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The effect on mortality of antipyretics in the treatment of influenza infection: Systematic review and meta-analyis


Abstract and Figures

To determine whether antipyretic treatment for influenza infection influences the risk of mortality in animal models and humans. A systematic search of Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Register of Controlled Trials was undertaken to identify randomized placebo-controlled trials of antipyretic use in influenza infection in animal models or humans that reported mortality. A quantitative meta-analysis of the risk of death using Peto's one step odds ratio with calculation of the pooled risk of death and standard evaluation of heterogeneity was undertaken. Not applicable. Not applicable. Risk of mortality associated with antipyretic use in influenza infection. Eight studies from three publications met the inclusion criteria. No human studies were identified. The risk of mortality was increased by antipyretic use in influenza-infected animals with a fixed effects pooled odds ratio of 1.34 (95% CI 1.04-1.73). An increased risk was observed with aspirin, paracetamol and diclofenac. In animal models, treatment with antipyretics for influenza infection increases the risk of mortality. There are no randomized placebo-controlled trials of antipyretic use in influenza infection in humans that reported data on mortality and a paucity of clinical data by which to assess their efficacy. We suggest that randomized placebo-controlled trials of antipyretic use in human influenza infection are urgently required, and that these are sufficiently powered to investigate a potential effect on mortality.
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The effect on mortality of
antipyretics in the treatment of
influenza infection: systematic
review and meta-analyis
Sally Eyers
+Mark Weatherall
+Philippa Shirtcliffe
Kyle Perrin
+Richard Beasley
Medical Research Institute of New Zealand, Private Bag 7902,Wellington 6242, New Zealand
Capital & Coast District Health Board, Wellington, New Zealand
University of Otago Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Correspondence to: Richard Beasley. E-mail:
Objective To determine whether antipyretic treatment for influenza
infection influences the risk of mortality in animal models and humans.
Design A systematic search of Medline, Embase and the Cochrane
Register of Controlled Trials was undertaken to identify randomized placebo-
controlled trials of antipyretic use in influenza infection in animal models or
humans that reported mortality. A quantitative meta-analysis of the risk of
death using Peto’s one step odds ratio with calculation of the pooled risk of
death and standard evaluation of heterogeneity was undertaken.
Setting Not applicable.
Participants Not applicable.
Main outcome measures Risk of mortality associated with antipyretic
use in influenza infection.
Results Eight studies from three publications met the inclusion criteria.
No human studies were identified. The risk of mortality was increased by
antipyretic use in influenza-infected animals with a fixed effects pooled odds
ratio of 1.34 (95% CI 1.04–1.73). An increased risk was observed with aspirin,
paracetamol and diclofenac.
Conclusion In animal models, treatment with antipyretics for influenza
infection increases the risk of mortality. There are no randomized placebo-
controlled trials of antipyretic use in influenza infection in humans that
reported data on mortality and a paucity of clinical data by which to assess
their efficacy. We suggest that randomized placebo-controlled trials of
antipyretic use in human influenza infection are urgently required, and that
these are sufficiently powered to investigate a potential effect on mortality.
Competing interests
The Medical
Research Institute of
New Zealand and
the University of
Otago have received
research funding
one of the
manufacturers of
paracetamol. RB has
received fees for
consulting and
speaking from
SE and KP are
Health Research
Council of New
Zealand Clinical
Research Training
Fellows. No specific
funding was
obtained for this
Ethical approval
Not applicable
J R Soc Med 2010: 103: 403–411. DOI 10.1258/jrsm.2010.090441 403
In response to the recent global influenza pandemic,
guidelines recommend that paracetamol or ibupro-
fen be used to treat fever and systemic symptoms of
influenza, in both children and adults.
These rec-
ommendations are qualified by the acknowledge-
ment that there is little scientific evidence for this
approach, but that experience suggests that it may
help and is unlikely to cause harm.
However, there
is evidence that fever is a phylogenetically ancient
host response to infection that may result in sur-
vival benefit and that treatment with antipyretics
may adversely influence the course of infectious
In non-human mammals, antipyretic
treatment increases the risk of mortality due to dif-
ferent bacterial, viral and parasitic infections.
humans, the use of paracetamol for severe sepsis
may increase the risk of mortality,
although the
evidence regarding ibuprofen in severe sepsis is un-
certain, with one study showing a non-significant
1.8-fold increased risk
and another larger study
reporting similar rates of mortality in ibuprofen and
placebo groups.
Paracetamol and/or aspirin in-
crease the duration of viral shedding in rhinovirus
prolong parasitemia in malaria
delay healing of skin lesions in chickenpox.
Comparable data for influenza infection in hu-
mans are limited to a retrospective review of six
clinical trials which reported that paracetamol or
aspirin use was associated with an increased dura-
tion of illness in experimental influenza A infec-
The evidence for this association is of modest
strength as in the reviewed trials treatment was not
randomized and antipyretic use may have been con-
founded by illness severity.
studies suggest an association between the use of
aspirin and Reye’s syndrome in febrile illnesses
(including influenza) in children,
however, the
nature of the association has been debated.
purpose of this systematic review is to identify ran-
domized placebo-controlled studies of antipyretic
use for influenza infection in animal models or hu-
mans and to investigate whether antipyretic use in-
fluences the risk of mortality in influenza infection.
Eligibility and search strategy
A search of Medline was conducted from January
1950 to June 2009; of EMBASE from January 1947
to June 2009 and of the Cochrane Central Register
of Controlled Trials in the second quarter of 2009.
Studies were searched for using the keywords
‘paracetamol’, ‘acetaminophen’, ‘NSAID*’, ‘non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory*’, ‘aspirin’, ‘ASA
or ‘antipyre*’ and combined with the keyword
‘influenza’ (not ‘review*’, ‘letter*’, ‘editorial*’ or
‘conference*’). Relevant studies written in foreign
languages were translated. The reference lists of
the relevant studies were examined.
Studies that met the following criteria were
included in the meta-analysis:
+An in vivo animal study, or randomized
controlled trial in humans of influenza virus
+Treatment with the antipyretics aspirin, or
paracetamol, or a non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drug (NSAID), and the dose of
antipyretic was below the potentially lethal
+A placebo or control group was used in
comparison to the antipyretic;
+Mortality data were reported;
+The study was not an influenza vaccine trial.
Data abstraction
One author (SE) examined each paper’s title and
abstract, and the full paper if necessary, to deter-
mine if eligible for inclusion. Four authors (SE, RB,
KP and PS) independently extracted data from
selected studies including animal type and
number, antipyretic used, strain of influenza,
Reye’s syndrome model used and results (mor-
tality outcome).
Statistical methods
Meta-analysis was by Peto’s one step odds
ratio, carried out according the formulae given by
Bradburn and colleagues.
Publication bias was
explored by both formal statistical tests and a
funnel plot. Heterogeneity of study estimates was
tested by standard methods with the intention of
performing a meta-regression based on study level
These were pre-specified as the
type of animals, whether more than one specific
type of antipyretic was compared with the control
treatment, whether infection was with influenza
A or B and whether the study used an experi-
SE undertook the
systematic review
and together with
PS, KP and RB
extracted the data
for the meta-
analysis which was
undertaken by MW.
All authors
contributed to
drafting the
We thank Grzegorz
Lis (Kraków, Poland),
Lutz Beckert
(Christchurch, New
Zealand), Mariusz
(Wellington, New
Zealand) and Ilya
Kardailsky (Hawke’s
Bay, New Zealand)
for translating
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
J R Soc Med 2010: 103: 403–411. DOI 10.1258/jrsm.2010.090441
mental model of Reye’s syndrome. One of the
identified papers (Crocker et al.)
had suffi-
ciently detailed data to be re-analysed by logistic
regression to estimate the difference in mortality
between aspirin and paracetamol in mouse models
of influenza infection.
The outcome of the search strategy is shown in
Figure 1. Three publications reported eight trials
that met the inclusion criteria (Table 1).
All studies involved animal models: mice (n=7),
chickens (n=1). In two studies influenza A was
used and in six studies influenza B was used. In
two studies a chemical (the surfactant toximul)
model of Reye’s syndrome was used. The specific
antipyretic used was aspirin in eight studies, para-
cetamol in four studies, and diclofenac in two
studies. In six studies more than one antipyretic
was compared with control treatment. In total,
1116 animals were studied with 697 in the anti-
pyretic and 419 in the control treatment groups.
In the studies of Crocker et al.,
the effects of
aspirin and paracetamol on mortality due to in-
fluenza B infection were investigated in neonatal
and weanling mice, as well as the effects follow-
ing pre-treatment with low doses of the industrial
surfactant Toximul MP8, which produces many of
the features of Reye’s syndrome. In vitro studies
were also undertaken which demonstrated that
both aspirin and paracetamol caused a dose-
dependent reduction in interferon-induced anti-
viral responses. In the studies of Davis et al.,
effects of single or multiple doses of aspirin on
mortality due to influenza B infection were inves-
tigated in three-week-old mice. Additional experi-
ments were also undertaken in which influenza
infection was shown to interfere with aspirin
metabolism, markedly increasing the aspirin
blood levels. In the studies of Sunden et al.,
effects of aspirin and diclofenac on mortality due
to influenza A infection were investigated in
murine and poultry models of influenza encepha-
litis. Histology and immunohistochemistry were
also undertaken, demonstrating that antipyretic
treatment aggravated the haematogenous spread
of influenza virus to the central nervous system in
Two additional studies in animal models were
excluded as mortality data could not be derived. In
a Romanian study of influenza A infection in
which mice were treated with acetylsalicylic acid,
the protective effect (expressed as the protective
index), was 50% at Day 6, but by the end of the
11-day observation period, mortality was in-
creased by 82%.
In a Polish study of influenza A
infection, mice treated with indomethacin or
aspirin had a 90% and 75% mortality at the end of
the 12-day observation period, respectively, com-
pared with a 50% mortality rate in both placebo
groups, representing an 80% and 50% increased
risk of mortality associated with indomethacin and
aspirin, respectively.
Three additional studies of influenza infection
in ferrets were excluded as the dose of antipyretics
administered was potentially lethal. In the study of
Linnemann et al.,
10 of 19 (53%) ferrets infected
with influenza A or B receiving aspirin died, com-
pared with none of the 11 (0%) untreated ferrets
infected with influenza A or B (odds ratio 9.9, 95%
Figure 1
QUOROM statement showing the flow of study selection
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The effect on mortality of antipyretics in the treatment of influenza infection: systematic review and meta-analyis
J R Soc Med 2010: 103: 403–411. DOI 10.1258/jrsm.2010.090441 405
CI 2.1–46.4); 6 of 13 (46%) ferrets given only aspirin
died. In the study of Deshmukh et al.,
which used
an arginine-deficient dietary model of Reye’s syn-
drome, 12 of 16 (75%) ferrets infected with influ-
enza receiving aspirin died, compared with 1 of 5
(20%) untreated ferrets infected with influenza B
(odds ratio 9.2, 95% CI 1.2–69.4); 2 of 6 (33%)
ferrets given only aspirin died. In the study of
Mukhopadhyay et al.,
which used an arginine-
deficient dietary model of Reye’s syndrome, 4 of 7
(57%) ferrets infected with influenza B receiving
ibuprofen died, compared with 0 of 5 (0%) un-
treated ferrets infected with influenza B (odds ratio
10.6, 95% CI 1.0–108.6); 1 of 5 (20%) ferrets given
only ibuprofen died.
No randomized placebo-controlled trials of
antipyretics in influenza infection in human par-
ticipants reported mortality outcomes. Three ran-
domized placebo-controlled trials were identified
that investigated the effects of antipyretics in the
treatment of suspected influenza.
In these
studies antipyretic treatment reduced fever and
symptoms compared with placebo, however, in
none was influenza positively diagnosed by
virologic means. There were four randomized con-
trolled trials of antipyretics in diagnosed influ-
enza, but none included a placebo control
Three of these trials compared amanta-
dine or rimantidine with various antipyretics;
one showed amantadine was more effective than
aspirin in reducing signs and symptoms of influ-
another reported that rimantadine reduced
fever and symptoms of influenza early in the
course of the illness but resulted in greater viral
shedding late compared with paracetamol,
the third found no difference in the clinical course
of influenza between rimantadine and paraceta-
mol groups, although rimantadine resulted in
reduced viral shedding early in the course of the
There was one publication which included
data from six clinical trials of intranasal challenge
with influenza A, in which aspirin or paracetamol
were offered for symptomatic relief. Influenza
infected subjects who received antipyretics were
sick on average 3.5 days longer than those not
receiving such treatment. In a multivariate analy-
sis which considered clinical variables such as
maximum temperature and maximum number of
symptoms, only antipyretic therapy exhibited a
statistically significant relationship with duration
of illness. However, antipyretic treatment was not
Table 1
Characteristics of studies included in meta-analysis
Study Animal type Animal numbers
Antipyretic Strain of
Number Reference
1Crockeret al.
Newborn mice T=155 Aspirin or paracetamol B
2Crockeret al.
Weanling mice T=114 Aspirin or paracetamol B
3 Davis et al.
Mice T=61 Single dose aspirin B
4 Davis et al.
Mice T=30 Multiple dose aspirin B
5 Sunden et al.
Mice T=16 Aspirin or diclofenac A Encephalitis
6 Sunden et al.
Chicks T=24 Aspirin or diclofenac A Encephalitis
7Crockeret al.
Newborn mice T=149 Aspirin or paracetamol B Reye’s syndrome
8Crockeret al.
Weanling mice T=148 Aspirin or paracetamol B Reye’s syndrome
T = Treatment group; C = Control group
Reye’s syndrome model: chemical (the surfactant toximul)
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
J R Soc Med 2010: 103: 403–411. DOI 10.1258/jrsm.2010.090441
randomized, and subjects treated with antipyretics
had higher maximum temperatures and more
marked symptoms, suggesting that the association
is likely to have been confounded by the severity of
the illness.
Table 2 shows the mortality for each of the arms
of the trials together with the calculated odds ratio
and 95% confidence intervals for mortality with
antipyretics versus placebo. Table 3 shows the
pooled estimates of mortality risk together with
the heterogeneity analysis of these trials. Both the
fixed and random effects estimates show that anti-
pyretic use is associated with an increased risk of
mortality in influenza infection in animal models.
There was no statistical evidence of heterogeneity,
and as a result we were unable to explore whether
there was any difference in effect by animal age,
which was suggested by the studies of Crocker
et al.,
in which the increase in mortality with
antipyretics appeared to preferentially occur in
newborn rather than weanling mice. Figure 2
shows the forest plot for these estimates. Formal
tests of publication bias were not statistically sig-
nificant and the funnel plot (not shown) did not
suggest publication bias.
In the study by Crocker et al.
the mortality risk
for paracetamol versus aspirin could be calculated
and there was no difference in mortality compar-
ing these two different antipyretics, odds ratio for
death: 1.0 (95% CI 0.7–1.5).
This systematic review and meta-analysis has
shown that antipyretic treatment increases the risk
of mortality in animal models of influenza infec-
tion. No randomized placebo-controlled trials of
antipyretic use in influenza infection in humans
reported data on mortality. We suggest that ran-
domized placebo-controlled trials of the effect of
antipyretic use on the risk of mortality with human
influenza infection are required.
An increased risk of mortality in animals was
reported in studies of aspirin, paracetamol and
diclofenac. We were not able to compare the effect
of different antipyretics with each other apart from
a re-analysis of a single trial which presented suf-
ficiently detailed data.
For this analysis there was
no difference in mortality comparing paracetamol
with aspirin. As a result, the data are consistent
with the effect on mortality as a class effect of
Not only were there no randomized controlled
trials of antipyretic use in influenza infection in
humans that reported data on mortality, but there
was also a paucity of clinical data by which to
assess their efficacy. The human studies identified
Table 3
Pooled odds ratios and I
statistic relating risk of death and
antipyretic use in influenza-infected animals
Type of estimate OR (95% CI)
Fixed effects 1.34 (1.04 to 1.73)
Random effects 1.34 (1.04 to 1.73)
Chi-square statistic Degrees of freedom Pvalue
6.34 7 0.50
I-squared statistic
(95% CI)
Table 2
Risk of mortality associated with antipyretic treatment in individual studies
Study Mortality/Total (%) OR (95% CI)
Number Reference Antipyretic Control
1Crockeret al.
70/155(45.2) 33/98(33.6) 1.6(1.0–2.7)
2Crockeret al.
32/114(28.1) 19/74(25.7) 1.1(0.6–2.2)
3 Davis et al.
40/61(65.6) 32/60(53.3) 1.7(0.8–3.4)
4 Davis et al.
12/30(40.0) 12/25(48.0) 0.7(0.3–2.1)
5 Sunden et al.
3/16(16.7) 0/4(0) 4.0(0.2–80.5)
6 Sunden et al.
4/24(16.7) 0/6(0) 4.0(0.3–53.6)
7Crockeret al.
80/149(53.7) 36/88(40.9) 1.7(1.0–2.8)
8Crockeret al.
50/148(33.8) 24/64(37.5) 0.9(0.5–1.6)
The effect on mortality of antipyretics in the treatment of influenza infection: systematic review and meta-analyis
J R Soc Med 2010: 103: 403–411. DOI 10.1258/jrsm.2010.090441 407
either lacked a placebo group,
a virologic diag-
nosis of influenza,
or randomization of anti-
pyretic treatment
which made interpretation of
results difficult. There was also little uniformity of
outcomes, with factors such as length of illness,
amount of viral shedding and disease complica-
tions often not recorded. As a result, there is little
evidence on which to assess the effect of anti-
pyretics on the severity and/or duration of
influenza infection in humans.
There are a number of potential mechanisms
whereby treatment with antipyretics may increase
the risk of mortality in influenza infection. The
first is that human-tropic influenza viruses repli-
cate in the upper respiratory tract at 33–37°C and
that most naturally occurring influenza A strains
that infect humans are temperature-sensitive,
with inhibition of replication at high tempera-
tures within the physiological range of 38–
The resulting low infectivity is likely to
be due to various molecular defects, including
reduced matrix protein, which is important for
maintaining the structural integrity of influenza
virus particles.
Human influenza A virus
genome RNA synthesis is inhibited at tempera-
tures of 41°C, with failure of replication despite
transcriptional activity being maintained,
impaired assembly of the viral components into
infectious virus.
The degree of temperature
sensitivity is also a characteristic that determines
virulence, such that strains with a shut-off
temperature of 38°C or lower cause mild symp-
toms, whereas influenza strains with a shut-off
temperature of 39°C or more cause severe symp-
As a result, it is likely that antipyretic
use leads to a reduction of the physiological
febrile response which would otherwise inhibit
replication. Furthermore, it suggests that the most
virulent strains are those most liable to thrive
with antipyretic use, as the high shut-off tempera-
ture may not be reached or sustained if an anti-
pyretic is used and thus the virus will replicate
without temperature-induced inhibition.
Temperature elevation is also associated with a
wide range of immunological effects relevant to
the host defence against influenza infection.
These include a greater proliferative response
of lymphocytes, and increased production and
activity of cytokines such as interferon. Whether
reducing the physiological fever with antipyretics
modifies these immunological responses, and
thereby influences clinical outcomes, remains
However, it is of interest that Crocker
et al. reported that both aspirin and paraceta-
mol decreased the interferon-induced antiviral
responses of cultured mammalian cells.
It is also possible that the increased mortality
risk with NSAID and paracetamol treatments may
have been partially due to their immunological or
anti-inflammatory effects, unrelated to antipyretic
activity. This is suggested by the recent study
which showed that the reduction in antibody re-
sponse to vaccination with paracetamol treatment
occurred in children with or without febrile re-
As temperature responses were not
Figure 2
The forest plot shows the point estimates for each trial (in the
centre of the shaded box) and its confidence interval (the ends of
the lines).The size of the box is inversely proportional to the
individual study variance. Studies with high variance have smaller
boxes.The studies with small variance (large boxes) contribute
more to the pooled study estimate, represented by the diamond.
The odds ratios for risk of mortality are presented on the
logarithm scale and the trials are ranked in order of the size of the
odds ratio.The pooled estimate presented is the fixed effect
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9"* * *9 *99#
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
J R Soc Med 2010: 103: 403–411. DOI 10.1258/jrsm.2010.090441
measured in the studies included in this meta-
analysis, this issue could not be addressed in this
There is also evidence from animal models
that antipyretics may impair the response in
bacterial pneumonia which may complicate
influenza illness. Similar to influenza virus,
many strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae are
temperature-sensitive, with thermal death points
of between 40–41°C.
Likewise, the capacity to
grow at 41°C is a prerequisite, but not the sole
factor in determining the virulence of Streptococcus
pneumoniae in animal models.
It has also been
demonstrated that treatment with antipyretics
may increase the risk of mortality in experimental
Streptococcus pneumoniae in animals.
In mice,
treatment with aspirin prior to or immediately
after Streptococcus pneumoniae inoculation in-
creased mortality rates two to three-fold.
thermore, an elevated temperature within the
physiologic range increases antibiotic bactericidal
capacity against Streptococcus pneumoniae.
findings are potentially relevant to the use of anti-
pyretics for human influenza infection prior to the
development of a secondary bacterial pneumonia,
and their use during such secondary infections.
There were a number of methodological issues
considered in the design and interpretation of the
meta-analysis. The first is whether the systematic
review identified all relevant studies. We are con-
fident that in our comprehensive search strategy
we have identified the eligible published studies
including those not written in English, and the
funnel plot suggested no publication bias. Two
studies in animals were excluded as the actual
number of deaths in each treatment group were
not reported.
However, both these studies re-
ported an increased risk of mortality with anti-
pyretic use, of between 1.5 and 1.8-fold, consistent
with our calculated pooled estimate of risk. Three
additional studies were excluded as potentially
lethal doses of antipyretics were administered,
which explained in part the 9- to 11-fold increased
risk of mortality observed with antipyretics in the
setting of influenza infection. With these exclu-
sions, there were eight studies involving 1116 ani-
mals, which resulted in the study findings being
limited by the low power.
The second issue is the use of the Peto’s one step
as the meta-analytic method to determine the odds
ratio for risk of mortality. This method was chosen
as it has the best performance of a number of meta-
analytic techniques for studies with zero cell
Another consideration is the generalizability
of the findings from animal studies to human
influenza infection. The influenza viruses were
laboratory-adapted for virulence to achieve a high
mortality rate in the animal models used. The
markedly lower mortality rate in human influenza
infection also meant that the potential effect on
mortality could not be examined in the few small
randomized controlled clinical trials that have
been undertaken of antipyretics in influenza infec-
tion. However, if the increased risk of mortality of
the magnitude present in animals applies to the
antipyretic treatment of influenza infection in hu-
mans, then this would be of considerable public
health importance due to the widespread use of
antipyretics for seasonal and pandemic influenza.
Finally, most of the animal studies included in
this review utilized mouse models, which gener-
ally have a fall in body temperature with influenza
This difference limits the generalizabil-
ity of the study findings, particularly in regard to
the potential mechanisms of the effect observed.
In conclusion, this systematic review and meta-
analysis has shown an increased mortality rate in
animals treated with antipyretics during infec-
tion with influenza A or B, with no informative
randomized placebo-controlled trials in humans.
We propose that randomized placebo-controlled
trials of antipyretic use in pandemic and seasonal
influenza in humans are urgently needed in
order to establish appropriate evidence-based
management guidelines.
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... [30] The treatment of fever generally begins with antipyretics followed by disease-specific treatment like antibiotic, antiviral antifungal, etc. Antipyretics block or reverse cytokine-mediated rise in core temperature and may constraint the diagnostic and prognostic signs of the disease that can increase the risk of mortality. [31] The following sections will provide potential strategies for addressing the treatment protocol of jwara and its relevance to immunity with the help of physiological action of the protocol. The knowledge of impacts and detriments of each part of the treatment signifies the follow the protocol with Ayurvedic principles is necessary to check the efficacy as well as contemporary studies. ...
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Ayurveda describes immunity through bala (strength) and its preservation through the nonpharmacological protocol in the first phase of jwara. The present study evaluated the physiological action of each component of the jwara management protocol. It aims to appraise an economic, safe, and efficient way to regulate immunity in fever from the perspective of bala.
... [30] The treatment of fever generally begins with antipyretics followed by disease-specific treatment like antibiotic, antiviral antifungal, etc. Antipyretics block or reverse cytokine-mediated rise in core temperature and may constraint the diagnostic and prognostic signs of the disease that can increase the risk of mortality. [31] The following sections will provide potential strategies for addressing the treatment protocol of jwara and its relevance to immunity with the help of physiological action of the protocol. The knowledge of impacts and detriments of each part of the treatment signifies the follow the protocol with Ayurvedic principles is necessary to check the efficacy as well as contemporary studies. ...
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Objective: In the absence of vaccines and effective pharmaceutical interventions, an economic way to deal with such a prolonged epidemic of COVID-19 is the need of the hour. Fever is a primary response of the immune system to infections, and it resembles the disease termed jwara. Ayurveda describes immunity through bala (strength) and its preservation through the nonpharmacological protocol in the first phase of jwara. The present study evaluated the physiological action of each component of the jwara management protocol. It aims to appraise an economic, safe, and efficient way to regulate immunity in fever from the perspective of bala. Review Methods: Classical Ayurvedic texts were searched for the reference of jwara and related aspects. Data Source: Physiology of fever, jwara, and assessment of the impacts and detriments of each component of the treatment protocol was explored via electronic search. Contemporary studies appraising the physiological evidence and the therapeutic and immunological significance of the jwara management protocol are selected. Results: Niruha basti and anjana, the nonconventional routes of medications and the nonpharmacological jwara management approaches such as langhana, bitter taste diet, and dhoopana, directly impact the immune system. Bala or immunity-regulating actions of jwara management can be categorized as those that can decrease the metabolic rate for the proper functioning of the immune system, those that provide nutrition to regulate innate immune responses, and those approaches that alleviate damage due to inflammatory responses. Conclusion: Jwara management protocol may be an economic way to increase the chances of self-recovery by homogenizing the immunity in infections with fever.
... En systematisk gjennomgang viste i dyreforsøk at influensainfiserte rotter hadde en økt dødelighetsrate etter smertestillende/antipyretika (dvs. aspirin, paracetamol og diklofenak)(7). Den samme gjennomgangen viste imidlertid lite bevis for en tilsvarende økning i dødeligheten for mennesker, selv om kvaliteten på disse humane studiene ble kriti sert. ...
... Fever appears to improve outcomes regarding viral replication and host defense mechanisms against pathogens [2]. Studies point out the potentially harmful effects of suppressing fever in mammals and humans [3][4][5][6]. The protective effects of fever against invading organisms results from a variable combination of direct thermic effects [7][8][9] and humoral [10] and cellular [11] defense enhancement. ...
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Background Fever in children is a major problem in pediatric oncology. Usual management leads to immediate antibiotic and antipyretic therapy, although there is consensus that antipyretic therapy should not be utilized with the sole aim of reducing body temperature. Increased body temperature during fever appears to be an effective modifier in terms of viral replication and enhanced host defense mechanisms against pathogens. Therefore, it might be beneficial to support febrile patients by applying gentle heat during the onset of fever to help the body to reach its new thermoregulatory set point. Methods A randomized pilot study over 6 months will be conducted in a pediatric oncology department in an academic hospital in Germany. This study is a preparation for a multicenter clinical trial with two parallel groups concerning the efficacy of heat application vs. treatment as usual. One of the inclusion criteria is body temperatures ≥ 38.0 °C in n = 24 cases of patients receiving chemotherapy aged 18 months to 17 years. The first intervention consists of gentle heat application with hot water bottles at any sign of illness and onset of fever. The aim is to achieve a warm periphery equilibrated to trunk temperature of less than 0.5 °C. The second intervention is the avoidance of antipyretics. The control group receives the standard antipyretic treatment from the participating hospital. The purposes of this pilot study are proof of principle of intervention, evaluation of safety, feasibility, definition of endpoints, and to receive basic data for sample size calculation and needed resources. Discussion The main goal is to improve the care of children with cancer by providing the best possible support for febrile episodes. If fever support by heat reduces discomfort, administration of antipyretics and maybe even antibiotics, this would be an advancement in oncological fever management. This pilot study is intended to provide a basis for a main, multicenter, randomized trial and demonstrate the practicability of heat application in febrile patients in pediatric oncology. Trial registration German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS), DRKS00028273. Registered on 14 April 2022
... Fever appears to improve outcomes regarding viral replication and host defense mechanisms against pathogens [2]. Studies point out the potentially harmful effects of suppressing fever in mammals and humans [3][4][5][6]. The protective effects of fever against invading organisms results from a variable combination of direct thermic effects [7][8][9] and humoral [10] and cellular [11] defense enhancement. ...
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Background Fever in children is a major problem in pediatric oncology. Usual management leads to immediate antibiotic and antipyretic therapy, although there is consensus that antipyretic therapy should not be utilized to reduce body temperature. Increased body temperature during fever appears to be an effective modifier in terms of viral replication and enhanced host defense mechanisms against pathogens. Therefore, it might be beneficial to support febrile patients by applying gentle heat during the onset of fever to help the body to reach its new thermoregulatory set point. Methods A randomized, controlled, feasibility study over six months will be conducted in a pediatric oncology department in an academic hospital in Germany, in preparation for a multicenter clinical trial with two parallel groups concerning the efficacy of heat application vs. treatment as usual. Inclusion criteria are body temperatures ≥ 38.5°C in n = 24 cases of patients receiving chemotherapy aged 3 to 17 years. The first intervention consists of gentle heat application with electric blankets, hot water bottles or microwave heating pads at any sign of illness and onset of fever, with the aim of achieving a warm periphery equilibrated to trunk temperature of less than 0.5°C. The second intervention is the avoidance of antipyretics. The control group receives the standard antipyretic treatment of the participating hospital. Purpose of this feasibility study is proof of principle of intervention, evaluation of safety, feasibility, definition of endpoints and to receive basic data for sample size calculation and needed resources. Discussion Main goal is to improve the care of children with cancer by providing the best possible support for febrile episodes. If fever support by heat reduces discomfort, administration of antipyretics and maybe even antibiotics, this would be an advancement in oncological fever management. This feasibility study is intended to provide a basis for a main, multicenter, randomized trial, and demonstrate practicability of heat application in febrile patients in pediatric oncology. Registration German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS), ID: DRKS00028273. Registered 14 April 2022. fever, heat application, antipyretics, pediatric oncology, feasibility study, study protocol
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Antipyretics are one of the most frequently used agents in medicine. Numerous pharmacological agents, such as acetaminophen, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs), salicylates, and selective cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) inhibitors, and nonpharmacological treatment modalities, such as tepid sponging and cooling blankets, are available for temperature reduction. There is a scarcity of definitive clinical guidelines on the choice of various agents in noncritically ill febrile patients. Our review examined the various modalities available for antipyresis and compared their safety and efficacy. The rationale for the choice of a particular pharmacological agent and route of administration were scrutinized. Our review also envisaged the perceived beneficial effects of antipyretics against the harmful side effects, including the evaluation of morbidity or mortality advantage conferred by antipyretics. The various toxicities associated with these agents were also highlighted.
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Whether to treat fever in the elderly, is a question that has not yet been answered. This review examines the available evidence so far, to arrive at a comprehensive picture about this question. Aged population are a special category due to their lower basal body temperature, blunted fever response and existing co morbidities. The aging immune system undergoes many changes in all its faculties, which alters its ability to mount an efficient acute inflammatory response. In such a scenario, fever is mostly absent and there is a need to revise the fever criteria in the elderly. Having said that, the most successfully aging, centenarians, mount efficient febrile response during infections, indicating that aging itself may not be the reason for the reduced febrile response. Holistic medicine, such as homeopathy, views the fever scenario differently and advocates interference only when the immune system is helpless. The ‘levels of health theory’ explains that the healthiest benefit from fever while those with reduced immunity suffer from it. This theory may prove to be an invaluable clinical tool to arrive at definite clinical guidelines concerning the treatment of fever, especially in the elderly. However, it requires scientific investigation before it can be used as a clinical tool. There is no conclusive evidence on whether fever must be treated or not in the elderly and whether holistic medicine may have a solution to this dilemma. This is a research gap that needs to be filled with quality studies in the current health scenario.
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Background: The objective of this research is to analyze influenza-induced complications, symptoms, and the interaction of morbidity and mortality rates in hospitalized influenza cases based on age-sex dispersion, influenza virus subtype, prescribed medications, and underlying conditions. Materials and methods: We performed this retrospective study using a dataset of 10,517 hospitalized individuals, including 3,101 laboratory-confirmed influenza cases from patients of all ages who had attended hospitals in the Northwest of Iran due to respiratory complications. Results: The most prevalent strain which circulated annually was influenza A/H3N2. In contrast to previous studies, our findings suggested that influenza A/H1N1 has the highest mortality rate and the most severe complications.Regardless of virus type/subtype, the most susceptible age group for influenza was 0-9 years old in both males and females. Meanwhile the high-risk age group among males was 50-59 years old and among females were over 80 age group (mortality rate ≈ 20%). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (32%) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) (30%) were the most prevalent active underlying diseases among the patients who died, with the latter being more prevalent in males over the age of 70. Patients with a history of chemotherapy had the highest mortality rate. Patients who were prescribed a combination of antibiotics and antivirals had better outcomes with lowest mortality rate. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrated that annual influenza seasons are often marked by changes in influenza types and subtypes, with variations in the severity. Development of a standardized set of arrays that best correspond with infections, can be useful in guiding diagnostic and therapeutic decisions.
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Fever remains an integral part of acute infectious diseases management, especially for those without effective therapeutics, but the widespread myths about “fevers” and the presence of confusing guidelines from different agencies, which have heightened during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and are open to alternate interpretation, could deny whole populations the benefits of fever. Guidelines suggesting antipyresis for 37.8–39°C fever are concerning as 39°C boosts the protective heat-shock and immune response (humoral, cell-mediated, and nutritional) whereas ≥40°C initiates/enhances the antiviral responses and restricts high-temperature adapted pathogens, e.g., severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), strains of influenza, and measles. Urgent attention is accordingly needed to address the situation because of the potential public health consequences of the existence of conflicting guidelines in the public domain. We have in this article attempted to restate the benefits of fever in disease resolution, dispel myths, and underline the need for alignment of national treatment guidelines with that of the WHO, to promote appropriate practices and reduce the morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases, such as COVID-19.
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1. A correlation appears to exist between the failure of certain strains of Pneumococcus Type III to grow at 41 degrees C. and their lack of virulence for rabbits. 2. It is likely that the capacity to grow at 41 degrees C.-an attribute constantly but not exclusively associated with strains of Pneumococcus Type III virulent for rabbits-is a prerequisite, but not the sole factor, in determining their virulence for these animals.
Nonbacterial upper respiratory tract infections occur worldwide and are a leading cause of patient discomfort as well as absenteeism from school and/or work. Fenoprofen calcium and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) have been shown to have analgesic properties useful in the management of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Fenoprofen calcium has also been shown to be antipyretic in influenza A and other febrile states. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first study in which both the analgesic and antipyretic actions of an NSAID have been compared with acetaminophen, which is commonly administered for the relief of malaise, pain, and fever associated with nonbacterial upper respiratory tract infections. Single oral doses of fenoprofen calcium 200 mg, acetaminophen 650 mg, and placebo were given to ambulatory clinic patients presenting with acute, symptomatic, nonbacterial upper respiratory tract infections. Patient symptoms of pain and fever were evaluated hourly after each dose for four hours. Both pain and fever were effectively reduced by fenoprofen calcium. Acetaminophen had intermediate activity with placebo being least active. Fenoprofen calcium is a safe and effective drug that may be considered for use in contemporary analgesic and antipyretic therapy. It provides the practicing physician with an acceptable alternative when acetaminophen and aspirin are ineffective. Currently the major drawbacks in using fenoprofen for relief of pain and fever due to nonbacterial upper respiratory tract infections are its prescription-only status and its expense compared with acetaminophen and aspirin products. However, the release of ibuprofen on a nonprescription status may pave the way for other NSAIDs to be marketed directly to the consumer.
Objective: To evaluate the safety and physiologic actions of ibuprofen in patients with severe sepsis. Design: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Setting: Three university hospital medical ICUs. Patients: Twenty-nine patients with clinical evidence of sepsis and the need for hemodynamic monitoring with a pulmonary artery flotation catheter. Interventions: Thirteen patients received placebo and 16 received ibuprofen that consisted of 600 mg (n = 11) or 800 mg (n = 5) iv over 20 mins, followed by three 800-mg doses administered as a rectal solution every 6 hrs. The initial iv dose was given within 4 hrs of the presumptive diagnosis of sepsis. Measurements and Main Results: The peak circulating total ibuprofen concentration after the iv dose (49.4 +/- 4.5 [mu]g/mL, mean +/- SEM) was higher than peak concentrations after the three rectal doses (17.0 +/- 2.7, 16.4 +/- 3.0, 16.0 +/- 3.1 [mu]g/ mL). Both routes of ibuprofen administration were well tolerated. Frequent monitoring for gastrointestinal bleeding and assessment of renal and hepatic function failed to demonstrate significant differences between ibuprofen and placebo. Because a trend for reduced creatinine clearance was observed at 8 hrs in the ibuprofen group, nephrotoxicity of this drug in sepsis cannot be excluded. Temperature decreased significantly within 4 hrs of the initial dose of investigational therapy in patients who received ibuprofen (38.5 +/- 0.3[degrees] to 37.0 +/- 0.2[degrees]C, p < .001). However, despite this significant change in temperature, we were unable to detect significant differences in hemodynamic and respiratory values or survival when ibuprofen-treated patients were compared with controls. Conclusions: Ibuprofen was well tolerated when administered iv and rectally to patients with severe sepsis, although drug absorption was poor with the rectal route. Significant antipyretic effects of ibuprofen were demonstrated. Although an excellent safety profile characterized ibuprofen in this study, the absence of ibuprofen-associated toxicity may have been secondary to poor rectal absorption of the drug. Our results support the continued clinical investigation of ibuprofen in sepsis, using an all-intravenous route of administration.
In two double-blind trials, volunteers challenged with rhinovirus were treated with aspirin or placebo. Aspirin treatment did not alter the rates of infection or illness but was associated with a moderate reduction in the frequency or severity of some symptoms. The overall benefit in rhinovirus infection was not statistically significant.Aspirin treatment appeared to cause a highly significant increase in the rate of virus shedding in treated subjects. The increase in virus shedding must be considered an adverse event that could influence the course of the disease in the individual and increase the likelihood of the spread of the infection to contacts.(JAMA 231:1248-1251, 1975)
IN 1963, R. D. K. Reye and coworkers1 first reported a syndrome of acute encephalopathy associated with the fatty degeneration of the viscera. After almost two decades of research, the etiology of this condition, now designated as "Reye's syndrome," remains obscure. Several recent studies2-6 have implicated salicylates as a causal factor in Reye's syndrome. Based on these investigations, the Surgeon General of the United States issued an advisory against salicylate use for children with influenza or chickenpox.7 In addition, the American Public Health Association and the Public Citizen Health Research Group advocated that warning labels should be required on products containing salicylates.8 A closer examination of the salicylate-Reye's syndrome studies discloses several questions about the validity of these investigations. In reviewing these studies, the Committee on Infectious Diseases of the American Academy of Pediatrics enumerated a number of potential biases that may have occurred in these studies
The results which have been presented show that under the conditions of artificial cultivation at 37°C. definite differences exist between two smooth strains of Pneumococcus Type III both of which are highly virulent for mice by the intraperitoneal route, but which may be sharply distinguished in their virulence for rabbits. These differences consist in the size of the fully developed intact capsule and the interval of time required for its loss. The somewhat smaller capsule of the avirulent strain, well formed and easily demonstrable during the early period of growth, diminishes quickly, while the large capsule of the strain virulent for rabbits is retained for a considerably longer period. Closely correlated with the time at which this reduction of capsule occurs is the appearance of changes in the surface properties of the bacteria which are revealed by a shifting of the range of acid agglutination, susceptibility to clumping in anti-R serum and ingestion by normal adult human polymorphonuclear leucocytes and serum. Since it has been shown that these alterations as growth continues, result in a loss of characteristics which distinguish the strictly type specific, fully capsulated pneumococcus and ultimately lead to a state temporarily approximating that of the completely avirulent R form, and since under the experimental conditions they are inaugurated sooner, advance more rapidly and are more complete in the rabbit avirulent organism, we believe that they may partly account for difference in rabbit virulence of the two strains. In the following paper an attempt has therefore been made to correlate this behavior in vitro with the events attendant upon inoculation into the animal body. The studies of Clark and Ruehl (16), Henrici (17), Bayne-Jones and Adolph (18) and others have demonstrated a marked increase in the size of the bacterial cell associated with the early phases of growth. These authors have dealt chiefly with noncapsulated rod forms and even Clark and Ruehl who included cultures of various cocci do not make reference to variations in capsule size. Recently Seastone (19) has called attention to the large volume occupied by young capsulated streptococci. Similarly we have found that increase and decrease of Pneumococcus Type III volume appears to be due largely to the formation of capsule in young cultures and its subsequent loss as the organisms age. Because of the relatively great proportion of capsule in comparison with soma, a greater disparity exists between the volume of young and old pneumococci than that found by those who have studied bacteria lacking this structure. Of interest in connection with our observations are those of Preisz (20) on the nature of the capsules of virulent anthrax bacilli and strains attenuated by cultivation at 42.5°C. The latter produced soft, rapidly dissolving capsules while such structures in the former were characteristically firm and were retained by the bacilli for longer periods. This worker also noted in confirmation of the earlier work of others, that the capsules of B. anthracis are lost during the course of growth in serum media and in the subcutaneous tissues of the susceptible mouse. We have demonstrated that the R variants derived under the same conditions from the two smooth strains of Pneumococcus Type III reveal certain characteristics by which they may be distinguished from each other in respect to cell and colony morphology, growth in broth, as well as growth at 41°C. (cf. Paper I). By employing the method of Griffith, these two R variants have been induced to revert to the S form. Following the injection into mice of the various possible combinations of living R variant and the killed S organisms of either rabbit virulent or avirulent strain, as well as very large numbers of the R variant alone, S forms emerged which in their various attributes, notably that of virulence for rabbits, resembled the original smooth strain from which the particular R variant involved was dissociated. The function of the smooth killed organisms in the process of transformation appeared to be only that of a stimulus toward reversion to the S. They apparently play no rôle in determining the virulence or the growth properties of the resulting S form. These observations indicate that the factors involved in virulence are conditioned by stable physiological properties peculiar to the individual strain and that although temporarily inactive during the R state, they are again resumed unaltered upon the transition to the S form. They serve also to reemphasize the fact, apparent from several studies but perhaps not sufficiently realized, that the R variants of the pneumococcus, even though obtained under the same conditions from the same type but from different strains, may vary definitely in their various attributes. Finally, they strongly suggest that the degree of virulence of a given strain of a bacterial species may be determined not only by its ability to multiply in the environment of the host and to synthesize certain substances of definite chemical and antigenic properties, but also by the capacity to elaborate these in greater or lesser degree and under the conditions of parasitism within the animal body to maintain them in contact with the soma of the cell in such state that they afford an efficient barrier to the defensive mechanisms of the host.
In contrast to avian influenza viruses, mammalian influenza viruses are restricted in growth at 41°C compared to 37°C. We have shown that the block in the replication cycle at the nonpermissive temperature is late. Although all virus-specific components (vRNA, cRNA, proteins) are produced, there is no maturation to infectious particles.In the case of the virus strains A/FM/1/47 (H1N1) and A/Eq/Miami/63 (H3N8) no budding is observed. With A/PR/8/34 (H1N1) hemagglutinating, non-infectious, filamentous particles are produced at 41 °C which have a length of up to 6 μm and a markedly reduced content of NP- and M-proteins.
Rimantadine was compared with acetaminophen in a double-blind randomly assigned therapeutic trial in 63 children presenting with influenzal symptoms. Fortynine of the children were proven to have influenza A by culture on presentation. Forty-three of the cultures, 88%, were influenza A/H1N1 strains. Both drugs were well tolerated. Rimantadine lowered the amount of virus shed in the first 2 days after initiation of therapy. Clinical resolution of illness was not different between the two therapeutic modalities. In individuals who shed virus for 4 days, strains recovered on the last day were relatively resistant to rimantadine.