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CT-Guided Cervical Selective Nerve Root Block with a Dorsal Approach


Abstract and Figures

Cervical transforaminal blocks are frequently performed to treat cervical radicular pain. These blocks are performed mostly under fluoroscopy, but a CT-guided technique has also been described. The aim of this study was to review the results of CT-guided CSNRB by using a dorsal approach, to describe the contrast patterns achieved with this injection technique, and to estimate the degree of specificity and sensitivity. We used a CT-guided technique with a dorsal approach leading to a more extra-than transforaminal but a selective nerve root block as well. Of 53 blocks, we performed 38 for diagnostic and 15 for therapeutic indications. Pain relief was measured hourly on a VAS. The distribution of contrast and the angle of the trajectory of the injection needle were analyzed as well as the degree of pain relief. Contrast was found in the intraforaminal region in 8 (15%) blocks, extraforaminally in 40 (78%) blocks, and intraspinally in 3 (6%) blocks. The mean angle between the needle and the sagittal plane was 26.6° (range, from 1° to 50°). The mean distance between needle tip and nerve root was 4.43 mm (range, 0-20 mm). Twenty-six (68.4%) of the 38 diagnostic blocks led to a decrease in the pain rating of >50%. There were no complications or unintended side effects, apart from occasional local puncture pain. We conclude that CT-guided CSNRBs using a dorsal approach are feasible and that they are sensitive and specific.
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CT-Guided Cervical Selective Nerve Root Block
with a Dorsal Approach
T. Wolter
S. Knoeller
A. Berlis
C. Hader
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Cervical transforaminal blocks are frequently performed to treat cervical
radicular pain. These blocks are performed mostly under fluoroscopy, but a CT-guided technique has
also been described. The aim of this study was to review the results of CT-guided CSNRB by using a
dorsal approach, to describe the contrast patterns achieved with this injection technique, and to
estimate the degree of specificity and sensitivity.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We used a CT-guided technique with a dorsal approach leading to a more
extra-than transforaminal but a selective nerve root block as well. Of 53 blocks, we performed 38 for
diagnostic and 15 for therapeutic indications. Pain relief was measured hourly on a VAS. The distribu-
tion of contrast and the angle of the trajectory of the injection needle were analyzed as well as the
degree of pain relief.
RESULTS: Contrast was found in the intraforaminal region in 8 (15%) blocks, extraforaminally in 40
(78%) blocks, and intraspinally in 3 (6%) blocks. The mean angle between the needle and the sagittal
plane was 26.6° (range, from 1° to 50°). The mean distance between needle tip and nerve root was
4.43 mm (range, 0 –20 mm). Twenty-six (68.4%) of the 38 diagnostic blocks led to a decrease in the
pain rating of 50%. There were no complications or unintended side effects, apart from occasional
local puncture pain.
CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that CT-guided CSNRBs using a dorsal approach are feasible and that
they are sensitive and specific.
ABBREVIATIONS: CSNRB cervical selective nerve root block; VAS Visual Analog Scale
CSNRBs are commonly performed under fluoroscopic
but CT guidance is also possible and has been
CT guidance offers the advantage of enhanced an-
atomic resolution with a more precise needle-tip positioning.
It is, however, seen as more time-consuming and likely to
involve more radiation exposure. In both fluoroscopic and
CT-guided CSNRBs, the aim is to block the root in the fora-
men. The patient is, therefore, placed in a supine position, and
the foramen is reached from a lateral approach in a nearly
horizontal plane.
In recent years, there have been several reports of cata-
strophic complications of CSNRB under fluoroscopic guid-
ance, including cerebral edema
; cerebellar infarction
infarction of the cervical spinal cord
; and hemorrhagic
infarction of the pons, midbrain, cerebellum, and thalami
with intraventricular extension, subarachnoid hemorrhage,
and hydrocephalus.
There are similar reports of CT-
guided CSNRB complications of cerebellar and brain stem
and spinal cord infarction.
In all these cases, the
probable mechanism was arterial puncture leading to infarc-
tion. Live fluoroscopy has been advocated to detect vascular
uptake, but 2 of the above-mentioned cases were performed
with this technique.
There is a need, therefore, to modify the conventional tech-
nique to minimize the risks of the procedure.
We used a modification of the CT-guided technique in
which the patient is prone and the foramen is accessed from
the dorsal aspect, with the tip of the needle aimed at the outer
confines of the foramen. This technique leads to an extra-
foraminal but still selective nerve root block. It might involve a
smaller risk of devastating complications, such as spinal cord
infarction or cerebellar infarction.
The aim of the study was to review the results of CT-guided
CSNRB by using the dorsal approach, to describe the contrast
patterns achieved with this injection technique, and to esti-
mate the degree of specificity and sensitivity.
Materials and Methods
Between January 1, 2007, and December 31, 2007, thirty-one patients
underwent CT-guided CSNRB involving 53 blocks. The indication
was diagnostic in 38 blocks and therapeutic in 15 blocks. Eighteen
patients had only 1 diagnostic block, 7 patients had 2 blocks, 4 pa-
tients had 3 blocks, 1 patient had 4 blocks, and 1 patient had 5 blocks.
If patients had 1 block, the blocks were usually performed at inter-
vals of 1 week and were typically done for therapeutic purposes.
Informed consent was obtained before the intervention. The proce-
dure, its benefits, and its risks were discussed with the patient. Risks
included infection, bleeding, and allergic reaction as well as a small
risk of a severe neurologic impairment, such as spinal cord stroke or
even death.
For the procedure, the patient was placed in the prone position.
The patient’s head was in a straight position with the forehead on a
pillow. After a lateral scout image was obtained, the designated level
was marked and images were obtained through the desired cervical
Received March 8, 2010; accepted after revision May 8.
From the Interdisciplinary Pain Centre (T.W.), Department of Orthopedic and Trauma
Surgery (S.K.), and Department of Neuroradiology (A.B., C.H.), University Hospital Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany.
Please address correspondence to Tilman Wolter, MD, Interdisziplina¨res Schmerzzentrum,
Universita¨tsklinikum Freiburg, Breisacherstr 64, 79106 Freiburg, Germany; e-mail: tilman.
DOI 10.3174/ajnr.A2230
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 31:1831–36 Nov-Dec 2010 1831
neural foramen. An appropriate needle-entry point was calculated
before it was identified and marked on the skin prior to its steriliza-
tion. The entry site was chosen to avoid the carotid and jugular vessels
and to gain access to the outer foramen. Usually, the needle was placed
in a 10°– 45° angle to the sagittal plane (a 45°– 80° lateral angle to the
Once the site was sterilized and the skin and subcutaneous tissue
were anesthetized, a 22-ga 10-cm straight spinal needle (Seibel-
needle; William Cook Europe, Bjaeverskov, Denmark) was partially
inserted through a 19-ga 4-cm introducer needle, and an initial image
was obtained by using the minimum exposure the CT scanner could
provide. The straight spinal needle had marks to control the depth of
After the initial image was obtained, the needle was adjusted and
advanced toward the posterior aspect of the neural foramen by using
an intermittent CT imaging technique. A multisection technique with
6 images per acquisition and a section thickness of 3 mm was used,
which could display the entire course of the needle and the surround-
ing anatomy. Usually 1 or 2 acquisitions were sufficient. The optimal
placement of the needle tip was at the outer edge of the posterior
aspect of the foramen, which was reached from the dorsal approach
typically at a 10°– 45° angle (range, 1°–50°) between the needle and the
sagittal plane (Figs 1 and 2). The facet joint capsule served as a confine
for the needle. The patients sometimes described reproduction of
their pain when the needle was in the correct position. Once the nee-
dle was in the desired position, 0.5 mL of a 1:1 mixture of iopamidol
(Solutrast 300; Bracco Altana Pharma, Konstanz, Germany) and bu-
pivacaine 0.75% (Bucain; Delta Select, Dreieich, Germany) was in-
jected. After the injection, an acquisition with 6 images was used
again, which then displayed the entire distribution of the contrast.
When the contrast was in an appropriate distribution, the nerve root
block was performed with 1 mL of bupivacaine. If no or an inappro-
priately small amount of contrast was detected, the procedure would
have been stopped. This, however, was never the case.
For therapeutic blocks, 8 mg (2 mL) of dexamethasone (Fortecor-
tin Inject; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) was added.
Patient Assessment
Usually in our department, the patient’s history and a pain analysis
are recorded at the first presentation, a physical (neurologic) exami-
nation is conducted, and the CT/MR imaging scans of the cervical
Number of different nerve root blocks
Nerve Root
All Indications Diagnostic Indication Therapeutic Indication
No. ⫹⫺ No. ⫹⫺No. ⫹⫺
C3 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
C4 4 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 0
C5 3 1 2 3 1 2 0 0 0
C6 22 16 6 14 9 5 8 7 1
C7 13 10 2 12 9 3 1 1 0
C8 10 9 1 5 4 1 5 5 0
53 40 13 38 26 12 15 14 1
indicates evaluated as a positive block; , evaluated as a negative block.
Fig 1. Extraforaminal contrast distribution after CSNRB of the right C6 nerve root.
1832 Wolter AJNR 31 Nov-Dec 2010
spine are evaluated. When the assumed diagnosis is cervical radicular
pain, a cervical nerve root block is planned.
For this retrospective study, patients’ charts were assessed to as-
certain the nerve root and pathology involved. Furthermore, the pa-
tients’ charts were reviewed to discover whether, following a positive
diagnostic block, an operative intervention or subsequent therapeutic
blocks were performed and their effect on pain intensity.
Outcome Measurement
At our institution, all patients receive a standard form to fill in their
pain scores on the VAS before the block and after the block for 6 hours
in hourly intervals. Later, these standard forms were analyzed. The
block was regarded as positive if the following criteria were met: 1) the
pain level decreased 50%, 2) the duration of the response was 4
hours, and 3) the pain in the arm decreased if one of the nerve roots
from C5 to C8 were blocked.
Neuroradiologic Analysis
Contrast patterns were analyzed to assess whether the spread of the
contrast agent was extraforaminal, intraforaminal, or intraspinal. To
this end, we analyzed each block by means of 6 axial sections in 3-mm
sections centered on the foramen.
Needle angulation was measured as the angle between the needle
and the sagittal plane. The distance between the needle tip and the
nerve root was measured, as well as the distance between the needle
tip and the entrance of the foramen. The foramen was defined as
being situated posteromedial to a line from the anterior confine of
the zygapophyseal joint to the anterior part of the uncinate process
(Fig 3).
Statistical Analysis
For statistical analysis, a computer software package (GraphPad
Prism, Version 5.01; GraphPad Software, La Jolla, California) was
used. A Pvalue .05 indicated a significant difference. For calcula-
tion of the statistical significance of the differences of mean VAS
scores, the Mann Whitney Utest was used. An unpaired ttest was also
used to determine if there were statistical differences in the distance
from the needle tip to the nerve root or to the foramen between the
group of positive and negative blocks. Angulation of the needle was
Fig 2. Extra- and intraforaminal contrast distribution after CSNRB of the right C6 nerve root.
Fig 3. Schematic illustration of the needle tip and entrance of the foramen. 1 indicates the
facet joint; 2, the uncinate process; 3, the line reaching from the anterior part of the
uncinate process to the anterior part of the zygapophyseal joint; 4, the area in which the
needle tip in the dorsal-approach technique is expected; and 5, the area in which the nerve
root and nerve supplying the artery are expected.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 31:1831–36 Nov-Dec 2010 1833
correlated to the distance from the needle tip to the foramen and to
the nerve root by means of the Wilcoxon matched-pairs test. The
test was used to compare extra-/intraforaminal contrast patterns with
the results of the blocks.
Ethics Committee Approval
This retrospective study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the
University Hospital, Freiburg, Germany.
Outcome Measurement
Overall 40 blocks fulfilled the criteria for positive blocks and
13 blocks were classified as negative. The positive blocks were
1 C3 block, 3 C4 blocks, 1 C5 block, 16 C6 blocks, 10 C7 blocks,
and 9 C8 blocks.
With 1 exception, the blocks that were considered negative
were performed for diagnostic indications. Among these
blocks, there were 1 C4 block, 2 C5 blocks, 6 C6 blocks, 3 C7
blocks, and 1 C8 block.
In those blocks not affecting pain relief, another pain
source, either radicular pain emerging from another level or a
different pathology (such as cervical facet joint pain or periph-
eral neuropathy) was later found.
Thirty-eight blocks were performed with diagnostic and 15
blocks with therapeutic indications (Table). Overall mean
VAS scores decreased from 5.57 1.57 (range, 2.5–10.0) pre-
intervention to 1.52 2.29 (range, 0.0 –7.0) postintervention.
In patients with positive blocks, mean VAS scores de-
creased from 5.42 1.57 (range, 2.5–10) to 0.52 1.04
(range, 0 4.5). In negative blocks, mean VAS scores were
6.08 1.44 preintervention (range, 5.0 –10.0) and 5.25 1.48
postintervention (range, 3.0 –7.0), respectively. No statisti-
cally significant difference was found between the preinter-
ventional VAS scores in positive and in negative blocks (P
.14). Postinterventional VAS scores clearly differed in the 2
groups of blocks (P.0001).
Twenty patients had osseous pathology (foraminal stenosis
due to osteophytes), 4 patients had a soft disk prolapse, and 6
patients had a combined pathology in the level of interest. One
patient who underwent 2 CSNRBs had a soft disk prolapse at
the C5– 6 level and osseous pathology in the C4–5 level. Over-
all 5, 37, and 11 CSNRBs were performed for osseous, soft disk,
and combined pathology, respectively.
Fourteen patients had subsequent surgery. Nine patients
had ventral spondylodesis. This was performed with bone ce-
ment in 7 patients, autologous bone grafts and ventral osteo-
synthesis in 1 patient, and a cage in another patient. Five pa-
tients had cervical foraminotomy as described by Frykholm.
All patients who underwent ventral fusion had a complete
resolution of the radicular pain, but 1 patient who had a sin-
gle-level fusion with Palacos had neck pain 3 months after the
operation. Those patients who underwent dorsal decompres-
sion had complete pain relief directly after the operation, but
after 3 months, 1 patient had radicular pain once again.
Most patients who had 1 block had similar results each
time. One patient had the same level block performed 3 times
for therapeutic indications, and 5 patients had the same level
block performed twice.
In 1 patient, a C7 block and a C8 block were performed. He
had complete pain relief (VAS score, from 4.5 to 0) after the C7
block and partial pain relief after the C8 block (VAS score,
from 2.5 to 1), which was rated positive. After dorsal decom-
pression of the C7 nerve root foramen, the patient remained
One patient had a C6 block leading to complete pain relief
and subsequently underwent dorsal decompression, which
initially led to complete pain reduction. Three months later,
the patient once more had cervicobrachialgia, which now ir-
radiated into the C7 dermatome. A C7 block led to complete
pain relief, and a second therapeutic C7 block had a long-
lasting effect.
Neuroradiologic Analysis
The mean angle between the needle and the sagittal plane was
26.61° (range, 1°-50°). The mean distance between the needle
tip and the confines of the foramen was 10.02 mm (range,
1–20 mm). The mean distance between the needle tip and the
nerve root was 4.43 mm (range, 0 –20 mm).
The angle of the needle and the distance between the needle
and the nerve root did not correlate to the effect of the block
(P.4915 and P.2591). However, the distance between the
needle and the foramen was significantly higher in those
blocks that were rated positive (P.007).
Angulation of the needle correlated with the distance be-
tween the needle tip and the foramen (P.0009) and the
distance between the needle tip and the nerve root (P.0132).
Contrast had an extraforaminal distribution pattern in 40
blocks. In 3 blocks, contrast was found intraspinally (epi-
durally), and in 8 blocks, the distribution of contrast was both
intra- and extraforaminal. Unfortunately in 2 blocks, the con-
trast scans were not archived. There were no correlations be-
tween extra- or intraforaminal distribution of contrast and a
positive or negative response to the block (
: extraforaminal,
34 of 40 positive blocks, 8 of 13 negative blocks; P.12).
In 10 blocks (3 therapeutic and 7 diagnostic), no clear con-
tact between the contrast agent and the nerve root was found,
due to difficulty in identifying the exact position of the nerve
root in its extraspinal course. Nevertheless, 9 of these blocks
were positive. No correlation was seen between contrast in
clear contact with the nerve root and a positive or negative
response to the block.
CSNRB is a technique frequently used in case of cervical radic-
ular pain, with estimates ranging in the magnitude of 30,000
per year in the United States.
It can be used as a diagnostic
tool, but more often, it is performed therapeutically with local
application of corticosteroids as an alternative to medical
treatment or operative decompression of the nerve root. Indi-
cations for a diagnostic cervical block revolve around clinical
and MR imaging findings.
Lately, there is a growing awareness of possible devastating
complications of the procedure, such as spinal cord infarction
or cerebellar infarction. Also vertebral artery puncture has
been described.
In a recent survey conducted among pain
physicians about complications following cervical transfo-
raminal epidural steroid injections, 78 complications includ-
ing 16 vertebrobasilar brain infarcts, 12 cervical spinal cord
infarcts, and 2 combined brain and spinal cord infarcts were
1834 Wolter AJNR 31 Nov-Dec 2010
However, there is likely to be under-reporting of
Some complications have not been pub-
lished because they are still before the court or because lawyers
and patients refused to have their case records released into
the medical literature.
Among the published cases, there are 2
in which CSNRB was performed under CT guidance,
with a transforaminal access.
It is assumed that most complications involve an embolic
mechanism, with inadvertent injection of high-particulate
material into a nerve root artery.
Recently, after the known
adverse events were analyzed, the use of real-time fluoroscopy
to detect vascular uptake, a nonparticulate corticosteroid such
as dexamethasone, and microbore extension tubing (pigtail)
to minimize needle manipulation while changing syringes
have been proposed to reduce the probability of these adverse
CT guidance with dorsal access offers the possibility of per-
forming a selective block, as the contrast distribution pattern
demonstrates. For the therapeutic efficiency of corticoste-
roids, it is not important if the target point is located slightly
more distally because there is a strong axonal transport of
If, however, an intraspinal epidural (less selec-
tive) distribution of the steroid is intended, the conventional
or even a translaminar approach is more suitable.
In our opinion, the technique we describe minimizes the
danger of inadvertent puncture of the nerve root artery be-
cause the target point of the needle tip lies posterior to the
region in which the radicular artery can be expected to run.
Recently, the technique has been described in a technical
note, but no information was supplied regarding the patterns
of contrast distribution, the angle of the trajectory, the dis-
tance between the needle tip and the nerve root, and pain relief
after the block.
In the present study, the angle of the needle
toward the sagittal plane correlated with the distance between
the needle tip and the foramen and the distance between the
needle tip and the nerve root but not with the distribution of
contrast. The pattern of contrast distribution did not correlate
with either a positive or negative response to the nerve block.
This indicates that intraforaminal distribution of the local an-
esthetic is not necessary for anesthesia of the nerve root. The
volumes used in our studies are within the ranges described in
the literature.
It is believed that posterior needle placement in the fora-
men might minimize the risk of intravascular injection by
avoiding the vertebral artery.
In a large series of 1036 ex-
traforaminal nerve root blocks, the posterior access was signif-
icantly safer than the anterior.
This finding may be because
the radicular artery normally runs anterior to the radicular
nerve. Nevertheless, Huntoon
could demonstrate that
branches of the deep cervical and ascending artery can enter
the foramen posteriorly and can supply the spinal cord. He
described the anatomy of the deep cervical arteries after exam-
ination of the cervical foramina of 10 embalmed cadavers and
found that of 95 intervertebral foramina dissected, 21 had an
arterial vessel proximal to the posterior aspect of the foraminal
opening and 7 of these 21 cases were spinal branches poten-
tially forming radicular or segmental medullary vessels to the
spinal cord. He concluded that these arteries may be vulnera-
ble to injection or injury during transforaminal epidural ste-
roid injection. This might explain why, in some published
cases of complications, the needle position was in the posterior
part of the foramen.
It is difficult to compare the CT technique with the fluoro-
scopic technique in terms of contrast use. First, vascular up-
take in the dorsal approach appears to be much more unlikely
because the final needle position is not in the region of the
suspected course of the radicular artery. Second, applying a
small volume of contrast as an initial step makes it possible to
correct the needle position in cases of insufficient contrast
distribution. Although the final volume of local anesthetic in-
jected is larger than the initial contrast volume, this difference
has a lower impact on the specificity of the block than the
position of the needle tip. By obtaining a block of 6 CT acqui-
sitions with 3-mm section thicknesses after contrast injection,
we could rule out contrast distribution to the adjacent nerve
Because the complications stated above seem to occur at a
frequency of 0.1%, the present study of 53 is insufficiently
powered to assess the risks associated with our technique. For
similar reasons, the sensitivity and specificity of the technique
when used for diagnostic purposes cannot be determined with
certainty. However, to our knowledge, precise estimates of the
sensitivity and specificity of other techniques of cervical nerve
root block studies do not exist; nevertheless, these techniques
are widely used. For methodologic and ethical reasons, a study
that would produce this information seems virtually impossi-
ble to perform. First, it would require that a precise diagnosis
for the pain be achieved by another method; this, however,
could make a diagnostic block unnecessary and could expose
the patient to an unnecessary risk. Second, the study design
would have to negate the possibility of a false-positive re-
sponse due to the patient’s expectations (placebo response; for
lumbar back pain, this issue has been reviewed by Saal
The only way to draw limited conclusions regarding spec-
ificity and sensitivity is to compare the results of serial (thera-
peutic) injections or to correlate them to the outcome of nerve
root decompression. We did this and found that blocks of the
same nerve root produced similar outcomes, with a low level
of variability in changes in pain scores, and that surgical de-
compression of the nerve root identified led to pain relief in all
except 1 case.
The technique is simple and not very time-consuming. It
induces a relatively low radiation dose, particularly if in the
future, dose-reduction strategies published recently
also be applied for intermittent CT acquisition.
CT-guided CSNRB by using a dorsal approach is feasible,
seems to have the same predictive value as other commonly
used techniques for cervical blocks, and, on the basis of tech-
nical considerations, can be assumed to have a higher degree of
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1836 Wolter AJNR 31 Nov-Dec 2010
... Several studies have reported CSNRBs with a posterolateral approach (PL-CSNRB) (7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12). The needle which is inserted posterolaterally passes through the outer articular pillar and reaches the nerve root at the IVF exit. ...
... Compared to AL-CSNRB with needle advancement aiming for the IVF tunnel, PL-CSNRB is technically more difficult under fluoroscopic guidance alone because the IVF tunnel and the needle advancement are in different directions. Therefore, PL-CSNRBs are often CT-guided (7)(8)(9) and few studies on fluoroscopy-guided PL-CSNRBs have been reported (10). A CT-guided procedure is safe but time-consuming and has the risk of high radiation exposure especially when the conventional CT device is used. ...
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Background: While severe complications after cervical selective nerve root block (CSNRB) with an anterolateral approach have been reported, CSNRB via a posterolateral approach (PL–CSNRB) could reduce inadvertent intravascular injections. Because fluoroscopy–guided PL–CSNRB is technically difficult, PL–CSNRBs are often CT– or ultrasound–guided. CT guidance is safe but time–consuming and has a higher risk of radiation exposure. Ultrasound guidance can visualize the vessels but whether it reduces intravascular injections remains debatable. Purpose: This study described CSNRB using a fluoroscopy–guided posterolateral oblique technique (PLO–CSNRB) and assessed its clinical usefulness. Methods: A total of 707 PLO–CSNRBs were performed on 260 patients (186 cervical diseases and 74 cervical zoster–associated pain; CZAP) between May 2016 and December 2020. Under fluoroscopy guidance, a needle was inserted posterolaterally and kept in contact with the articular pillar and advanced toward the exit of the intervertebral foramen (C3–C8). A block was considered successful if the intervertebral foramen was filled with contrast (foraminal filling; FF). Results: The success rate was 94.5% (668/707). The main contrast pattern observed with FF was periradiculography (619) followed by transforaminal epidurography (233). Venography was observed in 135 (19.1%) injections with 52 (38.5%) simultaneously observed with FF. Contrast in the radicular and vertebral arteries was respectively observed in 4 and 2 injections, which disappeared after needle reposition. The effective rates were 83.9% and 55.1% for cervical diseases and CZAP, respectively. No serious complications were noted. Conclusions: PLO–CSNRB is a useful technique that ensures safe needle advancement to the nerve root at the exit of the intervertebral foramen. Outcomes of 707 cervical selective nerve root blocks using a fluoroscopy–guided posterolateral oblique approach Fullsize Image
... Similar to the other procedures, the contrast is injected to confirm the target, followed by steroid injection 7) . CT images provide high-resolution localization of anatomical structures such as blood vessels, soft tissue, and bony structures 19) . This information before the procedure allows for successful execution by accessing the needle in the correct pathway and positioning the needle tip delicately. ...
... This information before the procedure allows for successful execution by accessing the needle in the correct pathway and positioning the needle tip delicately. However, since it is not a procedure that can be controlled in real-time, there are still risks, and there have been attempts to use a dorsal approach to avoid intravascular injection 19) . ...
Objective: Cervical selective nerve root block (SNRB) is an effective procedure that has long been performed for patients with radiating pain or paresthesia. However, there are several delicate structures around the cervical nerve root, damage to which could lead to irreversible neurovascular injury. Therefore, cervical SNRB requires a high skill level and extensive experience to execute it safely. To overcome these disadvantages, we used biplane computed tomography (CT)-guided fluoroscopy and a needle guidance program to achieve symptom improvement in a safer and shorter procedure. This study aimed to investigate the new method and report on its excellent clinical effects.Methods: A total of 57 patients who experienced radiating pain due to cervical spinal stenosis resulting from a herniated disc were enrolled. From September 2020 to September 2021 subjects underwent a biplane CT-guided fluoroscopic nerve block at an outpatient clinic. All procedures were performed by biplane CT-guided fluoroscopy. We analyzed treatment effects with a numerical rating scale (NRS) at 2 and 4 weeks after the procedure. Logistic regression was performed to reveal the significance of changes in NRS after the injection.Results: Pain improved in 56 of 57 patients (98%) after 2 and 4 weeks of follow-up compared to pre-injection pain. At the 2-week follow-up, the mean reduction based on NRS scores was 3.226 (2.782-3.674, 0; 95% confidence interval [CI], p < 0.001) indicating a 48% decrease in pain scores compared with the initial NRS. The mean reduction in NRS 4 weeks after the procedure was 3.544 (3.090-3.998, 0; 95% CI, p < 0.001) indicating a 52% reduction compared with the initial NRS. The average duration of the procedure was 4 minutes. Conclusion: We demonstrate a clinically effective, safe, and accurate method using a biplane CT-guided fluoroscopy and needle guide program. This new method can be an easy and relatively uncomplicated alternative to treatment for patients with cervical radiculopathy and provides safe and accurate targeting, making it easy for inexperienced surgeons.
... In clinical radiology, compared to fluoroscopy and ultrasound, CT-guided procedures have been accepted because of their clinical accuracy and safety [24][25][26]. In our study, CTguided percutaneous stylomastoid foramen puncture increased accuracy and avoided nerve damage because the needle could be consciously and slowly inserted in the area around the nerve. ...
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We investigated the safety and efficacy of percutaneous facial nerve pulsed radiofrequency combined with drug injection for treatment of intractable facial paralysis of herpes zoster. The authors provide a detailed description of percutaneous facial nerve pulsed radiofrequency combined with steroid injection for treatment of intractable facial paralysis after herpes zoster, and they examine its clinical efficacy. This is the first time in the literature to our knowledge that this procedure has been applied in facial paralysis after herpes zoster. A total of 43 patients with a history of facial paralysis after herpes zoster for > 1 month were enrolled in this retrospective study. The patients were subjected to percutaneous stylomastoid foramen pulsed radiofrequency of the facial nerve under computed tomography (CT) guidance combined with drug injection. The House-Brackmann grades and NRS (Numerical Rating Scale) data collection were performed at different time points (preoperatively, 1 day post-procedure, and 2, 4, and 12 weeks postoperatively). The occurrence of complications was also assessed. The 43 participants successfully completed the CT-guided percutaneous stylomastoid foramen pulsed radiofrequency of the facial nerve combined with drug injection. Both approaches [posterior approach of the ear (7 cases) and anterior approach of the ear (36 cases)] were efficacious and safe. The House-Brackmann grades (I, II, III, IV, V, VI) were 4 (3–4), 2 (2–3), 1 (1–2), and 1 (0–2) at different operation times (T0, T1, T2, T3, T4); patients felt significant recovery at T1 after operation and had gradually recovered at each time point but had no significant recovery after T3. The NRS scores at different operation times were 2.690 ± 2.213, 0.700 ± 0.939, 0.580 ± 1.006, 0.440 ± 0.908, and 0.260 ± 0.759, respectively. Differences in NRS scores between T0 and T1/2/3/4 were significant while differences between T1 and T2/3/4 were not significant. Six patients developed mild numbness, nine patients exhibited muscle tension, while one patient exhibited facial stiffness. During surgery, there was no intravascular injection of drugs, no nerve injury was reported, and there was no local anesthetic poisoning or spinal anesthesia. Percutaneous stylomastoid foramen pulsed radiofrequency combined with drug injection of the facial nerve for treatment of intractable facial paralysis after herpes zoster is a minimally invasive technique with high rates of success, safety, and effective outcomes. It is a potential therapeutic option for cases of facial paralysis of herpes zoster with a > 1 month history even for those with severe facial paralysis and whose treatment has failed after oral medication and physiotherapy.
... These include fluoroscopy, computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound [7]. Due to anatomic precision and spatial resolution CT is currently the preferred method [8][9][10] and is therefore regarded the "gold standard" imaging tool. However, potential benefits of ultrasound guidance, including real time needle control and avoidance of radiation seem to be attractive. ...
Aim: To compare ultrasound (US)-guided versus computed tomography (CT)-controlled periradicular injections of the first sacral spinal (S1) nerve in a prospective randomized clinical trial. Materials and methods: Thirty-nine patients with S1-radiculopathy were consecutively enrolled for 40 periradicular injections and assigned to an US or CT guided group. Needle position after US-assisted placement was controlled by a low-dose CT-scan. Accessibility, accuracy, and intervention time were compared. The overall effect on pain was matched evaluating the visual analog scale (VAS) decrease before and one month after the intervention. Results: The mean intervention time was lower in the US-group compared to the CT-group: 4.4±3.46 min (1.3-13.2) vs. 6.5±3.03 min (2.4-12.5). Using CT-controlled infiltration the mean number of needle passes was with 1.15 higher than utilizing US-guidance. The therapeutic effect (mean difference between pre- and post-intervention, VAS scores) for the CT-group was 4.85±2.52 and for the US-group 4.55±2.74 with no significant difference between the two groups (p=0.7). Conclusion: US-controlled infiltrations of the first sacral nerve show a similar therapeutic effect to the time consuming, and ionizing CT-controlled injections and result in a significant reduction of procedure expenditure and avoidance of radiation.
... Їх негативне відношення до трансфорамінальної епідуральної блокади можна пояснити достатньою кількістю ускладнень при їх виконанні. За даними літератури, частота ускладнень складає 10-21,4% і коливається від транзиторного болю в ділянці ін'єкції до численних і незворотних уражень центральної нервової системи аж до летальних випадків [21,22,23]. ...
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Aim. To investigate the methodology and effectiveness of epidural steroid injection for radicular syndrome and lower back pain caused by degenerative-dystrophic process. Research methods: bibliosemantic, comparative, systemic. Results. A literature review and our study proved a high efficacy of both monotherapy and combined epidural steroid injections in treatment of chronic lumbar pain and radicular syndrome caused by degenerative-dystrophic spine damage. Epidural steroid injections are indicated for intervertebral disc herniation, spondyloarthritis, spinal canal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, which cause chronic lumbar pain, radicular syndrome. Epidural steroid blockades with stable remission were proved to have positive result in 20 to 100% of cases, averaging more than 80%. Anesthetics, corticosteroids, enzymes, and vitamins are administered to the epidural cavity to relieve pain and inflammation, but most authors still prefer steroids. Corticosteroids reduce the inflammatory response and oedema by inhibiting the synthesis and release of numerous anti-inflammatory mediators and cause the reverse local anaesthetic effect. Different approaches are used to introduce drugs into the epidural cavity: interlaminar, caudal and transforaminal; the method of long-term local pharmacotherapy is used. Interlaminar epidural steroid injection is as effective as transforaminal epidural injection. The middle interlaminar access is less traumatic. The choice of the administration technique depends on specialist experience and preferences. Epidural injections are performed both by a “blind method” (without imaging) and under control (fluoroscopy, ultrasound and CT) in order to improve the safety and carefulness of pharmacological drug administration. The equivalence of fluoroscopic, ultrasound and CT control of epidural injection in terms of treatment efficacy has been proved. Conclusions. Taking into account the high effectiveness of epidural steroid injections, the possibility of outpatient treatment in the absence of complications, makes it the method of choice in the treatment of radicular and lumbar pain caused by degenerative damage of the lumbar spine, after ineffective treatment.
... In 2009, Wolter et al. [29] first reported on the dorsal approach (Fig. 5A). A year later, they used the same approach to perform dorsal cervical SNRB in 53 patients [30]. In this approach, the patient is placed in a prone position. ...
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Cervical spondylotic radiculopathy (CSR) is one of the most common degenerative diseases of the spine that is commonly treated with surgery. The primary goal of surgery is to relieve symptoms through decompression or relieving pressure on compressed cervical nerves. Nevertheless, cutaneous pain distribution is not always predictable, making accurate diagnosis challenging and increasing the likelihood of inadequate surgical outcomes. With the widespread application of minimally invasive surgical techniques, the requirement for precise preoperative localization of the affected segments has become critical, especially when treating patients with multi-segmental CSR. Recently, the preoperative use of a selective nerve root block (SNRB) to localize the specific nerve roots involved in CSR has increased. However, few reviews discuss the currently used block approaches, risk factors, and other aspects of concern voiced by surgeons carrying out SNRB. This review summarized the main cervical SNRB approaches currently used clinically and the relevant technical details. Methods that can be used to decrease risk during cervical SNRB procedures, including choice of steroids, vessel avoidance, guidance with radiographs or ultra-sound, contrast agent usage, and other concerns, also are discussed. We concluded that a comprehensive understanding of the current techniques used for cervical SNRB would allow surgeons to perform cervical SNRB more safely.
... Group electrostimulation, [8][9][10][11][12] but until now, the method by Macnab et al has been used most widely. [13] Each radiological finding, however, included the use of a contrast agent, even though in a small amount, for nerve root identification. ...
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It is hypothesized that if it is confirmed that the pain caused by the injection needle coincides with the lower leg radiating pain(LLRP) that the patient mainly complains of, then the contrast agents may be used less. This study aims to understand if the identification of lancinating identical pain in the procedure could replace the use of contrast agents that causes additional pain provocation using control arm of randomized clinical trial. This retrospective study included 165 patients who met exclusion criteria from among patients who underwent Selective nerve root block for the treatment of LLRP. With the identical and lancinating pain confirmed in the same site of the patient, consistent with that of the original symptom, the subjects were divided into 2 groups: 1 without contrast injection (Non-Dye [ND] group; 57 patients) and the other with contrast injection (Dye [D] group; 108 patients). The degree of LLRP in the 2 groups was evaluated using visual analog scale (VAS) before injection, 2, 6, and 12 weeks after injection. Functional outcomes were measured using Owestry Disability Index and Rolland-Morris Disability Questionnair, whereas quality of life was measured using Physical component score and Mental component score of Short Form 36 (SF-36) before injection and 3 months after injection. There was no statistically significant difference in the LLRP severity in both groups at all times and no statistical difference in the degree of VAS improvement relative to the before-injection VAS value between the 2 groups at 2 and 6 weeks after injection (all P > .05). At 12 weeks after injection, there was a statistically significant difference, but they were below Minimum Clinical Important Difference, bearing little clinical implications. There was no statistically significant difference between the 2 groups in Owestry Disability Index, Rolland-Morris Disability Questionnair, SF-36 Physical component score, and SF-36 Mental component score at every interval (all P > .05). Instead of contrast agent injections that have been used for accurate nerve root identification during Selective Nerve Root Block, the method of merely checking if the needle-induced pain under fluoroscopic imaging is consistent with the LLRP that the patient predominantly experiences shows the same effect in the patient's pain control and functional outcome.
... In radiology practice, CT-guided procedures are the preferred technique which have demonstrated their safety and efficacy compared with fluoroscopy. [19][20][21] Anterolateral and posterior approaches have been described to access the cervical foramen before. 22 While pulsed radiofrequency combined with particulate steroids and ozone injection not only seeks closure of the dorsal root ganglion but also aims to reduce the possibility of accidental injection into the vertebral artery and its branches, our group has predominantly completed puncture into cervical dorsal root ganglion and injections through a posterior and upper quarter of the cervical foramina approach. ...
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Background Herpes zoster neuralgia has a considerable impact on people’s quality of life, especially after the development of postherpetic neuralgia. There are many clinical reports on the treatment of herpes zoster neuralgia, but there have been no special reports on the treatment of herpes zoster involving the neck. Our research focuses on a posterior and upper quarter of the cervical foramina puncture approach for herpes zoster involving the cervical 3–8 (C3-8) nerve region and to consider the safety and efficacy of pulsed radiofrequency combined with steroid injection and ozone injection in this puncture path under CT guidance. Materials and Methods A total of 104 patients with herpes zoster neuralgia involved in the cervical 3–8 nerve region use a posterior and upper quarter of the cervical foramina puncture approach received pulsed radiofrequency combined with steroid and ozone injection to the dorsal root ganglion. The total number of injection procedures, complications, NRS collection (preprocedure, postprocedure at once, two, four and 12 weeks) and drug dose decreases were documented. Results During a total of 257 procedures, 254 procedures successfully completed PRF (3 cases failed to reach the C8 aim points), and the rate of puncture failure was 1.17%. Drug injection was successfully performed in 252 procedures (the injection success rate was 99.21%); the NRSs (preprocedure, postprocedure at once, two, four and twelve weeks) were 5.75 ± 0.682, 2.6 ± 1.023, 2.21 ± 0.925, 1.89 ± 1.162, and 1.43 ± 1.369, and the difference among them was statistically significant. Drug dosages decreased before and after operation and showed statistically significant differences. Conclusion Pulsed radiofrequency combined with steroid and ozone injection for herpes zoster neuralgia involving the C3-8 nerves under CT guidance through a posterior superior quarter approach showed safety and efficacy and had a high success rate, and the NRS decreased significantly.
... TFCNRI is a diagnostic and often therapeutic treatment for cervical radiculopathy. [3] Variation of normal vertebral anatomy might predispose to accidental injection of local anaesthetic or steroids that could result in serious complications. e normal variation of corkscrew morphology can result in posterolateral displacement of the vertebral artery at one or more levels. ...
Objectives Trans-foraminal epidural injections have been used successfully to aid in the management of cervicobrachialagia. The aim of this study was to assess the cross sectional area of the vertebral artery during transforaminal cervical nerve root injections (TFCNRI) when the head is typically rotated and to compare with the neutral position cross sectional area. We hypothesize that head rotation does not lead to a change of vertebral artery calibre at the neural foramen, thus this technique can be performed relatively safely during TFCNRI. Material and Methods A pilot study involving a retrospective review of 16 computed tomography guided TFNRI was performed and cross sectional area of vertebral artery with head tilted and head in neutral position was performed. Results There was no correlation between the degree of head rotation and change in the area of the ipsilateral or contralateral vertebral artery. Conclusion We suggest that head can safely be rotated to varied degrees while performing TFCNRI.
Study Design. The literature on diagnostic tests available to the spine clinician for the evaluation of chronic low back pain was reviewed. Objectives. To review critically the available information and data on invasive diagnostic tests used for evaluation of chronic low back pain. Summary of Background Information. Numerous published studies have described the technique and clinical results of diagnostic blocks for chronic low back pain. There are various methodologies, but most lack of an adequate “gold standard” with which to compare the results of the diagnostic test. Methods. The available published studies of diagnostic tests commonly used in the evaluation of chronic low back pain were reviewed, with a focus on invasive techniques. The techniques were evaluated on the basis of the data available to support the conclusions that could be drawn for each of these techniques. The principles of diagnostic testing, including specificity and sensitivity, were reviewed and applied in the context of the data available for each of these invasive tests. Results. The essential features the clinician seeks in a diagnostic test are accuracy, safety, and reproducibility. It is essential to have a gold standard with which to compare the accuracy of a given diagnostic test. There is no completely reliable gold standard with which to compare a diagnostic test (or injection) when the absence of pain is the end point. The clinical setting in which the test is used directly affects the test results. The prevalence of the disease therefore affects the meaningfulness of the test results. Imaging studies have their greatest value in the exclusion of other conditions. These studies alone were not adequate for predicting the patients who would respond to controlled diagnostic blocks of the facet joint. Facet joint diagnostic blockade probably is most accurately performed by median nerve branch block. The greatest specificity for a positive response to a facet denervation procedure is achieved when the diagnosis is established via highly controlled anesthetic blocks. Over the past few decades, the sacroiliac joint has received varying degrees of interest as an important pain generator of low back pain. Despite testimonials to the contrary, no diagnostic physical examination has correlated with sufficient specificity to diagnose this condition reliably from a clinical standpoint. Lumbar discography has been one of the single most controversial subjects in the management of degenerative, painful lumbar spine conditions. The specificity and sensitivity are high for the diagnosis of disc degeneration. The question that revolves around discography concerns the accuracy of this test for the diagnosis of discogenic pain. An integral part of the problem is the lack of an adequate gold standard. In a comparison of nerve root blockade, sciatic nerve block, posterior ramus block, and subcutaneous injection in a cohort of patients with sciatica, the sensitivity of nerve root block was very high, with only a moderate level of specificity. In the case of diagnostic selective nerve blocks used for evaluation of complex or protean nerve compression, surgical confirmation and clinical results should be a reliable gold standard. Conflicting results have been presented depending on the target lesion and method of study. Conclusions. There are inherent limitations in the accuracy of all diagnostic tests. The tests used to diagnose the source of a patient’s chronic low back pain require accurate determination of the abolition or reproduction of the patient’s painful symptoms.
Cervical transforaminal blocks are frequently performed as a treatment of cervical radicular pain. These blocks are performed mostly under fluoroscopy, but a CT-guided technique also has been described. We describe a modification that leads to a more extraforaminal than transforaminal and equally selective nerve root block.
A comprehensive literature review. To review and critically evaluate the past literature focusing on incidence and clinical presentation of complications associated with transforaminal cervical epidural steroid injection (TFCESI) and techniques employed to avoid them. The overall goal is to guide the direction of future research and improve clinical care by increasing awareness of complications and measures that may be undertaken to increase safety. TFCESI is a component in the diagnosis and management of cervical radicular syndromes in patients who have failed conservative management. There has been much discussion and also controversy in the recent literature. Considerable attention has been paid to reports of catastrophic complications and proposed measures to avoid them. Medical databases were searched for studies of TFCESI. The bibliographies of these articles were then searched as well. Thoracic and lumbar articles were discarded as were any non-transforaminal cervical procedures or those that did not involve injection into the epidural space. Particular attention was paid to serious neurologic sequelae after TFCESI and its mechanism, as well as techniques being employed to avoid complications. There are a limited number of studies looking at complications of TFCESI. One retrospective study reported an overall rate of complications of 1.64%. There are reports of serious neurologic sequelae in the literature including brain and spinal cord infarction due to embolic phenomenon of particulate steroids. Cadaveric dissection revealed ascending and deep cervical arterial branches entering the external opening of the posterior intervertebral foramen, the classic target site for TFCESI. Measures to avoid complications mentioned in the literature include the use of nonparticulate steroids, test dose of local anesthetic before injection of steroids, live fluoroscopy, digital subtraction, no to light sedation, use of true lateral view to supplement frontal and oblique views in fluoroscopy, use of blunt needles, and computed tomography guidance. The literature reveals a number of rare, potentially catastrophic neurologic sequelae including brain and spinal cord infarction. Most of these are thought to be due to intravascular uptake of particulate steroids. The true overall incidence remains obscure due to the lack of blinded controlled studies. Injectionists, referring physicians, and patients should be aware of the nature and potential consequences of these complications. Additionally, it is imperative for injectionists to standardize techniques to minimize complications, especially by using a test dose of local anesthetic before injection of preferably nonparticulate corticosteroid.
The labelled steroid hormones [3H]hydrocortisone and [14C]testosterone, being injected into the gray matter of the rat spinal cord L5-L6 segments, were shown to be transported at a high velocity along the ventral (anterograde) and dorsal (retrograde) root fibres. The maximum velocity of axonal transport along the ventral and dorsal roots in adult rats was, on average, 3006 +/- 101 and 3028 +/- 48 mm/day for [3H]hydrocortisone and 4594 +/- 186 and 5185 +/- 485 mm/day for [14C]testosterone, respectively. In old rats, axonal transport of steroid hormones was markedly slower. Its maximum velocity along the ventral and dorsal roots averaged to 756 +/- 64 and 738 +/- 48 mm/day for [3H]hydrocortisone and 624 +/- 54 and 608 +/- 80 mm/day for [14C]testosterone, respectively. In old rats the amount of labelled hydrocortisone incorporated into the ventral root fibres was sharply reduced (by more than an order of the value) as compared to that in adult animals. At the same time, the intensity of the labelled testosterone incorporation into the ventral root fibres did not demonstrate any significant age-related difference. The injection of low doses of steroid hormones (from less than one microgram to a few micrograms) into the lumbar spinal cord resulted in a significant hyperpolarization several hours later first of the gastrocnemius and then of deltoideus muscle fibres. In old rats, such a hyperpolarization occurred much later. It is suggested that axonal transport of steroid hormones is one of the mechanisms responsible for the effects of hormones on the tissues, which undergoes considerable changes with ageing.
Thirty-two patients underwent periradicular corticosteroid injections with a lateral percutaneous approach under fluoroscopic guidance, to treat 34 foci of chronic cervical radiculopathy unresponsive to medical treatment alone. The mean evolutionary trends for radicular and neck pain relief were significant at 14 days (P <.001) and at 6 months (P <.001). The procedure did not produce any complications.
A 48-year-old man suffered from intractable neck pain irradiating to his right arm. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the cervical spine was unremarkable. A right-sided diagnostic C6-nerve root blockade was performed. Immediately following this seemingly uneventful procedure he developed a MRI-proven fatal cervical spinal cord infarction. We describe the blood supply of the cervical spinal cord and suggest that this infarction resulted from an impaired perfusion of the major feeding anterior radicular artery of the spinal cord, after local injection of iotrolan, bupivacaine, and triamcinolon-hexacetonide around the C6-nerve root on the right side.
Unlabelled: Although epidural steroid injections (ESIs) are a common treatment for chronic pain conditions, it is not clear whether there is consensus on their technical aspects. The current literature suggests that variations in technical aspects may affect ESI outcomes. The goal of the survey was to help establish a standard frame of reference for the performance of ESIs. We analyzed survey results from 68 academic anesthesia programs and 28 private practices in the United States. The main finding in this survey is that there is no clear-cut consensus as to the ideal method to perform ESI. There is a wide variation among individual practices in almost every technical aspect of ESI. Private practices use significantly more fluoroscopy than academic centers. The large difference was found in the cervical region where 73% of private practices and only 39% of academic institutions polled perform the ESIs with fluoroscopic guidance (P = 0.005). A similar discrepancy was found in approaches to the epidural space after laminectomy where 61% of private practices, but only 15% of academic centers, use the transforaminal approach. The study results indicate that there is no consensus, and that there is a wide variation in current practices. Implications: A national survey of practices performing epidural steroid injections was conducted. The purpose was to establish whether consensus exists on technical aspects of this procedure. The study results indicate that there is no consensus, and that there is a wide variation in current practices.
The literature on diagnostic tests available to the spine clinician for the evaluation of chronic low back pain was reviewed. To review critically the available information and data on invasive diagnostic tests used for evaluation of chronic low back pain. Numerous published studies have described the technique and clinical results of diagnostic blocks for chronic low back pain. There are various methodologies, but most lack of an adequate "gold standard" with which to compare the results of the diagnostic test. The available published studies of diagnostic tests commonly used in the evaluation of chronic low back pain were reviewed, with a focus on invasive techniques. The techniques were evaluated on the basis of the data available to support the conclusions that could be drawn for each of these techniques. The principles of diagnostic testing, including specificity and sensitivity, were reviewed and applied in the context of the data available for each of these invasive tests. The essential features the clinician seeks in a diagnostic test are accuracy, safety, and reproducibility. It is essential to have a gold standard with which to compare the accuracy of a given diagnostic test. There is no completely reliable gold standard with which to compare a diagnostic test (or injection) when the absence of pain is the end point. The clinical setting in which the test is used directly affects the test results. The prevalence of the disease therefore affects the meaningfulness of the test results. Imaging studies have their greatest value in the exclusion of other conditions. These studies alone were not adequate for predicting the patients who would respond to controlled diagnostic blocks of the facet joint. Facet joint diagnostic blockade probably is most accurately performed by median nerve branch block. The greatest specificity for a positive response to a facet denervation procedure is achieved when the diagnosis is established via highly controlled anesthetic blocks. Over the past few decades, the sacroiliac joint has received varying degrees of interest as an important pain generator of low back pain. Despite testimonials to the contrary, no diagnostic physical examination has correlated with sufficient specificity to diagnose this condition reliably from a clinical standpoint. Lumbar discography has been one of the single most controversial subjects in the management of degenerative, painful lumbar spine conditions. The specificity and sensitivity are high for the diagnosis of disc degeneration. The question that revolves around discography concerns the accuracy of this test for the diagnosis of discogenic pain. An integral part of the problem is the lack of an adequate gold standard. In a comparison of nerve root blockade, sciatic nerve block, posterior ramus block, and subcutaneous injection in a cohort of patients with sciatica, the sensitivity of nerve root block was very high, with only a moderate level of specificity. In the case of diagnostic selective nerve blocks used for evaluation of complex or protean nerve compression, surgical confirmation and clinical results should be a reliable gold standard. Conflicting results have been presented depending on the target lesion and method of study. There are inherent limitations in the accuracy of all diagnostic tests. The tests used to diagnose the source of a patient's chronic low back pain require accurate determination of the abolition or reproduction of the patient's painful symptoms.