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Imaging in bariatric surgery: Service set-up, post-operative anatomy and complications


Abstract and Figures

Obesity is an increasingly prevalent and costly problem faced by the healthcare system. The role of bariatric surgery in managing obesity has also increased with evidence showing a reduction in long-term morbidity and mortality. There are unique challenges faced by the radiology department in providing an imaging service for this population of patients, from technical and staffing requirements through to the interpretation of challenging post-surgical images. We describe these challenges and provide an overview of the most frequently performed procedures, normal post-operative imaging findings and the appearance of common complications.
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Imaging in bariatric surgery: service set-up, post-operative
anatomy and complications
Department of Imaging and
Department of Bariatric Surgery, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK
ABSTRACT. Obesity is an increasingly prevalent and costly problem faced by the
healthcare system. The role of bariatric surgery in managing obesity has also increased
with evidence showing a reduction in long-term morbidity and mortality. There are
unique challenges faced by the radiology department in providing an imaging service
for this population of patients, from technical and staffing requirements through to
the interpretation of challenging post-surgical images. We describe these challenges
and provide an overview of the most frequently performed procedures, normal post-
operative imaging findings and the appearance of common complications.
Received 9 January 2010
Revised 1 March 2010
Accepted 3 March 2010
DOI: 10.1259/bjr/18405029
2011 The British Institute of
Obesity is a multifactorial disease, which is increasing
in incidence and prevalence. In 2006, 67% of men and
56% of women were classified as being either overweight
or obese in England [1]. Overall, 24% of adults were
classified as obese, an increase from 15% in 1993, and
16% of children aged 2–15 years were classified as obese,
an increase from 11% in 1995. Estimates suggest that at
the current rate of increase, by 2010 there will be 12
million adults and 1 million children categorised as
obese. The body mass index (BMI, kg m
) is the most
widely used measure of obesity; BMI between 25 and 30
signifies being overweight and BMI greater than 30
signifies obesity. BMI greater than 35 with obesity-
related serious comorbidities or greater than 40 with or
without comorbidities is defined as morbid obesity.
It is increasingly recognised that the consequences of
obesity on general health are far reaching. Comorbidities
associated include hypertension, diabetes mellitus,
ischaemic heart disease, dyslipidaemia, osteoarthritis,
obstructive sleep apnoea and psychological morbidity.
As well as a burden on the general health of the
population, there is a huge financial burden associated
with obesity. The Health Select Committee reported that
the cost of obesity and being overweight is between £6.6
and £7.4 billion per year. If current trends in obesity
continue, these costs may rise to between £7.5 and £8.4
billion per year [2]. Therefore, a 1% reduction in the
prevalence of obesity may yield a saving between £66
and £74 million per year.
Lifestyle and pharmacological interventions have been
the main options available to health professionals caring
for this population. However, there is an increasing
volume of literature expounding the benefits of bariatric
surgery. Recent studies suggest that as well as inducing
significant weight loss it may help reverse some of the
metabolic consequences of obesity [3]. In addition, there
is now evidence that bariatric surgery reduces long-term
mortality by 29–40% [4, 5].
The National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence (NICE) published updated guidance in 2006
regarding the management of obesity (Table 1) [2]. The
estimated cost of implementing the NICE guidance is £63
million in the first year; the cost savings of a 1%
reduction in obesity prevalence would return this sum.
NICE emphasise the importance of undertaking
surgery only at centres where a multidisciplinary team
approach is used. Optimum outcomes are achieved
where the multidisciplinary team consists of surgeons
trained adequately in the appropriate techniques as well
as allied health professionals such as dieticians, psychia-
trists and specialist nurses. In addition, rigorous selec-
tion criteria should be applied and surgery should only
be undertaken at high-volume centres; these factors may
help reduce in-hospital deaths [6]. NICE also state that
an essential component in a successful service is the
provision of a diagnostic and interventional radiology
service by well-trained radiologists and radiographers.
Service set-up
As with any new service set-up, there is an analysis of
the demand for the service against the costs, health and
financial benefits of providing the service. The commis-
sioners of the service must ensure that the service is
integrated with other local health and weight manage-
ment programmes [2]. They must also ensure that
Address correspondence to: Dr S Shah, Department of Imaging,
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK. E-mail:
The British Journal of Radiology, 84 (2011), 101–111
The British Journal of Radiology, February 2011 101
appropriate referral and assessment criteria are estab-
lished, and frequent review of the clinical outcomes is
undertaken to maintain a high-quality service. Under the
new payment by results (PbR) system, a fixed tariff is
paid by the primary care trust (PCT) to the hospital trust
for specific procedures. There is also an additional
inflationary cost added to reflect the local population.
This income is then used to pay the overheads for the
service, recruitment and employment of surgeons and
specialist nurses. Allocated amounts are paid to the
theatres, imaging and pathology departments. Generally,
the income distributed to the imaging department is a
fixed proportion of the surgical department’s income,
regardless of the types of operation being performed.
Whilst some operations require no imaging follow-up,
many do, and the cost of providing the imaging service
has to be met by the fixed income from the surgical
department. In the near future, many imaging depart-
ments may move to a similar PbR-type system, i.e. they
are paid for individual units of work rather than a lump
The specific challenges faced by the imaging depart-
ment can be divided into three categories: technical
factors, training issues and service provision. With
regards to technical factors there are issues relating to
weight and size limits, image quality and radiation dose
imparted. The weight and size limits of individual pieces
of imaging equipment need to be outlined specifically in
a policy document prior to the initiation of such a
service. Typical and representative examples from our
own department include: diagnostic and fluoroscopic
radiology (weight limit 137 kg), CT (width limit 70 cm,
weight limit 200 kg), MRI (width limit 60 cm, weight
limit 200 kg), interventional radiology (weight limit
200 kg), ultrasound (weight limit 175 kg) and nuclear
medicine (weight limit 175 kg). The width limits usually
refer to the shoulder-to-shoulder distance. However, in
this group of patients, it is often the abdomen which
exceeds the width limit. Being able to acquire images of
diagnostic quality is a further challenge; owing to the
large volume of soft tissue there is increased absorption
of the X-ray beam and higher currents need to be used.
There is also increased scatter of radiation; both these
factors mean that there is an increased radiation dose
imparted on the patients and the operators. The contrast
resolution of these studies is compromised. This is
important because often the key question is whether
there is a leak of water-soluble contrast from the site of
surgery, and detecting small volumes of leaked contrast
may be extremely difficult owing to poor image
resolution. Similarly, ultrasound is often an unsatisfac-
tory modality to use in these patients because of the
absorption and poor reflection of ultrasound waves by
the large volume of soft tissue.
The surgical procedures performed on these patients
are unique and it is important that radiologists are
specifically and adequately trained in the appropriate
imaging techniques and normal and abnormal imaging
appearances. When the service was started at our
institution, the lead surgeon provided a lecture on the
surgical techniques used, their expected normal post-
operative imaging findings and common complications.
Similar to a surgeon learning operative techniques, there
is a learning curve for radiologists in imaging these
patients. For the first 6 months, regular meetings were
held between the surgical and radiology teams to discuss
specific cases with a view to establishing experience and
a ‘‘database’’ of normal and abnormal findings. This is
an important facet in the training of both junior
radiologists and surgeons involved in the service. As
well as the radiologists specifically involved in gastro-
intestinal (GI) imaging, all other radiologists providing
an ‘‘on-call’’ service, radiographers and interventional
radiology nurses needed to be trained in issues speci-
fic to the imaging of bariatric patients. In many parts
of the UK, training of radiologists is moving towards
a modular programme based on tutorials on the Radi-
ology-Integrated Training Initiative (RITI) website [7]. A
module on imaging following bariatric surgery is
currently not available. In light of the increasing use of
these surgical techniques, a module would be extremely
useful for radiology trainees.
There are several logistical factors involved in provid-
ing such a service. Fluoroscopy is one of the main
imaging modalities used in the post-operative period
and commonly patients are imaged in the first 48 hours
following the procedure. There must be adequate space
on the routine fluoroscopy lists to be able to accom-
modate these patients at short notice and if there are no
planned lists there must be fluoroscopy facilities, radio-
graphers and radiologists available to provide the ser-
vice as and when required. This may impact significantly
on the out-of-hours service if there is a high volume
of patients being operated on or if theatre lists are
scheduled for the latter part of the working week.
Similarly, there will be an expected increase in the use
of CT and interventional radiology services for these
Table 1. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidance regarding surgical management of obesity [2]
Consider surgery for people with severe obesity if:
BMI >40 kg m
or more, or 35–40 kg m
and other significant disease (e.g. Type II diabetes or hypertension) that could be
improved if they lost weight
All appropriate non-surgical measures have been tried but have failed to achieve or maintain adequate, clinically beneficial
weight loss for at least 6 months
They are receiving or will receive intensive management in a specialist obesity service
They are generally fit for anaesthesia and surgery
They commit to the need for long-term follow-up
Consider surgery as a first-line option for adults with a BMI .50 kg m
in whom surgical intervention is considered appropriate;
consider orlistat before surgery if the waiting time is long.
BMI, body mass index.
S Shah, V Shah, A R Ahmed and D M Blunt
102 The British Journal of Radiology, February 2011
Bariatric surgical procedures
There are three main categories of surgical procedure:
restrictive procedures induce weight loss by substan-
tially reducing gastric capacity and promoting early
satiety, examples include laparoscopic adjustable gastric
banding (LAGB) and sleeve gastrectomy (SG); malab-
sorptive procedures (e.g. jejunoileal bypass and biliopan-
creatic diversion) surgically alter the gut to limit nutrient
absorption from the small intestine, but are not now
commonly performed; and combined restrictive and
malabsorptive approaches include the Roux-en-Y gastric
bypass (RYGB), although the primary mechanism of
weight loss is thought to be restrictive rather than
malabsorptive [8]. Many of the procedures are now
performed laparoscopically with the advantages of
decreased recovery time and reduced number of
complications. Currently, the two most commonly
performed procedures worldwide are RYGB and
LAGB, followed by sleeve gastrectomy [9, 10].
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
Surgical technique
Originally introduced in the 1960s and 1970s, RYGB is
now the most commonly performed bariatric procedure
in North America [10, 11]. Several variations are
currently in use, but in general involve the following
steps (Figure 1). First, a gastric pouch is formed by
separating it from the rest of the stomach, now referred
to as the gastric remnant. This is achieved by physically
dividing the pouch from the remnant using a cutting
stapler. Next, the jejunum is divided approximately
50 cm distal to the ligament of Treitz, and brought up to
create a gastrojejunostomy with the gastric pouch,
usually via a side-to-side (functionally end-to-side)
anastomosis. This anastomosed jejunal loop is referred
to as the Roux or alimentary limb and can be placed
‘‘retrocolic’’ through an opening created in the trans-
verse mesocolon or ‘‘antecolic’’ in front of the transverse
colon (Figure 2a), it can also be placed ante- or retro-
gastric. To complete the operation a jejunojejunostomy is
created approximately 100–150 cm distal to the gastro-
jejunostomy to connect the alimentary limb and bilio-
pancreatic (BP) limb (i.e. remnant stomach, native
duodenum and proximal jejunum) (Figure 2b). The small
bowel from this point to the terminal ileum is referred to
as the common channel.
Normal post-operative imaging appearance
Upper GI fluoroscopy using an oral water-soluble
contrast is the first line technique to assess for post-
operative complications. The normal post-operative
fluoroscopic anatomy is presented in Figure 1b. As a
rule of thumb the gastric pouch should be of a size
similar to that of a lower thoracic or lumbar vertebral
body (15–20 ml). This comparison allows simple and
reliable detection of a pouch that is either too large or too
small. Contrast may remain in the distal oesophagus and
gastric pouch for a variable period before passing
through the anastomosis and filling the short blind limb
and alimentary (Roux) limb.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 1. Normal appearances following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. (a) Schematic illustration; (b) contrast study; P, gastric pouch;
A, alimentary limb; BL, blind limb; (c) CT image; P, gastric pouch; GR, gastric remnant.
Review article: Imaging in bariatric surgery
The British Journal of Radiology, February 2011 103
CT is not commonly performed in the post-opera-
tive assessment following RYGB, but can be useful
when fluoroscopic examinations are equivocal or for
the evaluation of extraluminal complications such as
intra-abdominal fluid collections. Normal post-operative
findings at CT are demonstrated in Figure 1c and
Figure 2.
The incidence of anastomotic leak after RYGB is
reported to be in the region of 2–5% [11, 12]. It is an
early complication, usually within the first 10 days
following surgery, and most commonly occurs at the
gastrojejunal anastomosis. It is a potentially life-threaten-
ing complication and requires prompt diagnosis. How-
ever, clinical evaluation is difficult as patients may have
no signs of peritonitis and may present with only fever,
tachycardia and abdominal discomfort, which are
relatively non-specific in the immediate post-operative
period [13]. Fluoroscopy typically shows extravasated
contrast material in the left upper quadrant (Figure 3).
Abdominal drains should be scrutinised closely because
some well-controlled leaks are evident only on the basis
of opacification of the drainage catheter. It should also
be noted that, although not commonly left in situ, the
presence of a nasogastric tube with its tip in the ali-
mentary limb may prevent visualisation of leakage from
the anastomosis.
Abdominal fluid collection and subphrenic abscess
occur in fewer than 2% of all bariatric surgery patients,
but are extremely serious complications with a high
morbidity and mortality [12, 14]. Plain radiographs may
show an air-fluid level in the left upper quadrant,
although this finding can be difficult to interpret because
of air in the remnant stomach. However, CT has a critical
role in the work-up as it will readily demonstrate the
fluid collection. In addition, the presence of air-fluid
levels or contrast material is highly suggestive of
anastomotic leak as the underlying cause.
Anastomotic narrowing at the gastrojejunal anastomo-
sis has a reported incidence ranging from 3% to 9% and
is more common with a circular stapled gastrojejunost-
omy [11, 15]. Clinically, this presents with dysphagia,
post-prandial pain and vomiting [14]. Fluoroscopy
demonstrates narrowing at the gastrojejunal anastomo-
sis, expansion of the gastric pouch and delayed passage
of contrast material into the Roux limb. In the immediate
post-operative period this is usually the result of
anastomotic oedema [16] (Figure 4a). In these cases,
follow-up examinations should show improvement if the
delay is caused by oedema. Persisting pouch distension
on follow-up and air/contrast material levels in the
pouch and oesophagus are suggestive of a stricture
(Figure 4b). Stricture at the jejunojejunal anastomosis is
rare, with an incidence of 0.8% [17]. On fluoroscopy,
contrast material is seen in a distended alimentary limb
(Figure 5). It can also result in distension of the
biliopancreatic limb with air-fluid levels within the
(a) (b)
Figure 2. Normal CT appearances following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. (a) Antecolic position of alimentary limb; A, alimentary
limb; TC, transverse colon; (b) jejunojejunal anastomosis; arrow shows the anastomosis between alimentary and biliopancreatic
(BP) limbs.
Figure 3. Contrast study demonstrating leak at gastrojeju-
nal anastomosis; arrow indicates leak; P, gastric pouch; A,
alimentary limb.
S Shah, V Shah, A R Ahmed and D M Blunt
104 The British Journal of Radiology, February 2011
gastric remnant. Similar findings can also be seen in the
early post-operative period and secondary to anastomo-
tic oedema, endoluminal haematoma or bolus obstruc-
tion at the jejunojejunal anastomosis.
Small-bowel obstruction is reported in 4–5% of
patients [18]. It is usually caused by internal hernias or
adhesions, although other causes include mesocolic
window stenosis, bezoar formation in the gastric pouch
and intussusception [11, 12]. Compared with open
procedures, the laparoscopic approach has reduced the
prevalence of adhesions but has led to an increase in the
prevalence of internal hernia formation. Internal hernias
often develop through the opening in transverse meso-
colon following retrocolic placement of the roux limb,
and antecolic placement appears to have decreased the
prevalence of internal hernias [18]. The herniated bowel
is usually the Roux limb itself with a varying amount of
additional small-bowel loops [12].
It can be difficult to distinguish small-bowel obstruc-
tion caused by adhesions from that caused by internal
hernia on CT. However, clustering of dilated small-
bowel loops in the left upper quadrant is more
suggestive of internal herniation [19]. In the case of
herniation through the transverse mesocolon, the her-
niated cluster of bowel is located posterior to the
stomach and transverse colon.
Stomal ulceration incidence is in the region of 10%. It is
thought to occur as a result of increased acid production
within the pouch and is, therefore, associated with larger
gastric pouches [20]. Patients usually present with severe
dyspepsia, burning retrosternal pain and vomiting. The
diagnosis is usually made endoscopically; however,
imaging studies may detect complications such as
stricture, perforation and gastrogastic fistula.
Gastrogastric fistula is a connection between the
gastric pouch and remnant and is a rare complication,
with a reported incidence of ,1%. It occurs secondary to
leaks or stomal ulcer perforation [21, 22]. The primary
finding on fluoroscopy is detection of contrast material
in the gastric remnant (Figure 6).
(a) (b)
Figure 4. Contrast studies demonstrating narrowing at gastrojejunal anastomosis. (a) Post-operative oedema: arrow indicates
narrowing at gastrojejunal anastomosis; P, gastric pouch; A, alimentary limb; (b) stricture; arrow indicates stricture at
gastrojejunal anastomosis; P, gastric pouch; A, alimentary limb.
Figure 5. Contrast study demonstrating jejunojejunal stric-
ture; arrow indicates stricture at anastomosis between
alimentary and biliopancreatic limbs; arrowhead indicates
oedema in alimentary limb; A, alimentary limb; CC, common
Review article: Imaging in bariatric surgery
The British Journal of Radiology, February 2011 105
Adjustable gastric banding
Surgical technique
LAGB is a purely restrictive procedure that has
traditionally been popular in Europe, but is now
increasingly performed in North America; recent data
suggest it is now the most commonly performed
technique worldwide [10]. The surgical technique
involves placing an adjustable silicon band around the
proximal stomach, approximately 2 cm distal to the
gastro-oesophageal junction to partition a small gastric
pouch and create an adjustable stoma into the remainder
of the stomach (Figure 7). The anterior gastric wall is
often sutured over the band to the gastric pouch to
decrease the chances of band slippage. The band is then
connected via tubing to a port placed subcutaneously in
the abdomen. Through percutaneous aspiration or
injection of saline or radio-opaque contrast into the port,
the size of the band is decreased or increased, thereby
adjusting the stomal width [23]. In some units a contrast
swallow study is performed at the same time as the band
fill to objectively determine adequacy of band filling.
Normal post-operative imaging appearance
On fluoroscopic studies (Figure 7b), the gastric pouch
should be relatively symmetric in shape and measure
approximately 3–4 cm in maximum dimension when
distended with contrast material. The stoma diameter
should measure approximately 3–4 mm in diameter,
with prompt emptying of the pouch [24]. In addition, the
adjustable band, catheter and subcutaneous port can all
be visualised. Another factor that should be assessed is
the orientation of the gastric band, which should lie
obliquely. This can be more formally measured using the
phi angle, which is the angle created by intersecting a
line drawn parallel to the spinal column with a line
drawn parallel to the plane of the gastric band on an
anteroposterior projection. Normally this angle should
range from 4˚to 58˚[25].
Figure 6. Contrast study demonstrating gastrogastric fistula;
P, gastric pouch; A, alimentary limb; GR, gastric remnant.
(a) (b)
Figure 7. Normal appearances following laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding. (a) Schematic illustration; (b) contrast study
demonstrating phi angle; P, gastric pouch; arrow shows gastric band.
S Shah, V Shah, A R Ahmed and D M Blunt
106 The British Journal of Radiology, February 2011
Stomal stenosis and acute concentric pouch dilatation
are the most common complications after LAGB [26],
and present with nocturnal reflux, vomiting and upper
abdominal discomfort. It may be due to iatrogenic over-
filling of the band, post-operative stomal oedema or
blockage of the stoma by food bolus. Typical fluoroscopic
findings include a narrowed or obstructed stoma with
proximal concentric pouch dilatation, delayed passage of
contrast material and oesophageal reflux.
Chronic pouch dilatation incidence is 3–8% [26, 27]. In
contrast to acute pouch dilatation, it occurs in the
presence of a normal stoma and is usually owing to
chronic volume overload of the pouch secondary to
overeating. As the pouch gets larger it allows for further
overeating and further dilatation resulting in a ‘‘mega-
pouch’’ (Figure 8). If left untreated it can result in
oesophageal dysfunction and dilatation and eventually
lead to a mega-oesophagus.
Pouch prolapse, also termed band slippage, is the
superior herniation of the distal stomach wall and may
occur despite adequate initial band placement. Incidence
ranges from 3% to 13% and is decreasing with modifica-
tions to the surgical technique [26–29]. Anterior prolapse
is more common and results in lateral eccentric gastric
pouch enlargement, stomal narrowing and a horizontally
orientated band, with a phi angle of greater than 58˚
(Figure 9) [11, 30]. In posterior prolapse, which is now
uncommon, there is medial eccentric gastric pouch
enlargement and a vertically lying band.
Band misplacement is a technical complication rarely
observed. The band may be misplaced in perigastric fat,
over the gastro-oesophageal junction or the lower part of
stomach, and may result in poor weight loss, dysphagia
or gastric outlet obstruction.
Port- and band-related complications are reported in
0–7% of cases, and include leakage, infection and band
erosion [26]. Leakage can occur from the band, catheter
or access port and should be suspected when there is loss
of eating restriction or insufficient deflation volume.
Causes of leak include trauma to the band balloon or
catheter, or a defective device. Band erosion is usually a
rare and late complication and is diagnosed by the
intraluminal position of the band, with contrast outlining
both inside and outside of the band.
Acute gastric perforation is rare, occurring in ,1% of
cases, and is usually owing to surgical trauma to the
stomach wall [26, 28]. It has an extremely variable clinical
presentation and can lead to life threatening sepsis.
Fluoroscopy and CT may demonstrate leak of contrast
into the left upper quadrant.
Sleeve gastrectomy
Surgical technique
The laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (SG) is a rela-
tively new technique and was first performed in 1999
[31]. It was originally proposed as the first part of a two-
stage operation in super-obese patients with a BMI
.60 kg m
or in high-risk patients [32]. However, more
recently its use has become more widespread and it now
accounts for approximately 5% of bariatric procedures
[10]. It is an essentially restrictive intervention performed
by vertically dividing the stomach along the greater
curve, thus removing the fundus and greater curvature
and leaving a thin, banana-shaped gastric pouch of
Figure 8. Contrast study demonstrating a megapouch (MP).
Figure 9. Contrast study demonstrating anterior pouch
prolapse and increased phi angle; P, gastric pouch.
Review article: Imaging in bariatric surgery
The British Journal of Radiology, February 2011 107
approximately 100 ml along the lesser curve (Figure 10).
The size of the sleeve is calibrated using a bougie tube
within the stomach and the procedure reduces the size of
the stomach by about 75%.
Normal post-operative imaging appearance
Upper GI fluoroscopy after SG is the first line study to
detect leaks and other post-operative complications. The
normal post-operative fluoroscopic anatomy is presented
in Figure 10b, demonstrating the thin tubular pouch, the
diameter of which varies according to the size of the
bougie tube used. In the majority of cases contrast passes
freely through the sleeve to the antrum, with a slight
delay at the pyloric valve. However, in some cases, there
can be failure to propel contrast with a hold up in the
proximal sleeve [33]. This is thought to be due to gastric
antral malfunction or ‘‘stunning’’ in the early post-
operative period, but usually settles with time and the
aid of a prokinetic agent. A linear streak of contrast may
be seen within non-excised fundus, which may be
mistaken for an extraluminal leak (Figure 11).
Gastric dilatation is one of the primary drawbacks of
this procedure, and reoperations are required in up to
4.5% of cases [31]. This presents clinically as inadequate
weight loss or weight regain. Fluoroscopy demonstrates
increased diameter of the sleeve, with loss of the normal
tubular appearance.
Gastric leak and abdominal collections as a result of
disruption of the staple line are a potential concern
following SG because of the significant gastric resection
and long staple line, although the literature suggests a
low incidence of approximately 0.9% [31]. The com-
monest site of leak is from the proximal stomach at the
angle of His [34]. Fluoroscopy demonstrates extravasa-
tion of contrast material into the left upper quadrant
(Figure 12a). Intra-abdominal abscess is a potential
sequelae (incidence 0.1%) and may be detected on plain
radiography as an air-fluid level in the left upper
quadrant as there is no remnant stomach. However, CT
is the imaging modality of choice in cases where this is
suspected (Figure 12b).
SG is thought to predispose the patient to post-
operative reflux symptoms because the gastric resection
adversely affects the angle of His. Studies have demon-
strated incidences of up to 21% at 1 year, reducing to 3%
at the 3 year follow-up [35]. Reflux of contrast into the
oesophagus can be readily demonstrated on fluoroscopy,
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 10. Normal appearances following sleeve gastrectomy. (a) Schematic illustration; (b) contrast study; S, gastric sleeve;
(c) CT image; S, gastric sleeve; arrow shows gastric suture line.
Figure 11. Contrast study demonstrating a pitfall in imaging
following sleeve gastrectomy; S, gastric sleeve; arrow indi-
cates intraluminal contrast within fundus mimicking a leak.
S Shah, V Shah, A R Ahmed and D M Blunt
108 The British Journal of Radiology, February 2011
although in the early post-operative period, this may
occur secondary to gastric antral dysfunction as outlined
As the procedure is relatively recent, long-term follow-
up studies are relatively scarce. Other reported compli-
cations include stricture (0.7%), particularly at the
incisura from intra-operative stapling error. There is
also evidence of both delayed and accelerated gastric
emptying following SG. Indeed, the latter is hypothe-
sised to play a central role in the beneficial metabolic
effects seen following surgery [36].
Other techniques
Vertical-banded gastroplasty
This is an older, purely restrictive procedure and its use
has decreased significantly with the popularity of the
RYGB, the advent of laparoscopic adjustable gastric
banding and problems with long-term weight loss [37].
The technique involves vertically partitioning the stomach
to create a small gastric pouch based on the lesser
curvature of the stomach. Using a circular stapler, the
anterior and posterior walls of the stomach are then
stapled together and an incision is made through the
excluded gastric walls to create a circular window,
through which a polypropylene mesh or band is placed
and wrapped around the stomach, creating a small
proximal gastric pouch and a small stoma into the
remainder of the stomach. Imaging is important to help
bariatric surgeons plan revisional surgery.
Jejunoileal bypass
Created by Kremen et al in 1954, the jejunoileal bypass
(JIB) was the original bariatric surgical procedure [38].
Today, the JIB has long since been abandoned because of
the severe malnutritional state and the resultant side-
effects [39]. The general procedure involves creating an
end-to-side jejunoileostomy with a short jejunal limb
approximately 35 cm long anastomosed to the terminal
ileum. Despite the fact that JIB is no longer used to treat
patients who underwent this procedure knowledge of
the procedure is important for radiological imaging.
Role of interventional radiology
One of the most frequently requested interventional
procedures is ultrasound or fluoroscopically guided
percutaneous access to the port for LAGB adjustment,
which cannot be accessed clinically owing to excess
adipose tissue. Indeed, in some centres these are
routinely performed by radiologists. Operators should
be aware that a specialist needle (Huber) should be used
to access the port. This is a non-cutting needle allowing
puncture of the port without damaging the membrane.
Several complications in bariatric-surgery patients can
also be successfully managed with interventional radi-
ology techniques. Indeed, in many cases, image-guided
percutaneous procedures can obviate the need for
emergency surgical exploration, and commonly per-
formed techniques include aspiration and drainage of
abdominal fluid collections. Other techniques that may
be required include imaging-guided placement of jejunal
feeding tubes in cases of gastrojejunal complications in
RYGB, and imaging-guided gastrostomy of the gastric
remnant for temporary decompression in cases of BP
limb distension secondary to obstruction at the jejunoje-
junostomy [40]. Although most often performed via
endoscopy, stenosis at the gastrojejunal anastomosis can
also be dilated with the aid of fluoroscopic guidance [41].
In addition, percutaneous transhepatic techniques can be
used in the management of biliary complications such as
choledocholithiasis in RYGB patients, as conventional
endoscopic access to the biliary tree is limited in this
group [42].
Bariatric surgery is increasingly performed to control
morbid obesity. The imaging of this group of pa-
tients following surgery is a vital component of their
(a) (b)
Figure 12. Post-operative leak from gastric suture line following sleeve gastrectomy. (a) Contrast study; arrow indicates leak
from gastric suture line; S, gastric sleeve; (b) CT; S, gastric sleeve; arrow indicates fluid collection in left upper quadrant.
Review article: Imaging in bariatric surgery
The British Journal of Radiology, February 2011 109
management and presents unique and varied challenges.
We have described the issues faced when setting up such
an imaging service and have presented an overview of
the most frequently performed surgical procedures, the
normal post-operative imaging findings and the details
and appearances of common complications.
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Review article: Imaging in bariatric surgery
The British Journal of Radiology, February 2011 111
... The diversion technique is less common due to a slightly higher complication rate and malabsorption. The laparoscopic approach is overwhelmingly (98%) the most common, compared to open and endoscopic alternatives [5][6][7][8][9][10]. ...
... The emerging reporting outcomes have been variable, with associations with severe complications such as gastrointestinal perforation and as such availability of these procedures remains limited. This remains an experimental technique with only small clinical trials currently reported but shows the potential for further innovation in the field [8,22,23]. ...
... These occur most frequently at the gastrojejunal anastomosis and can affect up to 13% of patients' post-bariatric surgery, causing notable symptoms such as epigastric pain and occasional bleeding [8,9]. Fluoroscopy has excellent spatial resolution for detecting mucosal ulcers, which appear as irregularities, filling defects or delayed emptying of contrast material. ...
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Obesity is a worldwide health concern leading to several chronic health problems and comorbidities. Its treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach where lifestyle changes are fundamental. Additionally, in the past decade, the use of different surgical procedures of various levels of complexity has grown, with the objective of reducing the gastric capacity, creating diversions, or a combination of both. The aim of this article is to review and illustrate the major types of bariatric surgical techniques, their normal post-surgical anatomy, and the possible associated complications, to aid the radiologist in their assessment and timely diagnosis.
... The three main categories of bariatric surgery inducing weight loss are restrictive procedures as laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) and sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) that markedly decrease gastric capacity inducing early satiety; mal-absorptive surgical procedures as not commonly done biliopancreatic diversion and jejunoileal bypass that alter the GIT and hence interfering with nutrient absorption from small bowel; and combined restrictive and mal-absorptive procedures as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) that primarily reduce weight by restrictive rather than mal-absorptive interference (3) . ...
... Post-operatively, within the first two days, patients are imaged by upper GI fluoroscopic series, especially when a leak is suspected (3,4) . ...
... 470 Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy Figure 1: Diagram shows normal surgical anatomy after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Quoted from Levine et al. (2) The principle of sleeve gastrectomy is to divide the stomach through its long axis laparoscopically and remove gastric greater curvature along its fundus, body, and proximal part of the antrum, leaving a narrow gastric pouch along the lesser curvature resembling banana shape (3) (fig. 1). ...
... The band is then tubing-connected to a port placed subcutaneously in the abdomen. Through percutaneous aspiration or injection of saline or radio-opaque contrast into the port, the size of the balloon inside the band can be decreased or increased, thereby adjusting the stomal width [12]. AGB consists of a silicone band with an inflatable balloon cuff placed around the 78 proximal stomach, approximately 2 cm distal to the gastro-esophageal junction, creating 79 a small gastric pouch in communication with the remnant stomach ( Figure 2). ...
... The band is then tubing-connected to a port placed subcutaneously in the 82 abdomen. Through percutaneous aspiration or injection of saline or radio-opaque contrast 83 into the port, the size of the balloon inside the band can be decreased or increased, thereby 84 adjusting the stomal width [12]. 85 86 Figure 2. Correct positioning of the gastric banding seen in the CT axial (a) and coronal (b,c) views. ...
... The comorbidities of people with obesity (e.g., diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular and respiratory disorders) predispose these patients to higher risk of complications when going under general anaesthesia and having surgery [1,12]. ...
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Bariatric surgery has demonstrated a higher rate of success than other nonsurgical treatments in selected patients with obesity; however, like all medical procedures, postoperative complications may occur, ranging between 2 and 10% and, although rare, they can be life threatening. Complications may be unspecific (any surgery-related complications) or specific (linked to the specific surgical procedure) and can be distinguished as common, less common, and unexpected. According to the onset, they may be acute, when occurring in the first 30 days after surgery, or chronic, with a presentation after 30 days from the procedure. The aim of this pictorial essay is to review the radiological aspects of surgical techniques usually performed and the possible complications, in order to make radiologists more confident with the postsurgical anatomy and with the normal and abnormal imaging findings.
... These are the product of longer exposure times. 3,9 Even with digital imaging systems that are designed to automatically compensate for an optimum image contrast (using AEC), this can still have an impact on IQ in obese patients. 10 As a result of these developments, one question still remainsdoes increasing body part thickness affect lowcontrast detail (LCD) detection when undertaking adult chest X-ray radiography (CXR) using automatic exposure control (AEC)? ...
... In total, 44 radiographs were generated (11 radiographs for each phantom size); three repeat radiographs were acquired by imaging the phantom three times for each parameter settings based on the vendor of CDRAD 2.0 recommendations. 9 Image quality evaluation and dose measurement Image quality figure inverse (IQF inv ) values (which indicate an ability to identify small objects against a lowcontrast background) represent the LCD detection resulting from the CDRAD 2.0 phantom images and were assessed using the CDRAD 2.0 analyser software and calculated using equation 1, ...
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Introduction Differences in patient size often provide challenges for radiographers, particularly when choosing the optimum acquisition parameters to obtain radiographs with acceptable image quality (IQ) for diagnosis. This study aimed to assess the effect of body part thickness on IQ in terms of low‐contrast detail (LCD) detection and radiation dose when undertaking adult chest radiography (CXR). Methods This investigation made use of a contrast detail (CD) phantom. Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) was utilised to approximate varied body part thicknesses (9, 11, 15 and 17 cm) simulating underweight, standard, overweight and obese patients, respectively. Different tube potentials were tested against a fixed 180 cm source to image distance (SID) and automatic exposure control (AEC). IQ was analysed using bespoke software thus providing an image quality figure inverse (IQF inv ) value which represents LCD detectability. Dose area product (DAP) was utilised to represent the radiation dose. Results IQF inv values decreased statistically ( P = 0.0001) with increasing phantom size across all tube potentials studied. The highest IQF inv values were obtained at 80 kVp for all phantom thicknesses (2.29, 2.02, 1.8 and 1.65, respectively). Radiation dose increased statistically ( P = 0.0001) again with increasing phantom thicknesses. Conclusion Our findings demonstrate that lower tube potentials provide the highest IQF inv scores for various body part thicknesses. This is not consistent with professional practice because radiographers frequently raise the tube potential with increased part thickness. Higher tube potentials did result in radiation dose reductions. Establishing a balance between dose and IQ, which must be acceptable for diagnosis, can prevent the patient from receiving unnecessary additional radiation dose.
... Using a line of sutures or staples, the proximal stomach is divided, creating two portions: the first, smaller, corresponding to the remnant of the gastric fundus, approximately 15-20 mL, and the second, larger, corresponding to the excluded stomach [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] . ...
... The gastrojejunal anastomosis has an approximate diameter of 8-12 mm and can have two locations, retrogastric or antegastric, depending on its relationship to the gastric remnant. Likewise, the efferent loop, in its ascent, can have two dispositions with respect to the transverse mesocolon, either antecolic or transmesocolic, the former being more frequent [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] . ...
... Furthermore, obesity is continuously increasing in the United States such that currently more than 65% of U.S adults are considered overweight or obese and this represents a 25% increase in the past three decades [51][52][53][54]. As is to be expected with the increased prevalence of obesity in the general population, the number of obese patients requiring medical imaging also has increased. ...
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Background It is not unusual to see some parts of tissues are excluded in the field of view of CT simulation images. A typical mitigation is to avoid beams entering the missing body parts at the cost of sub-optimal planning. Methods This study is to solve the problem by developing 3 methods, (1) deep learning (DL) mechanism for missing tissue generation, (2) using patient body outline (PBO) based on surface imaging, and (3) hybrid method combining DL and PBO. The DL model was built upon a Globally and Locally Consistent Image Completion to learn features by Convolutional Neural Networks-based inpainting, based on Generative Adversarial Network. The database used comprised 10,005 CT training slices of 322 lung cancer patients and 166 CT evaluation test slices of 15 patients. CT images were from the publicly available database of the Cancer Imaging Archive. Since existing data were used PBOs were acquired from the CT images. For evaluation, Structural Similarity Index Metric (SSIM), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) were evaluated. For dosimetric validation, dynamic conformal arc plans were made with the ground truth images and images generated by the proposed method. Gamma analysis was conducted at relatively strict criteria of 1%/1 mm (dose difference/distance to agreement) and 2%/2 mm under three dose thresholds of 1%, 10% and 50% of the maximum dose in the plans made on the ground truth image sets. Results The average SSIM in generation part only was 0.06 at epoch 100 but reached 0.86 at epoch 1500. Accordingly, the average SSIM in the whole image also improved from 0.86 to 0.97. At epoch 1500, the average values of RMSE and PSNR in the whole image were 7.4 and 30.9, respectively. Gamma analysis showed excellent agreement with the hybrid method (equal to or higher than 96.6% of the mean of pass rates for all scenarios). Conclusions It was first demonstrated that missing tissues in simulation imaging could be generated with high similarity, and dosimetric limitation could be overcome. The benefit of this study can be significantly enlarged when MR-only simulation is considered.
Radiology is an important component of the multidisciplinary team caring for patients undergoing bariatric surgery. The radiologist must understand the nature of surgery performed and the “normal” postoperative appearances on imaging. The radiologist also has to be aware of the specific complications that arise from the commonly performed bariatric surgical procedures. These include mainly, band slippage and erosions and tube leakage and dissociation in patients with gastric band insertion; anastomotic leaks, strictures, bleeds, ulcers, gastric remnant dilation, and internal hernias in patients with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB); and perforations, strictures, gastric dilatation, and in the long-term, gastro-esophageal reflux and failure in weight loss in patients with sleeve gastrectomy. Less frequently performed operations such as duodenal switch and single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy (SADI-S) have a combination of complications seen in gastric sleeve and RYGB. Computer tomography and fluoroscopy are the imaging modalities of choice when evaluating for postoperative complications in a patient following bariatric surgery.
OBJECTIVE. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and radiologic features of postoperative complications after Swedish laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding surgery and to emphasize the role of the radiologist in the follow-up of those patients, especially in the treatment of complications. MATERIALS AND METHODS. We reviewed the radiologic findings in 218 consecutive morbidly obese patients after laparoscopic placement of the Swedish gastric banding system. Radiographic studies of the stomach (obtained with liquid barium sulfate suspension) were performed before surgery and 1 month after band placement in every patient. Additional studies in symptomatic patients were performed when needed. RESULTS. Surgical complications found included misplacement of the band (five patients, 2.3%), slippage of the band (17 patients, 7.8%), and pouch enlargement (eight patients, 3.7%). Technical problems encountered were inversion of the access port (three patients, 1.4%), leakage of the device (two patients, 0.9%), and spontaneous decrease of the stoma size caused by gastritis (seven patients, 3.2%) or the hyperosmolar properties of the IV contrast material (12 patients, 5.5%). Intrinsic abnormalities of gastroesophageal tract seen included trapping of food in the stoma (four patients, 1.8%) and esophagitis (11 patients, 5%). CONCLUSION. Although, according to the available data, the gastric banding operation with the Swedish band meets the criteria of a low-risk laparoscopic alternative treatment of morbid obesity, the radiologic appearances of various complications may be seen on the images of patients who have undergone the procedure. The radiologist plays a key role in the early detection of those complications and treatment of specific abnormalities.
Background: a prospective randomized study was undertaken to compare the outcome of vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG) and gastric bypass (GBP) in patients with clinically severe obesity. Methods: eligibility criteria included Class IV obesity, <50 years old and a history of at least one attempt of non-operative weight loss. Patients were managed conservatively for 3 months prior to surgery. Patients were followed post-operatively and monitored for early and late complications and their weight loss outcome for up to 5 years. Results: 44 patients were recruited. Two patients withdrew within 4 weeks and were excluded. Twenty subjects had a GBP and 22 a VBG. There were no significant differences with respect to age, gender, maximum or pre-operative weight between the groups (p > 0.05). Patients who underwent GBP demonstrated significantly greater post-operative weight loss (p < 0.05) which was apparent from 6 months onwards. There were no deaths, pulmonary emboli, post-operative leaks or wound dehiscence. There were no instances of staple-line disruption. Symptomatic ulcer disease, confirmed endoscopically, developed in 25% of GBP patients. Nine patients developed gallstones post-operatively of whom five were in the VBG and four in the GBP group. Conclusions: weight loss following GBP was maintained, while VBG patients slowly regained.
This article describes the radiographic appearance of a recently developed laparoscopically placed adjustable gastric band for the treatment of morbid obesity. The optimal technique for contrast evaluation of the device, complications associated with its use, and the technique for stoma adjustments are also discussed. Between May and December 1996, 23 patients at our institution underwent laparoscopic placement of adjustable silicone gastric bands for treatment of morbid obesity. All patients underwent a barium upper gastrointestinal series before surgery, 1 day after band placement, at variable intervals when each patient returned for band adjustment, and at 1 year. Unlike the case in other gastric weight loss procedures, the optimal patient position for contrast evaluation of gastric bands was anteroposterior or slightly right posterior oblique. Twenty-one of 23 patients had no complications shown on the postoperative upper gastrointestinal series. Stoma size was approximately 3-8 mm, and most patients showed delayed esophageal emptying without obstruction. Two patients had herniation of the stomach through the gastric band with pouch enlargement, resulting in obstruction and the need for additional surgery. We saw no leaks or band erosions. Nineteen stoma adjustments were performed in 13 patients. One patient had an inverted port that could not be accessed for adjustment. As adjustable gastric bands become more widely used, radiologists need to be familiar with the radiographic appearance of the devices, the complications associated with their use, and the optimal patient positioning for contrast evaluation. Radiologists may also be involved with band adjustment to decrease or increase the stoma size and therefore need to understand the technique and potential difficulties of adjusting the stoma.
Prospective controlled data on the long-term effects of bariatric surgery on disability pension are not available. This study prospectively compare disability pension in surgically and conventionally treated obese men and women. The Swedish obese subjects study started in 1987 and involved 2010 obese patients who had bariatric surgery and 2037 contemporaneously matched obese controls, who received conventional treatment. Outcomes of this report were: (i) incidence of disability pension from study inclusion to 31 December 2006 in all subjects, and, (ii) number of disability pension days over 10 years in a subgroup of individuals (N=2901) followed for at least 10 years where partial pensions were recalculated to full number of days per year. Objective information on granted disability pension was obtained from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and disability pension follow-up rate was 99.9%. In men, the unadjusted incidence of disability pension did not differ between the surgery and control groups (N=156 in both groups). When adjusting for baseline confounders in men, a reduced risk of disability pension was suggested in the surgery group (hazard ratio 0.79, 95% confidence interval 0.62-1.00; P=0.05). Furthermore, the adjusted average number of disability pension days was lower in the surgery group, 609 versus 734 days (P=0.01). In women, bariatric surgery was not associated with significant effects on incidence or number of days of disability pension. Bariatric surgery may be associated with favourable effects on disability pension for up to 19 years in men whereas neither favourable nor unfavourable effects could be detected in women.
Bariatric surgery has been reported to reduce long-term mortality in operated participants in comparison with nonoperated participants. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials published as full articles dealing with cardiovascular (CV) mortality, all-cause mortality (noncardiovascular), and global mortality (sum of CV and all-cause mortality). Pooled-fixed effects of estimates of the risk of mortality in participants undergoing surgery were calculated compared with controls. Of 44,022 participants from 8 trials (14,052 undergoing surgery and 29,970 controls), death occurred in 3317 participants (400 in surgery, 2917 in controls); when the kind of death was specified, 321 CV deaths (118 in surgery, 203 in controls), and 523 all-cause deaths (218 in surgery, 305 in controls) occurred. Compared with controls, surgery was associated with a reduced risk of global mortality (OR = 0.55, CI, 0.49-0.63), of CV mortality (OR = 0.58, CI, 0.46-0.73), and of all-cause mortality (OR = 0.70, CI, 0.59-0.84).Data of all-cause mortality were not heterogeneous; heterogeneity of data of CV mortality decreased when studies were grouped according to size (large vs small studies). The reduction of risk was smaller in large than in small studies (OR = 0.61 vs 0.21, 0.63 vs 0.16, 0.74 vs 0.35 for global, CV, and all-cause mortality, respectively). The effect of gastric banding and gastric by-pass (3797 vs 10,255 interventions) was similar for global and all-cause mortality (OR = 0.57 vs 0.55, and 0.66 vs 0.70, respectively), different for CV mortality (OR = 0.71 vs 0.48). At meta-regression analysis, a trend for a decrease of global mortality (Log OR) linked to increasing BMI appeared. This meta-analysis indicates that (1) bariatric surgery reduces long-term mortality; (2) risk reduction is smaller in large than in small studies; and (3) both gastric banding and gastric by-pass reduce mortality with a greater effect of the latter on CV mortality.
Periodically, the state of bariatric surgery worldwide should be assessed; the most recent prior evaluation was in 2003. An email survey was sent to the leadership of the 36 International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders nations or national groupings, as well as Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Responses were tabulated; calculation of relative prevalence of specific procedures was done by weighted averages. Out of a potential 39, 36 nations or national groupings responded. In 2008, 344,221 bariatric surgery operations were performed by 4,680 bariatric surgeons; 220,000 of these operations were performed in USA/Canada by 1,625 surgeons. The most commonly performed procedures were laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (AGB; 42.3%), laparoscopic standard Roux-Y gastric bypass (RYGB; 39.7%), and total sleeve gastrectomies 4.5%. Over 90% of procedures were performed laparoscopically. Comparing the 5-year trend from 2003 to 2008, all categories of procedures, with the exception of biliopancreatic diversion/duodenal switch, increased in absolute numbers performed. However, the relative percent of all RYGBs decreased from 65.1% to 49.0%; whereas, AGB increased from 24.4% to 42.3%. Markedly, different trends were found for Europe and USA/Canada: in Europe, AGB decreased from 63.7% to 43.2% and RYGB increased from 11.1% to 39.0%; whereas, in USA/Canada, AGB increased from 9.0% to 44.0% and RYGB decreased from 85.0% to 51.0%. The absolute growth rate of bariatric surgery decreased over the past 5 years (135% increase), in comparison to the preceding 5 years (266% increase). Bariatric surgery continues to grow worldwide, but less so than in the past. The types of procedures are in flux; trends in Europe vs USA/Canada are diametrically opposed.
Internal hernias (IHs) can complicate laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (LRYGB). A number of radiological investigations can be used in the diagnosis. These include plain X-rays, upper gastrointestinal (UGI) series, ultrasound, and computed tomography (CT) scanning. We present radiological findings in our series of 58 symptomatic internal hernias based on our 6-year experience (2000-2006) of 2,572 LRYGB patients. A retrospective chart review was performed of all patients undergoing LRYGB who developed symptomatic internal hernia requiring operative intervention between January 1, 2000 and September 15, 2006. Types of radiological tests performed and their results were recorded. Fifty-eight symptomatic internal hernias were recorded, of which 56/58 (97%) underwent radiological investigation; 2/58 went directly to surgery. Of the 56 patients who underwent diagnostic imaging, 41 plain abdominal X-rays, 37 CT scans, 26 UGI series, and eight ultrasound scans were performed. Sixty-five percent of UGI series and 92% of CT scans had positive features diagnostic of internal hernia. Performing both CT and UGI series successfully diagnosed IH in 100% of cases. Subgroup analysis did not reveal any association between positive result of imaging test and type of internal hernia. CT scanning is the single most effective radiological investigation for diagnosing internal hernias post-LRYGB. In non-diagnostic cases, the addition of an upper GI series increases the diagnostic rate to 100%.
One of the most serious complications after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is gastric leak. Few publications exist concerning the treatment of gastric leak. We sought to determine by way of a prospective study the clinical presentation, postoperative course, and treatment of gastric leak after LSG for obesity. From October 2005 to August 2008, 214 patients with different degrees of obesity underwent LSG. During surgery, each patient received saline with methylene blue by way of nasogastric tube and had a drain placed. All patients underwent radiologic study with liquid barium sulphate on postoperative day 3. Seven patients developed gastric leak. Leak in two patients (28.6%) was diagnosed by upper gastrointestinal tract (UGI) study. Two patients had type I leak (28.6%), and five patients had type II leak (71.4%). Four patients underwent reoperation. Three patients were managed medically with enteral or parenteral feeding; the drain was maintained in situ; and collections were drained by percutaneous punctions guided by computed axial tomography. Mean hospital length of stay was 28.8 days, and time to leakage closure was 43 days after surgery. Different ways exist to manage gastric leak, depending on the magnitude of the collection and the clinical repercussions. When treatment necessitates reintervention and is performed early, suture repair is more likely to be successful. Leakage closure time will vary.
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is gaining popularity as an additional bariatric procedure, either as a first step for biliopancreatic diversion or gastric bypass or as a stand-alone option for selected patients. Early postoperative fluid tolerance varies between patients and influences the length of hospital stay. Swallow studies after LSG are not uniform and display different patterns with regard to contrast passage through the gastric sleeve. The 55 patients (40 women) in this study underwent LSG during 18 months. These patients had a mean age of 38.2 years (range: 17-61 years) and a mean body mass index (BMI) of 44.8 kg/m(2) (range: 39-75 kg/m(2)). The LSG procedure was performed using a four-port technique to resect the greater curvature of the stomach around a bougie. The mean operative time was 120 min (range: 45-240 min). A routine swallow study was performed on postoperative day 1, and clear fluids were initiated if no leak was detected. Patients were discharged when they could tolerate a daily fluid intake of 2 l. No mortalities, obstructions, or leaks occurred in the study cohort. Two main patterns of contrast passage were identified: type 1 (immediate unhindered flow through the sleeve to the antrum with a slight delay before continuation of the contrast to the duodenum) and type 2 (contrast filling of the proximal sleeve with delay of flow distally toward the duodenum). Patients with rapid contrast passage (group 1, n = 24) tolerated clear fluids better than those with delayed flow (group 2, n = 31) and were discharged earlier than their counterparts (mean length of hospital stay, 2.5 vs. 3.4 days; p < 0.001). Tolerance of fluid intake after LSG is crucial for patient recovery and discharge. A distinct radiologic appearance on postoperative day 1 helps to predict this behavior. The different patterns could be related to gastric sleeve construction or to possible postoperative sleeve spasm, hindering fluid passage. The influence of immediate fluid tolerance on weight loss after LSG is currently under investigation.