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Serum Iron Parameters, HFE C282Y Genotype, and Cognitive Performance in Older Adults: Results From the FACIT Study



Although iron homeostasis is essential for brain functioning, the effects of iron levels on cognitive performance in older individuals have scarcely been investigated. In the present study, serum iron parameters and hemochromatosis (HFE) C282Y genotype were determined in 818 older individuals who participated in a 3-year randomized, placebo-controlled double-blind trial examining the effects of folic acid on carotid intima-media thickness. All participants had slightly elevated homocysteine levels and were vitamin B12 replete. Cognitive functioning was assessed at baseline and after 3 years by means of a neuropsychological test battery. At baseline, increased serum ferritin was associated with decreased sensorimotor speed, complex speed, and information-processing speed and increased serum iron was associated with decreased sensorimotor speed. Cognitive performance over 3 years was not associated with HFE C282Y genotype or iron parameters. In conclusion, serum iron parameters do not show a straightforward relationship with cognitive functioning, although elevated iron levels may decrease cognitive speed in older individuals susceptible to cognitive impairment.
Journal of Gerontology: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES © The Author 2010. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America.
Cite journal as: J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2010 December;65A(12):1312–1321 All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
doi:10.1093/gerona/glq149 Advance Access published on September 2, 2010
OGNITIVE function declines with age, even in other-
wise healthy individuals. In the last decades, identify-
ing biologic determinants of age-related cognitive decline
has become an increasingly important goal of aging re-
search. The putative role of nutritional factors in modifying
the risk of cognitive impairment has widely been studied
(1–3). In this respect, disturbed iron homeostasis, which
may be genetically or environmentally determined, has
been coined as one suspected risk factor for age-related
cognitive decline (4).
Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional defi-
ciency worldwide, with a prevalence of 5%–20% among
adults in Western countries (5–8). A depletion of body iron
stores may result from insufficient dietary intake, ham-
pered absorption, or excessive losses (9,10). In addition,
regular whole blood donation may also lower body iron
concentrations (8).
As a constituent of various enzymes, iron is essential for
several physiological functions, including oxygen trans-
port and DNA synthesis (11). The brain in particular has
a high demand for iron not only because it is the main
oxygen-consuming organ in the human body but also be-
cause many neurobiologic processes, including myelina-
tion, neurotransmitter synthesis, and synaptic plasticity,
are iron dependent (12–14). Consequently, one of the
major symptoms of iron deficiency is reduced cognitive
performance (4,10,13,14).
Although the effects of iron deficiency on cognitive
functioning have frequently been investigated in children
and young adults (15–19), research performed in older
persons is rather limited (20–22). Iron deficiency in older
individuals may be due to poor dietary habits, gastrointes-
tinal malignancies, or diseases characterized by chronic
inflammation (9,23–25).
Serum Iron Parameters, HFE C282Y Genotype, and
Cognitive Performance in Older Adults: Results From the
Olga J. G. Schiepers,
Martin P. J. van Boxtel,
Renate H. M. de Groot,
Jelle Jolles,
Wim L. A. M. de Kort,
Dorine W. Swinkels,
Frans J. Kok,
Petra Verhoef,
and Jane Durga
School for Mental Health and Neuroscience (MHeNS)/European Graduate School for Neuroscience (EURON), Department of
Psychiatry and Neuropsychology, Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
AZIRE Research Institute, Faculty of Psychology and Education, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies, Open University, Heerlen, The Netherlands.
Sanquin Blood Bank South East Region, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry 441, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre,
The Netherlands.
Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.
Top Institute Food and Nutrition, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Unilever Research and Development, Vlaardingen, The Netherlands.
Cognitive Sciences Group, Nutrition and Health Department, Nestlé Research Centre, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Address correspondence to Olga J. G. Schiepers, MSc, Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology, Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD
Maastricht, The Netherlands. Email:
Although iron homeostasis is essential for brain functioning, the effects of iron levels on cognitive performance in older
individuals have scarcely been investigated. In the present study, serum iron parameters and hemochromatosis (HFE)
C282Y genotype were determined in 818 older individuals who participated in a 3-year randomized, placebo-controlled
double-blind trial examining the effects of folic acid on carotid intima-media thickness. All participants had slightly el-
evated homocysteine levels and were vitamin B12 replete. Cognitive functioning was assessed at baseline and after 3
years by means of a neuropsychological test battery. At baseline, increased serum ferritin was associated with decreased
sensorimotor speed, complex speed, and information-processing speed and increased serum iron was associated with
decreased sensorimotor speed. Cognitive performance over 3 years was not associated with HFE C282Y genotype or iron
parameters. In conclusion, serum iron parameters do not show a straightforward relationship with cognitive functioning,
although elevated iron levels may decrease cognitive speed in older individuals susceptible to cognitive impairment.
Key Words: Cognitive performance—Iron parameters—HFE—Longitudinal study—Older adults.
Received April 20, 2010; Accepted July 30, 2010
Decision Editor: Rafael de Cabo, PhD
at Universiteit Maastricht on January 13, 2011biomedgerontology.oxfordjournals.orgDownloaded from
Elevated body iron levels might also impair brain func-
tioning. Because body iron concentrations tend to increase
with age, particularly in women who reached the meno-
pause (26), increased iron concentrations are more frequent
in older persons as compared with young adults; elevated
iron levels may be present in up to 20% of community-
dwelling individuals aged 50 years or older (6,8,27).
Elevated iron concentrations may also be observed in car-
riers of the C282Y mutation of the hemochromatosis gene
(HFE), which causes increased iron absorption (26,28). The
HFE C282Y mutation has a prevalence of around 10% in
communities of Northern European descent (28,29). This
mutation has been associated with neurodegenerative disor-
ders (12,30), including Parkinson’s disease (31) and Al-
zheimer’s disease (32,33). It should be noted, however, that
a number of studies did not find any evidence for such a
relationship in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (34) or
Parkinson’s disease (35). In addition, it has also been sug-
gested that the HFE C282Y mutation might have a protec-
tive role in Alzheimer’s disease (36).
Despite the fact that both iron deficiency and elevated
iron levels frequently occur in older individuals and are as-
sociated with negative effects on cognitive functioning,
only a small number of studies have investigated the effects
of iron parameters on cognitive performance in later stages
of life. The results of these cross-sectional studies are
mixed. Whereas Gao and colleagues (20) did not find any
associations between plasma iron and cognitive function-
ing, Lam and colleagues (22) found an inverted U-shaped
relationship between serum iron and cognitive functioning
in men and an inverse relationship in women. In addition,
La Rue and colleagues (21) reported that serum transferrin
was positively correlated with cognitive performance in
older individuals.
The objective of the present study was to examine the
cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between iron
parameters and cognitive functioning in a large sample of
healthy older adults. This study investigated linear and qua-
dratic associations between serum iron parameters and cog-
nitive performance as well as the relationship between the
HFE C282Y mutation and cognitive performance.
Study Population
The study population consisted of 818 men and women who
participated in the Folic Acid and Carotid Intima-Media Thick-
ness study. This randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled
trial was originally designed to investigate the effects of 3-year
folic acid supplementation on the risk of cardiovascular dis-
ease as measured by carotid intima-media thickness (37). The
study sample included a relatively large proportion of blood
donors (54%), as participants were recruited from blood bank
registries as well as from municipal registries. All participants
were aged between 50 and 70 years, and, specifically for
women, had reached the menopause at least 2 years prior.
Exclusion criteria were plasma total homocysteine concentra-
tions less than 13 mmol/L or greater than 26 mmol/L, use of
B-vitamin supplements or drugs that could affect atheroscle-
rotic progression (eg, lipid-lowering or hormone replacement
therapies), or self-reported intestinal disease. We also excluded
individuals with elevated homocysteine concentrations due
to factors other than suboptimal folate concentrations, in-
cluding serum vitamin B12 concentrations less than 200
pmol/L, self-reported medical diagnosis of renal or thyroid
disorders, or self-reported use of medications that influence
folate metabolism. The Medical Ethics Committee at
Wageningen University approved the study, and all partici-
pants gave written informed consent.
Cognitive Functioning
Cognitive functioning on the domains of memory, senso-
rimotor speed, complex speed, information-processing
speed, and word fluency was assessed at baseline and at
3-year follow-up by means of a neuropsychological test bat-
tery, consisting of the Visual Verbal Word Learning Task
(38), the Stroop Color–Word Interference Test (39), the
Concept Shifting Test (40), the Letter Digit Substitution
Test (41), and the Verbal Fluency Test (42). A detailed
description of the cognitive test battery and the method used
for creating cognitive performance indices based on the raw
test scores can be found elsewhere (37).
Blood Measurements
The iron parameters measured were total serum iron; to-
tal iron-binding capacity, which is a measure of the serum
concentration of the iron transport protein transferrin
(43,44); transferrin saturation, which is expressed as the ra-
tio (×100%) of serum iron concentration and total iron-
binding capacity; serum ferritin, an indicator of total body
iron stores (45); and non–transferrin-bound iron (46,47).
At baseline and at 3-year follow-up, fasting venous blood
samples were collected, centrifuged within 2 hours, and the
serum supernatant was stored in multiple aliquots at 80°C.
Within 15 months of storage, samples were thawed for serum
measurements. Serum iron and total iron-binding capacity
were measured using Hitachi 747 (Roche Diagnostics, Basel,
Switzerland). Serum ferritin was determined on the Immulite
1 of DPC (Diagnostic Products Corporation, Los Angeles, CA)
using a two-site immunometric assay (reference values:
15–190 mg/L for postmenopausal women and 15–280 mg/L
for men). Non–transferrin-bound iron, which was measured
at baseline only, was determined by a fluorescence-based
one-step chelation method (48). Serum high-sensitivity
C-reactive protein was determined at baseline with ELISA
using polyclonal antibodies (Dako, Glostrup, Denmark).
An automated hematology analyzer (Sysmex, Hamburg,
Germany) was used to measure serum hemoglobin. For
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active blood donors, blood samples were collected at least
6 weeks after the most recent blood donation.
Genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood samples
using a Qiamp 96 DNA blood kit (Qiagen, Venlo, The
Netherlands). DNA samples were stored at −80°C until
further analysis. HFE C282Y genotype was determined by
an automated method using minor-groove–binding DNA
oligonucleotides (MGB probes) (49). The presence of a
C282Y allele was confirmed by conventional polymerase
chain reaction with restriction fragment length polymor-
phism analysis (50,51). Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype
was determined as described elsewhere (37).
Other Measurements
Level of education, measured at baseline by classifying
formal schooling according to the Dutch educational system,
was categorized into low, middle, or high, that is, corre-
sponding to primary education, junior vocational training,
and senior vocational or academic training, respectively (52).
Alcohol consumption (grams per day) and current smoking
(yes or no) were ascertained at baseline by means of self-
report questionnaires, which were reviewed by a trained
research assistant. Body mass index (BMI; kilograms per
square meter) was calculated from height and weight, and
physical activity was estimated using the Physical Activity
Scale for the Elderly (53).
Statistical Analysis
Cross-sectional analyses.—The cross-sectional associa-
tions between iron parameters and cognitive functioning
were assessed by means of hierarchical linear regression
analysis. The iron parameters considered relevant in rela-
tion to cognitive performance were total serum iron, ferri-
tin, and non–transferrin-bound iron. These parameters
represent the different sources of iron in the blood, that is,
total circulating iron, a reflection of total stored body iron,
and circulating iron not bound to the plasma transport pro-
tein transferrin, respectively (45–47). Transferrin saturation
and total iron-binding capacity were not included in the re-
gression analyses not only because they are indirect mea-
sures of body iron levels but also because including these
variables in the statistical models would have introduced
Separate regression models were fitted for the five cogni-
tive performance indices. The covariates age, sex, level of
education, alcohol consumption, smoking, BMI, physical
activity, C-reactive protein, hemoglobin, and APOE E4
carrier status were entered in Step 1, followed by the iron
parameters in Step 2. Similar regression analyses were per-
formed to examine the associations between the HFE C282Y
mutation and cognitive performance. The variables age, level
of education, alcohol consumption, smoking, BMI, and phys-
ical activity were confounders in our study. Although sex,
C-reactive protein, hemoglobin, and APOE E4 carrier status
were no actual confounders in our analyses, we included
these variables as covariates to enable comparison with other
studies, investigating the associations between body iron
levels and cognitive performance (6,22,54–56). We also
tested for a possible confounding effect of homocysteine as
all participants had slightly elevated plasma total homocysteine
levels. However, the results were similar regardless if homo-
cysteine was included in the analyses. Therefore, we did not
include this variable in the final statistical models.
To examine the possible nonlinear relationships between
iron parameters and cognitive performance, regression
models were fitted for each cognitive performance index,
with quadratic terms for iron parameters as the independent
variables, adjusting for covariates and linear terms for iron
parameters in Step 1.
Longitudinal analyses.—First, we tested whether treatment
with folic acid was an effect modifier in our data set as folic
acid was found to exert a positive effect on cognitive perfor-
mance (37), and previous research suggested that folate might
interact with iron metabolism (57). We found that folic acid
supplementation was not an effect modifier in our data set; the
interaction terms for iron parameters and treatment condition
were not statistically significant (Supplementary Table 1).
Furthermore, the serum iron parameters did not significantly
differ between the placebo group and the treatment group at
the end of the study (p = .972 for serum iron and p = .892 for
ferritin), indicating that folic acid supplementation did not
influence body iron levels in our study. Therefore, the longi-
tudinal analyses were performed in the total sample.
Using linear mixed models, we investigated the associa-
tions between iron parameters and cognitive performance
over 3 years of follow-up, adjusting for covariates. This
analysis method takes into account the correlation between
repeated measurements and allows the inclusion of partici-
pants with missing observations at follow-up (58). Separate
models were fitted for each iron parameter in relation to
each of the five cognitive performance indices. An unstruc-
tured covariance structure was used. Time (measured in
years since baseline) was included to estimate the change in
cognitive performance over 3 years of follow-up. The longi-
tudinal effect of the iron parameters was estimated by the
two-way interaction between time and the specific iron
parameter, which represents the rate of change in cognitive
performance over 3 years as a function of this iron parame-
ter. The longitudinal associations between the HFE C282Y
mutation and cognitive performance were examined in a
similar manner.
In secondary analyses, we stratified the study population
by sex, donor status, and APOE E4 carrier status to deter-
mine whether the cross-sectional and longitudinal associa-
tions between iron parameters on the one hand and cognitive
at Universiteit Maastricht on January 13, 2011biomedgerontology.oxfordjournals.orgDownloaded from
functioning on the other differed between men and women,
blood donors and non-donors, or carriers and noncarriers of
the APOE E4 allele. One-sample t tests were used to deter-
mine whether serum iron, serum ferritin, and cognitive func-
tioning changed over the 3-year follow-up period. Chi-square
tests and independent samples t tests were used to investigate
whether serum iron, total iron-binding capacity, and non–
transferrin-bound iron, as well as the background variables
age, sex, level of education, alcohol consumption, smoking,
BMI, physical activity, C-reactive protein, hemoglobin, and
APOE E4 status differed between carriers and noncarriers of
the HFE C282Y mutation. Because of heterogeneity of error
variances, the nonparametric Mann–Whitney test was per-
formed to test for differences in serum ferritin and transferrin
saturation between carriers and noncarriers of the HFE
C282Y mutation. Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was assessed
using a chi-square test. Normality of the standardized resid-
uals of the regression analyses was ascertained by means of
normal P–P plots.
The statistical power of the cross-sectional and longitudi-
nal analyses was more than .90 (small effect size, f
= .02).
Statistical differences were considered significant at p
values < .05. All analyses were performed using SPSS 16.0
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL).
Table 1 shows the baseline characteristics of the partici-
pants. Forty-three individuals (5.3%) showed depleted iron
stores, as indicated by serum ferritin concentrations below
the lower normal limit (ie, 15 mg/L). Thirty-two individuals
(3.9%) showed serum hemoglobin concentrations charac-
teristic of anemia according to World Health Organization
criteria, that is, lower than 7.5 mmol/L for women and lower
than 8.1 mmol/L for men. The combination of both low fer-
ritin and low hemoglobin levels, that is, iron deficiency ane-
mia, was present in only seven participants (0.9%). In total,
53 participants (6.5%) showed serum ferritin concentrations
above the upper normal limit (ie, 190 mg/L for women and
280 mg/L for men). Among non-donors, the prevalence of
low serum ferritin was 0.8% and the prevalence of high se-
rum ferritin was 13.1%, and among blood donors, these per-
centages were 11.3% and 0.9%, respectively.
Eighty individuals were identified as carriers of the HFE
C282Y mutation (10.5%); 2 individuals were homozygous
(0.3%) and 78 persons were heterozygous (10.2%). The allele
frequencies of the HFE C282Y polymorphism did not sig-
nificantly differ from the expected distribution predicted by
the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (p = .860) and were compa-
rable with the frequencies reported in other population-based
studies (28,29). Serum iron, transferrin saturation, and non–
transferrin-bound iron were significantly increased in carriers
of the HFE C282Y mutation as compared with noncarriers,
whereas total iron-binding capacity was decreased in carriers
of the HFE C282Y mutation as compared with noncarriers
(Table 1). Serum ferritin and hemoglobin concentrations, as
well as the background variables, did not significantly differ
between carriers and noncarriers of the HFE C282Y mutation
(Table 1). Table 2 presents the serum iron parameters in
Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of the Study Population According to HFE C282Y Genotype
Total Sample HFE C282Y Noncarriers HFE C282Y Carriers p*
818 685 80
Age (years) 60.3 ± 5.6 60.3 ± 5.6 59.8 ± 5.6 .508
Female sex (%) 28.4 27.9 30.0 .690
Level of education, low/middle/high (%) 22.4/38.1/39.5 21.8/38.4/39.9 28.8/31.2/40.0 .282
Alcohol consumption (g/day)
12.5 (4.4–23.5) 12.5 (4.4–23.4) 14.3 (3.7–26.1) .447
Current smoker (%) 20.4 20.0 23.8 .431
BMI (kg/m
) 26.6 ± 3.6 26.5 ± 3.6 26.6 ± 3.5 .846
Physical activity (PASE score) 152.8 ± 68.6 153.3 ± 69.3 153.1 ± 65.4 .981
Blood donor, current/former/never (%) 54.2/14.7/31.2 54.5/14.7/30.8 53.8/15.0/31.2 .993
APOE E4 alleles, 0/1/2 (%)
67.9/29.2/2.8 69.4/28.0/2.6 58.8/38.8/2.5 .134
Serum C-reactive protein (mg/dL)
1.1 (0.6–2.3) 1.1 (0.6–2.3) 1.1 (0.6–2.1) .956
Serum hemoglobin (mmol/L) 8.9 ± 0.7 8.9 ± 0.7 9.0 ± 0.7 .088
Serum iron parameters
Serum iron (mmol/L) 18.5 ± 6.4 18.2 ± 6.2 21.4 ± 7.3 <.001
Total iron-binding capacity (mmol/L) 60.0 ± 8.1 60.4 ± 8.1 56.9 ± 7.8 <.001
Transferrin saturation (%) 31.4 ± 11.5 30.6 ± 10.8 38.7 ± 15.8 <.001
Ferritin (mg/L)
67.0 (35.0–131.0) 65.0 (34.0–125.0) 86.5 (47.8–138.8) .063
Non–transferrin-bound iron (mmol/L)
2.4 ± 0.9 2.4 ± 0.9 2.8 ± 1.0 <.001
: Values are means ± SD. BMI = body mass index; PASE = Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly.
* p Values for the differences between carriers and noncarriers of the HFE C282Y mutation using chi-square tests, independent samples t tests, or nonparametric
Mann–Whitney tests.
Median value (interquartile range) is given because of skewed data distribution.
n = 814 in the total sample, n = 682 in HFE C282Y noncarriers, and n = 80 in HFE C282Y carriers.
n = 803 in the total sample, n = 678 in HFE C282Y noncarriers, and n = 78 in HFE C282Y carriers.
n = 808 in the total sample, n = 678 in HFE C282Y noncarriers, and n = 78 in HFE C282Y carriers.
at Universiteit Maastricht on January 13, 2011biomedgerontology.oxfordjournals.orgDownloaded from
carriers and noncarriers of the HFE C282Y mutation, strati-
fied by APOE E4 carrier status.
Cross-Sectional Associations Between Serum Iron
Parameters and Cognitive Functioning
The regression analyses including quadratic terms for
the iron parameters did not reveal any curvilinear relation-
ships between iron parameters and cognitive functioning
(data not shown). Cross-sectional linear regression analy-
ses indicated that higher serum ferritin levels were signifi-
cantly associated with decreased sensorimotor speed,
complex speed, and information-processing speed, after
adjustment for age, sex, level of education, alcohol con-
sumption, smoking, BMI, physical activity, C-reactive
protein, hemoglobin, and APOE E4 carrier status (Table 3).
In addition, higher serum iron was associated with de-
creased sensorimotor speed (Table 3). In order to better
understand the strength of the associations, when the pre-
dictive value of serum iron for cognitive performance is
compared with the relationship with age in the same regres-
sion model, an increase of 10 mmol/L serum iron corre-
sponds to a lower performance on sensorimotor speed
similar to an individual 5.9 years older. Likewise, a 100
mg/L increase in serum ferritin corresponds to the sensorimo-
tor speed and information-processing speed of someone 1.2
years older and the complex speed of an individual 1.3
years older. In contrast to serum iron and serum ferritin,
non–transferrin-bound iron was not significantly associ-
ated with cognitive performance.
The observed associations between iron parameters and
cognitive performance did not differ between men and
women, except for the relationship between ferritin and sen-
sorimotor speed, which was significant in men (b = −.089,
p = .029) but not in women (b = .048, p = 0.498). When the
analyses were stratified by donor status, only non-donors
showed a negative association between serum iron and sen-
sorimotor speed (b = .313, p = .003 as compared with
b = −.093, p = .409 in donors), which was stronger than the as-
sociation found in the total sample. Statistical significance of
the other associations between iron parameters and cognitive
performance that were found in the total sample was elimi-
nated upon stratification by donor status. Stratification by
APOE E4 carrier status showed that the observed relation-
ship between ferritin and sensorimotor speed was significant
only in carriers of one or two APOE E4 alleles (n = 80) (b =
−.150, p = .023 as compared with b = −.044, p = .287 in the
noncarrier group); in comparison with the total sample, the
negative relationship between ferritin and sensorimotor
speed was more pronounced in APOE E4 carriers. In APOE
E4 carriers, the negative association between serum iron and
sensorimotor speed was similar to the relationship observed
in the total sample, although it was not statistically signifi-
cant. Overall, the cross-sectional associations between iron
parameters and cognitive performance in the analyses strati-
fied by sex, donor status, or APOE E4 carrier status pointed
Table 2. Serum Iron Parameters in Carriers and Noncarriers of the HFE C282Y Mutation at Baseline, Stratified by APOE E4 Carrier Status
Serum Iron Parameters
HFE C282Y Noncarriers HFE C282Y Carriers
APOE E4 Noncarriers APOE E4 Carriers p* APOE E4 Noncarriers APOE E4 Carriers p
473 209 47 33
Serum iron (mmol/L) 18.2 ± 6.5 18.1 ± 5.8 .966 21.2 ± 7.7 21.6 ± 6.9 .819
Total iron-binding capacity (mmol/L) 60.5 ± 8.2 60.2 ± 7.7 .691 55.5 ± 6.4 58.8 ± 9.2 .064
Transferrin saturation (%) 30.6 ± 11.1 30.6 ± 9.9 .958 39.0 ± 16.3 38.4 ± 15.3 .862
Ferritin (mg/L)
67.0 (35.0–131.0) 63.0 (30.0–119.0) .251 91.0 (50.0–139.0) 79.0 (26.0–147.0) .479
Non–transferrin-bound iron (mmol/L)
2.4 ± 0.9 2.4 ± 0.8 .369 2.8 ± 1.0 2.9 ± 1.1 .661
Hemoglobin (mmol/L) 8.9 ± 0.7 8.8 ± 0.6 .086 9.1 ± 0.6 9.0 ± 0.7 .728
: Values are means ± SD.
* p Values for independent samples t tests or nonparametric Mann–Whitney tests.
Median value (interquartile range) is given because of skewed data distribution.
HFE C282Y−/APOE E4–, n = 469; HFE C282Y−/APOE E4+, n = 206; HFE C282Y+/APOE E4−, n = 46; HFE C282Y+/APOE E4+, n = 32.
Table 3. Associations Between Iron Parameters and Cognitive Performance at Baseline in Healthy Older Adults*
Cognitive Performance Indices n
Standardized Regression Coefficient (b)
Serum Iron p Ferritin p Non–Transferrin-Bound Iron p
Memory 794 −.019 .807 .002 .951 .070 .362
Sensorimotor speed 789 −.185 .012 −.073 .033 .141 .054
Complex speed 788 −.081 .296 −.077 .019 .081 .266
Information-processing speed 791 −.109 .141 −.069 .046 .078 .291
Word fluency 794 −.050 .519 −.062 .092 .057 .462
Note: *Adjusted for the covariates age, sex, level of education, alcohol consumption, smoking, body mass index, physical activity, APOE E4 carrier status, serum
C-reactive protein, and hemoglobin concentration in hierarchical linear regression analyses.
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in the same direction as the associations observed in the total
sample, with few differences between the groups, although
they tended not to reach statistical significance.
In post hoc analyses, we stratified by serum C-reactive
protein concentration (normal 3 mg/dL, elevated >3 mg/dL
(59)) to ascertain whether serum ferritin was associated with
cognitive functioning in the absence of inflammation. Higher
serum ferritin predicted slower sensorimotor speed (p =
.008), complex speed (p = .007), and information-processing
speed (p = .018) in individuals with normal C-reactive pro-
tein concentrations (n = 659) but not in persons with elevated
C-reactive protein levels indicative of inflammation (n = 144)
(p = .574, p = .777, and p = .945, respectively).
Longitudinal Associations Between Serum Iron
Parameters and Cognitive Functioning
Cognitive performance significantly declined over the
3-year follow-up period on the domains of sensorimotor
speed (mean change [95% CI] = −0.08 [−0.11 to −0.05],
p = .000), complex speed (mean change [95% CI] = −0.06
[−0.10 to −0.02], p = .004), and information-processing
speed (mean change [95% CI] = −0.11 [−0.15 to −0.08],
p = .000), whereas memory improved significantly (mean
change [95% CI] = 0.39 [0.34–0.44], p = .000) due to the
effect of procedural learning. Word fluency did not signifi-
cantly change over 3 years (mean change [95% CI] = 0.03
[−0.03 to 0.09], p = .320). Ferritin concentrations increased
significantly over the 3-year follow-up period (mean change
[95% CI] = 16.6 mg/L [6.7–26.4], p = .001), whereas serum
iron showed a nonsignificant decrease (mean change [95%
CI] =−0.5 mmol/L [−1.0 to 0.01], p = .055). Three-year
changes in serum iron and ferritin did not differ between the
two experimental groups (p = .268 for serum iron and p =
.707 for ferritin) or between men and women (p = .637 for
serum iron and p = .480 for ferritin). In addition, the longi-
tudinal changes in serum iron and ferritin did not differ sig-
nificantly between blood donors and non-donors (p = .965
for serum iron and p = .088 for ferritin), although blood
donors showed a larger 3-year increase in ferritin than
non-donors (mean change [95% CI] = 24.4 mg/L [8.1–40.7]
in donors and 7.1 mg/L [−2.4 to 16.7] in non-donors).
Linear mixed models revealed no significant longitudinal
associations between any of the iron parameters and cognitive
functioning (Table 4), implying that the rate of cognitive
change over 3 years did not vary according to body iron
concentrations. However, stratifying our analyses by donor
status indicated that higher serum iron significantly pre-
dicted less decline in sensorimotor speed over 3 years in
non-donors (parameter estimate = .005, p = .010 as com-
pared with parameter estimate = −.001, p = .253 in blood
donors) and less decline in word fluency over 3 years in
blood donors (parameter estimate = .006, p = .012 as com-
pared with parameter estimate = −.004, p = .165 in non-
donors), indicating effect modification by donor status.
Stratification by sex or APOE E4 carrier status did not
reveal any differences between men and women or between
carriers and noncarriers of the APOE E4 allele. Overall, the
longitudinal associations between iron parameters and cog-
nitive performance in the analyses stratified by sex, donor
status, or APOE E4 carrier status were fairly inconsistent in
terms of size and direction.
Associations Between the HFE C282Y Mutation and
Cognitive Functioning
To investigate the influence of lifelong exposure to
elevated iron levels on cognitive performance in later life,
we assessed the associations between the HFE C282Y muta-
tion and cognitive functioning on each of the five domains.
The HFE C282Y mutation was not associated with cognitive
performance in both the cross-sectional and longitudinal
analyses (Supplementary Table 2).
In the present study, none of the serum iron parameters,
nor HFE C282Y genotype, were related to cognitive perfor-
mance over 3 years of follow-up. However, the results from
the cross-sectional analyses suggest that in older individ-
uals serum ferritin and serum iron may be negatively related
to the speed of cognitive functioning. Whereas higher ferri-
tin concentrations were associated with decreased cognitive
functioning across the three different speed measures at
Table 4. Longitudinal Associations Between Iron Parameters and Cognitive Performance Over 3 Years of Follow-up in Healthy Older Adults*
Cognitive Performance Indices n
Parameter Estimate for Longitudinal Effect
Serum Iron p Ferritin p Non–Transferrin-Bound Iron
Memory 800 .002 .307 −.001 .292 .000 .965
Sensorimotor speed 799 .001 .396 .000 .806 .001 .925
Complex speed 798 −.002 .086 −.001 .221 −.016 .052
Information-processing speed 799 .001 .501 .000 .578 −.005 .446
Word fluency 800 .002 .215 .000 .991 .018 .121
: *Adjusted for the covariates age, sex, level of education, alcohol consumption, smoking, body mass index, physical activity, APOE E4 carrier status, serum
C-reactive protein, and hemoglobin concentration in linear mixed models.
Non–transferrin-bound iron was measured at baseline only. Memory, n = 794; sensorimotor speed, n = 793; complex speed, n = 792; information-processing
speed, n = 793; word fluency, n = 794.
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baseline, serum iron appeared to be negatively related to
sensorimotor speed only. Memory processes, on the other
hand, did not seem to be related to ferritin nor any other
serum iron parameter. In addition, non–transferrin-bound
iron and the HFE C282Y mutation were not associated with
cognitive functioning in the cross-sectional analyses.
Carriers of the HFE C282Y mutation tend to show higher
body iron concentrations than noncarriers (28). As genetic
factors cannot be influenced by cognitive functioning, in-
vestigating the associations between HFE genotype and
cognitive performance has the benefit of reducing con-
founding and ruling out the possibility of reverse causation
(60). In the present study, we found that the HFE C282Y
mutation was associated with significantly increased con-
centrations of serum iron and non–transferrin-bound iron,
as well as a statistically nonsignificant increase in serum
ferritin. Contrary to expectation, we did not find any asso-
ciations between HFE C282Y genotype and cognitive func-
tioning. A possible explanation for the lack of such a
relationship is the relatively small percentage of carriers of
the HFE C282Y mutation (10.5%), which might have re-
duced the probability of detecting potential associations. In
addition, no data were available concerning another com-
mon polymorphism of the HFE gene, H63D, which has
been found to interact with the HFE C282Y genotype in
determining individual iron levels (28,61). Future studies
investigating the associations between HFE genotype and
cognitive functioning might increase statistical power by
including both polymorphisms of the HFE gene in their
analyses. Furthermore, it should be noted that the generaliz-
ability of our study was limited by the nature of the study
population; the present study sample was not representative
of the general population, as participants had slightly ele-
vated plasma total homocysteine concentrations and were
vitamin B12 replete.
Non–transferrin-bound iron has been hypothesized to be
involved in neurodegenerative disorders characterized by
iron deposition in the brain (47,62). The putative relationship
between non–transferrin-bound iron and cognitive perfor-
mance, however, has not been investigated before. The pres-
ent results do not offer support for an association between
non–transferrin-bound iron and cognitive performance or
age-related cognitive decline. Serum non–transferrin-bound
iron concentrations are generally very low in healthy individ-
uals, whereas individuals heterozygous for the HFE C282Y
mutation show slightly elevated non–transferrin-bound iron
concentrations (63). In hemochromatosis homozygotes,
non–transferrin-bound iron is typically present in much
larger amounts (63). However, as the present study included
only two individuals homozygous for the HFE C282Y muta-
tion, the range of serum non–transferrin-bound iron concen-
trations might have been too small for any associations with
cognitive performance to become manifest. In addition, non–
transferrin-bound iron was only measured at baseline,
thereby limiting the interpretation of the longitudinal analyses
investigating the association of this iron parameter with cog-
nitive functioning over 3 years.
Although elevated serum ferritin concentrations gener-
ally reflect increased body iron stores (45), serum ferritin
levels also tend to be higher in conditions of inflammation,
as ferritin is an acute-phase reactant (23,54). In the present
study, we controlled for this confounding effect of inflam-
mation by including serum C-reactive protein concentration
as a covariate in the statistical models. Post hoc analyses
showed that the inverse relationship between ferritin and
cognitive speed was independent of C-reactive protein con-
centration, indicating that the observed cross-sectional as-
sociation between serum ferritin and cognitive speed could
not be attributed to the presence of inflammation.
The present finding that higher serum ferritin levels were
related to slower sensorimotor speed in carriers, but not in
noncarriers of the APOE E4 allele, suggests that APOE E4
carrier status may modify the effect of elevated body iron
stores on cognitive functioning. Although APOE E4 carrier
status has been implicated in age-related cognitive decline
and neurodegenerative processes (64,65), it is unclear which
mechanisms might be responsible for the putative interplay
between APOE E4 carrier status and serum ferritin in
affecting cognitive performance.
To date, only a few other population-based studies have
investigated the relationship between iron parameters and
cognitive performance in older individuals. These cross-
sectional studies have yielded conflicting results. Whereas
Gao and colleagues (20) did not find any associations be-
tween serum iron and cognitive performance in a relatively
small sample of 94 men and 94 women, La Rue and col-
leagues (21) reported a positive correlation between serum
transferrin and cognitive functioning, that is, memory, vi-
suospatial skills, and abstract reasoning, in a small sample
of 67 men and 70 women. However, this association was
not corrected for potential confounders, such as age, sex,
BMI, and alcohol consumption.
A recent cross-sectional study performed by Lam and
colleagues (22) in a large population-based sample consist-
ing of 602 men and 849 women has shown an inverse linear
association between serum iron and performance on mem-
ory tests in older women. Interestingly, in older men, Lam
and colleagues found an inverted U-shaped relationship be-
tween serum iron and memory performance. Because we
hypothesized that both low and high body iron levels would
be associated with cognitive impairment, we also expected
to find an inverted U-shaped relationship between body iron
levels and cognitive performance. However, although the
number of men in our sample (n = 586) was comparable
with the number of men included in the study by Lam and
colleagues, thereby yielding similar statistical power, no
curvilinear associations became apparent between the iron
parameters and cognitive functioning in the present study,
neither in the total sample nor after stratification by sex. The
lack of curvilinear associations in our study may be due to
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the relatively small percentage of individuals with body iron
levels below or above the normal limits. Therefore, possible
nonlinear associations between iron parameters and cogni-
tive functioning may have remained undetected. Indeed, se-
rum iron concentrations in the study by Lam and colleagues
showed higher means and a broader range as compared with
our study (21.7 ± 7.2 mmol/L in men and 19.4 ± 6.2 mmol/L
in women as compared with 19.0 ± 6.8 mmol/L in men and
17.1 ± 4.8 mmol/L in women in our study).
It is worth noting that the prevalence of depleted iron
stores in our study sample was slightly higher than that re-
ported in other population-based studies in older individ-
uals (ie, 5.3% as compared with 0.3%–3%) (6,27). In
addition, our study showed a lower percentage of ferritin
levels above the upper normal limit than other studies per-
formed in older community-dwelling individuals, which
used similar or even higher serum ferritin cutoff values (ie,
6.5% as compared with 12%–20%) (6,27). This may be ex-
plained by the large number of blood donors in our study
sample, as regular whole blood donation has been shown to
lower body iron concentrations (8). Indeed, whereas 0.8%
of non-donors showed ferritin levels below the lower nor-
mal limit and 13.1% showed ferritin levels above the upper
normal limit, the prevalence among blood donors was
11.3% and 0.9%, respectively.
Upon stratification of the cross-sectional analyses by do-
nor status, we found that higher serum iron was associated
with decreased sensorimotor speed in non-donors but not in
blood donors. When the longitudinal analyses were strati-
fied by donor status, we found that higher serum iron not
only predicted less decline in sensorimotor speed over 3
years in non-donors but also less decline in word fluency
over 3 years in blood donors. Although these findings are
not unequivocal, they do suggest that donor status may in-
fluence the nature of the associations between serum iron
parameters and cognitive performance. The underlying
mechanism has yet to be elucidated.
We observed a significant increase in serum ferritin con-
centrations over the 3-year follow-up period, which is con-
sistent with earlier reports indicating that body iron stores
increase with aging (26). Although the difference was not
statistically significant, serum ferritin showed a greater
3-year increase in donors as compared with non-donors.
This difference may be related to the potential discontinua-
tion of blood donation in regular whole blood donors during
the course of the study. Unfortunately, we were not able to
verify this assumption as we did not monitor donor status
during the 3-year follow-up period. Serum iron tended to
decrease during the follow-up period, but this change was
not statistically significant. Although the factors underlying
the 3-year change in serum iron are not exactly clear, it is
worth noting that they are not likely to be due to diurnal
variation in serum iron levels (66), as we collected the
3-year blood samples at the same time of day as the baseline
In the present study, we used serum iron parameters as
a proxy measure for brain iron levels, even though the
exact correlation between central and peripheral iron
levels is unclear. Nonetheless, epidemiological studies
have found evidence for a positive association between
the two, by showing a significant correlation between iron
concentrations in serum and cerebrospinal uid in older
individuals (67). On the other hand, it has also been sug-
gested that brain iron levels may be relatively well iso-
lated from peripheral iron levels, for example, in carriers
of the HFE C282Y mutation (68). Thus, given the inabil-
ity to measure cerebrospinal fluid or brain iron levels in
volunteers, the use of serum iron parameters should be
considered a shortcoming.
The main strengths of the present study are the use of
longitudinal data, the measurement of several iron parame-
ters as well as HFE C282Y genotype, the use of a large
community-based sample, and a very low attrition rate in
the longitudinal phase (2%) (37). In addition, the cognitive
test battery administered in the present study has been
proven a sensitive and robust tool for detecting subtle
changes in specific domains of cognitive functioning (38–
42). Furthermore, the inclusion of both men and women, as
well as blood donors and non-donors in our study, enabled
us to investigate the relationship between iron parameters
and cognitive functioning within these individual groups.
The relevance of taking into account donor status in population-
based studies is emphasized by the present nding that
regular whole blood donation may modify the associations
between iron parameters and cognitive performance. In-
deed, the lack of documenting donor status might have con-
founded several other population-based studies investigating
these associations, including those performed by Lam and
colleagues (22), Gao and colleagues (20), and La Rue and
colleagues (21).
In conclusion, the lack of any longitudinal associations
between iron parameters and cognitive performance, as
well as the lack of a relationship between HFE C282Y
genotype and cognitive functioning, suggests that there is
no clear-cut relationship between serum iron parameters
and cognitive functioning or age-related cognitive decline
in older community-dwelling individuals. However, the
present study offers indications for a more intricate rela-
tionship between body iron levels and cognitive perfor-
mance, which may be present only in a subsample of the
community, for example, in individuals carrying the APOE
E4 allele.
To our knowledge, our study is the first to address the
putative associations between the HFE C282Y mutation
and cognitive performance in healthy older individuals, as
well as the possible interactions between iron parameters
and APOE E4 carrier status or donor status in relation to
cognitive functioning. Prospective studies using large
population-based samples are needed to further investigate
the associations between iron parameters and cognitive
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performance and to establish whether this association may
differ across selected groups, for example, based on sex,
donor status, APOE E4 carrier status, or other risk factors
associated with cognitive decline. In addition, more research
is necessary to identify the exact mechanisms by which iron
parameters may influence cognitive functioning.
This work was supported by the Netherlands Organization for Health
Research and Development (grant number 200110002); Sanquin Blood
Bank (grant number 02-001); Wageningen University; and Top Institute
Food and Nutrition.
Supplementary material
Supplementary material can be found at: http://biomed.gerontologyjournals
The authors would like to thank Dr. Berry van Tits, Department of
General Internal Medicine, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical
Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, for the measurement of non–transferrin-
bound iron.
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... Similarly, several studies have shown a relationship between serum iron levels and cognitive functioning (Miskowiak et al., 2012;Ji et al., 2017). Iron is a crucial part of many proteins including heme, iron sulfur clusters, and other functional groups (Schiepers et al., 2010). These proteins are essential for the formation of myelin surrounding axons and adenosine triphosphate in mitochondria, cell signaling, host defense, and nucleic acid replication and repair (Todorich et al., 2009;Mills et al., 2010;Evstatiev and Gasche, 2012). ...
... Regarding iron status, we did not identify a U-shaped association between iron status and cognitive function, as might have been expected, since previous studies related both a low and high serum iron to a decline in certain cognitive abilities (Lam et al., 2008;Schiepers et al., 2010;Ji et al., 2017). However, we did find that higher ferritin levels increased the risk of a low performance on the VAT. ...
... Our finding is contrary to the few previous studies on serum ferritin levels and cognition. Schiepers et al. (2010) found that higher serum ferritin was associated with decreased speed of cognitive functioning, but did not find serum ferritin to be related to memory processes. Milward et al. (2010) found that abnormal levels of ferritin were not associated with global cognitive performance or executive function. ...
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Background Emerging data suggest that erythropoietin (EPO) promotes neural plasticity and that iron homeostasis is needed to maintain normal physiological brain function. Cognitive functioning could therefore be influenced by endogenous EPO levels and disturbances in iron status. Objective To determine whether endogenous EPO levels and disturbances in iron status are associated with alterations in cognitive functioning in the general population. Materials and Methods Community-dwelling individuals from the Prevention of Renal and Vascular End-Stage Disease (PREVEND) study, a general population-based cohort in Groningen, Netherlands, were surveyed between 2003 and 2006. Additionally, endogenous EPO levels and iron status, consisting of serum iron, transferrin, ferritin, and transferrin saturation were analyzed. Cognitive function was assessed by scores on the Ruff Figural Fluency Test (RFFT), as a reflection of executive function, and the Visual Association Test (VAT), as a reflection of associative memory. Results Among 851 participants (57% males; mean age 60 ± 13 years), higher endogenous EPO levels were independently associated with an improved cognitive function, reflected by RFFT scores (ß = 0.09, P = 0.008). In multivariable backward linear regression analysis, EPO levels were among the most important modifiable determinants of RFFT scores (ß = 0.09, P = 0.002), but not of VAT scores. Of the iron status parameters, only serum ferritin levels were inversely associated with cognitive function, reflected by VAT scores, in multivariable logistic regression analysis (odds ratio, 0.77; 95% confidence interval 0.63–0.95; P = 0.02 for high performance on VAT, i.e., ≥11 points). No association between iron status parameters and RFFT scores was identified. Conclusion The findings suggest that endogenous EPO levels and serum ferritin levels are associated with specific cognitive functioning tests in the general population. Higher EPO levels are associated with better RFFT scores, implying better executive function. Serum ferritin levels, but not other iron status parameters, were inversely associated with high performance on the VAT score, implying a reduced ability to create new memories and recall recent past. Further research is warranted to unravel underlying mechanisms and possible benefits of therapeutic interventions.
... Previous studies have reported a significant association between elevated ferritin concentrations and increased risk of certain age-related chronic diseases, such as diabetes [11] and Alzheimer's disease [12,13]. Some studies have also researched the association between serum ferritin and cognitive performance [14][15][16]. However, these limited studies had inconsistent conclusions, and a larger scale study is needed to clarify the relationship between serum ferritin levels and cognition. ...
... Population studies on the association between serum ferritin concentrations and cognitive function are limited [13]. A previous study reported that increased serum ferritin was associated with decreased sensorimotor speed, complex speed, and information-processing speed in older adults [15], while another study found that ferritin in women aged 35 to 60 years old was negatively correlated with phonemic fluency, composite cognitive measure, and number span/forward digit span scores [16]. A recent study of 1,030 older adults in Spain identified that lower serum ferritin levels below 39 ng/mL were associated with reduced cognitive performance in the domain of executive function [17], which was consistent with the findings in the current study. ...
... [28] In a previous study, serum iron parameters were determined in 818 older individuals who participated in a 3-year randomized, placebo-controlled double blind trial; cross-sectional linear regression analyses indicated that higher serum ferritin levels were significantly associated with decreased cognitive function, such as complex speed, and information-processing speed. [29] House et al compared brain R2 ...
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Background Few studies have considered multi-nutrients as a mixture and their impact on Mild Cognitive Impairment(MCI). The aim of our study was to explore the health effects of mixed intake of multi-nutrients on MCI risk. Methods We measured dietary intake levels of fifteen nutrients in an elderly population in northern China who took part in the Community-based Cohort Study on Nervous System Diseases (CCSNSD) from 2018 to 2019. We analyzed associations between multi-nutrients and MCI by multiple logistic regression models. Bayesian kernel machine regression (BKMR) was used to evaluate the combined association of multi-nutrients on MCI. Results Of the 612 individuals included in our final analysis. In the multivariate logistic regression model, the folate, vitamin E, vitamin B6, magnesium, diet fiber, and iron showed significant negative correlations with MCI, while only vitamin B6 was associated with MCI after additional adjustment for other levels of the nutrients (fourth vs. first quartile), (OR (95% CI): 0.514(0.283,0.933)). In the BKMR model, the overall effect of fifteen nutrients was significantly negatively associated with MCI when all the nutrients were at the sixtieth percentile or above, compared to at the fiftieth percentile. In the hierarchical variable selection analyses of the BKMR, the results showed that vitamin E and vitamin B6 may play an important protective role in MCI, whereas vitamin C showed a inverse relationship. Dietary fiber and iron showed a U-shaped relationship with MCI. The potential complicated two-way interactions was found among the multi-nutrients using bivariate intake-response functions. Conclusion Using improved analysis model, we found evidence of higher vitamin E, and vitamin B6 levels associated with lower MCI, whereas vitamin C had the opposite effect. The intake of iron and dietary fiber should be moderate. There are potentially complex interactions between nutrients.
... Iron concentrations in the erythrocytes of AD patients have also been reported to be inversely related to AD severity measured by CDR scores [229]. On the other hand, Schiepers and colleagues [254] have shown that while high serum ferritin correlated with poor sensorimotor speed and information-processing speed at baseline, the association disappeared over 3 years. Moreover, peripheral iron concentrations in AD patients were found to be unrelated to cognitive scores in a metaanalysis of case-control studies [215]. ...
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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It is an irreversible neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized by memory loss, impaired learning and thinking, and difficulty in performing regular daily activities. Despite nearly two decades of collective efforts to develop novel medications that can prevent or halt the disease progression, we remain faced with only a few options with limited effectiveness. There has been a recent growth of interest in the role of nutrition in brain health as we begin to gain a better understanding of what and how nutrients affect hormonal and neural actions that not only can lead to typical cardiovascular or metabolic diseases but also an array of neurological and psychiatric disorders. Vitamins and minerals, also known as micronutrients, are elements that are indispensable for functions including nutrient metabolism, immune surveillance, cell development, neurotransmission, and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In this review, we provide an overview on some of the most common vitamins and minerals and discuss what current studies have revealed on the link between these essential micronutrients and cognitive performance or AD.
... Symptoms that are frequently related to whole blood donation-induced low iron include decreased physical endurance and work capacity, fatigue, and impairment in concentration, attention, and other cognitive functions, as well as restless leg syndrome and craving and consuming of non-nutritive substances (pica) [28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36]. Given the significant magnitude of undesired effects of blood donation-induced iron depletion, with, on the other hand, the high impact on donor availability when deferring too many donors, it is of high importance to determine appropriate cut-off levels for ferritin-guided donor deferrals. ...
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Background: Depending on post-donation erythropoiesis, available iron stores, and iron absorption rates, optimal donation intervals may differ between donors. This project aims to define subpopulations of donors with different ferritin trajectories over repeated donations. Methods: Ferritin levels of 300 new whole blood donors were measured from stored (lookback) samples from each donation over two years in an observational cohort study. Latent classes of ferritin level trajectories were investigated separately using growth mixture models for male and female donors. General linear mixed models assessed associations of ferritin levels with subsequent iron deficiency and/or low hemoglobin. Results: Two groups of donors were identified using group-based trajectory modeling in both genders. Ferritin levels showed rather linear reductions among 42.9% of male donors and 87.7% of female donors. For the remaining groups of donors, steeper declines in ferritin levels were observed. Ferritin levels at baseline and the end of follow-up varied greatly between groups. Conclusions: Repeated ferritin measurements show depleting iron stores in all-new whole blood donors, the level at which mainly depends on baseline ferritin levels. Tailored, less intensive donation strategies might help to prevent low iron in donors, and could be supported with ferritin monitoring and/or iron supplementation.
... This excess iron generates free hydroxyl radical and causes oxidative stress through Fenton reaction. Schiepers (25) observed that changes in both homocysteine and ferritin levels in cardiovascular disease. The serum ferritin is frequently used as a measure of iron stores. ...
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Background: Eales’ Disease is an idiopathic retinal periphlebitis, characterized by recurrent vitreous hemorrhage, neovascularization and inflammation. The disease distresses the retina of adult males between 15 and 45 years. In the present study proteins involved in iron homeostasis were assessed in serum and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Methods: Forty male subjects, were recruited for the study. Their blood samples were used to measure the ferritin, transferrin, soluble transferrin receptor, hepcidin, ferroportin and heme. Besides ALAS, HO, HIF-2 and other relevant parameters were also measured. Results: In the ED group, significantly increased in the levels of heme, heme oxygenase , ferritin and VEGF were observed in serum and monocytes of ED, besides decrease in the levels of transferrin. Interestingly, the expression levels of hepcidin and HIF were increased whereas the ferroportin was found to be decreased. Conclusions: These results propose an evidence for the involvement of altered iron homeostasis.
Background. One of the four important components of the formation of cognitive functions is somatic health. But to date, there are no population studies that consider the relationship with cognitive functions and school performance of a large range of somatic factors, which allows us to compare the strength of their hypothetical contribution to cognitive functioning with each other. This study is the second part of a population-based study, the first part of which is presented in the previous publication "A Single-Stage Population-Based Study of the Prevalence of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Children of Secondary School Age". Aims — to determine the main patterns in the relationship between cognitive-academic and somatic factors in a cohort of Russian children, 5th grade students at school. Methods. In Russian schoolchildren of the 5th grades of municipalities representing cities of all federal districts of the Russian Federation, the links with integrative cognitive success, the number of subtests performed at the level of mild cognitive impairment, the results of individual cognitive subtests, academic performance and the leading hand factor were analyzed — the following somatic factors: the presence of skin pathology, bronchial asthma, orthopedic, ophthalmological disorders, visual acuity, body mass index, parameters of the study of the function of external respiration, electrocardiography, ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland, laboratory blood tests. Results. The results of the survey of 1036 participants, 51% of them girls, were admitted to the analysis. It has been established that iron content is directly related to integrative cognitive success and school performance, the relationship is especially strong between subgroups of iron content above and below 26.4 mmol/l. Clinical levels of erythrocytes are more strongly associated with integrative cognitive success and individual cognitive functions than other factors: in erythropenia cognitive parameters are worse. The presence of thyroid cysts directly correlates with some of the worst parameters of cognitive activity. High body mass index and low hemoglobin are associated with poorer academic performance. Conclusions. The results of the study for the first time on a cohort of Russian schoolchildren showed a connection with cognitive activity and school performance of a number of somatic factors, including iron content, which requires further in-depth study.
Background For decades, evidence from observational studies and randomized controlled trials has converged to suggest associations of dietary components, foods, and dietary patterns with dementia. With population aging and a projected exponential expansion of people living with dementia, formulating nutritional strategies for dementia prevention has become a research hotspot. Objective This review aimed to summarize available data on the roles of specific dietary components, food groups, and dietary patterns in dementia prevention among the elderly. Method Database search was carried out using PubMed, the Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and Medline. Results Polyphenols, folate, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and β-carotene might decrease the risk of dementia. Consumption of green leafy vegetables, green tea, fish, and fruits is recommended. However, saturated fat, a diet rich in both dietary copper and saturated fat, aluminum from drinking water, and heavy drinking might increase dementia risk. Healthy dietary patterns, especially the Mediterranean diet, were proven to bring more cognitive benefits than single dietary components. Conclusion We discussed and summarized the evidence on the roles of dietary components and patterns in dementia prevention among the elderly and found that some factors were closely associated with dementia risk in elderly. This may pave the way for the identification of dietary components and patterns as new therapeutic targets for dementia prevention in the elderly population.
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Background Associations between exposure to single metals and cognitive impairment or related outcomes have been reported in many previous studies. However, co-exposure to more than one metal is common situation. In recent years, studies on the effects of exposure to multiple metals on cognitive impairment or related outcomes have increased, but remain very limited, with a focus on populations with occupational exposure to metals, children and adolescents. The potential relationships between exposure to metal mixtures and risk of cognitive impairment in adults remain to be clarified. Objectives To investigate the associations of blood metal mixtures with risk of cognitive impairment. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in 1104 Chinese adults who underwent routine physical examination in the Kailuan General Hospital in Tangshan. The blood levels of lead (Pb), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn) were measured by the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Multivariable logistic regression (MLR) models and Bayesian kernel function regression (BKMR) models were applied to assess the associations. Results A total of 218 participants (19.75%) were diagnosed with cognitive impairment. The median mini-mental state examination (MMSE) rating in cognitive impairment group (25 score) was significantly lower than that in normal cognitive function group (29score). Four metals (Pb, Fe, Cu and Mg) were positively associated with cognitive impairment in single-metal models. Pb and Cu remained significantly positive associations after adjusting for these six metals, with the odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) in the highest quartiles of 9.51 (4.41–20.54, p-trend < 0.01) and 4.87 (2.17–10.95, p-trend < 0.01), respectively. The BKMR models showed that co-exposure levels of Pb, Fe, Cu, Ca, Mg, Zn were associated with increased risk of cognitive impairment when the metal mixtures were ≥ 25th percentile compared to their medians, and Pb and Cu were the major contributors to the joint effect. In addition, interaction effects of Mg and Pb, Pb and Cu on the risk of cognitive impairment were observed. Conclusions Co-exposure of six metals (Pb, Fe, Cu, Ca, Mg and Zn) increased the risk of cognitive impairment in Chinese adults, with Pb and Cu likely to have greater impact. Potential interaction effects of Mg and Pb, Pb and Cu on the risk of cognitive impairment may exist.
Background Complications such as cognitive impairment are common in stroke victims. The goal of this study was to see if there was a link between blood iron levels and post-stroke cognitive impairment (PSCI) within 2 weeks after stroke. Methods A total of 313 patients with ischemic stroke were recruited and separated into two groups: PSCI (n = 202) and non-PSCI (n = 111). The Mini-mental state examination scale was used to evaluate the cognitive status within 2 weeks after stroke (acute phase). The serum iron levels were divided into 4 layers: Q1 ≤ 11.7 μmol/L, Q2 11.8-15.1 μmol/, Q3 15.2-19.3 μmol/L, Q4 ≥ 19.4 μmol/L, respectively. The connection between serum iron and PSCI was then investigated further using binary logistic regression, which was adjusted for confounders. Results The difference in serum iron levels between the PSCI and non-PSCI group was initially conducted by the Mann-Whitney test, and a significant difference was found (14.5 (11.0-17.8) vs. 16.9 (13.7-21.8), p < .001), with no confounders being adjusted. After adjusting for confounding factors, the binary regression analysis showed that the Q4 layer showed the lowest risk of PSCI, with the Q1 layer being the reference. (odds ratio (OR) = 0.297, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.136-0.649, p = 0.002). Conclusion A decreased risk of early-onset PSCI was linked to high serum iron levels. Low serum iron levels were found to be a risk factor for acute cognitive impairment following stroke, which could help physicians identify and take intervention measures early to reduce the risk of cognitive impairment after stroke.
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Controversy exists as to whether lifelong 40% calorie restriction (CR) enhances, has no effect on, or disrupts cognitive function during aging. Here, we report the effects of CR versus ad-lib feeding on cognitive function in male Brown Norway x Fisher344 rats across a range of ages (8-38 months), using two tasks that are differentially sensitive to age-related cognitive decline: object recognition and Morris water maze (MWM). All ages performed equally in object recognition, whereas, as a group, CR rats were impaired. In contrast, there was an age-related impairment in the MWM that was attenuated by CR as measured by time in proximity with and latency to reach the platform. Distance to the platform, a more sensitive measure, was not affected by CR. Finally, CR resulted in an overall increase in physical activity, one of several behavioral confounders to consider in the interpretation of cognitive outcomes in both tasks.
The C282Y and H63D mutations in the HFE gene are important causes of hemochromatosis. In the elderly, these mutations might be associated with increased morbidity because of the lifelong accumulation of iron. In a population-based sample of the elderly, we determined the value of genotyping for HFE mutations to screen for subclinical hemochromatosis. HFE genotype frequencies were determined in a random group of 2095 subjects (55 years and over). In this random group, we selected within the six genotype groups a total of 342 individuals and measured their serum transferrin saturation, iron and ferritin levels. We also estimated the heritability and parameters needed to evaluate screening, including the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values (PPV, NPV) of HFE genotypes. Iron parameters were significantly increased in subjects homozygous, heterozygous or compound heterozygous. The effect of the mutations was more pronounced in men than in women. For the H63D mutation, an allele dose effect was observed. The HFE gene explained about 5% of the variability in serum iron indices. The PPV for hemochromatosis for the C282Y homozygous was 100% in men and 67% in women. The NPV of the wild-type allele was 97% for both men and women. The sensitivity of both mutations was 70% for men and 52% for women and the specificity was 62% for men and 64% for women. Our study shows that the HFE C282Y and H63D are determinants of iron parameters in the elderly and will be effective in detecting individuals at high risk of hemochromatosis. However, when screening based on these two mutations, some individuals with subclinical hemochromatosis will be missed.
The concept of non-transferrin bound iron (NTBI) was introduced 22 years ago by Hershko et al. (Brit. J. Haematol. 40 (1978) 255). It stemmed from a suspicion that, in iron overloaded patients, the large amounts of excess iron released into the circulation are likely to exceed the serum transferrin (Tf) iron-binding capacity (TIBC), leading to the appearance of various forms of iron not bound to Tf. In accordance with this assumption, NTBI was initially looked for and detected in patients with ≥ 100% Tf-saturation. As techniques for its detection became more sophisticated and sensitive, NTBI was also found in conditions where Tf was not fully saturated, leading to a revision of the original view of NTBI as a simple spillover phenomenon. In this review, we will discuss some of the properties of NTBI, methods for its detection, its significance and potential value as an indicator for therapeutic regimens of iron chelation and supplementation.
This paperback edition is a reprint of the 2000 edition. This book provides a comprehensive treatment of linear mixed models for continuous longitudinal data. Next to model formulation, this edition puts major emphasis on exploratory data analysis for all aspects of the model, such as the marginal model, subject-specific profiles, and residual covariance structure. Further, model diagnostics and missing data receive extensive treatment. Sensitivity analysis for incomplete data is given a prominent place. Several variations to the conventional linear mixed model are discussed (a heterogeity model, conditional linear mixed models). This book will be of interest to applied statisticians and biomedical researchers in industry, public health organizations, contract research organizations, and academia. The book is explanatory rather than mathematically rigorous. Most analyses were done with the MIXED procedure of the SAS software package, and many of its features are clearly elucidated. However, some other commercially available packages are discussed as well. Great care has been taken in presenting the data analyses in a software-independent fashion. Geert Verbeke is Professor in Biostatistics at the Biostatistical Centre of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium. He is Past President of the Belgian Region of the International Biometric Society, a Board Member of the American Statistical Association, and past Joint Editor of the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (2005--2008). He is the director of the Leuven Center for Biostatistics and statistical Bioinformatics (L-BioStat), and vice-director of the Interuniversity Institute for Biostatistics and statistical Bioinformatics (I-BioStat), a joint initiative of the Hasselt and Leuven universities in Belgium. Geert Molenberghs is Professor of Biostatistics at Universiteit Hasselt and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium. He was Joint Editor of Applied Statistics (2001-2004) and Co-Editor of Biometrics (2007-2009). He was President of the International Biometric Society (2004-2005), and has received the Guy Medal in Bronze from the Royal Statistical Society and the Myrto Lefkopoulou award from the Harvard School of Public Health. He is founding director of the Center for Statistics and also the director of the Interuniversity Institute for Biostatistics and statistical Bioinformatics. Both authors have received the American Statistical Association's Excellence in Continuing Education Award in 2002, 2004, 2005, and 2008. Both are elected Fellows of the American Statistical Association and elected members of the International Statistical Institute.
In medical science, studies are often designed to investigate changes in a specific parameter which is measured repeatedly over time in the participating subjects. This allows one to model the process of change within individuals. Although this process occurs in every individual, the inter subject variability can be high. For example, using data of 955 men, Brant et al showed that the average rates of increase of systolic blood pressure (SBP) are smallest in the younger age groups, and greatest in the older age groups, that obese individuals tend to have a higher SBP than non-obese individuals, and that individuals in more recent birth cohorts have lower SBP’s than those born before 1910. However, these factors are not sufficient to explain all the heterogeneity between individuals since, after correction for age, obesity and birth cohort, individuals with SBP’s above (below) average at initial examination, still have slower (faster) rates of longitudinal change in SBP.
The brain shares with other organs the need for a constant and readily available supply of iron and has a similar array of proteins available to it for iron transport, storage, and regulation. However, unlike other organs, the brain places demands on iron availability that are regional, cellular, and age sensitive. Failure to meet these demands for iron with an adequate supply in a timely manner can result in persistent neurological and cognitive dysfunction. Consequently, the brain has developed mechanisms to maintain a continuous supply of iron. However, in a number of common neurodegenerative disorders, there appears to be an excess accumulation of iron in the brain that suggests a loss of the homeostatic mechanisms responsible for regulating iron in the brain. These systems are reviewed in this article. As a result of a loss in iron homeostasis, the brain becomes vulnerable to iron-induced oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a confounding variable in understanding the cell death that may result directly from a specific disease and is a contributing factor to the disease process. The underlying pathogenic event in oxidative stress is cellular iron mismanagement.
The transition in the world age demographic toward older age is associated with an increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. Risk profiles for dementia may also be changing. Obesity and type 2 diabetes have increased in prevalence in the last half-century and have been associated with increased dementia risk. Specific changes in nutrition may also represent a direct risk. A diet transition in the United States has occurred in the intake of refined sugar, particularly high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) from a yearly estimate of 8.1 kg/person at the beginning of the XIX century to a current estimate of 65 kg/person. This article considers the association between refined sugar intake, markers of cardiovascular disease risk, and the possible promotion of the development of dementia.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex disorder, resulting from an interaction between environmental and genetic factors. Several studies addressed the association of AD with MHC class-I polymorphisms without definite conclusions. Considering the remarkable linkage disequilibrium at the MHC region, it is not possible to assume if the reported associations result from a direct effect of the respective genes or result from associations with other closely linked genes transmitted in an extended conserved haplotype. Recent evidence pointed to CAT53, a newly described gene located at the MHC class-I region in the vicinity of HLA-C, as a candidate modifier gene in AD. CAT53 encodes a phosphatase 1 nuclear inhibitor protein and is strongly expressed in brain regions involved in memory and AD. Here we tested the potential association of CAT53 with the risk of developing AD and searched for potential haplotypic associations of CAT53 with two common mutations (H63D, C282Y) in the HFE gene, also located at chromosome 6p21.3. The allele frequencies of these mutations in AD patients were compared to the expected frequencies previously established in the normal Portuguese population. We detected only one polymorphism (G>A) in CAT53, at position 8232, in intron 17. Screening of this polymorphism in 113 AD patients and 82 controls did not show any evidence of association, therefore excluding the hypothetical role of the CAT53 polymorphism as modifier in AD. In contrast, we found a significant negative association of the C282Y HFE mutation with AD, thus supporting a putative protective role of this protein variant in neurodegeneration.