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Universal Vaccines: Shifting to One for Many

American Society for Microbiology

Abstract and Figures

Human vaccines, with their exquisite antigenic specificity, have greatly helped to eliminate or dramatically abate the incidence of a number of historical and current plagues, from smallpox to bacterial meningitis. Nonetheless, as new infectious agents emerge and the number of vaccine-preventable diseases increases, the practice and benefits of single-pathogen- or disease-targeted vaccination may be put at risk by constraints of timely production, formulation complexity, and regulatory hurdles. During the last influenza pandemic, extraordinary efforts by vaccine producers and health authorities have had little or no influence on disease prevention or mitigation. Recent research demonstrating the possibility of protecting against all influenza A virus types or even phylogenetically distant pathogens with vaccines based on highly conserved peptide or saccharide sequences is changing our paradigm. “Universal vaccine” strategies could be particularly advantageous to address protection from antibiotic-resistant bacteria and fungi for which no vaccine is currently available.
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Universal Vaccines: Shifting to One for Many
Antonio Cassone
and Rino Rappuoli
Department of Infectious, Parasitic, and Immunomediated Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanita
`, Rome, Italy,
and Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Siena, Italy
ABSTRACT Human vaccines, with their exquisite antigenic specificity, have greatly helped to eliminate or dramatically abate the
incidence of a number of historical and current plagues, from smallpox to bacterial meningitis. Nonetheless, as new infectious
agents emerge and the number of vaccine-preventable diseases increases, the practice and benefits of single-pathogen- or
disease-targeted vaccination may be put at risk by constraints of timely production, formulation complexity, and regulatory hur-
dles. During the last influenza pandemic, extraordinary efforts by vaccine producers and health authorities have had little or no
influence on disease prevention or mitigation. Recent research demonstrating the possibility of protecting against all influenza A
virus types or even phylogenetically distant pathogens with vaccines based on highly conserved peptide or saccharide sequences
is changing our paradigm. “Universal vaccine” strategies could be particularly advantageous to address protection from
antibiotic-resistant bacteria and fungi for which no vaccine is currently available.
The current vaccination strategy or “dogma” (1) is that vaccines
prepared to fight a given disease are made by one or a few
specific antigens of the causative microbial agent or its microbial
or viral body with its whole set of antigens. In a few cases, the
vaccine is composed of antigenically related strains belonging to
the same bacterial species or viral family, such as, for instance, the
antituberculous Mycobacterium bovis BCG and smallpox vaccines.
When many different types or clades of the same species can cause
disease (as is, for instance, the case for pneumonia, bacteremia,
and meningitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae), the vaccine
may be composed of an unusually high number of antigens rep-
resentative of the most prevalent types or clades (up to 23 poly-
saccharides in the case of the adult vaccine).
There is nothing more to say about these highly specific vac-
cines, focused upon a single pathogen or disease, than to acknowl-
edge their extraordinary merits for the preservation of the health
of populations. Just to cite a few examples, they have helped to
eradicate, eliminate, or control a number of plagues, from small-
pox and polio among the viral illnesses to diphtheria and bacterial
meningitis among the bacterial illnesses. Together with hygienic
water, nothing has probably been more important in the history of
infectious diseases and medicine in general than these vaccines,
particularly in consideration of their benefits versus their costs.
This recognition has led to an ever-increasing appreciation of the
medical and social value of vaccination, thus fostering the gener-
ation of new vaccines that could substantially broaden the spec-
trum of vaccine-preventable diseases. Nonetheless, as the number
of vaccines increases and old and new diseases join the line for a
new vaccine, the practice and benefits of vaccination are being
challenged by several factors that, if taken complacently, could
severely undermine the confidence in the health benefits of vacci-
When numerous vaccines are used separately, their acceptabil-
ity by the population decreases, as they require an increase in the
number of visits, administrations, side effects, and costs. Further-
more, when a new vaccine is approved, its insertion into the es-
tablished vaccination schedule without affecting compliance with
vaccination may become problematic. The combination of many
different vaccines in a single vial can overcome these issues and has
indeed been successfully achieved for some pediatric vaccines.
Nonetheless, this procedure raises concerns about the preserva-
tion of vaccine quality, long-term stability, and avoidance of neg-
ative interactions among the individual antigens. In addition,
multidose vaccines usually require blending with a preservative to
keep their stability and avoid contamination. The most-used pre-
servative, thimerosal (Merthiolate), continues to be publicly de-
bated for its potential side effects on the nervous system, despite
scientific evidence to the contrary. Finally, combination vaccines
may not be suitable for poor countries and may not be able to keep
up with rapid epidemiological changes. Overall, it is hard to imag-
ine that putting all of the needed vaccines together in a single vial
can be a solution for the future.
Particular problems arise when the vaccine target is a microbe
or a virus spread in nature as multiple variants (serogroups, sero-
types, clades, etc.), all causing the same infections. This is a chal-
lenge, for instance, with both the meningococci and still more
with pneumococci (2). In the case of Streptococcus pneumoniae,91
capsular serotype variants are known, and although most of them
are infrequent causes of disease in humans, the number of infec-
tious types remains high. The 23-polysaccharide vaccine generates
opsonic antibodies directed against serotype-specific capsular
polysaccharides and is safe and protective but does not immunize
2-year-old children (an age range that includes a high propor-
tion of the most severe cases of pneumococcal bacteremia and
meningitis). In addition, its efficacy in immunocompromised pa-
tients is quite inconsistent. Glycoconjugate vaccines have been
generated with the capsular polysaccharides of the most wide-
spread and aggressive S. pneumoniae serotypes. They induce
T-cell-dependent immunity and opsonizing antibodies directed
against type-specific capsular polysaccharides even in very young
children (2). These vaccines are also safe and highly protective
against invasive S. pneumoniae infections, but serotype shifting
may elude the antibody response and displace the vaccine strain. A
Published 18 May 2010
Citation Cassone, A., and R. Rappuoli. 2010. Universal vaccines: shifting to one for many.
mBio 1(1):e00042-10. doi:10.1128/mBio.00042-10.
Copyright © 2010 Cassone and Rappuoli. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0
Unported License, which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Address correspondence to Antonio Cassone,
April 2010 Volume 1 Issue 1 e00042-10 1
major event of this kind has been the replacement of vaccine se-
rotypes with nonvaccine serotype 19A, a serotype of S. pneu-
moniae that is prevalent worldwide, is clinically important, and
has the potential for multidrug resistance (2, 3). Thus, we are in a
continuous and breathless race, chasing an elusive and dreadful
threat with the best of our current glycoconjugate technology to
increase the number of vaccine constituents and ensure an effi-
cient formulation. However successful, all of this requires cum-
bersome and costly reformulation of the vaccine from time to
time, with an obvious upper limit.
Fortunately, pneumococcal vaccines do not change every year,
as influenza vaccine does! The latter probably constitutes an ex-
treme example of the limitations posed by vaccines with highly
focused specificity. Owing to the high variability of its main anti-
genic constituents inducing neutralizing antibodies (i.e., hemag-
glutinin [HA] and neuraminidase, glycoproteins of the viral en-
velope), annual reformulation of a previous vaccine or simply the
generation of a totally new one is needed to achieve sufficient
protection of the population against the changing threat. Vaccine
production, testing for effectiveness, approval by regulatory bod-
ies, distribution, and use require something approaching 1 year, a
time frame that can make the vaccine useless. The severe limita-
tions of this situation are most acutely apparent when a new pan-
demic virus, spreading globally in few weeks, emerges: in the last
three influenza pandemics (1957, 1968, and the 2009 ongoing
one), when a vaccine could be and was indeed produced, the im-
pact, if any, of vaccination on disease prevention or mitigation has
been low (4; This is particularly frustrating
when, as in the last influenza A (H1N1) 2009 pandemic, the oc-
currence of a new pandemic had long been anticipated, sustained
efforts by public health authorities and international scientific or-
ganizations were brought to the highest possible preparedness
level, and vaccine manufacturers were forced to make a major,
unprecedented technological and resourceful effort to produce a
vaccine as rapidly as possible.
To confront these remarkable problems, various options and
technological advances for the more rapid production of vaccines
are being pursued, and these will clearly help. Nonetheless, it is
unlikely that the challenge will be met exclusively by technology,
since this also requires an evolution of our approach to vaccine
generation aimed at identifying commonalities in a world of an-
tigenic diversity. With specific reference to influenza, it has long
been suspected that a solution could come from the identification
of highly conserved sequences in the viral genome and the con-
struction of a vaccine accordingly. In this launching issue of mBio,
Steel et al. (5) provide an example of the application of the above-
described concepts and technical advances by demonstrating that
a vaccine based on a highly conserved sequence of the HA stalk
region elicited cross-protective antibodies and was broadly pro-
tective in a murine influenza model. This follows a number of
older and more recent contributions identifying human antibod-
ies generated by immunization with inactivated seasonal influ-
enza vaccine or just screened from combinatorial antibody librar-
ies, which were cross-reactive with such distant H1 and H5 HAs.
These monoclonal antibodies bound to a conserved epitope of the
nonglobular portion of the HA molecule close to or containing the
fusion peptide (6). Previously, other regions of the influenza virus,
pertaining to either the nucleoprotein or the M2 protein of the
pericapsidic virus membrane, had been identified; these regions
contain highly conserved sequences suitable, in principle, for the
generation of cross-protective antibodies and cell-mediated im-
munity. This may occur especially when the antigenic construct is
linked to ligands of Toll-like receptors for efficient stimulation of
innate immunity (7–10). In this regard, it is of interest that better
coverage of influenza can be obtained by the use of oil-in-water
adjuvants, such as MF59 and ASO3, which have turned out to be
potent stimulators of innate immunity (11). In a recent work, it
has been shown that MF59 may render highly immunodominant
also those epitopes which are of low intrinsic dominance when
other adjuvants are used (12), thus helping to induce strong spe-
cific antibody responses. Figure 1 schematically summarizes the
path of influenza vaccine progress. Traditionally, we have had to
use a different vaccine for every single virus variant; however,
today we can protect against a subgroup of strains by using an
adjuvanted vaccine able to cover the diversity of closely related
viruses. It is hoped that, in the near future, universal vaccines will
be the final solution to pandemic and seasonal influenza.
Is influenza the only disease that warrants approaches for univer-
sal vaccines? Clearly, it is not, as the call to extend this vaccination
practice to all diseases that need it justifies many other instances
where approaches to universal vaccines, meaning sustained efforts
FIG 1 Schematic representation of the progress in the development of vac-
cines against the most recent pandemic and seasonal H1N1 influenza virus
strains. The use of adjuvants already allows the coverage of closely related
strains with one vaccine. In the future, a universal vaccine may cover all strains.
Perspective April 2010 Volume 1 Issue 1 e00042-10
to identify common antigenic determinants of types or clades and
generate vaccines based on these commonalities, are pursued.
Nowadays, the application of this “universality” strategy to vac-
cines for many other diseases has come out of the clouds of pure
empiricism and has been made realistic by the enormous progress
made in genomic research, particularly by whole-genome se-
quencing, reverse genetics, and vaccinology and the use of com-
binatorial antibody libraries and recombinant DNA technology.
The ability to sequence the genomes of microorganisms has been
a quantum leap in the ability to mine the microbial blueprint and
discover conserved antigens that could not be identified by other
technologies. Contributory is also the extensive use of more classic
biochemical techniques, particularly with polysaccharides and
glycoconjugate technologies, with all of this blended with the ex-
traordinary advances in the knowledge of receptors, ligands, and
mechanisms of innate and adaptive immunity (6, 11).
The case for a universal pneumococcal vaccine has already
been discussed. A promising approach is one based on a combi-
nation of a few highly conserved pneumococcal proteins, inclusive
of the pneumolysin derivatives and some cell surface proteins.
Examples of broad serotype protection with these protein-based
vaccines have been obtained in experimental models (3). A me-
ningococcal vaccine immunizing against all serogroups, including
serogroup B, against which there is no available vaccine, is also
being addressed (13). With the aim to overcome the high diversity
of HIV, a universal vaccine based on a chimeric protein encom-
passing the 14 most conserved HIV regions, inserted into efficient
viral vectors, has been designed and tested in preclinical models
(14). A universal vaccine strategy to fight the heterogeneity of
arenavirus causing severe human infections has recently been pro-
posed (15). In all of the cases mentioned above, we are dealing
with somewhat “restricted universality,” since the vaccines are
intended to protect against defined, closely related members of a
species or family of infectious agents.
Other, less restricted instances of “universality” with much
broader applications and consequences also deserve careful con-
sideration in view of the encouraging preliminary results. They
suggest that the “universality” strategy could be particularly ap-
pealing, and feasible, for the generation of a vaccine against the
large group of bacteria and fungi for which there is so far no
vaccine at all.
A prominent one is made up of bacteria that mostly cause
health care-associated infections. There is no vaccine against bac-
teria such as Staphylococcus aureus,Escherichia coli,Pseudomonas
spp., and Acinetobacter baumannii, which together are responsible
for the majority of the infections mentioned above, ranging from
septicemia to pneumonia and urinary tract infections, with mil-
lions of cases worldwide and elevated mortality despite antibiotic
use (16). Adding to the threat, these bacteria often convey a wide
array of antibiotic resistance traits and some strains of A. bauman-
nii are actually resistant to almost all of the antibiotics in use.
Species variants and types of these bacteria and the virulence fac-
tors possessed by each of them are so numerous and diverse that it
is quite unlikely to be possible to have specific vaccines. Recently,
a glycoconjugate of a synthetic, deacetylated beta-(1-6)-linked,
N-acetylated oligoglucosamine polysaccharide (poly-N-acetyl-
glucosamine) which is shared by practically all of the bacteria
listed above has been shown to induce antibodies that opsonize
and kill both S. aureus and E. coli and protect against infections by
these two bacteria in reliable experimental models (17).
Special attention should also be focused on fungal infections,
the most widespread of which (for instance, aspergillosis, crypto-
coccosis, and invasive candidiasis) typically occur in the setting of
immunocompromised patients. Moreover, species of the genus
Candida, the most frequent agents of fungal infections, are human
commensals and species of the genus Cryptococcus can establish a
latent host infection. Immunoevasion can occur through antigen
target restriction, immunodepression, latency, and commensal-
ism, which are all conditions that raise remarkable obstacles to
vaccination against each single agent or species (18). The perspec-
tive would clearly change if we could make available a vaccine
protective against all of the main fungal agents in patients who
share almost overlapping risk factors (e.g., neutropenia) and
could therefore be vaccinated before they became debilitated and
immunocompromised. Our approach to a universal vaccine
against opportunistic fungal pathogens relied on the use of lami-
narin, a beta-glucan from algae, which was conjugated with a ge-
netically detoxified diphtheria toxin and used to immunize and
protect from both Candida and Aspergillus fungi (19). The anti-
beta-glucan antibodies generated by the above vaccination and
monoclonal antibodies sharing that specificity proved to be pro-
tective also against Cryptococcus (20). Importantly, all of these
antibodies showed a direct inhibitory activity against the three
pathogens in the absence of host cells. Directly inhibitory antibod-
ies are uncommon and may have advantages for use in immuno-
compromised patients. An approach with an even wider purpose
is so-called “idiotypic vaccination” (21). This is based on immu-
nization with an antibody directed against a wide-spectrum yeast
killer toxin to raise anti-idiotypic antibodies that mimic the fun-
gicidal activity of the killer toxin itself. Further support for these
universal vaccine approaches comes from recent investigations
showing that a vaccine composed of heat-killed yeast (Saccharo-
myces cerevisiae) cells is protective against coccidiomycosis, be-
sides candidiasis (22, 27; Cassone et al., unpublished data). Still
more remarkable is the approach taken by some researchers to
generate protective immunity against both Candida albicans and
Staphylococcus aureus (two top-ranking causes of health care-
associated infections) by the use of a vaccine based on the Candida
adhesin Als3 (23, 24).
There is now hope, sustained by knowledge and technology, for
the generation of broadly protective “universal” vaccines re-
stricted to species or groups of closely related pathogens or even
cross-family or -kingdom vaccines. Overall, it is time to address a
new strategy for vaccination based on antigenic commonalities for
cross-protective vaccine production. Of particular interest is the
fact that some highly conserved universal sequences such as those
present in cell surface or cell wall polysaccharides such as beta-
glucan are well-known “pathogen-associated molecular patterns”
(PAMP) which are sensed by a host’s innate immune system, with
a cascade of immunologic events leading to the activation of an-
timicrobial effectors and antigen-presenting cells which ulti-
mately determine the fate of antigen-specific adaptive immunity.
In theory, PAMP-based vaccines could suitably merge the two
phases of immune responses for optimal anti-infectious protec-
tion in a way expressing the immunizing potency of an adjuvant-
antigen mixture in the same molecule (8, 25).
April 2010 Volume 1 Issue 1 e00042-10 3
Beta-glucan-based fungal vaccines can generate fungicidal or
fungus growth-inhibitory antibodies (18, 19). Theoretically, bac-
tericidal antibodies could be raised by immunization with func-
tionally similar, highly conserved PAMP such as, for instance,
peptidoglycan fragments, alone or conjugated to a carrier. These
antibodies would act as antibiotics, and Polonelli and collabora-
tors have coined the term “antibiobodies” for them (26). These
antibodies could be a breakthrough in the therapy of immuno-
compromised patients.
Nonetheless, universal vaccines carry some potential limita-
tions and constraints that must be identified and overcome for
their rational exploitation. The first and somewhat obvious one is
some defocusing of the immune responses and then a decrease in
the capacity to eliminate or keep at bay the etiologic agent. Uni-
versal sequences may not be immunodominant, raising the issue
of how to potentiate the dominance of antigenic determinants
without excessive inflammation. The use of potent viral vectors,
presentation as virus-like particles, conjugation with highly im-
munogenic carriers, and formulation with improved adjuvants
such as oil-in-water mixtures or PAMP are some of the tools being
exploited. All of the above, in particular the use of PAMP either as
an antigen or as a carrier, conveys the possibility of raising auto-
immune responses through molecular mimicry or even raising
immune responses which dampen the host’s capacity to recognize
FIG 2 Schematic view of the history, progress, and perspective of universal vaccines and the accompanying technological tools that make that progress feasible.
Perspective April 2010 Volume 1 Issue 1 e00042-10
molecular pattern signatures for a first-line antimicrobial defense.
Finally, these broadly specific immune responses might strongly
affect the human microbiota, causing excessive elimination of in-
nocent bystanders. Thus, a careful dissection of host beneficial
immunity from harmful responses is necessary. Nonetheless, we
should not be deterred from in-depth exploration of what is com-
mon to a defined type, species, or group of microorganisms, even
if they are very distantly related, to move ahead our current strat-
egy of vaccination. Figure 2 schematizes the vaccine history and
perspective that are leading those working with vaccines from a
merely empirical microbiological stage to a future one which
promises to use the best of our “-omics” to generate vaccines using
single antigens to protect against many diseases caused by genet-
ically related or even very dissimilar pathogens.
We thank Annalisa Pantosti and Antonella Torosantucci (ISS, MIPI De-
partment) for reading the manuscript and helpful discussions.
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April 2010 Volume 1 Issue 1 e00042-10 5
... However, these vaccines are not effective against disseminated candidiasis. It seems that the major limitation of several vaccines to systemic candidiasis is the use of univalent formulations, a strategy shared by most modern vaccines (Cassone and Rappuoli 2010;Cassone 2015). C. albicans could escape from a specific immune response expressing other virulence traits. ...
... Another advantage of using fungal EVs in vaccine formulations is the presence of several conserved proteins with antigenic potential, which could induce cross-protection, an issue that remains to be tested (Piffer et al. 2021;Nimrichter et al. 2016;Vallejo et al. 2012). Vaccine formulations with this property are considered pan-vaccines or universal vaccines (Cassone and Rappuoli 2010). ...
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are released by virtually all live cells. In fungal organisms, the EVs traverse the cell wall and reach the extracellular environment, where they can interact with host cells and potentially impact the disease outcome. Compositional analyses have demonstrated that fungal EVs carry lipids, proteins, polysaccharides, glycans, nucleic acids, and a diversity of small metabolites. Among this variety of compounds, several molecules with immunogenic properties were characterized. It corroborates with their ability to stimulate innate immune cells, induce antibody production and protect insects and mice against fungal infections. In this chapter, we discuss the advantages of using fungal EVs as a new platform for the development of antifungal vaccines.
... Considering that systemic candidiasis is usually associated with altered immune status, such as neutrophil or CD4 + T cells immunodeficiencies, adjunctive therapies that stimulate effector functions in the immune response are potential alternatives (Cassone, 2013;Cassone & Rappuoli, 2010;Kullberg & van de Veerdonk, 2014;Scriven, Tenforde, Levitz, & Jarvis, 2017). This stimulation should be specially effective when the pre-existing immunity is modified or strongly reduced by immunosuppressing conditions (Cassone, 2013). ...
... A number of univalent vaccines, formulations carrying a single antigen, have been investigated in mice models and two of them tested in human clinical trials (De Bernardis et al., 2012;Li et al., 2011;Raska et al., 2008;Sui, Yan, & Jiang, 2017;Vilanova et al., 2004). However, according to Cassone (Cassone, 2013;Cassone & Rappuoli, 2010), the use of univalent formulations would be able to induce protection limited to specific body niches sites. ...
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid bilayered compartments released by virtually all living cells, including fungi. Among the diverse molecules carried by fungal EVs, a number of immunogens, virulence factors and regulators have been characterized. Within EVs, these components could potentially impact disease outcomes by interacting with the host. From this perspective, we previously demonstrated that EVs from C. albicans could be taken up by and activate macrophages and dendritic cells to produce cytokines and express costimulatory molecules. Moreover, pre‐treatment of Galleria mellonella larvae with fungal EVs protected the insects against a subsequent lethal infection with C. albicans yeasts. These data indicate that C. albicans EVs are multi‐antigenic compartments that activate the innate immune system and could be exploited as vaccine formulations. Here we investigated whether immunization with C. albicans EVs induces a protective effect against murine candidiasis in immunosuppressed mice. Total and fungal antigen‐specific serum IgG antibodies increased by 21 days after immunization, confirming the efficacy of the protocol. Vaccination decreased fungal burden in the liver, spleen and kidney of mice challenged with C. albicans. Splenic levels of cytokines indicated a lower inflammatory response in mice immunized with EVs when compared with EVs+Freund's adjuvant (ADJ). Higher levels of IL‐12p70, TNFα and IFNγ were detected in mice vaccinated with EVs+ADJ, while IL‐12p70, TGFβ, IL‐4 and IL‐10 were increased when no adjuvants were added. Full protection of lethally challenged mice was observed when EVs were administered, regardless the presence of adjuvant. Physical properties of the EVs were also investigated and EVs produced by C. albicans were relatively stable after storage at 4, ‐20 or ‐80 0C, keeping their ability to activate dendritic cells and to protect G. mellonella against a lethal candidiasis. Our data suggest that fungal EVs could be a safe source of antigens to be exploited in vaccine formulations. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... A number of antibodies or their engineered derivatives directed against C. albicans cell wall compounds have been shown to confer protection (297)(298)(299)(300) . The discovery of numerous antigens on the fungal cell wall that elicit protective antibody responses raises the possibility of vaccines designed with multiple antigens, and/or passive therapies that combine antibodies with different specificities (301,302) . ...
... Some papers support the idea that it may be possible to develop an antifungal vaccine that grants protection against multiple fungal pathogens (299,303,304) . Some studies have focused on CMI as the mechanism of protection (305) , whereas others have determined that antibodies specific to certain Candida antigens are protective (297,306) . ...
Introduction: Genital warts are a troublesome therapeutic issue. Pulsed-dye laser (PDL) is a non-ablative therapeutic tool for viral warts. Intralesional Candida albicans (C. albicans) immunotherapy has yielded promising results in treatment of various types of warts. We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of PDL versus C. albicans immunotherapy for treatment of genital warts. Methods: Forty adult patients with genital warts were divided into two equal groups; the first was treated using PDL and the second using intralesional C. albicans antigen injection. Treatments were performed at 3-week intervals until complete lesion resolution or for a maximum of three sessions. Results: PDL yielded higher complete clearance rates (95%) than C. albicans antigen (50%; p = 0.001), which in turn had the advantage of treating distant and internal genital warts. Apart from pain during the session in PDL, both modalities were well tolerated with no recurrence in cured patients during the 16-week follow-up period. Conclusions: PDL and C. albicans antigen injection are safe and effective treatment alternatives for genital warts. PDL yielded better frequencies of clearance, but C. albicans antigen has additional advantages, including a single injection site and treating distant and internal mucosal uninjected warts, which are usually difficult to treat.
... Since then, vaccinology has progressed with advances in genetic engineering and biotechnology to reverse vaccinology, computational vaccinology, personalized vaccinology and recombinant vaccines such as the hepatitis B vaccine [12]. Recently, the use of highly conserved protein or saccharide sequences has been proposed for the development of vaccines with potential efficacy against multiple pathogens [13,14]. ...
Introduction Vaccines are a major achievement in medical sciences, but the development of more effective vaccines against infectious diseases is essential for prevention and control of emerging pathogens worldwide. The application of omics technologies has advanced vaccinology through the characterization of host-vector-pathogen molecular interactions and the identification of candidate protective antigens. However, major challenges such as host immunity, pathogen and environmental factors and vaccine efficacy and safety need to be addressed. Vaccinomics provides a platform to address these challenges and improve vaccine efficacy and safety. Areas covered In this review we summarized current information on vaccinomics and proposed quantum vaccinomics approaches to further advance vaccine development through the identification and combination of antigen protective epitopes, the immunological quantum. The COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 is an example of emerging infectious diseases with global impact on human health. Expert opinion Vaccines are required for the effective and environmentally sustainable intervention for the control of emerging infectious diseases worldwide. Recent advances in vaccinomics provides a platform to address challenges to improve vaccine efficacy and implementation. As proposed here, quantum vaccinomics will contribute to vaccine development, efficacy and safety by facilitating antigen combinations to target pathogen infection and transmission in emerging infectious diseases.
... β-glucans have been identified as PaKT receptors, while β-glucans or glucan-like molecules have been proposed as targets for antibiobodies [49]. Since β-glucans are absent in mammalian cells, new perspectives for transphyletic anti-infective control strategies have been envisaged, based on anti-β-glucan antibiobodies as novel broad-spectrum immunotherapeutics, including their expression in vivo from suitably engineered commensal bacteria [50], and β-glucan conjugates as new potential universal antifungal (antimicrobial) vaccines [51]. ...
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Mycoses still represent relevant opportunistic infections worldwide, although overshadowed in recent years by other severe and more widespread infections. Moreover, deep-seated mycoses are often accompanied by unacceptably high mortality rates. Etiologic agents include endogenous components of the mycobiota, Candida and Malassezia species above all, and exogenous species, both yeasts and filamentous fungi. Old and new fungal pathogens are increasingly characterized by resistance to the existing antifungal agents, making imperative the search for effective and safe new therapeutics. Among the candidate molecules proposed in recent decades, synthetic peptides derived from the complementarity determining and constant regions of diverse antibodies (Abs), as well as the translated products of Ab-encoding genes, have proved of considerable interest. Their anti-infective activities, regardless of the specificity and isotype of the originating Ab, will be briefly presented and discussed in the light of their different mechanisms of action. Intriguing suggestions on the possible function of Abs after their half-life will be presented, following the recent detection, in human serum, of an antimicrobial Ab-derived peptide. Overall, Abs could represent a source of biologically active, highly flexible peptides, devoid of detectable toxicity, which can be easily synthesized and manipulated to be used, alone or in association with already available drugs, for new anti-infective strategies.
... Although there are diverse variations in polysaccharide composition across species, there are conserved components, such as a core of branched β-1,3-glucan-chitin [24]. Thus, the fact that fungi have preserved compounds in both the cell wall and plasma membrane makes it theoretically possible to develop a universal vaccine, where the presence of a common antigen among closely-related and/or disparate pathogens could be used to protect against different mycosis or even disease caused by others microorganisms [25,26]. For example, a β-glucan laminarin has demonstrated protection against infection by Candida and Aspergillus species by means of growth-inhibiting antibodies, particularly when conjugated with the diphtheria toxoid CRM197 carrier protein [27][28][29]. ...
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Vaccination is one of the greatest public health achievements in the past century, protecting and improving the quality of life of the population worldwide. However, a safe and effective vaccine for therapeutic or prophylactic treatment of fungal infections is not yet available. The lack of a vaccine for fungi is a problem of increasing importance as the incidence of diverse species, including Paracoccidioides, Aspergillus, Candida, Sporothrix, and Coccidioides, has increased in recent decades and new drug-resistant pathogenic fungi are emerging. In fact, our antifungal armamentarium too frequently fails to effectively control or cure mycoses, leading to high rates of mortality and morbidity. With this in mind, many groups are working towards identifying effective and safe vaccines for fungal pathogens, with a particular focus of generating vaccines that will work in individuals with compromised immunity who bear the major burden of infections from these microbes. In this review, we detail advances in the development of vaccines for pathogenic fungi, and highlight new methodologies using immunoproteomic techniques and bioinformatic tools that have led to new vaccine formulations, like peptide-based vaccines.
... The best effect was ob- tained after administration of two native or recombinant ArtinM doses on days 10 and 3 before challenge with P. brasiliensis. This treatment strategy reduced the fungal bur- den and lung granuloma incidence and augmented the levels of IL-12, IFN-γ , TNF-α, and nitric oxide (NO), favoring Th1 immunity in comparison with the untreated infected mice [125]. ...
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Pandemic dynamics and health care responses are markedly different during the COVID-19 pandemic than in earlier outbreaks. Compared with established infectious disease such as influenza, we currently know relatively little about the origin, reservoir, cross-species transmission and evolution of SARS-CoV-2. Health care services, drug availability, laboratory testing, research capacity and global governance are more advanced than during 20th century pandemics, although COVID-19 has highlighted significant gaps. The risk of zoonotic transmission and an associated new pandemic is rising substantially. COVID-19 vaccine development has been done at unprecedented speed, with the usual sequential steps done in parallel. The pandemic has illustrated the feasibility of this approach and the benefits of a globally coordinated response and infrastructure. Some of the COVID-19 vaccines recently developed or currently in development might offer flexibility or sufficiently broad protection to swiftly respond to antigenic drift or emergence of new coronaviruses. Yet many challenges remain, including the large-scale production of sufficient quantity of vaccines, delivery of vaccines to all countries and ensuring vaccination of relevant age groups. This wide vaccine technology approach will be best employed in tandem with active surveillance for emerging variants or new pathogens using antigen mapping, metagenomics and next generation sequencing.
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Background Influenza A (H5N1) virus is a global concern with potential as a pandemic threat. High sequence variability of influenza A viruses is a major challenge for effective vaccine design. A continuing goal towards this is a greater understanding of influenza A (H5N1) proteome sequence diversity in the context of the immune system (antigenic diversity), the dynamics of mutation, and effective strategies to overcome the diversity for vaccine design. Methods Herein, we report a comprehensive study of the dynamics of H5N1 mutations by analysis of the aligned overlapping nonamer positions (1–9, 2–10, etc.) of more than 13,000 protein sequences of avian and human influenza A (H5N1) viruses, reported over at least 50 years. Entropy calculations were performed on 9,408 overlapping nonamer position of the proteome to study the diversity in the context of immune system. The nonamers represent the predominant length of the binding cores for peptides recognized by the cellular immune system. To further dissect the sequence diversity, each overlapping nonamer position was quantitatively analyzed for four patterns of sequence diversity motifs: index, major, minor and unique. Results Almost all of the aligned overlapping nonamer positions of each viral proteome exhibited variants (major, minor, and unique) to the predominant index sequence. Each variant motif displayed a characteristic pattern of incidence change in relation to increased total variants. The major variant exhibited a restrictive pyramidal incidence pattern, with peak incidence at 50% total variants. Post this peak incidence, the minor variants became the predominant motif for majority of the positions. Unique variants, each sequence observed only once, were present at nearly all of the nonamer positions. The diversity motifs (index and variants) demonstrated complex inter-relationships, with motif switching being a common phenomenon. Additionally, 25 highly conserved sequences were identified to be shared across viruses of both hosts, with half conserved to several other influenza A subtypes. Discussion The presence of distinct sequences (nonatypes) at nearly all nonamer positions represents a large repertoire of reported viral variants in the proteome, which influence the variability dynamics of the viral population. This work elucidated and provided important insights on the components that make up the viral diversity, delineating inherent patterns in the organization of sequence changes that function in the viral fitness-selection. Additionally, it provides a catalogue of all the mutational changes involved in the dynamics of H5N1 viral diversity for both avian and human host populations. This work provides data relevant for the design of prophylactics and therapeutics that overcome the diversity of the virus, and can aid in the surveillance of existing and future strains of influenza viruses.
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A vaccine inducing protection against most of the circulating variants of serogroup B meningococcal strains is not yet available. A number of plausible options are currently under investigation. A conjugate vaccine based on a modified capsular polysaccharide might well work, but has safety concerns from molecular mimicry between group B sialic acid and human tissue. Recently, however, the group B capsule has been shown to contain de-N-acetyl sialic acid residues that do not cross-react with normal host tissues and can then be the target of bactericidal antibodies. Potentially, this polysaccharide structure could form the basis of a safe and protective group B vaccine. Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) from Neisseria lactamica avoid the immunodominant and highly strain specific immune response against the PorA protein, and are reported to elicit cross-reactive protection in mice against lethality from challenge with meningococcal group B bacteria. However, the serum antibody responses lack bactericidal activity, and the mechanisms of protection are unknown. A number of universal, cross-reactive antigens have been identified through “genomic mining” and successfully tested as recombinant protein vaccines. Promising results have also been demonstrated using OMV vaccines prepared from strains engineered for up-regulation of conserved, cross-reactive antigens. This approach takes advantage of experience gained with conventional wild-type OMV vaccines and the large number of new antigens identified through sequencing the genome of N. meningitidis. Initial studies show that the traditional use of detergents to decrease toxicity by extraction of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) should, if possible, be omitted in order to avoid extraction of important lipoproteins. In the absence of detergent extraction, clinical OMV formulations with acceptable toxicity may still be achieved by constructing vaccine production strains with genetically detoxified LPS. Thus, a MenB vaccine might be designed based on non-cross-reactive capsular antigens, OMV vaccines from genetically modified strains, recombinant proteins, or a combination of these approaches. Given all of the recent data available and experience gained, the possibility for development of a universal vaccine for prevention of group B meningococcal disease looks promising. For evaluation of vaccine formulations that relay on cross-reactive proteins, selection of strains for representation of the global epidemiological situation will be of outmost importance. Defining criteria for establishing and revising such strain collections is currently ongoing and will be a key element in developing and evaluating new protein based vaccines in the time to come.
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Although highly effective in the general population when well matched to circulating influenza virus strains, current influenza vaccines are limited in their utility due to the narrow breadth of protection they provide. The strain specificity of vaccines presently in use mirrors the exquisite specificity of the neutralizing antibodies that they induce, that is, antibodies which bind to the highly variable globular head domain of hemagglutinin (HA). Herein, we describe the construction of a novel immunogen comprising the conserved influenza HA stalk domain and lacking the globular head. Vaccination of mice with this headless HA construct elicited immune sera with broader reactivity than those obtained from mice immunized with a full-length HA. Furthermore, the headless HA vaccine provided full protection against death and partial protection against disease following lethal viral challenge. Our results suggest that the response induced by headless HA vaccines is sufficiently potent to warrant their further development toward a universal influenza virus vaccine. IMPORTANCE Current influenza vaccines are effective against only a narrow range of influenza virus strains. It is for this reason that new vaccines must be generated and administered each year. We now report progress toward the goal of an influenza virus vaccine which would protect against multiple strains. Our approach is based on presentation to the host immune system of a region of the influenza virus—called a “headless hemagglutinin” (headless HA)—which is similar among a multitude of diverse strains. We show that vaccination of mice with a headless HA confers protection to these animals against a lethal influenza virus challenge, thereby demonstrating the viability of the approach. Through further development and testing, we predict that a single immunization with a headless HA vaccine will offer effective protection through several influenza epidemics.
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Author Summary The bacterium Staphylococcus aureus and the fungus Candida are the second and third leading cause of bloodstream infections in hospitalized patients. A vaccine to prevent such infections would be of enormous public health benefit. The leading hypothesis to explain why vaccines have not been successfully developed against these infections is that the microbes causing the infections are highly complex, and use multiple weapons (so-called “virulence factors”) to cause disease in humans. Therefore, a vaccine targeting either infection would have to neutralize many of these virulence factors at the same time. We have been developing a vaccine that simultaneously targets both types of infections. Our vaccine is based on a single virulence factor used by Candida, which has a similar shape to virulence factors used by S. aureus. In the current study, we report that our vaccine induces specialized cells in the immune system to more effectively call in reinforcements to kill the organisms. These data demonstrate that vaccines against both organisms can be developed even if they do not work by neutralizing multiple virulence factors, and therefore open the door to a far wider array of vaccine types against both infections.
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We determined reactivity of human blood to a vaccine based on the recombinant N-terminus of candidal Als3p (rAls3p- N) in preparation for future clinical trials. Healthy donor plasma had high immunoglobulin Gtiters (median, 1:51,200) and lower immunoglobulin A (median, 1:3,200) and immunoglobulin E (median, 1:128) titers to rAls3p-N by enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay. rAls3p-N stimulated interferon g (IFN-γ) and interleukin (IL)-17, but not IL-4, from donor lymphocytes by enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot assay and IL-12 p70, IFN-γ, IL-17, and IL-10 by cytometric bead array. Donors reacted to diverse immunodominant epitopes. Thus, facile humoral and cellular assays can monitor immune responses to the rAls3p-N vaccine in planned clinical trials.
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Pneumococcal polysaccharide-based vaccines are effective in preventing pneumococcus infection; however, some drawbacks preclude their widespread use in developing and undeveloped countries. Here, we evaluated the protective effects of ATP-dependent caseinolytic protease (ClpP), pneumolysin mutant (DeltaA146 Ply), putative lipoate-protein ligase (Lpl), or combinations thereof against pneumococcal infections in mice. Vaccinated mice were intraperitoneally and/or intranasally challenged with different pneumococcal strains. In intraperitoneal challenge models with pneumococcal strain D39 (serotype 2), the most striking protection was obtained with the combination of the three antigens. Similarly, with the intranasal challenge models, (i) additive clearance of bacteria in lungs was observed for the combination of the three antigens and (ii) a combination vaccine conferred complete protection against intranasal infections of three of the four most common pneumococcal strains (serotypes 14, 19F, and 23F) and 80% protection for pneumococcal strain 6B. Even so, immunity to this combination could confer protection against pneumococcal infection with a mixture of four serotypes. Our results showed that the combination vaccine was as effective as the currently used vaccines (PCV7 and PPV23). These results indicate that system immunization with the combination of pneumococcal antigens could provide an additive and broad protection against Streptococcus pneumoniae in pneumonia and sepsis infection models.
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Arenaviruses are the causative pathogens of severe hemorrhagic fever and aseptic meningitis in humans, for which no licensed vaccines are currently available. Pathogen heterogeneity within the Arenaviridae family poses a significant challenge for vaccine development. The main hypothesis we tested in the present study was whether it is possible to design a universal vaccine strategy capable of inducing simultaneous HLA-restricted CD8+ T cell responses against 7 pathogenic arenaviruses (including the lymphocytic choriomeningitis, Lassa, Guanarito, Junin, Machupo, Sabia, and Whitewater Arroyo viruses), either through the identification of widely conserved epitopes, or by the identification of a collection of epitopes derived from multiple arenavirus species. By inoculating HLA transgenic mice with a panel of recombinant vaccinia viruses (rVACVs) expressing the different arenavirus proteins, we identified 10 HLA-A02 and 10 HLA-A03-restricted epitopes that are naturally processed in human antigen-presenting cells. For some of these epitopes we were able to demonstrate cross-reactive CD8+ T cell responses, further increasing the coverage afforded by the epitope set against each different arenavirus species. Importantly, we showed that immunization of HLA transgenic mice with an epitope cocktail generated simultaneous CD8+ T cell responses against all 7 arenaviruses, and protected mice against challenge with rVACVs expressing either Old or New World arenavirus glycoproteins. In conclusion, the set of identified epitopes allows broad, non-ethnically biased coverage of all 7 viral species targeted by our studies.
Correlated with increasing chronologic age, immunosenescence impairs the response to influenza vaccines. MF59®-adjuvanted influenza vaccine (Fluad®, Novartis, Basel, Switzerland) elicits a stronger, and broader immune response against well-matched and drifted influenza strains compared with conventional vaccines. MF5-adjuvanted influenza vaccine reduces the rate of hospitalization for pneumonia, cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease, even in seasons with an imperfect match between the vaccine and circulating strains, in vaccinated compared with unvaccinated older adults.
Influenza is a viral disease of the upper respiratory tract, which is manifested in seasonal epidemic waves associated with excess morbidity and mortality. Although efforts at prevention have traditionally been focused on the elderly, interest is growing on the specific features of influenza disease in children and the opportunities for prevention in this age group. Owing to recent improvements in surveillance schemes and diagnostic tools it has been realized that young children experience a burden of morbidity due to influenza as high or higher than the elderly and that children possibly act as a source of influenza infection and determinants of the intensity and the spread of influenza in the community, and as a result, the proposition that children should be preferentially targeted for influenza vaccination is gaining acceptance in many industrialized countries. Traditional seasonal inactivated influenza vaccines have performed poorly in the very young and the live-attenuated influenza vaccines, which are highly efficacious in this age group, have been associated with a poor safety profile in those less than 2 years of age. MF59™-adjuvanted influenza vaccines that were traditionally used in the elderly show a very promising safety and efficacy profile in the pediatric population that could overcome the limitations of the other currently available influenza vaccines for use in this age group.
Serious and invasive infections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae continue to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The introduction of a hepatavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7) in 2000 in the USA has had a significant impact on decreasing the incidence of serious and invasive pneumococcal disease in all age groups, especially in children under 2 years of age. However, the emergence of replacement nonvaccine pneumococcal serotypes (e.g., 19A, 3, 15 and 33) has resulted in an increase in the incidence of serious and invasive infections. The scope of disease caused by these emerging serotypes is not fully known, and the development of other pneumococcal conjugate vaccines is critical in order to control the amount of invasive disease that is currently being seen. The objective of this review is to discuss the current epidemiology of serious and invasive pneumococcal infections post-PCV7 introduction in the USA and review the pneumococcal vaccines that are in development.
The continuous threat of influenza pandemics determines the urgency and necessity to develop safe and effective vaccines against divergent influenza viruses. This review describes the advancements in the research and development of universal influenza vaccines based on the relatively conserved sequences of M2e, HA, and other proteins of influenza viruses.