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Y chromosome diversity among the Iranian religious groups: A reservoir of genetic variation

Taylor & Francis
Annals of Human Biology

Abstract and Figures

Iran is ethnically, linguistically and religiously diverse. However, little is known about the population genetics of Iranian religious communities. This study was performed in order to define the different paternal components of the Iranian gene pool. Fourteen Y chromosome bi-allelic markers were analysed in 130 male subjects from Assyrian, Armenian and Zoroastrian groups in comparison with 208 male subjects from three Iranian Muslim groups. Among the three Iranian Muslim groups, the Uromian people possessed a particularly close genetic relationship to the Armenian, whereas the Zoroastrian group was different from the Uromian, but had a close genetic relationship to the two other Muslim groups (Kermanian and Shirazian). The genetic results indicate a relationship between Armenian and Assyrian groups in Iran and a clear distinction of the former from the Zoroastrian group. However, Assyrians had elevated frequency (40%) of R*(xR1a) and low frequency (11%) of J. The results of this study may suggest that the Assyrian population either experienced Eurasian gene flow (possibly from Armenia) or that enforced relocations and expulsion of conquered people with different origin led to the integration of descendants with R haplogroup. This could also be due to genetic drift due to small population size and endogamy resulting from religious barriers.
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Y chromosome diversity among the Iranian religious groups: A reservoir
of genetic variation
Zahra Lashgary
, Ahmad Khodadadi
, Yoginder Singh
, Seyed Massoud Houshmand
Frouzandeh Mahjoubi
, Prithviraj Sharma
, Shweta Singh
, Mahtab Seyedin
, Amit Srivastava
Mitra Ataei
, Zeinab Sadat Mohammadi
, Nima Rezaei
, Rameshwar N. K. Bamezai
Mohammad Hossein Sanati
National Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Tehran, Iran,
Department of Statistics, Shahid Beheshti
University, Tehran, Iran,
National Centre of Applied Human Genetics, School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi, India,
Molecular Immunology Research Center, and Department of Immunology, School of Medicine,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, and
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Pediatrics Center of
Excellence, Children’s Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Background: Iran is ethnically, linguistically and religiously
diverse. However, little is known about the population
genetics of Iranian religious communities.
Aim: This study was performed in order to define the different
paternal components of the Iranian gene pool.
Subjects and methods: Fourteen Y chromosome bi-allelic
markers were analysed in 130 male subjects from Assyrian,
Armenian and Zoroastrian groups in comparison with 208 male
subjects from three Iranian Muslim groups.
Results: Among the three Iranian Muslim groups, the Uromian
people possessed a particularly close genetic relationship to
the Armenian, whereas the Zoroastrian group was different
from the Uromian, but had a close genetic relationship to the
two other Muslim groups (Kermanian and Shirazian).
The genetic results indicate a relationship between Armenian
and Assyrian groups in Iran and a clear distinction of the former
from the Zoroastrian group. However, Assyrians had elevated
frequency (40%) of R*(xR1a) and low frequency (11%) of J.
Conclusion: The results of this study may suggest that the
Assyrian population either experienced Eurasian gene flow
(possibly from Armenia) or that enforced relocations and
expulsion of conquered people with different origin led to the
integration of descendants with R haplogroup. This could also
be due to genetic drift due to small population size and
endogamy resulting from religious barriers.
Keywords: Y chromosome, Iran, Assyrian, Armenian,
recombining region in the genome, which is transmitted
unchanged strictly paternally from father to son. Haplogroups
derived from single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the
non-recombining portion make the Y chromosome a very
important system to use in human population evolutionary
studies (Hammer and Horai 1995; Jobling and Tyler-Smith
1995; 2003; Underhill et al. 1996; 2000; Bertranpetit 2000;
Bouakaze et al. 2007; Sharma et al. 2009). Although there are
several reports on Y chromosome variations in Iranian
populations (Wells et al. 2001; Nasidze et al. 2006; 2008;
Regueiro et al. 2006), little is known about religious minority
groups in Iran (Akbari et al. 1986). In the present study, we
investigated patterns of Y chromosome variation in the
Christian (Armenian and Assyrian) and Zoroastrian religious
communities and compared them with Muslims in the same
geographic area as well as published data from their putative
source population.
Iran has more than 70 million people with diverse ethnic,
linguistic and religious backgrounds. Approximately 89% of
Iranians are Shia Muslims. The rest, including Sunni Muslim,
Christian (Armenian and Assyrian), Zoroastrian and Jewish
communities, constitute ,11% (Statistical Centre 2006).
Armenian Iranians are people with Armenian descent.
Historic Armenia has been described as the land of the three
lakes: Van, which is now in Turkey, Sevan in present-day
Correspondence: Mohammad Hossein Sanati, National Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, PO Box 141556343 Tehran,
Islamic Republic of Iran. E-mail:
(Received 18 February 2010; accepted 11 October 2010)
Annals of Human Biology, May June 2011; 38(3): 364–371
Copyright qInforma UK, Ltd.
ISSN 0301-4460 print/ISSN 1464-5033 online
DOI: 10.3109/03014460.2010.535562
Ann Hum Biol Downloaded from by McGill University on 06/16/12
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Armenia and Uromia in Iran. Their current population is
somewhere around 100 000 (Statistical Centre 2006).
Armenians traditionally lived in Northwestern Iran,
adjacent to the historic Armenian homeland in what is
now Eastern Turkey, from which they were forcibly resettled
in the 17th century. Today, they mostly live in Tehran
(capital of Iran) and the rest live in Isfahan, Julfa district and
other cities (Bournoutian 1994). Since antiquity, there has
always been much interaction between ancient Armenia and
Persia (Iran). Prior to the 3
century AD, Iran had more
influence on Armenia’s culture than any of its other
neighbours. They shared many religious and cultural
characteristics and inter-marriage among Iranian and
Armenian nobility was common. Armenia’s conversion to
Christianity in 301 and Persian conversion to Islam in the
7th century alienated them from each other. In the
11th century, the Seljuk Turks drove thousands of
Armenians to Iranian Azerbaijan. Although Armenians
have a long history of interaction with Persia/Iran, Iran’s
Armenian community emerged when Shah Abbas relocated
tens of thousands of Armenians from Nakhichevan to an
area of Isfahan called New Julfa, which was created to
become an Armenian quarter (Bournoutian 1994).
Assyrians are one of the oldest surviving Christian
groups. It is believed that the majority of Assyrians
descended from ancient Assyrians that lived in the historic
land of Mesopotamia. Assyrians are considered to be one of
the indigenous people of the Middle East whose origins lie
in the Fertile Crescent. Their homeland was thought to be
located in the area around the Tigris and Euphrates (Parpola
2000). The Assyrians spread the highest civilization from the
Caspian to Cyprus, from Anatolia to Egypt. Historical
sources show that the Assyrian Empire had a very distinctive
strategic programme for reducing rebellion among con-
quered people and controlling them. A typical Assyrian
policy was to obliterate national identities by moving
conquered people en masse from their location and placing
them inside the Assyrian Empire. They then imposed their
culture, traditions, language, customs and other social
religious ideologies onto those they conquered and within a
few generations they became assimilated into the Empire as
loyal Assyrians. The result was that the Neo-Assyrian Empire
was a multi-ethnic state composed of many peoples and
tribes of different origins (Parpola 2004a). When Nineveh,
capital of Assyria, was destroyed in 612 BC, many Assyrians
fled to the isolated mountains of Kurdistan; some settled in
Uromia in northwestern Persia and others scattered
throughout Asia Minor. Today their homeland is divided
between Northern Iraq, Syria, Western Iran and Turkey’s
Southeastern Anatolia (Parpola 2004b). Many individuals
migrated to the Caucasus, North America and Europe
during the past century. Today, there are ,30 000 Assyrian
Christians in Iran, who belong to the Chaldean Catholic
Church. Assyrian settlements in northwestern Iran are
located in Uromia (West Azarbaijan Province).
Zoroastrians originate from ancient Persia, now Iran.
Zoroastrianism is said to be the first monotheistic religion.
Zoroastrians in Iran have a long history, being the oldest
religious community of that nation to survive to the
present-day. Prior to the Muslim Arab invasion and
conquest of Persia, Zoroastrianism was the primary religion
of the Persian people (Mehr 1991). However, they
subsequently moved to the North of Pars, mainly in the
regions of Yazd and Kerman, where even today the main
Zoroastrian communities are found with estimated
frequency of ,20 000 (Statistical Centre 2006).
The estimated number of Zoroastrians in the world is
,200 000. More than half of the world’s Zoroastrian
population lives in India, where they are known as ‘Parsees’
(people of Persia). Only small pockets of Zoroastrians
remain in Iran, where it was the dominant religion until the
coming of Islam in the 7
century (Mehr 1991). Therefore,
the Zoroastrians of Iran are not just a minority; they are the
indigenous people of the country. So, the study of
Zoroastrian people in different parts of the world will play
a decisive part in reconstructing the religion and social
structure of the Indo-European peoples.
Samples of all six different male populations in this study
were collected after obtaining proper informed consent;
information about birthplace, parents and grandparents was
also obtained from all donors. The minority groups included
Assyrian (55 subjects from Uromia and Tehran), Armenian
(38 subjects from Tehran) and Zoroastrian (37 subjects from
Kerman). The majority groups (three Muslim groups)
included 51 subjects from Shiraz, 66 subjects from Kerman
and 91 subjects from Uromia; we named these populations
Shirazian, Kermanian and Uromian, respectively (Figure 1).
Efforts were made to ensure that the subjects in this study are
not related and all of the grandparents of each subject are
from the same ethnic group as the subject. DNA was isolated
from blood drawn leukocytes, using Flexi Gene DNA Kit
reagents according to the manufacturer’s instructions. DNA
was stored at 2208C after extraction.
Male subjects were analysed for Y chromosomes SNP. Fourteen
binary genetic markers were genotyped using standard
methods, including PCR/RFLP, forced PCR-RFLP, sequencing
and the YAP polymorphic Alu insertion. The DNA fragments
were separated by 0.5 X TAE, 1– 3% agarose gel electrophoresis
and scored subsequent to ethidium bromide staining and UV
light photography. These markers were 10 base-pair
substitutions, SRY10831 (also termed SRY-1532) (Whitfield
et al. 1995), 92R7 (Hurles et al. 1999), M9 (Underhill et al.
1997), M2/sY81 (Thomas et al. 1999), LLY22 g, P36.2, M207,
M106, M170 and M11, one single base pair deletion; M17, five
base pair deletion; M175 (Cox 2006), one Alu insert; YAP
(Thomas et al. 1999), and the 12f2 deletion(Rosser et al. 2000).
Primers sequences with additional details are provided in
Table I. This set of Y-chromosomal binary polymorphisms
allowed us to identify 16 possible haplogroups (Figure 2). The
Y-SNP haplogroup nomenclature used here is according to
the terminological convention recommendations of the
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Y-Chromosome Consortium (YCC) and Michael Hammer
(Hammer 2002; Karafet et al. 2008). All binary markers that
were excluded by our genotyping strategy are noted within
parentheses after an initial ‘x’ symbol. The phylogenetic
relationship of the Y-chromosome haplogroups, based on the
14 biallelic markers analysed here, is shown in Figure 2.
Comparative data sets analysis included data for the
populations examined here, as well as data for the Armenian
(Weale et al. 2001) and the Assyrian (Yonan 2009)
populations examined before.
Several basic parameters of molecular diversity and
population genetic structure, including diversity of hap-
logroups, pairwise F
values, analyses of molecular variance
(AMOVA) and Mantel tests were calculated, using the
software package Arlequin 3.1 (Excoffier et al. 2006).
The statistical significance of F
values was estimated based
on 10 000 permutations, under the null hypothesis assuming
no difference between the compared populations. Multi-
dimensional scaling (MDS) analysis of pairwise F
was conducted using the SPSS 16.0 statistical software
program. Since SPSS converts negative values into missing
values, the genetic distances were scaled up to be all-positive.
Haplogroup frequencies were compared using
p-value of less than 0.05 was considered significant.
Table II presents Y-SNP haplogroup frequencies in the six
populations. Overall 12 haplogroups were observed in this
study with 12 haplogroups in the Kermanian, 11 in the
Uromian, 10 in the Shirazian, nine in the Armenian,
nine in the Assyrian and only eight in the Zoroastrian.
Y*(xDE,I,J,K), R*(xR1a) and J were the major haplogroups
observed in the Armenian and Assyrian samples, accounting
for 68.4% and 76.3% in the two populations, respectively.
Y*(xDE,I,J,K), R1a1 and K*(xL1,M1,N1,O,P) were the most
prevalent haplogroups in the Zoroastrian (81%).
The most frequent haplogroups found in Muslims were
Y*(xDE,I,J,K), R*(xR1a) and R1a1, accounting for 66%
of the Kermanian, Y*(xDE,I,J,K), R*(xR1a) and DE(xE1b1a)
in the Uromian (60%). The most frequent Y chromosomes
in Shirazian belonged to haplogroups Y*(xDE,I,J,K),
R*(R1a) and P (68.6%).
The Zoroastrian population presented a low haplo-
group diversity (0.7012) compared to the other populations
(0.7643 0.8435). Haplogroup frequencies in the Armenian,
Kermanian and Uromian groups were relatively dispersed,
indicating higher diversity in these populations.
Haplogroup frequencies in these six populations are
displayed graphically in Figure 1.
Comparisons of haplogroup frequency among the groups
showed that frequency of haplogroup R*(xR1a) in the
Assyrian was significantly different from haplogroup R*(xR1a)
frequency in the Armenian and Zoroastrian (
df ¼2, p¼0.010) and three Muslim groups (
df ¼3, p,0.01).
Figure 1. Geographical locations of the populations and frequencies of Y haplogroups in each population.
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Table I. Primers and polymorphic states for binary polymorphisms demarking of the Y-chromosome haplogroups.
Clade Marker Mutation Primer sequence 50!30
size (bp)
size (bp)
size (bp)
1 A-T (SRY1038)
167 DraIII 167 112.55
413.99 N/A 99 413
142 Nla III 105.37 142
340 Hinf I 172.100 68 240.100
88 N/A 88 No product
118 Nla III 99.19 118
572 TaqI 348.224 224.185 163
444 Ear I 357.87 444
205 Msp I 205 183.22
202 Hind III 202.115 87 202
709 Hind III 709.512 197 709
422 Dra I 345.77 422
123 Taq I 102.21 123
333 sequencing 4G 3G
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Then, individual haplogroup frequencies in the Iranian
Assyrians were compared with Assyrian data samples from
Iraqi, Syrian, Lebanese and Diaspora (Yonan 2009); J (J1
and J2) haplogroup was found at significantly lower
frequency in the Iranian Assyrian than in the Yonans
Assyrian dataset (11% vs 55%, respectively, p,0.01).
Conversely, R*(xR1a) haplogroup was at significantly higher
frequency in the Iranian Assyrian (40%) than in the Yonan’s
Assyrian dataset (40% vs 23.1%, respectively, p¼0.037).
The Y-SNP M-207 and P36, which distinguishes
haplogroup P from parahaplogroups R and Q, had not
been analysed for the Armenian populations in previously
published data (Weale et al. 2001). To compare Weale’s dataset
with our samples, these individuals were classified as
haplogroup P*(xR1a), while some unknown proportion
could be haplogroup R*(xR1a) and Q. To determine if this
inability to distinguish between these haplogroups for some
groups influences the results of F
analyses, we classified all
haplogroups P, Q and R individuals as haplogroup P*(xR1a)
and repeated the analyses. The results (data are not shown)
were not essentially identical; thus the inability to distinguish
between haplogroups P from R and Q in some groups
influences our conclusions. Since failure to distinguish among
these haplogroups could lead to inaccurate conclusions, we
used our data set from the Armenian group in the all analyses.
We calculated genetic distances among populations
(Table III). Pairwise F
comparisons showed that the Assyrian
and Armenian groups were not significantly different from
each other (F
¼0.02029, p¼0.091); in contrast, Zoroas-
trians were more distant from the Assyrians (F
p¼0.000). The Armenians showed slightly significant
differences with Zoroastrians in the analysis (F
Pairwise F
comparisons did not show significant
differences between the Uromian and the Armenian groups
¼0.00268, p¼0.517); however, the results were also not
significantly different from two other Muslim groups,
Shirazian and Kermanian (F
¼0.00403 and 0.00579;
p¼0.281 and 0.245, respectively).
There was no significant difference between Shirazian,
Kermanian groups and the Zoroastrian (F
¼0.01087 and
0.01389; p¼0.182 and 0.131, respectively), while the
Zoroastrians were significantly different from the Uromian
¼0.03419, p¼0.016). Pairwise test indicated that these
Muslim populations were significantly different from the
Assyrian ( p,0.02).
The MDS analysis illustrated these patterns. The MDS
analysis performed on a matrix of F
values based on
haplogroup frequencies for the populations (Table III) is
displayed in Figure 3. Within the plot, the Muslim
populations (Kermanian, Uromian and Shirazian) occupy
an intermediate position with populations from Assyrians to
one side and Zoroastrians on the other side. Of note, for the
observed partitioning is the affinity of Armenian to
Figure 2. Rooted maximum parsimony tree of haplogroups. Marker
names are indicated below the lines and lineage names are shown above
the lines, but the length of each branch has no significance.
Table II. Haplogroup frequencies in six populations.
Haplogroup Kerman Muslims Shiraz Muslims Uromia Muslims Armenian Assyrian Zoroastrian
R1a1 8 2 8 1 2 6
R*(xR1a) 13 7 16 7 22 3
L1 1 2 3 1 0 1
K*(xL1,M1,N1,O,P) 6 5 2 2 1 5
Y*(xDE,I,J,K) 23 20 28 13 14 19
DE*(xE1b1a) 1 2 11 3 1 1
E1b1a 1 0 0 0 0 0
Q1 1 1 3 0 2 0
Total 66 51 91 38 55 37
Haplogroup diversity 0.8177 ^0.0314 0.7898 ^0.0457 0.8435 ^0.0224 0.8265 ^0.0399 0.7643 ^0.0398 0.7012 ^0.0687
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Uromian. The closeness was clearly shown in the MDS plot;
the F
distance between these populations presented an
insignificant value.
When AMOVA analysis compared all populations as
unitary groups, it showed a partition of variance within
populations (97.82%) and among populations (2.18%)
to be significant ( p,0.001; Table IV). The total samples
could also be sub-divided according to religion (Muslim,
Christian and Zoroastrian). Using this category, we found
that the proportion of variation among the sub-populations
was insignificant ( p.0.05; Table IV) among the religion
groups. Moreover, the Mantel test revealed no correlation
between religion affiliation and Y-SNP based genetic
distances (r¼0.27, p¼0.14). These results suggest that in
spite of obvious religious differences between groups, their
Y chromosome gene pool remains largely shared.
The presence of R haplogroup in the Iranian Assyrian as
well as other Assyrians from Iraqi, Syrian and Lebanese in
the Fertile Crescent can be explained as a consequence of
the integration and assimilation of conquered people with
different origins into the Assyrian Empire many years ago
leading to the integration of descendants with R
haplogroup. The difference in R*(xR1a) frequency
between the Iranian Assyrian (40%) and other Assyrian
populations in the Fertile Crescent (23%) may have
emerged due to genetic drift. In the last 2000 years,
Christian Assyrians have always lived in the Middle East as
a religious minority. Therefore, some divergence due to
genetic drift may be expected. Moreover, because of their
history of dispersal and isolation due to religious barriers
and endogamy for many generations, the Assyrians have
probably experienced a strong reduction in effective
population size. This reduced effective population size
may explain the present-day incidence of some Y
haplogroups somewhat higher or lower than previous ad
hoc estimates. R clade has its roots in Eurasia, where it has
differentiated into various branches. This haplogroup is
present at a high frequency (more than 50%) in Eurasia
(Semino et al. 2000; Bosch et al. 2001; Karafet et al. 2001;
Wells et al. 2001). So, it can be suggested that modern
Assyrian populations have some Eurasian origin. This
makes a lot of sense, because the Armenians moved from
there to the Caucasus and were the only other group that
Assyrians married within the region since they shared the
same religion.
The slightly significant differences of the Armenians from
the Zoroastrians with respect to the Y chromosome could
suggest that after the conversion of Armenia to Christianity
and Persian conversion to Islam, male-mediated gene flow
between them was probably very limited. Thus, these two
populations became slightly significantly different
(p¼0.041) from one another at the genetic level. Overall,
it appears that religious isolation and small population sizes,
especially in the Zoroastrian community (,20 000), have
Table III. Population pairwise FSTs. Computing conventional F-statistics from haplogroup frequencies.
Armenian Assyrian Zoroastrian Kermanian Uromian Shirazian
Armenian 0.091 0.041 0.281 0.516 0.245
Assyrian 0.02029 0.000 0.016 0.008 0.004
Zoroastrian 0.03413 0.10967 0.130 0.016 0.181
Kermanian 0.00403 0.03073 0.01389 0.185 0.409
Uromian 20.00268 0.03072 0.03419 0.00735 – 0.066
Shirazian 0.00579 0.05362 0.01087 20.00025 0.01415
Lower left triangle ¼genetic distance; upper right triangle ¼p-values for population differentiation. Bold ¼significant data.
Figure 3. MDS plots based on pairwise F
values, showing relationships
among three Iranian Muslims from Shiraz, Uromia and Kerman
(M ¼Muslim) and three Armenian, Assyrian and Zoroastrian
populations (Stress value ¼0.1145).
Table IV. AMOVA results before and after grouping.
Source of variation
of variation
Before grouping*
Among populations 0.00869 2.12
Within populations 0.40125 97.88
Total 0.40995
After grouping**
Among groups [0.00719] 1.74
Among populations within groups [0.00399] 0.97
Within populations [0.40126] 97.29
Total 0.41243
*p,0.001; **p.0.05.
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led to genetic drift and enhanced genetic differentiation with
other groups (Muslims and Armenian) in Iran. The close
affinity of the Uromians and Armenians in our study could
suggest that the closer geographic proximity between the
Armenian homeland and Uromia in north western Iran
(Figure 1) may have facilitated gene flow between those two
groups through conversion to Islam. The phylogenetic
resolution of this study was partly limited by the relatively
small number of markers typed. A wider survey is needed
to provide a comprehensive view of Y-chromosomal
variation in the whole area. Analysis of a higher resolution
dataset will provide a better opportunity to infer the
composition of the founding Iranian religious minority
paternal gene pool and to distinguish lineages that may have
entered these populations after their arrival in Persia.
We are grateful to all the donors for providing blood
samples and to the Assyrian, Armenian and Zoroastrian
societies for their valuable collaboration in collecting the
cases. In particular, we would like to thank Dr Mehran
Shahravan and Dr Esmaiel Sanei Moghadam for
arranging sampling from Zoroastrians and Muslims in
Kerman. We wish to thank the personnel and students, of
lab 322 in School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru
University, New Delhi, India.
Declaration of interest: We are thankful to the ‘National
Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology’,
Tehran, Iran, and the ‘National Research Institute for
Science policy’, Tehran, Iran, for their financial support. The
authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are
responsible for the content and writing of the paper.
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... For example, Farjadian et al. 7 analysed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in 14 different ethnic groups from Iran and observed that Zoroastrians and Jews were genetically distinct from other groups. In the same vein, Lashgary et al. 8 analysed fourteen bi-allelic loci from the non-recombining region of the Ychromosome (NRY) and observed a notable reduction in haplogroup diversity in Iranian Zoroastrians compared with all other groups. Furthermore, a recent study using genome-wide autosomal DNA found that haplotype patterns in Iranian Zoroastrians matched more than other modern Iranian groups to a high coverage early Neolithic farmer genome from Iran 9 . ...
... While genetic distance among groups is not large overall (e.g. typically FST < 0.04), similar to Jewish groups from these regions, the Onge from the isolated Andaman Islands, and the Indian Kharia, an indigenous tribal ethnic group that has been isolated from other groups 65 , Zoroastrians were strongly genetically differentiated from non-Zoroastrians under each of these three measures, agreeing with previous work 7, 8,66 . For example, the genetic distance between Iranian . ...
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Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest extant religions in the world, originating in Persia (present-day Iran) during the second millennium BCE. Historical records indicate that migrants from Persia brought Zoroastrianism to India, but there is debate over the timing of these migrations. Here we present novel genome-wide autosomal, Y-chromosome and mitochondrial data from Iranian and Indian Zoroastrians and neighbouring modern-day Indian and Iranian populations to conduct the first genome-wide genetic analysis in these groups. Using powerful haplotype-based techniques, we show that Zoroastrians in Iran and India show increased genetic homogeneity relative to other sampled groups in their respective countries, consistent with their current practices of endogamy. Despite this, we show that Indian Zoroastrians (Parsis) intermixed with local groups sometime after their arrival in India, dating this mixture to 690-1390 CE and providing strong evidence that the migrating group was largely comprised of Zoroastrian males. By exploiting the rich information in DNA from ancient human remains, we also highlight admixture in the ancestors of Iranian Zoroastrians dated to 570 BCE-746 CE, older than admixture seen in any other sampled Iranian group, consistent with a long-standing isolation of Zoroastrians from outside groups. Finally, we report genomic regions showing signatures of positive selection in present-day Zoroastrians that might correlate to the prevalence of particular diseases amongst these communities.
... For example, Farjadian et al. 10 analyzed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in 14 different ethnic groups from Iran and observed that Zoroastrians and Jews were genetically distinct from other groups. In the same vein, Lashgary et al. 11 analyzed 14 bi-allelic loci from the non-recombining region of the Y chromosome (NRY) and observed a notable reduction in haplogroup diversity in Iranian Zoroastrians compared with all other groups. Furthermore, a recent study using genome-wide autosomal DNA found that haplotype patterns in Iranian Zoroastrians matched more than other modern Iranian groups to a high-coverage early Neolithic farmer genome from Iran. 12 Less is known about the genetic landscape and the origins of Zoroastrianism in India, despite Parsis representing more than 80% of present-day Zoroastrians worldwide. ...
... However, similar to Jewish groups from these regions, the Onge from the isolated Andaman Islands, and the Indian Kharia, an indigenous tribal ethnic group that has been isolated from other groups, 57 Zoroastrians were relatively strongly genetically differentiated from non-Zoroastrians under each of these measures, agreeing with previous work. 10,11,58 For example, the genetic distance between Iranian Zoroastrians and non-Jewish, non-Zoroastrians from Iran ranged from 0.015 to 0.029 for F ST and from 0.544 to 0.551 for TVD, with each distance measure larger than the maximum such measure between any two non-Zoroastrian, non-Jewish Iranian groups (0.011 and 0.164, respectively) (Table S3). Similarly, excluding the Onge and Kharia, the genetic distances between Parsis and non-Zoroastrians from India ranged from 0.014 to 0.028 for F ST and from 0.221 to 0.278 for TVD, with each measure larger than the maximum distance between any two other non-Zoroastrian Indian groups (0.002-0.008 and 0.058-0.122, ...
... Turkmens (72.55%) and Yazidis (22.64%). Such low UH values observed for the Syriac and Yazidi ethnic groups are perhaps reflective of the well-documented isolation and/or strict, religious endogamy in these communities [7,35]. The observed DC values for each population dataset also exhibited significant variations, ranging from 47.17% for Yazidis to 89.42% for Kurds and intermediate values for the other three ethnicities (Table 2). ...
... Such an observation seems to be in line with genetic distance calculations based on a different method, namely Nei's D A genetic distance, whereby the Northern Iraqi Syriac and Yazidi populations from the current study were found to position in the middle of a genetic continuum between the Near East and Southeastern Europe. Earlier Y-chromosomal haplogroup distribution data on Syriacs from Northern Iraq (n = 7) and Iran (n = 48 and 55) suggested an overall dominance by the R and J haplogroups [35,39,45]. In particular, in the most recent study with the highest haplogroup resolution (n = 48), R1a, R1b, J1 and J2 sub-clades were found to account for 8%, 29%, 15% and 15% in that order among Assyrians from Iran [39]. ...
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Widely considered as one of the cradles of human civilization, Mesopotamia is largely situated in the Republic of Iraq, which is also the birthplace of the Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian civilizations. These lands were subsequently ruled by the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Mongolians, Ottomans and finally British prior to the independence. As a direct consequence of this rich history, the contemporary Iraqi population comprises a true mosaic of different ethnicities, which includes Arabs, Kurds, Turkmens, Assyrians, and Yazidis among others. As such, the genetics of the contemporary Iraqi populations are of anthropological and forensic interest. In an effort to contribute to a better understanding of the genetic basis of this ethnic diversity, a total of 500 samples were collected from Northern Iraqi volunteers belonging to five major ethnic groups, namely: Arabs (n = 102), Kurds (n = 104), Turkmens (n = 102), Yazidis (n = 106) and Syriacs (n = 86). 17-loci Y-STR analyses were carried out using the AmpFlSTR Yfiler system, and subsequently in silico haplogroup assignments were made to gain insights from a molecular anthropology perspective. Systematic comparisons of the paternal lineages of these five Northern Iraqi ethnic groups, not only among themselves but also in the context of the larger genetic landscape of the Near East and beyond, were then made through the use of two different genetic distance metric measures and the associated data visualization methods. Taken together, results from the current study suggested the presence of intricate Y-chromosomal lineage patterns among the five ethic groups analyzed, wherein both interconnectivity and independent microvariation were observed in parallel, albeit in a differential manner. Notably, the novel Y-STR data on Turkmens, Syriacs and Yazidis from Northern Iraq constitute the first of its kind in the literature. Data presented herein is expected to contribute to further population and forensic investigations in Northern Iraq in particular and the Near East in general.
... For example, Farjadian et al. 10 analyzed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in 14 different ethnic groups from Iran and observed that Zoroastrians and Jews were genetically distinct from other groups. In the same vein, Lashgary et al. 11 analyzed 14 bi-allelic loci from the non-recombin- ing region of the Y chromosome (NRY) and observed a notable reduction in haplogroup diversity in Iranian Zoro- astrians compared with all other groups. Furthermore, a recent study using genome-wide autosomal DNA found that haplotype patterns in Iranian Zoroastrians matched more than other modern Iranian groups to a high-coverage early Neolithic farmer genome from Iran. 12 Less is known about the genetic landscape and the ori- gins of Zoroastrianism in India, despite Parsis representing more than 80% of present-day Zoroastrians worldwide. ...
... However, similar to Jewish groups from these regions, the Onge from the iso- lated Andaman Islands, and the Indian Kharia, an indige- nous tribal ethnic group that has been isolated from other groups, 57 Zoroastrians were relatively strongly genetically differentiated from non-Zoroastrians under each of these measures, agreeing with previous work. 10,11,58 For example, the genetic distance between Iranian Zoroas- trians and non-Jewish, non-Zoroastrians from Iran ranged from 0.015 to 0.029 for F ST and from 0.544 to 0.551 for TVD, with each distance measure larger than the maximum such measure between any two non-Zoroas- trian, non-Jewish Iranian groups (0.011 and 0.164, respec- tively) (Table S3). Similarly, excluding the Onge and Kharia, the genetic distances between Parsis and non-Zoro- astrians from India ranged from 0.014 to 0.028 for F ST and from 0.221 to 0.278 for TVD, with each measure larger than the maximum distance between any two other non- Zoroastrian Indian groups (0.002-0.008 and 0.058-0.122, ...
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Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest extant religions in the world, originating in Persia (present-day Iran) during the second millennium BCE. Historical records indicate that migrants from Persia brought Zoroastrianism to India, but there is debate over the timing of these migrations. Here we present genome-wide autosomal, Y chromosome, and mitochondrial DNA data from Iranian and Indian Zoroastrians and neighboring modern-day Indian and Iranian populations and conduct a comprehensive genome-wide genetic analysis in these groups. Using powerful haplotype-based techniques, we find that Zoroastrians in Iran and India have increased genetic homogeneity relative to other sampled groups in their respective countries, consistent with their current practices of endogamy. Despite this, we infer that Indian Zoroastrians (Parsis) intermixed with local groups sometime after their arrival in India, dating this mixture to 690–1390 CE and providing strong evidence that Iranian Zoroastrian ancestry was maintained primarily through the male line. By making use of the rich information in DNA from ancient human remains, we also highlight admixture in the ancestors of Iranian Zoroastrians dated to 570 BCE–746 CE, older than admixture seen in any other sampled Iranian group, consistent with a long-standing isolation of Zoroastrians from outside groups. Finally, we report results, and challenges, from a genome-wide scan to identify genomic regions showing signatures of positive selection in present-day Zoroastrians that might correlate to the prevalence of particular diseases among these communities.
... They share a common set of socio-cultural identities with the country's main population, but in essence, they also have a unique socio-cultural background due to being a historically isolated population sub-group. Zoroastrians also are reported to have a distinct genetic profile compared to the country's majority Muslim population (Farjadian et al., 2011;Lashgary et al., 2011) due to same-faith marriages -most probably in consequence of limitations imposed on exogamous marriages of the followers of other religions in the country. Religious isolation and small population size, therefore, have led to genetic drift and enhanced genetic differentiation of the Iranian Zoroastrian community compared with other population sub-groups across the country. ...
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Religiosity is a desirable alternative coping strategy for many people when facing negative life events including age-related infirmities and stressors. Religious coping mechanisms (RCMs) have been investigated meagerly with regard to religious minorities around the world and, to the best of current knowledge, no study has been conducted on Iranian Zorostrians to explore their religious coping mechanisms in dealing with age-related chronic diseases. This qualitative research, therefore, was aimed to canvas perceptions about RCMs that are utilized by Iranian Zoroastrian older adults to deal with chronic diseases in the city of Yazd, Iran. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with purposefully selected fourteen Zoroastrian older patients and four Zoroastrian priests in 2019. The main extracted themes included performing certain religious behaviors and having sincere religion-based beliefs as employed mechanisms for better coping with their chronic diseases. Prevalent dilemmas/barriers with mitigating impact on the coping capacities in dealing with a persistent illness was another predominant identified theme. Identification of RCMs that religious and ethnic minorities are using to better confront diverse life events, such as chronic diseases, could pave the path to expand new approaches in planing sustainable disease management and proactive quality of life improvement initiatives.
... An early study on ABO blood groups found extreme differences between some of 21 considered ethnic groups in Iran [53], whereas another study, published a year later and additionally based on serum proteins and cell enzymes, presented evidence for population substructure between the six included groups (Iranian Turks, Kurds, Lurs, Zabolis, Baluchis and Zoroastrians) with an average F ST value of 0.02, based on blood groups, serum proteins and cell enzymes, and some degree of inbreeding [54]. More regionally focused studies on Iran, based on uniparental markers such as Y-chromosomal haplogroups and short tandem repeat (STR) marker haplotypes as well as mitochondrial (mtDNA) haplogroups, confirmed high degrees of genetic diversity in the Iranian population [3][4][5][55][56][57][58][59][60][61]. These studies reported the respective variation to be predominantly of Western Eurasian origin, with only limited contributions from eastern Eurasia, South Asia and Africa most pronounced in the southern Iranian provinces. ...
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Iran, despite its size, geographic location and past cultural influence, has largely been a blind spot for human population genetic studies. With only sparse genetic information on the Iranian population available, we pursued its genome-wide and geographic characterization based on 1021 samples from eleven ethnic groups. We show that Iranians, while close to neighboring populations, present distinct genetic variation consistent with long-standing genetic continuity, harbor high heterogeneity and different levels of consanguinity, fall apart into a cluster of similar groups and several admixed ones and have experienced numerous language adoption events in the past. Our findings render Iran an important source for human genetic variation in Western and Central Asia, will guide adequate study sampling and assist the interpretation of putative disease-implicated genetic variation. Given Iran’s internal genetic heterogeneity, future studies will have to consider ethnic affiliations and possible admixture.
... There are very few genetic studies comparing Assyrians with other ethnic groups of the region. A recent study by Lashgary et al. (2011) showed certain relatedness of Assyrians to Armenians and some other populations from Iran according to Y-chromosomal single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. However, a comprehensive study of Assyrian population comparing them with a broad range of populations is necessary to identify the position of Assyrians on the genetic landscape of the Middle East and their ancient relationships with neighboring populations. ...
Background: The UAE is positioned at the crossroads of human migration out of Africa and through to Asia and Europe. Aim: To compare the degree of genetic diversity of the Arabian UAE population with populations in other countries from the Middle East, South Asia and North Africa. Subjects and methods: Twenty-Seven Y-STR were analysed in 217 individuals. Y-STR haplotypes from this study were compared to population data stored in YHRD, using MDS and AMOVA. Results: Two hundred and twelve haplotypes were observed in the 217 individuals studied. Although the reduction in Y-STR loci from 27 to 17 resulted in a decrease in discriminatory power, comparisons of populations were possible. The UAE population clustered closer with other populations of the Middle East. The South Asian and North African populations were separated by Middle Eastern populations in between both clusters. Conclusion: This is the first study to report the diversity of a population of the Arabian Peninsula using 27 Y-STR. MDS plots show that Middle Eastern populations are positioned in the centre with African, Asian and European populations around the Arab population cluster. The findings of this study are consistent with this region being at the epicentrer of human migration between continents.
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В монографии предпринята попытка еще раз подтвердить восточно- евразийскую гипотезу дене-кавказской прародины, используя данные по гаплогруппам Y-хромосомы. Рассматривается распределение гаплогрупп R и Q у дене-кавказских народов и их соседей, а также ряд других вопро- сов. Работа будет интересна широкому кругу читателей, в первую очередь лингвистам, генетикам, антропологам, историкам и археологам.
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Phylogenetically informative binary polymorphisms on the Y-chromosome have become a standard source of markers for molecular anthropology studies. Although several analytical methods are currently available, most methodologies rely on specialized equipment or expensive reagents that research groups with a primarily anthropological focus often cannot afford. Here I present 15 Y-chro-mosome lineage assays based on a more widely accessible technique—Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). In conjunction with eight pre-existing tests, these validated protocols allow the assignment of unknown men to every major branch of the global Y-chromosome tree, including the 18 haplogroups/paragroups defined by the Y-Chromosome Consor-tium. While not intended to supplant the high-throughput technologies adopted by advanced research units, these minimal protocols will allow smaller molecular anthropology groups to survey male vari-ation in a broader range of human populations, thereby furthering our understanding of global human Y-chromosome diversity.
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The nonrecombining portion of the human Y chromosome has proven to be a valuable tool for the study of population history. The maintenance of extended haplotypes characteristic of particular geographic regions, despite extensive admixture, allows complex demographic events to be deconstructed. In this study we report the frequencies of 23 Y-chromosome biallelic polymorphism haplotypes in 1,935 men from 49 Eurasian populations, with a particular focus on Central Asia. These haplotypes reveal traces of historical migrations, and provide an insight into the earliest patterns of settlement of anatomically modern humans on the Eurasian continent. Central Asia is revealed to be an important reservoir of genetic diversity, and the source of at least three major waves of migration leading into Europe, the Americas, and India. The genetic results are interpreted in the context of Eurasian linguistic patterns.
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Arlequin ver 3.0 is a software package integrating several basic and advanced methods for population genetics data analysis, like the computation of standard genetic diversity indices, the estimation of allele and haplotype frequencies, tests of departure from linkage equilibrium, departure from selective neutrality and demographic equilibrium, estimation or parameters from past population expansions, and thorough analyses of population subdivision under the AMOVA framework. Arlequin 3 introduces a completely new graphical interface written in C++, a more robust semantic analysis of input files, and two new methods: a Bayesian estimation of gametic phase from multi-locus genotypes, and an estimation of the parameters of an instantaneous spatial expansion from DNA sequence polymorphism. Arlequin can handle several data types like DNA sequences, microsatellite data, or standard multi-locus genotypes. A Windows version of the software is freely available on
Four loci mapping to the nonrecombining portion of the Y chromosome were genotyped in three Japanese populations (Okinawa, Shizuoka and Aomori ) and Taiwanese. The Y Alu polymorphic (YAP) element is present in 42% of the Japanese and absent in the Taiwanese, confirming the irregular distribution of this polymorphism in Asia. Data from the four loci were used to determine genetic distances among populations, construct Y chromosome haplotypes, and estimate the degree of genetic diversity in each population. Evolutionary analysis of Y haplotypes suggests that polymorphisms at the YAP (DYS287) and DXYS5Y loci originated a single time, whereas restriction patterns at the DYS1 locus and microsatellite alleles at the DYS19 locus arose more than once. Genetic distance analysis indicated that the Okinawans are differentiated from Japanese living on Honshu. The data support the hypotheses that modern Japanese populations have resulted from distinctive genetic contributions involving the ancient Jomon people and Yayoi immigrants from Korea or mainland China, with Okinawans experiencing the least amount of admixture with the Yayoi. It is suggested that YAP(+) chromosomes migrated to Japan with the Jomon people >10,000 years ago and that a large infusion of YAP(-) chromosomes entered Japan with the Yayoi migration starting 2,300 years ago. Different degrees of genetic diversity carried by these two ancient lineages may be explained by the different lifestyles of the migrant groups, the size of the founding populations, and the antiquities of the founding events.
The Neo-Assyrian kings pursued an active policy of nation building, whereby the citizenship of Assyria was routinely granted to the inhabitants of newly established provinces. As a result of this, by 600 BC the entire vastly expanded country shared the Assyrian identity, which essentially consisted of a common unifying language (Aramaic) and a common religion, culture, and value system. This identity persisted virtually unchanged and was converted into an ethnic identity in the Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid periods (600-330 BC). After the disintegration of the Seleucid Empire (130 BC), several semi-independent Mesopotamian kingdoms (Osrhoene, Adiabene, Hatra, Assur) perpetuated Assyrian religious and cultural traditions until the third century AD. From the fourth century on, Christianity has been an essential part of Assyrian identity and has helped preserve it to the present day despite endless persecutions and massacres, which have reduced the present-day Assyrians into dwindling minorities in their home countries. The self-designations of modern Syriacs and Assyrians derive from the Neo-Assyrian word for "Assyrian", Assūrāyu/Sūrāyu.
This is the version as published in the American Journal of Human Genetics by the University Of Chicago Press. Their website is We have examined the worldwide distribution of a Y-chromosomal base-substitution polymorphism, the T/C transition at SRY-2627, where the T allele defines haplogroup 22; sequencing of primate homologues shows that the ancestral state cannot be determined unambiguously but is probably the C allele. Of 1,191 human Y chromosomes analyzed, 33 belong to haplogroup 22. Twenty-nine come from Iberia, and the highest frequencies are in Basques (11%; n=117) and Catalans (22%; n=32). Microsatellite and minisatellite (MSY1) diversity analysis shows that non-Iberian haplogroup-22 chromosomes are not significantly different from Iberian ones. The simplest interpretation of these data is that haplogroup 22 arose in Iberia and that non-Iberian cases reflect Iberian emigrants. Several different methods were used to date the origin of the polymorphism: microsatellite data gave ages of 1,650, 2,700, 3,100, or 3,450 years, and MSY1 gave ages of 1,000, 2,300, or 2,650 years, although 95% confidence intervals on all of these figures are wide. The age of the split between Basque and Catalan haplogroup-22 chromosomes was calculated as only 20% of the age of the lineage as a whole. This study thus provides evidence for direct or indirect gene flow over the substantial linguistic barrier between the Indo-European and non-Indo-European-speaking populations of the Catalans and the Basques, during the past few thousand years.
The Y chromosome contains the largest nonrecombining block in the human genome. By virtue of its many polymorphisms, it is now the most informative haplotyping system, with applications in evolutionary studies, forensics, medical genetics, and genealogical reconstruction. However, the emergence of several unrelated and nonsystematic nomenclatures for Y-chromosomal binary haplogroups is an increasing source of confusion. To resolve this issue, 245 markers were genotyped in a globally representative set of samples, 74 of which were males from the Y Chromosome Consortium cell line repository. A single most parsimonious phylogeny was constructed for the 153 binary haplogroups observed. A simple set of rules was developed to unambiguously label the different clades nested within this tree. This hierarchical nomenclature system supersedes and unifies past nomenclatures and allows the inclusion of additional mutations and haplogroups yet to be discovered. [Supplementary Table 1, available as an online supplement at , lists all published markers included in this survey and primer information.]