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Cardiovascular medication: Improving adherence



Adherence to medication is generally defined as the extent to which people take medications as prescribed by their healthcare providers. It can be assessed in many ways (e.g., by self-reporting, pill counting, direct observation, electronic monitoring, or by pharmacy records). This review reports effects of intervention on adherence to cardiovascular medications however adherence has been measured. METHODS AND OUTCOMES: We conducted a systematic review and aimed to answer the following clinical question: What are the effects of interventions to improve adherence to long-term medication for cardiovascular disease in adults? We searched: Medline, Embase, The Cochrane Library, and other important databases up to April 2010 (Clinical Evidence reviews are updated periodically; please check our website for the most up-to-date version of this review). We included harms alerts from relevant organisations such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). We found 39 systematic reviews, RCTs, or observational studies that met our inclusion criteria. We performed a GRADE evaluation of the quality of evidence for interventions. In this systematic review we present information relating to the effectiveness and safety of the following interventions: patient health education, prescriber education, prompting mechanisms, reminder packaging (calendar [blister] packs, multi-dose pill boxes), and simplified dosing.
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Search date April 2010
Liam Glynn and Tom Fahey
INTRODUCTION: Adherence to medication is generally defined as the extent to which people take medications as prescribed by their
healthcare providers. It can be assessed in many ways (e.g., by self-reporting, pill counting, direct observation, electronic monitoring, or by
pharmacy records). This review reports effects of intervention on adherence to cardiovascular medications however adherence has been
measured. METHODS AND OUTCOMES: We conducted a systematic review and aimed to answer the following clinical question: What
are the effects of interventions to improve adherence to long-term medication for cardiovascular disease in adults? We searched: Medline,
Embase, The Cochrane Library, and other important databases up to April 2010 (Clinical Evidence reviews are updated periodically; please
check our website for the most up-to-date version of this review). We included harms alerts from relevant organisations such as the US
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). RESULTS: We found
39 systematic reviews, RCTs, or observational studies that met our inclusion criteria.We performed a GRADE evaluation of the quality of
evidence for interventions. CONCLUSIONS: In this systematic review we present information relating to the effectiveness and safety of the
following interventions: patient health education, prescriber education, prompting mechanisms, reminder packaging (calendar [blister] packs,
multi-dose pill boxes), and simplified dosing.
What are the effects of interventions to improve adherence to long-term medication for CVD in adults? ...... 4
Likely to be beneficial
Prompting mechanisms ...................... 4
Simplified dosing .......................... 12
Unknown effectiveness
Patient health education ..................... 21
Prescriber education ....................... 17
Reminder packaging ........................ 18
Key points
Adherence to medication is generally defined as the extent to which people take medications as prescribed by
their healthcare providers.
It can be assessed in many ways (e.g., by self-reporting, pill counting, direct observation, electronic monitoring,
or through pharmacy records). In this review, we have reported adherence to cardiovascular medications however
it has been measured.
The RCTs we found used a variety of different interventions in different populations, measured adherence differ-
ently, and expressed and analysed results differently.
The diversity and complexity of interventions employed in RCTs makes it difficult to separate out any individual
components that might be of benefit.
We found evidence that simplified dosing regimens may increase adherence compared with more complex regimens.
While simplifying the frequency of dosage may increase adherence, it is not known whether simplified regimens
may increase adherence when someone is taking multiple drugs, as may be the case with cardiovascular
In altering a drug regimen simply to increase adherence, any changes could potentially affect the effectiveness
of the treatment, and could also potentially increase adverse effects.
Prompting mechanisms may also increase adherence to medication.
Some prompting mechanisms may be simple and inexpensive (e.g., mailed reminders), while others (e.g., daily
telephone calls, installing videophones) seem impracticable for use in routine practice.
Patient health education may also increase adherence to medication but more data are needed to draw conclusions.
Adherence behaviour is complex.Traditional education methods may fail to address this. However, more patient-
centred approaches, particularly those that are nurse- or pharmacist-led, using video or telephone strategies,
may be beneficial and require further investigation.
We found some evidence that a combination of strategies, such as education plus prompting, may be more
successful than a single educational strategy.
We found no evidence from one RCT that reminder packaging (a calendar blister pack) was effective, and found
insufficient evidence on other types of reminder packaging such as multi-dose pill boxes.
We found one RCT of prescriber education in a developing country, which showed that a 1-day intensive training
session of general practitioners on hypertension improved medication adherence compared with usual care but
Cardiovascular disorders
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. ..................... 1..................... Clinical Evidence 2011;04:220
these data are not generalisable to the range of people taking cardiovascular medication so we cannot draw firm
conclusions about this intervention.
DEFINITION Definition of adherence: Adherence to a medication regimen is generally defined as the extent
to which people take medications as prescribed by their healthcare providers. [1] Adherence,
compliance, and concordance are often used interchangeably when studying health behaviour,
but their meanings are in fact different, particularly in the context of RCTs examining interventions
aimed at improving adherence. Adherence takes into account that people choose to take their
medicines, have control over their use, and develop an agreement with healthcare professionals
about their management. [2] The main difference between the terms "adherence" and "compliance"
is on a motivational level, with the latter suggesting that the patient is passively following the
physician's orders, and that the treatment plan is not based on a therapeutic alliance or contract
established between the patient and the physician. [1] Unfortunately, the term "concordance" has
occasionally, and not always appropriately, replaced the terms "compliance" or "adherence". [3]
"Concordance" aims to describe an agreement between patient and healthcare professional about
the whole process of medication-taking as part of a wider consultation, rather than describing the
specific extent to which medication is taken. [4] For the purposes of this review, "adherence" will
be defined as the extent to which people take medications as prescribed by their healthcare
providers.The reporting of adherence varies, with some studies reporting adherence as a dichoto-
mous outcome, and using an artificial cut-off point (e.g., 80% "adherent"), whereas other studies
compare study arms using continuous outcomes (e.g., a count of pills taken of 75% v 91%). Mea-
surement of adherence: The ideal measurement of adherence should: be usable over a prolonged
period; be unobtrusive; be non-invasive; be practicable and cheap; yield immediate results; and
not be open to manipulation. [5] Based on these stringent criteria, the objective measurement of
adherence is difficult, and poses a challenge for researchers and clinicians. Measurement of ad-
herence can be divided into "direct" (which demonstrate drug ingestion) and "indirect" (which do
not demonstrate drug ingestion) methods. Direct methods include observing people taking medica-
tion, or the measurement of medicine, metabolites, or biological markers in the blood. Although
objective and accurate, direct adherence measures are often impractical or too expensive for the
RCT setting. A variety of indirect adherence measures are commonly employed in RCTs, and each
one has strengths and weaknesses.These include self-reporting by patients, prescribing data, pill
counting, measurement of physiological markers, and electronic monitoring. Patient self-reporting
of adherence is simple, inexpensive, and probably the most practical and useful in the clinical setting.
It is, however, subject to considerable bias, as the person may wish to please the investigator, be
worried about admitting to not taking medication, or simply not accurately remember. Prescribing
data, such as the rate of prescription refills or cessation of refills (discontinuation rate), are easy
to obtain through pharmacies, but require a closed-pharmacy system to be accurate, and cannot
be regarded as equivalent to ingestion of medication. However, this information affords a useful
proxy, and may be easier to measure over long follow-up periods. [6] Pill counts provide a direct
measure of adherence. However, they may be manipulated by people if they are aware that the
pills are being counted (e.g., pill dumping), and it does not necessarily mean that medication has
been taken at the correct time. Measurement of physiological markers (e.g., measuring heart rate
in patients taking beta-blockers) is easy to perform, but is greatly limited by its assumption of a
cause-and-effect relationship, which is rarely applicable. Electronic monitoring methods have
greatly advanced recently and allow recordings of the timing and frequency of drug ingestion, which
make them the only method to provide data on drug-taking patterns. However, they are expensive,
and there is no guarantee that opening of the medication container is followed by ingestion of the
correct dose. It could also be argued that placing an electronic cap to measure compliance is an
intervention in itself as people are aware that they are being monitored (Hawthorne effect). [7] This
effect may or may not persist in the longer term when people become used to the electronic cap.
Although electronic monitoring is closest to a "gold standard" in measuring adherence, it has so
far been used mainly as a research tool owing to its relatively high cost.
PREVALENCE Not applicable for this review.
RISK FACTORS The reasons for not adhering to prescribed cardiovascular medication are complex, and non-adher-
ence may lead to various sequelae. For example, the prescribing clinician may alter or discontinue
a regimen believing it not to be working when, in fact, it may have been taken only inconsistently
or not at all. Failure to adhere to a prescribed regimen may increase adverse effects from the reg-
imen, in that medication is taken incorrectly, and may fail to improve symptoms from the underlying
condition for which it was prescribed.Interventions to improve adherence: Interventions to improve
adherence can potentially be divided into a variety of different categories or groupings. In this review
we have grouped RCTs under the categories of: prescriber education; prompting mechanisms;
patient health education; simplified dosing; and reminder packaging (blister packs and pill boxes),
and have explained what we have included under each category where necessary. However, inter-
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Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
ventions to improve adherence are complex by nature and will often be combined in a multi-facto-
rial or "complex intervention" approach.This approach is necessary as there are many factors that
contribute to poor adherence, although this does make it difficult to tease out the individual compo-
nents of many adherence interventions. Educational interventions can be directed at prescribers,
patients, and their family members using written material, videotapes, or individual or group training.
Prompting mechanisms are intended to stimulate medication-taking through mailed or telephoned
reminders or through the use of electronic medication-reminder caps. Simplified dosing is intended
to improve adherence through the reduction of dosing frequency (e.g., once-daily regimens v twice-
daily regimens, or twice-daily regimens v 3-times-daily regimens). Reminder packaging falls into
two distinct categories: those that are packaged in pill boxes (multi-compartment compliance aid,
dose administration aid) or those that are pre-packaged into blister packs (calendar blister, unit
dose, monitored dosage system). Definitions of terms relating to reminder packaging are reported
in table 1, p 30 .
PROGNOSIS Patterns of medication-taking behaviour and adherence: Patterns of medication-taking behaviour
have been accurately described using electronic monitoring devices. Six general patterns of taking
medication emerge among people treated for chronic illnesses who continue to take their medica-
tions: approximately one sixth come close to perfect adherence to a regimen; one sixth take nearly
all doses, but with some timing irregularity; one sixth miss an occasional single day's dose and
have some timing inconsistency; one sixth take drug holidays three to four times a year, with occa-
sional omissions of doses; one sixth have a drug holiday monthly or more often, with frequent
omissions of doses; and one sixth take few or no doses while giving the impression of good adher-
ence. [8] [9] Most deviations in taking medication occur as omissions of doses (rather than additions)
or delays in the timing of doses. [10] [11] Levels of adherence are poorly described, with those
studies of higher quality limited by smaller numbers, and those studies of larger populations limited
by crude measures of adherence. However, in terms of adherence to cardiovascular medication,
most studies have examined adherence in relation to lipid-lowering drugs. It is evident that target
cholesterol concentrations are only achieved in less than 50% of people receiving lipid-lowering
drugs, and that only one in four people continue taking cholesterol-lowering drugs long term. [12]
[13] In adherence studies of people without CHD taking lipid-lowering drugs for the purposes of
primary prevention, discontinuation rates are higher compared with people taking lipid-lowering
drugs for the purpose of secondary prevention, indicating a possible relationship between adherence
and awareness of illness. [14] [15]
INTERVENTION To increase adherence to cardiovascular medication in order to achieve treatment goals; to prevent
relapse of disease; to reduce morbidity; to reduce mortality; to improve quality of life, with minimal
adverse effects.
OUTCOMES Adherence to medication, however measured. Adherence is often measured by pill count, pre-
scription renewal requests, self-reporting, and electronic monitoring. Adverse effects.
METHODS Clinical Evidence search and appraisal April 2010.The following databases were used to identify
studies for this systematic review: Medline 1966 to April 2010, Embase 1980 to April 2010, and
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 3 (1966 to date of issue). An additional
search within The Cochrane Library was carried out for the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of
Effects (DARE) and Health Technology Assessment (HTA). We also searched for retractions of
studies included in the review. Abstracts of the studies retrieved from the initial search were assessed
by an information specialist. Selected studies were then sent to the contributor for additional as-
sessment, using predetermined criteria to identify relevant studies. In addition, we use a regular
surveillance protocol to capture harms alerts from organisations such as the FDA and the MHRA,
which are added to the reviews as required. Study design criteria for inclusion in this review were:
published systematic reviews of RCTs and RCTs in any language, undertaken in adults. Further
studies were identified from a search of bibliographies of identified systematic reviews.We included
RCTs whatever the level of blinding (whether double-blind, single-blind, or open). RCTs had to
contain at least 20 people in total, or at least 10 per study arm, of whom more than 80% were fol-
lowed up.The minimum length of follow-up required to include studies was 6 weeks.We have in-
cluded RCTs in people with CVD and excluded RCTs in mixed populations (i.e., RCTs that also
included people with other diseases, in which people with CVD did not form the majority).We ex-
cluded RCTs in hospitalised people, and included RCTs in people in the community or seen as
outpatients, who were responsible for administering their own medication. Difficulties in evaluating
RCTs included analysing a multiplicity of different interventions and combinations of different ele-
ments that were not easily categorised. Therefore, in each treatment option, we have explicitly
stated what we have included under that option heading.We have excluded RCTs that employed
complex interventions (i.e., mixtures of different elements) in which the individual effects of our in-
tervention of interest could not be separately assessed.We have also excluded RCTs that did not
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Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
directly report adherence as an outcome, or reported an adherence outcome that was not clearly
defined.There was a wide variation between RCTs in how adherence was measured (e.g., whether
by pill count, self-reporting, electronic methods, or the number of repeat prescriptions obtained),
with no standard method employed.We have therefore included RCTs however adherence was
measured, but explicitly stated the adherence outcome measure employed in each RCT. We
identified a number of systematic reviews that employed different inclusion criteria, and that cate-
gorised interventions in different groupings.The systematic reviews did not pool data because of
differences between included RCTs (including study designs, interventions employed, and outcome
measures assessed). We have therefore reported each of the RCTs included in the systematic
reviews separately. Measures to increase adherence may or may not have adverse effects (e.g.,
regular contact and stressing the importance of medication and possible adverse effects of non-
compliance may increase anxiety in some people). For adverse events we have reported harms
data relating directly to the adherence intervention employed.We have not reported harms data
relating to the drug treatments used, as adherence is our outcome of interest. The exception to
this is in the simplified-dosing option, where we have reported drug adverse effects, as the inter-
vention directly alters the drug regimen (e.g., to once-daily dosage, rather than twice-daily). Hence,
in this case, differences in drug adverse effects between the regimens are due to the adherence
intervention itself.To aid readability of the numerical data in our reviews, we round many percentages
to the nearest whole number. Readers should be aware of this when relating percentages to
summary statistics such as relative risks (RRs) and odds ratios (ORs). We have performed a
GRADE evaluation of the quality of evidence for interventions included in this review (see table, p
31 ). The categorisation of the quality of the evidence (high, moderate, low, or very low) reflects
the quality of evidence available for our chosen outcomes in our defined populations of interest.
These categorisations are not necessarily a reflection of the overall methodological quality of any
individual study, because the Clinical Evidence population and outcome of choice may represent
only a small subset of the total outcomes reported, and population included, in any individual trial.
For further details of how we perform the GRADE evaluation and the scoring system we use, please
see our website (
QUESTION What are the effects of interventions to improve adherence to long-term medication for CVD
in adults?
OPTION PROMPTING MECHANISMS.....................................................
For GRADE evaluation of interventions for Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence, see table, p 31 .
Prompting mechanisms may increase adherence to medication.
Some prompting mechanisms may be simple and inexpensive (e.g., mailed reminders), while others (e.g., daily
telephone calls, installing videophones) seem impracticable for use in routine practice.
Benefits and harms
Prompting mechanisms versus usual care:
We found 11 systematic reviews (search dates 1996; [16] 2000; [17] 2002; [18] [19] [20] 2003; [21] [22] 2004; [23] 2007;
[24] 2008; [25] 2009 [26] ), which identified 5 RCTs of sufficient quality. [7] [27] [28] [29] [30] The reviews did not pool
data. Some of the RCTs had weak methods, and completeness of reporting varied widely among trials. Adherence
was measured in a variety of ways in the 5 RCTs (pill counts, pharmacy refill records, electronic caps) and overall
compliance was calculated in different ways, with no standard method employed. For full details of prompting
mechanisms used in RCTs, see further information on studies.
Adherence to medication
Compared with usual care Prompting interventions (including daily and weekly telephone calls, video-telephone
calls, mailed reminders, and electronic medication-reminder caps) may be more effective than usual care at improving
adherence in people taking cardiovascular medication. However, the practicality of some of these interventions in
routine clinical practice is unclear (very low-quality evidence).
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
Adherence to medication
P <0.05 among groupsCompliance (baseline to post-
intervention) monitored by
60 people age 65
years or older, diag-
RCT Direct statistical analysis of tele-
phone group or video-telephone
electronic caps on medication
bottles , 6-week intervention
nosis of chronic
heart failure, had
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Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
trial group versus usual care not re-
ported, but higher rates of adher-
ence in prompting mechanism
phase followed by 2-week post-
intervention compliance moni-
toring period
76% to 74% with daily telephone
to have telephone
socket, home not
in high-crime area,
Mini-Mental State
(MMSE) score of
20 or better. 82% to 84% with daily video-
telephone calls
81% to 57% with usual care
Absolute numbers not reported
prompting interven-
tion (electronic
P = 0.0002Mean % compliance (defined
as doses consumed/doses
prescribed x 100) , number of
remaining doses in each vial
counted at 12 weeks
70 people with hy-
pertension on long-
term treatment,
age 50 years or
older, on one or
more drugs
95% with electronic cap on medi-
cation vial
78% with standard cap
Absolute numbers not reported
Not significant
Reported as not significant
P value not reported
Compliance (measured by pill
and packet counts) , 6 weeks
92% for lovastatin and 93% for
colestipol with telephone call
30 people with
the last 7 to 30
days, baseline
fasting LDL
130 mg/dL or high-
89% for lovastatin and 90% for
colestipol with no telephone call
er, on lovastatin
and colestipol, with Absolute numbers not reported
a telephone in their
Not significant
Reported as not significant
P value not reported
Compliance (measured by pill
and packet counts) , 12 weeks
88% for lovastatin and 90% for
colestipol with telephone call
30 people with
the last 7 to 30
days, baseline
fasting LDL
130 mg/dL or high-
86% for lovastatin and 88% for
colestipol with no telephone call
er, on lovastatin
and colestipol, with Absolute numbers not reported
a telephone in their
prompting interven-
tion (telephone
P <0.05Compliance (measured by
contacting pharmacies to ob-
tain document refill informa-
tion) , 1 year
30 people with
the last 7 to 30
days, baseline
fasting LDL
71% for lovastatin and 54% for
colestipol with telephone call
130 mg/dL or high-
er, on lovastatin
and colestipol, with 47% for lovastatin and 27% for
colestipol with no telephone call
a telephone in their
home Absolute numbers not reported
prompting interven-
tion (telephone
P <0.05Compliance (measured by
contacting pharmacies to ob-
tain document refill informa-
tion) , 2 years
30 people with
the last 7 to 30
days, baseline
fasting LDL
63% for lovastatin and 48% for
colestipol with telephone call
130 mg/dL or high-
er, on lovastatin
and colestipol, with 39% for lovastatin and 23% for
colestipol with no telephone call
a telephone in their
home Absolute numbers not reported
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. ........................................................... 5
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
prompting interven-
tion (reminder
P <0.05
Post hoc analysis
Mean compliant events, which
equalled the number of refills
divided by the possible number
of refills , outcome measured
for 3 months
311 people on car-
diovascular medica-
tions, attended pri-
mary care or spe-
ciality clinic at a
university health
0.58 with no reminder
centre, medication
refill due in 2 days, 0.65 with postcard reminder 2
working days before medication
refill due
people selected
from a computer
Third arm evaluat-
ed telephone re-
prompting interven-
tion (telephone
P <0.05
Post hoc analysis
Mean compliant events, which
equalled the number of refills
divided by the possible number
of refills , outcome measured
for 3 months
311 people on car-
diovascular medica-
tions, attended pri-
mary care or spe-
ciality clinic at a
university health
0.58 with no reminder
centre, medication
refill due in 2 days, 0.64 with telephone call 1 working
day before medication refill due
people selected
from a computer
Third arm evaluat-
ed postcard re-
prompting interven-
P = 0.0001 for either intervention
v usual care
Mean % compliance (compli-
ance assessed by counting
tablets; % compliance defined
636 people with
newly diagnosed or
uncontrolled mild
RCT No direct statistical comparison
of telephone intervention alone
as total number of consumed
tablets/total number of tablets
to moderate hyper-
tension, aged 18 to
trial or mailed intervention alone ver-
sus usual care reported, but
that should have been con-
sumed x 100) , assessed at 5
80 years, on single
therapy higher rates of adherence in
prompting mechanism groups
clinic visits: inclusion visit, and
4 follow-up visits at 26, 52, 106,
and 155 days
90% with usual care
99% with telephone intervention
97% with mailed intervention
Absolute numbers not reported
prompting interven-
P = 0.0001 for either intervention
v usual care
Proportion of compliers (partic-
ipants with 80110% drug con-
sumption ) (compliance as-
636 people with
newly diagnosed or
uncontrolled mild
RCT Between-group analysis
sessed by counting tablets; %
compliance defined as total
to moderate hyper-
tension, aged 18 to
trial No direct statistical comparison
of telephone intervention alone
number of consumed
tablets/total number of tablets
80 years, on single
therapy or mailed intervention alone ver-
sus usual care reported, but
that should have been con-
sumed x 100) , assessed at 5 higher rates of adherence in
prompting mechanism groups
clinic visits: inclusion visit, and
4 follow-up visits at 26, 52, 106,
and 155 days
69% with usual care
96% with telephone intervention
91% with mailed intervention
Absolute numbers not reported
Adverse effects
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. ........................................................... 6
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
No data from the following reference on this outcome. [7] [27] [28] [29] [30]
Prompting mechanism plus usual care versus unit-of-use packaging plus usual care versus unit-of-use
packaging plus prompting mechanism plus usual care versus usual care alone:
We found 11 systematic reviews (search dates 1996; [16] 2000; [17] 2002; [18] [19] [20] 2003; [21] [22] 2004; [23] 2007;
[24] 2008; [25] 2009 [26] ), which identified two RCTs of sufficient quality. [6] The reviews did not pool data.The two
RCTs were undertaken by the same research group, and employed a similar methodology.
Adherence to medication
Prompting mechanism plus usual care compared with unit-of-use packaging plus usual care compared with unit-of-
use packaging plus prompting mechanism plus usual care compared with usual care alone A prompting intervention
(mailed reminder 10 days before refill date), unit-of-use packaging, and combined prompting intervention plus unit-
of-use packaging may all be more effective than usual care at improving adherence to medication in people with
mild to moderate hypertension; and the combined prompting intervention plus unit-of-use packaging may be more
effective than the prompting intervention alone or unit-of-use packaging alone. However, the unit-of-use packaging
intervention was not fully defined (a 30-day inventory tray in 1 RCT; not defined in another RCT), which makes
drawing conclusions on it difficult.We don't know whether a mailed prompting reminder is more effective than unit-
of-use packaging at improving adherence (very low-quality evidence).
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
Adherence to medication
prompting interven-
tion (mailed re-
P <0.05Mean number of days' supply
of medication obtained over
360-day study period, ex-
pressed as "medication posses-
304 people, previ-
ously untreated
mild to moderate
hypertension, <65
trial sion ratio" (defined as the
number of days' supply of
years old, on vera-
pamil once daily, medication obtained through-refill medication out the study period expresseddispensed in 30-
day supplies as a ratio against the number
of days that should have been
The remaining
arms evaluated 0.64 with standard care plus
mailed reminder 10 days prior to
medication refill date
standard care plus
unit-of-use packag-
ing and standard
care plus mailed 0.56 with standard care
reminder plus unit-
of-use packaging
reminder packag-
ing (unit-of-use
P <0.05
The unit-of-use packaging was
reported to be "a sequentially
Mean number of days' supply
of medication obtained over
360-day study period, ex-
pressed as "medication posses-
304 people, previ-
ously untreated
mild to moderate
hypertension, <65
trial numbered 30-day supply invento-
ry tray with easy-access compart-
ments" but was not further de-
sion ratio" (defined as the
number of days' supply of
medication obtained through-
out the study period expressed
as a ratio against the number
years old, on vera-
pamil once daily,
refill medication
dispensed in 30-
day supplies of days that should have been
The remaining
arms evaluated 0.67 with standard care plus unit-
of-use packaging
standard care plus
mailed reminder 10
days prior to medi- 0.56 with standard care
cation refill date
and standard care
plus mailed re-
minder plus unit-of-
use packaging
prompting mecha-
nism (mailed re-
P <0.05
The unit-of-use packaging was
reported to be "a sequentially
Mean number of days' supply
of medication obtained over
360-day study period, ex-
pressed as "medication posses-
304 people, previ-
ously untreated
mild to moderate
hypertension, <65
minder) plus re-
minder packaging
(unit-of-use packag-
numbered 30-day supply invento-
ry tray with easy-access compart-
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. ........................................................... 7
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
ments" but was not further de-
sion ratio" (defined as the
number of days' supply of
medication obtained through-
years old, on vera-
pamil once daily,
refill medication out the study period expresseddispensed in 30-
day supplies as a ratio against the number
of days that should have been
The remaining
arms evaluated 0.56 with standard carestandard care plus
mailed reminder 10 0.79 with standard care plus
mailed reminder plus unit-of-use
days prior to medi-
cation refill date
and standard care
plus unit-of-use
Not significant
Reported as not significant
P value not reported
Mean number of days' supply
of medication obtained over
360-day study period, ex-
pressed as "medication posses-
304 people, previ-
ously untreated
mild to moderate
hypertension, <65
trial The unit-of-use packaging was
reported to be "a sequentially
numbered 30-day supply invento-
sion ratio" (defined as the
number of days' supply of
medication obtained through-
years old, on vera-
pamil once daily,
refill medication ry tray with easy-access compart-
out the study period expresseddispensed in 30-
day supplies ments" but was not further de-
as a ratio against the number
of days that should have been
The remaining
arms evaluated 0.64 with standard care plus
mailed reminder 10 days prior to
medication refill date
standard care
alone and standard
care plus mailed
reminder plus unit-
of-use packaging 0.67 with standard care plus unit-
of-use packaging
prompting mecha-
nism (mailed re-
P <0.05
The unit-of-use packaging was
reported to be "a sequentially
Mean number of days' supply
of medication obtained over
360-day study period, ex-
pressed as "medication posses-
304 people, previ-
ously untreated
mild to moderate
hypertension, <65
minder) plus re-
minder packaging
numbered 30-day supply invento-
ry tray with easy-access compart-
ments" but was not further de-
sion ratio" (defined as the
number of days' supply of
medication obtained through-
out the study period expressed
as a ratio against the number
years old, on vera-
pamil once daily,
refill medication
dispensed in 30-
day supplies of days that should have been
The remaining
arms evaluated 0.64 with standard care plus
mailed reminder 10 days prior to
medication refill date
standard care
alone and standard
care plus unit-of-
use packaging 0.79 with standard care plus
mailed reminder plus unit-of-use
prompting mecha-
nism (mailed re-
P <0.05
The unit-of-use packaging was
reported to be "a sequentially
Mean number of days' supply
of medication obtained over
360-day study period, ex-
pressed as "medication posses-
304 people, previ-
ously untreated
mild to moderate
hypertension, <65
minder) plus re-
minder packaging
numbered 30-day supply invento-
ry tray with easy-access compart-
ments" but was not further de-
sion ratio" (defined as the
number of days' supply of
medication obtained through-
out the study period expressed
as a ratio against the number
years old, on vera-
pamil once daily,
refill medication
dispensed in 30-
day supplies of days that should have been
The remaining
arms evaluated 0.67 with standard care plus unit-
of-use packaging
standard care
alone and standard
care plus mailed 0.79 with standard care plus
mailed reminder plus unit-of-use
reminder 10 days
prior to medication
refill date
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. ........................................................... 8
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
prompting interven-
tion (mailed re-
P <0.05Mean number of days' supply
of medication obtained over
360-day study period, ex-
pressed as "medication posses-
128 people with
previously untreat-
ed mild to moder-
ate hypertension,
trial sion ratio" (defined as the
number of days' supply of
on verapamil once
daily, mean age medication obtained through-approximately 54 out the study period expressedyears, refill medica- as a ratio against the numbertion dispensed in
30-day supplies of days that should have been
The remaining
arms evaluated 0.71 with standard care plus
mailed reminder 10 days prior to
medication refill date
standard care plus
unit-of-use packag-
ing and standard 0.64 with standard care
care plus mailed
reminder plus unit-
of-use packaging
reminder packag-
ing (unit-of-use
P <0.05
The unit-of-use packaging was
not further defined
Mean number of days' supply
of medication obtained over
360-day study period, ex-
pressed as "medication posses-
sion ratio" (defined as the
128 people with
previously untreat-
ed mild to moder-
ate hypertension,
on verapamil once
trial number of days' supply ofdaily, mean age medication obtained through-approximately 54 out the study period expressedyears, refill medica- as a ratio against the numbertion dispensed in
30-day supplies of days that should have been
The remaining
arms evaluated 0.64 with standard care
standard care plus 0.75 with standard care plus unit-
of-use packaging
mailed reminder 10
days prior to medi-
cation refill date
and standard care
plus mailed re-
minder plus unit-of-
use packaging
prompting mecha-
nism (mailed re-
P <0.05
The unit-of-use packaging was
not further defined
Mean number of days' supply
of medication obtained over
360-day study period, ex-
pressed as "medication posses-
sion ratio" (defined as the
128 people with
previously untreat-
ed mild to moder-
ate hypertension,
on verapamil once
minder) plus re-
minder packaging
number of days' supply of
medication obtained through-
daily, mean age
approximately 54 out the study period expressedyears, refill medica- as a ratio against the numbertion dispensed in
30-day supplies of days that should have been
The remaining
arms evaluated 0.87 with standard care plus
mailed reminder plus unit-of-use
standard care plus
mailed reminder 10
days prior to medi- 0.64 with standard care
cation refill date
and standard care
plus unit-of-use
Not significant
Reported as not significant
P value not reported
Mean number of days' supply
of medication obtained over
360-day study period, ex-
pressed as "medication posses-
128 people with
previously untreat-
ed mild to moder-
ate hypertension,
trial The unit-of-use packaging was
not further defined
sion ratio" (defined as the
number of days' supply of
on verapamil once
daily, mean age medication obtained through-approximately 54 out the study period expressedyears, refill medica- as a ratio against the numbertion dispensed in
30-day supplies of days that should have been
The remaining
arms evaluated
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. ........................................................... 9
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
0.71 with standard care plus
mailed reminder 10 days prior to
medication refill date
standard care
alone and standard
care plus mailed
reminder plus unit-
of-use packaging 0.75 with standard care plus unit-
of-use packaging
prompting mecha-
nism (mailed re-
P <0.05
The unit-of-use packaging was
not further defined
Mean number of days' supply
of medication obtained over
360-day study period, ex-
pressed as "medication posses-
sion ratio" (defined as the
128 people with
previously untreat-
ed mild to moder-
ate hypertension,
on verapamil once
minder) plus re-
minder packaging
number of days' supply of
medication obtained through-
daily, mean age
approximately 54 out the study period expressedyears, refill medica- as a ratio against the numbertion dispensed in
30-day supplies of days that should have been
The remaining
arms evaluated 0.71 with standard care plus
mailed reminder 10 days prior to
medication refill date
standard care
alone and standard
care plus unit-of-
use packaging 0.87 with standard care plus
mailed reminder plus unit-of-use
prompting mecha-
nism (mailed re-
P <0.05
The unit-of-use packaging was
not further defined
Mean number of days' supply
of medication obtained over
360-day study period, ex-
pressed as "medication posses-
sion ratio" (defined as the
128 people with
previously untreat-
ed mild to moder-
ate hypertension,
on verapamil once
minder) plus re-
minder packaging
number of days' supply of
medication obtained through-
daily, mean age
approximately 54 out the study period expressedyears, refill medica- as a ratio against the numbertion dispensed in
30-day supplies of days that should have been
The remaining
arms evaluated 0.75 with standard care plus unit-
of-use packagingstandard care
alone and standard 0.87 with standard care plus
mailed reminder plus unit-of-use
care plus mailed
reminder 10 days
prior to medication
refill date
Adverse effects
No data from the following reference on this outcome. [31] [6]
Prompting mechanism plus patient health education versus usual care:
We found 11 systematic reviews (search dates 1996; [16] 2000; [17] 2002; [18] [19] [20] 2003; [21] [22] 2004; [23] 2007;
[24] 2008; [25] 2009 [26] ), which identified one RCT of sufficient quality. [32] See further information on studies for full
details on interventions.
Adherence to medication
Compared with usual care A prompting intervention (including a telephone call and mailed reminder) plus patient
health education (including an educational programme, newsletter, and general health advice) may be more effective
than usual care at improving adherence to medication in people with newly diagnosed hypertension and in people
with existing hypertension at 1 year (low-quality evidence).
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 10
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
Adherence to medication
prompting interven-
tion plus patient
health education
P <0.05Results expressed as medica-
tion possession ratio (defined
as mean number of days' sup-
ply of medication obtained
453 outpatients,
mild to moderate
hypertension, on
once-daily atenolol,
over 360-day trial period) , fol-
low-up at 6 months
either new cases
or existing (previ-
ously treated); 0.82 with prompting intervention
plus patient health education
subgroup analysis
of 344 people with
existing hyperten-
sion 0.48 with usual care
Subgroup analysis
prompting interven-
tion plus patient
health education
P <0.05Results expressed as medica-
tion possession ratio (defined
as mean number of days' sup-
ply of medication obtained
453 outpatients,
mild to moderate
hypertension, on
once-daily atenolol,
over 360-day study period) ,
follow-up at 6 months
either new cases
or existing (previ-
ously treated); 0.93 with prompting intervention
plus patient health education
subgroup analysis
of 109 people with
new hypertension 0.52 with usual care
Subgroup analysis
Adverse effects
No data from the following reference on this outcome. [32]
Prompting mechanisms versus prescriber education, patient health education, or simplified dosing:
We found 11 systematic reviews (search dates 1996; [16] 2000; [17] 2002; [18] [19] [20] 2003; [21] [22] 2004; [23] 2007;
[24] 2008; [25] 2009 [26] ), which identified no RCTs of sufficient quality.
Further information on studies
[7] Prompting mechanism Daily calls, which lasted 3 to 5 minutes and were made by research assistant on
Monday to Friday. RCT methods Method of randomisation was described. Results based on 50/60 (83%) of
those randomised.Withdrawals in each individual group not reported. Participants offered $20 to take part in
study. Electronic caps placed on maximum of 4 medication bottles for each person. No significant difference in
adherence reported between telephone and video-telephone groups (reported as not significant; P value not
[27] Prompting mechanism Electronic cap on medication bottles: digital timepiece displayed when last opened,
alarm bleeped when dose due, flashed when dose missed. RCT methods Participants blinded, investigators
not blinded. Method of randomisation not described. Loss to follow-up not reported. Blood pressure results were
measured but presented as baseline analysis; no between-group analyses reported. Factoral design: only first
randomisation reported here.
[28] Prompting mechanism Telephone calls: same pharmacist telephoned people in their homes every week for
12 weeks. Standard set of questions, with emphasis on the importance of therapy, and asking reasons for non-
compliance where appropriate. RCT methodsThe method of randomisation was described, and follow-up was
100%. Different measures of adherence in short term (up to 12 weeks) and long term (up to 2 years). Small
RCT (15 people in each group). Changes in total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglyceride level were not signifi-
cantly different between groups at 6 or 12 weeks. Compared with the no-telephone group, the telephone inter-
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 11
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
vention significantly reduced total cholesterol (P = 0.03), LDL (P = 0.02), and triglyceride levels (P = 0.04) at 1
and 2 years.
[29] RCT methods Method of randomisation not described. Level of blinding not reported. A telephone call was also
made to people in all three groups who were 3 days late obtaining the medication.This was to determine: if
postcard group had received postcard; if medication obtained at different pharmacy; and reasons for not refilling.
Calls made to all groups (including control) may have influenced the results. Of 40/311 (13%) total withdrawals,
35 were in group (1).These people were excluded from analysis as not contacted by telephone (unlisted or
telephone disconnected). Hence, withdrawals varied between groups.The RCT found no significant difference
between postcard and telephone groups in mean compliant events (P value not reported).
[30] Prompting mechanism Telephone intervention: three calls in total by nurses after scheduled visits to reinforce
compliance, standard call, with good compliance praised. Mailed intervention: three mailed communications
reinforcing compliance, health education, and reminding people of clinic visits.RCT methods Method of ran-
domisation was described. Results based on follow-up of 538/636 (86%) people. Significantly superior control
of blood pressure with telephone intervention compared with usual care (63% with telephone intervention v
47% with usual care; P <0.05).
[6] RCT methods Follow-up of 100%. Method of randomisation not described. Level of blinding not reported. "Unit-
of-use" packaging was reported to be "a sequentially numbered 30-day supply inventory tray with easy-access
compartments". It was not further described.
[32] Prompting mechanism Active intervention consisted of health education (educational programme, newsletter
discussing importance of compliance, nutrition, and lifestyle advice) plus prompting intervention (telephone
conversation 1 week prior to next medication refill initially, and then mailed reminder 10 days prior to refill each
month). RCT methods Method of randomisation not described. Level of blinding not described.
Comment: Clinical guide:
As outlined above, there is a variety of potential prompting mechanisms, from the simple and rela-
tively low-cost mailed reminder to the more expensive and labour-intensive use of telephone calls,
video-telephone calls, or electronic medication-reminder caps (and we have included RCTs that
assessed any form).There is a small amount of evidence for effect with all of the above mechanisms,
but several (e.g., daily telephone calls, installing videophones) remain impracticable for use in
routine clinical practice.
OPTION SIMPLIFIED DOSING...........................................................
For GRADE evaluation of interventions for Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence, see table, p 31 .
We found evidence that simplified dosing regimens may increase adherence compared with more complex reg-
While simplifying the frequency of dosage may increase adherence, it is not known whether simplified regimens
may increase adherence when someone is taking multiple drugs, as may be the case with cardiovascular
In altering a drug regimen simply to increase adherence, any changes could potentially affect the effectiveness
of the treatment, and could also potentially increase adverse effects.
Benefits and harms
Simplified dosing regimens versus more complex regimens:
We found 10 systematic reviews (search dates 1996; [16] 2000; [17] 2002; [18] [19] 2003; [21] [33] [34] 2004; [23] 2007;
[24] 2008 [25] ), which identified 6 RCTs of sufficient quality. [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] The reviews did not pool data.
We found no subsequent RCTs.
Adherence to medication
Compared with more complex dosing regimens Simplified dosing regimens may be more effective than more complex
dosing regimens (e.g., once-daily regimens compared with twice-daily regimens, or twice-daily regimens compared
with 3-times-daily regimens) at increasing adherence to medication in people with hypertension, hyperlipidaemia,
and angina (very low-quality evidence).
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 12
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
Adherence to medication
simplified dosing
P = 0.009Compliance (defined as those
people taking at least 90% of
their medications) , assess-
389 people with
mild or moderate
ment by pill count at 6 and 10
weeks during clinic visit
mean age 53 to 54
years, adequately
controlled, on 93% of people with once-daily
regimen of metoprolol (slow re-
metoprolol or pro-
pranolol either as
monotherapy or in
conjunction with di- 81.5% of people with twice-daily
regimen of metoprolol
uretic. Participants
continued their Absolute numbers not reported
other medication
as normal 2 weeks of baseline monitoring
on original medication, then 8
weeks of intervention
simplified dosing
P = 0.0089Tablet count compliance over
test period, expressed as mean
rank , assessment by pill count
389 people with
mild or moderate
at 6 and 10 weeks during clinic
mean age 53 to 54
years, adequately
controlled, on 123.38 with once-daily regimen
of metoprolol (slow release)
metoprolol or pro-
pranolol either as
monotherapy or in 100.92 with twice-daily regimen
of metoprolol
conjunction with di-
uretic. Participants Absolute numbers not reported
continued their
other medication
as normal 2 weeks of baseline monitoring
on original medication, then 8
weeks of intervention
simplified dosing
RCT reported that "all the differ-
ences were statistically signifi-
cant, P <0.001"
Self-reported participants
asked to rate their compliance
(results presented as self-re-
ported compliance of 100%,
7274 people with
hypertension, suit-
able for treatment
with nicardipine,
80%, or 0% to 60%) , adherenceage 18 years and assessed at 3 months by stan-
dardised interview
older, mean age
50 years, 60% on
current treatment. 82%, 15%, and 3% with
nicardipine twice daily (slow re-
Other concomitant
therapies allowed 71%, 24%, and 4% with
nicardipine 3 times daily
Absolute numbers not reported
simplified dosing
P = 0.01Compliance calculated using
computer that accounted for
drug supplies given, the recom-
29 men, partici-
pants in earlier
study, mean age
mended dosage, and a count49 years, on niacin
design of returned medication; ex-
pressed as % of dose recom-
4 times daily plus
lovastatin twice
daily plus colestipol
twice daily for 1
for 8 96% with niacin twice daily
year, adjusted to
maintain target
then groups 85% with niacin 4 times daily
cholesterol 150 to
were Absolute numbers not reported
175 mg/dL, high
risk of cardiac
over for fur- events (elevated
ther 8
months apoprotein B or
stenosis or strong
family history).
Other medication
(lovastatin and
colestipol) contin-
ued as before
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 13
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
Significance not assessedManual pill count (tablets con-
sumed, % of correct number) ,
follow-up at 12 weeks
31 people with sta-
ble angina, mean
age 63 to 64 years
(range 4774
RCT P value not reported
98% with isosorbide mononitrate
once daily
98% with isosorbide mononitrate
twice daily
Absolute numbers not reported
simplified dosing
P <0.05Compliance assessed by elec-
tronic bottle cap that measured
date and time bottle opened
31 people with sta-
ble angina, mean
age 63 to 64 years
(outcome expressed as % of(range 4774
years) days with correct number of
openings) , follow-up at 12
97% with isosorbide mononitrate
once daily
88% with isosorbide mononitrate
twice daily
Absolute numbers not reported
simplified dosing
P <0.05Compliance assessed by elec-
tronic bottle cap that measured
date and time bottle opened
31 people with sta-
ble angina, mean
age 63 to 64 years
(outcome expressed as the %(range 4774
years) of intervals between openings
within the correct time range)
, follow-up at 12 weeks
88% with isosorbide mononitrate
once daily
69% with isosorbide mononitrate
twice daily
Absolute numbers not reported
simplified dosing
P <0.01Compliance assessed by pill
count (outcome expressed as
% of doses taken) , follow-up
at 8 weeks (after crossover)
27 people, mild hy-
pertension, well
controlled on
mean age 62 years
design with enalapril once daily
Given initial
treatment with enalapril twice daily
for 4 weeks, Absolute results not reported
then groups
simplified dosing
P <0.001Compliance assessed by elec-
tronic bottle cap (outcome ex-
pressed as % of doses taken
27 people, mild hy-
pertension, well
controlled on
by electronic count) , follow-up
at 8 weeks (after crossover)
mean age 62 years
with enalapril once daily
Given initial
treatment with enalapril twice daily
for 4 weeks,
then groups
simplified dosing
P <0.001Outcome expressed as % of
days with correct number of
doses taken , follow-up at 8
weeks (after crossover)
27 people, mild hy-
pertension, well
controlled on
mean age 62 years
design with enalapril once daily
Given initial
treatment with enalapril twice daily
for 4 weeks,
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 14
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
then groups
Not significant
Differential mean compliance was
Mean compliance measured by
an electronic monitoring sys-
tem (MEMS) , 5 months
405 people with
chronic heart fail-
ure and left ventric-
ular dysfunction
95% CI 4.4% to +6.6%
P = 0.62
89% with carvedilol twice daily
(immediate release formulation)The remaining arm
evaluated 88% with carvedilol once daily
(controlled release formulation)
carvedilol (con-
trolled release for-
mulation) taken in Absolute numbers not reported
the morning and
placebo taken in
the afternoon
Adverse effects
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
Adverse effects
simplified dosing
P = 0.043Pruritus
with nicardipine twice daily (slow
7274 people with
hypertension, suit-
able for treatment
with nicardipine,
age 18 years and
with nicardipine 3 times daily
older, mean age Absolute results not reported
50 years, 60% on
current treatment.
Other concomitant
therapies allowed
simplified dosing
P = 0.033Palpitations
with nicardipine twice daily (slow
7274 people with
hypertension, suit-
able for treatment
with nicardipine,
age 18 years and
with nicardipine 3 times daily
older, mean age Absolute results not reported
50 years, 60% on
current treatment.
Other concomitant
therapies allowed
simplified dosing
P = 0.004People with at least 1 adverse
7274 people with
hypertension, suit-
able for treatment
RCT with nicardipine twice daily (slow
with nicardipine,
age 18 years and
older, mean age with nicardipine 3 times daily
50 years, 60% on Absolute results not reported
current treatment.
Other concomitant
therapies allowed
simplified dosing
P = 0.024Hot flushes
with nicardipine twice daily (slow
7274 people with
hypertension, suit-
able for treatment
with nicardipine,
age 18 years and
with nicardipine 3 times daily
older, mean age Absolute results not reported
50 years, 60% on
current treatment.
Other concomitant
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 15
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
therapies allowed
complex dosing
P <0.005Flushing
14 people with niacin twice daily
29 men, partici-
pants in earlier
study, mean age
49 years, on niacin
design 6 people with niacin 4 times daily
Absolute numbers not reported
4 times daily plus
lovastatin twice
daily plus colestipol
continued twice daily for 1
for 8 year, adjusted to
months, maintain target
then groups cholesterol
were 150 mg/dL to
crossed 175 mg/dL, high
over for fur- risk of cardiac
ther 8
months events (elevated
apoprotein B or
stenosis or strong
family history).
Other medication
(lovastatin and
colestipol) contin-
ued as before
No data from the following reference on this outcome. [35] [38] [39] [40]
Simplified dosing versus patient health education, prompting mechanisms, prescriber education, or reminder
We found 10 systematic reviews (search dates 1996; [16] 2000; [17] 2002; [18] [19] 2003; [21] [33] [34] 2004; [23] 2007;
[24] 2008 [25] ), which identified no RCTs of sufficient quality.The reviews did not pool data. We found no subsequent
Further information on studies
[35] Method of randomisation not described. Level of blinding not reported. Loss to follow-up 50/389 (13%). No
significant difference between groups in blood pressure control measured in clinic (P value not reported). Sub-
group also participated in home blood pressure monitoring; these results not presented here.The RCT found
no significant difference in adverse effects between once-daily and twice-daily metoprolol.
[36] Method of randomisation was described. Open RCT. Results based on 6813/7274 (94%) of those randomised.
The treating physicians' estimates of participants' compliance were consistent with the participants' estimates.
Adherence measured by self-reporting. Acceptability of twice-daily treatment was rated significantly higher by
participants compared with three-times-daily (P <0.001). No significant difference between groups in blood
pressure control (P = 0.185).
[37] Method of randomisation not described. Level of blinding not reported. Crossover RCT results should be in-
terpreted with caution.
[38] Method of randomisation not described. Participants were aware that cap was recording opening of bottle.
Follow-up 29/31 (94%). Small RCT. No significant differences between groups in number of angina attacks or
mean number of rescue GTN tablets taken (P value not reported).The RCT reported that none of the differences
in tolerability were significantly different between once- and twice-daily isosorbide mononitrate (absolute numbers
and P value not reported).
[39] Randomisation method not described. Evaluation blinded. Follow-up 25/27 (93%). All groups received home
visits every 2 weeks for duration of study.Third 4-week treatment period incorporated into study design to detect
carryover effects, as no wash-out period between treatments. Crossover RCT results should be interpreted
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 16
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
with caution. No significant difference between groups in blood pressure measurements, although differences
approached significance in favour of the twice-daily regimen.
[40] The three-arm randomisation format of this trial was designed to evaluate the effect of a twice-daily versus
once-daily formulation of carvedilol in a double-blinded manner as well as to evaluate the two dosing regimens
in a real-world effectiveness format (twice-daily carvedilol IR compared with the open-label arm of once-daily
controlled release carvedilol CR). Randomisation method not described. Follow-up 401/405 (99%).There were
also no significant differences in quality of life, treatment satisfaction, or physiological measures among the
study arms.This review only analyses the treatment arms of immediate release versus controlled release, as
these are the comparisons relevant for assessing adherence.
Comment: In this option we have included any RCTs that compared any form of simplified dosing (i.e., a re-
duction in the number of tablets taken daily). All included RCTs compared different regimens of
the same drug.We excluded RCTs that compared different drugs in each arm (e.g., one drug once
daily v a different drug twice daily), as the different drugs in each arm may have different accept-
abilities, which may affect adherence in each arm, making interpretation of adherence between
groups difficult.
Fixed-dose combinations: We found one systematic review (search date 2008, 15 studies [5
RCTs, 4 CCTs, 6 retrospective cohort studies], 32,331 people), [41] which was a meta-analysis of
the compliance, safety, and effectiveness of fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) of antihypertensive
agents.The review did not present results separately from RCTs for our outcome of interest (ad-
herence). It found that the use of FDCs significantly improved compliance compared with individual
drugs given as separate tablets. It found no significant difference in persistence with therapy, systolic
or diastolic blood pressure, or adverse effects between groups.
Clinical guide:
The relatively limited evidence (1 meta-analysis, small number of RCTs and short follow-up period)
supports the strategy of simplifying the dosage of medication when prescribing cardiovascular
medicines.Whether simplification of dosage influences adherence when a patient is taking multiple
drugs (the usual situation in secondary prevention of CHD) is not known. Similarly, the trade-off
between simplification of dosage to enhance adherence balanced against the risk of altered phar-
macodynamics and pharmacokinetics, particularly in older patients at risk of adverse drug reactions,
is also unknown. Nevertheless, provision of simple, clear instructions alongside simplification of
the dosage regimen seems a sensible and pragmatic strategy. [1]
OPTION PRESCRIBER EDUCATION .....................................................
For GRADE evaluation of interventions for Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence, see table, p 31 .
We found one RCT of prescriber education in a developing country which showed that a 1-day intensive training
session of general practitioners on hypertension improved medication adherence compared with usual care but
these data are not generalisable to the range of people taking cardiovascular medication so we cannot draw firm
conclusions about this intervention.
Benefits and harms
Prescriber education versus usual care:
We found 8 systematic reviews (search dates 1996; [16] 2000; [17] 2002; [18] [19] 2003; [21] 2004; [23] 2007; [24] 2008
[25] ), which identified one RCT of sufficient quality. [43] We found no subsequent RCTs.
Adherence to medication
Compared with usual care Prescriber education may be more effective than usual care at improving adherence in
people in developing countries who are taking antihypertensive medication (low-quality evidence).
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
Prescriber education
prescriber educa-
P = 0.048Percentage of days on which
correct dose of medication was
taken, measured by an electron-
200 people with
hypertension and
taking antihyperten-
ic measuring system (MEMS) ,
6 weeks
sive medications
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 17
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
(see further infor-
mation on studies) 48% with prescriber education
32% with usual care
Absolute numbers not reported
Adverse effects
No data from the following reference on this outcome. [43]
Prescriber education versus prompting mechanisms, patient health education, simplified dosing, or reminder
We found 8 systematic reviews (search dates 1996; [16] 2000; [17] 2002; [18] [19] 2003; [21] 2004; [23] 2007; [24] 2008
[25] ), which found no RCTs of sufficient quality.We found no subsequent RCTs.
Further information on studies
[43] This cluster randomised controlled trial sought to determine the impact of a simple educational package for
general practitioners on adherence to antihypertensive drugs in a developing world setting. Six randomly selected
communities in Karachi, Pakistan, from which 200 people with hypertension taking antihypertensive drugs and
being treated by 78 general practitioners, were randomised. Method of randomisation was described as a
multi-stage cluster random sampling technique using computer-generated codes.InterventionThe intervention
was a 1-day intensive training session on hypertension, which focused on standard treatment algorithms for
the management of hypertension. Of the 200 people who were enrolled, 178 (89%) successfully completed 6
weeks of follow-up.
Comment: In this option, "prescriber education" refers to a prescribing clinician who has received a directed
intervention (educational) aimed at improving medication adherence in people to whom he or she
has prescribed; this is compared with adherence achieved by another clinician of a similar overall
training level, but who has not received the educational intervention.
Clinical guide:
Prescribers play a key initial role in the process of adherence to medication within the setting of a
therapeutic alliance between clinician and patient. However, they still remain removed from the
process of medication-taking, which is the ultimate determinant of adherence. Despite this, educa-
tional interventions can be directed at prescribers with the aim of improving adherence, but studies
of sufficient methodological rigour have yet to be carried out.
For GRADE evaluation of interventions for Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence, see table, p 31 .
We found no evidence from one RCT that reminder packaging (a calendar blister pack) was effective, and found
insufficient evidence on other types of reminder packaging such as multi-dose pill boxes. Reminder packaging
using a calendar blister pack seems effective, but we don't know whether other types of reminder packaging,
such as multi-dose pill boxes, improve adherence.
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 18
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Benefits and harms
Calendar (blister) pack versus usual care:
We found 11 systematic reviews (search dates 1996; [16] 2000; [17] 2002; [18] [19] 2003; [21] [34] 2004; [23] [44] 2007;
[24] 2008; [25] 2009 [26] ), which identified two RCTs of sufficient quality. [45] [46]
Adherence to medication
Compared with usual care We don't know whether packaging medication in calendar (blister) packs is more effective
than packaging medication in traditional (usual) vials at improving adherence to medication in people with hypertension
(very low-quality evidence).
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
Adherence to medication
Not significant
Reported as not significant
P value not reported
People taking >80% of pills
(self-reported) , at 3 months
56% with special packaging
180 people aged
20 to 80 years with
elevated diastolic
blood pressure
>90 mmHg on at
54% with traditional (usual) pill
least 1 visit in the
2 years prior to the Absolute numbers not reported
study; recruited
from people receiv- The special packaging was a
commercially available system
ing care at a com-
munity hospital- comprising 28 doses of medica-
based family
medicine practice tion. Each pill was enclosed in a
single plastic blister sealed with
foil, on which was printed the day
of week and time of day the
medication was due
Not significant
Reported as not significant
P value not reported
People taking >80% of pills
(measured by pill count) , at 3
180 people aged
20 to 80 years with
elevated diastolic
blood pressure
84% with special packaging
>90 mmHg on at
least 1 visit in the 75% with traditional (usual) pill
2 years prior to the
study; recruited Absolute numbers not reported
from people receiv-
ing care at a com- 158/180 (88%) of people anal-
munity hospital-
based family
medicine practice The special packaging was a
commercially available system
comprising 28 doses of medica-
tion. Each pill was enclosed in a
single plastic blister sealed with
foil, on which was printed the day
of week and time of day the
medication was due
daily dose blister
P = 0.012Prescription refill regularity ,
12 months
85 people 65 years
of age or older with
hypertension in the
RCT 80% with daily dose blister pack-
66% with traditional pill bottles
Absolute numbers not reported
daily dose blister
P = 0.039Medication possession ratio ,
12 months
85 people 65 years
of age or older with
hypertension in the
RCT 0.93 with daily dose blister pack-
0.87 with traditional pill bottles
Absolute numbers not reported
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 19
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Adverse effects
No data from the following reference on this outcome. [45] [46]
Calendar (blister) packs versus simplified dosing, patient health education, prompting mechanisms, prescriber
education, or multi-dose pill boxes:
We found 12 systematic reviews (search dates 1996; [16] 2000; [17] 2002; [18] [19] 2003; [21] [34] 2004; [23] [44] 2007;
[24] 2008; [25] [46] 2009 [26] ), which identified no RCTs of sufficient quality.
Multi-dose pill box (unit-of-use packaging) plus usual care versus usual care alone versus prompting
mechanism plus usual care versus multi-dose pill box (unit-of-use packaging) plus prompting mechanism
plus usual care:
See option on prompting mechanisms, p 4 .
Multi-dose pill boxes versus calendar (blister) packs, simplified dosing, patient health education, or prescriber
We found 12 systematic reviews (search dates 1996; [16] 2000; [17] 2002; [18] [19] 2003; [21] [34] 2004; [23] [44] 2007;
[24] 2008; [25] [46] 2009 [26] ), which identified no RCTs of sufficient quality.
Further information on studies
[45] The RCT also found no significant difference between groups in average diastolic blood pressures at 3 months
(165 people assessed). Method of randomisation not described. Physicians treating people were blinded to the
study group; it was not reported whether assessment was blinded. Loss to follow-up at first follow-up visit was
15/180 (8%). In contrast to previously reported work, this RCT did not demonstrate any significant improvement
in compliance with special packaging of antihypertensive medications.
[46] The RCT found that patients using daily-dose blister packaging had lower diastolic blood pressure (P = 0.01)
than patients who had their medications packaged in traditional bottles of loose tablets.Open study Method
of randomisation was described as randomisation logs provided by the university department of biostatistics.
No losses to follow-up reported.
Comment: In addition to the studies above, we found one open-label crossover RCT (784 people in Poland
with uncontrolled hypertension), which assessed the impact of an electronic reminder and monitoring
device compared with usual care over 12 months. [47] It found a significant difference in adherence
in favour of the device between groups at 6 months, but this difference diminished after crossover.
Adherence was assessed by use of a self-reporting questionnaire. Blood pressure was not affected.
Method of randomisation was not described. Losses to follow-up were substantial, at 50% (386/784),
and for this reason this study did not meet Clinical Evidence reporting inclusion criteria.
Clinical guide:
Reminder packaging now appears commonly in clinical practice as more and more drug companies
produce their medications in calendar packs, and the use of multi-dose pill boxes, especially for
older people, continues to rise. Although the benefit seems self-evident, there are few data published
on the subject.The only RCT of sufficient quality included here on calendar (blister) packs, which
compared medications dispensed in special packaging versus medications dispensed in traditional
pill vials, [45] found no significant difference between groups in adherence.
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 20
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
OPTION PATIENT HEALTH EDUCATION...................................................
For GRADE evaluation of interventions for Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence, see table, p 31 .
Patient health education may also increase adherence to medication.
Adherence behaviour is complex.Traditional education methods may fail to address this. However, more patient-
centred approaches, particularly those that are nurse- or pharmacist-led, using video or telephone strategies,
may be beneficial and require further investigation.
We found some RCT evidence that a combination of strategies, such as education plus prompting, may be more
successful than a single educational strategy.
Benefits and harms
Patient health education versus usual care:
We found 10 systematic reviews (search dates 1996; [16] 2000; [17] 2002; [18] [19] 2003; [21] [33] 2004; [23] 2007; [24]
2008; [25] 2009 [26] ), which between them identified 12 RCTs (342618 people) [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55]
[56] [57] [58] [59] including one extended follow-up report of one RCT, [60] and we found one additional RCT. [61] The
RCTs employed a number of educational interventions and assessed different measures of adherence; for full details
on interventions, see further information on studies. Some of the RCTs were of poor methodological quality, and
completeness of reporting varied widely between trials.
Adherence to medication
Compared with usual care Patient health education may be no more effective than usual care at improving adherence
in people taking cardiovascular medication. However, the education interventions used were diverse, and results
varied by the specific educational intervention employed (very low-quality evidence).
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
Adherence to medication
Similar rates of adherence be-
tween groups, but differences not
tested statistically
Assessment by pill count
(compliance defined as the %
of medication prescribed that
was removed from the bottle;
230 male steelwork-
ers, with hyperten-
sion, not on current
treatment. Of 115
defined as "compliant" if com-in each group, 80 pliance pill count of 80% or
more) , 6 months follow-up
(70%) in education
group and 64
(56%) in no educa- 40/80 (50%) with educational in-
tion group received
drug treatment.
These 144 men
were analysed 36/64 (56%) with no health edu-
Not significant
P >0.05Outcome (% of pills taken as-
sessed by pill count) , follow-
up at 4 months
110 people, mean
age 56 years,
started on lipid-
lowering medica-
Some re-
ported data 88% with educational intervention
tion (fluvastatin)
mainly for primary
from sys-
tematic re-
view as well
84% with usual care
Absolute numbers not reported
as original
report of
educational inter-
P <0.002Adherence assessed by pill
count , 6 months follow-up
110 people, with
either newly diag-
nosed or estab-
RCT 93% with educational intervention
lished treated hy-
pertension, mean
age 59 years
Some re-
ported data
from sys-
tematic re-
69% with usual care
Absolute numbers not reported
view as well
as original
report of
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 21
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
educational inter-
P <0.001Adherence assessed by pill
count , 2 years' follow-up
110 people, with
either newly diag-
nosed or estab-
RCT 96% with educational intervention
lished treated hy-
pertension, mean
age 59 years
RCT [60] is
a 2-year fol-
low-up re-
port of previ-
56% with usual care
Absolute numbers not reported
ous RCT
Some re-
ported data
from sys-
tematic re-
view [18] as
well as origi-
nal report of
Not significant
RCT reported "no significant dif-
ference between groups on com-
Self-reported compliance (sur-
vey conducted by nurse,
household medicated survey,
which included questions on
115 people attend-
ing a primary care
clinic, <70 years
old, with hyperten-
trial drugs and a count of all hyper-
tensive medications; outcome
sion, living near to
clinic reported as absolute numbers
of "good", "fair", and "poor"
8 people reported as "good", 13
"fair", 8 "poor" with educational
7, 13, 5 people with daily self-
monitoring of blood pressure
9, 15, 6 people with education
and self-monitoring of blood
7, 12, 10 people with control
Not significant
Reported as not significant
P value not reported
Self-reported compliance at
91% with educational intervention
417 people with
hypertension, on
RCT had 2 differ-
ent educational
trial 90% with no education
groups versus con- Absolute numbers not reported
trol. Results for
both educational
groups combined
in analysis
Not significant
Reported as not significant
P value not reported
Analysis of number of tablets
prescribed by pharmacy
417 people with
hypertension, on
trial 69% with educational intervention
68% with no education
RCT had 2 differ-
ent educational
groups versus con-
trol. Results for Absolute numbers not reported
both educational
groups combined
in analysis
Not significant
P = 0.05Self-reported compliance as
assessed by interview with
questionnaire (score measured
34 people with hy-
pertension on
treatment, age 16
on 6-point scale, where 0 = noyears or older (av- adherence and 5 = all tabletserage age 5156 taken) (possible total score of
30) , 6 months
years), at tertiary
care medical cen-
tre 27.53 with educational interven-
24.46 with usual care
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 22
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
educational inter-
P = 0.003
Not clear on what basis the
physicians assessment of adher-
ence was made
Physician's assessment of ad-
herence (score measured on
6-point scale, where 0 = no ad-
herence and 5 = all tablets tak-
en) (possible total score of 30)
, 6 months
34 people with hy-
pertension on
treatment, age 16
years or older (av-
erage age 5156
years), at tertiary
care medical cen-
29.18 with educational interven-
23.9 with usual care
Not significant
Reported as not significant
P value not reported
Index of compliance was medi-
cation possession ratio (MPR),
calculated from pharmacy
records (MPR defined as the
Participants cho-
sen from database
by prescription
(rather than diagno-
number of days' supply ofsis), 410 people medication obtained through-taking benazepril, out the study period expressed1728 taking meto- as a ratio against the numberprolol, and 568 of days that should have been
supplied) , over 9 months
taking simvastatin,
mean age 55 years
(range 2097 0.71 with educational intervention
years), with refill of
medication every
30 days 0.72 with usual care
Subgroup analysis
This analysis is of
410 people taking
Not significant
Reported as not significant
P value not reported
Index of compliance was medi-
cation possession ratio (MPR),
calculated from pharmacy
records (MPR defined as the
Participants cho-
sen from database
by prescription
(rather than diagno-
number of days' supply ofsis), 410 people medication obtained through-taking benazepril, out the study period expressed1728 taking meto- as a ratio against the numberprolol, and 568 of days that should have been
supplied) , over 9 months
taking simvastatin,
mean age 55 years
(range 2097 0.74 with educational intervention
years), with refill of
medication every
30 days 0.73 with usual care
Subgroup analysis
This analysis is of
1728 people taking
Not significant
Reported as not significant
P value not reported
Index of compliance was medi-
cation possession ratio (MPR),
calculated from pharmacy
records (MPR defined as the
Participants cho-
sen from database
by prescription
(rather than diagno-
number of days' supply ofsis), 410 people medication obtained through-taking benazepril, out the study period expressed1728 taking meto- as a ratio against the numberprolol, and 568 of days that should have been
supplied) , over 9 months
taking simvastatin,
mean age 55 years
(range 2097 0.73 with educational intervention
years), with refill of
medication every
30 days 0.70 with usual care
Subgroup analysis
This analysis is of
568 people taking
educational inter-
P <0.001Mean compliance, expressed
as % of maximum number of
tablets that should have been
100 people >70
years of age with
chronic stable
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 23
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
consumed (assessed by pill
heart failure, aver-
age age 85 years,
excluded if mobility 93% with educational intervention
disorder or if Fol-
stein's Mental 51% with control
Health test score
was <21 Absolute numbers not reported
Not significant
Adjusted difference between
means 1
Adherence measured by elec-
tronic medication monitor
(electronic lid that registered
245 people with
hypertension, on 1
or more medica-
RCT 95% CI 5.1 to +3.1
time and date of opening);
mean "timing compliance" de-
tions, attending pri-
mary care P = 0.63
fined as number of doses taken
at 24- or 12-hour intervals for
a once- or twice-daily regimen
respectively, divided by the to-
tal number of days x 100% , 6
87% with educational intervention
90% with usual care
Absolute numbers not reported
educational inter-
Difference +11%
95% CI +5.0% to +16.7%
Adherence measured by elec-
tronic medication monitor
(electronic lid that registered
time and date of opening);
314 people with
heart failure, 50
years or older, at-
tending primary
"taking adherence" was de-care, on at least 1
medication fined as the % of prescribed
medication taken , over 9
Intervention lasted
for 9 months 79% with educational intervention
68% with usual care
Absolute numbers not reported
educational inter-
Difference +6%
95% CI +0.4% to +11.5%
Adherence measured by elec-
tronic medication monitor
(electronic lid that registered
time and date of opening);
314 people with
heart failure, 50
years or older, at-
tending primary
"scheduling adherence" wascare, on at least 1
medication defined as day-to-day deviation
in timing of dose (e.g., once-
Intervention lasted
for 9 months daily within 2.4 hours of dose
on previous day) , over 9
53% with educational intervention
47% with usual care
Absolute numbers not reported
Not significant
Difference +4%
95% CI 2.8% to +10.7%
Adherence measured by elec-
tronic medication monitor
(electronic lid that registered
time and date of opening);
314 people with
heart failure, 50
years or older, at-
tending primary
"taking adherence" was de-care, on at least 1
medication fined as the % of prescribed
medication taken , 3 months
after intervention had finished
Intervention lasted
for 9 months 71% with educational intervention
67% with usual care
Absolute numbers not reported
Not significant
Difference +0.3%
95% CI 5.9% to +6.5%
Adherence measured by elec-
tronic medication monitor
(electronic lid that registered
time and date of opening);
314 people with
heart failure, 50
years or older, at-
tending primary
"scheduling adherence" wascare, on at least 1
medication defined as day-to-day deviation
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 24
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Results and statistical
analysisOutcome, InterventionsPopulation
in timing of dose (e.g., once-
daily within 2.4 hours of dose
Intervention lasted
for 9 months on previous day) , 3 months
after intervention had finished
48.9% with educational interven-
48.6% with usual care
Absolute numbers not reported
Increase in self-rated adher-
ence (assessed using the 4-
636 adults with hy-
pertension, attend-
RCT item Morisky Self-reported
Medication-Taking Scale), re-
ported as a %
ing primary care,
using hypertensive
medication at the
time of baseline
visit 9% with nurse-delivered educa-
tional/behavioural intervention by
protocol, bi-monthly via telephone
for 2 years
1% with usual care
Absolute numbers not reported
Difference 14%
95% CI 0.2% to 27%
Adherence measured by elec-
tronic pill monitors , 12 months
57% with research assistant
(RA)-delivered motivational inter-
190 African-Ameri-
cans with hyperten-
sion (88% women;
mean age 54
years), attending
P = 0.027
viewing (MINT) sessions at 3, 6,
9, and 12 months
primary care prac-
tices 43% with usual care
Absolute numbers not reported
educational maga-
P = 0.0001Overall compliance rate (indi-
viduals with a treatment com-
pliance of 80110%) , 24 weeks
450 people with
hypertension at-
tending primary
83% with educational magazine
sent to the patient's home twice
49% with usual care
Absolute numbers not reported
educational maga-
P = 0.0001Correct time compliers , 24
450 people with
hypertension at-
tending primary
RCT 74% with educational magazine
sent to the patient's home twice
42% with usual care
Absolute numbers not reported
Adverse effects
No data from the following reference on this outcome. [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61]
Patient health education plus prompting mechanism versus usual care:
See option on prompting mechanisms, p 4 .
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 25
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Patient health education versus prompting mechanisms, prescriber education, simplified dosing, or reminder
We found 10 systematic reviews (search dates 1996; [16] 2000; [17] 2002; [18] [19] 2003; [21] [33] 2004; [23] 2007; [24]
2008; [25] 2009 [26] ), which identified no RCTs of sufficient quality.
Further information on studies
[48] Educational intervention Educational programme on facts about hypertension, benefits of treatment, need
for compliance, slideaudiotape format and booklet, and "patient educator" (non-health professional) to reinforce
messages.RCT methods Method of randomisation not described. Factorial design. Steelworkers also randomised
to family doctor or industrial physician care at the same time to see if difference in outcome; these results not
reported here. Interpretation complicated by factorial design, and only 144 (62%) of those randomised received
drug treatment results based on these 144 men.
[49] Educational intervention Small group training followed by postal information packages. RCT methods Final
end points compared, not adjusted for baseline differences.Clinical outcomes RCT found no significant differ-
ence between groups for mean total cholesterol (P = 0.26), mean LDL (P = 0.48), or mean HDL (P = 0.48). [25]
Educational intervention significantly reduced triglyceride compared with usual care (P <0.05). [25]
[50] [60]
Educational intervention Group education (units of 15 people over 90 minutes, information about blood
pressure management and importance of adherence) and additional postal education at 1, 3, and 5 months.
RCT methods Method of randomisation not described; not reported if outcome assessment blinded; withdrawal
15/110 (14%) at 6 months and 18/110 (16%) at 2 years. [18]
[51] Educational intervention Four 90-minute meetings, emphasising importance of hypertension, including
videotape and other standard material, and general health education. RCT methods Randomisation procedure
was described. Compliance categorised as "good", "fair", or "poor", the basis of which not explained. Hence,
difficult to interpret results.
[52] Educational intervention Either "Threatening message" group: print informational tabloid containing material
on hypertension, its effects, control measures, and instructions on following regimen (this version emphasised
severity of hypertension and consequences) or "Positive message" group: print tabloid as above, but emphasised
positive health aspects of treatment.RCT methods Factorial design people sequentially allocated to different
interventions. Only the first randomisation reported here. Method of randomisation not described. Level of
blinding not reported. At outset, 87% of participants were on medication. Follow-up for self-report scores and
pharmacy scores unclear.
[53] Educational intervention A 30- to 40-minute intervention with nurse practitioner and follow-up telephone call
4 weeks later; included reinforcement of regimen, brochure, 12-minute audiovisual presentation, discussion of
risk factors, and postcard reminder of next appointment.RCT methods Method of randomisation not described.
Level of blinding not described. Small study. Differential withdrawals results based on 17/17 (100%) in inter-
vention group and 13/17 (76%) in control group.
[54] Educational intervention Single mailing of one relevant educational videotape on drug prescribed and inferred
disease state, 30 minutes long, including advice on compliance.RCT methods People selected by medication
from computerised database. RCT inferred that people taking benazepril and metoprolol had hypertension and
those taking simvastatin had hyperlipidaemia, which may or may not be the case. Also investigated people with
transdermal oestrogen; these results not reported here. Method of randomisation, level of blinding, and loss to
follow-up not reported. Not known if all participants in videotape group had access to a video player.
[55] Educational intervention Counselling programme including a standard written protocol employing verbal
counselling, medication calendars, and information leaflets.RCT methods Method of randomisation not de-
scribed. Follow-up 82/100 (82%).
[58] Educational intervention Adherence support session with practice nurse (20 minutes) followed by reinforcement
session (10 minutes), which explored patient concerns regarding medication, whether person understood diag-
nosis, and strategies to resolve medication problems. RCT methods Method of randomisation was described.
Open label. Follow-up 204/245 (83%).Trial noted that it found higher levels of adherence to medication than
in previous studies in similar populations.Clinical outcomes RCT found no significant difference between
groups at 6 months with regard to systolic (P = 0.24) or diastolic (P = 0.85) blood pressure.
[61] Educational intervention Pharmacist-delivered intervention by protocol, including verbal and written material,
exploring participant's understanding of disease or medication, and addressing low medication adherence. RCT
methods Method of randomisation was described. Assessment blinded. Analysis based on 270/314 (86%) of
those randomised. Found benefit when the intervention was being applied over the study period, which dissi-
pated over 3 months after the intervention had finished.
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2011. All rights reserved. .......................................................... 26
Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
[56] Educational intervention Nurse-led intervention delivered by telephone every 8 weeks over 6 months. Patient
factors targeted in the tailored behavioural intervention include perceived risk of hypertension and knowledge,
memory, medical and social support, patients relationship with their health care provider, adverse effects of
medication therapy, weight management, exercise, diet, stress, smoking, and alcohol use; Self-rated adherence
was assessed using the 4-item Morisky Self-reported Medication-Taking Scale [Morisky 1986].The scale for
each item was revised to include the response categories "strongly agree", "agree", "disagree", and "strongly
disagree".Those individuals who reported "strongly agree", "agree", "do not know", or "refused" to any of the
4 items were classified as non-adherent. Reported as a percentage and measured at baseline and post-inter-
vention (6 months).RCT methods Method of randomisation not described. Follow-up reported as 96% retention
rate at 6 months; otherwise not specified.
[59] Educational intervention Motivational interviewing. RCT methods Method of randomisation was described.
After baseline assessment, patients were randomly assigned to either UC or MINT group by the study statistician,
using sealed envelopes. Separate randomisation schedules were developed from a computerised random-
number generator, balanced at set intervals, using permutated blocks, to assure equal numbers in each group.
Owing to the nature of the behavioural intervention, neither the patients nor the RAs were blinded to the inter-
vention. However, the clinic staff who recorded the blood pressure data were blinded to patient assignment. It
is important to note that medication adherence data were downloaded automatically into the computer from the
MEMS caps.Thus, neither the researchers nor the patients could affect MEMS adherence outcome. Results
based on 83% (79/95) of intervention group and 85% (81/95) of UC group.Clinical outcomes Motivational in-
terviewing over 12 months led to a steady maintenance of medication adherence, compared with significant
decline in adherence for the usual care group.This effect was associated with a modest, non-significant trend
towards a net reduction in systolic blood pressure in favour of intervention.
[57] Educational intervention Educational magazine sent to the patient's home twice monthly. RCT methods
Method of randomisation was not described. Follow-up 393/450(87%). Clinical outcomes Educational magazine
led to increased adherence and improved blood pressure control.
Comment: Clinical guide:
Most factors known to affect adherence to medication such as knowledge, health beliefs, per-
ception of risk, convenience, and memory relate to the patient. It is therefore not surprising that
interventions to address adherence should focus on patient education, but what is perhaps surprising
is that such interventions do not seem to have greater influence on adherence. However, the
phenomenon of adherence is complex, and traditional educational methods may fail to recognise
this. People's beliefs and preferences need to be acknowledged and incorporated into adherence-
enhancing interventions. [62] A combination of strategies including prompting mechanisms and
simplified dosing, alongside patient education with emphasis on the patient's perspective, may
have a more successful impact on adherence.The rationale that the complexity of adherence be-
haviour may respond better to a multi-factorial approach that is patient-centred is supported by an
RCT of an educational intervention plus a prompting intervention that significantly improved adher-
ence compared with usual care, [32] by an RCT that used a combination of face-to-face education
and follow-up postal education, [50] [60] by an RCT of a nurse-delivered telephone intervention that
increased self-reported medication adherence by 9% in the intervention group versus 1% in the
usual care group, [56] and by an RCT of motivational interviewing delivered every 3 months over
12 months, which led to a steady maintenance of medication adherence compared with significant
decline in adherence for the usual care group. [59]
Fixed-dose combination A formulation of two or more active ingredients combined in a single dosage form available
in certain fixed doses.
Low-quality evidence Further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate
of effect and is likely to change the estimate.
Mini-Mental score A score derived from the Folstein Mini Mental State Examination.This examination is used to
evaluate dementia, and consists of a series of questions and tasks to assess a patient's orientation, attention, calcu-
lation, language, visuospatial, executive, and short-term memory abilities.The cut off for dementia is a score of less
than 24 out of a possible 30.
Very low-quality evidence Any estimate of effect is very uncertain.
Prescriber education New evidence added. [24] [25] [43] Categorisation unchanged (Unknown effectiveness) because
current evidence is in a single restricted population only.
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Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
Prompting mechanisms New evidence added. [24] [25] [26] Categorisation unchanged (Likely to be beneficial).
Reminder packaging (calendar [blister] packs; multi-dose pill boxes) New evidence added. [24] [25] [26] [46]
Categorisation unchanged (Unknown effectiveness) because of conflicting results among trials.
Simplified dosing New evidence added. [24] [26] [40] [42] Categorisation unchanged (Likely to be beneficial).
Patient health education New evidence added. [24] [25] [26] [56] [57] [59] Categorisation changed from Unlikely to
be beneficial to Unknown effectiveness because of conflicting results among trials; new evidence suggests that some
more patient-centred approaches to education, using newer media, may be effective whereas traditional education
fails to improve adherence.
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Liam Glynn
Senior Lecturer in General Practice
National University of Ireland
Tom Fahey
Professor of General Practice
RCSI Medical School
Competing interests: LG and TF declare that they have no competing interests.
The information contained in this publication is intended for medical professionals. Categories presented in Clinical Evidence indicate a
judgement about the strength of the evidence available to our contributors prior to publication and the relevant importance of benefit and
harms. We rely on our contributors to confirm the accuracy of the information presented and to adhere to describe accepted practices.
Readers should be aware that professionals in the field may have different opinions. Because of this and regular advances in medical research
we strongly recommend that readers' independently verify specified treatments and drugs including manufacturers' guidance. Also, the
categories do not indicate whether a particular treatment is generally appropriate or whether it is suitable for a particular individual. Ultimately
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Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
TABLE 1 Definitions of different types of reminder packaging*
Definitions of different types of reminder packaging
Monitored dosage system (MDS): medications are manually packed into blister/bubble trays under the supervision of a pharmacist
and then cold- or heat-sealed with foil. Examples of these systems are the Nomad® and Manrex®. Patients using an MDS are
provided with weekly or monthly blister packs
1Pill boxes
Multi-compartment compliance aid (MCA) or dose administration aid: these are plastic trays or boxes that hold 7 days of a patient's
medicine and are divided into days of the week. Each day of the week has a sliding lid, which covers compartments for different
dosing times (usually 4 compartments for each day).They are commonly but not exclusively used for multiple medications.
Examples of these are Dosett®, Medidos®, and the Mediset
Calendar blister: a blister package designed to aid a patient's memory by incorporating the day/time when each dose is to be
taken into the package design
1Pre-packaged blister packs
Unit dose: the prescribed amount of each dosage in a package.This type of packaging can incorporate a reminder system2
Unit of use: the exact amount of a drug treatment prepackaged by the manufacturer or pharmacist in standardised amounts.
This type of packaging can incorporate a reminder system
* Source: Heneghan CJ, Glasziou P, Perera R. Reminder packaging for improving adherence to self-administered long term medication. In:The Cochrane Library, Issue 3, 2010. Chichester, UK: John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd. Search date 2004. Copyright Cochrane Collaboration, reproduced with permission.
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Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
GRADE Evaluation of interventions for Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence.
Adherence to medication
Important out-
Type of
Studies (Partici-
What are the effects of interventions to improve adherence to long-term medication for CVD in adults? Quality points deducted for incomplete reporting of re-
sults and weak methods (method of randomisation not
described, level of blinding not reported). Directness
points deducted for diverse interventions affecting gen-
eralisability, and diverse range of outcome assessment
and analysis
Very low0
2024Prompting mechanisms ver-
sus usual care
Adherence to
5 (1107) [7] [27]
[28] [29] [30]
Quality points deducted for incomplete reporting of re-
sults and weak methods (method of randomisation not
described, level of blinding not reported). Directness
point deducted for unclear intervention (unit-of-use inter-
vention not fully defined)
Very low0
1024Prompting mechanism plus
usual care versus unit-of-use
packaging plus usual care
versus unit-of-use packaging
plus prompting mechanism
plus usual care versus usual
care alone
Adherence to
2 (432) [31] [6]
Quality point deducted for weak methods (method of
randomisation not described, level of blinding not report-
ed). Directness point deducted for unclear validity of
outcome assessment/single measure of adherence used
1014Prompting mechanism plus
patient health education ver-
sus usual care
Adherence to
1 (453) [32]
Quality points deducted for weak methods (method of
randomisation not described, level of blinding not report-
ed) and inclusion of 2 crossover RCTs. Directness point
deducted for diverse range of outcome assessment and
Very low0
1024Simplified dosing regimens
versus more complex regi-
Adherence to
6 (8155) [35] [36]
[37] [38] [39] [40]
Quality point deducted for uncertainty about randomisa-
tion method. Directness point deducted for restricted
population (limited to a developing country)
1014Prescriber education versus
usual care
Adherence to
1 (200) [43]
Quality points deducted for incomplete reporting of re-
sults and for weak methods (method of randomisation
not described, level of blinding for outcome assessment
not reported). Consistency point deducted for conflicting
Very low0
0124Calendar (blister) pack ver-
sus usual care
Adherence to
2 (265) [45] [46]
Quality points deducted for incomplete reporting of re-
sults and weak methods (method of randomisation not
described, level of blinding not reported). Consistency
point deducted for conflicting results. Directness points
deducted for diverse interventions affecting generalis-
ability and diverse range of outcome assessment and
Very low0
2124Patient health education
versus usual care
Adherence to
13 (at least
5437) [48] [49] [50]
[60] [51] [52] [53]
[54] [55] [58] [61]
[56] [57] [59]
We initially allocate 4 points to evidence from RCTs, and 2 points to evidence from observational studies. To attain the final GRADE score for a given comparison, points are deducted or added from this initial
score based on preset criteria relating to the categories of quality, directness, consistency, and effect size. Quality: based on issues affecting methodological rigour (e.g., incomplete reporting of results, quasi-
randomisation, sparse data [<200 people in the analysis]). Consistency: based on similarity of results across studies. Directness: based on generalisability of population or outcomes. Effect size: based on magnitude
of effect as measured by statistics such as relative risk, odds ratio, or hazard ratio.
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Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
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Cardiovascular medication: improving adherence
Cardiovascular disorders
... Qualitative research on drug taking in a wide range of medical conditions reported that patients often actively decided not to take drugs (intentional non-adherence) rather than unintentionally omitting them [13]. Educational interventions aimed at promoting drug compliance in hypertension have been examined in randomised controlled trials, but most simply informed patients about the importance of adherence and were ineffective [14]. Noncompliance of hypertensive patients to drug therapy has been shown to be an important reason for ineffective blood pressure control, because a substantial proportion of patients drop out of treatment [10][11][12][13][14][15]. ...
... Educational interventions aimed at promoting drug compliance in hypertension have been examined in randomised controlled trials, but most simply informed patients about the importance of adherence and were ineffective [14]. Noncompliance of hypertensive patients to drug therapy has been shown to be an important reason for ineffective blood pressure control, because a substantial proportion of patients drop out of treatment [10][11][12][13][14][15]. Some of these patients who abandon antihypertensive treatment turn up in the hospital emergency room with a serious complication of uncontrolled hypertensive disease [2][3][4]. ...
... It is not clear why educational interventions have so far failed? Epidemiological studies indicate that it is failure of the clinicians to recognise how people understand disease causation and risk is one of the key obstacles to the success of public health programs [4,[14][15][16]. ...
Full-text available
Abstract Background: Uncontrolled hypertension is one of the major determinants of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. Non-adherence to regular follow up is one of the main causes of inadequate control of blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Subjects and methods: A prospective study was conducted in the Hypertension and Research Centre, Rangpur; Bangladesh, among 1267 patients who were diagnosed with hypertension and receiving antihypertensive treatment after initial evaluation. All adult hypertensive patients of 18 years & above who registered from 1st March 2011 to 31st October 2011 were enrolled and followed up for at least 9 months after registration. Evaluation was by a physician and a dietitian administered questionnaire, a physical examination and using a sphygmomanometer. The diagnosis of pre-hypertension and hypertension were based on modified JNC-VII criteria. Results: Of 1267 patients who were registered; 862 (68.03%) patients dropped out from follow up. Drop out was significantly more common among male patients (51.2%), rural dwellings (68.6%), only primary education (28.1%) and low economic status (<5000 taka) (37.2%). Those having no housewife, had more dropout rate (32.1%), Uncomplicated hypertensive patients dropped out more than the complicated hypertensive patients (69.41% vs. 61.39%). Major causes of dropout were ignorance of the patients (46.53%); patients’ busy schedule (24.87%), change of physician (13.53%) and low economical state (4.39%). Conclusion: This study showed that dropout and noncompliance to drug therapy has become a major problem among hypertensive patients. Ignorance, patients’ busy schedule, lack of health awareness, illiteracy, and low educational status were the major causes of dropout. Improved awareness, motivation, better educational status of the patient, will reduce dropout from follow up. Keywords: Dropout, hypertension, ignorance, education, awareness.
... Good adherence (i.e. correctly following agreed recommendations from a healthcare provider [5,6]), can include taking medications as directed, increasing physical activity, modifying diet, etc., and is often difficult to ensure or assess. ...
... There are several established ways to assess implementation adherence to inhaled medications [1,3,5,6,[21][22][23]. However, each of these methods has significant drawbacks. ...
Full-text available
Objective We derive a novel model-based metric for effective adherence to medication, and validate it using data from the INhaler Compliance Assessment device (INCATM). This technique employs dose timing data to estimate the threshold drug concentration needed to maintain optimal health. Methods The parameters of the model are optimised against patient outcome data using maximum likelihood methods. The model is fitted and validated by secondary analysis of two independent datasets from two remote-monitoring studies of adherence, conducted through clinical research centres of 5 Irish hospitals. Training data came from a cohort of asthma patients (~ 47,000 samples from 218 patients). Validation data is from a cohort of 204 patients with COPD recorded between 2014 and 2016. Results The time above threshold measure is strongly predictive of adverse events (exacerbations) in COPD patients (Odds Ratio of exacerbation = 0.52 per SD increase in adherence, 95% Confidence Interval [0.34–0.79]). This compares well with the best known previous method, the Area Under the dose-time Curve (AUC) (Odds Ratio = 0.69, 95% Confidence Interval [0.48–0.99]). In addition, the fitted value of the dose threshold (0.56 of prescribed dosage) suggests that prescribed doses may be unnecessarily high given good adherence. Conclusions The resulting metric accounts for missed doses, dose-timing errors, and errors in inhaler technique, and provides enhanced predictive validity in comparison to previously used measures. In addition, the method allows us to estimate the correct dosage required to achieve the effect of the medication using the patients’ own adherence data and outcomes. The adherence score does depend not on sex or other demographic factors suggesting that effective adherence is driven by individual behavioural factors.
... 5 Adherence is used interchangeably with compliance; however, the motivational level seems to be varied between them, where adherence denotes better patients' engagement with the instructions of healthcare providers. 6 Unfortunately, nonadherence to cardiovascular medications constitutes a major problem that leads to treatment failure and poor clinical outcomes. 7 Pharmacists are considered the most accessible healthcare team members, among other healthcare professionals. ...
Full-text available
Background The aim of this study was to provide a scoping review of the impact of pharmacist-led interventions on medication adherence and clinical outcomes in patients with hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Methods A scoping review was conducted using pre-defined search terms in three scientific databases, including Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, and PubMed. A multi-stage screening process that considered relevancy, publication year (2009–2019), English language, and article type (original research) was followed. Review articles, meta-analysis studies, and conference proceedings were excluded. Data charting was done in an iterative process using a study-specific extraction form. Results Of the initially identified 681 studies, 17 studies with 136,026 patients were included in the review. Of these, 16 were randomized controlled trials, while the remaining study was a retrospective cohort study. The majority of pharmacist-led interventions were face-to-face counseling sessions (n=8), followed by remote- or telephone-based interventions (n=5) and multi-faceted interventions (n=4). The majority of the studies (n=7) used self-reported adherence measures and pharmacy refill records (n=8) to measure the rate of adherence to prescribed medications. Eleven of the included studies reported a statistically significant (P<0.05) impact on medication adherence. Overall, twelve studies assessed the effect of the interventions on the clinical outcome measures; of these, only four studies were associated with significant impact. Conclusion Pharmacist-led interventions were associated with improved patients’ adherence to their medications but were less likely to be consistently associated with the attainment of clinical outcomes. Face-to-face counseling was the most commonly used intervention; while, the multi-faceted interventions were more likely to be effective in improving the overall outcome measures. The rigorous design of targeted interventions with more frequent follow-ups, careful consideration of the involved medications, and patients’ characteristics could increase the effectiveness of these interventions.
... 7,14 Since the control group received individual pills packaged in blisters (with no calendar reminder) and there is evidence suggesting that this kind of packaging improves adherence in chronic conditions, it is possible that packaging increased adherence in the control group. 29,30 Blister packaging is the most common commercial presentation of cardiovascular medications in Argentina; therefore, any benefit on adherence should be proved against this standard. ...
Full-text available
Background Adherence to treatment after a myocardial infarction (MI) is poor, even in the early postinfarction period. Combining evidence-based drugs into a multicap could improve adherence in this population. No previous randomized trial assessing fixed-dose combination therapy has included patients early after a MI. We aimed to assess if a multicap containing four secondary prevention drugs increases adherence to treatment at 6 months after MI hospitalization. The study was designed as a randomized, parallel, open-label, controlled trial. Methods Patients were randomized within 7 days of a MI to either multicap or control group. The multicap group received a capsule containing aspirin, atenolol, ramipril, and simvastatin. The control group received each drug in separate pills. The primary outcome was adherence at 6 months. We also measured blood pressure, heart rate, serum cholesterol levels, C-reactive protein, and platelet aggregation. Results The study was stopped prematurely when 100 patients were included for futility. At 6 months, 92 (95.8%) patients were adherent to medical treatment: 98.0% in the multicap group and 93.5% in the control group [relative risk (RR) 1.05; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.96–1.14; p = 0.347]. There were no differences between groups in systolic blood pressure ( p = 0.662), diastolic blood pressure ( p = 0.784), heart rate ( p = 0.533), total cholesterol ( p = 0.760), LDL-c ( p = 0.979), C-reactive protein ( p = 0.399), or in the proportion of patients with adequate platelet aggregation inhibition ( p = 0.600). Conclusions The study did not find any improvement in the adherence at 6 months after a MI with a multicap-based strategy (Multicap for Increase Adherence After Acute Myocardial Infarction; [ identifier: NCT02271178]).
... Medication adherence is defined as the extent to which people take medication as prescribed by health-care providers. 8 The terms 'compliance', 'concordance' and 'adherence' are all used to describe the extent to which patients take, or persist with, a medication regime; the term 'adherence' is used in consideration that people choose to take medication and have control over its use. Adherence refers to 'attachment' or 'commitment', sticking to a practice or tenet and suggests perseverance; it is a term that 'conjures up the tenacity that patients need to achieve in sticking to a therapeutic regimen' (p. ...
Survivors of myocardial infarction are at risk of recurrent events and have an annual death rate of 5%. Advances in treatment and, in particular, the interventional management of myocardial infarction have seen important mortality gains over recent decades, yet cardiovascular diseases remain the biggest killer in many European countries. Change in lifestyle and adherence to medication to prevent further events are key to the recurrence of future events following myocardial infarction, but adherence to medication for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease is a profound problem. This article outlines a growing evidence base about the complex nature of adherence as a psychological phenomenon that is influenced by the nature of the event itself, illness perception and factors related to medication beliefs that cannot be addressed simply through a combination of educational approaches. A whole-systems approach is advocated, starting with the education of health professionals to understand the psychology of adherence, and to react comfortably to patients decisions about medication, with a pivotal role for follow-up in secondary care and cardiac rehabilitation.
... In other chronic diseases, simplifying dosing regimens has resulted in better adherence to medication, [43][44][45] which has also been shown in clinical trials of ICS therapy for asthma. 46 Wells et al 47 assessed whether better adherence to a simpler dosing regimen is also found in a real-life setting or whether it is a direct effect of participating in a clinical trial. ...
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Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are the cornerstone of maintenance asthma therapy. However, in spite of this, adherence to ICS remains low. The aim of this systematic literature review was to provide an overview of the current knowledge of adherence to ICS, effects of poor adherence, and means to improve adherence. A total of 19 studies met the inclusion criteria: 9 focusing on the level of adherence, 6 focusing on effects of poor adherence, and 7 focusing on interventions to improve adherence. Three of the studies focused on more than one of these end points. The mean level of adherence to ICS was found to be between 22 and 63%, with improvement up to and after an exacerbation. Poor adherence was associated with youth, being African-American, having mild asthma, < 12 y of formal education, and poor communication with the health-care provider, whereas improved adherence was associated with being prescribed fixed-combination therapy (ICS and long-acting β2 agonists). Good adherence was associated with higher FEV1, a lower percentage of eosinophils in sputum, reduction in hospitalizations, less use of oral corticosteroids, and lower mortality rate. Overall, 24% of exacerbations and 60% of asthma-related hospitalizations could be attributed to poor adherence. Most studies have reported an increase in adherence following focused interventions, followed by an improvement in quality of life, symptoms, FEV1, and oral corticosteroid use. However, 2 studies found no difference in health-care utilization, one observed no effect on symptoms, and one observed more symptoms in subjects in the intervention group compared with the control group. Good adherence to ICS in asthma improves outcome but remains low. Interventions to improve adherence show varying results, with most studies reporting an increase in adherence but unfortunately not necessarily an improvement in outcome. Even following successful interventions, adherence remains low. Further research is needed to explore barriers to adherence and interventions for improvement.
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Background: P2Y12 inhibitors are critical following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stent placement; they reduce the risk of stent thrombosis and myocardial infarction. Despite the importance of the therapy, non-adherence is common among Veterans. Methods and results: Our main objective is to conduct a multi-site randomized stepped wedge trial to test the effectiveness of a multi-faceted intervention to improve adherence to P2Y12 inhibitors and PCI outcomes as well as formatively evaluate and refine the intervention implementation process. The primary outcomes of the study are the proportion of patients whose P2Y12 inhibitor prescription was filled at the time of hospital discharge following PCI with stent placement as well as the proportion of patients who were adherent based on the pharmacy refill data in the year after PCI hospital discharge. We will also assess the secondary outcomes such as bleeding, myocardial infarction, stroke, and mortality among these patients, and the cost-effectiveness of the intervention. The study was conducted at Veterans Health Administration (VA) PCI sites. At each site, we enrolled patients over a 6-month period and followed them for 12 months after PCI. Additionally, we collected qualitative data to identify contextual factors and to assess barriers and facilitators to the implementation and maintenance of the intervention. Conclusions: The study will add to the current state of knowledge on improving medication adherence in patients receiving PCI with stent implantation. Moreover, the study includes an extensive examination of the implementation process and will contribute to the field of implementation science. Clinical trial registration: Identifier: NCT01609842
Objectives: Strategies were explored to improve patient adherence to cardioprotective medications by borrowing from a motivational framework used in psychology, regulatory focus theory. The current study is part of a larger randomized control trial and was aimed at understanding what written educational messages, based on patients' regulatory focus tendency, resonated with each individual as a potential reminder to take medications. This study was also aimed at understanding why messages resonated with the patients. Methods: Twenty veterans were tested for regulatory fitand presented with messages dependent on focus tendency. In-person semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect feedback of messages. An iterative analysis drawing primarily on matrix and reflexive team analyses was conducted. Result: Six promotion and six prevention messages emerged, such as "team up with your provider to create a combination of medications to prevent illness" and "Live your best life - Take your medications". Five themes related to types of health messages that spoke to patients' regulatory fit were discovered: relatability; empowerment and control; philosophy on life; relationship with provider and medications; and vocabulary effect on the impact of messages. Discussion: Motivational messages based on regulatory fit may be useful in improving patient medication adherence, leading to improved cardiovascular outcomes.
Background: Uncontrolled hypertension is one of the major determinants of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. Non-adherence to regular follow up is one of the main causes of inadequate control of blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Subjects and methods: A prospective study was conducted in the Hypertension and Research Centre, Rangpur; Bangladesh, among 1267 patients who were diagnosed with hypertension and receiving antihypertensive treatment after initial evaluation. All adult hypertensive patients of 18 years & above who registered from 1st March 2011 to 31st October 2011 were enrolled and followed up for at least 9 months after registration. Evaluation was by a physician and a dietitian administered questionnaire, a physical examination and using a sphygmomanometer. The diagnosis of pre-hypertension and hypertension were based on modified JNC-VII criteria. Results: Of 1267 patients who were registered; 862 (68.03%) patients dropped out from follow up. Drop out was significantly more common among male patients (51.2%), rural dwellings (68.6%), only primary education (28.1%) and low economic status (<5000 taka) (37.2%). Those having no housewife, had more dropout rate (32.1%), Uncomplicated hypertensive patients dropped out more than the complicated hypertensive patients (69.41% vs. 61.39%). Major causes of dropout were ignorance of the patients (46.53%); patients' busy schedule (24.87%), change of physician (13.53%) and low economical state (4.39%). Conclusion: This study showed that dropout and noncompliance to drug therapy has become a major problem among hypertensive patients. Ignorance, patients' busy schedule, lack of health awareness, illiteracy, and low educational status were the major causes of dropout. Improved awareness, motivation, better educational status of the patient, will reduce dropout from follow up.
AimTo compare medication adherence and readmissions in patients who received usual care vs. patient-centred interventions. Background Medication adherence is a complex behaviour that may be improved with patient-centred strategies. MethodA non-concurrent convenience sample of 303 hospitalised patients received either usual care (n = 98) or patient-centred interventions (n = 205). Intervention patients received teach-back and medication tools (n = 137) or motivational interviewing (n = 68). Data were collected at discharge (T1), at 48–72 hours (T2) and 30 days after discharge (T3). ResultsNo significant differences were found in medication adherence, therapeutic alliance, patients' experience and readmissions between groups. Patients in the motivational interview group reported lower confidence with medication adherence at T1 (P = 0.01) and T2 (P = 0.00) than the patient-centred intervention group. Motivational interviewing was a significant predictor (β = –1.55, P = 0.01, OR 0.21, 95% CI 0.06, 0.72) of fewer readmissions. Conclusion Overall, patients reported very low levels of non-adherence and very high levels of confidence and importance of medication adherence. Implications for nursing managementMedication adherence continues to be an important area for clinical inquiry. For those patients who lack confidence for medication adherence, comprehensive patient-centred strategies such as motivational interviewing may improve treatment outcomes.
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Examined the effects of a behavioral and educational intervention on 34 patients with primary hypertension to increase patient adherence to their therapeutic regimen. The Ss were randomly assigned to 2 groups: standard care or special intervention. The special intervention consisted of (1) a plan of care to enhance adherence to the regimen and (2) written and video educational materials. Ss in the intervention group evidenced higher adherence in 3 areas. They kept more appointments and had a greater drop in systolic blood pressure; and the physician rated them as more adherent to therapeutic regimens. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Poor medication adherence is a significant problem in hypertensive African Americans. Although motivational interviewing (MINT) is effective for adoption and maintenance of health behaviors in patients with chronic diseases, its effect on medication adherence remains untested in this population. This randomized controlled trial tested the effect of a practice-based MINT counseling vs. usual care (UC) on medication adherence and blood pressure (BP) in 190 hypertensive African Americans (88% women; mean age 54 years). Patients were recruited from two community-based primary care practices in New York City. The primary outcome was adherence measured by electronic pill monitors; the secondary outcome was within-patient change in office BP from baseline to 12 months. Baseline adherence was similar in both groups (56.2 and 56.6% for MINT and UC, respectively, P = 0.94). Based on intent-to-treat analysis using mixed-effects regression, a significant time x group interaction with model-predicted posttreatment adherence rates of 43 and 57% were found in the UC and MINT groups, respectively (P = 0.027), with a between-group difference of 14% (95% confidence interval, -0.2 to -27%). The between-group difference in systolic and diastolic BP was -6.1 mm Hg (P = 0.065) and -1.4 mm Hg (P = 0.465), respectively, in favor of the MINT group. A practice-based MINT counseling led to steady maintenance of medication adherence over time, compared to significant decline in adherence for UC patients. This effect was associated with a modest, nonsignificant trend toward a net reduction in systolic BP in favor of the MINT group.
Lack of adherence to blood pressure lowering medication is a major reason for poor control of hypertension worldwide. Interventions to improve adherence to antihypertensive medication have been evaluated in randomised trials but it is unclear which interventions are effective. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effectiveness of interventions aiming to increase adherence to blood pressure lowering medication in adults with high blood pressure SEARCH STRATEGY: All-language search of all articles (any year) in the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register (CCTR), MEDLINE, EMBASE, and CINAHL in April 2002. SELECTION CRITERIA: RCTs of interventions to increase adherence to blood pressure lowering medication in adults with essential hypertension in primary care, with adherence to medication and blood pressure control as outcomes DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two authors extracted data independently and in duplicate and assessed each study according to the criteria outlined by the Cochrane Collaboration Handbook. MAIN RESULTS: We included 38 studies testing 58 different interventions and containing data on 15519 patients. The studies were conducted in nine countries between 1975 and 2000. The duration of follow-up ranged from two to 60 months. Due to heterogeneity between studies in terms of interventions and the methods used to measure adherence, we did not pool the results. Simplifying dosing regimens increased adherence in seven out of nine studies, with a relative increase in adherence of 8 per cent to 19.6 per cent. Motivational strategies were successful in 10 out of 24 studies with generally small increases in adherence up to a maximum of 23 per cent. Complex interventions involving more than one technique increased adherence in eight out of 18 studies, ranging from 5 per cent to a maximum of 41 per cent. Patient education alone seemed largely unsuccessful. REVIEWERS' CONCLUSIONS: Reducing the number of daily doses appears to be effective in increasing adherence to blood pressure lowering medication and should be tried as a first line strategy, although there is less evidence of an effect on blood pressure reduction. Some motivational strategies and complex interventions appear promising, but we need more evidence on their effect through carefully designed RCTs.
An estimated 30% to 50% of hypertensive patients withdraw from their prescribed regimen within 1 year of diagnosis, and of the remainder, nearly 33% take doses of medication insufficient to adequately reduce blood pressure. A randomized trial was undertaken to determine the effect of pharmacy-based value-added utilities on the prescription refill behavior of patients taking antihypertensive therapy. Prescription refill compliance was monitored for 1 year in 128 Medicaid beneficiaries from South Carolina who were previously untreated for mild to moderate hypertension and were prescribed 240 mg once daily of the calcium channel antagonist verapamil. The subjects were randomly assigned to one of four experimental groups. The control group received standard pharmaceutical care with each dispensing of antihypertensive therapy; the second group received standard pharmaceutical care and was mailed a medication refill reminder 10 days before each sequential refill date; the third group received standard pharmaceutical care and was provided unit-of-use packaging with each prescription refill request; and the fourth group received standard pharmaceutical care, a mailed medication refill reminder, and unit-of-use packaging. Analysis of variance revealed that patients receiving mailed prescription refill reminders, unit-of-use packaging, or a combination of both, achieved a significant increase (P ⩽ 0.05) in the mean number of days-supply of therapy obtained compared with the controls. Use of both interventions significantly improved (P ⩽ 0.05) the mean number of days-supply of therapy obtained compared with all other groups; no significant difference was observed between groups receiving either mailed prescription refill reminders or unit-of-use packaging. These results argue for an increased use of pharmacy-based value-added utilities under both public and private health insurance programs.
Objectives: To compare compliance with an antihypertensive treatment administered either twice daily or three times daily. The two formulations of the antihypertensive treatment used (nicardipine) “regular tablets” (t.d.) and “slow release tablets” (b.d.) are bioequivalent at the daily dosage used in the study. Study design: Open, controlled, parallel designed study with centralised, randomised allocation to the treatment groups: TID group: A nicardipine 20 mg tablet, three times daily for 3 months. BID group: A capsule of slow release (SR) nicardipine, 50 mg twice daily for 3 months. Patients: 7274 hypertensive patients were investigated by 2.651 general practitioners. Compliance with the nicardipine was assessed by means of standardised interviews with the patients and by a questionnaire for the investigators. Results: Compliance was slightly higher in the BID than in the TID group; 71.2% and 24.5% of patients in the first group declared their compliance was 100% and 80% compared to 82.3% and 15% in the second group. A statistically significant relationship was shown between compliance with nicardipine and the decrease in blood pressure after three months of therapy. However, no significant difference was noticed between the two groups of patients in the absolute decrease in blood pressure after the treatment period: 25.7/14.7 mm Hg in the TID group compared with 25.9/15.0 mm Hg in the BID group. Conclusions: A difference in compliance between the bioequivalent BID and TID formulations of the same active agent was shown in hypertensive patients. However, the difference was not large enough to lead to a difference either in the number of controlled patients or in the decrease in blood pressure. Reducing the number of daily doses does not automatically lead to greater efficacy of treatment.
Background: High blood pressure (BP) significantly increases overall cardiovascular risk, the incidence of ischemic heart disease and stroke. One of the most important causes of insufficient BP control is low treatment compliance. Reminders and electronic compliance monitoring have been shown to be effective in improving patient compliance to some extent, but the combined effect has not been documented. Objective: To assess the impact of an electronic reminder and monitoring device on patient compliance and BP control. Methods: All patients received medical treatment with telmisartan once daily and were randomized to either electronic compliance monitoring with a reminder and monitoring device or standard therapy for 6 months. Both groups were crossed over after 6 months. Intervention effectiveness was assessed using self-reported compliance and BP. Results: Data from 398 patients were analysed. In the first half of the study, patients using the device reported 91% compliance versus 85% in the control group. This difference diminished after crossover (88 versus 86%). BP was not affected. Electronic monitoring data on compliance revealed taking, dosing and timing compliance between 45 and 52% in study group 1, and between 32 and 38% in study group 2. Conclusion: The Helping Hand reminder device was most suitable if used for newly diagnosed hypertensive patients, when it improved compliance by 6%. With the present medical treatment, the device does not have any influence on BP control, but with less forgiving medications, the device might make a significant difference. The use of the device can be an easy and effective way to improve compliance in selected patients.
This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: To determine the effects of calendar packaging aids as used to enhance patient adherence to self-administered long-term medication/s. Additional objectives are: (1) To assess effects on clinical outcomes. (2) To assess cost of interventions. (3) To assess any harms, barriers to use, and errors associated with packaging devices.