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Subcutaneous adipose tissue classification


Abstract and Figures

The developments in the technologies based on the use of autologous adipose tissue attracted attention to minor depots as possible sampling areas. Some of those depots have never been studied in detail. The present study was performed on subcutaneous adipose depots sampled in different areas with the aim of explaining their morphology, particularly as far as regards stem niches. The results demonstrated that three different types of white adipose tissue (WAT) can be differentiated on the basis of structural and ultrastructural features: deposit WAT (dWAT), structural WAT (sWAT) and fibrous WAT (fWAT). dWAT can be found essentially in large fatty depots in the abdominal area (periumbilical). In the dWAT, cells are tightly packed and linked by a weak net of isolated collagen fibers. Collagenic components are very poor, cells are large and few blood vessels are present. The deep portion appears more fibrous then the superficial one. The microcirculation is formed by thin walled capillaries with rare stem niches. Reinforcement pericyte elements are rarely evident. The sWAT is more stromal; it is located in some areas in the limbs and in the hips. The stroma is fairly well represented, with a good vascularity and adequate staminality. Cells are wrapped by a basket of collagen fibers. The fatty depots of the knees and of the trochanteric areas have quite loose meshes. The fWAT has a noteworthy fibrous component and can be found in areas where a severe mechanic stress occurs. Adipocytes have an individual thick fibrous shell. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates evident differences among subcutaneous WAT deposits, thus suggesting that in regenerative procedures based on autologous adipose tissues the sampling area should not be randomly chosen, but it should be oriented by evidence based evaluations. The structural peculiarities of the sWAT, and particularly of its microcirculation, suggest that it could represent a privileged source for regenerative procedures based on autologous adipose tissues.
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European Journal of Histochemistry 2010; volume 54:e48
[page 226] [European Journal of Histochemistry 2010; 54:e48]
Subcutaneous adipose tissue
A. Sbarbati,1D. Accorsi,2D. Benati,1
L. Marchetti,2G. Orsini,3G. Rigotti,4
P. Panettiere2
1Department of Neurological,
Neuropsychological, Morphological and
Motor Sciences, Human Anatomy and
Histology Section, University of Verona
2Department of Specialised and
Anaesthesial Surgery Sciences, University
of Bologna
3Department of Clinical Sciences and
Stomatology, Marche Polytechnic
University, Ancona
4Second Division of Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery, the Institute for
Burns, and Regional Center for Breast
Reconstruction, Ospedale Maggiore,
Verona, Italy
The developments in the technologies based
on the use of autologous adipose tissue attract-
ed attention to minor depots as possible sam-
pling areas. Some of those depots have never
been studied in detail. The present study was
performed on subcutaneous adipose depots
sampled in different areas with the aim of
explaining their morphology, particularly as far
as regards stem niches. The results demon-
strated that three different types of white adi-
pose tissue (WAT) can be differentiated on the
basis of structural and ultrastructural features:
deposit WAT (dWAT), structural WAT (sWAT)
and fibrous WAT (fWAT). dWAT can be found
essentially in large fatty depots in the abdomi-
nal area (periumbilical). In the dWAT, cells are
tightly packed and linked by a weak net of iso-
lated collagen fibers. Collagenic components
are very poor, cells are large and few blood ves-
sels are present. The deep portion appears
more fibrous then the superficial one. The
microcirculation is formed by thin walled cap-
illaries with rare stem niches. Reinforcement
pericyte elements are rarely evident. The sWAT
is more stromal; it is located in some areas in
the limbs and in the hips. The stroma is fairly
well represented, with a good vascularity and
adequate staminality. Cells are wrapped by a
basket of collagen fibers. The fatty depots of
the knees and of the trochanteric areas have
quite loose meshes. The fWAT has a notewor-
thy fibrous component and can be found in
areas where a severe mechanic stress occurs.
Adipocytes have an individual thick fibrous
shell. In conclusion, the present study demon-
strates evident differences among subcuta-
neous WAT deposits, thus suggesting that in
regenerative procedures based on autologous
adipose tissues the sampling area should not
be randomly chosen, but it should be oriented
by evidence based evaluations. The structural
peculiarities of the sWAT, and particularly of its
microcirculation, suggest that it could repre-
sent a privileged source for regenerative pro-
cedures based on autologous adipose tissues.
In obese individuals, subcutaneous fat can
represent the most voluminous structure of
the body and several data suggest that it plays
a role in the pathogenesis of some severe dis-
eases.1,2 Moreover, in regenerative medicine,
methods based on autologous subcutaneous
adipose tissues are getting more and more
popular.3In fact, among the various stem pop-
ulation identified by now, the mesenchymal
adipocyte line proved to be the most promising
in the perspective of clinical appliances, due to
its abundance and availability. Subcutaneous
adipose tissue represents an almost unlimited
reservoir of stem cells that can be harvested
with minimally invasive procedures.4It is note-
worthy that unlike all other body tissues, fat
can significantly increase its mass with age.
Moreover, an increasing number of experi-
mental studies highlighted the huge neo-
angiogenic and immunomodulatory potentials
of adipose stem cells, promoting their use in
the therapy of ischemic and autoimmune dis-
eases.5Some animal model based studies and
preliminary clinical trials demonstrated the
therapeutic efficacy in neurologic and cardio-
vascular pathologies. Moreover, some clinical
trials proved the lack of any of the complica-
tions pointed out by different stem cells regen-
erative therapy approaches.6The currently
more advanced clinical application is in plastic
surgery where adipose cells revealed to be able
to correct several pathologies and in particular
scar lesions.7
In such a context, the complex made of cell,
extracellular and biochemical elements whom
the adipose cell interacts with in its natural
micro-environment (niche), proved to play a
critical role. The implant of autologous stem
cells enriched lipoaspirate rather than isolated
stem cells could configure as the substitution
of an atrophic niche with a physiologic one,
where the stem niches can be forced to per-
form their normalizing role on the receiving
tissue. The development of stem niches based
therapies emphasizes the need for a precise
characterization of the stromal components of
subcutaneous adipose tissues, which is the
most common source of stem niches.
Despite the metabolic and molecular behav-
ior of these elements have already been char-
acterized,8a comparative analysis of the stro-
mal components of adipose tissues (in partic-
ular of the collagenic scaffold wrapping the
adipocytes in the different sites) has never
been performed.
The lack of scientific evidence represents a
serious knowledge gap so that the choice of a
sampling site is based only on mere empirical
or even random considerations.
Still, morphologic studies carried out until
now generally gave great relevance to the
abdominal fatty depots and only paid a scarce
attention to the minor ones.
Information about such a structural organi-
zation cannot be obtained by means of bio-
chemical techniques or optical microscopy, but
requires ultrastructural evaluations. The fea-
tures of such a scaffold could be the reason for
the different resistance of adipocytes to the
mechanical stimulations during harvesting,
isolation and implantation.9
Moreover, the knowledge about the micro-
circulation and the stem cells niches associat-
ed to the different fatty depots is totally incom-
plete. Ultrastructural analysis techniques
never used in the past are seemingly mandato-
ry for the study of these parameters too.
In the present study we therefore analyzed a
high number of subcutaneous adipose tissue
samples harvested from the most common
sources of adipose stem cells to determine
their features and to highlight the tissue
parameters that address them to a preferential
use in the various conditions in reconstructive
medicine. In particular, an integrated protocol
of transmission and scan electron microscopy
was used, providing an accurate tridimension-
al and sub-microscopic evaluation of these
Correspondence: Prof. Andrea Sbarbati,
Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche, Neuro -
psicologiche, Morfologiche e Motorie, Sezione di
Anatomia e Istologia, Università di Verona, stra-
da Le Grazie 8, 37134, Verona, Italy.
Tel. +39.045.8027155 - Fax: +39.045.8027163
Key words: adipocyte, adipose stem cells, fat
transplantation, liposuction.
Received for publication: 19 August 2010.
Accepted for publication: 6 October 2010.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 License (by-nc 3.0).
©Copyright A. Sbarbati et al., 2010
Licensee PAGEPress, Italy
European Journal of Histochemistry 2010; 54:e48
[European Journal of Histochemistry 2010; 54:e48] [page 227]
structures. The study of subcutaneous white
adipose tissue by means of optical microscopy
doesn’t allow an adequate visualization of the
structural tissue organization. In fact, the
large dimensions of the cells, whose cytoplasm
is occupied almost totally by a unique triglyc-
eride drop, generates an apparently amor-
phous pattern inside which it is virtually
impossible to understand the features of the
organization. The intracellular space appears
compressed among the triglyceride masses
and its aspect appears not differentiable
among the different tissue areas. Optical
microscopy alone revealed scarcely useful also
in the characterization of both the connectival
stroma and the vasculo-stromal component of
subcutaneous adipose tissue. A protocol based
on comparative evaluations of scanning elec-
tron microscopy (SEM) and transmission elec-
tron microscopy (TEM) seemed to be more
suitable for such aims. These techniques, in
fact, can provide complementary information
about the tridimensionality of collagenic and
stem-vascular structures and about their fine
Materials and Methods
Forty female patients with age ranging from
30 to 67 years (average: 51.3 ys) underwent fat
harvesting from September to October 2009 for
autologous fat implant. A mixture of 0.5% xylo-
caine + epinephrine 1:200,000 in saline solu-
tion was injected before suction. Fat harvest-
ing was performed by a 3 mm cannula (1-hole,
bullet tip) connected to a 10 cc syringe for vac-
uum; fat was then gently washed in saline and
decanted. Centrifugation was not performed.
Harvesting was performed in 10 different sites:
arms, armpits, pectoral, periprosthetic tissue
(breast prostheses, irradiated or non-irradiat-
ed), abdomen, pubic, hips, trochanters, inner
face of the knees and heels.
For ultrastructural examination, we used
methods applied in previous studies on white
adipose tissue (WAT): specimens withdrawn
in these works were also used as controls.1
For TEM, parts of the specimens were
immediately fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in
Sorensen buffer for 2 h, postfixed in 1% osmi-
um tetroxide in Sorensen buffer for 1 h dehy-
drated in graded acetones, embedded in Epon-
Araldite and cut with an Ultracut E Ultra -
microtome (Reichert, Wien, Austria).
Ultrathin sections were stained with lead cit-
rate and observed in an EM10 electron micro-
scope (Zeiss, Oberkocken, Germany). The
semithin sections were stained with Toluidine
For SEM the specimens were fixed in 2.5%
glutaraldehyde in Sorensen buffer for 2 h, post-
fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide in Sorensen
buffer for 1 h and dehydrated in graded ace-
tones (Fluka, St. Louis, MO, USA). The speci-
mens were then treated by critical point dryer
(CPD 030; Balzers, Liechtenstein) and coated
by gold, mounted on stubs and observed in an
XL 30 ESEM (FEI- Philips). Data about
adipocyte size were obtained by SEM examina-
The combined analysis by transmission and
scan electron microscopy allowed us to define
the three main different patterns in the subcu-
taneous WAT described below.
Fatty depots appear to be differentiable into
distinct adipose tissue typologies. However, it
should be clarified that also in the same depot
there can be evident differences that can be
correlated to the superficial or deep localiza-
tion or to the patient’s age. In general, the
depots subject to mechanic stresses present a
larger connective component. There are not
only qualitative differences, but also quantita-
tive ones and intermediate states among the
different typologies can be evidenced.
It should also be clarified that, inside larger
depots, the aspect could be inhomogeneous. In
the abdomen and in the hips, for example, the
deep layer appeared richer in fibrous struc-
tures. Moreover, in older patients there is a
larger amount of collagen than in younger
ones. Such an increase appears to be both an
increase in the more coarse connectival mesh
and a thickening of the peri-adipocyte meshes.
The average diameter tends to increase with
age, while the number of peri-vascular stem
cells tends to reduce. In the older patients a
moderate thickening of vascular walls was also
observed, with duplicated basal membranes
and homogeneous thickenings at times.
Classification of subcutaneous
Subcutaneous depots only apparently pres-
ent structural and ultrastructural homogeneity.
Actually, they form a very polymorphous and
variegate sub-family of tissues due to the dif-
ferent roles played by each single district.
In general, three kinds of adipose tissues
can be distinguished, based on their structural
and ultrastructural features. Such types differ
by both the adipocyte and the vasculo-stromal
components. Ranging from type one to three, a
progressive increase in stroma (with different
features) can be observed. However, it should
be underlined that in different areas, the indi-
vidual depots can be made by mixtures of dif-
ferent types of adipose tissues.
Type #1 deposit white adipose tissue
The type #1 adipose tissue (Figure1 A,E) is
located essentially in large depots in the
abdominal area (peri-umbilical). It is a typical
non-lobulated adipose tissue that could be
defined as metabolic fat due to its large lipidic
mass and its very poor collagenic component
(non-stromal). It is characterized by large adi-
pose cells: the average diameter, in our exper-
imental conditions, was 95 μm. It presents few
capillaries in comparison to other WATs. The
TEM demonstrates that cells are closely packed
while at SEM a weak reticulum of isolated col-
lagen fibers is visible. In particular, at SEM the
fibrillar network connecting the contiguous
adipocytes is extremely weak or virtually
absent. These cells appear not to be wrapped
by a real collagen fibers basket, which can
instead be found in other types of WAT. The
adipose cells form a sort of a syncytium where
the extracellular space is extremely thin. The
microcirculation is formed by thin walled cap-
illaries with rare stem niches. Pericyte rein-
forcement elements are rarely evident. These
adipocytes, not being separated by collagen,
tend to adhere each other with parallel mem-
brane plates. In the older patients the mesh
was thicker, taking a coarse aspect with large
shoots forming a loose meshed reticulum.
Peri-vascular macrophages are not infrequent.
Type #2 structural white adipose
The type #2 adipose tissue (Figure 2 A,D) is
more polymorphous and variable from site to
site, as it plays different roles based on the
relationships with the surrounding structures.
Such variability can also be appreciated as dif-
ferences in tissue consistency during harvest-
ing. In general, it is a more stromal fat and it is
located in much limited adipose areas, usually
rich of muscular tissue.
The type #2 fat is characteristic of more
localized depots, where its function goes
undoubtedly beyond the depot itself: in such
areas, the adipose tissue appears mainly final-
ized to mould, that is to give a shape to the
structure. The fat in trochanters, sovrapubic
area, arm pits, inner faces of the knees, thighs,
arms, pectoral and mammary areas and hips all
pertain to this group. The average diameter of
adipocytes is smaller than in dWAT: about 81
μm. Greater diameters can be found in the
inner faces of the knees (92 μm) and in the
trochanters (86 μm).
It is a non-lobular adipose tissue with a vari-
able collagenic component, often forming
coarse shoots. They appear relatively easy to
dissociate due to their structure. At times the
stroma appears fairly good and well vascular-
ized. Staminality is generally fair. In fact, some
elements related to the basal membrane (poor-
Original paper
[page 228] [European Journal of Histochemistry 2010; 54:e48]
ly differentiated or in course of differentia-
tion) can be found in the peri-capillary spaces.
Such elements are generally rich of polyribo-
somes and have few other organules made of
isolated endoplasmic reticulum cisternae.
Moreover, capillaries can show basal mem-
brane duplications or thickenings, mostly in
aged people. Rare macrophagic elements are
generally present. Among the various depots,
some peculiar aspects can be noticed in those
undergoing specific mechanic stimulations in
the lower limbs. For example, the depots on the
inner faces of the knees and in the tro -
chanteric areas present a quite thin connecti-
val mesh, almost mesenchymal-like. In scan
images, the peri-adipocyte baskets are charac-
terized by large meshes made of isolated colla-
gen fibers. Such basket often tends to detach
from the plasmalemma of the adipocytes (that
in these areas appears uniformly smooth).
Type #3 fibrous white adipose tissue
The type #3 adipose tissue (Figure 3 A,C)
has a remarkable fibrous component and is
characterized by a well defined mechanic func-
tion. It can generally be found in areas where
the mechanic stress can be considerable.
Adipocytes are therefore smaller, with a thick
fibrous shell wrapping them one by one. At
SEM, a tight reticulum of thickened collagen
fibers is visible in a thick layer around the
adipocytes. Such a reticulum can be visible
also at optical microscopy, but it appears clear-
ly only at TEM. This kind of adipose tissue,
characterized by a conspicuous prevalence of
collagenic stroma can present in lobular or
non-lobular subtypes.
Lobular subtype
It can be found for example in the calcaneal
fat pad; it is a lobular adipose tissue with micro
and macro chambers delimited by connective
septa. The tissue is well vascularized, with capil-
laries characterized by a thick endothelium,
duplicated basal membranes and covered by
velamentous cells. The adipocytes are large (97
μm) and covered by thick connective sheaths
made of very thick collagen bundles. At SEM, the
sheaths appear as compact, high density layers
that prevent the single meshes to be caught a
glimpse of due to the tight apposition of collagen
fibers. However, the outer surface of the basket
appears almost regular and easy to dissociate
from the stromal collagen. Therefore, the
sheaths appear as structures with an evident
morphologic identity, closely associated to the
plasmalemma of the adipocyte from which they
seem to be separated by no visible space at TEM.
Non-lobular subtype
It is a tissue with a maximum degree of
fibrosis. It can be found, for example, in the
periprosthetic capsules (both irradiated and
non irradiated). It is a hard adipose non-lobu-
lated tissue, with a strong stromal component.
Vascularization is florid and macrophages and
at times elongated elements with a poor lipidic
content (that can be referred to adipocyte line
in course of differentiation), can be found
around microvessels.
In the present work, the comparative sys-
tematic analysis of human subcutaneous tis-
sues performed with ultrastructural methods
also in areas never studied before led to the
description of a structure never described
before: the collagenic peri-adipocyte basket.
Such a structure probably plays an important
role in the preservation of cell integrity and it
can consequently influence the results in fat
harvesting procedures and in autologous fat
transplant. Based on the morphology of the
basket, three different types of subcutaneous
WATs can be patently identified and it is not
surprising that the areas more subject to
mechanic stress present more developed colla-
genic peri-adipocyte baskets.
An important data emerging from the pres-
ent study is therefore the polymorphism of the
subcutaneous adipose tissue. In fact, despite
the common idea that fat is contained in an
almost homogeneous cavity, the comparative
systematic analysis of human samples demon-
strated that the adipose organ appears as a
very differentiated entity. This leads to realize
that it should be more appropriated to use the
terms subcutaneous adipose tissues instead of
subcutaneous adipose tissue. The data
obtained by groups of patients of different ages
suggest that such a specialization could be in
part related to the length of human life as it is
less evident in the common laboratory species,
whose average life span is generally no longer
than 24 months. It appeared to be very difficult
to appreciate these differences at mere optical
microscopy and this is probably the main rea-
son why they have never been underlined in
preceding studies led with different aims. The
differences found seem to be mainly related to
Original paper
Figure 1. Abdominal adipose tissue: the tissue is characterized by large adipose cells and a poor
collagenic component. (A) Light microscopy (scale bar: 15 µm). (B)SEM (scale bar: 50 µm).
(C) SEM (scale bar: 20 µm). The adipocytes are surrounded by a thin capsule of collagen
fibres. Panel D, TEM (scale bar: 2000 µm). Panel E, TEM (scale bar: 500 µm). TEM images
confirm that only sparse collagen fibres surround the adipocytes.
[European Journal of Histochemistry 2010; 54:e48] [page 229]
the composition of the stromal compartment
and it patently emerged that the differences
can be substantially connected to the function-
al specializations of the depots in the various
sites. These results about regional differences
in morphology confirm the data indicating that
there are regional differences in the metabo-
lism of subcutaneous fatty depots.10,11 Lipids are
mobilized at a slower rate but synthesized at a
higher rate in the femoral than the abdominal
region. Fasting is accompanied by an
increased rate of fat mobilization and a
decreased rate of fat synthesis in all fatty
depots. These changes are, however, more pro-
nounced in abdominal than in femoral fat.
There are also regional differences in the hor-
monal regulation of fat metabolism in obesity.
The action of insulin is most pronounced in
the femoral region whereas the one of cate-
cholamines is most marked in the abdominal
area. The regional differences in hormone
action are further enhanced during therapeu-
tic fasting.10 Abdominal adipocytes from
females showed a 40 times lower alpha 2-
adrenergic antilipolytic sensitivity than did
gluteal adipocytes.11
While previous studies mainly focused on
the adipocyte compartment, the present study
aimed at a detailed analysis of the stromal
compartment. Based on TEM and SEM analy-
sis, we could define three main types of subcu-
taneous fat that can be named as dWAT, sWAT
and fWAT.
The main difference among the three types
is definitely the morphology of a structure that
was never clearly identified before: the peri-
adipocyte collagenic basket. Such a structure
appears seemingly important in determining
the mechanic features of the tissue and pres-
ents patent differences in the three types. In
the dWAT, the basket is incomplete and
extremely weak so the membranes of the
adipocytes are tightly adherent. Usually, only
isolated collagen fibers settle in the virtual
space. As whole, the tissue appears as a sort of
syncytium made of large dimension tightly
adherent elements. So, such an aspect appears
characterized by a huge lipidic collection with
a poor stromal component. The difficulty of dis-
sociation of the adipocyte depots during har-
vesting could be related to the tight adherence
among the cells. This could also imply a higher
cellular damage during harvesting because
traction and suction could break the cells
instead of separating them.
Further studies are necessary to confirm
this hypothesis. The features of the microcir-
culation indicate that the dWAT is a slow
turnover tissue with a low staminality, even if
data from other techniques are mandatory to
confirm morphologic findings.
In the sWAT, the collagenic peri-adipocyte
basket is well structured and associated to an
on average more cellular microvascular com-
partment compared to what was observed in
the large abdominal depots. This could be
related to the mechanic stress that the depots
or part of them are subject to. In fact, sWAT is
typically located in areas that underwent to a
more pronounced exposition to traumatism
with respect to dWAT. It should be pointed out
that the sWAT takes different morphologies
depending on the depots and on the age of the
In the fWAT, the collagenic peri-adipocyte
basket appears as enormously thick and made
of collagen parallel bands. Such feature is
added to an absolutely peculiar microcircula-
tion morphology, characterized by thick walled
vessels with, at times, duplicated basal mem-
branes. These features are probably related to
the peculiar tissue mechanic performances
that can be found in pathologic or, more rarely,
physiologic situations such as in the calcaneal
pad. In this case, it is evident that the function-
al performances under load of ”soft” elements
Original paper
Figure 2. Structural adipose tissue. The type
2 adipose tissue is characterized by a variable
collagenic component. (A) light microscopy
(scale bar: 15 µm). (B) TEM (scale bar: 5 µm).
The picture shows a stroma rich in collagen
fibers and well vascularized. (C) SEM (scale
bar: 35 µm). In this area the connective cap-
sule is thin and partially detached. (D) SEM
(scale bar: 20 µm). The picture shows
adipocytes covered by a relatively dense con-
nective capsule.
Figure 3. Fibrous adipose tissue with a
remarkable fibrous component. (A) Light
microscopy (scale bar: 15 µm). (B) SEM
(scale bar: 10 µm). A tight reticulum of thick-
ened collagen fibers is visible in a thick layer
around the adipocytes. (C) TEM (scale bar: 5
µm). The adipocytes are covered by thick con-
nective sheaths made of very thick collagen
bundles. a, adipocyte; c, connective tissue; v,
blood vessel; e, endothelium; collagen bun-
dle; *pericellular connective capsule.
[page 230] [European Journal of Histochemistry 2010; 54:e48]
like adipocytes would be unbelievable without
a noteworthy collagenic apparatus. It is signif-
icant the fact that despite the absolutely pecu-
liar features of this tissue, it has never been
ultrastructurally studied in detail. The use of
such methodologies clearly shows that the
main feature of fWAT is not only a greater
amount of collagen, but rather mainly its dif-
ferent set-up that takes the shape of collagenic
peri-adipocyte membranes. The microcircula-
tory morphology is also absolutely peculiar due
to the presence of some ultrastructural aspects
like the endothelial thickness, the presence of
perivascular elements, but mostly the duplica-
tion of basal membranes, suggesting a rapid
cell turnover, probably in response to chronic
In conclusion, the present study describes a
new morphologic structure: the peri-adipocyte
basket. It demonstrates the existence of differ-
ent varieties of WAT and that noteworthy dif-
ferences are present in the connectival and
micro-vascular compartments. Moreover, this
work provides practical indications for opti-
mization of harvesting procedures in the treat-
ments based on autologous WAT.
Our data suggest that the best results in
harvesting procedures and in subsequent
implant can probably be obtained by the sWAT.
In this tissue the elements are separated by a
thin collagen voile and the microcirculation is
rich of stem elements. Such features could be
related to the chronic stimulation status to
which the depots undergo leading to a cyto-
plasmatic degree of activation of the pericyte
elements. This makes sWAT the ideal tissue
for staminality restoring therapies based on
the creation of ectopic stem niches.12
In particular, our data suggest as particular-
ly noteworthy those sWAT depots where the
collagenic mesh is particularly weak, such as
the trochanteric ones or those in the inner
face of the knees. Moreover, data from SEM
seem to demonstrate that in such depots the
collagenic sheaths can easily be detached from
the adipocytes. This feature could be a further
factor explaining the optimal consistency of
the tissue. The weakness of the connectival
baskets and the easy detachability of adipo -
cytes seem to favor tissue harvesting. In our
experience in these depots the dissociability of
the adipose elements is higher.
Finally, these variants of sWAT have a strong
vasculo-stromal fraction, very rich in already
activated stem cells. Such features are proba-
bly determinant factors in the process of recon-
structing ectopic stem niches in the damaged
tissues. Therefore, this work suggests that, in
regenerative procedures based on transplant
of autologous adipose tissues, the site of har-
vesting should not be randomly chosen, but it
should be indicated by evidence based evalua-
tions. The structural peculiarity of sWAT, and
in particular of its microcirculation, suggests
that this tissue could represent a privileged
source for harvesting in regenerative proce-
dures based on autologous adipose tissues.13,14
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Original paper
... According to Sbarbati et al. (2010), there are three types of white adipose tissue (WAT) that can be differentiated based on structural and ultrastructural features: deposit WAT (dWAT), structural WAT (sWAT) and fibrous WAT (fWAT) [21]. ...
... According to Sbarbati et al. (2010), there are three types of white adipose tissue (WAT) that can be differentiated based on structural and ultrastructural features: deposit WAT (dWAT), structural WAT (sWAT) and fibrous WAT (fWAT) [21]. ...
... Thus, according to Sbarbati et al. (2010), deposit white adipose tissue cells are tightly packed and linked by a weak net of isolated collagen fibers. The collagenic components are very poor, the cells are large and few blood vessels are present. ...
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Background and Objectives: There are many surgical techniques for oroantral communication treatment, one of which is the buccal fat pad. Of particular interest is the high reparative potential of the buccal fat pad, which may be contributed to by the presence of mesenchymal stem cells. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the reparative potential of BFP cells using morphological and immunohistochemical examination. Materials and Methods: 30 BFP samples were provided by the Clinic of Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery of the Russian University of Medicine (Moscow, Russia) from 28 patients. Morphological examination of 30 BFP samples was performed at the Institute of Clinical Morphology and Digital Pathology of Sechenov University. Hematoxylin–eosin, Masson trichrome staining and immunohistochemical examination were performed to detect MSCs using primary antibodies CD133, CD44 and CD10. Results: During staining with hematoxylin–eosin and Masson’s trichrome, we detected adipocytes of white adipose tissue united into lobules separated by connective tissue layers, a large number of vessels of different calibers, as well as the general capsule of BFP. The thin connective tissue layers contained neurovascular bundles. Statistical processing of the results of the IHC examination of the samples using the Mann–Whitney criterion revealed that the total number of samples in which the expression of CD44, CD10 and CD133 antigens was confirmed was statistically significantly higher than the number of samples where the expression was not detected (p < 0.05). Conclusions: During the morphological study of the BFP samples, we revealed statistically significant signs of MSCs presence (p < 0.05), including in the brown fat tissue, which proves the high reparative potential of this type of tissue and can make the BFP a choice option among other autogenous donor materials when eliminating OAC and other surgical interventions in the maxillofacial region.
... Likewise, the subcutaneous tissue (subcutis) presents multiple hypoechoic fat lobules mechanically stabilized by a networkshaped hyperechoic fibrous scaffold [35]. The latter is mainly composed of type IV and VII dense/thick collagen bundles, elastic fibers, and fibroblasts; and it connects the dermis to the deeper anatomic structures providing stability and elasticity to the subcutis [38,39]. Large blood and lymphatic vessels travel within the interlobular septae of the fibrous scaffold branching into smaller elements that penetrate both into the intercellular matrix of the adipose lobules of subcutis and into the dermis to anastomose with its deep lymphovascular plexus [12,13]. ...
... to the deeper anatomic structures providing stability and elasticity to the subcutis [38,39]. Large blood and lymphatic vessels travel within the interlobular septae of the fibrous scaffold branching into smaller elements that penetrate both into the intercellular matrix of the adipose lobules of subcutis and into the dermis to anastomose with its deep lymphovascular plexus [12,13]. ...
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Nowadays, modern ultrasound machines and high-frequency transducers allow us to accurately assess the superficial soft tissues of the human body. In this sense, sonographic evaluation of the skin and related pathologies is progressively growing in the pertinent literature. To the best of our knowledge, a standardized sonographic protocol focused on the assessment of pathological skin scars is still lacking. As such, the main purpose of the present study was to propose a technical guide to sonographically assess skin scars in the daily practice of clinicians—starting from knowledge on their histopathological features. In order to standardize the ultrasound examination, a superficial-to-deep, layer-by-layer approach has been proposed to optimize its reproducibility and to promote a common language among the different healthcare providers.
... What differs in the different segments of the face is not only the structure, in terms of layers, but also the ultrastructure. 1,3,6 Considering the adipose compartments of the face, significant peculiarities were found compared to the subcutaneous adipose tissue present in other parts of the body, and described in detail by Sbarbati et al. 7 Applying the classification introduced in this study, most of the subcutaneous tissue of the face is fibrous white adipose tissue, that is, a tissue characterized by the presence of abundant collagen fibers, which form a basket-like structure surrounding clusters of adipocytes. Among the compartments with different structures, the malar and buccal (Bichat) fat pads should be mentioned, as they present scarce collagen fibers. ...
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Knowledge of the structure of the face is of fundamental importance. In fact, the face is treated in many areas of medicine, from dermatology, to maxillofacial surgery, to otorhinolaryngology, to ophthalmology, etc. and anti-aging aesthetic treatments, and those for the resolution of blemishes are on the increase. For ethical reasons it is not possible to take biopsy samples for facial analysis in the aesthetic field. The main aim of this study was to demonstrate that a high-resolution bimodal ultrasound examination, combined with elastosonography, could be a valid tool for pre-treatment morphological evaluation. To achieve this goal, skin samples were taken from the forehead, zygomatic area, nasolabial fold, upper and lower lip from cadavers to histologically characterize their structure. Subsequently, these same areas were evaluated in vivo using conventional B-mode ultrasound with a 24 MHz high-frequency probe, and elastosonography. The data obtained with the different techniques were compared, in order to state that modern ultrasound techniques can provide similar histological information. The analysis showed that the superficial hypodermis presented a different shape and structure in the different areas, with the exception of the areas of the upper and lower lip, which appeared similar. With aging, the forehead and zygomatic area showed a volumetric increase in the superficial hypodermic layer, while the lip showed non-structural changes. The morphology of the nasolabial fold remained unchanged. When it is not possible to perform histological investigations on the face, to understand its characteristics and dynamics, ultrasound with a 24 MHz probe would seem to be the most suitable method, while elastosonography could be a valid method for evaluating the stiffness of the structural components.
... These Subcutaneous fat contains dermal white adipose tissue and is subdivided by fibrous septa into different compartments, which have previously been identified both in cadavers and in imaging studies [24]. Using transmission and scanning electron microscopy [25], subdivided adipose tissue deposits into three groups: the structural type being: the one that contains adipose tissue with large adipocytes, while each cell is obviously covered by a thin fibrous layer [24]. Type I SMAS morphology covers the region lateral to the NLF, and its morphological description corresponds to the first description by Mitz and Peyronie and to the description in subsequent studies [26][27][28]. ...
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Introduction The yellow ligament of the chin is poorly described in anatomic publications, is a morphological structure not very well known, but constant, whose description, function and location have been studied by anatomists, and its relevance in facial physiognomy is currently recognized. The retaining ligaments of the face support facial soft tissue in normal anatomic position, resisting gravitational change. As this ligamentous system attenuates, facial fat descends into the plane between the superficial and deep facial fascia, and the stigmata of facial age develop [1]. The layers of the facial soft tissue are supported in normal anatomic position by a series of retaining ligaments that run from deep, fixed facial structures to the overlying dermis. Two types of retaining ligaments are noted as defined by their origin, either from bone or from other fixed structures within the face. Materials and Methods Literature search A systematic literature search in bibliographic databases public domain books on human anatomy and journal articles indexed from the 18 th to the 21st centuries were reviewed, in which they alluded to the morphological description and surgical procedures of the chin region and the yellow ligament of the chin, in order to determine what name they use to designate the anatomical element that separates the two mentalis muscles. The search was carried out in the Gallica database, portal of the digital library of the National Library of France (BnF) and its associates; also in the portals: Google Books, Google Scholar, Internet Archive, Inclusion criteria. Studies were included if they met the following criteria: Where we search the words: chin, chin fat pad, ligamento amarillo del menton, mentonnière, mentalis muscle, houppe du menton, ligament jaune du menton, chin dimple, chin fissure, kinnes, Kinngegend. The study observational of the population consisted of the 10 patiens aged ≥18 years who were going to perform procedures in the chin area in ten mandibular procedure of the symphysis in a Caribbean population made up of mulattoes. The study complies with the ethical standards of the journal.
... In addition, it contributes to adipocyte turnover maintenance (Lecoutre et al., 2022). Vessels being more represented within the IFP than the SFP likely reflects the different dimensions of these two adipose tissues: SFP is a fat pad much smaller than IFP (SFP median The microscopic characteristics of the SFP mimic the IFP ones, appearing as a fibrous white adipose tissue, of the lobular subtype (Macchi et al., 2016;Sbarbati et al., 2010). The presence of septa and lobuli was recognized and described, preliminarily highlighting no F I G U R E 1 2 Numerical simulation of a compressive load. ...
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The suprapatellar fat pad is an adipose tissue located in the anterior knee whose role in osteoarthritis is still debated. Considering that anatomy drives function, the aim of this histotopographic study was to investigate the specific morphological features of the suprapatellar fat pad versus the infrapatellar fat pad in the absence of osteoarthritis, for a broad comparative analysis. Suprapatellar fat pad and infrapatellar fat pad tissue samples ( n = 10/group) underwent microscopical/immunohistochemical staining and transmission electron microscopy analysis; thus, tissue‐specific characteristics (i.e., vessels and nerve endings presence, lobuli, adipocytes features, septa), including extracellular matrix proteins prevalence (collagens, elastic fibers), were focused. Multiphoton microscopy was also adopted to evaluate collagen fiber orientation within the samples by Fast Fourier Transform (coherency calculation). The absence of inflammation was confirmed, and comparable counted vessels and nerve endings were shown. Like the infrapatellar fat pad, the suprapatellar fat pad appeared as a white adipose tissue with lobuli and septa of comparable diameter and thickness, respectively. Tissue main characteristics were also proved by both semithin sections and transmission electron microscopy analysis. The suprapatellar fat pad adipocytes were roundish and with a smaller area, perimeter, and major axis than that of the infrapatellar fat pad. The collagen fibers surrounding them showed no significant difference in collagen type I and significantly higher values for collagen type III in the infrapatellar fat pad group. Regarding the septa, elastic fiber content was statistically comparable between the two groups, even though more represented by the suprapatellar fat pad. Total collagen was significantly higher in the infrapatellar fat pad and comparing collagen type I and type III they were similarly represented in the whole cohort despite collagen type I appearing to be higher in the infrapatellar fat pad than in the suprapatellar fat pad and vice versa for collagen type III. Second harmonic generation microscopy confirmed through coherency calculation an anisotropic distribution of septa collagen fibers. From a mechanical point of view, the different morphological characteristics determined a major stiffness for the infrapatellar fat pad with respect to the suprapatellar fat pad. This study provides, for the first time, a topographic description of the suprapatellar fat pad compared to the infrapatellar fat pad; differences between the two groups may be attributed to a different anatomical location within the knee; the results gathered here may be useful for a more complete interpretation of osteoarthritis disease, involving not only cartilage but the whole joint.
... It has few vascular components, which apparently characterize it as an area of high lipid deposition. 30 Cellulite is a complex issue to address, and it is a pathology specific to women due to the anatomical characteristics of the superficial adipose or areolar tissue (SAT)/hypodermis. In women, the fat lobules are larger and have parallel septa, while in men, the lobules are smaller and arranged in oblique planes. ...
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Background The demand for body procedures is increasing, and buttocks beautification is one of the most sought-after procedures in dermatological and plastic surgery clinics. Several aspects affect the beauty of this area, including sagging, cellulite, contour irregularity, and volume reduction. This makes treatment of the area more challenging. Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA), which may be injected into the buttocks, stimulates local neocollagenesis, provides volume replacement, increases the strength and elasticity of the dermis, and thickens the underlying superficial fascia. However, no protocol for buttocks beautification tailors the dilution and deep application of CaHA filler simultaneously according to clinical assessments and personal priorities regarding contour, sagging, and cellulite. Purpose To report the results of a minimally invasive protocol using different dilutions of CaHA (Buttocks Beautification 3D) in the buttocks with application in different planes. The treatment was performed according to a previous individualized evaluation to improve the area aesthetically. Patients and methods Six women and one man were submitted to the protocol. An assessment was performed to determine the shape, sagging, cellulite (in women), and patients’ preferences for buttocks beautification. The dilution, volume, depth, and injection technique for CaHA were based on these assessments. The results of the treatment were then assessed using standardized photographs and patient satisfaction. Results We reported favorable results in six women and one man with different grades of sagging, female cellulite, and shapes of the gluteal region who were treated with CaHA injections according to a tailored protocol. All participants reported high satisfaction with the procedure. Conclusion Highly satisfactory results were achieved in seven adult patients who were assessed and treated for the buttocks with CaHA using an individualized protocol. Prospective studies should be performed to corroborate our findings and optimize the use of Buttocks Beautification 3D as a reliable modality of treatment for this body area.
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Background The cardinal feature of systemic sclerosis (SSc) is skin thickening and tightening. Targetable mechanisms for skin features remain elusive. Drugs successful in treating internal organ manifestations have failed efficacy in skin. Dermal white adipose tissue (DWAT) is amongst the understudied contributors to skin manifestations. This study proposes the role of sine oculis homeobox homolog 1 (SIX1), a gene previously unrecognized as a contributor to dermal lipoatrophy characteristic of early skin fibrosis in SSc. Methods Skin gene expression of SIX1 was analyzed in the GENISOS and PRESS SSc cohorts. Correlation analysis was performed with Spearman rank analysis. Novel mouse models were developed using the Cre-loxp system to knock out Six1 in all cells and mature adipocytes. Subcutaneous bleomycin was used to model early DWAT atrophy and dermal fibrosis characteristic of SSc. Findings SIX1 was upregulated in SSc skin, the expression of which correlates with adipose-associated genes and molecular pathways. Genetic deletion of Six1 in all cells in mice challenged with bleomycin abrogated end-stage fibrotic gene expression and dermal adipocyte shrinkage. Adipocyte specific Six1 deletion was able to attenuate the early increase in skin thickness, a hallmark of experimental skin fibrosis. Further studies revealed a link between elevated SIX1 and increased expression of SERPINE1 and its protein PAI-1 which are known pro-fibrotic mediators. Interpretation This work identifies SIX1 as an early marker of skin fibrosis in SSc. We also demonstrate a causative role of Six1 in skin fibrosis by promoting adipocyte loss and show that deletion of Six1 in adipocytes has the potential of impacting early disease progression.
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Dermal white adipose tissue (dWAT) is a newly recognized layer of adipocytes within the reticular dermis of the skin. In many mammals, this layer is clearly separated by panniculus carnosus from subcutaneous adipose tissue (sWAT). While, they concentrated around the hair shaft and follicle, sebaceous gland, and arrector pili muscle, and forms a very specific cone geometry in human. Both the anatomy and the histology indicate that dWAT has distinct development and functions. Different from sWAT, the developmental origin of dWAT shares a common precursor with dermal fibroblasts during embryogenesis. Therefore, when skin injury happens and mature adipocytes in dWAT are exposed, they may undergo lipolysis and dedifferentiate into fibroblasts to participate in wound healing as embryogenetic stage. Studies using genetic strategies to selectively ablate dermal adipocytes observed delayed revascularization and re-epithelialization in wound healing. This review specifically summarizes the hypotheses of the functions of dWAT in wound healing. First, lipolysis of dermal adipocytes could contribute to wound healing by regulating inflammatory macrophage infiltration. Second, loss of dermal adipocytes occurs at the wound edge, and adipocyte-derived cells then become ECM-producing wound bed myofibroblasts during the proliferative phase of repair. Third, mature dermal adipocytes are rich resources for adipokines and cytokines and could release them in response to injury. In addition, the dedifferentiated dermal adipocytes are more sensitive to redifferentiation protocol and could undergo expansion in infected wound. We then briefly introduce the roles of dWAT in protecting the skin from environmental challenges: production of an antimicrobial peptide against infection. In the future, we believe there may be great potential for research in these areas: (1) taking advantage of the plasticity of dermal adipocytes and manipulating them in wound healing; (2) investigating the precise mechanism of dWAT expansion in infected wound healing.
The prevalence of obesity and associated chronic diseases continues to increase worldwide, negatively impacting on societies and economies. Whereas the association between excess body weight and increased risk for developing a multitude of diseases is well established, the initiating mechanisms by which weight gain impairs our metabolic health remain surprisingly contested. In order to better address the myriad of disease states associated with obesity, it is essential to understand adipose tissue dysfunction and develop strategies for reinforcing adipocyte health. In this Review we outline the diverse physiological functions and pathological roles of human white adipocytes, examining our current knowledge of why white adipocytes are vital for systemic metabolic control, yet poorly adapted to our current obesogenic environment.
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Catecholamine-induced lipolysis was investigated in nonobese females and males. Isolated subcutaneous adipocytes were obtained from the abdominal and gluteal regions. The lipolytic effect of noradrenaline was four to fivefold more marked in abdominal adipocytes than in gluteal fat cells. This regional difference was more apparent in females than in males. No site differences were observed when lipolysis was stimulated with agents acting at different postreceptor levels. The beta-adrenergic lipolytic sensitivity was 10-20 times greater in abdominal adipocytes from both sexes than in gluteal adipocytes. Abdominal adipocytes from females showed a 40 times lower alpha 2-adrenergic antilipolytic sensitivity than did gluteal adipocytes, but the adenosine receptor sensitivity was similar in both sites. Beta-receptor affinity for agonists displayed no site or sex variation. Abdominal adipocytes showed a twofold increased beta-adrenoceptor density than did gluteal cells from both sexes. The alpha 2-adrenoceptor density was similar in all regions, but in females the affinity of clonidine for these sites was 10-15 times lower in the abdominal fat cells compared with gluteal cells. In conclusion, regional differences in catecholamine-induced lipolysis are regulated at the adrenoceptor level, chiefly because of site variations in beta-adrenoceptor density. Further variations in the affinity properties of alpha 2-adrenergic receptor in females may explain why the regional differences in catecholamine-induced lipolysis are more pronounced in women than in men.
This study compares the incidence of local and regional recurrence of breast cancer between two contiguous time windows in a homogeneous population of 137 patients who underwent fat tissue transplant after modified radical mastectomy. Median follow-up time was 7.6 years and the follow-up period was divided into two contiguous time windows, the first starting at the date of the radical mastectomy and ending at the first lipoaspirate grafting session and the second beginning at the time of the first lipoaspirate grafting session and ending at the end of the total follow-up time. Although this study did not employ an independent control group, the incidence of local recurrence of breast cancer was found to be comparable between the two periods and in line with data from similar patient populations enrolled in large multicenter clinical trials and who did not undergo postsurgical fat tissue grafting. Statistical comparison of disease-free survival curves revealed no significant differences in relapse rate between the two patient subgroups before fat grafting and after fat grafting. Although further confirmation is needed from multicenter randomized clinical trials, our results support the hypothesis that autologous lipoaspirate transplant combines striking regenerative properties with no or marginal effects on the probability of post-mastectomy locoregional recurrence of breast cancer.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) represent a promising therapeutic approach for neurological autoimmune diseases; previous studies have shown that treatment with bone marrow-derived MSCs induces immune modulation and reduces disease severity in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model of multiple sclerosis. Here we show that intravenous administration of adipose-derived MSCs (ASCs) before disease onset significantly reduces the severity of EAE by immune modulation and decreases spinal cord inflammation and demyelination. ASCs preferentially home into lymphoid organs but also migrates inside the central nervous system (CNS). Most importantly, administration of ASCs in chronic established EAE significantly ameliorates the disease course and reduces both demyelination and axonal loss, and induces a Th2-type cytokine shift in T cells. Interestingly, a relevant subset of ASCs expresses activated alpha 4 integrins and adheres to inflamed brain venules in intravital microscopy experiments. Bioluminescence imaging shows that alpha 4 integrins control ASC accumulation in inflamed CNS. Importantly, we found that ASC cultures produce basic fibroblast growth factor, brain-derived growth factor, and platelet-derived growth factor-AB. Moreover, ASC infiltration within demyelinated areas is accompanied by increased number of endogenous oligodendrocyte progenitors. In conclusion, we show that ASCs have clear therapeutic potential by a bimodal mechanism, by suppressing the autoimmune response in early phases of disease as well as by inducing local neuroregeneration by endogenous progenitors in animals with established disease. Overall, our data suggest that ASCs represent a valuable tool for stem cell-based therapy in chronic inflammatory diseases of the CNS.
This study investigated the effects of lipofilling on both the functional and the aesthetic aspects of breast reconstruction. Sixty-one consecutive patients with irradiated reconstructed breasts (62 breasts) were offered free fat transfer to enhance the results and correct the defects. Twenty patients were enrolled (active branch) and underwent multiple sessions of lipofilling, while the others were considered controls. The fat was harvested by syringe and processed by saline washing only (no centrifugation). Three months after the last session the functional outcome was evaluated using the LENT-SOMA scoring system and the aesthetic outcome was evaluated using a visual 5-point scale. A significant improvement in all the LENT-SOMA scores after free fat grafting was observed; the scores after treatment were all significantly lower than those before it and were also significantly lower than those of untreated breasts. These results also were confirmed by comparing homogeneous subgroups of breasts with similar LENT-SOMA ranks before treatment. Similarly, the cosmetic outcomes were significantly enhanced after serial lipofilling. The four cases in the active branch with severe flap thinning resolved with no implant exposure (mean follow-up = 17.6 months), while implant exposure occurred in the two cases with the same problem in the control group. In one case, a Baker 3-4 capsular contracture was downgraded to Baker 1 after only one session of lipofilling. No complications occurred in the treated cases. Free fat transfer is a safe and reliable technique in improving the outcomes of irradiated reconstructed breasts with implants.
The results of several recent studies indicate that there are regional differences in the metabolism of subcutaneous fatty depots in obesity. Fat cells are larger in the femoral than in the abdominal region. Lipids are mobilized at a slower rate but synthesized at a higher rate in the former than the latter region. Fasting is accompanied by an increased rate of fat mobilization and a decreased rate of fat synthesis in all fat depots. These changes are, however, more pronounced in abdominal than in femoral fat. There are also regional differences in the hormonal regulation of fat metabolism in obesity. The action of insulin is most pronounced in the femoral region whereas that of catecholamines is most marked in the abdominal area. The regional differences in hormone action are further enhanced during therapeutic fasting. These differences may partly explain why adiposity is more catching in some fatty regions than in others and also why some obese areas are resistant to slimming.
Breast reconstruction is fully justified only from an aesthetic perspective. A reconstructed breast, therefore, should be as aesthetically natural and similar to the contralateral one as possible, even if this means reproducing some little defects. The breast's profile (projection, ptosis, sulcus location, and superficial unevenness), symmetry, areola, and nipple are the characterizing aesthetic factors. The authors present their experience in prosthetic breast reconstruction seen with an aesthetic eye and an artistic touch, illustrating personal tips and technical adjustments: use of anatomical prostheses, pectoralis muscle treatment, sulcus stabilization or reconstruction, superficial irregularities correction, and nipple-areola complex reconstruction. Results are evaluated by both the surgeon and the patient using a score system, validating the method.