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Visualization of azygos arch valves using computed tomography: Comparison of scanning delay times


Abstract and Figures

To evaluate the frequency and appearance of azygos arch valves after short and long scanning delays and high injection rates of contrast material (CM) using a 64-slice multi-detector-row computed tomography (MDCT). We retrospectively reviewed the findings from 264 contrast-enhanced MDCT chest examinations. The rate of injection for 300 mg I/ml CM was 3.0 ml/sec; the short and long scanning delays were 20 and 180 sec, respectively. The presence of residual CM in the azygos arch valves and reflux of CM into the azygos arch were recorded. A chi-square test was used to compare the frequency of residual CM in azygos arch valves and reflux of CM into the azygos arch in both groups. Of the 132 examinations with short scanning delays, 91 (68.9%) demonstrated residual CM in azygos arch valves and 103 (78.0%) demonstrated reflux of CM into the azygos arch. A significantly higher frequency of reflux of CM into the azygos arch and residual CM in azygos arch valves was seen with short scanning delays than with long scanning delays (P<0.05). However, no reflux of CM into azygos arch was seen with long scanning delays. Both reflux of CM into azygos arch valve and residual CM in the azygos arch were frequently seen using short scanning delays.
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Tokai J Exp Clin Med., Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 84-89, 2008
Visualization of Azygos Arch Valves using Computed Tomography:
Comparison of Scanning Delay Times
Jun ENDO, Tamaki ICHIKAWA, Jun KOIZUMI, Tomohiro YAMASHITA, *Ayako RO, Midori SAITO,
Yuri TANAKA, Kaoru ONOUE, Kazunobu HASHIDA, **Shu IKEDA, Yutaka IMAI
Department of Radiology, Tokai University School of Medicine
*Department of Legal medicine, Keio University
**Department of Radiological Technology, Tokai University School of Medicine
(Received March 7, 2008; Accepted April 22, 2008)
Objective: To evalu ate the frequenc y and appearance of azygos arch valves after short and long scanning
delays and high injection rates of contrast m aterial (CM) using a 64-slice multi-detector-row computed to-
mography (MDCT).
Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the findings from 264 contrast-en hanced MDCT chest examinations.
The rate of injection for 300 mg I/ml CM was 3.0 ml/sec; the short and long scanning delays were 20 and 180
sec, respectively. The presence of residual CM in the azygos arch valves and reflux of CM into the azygos
arch were recorded. A chi-squ are test was used to compare the frequency of residual CM in azygos arch
valves and reflux of CM into the azygos arch in both groups.
Results: Of the 132 examinations with short scan ning delays, 91 (68.9%) demonstrated residu al CM in azygos
arch valves and 103 (78.0%) demonstrated reflux of CM into the azygos arch. A significantly higher frequen-
cy of reflux of CMinto the azygos arch and residual CM in azygos arch valves was seen with short scanning
delays than with long sca nning delays (P < 0.05). However, no reflux of CM into azygos arch was seen with
long scanning delays.
Conclusions: Both reflux of CM into azygos arch valve and residual CM in the azygos arch were frequently
seen using short sca nning delays.
Key words: azygos arch, azygos arch valves, contrast-enha nced CT, contrast material
Jun ENDO, Department of Radiology, Tokai University School of Medicine, 143 Shimokasuya, Isehara, Kanagawa, 259 -1193, JapanTelephone number:Telephone number:Telephone number:
0463 -93-1121,Fax: 0463-93- 6827E-mail address: jun@is.icc.u-tokai. ac.jpFax: 0463-93- 6827E -mail address: 0463-93- 6827E -mail address: address: address:
Multi-detector-row computed tomography (MDCT)
is performed frequently using a high injection rate of
the contrast material (CM) to diagnose vascular lesions
[1-3]. The phenomena of reflux of CM into the azygos
arch from the superior vena cava (SVC) and residual
CM in the azygos arch valves are sometimes observed
after the high injection rate of the CM [4]. We evalu-
ated the frequency and appearance of the azygos arch
valves by conducting routine chest examinations and
injecting the CM at a low rate using single-slice helical
CT and 6-slice MDCT [5]. We reported that CM re-
mained more frequently in the azygos arch valves after
a rate of CM injection of 2 ml/sec using 6-slice MDCT
(45 of 100 examinations; 45%) than after a rate of
CM injection of 1 ml/second using single-slice helical
CT (15 of 100 examinations; 15%) [5]. Furthermore,
we evaluated the frequency and appearance of azygos
arch valves after high and low injection rates of CM
using 64-slice MDCT at contrast-enhanced CT of the
chest [6]. In our previous study, we showed that re-
sidual CM in azygos arch valves and reflux of CM into
the azygos arch were seen more frequently with a high
injection rate of CM with a short scanning delay than
with a low injection rate of CM with a long scanning
delay [5, 6].
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the fre-
quency and appearance of azygos arch valves using
64-slice MDCT after long and short scanning delays
using high injection rates of CM.
Informed written consent was not required because
this was a retrospective study approved by our insti-
tutional review board. We conducted a computerized
search for all intravascular contrast-enhanced C T
examinations of the chest performed over a 16-month
period and identified 132 (15 men, 117 women) pa-
tients (mean age: 52.8 years; range: 24-88 years). CT
examinations were performed to rule out pulmonary
embolism and deep venous thrombosis. In almost all
the women, CT was performed before the gynecologic
surgery. Patients with heart failure, postoperative
thoracoplasty, pleuritis with excessive pleural effusion,
mediastinal tumor, lymphadenopathy, or massive
pulmonary embolism were excluded. The body weight
ranged from 40 to 75 kg. All patients were examined
in the supine position.
CT examinations were performed with a CM injec-
tion rate of 3.0 ml/sec and scanning delays of 25
(short) and 180 (long) sec. The short scanning delay
was performed to rule out pulmonary embolism, and
the long scanning delay was performed to evaluate
for deep venous thrombosis. All scans were performed
cranial-to-caudal from the apex of the lung. The es-
J. ENDO et al. /Visualization of Azygos Arch Valves on CT
timated scanning time at the level of the azygos arch
before and after administration of CM were 83 and
183 sec, respectively. All examinations were performed
by intravenously injecting isohexol (Omnipapue TM300;
Dai-ichi) at 2 ml/kg using a power injector. Fifty-
one patients were injected with CM in the right arm,
and another 51 patients were injected with CM in the
left arm. The examinations were performed using a
64-slice MDCT scanner (Somatom Cardiac Sensation
64; Siemens, Forchheim) with collimation of 0.6 mm,
0.5 sec of rotation time, and a reconstruction interval
of 5 mm.
Two board-certified radiologists (J. E. and T. I.) with
more than 15 years of experience interpreted the chest
CT images and reviewed all CT images using a picture
archiving and communication system workstation to
reach consensus. Images were systematically evaluated
for residual C M in azygos arch valves and reflux of
CM into the azygos arch from the SVC, which was
considered to be present when the enhancement of the
azygos arch and vein valves was more intense than
enhanced SVC (Fig. 1). The frequency of residual CM
in azygos arch valves and reflux of CM into the azygos
arch was recorded. When residual CM was seen in azy-
gos arch valves, the degree of residual CM in the azy-
gos arch valves was graded as Grade 1 if one side of
the valves was enhanced and as Grade 2 if both sides
of the valves were enhanced (Fig. 1). All axial CT im-
ages were evaluated on mediastinal windows (window
level: 50 Hounsfield units (HU); window width: 350
HU). However, setting of the window level and width
of the CT images were adjusted by the observer at the
time of image evaluation to minimize streak artifacts
and often approached those of bone window (window
level: 600 HU; window width: 2000 HU) (Fig. 1).
Chi-square analysis was used to compare the fre-
quency of residual CM in the azygos arch valves and
reflex of CM into the azygos arch with short and long
scanning delays. Mann–Whitney’s U test was used to
evaluate the correlation between injection site and fre-
quency of residual CM in azygos arch valves and CM
reflux into the azygos arch. Statistical significance was
set at P < 0.05.
Of the 264 examinations, 129 (49.0%) demonstrated
residual CM in the azygos arch valves, and 103 (39.0%)
demonstrated reflux of CM into the azygos arch. In a
short scanning delay, 91 (68.9%) demonstrated residual
CM in the azygos arch valves, and 103 (78.0%) demon-
strated reflux of CM into the azygos arch. In contrast,
during a long scanning delay, 38 (28.8%) demon-
strated residual CM in azygos arch valves and reflux
of CM was not observed in any of the examinations. A
significantly higher frequency of residual CM in azy-
gos arch valves was seen on short scanning delay than
on long scanning delay (P < 0.0001). The frequency
of residual CM in azygos arch valves and reflux of
CM into the azygos arch is shown in Table 1. Residual
CM in the azygos arch valves was demonstrated more
frequently when C M was administered in the right
arm (65 of 84 examinations; 78.3%) than in the left
arm (26 of 48 examinations; 54.1%) on short scanning
delay (P = 0.0057); whereas, the frequency of residual
CM in the azygos arch valves was independent of CM
injection site on long scanning delay (P = 0.7446). In
addition, the frequency of reflux of CM into the azy-
gos arch valves was independent of CM injection site
on short scanning delay (P = 0.1311). The degree of
residual CM in azygos arch valves is shown in Table 2.
Of the 129 examinations that showed residual CM in
azygos arch valves, 77 (60.2%) showed enhancement of
both sides of the azygos arch valve.
None of the patients had azygos lobe. One case of
Fig. 1. Reflux of contrast material into the azygos arch and residual contrast material in the azygos arch valves
a, b : Contrast-enhanced axial CT images on short scanning delay of bone window shows reflux of contrast mate-
rial from superior vena cava into the azygos arch (black arrow). Note residual contrast material in both sides of the
azygos arch valves (white arrows).
c: Contrast-enhanced axial CT image on long scanning delay of bone window shows
residual contrast material in both sides of the azygos arch valves (white arrows).
a b c
J. ENDO et al. /Visualization of Azygos Arch Valves on CT
aberrant left brachiocephalic vein with a high level of
entry to the SVC was observed when the CM was in-
jected in the left arm, and CM reflux into azygos arch
and residual CM in both sides of the azygos arch valve
were observed on short scanning delay (Fig. 2). There
was one case of persistence of left SVC with right arm
injection of the CM, and CM reflux into the azygos
arch and residual CM in one side of the azygos arch
valve were observed on short scanning delay.
The azygos vein is a large vein with a bicuspid valve
in the thoracic cavity (Fig. 3). The azygos system is a
paired venous pathway of the posterior thorax that
may be affected by numerous congenital and acquired
conditions. Contrast- enhanced CT is able to depict
anatomical changes in the azygos vein and disorders
of the azygos system (Fig. 2) [7-9]. A few articles
have reported reflux of CM into the azygos vein and
artifacts to be caused by CM in the azygos vein [10,
11]. In addition, previous case reports have suggested
that refulx of CM into the azygos vein may be an
indicator of abnormal right heart hemodynamics, such
as cardiac tamponade [12, 13]. However, Yeh’s group
has supported the stance that limited azygos reflux
is a non-specific phenomenon. Filling of the azygos
or hemiazygos veins after bolus injection of CM is
occasionally seen in healthy persons, and it is likely
explained by a simple gravitational effect [4].
However, no true functional valves exist in the
azygos system, and the presence of azygos arch valves
is not known to be of clinical importance [12]. Azygos
arch valves may result because of a ruptured vein
associated with the migration of the guidewire into
Table 2 Degree of residual contrast material in the azygos arch valves
Scanning delay Grade 1: one side Grade 2: both sides
Short (N=91) 24 67
Long (N= 38) 28 10
Total (N=129) 52 77
Table 1 Frequency of residual contrast material in the azygos arch valves and reflux of con-
trast material into the azygos arch
a. Residual CM in the azgos arch valves
Short scanning delay Long scanning delay
Right side injection of CM 78.3% (65/84) 29.8% (25/84)
Left side injection of CM 54.2% (26/48) 27.1% (13/48)
Total 68.9% (91/132) 28.8% (38/132)
b. Reflux of CM into the azygos arch on short scanning delay
Right side injection of CM 82.1% (69/84)
Left side injection of CM 70.8% (34/48)
Total 78.0% (103/132)
CM: contrast material
Fig. 2. 57-years-old women with the
aberrant left brachiocephalic
a : Contrast-enhanced axial
CT ima ge on sh ort sc an-
ning delay with left side of
injection of contrast material
shows the aberrant left bra-
chiocephalic vein (asterisk)
courses behind the ascending
aorta and enters the superior
vena cave. Note res idual
contrast material in one side
of the azygos arch valves (ar-
c: Coronal reformatted im-
age shows the aberrant left
brachiocephalic vein (arrow).
J. ENDO et al. /Visualization of Azygos Arch Valves on CT
azygos arch valves when a central venous catheter is
mistakenly inserted into the azygos arch. We found
that the frequency of CM reflux into the azygos arch
and residual CM in azygos arch valves were associated
with the injection rate, scanning delay time, injection
site, concentration of CM, and other factors [5, 6]. Yeh
and colleagues reported that a high frequency of CM
refluxed into the azygos vein in case of high injection
rates (3.5-5.0 ml/sec) as compared with the low injec-
tion rates (2.0-3.5 ml/sec) of highly concentrated CM
(350 mg I/ml) [4]. Many common limitations includ-
ing the use of various injection rates of CM, different
scanning delays, collimations, and thicknesses of the
reconstruction slice were seen in our previous study
and that conducted by Yeh and colleagues. As a result,
we were unable to precisely evaluate the frequency of
reflux of CM into the azygos arch and of residual CM
in azygos arch valves associated with scanning delay
[5, 6]. In the present study, we used the same injection
rate of CM and the same collimation and thickness
of the reconstruction slice to evaluate the frequency
of CM reflux into the azygos arch and residual CM
in azygos arch valves based on scanning delay. The
results showed that reflux of CM into azygos arch and
residual CM in azygos arch valves were seen more
frequently with short scanning delays than with long
scanning delays at a CM injection rate of 3.0 ml/sec.
The results of the present study agree with our previ-
ous study, i.e., that residual CM in azygos arch valves
was more frequently seen after right arm injection of
CM than after left arm injection of CM on short scan-
ning delay. Because residual CM in azygos arch valves
was washed out during long scanning delay, the injec-
tion site had no effect on the frequency of residual CM
in azygos arch valves. We previously reported that the
age of the patient was independent of the frequency of
residual CM in the azygos arch valves and CM reflux
into azygos arch [6].
When only a delayed scan was performed, the re-
flux of CM into the azygos arch subsided, which made
a b
Fig. 3. 57-years-old women with azygos lobe
a: Contrast-enhanced axial CT image shows azygos arch valves (arrows).
b: Axial CT of lung window shows the azygos lobe (asterisk).
the vein more inconspicuous. Consequently, residual
CM in the cusps of azygos arch valves tended to be
visualized as isolated areas of high density and could
easily be mistaken for other hyperdense structures,
such as calcified lymph nodes, surgical clips, tracheal
calcifications, or calcification of mediastinal tumor
(Fig. 4). The possibility of frequency of residual CM
in the azygos arch valves is increased when the azygos
arch valves are compressed by lung tumors or atelecta-
sis and by excessive pleural or pericardial effusion (Fig.
5). We had measured CT attenuations of residual CM
in the azygos arch valves, and those were more than
800 HU [5]. Image evaluation on bone window was
useful to distinguish residual CM in the azygos arch
valves from as calcified lymph nodes or surgical clips
(Fig. 4). It is important to understand the normal ap-
pearance and frequency of residual CM in the azygos
arch valves. We found that residual CM in one side of
the azygos arch valves was seen in 28 of 38 examina-
tions and that residual CM in both sides of the azygos
arch valves was seen in 10 of 38 examinations at a CM
injection rate of 3 ml/sec and with a long scanning
We obtained a huge volume of high-quality mul-
tiplanar reformation images with the 64-slice MDCT
[14]. The azygos vein valves were reported to be pres-
ent within 4 cm of the SVC, and the median distance
of the azygos arch valve from the SVC was 1.9 cm on
CT [4]. We found that the mean maximum length
of the azygos arch valves was 8.51±0.42 mm [5].
If residual CM is suspected on axial image, the prob-
lem can be solved by adding multiplanar reformatted,
three dimensional and maximum intensity projection
images (Fig. 5, 7).
High temporal and spatial resolution of MDC T
results in visualization of structures and pathologies,
which were undetected until date. The knowledge of
minute anatomy and structures, such as azygos arch
valves, is considered important in enhancing the diag-
nostic capabilities of MDCT.
J. ENDO et al. /Visualization of Azygos Arch Valves on CT
Fig. 4. a: Gross specimen of the azygos vein demonstrates a bicuspid valve of the azygos arch (arrows).
b: Schem of the aztgos vein and azygos arch valves (arrows).
Fig. 5. 58-years-old man with post-operative state
of esophageal cancer
Coronal reformatted image on bone win-
dow shows residual contrast material in
both sides of the azygos arch valves (arrows)
distinguished from multiple surgical clips
Fig. 6. 48-years-old man with lung cancer
Contrast-enhanced axial CT image shows residual contrast
material in one side of the azygos arch valves (arrow) adja-
cent to lung tumor and atelectasis (asterisk).
J. ENDO et al. /Visualization of Azygos Arch Valves on CT
In conclusion, our results indicate that residual CM
in the azygos arch valves and reflux of CM into the
azygos arch after high injection rates of CM were seen
more frequently with a short scanning delay than with
a long scanning delay. Residual CM in both sides of
azygos arch valves was frequently seen after a high
rate of CM injection with a short scanning delay.
The authors are grateful to Fumiko Kimura M. D.
who reviewed a part of this manuscript with her excel-
lent sugguestions.
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a b
Fig. 7. Typical appearance of the azygos arch valves.
a: Maximum intensity projection image shows residual contrast material in both sides of tha azygos arch valves (black
b: Volume rendering image shows the azygos arch valves (white arrow) posterior to the superior vena cave (asterisk).
... Residual contrast in the azygos system due to reflux from superior vena cava (SVC) may be mistaken for pathology (pseudolesion) [1]. This was mainly described in computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA), due to short delay times allowing for scan acquisition before contrast washout [2]. We report a case of residual contrast in azygos vein seen during CT coronary angiography (CTCA) resulting in diagnostic uncertainty and highlight the steps for correct diagnosis. ...
... Contrast within the azygos system may be mistaken for pathology such as abnormal masses or lymph nodes [1,5,6]. Majority of reported cases describe contrast reflux from SVC into azygos veins in the context of CTPA as high contrast injection rates and short scan delays are associated factors [2]. The high density of contrast also allows retrograde venous flow, aided by gravity [6]. ...
... We highlight this report for the following learning points relevant to cardiac CT. Firstly, right arm contrast injection as recommended by CTCA guidelines [7] increases the likelihood of contrast reflux into the azygos system [2]. Secondly, contrast reflux into the azygos is associated with right-sided heart fail- ...
... Ozbek et al reported a case in which hemiazygos vein was absent. 3 A right subcostal vein joining the ascending lumbar vein formed in 70% of cases.30% of cases it is formed from back of Inferior Vena Cava. The position of Azygos vein in on right side in 53.33%, in midline in 46.66% of subjects. ...
Full-text available
Background Traditionally, it takes an average of 17 years for a research outcome to reach clinical practice. Similarly, the field of anatomy is not exception to that rule. This indicates there is a significant information gap between medical research and its finalized incorporation into patient care. Methods A list of current anatomy textbooks and atlases are reviewed, and the breach between basic science and clinical research is investigated through the coverage of six specific topics. Results This includes the parasympathetic innervation to the lacrimal gland, the oversimplification of the parasympathetic innervation to the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, clinical presentation of middle ear pathology (Ramsay Hunt Syndrome), as well as the presence of venous valves in the arch of azygos and in the head and neck region. The progressive anatomical research findings are discussed while comparing information currently taught to medical students. Conclusion The impact of the widening gap is considered through presentation of clinical implications where applicable. As the need for bridging this mismatch is immanent, means of feasible first steps are proposed.
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The terminations of the hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos veins can be mistaken for normal or enlarged posterior mediastinal lymph nodes on CT scans of the chest. These terminations are termed the retroaortic anastomoses by anatomists. We studied the CT appearances of these veins on scans of one cadaver and seven patients. We found that the retroaortic anastomoses usually were clearly recognizable because of their continuity with the hemiazygos or accessory hemiazygos vein. However, it is sometimes possible to mistake these vessels for lymph nodes, especially when only short segments of the vessel are visible on a CT image or when the vessel is not clearly opacified by contrast material. Familiarity with the CT appearances of the hemiazygos and azygous veins can prevent their being mistaken for normal or enlarged lymph nodes.
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The arch of the azygous vein, a commonly identified anatomic landmark on contrast-enhanced computed tomographic (CT) scans of the chest, forms the lateral boundary of the pretracheal-retrocaval space and, with its pleural reflections, demarcates the mediastinum from the right lung. Normal variations, congenital anomalies, vascular lesions, adenopathy, neoplasm, and mediastinitis alter the position, size contour, and flow patterns of the azygous venous arch. Mass lesions may displace the arch laterally when they arise from the mediastinum or medially when they arise from the right lung. Malignancies, either primary or secondary, can invade, obstruct, or obliterate it. Abnormal flow patterns can be identified due to caval obstruction or pericardial disease. Awareness of the variability of the CT appearance of the azygous arch and its alteration by disease increases the utility of CT in the analysis of mediastinal and pulmonary pathology.
Congenital and acquired abnormalities may alter the anatomy, size, or position of the azygos system. Computed tomography is often able to depict these abnormalities and in many cases indicate the cause. In this article, the normal anatomy of the azygos system is discussed and examples of congenital and acquired abnormalities are presented.
Flow phenomena occurring after the bolus injection of contrast material can simulate the presence of pathology on thoracic computed tomography. In a review of 50 dynamic scans performed after contrast medium injection, apparent filling defects in the superior vena cava were seen in 46. In four cases, retrograde filling of the azygos or hemiazygos veins occurred. In two cases, layering of contrast material within the descending aorta simulated dissection. In many cases, the dynamic series of scans helped in diagnosing these appearances as flow related.
Three patients who were investigated with dynamic contrast medium enhanced computed tomography (CT) of the thorax were noted to have pericardial effusions with reflux of contrast medium back along the azygos vein. The diagnosis of cardiac tamponade was not made clinically, but in each case was suggested from the CT findings. Confirmation of the diagnosis was made in all three cases, two patients with echocardiography and one at post mortem. One patient made a rapid recovery following the insertion of a pericardial drain, another made a temporary recovery after pericardiocentesis but the third died. Thirty CT scans performed with similar protocol were reviewed and none of these demonstrated reflux along the azygos vein. The presence of contrast medium refluxing into the azygos vein implies significant haemodynamic disturbance, and in the presence of a pericardial effusion suggests the diagnosis of cardiac tamponade.
Helical CT is being increasingly utilized for the evaluation of suspected pulmonary embolism (PE). Proper scan interpretation depends on the awareness of several diagnostic pitfalls that may simulate PE, including normal bronchovascular structures such as pulmonary veins, bronchi, and lymph nodes, technical considerations such as improper bolus timing and streak artifacts, and patient-related factors such as motion artifacts, pulmonary arterial catheters, and vascular shunts. An understanding of these pitfalls facilitates accurate diagnosis.
To evaluate the prevalence and appearance of azygos arch valves at intravenous contrast material-enhanced computed tomography (CT). Findings of 309 intravenous contrast-enhanced spiral CT examinations of the chest were retrospectively reviewed. The presence of contrast material reflux into the azygos arch and of a focal bulge in the azygos arch was recorded. An azygos valve was considered present if contrast material with a curvilinear posterior contour was seen in the azygos arch. The chi2 test was used to compare the frequency of contrast material reflux into the azygos vein for high and low rates of contrast material injection and for right and left arm injection. Reflux of contrast material into the azygos arch occurred at 154 (49.8%) of 309 examinations, and valves were seen on images of 105 (68.2%) examinations. A focal bulge was seen in the azygos arch on images of 86 (81.9%) of 105 examinations with an azygos valve. Contrast material refluxed more frequently into the azygos vein in examinations with high rates of injection (83 of 128 examinations, 64.8%) than in those with low rates of injection (71 of 181, 39.2%, P <.001). Among the patients with high rates of injection, contrast material refluxed more frequently into the azygos vein with the right arm injection than with left arm injection (53 of 70, 76% vs 30 of 58, 52%, P <.01). Refluxed contrast material appeared as discrete collections within cusps of the azygos valves on images of 69 (44.8%) of 154 examinations. Valves in the azygos arch are common and more frequently seen at CT when high injection rates and right arm injections are used.
Our objective was to assess the influence of iodine flow concentration on attenuation and visualization of the pulmonary arteries in thoracic MDCT angiography. One hundred consecutive patients who were referred to our department with suspected acute pulmonary embolism underwent MDCT angiography of the pulmonary arteries either with 120 mL of standard contrast medium (300 mg I/mL) (group A) or with 90 mL of high-concentration contrast medium (400 mg I/mL) (group B). The contrast medium was injected at a flow rate of 4 mL/sec. The scan delay was determined using a semiautomatic bolus-tracking system in all examinations conducted with the same scanning parameters. Quantitative analysis was performed by region-of-interest measurements along the z-axis to compare the attenuation profiles of the two groups. Attenuation of the fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-order arteries was assessed visually for differences between the two groups. The mean enhancement along the z-axis was 268 +/- 56 H in group A and 344 +/- 108 in group B. The difference of 76 H was statistically significant (p < 0.001). The attenuation profile was similar in both groups. The detection rate of fifth- and sixth-order arteries was significantly higher in group B than in group A (94% compared with 91% and 72% compared with 60%, respectively, p < 0.01). Use of a high flow concentration of iodine in MDCT angiography of the pulmonary arteries significantly increases attenuation of the pulmonary arteries, thereby improving visualization of subsegmental pulmonary arteries.
To evaluate coronal reformations of the chest on 64-row multidetector-row computed tomography (MDCT) for detection of pulmonary embolisms compared with axial images. Thirty-eight consecutive patients who underwent pulmonary computed tomography angiography (CTA) on 64-row MDCT for a suspected pulmonary embolism were retrospectively studied. Contiguous 2-mm axial and coronal images were reviewed independently. A pulmonary embolism was assessed in the main, lobar, or segmental pulmonary arteries and was scored using a 5-point scale. A pulmonary embolism was demonstrated in 10% (4 of 38) of axial images and 16% (6 of 38) of coronal images. Interpretation was concordant in 95% to 100% of cases for a main or lobar pulmonary embolism and in 80% to 82% of cases for a segmental pulmonary embolism. Agreement of scores was almost perfect for a a main or lobar pulmonary embolism (mean weighted kappa value = 0.969) and moderate to good for a segmental pulmonary embolism (mean weighted kappa value = 0.560). Coronal reformations of the chest on 64-row MDCT were as informative as axial images for the detection of main, lobar, and segmental pulmonary embolisms.