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Contact Transmission of Tobacco Mosaic Virus: a Quantitative Analysis of Parameters Relevant for Virus Evolution

American Society for Microbiology
Journal of Virology

Abstract and Figures

Transmission between hosts is required for the maintenance of parasites in the host population and determines their ultimate evolutionary success. The transmission ability of parasites conditions their evolution in two ways: on one side, it affects the genetic structure of founded populations in new hosts. On the other side, parasite traits that increase transmission efficiency will be selected for. Therefore, knowledge of the factors and parameters that determine transmission efficiency is critical to predict the evolution of parasites. For plant viruses, little is known about the parameters of contact transmission, a major way of transmission of important virus genera and species. Here, we analyze the factors determining the efficiency of contact transmission of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) that may affect virus evolution. As it has been reported for other modes of transmission, the rate of TMV transmission by contact depended on the contact opportunities between an infected and a noninfected host. However, TMV contact transmission differed from other modes of transmission, in that a positive correlation between the virus titer in the source leaf and the rate of transmission was not found within the range of our experimental conditions. Other factors associated with the nature of the source leaf, such as leaf age and the way in which it was infected, had an effect on the rate of transmission. Importantly, contact transmission resulted in severe bottlenecks, which did not depend on the host susceptibility to infection. Interestingly, the effective number of founders initiating the infection of a new host was highly similar to that reported for aphid-transmitted plant viruses, suggesting that this trait has evolved to an optimum value.
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JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, May 2011, p. 4974–4981 Vol. 85, No. 10
0022-538X/11/$12.00 doi:10.1128/JVI.00057-11
Copyright © 2011, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
Contact Transmission of Tobacco Mosaic Virus: a Quantitative Analysis
of Parameters Relevant for Virus Evolution
Soledad Sacrista´n,* Maira Díaz,† Aurora Fraile, and Fernando García-Arenal
Centro de Biotecnología y Geno´mica de Plantas (UPM-INIA) and E.T.S.I. Agro´nomos, Universidad Polite´cnica de Madrid,
Campus Montegancedo, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarco´n, Madrid, Spain
Received 10 January 2011/Accepted 21 February 2011
Transmission between hosts is required for the maintenance of parasites in the host population and
determines their ultimate evolutionary success. The transmission ability of parasites conditions their evolution
in two ways: on one side, it affects the genetic structure of founded populations in new hosts. On the other side,
parasite traits that increase transmission efficiency will be selected for. Therefore, knowledge of the factors and
parameters that determine transmission efficiency is critical to predict the evolution of parasites. For plant
viruses, little is known about the parameters of contact transmission, a major way of transmission of important
virus genera and species. Here, we analyze the factors determining the efficiency of contact transmission of
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) that may affect virus evolution. As it has been reported for other modes of
transmission, the rate of TMV transmission by contact depended on the contact opportunities between an
infected and a noninfected host. However, TMV contact transmission differed from other modes of transmis-
sion, in that a positive correlation between the virus titer in the source leaf and the rate of transmission was
not found within the range of our experimental conditions. Other factors associated with the nature of the
source leaf, such as leaf age and the way in which it was infected, had an effect on the rate of transmission.
Importantly, contact transmission resulted in severe bottlenecks, which did not depend on the host suscepti-
bility to infection. Interestingly, the effective number of founders initiating the infection of a new host was
highly similar to that reported for aphid-transmitted plant viruses, suggesting that this trait has evolved to an
optimum value.
During the last 30 years, important efforts have been made
to model the evolution of parasites, since understanding par-
asite evolution is necessary to develop sustainable strategies
for the control of infectious diseases and to anticipate, prevent,
and control new emergences. This is particularly so in the case
of RNA viruses, which make up the largest fraction of emerg-
ing pathogens of humans, animals, and plants (6, 24, 47). Ex-
perimental work has not followed the pace of theory, and there
is a paucity of information on the values of key parameters in
evolutionary models, on the relationship among various pa-
rameters, and on the applicability of model assumptions. Data
on parameters related to virus transmission are particularly
scant, despite the fact that horizontal transmission is a critical
step of the infective cycle of parasites. Indeed, between-host
transmission and within-host multiplication are the two main
components of parasite fitness, and thus, knowledge on the
rates of transmission and multiplication and on the relation-
ship between the two parameters is required to understand
parasite evolution. Most models of parasite evolution consider
that within-host multiplication and between-host transmission
are linked traits, so that parasites must multiply up to a certain
level for transmission to occur and that rates of transmission
are positively correlated with rates of multiplication, at least
within a range of values (14, 17, 32, 33). Although this is a
reasonable assumption, its experimental support for plant vi-
ruses derives from a limited number of systems that represent
few transmission mechanisms (see below). Also, since viruses
may multiply to very high levels within the infected hosts, virus
evolution has often been analyzed using purely deterministic
models in which selection is considered to be the primary
evolutionary factor acting on virus populations (9, 10). How-
ever, the relevant evolutionary parameter is not the total num-
ber of individuals in the population but the effective population
number (N
), which can be grossly assimilated to the number
of individuals that pass their genes to the next generation. At
small N
values, random genetic drift will predominate over
selection (7). The occurrence of population bottlenecks during
the virus life cycle will result in the reduction of N
, hence the
interest in identifying and quantifying these bottlenecks. Pop-
ulation bottlenecks may occur when a new virus population is
initiated by horizontal transmission, resulting in a type of ge-
netic drift known as the founder effect, given that the new virus
population is initiated from a small number of genotypes ran-
domly sampled from the mother population. It has been shown
that severe population bottlenecks may occur during horizon-
tal transmission of plant viruses, as infection of a new host may
be started by just a small number of individuals (12, 27). Once
again, however, this information derives from just a few sys-
tems that represent only one of the various possible mecha-
nisms of plant virus transmission.
In nature, plant viruses are horizontally transmitted either
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: Centro de Biotecnología y
Geno´mica de Plantas (UPM-INIA) and E.T.S.I. Agro´nomos, Univer-
sidad Polite´cnica de Madrid, Campus Montegancedo, 28223 Pozuelo
de Alarco´n, Madrid, Spain. Phone: 34 91 336 4563. Fax: 34 91 715
7721. E-mail:
Present address: Departamento de Cristalografía y Biología Es-
tructural de Proteínas, Instituto de Química Física Rocasolano, Ser-
rano 115, 28006 Madrid, Spain.
Published ahead of print on 2 March 2011.
by contact or by means of vectors. Transmission by aphids,
which vector the highest number of virus genera, has been best
analyzed. The relationship between virus accumulation in the
source leaf and transmissibility by aphids has been analyzed for
a number of systems, showing that both traits, as assumed in
evolutionary models, are positively correlated (3, 13, 16, 29). It
has also been shown that nonpersistent transmission by aphids
results in stochastic effects in the composition of the transmit-
ted population (1), thus indicating the existence of founder
effects due to the low number of particles transmitted. Accord-
ingly, the effective number of founders (N
) after aphid trans-
mission has been estimated to be on the order of units (4, 37).
In contrast, little is known about the parameters of trans-
mission by contact, despite the fact that this is the major way of
transmission during field epidemics of important viruses in
genera such as Tobamovirus,Potexvirus, and Hordeivirus (15).
The little attention paid to contact transmission may be ex-
plained by the general assumption that it should not be essen-
tially different from experimental mechanical inoculation,
which is a routine technique in plant virology for transferring
virus populations to new hosts. Mechanical inoculation consists
of applying a suspension of viral particles or RNA (for viruses
with a single-stranded RNA genome of messenger sense) on
the leaf surface, in which infection occurs after the leaf is
gently rubbed. Early work by plant virologists extensively ana-
lyzed the process of mechanical inoculation (reviewed in ref-
erence 20). However, no attempts have been made to analyze
if these results could be applied to understand the nature of
contact transmission.
The goal of this work is to characterize the evolutionarily
relevant parameters of contact transmission of plant viruses.
We used experimental populations of Tobacco mosaic virus
(TMV) to address two major questions: (i) if the rate of con-
tact transmission is positively correlated with virus accumula-
tion in the source leaf and (ii) if contact transmission results in
population bottlenecks leading to founder effects. Our data
show that the rate of transmission does not depend primarily
on the virus titer in the source leaf. We also show that contact
transmission results in severe population bottlenecks.
Biological material and virus inoculations. Two TMV genotypes were used:
wild-type TMV (wt TMV) and the coat protein mutant P20L-TMV, which has
the transition C5656U, resulting in the amino acid replacement P 3L at position
20 of the coat protein. These TMV genotypes were derived from biologically
active cDNA clones that have been described elsewhere (8) and were a gift of
W. O. Dawson and J. N. Culver. Infectious RNA was transcribed from these
clones with T7 (for wt) or SP6 (for P20L mutant) RNA polymerase as previously
described (8) and was inoculated into Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun plants
suspended in 0.1 M Na
. Virus particles were purified from plants infected
with RNA transcripts as described previously (5). Virus suspensions in 10 mM
sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) were used for further inoculations. Two
tobacco genotypes were used: Samsun, which is fully susceptible to systemic
infection by TMV, and Xanthi-nc, which is hypersensitively resistant to TMV
infection, thus showing necrotic local lesions (nlls) around infection foci. All
plants were kept in a greenhouse at 20 to 25°C with 16 h of light.
Detection of TMV genotypes and quantification of their accumulation in
infected tobacco leaves. TMV genotypes present in individual nlls were detected
in lesion prints on nylon membranes that were hybridized with 5
oligonucleotide probes specific for each TMV genotype. The genotype-specific
oligonucleotide probes used for these analyses and hybridization conditions have
been described previously (44). Virus accumulation was quantified as viral RNA
accumulation. Total RNA was extracted from 0.2 g (fresh weight) tobacco leaves
(36) and resuspended in 50 l of distilled water. Viral RNA in each sample was
quantified by dot blot hybridization with genotype-specific
P-labeled oligonu-
cleotide probes. In each blot, internal standards for each genotype were included
as a 2-fold dilution series of purified RNA (2 to 0.015 g) in nucleic acid extracts
from noninoculated tobacco plants, as described previously (44). Total RNA of
mock-inoculated tobacco plants was used as a negative control. Different
amounts of nucleic acid extracts of each sample were blotted to ensure that the
hybridization signal was in the linear portion of the RNA concentration-versus-
hybridization signal curve. The RNA hybridization signal was detected using a
Typhoon 9400 scanner (GE Healthcare, Chalfont St. Giles, United Kingdom)
after exposure of the labeled samples to Eu
-containing phosphor screens and
was quantitated using Image-Quant (version 5.2) software (Molecular Dynamics,
GE Healthcare).
Statistical analyses. All the statistical analyses are described in references 40
and 45. Means were compared by the nonparametric Wilcoxon signed rank test.
Correlation between data was analyzed by the nonparametric Spearman rank
correlation test, and significance was obtained from 1,000 random pairings of
data. Analyses of variance (ANOVAs), general linear models (GLMs), and
Student-Newman-Keuls post hoc contrasts of means were calculated using the
software Statgraphics Centurion XV (StatPointTechnologies, Warenton, VA).
Data were transformed when necessary in order to meet the assumptions for
parametric analyses.
Efficiency of contact transmission under controlled condi-
tions. Contact transmission between plants was simulated by
brushing one leaf of a recipient plant with an infected source
leaf. Source leaves were collected from Samsun tobacco plants
systemically infected after inoculation with 600 ng of wt-TMV
particles per leaf. Three types of source leaves were used:
inoculated leaves (L0 leaves) collected either at 4 or at 7 days
postinoculation (dpi) and the systemically infected second leaf
above L0 (L2 leaves) collected at 10 dpi. Five leaves of each
type, each from a different infected tobacco plant, were used to
inoculate two sets of 20 5-week-old Xanthi-nc tobacco plants,
with the recipient leaf always being the youngest fully ex-
panded leaf of each plant. One set of plants was inoculated by
brushing the recipient leaf once with the source leaf; the other
set was inoculated by brushing the recipient leaf 10 times with
the source leaf. In this way, the transmission efficiency during
a single contact event (1 brush) and the transmission efficiency
during a more prolonged contact (10 brushes) were compared.
In each source leaf, TMV accumulation in the area that had
been in contact with the recipient leaf was quantified. At 4 days
postinoculation, the recipient Xanthi-nc tobacco leaves were
collected and local lesions were counted.
The number of plants with nlls is a measure of the number
of successful transmission events. Ten brushes always resulted
in more plants infected than a single brush (Table 1), and both
values were positively correlated for each source leaf (Spear-
man correlation coefficient r
0.80, P0.003). In addition,
the mean number of lesions was higher in recipient leaves
brushed 10 times than in those brushed once (Wilcoxon signed
rank test, P0.004; Table 1). No correlation was found be-
tween virus accumulation in the source leaf and either the
number of plants with nlls or the mean number of nlls per
recipient leaf (P1 in both cases). The number of plants
showing nlls was higher after they were brushed with the sys-
temically infected source L2 leaves than with L0 leaves (P
0.01; Table 1), although the viral titer in L2 leaves was signif-
icantly lower than that in L0 leaves (P0.03; Table 1). There-
fore, the number of successful transmission events depended
on the number of contact opportunities between the source
and recipient leaves but not on the viral titer in the source leaf.
Since systemically infected leaves were a more efficient source
than inoculated leaves, factors other than contact opportunity,
related to the nature of the source leaf, must also determine
the efficiency of contact transmission: L2 leaves are younger
than L0 leaves, which suggests that leaf age might be one such
factor. Results also suggest that the mode in which the source
leaf had been infected (directly inoculated or systemically in-
fected) might be another factor.
Source leaf factors that determine efficiency of contact
transmission. In order to determine which factors associated
with the nature of the source leaf affect its infectivity, an
experiment was performed in which the effects of age and
mode of infection of the source leaf (directly inoculated or
systemically infected) were analyzed, together with the effect of
virus titer. Two sets of three and eight plants, respectively,
were inoculated (inoculation sets S1 and S2, respectively; Ta-
ble 2), in order to obtain source leaves of different ages that
had been infected either directly (L0 leaves) or systemically
(L2 and L4 leaves, second and fourth leaves above L0, respec-
tively). These source plants were inoculated with a lower viral
dose than in the experiment described in the previous section
(50 ng of virus particles of wt TMV per leaf), in order to
promote variation of viral accumulation at the source leaves
over a larger range of values. S2 plants were inoculated 6 days
later than S1 plants, but in both cases plants were inoculated at
the same age of 30 days. Since the tobacco leaf plastochron
under our growing conditions is 3 days, the difference in age
between two alternate leaves (L0 and L2 leaves or L2 and L4
leaves) was 6 days. This allowed us to use L0, L2, and L4
source leaves of the same and of different ages (Table 2) in a
single transmission experiment, with inoculations of recipient
leaves taking place at 16 and 10 dpi for S1 and S2 plants,
respectively. Thus, the type of source leaf factor could be
differentiated from the source leaf age factor. At the time of
inoculation of source plants, L2 leaves were 4 days old and L4
TABLE 1. Number of infected plants and mean number of nll in the recipient leaf per source leaf
Source leaf
and time
in source leaf
No. of infected recipient plants
No. of nlls per infected recipient leaf
1 brush 10 brushes 1 brush 10 brushes
4 dpi 5.9 5 14 1.0 0.0 1.4 0.2
5.4 1 13 1.0 0.0 2.3 0.3
5.0 3 14 1.0 0.0 1.6 0.3
6.0 2 13 1.0 0.0 1.6 0.2
Mean SE
5.6 0.2 2.8 0.9 13.5 0.3 1.0 0.0 1.7 0.1
7 dpi 6.4 3 10 1.7 0.5 3.6 1.0
6.9 2 17 1.0 0.0 5.2 1.1
4.7 14 19 3.6 1.2 38.6 6.7
4.7 15 20 8.6 3.6 33.9 8.3
Mean SE
5.7 0.6 8.5 3.5 16.5 2.3 5.5 1.7 23.1 3.7
L2 2.4 18 20 8.5 1.7 39.7 4.9
10 dpi 4.5 16 20 3.6 0.9 25.0 4.4
3.5 17 20 6.0 1.2 24.5 4.1
3.5 20 19 31.2 3.9 85.2 12.6
Mean SE
3.5 0.4 17.8 0.9 19.8 0.3 13.2 1.8 43.2 4.5
Time postinoculation at which the source leaf was used for inoculations. L0, inoculated leaf; L2, systematically infected second leaf above L0.
Viral accumulation in the source leaf expressed as micrograms of viral RNA per gram (fresh weight) of leaf.
Two sets of 20 Xanthi-nc tobacco plants were inoculated per source leaf by brushing the source leaf either once or 10 times.
Data are means and standard errors for the infected recipient leaves.
Data are means and standard errors for four source leaves.
TABLE 2. Relationship between transmission efficiency and age and mode of infection of the source leaf
Type of
source leaf
No. of infected
No. of nlls
per infected
recipient leaf
Age Surface TMV
No. of infected
recipient plants
No. of nlls per
recipient leaf
L0 26 269 26* 2.9 0.3* 6.7 0.7* 4.7 0.9* 20 446 20* 8.8 2.6* 8.1 0.8* 9.3 0.9***
L2 20 457 38** 7.9 1.9** 10.0 0.0** 24.9 3.2** 14 592 28** 27.7 6.1** 8.9 1.1* 14.6 1.3*
L4 14 410 23** 19.5 0.2† 10.0 0.0** 15.7 2.9** 8 236 19† 40.3 4.9** 9.1 0.4* 5.6 0.5**
Two sets of three (S1) and eight (S2) Samsun tobacco plants were inoculated with a lag period of 6 days. Different symbols in each column indicate significant
differences in Student-Newman-Keuls contrasts of means at 95% confidence.
Age (days) of the source leaf L0, inoculated leaf; L2 and L4, 2nd and 4th leaves above the inoculated leaf, systematically infected at the time of the transmission
Data are means standard errors of three (S1) or eight (S2) source leaves.
Surface (in cm
) of the source leaf at the time of the transmission experiment.
Viral accumulation in the source leaf expressed as micrograms of viral RNA per gram (fresh weight) of leaf.
Number of plants with lesions out of 10 Xanthi-nc tobacco plants inoculated with each source leaf.
Data are means standard errors for the infected recipient leaves.
leaves would appear 2 days later. Systemic infection of those
leaves may have happened at any time after 3 dpi (44), when
both leaves had already started expansion. Therefore, we can
assume that L2 and L4 leaves have been infected for the same
period of time (a maximum of 13 days for inoculation set S1
and 7 days for inoculation set S2). Each source leaf was used to
inoculate a set of 10 5-week-old Xanthi-nc tobacco plants by
brushing 10 times their youngest fully expanded leaf. In each
source leaf, virus accumulation in the area that had been in
contact with the recipient leaf was quantitated. At 4 days post-
inoculation, the recipient Xanthi-nc tobacco leaves were col-
lected and local lesions were counted.
Viral accumulation in the source leaves was compared in a
two-way ANOVA using type of leaf and inoculation set as
factors. Viral accumulation differed significantly according to
type of leaf (F
9.77; P610
), and it was lower in
the inoculated L0 leaves than in the systemically infected L2
and L4 leaves (Table 2 and Fig. 1A). Also, viral accumulation
was lower in L2 leaves than in L4 leaves. Viral accumulation
was also significantly different according to inoculation set, and
it was higher in S2 than in S1 (F
7.78; P0.01). There
was no interaction between the two factors (P0.66).
To analyze the effects of the different factors on the effi-
ciency of transmission, the number of inoculated plants with
nlls and the mean number of nlls per recipient leaf were ana-
lyzed using GLMs, in which the factors type of leaf (L0, L2, or
L4 leaves), inoculation set (S1 or S2), and viral accumulation
were included. Only the factor type of leaf had a significant
effect on the number of infected plants (F
3.84; P0.03),
and transmission was significantly less effective from inocu-
lated leaves (L0 leaves) than from systemically infected L2 or
L4 leaves (Student-Newman-Keuls contrast of means, P
0.05). Hence, the number of infected plants was not dependent
on viral accumulation or the inoculation set. The mean number
of nlls in recipient leaves depended both on the type of source
leaf and on viral accumulation in the source leaves, and the
effect of these factors differed according to the inoculation set
4.92; P0.001, data not shown). For S1, L0 leaves
(L0S1) were the least effective source leaves (P0.05; Table
2 and Fig. 1B), while for S2, L4 leaves (L4S2) were the least
effective ones and L2 leaves (L2S2) were the most effective
ones (P0.05; Table 2 and Fig. 1B). When S1 and S2 data are
compared, significant differences were found only with L4
leaves (P0.05). L4S2 leaves were the youngest and least
effective source ones, despite having the highest viral content
(Table 2). They were 8 days old when they were used as source
leaves and not yet completely expanded, as shown by their
smaller surface (Table 2). However, source leaf surface was not
a significant factor on transmission efficiency when it was in-
troduced in GLMs (data not shown).Therefore, efficiency of
transmission depended on the age of the source leaf and on the
way it was infected.
Estimation of effective number of founders starting an in-
fection by contact transmission. The estimation of the number
of founders starting an infection by contact transmission was
based on the probability of segregation of two alleles in demes
originated from a mother deme (44). Given a source leaf that
is infected by genotypes A and B with frequencies p
and p
respectively, assuming that the probability of transmission of
each genotype is given by its frequency in the source leaf and
that both probabilities are independent (p
1), the
genetic composition of the transmitted viral population will be
given by the binomial distribution psA psBNef. Hence, the
probability P
that a plant that has been in contact with that
source leaf is infected only by genotype A is given by the
P0BpsANef (1)
can be estimated from this expression by estimating p
experimentally. Conversely, the probability P
that a plant
that has been in contact with that source leaf is infected only by
genotype B is given by the expression
P0ApsBNef 1psANef (2)
If genotypes A and B are not equally fit and selection occurs in
coinfected leaves, the least-fit genotype can be lost before
observation, and hence, the probability of no infection by that
genotype can be overestimated. Therefore, the actual effective
number of founders should lie between those obtained from
equations 1 and 2. The transmission probability of each TMV
genotype will depend on both its frequency in the source leaf
and its transmissibility. In case both genotypes had different
transmissibilities, it would be necessary to correct p
and p
accordingly (4).
FIG. 1. TMV accumulation (A) and efficiency of contact transmis-
sion (B) from different types of source leaves. (A) TMV accumulation
in the source leaf. (B) Mean number of nlls produced by the source
leaf in 20 recipient leaves. Source leaves L0S1, L2S1, and L4S1 cor-
respond to inoculation set S1, and source leaves L0S2, L2S2, and L4S2
correspond to inoculation set S2. Data are means and standard errors
(error bars) from 3 (S1) and 8 (S2) plants.
can also be maximum likelihood estimated by comparing
the observed frequencies of plants infected with either geno-
type A, genotype B, or both genotypes with those expected
from the binomial distribution psA psBNef.
To estimate the transmissibility of each TMV genotype, two
sets of five Samsun tobacco plants were inoculated with 600
ng/leaf of either wt-TMV or P20L-TMV particles. At 4 dpi, the
inoculated leaf of each plant was collected and used as the
source leaf to inoculate the youngest fully expanded leaf of 20
Xanthi-nc tobacco plants by brushing them 10 times. In each
source leaf, the wt-TMV or P20L-TMV accumulation in the
area that had been in contact with the recipient leaf was quan-
tified (Table 3). In the recipient leaves, nlls were counted at 4
dpi. The transmissibility for each TMV genotype was calcu-
lated as the ratio between the number of plants with lesions
produced by each source leaf and the virus accumulation in
that leaf and was not significantly different for the two different
viral genotypes (P0.46; Table 3). Therefore, N
can be
calculated from equations 1 and 2 with no need for correction
for transmissibility.
To estimate P
and P
, eight Samsun tobacco plants were
inoculated with equal amounts (600 ng/leaf) of wt-TMV and
P20L-TMV particles. This inoculum dose was chosen on the
basis of previous single-lesion infectivity experiments in which
it was shown that the number of nlls induced in Xanthi-nc
tobacco did not differ significantly between the two TMV ge-
notypes at 300 ng/half leaf. At 4 dpi, the inoculated leaf of each
plant was collected and used as the source to inoculate the
youngest fully expanded leaf of 20 Xanthi-nc tobacco plants, as
described above. In each source leaf, the wt-TMV and P20L-
TMV accumulation in the area that had been in contact with
the recipient leaf was quantified (Table 4). In the recipient
leaves, nlls were counted at 4 dpi and the TMV genotype(s)
present in each nll was determined. The number of plants
TABLE 3. Transmissibility by contact of wt and P20L TMV genotypes
TMV genotype
inoculated in
source leaf
Recipient Xanthi-nc tobacco plants Recipient Samsun tobacco plants
in source leaf
No. of infected
recipient plants
in source leaf
No. of infected
recipient plants Transmissibility
wt 1.1 12 10.7 2.8 8 2.9
1.1 4 3.7 0.4 7 17.5
0.7 8 11.0 1.2 12 10.0
1.0 10 10.1 0.8 16 20.0
2.4 9 3.7 0.9 20 22.2
Mean SE
1.3 0.3 8.6 1.3 7.8 1.7 1.2 0.4 12.6 2.4 14.5 3.6
P20L 0.3 9 29.0 0.9 6 6.7
1.1 13 12.1 0.3 5 16.7
1.1 5 4.6 0.4 1 2.5
0.2 2 9.1 0.3 2 6.7
0.3 2 5.9 0.3 10 33.3
Mean SE
0.6 0.2 6.2 2.1 12.1 4.4 0.4 0.1 4.8 1.6 13.2 5.6
Viral accumulation in the source leaf expressed as g of viral RNA per gram (fresh weight) of leaf.
Number of infected plants out of 20 plants inoculated with each source leaf.
Ratio between the number of infected plants from each source leaf and the virus accumulation in that leaf.
Data are means and standard errors for five source leaves.
TABLE 4. Frequency of Xanthi-nc tobacco plants and of nlls infected with only one TMV genotype after contact transmission
from double-infected source leaves
in source leaf
Proportion of each genotype in
the source leaf
No. of infected
recipient plants
Frequency of single infected
recipient plants
No. of nlls per
recipient leaf
Frequency of nlls with just one
TMV genotype
0.9 0.90 0.10 12 0.67 0.00 4.4 1.4 0.74 0.26
0.6 0.94 0.06 3 0.67 0.00 4.0 2.0 0.92 0.08
1.5 0.93 0.07 4 1.00 0.00 2.0 1.0 1.00 0.00
1.3 0.90 0.10 9 0.56 0.00 4.7 1.8 0.81 0.17
0.8 0.75 0.25 10 0.70 0.00 4.2 1.1 0.86 0.12
0.9 0.87 0.13 9 0.44 0.11 2.3 0.9 0.67 0.33
2.0 0.87 0.13 12 0.17 0.33 4.1 1.0 0.69 0.31
1.5 0.86 0.14 5 0.80 0.00 4.2 1.2 0.95 0.05
1.2 0.2
0.88 0.02
0.12 0.02
0.63 0.09
0.06 0.02
3.7 0.4
0.83 0.04
0.17 0.04
Viral accumulation in the source leaf expressed as g of viral RNA per gram (fresh weight) of leaf.
Fraction of wt-TMV (p
) or P20L-TMV (p
) RNA in the total viral RNA in each leaf.
Number of plants with lesions out of 20 plants inoculated with each source leaf.
Fraction of plants infected by only wt-TMV (P
) or P20L-TMV (P
Data are means and standard errors for the infected recipient leaves.
Fraction of nlls infected by only wt-TMV (P
) or P20L-TMV (P
Means standard error values for 8 source leaves.
showing nlls ranged from 3 to 13 per source leaf and was not
correlated with virus accumulation in the source leaf (P0.09;
Table 4). The number of nlls per recipient leaf ranged from 1
to 15, with a mean of 3.7 (mean numbers per source leaf are
shown in Table 4). P
and P
were calculated as the number
of plants with lesions caused only by wt-TMV and only by
P20L-TMV, respectively (Table 4). The frequency of each
TMV genotype in the source leaf (p
and p
) was estimated
from the fraction of wt-TMV or P20L-TMV RNA in the total
viral RNA in each leaf (Table 4). The effective number of
founders transmitted by contact was estimated from the data in
Table 4 using equations 1 and 2 and was between 1.4 and 3.6,
with a maximum-likelihood estimate of 2 (P0.70). More
than one virus particle may be involved in initiating an infec-
tion focus, as shown by the occurrence of nlls in which both
TMV genotypes were present (Table 4). Applying the same
model used to estimate the effective number of founders that
infect a leaf to the data on frequency of lesions with only one
TMV genotype, the mean number of founders initiating an
infection focus was estimated to be between 0.9 and 1.4, with
a maximum-likelihood estimate of 1 (P0.95).
In nature, virus outbreaks occur only between susceptible
plants and transmissibility of a virus could be different for
susceptible (e.g., Samsun tobacco for TMV) and resistant (e.g.,
Xanthi-nc tobacco for TMV) plants. Since there is no infor-
mation on a possible relationship between host susceptibility
and effective number of founders, N
was estimated in an
experiment simultaneously and in a manner similar to that
described above, using Samsun tobacco as recipient plants. It
was shown that transmissibility to Samsun tobacco plants of
wt-TMV and of P20L-TMV did not differ (P0.35) and that
for neither of them was it different from transmissibility to
Xanthi-nc tobacco plants (P0.50; Table 3). The genetic
composition of the virus population in the recipient leaves of
Samsun tobacco plants is shown in Table 5. Once again, the
number of infected plants was not correlated with the virus
concentration in the source leaf (P0.08; Table 5). P
were calculated as the number of plants infected only with
wt-TMV and only with P20L-TMV, respectively (Table 5).
Estimates of p
and p
were calculated as described above
(Table 5). The effective number of founders transmitted by
contact to a susceptible host estimated from the data in Table
5 according to equations 1 and 2 was between 1.3 and 3.3, with
a maximum-likelihood estimate of 2 (P0.72). Hence, the
effective number of founders did not differ for a resistant and
a susceptible host, although the efficiency of transmission to
the susceptible host was higher (P0.007; Tables 4 and 5).
In this work, factors involved in the efficiency of contact
transmission of TMV were analyzed, as these factors may de-
termine key parameters in virus evolution models. Direct con-
tact between infected and noninfected hosts is an important
way of transmission of animal and human viruses, and its
efficiency may result in severe epidemics (11, 31, 35, 41).
Therefore, parameters related to contact transmission are in-
cluded in epidemiological models aimed at predicting epi-
demic outbreaks or at assessing the effectiveness of control
strategies (30). Many plant viruses of economic importance for
crops, such as Tomato mosaic virus,Pepper mild mottle virus,
Potato virus X, and Pepino mosaic virus, are also transmitted by
contact during the course of epidemic outbreaks, regardless of
other mechanisms of vertical or horizontal transmission that
may be relevant in outbreak initiation (15, 25). However, the
epidemics of contact-transmitted plant viruses have been
scarcely studied (27), and no attempt has been carried out to
identify the relevant epidemiological and evolutionary param-
eters. Similarly, the analysis of the mechanisms involved in
contact transmission of plant viruses has been neglected, as it
has been considered a simple and passive phenomenon (20). In
addition, it has been assumed that contact transmission is es-
sentially similar to mechanical inoculation, an experimental
procedure that was extensively studied in the past (20). In
mechanical inoculation, the inoculum is rubbed on the leaf
surface and the use of abrasives increases its efficiency. This is
thought to be due to the generation of wounds that facilitate
the direct contact of infectious particles with an infectible site,
i.e., with a leaf cell whose transiently exposed protoplast is
susceptible to infection (19, 25). Contact transmission might
TABLE 5. Frequency of Samsun tobacco plant infection with only one TMV genotype after contact transmission
from double-infected source leaves
in source leaf
Proportion of each genotype in source leaf
No. of infected
recipient plants
Frequency of single infected
recipient plants
0.7 0.88 0.12 14 0.50 0.00
0.8 0.88 0.12 17 0.24 0.12
1.1 0.91 0.09 16 0.50 0.19
0.9 0.88 0.12 9 0.89 0.00
0.8 0.90 0.10 10 0.80 0.10
1.9 0.87 0.13 16 0.94 0.06
0.6 0.90 0.10 20 0.70 0.00
2.2 0.88 0.12 18 0.83 0.00
1.1 0.2
0.89 0.004
0.11 0.004
15 1
0.67 0.09
0.06 0.03
Viral accumulation in the source leaf expressed as g of viral RNA per gram (fresh weight) of leaf.
Fraction of wt-TMV (p
) or P20L-TMV (p
) RNA in the total viral RNA in each leaf.
Number of plants with lesions out of 20 plants inoculated with each source leaf.
Fraction of plants infected by only wt-TMV (P
) or P20L-TMV (P
Means standard error values for 8 source leaves.
differ from mechanical inoculation because the recipient leaf
does not enter into contact with a suspension of virus particles
but enters into contact with an infected source leaf from which
infectious particles must be released, and the factors that favor
inoculum release are unknown. Also unknown is whether con-
tact between the source and recipient leaves results in the
generation of transiently susceptible cells, similarly to leaf rub-
bing in mechanical inoculation. Because of these two uncer-
tainties, the probability that an infectious viral particle encoun-
ters an infectible site in the recipient leaf during contact
transmission might be largely different from that in mechanical
inoculation. In our experiments, the efficiency of contact trans-
mission, estimated to be the number of successful transmission
events from a source leaf, was positively correlated with the
number of contacts between the source and recipient leaves.
This result suggests that during leaf contact, microwounds are
produced in the surfaces of both leaves, which result in the
liberation of infectious particles from the source leaf and in the
induction of infectible sites in the recipient leaf, as it has been
hypothesized (19, 25). Although this result is not unexpected,
it is highly significant: all epidemiological models of parasite
evolution and dynamics assume that transmission rates are
positively correlated with the number of contacts (direct or
indirect) between infected and susceptible noninfected hosts
(2, 26, 42), and our result shows that this is a realistic assump-
tion for TMV and, possibly, other contact-transmitted plant
A second relevant result is that the efficiency of TMV con-
tact transmission, estimated to be the fraction of infected
plants, was not a function of virus titer in the source leaf for the
broad range of virus titers analyzed, which covered a 14-fold
increase in virus accumulation (between 2.9 and 40.3 g TMV
RNA/g fresh leaf tissue; Table 2). This is an unexpected result,
and if it is general, it would set contact transmission widely
apart from vector transmission. Indeed, it has been shown
repeatedly that the rate of plant virus transmission by ho-
mopterous insect vectors is positively correlated with virus titer
in the source leaf for virus titer ranges similar to those reported
here (3, 13, 16, 29). The consequences of this result for the
analysis of virus evolution are also important: if rates of trans-
mission are independent of within-host virus multiplication,
the applicability of most models of virulence evolution to con-
tact-transmitted plant viruses could be questioned. Indeed,
most of the theory on evolution of virulence rests on the
trade-off hypothesis, which assumes that within-host multipli-
cation, between-host transmission, and virulence of parasites
are positively correlated traits, among which trade-offs exist
(17). The underlying concept is that the parasite needs to
multiply within the host to a level that allows its transmission to
new hosts and that virulence would be an unavoidable conse-
quence of the within-host multiplication of the parasite. In our
case, such a correlation has not been found, although a mar-
ginal correlation (in one experiment out of four) was found
between the number of infection foci in the recipient leaf and
the virus titer in the source. Also, we obtained no evidence for
a lower threshold of TMV accumulation below which contact
transmission would not occur: efficient transmission was ob-
served from source leaves in which the level of TMV accumu-
lation was as low as 0.2 g RNA/g fresh tissue (data not
shown). Thus, if there is a threshold of TMV accumulation
below which contact transmission does not occur, it must be
very low.
Interestingly, the efficiency of TMV contact transmission
seems to be dependent on unsuspected factors associated with
the nature of the source leaf. One such factor was the devel-
opmental stage of the source leaf, with younger leaves being
less efficient source leaves than older ones. Age-associated
changes in thickness, structure, and chemical composition of
the cuticle (28, 39) might render older leaves more abrasive,
thus increasing the opportunities for contact transmission. Our
results also show that systemically infected leaves are better
sources for TMV transmission than directly inoculated leaves,
which could be related to the much more even virus invasion of
the mesophyll in systemically infected leaves than in directly
inoculated ones (21, 43, 46, 48).
As it is the case for all other modes of viral transmission
analyzed so far, contact transmission of TMV results in severe
population bottlenecks. The N
initiating a TMV infection
after a contact transmission event is in the order of units
(between 1 and 4), with 2 being the most likely estimate. This
number imposes a severe bottleneck, since the number of
TMV particles in a tobacco leaf may reach 10
to 10
(23, 34,
38). The N
after a contact transmission is similar to that
reported for nonpersistent aphid transmission (N
of about 1
for Potato virus Y [37] and between 1 and 2 for Cucumber
mosaic virus [4]) or for mite transmission (3, as estimated from
reference 22). Mechanical inoculation also constitutes a severe
bottleneck, with values of N
being between 1.6 and 7, highly
similar to those reported here (44). All these estimates are
based on similar probabilistic considerations, and future work
should reexamine N
estimates on the basis of deep sequenc-
ing analyses of the virus population in source and recipient
leaves. However, current analyses are consistent in detecting
severe population bottlenecks associated with horizontal trans-
mission, which indicate that purely deterministic models of
virus and virulence evolution should be modified to integrate
the effects of random genetic drift. The effective number of
founders that initiate an nll was estimated to be 1. This value
agrees with older results from mechanical inoculation experi-
ments that lead to the one particle-one site hypothesis of the
initiation of infection (18, 19). If an nll is initiated by a single
genotype, comparison of the effective number of founders per
leaf with the number of observed nlls per leaf indicates that
most infection foci initiated during contact do not contribute to
the genetic diversity of the TMV population within a leaf. In
agreement with this hypothesis, the value of N
did not depend
on the susceptibility to transmission of the recipient host,
which was much higher for Samsun than for Xanthi-nc tobacco
plants, which suggests that N
has evolved to an optimum
Thus, our results show unsuspected traits of contact trans-
mission that differ widely from vector transmission: one is that
the efficiency of contact transmission is not positively corre-
lated with virus titer in the source leaf, and the other is the
dependency of transmission efficiency on specific properties of
the source leaf. The higher rates of transmission from mature,
systemically infected leaves prompt us to speculate on a pos-
sible relationship between the rate of systemic host invasion
and the rate of transmission for a contact-transmitted virus.
Within the conceptual framework of the trade-off hypothesis of
the evolution of virulence, which assumes that within-host mul-
tiplication and between-host transmissions are linked traits, it
would thus be the rate of systemic host colonization rather
than the within-leaf multiplication rate that is the within-host
component of the viral fitness subject to selection. Future
experiments will be required to verify this hypothesis.
This work has been supported by grant AGL2008-02458/AGR from
the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n, Spain, to F.G.-A. M.D. was
supported by fellowship SENACYT-IFARHU of Panama-Programa
de Investigadores.
We thank Miguel Angel Iba´n˜ez, Department of Statistics, E.T.S.I.
Agro´nomos, Universidad Polite´cnica de Madrid, for advice with the
GLM analysis.
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... and citrus tree orchards worldwide 12,16,17 . Finally, mechanical transmission by contact is the major way of dispersal during field epidemics of economically important viruses in the genera Tobamovirus, Potexvirus, and Hordeivirus (e.g., ref. 18). ...
Full-text available
Parasites have a variety of mechanisms to be transmitted to new susceptible hosts, which can be largely grouped in two main modes: vertical (i.e., from parents to the offspring) and horizontal (i.e., between hosts regardless of descent). Because between-host dispersal is a key trait for parasite fitness, scientists studying host-parasite interactions have been long interested in understanding the evolution of their transmission mode(s). Most work in this regard has been theoretical, which resulted in the development of the so-called Continuum hypothesis . This theory states that because vertically transmitted parasites require the host to reproduce, the evolution of this mode of transmission will involve reduced virulence (i.e., the effect of infection on host fecundity) in order to allow maximal host viable progeny production. Conversely, the evolution of horizontal transmission does not have this limitation and parasites with this mode of transmission will evolve higher virulence. Therefore, a trade-off between both modes of transmission across a continuum of virulence values is predicted, with each transmission mode located at the extremes of the continuum. Using plant viruses as a focal parasite, here we review existing theory surrounding the Continuum hypothesis and the experimental work testing the predictions of the theory. Finally, we briefly discuss molecular mechanisms that may explain the existence of vertical-to-horizontal transmission trade-offs and potential implications for the management of virus epidemics.
... In animal models, barcoded viruses allow for a straightforward count of the number of viruses initiating infection 18 . Where barcoding is not possible, deep sequencing of a viral population has been used to assess the appearance or non-appearance of minor variants following the bottleneck 19 or to evaluate changes in variant frequencies during the transmission process [20][21][22][23] . Genomic studies have some limitations. ...
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The transmission bottleneck describes the number of viral particles that initiate an infection in a new host. Previous studies have used genome sequence data to suggest that transmission bottlenecks for influenza and SARS-CoV-2 involve few viral particles, but the general principles of virus transmission are not fully understood. Here we show that, across a broad range of circumstances, tight transmission bottlenecks are a simple consequence of the physical process of airborne viral transmission. We use mathematical modelling to describe the physical process of the emission and inhalation of infectious particles, deriving the result that that the great majority of transmission bottlenecks involve few viral particles. While exceptions to this rule exist, the circumstances needed to create these exceptions are likely very rare. We thus provide a physical explanation for previous inferences of bottleneck size, while predicting that tight transmission bottlenecks prevail more generally in respiratory virus transmission.
... Amarillo of isolate PV063, from C. melo than of isolates 96/5 and 92/73, from N. glauca, leads to speculate on an incipient adaptation of TMGMV to C. melo, a hypothesis that would require further analyses. The efficiency of contact transmission of tobamoviruses depends on virus titre in the source leaf, among other factors, including leaf age [67]. Thus, the low levels of TMGMV accumulation in most assayed hosts suggest inefficient transmission from and among most hosts, and do not help to explain the reported widespread occurrence of TMGMV in both anthropic and wild plant communities of a heterogeneous ecosystem [10]. ...
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The relevance of tobamoviruses to crop production is increasing due to new emergences, which cannot be understood without knowledge of the tobamovirus host range and host specificity. Recent analyses of tobamovirus occurrence in different plant communities have shown unsuspectedly large host ranges. This was the case of the tobacco mild green mosaic virus (TMGMV), which previously was most associated with solanaceous hosts. We addressed two hypotheses concerning TMGMV host range evolution: (i) ecological fitting, rather than genome evolution, determines TMGMV host range, and (ii) isolates are adapted to the host of origin. We obtained TMGMV isolates from non-solanaceous hosts and we tested the capacity of genetically closely related TMGMV isolates from three host families to infect and multiply in 10 hosts of six families. All isolates systemically infected all hosts, with clear disease symptoms apparent only in solanaceous hosts. TMGMV multiplication depended on the assayed host but not on the isolate’s host of origin, with all isolates accumulating to the highest levels in Nicotiana tabacum. Thus, results support that TMGMV isolates are adapted to hosts in the genus Nicotiana, consistent with a well-known old virus–host association. In addition, phenotypic plasticity allows Nicotiana-adapted TMGMV genotypes to infect a large range of hosts, as encountered according to plant community composition and transmission dynamics.
... diseases like leaf mosaic patterns, stunted growth and decreased crop yields. For example, aphids transmit Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) (Sacristán et al., 2011) and thrips transmit Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) (Sin et al., 2005). ...
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Insects, microbes, and plants form intricate relationships within ecosystems, with profound implications for agriculture and ecosystem sustainability. This chapter explores the multifaceted world of insect-microbe interactions, focusing on mutualistic, pathogenic, and symbiotic associations. Mutualistic interactions between insects and microbes are crucial for global food production as they help in pollination. Pathogenic interactions involve microbes exploiting insects as vectors to transmit diseases to crops, causing significant challenges for agriculture. Understanding the mechanisms of these interactions is essential for effective pest control and disease management strategies. Symbiotic relationships, where microbes reside within insect hosts, confer unique adaptations and ecological advantages. Unraveling these interactions holds promise for developing novel biocontrol agents and promoting plant growth and stress tolerance. Also, future research thrust areas and the potential for innovative strategies to enhance crop productivity, disease control, and ecosystem sustainability were briefly discussed.
... diseases like leaf mosaic patterns, stunted growth and decreased crop yields. For example, aphids transmit Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) (Sacristán et al., 2011) and thrips transmit Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) (Sin et al., 2005). ...
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Studies into insect nervous systems have greatly advanced our knowledge of how the brain functions and how connections between its individual neurons evolve during development. It reveals the mechanics by which a brain combines a massive amount of sensory information to produce proper movements and behavior. Various specialized cells that process information, drive impulses, support the functional integration of organs and systems, and produce specific behavior in response to the environment are characteristics of a complex nervous system, such as those found in insects. It begins by outlining the fundamental composition of an insect’s brain. The cellular characteristics of the various neuronal types and how neuro-secretions affect them are then examined in relation to the integrative functions of these neurons during behavior. To highlight specific aspects of integrative processing, the numerous movements that an insect makes are examined at the cellular level. The book emphasizes throughout how understanding these simpler neural systems helps us understand more complicated brains while also offering the functional synthesis that can be incorporated into the next molecular and computational studies.
... Applications of these inference methods to viral sequence data have indicated that 68 transmission bottlenecks are tight for many viral pathogens. Several studies have 69 estimated bottleneck sizes of 1-3 viral particles for plant viruses (Moury et al., 2007;70 Betancourt et al., 2008;Sacristán et al., 2011). Tight transmission bottlenecks of 1-5 71 viral particles have also been estimated for human viruses, including influenza viruses 72 Valesano et al., 2020), HIV-1 (Keele et al., 2008), and most 73 recently SARS-CoV-2 (Martin and Koelle, 2021;Nicholson et al., 2021;Braun et al., 74 2021a,b;Wang et al., 2021;Lythgoe et al., 2021;Li et al., 2022;Bendall et al., 2023). ...
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Sequencing of viral infections has become increasingly common over the last decade. Deep sequencing data in particular have proven useful in characterizing the roles that genetic drift and natural selection play in shaping within-host viral populations. They have also been used to estimate transmission bottleneck sizes from identified donor-recipient pairs. These bottleneck sizes quantify the number of viral particles that establish genetic lineages in the recipient host and are important to estimate due to their impact on viral evolution. Current approaches for estimating bottleneck sizes exclusively consider the subset of viral sites that are observed as polymorphic in the donor individual. However, allele frequencies can change dramatically over the course of an individual's infection, such that sites that are polymorphic in the donor at the time of transmission may not be polymorphic in the donor at the time of sampling and allele frequencies at donor-polymorphic sites may change dramatically over the course of a recipient's infection. Because of this, transmission bottleneck sizes estimated using allele frequencies observed at a donor's polymorphic sites may be considerable underestimates of true bottleneck sizes. Here, we present a new statistical approach for instead estimating bottleneck sizes using patterns of viral genetic variation that arose de novo within a recipient individual. Specifically, our approach makes use of the number of clonal viral variants observed in a transmission pair, defined as the number of viral sites that are monomorphic in both the donor and the recipient but carry different alleles. We first test our approach on a simulated dataset and then apply it to both influenza A virus sequence data and SARS-CoV-2 sequence data from identified transmission pairs. Our results confirm the existence of extremely tight transmission bottlenecks for these two respiratory viruses, using an approach that does not tend to underestimate transmission bottleneck sizes.
... Tobamoviruses can be readily transmitted plant-to-plant by mechanical means, including physical contact (Sacristán et al. 2011). Sunn hemp plants at the commercial seed farm where SHMoV was first detected are grown at high densities, allowing considerable physical contact between plants and a potential for virus transmission. ...
Sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) cv. Tropic Sun plants, stunted and displaying mottle and mosaic symptoms on foliage, were observed at a seed farm in Maui County, Hawaii. Lateral flow assays indicated the presence of either tobacco mosaic virus or a serologically-related virus. High-throughput sequencing results coupled with RT-PCR experiments recovered the 6,455 nt genome of a virus with an organization typical of tobamoviruses. Nucleotide and amino acid sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analyses indicated that this virus was most closely related to sunn-hemp mosaic virus, but represents a distinct species. Sunn-hemp mottle virus (SHMoV) is being proposed as the common name of this virus. Transmission electron microscopy of virus extracts purified from symptomatic leaves revealed rod-shaped particles ~320 x 22 nm in size. In inoculation studies, the experimental host range of SHMoV appeared limited to members of the plant families Fabaceae and Solanaceae. Greenhouse experiments demonstrated plant-to-plant transmission of SHMoV, that increased with ambient wind speed. Seeds from SHMoV-infected cv. Tropic Sun were collected and were either surface-disinfested or directly planted. A total of 924 seedlings germinated; two were positive for the virus, resulting in a seed transmission rate of 0.2%. Both infected plants came from the surface disinfestation treatment, suggesting the virus might be unaffected by the treatment.
Mathematical models are widely used to understand the evolution and epidemiology of plant pathogens under a variety of scenarios. We use here this approach to analyze the effects of different traits intrinsic and extrinsic to plant-virus interactions on the dynamics of virus pathotypes in genetically heterogeneous plant-virus systems. For this, we propose an agent-based epidemiological model that includes epidemiologically significant pathogen life-history traits related to virulence, transmission, and survival in the environment, and allows to integrate long and short scale transmission, primary and secondary infections, and within-host pathogen competition in mixed infections. The study focusses on the tobamovirus-pepper pathosystem. Model simulations allowed to integrate pleiotropic effects of resistance-breaking mutations on different virus life-history traits into net costs of resistance-breaking, allowing predictions on multi-year pathotype dynamics. We also explored the effects of two control measures, the use of host resistance and roguin of symptomatic plants, that modify epidemiological attributes of the pathogens, to understand how their populations will respond to evolutionary pressures. One major conclusion points to the importance of pathogen competition within mixed-infected hosts as a component of the overall fitness of each pathogen that, thus, drives their multiyear dynamics.
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Sequencing of viral infections has become increasingly common over the last decade. Deep sequencing data in particular have proven useful in characterizing the roles that genetic drift and natural selection play in shaping within-host viral populations. They have also been used to estimate transmission bottleneck sizes from identified donor-recipient pairs. These bottleneck sizes quantify the number of viral particles that establish genetic lineages in the recipient host and are important to estimate due to their impact on viral evolution. Current approaches for estimating bottleneck sizes exclusively consider the subset of viral sites that are observed as polymorphic in the donor individual. However, these approaches have the potential to substantially underestimate true transmission bottleneck sizes. Here, we present a new statistical approach for instead estimating bottleneck sizes using patterns of viral genetic variation that arise de novo within a recipient individual. Specifically, our approach makes use of the number of clonal viral variants observed in a transmission pair, defined as the number of viral sites that are monomorphic in both the donor and the recipient but carry different alleles. We first test our approach on a simulated dataset and then apply it to both influenza A virus sequence data and SARS-CoV-2 sequence data from identified transmission pairs. Our results confirm the existence of extremely tight transmission bottlenecks for these two respiratory viruses.
Viruses are studied at each level of biological complexity: from within-cells to ecosystems. The same basic evolutionary forces and principles operate at each level: mutation and recombination, selection, genetic drift, migration, and adaptive trade-offs. Great efforts have been put into understanding each level in great detail, hoping to predict the dynamics of viral population, prevent virus emergence, and manage their spread and virulence. Unfortunately, we are still far from this. To achieve these ambitious goals, we advocate for an integrative perspective of virus evolution. Focusing in plant viruses, we illustrate the pervasiveness of the above-mentioned principles. Beginning at the within-cell level, we describe replication modes, infection bottlenecks, and cellular contagion rates. Next, we move up to the colonization of distal tissues, discussing the fundamental role of random events. Then, we jump beyond the individual host and discuss the link between transmission mode and virulence. Finally, at the community level, we discuss properties of virus-plant infection networks. To close this review we propose the multilayer network theory, in which elements at different layers are connected and submit to their own dynamics that feed across layers, resulting in new emerging properties, as a way to integrate information from the different levels.
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Several evolutionary processes influence virulence, the amount of damage a parasite causes to its host. For example, parasites are favored to exploit their hosts prudently to prolong infection and avoid killing the host. Parasites also need to use some host resources to reproduce and transmit infections to new hosts. Thus parasites face a tradeoff between prudent exploitation and rapid reproduction-a life history tradeoff between longevity and fecundity. Other tradeoffs among components of parasite fitness also influence virulence. For example, competition among parasite genotypes favors rapid growth to achieve greater relative success within the host. Rapid growth may, however, lower the total productivity of the local group by overexploiting the host, which is a potentially renewable food supply. This is a problem of kin selection and group selection. I summarize models of parasite virulence with the theoretical tools of life history analysis, kin selection, and epidemiology. I then apply the theory to recent empirical studies and models of virulence. These applications, to nematodes, to the extreme virulence of hospital epidemics, and to bacterial meningitis, show the power of simple life history theory to highlight interesting questions and to provide a rich array of hypotheses. These examples also show the kinds of conceptual mistakes that commonly arise when only a few components of parasite fitness are analysed in isolation. The last part of the article connects standard models of parasite virulence to diverse topics, such as the virulence of bacterial plasmids, the evolution of genomes, and the processes that influenced conflict and cooperation among the earliest replicators near the origin of life.
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Health authorities worldwide, especially in the Asia Pacific region, are seeking effective public-health interventions in the continuing epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). We assessed the epidemiology of SARS in Hong Kong. METHODS: We included 1425 cases reported up to April 28, 2003. An integrated database was constructed from several sources containing information on epidemiological, demographic, and clinical variables. We estimated the key epidemiological distributions: infection to onset, onset to admission, admission to death, and admission to discharge. We measured associations between the estimated case fatality rate and patients' age and the time from onset to admission. FINDINGS: After the initial phase of exponential growth, the rate of confirmed cases fell to less than 20 per day by April 28. Public-health interventions included encouragement to report to hospital rapidly after the onset of clinical symptoms, contact tracing for confirmed and suspected cases, and quarantining, monitoring, and restricting the travel of contacts. The mean incubation period of the disease is estimated to be 6.4 days (95% CI 5.2-7.7). The mean time from onset of clinical symptoms to admission to hospital varied between 3 and 5 days, with longer times earlier in the epidemic. The estimated case fatality rate was 13.2% (9.8-16.8) for patients younger than 60 years and 43.3% (35.2-52.4) for patients aged 60 years or older assuming a parametric gamma distribution. A non-parametric method yielded estimates of 6.8% (4.0-9.6) and 55.0% (45.3-64.7), respectively. Case clusters have played an important part in the course of the epidemic. INTERPRETATION: Patients' age was strongly associated with outcome. The time between onset of symptoms and admission to hospital did not alter outcome, but shorter intervals will be important to the wider population by restricting the infectious period before patients are placed in quarantine.
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In recent years, population and evolutionary biologists have questioned the traditional view that parasite-mediated morbidity and mortality—virulence—is a primitive character and an artifact of recent associations between parasites and their hosts. A number of hypotheses have been proposed that favor virulence and suggest that it will be maintained by natural selection. According to some of these hypotheses, the pathogenicity of HIV, Vibrio cholerae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the Shigella, as well as Plasmodium falciparum, and many other microparasites, are not only maintained by natural selection, but their virulence increases or decreases as an evolutionary response to changes in environmental conditions or the density and/or behavior of the human population. Other hypotheses propose that the virulence of microparasites is not directly favored by natural selection; rather, microparasite-mediated morbidity and mortality are either coincidental to parasite-expressed characters (virulence determinants that evolved for other functions) or the product of shortsighted evolution in infected hosts. These hypotheses for the evolution and maintenance of mi-croparasite virulence are critically reviewed, and suggestions are made for testing them experimentally.
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Viruses that infect plants are responsible for reduction in both yield and quality of crops around the world, and are thus of great economic importance. This has provided the impetus for the extensive research into the molecular and cellular biology of these pathogens and into their interaction with their plant hosts and their vectors. However interest in plant viruses extends beyond their ability to damage crops. Many plant viruses, for example tobacco mosaic virus, have been used as model systems to provide basic understanding of how viruses express genes and replicate. Others permitted the elucidation of the processes underlying RNA silencing, now recognised as a core epigenetic mechanism underpinning numerous areas of biology. This book attests to the huge diversity of research in plant molecular virology. Written by world authorities in the field, the book opens with two chapters on the translation and replication of viral RNA. Following chapters cover topics such as viral movement within and between plants, plant responses to viral infection, antiviral control measures, virus evolution, and newly emerging plant viruses. To close there are two chapters on biotechnological applications of plant viruses. Throughout the book the focus is on the most recent, cutting-edge research, making this book essential reading for everyone, from researchers and scholars to students, working with plant viruses.
This is the standard and definitive reference for virus taxonomy, generated by the ICTV approximately every 3 years. The VIII ICTV Virus Taxonomy Report provides information on 3 orders of viruses, 73 families, 9 subfamilies, 287 genera and 1938 virus species, illustrated by more than 429 pictures and diagrams, most of them in color.
1. Introduction 2. Estimation 3. Hypothesis testing 4. Graphical exploration of data 5. Correlation and regression 6. Multiple regression and correlation 7. Design and power analysis 8. Comparing groups or treatments - analysis of variance 9. Multifactor analysis of variance 10. Randomized blocks and simple repeated measures: unreplicated two-factor designs 11. Split plot and repeated measures designs: partly nested anovas 12. Analysis of covariance 13. Generalized linear models and logistic regression 14. Analyzing frequencies 15. Introduction to multivariate analyses 16. Multivariate analysis of variance and discriminant analysis 17. Principal components and correspondence analysis 18. Multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis 19. Presentation of results.