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Social wasps desert the colony and aggregate outside if parasitized: parasite manipulation?


Abstract and Figures

Infection of the paper wasp, Polistes dominulus (Christ), by the strepsipteran parasite Xenos vesparum Rossi results in a dramatic behavioral change, which culminates in colony desertion and the formation of extranidal aggregations, in which up to 98% of occupants are parasitized females. Aggregations formed on prominent vegetation, traditional lek-sites of Polistes males, and on buildings, which were later adopted as hibernating sites by future queens. First discovered by W.D. Hamilton, these aberrant aggregations are an overlooked phenomenon of the behavioral ecology of this intensively studied wasp. For 3 months in the summer of 2000, during the peak of colony development, we sampled 91 extranidal aggregations from seven areas, numbering 1322 wasps. These wasps were parasitized by both sexes of X. vesparum, but males were more frequent from July until mid-August, during the mating season of the parasite. Aggregations were present for days at the same sites (in one case a leaf was occupied for 36 consecutive days) and were characterized by extreme inactivity. After artificial infection, parasitized "workers" deserted the nest 1 week after emergence from their cell and before the extrusion of the parasite through the host cuticle. Infected individuals did not work, were more inactive, and did not receive more aggression than did controls. We suggest that early nest desertion and subsequent aggregations by parasitized nominal workers and "future queens" is adaptive manipulation of host behavior by the parasite to promote the completion of its life cycle. Copyright 2004.
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Social wasps desert the colony and aggregate
outside if parasitized: parasite manipulation?
David P. Hughes,
Jeyaraney Kathirithamby,
Stefano Turillazzi,
and Laura Beani
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PS, UK,
Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e Genetica, Universita` di Firenze,
Via Romana 17, 50125 Florence, Italy
Infection of the paper wasp, Polistes dominulus (Christ), by the strepsipteran parasite Xenos vesparum Rossi results in a dramatic
behavioral change, which culminates in colony desertion and the formation of extranidal aggregations, in which up to 98% of
occupants are parasitized females. Aggregations formed on prominent vegetation, traditional lek-sites of Polistes males, and on
buildings, which were later adopted as hibernating sites by future queens. First discovered by W.D. Hamilton, these aberrant
aggregations are an overlooked phenomenon of the behavioral ecology of this intensively studied wasp. For 3 months in the
summer of 2000, during the peak of colony development, we sampled 91 extranidal aggregations from seven areas, numbering
1322 wasps. These wasps were parasitized by both sexes of X. vesparum, but males were more frequent from July until mid-August,
during the mating season of the parasite. Aggregations were present for days at the same sites (in one case a leaf was occupied for
36 consecutive days) and were characterized by extreme inactivity. After artificial infection, parasitized ‘‘workers’’ deserted the
nest 1 week after emergence from their cell and before the extrusion of the parasite through the host cuticle. Infected individuals
did not work, were more inactive, and did not receive more aggression than did controls. We suggest that early nest desertion and
subsequent aggregations by parasitized nominal workers and ‘‘future queens’’ is adaptive manipulation of host behavior by the
parasite to promote the completion of its life cycle. Key words: aggregation, behavioral manipulation, nest desertion, Polistes,
Strepsiptera. [Behav Ecol 15:1037–1043 (2004)]
Primitively eusocial wasps of the genus Polistes have played
a pivotal role as ‘‘hypothesis generating model organisms’
(Turillazzi and West-Eberhard, 1996) in sociobiology (Pardi,
1948) and kin selection theories (Hamilton, 1964). Their
annual, unenveloped, small nests, founded by one or more
overwintered females, are relatively easy to study. This, in
addition to their widespread occurrence in temperate zones,
has resulted in a voluminous literature regarding their
behavior (Reeve, 1991). One species in particular, Polistes
dominulus (Christ), has been claimed to the ‘‘most well
studied social wasp’’ (Queller et al., 2000). Therefore, the
discovery by W.D. Hamilton of previously unknown extranidal
aggregations of P. dominulus consisting of females parasitized
by the strepsipteran Xenos vesparum (dissected by J. Kathir-
ithamby) at a time when colonies were fully active (August
1998, Tuscany, Italy, see Hughes, 2002), was novel and
unexpected. Why should infected individuals abandon their
nest and aggregate outside when the colony is a ‘‘fortress’’ for
both parasites and wasps (Schmid-Hempel, 1998)? Extranidal
aggregations, which consist of healthy future queens, are
common only at the end of the reproductive phase (Pardi,
1942; West-Eberhard, 1969) and during diapause (Hunt et al.,
1999; Turillazzi, 1980). Hamilton’s aberrant, early aggrega-
tions of females could be an example of parasite-induced
change in host behavior: ‘‘After all, if they can so completely
castrate the wasps without killing them, an ability obviously
evolved in an association through an immense period of time,
it will not be surprising to find that they also manipulate the
behavior’’ (Hamilton WD, e-mail to Laura Beani, 3-09-1998,
11:35 hrs).
The order Strepsiptera are obligate endoparasitic insects
that are known to parasitize seven insect orders, including
solitary and social Hymenoptera (Kathirithamby, 1989). They
are ‘‘parasitic castrators’’ (Baudoin, 1975), because they
induce sterility in their hosts (Strambi and Strambi, 1973).
These macroparasites exhibit extreme sexual dimorphism
(Figure 1a,b): the short-lived (usually less than 5 h) winged
adult males and the first instar larvae are the only free-living
stages, whereas the neotenic larviform adult females are
permanently parasitic. Infection by X. vesparum (which is
termed stylopization after the family Stylopidae that infects
wasps and bees) begins with the entry of the first instar larva
into a P. dominulus larvae (all host larval stages are susceptible).
After successive endoparasitic stages and host pupation, the
last instar X. vesparum extrudes its anterior region through the
intersegmental membranes of the adult host. The male forms
a cephalotheca and pupates, and the female forms a cephalo-
thorax and becomes a neotenic nonpupating adult. Adult
males emerge from their puparia and fly off to inseminate
a female through the brood canal opening in her cephalo-
thorax. Females are viviparous and embryonic development
occurs within the hemocoel (Kathirithamby, 2000), and the
first instar larvae emerge via the brood canal opening.
Emergence occurs after a stylopized wasp (containing a gravid
female X. vesparum) alights on flowers, and subsequent
transport of first instars to the nest is phoretic, via a foraging
wasp. However, stylopized wasps might land on nests and first
instars emerge here to find new hosts (Hughes et al., 2003).
Only adult female X. vesparum overwinter (with their host);
males die soon after fertilizing the females.
In Tuscany, Italy, fertilized P. dominulus emerge from
diapause in March and begin nest construction, either singly
(haplometrosis) or as a group (pleometrosis), with the first
workers emerging in May/June and the first sexuals emerging
in July/August (Pardi, 1942; Reeve, 1991). Colony decline
occurs in September. Nests are very common on buildings, for
Address correspondence to D. P. Hughes, who is now at De-
partment of Biology, University of Oulu, Oulu 90014, Finland. E-mail:
Received 8 September 2003; revised 24 March 2004; accepted 2
April 2004.
Behavioral Ecology Vol. 15 No. 6: 1037–1043
Advance Access publication on July 7, 2004
Behavioral Ecology vol. 15 no. 6 International Society for Behavioral Ecology 2004; all rights reserved.
by guest on June 3, 2013 from
example, under roof tiles and eaves. Mating occurs at lek-sites
in August/September (large trees and poles around houses
where nests are constructed; Beani, 1996), and females over-
winter in crevices of buildings and under roof tiles. Parasitism
of P. dominulus by X. vesparum was common in Tuscany: 58% of
nests were infected; in these nests 28% of brood, but none of
adults, were stylopized (Hughes et al., 2003).
The ‘‘intimate interaction’’ (Combes, 2001) between host
and parasite is particularly long in Xenos/Polistes systems as
infection begins at the immature host stage (larval wasp) and
proceeds into adulthood. Female Xenos remain associated with
their hosts throughout adulthood and, where the female
overwinters, the association can last up to 1 year. Nevertheless,
previous behavioral records are scant and limited to lethargy by
infected workers (Fitzgerald, 1938; Hubbard, 1892), commu-
nal overwintering by healthy and stylopized females (Turillazzi,
1980), and the nonparticipation of infected ‘‘queens’’ in
colony life (Pardi, 1942). However, two reviews of colony
symbionts do not mention them (Nelson, 1968; Yamane,
1996). In the present study, we document the occurrence of
extranidal aggregations of wasps at seven sites in Tuscany,
including Hamilton’s first record area, throughout the season.
We also document the behavior of individuals within these
aggregations through focal animal observations and mark-
recapture techniques. Importantly, we perform controlled
infections of workers under laboratory conditions to de-
termine when they leave the nest and if desertion is preceded
by aggression from nest mates, or if stylopized individuals
contribute to own indirect fitness through work performance.
Data collection in the field: single stylopized wasps,
aggregations, and nests
We checked seven field sites within 15 km of Florence, Italy
(43459N, 11189E), from 8 June–23 August 2000 for the
presence of extranidal wasps. For one site (area 1, close to
Florence airport) we sampled aggregations until 23 October,
in order to document the changes in aggregations over the
season. First, we collected single stylopized wasps on
vegetation or in flight (n¼21). After the 16 July, we sampled
‘‘aggregations,’’ here defined as four or more wasps in
contact, from vegetation surrounding buildings with a high
density of nests. We placed an insect sweep net over each
aggregation, and because of the extreme inactivity of the
gathered wasps, escapes were uncommon. Sampling of
aggregations was divided by week, with 16–23 July being week
1 and 7–15 October being week 12. We noted the location,
size, and parasite prevalence (the proportion of infected
individuals) of each aggregation. Collections occurred from
0800–2000 h, plus seven nightly checks (0200–0700 h). Wasps
that were evidently parasitized were checked for sex of both
wasps and parasites and released, whereas a few (n¼27) that
did not appear evidently parasitized, that is, with extruded
cephalothorax and/or cephalothecae, were killed and dis-
sected to identify possible endoparasitic stages. This occurred
until 23 August; after this date, at least one parasite per host
already extruded through the host cuticle, and we were able
to reliably estimate prevalence without any dissection.
Behavior in aggregations was recorded by using tripod-
mounted Sony TR425 Hi 8-mm camcorder positioned approx-
imately 2 m from the aggregation (area 1, weeks 2 and 3). We
observed the behavior of 32 female focal wasps already within
three aggregations and 12 individuals after they joined an
aggregation (2 min/wasps). There was no difference in activity
between the three aggregations (ANOVA on arcsine trans-
formed data, F
¼0.004, p¼.99) so these data were pooled.
To record the spatial behavior of stylopized wasps in area 1,
we marked 402 stylopized wasps with enamel paint from
aggregations on two mulberry trees and checked the same
sites twice per week from 16 July–31 August. For wasps marked
on the first five capture dates (up to 1 August, five cohorts),
we constructed mark-recapture histories by using the program
MARK (Cormack-Jolly-Seber open-population capture-recap-
ture methods; reduced model of constant recapture proba-
bility; Lebreton et al., 1992). The use of individual covariates,
such as parasite age, could not be included in the model
without host dissection.
The presence on the nest of either parasitized adults or
marked individuals from aggregations was estimated by the
collection and dissection of adults from 21 nests over three
dates (10 and 17 July and 3 August, n¼7 colonies each date).
A further 12 nests were collected from 3–8 August and
examined for the presence of marked wasps only. All nests
were taken under roof tiles of the main building in area 1
early in the morning, before foragers had left the colony.
Laboratory behavioral recording of infected workers
In 2001 and 2002 P. dominulus nests, founded by queens from
our study area, were maintained in the laboratory under 14-h
light/10-h dark and 27C–29C standard conditions. The first
instar strepsipteran larvae, which are the infective stage, were
collected as they emerged live from adult female X. vesparum
parasitic within stylopized wasps that had overwintered (from
the same area). Under a dissecting microscope, a single X.
vesparum first instar larva was transferred by means of a single
hair to the body of a larval wasp (the nest was cooled to 4Cso
that the adult wasps could be removed first). The cell was
marked with paint, and similar-sized larva were sham treated.
Three nests in 2001 (nine infected and nine control workers
in total; three each per nest) and eight nests in 2002 (12
infected and 14 control in total; between two and four per
nest) were successfully infected. All nests had approximately
40 cells and less than eight workers at the time of infection,
Figure 1
(a) A line diagram of an adult female and adult male X. vesparum.
The double-pointed arrow details the female cephalothorax,
which extrudes through the host. The scale bar ¼0.8 mm
(original drawing by Jeyaraney Kathirithamby, copyrighted, see (b) A stylopized female P. dominulus.
The arrow shows the more evident cephalotheca of the
X. vesparum male puparium, and the more cryptic female
cephalothorax is encircled.
1038 Behavioral Ecology Vol. 15 No. 6
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that is, early ‘‘worker phase’’ (Reeve, 1991). Low replication
per nest was owing to the difficulty of infecting brood, so we
could not assess the colony effect.
To imitate a natural situation, infected nests were placed in
small nest-box (simulating natural nesting inside cavities,
volume ¼500 cm
) and connected to large cages in which
food, water, and paper for cell construction was placed
(more than 12,000 cm
). In 2001 only the position of evi-
dently parasitized and control workers was recorded three
times/day (0730, 1130, 2330 h) for 3 days. In 2002 the behavior
(time inactive; time off the nest; cell checking, a reliable
indicator of work on the nest; and aggression received) of
infected and control workers was recorded for the first 10
days from emergence (10 min/day per wasp; total observation
time ¼43 h 40 min). Observations were blind to the state of
parasitism and conducted daily between 1400–1700 h.
We used the program MARK (
;gwhite/mark/mark.htm) for mark-recapture data analysis
and SPSS for all other analyses. All tests are two tailed, and
means are presented 6SE. Where indicated, we performed
transformation to approximately normalize the data. Logistic
regressions were performed with Enter method.
Occurrence and composition of aggregations
A total of 91 aggregations (n¼1322 wasps, 99.99%
P. dominulus), were checked from July–October: 97% of occu-
pants were female, and henceforth only P. dominulus females
are discussed. The first aggregation was observed on 16 July,
the last on 10 October 2000. Before this, from 8 June–15 July,
17 stylopized were captured singly and inactive on the
underside of leaves (no uninfected wasps were found here).
Two individuals were captured before 0700 h, that is, before
foraging begins, indicating they had spent the night away
from the nest. A further two individuals were captured flying
around leaves, and again uninfected wasps were not found at
this locality. All 19 wasps were presumably nominal workers;
they had perfect wing condition and their tergites were not
discolored as those of overwintered females are (Reeve, 1991).
They contained five female adult X. vesparum that were not
releasing first instar larvae (unlike overwintered ones which
were observed) and 17 males at different stages of de-
velopment. Adult free-living male X. vesparum were present
on the 11 July, as evidenced by the capture of a wasp with two
empty puparia.
In Tuscany, summer aggregations were usually found on the
vegetation surrounding houses with high nest density. Wasps
typically clustered under and between leaves of a few branches
on prominent hedges and trees (Molbus,Ficus,Hedera,Vitis);
P. dominulus males intensively patrolled the more exposed
branches of the same trees in August and September. In area
1, many aggregations were observed on the lower branches of
two large mulberry trees which were the sites of a previous
long-term studies on Polistes male lek-territoriality at land-
marks (Beani and Turillazzi, 1988, 1990). After 26 August,
when the temperature abruptly decreased, aggregations were
mainly found in sheltered sites, for example, inside creepers
on buildings (Hedera,Vitis), eaves, interstices, and corners.
For July and August censuses, the mean size of 74
aggregations on vegetation was 12.93 61.07 wasps, and this
did not vary according to either area (seven areas, Kruskal-
Wallis test, H
¼3.48, p¼.74) or week (5 weeks, H
p¼.28). The parasite prevalence, that is, the proportion of
stylopized females, was 0.98 60.01 regardless of area of
collection (logistic regression, Wald ¼1.45, df ¼6, p¼.96) or
week (Wald ¼0.21, df ¼1, p¼.88). Twenty-seven wasps from
aggregations appeared unparasitized but after dissection were
found to contain late endoparasitic stages of both sexes.
In area 1, where aggregations were continuously checked
until October, the number of wasps and aggregations reached
a peak at the beginning of August (Figure 2a). The mean
parasite prevalence decreased from 0.98 60.01 during the
first 5 weeks to 0.64 60.07 during 6–12 weeks. The likelihood
of being parasitized decreased significantly between weeks 5
and 6 (odds ratio ¼1.38, Wald ¼84.15, df ¼1, p,.001). This
corresponded with the abandonment of mulberry trees.
Thereafter, aggregations were found in more sheltered sites
on buildings. The mean size of these late aggregations did
not significantly differ from early ones (14.32 60.03 versus
13.87 60.02 wasps; t
¼0.01, p¼.92).
All aggregations in area 1 (Figure 2b), except week 12,
included wasps infected by parasites of both sexes, mainly one
per wasp (81%). The presence of adult male X. vesparum in
the environment is indicated by a peak of 50 empty and 163
closed puparia at the beginning of August; a lower spike in
September was owing to presence of empty puparia. The sex
Figure 2
A survey of aggregations from area 1 over the course of the season.
(a) The number of parasitized and uninfected female wasps from
aggregations according to the week of collection and the
prevalence, that is, the proportion of infected individuals. Number of
aggregations in parenthesis. The mean parasite prevalence was not
affected by week when only wasps from weeks 1–5 or 6–12 were
included in the model (Wald ¼0.02, df ¼1, p¼.88 and Wald ¼2.29,
df ¼1, p¼.14 respectively). (b) The number of X. vesparum
(including empty puparia) in aggregations according to week
and sex ratio (proportion of males, not including empty puparia).
Hughes et al. Behavioral changes in Polistes after parasitism 1039
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ratio of X. vesparum was initially male biased, with a definitive
shift toward females in late September–October; an increasing
female bias was expected owing to the short male lifetime and
the fact that only females overwinter. In the first week of
August, 67 wasps in three aggregations were collected from
the roof of an abandoned building in area 1, within interstices
later used during diapause (not included in Figure 2a,b).
These aggregations were characterized by a higher proportion
of female parasites compared with ones on vegetation from
the same week and area, (0.55 versus 0.16, odds ratio ¼0.14,
Wald ¼37.15, df ¼1, p,.001) and a lower parasite
prevalence (0.68 versus 0.98, odds ratio ¼0.07, Wald ¼51.72,
df ¼1, p,.001).
Behavior of wasps within aggregations
Stylopized wasps within aggregation did not, apparently,
return to their nests, although at least until mid-August
colonies were fully active. In area 1, none of 297 stylopized
wasps, which were marked and released from 16 July–7
August, were resighted on any of the 26 P. dominulus nests
(801 females) collected during the same period within 200 m
of the aggregation sites, that is, under the mean flight range
of workers (Ugolini and Cannicci, 1996). Behavioral observa-
tions in the field have thus focused on extranidal aggregations
on vegetation, in which 98% of wasps were parasitized. Wasps
alighting on a leaf moved directly to the aggregation, joined
it, and were subsequently inactive (mean time inactive/2
min ¼0.88 60.05). For individuals that had already
aggregated, the proportion of time spent inactive was 0.97 6
0.01. Typical nest behaviors, such as aggression and trophal-
laxis, were not observed among aggregating wasps. Although
within aggregations wasps were predominantly inactive, they
did move between aggregations.
Of the 402 stylopized wasps marked up to 31 August, only
50 were recaptured. For five cohorts examined in detail
(Table 1), the probability of recapture of a marked wasp on
subsequent censuses was very low, owing to spacing out of
recaptures (not on successive days) and extensive movement
among aggregations, rather than to removal of marked wasps
from the population owing to mortality. In fact, the
probability of survival until subsequent sampling was very
high (Table 1), and some individuals were recaptured after
a long time (29 days in three cases!). Although a high
turnover of individuals existed among aggregations, the same
leaves were occupied by aggregating wasps; in one case wasps
were present on a single leaf on a mulberry tree for 36 days.
Behavior of artificially infected workers
To observe the spatial behavior of wasps, we divided laboratory
cages into nesting and foraging areas. In the first experiment,
nine wasps (infected by six male, three female X. vesparum)
left the colony, grouped together, and remained inactive
inside the foraging area regardless of the sex of the parasite,
whereas nine controls did not (proportion of time off nest,
Mann-Whitney Utest, U¼45; n
¼9, n
¼9; p,.001).
In the second experiment, both the position and behavior
of 12 wasps (infected by nine male, three female X. vesparum)
was compared with 14 controls. From the first day of
adulthood until day 10, infected wasps were significantly
more inactive than were controls (repeated-measures ANOVA,
p,.01) (Figure 3a) and spent significantly more time off the
nest than controls (p,.001) (Figure 3b). Infected wasps were
never observed feeding brood, building cells, or foraging, that
is, working, and checked cells less than did controls (p,.001)
(Figure 3c). Infected wasps did not receive more aggression
than did controls (p¼.09, post hoc power test, b¼0.63,
effect size ¼0.8) (Figure 3d); in fact, the trend was for
controls to receive more aggression.
All parasitized wasps deserted the nest and remained within
the attached net. The mean date of departure, that is, the first
day an individual spent 100% of its time off the nest, was 5.25
60.93 days posteclosion, which was before the extrusion of
the parasite through the cuticle of the host (8.7 60.60 days).
Controls only left the nest to forage. Nest departure before
the extrusion of the parasite through the cuticle was also
confirmed by the presence of 27 evidently nonparasitized
wasps in aggregations that were dissected and found to
contain endoparasitic final instar X. vesparum larvae with
sclerotized mandibles (to aid in their extrusion through the
cuticle): some were observed in the act of extruding during
capture. Further, based upon nest collections we noted that
very few X. vesparum extruded while their hosts were on the
nest. Of the 894 adults dissected from 21 P. dominulus nests
(area 1, 20/21 nests contained parasitized adults), 61 wasps
were infected with 69 X. vesparum, and of those, only eight had
extruded through the host cuticle (Fisher Exact test, p,
.0001). Thus, less than 1% of adults on nests from a highly
infected area were visibly parasitized (i.e., had extruded
cephalothorax/cephalothecae of X. vesparum).
Colony desertion and subsequent extranidal aggregation
formation by stylopized Polistes females has here been
extensively documented in the field and induced in the
laboratory after the artificial infection of a social insect with
a macroparasite. The occurrence of aggregations from seven
sites over the first 5 weeks in which 98% of female P. dominulus
were stylopized is a priori evidence of parasite-mediated
behavioral change (Figure 2a). Although the phenomenon is
common (aggregations were noted also in 2001, 2002, and
2003 at our study sites, data not shown), this is the first
example, to our knowledge, of a behavioral change induced
by a parasite in Polistes wasps. In other social insects, colony
desertion, but not aggregation outside the nest, may follow
parasitism by nematodes, entomopathogenic fungi, tremat-
odes, and parasitoids (Moore, 2002; Schmid-Hempel, 1998).
The lack of attention hitherto given to strepsipteran
parasitism of Polistes, despite its high prevalence in paper
wasp colonies (Hughes et al., 2003), is owing to their cryptic
nature (Figure 1b) and the absence of evidently parasitized
adults on both field and laboratory nests: colony desertion
occurred early in adult host life (mean ¼5.25 days), before
the parasite extruded through the cuticle. The subtle
influence of this parasite has obvious implications for studies
on the social behavior of Polistes; 31 other species have been
recorded as hosts of Strepsiptera (Hughes, 2003).
Table 1
Mark-recapture analysis from area 1: probability of survival and
recapture for wasps marked on a certain date (i.e., cohort)
date (N)
of survival
of recapture
16 July (21) 0.38 0.97 60.02 0.07 60.04
24 July (55) 0.20 0.91 60.03 0.07 60.02
25 July (31) 0.10 0.88 60.07 0.06 60.05
28 July (31) 0.12 0.86 60.09 0.06 60.06
1 August (61) 0.28 0.93 60.03 0.07 60.02
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Aberrant aggregations
Stylopized wasps deserting the field nests early in the season,
as well as in our laboratory experiments, were nominal
workers; that is, in the absence of parasitism they would have
engaged in colony tasks. Nevertheless, determining the caste
for stylopized members of this primitively eusocial wasp is
difficult because cues of caste—such as size, fat levels, ovarian
development, and behavior with siblings—are all likely to be
affected by parasitism. At the end of August (week 6), when
the temperature notably decreased, the location of aggrega-
tions changed from exposed branches on trees to low
sheltered vegetation and buildings, which were later adopted
as hibernation sites. There was a significant decrease in
parasite prevalence among aggregation occupants in area 1
(Figure 2a). This might be explained by the entry of healthy
future queens, as these leave the nest to mate and aggregate
outside, and may represent the transition from worker phase
to prediapause aggregations. In addition, the shift from male-
to female-biased sex ratio of the parasite (Figure 2b) suggests
that only wasps infected by female X. vesparum moved to
hibernacula, whereas wasps containing empty puparia pre-
sumably died after male X. vesparum emergence, owing to
their absence in extensive collections of overwintering healthy
and infected wasps (data not shown).
Previous extranidal collections of female stylopized Polistes
(Hubbard, 1892; Pierce, 1909, 1918; Wheeler, 1910) do not
mention aggregations. It is probable that high host density at
our study sites promoted encounters among deserting wasps.
Aggregation sites overlap spatially and temporally with either
lek-sites (Beani, 1996) or prehibernation sites, which may
signal some nonrandom spatial preference by infected and
uninfected individuals. Aggregation formation follows from
simple rules such as ‘‘stop when you encounter another
individual’’ (Deneubourg et al., 2002) and could explain their
patch distribution (only some branches of a tree or a portion
of a roof eave had been selected as an aggregation point).
Aggregations were characterized by extreme inactivity of wasps
(97% time inactive), high turnover (Table 1), and strong site
attachment (in area 1 a particular leaf was occupied for
Figure 3
The behavior of artificially infected female wasps (filled circles) versus controls over the first 10 days of adult life. Parasitized wasps spent
significantly more time inactive (repeated-measure ANOVA, F
¼7.57, p,.05) (a); away from the nest (F
¼29.78, p,.001) (b);
checked cells significantly less (F
¼29.64, p,.001) (d); and did not receive more aggression than controls (F
¼3.23, p¼.09) (d).
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36 days). (A high turnover and inactivity are not mutually
exclusive as behavioral observations focused on within-
aggregation behavior rather than a daily time budget, which
would have included interaggregation movement.)The de-
fensive capabilities of Polistes, combined with their aposematic
coloration, should promote aggregations (Guilford, 1990),
which are common in paper wasps at the end of the
reproductive phase (Reeve, 1991; Turillazzi, 1980; West-
Eberhard, 1969). To date, aggregations of stylopized social
insects are known only for the genus Polistes. These ‘‘aestiva-
tion/hibernation gatherings,’’ first noted by W.D. Hamilton
(e-mail to Laura Beani, 21-3-1999, 11:20 hrs; both e-mails
stored at W.D. Hamilton Archive, in preparation at the British
Library, material available by appointment. See Summers A,
Leighton John J, 2001. The W.D. Hamilton Archive at the
British Library. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 13:373–384)
may be an example of exploitation of the preexisting
gregarious behavior and a way to reduce extrinsic mortality
outside the nest during final parasite development.
Why do stylopized wasps leave the nest?
Although aggregations of stylopized females are surprising,
the salient point is that parasitized females deserted the nest
both early in their adult life and in the season. For Polistes,
nest departure normally occurs for sexuals (males and future
queens) to secure matings while workers remain on the nest
to gain indirect fitness benefits through work (but for
desertion of healthy workers for direct fitness, see Reeve et
al., 1998). Stylopized females cannot achieve direct fitness as
they are physiologically castrated (Strambi and Strambi,
1973), so may be expected to remain on the nest and gain
indirect fitness benefits through work. In the present study,
infected individuals were not observed to work (Figure 3c),
and this corresponds to the general lethargy reported for
infected Vespa (unpublished data cited in Matsuura and
Yamane, 1990). Therefore, why do infected wasps leave the
nest? Desertion is undoubtedly associated with the presence
of Strepsiptera and may benefit the parasite or the host or
simply be a ‘‘boring by-product’’ of infection (Dawkins, 1990;
Moore, 2002; Poulin et al., 1994). Within this framework, we
explore some explanations for the nest desertion by
P. dominulus females after infection by Strepsiptera.
Desertion owing to eviction by siblings of lazy and costly
workers was not observed, and the trend was for stylopized
individuals to receive less aggression than did controls (Figure
3d). The time spent on the nest, by stylopized individuals, was
characterized by extreme inactivity (Figure 3a). Desertion to
satisfy the nutritional needs of the developing parasite, or
stressed host, appears unlikely as the nest is a rich source of
food, whereas lek-sites only occasionally have resources
(Beani, 1996). Stylopized wasps were observed maxillating
prey items and imbibing larval secretions; the latter are 50
times more rich in amino acids than is flower nectar (Hunt et
al., 1982). In fact, desertion occurred soon before the
extrusion of the final instar and after a period of maximal
growth. Desertion as an altruistic act to reduce infection to kin
would appear a good general strategy for infected social
insects but is untenable in this case because a female X.
vesparum is infective only if inseminated and copulation
appears not to occur on the nest (see below); moreover, wasps
parasitized by both sexes of the parasite desert the nest. In
bumblebees infected by conopid flies, nest desertion at night
retards parasite development (the nest is thermoregulated;
Muller and Schmid-Hempel, 1993). Polistes nests, which are
not theromoregulated, did not show a similar pattern in
desertion times. In the later stages of conopid infection, the
host deserts the nest completely and, through aberrant
‘‘digging’’ behavior, promotes overwintering survival of the
conopid pupa (Muller, 1994). In both host groups, obvious
parallels exist with the final desertion of the colony by the
infected individual occurring to promote parasite life-cycle
In line with Hamilton’s attention to parasites, we here
hypothesize that nest desertion and aggregation by stylop-
ized wasps is an example of adaptive parasite manipulation
of host behavior in order to facilitate parasite mating.
Copulation is unlikely to occur on the nest as free-living
males are vigorously attacked by occupants (when stylopized
wasps are constrained to remain close to the nest until male
emergence; Hubbard, 1892; Hughes D, personal observa-
tion). Moreover, the short adult stage (less than 5 h) of
male X. vesparum means that males would have to emerge at
the exact time a neotenic female, parasitic within a host on
a nest, is both present and ready to be inseminated. Mate
encounter is enhanced away from the nest, at aggregations.
The peak of the mating period, as indicated by the
maximum number of empty puparia, was in week 3 (Figure
2b), which corresponded with the peak in both aggregation
and stylopized wasp number (Figure 2a). Although male
Strepsiptera are generally considered extremely rare, they
can be found close to aggregations. We observed five volant
X. vesparum males and one mating on a leaf 20 cm from an
aggregation. We also attracted seven males to a caged
receptive female (data not shown). In addition, assuming
copulation could take place on the nest, the fecundity of
female X. vesparum is more than 3000 first instars per female
(data not shown), so although remaining on the nest affords
vertical transmission opportunities, the high probability of
injurious superparasitism (at any one time there are less
than 50 larval wasps/nest) has probably selected for nest
dispersal and increased horizontal transmission.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that stylopized workers of Vespa
are inactive in the colony (Matsuura and Yamane, 1990) and
that stylopized ants display positive phototropism and eleva-
tion seeking on vegetation outside the nest (Cook, 1996;
Ogloblin, 1939). The date of departure from the nest by
infected Polistes (5.25 days) probably reflects a balance
between staying on the nest to gain food for parasite
development and leaving to reduce the risk of attacks towards
lazy and costly nest mates, or some hitherto unknown cost
related to the extrusion of the parasite through the host
cuticle. Thus, we suggest that nest desertion occurs to facilitate
parasite reproduction.
In conclusion, infection of Polistes females by Strepsiptera
results in a parasite-mediated behavioral change that we
suggest is adaptive to the parasite for life-cycle completion,
although specific tests to evaluate the costs and benefits of
nest desertion need to be carried out. Parasite-induced
changes in host behavior range from the relatively subtle
(Poulin and Latham, 2002) to the incredibly complex
(Eberhard, 2000). In the case of stylopized wasps, their
behavior is aberrant because it expressed out of context, both
spatially and temporally: colony desertion by workers and
summer aggregations of castrated wasps at leks. Finally, our
data has pertinence for the debate concerning the role that
parasites play in the evolution and maintenance of social
behavior. It has been strongly claimed (O’Donnell, 1997) that
parasitic castrators, particularly Strepsiptera in Polistes, reduce
intracolony conflict over reproduction and may promote
social behavior, sensu lato the ‘‘subfertility hypothesis’’ (West-
Eberhard, 1975). Here we demonstrate that stylopization,
rather than promote sociality, actually results in early nest
desertion by infected individuals.
1042 Behavioral Ecology Vol. 15 No. 6
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We would like to thank Emily Caruso, Anna Seward, and members of
the Florence Group for the Study of Social Wasps for their assistance.
We thank the referee for valuable suggestions and Mark Brown, Alex
Kacelnik, and Alan Grafen for earlier comments that improved our
manuscript. L.B. and S.T. were supported by MURST grants, J.K. by
a Royal Society travel grant, and D.H. by the Hope Studentship in
Entomology, Oxford University and Jesus College, Oxford. We
dedicate this work to the lasting memory of Bill Hamilton.
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Hughes et al. Behavioral changes in Polistes after parasitism 1043
by guest on June 3, 2013 from
... The flexible caste determination mechanism of Polistes dominula 22,23 is exploited by the strepsipteran Xenos vesparum (Xenidae), a parasitic castrator that usurps the host reproductive resources to complete its life cycle 24 . Parasitized P. dominula females, the primary host 25,26 , do not develop ovaries, desert the colony early in the season without performing any social task 27 and forage on selected plants, rich of extra-floral nectaries secreting immune-stimulant compounds 28,29 . They form aberrant summer aggregations, where parasite mating occurs 30 , and may overwinter in sheltered sites with future queens 31 . ...
... The sex of the parasite differentially influences life-history and lifespan of the host 26,27 . This is further support for the parasite manipulation hypothesis. ...
... They had undeveloped ovaries and lower fat scores than workers hosting a Xenos female, probably due to the costly development of a holometabolous insect (i.e. the male parasite), involving two further moults (compared to females) and the production of a puparium 30 . Noticeably, although for a small sample, wasps died later if Xenos males did not extrude from their puparium, suggesting that a hole in the puparium may facilitate microbial infections in the host 26,27 . ...
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In social wasps, female lifespan depends on caste and colony tasks: workers usually live a few weeks while queens as long as 1 year. Polistes dominula paper wasps infected by the strepsipteran parasite Xenos vesparum avoid all colony tasks, cluster on vegetation where parasite dispersal and mating occur, hibernate and infect the next generation of wasp larvae. Here, we compared the survival rate of infected and uninfected wasp workers. Workers’ survival was significantly affected by parasite sex: two-third of workers parasitized by a X. vesparum female survived and overwintered like future queens did, while all workers infected by a X. vesparum male died during the summer, like uninfected workers that we used as controls. We measured a set of host and parasite traits possibly associated with the observed lifespan extension. Infected overwintering workers had larger fat bodies than infected workers that died in the summer, but they had similar body size and ovary development. Furthermore, we recorded a positive correlation between parasite and host body sizes. We hypothesize that the manipulation of worker’s longevity operated by X. vesparum enhances parasite’s fitness: if workers infected by a female overwinter, they can spread infective parasite larvae in the spring like parasitized gynes do, thus contributing to parasite transmission.
... These slight changes, a by product of the hosts' altered development, may be adaptively used by the parasite to manipulate the acceptance of infected individuals by nestmates, e.g., in bees (Cappa et al. 2016b(Cappa et al. , 2019. P. dominula workers, if parasitized, desert the colony 1 week after emergence (Hughes et al. 2004a), when their chemical profile is still forming (Lorenzi et al. 2004) and the parasite is not yet extruded; lacking clear chemical discrimination, parasitized workers are not the target of aggressiveness by nestmates (Hughes et al. 2004a). The peculiar chemical profile induced by the parasite could facilitate the aberrant summer aggregations mainly formed by parasitized females (Hughes et al. 2004a;Beani et al. 2018). ...
... These slight changes, a by product of the hosts' altered development, may be adaptively used by the parasite to manipulate the acceptance of infected individuals by nestmates, e.g., in bees (Cappa et al. 2016b(Cappa et al. , 2019. P. dominula workers, if parasitized, desert the colony 1 week after emergence (Hughes et al. 2004a), when their chemical profile is still forming (Lorenzi et al. 2004) and the parasite is not yet extruded; lacking clear chemical discrimination, parasitized workers are not the target of aggressiveness by nestmates (Hughes et al. 2004a). The peculiar chemical profile induced by the parasite could facilitate the aberrant summer aggregations mainly formed by parasitized females (Hughes et al. 2004a;Beani et al. 2018). ...
... P. dominula workers, if parasitized, desert the colony 1 week after emergence (Hughes et al. 2004a), when their chemical profile is still forming (Lorenzi et al. 2004) and the parasite is not yet extruded; lacking clear chemical discrimination, parasitized workers are not the target of aggressiveness by nestmates (Hughes et al. 2004a). The peculiar chemical profile induced by the parasite could facilitate the aberrant summer aggregations mainly formed by parasitized females (Hughes et al. 2004a;Beani et al. 2018). According to slight quantitative changes in the profile of parasitized wasps, winter aggregations include both parasitized and non-parasitized females (Dapporto et al. 2007;Beani et al. 2011). ...
In the paper wasp Polistes dominula, cuticular hydrocarbons play a critical role to acquire information regarding conspecific individuals. However, the relationship between cuticular hydrocarbons, health status, and male sexually selected traits is poorly investigated. In this study, we characterized the cuticular hydrocarbon profile of adult male and female wasps, infected or not by the strepsipteran endoparasite Xenos vesparum, to assess whether the chemical signature provides information about sex and health status (parasite infection). Moreover, we tested whether the chemical profile reflects male quality as measured via morphological and behavioural (sexually selected) traits at leks. Our results showed that males and females had similar total amount of CHCs, quantitatively different profiles and, to a lesser extent, sex-specific chemical compounds. Cuticular profiles were influenced by the strepsipteran infection, and the effect was stronger in females (the primary host) than in males, according to the physiological castration of female but not of male hosts. Regarding territorial and non-territorial males, no significant difference emerged in their chemical profiles. Furthermore, sex-dimorphic visual signals (size, shape, and asymmetry of abdominal yellow spots) were related to the behavioural displays of territorial males. We hypothesize that cuticular hydrocarbons are potential multi-role cues to assess sex and health status in male and female wasps, in synergy with visual signals and territorial performance in signaling male quality.
... This parasite is capable to induce significant modifications in the host physiology (including castration, [2][3][4] and behavior. If parasitized by X. vesparum, P. dominula workers do not participate in colony tasks (e.g., they do not contribute to rearing siblings), do not receive aggressions by nest-mates and behave instead like future queens, i.e. they desert the nest to form summer aggregations on selected vegetation nearby [5][6][7]. This is a striking unusual behavior in a model organism for social evolution [8], and a recent study has shown a significant shift in the expression of caste-related genes that is associated with parasitism [9]. ...
... This is a striking unusual behavior in a model organism for social evolution [8], and a recent study has shown a significant shift in the expression of caste-related genes that is associated with parasitism [9]. These off-season "estivation/hibernation gatherings", first described by Hamilton [10], have been extensively documented in the past because they are aberrant and conspicuous, located for days on the same leaves, with a 98% parasite prevalence [5]. They usually occur in August and September in Tuscany (i.e. late in the wasp colony cycle) and include putative workers that have deserted the colony in June and July (hereafter defined as "parasitized workers"), and castrated putative queens that emerged and departed from their colony in August [11]. ...
... In this long-term observational study, we focused on the behavior of parasitized workers in early-summer (from the end of June until mid-July), immediately after their nest desertion and during the time-span preceding August aggregations. This set of field observations on a cryptic phase in the life of parasitized wasps complement a few laboratory reports previously published on this topic [5], as artificial rearing conditions may affect social dynamics in paper wasps [12]. We were able to carefully monitor the behavior of single parasitized workers, less conspicuous and observable than aggregations, thanks to their unexpected high prevalence on Campsis radicans bushes (Bignoniaceae), commonly known as "trumpet creeper". ...
Full-text available
The parasitic insect Xenos vesparum induces noticeable behavioral and physiological changes—e.g. castration—in its female host, the paper wasp Polistes dominula: parasitized putative workers avoid any colony task and desert the colony to survive in the nearby vegetation, like future queens and males do. In this long-term observational study, we describe the spectacular attraction of parasitized workers towards trumpet creeper bushes (Campsis radicans) in early-summer. Two thirds of all wasps that we sampled on these bushes were parasitized, whereas the parasite prevalence was much lower in our study area and most wasps sampled on other nearby flowering bushes were non-parasitized. First, we describe the occurrence and consistency of this phenomenon across different sites and years. Second, we evaluate the spatial behavior of parasitized wasps on C. radicans bushes, which includes site-fidelity, exploitation and defense of rich extra-floral nectaries on buds and calices. Third, we record two critical steps of the lifecycle of X. vesparum on C. radicans: the parasite’s mating and a summer release of parasitic larvae, that can infect larval stages of the host if transported to the host’s nest. In a nutshell, C. radicans bushes provide many benefits both to the parasite X. vesparum and to its host: they facilitate the parasite’s mating and bivoltine lifecycle, a phenomenon never described before for this parasite, while, at the same time, they provide the wasp host with shelter inside trumpet flowers and extrafloral gland secretions, thus likely enhancing host survival and making it a suitable vector for the infection.
... One example of a complex manipulation is the interaction between the endoparasitic insect Xenos vesparum (Rossi)(Strepsiptera, Xenidae) [13,14] and its host, the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes dominula (Christ)(Hymenoptera, Vespidae). If parasitized, putative workers are castrated, do not participate in colony tasks, and desert the nest to form aggregations on nearby plants, where X. vesparum completes its life cycle by mating and releasing infective larvae [15][16][17][18]. The behavior of parasitized wasps has some features that remind the non-reproductive phase of future queens: they are in ovary diapause, do not perform any colony task and overwinter in sheltered aggregations [19]. ...
... However, this explanation seems unlikely, since when the wasp emerges as an adult the parasite stops draining host resources [65]. Moreover, in the laboratory the hourly frequency of foraging for sugar cubes did not differ between parasitized and nonparasitized wasps, regardless of the parasite's sex [66] and field observations showed that parasitized wasps did not visit indiscriminately any flowering bushes but they gathered preferentially on trumpet creepers [17] and other selected plants [15] that are rich in EFNs and possibly in bioactive compounds (i.e., Morus, Vitis, Hedera, Cynara, Populus spp). As a third possible explanation for the phenomenon we observed in this study, the consumption of EFN secretions containing verbascoside might be interpreted as an example of self-medication against parasites and infections [67,68]. ...
Full-text available
Paper wasps ( Polistes dominula ), parasitized by the strepsipteran Xenos vesparum , are castrated and desert the colony to gather on plants where the parasite mates and releases primary larvae, thus completing its lifecycle. One of these plants is the trumpet creeper Campsis radicans : in a previous study the majority of all wasps collected from this plant were parasitized and focused their foraging activity on C . radicans buds. The unexpected prevalence and unusual feeding strategy prompted us to investigate the influence of this plant on wasp behavior and physiology through a multidisciplinary approach. First, in a series of laboratory bioassays, we observed that parasitized wasps spent more time than non-parasitized ones on fresh C . radicans buds, rich of extra-floral nectaries (EFNs), while the same wasps ignored treated buds that lacked nectar drops. Then, we described the structure and ultra-structure of EFNs secreting cells, compatible with the synthesis of phenolic compounds. Subsequently, we analysed extracts from different bud tissues by HPLC-DAD-MS and found that verbascoside was the most abundant bioactive molecule in those tissues rich in EFNs. Finally, we tested the immune-stimulant properties of verbascoside, as the biochemical nature of this compound indicates it might function as an antibacterial and antioxidant. We measured bacterial clearance in wasps, as a proxy for overall immune competence, and observed that it was enhanced after administration of verbascoside—even more so if the wasp was parasitized. We hypothesize that the parasite manipulates wasp behavior to preferentially feed on C . radicans EFNs, since the bioactive properties of verbascoside likely increase host survival and thus the parasite own fitness.
... Approximately half of the remaining 55 colonies produced at least one stylopised individual (mean ± SE 1.56 ± 0.28 stylopised wasps/colony across all 55 colonies, representing 13.6 ± 2.1% of workers in each colony). Stylopised individuals become asocial, fail to perform typical foraging and feeding behaviors, and eventually disperse from the nest (Hughes et al. 2004;Dapporto et al. 2007;Kathirithamby 2009;Beani et al. 2011;Geffre et al. 2017). Stylopised individuals do not typically engage in or respond to dominance interactions, and disperse within a few days of emergence (Hughes et al 2004). ...
... Stylopised individuals become asocial, fail to perform typical foraging and feeding behaviors, and eventually disperse from the nest (Hughes et al. 2004;Dapporto et al. 2007;Kathirithamby 2009;Beani et al. 2011;Geffre et al. 2017). Stylopised individuals do not typically engage in or respond to dominance interactions, and disperse within a few days of emergence (Hughes et al 2004). Here, they comprised 12% (86/701) of experimental individuals but took part in a total of just 0.3% (56/1633) observed dominance interactions. ...
Reproduction in cooperative animal groups is often dominated by one or a few individuals, with the remaining group members relegated to nonreproductive helping roles. This reproductive skew can evolve if helpers receive fitness benefits such as potential future inheritance of the breeding position, but the mechanisms by which inheritance is determined are not well resolved. Polistes paper wasps form highly reproductively skewed groups and inheritance of the breeding position is likely to play a key role in the maintenance of this social structure, making them excellent models for the processes by which simple societies are maintained. Reproductive succession is thought to be determined via an age-based convention in some Polistes species, but there is also evidence for contest-based succession systems in which the replacement queen uses physical aggression to overpower and thereby subordinate her nestmates. Here, we provide evidence that queen succession in colonies of the European paper wasp Polistes dominula is determined via convention rather than contest, with little disruption to the colony’s social functioning. We use queen removal experiments and fine-scale behavioral analyses to confirm that age is a strong predictor of succession, and that behavioral responses to queen removal are restricted to the oldest individuals rather than being experienced equally across the group. We provide the most comprehensive and detailed experimental analysis on the dynamics of breeder succession in a cooperatively breeding invertebrate to date, thereby shedding light on the mechanisms by which animal societies are able to maintain cohesion in the face of within-group conflict.
... Healthy P. dominula gynes aggregate when overwintering. However, parasitism by X. vesparum would induce the early formation of inactive, multi-colony aggregates that include workers (Hughes & al. 2004, Geffre & al. 2017. Hughes & al. (2004) suggest that the observed aggregations may play a role in allowing the short-lived males to locate females, and hence be a case of parasite-adaptive manipulation. ...
... However, parasitism by X. vesparum would induce the early formation of inactive, multi-colony aggregates that include workers (Hughes & al. 2004, Geffre & al. 2017. Hughes & al. (2004) suggest that the observed aggregations may play a role in allowing the short-lived males to locate females, and hence be a case of parasite-adaptive manipulation. Induction of aberrant aggregation behavior in worker wasps is correlated with changes in host gene expression profiles, shifting infected workers to a more gyne-like pattern (Geffre & al. 2017). ...
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Ants can display modified behaviors that represent the extended phenotypes of genes expressed by parasites that infect them. In such cases, the modifications benefit the parasite. Alternatively, displayed behaviors can represent host responses to infection that benefit colony fitness. Though some enigmatic examples of behavioral manipulation have been reported, parasitism of ants and its effects on ant behavior and ecology are generally poorly understood. Here, we summarize some of the present-day literature on parasite-ant interactions. Our main focus is on interactions that change host behavior so drastically that infected ants play a seemingly different societal and, perhaps, ecological role. We highlight the parallels that can be found across parasite-ant symbioses that result in manipulated behaviors, such as summiting, phototaxis, substrate biting, and wandering. We also point out the many present knowledge gaps that could be filled by efforts ranging from novel parasite discovery, to more detailed behavioral observations and next-generation sequencing to start uncovering mechanisms.
... All three Sulcopolistes species are social parasites of P. dominula, which is the main host of X. vesparum. Stylopized specimens of P. dominula form an aggregation outside nests and often return to the nest where the parasitic larvae of X. vesparum are released (Hughes et al., 2003(Hughes et al., , 2004. Therefore, parasitic Sulcopolistes could be easily infected by their hosts in the nest. ...
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Parasitism is one of the most successful and ancient strategies. Due to the specialized lifestyle of parasites, they are usually affected by reductions and changes in their body plan in comparison with nonparasitic sister groups. Extreme environmental conditions may impose restraints on behavioural or physiological adaptations to a specific host and limit morphological changes associated with speciation. Such morphological homogeneity has led to the diversity of parasites being underestimated in morphological studies. By contrast, the species concept has dramatically changed in many parasitic groups during recent decades of study using DNA sequence data. Here we tested the phenomenon of cryptic species diversity in the twisted-wing parasite family Xenidae (Strepsiptera) using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence data for a broad sample of Xenidae. We used three quantitative methods of species delimitation from the molecular phylogenetic data-one distance-based (ABGD) and two tree-based (GMYC, bPTP). We found 77-96 putative species in our data and suggested the number of Xenidae species to be more diverse than expected. We identified 67 hosts to species level and almost half of them were not previously known as hosts of Xenidae. The mean number of host species per putative species varied between 1.39 and 1.55. The constant rate in net diversification can be explained by the flexibility of this parasitic group, represented by their ability to colonize new host lineages combined with passive long-range dispersal by hosts.
... Behavioral alterations upon infection are called parasitic manipulation when they are adaptive for the parasite, altering phenotypic traits of its host in a way that enhances its probability of transmission. Some examples where the parasitism affects the geotaxis and the gregarious behavior of the hosts were described [75][76][77][78][79][80] . Is there any advantage to T. cruzi to enhance the negative geotaxis and the aggregation behavior of the triatomine? ...
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Triatominae insects are vectors of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease affecting millions of people in Latin America. Some species, such as Triatoma infestans, live in the human neighborhood, aggregating in walls or roof cracks during the day and going out to feed blood at night. The comprehension of how sex and T. cruzi infection affect their aggregation and geotaxis is essential for understanding their spatial organization and the parasite dispersion. Experiments in laboratory-controlled conditions were carried out with groups of ten adults of T. infestans able to explore and aggregate on a vertical surface. The influence of the sex (male vs. female) and the proportion of infected insects in the group were tested (100% of infected insects vs. a small proportion of infected insects, named infected and potentially weakly infected groups, respectively). Therefore, four distinct groups of insects were tested: infected males, infected females, potentially weakly infected males, and potentially weakly infected females, with 12, 9, 15, and 16 replicates, respectively. The insects presented a high negative geotaxis and a strong aggregation behavior whatever the sex or their infection. After an exploration phase, these behaviors were stable in time. The insects exhibited a preferential vertical position, head toward the top of the setup. Males had a higher negative geotaxis and a higher aggregation level than females. Both behaviors were enhanced in groups of 100% infected insects, the difference between sexes being maintained. According to a comparison between experimental and theoretical results, geotaxis favors the aggregation that mainly results from the inter-attraction between individuals.
... While altruis- tic desertion to reduce infection of kin would generally be a good strategy for infected social insects, this is untenable in this case because female X. vesparum parasites are only infec- tive if inseminated and wasp copulation does not occur on the nest owing to occupants vigorously attacking free-living males. The nest desertion and aggregation by infected wasps is most likely a case of adaptive parasite manipulation of host behaviour in order to facilitate parasite mating [45]. ...
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While several manipulated host behaviours are accepted as extended phenotypes of parasites, there remains debate over whether other altered behaviours in hosts following parasitic invasion represent cases of parasite manipulation, host defence or the pathology of infection. One particularly controversial subject is ‘suicidal behaviour’ in infected hosts. The host-suicide hypothesis proposes that host death benefits hosts doomed to reduced direct fitness by protecting kin from parasitism and therefore increasing inclusive fitness. However, adaptive suicide has been difficult to demonstrate conclusively as a host adaptation in studies on social or clonal insects, for whom high relatedness should enable greater inclusive fitness benefits. Following discussion of empirical and theoretical works from a behavioural ecology perspective, this review finds that the most persuasive evidence for selection of adaptive suicide comes from bacteria. Despite a focus on parasites, driven by the existing literature, the potential for the evolution of adaptive suicidal behaviour in hosts is also considered to apply to cases of infection by pathogens, provided that the disease has a severe effect on direct fitness and that suicidal behaviour can affect pathogen transmission dynamics. Suggestions are made for future research and a broadening of the possible implications for coevolution between parasites and hosts.
Phenotypic plasticity is the capacity of a single genotype to exhibit different phenotypes, and can be an adaptive response to specific environmental and social conditions. Social insects are particularly well-suited to study plasticity, because the division of labor amongst females and the different life histories of males and females are associated with specific sensory needs. Here, we take advantage of the social wasp Polistes dominula to explore if brain plasticity is influenced by caste and sex, and the exploitation by the parasite Xenos vesparum . Within sexes, males had proportionally larger optic lobes, while females, regardless of caste, had larger antennal lobes, which is consistent with sensory needs of sex-specific life histories. Within castes, reproductive females had larger calyces, as predicted by their sensory needs for extensive within-colony interactions and forming winter aggregations, than workers who spend more time foraging for nest material and prey. Surprisingly, parasites had different effects on female and male hosts. Female workers were castrated and behaviorally manipulated by female or male parasites, but only showed moderate differences in relative allocation of different brain tissue compared to non-parasitized workers. In contrast, the testes and behavior of parasitized males were essentially unaffected, but they had smaller brains and greater relative volume of most sensory brain regions than non-parasitized males. Our results are consistent with caste and sex mediating brain plasticity in P. dominula and that parasitic manipulation can also drive differential allocation of brain regions depending on host sex.
How often, in turning over the pages of his check-list, has the American collector of beetles allowed his eyes to rest a moment upon those lines of type which announce the existence in our fauna of the mysterious family Stylopidæ, with its two genera, Stylops and Xenos ; each represented by a single species; but, recognizing in these names only the records of captures almost legendary in their antiquity, he has turned the page with a feeling that they represent to him unattainalble rarities.