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Vessel grouping patterns in subfamilies Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae confirm phylogenetic value of wood structure within Apocynaceae


Abstract and Figures

This study contributes to our understanding of the phylogenetic significance and major evolutionary trends in the wood of the dogbane family (Apocynaceae), one of the largest and economically most important angiosperm families. Based on LM and SEM observations of 56 Apocynoideae species-representing all currently recognized tribes-and eight Periplocoideae, we found striking differences in vessel grouping patterns (radial multiples vs. large clusters) between the mainly nonclimbing apocynoid tribes (Wrightieae, Malouetieae, Nerieae) and the climbing lineages (remaining Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae). The presence of large vessel clusters in combination with fibers in the ground tissue characterizing the climbing Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae clearly contrasts with the climbing anatomy of the rauvolfioids (solitary vessels plus tracheids in ground tissue), supporting the view that (1) the climbing habit has evolved more than once in Apocynaceae, (2) the three nonclimbing apocynoid tribes are basal compared to the climbing apocynoids, and (3) Periplocoideae belong to the crown clade. The wood anatomy within the nonclimbing and climbing lineages is rather homogeneous, although a combination of specific characters (e.g. presence of septate fibers, axial parenchyma distribution, abundance of uniseriate compared to multiseriate rays, and presence and location of prismatic crystals) may be used to identify several tribes.
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American Journal of Botany 96(12): 2168–2183. 2009.
The dogbane family is one of the largest families of angio-
sperms, with an estimated 375 genera and 5100 species ( En-
dress, 2004 ; Endress et al., 2007 ), and is broadly distributed
mainly in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Apoc-
ynaceae are especially rich in bioactive secondary compounds
and have long been used in folk medicine to treat a wide range
of ailments, including cancer, malaria, diarrhea, diabetes, and
skin diseases ( Schultes, 1979 ; Van Beck et al., 1984 ; Schultes
and Raffauf, 1990 ; Neuwinger, 1994 ; Middleton, 2007 ). A
number of genera are employed in modern medicine for a di-
verse array of uses such as controlling tumor growth in treating
cancer (Balandrin et al., 1985; Moza, 2005 ), as antiplasmodial
agents in parasitic infections ( Zirihi et al., 2005 ), as muscle re-
laxants during surgery ( Bisset, 1992 ) and as an appetite sup-
pressant in controlling obesity ( van Heerden, 2008 ). Because
related taxa often possess similar bioactive properties, it is ex-
pedient to have a better understanding of the generic affi nities
in several apocynaceous lineages, including the subfamilies
Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae. Consequently, one of the
major objectives of the present work is to search for phyloge-
netically informative wood anatomical characters that can help
us to identify clades that are mainly defi ned molecularly.
The pantropical Apocynoideae sensu Livshultz et al. (2007)
are a paraphyletic subfamily harboring a broad array of differ-
ent fl ower types and comprise about 860 species distributed
among 81 genera and eight tribes, representing about 1/5 1/6 of
the species diversity within the family ( Endress et al., 2007 ;
Endress and Hansen, 2007 ). Subfamily Periplocoideae, on the
other hand, are much smaller, including about 190 species and
33 genera restricted to the Old World, and have always been
considered to be a natural group because of their very homoge-
neous fl oral structure ( Nilsson et al., 1993 ; Stevens, 2001 on-
ward; Endress et al., 2007 ; Venter, 2009 ).
Both subfamilies can generally be distinguished by their
growth form and habitat preference. For instance, the bulk of
the Apocynoideae have a climbing habit, from robust lianas
climbing 40 m or higher up into the canopy (e.g., Alafi a , Mot-
andra , Oncinotis ) or festooning the branches of trees at forest
margins (e.g., Peltastes ) to slender scramblers bending over
shrubs and rocks in more open habitats (e.g., some species of
Parsonsia ). The nonclimbing Apocynoideae are often small
understory trees or shrubs growing in tropical lowland forests.
In both subfamilies, some species can occasionally grow as li-
anas as well as erect life forms (e.g., Cryptostegia , Mandev-
illa ). Whereas most Apocynoideae grow in humid tropical
lowland forests, some of them occupy drier scrub vegetations
(e.g., certain species of Aganosma , Amphineurion , Holarrhena ,
Parsonsia , Peltastes , Spirolobium , and Urceola ). Periplo-
coideae, in contrast, are mainly smaller climbers (or occasion-
ally epiphytes) restricted to the (sub)tropics of the Old World
and inhabit mostly tropical evergreen or seasonal forests and
1 Manuscript received 27 April 2009; revision accepted 8 September 2009.
Dr. Sherwin Carlquist (Santa Barbara Botanic Garden) is acknowledged
for his valuable comments on the manuscript. The curators of the xylaria of
Leiden, Kew, Madison, Tervuren, Utrecht, and Wageningen and Dr. Andr é
Sim õ es (University of S ã o Paolo) generously offered wood samples. The
authors thank Miss Nathalie Geerts (K.U.Leuven) for technical assistance.
This work has been fi nancially supported by research grants of the
K.U.Leuven (OT/05/35) and the Fund for Scientifi c Research – Flanders
(Belgium) (G.0268.04). F.L. is a postdoctoral fellow of the Fund for
Scientifi c Research – Flanders (Belgium) (F.W.O. – Vlaanderen).
7 Author for correspondence (e-mail:
Frederic Lens, 2,7
Mary E. Endress,
Pieter Baas, 4
Steven Jansen, 5,6
and Erik Smets
2 Laboratory of Plant Systematics, Institute of Botany and Microbiology, Kasteelpark Arenberg 31 Box 2437, K.U.Leuven,
BE-3001 Leuven, Belgium;
3 Institute of Systematic Botany, University of Zurich, Zollikerstrasse 107, 8008 Z ü rich, Switzerland;
4 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland Leiden University Branch, P.O. Box 9514, NL-2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands;
5 Jodrell
Laboratory, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3DS, UK; and
6 Institute of Systematic Botany and Ecology,
Ulm University, Albert-Einstein Allee 11, D-89081, Ulm, Germany
This study contributes to our understanding of the phylogenetic signifi cance and major evolutionary trends in the wood of the
dogbane family (Apocynaceae), one of the largest and economically most important angiosperm families. Based on LM and SEM
observations of 56 Apocynoideae species representing all currently recognized tribes and eight Periplocoideae, we found strik-
ing differences in vessel grouping patterns (radial multiples vs. large clusters) between the mainly nonclimbing apocynoid tribes
(Wrightieae, Malouetieae, Nerieae) and the climbing lineages (remaining Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae). The presence of
large vessel clusters in combination with fi bers in the ground tissue characterizing the climbing Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae
clearly contrasts with the climbing anatomy of the rauvolfi oids (solitary vessels plus tracheids in ground tissue), supporting the
view that (1) the climbing habit has evolved more than once in Apocynaceae, (2) the three nonclimbing apocynoid tribes are basal
compared to the climbing apocynoids, and (3) Periplocoideae belong to the crown clade. The wood anatomy within the nonclimb-
ing and climbing lineages is rather homogeneous, although a combination of specifi c characters (e.g. presence of septate fi bers,
axial parenchyma distribution, abundance of uniseriate compared to multiseriate rays, and presence and location of prismatic
crystals) may be used to identify several tribes.
Key words: Apocynaceae; Apocynoideae; APSA clade; climbing vs. nonclimbing anatomy; Periplocoideae; systematic wood
anatomy; tribal classifi cation.
December 2009] Lens et al. Wood anatomy of Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae
2007 ; Livshultz et al., 2007 ). Livshultz and coworkers (2007)
shed new light on the controversial relationships between and
within Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae using a phylogenetic
analysis based on more than 1600 informative characters from
plastid DNA in combination with 16 morphological characters
( Fig. 1 ). The resulting phylogeny rejects all traditional Apocyn-
oideae tribes sensu Pichon (1950) and Leeuwenberg (1994)
and the former Periplocoideae classifi cation of Venter and Ver-
hoeven (1997) . In their current circumscription, the paraphyl-
etic Apocynoideae comprise eight tribes ( Fig. 1 ; Endress et al.,
2007 ), whereas relationships within Periplocoideae are still
too insuffi ciently known to identify the major evolutionary
lines ( Ionta and Judd, 2007 ). With respect to the family classi-
cation of Apocynaceae, subfamily Rauvolfi oideae forms a
basal grade, with Carisseae being sister to the APSA clade
(Apocynoideae, Periplocoideae, Secamonoideae, and Asclepia-
doideae) ( Livshultz et al., 2007 ). Within the APSA clade, three
largely nonclimbing Apocynoideae tribes (Wrightieae, Nerieae,
and Malouetieae) diverge fi rst, followed by the well-supported
crown clade, which is composed mainly of species with a de-
pendent (climbing or straggling) growth form. In this crown
clade, Periplocoideae are sister (although without bootstrap
support) to a large group including subclades that correspond
remarkably well with geographical regions: predominantly
Asian apocynoids (tribe Apocyneae), predominantly neotropi-
cal apocynoids (tribes Odontadenieae, Echiteae, and
Mesechiteae), and three African apocynoid genera (Baisseeae),
which consistently come out as sister to a clade comprising the
subfamilies Secamonoideae-Asclepiadoideae ( Fig. 1 ; Potgieter
and Albert, 2001 ; Livshultz et al., 2007 ; Lahaye et al., 2007 ).
The current study is a sequel to a previous paper describing
the microscopic wood structure of Rauvolfi oideae ( Lens et al.,
2008 ). An update of the anatomical variation in Apocynoideae
(81 genera) and Periplocoideae (33 genera, of which most of
them are perennial woody herbs) is urgently needed: wood
anatomical descriptions are often incomplete, and the number
of genera described in the literature is rather limited (in total 17
Apocynoideae and 3 Periplocoideae; e.g., Pearson and Brown,
1932; Chalk et al., 1933; Record and Hess, 1943; Metcalfe and
Chalk, 1950; Ingle and Dadswell, 1953; D é tienne and Jacquet,
1983; Schweingruber, 1990; Neumann et al., 2001; InsideWood
website [ InsideWood Working Group, 2004 onward]; Baas et
al., 2007 ). We have found no wood anatomical data in the lit-
erature for 19 apocynoid and two periplocoid genera included
in this study, indicating that the present work adds considerably
to our wood anatomical knowledge within Apocynaceae.
The goals of this investigation are not merely to fi ll the gaps
in the wood anatomical knowledge of Apocynaceae. We also
strive to (1) look for potential phylogenetic wood characters
and their evolutionary patterns within Apocynaceae (cf. Lens et
al., 2007ab , 2008 ), (2) contribute to the renewed interest in
Apocynaceae systematics, (3) search for characters that can of-
fer anatomical understanding for the predominantly molecular-
based classifi cation at the tribal level, and (4) analyze adaptive
xylem evolution in these subfamilies, which are highly diverse
in habit and ecology. Because Apocynaceae belong to the top
10 angiosperm families in terms of size, we assembled an ex-
tensive collection of wood samples (about 250 spp.) from vari-
ous xylaria. Consequently, we have chosen to split our
Apocynaceae treatment into four separate anatomical studies,
one focusing on the subfamily Rauvolfi oideae based on 50 of
84 genera ( Lens et al., 2008 ), the current study dealing with
Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae (including 41 of 108 gen-
savannas, with a number of erect or straggling shrubs extend-
ing into grasslands, Mediterranean regions and (semi)desert
areas (e.g., Ectadium , Periploca , and Raphionacme ) ( Endress
and Bruyns, 2000 ; Venter and Verhoeven, 2001 ; Ionta and
Judd, 2007 ; Middleton, 2007 ; Venter, 2009 ). About one-third
of the periplocoid genera have large semisubterranean tubers,
the great majority of which are restricted to arid and semiarid
habitats in Africa ( Meve and Liede, 2004 ). These water-storing
tubers aid the plants during times of water shortage and can
reach sizable proportions and masses up to 100 kg ( Venter et
al., 1990 , 2006 ; Klackenberg, 1999).
Apocynaceae s.l. are one of the fi ve families nested within
Gentianales, where they stand out for the presence of latex (Ste-
vens, 2001 onward; Middleton, 2007 ; Hagel et al., 2008 ). How-
ever, the taxonomic position of Apocynaceae within the order
remains unclear, and insights about the higher-level intrafamil-
ial relationships have changed dramatically over the years
( Struwe et al., 1994 ; Endress et al., 1996 ; Sennblad and Bremer,
1996 , 2002 ; Backlund et al., 2000 ; Endress and Bruyns, 2000 ;
Potgieter and Albert, 2001 ; Bremer et al., 2002 ; Livshultz et al.,
2007 ; Sim õ es et al., 2007; Fig. 1 ). For instance, the current sub-
families Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae were formerly
placed into two different but closely related families, i.e., Apo-
cynaceae s.s. (also including Rauvolfi oideae) and the former
Asclepiadaceae (also including the currently recognized sub-
families Asclepiadoideae and Secamonoideae), respectively.
Within Apocynaceae s.s., Apocynoideae were and still are be-
lieved to be derived compared to Rauvolfi oideae (cf. Fig. 1 ),
and can be distinguished by their dextrorsely contorted corolla
lobes in bud, specialized anthers adnate to the style head form-
ing a gynostegium, and usually dry follicles with comose seeds
( Endress and Bruyns, 2000 ). With respect to Asclepiadaceae,
periplocoids were elevated for the fi rst time to the family level
by Schlechter (1905) based mainly on the lack of lignifi ed
guide-rails on the anthers, the spoon-like structure of the trans-
lators and the erroneous assumption that periplocoid pollen is
never gathered into pollinia ( Verhoeven and Venter, 1998 ). The
distinct pollination mechanism combined with erroneously in-
terpreted morphological characters led Wanntorp (1988) to
conclude that the most recent common ancestor of Periplo-
coideae was to be found in basal Rauvolfi oideae, rather than in
the derived clades of the group. In addition, despite the obser-
vation of a gynostegium in all members of the Periplocoideae
investigated ( Nilsson et al., 1993 ), some authors continued to
maintain that it was lacking and used this supposed absence as
support for the recognition of the group as a separate family
( Swarupanandan et al., 1996 ). Recognition of Asclepiadaceae
or Periplocaceae as separate families has been rejected, how-
ever, because the evolution in fl ower morphology represents an
overall trend of increasing complexity, beginning with the Rau-
volfi oideae culminating in the highly derived asclepiad condi-
tion ( Endress and Bruyns, 2000 ). Recent molecular work has
supported the idea of recognizing only one broadly circum-
scribed family, Apocynaceae s.l., and changed our ideas about
higher-level relationships. As currently delimited, Apocyn-
oideae as well as Rauvolfi oideae are paraphyletic, and the
monophyletic Periplocoideae are nested within Apocynoideae,
making the former Asclepiadaceae polyphyletic ( Fig. 1 ;
Livshultz et al., 2007 ; Sim õ es et al., 2007).
Phylogenetic relationships within certain lineages of Apocy-
noideae and Periplocoideae remain unresolved, however, and
morphological synapomorphies are still lacking for a number of
recently identifi ed molecular-based subclades ( Ionta and Judd,
2170 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 96
mittee, 1989 ). We refer readers who are not familiar with wood anatomical
terms to the Material and Methods section of our fi rst Apocynaceae paper ( Lens
et al., 2008 ). Our interpretation of some of the characters described in the stan-
dardized IAWA list was adjusted to some extent: (1) Vasicentric tracheids are
considered here as long and slender cells (without an irregular shape) nearby
vessels, having abundant large bordered pits (4 6 µ m in horizontal diameter)
resembling pits in lateral vessel walls, and differing from the ground tissue fi -
bers in the size and density of their pits (cf. Carlquist, 1985a ). (2) We consider
imperforate tracheary elements with clearly bordered pits in the ground tissue
as (true) tracheids when vessels are mainly solitary (cf. Carlquist, 1984 ; in few
cases where similar cells co-occur with pronounced vessel multiples, we chose
the name tracheid-like fi ber or tracheid-like cell). (3) The total density of rays
was split into the density of uniseriate and multiseriate rays separately because
this division is more informative in Apocynaceae. The degree of vessel group-
ing was quantifi ed using the vessel grouping index of Carlquist (2001) , which
is measured by counting the number of vessels in 25 groups (solitary vessels are
also considered as one group) and dividing the total number by 25. The range
of the mean values of quantitative wood characters, such as vessel element
length, number of axial parenchyma cells per strand and height of multiseriate
rays, was determined for all species within a certain subclade to assess the phy-
logenetic signifi cance of these characters ( Table 1 ). Statistical differences be-
tween means were calculated at the 0.1% level using the online Independent
Groups T-Test for Means calculator (Dimension Research, Chicago, USA;
era), a manuscript in preparation on Secamonoideae-Asclepia-
doideae (F. Lens, M. E. Endress, U. Meve [University of
Bayreuth, Germany], and E. Smets, unpublished manuscript),
and fi nally, a family overview including phylogenetic analyses
using wood anatomical and molecular data.
In total, 60 apocynoid wood specimens belonging to 56 species and 36 gen-
era from all major clades as delimited by Livshultz et al. (2007 ; including two
genera of Wrightieae, four genera of Nerieae, six genera of Malouetieae, 11
genera of Apocyneae, fi ve genera of Echiteae, two genera of Mesechiteae, two
genera of Odontadenieae, three genera of Baisseeae, and Galactophora, genus
incertae sedis within Apocynoideae), and eight periplocoid wood samples rep-
resenting eight species and fi ve genera were investigated using LM and SEM
(Appendices S1, S2, see Supplemental Data with the online version of this ar-
ticle). Most samples are represented by mature sapwood, except those indicated
by an asterisk in Appendix S2. In general, wood of stem samples less than 20
mm in diameter is considered to be juvenile in Apocynaceae.
The methodology of wood sectioning and slide preparation is described in
Lens et al. (2005) . The wood anatomical terminology largely follows the
IAWA list of microscopic features for hardwood identifi cation ” ( IAWA Com-
Fig. 1. Simplifi ed phylogenetic tree of Apocynaceae based on one of the 144 most parsimonious trees retrieved in the analysis of Livshultz et al. (2007)
using four chloroplast markers ( trnL intron /trnL-trnF spacer, matK/3 trnK intron, rpl16 intron and rps16 intron) combined with 16 morphological charac-
ters. Bootstrap values are indicated above (molecular data only) and below branches (molecules plus morphology); dashes represent bootstrap values below
50. Tribes and subfamilies with mainly climbing taxa are marked with a fi lled circle; taxa with a mix of climbing and nonclimbing species have an open
circle. This tree is a simplifi ed representation of Fig. 1A D in Livshultz et al. (2007) .
December 2009] Lens et al. Wood anatomy of Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae
and Wrightia . Tangential diameter of vessels (10) – 30 – 260 –
(470) µ m, two vessel size classes in nearly all climbing species
( Figs. 7, 9 12 ) present as many narrow vessels in combination
with few wide ones; vessel elements (100) 270 850 (1300)
µ m long. Tracheids absent in the nonclimbing tribes Malou-
etieae (except in Carruthersia ) and Wrightieae, and in the
mixed climbing/nonclimbing Nerieae and Rhabdadenia; few
vasicentric tracheids present in the vessel clusters of the climb-
ing tribes Apocyneae, Baisseeae, Echiteae, and Mesechiteae;
tracheid length (300) – 500 – 700 – (950) µ m. Fibers usually with
rather reduced pit borders, 3 4 µ m in horizontal diameter, con-
centrated in radial walls typically present in most tribes (al-
though pits larger and more abundant in Apocyneae and
Echiteae); true libriform fi bers with simple to minutely bor-
dered pits, 2 3 µ m in horizontal diameter, present in Rhabdade-
nia (nonseptate, Figs. 4, 25 ), in the climbing Odontadenieae
(often septate) and some species of the climbing Mesechiteae
(occasionally septate, Fig. 26 ), and in the climbing Strophan-
thus (nonsepate), fi ber length (500) – 580 – 1750 – (1950) µ m;
nonseptate fi ber-tracheids with distinctly bordered pits in radial
and tangential walls, pits 4 6 µ m in horizontal diameter, com-
mon in the climbing tribes Apocyneae and Echiteae ( Fig. 24 ),
ber-tracheid length (500) – 675 – 1070 – (1300) µ m; bers mainly
thin-walled or thin- to thick-walled ( Figs. 2, 3, 5 13 ). Axial
parenchyma mainly diffuse-in-aggregates to narrowly banded
(usually 1-seriate) in the nonclimbing tribes Wrightieae
( Figs. 2, 3 ), Malouetieae ( Figs. 5, 6 ) and the mixed climbing/
nonclimbing tribe Nerieae ( Figs. 7, 8 ), a mixture of diffuse
or diffuse-in-aggregates apotracheal parenchyma and scanty
paratracheal parenchyma common in the climbing tribes Apoc-
yneae ( Figs. 11, 12 ) and Baisseeae ( Fig. 10 ), mainly scanty para-
tracheal parenchyma common in the climbing tribes Mesechiteae
and Odontadenieae and in Rhabdadenia , axial parenchyma dis-
tribution more variable in the climbing Echiteae, atypical axial
parenchyma types in Mandevilla rugellosa (aliform plus con-
uent paratracheal, Fig. 9 ); banded marginal axial parenchyma,
1 3 (7)-seriate, present in the climbing tribe Baisseeae (some-
times partly nonlignifi ed) and most genera of the climbing
The Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae material studied is
described separately. Numbers without parentheses are ranges
of means, while numbers between parentheses represent mini-
mum or maximum values. Measurements of juvenile stems and
the root wood specimen of Holarrhena curtisii are not taken
into account in the descriptions. A summary of the results
is shown in Table 1 and online Appendix S2. As illustrated in
Fig. 1 and Appendix S2, most species of the tribes Wrightieae
( Figs. 2, 3 ) , Nerieae and Malouetieae ( Figs. 5, 6, 20 ), as well as
most of the included species of Periplocoideae ( Figs. 30 36 )
are erect trees or shrubs, whereas the great majority of species
in the other tribes are climbing.
Apocynoideae ( Figs. 2 29 ) Growth ring boundaries
distinct ( Figs. 4, 8, 12 ) or indistinct ( Fig. 11 ); no growth ring
boundaries observed in the genera Alafi a ( Fig. 7 ), Beaumontia ,
Peltastes , and Pleioceras ( Fig. 2 ). Wood diffuse-porous.
Vessels (3) – 6 – 100 – (70)/mm 2 ; vessel grouping in radial multi-
ples in the nonclimbing tribes Malouetieae ( Figs. 5, 6 ), Wright-
ieae ( Figs. 2, 3 ), in the mixed nonclimbing/climbing tribe
Nerieae ( Figs. 7, 8 ), and in the later-formed wood of Rhabdade-
nia ( Fig. 4 ); vessels largely in clusters in the climbing tribes
Apocyneae ( Figs. 11, 12 ), Baiseeae ( Fig. 10 ), Echiteae (except
Rhabdadenia bifl ora , Fig. 4 ), Mesechiteae (except in Mandev-
illa rugellosa , Fig. 9 ) and Odontadenieae; zones of vessels
alternating with zones of fi bers and rays in Amphineurion mar-
ginata , Anodendron candolleanum ( Fig. 12 ) and Macrophar-
ynx spectabilis ; vessel outline generally rounded to elliptical
( Figs. 2 14 ), although sometimes angular in some nonclimbing
species ( Figs. 4, 6 ); perforation plates exclusively simple
( Fig. 15 ). Intervessel pits alternate, pits 3 8 µ m in horizontal
diameter, vestured ( Figs. 16, 17 ). Vessel-ray pits similar to in-
tervessel pits in size and shape throughout the ray cell. Wall
sculpturing absent. Tyloses occasionally present in Alafi a ,
Epigynum , Forsteronia , Funtumia , Holarrhena , Malouetia ,
Oncinotis , Peltastes , Pleiceras , Strophanthus , Urceola , Vallaris ,
Table 1. Wood anatomical comparison of subfamily Periplocoideae (PERI) and the tribes of subfamily Apocynoideae sensu Endress et al. (2007) ;
Wrigh = tribe Wrightieae, Neri = tribe Nerieae, Malou = tribe Malouetieae, Apoc = Apocynoideae, Echi = tribe Echiteae, Mese = tribe Mesechiteae,
Odon = tribe Odontadenieae, Bais = tribe Baisseeae. UR = uniseriate rays, MR multiseriate rays, + = always or predominantly present, ± = sometimes
present, = absent or very infrequent
Character PERI Wrigh Neri Malou Apoc Echi Mese Odon Bais
Radial vessel multiples abundant + + +
Vessel clusters abundant + + + + + +
Vessel grouping index 3 – 14 3 2 – 3 2 – 4 10 – 20 7 – 15 5 – 20 10 – 40 10 – 25
Range of mean vessel element lengths ( µ m) 200 – 500 300 – 500 400 – 700 400 – 900 300 – 600 200 – 600 300 – 600 300 – 600 300 – 600
Vasicentric tracheids present + + + + + +
Fibers with distinctly bordered pits + + ±
Fibers with reduced pit borders + + + + + + + +
Septate fi bers ± +
Axial parenchyma mainly apotracheal + + + ±
Axial parenchyma apo- and paratracheal + + +
Axial parenchyma mainly paratracheal + + ±
Mean range of axial parenchyma cells/strand 2 – 5 4 – 8 4 – 8 3 – 8 3 – 8 3 – 7 4 – 8 3 – 6 4 – 8
UR more frequent than MR + + + + + + +
UR equally common as MR + +
Multiseriate ray height ( µ m) 300 – 900 300 – 600 300 – 1200 300 – 1000 500 – 1500 200 – 800 300 – 1500 400 – 900 400 – 800
Crystals in rays ± + ± ± + ±
Crystals in axial parenchyma + ± ++ ± + ± +
Laticifers in rays ± + + + +
Interxylary phloem ±
2172 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 96
Figs. 2 8. Transverse LM sections of the predominantly nonclimbing tribes Wrightieae, Malouetieae, and Nerieae and the genus Rhabdadenia , illustrating
the variation in vessel and axial parenchyma distribution. Climbers are represented by Figs. 7 and 8 . 2. Pleioceras gilletii (Wrightieae): TS, vessels in radial mul-
tiples. 3. Wrightia pubescens (Wrightieae): TS, vessels in radial multiples, diffuse-in-aggregates axial parenchyma. 4. Rhabdadenia bifl ora (Echiteae): TS, hori-
zontal arrows point to transition zones between erect habit in the fi rst-formed wood, followed by lianescent habit in subsequently formed wood and erect habit in
last-formed wood, growth ring boundaries in later-formed wood (vertical arrows). 5. Funtumia africana (Malouetieae): TS, vessels in short radial multiples, dif-
fuse-in-aggregates axial parenchyma. 6. Malouetia peruviana (Malouetieae): TS, vessels in long radial multiples, narrowly banded axial parenchyma. 7. Alafi a
multifl ora (Nerieae): TS, narrow and wide vessels in radial multiples, axial parenchyma diffuse-in-aggregates to narrowly banded. 8. Strophanthus hispidus
(Nerieae): TS, vessels mainly in radial multiples, marginal banded axial parenchyma (arrows), axial parenchyma diffuse-in-aggregates to narrowly banded.
December 2009] Lens et al. Wood anatomy of Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae
Figs. 9 14. Transverse LM sections showing vessel and axial parenchyma distribution, included phloem and successive cambia in the climbing tribes
Apocyneae, Baisseeae, Echiteae, Mesechiteae, and Odontadenieae. All fi gures represent climbers. 9. Mandevilla rugellosa (Mesechiteae): TS, wide solitary
vessels co-occurring with narrow vessels in radial multiples, abundant axial parenchyma aliform and in wide bands. 10. Oncinotis gracilis (Baisseeae): TS,
extensive vessel clusters including few wide and many narrow vessels (arrows), axial parenchyma diffuse-in-aggregates and scanty paratracheal. 11. Cho-
nemorpha fragrans (Apocyneae): TS, extensive vessel clusters including few wide and many narrow vessels (arrows), axial parenchyma diffuse-in-aggre-
gates and scanty paratracheal. 12. Anodendron candolleanum (Apocyneae): TS, extensive vessel clusters including few wide and many narrow vessels
(vertical arrows), banded marginal axial parenchyma (nonlignifi ed, horizontal arrows). 13. Parsonsia buruensis (Echiteae): TS, vessels mainly solitary,
interxylary phloem (arrows). 14. Odontadenia verrucosa (Odontadenieae): TS, successive cambial activity showing subsequent xylem and phloem cylin-
ders; parenchymatous dilatation wedges sometimes present in the wood cylinder (arrows).
2174 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 96
Figs. 15 23. Tangential and radial sections (LM) and tangential longitudinal wood surfaces (SEM) and showing simple vessel perforations, vestured pits,
and ray characters. Climbers are represented by Figs. 15, 17, 19, 21 23 . 15. Oncinotis gracilis (Baisseeae): RLS, many narrow vessels with simple perforations
(arrows) in between larger vessels. 16. Kibatalia macrophylla (Malouetieae): TLS, vestures fi lling most of the pit chamber and outer pit aperture. 17. Mac-
ropharynx spectabilis (Echiteae): TLS, vestures highly branched but less abundant. 18. Rhabdadenia bifl ora (Echiteae): TLS, rays predominantly uniseriate,
occasionally biseriate (arrow). 19. Alafi a lucida (Nerieae): TLS, rays predominantly uniseriate, sometimes including laticifers (arrows). 20. Malouetia quad-
ricasarum (Malouetieae): TLS, multiseriate rays with long uniseriate ends sometimes interconnecting with other rays (arrow). 21. Beaumontia grandifl ora
(Apocyneae): TLS, uniseriate rays co-occurring with multiseriate ones. 22. Baissea gracillima (Baisseeae): TLS, uniseriate rays co-occurring with wider mul-
tiseriate rays including laticifers (arrows). 23. Urceola lucida (Apocyneae): TLS, uniseriate rays and tall multiseriate rays including laticifers (arrows).
December 2009] Lens et al. Wood anatomy of Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae
Figs. 24 29. Wood anatomical sections (LM; Figs. 26, 28, 29 ) and longitudinal surfaces (SEM; Figs. 24, 25, 27 ) of Apocynoideae showing multiseri-
ate ray composition, crystal occurrence, laticifers and intraxylary phloem. Climbers are represented by Figs. 24, 26, 27, and 29 . 24. Macropharynx spect-
abilis (Echiteae): RLS, fi ber-tracheids with distinctly bordered pits (arrows). 25. Rhabdadenia bifl ora (Echiteae): TLS, libriform fi ber with vestured pits
(arrows) showing small rudimentary pit borders in radial walls. 26. Mandevilla rugellosa (Mesechiteae): RLS, septate fi bers. 27. Alafi a multifl ora (Nerieae):
TLS, prismatic crystals in chambered axial parenchyma strand. 28. Holarrhena pubescens (Malouetieae): RLS, multiseriate rays with procumbent body
ray cells and few rows of square to upright marginal ray cells (arrows). 29. Urceola brachysepala (Apocyneae): RLS, multiseriate rays with procumbent
body ray cells and few rows of square to upright marginal ray cells (arrows).
2176 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 96
Figs. 30 36. Wood anatomical diversity of Periplocoideae based on LM pictures of transverse sections (TS), tangential longitudinal sections (TLS)
and radial longitudinal sections (RLS), combined with tangential longitudinal SEM surfaces. Climbers are represented by Figs. 31 and 34 . 30. Cryptostegia
grandifl ora : TS, intraxylary phloem (arrows). 31. Tacazzea pedicellata : TS, few wide vessels often forming clusters with narrow vessels (arrows). 32.
Periploca laevigata : TS, growth ring boundary (arrows), vessels arranged in fl ame-like dendritic pattern. 33. Pentopetia grevei : RLS, many narrow vessels
with simple perforations (arrows) in between wider vessels. 34. Tacazzea pedicellata : TLS, poorly developed vestures observed from the outer pit aperture.
35. Pentopetia grevei : TLS, uniseriate rays combined with multiseriate rays including laticifers (arrows). 36. Pentopetia grevei : TLS, prismatic crystals in
ray cells.
December 2009] Lens et al. Wood anatomy of Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae
Apocyneae ( Aganosma , Anodendron [nonlignifi ed, Fig. 12 ],
Chonemorpha , Micrechites [nonlignifi ed], Parameria , Urceola
[partly nonlignifi ed], and some other climbing genera such as
Carruthersia , Forsteronia (partly nonlignifi ed), Isonema , Mac-
ropharynx (partly nonlignifi ed), Odontadenia and Strophantus
( Fig. 8 ); in (2) – 4 – 8 – (12) celled strands. Rays 1 – 4 – (7)-seriate.
Uniseriate rays more abundant than multiseriate rays (5 15 vs.
1 5 rays/mm) in the climbing tribes ( Figs. 21 23 ), in the mixed
climbing/nonclimbing Nerieae (10 15 vs. 1 5 rays/mm; Fig.
19 ) and Rhabdadenia (7 – 15 vs. 0 – 2 rays/mm; Fig. 18 ); uniseri-
ate rays equally common in the nonclimbing Wrightieae and
Malouetieae (4 – 9 rays/mm, Fig. 27 ); height (50) – 150 – 1250 –
(2500) µ m; uniseriate rays generally consisting of upright cells.
Multiseriate rays generally 2 4-seriate ( Figs. 20, 21 ); 4 7-seri-
ate in some climbing species of Aganosma , Baissea ( Fig. 22 ),
Carruthersia , Chonemorpha , Micrechites , and Urceola ( Fig.
23 ); multiseriate ray height (100) – 220 – 2700 – (4800) µ m high;
typically less than 1000 µ m in most tribes ( Figs. 20 22 ), al-
though more variation in the climbing tribes Apocyneae ( Fig.
23 ) and Mesechiteae; multiseriate ray density (0) – 2 – 5 – (11)
rays/mm; consisting of procumbent body ray cells and mostly
1 2 (4) or up to 15 rows of predominantly upright marginal ray
cells ( Figs. 28, 29 ); sometimes multiseriate rays fused in Car-
ruthersia , Funtumia , Kibatalia , Malouetia ( Fig. 20 ), Mandev-
illa , Strophantus , and Wrightia ; sheath cells absent; rays partly
nonlignifi ed in Anodendron candolleanum , Macropharynx
spectabilis , and Peltastes peltatus . Dark amorphous contents
generally absent, but sometimes observed in Alafi a , Odontade-
nia , Rhabdadenia , and Urceola ( Fig. 29 ). Prismatic crystals in
procumbent and marginal (often chambered) ray cells common
in Wrightieae and Mesechiteae, and occasionally in Apocyneae
and Baisseeae; prismatic crystals typically present in chambered
axial parenchyma cells of the tribes Apocyneae, Baisseeae,
Malouetieae, Mesechiteae, and Odontadenieae and occasion-
ally also in Nerieae ( Fig. 27 ); silica bodies absent; laticifers
common in the climbing tribes Apocyneae ( Fig. 23 ), Echiteae,
Mesechiteae, Baisseeae ( Fig. 22 ), in some climbing genera of
Nerieae ( Alafi a [ Fig. 19 ] and Strophantus ), and in Rhabdade-
nia ; intraxylary phloem observed in all wood samples with pith
tissue, interxylary (included) phloem observed in two genera of
Echiteae ( Parsonsia [ Fig. 13 ] and
Peltastes ). Successive cam-
bia present in the two Odontadenia species studied ( Fig. 14 ).
Peculiar rootwood features of Holarrhena curtisii compared
to stemwood of the remaining Apocynoideae species are very
thin-walled fi bers and the absence of multiseriate rays.
Statistical differences between anatomical measurements
of climbing and nonclimbing Apocynoideae are often signifi -
cant at the 0.01% level, such as vessel diameter (128 µ m ± 42
vs. 63 µ m ± 24, respectively; t = 5.434, df = 48, P < 0.0001),
vessel density (24/mm
2 ± 11 vs. 39/mm
2 ± 22, respectively; t =
3.2158, df = 48, P = 0.0023), vessel element length (462 µ m ±
82 vs. 585 µ m ± 166, respectively; t = 3.5117, df = 48, P =
0.001), fi ber length (897 µ m ± 143 vs. 1229 µ m ± 328, respec-
tively; t = 5.0223, df = 48, P < 0.0001), and multiseriate ray
height (811 µ m ± 435 vs. 472 µ m ± 199, respectively; t = 2.7911,
df = 48, P = 0.0075). Statistical differences between Apocyn-
oideae and Rauvolfi oideae of the same habit type are only present
for vessel element length (460 µ m vs. 570 µ m for climbers; t =
3.7984, df = 56, P = 0.0004; and 585 µ m vs. 780 µ m for nonclimb-
ers; t = 2.7161, df = 81, P = 0.0081; respectively), and fi ber length
(900 µ m vs. 1115 µ m for climbers; t = 4.2003, df = 56, P = 0.0001;
and 1230 µ m vs. 1600 µ m for nonclimbers; t = 2.915, df = 81, P =
0.0046; respectively).
Periplocoideae ( Figs. 30 36 ) Growth ring boundaries usually
indistinct or distinct ( Fig. 32 ). Wood generally diffuse-porous, but
ring-porous in Periploca graeca . Vessels (5) – 7 – 86 – (100)/mm 2 ;
vessels often grouped in clusters ( Figs. 31 33 ) co-occurring with
fewer solitary vessels, tendency to form dendritic vessel patterns
in Periploca ( Fig. 32 ) and Pentopetia , tangential multiples rare in
some species, vessels typically solitary in Cryptolepis apiculata
and Periploca nigrescens ; vessel outline generally rounded to
elliptical ( Figs. 30 32 ); perforation plates exclusively simple ( Fig.
33 ). Intervessel pits alternate, pits 4 8 µ m in horizontal diameter,
up to 10 µ m in Pentopetia grevei , vestured ( Fig. 34 ). Vessel-ray
pits similar to intervessel pits in size and shape throughout the ray
cell. Wall sculpturing absent. Tyloses absent. Tangential diameter
of vessels (15) 40 240 (410) µ m, two vessel size classes in the
climbing species of Periploca and Tacazzea ( Fig. 31 ) present as
few narrow vessels in combination with many wide ones; vessel
elements (100) – 225 – 440 – (650) µ m long. Vasicentric tracheids as-
sociated with vessel clusters; tracheid length (250) 350 500 (700)
µ m. Nonseptate ber-tracheids with distinctly bordered pits, 4 6
µ m in horizontal diameter, in radial and tangential walls of Cryp-
tolepis and Periploca , ber-tracheid length (400) – 500 – 850 – (1000)
µ m; bers with rather reduced pit borders, 3 4 µ m in horizontal
diameter, concentrated in radial walls of Cryptostegia (nonseptate),
Pentopetia (nonseptate), and Tacazzea (usually septate), fi ber
length (400) – 540 – 825 – (1000) µ m; bers thin-walled ( Figs. 30,
31 ) or thin- to thick-walled ( Fig. 32 ). Axial parenchyma scarce,
usually a combination of diffuse apotracheal and scanty paratra-
cheal parenchyma; banded lignifi ed marginal axial parenchyma
present in Periploca graeca , P. laevigata , Pentopetia grevei (1 – 3
cells wide), banded unlignifi ed marginal axial parenchyma present
in Tacazzea pedicellata (1 – 6 cells wide); in 2 – 5 – celled strands.
Rays 1 4 (5)-seriate. Uniseriate rays more abundant than multise-
riates (5 – 15 vs. 0 – 3 rays/mm; Fig. 35 ); height (50) – 100 – 540 – (950)
µ m; uniseriate rays generally consisting of upright cells. Multiseri-
ate rays 2 4 (5)-seriate ( Fig. 35 ); multiseriate ray height (100)
170 – 900 – (1400) µ m high; multiseriate ray density generally
generally low (1 4 rays/mm); consisting of procumbent or mixed
procumbent/square body ray cells and 1 2 (4) rows of predomi-
nantly upright marginal ray cells; sheath cells absent; rays partly
nonlignifi ed in Periploca nigrescens and Tacazzea pedicellata .
Dark amorphous contents present in rays of Cryptolepis apiculata .
Prismatic crystals common in (sometimes) chambered body ray
cells of Cryptolepis , Periploca (not in P. graeca ) and Pentopetia
( Fig. 36 ); prismatic crystals generally present in chambered axial
parenchyma cells (except in Cryptolepis apiculata and Periploca
graeca ); silica bodies absent; laticifers only observed in rays of
Cryptostegia grandifl ora and Pentopetia grevei ( Fig. 35 ); intraxy-
lary phloem observed in all wood samples with pith tissue ( Fig.
30 ), interxylary phloem not observed.
Diagnostic wood features at the tribal level As described
by Lens et al. (2008) , there are several wood features that are
uniform throughout Apocynaceae, such as simple vessel perfo-
rations, alternate vestured intervessel pits, and vessel-ray pits
that are similar in shape and size to the intervessel pits. On the
other hand, the combination of vessel grouping, vessel element
length, fi ber type, tracheid presence, axial parenchyma distribu-
tion, uniseriate ray frequency, multiseriate ray fusion, and la-
ticifer occurrence allowed identifi cation of most Rauvolfi oideae
tribes, indicating that the wood structure of Apocynaceae is
2178 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 96
of laticifers in rays (generally absent in periplocoids vs. present
in Apocynoideae). Based on the current (predominantly mo-
lecular) phylogenies, periplocoids are a strongly supported lin-
eage within the crown clade, which is fully justifi ed based on its
wood anatomy, although their exact position within the crown
clade remains unresolved. Two periplocoid wood features,
which have been shown to be phylogenetically informative at
the family level ( Lens et al., 2008 ; F. Lens, personal observa-
tion), point to a close relationship with the subfamilies Se-
camonoideae and Asclepiadoideae, i.e., the low number of axial
parenchyma cells per strand (often 2 3 or up to 5) and the strong
reduction in vessel element length (usually on average between
200 500 µ m). However, the resemblance in vessel element
length could be the result of parallel evolution, as it is well
known that vessel elements are shorter in plants extending into
arid regions (such as periplocoids, Secamonoideae and Ascle-
piadoideae) than in plants growing in wetlands ( Carlquist and
Hoekman, 1985 ; Dickison, 2000 ). In addition, the generally
smaller stature as shrubs of these drought tolerant species com-
pared to the much taller tropical lowland Apocynaceae contrib-
utes further to this possibly parallel trend ( Carlquist, 1966 ; Baas
and Schweingruber, 1987 ).
With the exception of the pantropical tribe Echiteae, the sec-
ondary xylem of the climbing Apocynoideae tribes Apocyneae
(predominantly Asian), Baisseeae (African), and Mesechiteae
and Odontadenieae (both restricted to the neotropics) is rather
homogeneous, although the wood of Odontadenia is peculiar
because of its successive cambia ( Fig. 14 ). This wood anatomi-
cal uniformity is due not only to the diagnostic wood features of
the crown clade, but also to the common presence of prismatic
crystals in axial parenchyma and the occurrence of laticifers
in rays ( Figs. 22, 23 ). Nevertheless, the two neotropical tribes
(Mesechiteae and Odontadenieae) can be generally identifi ed
based on the occurrence of mainly paratracheal axial paren-
chyma (vs. a combination of apo- and paratracheal parenchyma
in Apocyneae and Baisseeae) and septate fi bers ( Fig. 26 ; except
in some Mesechiteae species studied, vs. absent in Apocyneae
and Baisseeae). More genera of Odontadenieae need to be stud-
ied before one can comment more knowledgeably on its uncer-
tain relationships with Mesechiteae or Echiteae as hypothesized
by Livshultz et al. (2007) . In Apocyneae (and in some Echiteae),
the abundance of tracheid-like fi bers with distinctly bordered
pits in tangential and radial walls (often 4 6 µ m in horizontal
diameter) in the ground tissue of most species studied is re-
markable in a group characterized by pronounced vessel mul-
tiples ( Carlquist, 1984 ). The presence of tracheid-like cells can
be interpreted in two ways: (1) it may refl ect the common con-
dition in the basal subfamily Rauvolfi oideae, and therefore
these cells could be considered as a plesiomorphic character, or
(2) the tracheid-like cells in the ground tissue of these climbing
lineages have outcompeted the normal fi ber tracheids, and
should therefore be considered as secondarily derived. Accord-
ing to Carlquist (1985b) , the second option might be the more
plausible based on his observations that tracheids are much
more abundant in climbing species than in their nonclimbing
relatives to provide a safety background mechanism for the
wide, and thus more vulnerable, vessels of climbers. At this
point, the presence of abundant tracheid-like fi bers in the ground
tissue of Apocyneae and fi ber tracheids having fewer and
smaller pits in Baisseeae seems to be the only anatomical differ-
ence that could provisionally support the segregation of Bais-
seeae from Apocyneae as indicated by molecular data ( Livshultz
et al., 2007 ).
phylogenetically relevant at the tribal level. Table 1 confi rms
that most of these features are also phylogenetically informa-
tive in Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae. Especially the di-
agnostic presence of radial vessel multiples (on average 2 3
vessels, sometimes up to 10 vessels) in the nonclimbing apocy-
noid tribes Wrightieae ( Fig. 3 ) and Malouetieae ( Figs. 5, 6 ), and
in the mixed climbing/nonclimbing Nerieae ( Figs. 7, 8 ) is re-
markable and provides a clear contrast compared to the abun-
dance of large vessel clusters in the climbing apocynoid mem-
bers of the crown clade (on average often more than 10 narrow
vessels grouped with few wide vessels in one cluster in combi-
nation with vasicentric tracheids; occasionally up to more than
50 vessels per cluster; Figs. 10 12 ; Appendix S2, see Supple-
mental Data with the online version of this article). This strik-
ing divergence in vessel grouping between the predominantly
nonclimbing and climbing groups is not entirely due to differ-
ences in habit, because all climbing Nerieae species investi-
gated have abundant radial vessel multiples and only
occasionally form vessel clusters ( Figs. 7, 8 ; Table 1 ). Interest-
ingly, the basal apocynoid tribes occur in the same tropical low-
land regions as the crown clade apocynoids, making explanations
about the functional signifi cance of various vessel grouping
patterns in this lineage diffi cult. Most likely, the two vessel
strategies have evolved independently in the same environment
to cope with conductivity and safety constraints of the hydrau-
lic mechanism. Nevertheless, the current study supports our
previous hypothesis that vessel grouping patterns are taxonomi-
cally important throughout the entire family (cf. Lens et al.,
2008 ).
In the predominantly nonclimbing tribes Wrightieae, Malou-
etieae, and Nerieae, the ratio of uniseriate/multiseriate ray fre-
quency and the location of crystals can provisionally be used to
identify the three tribes. In Nerieae, the number of uniseriate
rays (10 15 rays/mm) exceeds by far the number of multiseri-
ate ones (1 5 rays/mm; Fig. 19 ) compared to the more or less
equal abundance of uniseriate and multiseriate rays in Wright-
ieae and Malouetieae (3 10 rays/mm; Fig. 20 ; Table 1 ). Fur-
thermore, nearly all species of Malouetieae studied typically
have prismatic crystals only in chambered axial parenchyma
cells (crystals absent in Kibatalia arborea and Malouetia quad-
ricasarum ), whereas the species of Wrightieae investigated all
have prismatic crystals in rays. In Nerieae, crystal occurrence
and location is more variable: crystals are usually absent, but
they are observed in axial parenchyma cells only ( Isonema and
Nerium ) or in axial parenchyma and rays Alafi a multifl ora ( Fig.
27 ).
The wood anatomy of Periplocoideae shares many similari-
ties with the other derived Apocynaceae lineages of the crown
clade. In addition to the uniform wood characters throughout
Apocynaceae and the typical wood features of the crown clade
(abundance of vessel clusters in association with vasicentric
tracheids and the tendency toward paratracheal axial paren-
chyma), there is also a common evolutionary trend toward
ground tissue fi bers with reduced pit borders concentrated in
radial walls (still considered as fi ber tracheids, but approach-
ing the libriform fi ber condition in the Baileyan sense, al-
though tracheid-like fi bers common in Apocyneae). Based on
our rather limited periplocoid sampling, it is diffi cult to fi nd
diagnostic wood characters to distinguish Periplocoideae from
Apocynoideae. Two characters that could be informative in this
regard are the reduced number of axial parenchyma cells per
strand (fewer than fi ve cells per strand in periplocoids vs. 4 8
cells per strand in Apocynoideae; Table 1 ) and the occurrence
December 2009] Lens et al. Wood anatomy of Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae
Echiteae The wood anatomical diversity within Echiteae
as circumscribed by Endress et al. (2007) is unexpectedly high
( Table 1 ; online Appendix S2), which questions the monophyl-
etic origin of the group (cf. Livshultz et al., 2007 ). For instance,
Rhabdadenia bifl ora does not have vessel clusters, Pentalinon
has prismatic crystals in rays and axial parenchyma but lacks
laticifers, and Parsonsia and Peltastes are the only two Apocy-
noideae genera observed with interxylary phloem ( Fig. 13 ). Be-
cause Parsonsia and Peltastes do not seem to be particularly
closely related ( Livshultz et al., 2007 ), it is possible that a more
extensive sampling within the New World clade and especially
Echiteae would reveal additional genera with interxylary
phloem. The presence of interxylary phloem in Apocynaceae is
not restricted to Apocynoideae, but has also been observed in
the asclepiad genera Asclepias (Asclepiadeae), Gymnema
(Marsdenieae), and Leptadenia (Ceropegieae) ( Carlquist, 1989 ;
F. Lens, personal observation).
The neotropical species Rhabdadenia bifl ora is peculiar in
several aspects. As demonstrated by the horizontal arrows in
Fig. 4 , the earliest formed wood is typical of an erect growth
form, but then abruptly, the anatomy changes to that of a lianes-
cent growth form and back to that of an erect plant. This strange
pattern probably corresponds to the variable habit described by
Nowicke (1970) for the given species (liana to erect subshrub).
Another noteworthy wood character is the presence of ex-
tremely thin-walled, parenchyma-like fi bers ( Fig. 18 ) with
small pits only in radial walls ( Fig. 25 ). These exceptionally
thin-walled fi bers have also been observed in the very light
basal stemwood and rootwood of some Malesian Alstonia spe-
cies from swamp forests (Alstonieae, Rauvolfi oideae; P. Baas,
personal observation; Ingle and Dadswell 1953 ), which are
known as driftwood species that can travel for very long dis-
tances via water. Other striking resemblances between R. bi-
ora and the Alstonia swamp forest species are very short vessel
elements (200 400 µ m), and mainly uniseriate and notably
short rays (100 400 µ m in length). Rhabdadenia bifl ora occurs
along canals and in other marshy habitats in Florida and can
tolerate high levels of salinity. Its preferred habitat, however, is
Rhizophora mangroves where it ranges from Florida to the Ca-
ribbean and northwestern South America ( Alvarez-Le ó n, 2003 ;
Menezes et al., 2008). The widespread occurrence of R. bifl ora
in mangroves, combined with its extremely light basal stem-
wood including parenchyma-like ground tissue fi bers, points
to a parallel evolutionary trend in various angiosperm families
occurring in swamp forests ( Berry and Wiedenhoeft, 2004 ;
P. Baas, personal observation).
Odontadenia To the best of our knowledge, our two sam-
ples of Odontadenieae represent the fi rst report of successive
cambia in Apocynaceae ( Fig. 14 ). Since our sample of Secon-
datia , which is placed as sister to Odontadenia in the Livschultz
et al. (2007) analysis, does not show successive cambia, this
unusual character might be a synapomorphy for the genus.
However, a better sampling of the entire tribe Odontadenieae,
including genera such Stipecoma , Thyrsanthella ( Endress et al.,
2007 ) and Pinochia ( Endress and Hansen, 2007 ), is required to
support this assumption.
Galactophora The taxonomic position of this genus re-
mains obscure. Erected by Woodson in 1932, it was included
by Pichon (1950) in his tribe Parsonsieae, whereas Leeuwen-
berg (1994) placed it in Echiteae, both of which have been
shown to be polyphyletic (Livshultz et al., 2007). In 2000,
Endress and Bruyns transferred Galactophora to the tribe
Mesechiteae, based on the presence of fi ve ribs at the base of
the style-head. In a more detailed phylogenetic study of
Mesechiteae by Sim õ es et al. (2004 ), cpDNA rejected inclusion
of Galactophora in Mesechiteae, and this was further supported
by the very weak attachment of the anthers with the ribs of the
style-head (vs. fi rmly postgentially fused in Mesechiteae). The
Livshultz et al. (2007) analysis included the genus again in the
Malouetieae clade (although with low support), but because
of its uncertain affi nities, Endress et al. (2007) elected to treat
Galactophora as a genus incertae sedis within Apocynoideae.
With respect to its habit and morphology, Galactophora is
rather unusual within Apocynoideae: it is described as a woody
herb or erect shrub up to 50 cm growing in periodically fl ooded
white sand savannas, and its sticky glandular hairs on the stems,
leaves and infl orescences are unique in the family ( Morales,
2005 ). The Galactophora sample that we have observed was
narrower (3 mm in diameter) than the bulk of our remaining
material, thus hampering comparison. Nonetheless, the uniform
presence of radial vessel multiples in combination with few
solitary vessels in Galactophora suggests a position within
one of the three basal Apocynoideae lineages (including among
others Malouetieae), rather than within the more derived
Climbers vs. nonclimbers As illustrated by Baas et al.
(2007) and Lens et al. (2008) , differences between the wood
anatomy of climbers (representative Figs. 7 14, 21 23, 31 ) and
nonclimbers (representative Figs. 2, 3, 5, 6, 18 20, 32 ) deserve
special attention in Apocynaceae. Baas et al. (2007) suggested
a distinction in vessel grouping between the erect species (ves-
sels in multiples common) and climbers (predominantly soli-
tary vessels), but this generalization was refi ned after a more
detailed study of Rauvolfi oideae ( Lens et al., 2008 ), in which
solitary vessels were confi rmed as the main type in rauvolfi oid
climbers, but the vessel distribution of nonclimbing rauvolfi oids
varied much more than previously recognized (exclusively soli-
tary or abundant radial multiples). The current study illustrates
that the situation is even more complex, especially with regard
to the climbing species of the APSA clade. Whereas the climb-
ing members of Nerieae have radial vessel multiples ( Figs. 7,
8 ), the lianescent anatomy of Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae
(and also Secamonoideae and Asclepiadoideae) is character-
ized by the presence of large vessel clusters and vasicentric tra-
cheids ( Figs. 10 12 ; occasionally an extremely high vessel
grouping index of over 50). The striking difference in vessel
grouping patterns between the climbing taxa of rauvolfi oids
and crown clade members is further stressed by an obvious dis-
tinction in the type of imperforate tracheary cells present in the
ground tissue: climbing rauvolfi oids are characterized by cells
with abundant distinctly bordered pits in tangential and radial
walls (tracheids sensu Carlquist, 1984 ), while the climbing
crown clade taxa have cells with fewer and smaller bordered
pits in their ground tissue (fi ber tracheids according to IAWA
Committee, 1989 ; but often tracheid-like cells in ground tissue
of Apocyneae) in combination with vasicentric tracheids. Con-
sequently, there is strong anatomical support for an indepen-
dent origin of the climbing habit in the two groups.
A functional explanation for the strikingly different anatomi-
cal strategy in both climbing groups remains diffi cult to achieve,
but the variation in tracheid distribution probably refl ects two
independent ways to protect the vulnerable, wide vessels of li-
anas by acting as a subsidiary water transport system in case
2180 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 96
many wide vessels embolize ( Carlquist, 1985b ). Both groups
typically occur in the same humid tropical lowland forests
throughout the world and can therefore be assumed to face sim-
ilar hydraulic demands and (rather low levels of) drought
stresses. A similar type of pronounced vessel clustering is com-
monly found in representatives of many other angiosperm fam-
ilies with a lianescent habit ( Carlquist, 1989 , 2001 ), but the
co-occurrence of climbing species with exclusively solitary
vessels or large vessel groupings within one family is remark-
able. In the APSA clade, the presence of extensive vessel clus-
ters is not restricted to climbers: they even tend to form
ame-like dendritic patterns in some periplocoid shrubs that are
adapted to dry regions, such as Periploca laevigata ( Fig. 4 ;
coastal sand/gravel areas on Canary Islands) and Pentopetia
grevei (dry savanna or scrub forests in South and West Mada-
gascar) (online Appendix S2).
In addition to the general qualitative differences in the wood
between climbers and nonclimbers in Apocynoideae (vessel
clusters vs. radial multiples; tendency to form paratracheal pa-
renchyma vs. only apotracheal parenchyma; presence of vasi-
centric tracheids and laticifers vs. absence), there are also
several quantitative differences, all statistically signifi cant at
the 0.01% level, which correspond to what has been observed
in Rauvolfi oideae. In Apocynoideae, climbing species have
wider vessels than nonclimbing species (on average 130 µ m vs.
65 µ m), which is a well-known correlation throughout the an-
giosperms ( Carlquist, 1985b , 1989 ; Bamber and ter Welle,
1994 ). The lower vessel density in climbers compared to non-
climbers (25/mm
2 vs. 40/mm
2 ) might be an underestimation of
the true value due to the many narrow vessels, which are some-
times very diffi cult to observe in transverse sections. Vessel
elements and fi bers are also signifi cantly shorter in climbers
than in nonclimbers (460 µ m vs. 585 µ m and 900 µ m vs. 1230
µ m, respectively). Finally, climbing species have higher multi-
seriate rays compared to nonclimbing taxa (810 µ m vs. 470
µ m), although this was not the case in Rauvolfi oideae. The wid-
est rays in Apocynoideae (4 7 seriate) all belong to climbing
taxa ( Figs. 21 23 ), but ray width in climbing apocynoids is too
variable to make generalizations about ray width differences
between climbing and nonclimbing species.
When the quantitative wood characters of climbing and non-
climbing apocynoids are compared with the same habit groups
in rauvolfi oids, similar values of vessel diameter (on average
130 140 µ m in climbers and 65 µ m in nonclimbers) and vessel
density (on average 19 24/mm
2 in climbers and 40/mm
2 in
nonclimbers) are reported. The same applies to the multiseriate
ray height (on average 810 µ m in climbers and 470 720 µ m in
nonclimbers) and width (generally 2 4 seriate, with wider rays
in some climbing taxa). However, the length of vessel elements
and fi bers differs signifi cantly at the 0.01% level between apo-
cynoids and rauvolfi oids of the same habit type: climbing as
well as nonclimbing apocynoids have considerably shorter ves-
sel elements than their rauvolfi oid counterparts (460 µ m vs. 570
µ m for climbers, and 585 µ m vs. 780 µ m for nonclimbers, re-
spectively); the same is true for fi ber length (900 µ m vs. 1115
µ m for climbers and 1230 µ m vs. 1600 µ m for nonclimbers,
respectively). Consequently, on the one hand, the general length
reduction of vessel elements and fi bers within a specifi c clade is
dependent on the climbing habit, as demonstrated in the rau-
volfi oid tribe Willughbeieae ( Lens et al., 2008 ) and in the sub-
family Apocynoideae (this study). On the other hand, there is
also a signifi cant evolutionary trend of habit-independent length
reduction toward the later-diverging lineages of Apocynaceae,
as evidenced by climbers and nonclimbers of Apocynoideae
compared to those of the same habit types in the early-diverging
Rauvolfi oideae.
General evolutionary wood trends within Apocynaceae
s.l. As discussed by Lens et al. (2008) , the wood of Apocyn-
aceae exhibits several evolutionary trends that become evident
when the early-diverging rauvolfi oid lineages are compared
with the later-diverging APSA clade members. One of the most
conspicuous wood trends is the decreasing vessel element
length (on average 700 – 1000 µ m in basal Rauvolfi oideae vs.
200 500 µ m in Periplocoideae, Secamonoideae, and Asclepia-
doideae), illustrating that the well-known Baileyan trend from
long to short vessel elements ( Bailey and Tupper, 1918 ) has
undergone much more parallel evolution in various angiosperm
families than initially recognized (cf. Baas and Wheeler, 1996 ;
Lens et al., 2007b ). Vessel grouping also displays a marked
evolutionary trend from exclusively solitary vessels or radial
vessel multiples in Rauvolfi oideae toward large vessel clusters
in the more derived lineages of the APSA clade. Thus, the pres-
ence of radial vessel multiples in Wrightieae, Nerieae, and
Malouetieae is best interpreted as a plesiomorphy that provides
additional morphological support for their basal position in
the APSA clade (cf. Livshultz et al., 2007 ). Furthermore, the
large vessel clusters sometimes even forming a fl ame-like
dendritic pattern together with several other wood features
justify the taxonomic position of Periplocoideae within the
derived crown clade. The great variation of vessel grouping
patterns is accompanied by the type of imperforate tracheary
cells in the ground tissue: (conductive) tracheids coevolve with
solitary vessels, while (nonconductive) fi bers are strongly
linked with vessel multiples and clusters ( Carlquist, 1984 ). The
reduction of vessel element length and the evolution toward
pronounced vessel clusters within Apocynaceae go also hand
in hand with vasicentric tracheid abundance, a high frequency
of paratracheal parenchyma, and a decrease in number of cells
per axial parenchyma strand (6 12 in basal Rauvolfi oideae vs.
2 5 in Periplocoideae, Secamonoideae, and Asclepiadoideae).
Most of these major evolutionary trends are linked with or
probably even caused by a habitat shift toward drier regions
and/or an abundance of the climbing habit in the more derived
Apocynaceae ( Baas et al., 1983 ; Swarupanandan et al., 1996 ;
Carlquist, 1989 , 2001 ; Dickison, 2000 ; Venter and Verhoeven,
2001 ; Verhoeven et al., 2003 ; Middleton, 2007 ; Wheeler et al.,
2007 ).
In conclusion, the differences in vessel distribution, vasicen-
tric tracheid occurrence and axial parenchyma distribution be-
tween the mainly nonclimbing apocynoid tribes (Wrightieae,
Malouetieae, Nerieae) and the climbing apocynoids and periplo-
coids (and by extension also the entire climbing crown clade)
confi rm the phylogenetic signifi cance of wood characters within
Apocynaceae. Furthermore, a combination of additional wood
characters may provisionally be used to defi ne several higher-
level taxonomic entities within Apocynoideae-Periplocoideae,
although the microscopic wood structure within the nonclimb-
ing and climbing taxa is rather uniform. The typical occurrence
of large vessel clusters in the climbing apocynoids and periplo-
coids (and remaining crown clade members) and co-occurring
bers in the ground tissue is remarkable, because this is in con-
trast with the typical anatomy of climbing rauvolfi oids showing
solitary vessels and tracheids in the ground tissue. This strik-
ingly different climbing anatomy illustrates that the climbing
habit in Apocynaceae must have been originated more than
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December 2009] Lens et al. Wood anatomy of Apocynoideae and Periplocoideae
Appendix 1. List of taxa investigated in this study with reference to their locality, voucher information, and the tribal classifi cation sensu Endress et al. (2007) .
Abbreviations of institutional wood collections: K = Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; L = National Herbarium of the Netherlands Leiden University Branch,
MADw = Madison wood collection; Tw = Tervuren wood collection; WAG = National Herbarium of the Netherlands Wageningen University Branch. Wood
specimens that were considered to be juvenile are marked with an asterisk. Mature means that the wood sample is derived from a trunk or mature branches,
although the exact diameter of the wood sample could not be traced.
Taxon — Collection locality; Voucher ; Institution; Sample diameter; Tribal
classifi cation sensu Endress et al. (2007) .
Aganosma cymosa (Roxb.) G.Don ; Sri Lanka (Kurunagele); Kostermans
24937 ; L; 22 mm; Apocyneae. Alafi a landolphioides (A.DC.) Benth. &
Hook.f. ex K.Schum.* ; Cameroon (Mount F é b é ); Breteler 2727 ; WAG;
13 mm; Nerieae. Alafi a lucida Stapf ; Cameroon (Doum é ); Breteler
1857 ; WAG; 19 mm; Nerieae. Alafi a multifl ora (Stapf) Stapf ; Cameroon
(Mvila Dep., near Ebom); Elad & Parren 398 ; WAG; 54 mm; Nerieae.
Amphineurion marginata (A.DC.) D.J.Middleton* ; Philippines
(Palawan, St. Paul s Bay); Ridsdale SMHI 1554 ; L; 16 mm; Apocyneae.
Amphineurion marginata (A.DC.) D.J.Middleton ; USA (Miami,
Fairchild Tropical Garden); Ewers FG X-1-480 ; L; 28 mm; Apocyneae.
Anodendron candolleanum Wight ; Malesia; Koloniaal Museum
Haarlem 2137 ; L; 32 mm; Apocyneae (APO). Anodendron paniculatum
A.DC.* ; Thailand; Maxwell 90-413 ; L; 10 mm; Apocyneae. Baissea
gracillima (K.Schum.) Hua ; Cameroon; de Kruif 896 ; WAG; 27 mm;
Baiseeae. Baissea leonensis Benth. ; Ivory Coast; de Koning 6890 ; WAG;
15 mm; Baiseeae. Baissea welwitschii (Baill.) Stapf ex Hiern ; Ivory
Coast (Abidjan); Jongkind 4097 ; WAG; 11 mm; Baiseeae. Beaumontia
grandifl ora Wall. ; USA (Miami, Fairchild Tropical Garden); Ewers
FW X-2-393B ; L; 27 mm; Apocyneae.
Carruthersia scandens (Seem.)
Seem. ; Fiji Islands; origin and collector unknown ; Kw 24834; 20 mm;
Malouetieae. Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon) Alston ; USA (Miami,
Fairchild Tropical Garden); Ewers FG 70116 ; L; 35 mm; Apocyneae.
Cryptolepis apiculata K.Schum. ex Engl. ; Tanzania; Holst s.n. ; Kw
23014; 25 mm; Periplocoideae. Cryptostegia grandifl ora R.Br. ; Cuba
(Cienfuegos, Horpuitas); Dechamps R. et al. 12536A ; Tw 50022; 10 mm;
Periplocoideae. Epigynum ridleyi King & Gamble ; India; Ridsdale PBU
491 ; L; 11 mm; Apocyneae. Forsteronia gracilis (Benth.) M ü ll.Arg.* ;
Surinam; Maguire et al. 24799 ; MADw 12116; 8 mm; Mesechiteae.
Forsteronia guyanensis M ü ll.Arg. ; Surinam; Leeuwenberg 1980 ; WAG;
25 mm; Mesechiteae. Funtumia africana (Benth.) Stapf ; Democratic
Republic of Congo; de Briey 181 ; L 0369511; mature; Malouetieae.
Funtumia africana (Benth.) Stapf ; Uganda; Dentzman 1671 ; MADw
10183; mature; Malouetieae. Galactophora pumila Monach. ; Venezuela;
Wurdack & Adderley 42773 ; MADw 22413; 3 mm; Malouetieae.
Holarrhena curtisii King & Gamble ; Thailand (Songkla); Tongseedam
16 ; L; 28 mm (root); Malouetieae. Holarrhena pubescens (Buch.-Ham.)
Wall. ex G.Don ; Bangladesh; Majumder & Islam 60 ; L; MADw 24505;
mature; Malouetieae. Holarrhena pubescens (Buch.-Ham.) Wall. ex
G.Don ; Thailand (Erawan National Park); van Beusekom & Geesink 3881 ;
L; 53 mm; Malouetieae. Isonema smeathmannii Roem. & Schult.* ;
Ivory Coast; de Koning 6904 ; WAG; 15 mm; Nerieae. Kibatalia arborea
(Blume) G.Don ; Philippines (Palawan, Puerto Princesa); Podzorski
SMHI 2170 ; L; 97 mm; Malouetieae. Kibatalia arborea (Blume) G.Don ;
origin and collector unknown ; WAG; mature; Malouetieae. Kibatalia
macrophylla (Pierre ex Hua) Woodson ; Thailand (Chiang Mai); collector
and number unknown ; L0369526; 19 mm; Malouetieae. Macropharynx
spectabilis (Stadelm.) Woodson ; Bolivia; Nee 41809 ; MADw 46939; 13
mm; Echiteae. Malouetia peruviana Woodson ; Peru (Loreto); Mathias
& Taylor 5442 ; L; 95 mm; Malouetieae. Malouetia quadricasarum
Woodson ; Colombia; Cuatrecasas 17522 ; L; mature; Malouetieae.
Mandevilla rugellosa (Rich.) L.Allorge ; Guyana; Jansen-Jacobs et al.
3568 ; Uw 34801; Mesechiteae. Mascarenhasia arborescens A.DC. ; USA
(Miami Fairchild Tropical Garden); Curtis FG FG4376B ; L; 46 mm;
Malouetieae. Micrechites rhombifolius Markgr. ; Indonesia (NW Buru);
Van Balgooy 4900 ; L; 20 mm; Apocyneae. Micrechites serpyllifolius
(Blume) Kosterm. ; Indonesia (Sumatra, Lamping prov.); Jacobs 8490 ;
L; 39 mm; Apocyneae. Micrechites warianus (Schltr.) D.J.Middleton ;
New Guinea (SE of Lae); Jacobs 9687 ; L; 46 mm; Apocyneae. Motandra
guineensis (Thonn.) A.DC. ; Ghana (Ashanti); Jongkind 3925 ; WAG;
27 mm; Baisseeae. Nerium oleander L. ; The Netherlands (Botanical
Garden of Utrecht); collector and number unknown ; UN 398; 27 mm;
Nerieae. Odontadenia puncticulosa (Rich.) Pulle ; Brazil; Krukoff 8090 ;
MADw 14002; mature; Odontadenieae. Odontadenia verrucosa (Willd.
ex Roem. & Schult.) K.Schum. ex Markgr. ; Brazil (Amazonas, Manaus,
Reserva Ducke), Simoes et al. 05/2008 ; 8 mm; Odontadenieae. Oncinotis
glabrata (Baill.) Stapf ex Hiern* ; Cameroon (Lomi é ); Breteler 1270 ;
WAG; 12 mm; Baisseeae. Oncinotis gracilis Stapf ; Ghana (Ashanti);
Jongkind & Abbiw 1985 ; WAG; 21 mm; Baisseeae. Papuechites aambe
(Warb.) Markgr. ; Papua New Guinea (near Kutubu); Jacobs 9238 ; L;
17 mm; Apocyneae. Parameria laevigata (Juss.) Moldenke ; Philippines
(Palawan, Puerto Princesa); Ridsdale SMHI 156 ; L; 17 mm; Apocyneae.
Parsonsia buruensis (Teijsm. & Binn.) Boerl. ; Indonesia (NW Buru, SE
of Bara); van Balgooy 5079 ; L; 30 mm; Echiteae. Peltastes peltatus (Vell.)
Woodson ; Brazil (Paran á ); Lindeman & Horre ü s de Haas 2945 ; Uw
13958a; Echiteae. Pentalinon luteum (L.) B.F.Hansen & Wunderlin* ;
USA; Stern & Brizicki 210 ; MADw 18233; 7 mm; Echiteae ; Pentopetia
grevei (Baill.) Venter ; Madagascar; collector and number unknown ;
Kw 13192; 30 mm; Periplocoideae. Periploca graeca L.* ; Greece
(Serre); Schweingruber 13-6-1982 ; L; 12 mm; Periplocoideae. Periploca
laevigata Ait. ; Spain (Carbonara); Schweingruber 27-4-1983 ; L; 14 mm;
Periplocoideae. Periploca nigrescens Afzel. ; D. R. Congo (East Kasai);
Sapin 35 ; Tw 41506; 17 mm; Periplocoideae. Pleioceras gilletii Stapf* ;
Democratic Republic of Congo (Yangambi); Louis 6092 ; K; 5 mm;
Wrightieae. Rhabdadenia bifl ora (Jacq.) M ü ll.Arg. ; Surinam; Lindeman
& Heyde 468 ; Uw 23146; 24 mm; Echiteae. Secondatia duckei Markr. :
Brazil (Flora da Reserva Ducke, Amazonas); Costa & Assun ç ã o 385; K;
9 mm; Odontadenieae. Strophanthus caudatus (L.) Kurz ; Philippines
(Palawan, St. Paul s Bay); Podzorski SMHI 2028 ; L; 54 mm; Nerieae.
Strophanthus perakensis Scortechnin ex King & Gamble* ; Thailand
(Chiang Mai, Muang); Maxwell 92-146 ; L; 9 mm; Nerieae. Strophanthus
hispidus DC. ; Botanical Garden Basel 425/H ; L; 36 mm; Nerieae.
Strophanthus singaporianus (Wall. ex G.Don) Gilg ; Philippines
(Palawan, Narra); Ridsdale SMHI 1715 ; L; 50 mm; Nerieae. Tacazzea
apiculata Oliv. ; Kenya; Bally 906 ; Kw 23019; 9 mm; Periplocoideae.
Tacazzea pedicellata K.Schum. ; D. R. Congo; Louis 106 ; Tw 32810;
16 mm; Periplocoideae. Urceola brachysepala Hook.f.* ; Indonesia
(Kalimantan Tengah); Ridsdale PBU 182 ; L; 14 mm; Apocyneae. Urceola
brachysepala Hook.f. ; Indonesia (Sumatra); Meijer 6808 ; L; 40 mm;
Apocyneae. Urceola laevis (Elmer) Merr. ; Indonesia (Palawan, Taytay);
Ridsdale SMHI 312 ; L; 22 mm; Apocyneae. Urceola lucida (Wall. ex
G.Don) Benth. ex Kurz ; Indonesia; Krukoff 4382 ; MADw 27145;
Apocyneae. Vallaris glabra (L.) Kuntze ; origin unknown; collector
and number unknown , Koloniaal Museum Haarlem 1507-6; L; 33 mm;
Apocyneae. Wrightia antidysenterica (L.) R.Br.* ; Sri Lanka (Galle,
District Hiniduma); Nooteboom 3181 ; L; 6 mm; Wrightieae. Wrightia
coccinea (Roxb.) Sims ; Thailand (E of Mae Sod); Geesink 5547 ; L; 52
mm; Wrightieae. Wrightia pubescens R.Br. ; origin unknown collector
and number unknown ; L 0085278; mature; Wrightieae.
... .'. Vessel elements in this wood are very short. Short vessel elements occur in the families Ebenaceae and Rubiaceae (Jansen et al. 2002;Jahanbanifard et al. 2020) and in several clades of Rauvolfideae subfamily of Apocynaceae, e.g., Carisseae, Hunterieae, Melodineae, Plumerieae and Willughbeieae and also the whole APSA clade (Lens et al. 2008(Lens et al. , 2009). ...
... In accordance with results by Lens et al. (2008Lens et al. ( , 2009), short vessel elements are present in the later derived members of Apocynaceae as mentioned above. However, another trend they observed in vessel grouping, with solitary vessels in the earlydiverging clades and long radial multiples and vessel clusters in the more-derived Apocynaceae. ...
... This is unlike our wood which has both short vessel elements and mostly solitary vessels. Also, there are trends (Lens et al. 2008(Lens et al. , 2009) that do not correlate with our wood: paratracheal parenchyma occurs in the more-derived members and axial parenchyma strands up to 11 cells occur in the socalled 'primitive' tribes of Aspidospermeae and Alstonieae. With regard to the porosity, it is overall diffuse-porous except for some species of Allamanda L., Alyxia Banks ex R. Br., Ichnocarpus R. Br., Malouetia A. DC. and Tabernaemontana L. which are semi-ring to ring-porous (Metcalfe and Chalk 1950). ...
The wood anatomy of Paradiospyroxylon kvacekii gen. et sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on material originating from the Ústí Formation’s volcanic deposits of České středohoří Mts. (Paleogene, Czech Republic). The sample, identified earlier as Manilkaroxylon sp., was critically examined and is interpreted as root wood and proposed as the paratype of Paradiospyroxylon kvacekii. This paper discusses how wood anatomical variation needs to be considered when making systematic and palaeoecological interpretations.
... The presence of derived woodiness and the variation in growth forms makes Apocynaceae particularly interesting for comparative wood anatomical studies. Moreover, the phylogenetic backbone of the family is well-resolved (Endress & Bruyns, 2000;Livshultz & al., 2007;Livshultz, 2010;Endress & al., 2014;Fishbein & al., 2018), which allows searching for wood anatomical synapomorphies at the tribal level, as demonstrated by two review papers on the rauvolfioid and apocynoid grades, and subfamily Periplocoideae (Lens & al., 2008(Lens & al., , 2009a. Next, the spectacular variation of (woody) growth forms in Apocynaceae offers the opportunity to assess the role of growth form on wood anatomical traits. ...
... Number of species per clade and growth form were extracted from Endress & al. (2019). vessels) provided wood anatomical support for multiple independent transitions from an erect towards a climbing growth form in the family (Lens & al., 2008(Lens & al., , 2009a. ...
... The wood samples were subsequently sectioned, stained and mounted according to the standard protocol in Lens & al. (2005a), and described following the "IAWA list of microscopic features for hardwood identification" (IAWA Committee, 1989). For the total density of rays, we opted to measure the density of uniseriate and multiseriate rays separately because this division is informative in Apocynaceae (Lens & al., 2008(Lens & al., , 2009a. Non-lignified zones in the secondary xylem (which mostly represent non-lignified rays, but also fibres and parenchyma, and may include interxylary phloem as explained below) were categorised according to terminology used in Carlquist (2001) for cambial variants. ...
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The Apocynaceae subfamilies Secamonoideae and Asclepiadoideae have undergone several transitions during their evolution with regard to growth form and degree of woodiness. In this study, we present a wood anatomical overview of both subfamilies that complements previous work on the remaining Apocynaceae. Detailed microscopic wood descriptions using light and scanning electron microscopy were performed on 60 species that cover most Secamonoideae genera and all major woody Asclepiadoideae lineages. Our observations are in line with subfamilial and (sometimes sub)tribal delimitations. Furthermore, we present for the first time an overview of the estimated number of shifts from herbaceousness to (phylogenetically) derived woodiness in Asclepiadoideae, along with a derived woody species list with distribution and habitat information. In total, at least 168 derived woody species resulting from at least 28 independent woodiness transitions were found, with drought possibly being one of the main drivers of most of these transitions.
... background elements are conductive, vessels are almost invariably solitary (Carlquist 1984(Carlquist , 1987(Carlquist , 2001Rosell et al. 2007;Lens et al. 2009). ...
... It must be acknowledged, however, that light microscope images (microns thick) and MicroCT analysis (mm thick 3D scans obtained using powerful X-rays; McElrone 2013; Nolf et al. 2017) provide connectivity assessments based on only a short longitudinal stretch of a water transport system. Individual xylem vessels can, in some species, be multiple meters long (Pan et al. 2015), while the entire vascular system can extend over 100 meters in some trees (Koch et al. 2004). Allocasuarina verticillata (Casuarinaceae) displays largely solitary vessels that are surrounded by abundant vasicentric tracheids which are postulated to be conductive, while Banksia marginata (Proteaceae; panel b) has highly grouped vessels that are surrounded by fibres which are thought to be non-conductive. ...
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Carlquist’s Law” is a striking pattern of association between anatomical features in the wood of vessel-bearing plants. It derives from Sherwin Carlquist’s observation that xylem vessels tend to be solitary when embedded in a matrix of imperforate tracheary elements that appear to be conductive, whereas xylem vessels tend to be grouped when surrounded by seemingly non-conductive cells. Vessel-vessel contacts (vessel grouping) allow water to travel between conduits, but also provide pathways for air to propagate from embolized (air-filled) vessels into functional vessels. If the background matrix is conductive, it is conceivable that water could bypass embolized vessels, providing an alternative transport route in species with conductive backgrounds and solitary vessels. Much remains to be tested in this hypothesis, including the topology of the vessel networks in species with solitary versus grouped vessels and how conductive the different imperforate tracheary element types are. Exploring Carlquist’s Law promises to provide key insight into the causes of embolism in plant conduits, the modes of embolism passage between conduits, and how vessels and the cells in which they are imbedded may interact to govern the pathways of water flow through plants.
... The Apocynaceae, belonging to the order Gentianales, also known as 'Dogbane family' or 'Toxic plant's family, ' is considered one of the largest and economically most important angiosperms family. It comprises about 5100 species belonging to 366 genera in five subfamilies, plants are generally trees, shrubs, and vines distributed mainly in tropical and subtropical regions, with several genera widely occurring in various regions of India (Endress and Bruyns 2000;Lens et al. 2009;Nazar et al. 2013;Endress et al. 2014;eFI 2020). Plants of the family Apocynaceae are characterized by latex and are rich in several metabolites, such as alkaloids, triterpenoids, flavonoids, steroids, phenols, lactones, and glycosides (Hofling et al. 2010;Bhadane et al. 2018). ...
... In addition, a single botanical character may not be considered unique in describing a species. For plant species with similar botanical features, a combination of diagnostic microscopic characters is essential for species identification and distinction of herbal samples (Lens et al. 2008(Lens et al. , 2009Ginko et al. 2016). Detailed taxonomic information provided in the present study can be helpful in taxonomic identification and distinction of genuine raw herbal drugs from contaminants to be used for herbal drug preparations. ...
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Background The root drugs of the family Apocynaceae are medicinally important and used in Indian Systems of Medicine (ISM). There is often a problem of misidentification and adulteration of genuine samples with other samples in the market trade. Keeping in view the adulteration problem of raw drug material, comparative macroscopic and microscopic (qualitative and quantitative) characterisation and chemical analysis (TLC and LC–MS profiling) of a total of 14 economically important root drugs of family Apocynaceae were done for practical and rapid identification. A total of 33 qualitative botanical characteristics of root samples were subjected to Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster analysis to identify taxonomically significant characteristics in the distinction of root drug samples at the species level. Results Comparative qualitative and quantitative data on morphological, macroscopic, and microscopic characters were generated for the studied 14 species. Despite the similarity in some root characters, a combined study involving the surface, anatomical, and powder features helped distinguish root samples at the species level. The relative relationship between selected species was represented as clustering or grouping in the dendrogram. PCA analysis determined significant characters leading to species grouping and identification. Results showed that clustering of xylem vessels in cross-section, pore size, and distribution in the cut root, the shape of starch grains, the thickness of cork zone were among the most notable characters in species distinction. Chemical profiling revealed unique fingerprints and content of chemical compounds, which were significant in identification of root drug samples. Conclusions The comparative botanical standards and chemical profiles developed in the present study can be used as future reference standards for the quick, easy, and correct identification of root drug samples to be used in the herbal drug industry. Further, the identified significant microscopic characters have the potential for taxonomic studies in species delimitation.
... In the present study, xylem fibers and pitted vessel elements with a simple perforation plate were observed in both the Wrightia species Lens et al. (2009). also indicated the presence of bordered pitted vessels in most species of Apocynaceae. ...
... Drum-like vessels were reported in W. tinctoria (Nag and Kshetrapal, 1988). The occasional presence of tyloses in xylem elements was reported in species belonging to Alafia Thouras, Epigynum Wight, Forsteronia G. Mey., Funtumia Desf., Holarrhena R. Br., Malouetia A.DC., Oncinotis Benth., Peltastes Woodson, Pleioceras Baill., Strophanthus DC., Urceola Vand., Vallaris Raf., and Wrightia Lens et al. (2009). also showed the presence of vessels with tyloses in Wrightia pubescens R.Br., and diffuse-in-aggregates of axial parenchyma. ...
Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. and the endemic Wrightia indica Nagn are important medicinal plants possessing novel therapeutic compounds. However, the anatomy of these medicinal plants is not well studied. Therefore, the present study illustrates the vegetative anatomy of the two Wrightia R.Br. species using light microscopy. The stomata in the leaves were paracytic/anomocytic type in W. tinctoria and of paracytic type in W. indica. The foliar cuticle was of varying thickness, and multicellular trichomes were distributed on the abaxial surface of W. tinctoria and both leaf surfaces of W. indica. The leaf anatomical characters like uniseriate epidermis, collenchymatous hypodermis, heterogeneous mesophyll, endarch xylem, idioblasts, starch grains, and raphides were common for both the Wrightia species. Stems of W. indica were sparingly covered by multicellular trichomes. The stems of both Wrightia species possess uniseriate epidermis, angular collenchymatous hypodermis, parenchymatous cortex, starch grains, bicollateral vascular bundles with endarch xylem, idioblasts containing calcium oxalate crystals and water-cells in the stelar region. Starch grains were abundant in the pith of W. indica. The root periderm consists of rectangular cells and the cortex was parenchymatous in both Wrightia species. Water-cells and sclereids were present in the cortex of W. tinctoria, whereas sclereids were absent in W. indica. Vascular bundles were amphicribral in both Wrightia species. Significant differences were evident in the cellular dimensions of vegetative parts of both the Wrightia species. The observations of the present study indicate that the vegetative anatomy could aid in the discrimination of these two Wrightia species.
... The growth ring structure and distinctness may reflect evolutionary strains and species phylogeny (Nath et al., 2016;Silva et al., 2020;Ortega Rodriguez et al., 2022). In some tropical Apocynaceae, narrow tangential bands of axial parenchyma have already been identified as an anatomical feature for growth rings delineation (Lens et al., 2008(Lens et al., , 2009Beckers et al., 2022), and variations in cell lignification or diameter are well-known structural changes marking the low activity phase of the vascular cambium Tarelkin et al., 2016;Islam et al., 2018;Quintilhan et al., 2021). Tension wood in circular (i.e. ...
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Semelparity is the ability of an organism to reproduce once and then die. In plants, this life history strategy is also named monocarpy. After a unique flowering event, the whole plant dies. This strategy inherently characterizes annual and biennial herbaceous, and frequently occurs in bamboo and palms, but remains extremely rare in woody branched plants such as shrubs and trees. Branched plants are long-lived organisms and present multiple meristems (growing points) that are as many opportunities to flower at different times. Therefore, the persistence of the monocarpic strategy in such plants is questionable since a premature death of the individual in the decades before the flowering will prevent any descendants. About twenty-nine monocarpic canopy tree species are recorded worldwide all included in two tropical and subtropical genera: Tachigali (Fabaceae) and Cerberiopsis (Apocynaceae). This latter is endemic to New Caledonia and consists of three species with different habits. While C. neriifolia and C. obtusifolia are respectively a polycarpic (multi-flowering) treelet and shrub, C. candelabra is a large monocarpic rainforest tree. In this thesis, we investigate the morpho-anatomical bases of monocarpy, its underlying ecological implications, and functional adaptations. (1) Through a comparative analysis, we highlight that the variation of only a few architectural traits has led to the emergence of this strategy within the genus Cerberiopsis, and flowering in C. candelabra is independent of tree age, size, or senescence. (2) Based on growth monitoring, we show that C. candelabra exhibits high survival and growth rates at the juvenile stage, and forms monodominant regenerations. These two studies pave the way to (3) an integrative retrospective analysis: we reconstruct the developmental trajectories of the Cerberiopsis species and demonstrate that their growth phenology is sensitive to climate seasonality. C. candelabra exhibits strong structural and temporal regularities, as well as a high degree of synchronization between all developmental processes. These particularities might have been preconditions for the evolution of its monocarpic strategy. Finally, my work introduces (4) a new type of annual growth ring that results from the production of circular tension wood, a potential adaptive feature related to the cyclonic season of New Caledonia. The processes underlying monocarpic flowering and its triggers are discussed throughout the different chapters of this thesis. We suggest that flowering depends on endogenous preconditions and is triggered in C. candelabra by large-scale disturbances such as fires and tropical cyclones.
... Thanks to its versatility, applications of ROXAS might also contribute to systematic studies that build on vessel grouping analyses (e.g. Lens et al. 2009), or to test hypotheses developed for woody clades with herbaceous species (e.g. Lens et al. 2013). ...
... The ancient apocynoid radiation in the Early Eocene was accompanied by a shift from self-supporting (trees) to climbing habit (lianas and vines) in the APSA clade (Fishbein et al., 2018). Anatomical evolutionary trends in wood, such as the reduction of vessel element length and formation of larger vessel clusters, marked the transition from erect to climbing habit and might have favored the occupation of drier habitats (Lens et al., 2008(Lens et al., , 2009Endress et al., 2018Endress et al., -2019. The wind-dispersed comose seeds, then, might have favored twining plants to disperse and occupy open and semi-arid habitats. ...
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A taxonomic study of the representatives of the Apocynoid grade (Apocynaceae) in Eastern Northeast Brazil is presented, and includes an identification key, morphological descriptions, comments, illustrations, photos, and a table. The study area includes the States of Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco and Alagoas. The botanical material was collected, prepared, and deposited at the UFP herbarium. The collections of regional herbaria were analyzed. A total of 28 species were recorded belonging to seven genera, being Mandevilla (nine spp.), Prestonia (six spp.), Forsteronia (five spp.), Macropharynx, Odontadenia, Secondatia e Temnadenia (two spp. each). The State with the highest number of species was Pernambuco (21 spp.) and the most species-rich phytogeographic domain was the Atlantic Forest (21 spp.). Most species are climbers and vines (27 spp.), except Mandevilla dardanoi (subshrub) and M. tenuifolia (climber or erect subshrub). Ten species had their distribution expanded in the study area. The follicles of Mandevilla catimbauensis are illustrated by the first time. Keywords: Atlantic Forest; Caatinga; Climbers; Gentianales; Taxonomy
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Plant functional traits can predict community assembly and ecosystem functioning and are thus widely used in global models of vegetation dynamics and land–climate feedbacks. Still, we lack a global understanding of how land and climate affect plant traits. A previous global analysis of six traits observed two main axes of variation: (1) size variation at the organ and plant level and (2) leaf economics balancing leaf persistence against plant growth potential. The orthogonality of these two axes suggests they are differently influenced by environmental drivers. We find that these axes persist in a global dataset of 17 traits across more than 20,000 species. We find a dominant joint effect of climate and soil on trait variation. Additional independent climate effects are also observed across most traits, whereas independent soil effects are almost exclusively observed for economics traits. Variation in size traits correlates well with a latitudinal gradient related to water or energy limitation. In contrast, variation in economics traits is better explained by interactions of climate with soil fertility. These findings have the potential to improve our understanding of biodiversity patterns and our predictions of climate change impacts on biogeochemical cycles.
The climbing habit in plants has apparently evolved numerous times. Species that climb are well represented in habitats ranging from tropical rain forests through temperate forests to semi-deserts. The Biology of Vines, first published in 1992, is a treatment of what is known about climbing plants, written by a group of experts and covering topics ranging from the biomechanics of twining to silvicultural methods for controlling vine infestations. Also included are detailed accounts of climbing plant evolution, stem anatomy and function, climbing mechanics, carbon and water relations, reproductive ecology, the role of vines in forest communities and their economic importance. The chapters are based on research on herbaceous vines and woody climbers (lianas) in both temperate and tropical zones, deserts and rain-forests and Old and New World areas. Much remains to be learned about the biology of these plants, but this volume provides a substantial foundation upon which further research can be based.
A taxonomic–morphological treatment of the monotypic genus Petopentia Bullock is presented. Petopentia natalensis (Schltr.) Bullock occurs in the subtropical southern African forests of Natal and Transkei. It is a liana with very characteristic hemispherical above-ground root tubers, elliptic and parallel-veined leaves, pale green-yellowish flowers which have terete corona lobes, and unusual linear- or T-shaped pollen tetrads. The flowers of P. natalensis are basically similar to those of Periploca Decne., Tacazzea Decne., Sarcorrhiza Bullock, Schlechterella K. Schum. and Zacateza Bullock, all tropical African genera. Zacateza and Periploca are probably the closest living relatives of Petopentia.
Wood of 207 species, representing all 178 woody genera of the Munz flora of southern California, was studied by means of sections and macerations. Data were gathered on features relating to the conducting system: number of vessels per mm2, diameter of vessels, length of vessel elements, number of bars per perforation plate, presence of true tracheids, vasicentric tracheids, vascular tracheids, helical sculpture, and growth rings. The occurrence of these features is analysed both with respect to each other and to ecological groupings and habit groupings. Statistically significant data permit ecological groupings to demonstrate degree of xeromorphy in wood features. Xeromorphy is indicated by more numerous vessels per mm2, narrow vessels, shorter vessel elements, presence of vasicentric tracheids or vascular tracheids, presence of helical sculpture on vessel walls, and presence of well-marked growth rings (growth rings are common in moist habitats because in southern California these are also montane and therefore cold in winter). All of these appear to have developed in many phylads independently. Vessel element length appears to change less rapidly, at least in some phylads (those with true tracheids) than the other features. Presence of scalariform perforation plates and of true tracheids is interpreted as relictual; scalariform plates occur virtually only in mesic habitats and in a small number of species. True tracheids, although relictual in nature, have been preferentially preserved because of the value of their enormous safety. Groups without true tracheids have evolved vasicentric tracheids or vascular tracheids (the three types are mutually exclusive) to a high degree. By deducting the species with true and vascular tracheids, one finds that 100% of the alpine shrubs, 77% of the desert shrubs, and 75% of the chaparral shrubs which could possibly have evolved vasicentric tracheids actually have them. These are the three ecological groupings which have vasicentric tracheids not only in southern California, but other areas of the world as well. Tracheid presence (and to a lesser extent vasicentric tracheid presence) forestalls vessel grouping, but in tracheid-free groups vessel grouping is a highly adaptive strategy for xeromorphy. One can rank xeromorphic connotation of qualitative features on the basis of data herein: growth rings are the most common numerically, followed by helical sculpture, vasicentric tracheids, and vascular tracheids. Vasicentric tracheids, like true tracheids, tend to occur in evergreen shrubs whereas vascular tracheids tend to be related to drought-deciduous shrubs. Among quantifiable features, number of vessels per mm2 changes more rapidly than vessel diameter. Scalariform perforation plates, true tracheid presence, and long vessel elements are associated with each other statistically . By entering number of woody species for each genus in the flora and performing appropriate computations, a figure for each feature is projected on the basis of the 512 woody species of southern California. This pro-rated figure shows that phylads with any of the mechanisms cited as signifying xeromorphy speciate much more rapidly than do the phylads with mesomorphic wood features.