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Resilience of New Zealand indigenous forest fragments to impacts of livestock and pest mammals


Abstract and Figures

A number of factors have combined to diminish ecosystem integrity in New Zealand indigenous lowland forest fragments surrounded by intensively grazed pasture. Livestock grazing, mammalian pests, adventive weeds and altered nutrient input regimes are important drivers compounding the changes in fragment structure and function due to historical deforestation and fragmentation. We used qualitative systems modelling and empirical data from Beilschmiedia tawa dominated lowland forest fragments in the Waikato Region to explore the relevance of two common resilience paradigms – engineering resilience and ecological resilience – for addressing the conservation management of forest fragments into the future. Grazing by livestock and foraging/predation by introduced mammalian pests both have direct detrimental impacts on key structural and functional attributes of forest fragments. Release from these perturbations through fencing and pest control leads to partial or full recovery of some key indicators (i.e. increased indigenous plant regeneration and cover, increased invertebrate populations and litter mass, decreased soil fertility and increased nesting success) relative to levels seen in larger forest systems over a range of timescales. These changes indicate that forest fragments do show resilience consistent with adopting an engineering resilience paradigm for conservation management, in the landscape context studied. The relevance of the ecological resilience paradigm in these ecosystems is obscured by limited data. We characterise forest fragment dynamics in terms of changes in indigenous species occupancy and functional dominance, and present a conceptual model for the management of forest fragment ecosystems.
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Dodd et al.: Forest fragment resilience
Resilience of New Zealand indigenous forest fragments to impacts of livestock and
pest mammals
Mike Dodd1*, Gary Barker2, Bruce Burns3, Raphael Didham4,5, John Innes2, Carolyn King6, Mark
Smale2 and Corinne Watts2
1AgResearch Grasslands, Private Bag 11008, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand
2Landcare Research, Private Bag 3127, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand
3School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
4School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
5Present Address: School of Animal Biology, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley WA 6009,
Australia and CSIRO Entomology, Centre for Environment and Life Sciences, Underwood Avenue, Floreat WA 6014, Australia
6School of Biological Sciences, University of Waikato, Private Bag 3105, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand
*Author for correspondence (Email:
Published on-line: 19 December 2010
Abstract: A number of factors have combined to diminish ecosystem integrity in New Zealand indigenous
lowland forest fragments surrounded by intensively grazed pasture. Livestock grazing, mammalian pests,
adventive weeds and altered nutrient input regimes are important drivers compounding the changes in fragment
structure and function due to historical deforestation and fragmentation. We used qualitative systems modelling
and empirical data from Beilschmiedia tawa dominated lowland forest fragments in the Waikato Region to
explore the relevance of two common resilience paradigms – engineering resilience and ecological resilience
– for addressing the conservation management of forest fragments into the future. Grazing by livestock and
foraging/predation by introduced mammalian pests both have direct detrimental impacts on key structural and
functional attributes of forest fragments. Release from these perturbations through fencing and pest control
leads to partial or full recovery of some key indicators (i.e. increased indigenous plant regeneration and cover,
increased invertebrate populations and litter mass, decreased soil fertility and increased nesting success) relative
to levels seen in larger forest systems over a range of timescales. These changes indicate that forest fragments
do show resilience consistent with adopting an engineering resilience paradigm for conservation management,
in the landscape context studied. The relevance of the ecological resilience paradigm in these ecosystems is
obscured by limited data. We characterise forest fragment dynamics in terms of changes in indigenous species
occupancy and functional dominance, and present a conceptual model for the management of forest fragment
Keywords: biodiversity; model; perturbation; system dynamics
Lowland native forest fragments are the poorly represented
remnants of one of the most damaged and threatened indigenous
ecosystems in New Zealand (Craig et al. 2000; Ewers et al.
2006). Extensive destruction of the original forests during
two human colonisation events has left a relictual landscape
(sensu McIntyre & Hobbs 1999) in which these vegetation
components are subject to repeated, severe perturbation events
with no comparable historical analogue. Aside from the habitat
loss and fragmentation process itself, these perturbations have
included selective harvesting of certain canopy dominant trees
(Nicholls 1979), intermittent browsing and soil disturbance
by domestic livestock (Jane 1983), the introduction of pest
mammals and plants (Craig et al. 2000), elevated rates of
inorganic nutrient input via agricultural fertiliser drift and/or
animal transfer (Stevenson 2004), altered hydrological regimes
through drainage of the surrounding pastoral land (Whaley
et al. 1997) and exposure to agricultural herbicides. With the
exception of the initial logging, all of these perturbations
can be regarded as ‘press disturbances’ (Bengtsson 2002),
since the agents (in the case of livestock, pests, drainage,
agrichemical and fertiliser transfer) or latent effects (in the
case of fragmentation) continue to operate for at least several
decades and up to a century in some regions.
As a result of the combined effects of multiple
perturbations, the structure and functioning of native forest
fragment ecosystems have been highly modied. Canopy
and subcanopy vegetation cover has been reduced and
regeneration of canopy trees has been inhibited (Smale et al.
2005, 2008; Burns et al. in press), forest soil litter and organic
layers have been reduced or removed, nesting success of all
native bird species has declined or been prevented altogether
(Innes et al. 2004; Boulton et al. 2008) and adult occurrence
reduced to sporadic visits (Stevens 2006), indigenous plant
species diversity has been reduced (Smale et al. 2008) and
some plant and bird species have been extirpated (Whaley
et al. 1997; Miskelly et al. 2008; Innes et al. 2010a). While
the invertebrate fauna has been shown to remain relatively
abundant and diverse in fragments dominated by indigenous
plants (Crisp et al. 1998; Harris & Burns 2000), substantial
dissimilarity in the composition of invertebrate taxa has been
shown relative to more intact reference forests (Didham et al.
2009), with largely unknown effects on ecosystem functioning.
It seems clear that without some countervailing intervention,
native forest fragments will remain in a degraded state and
New Zealand Journal of Ecology (2011) 35(1): 0-0 © New Zealand Ecological Society.
Available on-line at:
New Zealand Journal of Ecology, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2011
been suggested that a more appropriate measure of resilience
in this context is the magnitude of the perturbation required to
force the regime shift (Holling 1996). Any measure of resilience
relevant to this scenario must consider the degree of deviation
from the normal domain and how this changes over time.
Orwin and Wardle (2004) have thoughtfully examined such
measures and developed a mathematically and conceptually
robust index.
For whichever concept of resilience one is working with,
it is clear that resilience is a relative concept – there is only
value in considering the relative resilience of either a specic
ecosystem to multiple disturbances, or multiple ecosystems
to the same disturbance. Hence there is a need to be specic
about the system(s) and perturbation(s) of interest (Carpenter
et al. 2001).
may eventually disappear from the lowland landscape, as the
ageing population of indigenous canopy trees gradually dies
out and the historical ‘extinction debt’ (Tilman et al. 1994)
catches up with forest fragments surviving for the present
under the prevailing landscape regime.
In this paper, we discuss whether this grim outlook for
forest fragments is avoidable, given the small size of most
fragments, the high degree of degradation that they have already
sustained and the overwhelmingly adverse surrounding matrix
environment in which they exist. Specically, we question
whether forest fragments can be restored to a self-sustaining
structure and function that is characteristically indigenous,
through management that releases them from the multiple
perturbations they face. This is essentially a question about
resilience (see Box 1), which is a key ecological concept
relevant to understanding the nature and effects of ecosystem
recovery following perturbations. We sought to determine
whether there is good evidence that native forest fragments
Resilience concepts in ecology
Two concepts of resilience are most commonly seen in the
ecological literature – engineering resilience and ecological
resilience (Gunderson 2000; Bengtsson 2002). The rst
incorporates the ability of a system to recover its initial
structure or character following a perturbation (Pimm 1984)
and has been referred to as ‘engineering resilience’ because of
its similarity to attributes measured in that discipline (Holling
1996). This more conventional concept of resilience assumes
there is a global stability domain for a system property (i.e.
the typical or ‘normal’ range in that system property observed
over time or space as a result of environmental variation)
that the system returns to naturally following a signicant
perturbation (see Fig. 1). Following a perturbation that leads
to a deviation from this range, engineering resilience can be
measured as the time taken for the property to return to the
normal range (see Ludwig et al. 1996).
However, some ecosystems have been observed not to
return to an expected global stability domain after perturbation,
but have remained within an alternative stable domain, having
crossed a hysteresis-type threshold (Suding & Hobbs 2009;
Fig. 1). These observations led to the development of another
resilience concept called ‘ecological resilience’ (Holling 1996).
This concept of resilience sets aside the assumption of a single
global equilibrium, in favour of multiple local equilibria
(or domains of attraction). The commonly depicted visual
model for the concept is a ball in a landscape of troughs and
ridges, with the ball representing the system and the troughs
representing alternative domains of attraction. Movement
of the ball between troughs is described as a ‘regime shift’,
since the controls on structure and functions have changed
(Gunderson 2000). The most well-developed cases in ecology
relate to rangeland grazing systems (with the background being
the development of ‘state and transition’ models; Westoby
et al. 1989) and lake systems (Walker et al. 1997; Scheffer &
Carpenter 2003) but many others have been suggested (see
Walker & Meyers 2004). Suding and Hobbs (2009) provide a
useful summary and glossary of these concepts in the context
of restoration ecology.
In the case of a regime shift the notion of a return time
becomes meaningless, and the relative resilience of systems
cannot be quantitatively assessed using this measure. It has
Figure 1. Concepts of engineering and ecological resilience in
ecosystems. A system with greater engineering resilience (A,
long dash line) would have a shorter return-time interval (T1T0)
compared with a system with lesser engineering resilience (B,
solid line) with a longer return-time interval (T2T0) following
perturbation of a system property from P0 to Px. A system with
greater ecological resilience (A or B) will return to the ‘normal’
stable domain following a perturbation of the system property
from P0 to Px compared with a system with lesser ecological
resilience (C, short dash line) that enters an alternative stable
domain following a perturbation of the same magnitude, having
crossed a hysteresis-type threshold between P0 and Px.
exhibit the characteristics indicative of either of the types
of resilience – engineering or ecological – described in Box
1. We did not seek to support or refute the validity of the
concepts but rather to explore their relevance to the system
of interest (Suding & Hobbs 2009). In order to develop sound
management approaches for forest fragments, it is useful to
understand how the inherent resilience of these ecosystems
may be utilised, or may represent an obstacle to success, in
achieving management goals.
More specically, our objectives were to (1) explore the
relevance of the two resilience concepts (Box 1) to indigenous
lowland forest fragments; (2) assess the resilience of these
forest fragments to the major perturbations resulting from stock
and pest mammals; and (3) develop a conceptual management
framework that might account for and utilise this resilience,
in order to develop long-term strategies for conservation
management of forest fragments.
Figure 1 1
Ecosystem property value
Alternative stable
T0 T2
‘Normal’ stable
'Normal' stable
Alternative stable
Ecosystem property value
Dodd et al.: Forest fragment resilience
We used two approaches to explore resilience, the rst based
on a consensus model of forest fragment system dynamics
developed by a team of ecosystem scientists and the second
based on empirical data generated in the ‘Forest fragment
resilience’ research project (Innes 2009), supplemented by
other information on forest fragment disturbance dynamics
gleaned from the literature.
Our evidential basis for drawing conclusions about the
relative resilience of forest fragments requires rst that they
show a signicant response of key system properties to the
perturbations of interest (grazing and mammalian pests). This
immediately highlights the issue of how to dene the initial
conditions, in the absence of fragments that have never been
grazed or infested with weeds and pests. Studies to date have
used larger forest tracts, but two difculties are apparent: (1)
the fact that the reference forests are not fragmented, and
thus any fragmentation-specic effects or interactions will
not be expressed, e.g. species–area relationships, dispersal
limitations; and (2) the idiosyncratic management of most
reference forests, in terms of which mammalian pests and
weeds are controlled and over what time period. Despite these
limitations, reference forests represent a major resource for
our ability to infer initial conditions, guided by our growing
understanding of the historical condition and dynamics of
indigenous forest ecosystems. Hence in this study we also
cautiously use reference forests to inform our assessment of
resilience, focusing on high-level indicators to minimise the
associated uncertainty.
Having established the existence of perturbation effects,
relative engineering resilience would be indicated by the
extent to which system properties show a return response
following release from those perturbations, over the timescales
encompassed by the data (one or two decades): high engineering
resilience is indicated by full recovery and low engineering
resilience is indicated by partial recovery (cases A and B in
Fig. 1). By contrast, relative ecological resilience would be
indicated by the occurrence of a return response to release
from the perturbations along with changes in system controls
(as indicated by the feedback loops described below): high
ecological resilience is indicated by a full or partial recovery and
low ecological resilience is indicated by a lack of recovery after
multiple decades accompanied by changes in system controls
(case C in Fig. 1). Such changes in system controls should
distinguish low ecological resilience from low engineering
resilience when observing very slow recovery.
System dynamics model
We developed a system model of forest fragments using the
causal loop diagram approach from the discipline of system
dynamics (Maani & Cavana 2007). The rationale for using this
approach is that an explicit documentation of the dynamics of the
ecosystem should: (a) help integrate our understanding of key
ecosystem processes across different ecosystem components
(plants, invertebrates, soils, mesofauna); (b) highlight the most
important structural and functional parameters of the ecosystem
to guide measurement and monitoring; and (c) reveal a number
of features of system behaviour that are relevant to analysing
resilience, specically the nature of any feedback loops.
Within the system dynamics framework, we identied key
system variables and depicted the nature of the relationships
between those variables with annotated arrows. The direction
of the arrow indicates a cause–effect relationship, while the
annotation indicates the direction of the effect, thus: + represents
a positive effect (i.e. both variables increase together or both
variables decrease together) and − represents a negative effect
(i.e. one variable increases while the other decreases). Within
this system diagram we identied the feedback loops, of which
there are two types:
(1) Reinforcing loops (R), whereby the feedback is positive
overall (when multiplying the signs of the annotations)
and results in enhancement of the initial change in the
key variable, also called a ‘vicious’ or ‘virtuous’ cycle.
(2) Balancing loops (B), whereby the feedback is negative
overall and results in moderation of the initial change in
the key variable.
The system model was initially built for a ‘natural’ system,
excluding the role of the major human-mediated perturbations
of interest (livestock grazing, pest invasion). The relevant
perturbations were then considered in terms of whether they
modied the system state variables, modied the nature of the
feedback loops, or added new feedbacks (see Fig. 2).
Experimental data
Forty-seven low altitude forest fragments in the Waikato
Region, ranging in area from 0.5 to 24 ha, were surveyed during
the summer of 2006/07 (for details see Didham et al. 2009;
Burns et al. in press). The fragments were selected according to
distinct historical management regimes of fencing to exclude
livestock and pest control, arranged in a factorial design. This
arrangement included four categories of fencing: unfenced or
fenced <2 years; fenced 2–10 years; fenced 10–20 years; and
fenced >20 years) and two categories of pest control targeted
at possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) and ship rats (Rattus
rattus): uncontrolled and controlled the latter dened as
being conducted for a minimum of 2 years and usually > 10
years, with at least annual repeats at a minimum of one trap
or bait station per hectare.
Data on vascular plant structure, plant species composition
and soil characteristics were collected from a subset (41) of tawa
(Beilschmiedia tawa) dominated forest fragments (Burns et al.
in press). Data on forest-oor invertebrate faunal composition
and site characteristics were also collected from a subset (30)
of the fragments (Didham et al. 2009). Bird nesting success
using real and model nests was assessed in fragments with
and without intensive ship rat and possum control, and ship
rat abundance was measured in fragments with and without
grazing (Innes et al. 2010b). Corresponding data were collected
from, or obtained for, three large local forest reserves (Te Miro,
Karakariki and Maungatautari scenic reserves), all of which
were free of livestock but which have had only limited recent
mammalian pest control. Key ecosystem variables incorporated
into the system dynamics model were selected from the plant,
soil, invertebrate and bird data, which were transformed
into semi-quantitative values (i.e. nil–low–medium–high).
These values were compared with estimates of the ‘normal
domain’ from the eld studies and other available literature.
This comparison aimed to examine the system’s responses
to removal of livestock and pest mammal perturbations, and
to determine if the measured responses provided evidence of
engineering and/or ecological resilience.
New Zealand Journal of Ecology, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2011
Figure 2 1
omnivore density
carnivore density
Plant understorey
Plant canopy
Mineralisation rate
Litter mass
Viable seed
Bird density
Soil fertility
Palatable plant
Litter quality
Figure 2. Causal-loop system
dynamics model of a forest
fragment ecosystem showing key
reinforcing loops (regeneration,
Rregen; decomposition, R decomp) and
balancing loops (shading, Bshading;
herbivory, B
herbiv; predation,
Bpredat). New structure created by the
perturbations of interest is shown by
dashed boxes and arrows indicating
major direct effects. Symbols: +
positive effect; − negative effect.
Results and discussion
System dynamics model
The quite complex initial cause-and-effect diagrams were
simplied to include only the key causal loops identied as
major controls (Fig. 2). Two linked clusters of reinforcing
and balancing loops were evident. The rst cluster was
based around plant growth and regeneration. The reinforcing
component of this pair involves the standing vegetation biomass
generating current seed production, which germinates under
favourable conditions, leading to regeneration of saplings in
the understorey (Fig. 2) These saplings contribute initially to
understorey cover but also via a slowly operating process to
canopy cover (for the relevant canopy species, i.e. tawa and
rewarewa Knightia excelsa). A component of those favourable
conditions is the light environment under the canopy, which
provides the balancing control on sapling regeneration. The
consumption of leaves and owers, predominantly by avian
herbivores, in pre-disturbance New Zealand ecosystems (Clout
& Hay 1989) also provides a balancing loop that checks plant
growth and perhaps regeneration, but native birds are also
crucial pollinators and fruit dispersers (Kelly et al. 2006) and
so are necessary for plant regeneration.
The second cluster of reinforcing and balancing loops
was based around resource–consumer interactions and
decomposition processes (Fig. 2). The rst reinforcing
component of this pair involves the standing vegetation biomass
generating leaf litter, which is decomposed by the invertebrate
community, thereby recycling nutrients for plant growth.
The second reinforcing component consists of the suite of
relatively palatable plants associated with understorey cover,
which increases litter quality and inuences mineralisation
rates (Pastor et al. 1993). The linked balancing control on this
process is the predation of the macroinvertebrate community
by the avifauna. The plant regeneration balancing loop also
provides a long-term control on plant biomass and litter
The direct effects of the two perturbations of interest in the
Viable seed
Plant canopy
cover Litter mass
Plant understorey
Palatable plant
Litter quality
Mineralisation rate
Soil fertility
Dodd et al.: Forest fragment resilience
initial model are outlined in the dashed boxes and arrows in
Fig. 2. Livestock browsing can be a pulse or press disturbance,
but in the context of most New Zealand farm systems it involves
rotationally grazed livestock having access for repeated short
periods (e.g. wintering cattle) and thus should be regarded as
a press disturbance. Livestock have several impacts on forest
fragments, including removal of the understorey vegetation
(particularly the most palatable plants) by direct browsing,
suppression of sapling regeneration by direct browsing and
physical damage of seedlings by trampling (Jane 1983; Timmins
2002), introduction of adventive species through propagule
transport from the pastoral matrix (with likely enhancement of
establishment through soil disturbance) and elevated nutrient
supply (via faeces and urine). Overall, these impacts serve
to weaken the plant growth and regeneration reinforcing
loop by damage to seedlings and saplings, while at the same
time strengthening the herbivory balancing loop by addition
of herbivore consumption of foliage and strengthening the
soil fertility loop by addition of nutrients in dung and urine.
This direct effect may serve to offset negative effects on the
decomposition loop (see Wardle et al. 2001). However, it
was considered that the inclusion of livestock in the model
did not create any new reinforcing or balancing loops within
the system.
Livestock impacts
Livestock browsing is not analogous to that of indigenous
herbivore browsing in unperturbed systems. Because livestock
are primarily fed on the pastures surrounding forest fragments,
and their numbers are determined by the farm manager, there
is no balancing feedback loop to control their population and
their rate of consumption of forest fragment vegetation, as is
the case for native herbivores (Fig. 2). This external resource
subsidy effect creates the potential to push the system into a
new domain, through ongoing prevention of the recruitment of
canopy trees. At some point the existing trees will die through
natural attrition and the structure of the forest might change
sufciently such that removal of the livestock will not result
in a return to a pre-grazed state, which would be a case of a
regime shift to an alternative state (Box 1). It is thus valuable
to know for how long a forest fragment can be grazed by
livestock before this shift occurs. This period could be an
empirical measure of the ecological resilience of the forest
fragment to livestock grazing (i.e. the temporal magnitude of
the disturbance required to force the regime shift, sensu Holling
1996). We predict that the time frame of this process would be
related to the longevity of the dominant canopy species, which
for tawa is in the order of 300-plus years (West 1995).
In terms of empirical evidence for this process, Esler
(1978, p. 45) documents the degeneration of indigenous forest
fragments induced by long-term browsing and characterises
it as a three-stage process of understorey destruction, weed
infestation and nally canopy collapse, leaving only scattered
former subcanopy trees in a grassland matrix. On the other hand,
Esler (1978, pp. 73–77) also describes forest regeneration via
bracken/mānuka/gorse shrubland succession, resulting from
decreasing grazing intensity in steep sown grassland. In mesic
environments, vegetation often shows classical secondary
succession through shrubland to indigenous-dominant forest
over timescales of decades (McQueen 1993; Leathwick &
Rogers 1996; Sullivan et al. 2007) to centuries (as modelled
by Meurk & Hall 2006). Thus even in this case of complete
deforestation in mesic regions of New Zealand, an engineering
resilience framework may still be appropriate, since even
forest destruction may not represent a permanent regime shift.
Given the generally poor representation of native plant seed in
non-forest soils (Partridge 1989) and the absence of persistent
seed banks (Sem & Enright 1996; Moles et al. 2000), the local
availability of dispersed propagules from remaining forest and
the continuity of the associated dispersal mechanisms will be
important factors in forest regeneration from grassland (Meurk
& Hall 2006; Standish et al. 2009). Hence the climate and
landscape context of the forest fragment becomes an important
mediating factor in determining resilience.
Mammalian pest impacts
The impact of mammalian pests can also be considered as
a press disturbance in terms of the ubiquitous build-up and
ongoing maintenance of high pest populations in the vicinity of
all fragments (Batcheler & Cowan 1988; King 2005). As with
livestock, individual pest species (e.g. possums, ship rats) can
have multiple impacts on structural and functional components
of the system, which can be exacerbated by the occurrence of
a suite of pest species with multiple functional roles. This is
illustrated in Fig. 2 by the inclusion of two new state variables
representing mammalian omnivores and predators. It is worth
noting that while predation of birds would have been a feature
of natural systems, we did not regard this as a dominant
control on bird populations (Innes et al. 2010a), and hence
indigenous predation was omitted from Fig. 2. Mammalian
pests that are omnivores (possums, ship rats and mice Mus
musculus) have direct negative impacts on ora, though on
different system variables than those identied for livestock
impacts. Thus pest mammal impacts also weaken the growth
and regeneration reinforcing loop by consumption of seeds
and seedlings and strengthen the herbivory balancing loop by
additional herbivore consumption of foliage throughout the
canopy layers. Many omnivorous pests (particularly hedgehogs
Erinaceus europaeus) are also predators of invertebrates,
potentially weakening the decomposition reinforcing loop.
Thus, they are engaged in the herbivory and invertebrate
predation loops in the same manner as indigenous birds (i.e.
as competitors; Nugent et al. 2000; McQueen & Lawrence
2008). However, two of these omnivorous mammalian pests
(possums and ship rats) are also direct predators of indigenous
birds (via nest predation; Innes et al. 2004) and hence operate
as joint competitors and predators. Furthermore, they are also
prey items themselves (along with birds) for the introduced
mammalian predators (e.g. stoats Mustela erminea) and thus
create an important new predation balancing loop, whereby
the mammalian omnivores support a mammalian predator
population that can prey-switch between the mammalian
omnivores and the indigenous bird population (Murphy et al.
2008). Overall, the inclusion of this suite of mammalian pests
represents a new and quite complex dynamic in the forest
fragment ecosystem, which has two major detrimental aspects
for the avifauna, which we term the competitor-predator effect
and the predator-support effect.
The importance of external resource subsidies noted
previously for livestock grazing effects is also relevant for pest
mammals to a large extent, since they typically range widely
and have access to numerous food resources in the wider non-
forest landscape. For example, a substantial component of
possum diet appears to be high quality pasture in agricultural
landscapes (Harvie 1973; Nugent et al. 2000; Dodd et al.
2006). Consequently the populations of both livestock and
pest mammals that inhabit forest fragments are not subject
solely to internal balancing feedback controls within the
New Zealand Journal of Ecology, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2011
fragment, but also to the destabilising inuence of external
resource subsidies.
Resilience in the system model
The question of whether the model has any characteristics
that support the concepts of engineering and/or ecosystem
resilience can be addressed by considering what the model
might qualitatively predict following the release from livestock
and pest mammal perturbations, through management actions
such as fencing and pest control.
In the case of livestock browsing, our model indicates
that this perturbation functions within the context of existing
feedback loops (the reinforcing regeneration loop, and
the balancing shading and herbivory loops). This suggests
that the growth reinforcing loop will continue to function
following removal of the perturbation, leading to recovery
of the vegetative structure of the forest. Therefore, exclusion
of livestock browsing by fencing should lead to fairly rapid
recovery of sapling regeneration and understorey cover, with
slower effects on soil fertility (as elevated nutrients dissipate)
and plant diversity (as adventive herbaceous species become
subject to control by the shading loop). The lack of permanent
changes in system structure and feedback control due to
livestock browsing suggests that the fragment will exhibit
a release response in these variables that is characteristic of
relatively high engineering resilience. However, fencing in the
absence of pest control leaves open the question of whether the
weakening of the regeneration loop due to ower, fruit and seed
herbivory by mammalian omnivores will inhibit understorey
sapling regeneration in the medium term and thus result in a
decline in canopy cover in the longer term.
The effects of pest mammal control will be dependent on
which pests are controlled. Elimination of carnivores (stoats
and feral cats Felis catus) may have little positive impact on
the forest fragment, because of their mainly indirect effects and
low densities (often only 1–2 per 100 ha or fewer). Carnivore
removal may even exacerbate damage by omnivorous rodents
that are no longer subject to this balancing control, thus
ensuring there will effectively be no release from perturbation.
By contrast, the removal of the mammalian omnivores should
result in fairly rapid recovery of plant regeneration and
invertebrate populations, but will not necessarily benet the
avifauna while mammalian carnivores remain in the local
environment. A particular feature of the system is that there
is no balancing feedback from bird populations to either
the carnivore or omnivore mammal guilds (i.e. there is no
reduction in food supply resulting from predation that would
normally make either guild food-limited), since the omnivores
(ship rats, possums, mice) also eat fruit, seeds, leaves and
invertebrates and the carnivores (stoats, cats) also eat other
mammals. Thus, either guild has the potential to drive the
birds to extremely low population levels without any density-
dependent feedbacks. The resultant wholesale replacement of
this important component of the indigenous herbivores with an
introduced fauna could well constitute a ‘regime shift’ in the
language of ecological resilience. It is thus possible to envisage
a release response characteristic of engineering resilience in
components of the system (plants and invertebrates), but no
response in other components (birds) as evidence of a lack of
ecological resilience.
In summary, comparing the system dynamic effects of
livestock and mammalian pests leads to the conclusion that
both have extensive networks of impacts that ramify throughout
the system, which serves to emphasise the devastating effect
they have on lowland forest fragments. However, each operates
largely on different components of the system, which tends
to suggest (1) that the combination of both perturbations
will be far more detrimental to the whole system than either
one operating alone, and (2) that release from one or other
of the perturbations will have differential effects, leading to
differing restoration endpoints and possibly alternative stable
Empirical data
The system dynamics model indicated that a number of key
ecosystem variables would provide information on dynamic
responses to perturbation release, particularly with respect to
plant regeneration, plant canopy cover, palatable plant biomass,
litter mass, litter decomposition rate, invertebrate density,
soil fertility and bird populations. The semi-quantitative
data derived from the empirical data in the forest fragment
resilience study (Didham et al. 2009; Burns et al. in press),
with quantitative approximations, are shown in Table 1.
The data conrm the substantial effects of perturbation by
livestock grazing and mammalian pests on key indicators of
ecosystem structure in forest fragments relative to ungrazed
reference forest systems. Specic effects include declines in
plant regeneration (low seedling and very low sapling numbers),
palatable plant cover, invertebrate density, litter mass and
decomposition rate and increases in soil fertility (lower soil
C:N). These patterns are also reected in other data from the
limited literature on the ecological condition of forest fragments
in New Zealand. For example Smale et al. (2008) and Dodd and
Power (2007) have also shown inhibited regeneration and low
litter cover in grazed fragments. With regard to soils, Stevenson
(2004) has shown high levels of inorganic phosphorus, but
no differences in C and N, in forest fragments compared with
ungrazed forests. Soil-fertility-related properties appear to be
highly variable between forest fragments, reecting localised
fertiliser and stock management. In mid-elevation Nothofagus
forests in the South Island, Ewers et al. (2007) and Ewers and
Didham (2008) found that beetle community structure was
dramatically altered in small forest fragments and at the edges
of large forests, relative to interior forest sites, with the loss of
some interior forest specialists (Ewers & Didham 2004). Bird
nesting success is low in both large reference forests and small
fragments due to the ubiquitous distribution of pest mammals
(King 2005), although food shortage due to inadequate habitat
area is undoubtedly an additional problem for native birds in
fragmented landscapes (Innes et al. 2010a).
Resilience in the data
All of the indicators in Table 1 show return behaviour with
release of the fragments from either livestock grazing or
mammalian pest impacts. Some show a ‘full’ recovery –
seedling and sapling densities recover with fencing, invertebrate
densities recover with both fencing and pest control. Others
show a ‘partial’ recovery – canopy cover increases with pest
control, litter mass increases with fencing, soil C:N increases
with fencing. Partial recovery may simply be a function of
time, where feedback cycles operate over long periods and
thus rates of change are slow (e.g. soil C:N as a function of
litter return and decomposition). It may also be a function of
the incomplete nature of the perturbation release (e.g. only
possum and rat predation of invertebrates is controlled). Some
variables show no recovery, consistent with a lack of direct
relationship as indicated by the system dynamics model (e.g.
Dodd et al.: Forest fragment resilience
Table 1. Semi-quantitative dynamics of forest fragment ecosystem variables in reference forest, perturbed fragments and
fragments in response to long-term fencing and mammalian pest control, with approximations of the semi-quantitative
variables based on eld data (from Didham et al. 2009; Innes et al. 2010b; Burns et al. in press). DW = dry weight; C:N =
System variable Indicator Units Low Medium High Reference Perturbed With With pest With
variable forest fragment fencing control both
Plant regeneration Seedling stems m–2 100 1000 10000 Medium– Low– Medium– Medium Medium–
density high medium high high
Plant regeneration Sapling
density stems m–2 10 100 1000 High Nil–low Medium– Nil–low Medium–
high high
Canopy cover Cover of % cover 70 80 90 High Medium Medium Medium- Medium–
canopy high high
Palatable plant Palatable % cover 5 10 20 High Nil–low Medium– Low High
biomass plant cover of dened high
Decomposition rate Litter bag % mass 40 60 80 Medium Low Medium Low Medium
mass loss loss over
200 days
Litter mass Litter mass t DW ha–1 6 8 12 High Low Medium Low Medium
Invertebrate density Ground number 500 1000 2000 High Low Low– Medium High
invertebrate m–2 medium
Soil fertility C:N ratio n/a 10 15 20 Medium– Low– Medium Low– Medium
high2 medium
Bird density Bird % nests 20 40 60 Low3 Low Low High High
nesting that edge
success young
1Palatable species include Asplenium bulbiferum, Coprosma grandifolia, Cyathea medullaris, Geniostoma rupestre, Schefera digitata.
2See Sparling & Schipper (2002).
3See Innes et al. (2010a).
sapling density is unaffected by pest control, invertebrate
density is minimally affected by fencing).
Other studies in the New Zealand plant ecology literature
conrm this general picture of partial recovery in system
attributes following removal of the agents of perturbation.
Paired browser-exclusion plot studies have shown recovery
of palatable plant species (Smale et al. 1995; Husheer et al.
2005), though the effects have not been consistent, leading
to a number of hypotheses for non-recovery (Coomes et al.
2003). While we know of no published studies of the temporal
sequence of recovery of New Zealand forest fragments
following the alleviation of disturbance, two studies of forest
fragment vegetation have used a space-for-time substitution
approach to study recovery after the exclusion of domestic
livestock. One study was in lowland kahikatea (Dacrycarpus
dacrydioides) fragments (Smale et al. 2005) and the other
in lowland tawa fragments (Dodd & Power 2007). In these
studies, several fragments with differing periods of time since
fencing were assessed for vegetation and soil characteristics.
This approach implicitly follows an engineering resilience
paradigm, i.e. the equilibrium domain is assumed to be a
forest where the browsing disturbance was not present. The
(spatially simulated) changes in structure and composition of
the fragments over time frames of 10–20 years since grazing
exclusion in Smale et al. (2005) and Dodd & Power (2007)
included increases in sapling regeneration / understorey cover
and decreases in soil P fertility, consistent with a view of
the soil and vegetation component of forest fragment plant
communities being resilient to livestock browsing.
In the only nest survival study undertaken in New Zealand
fragments so far, Boulton et al. (2008) found that robin (Petroica
longipes) nest survival ‘marginally decreased’ with fragment
size. While nest survival is generally poor in both small and large
forests, it can be increased methodically in either with predator
control (e.g. Innes et al. 1999, 2004; studies summarised in
Innes et al. 2010a). Rare species may have to be restored to
fragments by translocation. The short-term absence of these
species from fragments despite pest control could be viewed as
an example of a lack of ecological resilience, but other species
have recently been demonstrated to establish new populations
in reserves independent of translocations (Miskelly et al. 2005),
which may then be evidence for engineering resilience on a
longer timescale, and requiring a larger spatial scale of pest
management (e.g. Basse & McLennan 2003) focused on many
rather than single fragments.
The experimental data also revealed unexpected
interactions between components of the model. Ship rats were
signicantly more abundant in fenced than in grazed fragments,
probably due to the higher biomass of vegetation, fruits and
seeds, and litter invertebrates. In this sense, ship rats simply
replace native birds in Fig. 2 in terms of responding to the
abundance of owers, fruit and seed and supplying a balancing
loop that reduces ower, fruit and seed abundance. However,
ship rats cannot replace native birds as effective agents of
New Zealand Journal of Ecology, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2011
ower pollination and seed and fruit dispersal (Williams et al.
2000; Kelly et al. 2006).
Overall, with respect to our objectives, we suggest that the
data present a picture of generally high ecological resilience
(no evidence of a lack of recovery over decadal timescales)
but variable degrees of engineering resilience for different
components of the forest fragment ecosystem (differing
recovery rates). Specically, the vegetation and invertebrate
components show high engineering resilience, while the soil
and bird components show lower engineering resilience. Bird
fauna show the potential for a lack of ecological resilience
(no recovery and changes in system controls), although rm
conclusions are obscured by lack of data. Thus the engineering
resilience paradigm appears to be an adequate model to inform
restoration. However, we emphasise that this assessment is
restricted to fragments in mesic environments, to landscapes
with good opportunities for immigration (i.e. fragmented but
not relictual), and to fragments impacted by livestock and pest
mammals over timescales of multiple decades.
Developing a management framework
One of the key questions that we sought to address from this
work is ‘What are the implications of our systems understanding
for the future management of forest fragments in New Zealand?’
Fundamentally, management works through a process of
developing goals and objectives; developing supporting
indicators and assessing the current state of a system relative
to management goals; applying management actions that have
a reasonable expectation of making progress toward the goals;
and monitoring outcomes using the same set of indicators. Our
results can inform all of these stages to varying degrees:
A key issue is that of setting appropriate goals for managing
forest fragments, and perhaps the most important message from
the study reported here is that the use of large ungrazed and
pest-controlled forest systems as a benchmark for restoration
is not entirely appropriate, given (a) that for some variables,
long-term fencing and pest control have not led to conditions
similar to ‘reference forests’; (b) known effects of area and
fragmentation on species richness (Hobbs & Saunders 1994;
Lomolino 2000); and (c) tentative evidence of the inability
of some species to recolonise areas after disturbance release.
Given that the prevailing agricultural land-use matrix over
much of New Zealand is unlikely to change in the foreseeable
future, many of the drivers of disturbance will remain present
in the current landscape context indenitely (Norton 2009).
The well-recognised effects of this (i.e. permanent loss of
area-sensitive species, reduction in potential species richness,
and loss of dispersal mechanisms) imply a need for rethinking
of the goals of restoration (Hobbs & Harris 2001). At the very
least we must seek goals that reect reasonable targets for
fragmented ecosystems. Such goals may discard a restoration
paradigm in favour of a reconstruction paradigm that focuses
on ecosystem goods and services rather than biotic history
(Jackson & Hobbs 2009).
The development of a system dynamics model and the process
of rening it to depict the key variables (pools and/or processes)
highlights the most useful parameters for assessment and
monitoring of forest fragment condition. Measurement of
canopy cover, plant biomass, plant reproduction (ower/
fruit/seed and saplings), understorey cover, understorey light,
litter mass, invertebrate density, plant diversity, litter quality,
mineralisation rate, soil fertility, and bird populations within a
forest fragment should give a clear indication of the structural
and functional integrity of the ecosystem. However, even this
limited set of indicators is likely to be too onerous for most
land managers to measure or monitor, suggesting that there
will be a strong need for further renement of key indicators.
The system dynamics model would suggest that a minimal
set of indicators comprises the parameters that capture the
operation of the major causal loops, namely: understorey light
(the balancing shading loop); sapling numbers (the reinforcing
regeneration loop); litter mass (the reinforcing decomposition
loop); and bird numbers (the balancing herbivory and predation
loops) (Fig. 2). All have specic methods of visual or aural
assessment that are relatively inexpensive and require minimal
Assuming that an assessment of the condition of a forest
fragment identies a mismatch between current and desired
state, the manager will probably want to know the extent to
which s/he can rely on natural processes versus the need for
active intervention to achieve the desired result. Our results
indicate that if the manager wishes to restore plant species
diversity and understorey regeneration, we can condently
advise that putting up a livestock-proof fence will achieve
this goal, as the understorey ora will recover without the
need for supplementary planting. This conclusion is based
on our assessment of the relative resilience of the indigenous
understorey ora to livestock browsing, but may not be true
for canopy structure and composition. If the manager wishes
to restore macroinvertebrate fauna, we may advise that stock
fencing or elimination of mammalian omnivores alone will
have limited value, and both are required (Didham et al. 2009).
This is based on our assessment of the relative resilience of
the indigenous invertebrate fauna to the combination of stock
browsing and mammalian predation. If the manager wishes to
restore nesting native bird populations, we may advise that even
complete control of mammalian fauna will not be sufcient
alone, and some form of reintroduction of bird species will
be required. This is based on our assessment of the relative
lack of resilience of the indigenous avifauna to mammalian
predation/competition. The latter example represents a key
dividing line between management by perturbation release
(which relies on the engineering resilience of the ecosystem to
restore structure and function) and management by ecosystem
reconstruction (which accounts for the lack of ecological
resilience and seeks to rebuild the system as well as protect
it from further perturbation).
Given that the manager will also be interested in the likely time
frame over which s/he can expect to observe an improvement
in fragment condition following fencing and pest control, the
results can suggest appropriate monitoring intervals for the
key indicators outlined above. Based on the limited studies
available to date, measurable changes should be apparent after
0–5 years for litter mass, 5–10 years for plant diversity and
bird numbers, 5–15 years for sapling numbers and >20 years
for understorey light levels.
Dodd et al.: Forest fragment resilience
Figure 4. A conceptual state-space for forest fragment ecosystems,
based on indigenous functional dominance and indigenous
community occupancy, showing the major recognisable states
of extant forest (light grey), forest fragments (mid-grey) and
non-forest or forest edge (dark grey); observable trajectories of
degradation (solid lines) and recovery (short-dash lines); and
potential thresholds associated with fragmentation and collapse
(long-dash lines).
A conceptual management model
Finally, we sought to develop a conceptual management model
at the fragment scale that could incorporate the concepts
of resilience discussed in this paper with the more familiar
concepts of forest condition and ecosystem integrity. Our
conclusion about the adequacy of an engineering resilience
paradigm for our system of interest suggested that a linear
framework with few indicator variables would be adequate, so
long as it could incorporate threshold dynamics where evidence
for them emerged. Lee et al. (2005) have suggested three
indices of integrity for cross-scale biodiversity inventory and
monitoring by the New Zealand Department of Conservation:
(1) ‘Indigenous dominance’ (the level of indigenous species’
inuence on the structure and function of ecosystems); (2)
‘Species occupancy’ (the extent to which the indigenous
species capable of living in an ecosystem are present); and (3)
‘Environmental representation’ (the distribution of indigenous
ecosystems across environmental gradients).
We have drawn on the indices of Lee et al. (2005) to
develop a conceptual management model for forest fragments,
by rst creating a semi-quantitative empirical example (Fig. 3)
and then formulating a generalised model (Fig. 4). The model
incorporates a two-dimensional ‘state-space’, akin to the
restoration scenarios depicted in Suding et al. (2004, Fig. 2) to
reect the condition and dynamics of forest fragments in the
context of associated ecosystems. At the scale of individual
forest fragments that we are interested in here, environmental
representation is less relevant to fragment management, so we
have focused on the rst two indices of Lee et al. (2005), with
some modications outlined below.
From the terms described by Lee et al. (2005), we have
modied the terminology of the second index to ‘community
occupancy’ to distinguish it from other denitions of species
occupancy that focus on spatial abundance (e.g. MacKenzie
Figure 3. Semi-quantitative dynamics of plant communities in
forest fragment ecosystems in response to livestock grazing and
mammal pest invasion (solid arrows), and the release from these
press disturbances at two stages of degradation (dashed arrows).
Data based on Smale et al. (2008) and subsequent unpublished
data from that study site.
et al. 2005). In addition, it is likely that the structural component
of an indigenous dominance index (in particular species
composition) will be highly correlated with an occupancy
index, so we have focused the x-axis of our two-dimensional
state-space on the combination of these two components (which
we call indigenous community occupancy), and we focus the
y-axis of the state-space solely on the functional component
of indigenous dominance of ecosystem processes (which we
call indigenous functional dominance).
Semi-quantitative example
Figure 3 populates the state-space using data from the Smale
et al. (2008) study, along with more recent data from the same
Whatawhata site in the western Waikato hill country (MBD,
unpubl. data). These data provide the basis for an analysis using
vascular plant data from forest ecosystems under ve different
management regimes: the interior of a large reference forest,
the interior of a grazed and pest-infested forest fragment, the
edge of a grazed and pest-infested forest fragment, the interior
of a small fragment fenced and pest controlled for 7 years,
and the edge of a grazed and pest-infested forest fragment
fenced for c. 40 years. The use of vegetation data only, rather
than a more complete analysis including faunal data, reects
the relative availability of this information. The compilation
of a list of extant indigenous species from which to estimate
indigenous community occupancy is simple, but determining
the denominator for calculating percent occupancy relative to
the Lee et al. (2005) criteria that ‘indigenous species capable
of living in an ecosystem are present’ is less straightforward.
In this case we have used the mean number of indigenous
species (85) identied in an 800-m2 area of reference forest
from g. 2 of Smale et al. (2008), on the basis that this
represents the approximate spatial scale of the measurements
from the grazed fragments in that study. The general lack of
New Zealand Journal of Ecology, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2011
baseline information on historical species distributions in
New Zealand represents a major limitation to the development
of management goals and indicators. For canopy tree species,
a potential natural vegetation layer has been constructed for
vegetation composition in New Zealand prior to the arrival
of humans (Leathwick 2001), but similar reference points
for oral or faunal composition are not available for the vast
majority of taxa.
In generating the data for the y-axis (indigenous functional
dominance) of Fig. 3, we note that Lee et al (2005, p. 107)
state ‘The cornerstone of continued indigenous dominance is
self-regeneration…’. Therefore we chose to plot functional
dominance in terms of the juvenile abundance of indigenous
species, using a three-stage scoring system (nil = 0; low = 1;
high = 2). We have assumed that all non-woody species with
lifespans less than the period of livestock grazing or mammalian
pest disturbance must have successfully regenerated under these
conditions (i.e. score = 2) and based the score for longer-lived
woody species on sapling abundance. The self-regeneration
index is the sum of the juvenile abundance scores divided
by the number of indigenous species present as adults (×2),
converted to a percentage (×100). This simplistic approach
has some obvious weaknesses (e.g. how to account for the
observation that even when all juveniles are indigenous
species the juvenile population may not encompass the full
range of adult species occupying the site, due to stochastic
reproduction or dispersal failure; and how to account for
juveniles dispersing into plots where no adults are present)
but further development of this index is beyond the scope of
the illustrative discussion in this paper.
Based on this semi-quantitative worked example (Fig. 3),
there is a clear distinction in both indigenous community
occupancy and indigenous functional dominance between the
reference forest and the interior of a degraded forest fragment.
There appear to be two alternative trajectories that the forest
fragment ecosystems at this site have followed, corresponding
to either improvement in indigenous species occupancy
and functional dominance associated with the recovery of
a forest fragment released from livestock grazing and pest
mammal impacts, or further degradation to very low levels of
indigenous community occupancy and functional dominance
that might be reected in current state observed in fragment-
edge environments, which have few remnant canopy trees and
consist primarily of tree ferns and adventive weeds. The data
from the long-term fenced remnant edge indicate substantial
recovery in both occupancy and dominance from even this
highly degraded state.
The semi-quantitative model of plant community dynamics
in Waikato forest fragments (Fig. 3) can be generalised to other
components of the structure and functioning of forest fragment
ecosystems throughout lowland areas of New Zealand (Fig. 4).
In this general conceptual model, we note that the reference
forests to which the condition of forest fragments are often
compared (large tracts of indigenous forests in which some
degree of conservation management has occurred) do not
occupy the extreme top right ‘pristine’ space in the diagram
(Fig. 4), due to species extinctions, associated loss in ecosystem
function, and the inuence of exotic weeds and pests on
ecosystem processes. We also note that non-forest ecosystems
(e.g. pastoral land) do not occupy the extreme bottom left
‘completely degraded’ space in the diagram (Fig. 4), since these
habitats commonly contain some indigenous species that can
have a signicant contribution to ecosystem processes (e.g.
grass grub beetle Costelytra zealandica, and meadow ricegrass
Microlaena stipoides). Nevertheless, it is clear that the reference
forests would be regarded as having relatively high ecological
integrity, while pasture would be regarded as having relatively
low ecological integrity, from the point of view of retaining
the ‘natural character’ of indigenous ecosystems. Between
these two extremes of indigenous occupancy and functional
dominance, there are likely to be a range of degradation and
recovery pathways through which ecosystems might be forced,
but all the degraded forest fragments considered here appear
to occupy the central space in the diagram (Fig. 4).
The process of human-mediated restoration generally
involves two approaches: (1) disturbance release (e.g. fencing,
pest control), which focuses on restoring the indigenous
functional dominance and which by itself implicitly assumes
spontaneous immigration and improvement of community
occupancy; and (2) translocation (e.g. tree planting,
reintroducing birds), which focuses on restoring community
occupancy and which by itself implicitly assumes the presence
of these species will improve indigenous functional dominance.
Thus, recovery of ecosystem integrity is represented by an
upward and/or rightward shift in Fig. 4. The rate or extent to
which this occurs can be considered a measure of engineering
It is of particular interest whether forest fragment recovery
processes are inhibited by the existence of thresholds, since this
would have a bearing on the likelihood of restoration failure
following management intervention. A lack of evidence for
thresholds and associated positive feedback loops operating
within a system would suggest that an engineering resilience
paradigm might be adequate for management purposes. Under
this model, it would be reasonable to expect that mitigation of
adverse drivers would lead to an upward and rightward shift
(i.e. successful recovery) of the forest fragment system. The
results of the studies reported here indicate that this is the
case. We did not nd strong evidence for a lack of ecological
resilience in the empirical data (Table 1, Fig. 3a). However,
the system dynamics model did suggest that low ecological
resilience may be an issue in respect of the avifauna and
mammalian pest effects. In addition, the scope of our study
was conned to already fragmented ecosystems, and further
exploration of the specic effects of the fragmentation process
might provide evidence of a lack of ecosystem resilience in
lowland forest fragments to historical human impacts.
We express our thanks to the other members of the ‘Forest
Fragment Resilience’ team – the late Greg Arnold, Bruce
Clarkson, Lisa Denmead and Chris Floyd – for stimulating
discussions. Our ideas and approach benetted from discussions
with Richard Hobbs, Helen Allison and Roger Partt. The
comments of the two journal reviewers helped us improve the
initial manuscript. This study was funded by the New Zealand
Foundation for Research, Science and Technology through
PGSF Contract UOWX0609 to the University of Waikato.
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Editorial Board member: Jacqueline Beggs
Received 23 October 2009; accepted 4 August 2010
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... The significant amounts of native vegetation and forest on sheep and beef farms therefore present an opportunity to alleviate some of these issues while enhancing biodiversity, and potentially could provide economic returns to farmers if managed appropriately (Hawke & Dodd 2003;Pollard 2006;Young et al. 2014;. Examples of such management could include retention and enhancing of connectivity of native forest patches, as well as exclusion of livestock and pests from forest (Dodd et al. 2011). However, we acknowledge that these actions are not always mutually beneficial for farm operations, and that trade-offs between conservation and productivity are likely to be necessary. ...
... In addition to the spatial characteristics of forest patches, to improve their biodiversity value it will be vital to improve their quality as in agroecosystems they may be severely degraded due to the presence of livestock and pests. Stock trampling reduces understorey plant and invertebrate diversity (Dodd et al. 2011), and in New Zealand, predator control is vital for any conservation effort. However, fragment quality can sometimes be restored with adequate fencing, predator control and replanting , although recovery may be slower in drier or cooler regions (Walker et al. 2009). ...
... dominated by relatively fast-growing short-lived angiosperm and coniferous trees). However, with appropriate management, especially exclusion of farmed and feral grazing animals, these areas can regenerate towards mature native forest (Dodd et al. 2011;. ...
... However, these limiting effects can usually be at least partly addressed through forest management interventions (e.g. plant or animal pest control ;Standish 2002;Dodd et al. 2011). Regeneration can also be limited by physically modified (e.g. ...
... Ungulates, whether they be domestic (such as cattle and sheep), feral, or native (e.g. in Europe and North America), can profoundly affect the dynamics and composition of temperate forest understoreys, particularly palatable woody species, worldwide (e.g. Hester et al., 2000;Lunt et al., 2007;Norton, 2009;Dodd et al., 2011;Bernes et al., 2018). Large native mammalian herbivores in Australia are similarly influential (Leigh & Holgate, 1979;Cummings et al., 2005;Nilar et al., 2019). ...
For successful restoration of wetland and riparian systems, we need to recognise several key points: Wetland systems exist because of, and are governed by hydrology, so hydrological restoration is imperative. Wetlands always have been and need to be temporally and spatially variable, changes in flow and water availability are natural; so restoration of those characters are necessary for successful wetland restoration. Wetlands are closely linked to their surrounding environment as a water and nutrient source; where possible they should be restored in relation to whole landscape restoration. Wetland systems can be resilient and are capable of recovery to a functioning state; the recovery goal, appropriate methods, available resources and subsequent management and monitoring are vital to success.
... However, these limiting effects can usually be at least partly addressed through forest management interventions (e.g. plant or animal pest control ;Standish 2002;Dodd et al. 2011). Regeneration can also be limited by physically modified (e.g. ...
... There is a handful of examples emerging from New Zealand agroecosystem research that illustrates the types of positive gains in ecosystem parameters achieved via planned revegetation and restoration actions (Dodd et al. 2008), by enhancing existing native woody vegetation through fencing patches on farms and/or controlling for pest mammals Dodd et al. 2011), through protecting native patches under covenanting schemes (Norton et al. 2018), and achieving water quality benefits via large-scale riparian planting (Daigneault et al. 2017). The challenge, therefore, will be to ensure adequate investment into future research that results in science-based revegetation scenarios and methodologies that are also grounded in reality. ...
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The incorporation of native, woody vegetation into New Zealand’s agricultural ecosystems offers a “nature-based solution” approach for mitigating poor environmental outcomes of land use practices, biodiversity loss, and the accelerating effects of climatic change. However, to achieve this at scale requires a systematic framework for scoping, assessing, and targeting native revegetation opportunities in a way that addresses national-scale priorities, supports landscape-scale ecological processes, and recognises that land use decisions are made at farm-scales by landowners. In this forum discussion, we outline the requirements for a spatial decision support system for native revegetation; we provide illustrations of national-, landscape-, and farm-scale components of this framework and outline a range of organisational, societal, and scientific challenges that must be addressed to enable effective and targeted revegetation across the country. Our primary motivation is to provide a focus for discussions among scientists, policy makers, hapū, iwi, landowners, communities, and other interested parties who are invested in restoring biodiverse and resilient agroecosystems.
... Consumers are also asking for assurances about maintenance of remaining indigenous vegetation. Lowland remnants of indigenous vegetation are valued for their inherent (including aesthetic) value, and many landowner farmers have protected them by pestexcluding (vertebrate) fencing and removing some from grazing systems altogether (Smale et al. 2008;Dodd et al. 2011;Innes et al. 2019). This can improve soil conservation and biodiversity protection leading to landscape and ecological enhancement. ...
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The New Zealand economy is export-driven and heavily reliant on the productivity of the pastoral sector. The transformation of native forest and tussock grassland ecologies to temperate grasslands occurred rapidly with the arrival of Europeans. However, this transplanted ecology required the development and use of plant, microbial, animal and management technologies for successful grassland farming. These have enabled New Zealand pastoral agriculture to compete effectively in international markets, without subsidies. The extensive list of plant-based and associated microbial-based adaptations, and the management strategies that have enabled the development of highly productive grasslands are described and reviewed. Credible science is required to inform the debate on the environmental impacts of pasture production to avoid misinformation proliferating. This needs transparent and objective integrity from the science community using funding that seeks no defined or preconceived outcomes. Critically, much of the success of New Zealand pastoral farming has been due to the willingness and ability of farmers to use, adapt, adopt and integrate new ideas and technologies into their farming systems. Historic, current and future challenges, and threats that impact on the productivity and sustainability of pastoral agriculture are described and the means to achieve further technology development to manage these is discussed.
... What this analysis does not consider is the contribution to indigenous biodiversity on-farm, which is in decline across New Zealand (Brown et al., 2015;MfE, 2018). Implementation of a range of management activities including fencing, plant and animal pest control and restoration planting amongst others recommended on the three mixed livestock farms in this study are likely to have long-term positive benefits to native biodiversity at the farm and landscape scale by enhancing existing habitat, creating new habitat and improving connectivity (Campbell et al., 2008;Smale et al., 2008;Richard and Armstrong, 2010;Dodd et al., 2011;Ruffell and Didham, 2017;Forbes et al., 2020). This need not exclude economic uses (shelter, timber, grazing, honey etc) that can also be derived from native biodiversity depending on the local situation and the values present. ...
Eight thousand years ago, temperate and boreal forests covered 3200 million hectares, or a quarter of the earth’s land surface. They have been reduced to approximately half that amount over the last two millennia to make way for agriculture and human settlement. In recent decades, however, this trend has reversed, with net gains in temperate and boreal tree cover of over 3 million ha annually between 1990 and 2015. Because social and economic drivers determine whether forests shrink or expand in the modern era, this chapter profiles three contrasting examples of temperate forest restoration or rehabilitation that are driven by very different motivations. The first, Tiramoana Bush in Te Wai Pounamu South Island, Aotearoa New Zealand, is 407 ha of former pasture land, which is being restored to native temperate forest as an offset for a nearby landfill development. The second case study concerns Colorado’s Front Range, which is 1.7 million ha of predominantly wildlands with 2 million residents, who have suffered devastating wildfires over a 30-year period. The Front Range Roundtable, representing multiple agencies, organisations, and community, negotiated the restoration of 13,000 ha of lower-montane dense coniferous forest, to emulate pre-settlement grassy old-growth woodlands and reduce the threat of catastrophic fire. The final case study describes the reforestation of ‘Taylors Run’, a 750-ha farm in northern New South Wales, by two generations of the Taylor family, after nearly all of the natural eucalypt cover was lost to ‘New England dieback’ between the 1950s and 1970s. The rehabilitation programme featuring exotic and native trees and shrubs to withstand the dieback caused by defoliating insects has restored shade and shelter for livestock as well as biodiversity and amenity, generated a net positive carbon balance, and created new business opportunities. The long timeframes, high costs, and complex social dynamics associated with temperate forest restoration and rehabilitation require innovative inter-generational policy, funding, and business solutions, together with careful consideration of monitoring and evaluation processes and social understanding to ensure the success of multi-decadal and multi-century projects.
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Tree planting has long played a major role in the New Zealand Government’s approach to climate mitigation and is increasingly understood as important for climate adaptation. However, large-scale tree planting in Aotearoa New Zealand has been dominated by exotic species. Although there is growing public and expert support for using native species for forest revegetation in farm landscapes, there are two key barriers. First, the lack of ecological and economic data on native species performance in different environmental conditions. Second, policy and market-related mechanisms associated with carbon sequestration, such as the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme, favor the continuing use of exotic tree species, especially Pinus radiata , over native species. Consequently, there are strong incentives for exotic forests and insufficient financial support for natives, even when native forest re-establishment is often the preference of landowners, Indigenous peoples, and local communities. The AUT Living Laboratories Program is a long-term, transdisciplinary, experimental restoration research program aimed at addressing scientific, social, and economic knowledge gaps for native revegetation as a Nature-based Solution (NbS) on farmland soils. Here, we present the project design and establishment information from the three experimental restoration sites, which vary in native species composition, planting configuration, and environmental and socio-cultural context. Each site involves partnerships with Indigenous communities, specifically Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, Ngāti Manuhiri, and Ngāti Pāoa, to value and embed mātauranga Māori as Indigenous knowledge. Monitoring carbon sequestration along with changes in ecological functions and outcomes, including native biodiversity, will be critical to ensure that large-scale tree-planting aligns with the government’s strategies for climate change, native biodiversity, and economic prosperity.
In New Zealand, 25% of the remaining indigenous vegetation cover is found on mixed livestock farms located predominantly in hill country. Despite evidence that adding natural capital stocks in the form of biodiversity enhancement is likely to increase the provision of ecosystem services on and off farmland, quantitative data are largely lacking. This research takes a case study approach to providing an evaluation of the implications of advancing a biodiversity enhancement programme on the financial and environmental performance of three mixed livestock farms across New Zealand. The research used a farm system optimisation model to quantify the effects of biodiversity enhancement on different aspects of the farm business. The three farms studied varied in size, geo-climatic zones, amount of indigenous vegetation and the size of the proposed biodiversity enhancement programme. Shifting even a small part of farmland from grazing to biodiversity enhancement affects farm system design, resulting in changes to the livestock policy, sale and purchase dates of livestock and the grazing management plan. These changes also affect farm revenue, Net Present Value and annuity, all of which declined by 3–9% across the three farms over the 10 years modelled. However, after implementation of the biodiversity enhancement programme, there was a small increase in the annuity per hectare grazed compared with the Base farm scenario for two of the three farms studied. The provision of other ecosystem services was quantified on one farm, and in sharp contrast, these increased, which included greenhouse gas regulation with additional C storage and decreased GHG emissions, and increased filtering and nutrient retention resulting in a reduction in N and P losses to water. Biodiversity enhancement on farm has the potential to improve aesthetics, increase sense of place, recreational and spiritual values and provision of other food products. The current study highlighted the fact that our current farm system models lack the capability to provide quantitative information on the provision of ecosystem services at the farm scale, and do not include all the natural resources across different areas of the farm. This should be a priority in the future.
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Seed size and shape predict seed persistence in the soil for British and Argentinian herbaceous plant species. Those species with small, rounded seeds tend to have persistent seeds while those with larger, more elongate or flattened seeds usually lack persistence. It has been suggested that the mechanism underlying this pattern may be ease of burial, as small, rounded seeds are incorporated into the soil more easily than large, elongate or flattened seeds and are therefore less likely to be eaten by seed predators. We tested whether seed size and shape were related to persistence in the soil for 47 species native to New Zealand forests. There was a tendency for species with persistent seeds to have smaller seeds than species with transient seeds. However, species with large and/or elongate or flattened persistent seeds were relatively common. This indicates that seed size and shape are not related to persistence in New Zealand in the same way as in Britain and Argentina. A similar negative result has been found in Australia. The underlying cause of the patterns observed is unlikely to be ease of burial, since incorporation of seeds into the soil is likely to operate in all countries in a similar manner on seeds without specialised seed burial mechanisms. Data from all four floras studied to date also suggest that species with small, rounded seeds that do not germinate immediately must have the ability to survive periods of burial.
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Examines the biogeographic and ecosystem consequences of the rapid clearance of native vegetation for agriculture which has tken place in southern Australia over the past century, focusing on the central wheatbelt of Western Australia. Clearance resulted in significant reductions in the extent of native vegetation, and preferential clearing on better soils has resulted in some plant communities being poorly represented in the remnants of native vegetation. Grazing by stock has significantly altered vegetation structure, and remnants are being invaded by non-native plant species. While reduction in area of habitat and increased isolation have reduced species numbers and abundances, the invasion of rabbits and red foxes which occurred at the same time as habitat fragmentation has had an equally important influence. Changes in hydrology, nutrient flows, radiation balance and wind regime have also had marked impacts on remnant vegetation. These external factors arising in the surrounding agricultural matrix are now largely driving the dynamics of remnant areas. For successful conservation management of small remnants, management has to be tackled at a landscape scale, and integrated with agriculture. Individual remnants cannot be managed in isolation, but conservation networks have to be established which are managed in the overall context of the agricultural landscape. Important research challenges include determining design characteristics for restored landscapes which will maximize the conservation value of revegetation, and developing effective management regimes to maintain and rehabilitate remnant areas. -from Authors
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The dominant native woody species forming early-successional vegetation on formerly forested sites in lowland New Zealand were kānuka (Kunzea ericoides) and mānuka (Leptospermum scoparium) (Myrtaceae). These have been replaced extensively by gorse (Ulex europaeus, Fabaceae), a naturalised species in New Zealand. Because gorse typically gives way to native broadleaved (angiosperm) forest in about 30 years, it is often considered desirable for facilitating native forest restoration. We tested three hypotheses, derived from the New Zealand literature, on gorse and kānuka: (1) kānuka stands have a different species composition and greater species richness than gorse stands at comparable successional stages; (2) differences between gorse and kānuka stands do not lessen over time; and (3) several native plant taxa are absent from or less common in gorse than in kānuka stands. We sampled 48 scrub or low-forest sites in two regions, Wellington and Nelson. Sites were classified into one of four predefined categories - young gorse, young kānuka, old gorse, old kānuka - based on canopy height of the succession and the dominant early-successional woody species. Few characteristics of the sites and surrounding landscapes differed significantly among site categories, and none consistently across regions. The vegetation composition of gorse and kānuka and their immediate successors differed in both regions, mainly in native woody species. Species richness was often lower in gorse and there were fewer small-leaved shrubs and orchids in gorse. Persistent differences at the older sites suggest the successional trajectories will not converge in the immediate future; gorse leads to different forest from that developed through kānuka. Gorse-dominated succession is therefore not a direct substitute for native successions. We suggest areas of early native succession should be preserved, and initiated in landscapes where successions are dominated by gorse or other naturalised shrubs.
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Kaka (Nestor meridionalis), red-crowned parakeet (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae), whitehead (Mohoua albicilla), tomtit (Petroica macrocephala), and bellbird (Anthornis melanura) have all recently been reintroduced to sites in or near Wellington city. Prior to or concurrent with these translocations, unmarked individuals of all five species were detected in forested reserves on Wellington peninsula. Based on the number of birds seen, and frequency of sightings, we suggest that red-crowned parakeets, whiteheads and bellbirds have established resident populations in some reserves independent of translocations. We attribute these successful re-establishments to the effective control of possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) and rats (Rattus sp.) undertaken by Greater Wellington Regional Council and the Department of Conservation.
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Holdaway (1989) described three phases of historical extinctions and declines in New Zealand avifauna, the last of which (Group III, declining 1780-1986) was associated with European hunting, habitat clearance, and predation and competition from introduced European mammals. Some forest bird species have continued to decline since 1986, while others have increased, usually after intensive species-specific research and management programmes. In this paper, we review what is known about major causes of current declines or population limitation, including predation, competition for food or another resource, disease, forest loss, and genetic problems such as inbreeding depression and reduced genetic variation. Much experimental and circumstantial evidence suggests or demonstrates that predation by introduced mammals remains the primary cause of declines and limitation in remaining large native forest tracts. Predation alone is generally sufficient to explain the observed declines, but complex interactions between factors that vary between species and sites are likely to be the norm and are difficult to study. Currently, the rather limited evidence for food shortage is mostly circumstantial and may be obscured by interactions with predation. Climate and food supply determine the number of breeding attempts made by herbivorous species, but predation by introduced mammals ultimately determines the outcome of those attempts. After removal of pest mammals, populations are apparently limited by other factors, including habitat area, food supply, disease or avian predators. Management of these, and of inbreeding depression in bottlenecked populations, is likely to assist the effectiveness and resilience of management programmes. At the local or regional scale, however, forest area itself may be limiting in deforested parts of New Zealand. Without predator management, the number of native forest birds on the New Zealand mainland is predicted to continue to decline.
Feral animals such as possums are known to utilise pasture as a substantial part of their diet, with individual animal intake rates well quantified. The objective of this study was to quantify this effect in terms of pasture accumulation rates, in areas where these animals are likely to occur in high densities; i.e. the boundaries between native forest and pastoral farms. Pasture accumulation rate was measured in small plots open to feral grazing and plots excluded from grazing with electrified flexinets, at six sites throughout the Waikato. Three further sites, within possum control schemes, were established as controls. Pasture accumulation rates were significantly greater within the exclosure plots at all six uncontrolled sites, by ~3 kg DM/ha/d in late-winter and ~7 kg DM/ ha/d in late spring. In contrast there were no significant differences between open and exclosure plots at the three sites where there was active possum control. This effect is quite substantial in the context of livestock consumption, though is not entirely reconcilable with predictions based on possum intake and diet studies. It nevertheless represents a source of loss which is easily countered, with additional benefits in terms of lowered Tb risk and improvement of native vegetation condition. Keywords: feral grazing, grazing exclosure, pasture accumulation rate, possum diet
We discuss what concepts or models should be used to organize research and management on rangelands. The traditional range succession model is associated with the management objective of achieving an equilibrium condition under an equilibrium grazing policy. In contrast, the state-and-transition model would describe rangelands by means of catalogues of alternative states and catalogues of possible transitions between states. Transitions often require a combination of climatic circumstances and management action (e.g., fire, grazing, or removal of grazing) to bring them about. The catalogue of transitions would describe these combinations as fully as possible. Circumstances which allow favorable transitions represent opportunities. Circumstances which threaten unfavorable transitions represent hazards. Under the state-and-transition model, range management would not see itself as establishing a permanent equilibrium. Rather, it would see itself as engaged in a continuing game, the object of which is to seize opportunities and to evade hazards, so far as possible. The emphasis would be on timing and flexibility rather than on establishing a fixed policy. Research under the state-and-transition model would aim to improve the catalogues. Frequencies of relevant climatic circumstances would be estimated. Hypotheses about transitions would be tested experimentally. Often such experiments would need to be planned so that they could be implemented at short notice, at an unknown future time when the relevant circumstances arise.