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Comparison of DeLorme with Oxford resistance training techniques: effects of training on muscle damage markers



Aim: The purpose of this study was comparing DeLorme with Oxford methods through ten repetition maximum (10 RM) performance and serum creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity. Methods: Before and after four weeks of training with the DEL (n=16) or OXF (n=16) resistance training (RT) methods, rest and post exercise serum CK activity, serum LDH activity and 10 RM performance were measured and compared. Results: Both methods provide higher 10 RM results after training without significant differences between groups (p<0.05). Rest and post exercise CK and LDH activity was less after training with DeLorme (DEL) and Oxford (OXF), but the magnitude of the relative peak response (48-hr our 72-hr post exercise, respectively) was higher after each training protocol. Comparisons of CK activity between groups display non-significant differences. Conclusion: DEL or OXF training methods cause the same improvement on muscle performance and both alters CK activity without differences between methods in a 4-week RT program.
Biology of Sport, Vol. 27 No2, 2010
Reprint request to:
Marco Machado
Laboratório de Fisiologia e Biocinética
(UNIG – Campus V)
Coordenação de Educação Física
Universidade Iguaçu (UNIG)
BR 356 - Km 02 Itaperuna, RJ, Brazil
CEP 28.300-000
for publication
Resistance Training (RT) is indicated for muscle hypertrophy, strength
gain, sport performance and physical rehabilitation, but in the last
few years it has been promoted as a means for health promotion and
disease prevention [1,9]. The design of an effective RT program is
a complex process of applying with synergism established scientic
principles, progressive research findings, veteran and modern
practices, and professional knowledge to accommodate individual
situations, needs, and goals. Differing from a professional athletes
training, the recreational consumer exercise program should focus
on improvements in muscular health and tness [14]. Historically,
a quantiable relationship between the volume, intensity, and/or
frequency of training, and muscular strength improvements, has been
elusive and controversial in RT. For many years, personal opinion
and the accounts of several unscientic literature reviews were the
primary sources of evidence to support a variety of RT philosophies
The American College of Sports Medicine position stand entitled
“Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults” [1]
provides a framework for training prescription guidelines relative
AUTHORS: da Silva D.P. 1, Curty V.M. 1, Areas J.M.2, Souza S.C.3, Hackney A.C. 4,
Machado M.1
1Laboratory of Physiology and Biokinetics (UNIG – Campus V)
2Pharmacy Basic of Muniz Freire (ES)
3Faculties of Philosophy, Sciences and Languages of Alegre (ES)
4Applied Physiology Laboratory, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA)
ABSTRACT: Aim: The purpose of this study was comparing DeLorme with Oxford methods through ten repetition
maximum (10 RM) performance and serum creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity.
Methods: Before and after four weeks of training with the DEL (n=16) or OXF (n=16) resistance training (RT)
methods, rest and post exercise serum CK activity, serum LDH activity and 10 RM performance were measured
and compared. Results: Both methods provide higher 10 RM results after training without signicant differences
between groups (p<0.05). Rest and post exercise CK and LDH activity was less after training with DeLorme
(DEL) and Oxford (OXF), but the magnitude of the relative peak response (48-hr our 72-hr post exercise, respectively)
was higher after each training protocol. Comparisons of CK activity between groups display non-signicant
differences. Conclusion: DEL or OXF training methods cause the same improvement on muscle performance and
both alters CK activity without differences between methods in a 4-week RT program.
KEY WORDS: creatine kinase, resistance training, micro-damage
to the need for progression in healthy novice, intermediate, and
advanced trainees. This position stand recommends for novice and
intermediate’s gain strength then intensity between 60-70% of
1 repetitions maximum (1RM) for 8-12 repetitions is necessary.
Regrettably, however, the certain aspects of the methods of RT were
poorly commented on in the ACSM’s position stand.
Thomas DeLorme’s work in the 1940 s proposes a progressive
resistance exercise (PRE) program based on 10 repetitions maximum
(10RM) where subject begins sets of training by performing the rst
set of 10 at 50% 10RM, the second at 75% 10RM and the third
(nal) at the 10RM. This same author suggested that PRE overloaded
a muscle by increasing the magnitude of the weight against which
the muscle developed tension. In opposite was created the ‘Oxford
Technique’ in which the full 10RM was the rst set and subsequent
two sets were reduced to 75% and to 50% of the 10RM. Apparently,
a sparse number of research studies have directly compared
these two RT methods. Interestingly in one such comparison,
Fish et al. [7] reported no signicant differences between both RT
methods on strength gains.
Original Paper Biol. Sport 2010;27:77-81
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D.P. da Silva et al.
It has been suggested that RT may cause muscle cell membrane
disruption. This may be a consequence of both metabolic and
mechanical causes. Indeed, exhausted muscle bers exhibit increased
membrane permeability following an increase in internal free calcium
ions, which promotes the opening of potassium channels and
activation of proteolytic enzymes such as calpaines and caspases
[2,6,12]. Exercise induced muscle micro-injury leads to cellular
damage with membrane disruption and leakage into the extracellular
uid and plasma. Creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH),
myoglobine have been used extensively as markers for skeletal muscle
micro-injury [5,11,15]. These enzymes have also been proposed as
scientic parameters for gauging muscle training adaptation efcacy
in athletes [2,11].
Because of the limited amount of research available, this study
was conduced to examine the effectiveness of the DeLorme’s versus
Oxford methods of RT training on strength performance and muscle
adaptations. To this end, muscle strength gains and the activity of
CK response were examined before and after four weeks of each
method of RT program in young men.
The subjects were men free from physical disease and were excluded
from consideration if they were not currently lifting weights, had
knee contractures, a prior history of knee surgery, and/or chronic
knee and/or low back pain. Subjects were divided according to
a computer generated randomization list into the DeLorme (DEL;
n=16) or Oxford (OXF; n=16) RT protocols. Comparisons of both
protocol groups in terms of age, height, and body weight was done
prior to initial strength testing and were found to be equivalent
(p>0.05; see Table 1). Pre- and Post-training strength of both
lower limbs was determined by ten repetitions maximal (10 RM) for
the Half Squat exercise. The experimental conditions were in
accordance with federal and institutional guidelines for human
subject’s research.
To minimize possible errors in the 10 RM testing, the following
strategies were employed: (a) all subjects received standard
instructions on exercise technique, (c) exercise technique was
monitored and corrected as needed, and (d) all subjects received
verbal encouragement.
A rest interval of seven days after the 10RM testing was provided
to the subjects (Fig. 1), all subjects were instructed to not perform
exercises of any kind during this period. On the 8th day (PRE Test
Day) they return to the laboratory and peripheral blood samples
were obtained (see below). After a warm up (jogging and stretching)
they performed 3 sets of 10 repetitions of the Half Squat exercise.
In accordance with previous randomized process, DEL group started
their 1st set of 10 repetitions at 50% of 10 RM, the 2nd set of 10
at 75% of 10 RM, and the 3rd set of 10 at 10 RM. The OXF group
performed their sets in the reverse order of 10 RM, 75% of 10RM
and 50% of 10 RM [7]. The repetition cadence was controlled with
a digital sound signal (Beat Test & Training, CEFISE, Brazil) that
was adjusted so that each repetition was completed in 3 seconds
(one second concentric phase, two seconds eccentric phase).
DEL Group
(n = 16)
OXF Group
(n = 16)
Age (years) 22.5±6.9 23.4±4.7
Height (cm) 173.1±6.7 175.5±7.9
Weight (Kg) 71.4±9.4 71.9±8.5
10RM (Kg) 88.6±11.4 93.4±11.6
Erythrocytes (x106/l) 5.3±4.3 5.2±3.2
Haemoglobin (g/dl) 14.4±1.4 15.3±1.2
Hematocrit (%) 46.5±4.2 44.5±7.0
Leucocytes (x109/l) 6.4±1.8 6.2±1.3
Basolphils (/mm3) 0.0±0.0 0.0±0.0
Eosinophils (/mm3) 244.6±105.9 304.4±171.5
Myelocytes (/mm3) 0.0 0.0
Bands (/mm3) 180.6±98.7 173.1±76.3
Segmented (/mm3) 3813.4±1542.0 3545.8±836.6
Lymphocytes (/mm3) 1932.8±349.9 1911.0±434.4
Monocytes (/mm3) 191.2±69.1 153.3±62.9
FIG. 2. Net change score in muscle strength. No signicant difference
between RT method groups was observed (Net Change Score was obtained
by subtracting the initial 10RM scores from the nal 10RM scores).
FIG. 1. Time line of the study
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Biology of Sport, Vol. 27 No2, 2010
Resistance training methods and CK
There was a two-minute rest between each set. Subsequently, blood
samples were collected again at 24, 48 and 72 hours after the rst
blood sample collection.
On the days of exercise training (days 15 to 38), always on
Monday and Thursday of each week, the subjects performed some
light stretching and warm-up exercises such as a mild walking for
10 to 15 minutes. Immediately after the warm-up, the DEL group
realizes 3 sets of 10 repetitions of Half Squat in accordance with
DeLorme protocol and the OXF group realize in accordance with
Oxford protocol as described by Fish et al. [7]. All procedures were
identical with PRE Test day. A spotter gave minimal assistance
if necessary so that the ten repetitions were completed for all three
sets of the exercise. Therefore, the volume of work ([load] x [sets]
x [repetitions]) was equalized between the experimental sessions.
As the subjects were of a moderate activity level (i.e., exercise training
history), we choose the 2 sessions of training per week because
research supports this is sufcient for strength gain [13,14,16,17].
At the end of four weeks of training, the same muscle performance
tests for strength evaluation were employed. A post-training
10RM were done to determine if a gain in strength occurred.
As a experimental control, the director of both the pre and post-
strength testing was blinded as to the training assignment (Del vs.
OXF) for each participant. One week later the procedures of PRE
Test day were repeated and this test was named POST Test Day.
Four blood samples were collected before the POST Test Day and 24,
48, and 72 hours afterwards as had been previously done.
All blood samples were venous and collected using veni-puncture
from the forearm while the subjects were in a seated position.
After collection, the blood samples were centrifuged for serum
separation. Serum was quickly frozen and stored at -70°C. From serum
samples activity of creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase
(LDH) was determined. An enzymatic method at 37° C was used for
enzymes activity analysis using high reliable, commercially available
kits (BioTécnica - Brazil) in Cobas Mira Plus analyzer (Roche -
Statistically, we computed a net change score by subtracting
the initial 10 RM (PRE Test Day) scores from the nal 10 RM (POST
Test Day) scores. Mean net change scores between protocol groups
were then compared by using a student’s t-test. The 2 (DEL vs OXF) x
2 (PRE vs POST) ANOVA was used to compare CK and LDH variations.
For all parametric analysis an alpha of 0.05 was used.
The anthropometric, hematological and performance characteristics
between groups is identical (Table 1). The hematocrit, erythrocytes
and hemoglobin concentration remained stable and relatively
homogeneous during the experimental protocol (data not show).
Fig. 3 shows the changes in CK after the DEL protocol
(PRE vs POST training). Serum CK activity responses for the both
testing times began to increase signicantly from the baseline
responses 24-hours after testing, reaching peak values at 48-hours
FIG. 3. Serum CK activity (mean±SD) in DEL group. (*) differences between
PRE and POST (p<0.05); (a) Different from 0h (p<0.05); (b) Different from
24h (p<0.05)
FIG. 4. Serum CK activity (mean±SD) in OXF group. (*) differences between
PRE and POST (p<0.05); (a) Different from 0h (p<0.05); (b) Different from
24h (p<0.05)
FIG. 5. Serum LDH activity (mean±SD) in DEL group. (*) differences
between PRE and POST (p<0.05); (a) Different from 0h (p<0.05); (b)
Different from 24h (p<0.05)
FIG. 6. Serum LDH activity (mean±SD) in OXF group. (*) differences
between PRE and POST (p<0.05); (a) Different from 0h (p<0.05); (b)
Different from 24h (p<0.05)
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D.P. da Silva et al.
post-exercise testing (p<0.05). All measurement time comparisons
were signicantly different between PRE and POST tests (p<0.05).
Fig. 4 shows the changes in CK after the OXF protocol (PRE vs
POST training). Serum CK activity responses increase signicantly
from the baseline responses 24-hours after testing, reaching peak
values at 48-hours post-exercise testing (p<0.01). All measurement
time comparisons were signicantly different between PRE and POST
tests (p<0.05).
Figs. 5 and 6 represent the results of serum LDH activity.
All results were similar to those of serum CK activity displayed on
Figs. 3 and 4, but different from CK the peak was found 72 hours
after exercise in both methods.
Although the absolute CK and LDH activity was lower in POST
testing measurements, the relative percentage of change were actually
higher for each RT treatment group (p<0.05). The greatest relative
change was observed for peak responses. That is, the differences
between peak and baseline serum enzymes activity were ~50%
higher after each training protocol (Fig. 7a and 7b).
In accordance with Fish et al. [7], the results of present study
displayed the same absolute strength gains independent of
the DeLorme or Oxford method utilized. The strength gain is
important for many protocols as athletic performance, disease
prevention and rehabilitation exercises. The options of training
method can attend the personal preference of athlete/patient
because the strength gain is equivalent.
The serum CK activity we observed can serve to verify if the training
protocol is adequate. Higher serum CK activity associated with other
clinical signals and symptoms suggest the excessive training regime
and skeletal muscle lesion. Conversely, lower values can signify the
training planning do not promote the adaptations [11]. Mougios [11]
proposes values for serum CK activities for athletes with an aim for
providing parameters for coaches, athletes and sport physicians.
In the present study, the serum CK activities always were inside
the values proposed for Mougios [11]. This nding suggests a safety
in DeLorme and Oxford methods of RT when applied in the fashion
used here within.
Serum LDH activity was higher after exercise as CK activity.
The data of the variation in serum LDH activity conrm the data
found in serum CK activity. The LDH also seen being used in several
studies [4,5,15], but in smaller quantities that CK. Our results show
the peak in LDH activity 72 hours after exercises, these data
corroborate the data of Chen & Hsieh [4].
Tidball [19] describes the importance of the inammatory process
inuencing the muscle hypertrophy, the principal stimulus for that is
the micro-damage when induced by exercise. A practical method for
micro-damage verication is the serum CK activity as measured in
the blood [2]. Both, DeLorme and Oxford methods alters the serum
CK activity, suggesting the micro-damage and the inammatory
process response to the training. In the present study the time of
FIG. 7a. Changes in CK activity before and after training in groups DEL and
OXF. (*) signicant difference from PRE responses (p<0.05)
FIG. 7b. Changes in LDH activity before and after training in groups DEL
and OXF. (*) signicant difference from PRE responses (p<0.05
training was only four-weeks, consensual data [8] indicates this is
an insufficient interval for hypertrophy adaptation within
the muscle, and thus the strength gains would most likely provided
from neural adjustments. The data from CK activity were totally
in accordance with previous studies, with a serum CK peak
elevation at 48h as has been observed in many others studies
Two points concerning the study must be considered:
the subjects were of a moderate activity level and the RT protocols
were only four weeks in duration. Least one limitation of the study,
the training status was choice in accordance with the prescription
recommendation for the methods of training. That is, more complex
methods, with higher intensity-volume demands should not be
prescribed for novices [1,10].
Mougios [11] and Branccacio et al. [2] propose higher values for
CK activity on athletes during training period when compared with
non-athletes individuals. The constant mechanical and metabolic
stress of athletic training results in maintenance of higher CK
levels. Our results demonstrate lower values post of the training
regimes we examined. This result apparently is contradictory with
previous reports (above), but we provided one week of rest to
the subjects before the baseline post-training measurement.
In fact, many studies [6,12,18] display reduction on CK
level 5-7 days after exercise when a rest period is provided.
Based on the ndings of Chen and Hsien [4] and Saka et al. [18]
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Biology of Sport, Vol. 27 No2, 2010
Resistance training methods and CK
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we postulated such an adjustment occurred in our subjects induced
by the training-rest protocol.
Serum LDH activity conrms the data from CK activity, both
enzymes display similar comportment (except peak hour) in PRE
and POST training measures. The smaller activity before training
corroborates the data from CK and can postulate the adjustment
process induced by the two compared RT methods. In accordance
with CK activity, despite nd lower values in the enzyme activity,
the change until the peak was higher after both RT methods.
The results of this study show that there were no significant
differences between the DeLorme or Oxford methods of RT on
muscle performance or on serum enzymes activity responses over
a 4 week period. Each method of training resulted in signicant, but
comparable, muscle strength gains and a low risk of injury. Thus
the choice of one or another of these RT methods is acceptable
for moderately active men.
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... This is an important question because it may be possible to create an improving pattern of affect during an RT session, which might enhance the overall memory and evaluation of the exercise session. Beginning an exercise session with a heavy load and ending with a lighter load may allow participants to experience increasing pleasure during RT, while still exposing them to a load and repetition range that is associated with strength and hypertrophic gains (Schoenfeld, Wilson, Lowery, & Krieger, 2016) and a low risk of injury (da Silva et al., 2010). When comparing increasing and decreasing intensity RT protocols, past researchers have reported no significant differences between protocols on strength gains, enzyme activity, or electromyography amplitude (da Silva et al., 2010;Pereira, Mendel, Schettino, Machado, & Augusto-Silva, 2013). ...
... Beginning an exercise session with a heavy load and ending with a lighter load may allow participants to experience increasing pleasure during RT, while still exposing them to a load and repetition range that is associated with strength and hypertrophic gains (Schoenfeld, Wilson, Lowery, & Krieger, 2016) and a low risk of injury (da Silva et al., 2010). When comparing increasing and decreasing intensity RT protocols, past researchers have reported no significant differences between protocols on strength gains, enzyme activity, or electromyography amplitude (da Silva et al., 2010;Pereira, Mendel, Schettino, Machado, & Augusto-Silva, 2013). Therefore, it seems possible to improve the affective experience of an RT session while keeping the exercise load constant. ...
... Even though the training volume was consistent between conditions, it is possible that actual impact on muscle activity and potential strength gains may have differed between conditions. Still, as mentioned previously, prior research does not indicate the likelihood of significant differences between conditions in terms of strength gains, enzyme activity, or EMG amplitude (da Silva et al., 2010;Pereira et al., 2013). ...
This study was designed to test the effect of an increasing- (UP) or decreasing-intensity (DOWN) resistance-training (RT) protocol on the pleasure and enjoyment of RT. The participants (N = 40; mean age = 35.0 ± 9.2 years) completed two RT sessions comprising 3 × 10 repetitions of six exercises. In the UP condition, load progressively increased from 55% to 75% of 1-repetition maximum, while in the DOWN condition, this pattern was reversed (i.e., 75–55% 1-repetition maximum). The DOWN condition resulted in more overall pleasure compared with UP and a slope of increasing pleasure, while the UP condition resulted in decreasing pleasure. Enjoyment of RT, postexercise pleasure, and remembered pleasure were all significantly greater for DOWN compared with UP (all ps > .01). These findings suggest that decreasing RT intensity throughout an exercise bout can elicit a positive slope of pleasure and enhance affective evaluations of exercise.
... which permits copy and redistribute the material just in noncommercial usages, provided the original work is properly cited. been reported that the intensity of training from high to low and or from low to high during resistance training improves strength, and there is no difference in the amount of cell damage between the two types of training (10). ...
... The OXF also performed the exercise training program using the method of gradual reduction of intensity and increasing the number of repetitions (10). The control group did not participate in any physical activities or exercise training, and continued their daily activities without any change (10). ...
Full-text available
Background: Exercise intensity sequence of resistance training (RT) has a key role in the physiological response and adaptations. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to compare the effect of DeLorme and Oxford resistance training techniques on the concentration of interleukin-4 (IL-4), interleukin-1 beta (IL-1beta) and creatine kinase (CK) enzyme in overweight men. Methods: Thirty overweight young men (25 ≤ BMI < 30) voluntarily participated in the present study and were randomly assigned to the DeLorme (Del; n = 10), Oxford (OXF; n = 10) resistance training techniques and control (Con; n = 10). Del performed 4-5 sets at intensity of 50% of one-maximum repetition (1RM) for warm up, the second set with 85% of 1RM, the third set at 90% of 1 RM, and the fourth set at 95 of 1RM, and finally the fifth set at 100 1RM of exercise, while the OXF performed mentioned protocol exactly reverse order for eight weeks. RT was done three day/week in nonconsecutive for eight week. Blood sampling was gathered before RT, and repeated 72 hour after the last session of RT, and the levels of CK activity as well as the concentration of IL-4 and IL-1beta concentration were measured in the plasma. Results: The results showed that there was no significant difference between the Del and OXF in biochemical variables (P > 0.05). Also, in the IL-4, IL-1beta and CK, there were no improvement was found in the Del and OXF compared to the control (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Finally, it can be said that none of the Delorme and Oxford resistance training technique are preferred in improving systemic inflammatory factors, and the sequence of resistance training intensity is more or less and vice versa has no effect on improving systemic inflammatory factors.
... For example, Fish et al. (7) demonstrated that 9 weeks of DeLorme and Oxford training significantly increased knee extension strength (e.g., 1RM and 10RM) with no differences between them in untrained females and males. Similar findings were reported by Da Silva et al. (8) in RT males who performed the barbell half-squat for 4 weeks while using the DeLorme and Oxford techniques. In a more comprehensive training study, Rasmjou et al. (9) demonstrated that 6 weeks of total-body lifting with both training styles led to significant increases in strength for lat pulldown, knee extension, hamstring curl, leg press, triceps extension, and biceps curl (9). ...
... In a more comprehensive training study, Rasmjou et al. (9) demonstrated that 6 weeks of total-body lifting with both training styles led to significant increases in strength for lat pulldown, knee extension, hamstring curl, leg press, triceps extension, and biceps curl (9). Together, these studies demonstrate that the DeLorme and Oxford techniques have increased muscular strength in programs that used one single-joint exercise (7), one multiple-joint exercise (8), and several single-joint and multiple-joint exercises (9). ...
Apply It! By reading this article, health and fitness professionals will learn: • There is a strong relationship between total volume load (TVL), muscular strength, and skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Resistance training with pyramid repetition schemes are an effective way to increase TVL during a training session. • Linear pyramid training (LPT), also known as DeLorme training, involves a systematic increase in intensity from set to set. Contrarily, reverse pyramid training (RPT), also known as Oxford training, involves a systematic decrease in intensity from set to set. • The literature consistently shows that RPT and LPT are both effective at increasing muscular strength; however, people may enjoy RPT more than LPT because the session feels easier as fatigue accumulates.
... However, some experts in this group contended no pain should be allowed during shoulder exercise when used as treatment (Klintberg et al., 2015). (Fish et al., 2003;Kraemer & Ratamess, 2004;Paulucio et al., 2010;Ratamess et al., 2009) where reasoning was given; rationales were most often based on patient-reported pain and/or fatigue similar to results found in Australian physiotherapists (Smythe et al., 2020), reflecting current exercise approaches in the literature (Littlewood et al., 2015). ...
Background: Rotator cuff related shoulder pain (RCRSP) is a common and disabling cause of shoulder pain contributing to great socio-economic costs. Conservative management is recommended as first line treatment, with studies performed in the United Kingdom (UK), Belgium, Netherlands and Australia finding practice generally consistent with guideline recommendations. Current French guidelines for management of RCRSP were published more than a decade ago and it is unknown if French physiotherapists manage RCRSP in line with current guideline recommendations. The aim of this survey is to evaluate if management delivered by French physiotherapists for RCRSP is in line with the current evidence. Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted and disseminated through various social media platforms and a mailing list from December 2018 to March 2019. Results: Two hundred and six French Physiotherapists completed the survey. Results demonstrated that the majority of physiotherapists provide care consistent with recommended guideline management, through the delivery of exercise and education. Ideology and specific parameters of treatment delivery, particularly exercise treatment, were highly variable among the cohort, but comparable to findings among physiotherapists in the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands and Australia. Conclusion: French physiotherapists are broadly consistent with providing guideline recommended care of RCRSP, however heterogeneity exists in the ideals and practice of specific treatment delivery, particularly within exercise management.
... For simplicity, only the average CK response after whole body exercising of trained subjects was used as input to the model [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29] (Figure 2). The same review concluded that for trained subjects [30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43] the CK levels should be <550 U/L in order to ensure that the performance will not decrease. ...
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Background: Creatine kinase (CK) is a blood marker used to assess muscle damage and overtraining. A simple model was developed to assess the effectiveness of various weight training programs. The model assumes that every weight training session has an additive effect on CK levels. Materials and Methods: A subject trained the chest, and then measured the CK response over the baseline for a few days. To confirm the additive effect of training on CK levels, the CK levels were also measured after the back training following one to three days the chest training. The model was applied to typical weight training programs of two to four sessions per week. Results: The results confirmed the validity of the model and its simplified assumptions. Application of the model showed that the CK levels can remain elevated depending on the training frequency. Thus, attention should be paid to the recovery days in order to keep CK within acceptable ranges. Conclusion: The simplified CK model can be used to estimate the CK levels of weight training programs. Keeping the CK levels at appropriate levels will not only avoid overtraining, but may optimize recovery and improve performance.
... Despite the different load manipulations over sets, both groups performed the RT sessions with the same relative load, which may have ensured similar recruitment of motor unit pool, a possible explanation for the similar increases in muscle strength [24,25]. Using a similar experimental design as Fish et al. [17] and Razmjou et al. [21], Da Silva et al. [26] investigated the effects of CP (n = 16) and DP (n = 16) in resistance-trained young men (RT experience was not reported). Muscle strength was measured using a 10-RM test in the back squat exercise. ...
To optimize/maximize increases on muscle strength and mass in well resistance-trained individuals, the use of resistancetraining (RT) systems have been widely recommended by powerlifters, bodybuilders and coaches. These systems may be characterized as advanced techniques that manipulate specific RT variables emphasizing physiologic mechanisms. However, there is a lack of evidence on literature supporting the advantages of RT systems on muscle strength and mass increases compared with traditional RT performed with constant sets, repetitions and load. It is possible that these equivocal findings are associated with methodological limitations that preclude the correct interpretation of the results. Therefore, the purpose of the present review article was to critically analyze studies and draw conclusions on the effects of RT systems on muscle strength and mass enhancements. The evidence available so far does not allow the determination of wheter RT systems can optimize/maximize increases in muscle strength and mass when compared to traditional RT.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, genç erkeklerde Geleneksel ve Drop-set ve direnç antrenman programlarının Kreatin kinaz, Kreatin kinaz miyokard bandı ve Laktat dehidrogenaz aktivitesini araştırmaktır. Araştırmaya yaş ortalaması 20.10±0.74 yıl, boy uzunluğu 176.10±4.72cm, vücut ağırlığı 67.41±3.09 kg, vücut yağ %6.81±4.69 ve vücut kütle indeksi 21.79±1.5kg/m2 olan 10 erkek katılımcı çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. 1 Tekrar Maksimum testi uygulanarak belirlenen egzersizlerin yükleri belirlendi. Katılımcılar birer hafta ara ile geleneksel (1 TM’nin %80 ile 8 tekrar 3 set) ve Drop-set (1TM’nin 4 tekrar %90, 4 tekrar %80, ve 4 tekrar %70, 2 set) antrenmanı uyguladı. Katılımcıların antrenmanlar öncesinde (ön-test) ve sonrasında (son-test) kan alınarak Kreatin Kinaz, Kreatin kinaz miyokard bandı ve laktat değerleri tespit edildi. Antrenmanların zorluk derecesini belirlemek için deneklere, Borg Skalası uygulandı. Elde edilen verilerin Normallik için Kolmogorov-Smirnov testi kullanıldı. Ön- ve son-test değişkenleri için Wilcoxon testi, geleneksel set ve drop-set antrenmanı karşılaştırılmasında ise Mann-Whitney U testi kullanıldı. Geleneksel set ve drop-set antrenmanların Kreatin kinaz, Kreatin kinaz miyokard bandı ve laktat değerlerinde ön- ve son-test arasında anlamlı (p<0.05) artışlar tespit edildi. Geleneksel ve Drop-set direnç antrenmanları arasında Kreatin kinaz (z=-0.76, 𝑝>0.05), Kreatin kinaz miyokard bandı (z=-0.79, 𝑝>0.05) ve laktat (z=-0.27, 𝑝>0.05) parametreleri karşılaştırılmasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark tespit edilmedi. Sonuç olarak drop-set ve geleneksel set direnç antrenman modellerinin eşit antrenman volümü ve ortalama eşit şiddet ile uygulandığında kas üzerinde eşit hasarı verdiği belirlenmiştir.
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Background and Aims: Todays, many factors and variables are considered in the design of resistance training that may affect physiological adaptations. Despite the positive effect of resistance training on antioxidant behavior and oxidative stress, the influents of these factors to intensity sequence of resistance training is unclear. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of resistance training intensity sequence of resistance training on antioxidants and Malondialdehyde (MDA) in over weight men. Methods: In present semi experimental study, 30 over weight young males voluntarily participated in the study and randomly assigned to pyramid resistance training (PRT; n=10), reverse pyramid resistance training (RPRT; n=10), and control (n=10). Resistance training was done in 3 nonconsecutive days for eight weeks, where the PRT was done resistance training by gradually increasing the intensity and decreasing the number of repetitions to reach maximum strength, while the RPRT they did the exact opposite. Blood samples were collected before and 48 after exercise training, and superoxide dismutase (SOD), Malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), and total Antioxidant capacity (TAC) were measured by McCord & Fridovich, Buege& Aust, Paglia & valentine and FARP methods, respectively. In order to analyze the data, analysis of variance was used with repeated measurements. Results: It was observed that SOD in the PRT (p=0.024) and the RPRT (p=0.029) increased significantly. The GPX in the PRT (p=0.008) and RPRT (p=007) than to control were also significantly increased. Also, the TAC increased significantly only in the PRT (p=0.047). The MDA in the PRT (p=0.019) and the RPRT (p=0.041) were significantly decrease, no significant difference was observed between PRT and RPRT in any of the mentioned variables (p˃0.05). Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, it seems that pyramid and reverse pyramid resistance training can improve the antioxidant status in overweight men, however, they have not any advantages than to each other.
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The Creatine Kinase (CK) is a blood marker commonly used to assess exercise induced muscle damage. However, little attention has been given for its use as an index of recovery and adaptation after weight training sessions. In this review, studies that measured the CK after single bouts of typical gym and fitness studios exercises were summarized, while eccentric actions or aerobic (endurance) studies were excluded. At a second step long term studies (>four weeks duration, or 1-2 weeks for overreaching) were used to estimate CK levels that could result in increase or decrease of performance (strength or hypertrophy). The analysis of this review showed that CK levels peaked after one to three days at mean levels of 2.5 (quads), 3.5 (whole body) or 4.5 (biceps) times the pre-exercise (base) levels. The variability though was very high and one more standard deviation brought these numbers to 5.5 times the base levels or 900 U/L. The long term studies showed that at CK levels >550 U/L (3.5 times the base levels), the performance tended to be stable or decrease. The main message of this review is that CK levels should be measured two to three days after the last training session and should be kept <550 U/L in order to avoid performance decrease and possibly to optimize improvements.
The study aim was to compare the chronic effects of maximal dynamic strength training with and without the addition of local mechanical vibration (LV), on maximal force generation and hypertrophy of the elbow flexor muscles in trained subjects. Twenty men were divided into two groups [conventional training (CT) group and vibration training (VT) group]. The CT group performed conventional maximal dynamic strength training, and the VT group performed maximal dynamic strength training with mechanical vibrations (frequency of 26 Hz and amplitude of 6 mm). Both groups performed 5 sets of 3-4 repetitions, with 2-minute rest intervals between sets. The subjects trained 3 times per week for 12 weeks. After the training period, the CT group presented a significant increase in the mean one-repetition maximum (1RM) value in the elbow flexion exercise in the orthostatic position (EFO) (7.2 ± 1.5%) (p<0.0001) and elbow flexion exercise using the Scott bench (EFSB) (6.3 ± 1.8%) (p<0.0001). The VT group also showed significant increases in 1RM values in the EFO (6.87 ± 0.8%) (p<0.0001) and EFSB (6.56 ± 1.4%) (p<0.0001). The CT group presented a significant increase in the mean maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) value after the training period (8.2 ± 2.3%) (p<0.0001). The VT group also showed a significant increase in the mean MVIC value after training (9.
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The aim of this study was to investigate the difference in the magnitude of muscle damage between maximal eccentric exercises of the elbow flexors (EF) and knee extensors (KE). Twelve sedentary male volunteers participated in the study. Range of motion (ROM), isometric peak torque (IPT), delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS), creatine kinase activity (CK), and myoglobin concentration (Mb) were evaluated before, immediately after, and on the 1(st) , 2(nd), 3(rd) , and 7(th) days following exercise. Total work (TW) during exercises was recorded and corrected by muscle volume (TWc). TWc was greater (p < 0.01) for EF [24 (2) joule·cm-3] than for KE [7 (0.4) joule·cm(-3)]. Increases in CK on the 2(nd) , 3(rd) , and 7(th) days (p < 0.01) and increases in Mb on the 1(st) , 2(nd) , 3(rd) , and 7(th) days were significantly (p<0.01) larger for EF than for KE. The decline in IPT was greater (p < 0.05- 0.01) for EF at all test occasions compared with KE. The results of this study demonstrate that the magnitude of muscle damage is greater and the recovery is slower following maximal eccentric exercise of the EF than of the KE for sedentary males. Key pointsThe magnitude of muscle damage is greater and the recovery is slower following maximal eccentric exercise of the EF than of the KE for sedentary males.This may be because of the higher total eccentric work per muscle unit in elbow flexors.
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In February 2002, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) published a Position Stand entitled Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults. The ACSM claims that the programmed manipulation of resistance-training protocols such as the training modality, repetition duration, range of repetitions, number of sets, and frequency of training will differentially affect specific physiological adaptations such as muscular strength, hypertrophy, power, and endurance. The ACSM also asserts that for progression in healthy adults, the programs for intermediate, advanced, and elite trainees must be different from those prescribed for novices. An objective evaluation of the resistance-training studies shows that these claims are primarily unsubstantiated. In fact, the preponderance of resistance-training studies suggest that simple, low-volume, time-efficient, resistance training is just as effective for increasing muscular strength, hypertrophy, power, and endurance - regardless of training experience - as are the complex, high-volume, time-consuming protocols that are recommended in the Position Stand. This document examines the basis for many of the claims in the Position Stand and provides an objective review of the resistance training literature.
SUMMARY In order to stimulate further adaptation toward specific training goals, progressive resistance training (RT) protocols are necessary. The optimal characteristics of strength-specific programs include the use of concentric (CON), eccentric (ECC), and isometric muscle actions and the performance of bilateral and unilateral single- and multiple-joint exercises. In addition, it is recommended that strength programs sequence exercises to optimize the preservation of exercise intensity (large before small muscle group exercises, multiple-joint exercises before single-joint exercises, and higher-intensity before lower-intensity exercises). For novice (untrained individuals with no RT experience or who have not trained for several years) training, it is recommended that loads correspond to a repetition range of an 8-12 repetition maximum (RM). For intermediate (individuals with approximately 6 months of consistent RT experience) to advanced (individuals with years of RT experience) training, it is recommended that individuals use a wider loading range from 1 to 12 RM in a periodized fashion with eventual emphasis on heavy loading (1-6 RM) using 3- to 5-min rest periods between sets performed at a moderate contraction velocity (1-2 s CON; 1-2 s ECC). When training at a specific RM load, it is recommended that 2-10% increase in load be applied when the individual can perform the current workload for one to two repetitions over the desired number. The recommendation for training frequency is 2-3 dIwkj1 for novice training, 3-4 dIwkj1 for intermediate training, and 4-5 dIwkj1 for advanced training. Similar program designs are recom- mended for hypertrophy training with respect to exercise selection and frequency. For loading, it is recommended that loads corresponding to 1-12 RM be used in periodized fashion with emphasis on the 6-12 RM zone using 1- to 2-min rest periods between sets at a moderate velocity. Higher volume, multiple-set programs are recommended for maximizing hypertrophy. Progression in power training entails two general loading strategies: 1) strength training and 2) use of light loads (0-60% of 1 RM for lower body exercises; 30-60% of 1 RM for upper body exercises) performed at a fast contraction velocity with 3-5 min of rest between sets for multiple sets per exercise (three to five sets). It is also recommended that emphasis be placed on multiple-joint exercises especially those involving the total body. For local muscular endurance training, it is recommended that light to moderate loads (40-60% of 1 RM) be performed for high repetitions (915) using short rest periods (G90 s). In the interpretation of this position stand as with prior ones, recommendations should be applied in context and should be contingent upon an individual's target goals, physical capacity, and training
Adaptations in resistance training are focused on the development and maintenance of the neuromuscular unit needed for force production [97, 136]. The effects of training, when using this system, affect many other physiological systems of the body (e.g., the connective tissue, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems) [16, 18, 37, 77, 83]. Training programs are highly specific to the types of adaptation that occur. Activation of specific patterns of motor units in training dictate what tissue and how other physiological systems will be affected by the exercise training. The time course of the development of the neuromuscular system appears to be dominated in the early phase by neural factors with associated changes in the types of contractile proteins. In the later adaptation phase, muscle protein increases, and the contractile unit begins to contribute the most to the changes in performance capabilities. A host of other factors can affect the adaptations, such as functional capabilities of the individual, age, nutritional status, and behavioral factors (e.g., sleep and health habits). Optimal adaptation appears to be related to the use of specific resistance training programs to meet individual training objectives.
The purpose of this study was to compare changes in maximal strength, power, and muscular endurance after 12 wk of periodized heavy-resistance training directly supervised by a personal trainer (SUP) versus unsupervised training (UNSUP). Twenty moderately trained men aged 24.6 +/- 1.0 yr (mean +/- SE) were randomly assigned to either the SUP group (N = 10) or the UNSUP group (N = 8). Both groups performed identical linear periodized resistance training programs consisting of preparatory (10-12 repetitions maximum (RM)), hypertrophy (8 to 10-RM), strength (5 to 8-RM), and peaking phases (3 to 6-RM) using free-weight and variable-resistance machine exercises. Subjects were tested for maximal squat and bench press strength (1-RM), squat jump power output, bench press muscular endurance, and body composition at week 0 and after 12 wk of training. Mean training loads (kg per set) per week were significantly (P < 0.05) greater in the SUP group than the UNSUP group at weeks 7 through 11 for the squat, and weeks 3 and 7 through 12 for the bench press exercises. The rates of increase (slope) of squat and bench press kg per set were significantly greater in the SUP group. Maximal squat and bench press strength were significantly greater at week 12 in the SUP group. Squat and bench press 1-RM, and mean and peak power output increased significantly after training in both groups. Relative local muscular endurance (80% of 1-RM) was not compromised in either group despite significantly greater loads utilized in bench press muscular endurance testing after training. Body mass, fat mass, and fat-free mass increased significantly after training in the SUP group. Directly supervised, heavy-resistance training in moderately trained men resulted in a greater rate of training load increase and magnitude which resulted in greater maximal strength gains compared with unsupervised training.
This study examined the effects of a 7-d repeated maximal isokinetic eccentric training period on the indicators of muscle damage and inflammatory response. Twenty-two college-age males were randomly assigned to eccentric training (ET) (N = 12) and control groups (CON) (N = 10). The initial exercise was 30 repetitions of maximal voluntary isokinetic eccentric contraction (ECC1) on nondominant elbow flexors with Cybex 6000 at 60 degrees.s-1 angular velocity. The ET group performed the same exercise for the following 6 consecutive days (referred to as ECC2 to ECC7) after ECC1. Upper arm circumference (CIR), range of motion (ROM), and maximal isometric force (MIF) were measured before, immediately after, and every 24 h for 7 consecutive days after ECC1. Plasma creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT), leukocyte counts, and serum interleukin-1beta and -6 (IL-1beta, IL-6) levels were assessed before; at 2 h; and at 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 d after ECC1. Muscle soreness was measured before and for 7 consecutive days after ECC1. The ECC1 produced significant changes in most of the measures for both groups (P < 0.05), with the exception of leukocyte counts (P > 0.05). No indicators of increased damage (P > 0.05) were found from ECC2 to ECC7 for the ET group. Continuous intensive isokinetic eccentric training performed with damaged muscles did not exacerbate muscle damage and inflammation after ECC1. In addition, a muscular "adaptation effect" may occur as early as 24 h after ECC1, as shown by the ET group's performance for 6 consecutive days after ECC1.
This study investigated changes in indirect markers of muscle damage after endurance exercise of the elbow flexors and compared the changes with those after maximal eccentric actions (Max-ECC) of the elbow flexors. Eighteen male students rhythmically lifted (1 s) and lowered (1 s) a light dumbbell (1.1-1.8 kg: 9% of MIF) in 60-180 degrees of elbow joint angle for 2 h (2-h Ex). Maximal isometric force (MIF), relaxed (RANG) and flexed elbow joint angles (FANG), upper-arm circumference (CIR), muscle soreness (SOR), B-mode ultrasound (US), and plasma creatine kinase (CK) activity were assessed before and immediately after, and up to 96 h after exercise. All measures were altered significantly (P < 0.05) after 2-h Ex in a similar time course to Max-ECC; however, changes in RANG, FANG, CIR, US, and CK (peak: 356 +/- 121 IU.L-1) were significantly (P < 0.05) smaller compared with those after Max-ECC. SOR developed immediately after 2-h Ex and peaked 24-48 h after exercise. MIF dropped to 44.1% of the preexercise level, which was significantly (P < 0.05) lower than that after Max-ECC (58.1%), immediately postexercise. MIF recovered to 79.8% at 24 h, and 97.8% at 96 h postexercise, which was a significantly (P < 0.05) faster recovery compared with that of Max-ECC (73.1% at 96 h). These results showed low-intensity continuous muscle contractions (3600 times) resulted in muscle damage; however, the magnitude of the muscle damage was less severe, and the recovery was faster compared with 12 maximal eccentric muscle actions.
Exercise-induced muscle injury in humans frequently occurs after unaccustomed exercise, particularly if the exercise involves a large amount of eccentric (muscle lengthening) contractions. Direct measures of exercise-induced muscle damage include cellular and subcellular disturbances, particularly Z-line streaming. Several indirectly assessed markers of muscle damage after exercise include increases in T2 signal intensity via magnetic resonance imaging techniques, prolonged decreases in force production measured during both voluntary and electrically stimulated contractions (particularly at low stimulation frequencies), increases in inflammatory markers both within the injured muscle and in the blood, increased appearance of muscle proteins in the blood, and muscular soreness. Although the exact mechanisms to explain these changes have not been delineated, the initial injury is ascribed to mechanical disruption of the fiber, and subsequent damage is linked to inflammatory processes and to changes in excitation-contraction coupling within the muscle. Performance of one bout of eccentric exercise induces an adaptation such that the muscle is less vulnerable to a subsequent bout of eccentric exercise. Although several theories have been proposed to explain this "repeated bout effect," including altered motor unit recruitment, an increase in sarcomeres in series, a blunted inflammatory response, and a reduction in stress-susceptible fibers, there is no general agreement as to its cause. In addition, there is controversy concerning the presence of sex differences in the response of muscle to damage-inducing exercise. In contrast to the animal literature, which clearly shows that females experience less damage than males, research using human studies suggests that there is either no difference between men and women or that women are more prone to exercise-induced muscle damage than are men.