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Fire Ant-Detecting Canines: A Complementary Method in Detecting Red Imported Fire Ants


Abstract and Figures

In this investigation, detection dogs are trained and used in identifying red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren, and their nests. The methodology could assist in reducing the frequency and scope of chemical treatments for red imported fire ant management and thus reduce labor costs and chemical use as well as improve control and quarantine efficiency. Three dogs previously trained for customs quarantine were retrained to detect the scents of red imported fire ants. After passing tests involving different numbers of live red imported fire ants and three other ant species--Crematogaster rogenhoferi Mayr, Paratrechina longicornis Latreille, and Pheidole megacephala F.--placed in containers, ajoint field survey for red imported fire ant nests by detection dogs and bait traps was conducted to demonstrate their use as a supplement to conventional detection methods. The most significant findings in this report are (1) with 10 or more red imported fire ants in scent containers, the dogs had >98% chance in tracing the red imported fire ant. Upon the introduction of other ant species, the dogs still achieved on average, a 93% correct red imported fire ant indication rate. Moreover, the dogs demonstrated great competence in pinpointing emerging and smaller red imported fire ant nests in red imported fire ant-infested areas that had been previously confirmed by bait trap stations. (2) Along with the bait trap method, we also discovered that approximately 90% of red imported fire ants foraged within a distance of 14 m away from their nests. The results prove detection dogs to be most effective for red imported fire ant control in areas that have been previously treated with pesticides and therefore containing a low density of remaining red imported fire ant nests. Furthermore, as a complement to other red imported fire ant monitoring methods, this strategy will significantly increase the efficacy of red imported fire ant control in cases of individual mount treatment.
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Fire Ant-Detecting Canines: A Complementary Method in
Detecting Red Imported Fire Ants
J. Econ. Entomol. 104(1): 225Ð231 (2011); DOI: 10.1603/EC10298
ABSTRACT In this investigation, detection dogs are trained and used in identifying red imported
Þre ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren, and their nests. The methodology could assist in reducing the
frequency and scope of chemical treatments for red imported Þre ant management and thus reduce
labor costs and chemical use as well as improve control and quarantine efÞciency. Three dogs
previously trained for customs quarantine were retrained to detect the scents of red imported Þre ants.
After passing tests involving different numbers of live red imported Þre ants and three other ant
speciesÑCrematogaster rogenhoferi Mayr, Paratrechina longicornis Latreille, and Pheidole megacephala
F.Ñplaced in containers, a joint Þeld survey for red imported Þre ant nests by detection dogs and bait
traps was conducted to demonstrate their use as a supplement to conventional detection methods. The
most signiÞcant Þndings in this report are 1) with 10 or more red imported Þre ants in scent containers,
the dogs had 98% chance in tracing the red imported Þre ant. Upon the introduction of other ant
species, the dogs still achieved on average, a 93% correct red imported Þre ant indication rate.
Moreover, the dogs demonstrated great competence in pinpointing emerging and smaller red im-
ported Þre ant nests in red imported Þre ant-infested areas that had been previously conÞrmed by bait
trap stations. 2) Along with the bait trap method, we also discovered that 90% of red imported Þre
ants foraged within a distance of 14 m away from their nests. The results prove detection dogs to be
most effective for red imported Þre ant control in areas that have been previously treated with
pesticides and therefore containing a low density of remaining red imported Þre ant nests. Further-
more, as a complement to other red imported Þre ant monitoring methods, this strategy will signif-
icantly increase the efÞcacy of red imported Þre ant control in cases of individual mount treatment.
KEY WORDS red imported Þre ant, bait trap station, detection dog, odor recognition, Þre ant
The red imported Þre ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, an
exotic species that originated from South America,
was Þrst discovered in the United States in the 1920s.
Their spread to pan-PaciÞc countries such as Australia,
New Zealand, Taiwan, and China took place around
the early 21st century (Callcott and Collins 1996, ISSG
2010). Morrison et al. (2004) also predicted, based on
their dynamic ecophysiological model of colony
growth, the path of the red imported Þre antÕs future
invasions to parts of Asia, Africa, southern Europe, and
even to the PaciÞc island nations.
This notorious pest is capable of consuming a large
quantity of food during its rapid propagation, devas-
tating agricultural products, threatening the well-be-
ing of both livestock and humans, and seriously af-
fecting the native animal species in the invaded areas
(Adams 1986, Lofgren 1986, Allen et al. 1994).
The application of ant baits containing toxic chem-
icals or insect growth regulators (IGRs) over the in-
fested areas is one of the most widely adopted strat-
egies in red imported Þre ant management. Dust,
granule, or liquid insecticide intended for individual
mount treatments also provide a quicker option for
small-scale pest control. The red imported Þre ant
control support services in the United States have
promoted a methodology combining broad-spectrum
and single-nest treatment, known as the two-step
method.The two-step method is presently consid-
ered as the most cost-effective and environmentally
friendly approach for highly red imported Þre ant-
infested areas (Drees et al. 1998, 2000). However,
Drees reported that the overuse of the red imported
Þre ant pesticide diazinonproduced massive
amounts of waste and water pollutants that failed to
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 128 Sec. 2, Academia
Rd., Nankang, 11592, Taiwan.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Working Dog Training School, National Pingtung University of
Science and Technology, 1, Shuefu Rd., Neipu, Pingtung, 91201, Tai-
Department of Biology, National Changhua University of Educa-
tion, 1, Jin-De Rd., Changhua City, 50007, Taiwan.
Department of Veterinary Medicine, National Pingtung Univer-
sity of Science and Technology, 1, Shuefu Rd., Neipu, Pingtung, 91201,
Corresponding author, e-mail:
Corresponding author, e-mail:
0022-0493/11/0225Ð0231$04.00/0 2011 Entomological Society of America
pass the state and federal discharge standards in the
United States (Drees 2003). Moreover, related re-
search revealed that contaminated drainage ditches
from the long-term insecticide applications might al-
ter the water quality of streams and rivers and affect
the aquatic communities (Heckman 1981, Liess and
Schulz 1999). Therefore, an accurate assessment of
the level of red imported Þre ant infestation is needed
before more precise insecticide treatments can be
applied as to reduce both the environmental and eco-
nomical costs associated with chemical control.
In monitoring red imported Þre ant, visual inspec-
tion, pitfall traps, and bait traps are the most common
methods adopted in detecting the red imported Þre
ant and determining the amount of treatment. For
large-scale investigations, satellite imagery, aerial im-
agery, or both are used to provide areawide images of
large red imported Þre ant mound distributions (Vogt
2004a,b). Yet, the nests are usually broken and lack the
obvious dune structures on sites where multiple red
imported Þre ant treatments have already been ap-
plied. Many of these areas consist of those that are less
tolerant to Þre ant infestation, i.e., places with signif-
icant human activities such as playgrounds, parks, hos-
pital, power facilities, and nurseries. Once treated
with pesticides and toxic traps, small amounts of nests
may still remain, whereas newer nests also can emerge
after treatment. On occasions, nests also are found to
be concealed in grass sods or outdoor electronic ap-
pliances. Such situations render the visual inspection
of red imported Þre ant tedious and rather useless. Bait
traps consisting of a food attractant inside a container
are not capable of locating the actual site of the
mounds because they are usually found by foragers;
instead, they merely show that red imported Þre ant
exists somewhere within the vicinity of the baits. Thus,
individual mound treatment cannot be applied efÞ-
ciently and accurately to attain rapid red imported Þre
ant control in such low nest-density areas. Thus, the
development of a practical method to rapidly locate
red imported Þre ant colonies in previously treated
areas is necessary as to avoid costs associated with
inaccurate and ineffective pesticide reapplications.
Animals rely heavily upon their delicate senses for
survival, such is the case with the dogÕs olfactory sys-
tem. Taking advantage of this trait, detection dogs are
often trained to search for objects or creatures such as
fruit, animal products, snakes, gypsy moths, termites,
bed bugs, and other organisms by tracking their
unique odors (Wallner and Ellis 1976, Welch 1990,
Engeman et al. 1998, Brooks et al. 2003, PÞester et al.
2008). Dogs have the great capability of accurately
locating concealed targets with their nose even when
it is wrapped in packages or enclosed in other mate-
rials (Brooks et al. 2003). We had demonstrated pre-
viously that dogs were able to pick up the scents of red
imported Þre ants (Huang et al. 2007). In Australia, off
leash Labrador retrievers also were trained to freely
search for red imported Þre ant nests in the Þeld with
satisfactory results (Corcoran and McNicol 2009).
In this report, three beagles were successfully
trained on leash to detect live red imported Þre ants
of varying quantity; discriminate them from other ant
species; and perform a detailed Þeld investigation of
emerging and small red imported Þre ant nests in a
pretreated outdoor area, which provided the ground-
work needed for the posttreatment of these individual
Materials and Methods
Red Imported Fire Ants. Red imported Þre ants for
dog training were collected from mounds in Ching-Pu,
Taoyuan County, Taiwan. This was done by placing
pieces of tissue paper upon the disturbed mounds,
thereby allowing the collection of the ants that ag-
gressively swarmed the paper. The red imported Þre
ant populated paper was then transferred into plastic
zip-lock bags where the ants were subsequently anes-
thetized with CO
. The paralyzed ants were then
placed into a 50-ml capped tube with a square sieved
opening (1.7 by 1.7 cm) allowing the scent to perme-
ate out for dog training and testing.
Canines. Three neutered male beagles aged 6, 4, and
2 yr old were recruited in this investigation. They will
be referred to as dog A, B, and C, respectively. All
three dogs had previously received quarantine train-
ing to detect agricultural products in airport customs.
The dogs were then further trained for red imported
Þre ant detection and used in subsequent experiments.
In the red imported Þre ant training program, the dogs
were taught to inform their dog handler of red im-
ported Þre ant presence by sitting in front of the
discovered targets (passive response).
Indoor Training for Red Imported Fire Ant Odor
Recognition and Identification. Red imported Þre ant
odor recognition training was initiated indoors as a
precursor exercise for 2 wk. The purpose of the indoor
training was to avoid the inßuence of weather and
other extrinsic odors commonly encountered out-
doors. Considering quarantine issues and sample avail-
ability, only dead red imported Þre ants were allowed
in the indoor training. The indoor training consisted of
two steps: 1) 50% of a set of tubes described previ-
ously were Þlled with 100 previously frozen red
imported Þre ants. Each set was then hidden in a metal
can Þxed on a wooden board. The handler would lead
the dog to sniff the cans that contained the dead red
imported Þre ants and verbally encourage it to sit by
the cans; a food reward of two dog biscuit pellets was
given for correct responses. Simultaneously, the dogs
also were taught not to react to or sit by empty vials
through oral instructions. 2) To prevent dogs from
reacting to odors from non-red imported Þre ants, the
dogs were further educated to refrain responding to
tubes with 100 frozen laboratory reared Solenopsis
germinata F., Anoplolepis longipes Jerdon, Polyrhachis
dives Smith, Crematogaster rogenhoferi Mayr, or Tet-
ramorium sp. 1. Before proceeding to the outdoor
training, the dogs are presented with sets of 30 tubes
each containing one to Þve tubes of dead red imported
Þre ants, they must consistently recognize at least 20
tubes of red imported Þre ants in total from all the sets
combined. In this case, the number of sets of 30 tubes
presented can vary, but as long as the dog can suc-
cessfully identify 20 tubes in total of red imported Þre
ants in the duration of the tests, they are allowed to go
onto the next training exercise.
Outdoor Training for Red Imported Fire Ant Odor
Recognition and Identification. A set of tubes with
100, 50, 10, or no live red imported Þre ants were
buried in a lawn with the lids revealed above the
ground. Through the same methodology described
previously, the dogs were guided to detect the live red
imported Þre ant-containing tubes and to ignore the
empty tubes. To discriminate red imported Þre ant
odors from non-red imported Þre ant odors, 100 live
laboratory raised S. germinata, A. longipes, P. dives, C.
rogenhoferi, or Tetramorium sp. 1 were collected in
tubes and arranged randomly during the training.
Dogs were taught to only recognize red imported Þre
ants and to discriminate them from the non-red im-
ported Þre ant species as in the indoor training.
Field Training for Red Imported Fire Ant Nest
Detection. Initially, red imported Þre ant nests varying
in size were identiÞed in the Þeld by visual inspection.
As a warm up, each dog must accomplish two rounds
of outdoor live red imported Þre ant training, as de-
scribed above, for purposes of recalling their memo-
ries about the scents of red imported Þre ants. After
recollection of their red imported Þre ant odor mem-
ories, the dogs were guided to the general area to sniff
out red imported Þre ant nests and to sit by the targets.
Piles of rocks, soil mounds, or nests of non-red im-
ported Þre ant species were selected as negative con-
trols during the training. The dogsÕ false indications of
non-red imported Þre ant targets were discouraged
verbally by their handlers. To avoid being attacked by
red imported Þre ants, dogs also were trained to sit
away from detected nests right after snifÞng.
Each dog received2hofoutdoor training in addi-
tion to2hofÞeld training each day: one session in the
morning and the other session in the afternoon. The
whole process was completed within 2 wk. Alternate
training sessions prevented dogs from being bored and
distracted from the work, which could lead to lower
efÞciency during training. Field training also provided
more complicated situations that sharpened their ca-
pabilities to pick up more unpredictable scents of red
imported Þre ants. Before proceeding to the assays of
the dogsÕ ability in locating red imported Þre ants, they
must consistently recognizing a combined total of 10
tubes of red imported Þre ants out of sets of tests
consisting of 30 tubes in an outdoor setting, just as they
did before proceeding to the outdoor training.
Olfactory Detection of Varying Numbers of Red
Imported Fire Ants. Fifteen tubes of red imported Þre
ant were prepared as targets, in which three sets of Þve
tubes each contained 100, 50, and 10 live red imported
Þre ants. A further 45 empty tubes were used as non-
targets. Tubes were randomly selected and buried in
the ground in a line, 3 m away from one another with
their lids exposed to the air. Each dog was assayed with
the 60 (15 red imported Þre ants 45 empty) tubes
once per day, for a period of 10 d. There were, in total,
50 chances for each of the 10, 50, and 100 red imported
Þre ant tubes to be recognized by each dog. Positive
indicationwas deÞned as a dogÕs correct response of
sitting by the target red imported Þre ant tubes. The
dogsÕ positive indication rates in discerning 100, 50, or
10 ant samples were compared with each other by the
MannÐWhitney Utest by using the online statistical
analysis package VassarStats as provided by Vassar
College (Lowry 2010).
Ability to Differentiate Red Imported Fire Ants
From Other Ant Species. To determine whether the
dogs would be confused by unfamiliar ant scents that
did not occur in previous training sections, and to
provide them with more chances to recognize other
non-red imported Þre ant scents, four sets of 12 metal
cans, each containing 10 Þeld-collected C. rogenhoferi,
P. longicornis, P. megacephala, or red imported Þre ants
were prepared as targets (red imported Þre ant) or
nontargets (non-red imported Þre ant species) as de-
scribed above. The metal cans were randomly selected
and arranged in a line three meters away from one
another. Each dogÕs distinction ability was assayed
with the 48 cans once per day for a period of 10 d.
There were, in total, 120 chances for the red imported
Þre ant tubes to be detected by each dog. Indication
was deÞned as a dog sitting in front of a can. The
Indication rates of the four species were compared
with each other by the MannÐWhitney Utest.
Searching for Emerging and Residual Red Im-
ported Fire Ant Nests in the Field Through Detection
Dogs Complemented by the Bait Trap Method. The
investigated site is a red imported Þre ant-infested
grassland of 6,160 m
located at the Taoyuan County
stadium in Taiwan; the stadium had been repeatedly
treated with pesticides and IGR baits for nearly 2 yr.
The ground in the area were without noticeable nest
mounds but contained previously surviving nests and
new emerging nests red imported Þre ant nests that
are hard to detect merely by eye. This grassland is thus
selected for a survey of residual and emerging red
imported Þre ant by detection dogs with the additional
help of bait trap data.
The grassland was equally divided into seven
smaller subareas, each 880 m
. First, for bait traps,
220 uncapped tubes containing potato chips were
distributed equally to each subarea (with 1,540 tubes
in total in the whole testing ground). After 2 h, the
tubes were collected and capped for further species
identiÞcation. The number and locations of the tubes
were then recorded.
Second, the dog handler led the dogs to search for
red imported Þre ant in the same area immediately
after the completion and removal of the baits traps.
Dogs A and B were selected for the detection process.
Places containing 10 red imported Þre ants were
deÞned as an ant nest. Sites of detected red imported
Þre ant nests (as opposed to forage tunnels) were
further veriÞed by shovel excavation or potato chip
bating, and the number of nests was recorded and
mapped on the same plot mentioned above.
The whole procedure ended in 7 d, with the
area fully investigated, resulting in a com-
plete map of the red imported Þre ant distribution as
revealed by the bait trap data combined with the nest
detection data from the dogs (Fig. 1).
For data analysis, a grid with cells of 2 by2mwas
superimposed onto the map of the surveyed area to
measure distances between the bait trapped red im-
ported Þre ant and their nest sites. Concentric circles
centered at red imported Þre ant nests with various
radiuses from 0 to 18 m were plotted at increments of
2 m. The larger the plotted circle area, the more
trapped red imported Þre ants were included within
its radius. The percentage of trapped red imported Þre
ants in each radius was then calculated from the num-
ber of trapped red imported Þre ants in each extending
radius over the total number of trapped red imported
Þre ants in the entire survey area. A logarithmic re-
gression curve of the accumulation percentage of red
imported Þre ants versus radii was generated to show
their correlation.
Dogs’ Olfactory Ability in Discerning Various
Quantities of Red Imported Fire Ants. The experi-
mental data were separated into two parts and ana-
lyzed as follows: one part was the detection dogsÕ
reaction toward the tubes which contained 10, 50, or
100 live red imported Þre ants. Positive indications
were deÞned as when the dogs successfully located
the tubes containing red imported Þre ants. All three
trained detection dogs were capable of locating the
red imported Þre ant tubes, with an overall positive
indication rate of 98% (Fig. 2). There were no sig-
niÞcant difference between dogs and their capabilities
of detecting 10, 50, or 100 ants (P0.05; MannÐ
Whitney Utest). The other part was the results of the
detection dogsÕ responses to empty tubes. False pos-
itive indication is deÞned as when the dogs reacted to
empty tubes. In this category, the false positive indi-
cation rate was 2% for each dog. We also observed
a lack of signiÞcant difference among the dogsÕ abil-
ities in detecting red imported Þre ants. Overall, the
results indicate that all three trained detection dogs
were able to detect red imported Þre ant populations
of 10 ants. This threshold is preferable for locating
grouped red imported Þre ants or red imported Þre ant
nests rather than solo foragers.
Assessment of the Dog’s Ability to Distinguish Red
Imported Fire Ant From the Other Species. Four ant
species, C. rogenhoferi, P. longicornis, P. megacephala,
and red imported Þre ant, were prepared and tested.
Ten ants from each species were presented alive to the
detection dogs as described in Materials and Methods.
The general correct indication rate on red imported
Þre ant by the dogs was 93%. This result is signiÞ-
Fig. 1. Distribution of bait trapped red imported Þre ants (open circles) and dog-detected red imported Þre ant nests
(closed squares) on the site of interest. The dotted line enclosed region illustrates the area that was searched using the
detection dogÐbait trap method.
Fig. 2. Positive indication rates of detection dogs for red
imported red ants (RIFA) in tubes containing 10, 50, and 100
ants. Positive indication rate is the mean percentage of pos-
itive indications over total indications by dogs. The result
shows no signiÞcant differences among the dogsÕ capability
in discriminating the varying quantities of ants (P0.05;
MannÐWhitney Utest).
cantly higher (P0.05; MannÐWhitney Utest) than
the 4% from the dogsÕ response to other species (Fig.
3). The results revealed that, after training, the three
detection dogs had all acquired the capability to cor-
rectly differentiate red imported Þre ants from the
other local species of ants.
Detection Dog and Bait Trap Joint Field Survey.
Twenty-Þve tubes of trapped red imported Þre ants
were captured by bait traps and 13 nests were located
by the dogs (Fig. 1). Besides this, we also found tubes
occupied by other non-red imported Þre ant ants, with
numbers from a few to hundreds depending on the
tubesÕ location and the geological distribution of the
different species of ants. The total number of tubes
with non-red imported Þre ants was estimated to
be 30% out of the 1,540 tubes.
According to the logarithmic regression curve
0.976) showing the percentage of accumulated
bait trapped red imported Þre ant in the circled area
versus the radii, 60% of captured red imported Þre ants
were located within a 2-m radius centered at the
closest nest. As the radius extended to 14 m, almost
90% of captured red imported Þre ant were included
in the circle. Thus, only 10% of the red imported Þre
ants wandered to regions outside of the radius of 14
m of the circle centered at the nearest nest (Fig. 4).
From the experimental results, it was concluded that
most of the red imported Þre ants (90%) were
foraging within 14 m from the nests and that only
10% red imported Þre ants foraged at distances fur-
ther than 14 m. The longest observed distance covered
by ants foraging from the nearest nest was 26 m.
All three trained dogs demonstrated high positive
indication rates (98%) in detecting red imported Þre
ants. Their false positive rates on the empty tubes were
2%. The indication rate on C. rogenhoferi, P. longi-
cornis, and P. megacephala were also 4%. All these
results not only suggest the great capability of dogs for
locating red imported Þre ant but also met the re-
quired minimum acceptable detection threshold
among other insect detection dogs as suggested by
Brooks et al. (2003). In his report, the termite detec-
tion dogs had an accuracy of 95.93% in detecting east-
ern subterranean termites, Reticulitermes flavipes
(Kollar). Bed bug-detecting dogs showed an accuracy
of 97.5% in locating live bed bugs as well as a 90.0%
accuracy in locating viable bed bug eggs (PÞester et
al. 2008). A trained German wirehaired pointer could
search for screwworms, Cochliomyia hominivorax
(Coquerel), with 99% positive indication rate, and
three German shepherds were able to sniff out the
gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.), egg masses with an
accuracy of 95% (Welch 1990, Wallner and Ellis 1976).
Many factors may affect the detection accuracy of
the dogs, ranging from the training protocols, equip-
ment, abiotic factors such as temperature and wind,
and the maintenance of the dogsÕ memories toward
speciÞc odors. The handlerÕs interpretation of the
dogÕs behavior as well as the length of dogÕs detection
time also contributed to their effectiveness (Wallner
and Ellis 1976, Welch 1990). Although all three dogs
received the same training process and maintenance
and were tested under identical conditions, dog CÕs
positive indication rates on red imported Þre ant ßuc-
tuated more than the other two dogs. Dog C was
observed to become easily excited whenever unfamil-
Fig. 3. Percentage of indication rates for the four ant
species by detection dogs. Indication rate is the number of
dog indicated tubes over the total tube numbers. Columns
represent the mean SD of 10 repetitive tests. The asterisks
indicate the signiÞcant difference between the non-red im-
ported Þre ant species and red imported Þre ants (P0.05;
MannÐWhitney Utest).
y = 0.1538Ln(x) + 0.4985
= 0.976
( 13.6 , 90%)
mbers of t
in circle a
% of nu
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Radius extended from dog detected ant nest ( m )
Fig. 4. Relationship between the dog-detected ant nests
and the bait-trapped red imported Þre ants (RIFA). Open
circles, percentage of trapped RIFA located in different radii
extended from the nests. An arrow indicates that 90% of
trapped RIFA were located within 14 m from the nests.
iar dogs other than dogs A and B were present, espe-
cially in the outdoor environment. Such behavior of-
ten distracted it from active searching and affected the
accuracy of detection. Behavioral corrections were
attempted but were unsuccessful. Considering this,
only dogs A and B were selected for the Þeld test of
investigating the red imported Þre ant nests at the
Taoyuan stadium.
The Australian canines were taken off their leashes
before searching and released to perform free search,
once the nest is found the dogs wagged their tails
excitedly at the site and were subsequently rewarded
with playtime consisting of catch and retrieve. Our
dogs however were trained to search for Þre ants while
being guided on leash by a handler; this gives the
handler more control over the speciÞc search area and
the search speed. It also prevents the dogs from getting
too close to the danger of Þre ant swarms and if
necessary, their mouths, noses, and paws can be in-
spected for red imported Þre ant immediately. Fur-
thermore, a food reward was given instead of playtime
after each successful detection, which ensures that our
dogs are well nourished and not too tired or overex-
cited from playing. Every dog was capable of working
for 4 h/d, dogs that worked over this time frame were
less motivated and easily distracted, hence leading to
lower detection rates.
Our Þeld investigation suggests that trapped red
imported Þre ant were not always adjacent to their
respective nests. Such phenomena could possibly lead
to an over estimation of the red imported Þre ant
distribution if the investigation was conducted merely
by the bait trap method. Therefore, in practice, ex-
cessive pesticides intended for individual mound
treatments could have been applied and unnecessary
labor costs would then incur as a result especially in
areas of low nest density. Oi et al. (2004) observed that
when red imported Þre ant nest densities are low (15
nests per ha), 30% of red imported Þre ant nests can
be detected by traps with attractants. Low efÞcacy of
bait traps implies that further improvements are
needed in detecting nests at low density locations.
Compared with the bait traps, the detection dog has an
overall positive indication rate of 98% based on the
assay for olfactory detection of the various number of
red imported Þre ant, as shown in Fig. 2. Hence, they
are ideal for narrowing down the rough estimations
provided by the bait traps and would allow for more
accurate determinations of the speciÞc locations of
the individual nests. Once more precise nest site in-
formation has been obtained, the unnecessary costs
associated with overestimations of nests sites and over
applications of treatments can be avoided, allowing on
site or regional countermeasures to be applied more
efÞciently at the individual mound level as opposed to
inadequate area wide treatments.
Besides inspecting red imported Þre ants in the soil,
red imported Þre ant detection dogs are also readily
deployable to greenhouses, farms, container distribu-
tion centers, or ports-of-entry to examine the incom-
ing or outgoing products for any possible red imported
Þre ant infestation. Its wide array of applications has
the potential to improve the accuracy and reduce the
costs of red imported Þre ant quarantine programs
around the world.
This study was conducted to assess the trained dogsÕ
capabilities in detecting live red imported Þre ants as
well as their nest in the Þeld. The above-mentioned
results indicate that dogs can be trained to detect red
imported Þre ants, discriminate it from three other
species, and locate red imported Þre ant nests in the
Þeld. Of course, this methodology is by no means a
replacement to the conventional detection methods;
instead, the application of the red imported Þre ant
detection dogs is meant to act as a supplement to the
other red imported Þre ant inspection methods by
providing more accurate identiÞcations of hidden
We gratefully acknowledge James Ho (Wichita State Uni-
versity, Wichita, KS), Chin-Gi Huang (National Taiwan Uni-
versity, Taipei, Taiwan), and Xinyu Toby Huang (Cornell
University, Ithaca, NY) for valuable discussions. We also
thank Dong-Yi Huang (National Changhua University of
Education) for assistance in Þeld detection of red imported
Þre ants by bait trap stations and those who provided assis-
tance in this study. The great contributions of the lovely dogs
Snoopy, Giant, and Johnson in executing the experiment also
are deeply appreciated.
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Received 11 August 2010; accepted 3 October 2010.
... Although the sample size of leatherback nests was too small to allow conclusions for this species, we hypothesize that the detection dog would also exhibit greater accuracy with leatherback nests provided that more nests were sampled in subsequent years. Other studies have also noted the importance of maintenance training for detection dogs by providing frequent opportunities for the detection dog to practice on target odors [24,25], and that detection dogs tend to increase in accuracy over time as they learn to better discriminate the target odor [7,[26][27][28]. Although the low nesting density did not allow for human comparisons with leatherback nests, leatherback eggs are notoriously difficult to locate and human surveyors can spend multiple hours searching for the eggs and still not find them (Lindborg, personal observation). ...
... Wind direction was also an important predictor of the detection dog's accuracy. Other studies have noted that wind played an important role in detection dogs' ability to locate the target odor source [24,[31][32][33]. Wind direction is an important factor because it will affect how easily the detection dog will pick up the target odor given the other environmental conditions (wind speed and ambient temperature) [34]. ...
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Sea turtles are threatened with extinction around the world and rely on sandy beaches for laying their eggs. To protect eggs and locate them for calculation of reproductive success, beach surveyors must find the exact placement of each clutch. Eggs may be buried up to one meter deep under a nest mound several square meters in area. To locate sea turtle eggs, beach surveyors might spend hours searching for these eggs hidden in the sand, especially for difficult-to-locate leatherback ( Dermochelys coriacea) and green turtle (Chelonia mydas) eggs. Scent-detection dogs ( Canis lupus familiaris) are a novel tool that could provide a means to more accurately identify nests and efficiently locate eggs that need assessment, protection, or relocation. We assessed the effectiveness and feasibility of using a detection dog to locate sea turtle eggs buried in beach sand as compared to the traditional method using human beach surveyors. The detection dog was significantly more accurate in detecting loggerhead sea turtle ( Caretta caretta ) eggs and more efficient (less time spent and fewer holes dug) in assisting with locating the eggs. This case study presents results on the performance of one detection dog only, and additional research is needed with multiple detection dogs and handlers.
... In the United States, dogs are being used to assess the eradication of Argentine ant from locations on the Channel Islands off the coast of California (Boser et al., 2018), and in a recent eradication declaration for yellow crazy ant Anoplolepis gracilipes from Johnston Atoll, it was stated that detector dogs sniffed nearly 193 km without finding any ants (Aisha Rickli-Rahman, personal communication). But despite this broad-scale use of detector dogs for ant eradications, apart from one study assessing dog detection abilities at only 3 m (Lin et al., 2011), there are no data yet available outside of the gray literature on their efficacy at varying distances, nor are there standard protocols for their use or guidelines of how their assessments are to be used for eradication declaration. ...
... Indeed, in both years during the real eradication assessments, Jet found ants at such low densities that it was difficult for the handler to confirm their presence, so presumably the dog could detect levels of scent that were much lower than those used in the POD assessments. The only published work we are aware of for ants used between 100 and 10 ants in 50-ml tubes with a 1.7 × 1.7 mm sieved opening (Lin et al., 2011), but the tubes were used at a set distance of only 3 m, and all tubes containing only TA B L E 2 Experimental design and average (±SE) percentage areas calculated to have been within set distances from the dogs conducting searches along transects of different spacings, as well as average (±SE) calculated probability of detection (POD (Liang & Silverman, 2000), communication pheromones used extensively by ants (Jackson & Ratnieks, 2006), or a combination of both. Dogs have been able to detect odors at concentrations of only hundreds or thousands of parts per trillion (Kafka, 1997;MacKay et al., 2008) and so it is likely that at small distances dogs will find foraging ants in very low abundance, but dogs will also be able to find ant nests containing hundreds to thousands of workers at much greater distances. ...
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The use of detector dogs within environmental programs has increased greatly over the past few decades, yet their search methods are not standardized, and variation in dog performance remains not well quantified or understood. There is much science to be done to improve the general utility of detector dogs, especially for invertebrate surveys. We report research for detector dog work conducted as part of yellow crazy ant eradication. One dog was first used to quantify the probability of detection (POD) within a strictly controlled trial. We then investigated the search patterns of two dogs when worked through sites using different transect spacings. Specifically, we quantified their presence within set distances of all locations in each assessment area, as well as the time they took to assess each area. In a GIS, we then calculated the relative percentage of the entire search area within six distance categories, and combined this information with the POD values to obtain a site‐level POD. The calculated relationship between distance and POD was extremely strong (R² = 0.998), with POD being 86% at 2 m and 28% at 25 m. For site‐level assessments conducted by the two dogs, both dogs achieved the highest site‐level POD when operated on the lowest transect spacing (15 m), with POD decreasing significantly as transect spacing increased. Both dogs had strong linear relationships between area assessed and time, with the area assessed being greater when the transects had greater spacing. The working style of the two dogs also resulted in significantly different assessment outcomes. In 1 h one dog could assess approximately 9.2 ha with transects spaced 20 m apart, and 6.8 ha with transects spaced 15 m apart, whereas the second dog could only assess approximately 6.9 ha with transects spaced 20 m apart, and 4.9 ha with transects spaced 15 m apart. Our study provides insight into the ability of dogs to detect yellow crazy ants, and sets the basis for further science and protocol development for ant detection. With the lessons learned from this work, we then detail protocols for using detector dogs for ant eradication assessments.
... The data (overall average sensitivity 92%, specificity 96%, relative accuracy 95%) demonstrates the canine olfactory system can detect ACP adults and nymphs in very low levels with accuracy rates comparable to other studies utilizing dogs to detect insects outdoors [1][2][3][4][5] . The current methods for detecting low density ACP populations are poor. ...
... . 이러한 이유로 심각한 손상이 발생하기 전에 흰개미 피해를 확인하기 위하여 훈 련된 탐지견을 이용하여 보이지 않는 손상을 탐지하기 시 작하였다 (Scheffrahn et al., 1993). 생물학적 냄새와 비생물 학적 냄새를 탐지하게 훈련된 탐지견은 위험한 뱀이나 곤 충을 탐지하거나 폭발물 및 마약 등을 탐지하는 데 이용 되고 있다 (Lewis et al., 1997;Lin et al., 2011;Richards et al., 2008;Suma et al., 2013) ...
In this study, a machine learning model was established using termite damage and meteorological data on wooden cultural properties, and the prediction performance was evaluated. The data were divided into termite damage data, the location of wooden cultural properties, and meteorological data. Three observatories were searched based on the location of the wooden cultural properties, and meteorological data for about 8 years from 2010 to 2018 were combined to make a total of 491 data sets. As a result, it was confirmed that the value of small evaporation as a meteorological factor that directly affects termite damage is the time series independent variable that best explains the model, and showed an accuracy of 72.8% when the Linear SVM algorithm model was used. The value of small evaporation is the synoptic meteorological data of the Korea Meteorological Administration, and it is collected only at specific stations, not meteorological factors observed at all stations. Therefore, It is difficult to obtain enough data to make a predictive model. Since machine learning models can improve accuracy when the number of data is sufficient, prediction performance can be improved if more termite damage data and the value of small evaporation are obtained.
... One widely-used method for estimating RIFA density involves tallying the number of active nests per unit of area [9] . However, identifying RIFA nests visually can be challenging due to their diverse and non-distinctive physical profiles, and confirmation of RIFA presence often requires molecular techniques [10] .Various attempts have been made to develop technologies for automatically detecting RIFA nests, including through the use of aerial imagery [10,11] , drones [6] , and trained dogs [12,13] . Nevertheless, the scalability of these methods is often hindered by the need for specialized machinery and expertise. ...
The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren is a destructive invasive species that has spread around the world. Early detection of S. invicta nests is critical for effective monitoring and control in invaded regions. This study presents a novel surveillance system for S. invicta nests combining artificial intelligence and robotic dogs. The system was designed with intelligent recognition algorithms to accurately identify S. invicta nests. With a precision rate of 95%, the system yielded efficient detection of S. invicta nests with increased sensitivity and low missing and false discovery rates, which can aid or even replace humans in locating and delivering pesticides to fire ant nests in open fields to effective control of this invasive pest.
... Dogs have been widely used in the detection of humans, cadavers, drugs, and explosives, (Hepper & Wells 2015). Recently, dogs have been increasingly used to search for insects such as termites [Termitidae] (Brooks et al. 2003), bugs [Cimicidae] (Pfiester et al. 2008), ants [Formicidae] (Lin et al. 2011), palm weevils [Curculionidae] (Suma et al. 2014), and longhorn [Cerambycidae] or jewel beetles [Buprestidae] (Hoyer-Tomiczek et al. 2016, Hoyer-Tomiczek & Hoch 2020. Some of them are considered invasive species in particular areas. ...
... The data (overall average sensitivity 92%, specificity 96%, relative accuracy 95%) demonstrates the canine olfactory system can detect ACP adults and nymphs in very low levels with accuracy rates comparable to other studies utilizing dogs to detect insects outdoors [1][2][3][4][5] . The current methods for detecting low density ACP populations are poor. ...
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The purpose of this project was to determine if detector canines can be trained to locate the elusive Asian Citrus Psyllid (Diaphorina citri) (ACP) in a variety of environments to assist with Huanglongbing (HLB) vector control efforts. Six dogs completed the training program and experiments. The data (sensitivity 92%, specificity 96%, relative accuracy 95%) demonstrates the canine olfactory system can detect ACP adults and nymphs in very low levels with accuracy rates comparable to other studies utilizing dogs to detect insects outdoors. Canine assisted ACP scouting can increase the number of trees per day that can be effectively screened for ACP, the vector for Huanglongbing.
... In an extensive literature review conducted by Grimm-Seyfarth et al. (2021) it was reported that detection dogs have been used to detect over 400 different species, most of them animals. To give a few examples, dogs have been shown to be able to detect bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) (Pfiester et al., 2008), desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) (Cablk and Heaton, 2006), bark beetles (Ips typographus) (Johansson, 2019), brown tree snakes (Boiga irregularis) (Savid et al., 2010, red fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) (Lin et al., 2011), and gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). Dogs have shown to be exceptional at detecting insects, with their detection performance ranging from 78% to 100% (Lehnert and Weeks, 2016). ...
... Dogs have been widely used in the detection of humans, cadavers, drugs, and explosives, (Hepper & Wells 2015). Recently, dogs have been increasingly used to search for insects such as termites [Termitidae] (Brooks et al. 2003), bugs [Cimicidae] (Pfiester et al. 2008), ants [Formicidae] (Lin et al. 2011), palm weevils [Curculionidae] (Suma et al. 2014), and longhorn [Cerambycidae] or jewel beetles [Buprestidae] (Hoyer-Tomiczek et al. 2016, Hoyer-Tomiczek & Hoch 2020. Some of them are considered invasive species in particular areas. ...
One of the most promising techniques for rapid detection of bark beetle-infested trees is the use of specially trained dogs. Due to the novelty of using dogs in detecting bark beetle-infested trees, evaluation of success or comparison with the traditional approaches is lacking. Spruces were pre-treated with a synthetic pheromone at several tree positions in six experimental forest stands of 4–12 ha. The tree positions were selected based on their arrangement in a random scheme or in patches considered suitable for bark beetle colonisation. Three dogs of different ages, sex, and levels of experience in detecting Ips typographus were compared with three experienced human bark beetle specialists. We used GPS positioning of dog tracks (unleashed), handlers, human experts, and detection points during the search under a blind-test procedure for tracking positions. The potential utility of the search methods was estimated with three aspects: 1) search success: detection of infested trees, 2) search effort: length of route, and 3) search efficiency: trees detected / unit time. Dog-handler pairs were overall more successful in detecting trees attacked by bark beetles than human experts. In particular, the success rate of dogs was higher in plots with random arrangement pre-baited trees and search efficiency was four times higher than that of the human experts. The most efficient time for the use of dogs for detection would be during the spring flight period, when detection of first attacks and small hot spots could potentially prevent the development of larger infestations. The main advantage of using the dog search method is to amplify the time-window from about one week to one month from the detection to prompt removal of the infested trees from the forest.
... The use of detector dogs is common for agriculture quarantine inspections and biosecurity programs around the world. Their use in invasive species monitoring programs has also grown in recent years (Lin et al. 2011, Wylie et al. 2016, Baker et al. 2017, Poland and Rassati 2019. Similarly, the development and marketing of lateral flow immunoassay rapid tests has revolutionized detection surveys targeting S. invicta by circumventing the need for time-consuming professional or laboratory diagnostics and allowing quick identification in the field (Valles et al. 2017(Valles et al. , 2020. ...
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Wasmannia auropunctata (Roger) is an invasive tramp ant species that has been transported globally since [at least] the early twentieth century. It is often claimed that despite the negative impacts associated with this species and its listing among the world’s worst invasive species, very little research attention has been paid to W. auropuntata. Although the need for future research exists, there is currently a considerable body of research from around the world and spanning back to the 1920’s on this species. Here we synthesize over 200 peer reviewed research manuscripts, book chapters, conference presentations, and media reports of new distributions spanning 1929–2022 culminating in a comprehensive literature review on W. auropunctata. This review covers all current knowledge on this species and is intended to serve as a quick reference for future research and provide the reference resources for those seeking more in-depth information on specific topics. Topics included in this review include taxonomic identification, current global distribution and pathways, life history, impacts, detection, and control. We discuss where consensus and ambiguity currently lie within the research community, identify contextual considerations for future researchers when interpreting data, and suggest where we believe more research or clarifications are needed.
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The accidental introduction of the Brown Tree Snake Boiga irregularis to Guam has resulted in the extirpation of most of the island's native terrestrial vertebrates, has created a health hazard to infants and children, and has resulted in economic losses. Cargo inspections using teams of handlers and their detector dogs form a last line of defense for preventing Brown Tree Snake dispersal from Guam. To assess the efficacy of the teams of handlers and their dogs for locating stowed Brown Tree Snakes, we planted Brown Tree Snakes (in escape-proof containers) in cargo without the knowledge of the handlers inspecting the cargo. We found that when an observer attended the inspection to monitor procedures, 80% of the planted snakes were located. Without an attending observer present, 70% of the planted snakes were discovered, but only after such plantings had become a routine procedure. Prior to the routine planting of snakes, efficacy was nearly 50% less (38%). The reasons some planted snakes were missed by the dog teams were split between: an insufficient search pattern by the handler, or the dog giving no discernable indication that a snake was present.
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We reviewed the past 50 years of literature concerning red imported fire ant impacts on wildlife species. The red imported fire ant has had a negative impact on numerous species of wildlife. However, experimental evidence of population-level impacts is meager. We discuss potential fire ant perturbations and suggest research directions that may settle the long-standing controversy concerning the impact of imported fire ants on native vertebrates and the ecosystems they have invaded.
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Satellite imagery (0.65-m resolution, panchromatic) was tested as a detection tool for imported fire ant mounds in northeast Mississippi pasture. Photointerpretation of satellite imagery resulted in an average detection rate of 46.9 ± 1.2% of mounds. Mound size and mound height had a significant effect on mound visibility. Predicted detection rates, based on mound height and mound area, ranged from 24% for small mounds (15 cm high, 0.05 m2) to 66% for large mounds (30 cm high, 0.30 m2). Limitations and possible uses for satellite imagery in fire ant mound detection are discussed.
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The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, is an invasive pest that has become widespread in the southern United States and Caribbean after introduction from South America in the 1930s. This species, which has diverse detrimental impacts on recipient communities, was recently discovered in Australia and New Zealand and has the potential to colonize numerous other regions. We used a dynamic, ecophysiological model of colony growth to predict the potential global range expansion of this invasive species. Based on minimum and maximum daily temperatures, the model estimates colony alate production and predicts future geographic range limits. Because S. invicta populations are limited by arid conditions as well as cold temperatures, we superimposed precipitation data upon temperature-based predictions, to identify regions that do not receive enough rainfall to support this species across the landscape. Many areas around the globe, including large portions of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and numerous island nations, are at risk for S. invicta infestation. Quarantine officials should be vigilant for any accidental introductions of this pest in susceptible regions. Costs of eradication increase dramatically as the area of infestation grows, and large infestations may be impossible to eradicate. Other South American Solenopsis fire ants (e.g., S. richteri Forel) may become invasive if the opportunity arises, and our predictions for S. invicta may approximate the potential range limits for these species as well.
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Airborne multispectral digital imagery was used to detect imported fire ant mounds in northeast Mississippi pasture. Images were acquired using a GeoVantage GeoScanner camera system, flown at an altitude of 610 m, for a resolution of 0.25 m, and 305 m, for a resolution of 0.1 m. Images were obtained during May 2002, August 2002, November 2002, and February 2003. Distinct mound signatures could be seen in images from May, November, and February; August images were difficult to interpret. Many mounds appeared as dark or light spots of bare soil surrounded by a halo of vigorous vegetation. Up to 75% of mounds were visible in false color infrared images. Mound characteristics (area, height, activity, percent vegetation cover) and image characteristics (image color, spatial resolution) all affected mound detection for at least one sampling period. Increasing spatial resolution from 0.25 to 0.1 m did not affect mound detection in May; during other times of the year, increased resolution improved detection by approximately equal to 38%. False color infrared images were generally superior to true color images for mound detection. Potential overestimation because of commission errors was 17-29%.
A native of South America, imported fire ants were first detected in this country in Mobile, AL around 1918. By 1958, imported fire ants had spread into all or part of 141 counties/parishes in 8 states, covering 25,272,706 ha. In 1995, this pest had expanded its range to include a total of 114,098,722 ha in all or part of 670 counties/parishes in 11 states and Puerto Rico. /// Nativas de América del Sur, las hormigas importadas del fuego fueron detectadas en los Estados Unidos en Mobile, Alabama, alrededor de 1918. En 1958 las hormigas importadas del fuego se habían expandido a todos o parte de los 141 condados/parroquias en 8 estados, cubriendo 25,272,706 ha. En 1995, esta plaga incrementó su rango al incluir un total de 114,098,722 ha en todos o parte de los 670 condados/parroquias en 11 estados y en Puerto Rico.
Three ♂ German shepherds were trained to located disparlure treated objects and egg masses of gypsy moth, Porthetria dispar (L.). Field detection of egg masses on stones, wood and bark were made by utilizing the dogs in different searching patterns. Egg mass detection up to 2 m away by domestic canines was achieved which suggests that this technique might be used for quarantine inspection of vehicles or to detect suspect infestations of P. dispar. There was a direct correlation between actual egg mass density in 0.01 ha plots and the number of masses found by the dog in 10 min directed searches. These results indicate that canines can be employed to estimate egg mass density by relating the number found in a prescribed search period to actual field density. This study is the 1st recorded use of dogs for detectmg an insect.
Tropical fish farms provide a prime habitat for the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, which is an invasive, stinging ant that has spread throughout the southern United States. Stings can be a serious health hazard to hypersensitive individuals, and the presence of large populations can interfere with operational activities. The most efficient method of controlling fire ants is the application of ant bait. However, most fish farmers are reluctant to use baits or other chemical methods of control because of the unknown risk to fish. Baited stations in combination with maps generated by geographical information system software were used to estimate locations of fire ant nests. Maps of estimated fire ant locations encompassed from 10 to 100% of actual fire ant nests surveyed when there was a minimum of a single fire ant within a station. Low percentages of overlap between mapped areas and fire ant nests were associated with low nest densities and when higher ant count thresholds were used to indicate positive stations. Ant bait containing the insect growth regulator methoprene was broadcast between ponds, with some unavoidable bait entry into ponds. Fire ant nest densities declined 57% within 4 months. In contrast, nest densities increased 86% in untreated areas. During the summer, fire ant populations declined an average of 68% and increased 110% for treated and untreated areas, respectively. Fire ant nest densities and populations began to increase by December in both treated and untreated areas. No obvious fish mortality related to the ant baiting was noted during the study.
The study aims to evaluate the impact of insecticides associated with rainfall-induced surface runoff from arable land on macroinvertebrate populations. These effects of insecticides were distinguished from the hydraulic stress also associated with surface runoff. Transient increase in discharge and insecticide contamination (maximum 6 μg/L parathion-ethyl in stream water, 302 μg/L fenvalerate in suspended particulates) was observed in a headwater stream subsequent to surface runoff from arable land. In the aquatic macroinvertebrate community, eight of the eleven abundant species disappeared, and the remaining three were reduced significantly in abundance following the insecticide-contaminated runoff. Recovery within 6 months was observed for four species and recovery within 11 months for nine species. Two species remained at a low population density for over a year. The effects of insecticides were distinguished from other parameters, such as hydraulic stress associated with surface runoff, as well. The causal connection between insecticide contamination and biological response was established by eliminating increased hydraulic stress during surface runoff using in-parallel bypass microcosms containing the dominant species Gammarus pulex and Limnephilus lunatus. The mortality of these species was similar to that of the same species in the stream. Additional microcosms, disconnected from the stream during runoff events, served as a control. Thus, the toxic potential of the runoff water is considered to be responsible for the observed effect on the macroinvertebrates. It is concluded that agricultural insecticide input may alter the dynamics of macroinvertebrate communities in streams.