variable data. Adipose tissue deposits are in liters (l).
ASAT, abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue; IAAT, intra-abdominal adipose tissue; IHCL, intrahepatocellular lipid; IMCL, intramyocellular lipid (S, soleus, T, tibialis);
internal, total internal; NAIAT, non-abdominal internal adipose tissue; NASAT, non-abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue; SAT, subcutaneous adipose tissue; TAT, total
adipose tissue; WC, waist circumference; WHR, waist-to-hip ratio; WHtR, waist-to-height ratio.
aMRS data (IHCL (M: 234, F: 169), S-IMCL (M: 239, F: 179), and T-IMCL (M: 239, F: 178)) is presented as the geometric mean, while statistical analysis was performed
on log10 transformed variables. All data are presented as mean ± s.d. Male vs. female data analyzed by Student’s t-test.
integrative Physiology
men, 17.0% women, BMI: 25< 30), 24.7% qualifying as obese
(26.8% of men, 22.6% of women, BMI: 30< 40) and 2.9%
morbidly obese (2.1% of men, 3.8% of women, BMI: 40+).
Gender-specic characteristics are shown in Table 1. Overall,
female subjects were characterized by greater TAT, SAT, ASAT,
NASAT, and lower internal, IAAT and lower IAAT/ASAT ratio
than males (P < 0.001 for all, Table 1). e gender-specic range
observed in IAAT and ASAT stores is shown in Figure 1a–f.
Given that males were slightly older than females (male: 40 ±
13 years vs. female: 36 ± 12 years, P < 0.01, Table 1) correction
for age by multiple linear regression analysis was performed
in order to examine gender dierences (Supplementary Table
S1). Males had a signicantly greater weight, WC, height and
WHR, but lower NASAT and NAIAT than females, when
correcting for age (all P < 0.05, Supplementary Table S1).
Male volunteers also demonstrated a trend toward increased
IHCL (P = 0.08) compared to females (adjusting for age)
(Supplementary Table S1). e range of IHCL, S-IMCL, and
T-IMCL values, as categorized by age and BMI group, are illus-
trated in Figure 2a–f. All variables categorized by BMI and age
group can be found in Supplementary Tables S2–S4.
Age was positively correlated with all anthropometric vari-
ables (apart from a negative inuence on height), ectopic fat
stores (IHCL, S-IMCL, and T-IMCL) and adiposity depots col-
lapsed across gender (Supplementary Table S1). NAIAT and
IAAT/ASAT ratio showed a signicantly positive interaction
between age and gender (gender × age P: NAIAT: 0.01, IAAT/
ASAT: <0.001) (Supplementary Table S1). Age was associated
ASAT (litres)
ASAT (litres) IAAT (litres)
IAAT (litres)
20 30 40 50 60 70
Age (years)
20 30 40 50 6010
BMI (kg/m2)
20 30 40 50 6010
BMI (kg/m2)
20 30 40 50 6010
BMI (kg/m2)
20 30 40 50 6010
BMI (kg/m2)
20 30 40 50 6010
BMI (kg/m2)
20 30 40 50 6010
BMI (kg/m2)
20 30 40 50 60 70
Age (years)
20 30 40 50 60 70
Age (years)
20 30 40 50 60 70
Age (years)
20 30 40 50 60 70
Age (years)
20 30 40 50 60 70
Age (years)
Figure 1 Abdominal subcutaneous (ASAT), intra-abdominal adipose tissue (IAAT), and IAAT/ASAT ratio by age and BMI group in male and female
volunteers. (ac) Age group and (df) BMI group-specific variation in (a, d) abdominal subcutaneous (ASAT) and (b, e) intra-abdominal adipose
tissue (IAAT) in male and female volunteers. Adiposity stores are presented in liters. The ratio of IAAT/ASAT is also presented by (c) age and (f) BMI
groups. The graphs present the fitted mean curve, and the 2.5th and 97.5th centiles, calculated assuming normal errors.
80 VOLUME 20 NUMBER 1 | JANUARY 2012 |
integrative Physiology
with increased IAAT/ASAT in both genders, but had a greater
eect in males (β: 0.005 ± 0.001, Supplementary Table S1).
Correlation analysis
Gender-specic correlation analysis for all anthropometric
variables, AT (in l) and ectopic fat stores are shown in Table 2
(men) and Table 3 (women). Apart from a few exceptions, all
parameters correlated with each other to a signicant degree (P
< 0.01). In male subjects, WC was the variable which correlated
to the greatest degree with individual adiposity stores (TAT:
r = 0.915, SAT: r = 0.878, ASAT: r = 0.850, NASAT: r = 0.868,
internal: r = 0.804, IAAT: r = 0.815, NAIAT: r = 0.7147, trunk:
r = 0.919, P < 0.01, Table 2), whereas in female subjects BMI
had the strongest correlation with individual adiposity stores
(TAT: r = 0.9514, SAT: r = 0.944, ASAT: r = 0.937, NASAT:
r = 0.927, internal: r = 0.850, IAAT: r = 0.839, NAIAT: r = 0.777,
trunk: r = 0.949, P < 0.01, Table 3).
IHCL correlated most strongly with WC in male subjects
(r = 0.712, P < 0.01, Ta bl e 2) and WHtR in female subjects
(r = 0.644, P < 0.01, Ta b le 3). In male subjects, WC was also
the strongest correlate of S-IMCL (r = 0.504, P < 0.01) and
T-IMCL (r = 0.389, P < 0.01) (Ta b le 2), whereas in females
S-IMCL and T-IMCL correlated most strongly with BMI
(S-IMCL: r = 0.450, T-IMCL: r = 0.265, P < 0.01 for both,
Table 3). IAAT was the depot which correlated most strongly
with ectopic fat in both genders (male IAAT: IHCL r = 0.716,
S-IMCL; r = 0.473, T-IMCL; r = 0.417, P < 0.01 for all, Table 2;
female IAAT: IHCL; r = 0.720, S-IMCL; r = 0.506, T-IMCL;
r = 0.319, P < 0.01 for all, Ta bl e 3). In both male and female
subjects, mass, BMI, WC, and WHtR correlated more strongly
20 30 40 50 60 70
Age (years)
20 30 40 50 6010
BMI (kg/m2)
20 30 40 50 6010
BMI (kg/m2)
20 30 40 50 6010
BMI (kg/m2)
20 30 40 50 6010
BMI (kg/m2)
20 30 40 50 6010
BMI (kg/m2)
20 30 40 50 6010
BMI (kg/m2)
20 30 40 50 60 70
Age (years)
20 30 40 50 60 70
Age (years)
20 30 40 50 60 70
Age (years)
20 30 40 50 60 70
Age (years)
20 30 40 50 60 70
Age (years)
Figure 2 Ectopic lipid stores by BMI and age group in male and female volunteers. (ac) Age group and (df) BMI group-specific variation in (a, d)
intrahepatocellular lipid (IHCL), (b, e) intramyocellular muscle in the soleus (S-IMCL), and (c, f) tibialis (T-IMCL) in male and female volunteers. The
graphs present the fitted mean curve, and the 2.5th and 97.5th centiles, calculated assuming normal errors.
integrative Physiology
Table 2 Linear correlation analysis between anthropometric measurements, lipid stores, and body fat stores in male subjects
Male Age Anthropometric variable Ectopic fat storeaAdiposity depot (liters)
Weight 0.288**
BMI 0.378** 0.883**
WC 0.478** 0.881** 0.901**
Hip 0.311** 0.914** 0.841** 0.861**
Height −0.124 0.352** −0.120 0.090 0.355**
WHR 0.510** 0.603** 0.706** 0.856** 0.479** −0.108
WHtR 0.493** 0.745** 0.912** 0.950** 0.766** −0.216* 0.885**
IHCL 0.405** 0.551** 0.625** 0.712** 0.559** −0.070 0.663** 0.707**
S-IMCL 0.389** 0.377** 0.378** 0.504** 0.437** 0.054 0.427** 0.463** 0.440**
T-IMCL 0.314** 0.293** 0.343** 0.389** 0.300** −0.051 0.375** 0.384** 0.417** 0.590**
TAT 0.376** 0.836** 0.832** 0.915** 0.863** 0.098 0.712** 0.855** 0.663** 0.427** 0.386**
SAT 0.271** 0.836** 0.823** 0.878** 0.876** 0.116 0.632** 0.816** 0.590** 0.368** 0.338** 0.975**
ASAT 0.231** 0.829** 0.841** 0.850** 0.858** 0.074 0.599** 0.806** 0.598** 0.358** 0.359** 0.922** 0.944**
NASAT 0.280** 0.801** 0.775** 0.868** 0.862** 0.133* 0.632** 0.799** 0.567** 0.357** 0.311** 0.958** 0.984** 0.870**
Internal 0.550** 0.635** 0.659** 0.804** 0.642** 0.028 0.750** 0.761** 0.692** 0.451** 0.414** 0.825** 0.678** 0.647** 0.663**
IAAT 0.548** 0.629** 0.669** 0.815** 0.632** −0.004 0.779** 0.778** 0.716** 0.473** 0.417** 0.804** 0.659** 0.639** 0.639** 0.976**
NAIAT 0.501** 0.585** 0.580** 0.714** 0.598** 0.075 0.638** 0.664** 0.589** 0.462** 0.370** 0.781** 0.642** 0.598** 0.637** 0.943** 0.847**
Trunk 0.396** 0.822** 0.848** 0.919** 0.840** 0.047 0.740** 0.874** 0.711** 0.435** 0.421** 0.962** 0.911** 0.939** 0.854** 0.859** 0.865** 0.769**
0.460** −0.026 0.012 0.187** −0.013 −0.071 0.369** 0.182** 0.330** 0.195** 0.169** 0.125 −0.064 −0.132* −0.024 0.571** 0.603** 0.467** 0.185**
All data are presented as Pearson partial correlation r values. Bold typeface indicates a significant correlation; shaded boxes indicate the anthropometric variable with the strongest correlation.
ASAT, abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue; IAAT, intra-abdominal adipose tissue; IHCL, intrahepatocellular lipid; IMCL, intramyocellular lipid (S, soleus, T, tibialis); internal, total internal; NAIAT, non-abdominal internal
adipose tissue; NASAT, non-abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue; SAT, subcutaneous adipose tissue; TAT, total adipose tissue; WC, waist circumference; WHR, waist-to-hip ratio; WHtR, waist-to-height ratio.
aStatistical analysis of IHCL (M: 234), S-IMCL (M: 239), and T-IMCL (M: 239) performed on log10 transformed variables.
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.
82 VOLUME 20 NUMBER 1 | JANUARY 2012 |
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Table 3 Linear correlation analysis between anthropometric measurements, lipid stores, and body fat stores in female subjects
Female Age Anthropometric variable Ectopic fat store a Adiposity depot (liters)
Weight 0.276**
BMI 0.357** 0.945**
WC 0.477** 0.862** 0.892**
Hip 0.350** 0.882** 0.874** 0.848**
Height −0.261* 0.114 −0.208* −0.049 0.052
WHR 0.456** 0.488** 0.530** 0.825** 0.405** −0.158*
WHtR 0.462** 0.734** 0.832** 0.973** 0.801** −0.227* 0.832**
IHCL 0.477** 0.501** 0.622** 0.623** 0.510** −0.309* 0.539** 0.644**
S-IMCL 0.501** 0.397** 0.450** 0.436** 0.402** −0.133 0.333** 0.402** 0.404**
T-IMCL 0.371** 0.196* 0.265** 0.278** 0.191* −0.162* 0.295** 0.239** 0.399** 0.448**
TAT 0.292** 0.959** 0.951** 0.854** 0.879** −0.032 0.461** 0.762** 0.584** 0.426** 0.174*
SAT 0.256** 0.959** 0.944** 0.834** 0.878** −0.013 0.431** 0.738** 0.532** 0.387** 0.138 0.995**
ASAT 0.227** 0.945** 0.937** 0.845** 0.874** −0.038 0.455** 0.753** 0.545** 0.384** 0.151 0.970** 0.974**
NASAT 0.266** 0.946** 0.927** 0.803** 0.852** −0.001 0.408** 0.706** 0.509** 0.378** 0.127 0.987** 0.992** 0.939**
Internal 0.424** 0.821** 0.850** 0.772** 0.704** −0.117 0.532** 0.721** 0.686** 0.505** 0.299** 0.879** 0.828** 0.807** 0.822**
IAAT 0.461** 0.796** 0.839** 0.787** 0.690** −0.165* 0.577** 0.745** 0.720** 0.506** 0.319** 0.852** 0.802** 0.799** 0.786** 0.974**
NAIAT 0.322** 0.773** 0.777** 0.657** 0.643** −0.031 0.408** 0.596** 0.552** 0.445** 0.232** 0.828** 0.781** 0.734** 0.790** 0.935** 0.829**
Trunk 0.302** 0.943** 0.949** 0.879** 0.874** −0.075 0.511** 0.797** 0.637** 0.448** 0.212** 0.978** 0.967** 0.986** 0.936** 0.887** 0.888** 0.792**
0.446** 0.053 0.122 0.232** 0.075 −0.184* 0.335** 0.267** 0.373** 0.303** 0.304** 0.122 0.038 0.009 0.0535 0.509** 0.539** 0.409** 0.158*
All data are presented as Pearson partial correlation r values. Bold typeface indicates a significant correlation; shaded boxes indicate the anthropometric variable with the strongest correlation.
ASAT, abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue; IAAT, intra-abdominal adipose tissue; IHCL, intrahepatocellular lipid; IMCL, intramyocellular lipid (S, soleus, T, tibialis); internal, total internal; NAIAT, non-abdominal internal
adipose tissue; NASAT, non-abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue; SAT, subcutaneous adipose tissue; TAT, total adipose tissue; WC, waist circumference; WHR, waist-to-hip ratio; WHtR, waist-to-height ratio.
aStatistical analysis of IHCL (F: 169), S-IMCL (F: 179), and T-IMCL (F: 178) performed on log10 transformed variables.
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.
integrative Physiology
with each other than individual percentage adiposity stores
(Tables 2 and 3).
Multiple regression analysis—Bayesian Information
e goodness-of-t of six regression models using Bayesian
Information Criterion is shown in Supplementary Table S5.
WC provides the best model for the majority of adipose and
ectopic variables in male subjects. In female subjects, BMI con-
tributes the most for each dependent variable.
The TOFI phenotype
e gender-specic variable data from healthy, active indi-
viduals used to dene the TOFI phenotype can be found in
Supplementary Table S6. e mean IAAT/ASAT ratio for
healthy white individuals was 0.59 (male) and 0.25 (female).
Two standard deviations above the mean IAAT/ASAT of
healthy individuals (+2 s.d. male: 1.04, female: 0.45) was used
to dene the cuto for TOFI classication. us, individuals
with a BMI 18.5 < 25 kg/m2 with an IAAT/ASAT ratio above
1.0 (males) and 0.45 (females) were classied as TOFI; this cor-
responds to 14% of men (15/106) and 12% of women (17/132)
in our cohort. Gender-specic variable data for TOFI and
non-TOFI individuals can be found in Supplementary Table
S7. Signicantly greater IHCL, S-IMCL, and T-IMCL were
observed in both male and female TOFI female volunteers
(Supplementary Table S7). Subjects classied with the TOFI
phenotype based on their IAAT, could not be predicted from
BMI, WHR or WHtR or trunk fat because there was no signi-
cant dierence in these variables between TOFI and non-TOFI
healthy subjects (Supplementary Table S7).
WHR was the anthropometric variable which correlated most
strongly with the IAAT/ASAT ratio in both men (r = 0.369, P
< 0.01) (Table 2) and women (r = 0.335, P < 0.01) (Table 3).
e variation in IAAT/ASAT in male subjects with either an
identical BMI (24.0 kg/m2) or WC (84.0 cm) is illustrated in
Figure 3. Axial MRI scan data in Figure 4 demonstrates the
variation in ASAT and IAAT from two individuals with identi-
cal trunk fat (IAAT + ASAT).
ere is a growing recognition that the increased health risks
of obesity and metabolic syndrome are more strongly associ-
ated with central rather than total adiposity, with an excess in
IAAT and liver fat being the key determinants (1). In this study,
we have employed MRI-based techniques in order to determine
patterns of fat distribution in a large heterogeneous cohort and
used the ratio of intra-abdominal (IAAT) and subcutaneous
(ASAT) AT in healthy subjects as a means of identifying white
individuals at potentially increased metabolic risk. In addition,
we demonstrate a large variation in IAAT, ASAT, and ectopic fat
deposition in the liver and skeletal muscle that is not fully pre-
dicted by conventionally used anthropometric measurements.
BMI: 24kg/m2
WC: 84.5cm
TAT: 13.2 (I)
ASAT: 2.5 (I)
IAAT: 1.07 (I)
BMI: 24kg/m2
WC: 88.0cm
TAT: 16.8 (I)
ASAT: 3.2 (I)
IAAT: 2.2 (I)
BMI: 24kg/m2
WC: 92.0cm
TAT: 21.8 (I)
ASAT: 3.5 (I)
IAAT: 3.6 (I)
BMI: 25.5kg/m2
WC: 84cm
TAT: 13.6 (I)
ASAT: 2.9 (I)
IAAT: 0.5 (I)
BMI: 24.2kg/m2
WC: 84cm
TAT: 13.6 (I)
ASAT: 2.8 (I)
IAAT: 1.2 (I)
BMI: 23.7kg/m2
WC: 84cm
TAT: 25.3 (I)
ASAT: 3.8 (I)
IAAT: 4.3 (I)
Figure 3 Anthropometric variation in abdominal adiposity. Umbilical MRI images obtained from six different male subjects with a (ac) BMI of 24.0,
or a (df) WC of 84.0 cm. ASAT, subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue (l); IAAT, intra-abdominal adipose tissue (l); TAT, total adipose tissue (liters);
WC, waist circumference. In male subjects, the TOFI phenotype is attributed to individuals with BMI of 18.5–24.99 kg/m2 and a IAAT/ASAT ratio
greater or equal to 1.0.
Tr unk fat: 12.8 (I)
ASAT: 8.2 (I)
IAAT: 4.6 (I)
Tr unk fat: 12.8 (I)
ASAT: 6.5 (I)
IAAT: 6.3 (I)
Figure 4 Truncal variation in abdominal adiposity. Umbilical magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) images obtained from two different male
subjects with an equal amount truncal fat (liters), but markedly different
IAAT and ASAT deposits. ASAT, subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue
(l); IAAT, intra-abdominal adipose tissue (l).
84 VOLUME 20 NUMBER 1 | JANUARY 2012 |
integrative Physiology
Age and gender effects on fat depots
Gender dierences in energy regulation and body fat distribu-
tion are well established; with women demonstrating propor-
tionally higher total AT and greater fat deposition in the lower
body, whereas men are predisposed to increased upper body fat
accumulation. Our results reect these ndings, with women
demonstrating signicantly higher percentage total and sub-
cutaneous fat stores than the males. ere is conicting data in
the literature regarding gender dierences in intra-abdominal
deposition, with some studies suggesting that men have greater
IAAT than women (18), while others reveal no dierence (35).
When correcting for age in our cohort we found signicantly
greater IAAT in males compared to females. In agreement with
previous studies, we reveal signicantly greater subcutane-
ous fat depots in male subjects as age increases but a variable
picture in female subjects (18,36). Our MRI data corroborate
previous observations indicating an abrupt reduction in sub-
cutaneous fat stores with the menopause as recorded in white
females in the 46–55 years compared to 36–45 years groups
(37) (Supplementary Table S4).
Ectopic fat stores
In addition to the major subcutaneous and abdominal fat com-
partments, ectopic fat depots in the liver and skeletal muscle
are implicated in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance, a key
facet of the metabolic syndrome (1). e ectopic fat hypoth-
esis suggests that a lack of sucient adipocytes and/or limited
capacity results in excess adipose storage around tissues and
organs such as the liver, heart, and kidneys (38). e exact
mechanism by which ectopic fat accumulation aects tissue
and organ function is unknown, but may include physical
compression, altering local secretory proles, and lipotoxicity
(1). More tangible is the strong association between increased
ectopic fat storage and obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and
insulin resistance (39).
Here, we report male subjects demonstrate signicantly
higher levels of IHCL, similar levels of S-IMCL and lower lev-
els of T-IMCL compared to women, correcting for age. ere
are contradictory reports concerning the eects of age on
ectopic fat deposition, with one study reporting an age-related
increase in IHCL and IMCL (40) whereas others have found
no association (18,41). In our cohort, correlation analysis indi-
cates a signicant positive relationship between age and IHCL
and both IMCL ectopic fat depots in both male and female
subjects. In agreement with previous data showing a signi-
cant relationship between ectopic fat deposition and internal
adiposity (18,21) we demonstrate IHCL, S-IMCL, and T-IMCL
all correlate strongest to abdominal adiposity stores, in partic-
ular IAAT. As such, separate analysis with multiple methods of
data presentation would seem prudent when analyzing cohort
body composition data.
Anthropometric variables as markers of fat deposition
Anthropometric measurements are easily obtainable, inexpen-
sive, and commonly used determinants of both obesity and
the metabolic syndrome (27,42). We found anthropometric
variables generally correlated with total and subcutaneous
stores better than with internal depots or ectopic fat stores.
Previous studies have demonstrated that both WC and WHtR
correlate well with abdominal fat mass (both subcutaneous
and intra-abdominal) and cardiometabolic disease (43). ere
is a growing body of evidence endorsing WHtR as the best
measure of obesity and metabolic risk, regardless of ethnic-
ity (44,45) with the incorporation of adjustment for stature
the rationale behind its improvement in correlation over WC
(46). In our analysis, we found that both WC and WHtR cor-
related strongly with ectopic fat depots and percentage adipos-
ity stores. However, as illustrated in Figure 3 there is a large
amount of variation in abdominal fat at a given WC measure-
ment. Both correlation and multiple regression analysis reveal
a clearly dened segregation between the strongest anthro-
pometric determinants for either subcutaneous or internal
adipose stores, specic to gender. In agreement with a recent
study by Flegal et al. we found BMI to be the best anthropo-
metric predictor for individual adiposity stores in women (47).
By contrast, WC was the best predictor of individual adiposity
depot volumes in males, while WHtR was the best predictor
of IHCL in both genders. Overall, we found anthropometric
variables to be more closely related to each other than indi-
vidual adiposity or ectopic fat stores but generally correlated
well within gender.
Analyzing adipose distribution as a percentage of body mass
(%kg) or as a percentage of total AT (%TAT) is oen imple-
mented as it provides an insight into both fat-free mass and the
distribution of specic adipose stores, respectively, Correlation
and multiple regression analysis revealed similar gender pat-
terns of signicance between adiposity data transformed via
these two approaches and data analyzed as an absolute volume
in liters (data not shown).
Individuals matched for ASAT, with high levels of IAAT
demonstrate signicantly increased insulin resistance and
decreased glucose tolerance compared to those with less IAAT
(48–50). Several more recent studies have also shown that
IAAT is a stronger correlate of metabolic syndrome associated
risks than either ASAT or anthropometric variables (4,6,10).
Indeed, there is conicting data in the literature concerning
the use of multiple anthropometric variables to predict cardio-
vascular risk. It has been suggested that combining BMI with
WC increases the cardiovascular risk prediction than either
measure (51) whereas other data suggests BMI reduces the
discriminatory power for CVD risk factors, supporting the use
of WHtR as the sole measure of obesity (52).
Multiple regression analysis performed in our cohort sug-
gests that specic combinations of anthropometric variables
can be used to predict 60–70% of ASAT and IAAT values.
However, despite this signicant degree of correlation we reveal
a wide range of IAAT and ASAT values by BMI and age group.
In addition, we illustrate a signicant variation in IAAT and
ASAT in subjects with identical BMI’s or WC measurements
(Figure 3). Anthropometric variables such as WC and WHtR
can give no indication of the proportion of IAAT or ASAT in
seemingly “lean” subjects and are therefore inappropriate for
integrative Physiology
classifying individuals that may be at increased metabolic risk
within a “normal” BMI range.
The “thin outside fat inside (TOFI)” subphenotype
Methods of measuring abdominal obesity such as Viscan and
dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry oer a faster, less expensive
alternative to the MRI protocol implemented here (53,54).
However, while there is no doubt that a strong correlation
exists between abdominal fat and metabolic risk, these meth-
ods are unable to dierentiate between individual abdominal
adipose stores. Here, we propose using a ratio of IAAT and
ASAT (IAAT/ASAT) to identify individuals at potentially
increased metabolic risk. We have determined the range of
IAAT and ASAT in healthy individuals in order to dene the
limits by which individuals with a proportionally elevated
IAAT, or TOFI (thin outside fat inside) can be classied. When
considering our entire cohort, this healthy control group rep-
resents 10–20% of individuals; the same proportion of healthy
individuals observed in the normal population (55). For ease
of reference, we propose using an IAAT/ASAT ratio cutos of
>1.0 in white male subjects and 0.45 in white female subjects
to dene this phenotype.
e components of the IAAT/ASAT ratio were selected in
order to identify patterns of abnormal body fat distribution.
We employed ASAT due to its abdominal location and poten-
tially protective role against cardiovascular and metabolic
risk compared to IAAT (9), as opposed to whole-body SAT
or NASAT. Anthropometric measurements, such as WHR
and WC, identify individuals with larger waists and hence
more total abdominal fat. As a predictor for abnormal body
fat distribution these measurements rely on a strong relation-
ship between total abdominal fat and visceral fat across a wide
range of abdominal fat. However, we found a notable varia-
tion in visceral adiposity observed in our healthy population,
who represent individuals with “normal” WCs, highlighting
the fact that on an individual basis visceral adiposity may vary
despite similar waist or abdominal fat. Indeed, as illustrated
in Figure 4, individuals can show identical amounts of trunk
fat and yet have entirely dierent amounts of IAAT and ASAT.
Other measurements that could potentially reect the TOFI
phenotype, such as fat-free mass or percentage body fat, would
only reect excess total adiposity either relative to body size
(fat-free mass index, fat mass index), lean tissue (FM:FFM
ratio) or as a percentage of weight (% body fat) and therefore
not accurately represent fat distribution. If used in combina-
tion with waist measurements these ratios may imply excess
adiposity around the abdomen, however this does not neces-
sarily reect visceral fat.
Correlation analysis revealed relatively weak associations
between the IAAT/ASAT ratio that we have used to dene TOFI
individuals and other physiological characteristics. Indeed, it
was age, a nonanthropometric variable, which provided the
strongest correlation to IAAT/ASAT. ere was a notable lack
of statistical dierence in anthropometric variables between
TOFI and non-TOFI individuals save for changes in internal
fat depots. ese data suggest that MRI analysis is currently
the only means of successfully identifying individuals with a
disproportionately high amount of intra-abdominal fat.
Our data and that of other studies have previously reported a
signicant positive relationship between liver fat and IAAT con-
tent (18,21). Furthermore, we and others have also found that
individuals with a phenotype opposite to that of the TOFI (the
so called “fat-t”), have reduced intra-abdominal and IHCL
compared to weight matched individuals (56,57). In addition
to a strong correlation between the IAAT/ASAT ratio and indi-
vidual ectopic fat depots, we also observed a signicant increase
in IHCL, S-IMCL, and T-IMCL in TOFI compared to non-TOFI
individuals, for both sexes. When our proposed IAAT/ASAT
cuto values were applied to individuals with an increased BMI
(greater than the 18.5 <25 kg/m2 range) we found that 16% of
females and 23% of males were registered as TOFI. is increase
in male classication is likely a reection of the increased propor-
tion and deposition of IAAT observed at a higher BMI in males.
Further work will be required to characterize healthy control
individuals within increased BMI ranges to accurately dene
those with excessive IAAT. Here, we attribute the TOFI phenotype
to 12–13% of European white volunteers that fall within a normal
BMI range (28). Additional studies may also reveal the applica-
bility of the TOFI index to additional ethnic populations given
the established dierences in body fat distribution between racial
groups (58,59). Currently, the TOFI index provides a quantitative
means of comparing intra-abdominal fat deposition. Clearly, the
utility of the TOFI phenotype to classify this “at risk” group of
individuals will only be fully realized once it has been correlated
with markers of the metabolic syndrome. Further work will also
be required to determine the physiological basis for the wide var-
iation in abdominal fat partitioning we have recorded here. e
mechanism is likely to be complex, with a multitude of genetic-,
environmental-and age-related determinants.
In summary, we reveal the pattern of regional adiposity in
a large cohort of UK-based volunteers, providing gender- and
age-specic reference range data and elucidate the relation-
ships between individual fat depots. We found anthropometric
variables to be more closely related to each other than adiposity
or ectopic fat stores but overall correlated well within gender.
Furthermore, our data demonstrate that specic anthropomet-
ric variables should be used to best predict individual adiposity
stores and ectopic fat stores for each gender; WC in men, and
BMI in women. Finally, we have used the ratio of IAAT and
ASAT in a dened “healthy” subset of our cohort to dene the
TOFI subphenotype, a potential means of evaluating abdomi-
nal obesity and identifying individuals at potentially increased
metabolic risk.
Supplementary material is linked to the online version of the paper at http://
The authors are grateful to the United Kingdom Medical Research Council
(MRC) for financial support and the Statistical Advisory Service of Imperial
College London for statistical advice. We acknowledge infrastructure
support from the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre funding scheme and
would like to thank Prof J. Hajnal, Dr Larkman, Dr Morin, and Prof E. Leen for
86 VOLUME 20 NUMBER 1 | JANUARY 2012 |
integrative Physiology
useful discussions and practical advice and Luis Alberto Gaete Balmaceda
por inspiratio.
The authors declared no conflict of interest.
© 2011 The Obesity Society
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... The prevalence of diabetes in China has increased rapidly over the past few decades, driven by a combination of factors, including changes in lifestyle, an aging population, and increased urbanization [5,6]. In particular, the prevalence of T2D amongst the Chinese population has been linked with the "Thin on the Outside Fat on the Inside" (TOFI) phenotype, where lean individuals present with visceral (VAT) and ectopic adipose tissue deposited in and around key organs such as the liver and pancreas [7][8][9]. Researchers have shown body mass index (BMI) to be a poor predictor of VAT and organ fat deposition and, in turn, a weaker indicator of T2D development within susceptible individuals [9][10][11]. Rather, researchers have established that the ratio of VAT to subcutaneous adipose tissue (VAT/SAT) provides for a more accurate predictor of an individual's T2D susceptibility [12,13]. ...
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Biological samples of lipids and metabolites degrade after extensive years in −80 °C storage. We aimed to determine if associated multivariate models are also impacted. Prior TOFI_Asia metabolomics studies from our laboratory established multivariate models of metabolic risks associated with ethnic diversity. Therefore, to compare multivariate modelling degradation after years of −80 °C storage, we selected a subset of aged (≥5-years) plasma samples from the TOFI_Asia study to re-analyze via untargeted LC-MS metabolomics. Samples from European Caucasian (n = 28) and Asian Chinese (n = 28) participants were evaluated for ethnic discrimination by partial least squares discriminative analysis (PLS–DA) of lipids and polar metabolites. Both showed a strong discernment between participants ethnicity by features, before (Initial) and after (Aged) 5-years of −80 °C storage. With receiver operator characteristic curves, sparse PLS–DA derived confusion matrix and prediction error rates, a considerable reduction in model integrity was apparent with the Aged polar metabolite model relative to Initial modelling. Ethnicity modelling with lipids maintained predictive integrity in Aged plasma samples, while equivalent polar metabolite models reduced in integrity. Our results indicate that researchers re-evaluating samples for multivariate modelling should consider time at −80 °C when producing predictive metrics from polar metabolites, more so than lipids.
... In addition, each subject's body composition, including liver fat content, were assessed with MRI and spectroscopy on a 1.5 T multinuclear system (Philips, Eindhoven, the Netherlands) as previously described. 33 All subjects gave written and informed consent before participating in the NutriTech Study. The NutriTech Study was performed according to the guidelines stated in the Declaration of Helsinki and received ethical approval from the Brent Ethics Committee (REC ref. 12/ LO/0139) and was registered at ...
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The manifestation of metabolic deteriorations that accompany overweight and obesity can differ greatly between individuals, giving rise to a highly heterogeneous population. This inter-individual variation can impede both the provision and assessment of nutritional interventions as multiple aspects of metabolic health should be considered at once. Here, we apply the Mixed Meal Model, a physiology-based computational model, to characterize an individual’s metabolic health in silico. A population of 342 personalized models were generated using data for individuals with overweight and obesity from three independent intervention studies, demonstrating a strong relationship between the model-derived metric of insulin resistance (ρ = 0.67, p < 0.05) and the gold-standard hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp. The model is also shown to quantify liver fat accumulation and β-cell functionality. Moreover, we show that personalized Mixed Meal Models can be used to evaluate the impact of a dietary intervention on multiple aspects of metabolic health at the individual level.
... The higher T2D risk profile in the absence of high BMI in Asian cohorts is characterized by adverse body fat distribution, including excess abdominal, visceral and ectopic fat deposition compared with, for example, European-ancestry individuals (Lear et al., 2007;Nazare et al., 2012;Jo and Mainous, 2018). An inability to expand subcutaneous fat stores (Misra and Khurana, 2011;Ramachandran et al., 2012) may contribute to this adverse Asian TOFI (Thin on the Outside, Fat on the Inside) phenotype (Thomas et al., 2012), where ectopic lipid infiltration into pancreas and liver (Dickinson et al., 2002;Liew et al., 2003;Cortés and Fernández-Galilea, 2015) may occur even in individuals with low BMI and whole body adiposity (WHO Expert Consultation, 2004). This condition may both inhibit glucosemediated β-cell insulin secretion (Lee et al., 1994) and decrease insulin sensitivity (Shibata et al., 2007), and could potentially be associated with disparate microbiota. ...
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Obesity-related metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes (T2D) are major global health issues, affecting hundreds of millions of people worldwide. The underlying factors are both diverse and complex, incorporating biological as well as cultural considerations. A role for ethnicity – a measure of self-perceived cultural affiliation which encompasses diet, lifestyle and genetic components – in susceptibility to metabolic diseases such as T2D is well established. For example, Asian populations may be disproportionally affected by the adverse ‘TOFI’ (Thin on the Outside, Fat on the Inside) profile, whereby outwardly lean individuals have increased susceptibility due to excess visceral and ectopic organ fat deposition. A potential link between the gut microbiota and metabolic disease has more recently come under consideration, yet our understanding of the interplay between ethnicity, the microbiota and T2D remains incomplete. We present here a 16S rRNA gene-based comparison of the fecal microbiota of European-ancestry and Chinese-ancestry cohorts with overweight and prediabetes, residing in New Zealand. The cohorts were matched for mean fasting plasma glucose (FPG: mean ± SD, European-ancestry: 6.1 ± 0.4; Chinese-ancestry: 6.0 ± 0.4 mmol/L), a consequence of which was a significantly higher mean body mass index in the European group (BMI: European-ancestry: 37.4 ± 6.8; Chinese-ancestry: 27.7 ± 4.0 kg/m ² ; p < 0.001). Our findings reveal significant microbiota differences between the two ethnicities, though we cannot determine the underpinning factors. In both cohorts Firmicutes was by far the dominant bacterial phylum (European-ancestry: 93.4 ± 5.5%; Chinese-ancestry: 79.6 ± 10.4% of 16S rRNA gene sequences), with Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria the next most abundant. Among the more abundant (≥1% overall relative sequence abundance) genus-level taxa, four zero-radius operational taxonomic units (zOTUs) were significantly higher in the European-ancestry cohort, namely members of the Subdoligranulum , Blautia , Ruminoclostridium, and Dorea genera. Differential abundance analysis further identified a number of additional zOTUs to be disproportionately overrepresented across the two ethnicities, with the majority of taxa exhibiting a higher abundance in the Chinese-ancestry cohort. Our findings underscore a potential influence of ethnicity on gut microbiota composition in the context of individuals with overweight and prediabetes.
... Undoubtedly, however, basing body attractiveness solely on Body Mass Index (BMI) as a measure of body proportionality is not authoritative since it is not an adequate predictor of individual health status [52]. BMI is currently a screening tool for assessing the reference point in obesity classification but, like all anthropometric measurements, it is only a surrogate measure of body fatness [53]. People with a similar BMI may have different body shapes in terms of fat tissue and muscle mass [54,55]. ...
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The present study aimed to identify declared patterns of ideal appearance among students at selected higher education institutions in Poland. In the present study, we set out to identify the body image and the propensity to change it. In order to achieve the goal of the study, a nationwide survey was carried out using a voluntary diagnostic survey. A total of 810 respondents took part in the survey. The study was conducted using a custom-made self-designed survey questionnaire with an indirect interview technique via a web-based platform (CAWI). The study results indicate that women were far more eager to maintain an attractive appearance through dieting than men. Importantly, the respondents, both women and men, did not identify influencers as role models of attractive appearance. Results of the present survey reveal that attitudes towards one’s physical appearance are diverse and influenced by the considered factors. The attributes that determined the perception of oneself as an attractive person included height, weight, and body build. Normal body weight is a key feature of an attractive appearance, according to the respondents; nevertheless, students show a higher tolerance for being overweight than for being underweight. Furthermore, preferences in this respect are largely conditioned by individual personal characteristics. According to young people, a person with an attractive appearance is one who eats and exercises regularly, and who does not fall into extremes in terms of their appearance. On the other hand, the fear of growing fat and losing one’s attractive appearance was frequently indicated among the concerns over personal appearance. Only one in five respondents expressed complete satisfaction with how they looked, with men and those with a normal BMI significantly more likely to do so. Respondents expressed readiness to undertake a range of activities related to increased exercise regime, changes in their eating habits, or seeking assistance (e.g., of a personal trainer) to achieve the desired body shape. Our findings can be used as a basis for discussion and consideration in developing educational activities on nutrition, as well as on overweight- and obesity-related health issues.
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Global increases in metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes (T2D), especially within Asian populations, highlight the need for novel approaches to dietary intervention. The Tū Ora study previously evaluated the effects on metabolic health of including a nut product into the diet of a New Zealand cohort of Chinese participants with overweight and normoglycaemia or prediabetes through a 12-week randomised, parallel-group clinical trial. In this current study, we compared the impact of this higher-protein nut bar (HP-NB) versus a higher-carbohydrate cereal bar (HC-CB) on the faecal microbiome by employing both 16S rRNA gene amplicon and shotgun metagenomic sequencing of pre- and post-intervention pairs from 84 participants. Despite the higher fibre, protein, and unsaturated fat content of nuts, there was little difference between dietary groups in gut microbiome composition or functional potential, with the bacterial phylum Firmicutes dominating irrespective of diet. The lack of observed change suggests the dietary impact of the bars may have been insufficient to affect the gut microbiome. Manipulating the interplay between the diet, microbiome, and metabolic health may require a more substantial and/or prolonged dietary perturbation to generate an impactful modification of the gut ecosystem and its functional potential to aid in T2D risk reduction.
Este estudo aborda os desafios contemporâneos na gestão de doenças metabólicas, como diabetes tipo 2, obesidade e síndrome metabólica, e explora estratégias integradas e terapias personalizadas para enfrentá-los. A revisão bibliográfica revela uma complexidade multifacetada nessas condições, influenciada por fatores genéticos, ambientais e comportamentais. Estratégias integradas emergentes combinam intervenções farmacológicas com mudanças no estilo de vida, programas de educação do paciente e monitoramento remoto da saúde. Terapias personalizadas baseadas em biomarcadores visam otimizar a eficácia terapêutica e minimizar efeitos adversos. Tecnologias digitais, como aplicativos móveis e dispositivos de monitoramento, oferecem suporte adicional. A colaboração interdisciplinar e a promoção da equidade no acesso aos cuidados são fundamentais. Este estudo destaca a necessidade de abordagens abrangentes e centradas no paciente na gestão de doenças metabólicas, visando melhorar os resultados do tratamento e a qualidade de vida dos pacientes.
Adipose tissue is not only required for energy storage but is an essential endocrine organ with a central role in the pathology of obesity. The understanding of its role, both in human and equine medicine, is continually evolving. With obesity being an ever‐growing problem in equine populations, gaining owner compliance is critical when implementing management plans. The aim of this review is to encourage the inclusion of the concept of adiposity in discussions with horse owners on obesity and metabolic syndrome. In doing this, we hope to improve clients' understanding and, therefore, maximise the impact of diagnostic tests, monitoring tools and management.
Most people have some dissatisfaction or concern about body weight, fatness, or obesity, either personally or professionally. This book shows how the popular understanding of obesity is often at odds with scientific understandings, and how misunderstandings about people with obesity can further contribute to the problem. It describes, in an approachable way, interconnected debates about obesity in public policy, medicine and public health, and how media and social media engage people in everyday life in those debates. In chapters considering body fat and fatness, genetics, metabolism, food and eating, inequality, blame and stigma, and physical activity, this book brings separate domains of obesity research into the field of complexity. By doing so, it aids navigation through the minefield of misunderstandings about body weight, fatness, and obesity that exist today, after decades of mostly failed policies and interventions.
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Background and aims: Upper body fat distribution is more related to cardiometabolic diseases than central obesity. Neck circumference (NC) and neck-to-height ratio (NHtR) are two indicators of upper body obesity that are affordable, easy to obtain, highly reproducible, and more practical in the crowded health centers than the classic anthropometric indices. Methods: 18-65-year-old individuals with no past medical history were included. After obtaining written informed consent, they were screened for hypertension, high blood glucose, and other abnormal laboratory results. Data were analyzed using SPSS and Mann-Whitney U test, Chi square test, Spearman's correlation coefficient, and ROC curve. Results: In our 2,812 participants, NC had the lowest area under the curve (AUC) in both male and female obese and overweight subjects. NHtR and hip circumference (HC) had the highest AUC in men and women with obesity, respectively. The highest sensitivity for overweight men and women belonged to waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR), respectively, and for both males and females with obesity, NHtR had the highest sensitivity. The cutoff point of NHtR had the same value for males and females. HC and NHtR had the highest positive likelihood ratio (PLR) for obesity in men. In addition, HC and WC had the highest PLR for obesity in women. Conclusion: In this study, we revealed that NC had the lowest and NHtR and HC had the highest predictive value for obesity. Furthermore, for both males and females with obesity, NHtR had the highest sensitivity. HC had the highest PLR for obesity in both genders. Our results warrant prospective studies to evaluate the role of NHtR and other novel anthropometric indices in the risk of cardiometabolic diseases.
Skeletal muscle comprises a significant proportion of whole-body mass, and its maintenance is critical to the quality of life, particularly with aging. It is therefore important to determine changes in skeletal muscle mass and quality, accurately and reliably. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a commonly used noninvasive imaging method to quantify whole-body skeletal muscle mass, but it can also be used to examine muscle quality. In this chapter we outline the main materials and methods required to determine skeletal muscle mass using MRI. We initially provide a brief overview of the underlying principles of MRI before moving on to key methodological considerations in determining skeletal muscle volume, muscle to fat ratio and the tracking of individual skeletal muscle fibers. We will finally describe approaches to automatic segmentation and processing before finishing with some future considerations and potential directions.Key wordsMagnetic resonance imagingSkeletal muscleMuscle massMuscle qualityMuscle fiber imaging
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Abdominal adiposity and metabolic ill health in Asian Indians are a growing public health concern. Causal pathways are unknown. Preventive measures in adults have had limited success. The aim of this observational case-control study was to compare adipose tissue partitioning in 69 healthy full term Asian Indian and white European newborns born in Pune, India and London, UK, respectively. The main outcome measures were total and regional adipose tissue content measured by whole body magnetic resonance imaging. Although smaller in weight (95% CI for difference -0.757 to -0.385 kg, p < 0.001), head circumference (-2.15 to -0.9 cm, p < 0.001), and length (-2.9 to -1.1 cm p < 0.001), the Asian Indian neonates had significantly greater absolute adiposity in all three abdominal compartments, internal (visceral) (0.012-0.023 L, p < 0.001), deep s.c. (0.003-0.017 L, p = 0.006) and superficial s.c. (0.006-0.043 L, p = 0.011) and a significant reduction in nonabdominal superficial s.c. adipose tissue (-0.184 to -0.029 L, p = 0.008) in comparison to the white European babies despite similar whole body adipose tissue content (-0.175 to 0.034 L, p = 0.2). We conclude that differences in adipose tissue partitioning exist at birth. Investigative, screening, and preventive measures must involve maternal health, intrauterine life, and infancy.
The construct validity and the test-retest reliability of a self-administered questionnaire about habitual physical activity were investigated in young males (n = 139) and females (n = 167) in three age groups (20 to 22, 25 to 27, and 30 to 32 yr) in a Dutch population. By principal components analysis three conceptually meaningful factors were distinguished. They were interpreted as: 1) physical activity at work; 2) sport during leisure time; and 3) physical activity during leisure time excluding sport. Test-retest showed that the reliability of the three indices constructed from these factors was adequate. Further, it was found that level of education was inversely related to the work index, and positively related to the leisure-time index in both sexes. The subjective experience of work load was not related to the work index, but was inversely related to the sport index, and the leisure-time index in both sexes. The lean body mass was positively related to the work index, and the sport index in males, but was not related to the leisure-time index in either sex. These differences in the relationships support the subdivision of habitual physical activity into the three components mentioned above.