
The International Handbook of School Effectiveness Research

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... In recent years, there has been a growing interest in understanding the factors that contribute to school effectiveness, particularly in light of concerns about the quality of education and the need to improve educational outcomes. Research suggests that school effectiveness is a multifaceted concept that is influenced by a range of factors, including school leadership, teacher quality, curriculum and instruction, school culture and climate, parental involvement and student characteristics [2,6,7]. However, the relative importance of these factors may vary depending on the context in which they are examined. ...
... The concept of school effectiveness emerged in the 1960s and 1970s in response to growing concerns about the quality of education and the need to improve educational outcomes for students [4,7,9]. Early definitions of school effectiveness focused on the achievement of educational outcomes, such as academic performance and the ability of schools to meet the needs of students from diverse backgrounds [4,10]. ...
... It is important that the test should be standardized to meet the national norm [93] (pp. [6][7][8][9]. Academic achievement is a representation of performance outcomes that indicate the level to which the student has attained specific goals that were the focus of activities in instructional environments [94]. School systems mostly define cognitive goals that either apply across multiple subject areas (e.g., critical thinking) or include the acquisition of knowledge and understanding in a specific intellectual domain (e.g., numeracy, literacy, science, history). ...
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This paper aims to provide a systematic review of the literature on school effectiveness, with a focus on identifying the main factors that contribute to successful educational outcomes. The research question that this paper aimed to address is “what are the main factors of school effectiveness?”. We were interested in several descriptors such as school, effectiveness/efficiency theories, effectiveness/efficiency research and factors. Studies (published within the 2016–2022 period) were retrieved through two databases: JSTOR and ERIC. This paper defines several categories identified by school effectiveness research. Within these categories, various factors that affect the students’ outcomes and the defined effectiveness in school are listed. As the results show, the issue of school effectiveness is multifaceted, as the effectiveness of schools is a complex concept that can be measured through various indicators such as academic achievement, student engagement and teacher satisfaction. The review of school effectiveness revealed that several factors contribute to effective schools, such as strong leadership, effective teaching practices, a positive school culture and parental involvement. Additionally, school resources, such as funding and facilities, can impact school effectiveness, particularly in under-resourced communities.
... Studying the (moderating) impact of school retention composition fits the rich field of school effectiveness research (SER) (Reynolds and Teddlie, 2000;Van Houtte, 2005; Houtte and Van Maele, 2011). Since the 1960s, school effectiveness research is investigating whether and how school features can exert an impact on students (Reynolds and Teddlie, 2000;Van Houtte and Van Maele, 2011). ...
... Studying the (moderating) impact of school retention composition fits the rich field of school effectiveness research (SER) (Reynolds and Teddlie, 2000;Van Houtte, 2005; Houtte and Van Maele, 2011). Since the 1960s, school effectiveness research is investigating whether and how school features can exert an impact on students (Reynolds and Teddlie, 2000;Van Houtte and Van Maele, 2011). In the early stages of the research tradition, school features were conceptualized as input, while student-level outcomes were the output (Reynolds and Teddlie, 2000). ...
... Since the 1960s, school effectiveness research is investigating whether and how school features can exert an impact on students (Reynolds and Teddlie, 2000;Van Houtte and Van Maele, 2011). In the early stages of the research tradition, school features were conceptualized as input, while student-level outcomes were the output (Reynolds and Teddlie, 2000). From the 1970s on, however, school effectiveness research started looking for process-variables that could fill the black box between structural school features and cognitive student outcomes (e.g., Rutter et al., 1979). ...
... Subsequently, classical school effectiveness models were developed by classical scholars to guide the practical operations of schools for attaining effectiveness. These include the effective school model by (Edmonds, 1979), the effectiveness model by (Mortimore et al., 1988), model by (Teddlie & Reynolds, 2000). Each of these models identified certain effectiveness criteria for schools which inform that schools could be effective only and if they could meet up with certain criteria such as effective leadership, positive climate and culture, safety and orderliness, high expectations, and the host of others. ...
... To make these effective, the school has to have a wide range of printed instructional materials such as textbooks, pamphlets, manuals, etc., the audio instructional materials such as the Baldwin et al., (1993), Mortimore et al., (1988), and Teddlie and Reynolds, (2000) but it was only one model (Edmonds, 1979) that did not recognize it. The curriculum which was enlisted in the model, was identified in the three models (A. ...
... The curriculum which was enlisted in the model, was identified in the three models (A. Ghani, 2014;Edmonds, 1979;Baldwin et al., 1993), while was not enumerated in the models of Mortimore et al., (1988) and Teddlie and Reynolds, (2000). Fifthly, security and safety element captured in the model, aligned with the element identified in the models of Edmonds, (1979) and Baldwin, et al., (1993) but not in the models of models A. Ghani, (2014), Mortimore et al., (1988), as well as Teddlie and Reynolds, (2000). ...
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The purpose of schooling does not transcend beyond the development of learners’ cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. This is to prepare them for quality lives through skills and technical know-how for productivity and employability in the global labour organizations. Thus, public schools in Nigeria could not render this until they are effective in all ramifications. However, literature indicated that there does not appear any research-based school effectiveness model that guides the operational phenomena of public secondary schools in Nigeria. The purpose of this study therefore, was to bridge the literature gap by assessing the fitness of the school effectiveness dimensions for developing a valid school effectiveness model for Nigerian public secondary schools. Survey was administered to a sample of 369 participants comprising of principals, administrative and classroom teachers from public secondary schools in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Structural Equation Modelling of the Smart PLS version 35 was used to analyse the data. The findings showed that all the fourteen dimensions were fit and valid for the development of the model. Based on the findings, the model was developed. Thus, the model was recommended for implementation in the entire secondary schools in the country for attaining maximum effectiveness of the schools
... Consequentially, contextual variables were omitted from subsequent studies (Sewell et al., 2003). Nonetheless, studies in the school effectiveness research tradition repeatedly demonstrate that the school context does matter (Teddlie and Reynolds, 2000; see chapter 2.2 and 2.3 for a broader discussion of school effects and system effects). ...
... From the mid-1960s until the early 1970s, studies were mostly concerned with the existence and the magnitude of school effects. In investigating school effects, initial studies predominantly departed from an input-output paradigm (Teddlie and Reynolds, 2000). The inputs in these studies were mostly restricted to school resources (e.g., per pupil expenditure, and physical resources), and students' socioeconomic and/or ethnic backgrounds (i.e., school composition). ...
... In addition, these studies did not account for school climate and other school processes, which include behavioral and attitudinal factors. If they did include school processes they were often ill-measured, using very crude indicators (Teddlie and Reynolds, 2000). Scholars argued that the poor measurement, or the complete lack, of school processes caused variance at the school level to be attributed to family background characteristics, rather than educational processes. ...
... School Effectiveness Research studies has focused on analysing the effect of educational institutions on student learning outcomes (David et al., 2000). However, the significant progress observed in understanding primary and secondary education has not been observed in higher education (Koretz, 2019). ...
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There is a growing interest in understanding more precisely the contribution of HE to student learning outcomes. We present a systematic review of the literature published between 2000 and 2023 in the WoS and Scopus databases. We identified 49 research articles that analyse individual and institutional variables related to student’s academic and employment outcomes. Most focus on establishing non-causal relationships between students’ entry characteristics and outcomes. In parallel, work estimating institutional contribution has evolved. Until 2015, there was an interest in comparing different methods and outcome variables. Since then, there has been more interest in using causal techniques to identify factors related to institutional contribution. Methodologically, VA research shows variations in results depending on the type of outcome used and the inclusion of institutional selectivity in the estimates. In addition, the results show gains in student learning; however, academic gaps related to gender, SES, or ethnicity remain or even increase after HE completion. In parallel, some value-added research has identified institutional variables that may be related to academic outcomes, such as expenditure per student, type of teachers’ contract, and teaching practices such as discussions outside the classroom and participation in research projects. However, the predominance of descriptive techniques in the literature does not allow conclusive results.
... 留级是指要求学生在完成某个年级学习后,在新 学年继续在原来年级再学习一年,作为学业成绩未能 达标的补救方法,很多国家经常将留级制度视为能够 保证教育质量的政策 (Jimerson, 2001)。但是近年来大 量实证研究显示留级制度存在许多问题,为学业成就 带来负面影响 (Martin, 2009)。同时,PISA结果显示留 级对教育系统的整体表现没有明显益处;社经弱势学 生的留级可能性大于优势学生,而且可能还会加剧教 育系统中的不公平 (OECD, 2011)。根据本研究结果, 留级是能够区分高、低数学素养表现生 (不论社经弱 势或优势) 的重要因素,若教师在学生留级后无法提供 适当辅导和教学支持,显然留级对学生而言并不是一 个好的安排。在出现留级结果前,及早对后进生提供 有效补救教学措施才是正确的方向 (Sit 等, 2015)。因 此,建议教师参考 Rathvon (2008) 提出的「三层级补救 教学」方案向学生进行补救教学措施, 「第一层级补救 教学」以班上全体学生作为对象,按照学生在课堂上 的学习表现提供及时的协助与辅导; 「第二层级补救教 学」是锁定一些学习表现未如理想的学生在课后以小 班形式实施教学介入措施; 「第三层级补救教学」是指 对大幅落后的学生提供个别化的学业辅导措施。 4.2.2 支持规模较小的学校发展 教育政策的实践不可能对同一个学校内的所有学 生都产生同样效果, 也不可能对所有教育系统、 当 地环境和学校都有相同的影响。 研究人员根据所强 调的结果种类,也可以得出不同的结论 (Kyriakides & Tsangaridou, 2004)。本研究指出即使澳门被OECD评为 教育质量相对优质和公平的地区,教育系统中尚有不 完善之处,表现在澳门社经弱势学生的数学自我效能 感、数学概念熟悉度均比优势学生低,曾经留级的百 分比也较高。 因此, 对教育效能的研究也要考虑到 与投入的相互作用, 带来的不同的研究效果和适应 性做法(Creemers & Kyriakides, 2008;Scheerens, 2000;Teddlie & Reynolds, 2000)。学校为低成就学生提供额 外的教学时间,调整教学方式以适应学生需要,进而 让他们能够赶上同伴,把这些努力都瞄准到最需要的 地方,是支持有学习困难的学生的更好方法,建议未 来可更深入并集中探析学校教育效能方面的研究。 ...
澳门PISA 2012报告显示,它是教育优质且公平的经济体,然而社经弱势学生要取得成功普遍较优势学生困难,教育公平的系统中可能存在不公平现象。本研究分别从澳门PISA 2012社经弱势和优势学生的评核数据,挖掘出区分弱势低表现生和弱势高表现生,以及区分优势低表现生和优势高表现生的重要学习因素。本研究的发现能够更好地了解澳门相对于其它数学素养高表现地区教育优质和公平的原因,同时也揭露了教育公平系统出现轻微不公平现象的症结所在。
... Similarly, Ninan (2006) makes the argument that a school is effective if the school processes result in observable positive outcomes among students consistently over a while. Teddlie and Reynolds (2000) also argue that "the differences in characteristics of schools affect school effectiveness" (p. 15). ...
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Purpose-School effectiveness has attracted some currency in educational research globally since the 1960s though such studies mostly point to the efforts of principal leadership as the basis for promoting effective schools. However, in the case of Ghana, there is a lack of research conducted in the area, and due to that, this study sought to explore internal public perspectives of what constitutes school effectiveness in the Colleges of Education in the Upper East Region of Ghana. Design/methodology/approach-This study employed the convergent parallel mixed-method design otherwise called concurrent mixed-method design. The population for the study comprised second and third-year students, tutors and leadership of the colleges. In total, 308 respondents constituted the sample size. The breakdown is 257 students in all, 41 tutors and 10 leaders of the colleges. Two instruments, namely, an in-depth interview guide and a questionnaire were used to elicit responses to address the object of this study. Findings-The study revealed that the characteristics of effective schools include the high academic performance of students and a good show of disciplined behavior by both students and staff in the colleges among others. Originality/value-To the best of our knowledge, during the search for studies conducted on school effectiveness, there is no scientific study done in Ghana highlighting the attributes of effective educational institutions. Most of the studies conducted in the area of educational studies only focused on principal leadership, educational access, participation and equity at the level of pre-tertiary institutions.
... Without attempting to cover the vast literature concerning the different sources of IEO (for discussion see Reynolds and Teddlie 2000;Gamoran and Long 2007;Raffo et al. 2007;Watkins 2012), as a prelude to the remainder of the article, table 1 provides a selective sample of existing studies that shed light on the contribution of supraindividual factors to inequalities in test scores, where the studies were chosen to cover the predominant range of methods and (to the extent possible) consider developing country contexts. As Ferreira and Gignoux (2014) note, the variance is generally the preferred metric of dispersion in such accounting procedures. ...
... Studies conducted by Murnane and Wolf specify that instructor traits affect student learning and achievement rates [24], [25]. It was reported that high performing schools emphasize on consistent, effective teaching and invest a plethora of time on student performance [26], [27]. Nonetheless, it was observed that racial gaps remain a critical element in academic achievement. ...
... The first recurring point that is consistently highlighted in most of the papers reviewed is that school principals training programs have direct and indirect positive effects on student outcomes (David et al., 2000;DiPaola, 2003;Townsend, 2007;Day et al., 2016). Weinstein et al. (2018) found that elementary and middle schools led by trained principals demonstrated more accelerated growth in English and mathematics among students compared to schools led by other novice principals. ...
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Effective school leaders, with relevant training programs, high-quality management, and in-service pedagogical training, are recognized for their ability to positively influence student performance (Sanfo, 2020). In this study, we focus on analyzing training programs for school principals, assessing aspects such as their strengths, shortcomings, opportunities, as well as potential challenges. The aim was to identify the most effective models for training and preparing school principals in order to optimize their impact on educational success. To this end, we conducted a rapid review of 27 articles from scientific and gray literature. The results of this rapid review will be discussed with a view to an in-depth reflection on the strengths, challenges and opportunities inherent in the various training methods. The analysis shows that school principals’ training is vital in the sense that it prepares trainees for their demanding and increasingly complex future roles. However, these programs sometimes suffer from shortcomings related to the selection process, the consistency between what is taught and what is experienced in the field, and the incoherence of the content of the training curriculum. The analysis also highlighted some opportunities that could improve these programs if integrated, as well as factors that could be barriers to the correct implementation of these valuable training programs.
... En effet, depuis de nombreuses années, pendant la formation initiale des enseignants très souvent il y a la possibilité dans leur cursus d'acquérir des connaissances de base en TICE. Cependant, étant donné que ces connaissances ont un caractère en constante évolution, la capacité de suivre les nouvelles applications technologiques et leurs dimensions pédagogiques est peut-être plus importante (Guir, 2002;Peeraer & Petegem, 2010;Sebring et al., 2006;Teddlie & Reynolds, 2000;Viau, 2009). Ce nécessité devient plus grand lorsque la discussion ne tourne pas autour des compétences dans l'utilisation des systèmes numériques, mais de leur orientation vers le développement d'activités d'initiation aux sciences physiques pour les jeunes enfants. ...
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This article presents a study of the ideas of preschool physical science teachers on the integration of the use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education and also on training in this field. This study is carried out on the basis of an interview and in the light of the framework of the didactics of the physical sciences, before and after the realization of a seminar on the use of new technologies in kindergarten teaching. The results of this survey showed that after the seminar, teachers changed their minds about the problems related to the use of ICT in schools and about the type of training they wanted to participate in.
... 72-73 18 Christopher, J. (2010) The Hitman study: Violent Video Game Exposure Effects on Aggressive Behavior, Hostile Feelings, and Depression. European Psychologist, Vol. 15 No. 2. 99-108 19Reynolds, D. (2000) The international handbook of school effectiveness research. London: Psychology Press. ...
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Ένα τυπικό γνώρισμα της σύγχρονης εποχής είναι η μεγάλη εξωστρέφεια που χαρακτηρίζει διάφορες εκδηλώσεις του προσωπικού και κοινωνικού βίου. Σαν απάντηση, σε βιοτικά ζητήματα που βασανίζουν, ο σημερινός άνθρωπος έχει στραμμένη την προσοχή προς τα έξω. Καθοδηγείται από ειδικούς, περιμένοντας από την επιστήμη να προσφέρει βεβαιότητες ή λύσεις έτοιμες. Αναζητά πλήρωση στα υλικά αγαθά και τον απασχολούν εξωτερικά, κυρίως, φαινόμενα σε μια δίνη γεγονότων. Αυτό δεν αφήνει περιθώρια για ουσιαστική ενασχόληση με τον εαυτό και με τους άλλους, ούτε βοηθά σε ψυχική και πνευματική ανάπτυξη με ουσιαστικά βιώματα. Η Ψυχοσύνθεση προτείνεται σαν ένα σύστημα θεραπευτικό του βίου που στοχεύει στην ανατροπή της εξωστρέφειας, με το να τοποθετεί την εσωτερική πραγματικότητα στο επίκεντρο της ανθρώπινης εμπειρίας. Είναι παιδαγωγική μέθοδος η οποία καταλήγει σε μια ψυχολογία του βάθους και μπορεί να προσφέρει πρακτικές απαντήσεις στα υπαρξιακά αδιέξοδα.
... Karakteristik sekolah yang produktif dapat dilihat dari bentuk dan sifat organisasi sekolah yang dapat memberikan peluang berupa peningkatan jumlah dan kualitas kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh peserta didik setelah mengikuti pembelajaran (Mulyasa, 2005). Produktivitas dalam dunia Pendidikan berkaitan dengan keseluruhan proses penataan dan penggunaan sumber daya untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan secara efektif dan efisien (Botha, 2007;Teddlie & Reynolds, 2000). ...
The purpose of this study is to see the quality of education services, where the implementation of accreditation policy is said guaranteed. From the sector of implementation, education is said to be of high quality if all the processes goes well according to the applicable standards. The purposes of this papers, researches want to know the optimization strategy used by SMPS Darul Amin in creating an excellent education services. This research is qualitative with descriptive survey technique. Sources of this information Principa himself , Deputy of curriculum, and several employees. The result of this study showed that SMPS Darul Amin achieved A for accreditation, were inseparable from essential factors, which is the forms of the system and values in the guise of superior school culture. Accreditation refers to the process being manipulated then has an instant impact. On the other side, the accreditation as a result from the process of creating school cultural result is far-reaching and long-last. Cultural establishment that makes it easier for members to adjust to the environment, work, and other member of organizations, helps in growing commitment and encouraging human resources to reach goals.
... On the contrary, an absent or a negative compositional effect would suggest that attending a higherachieving institution might not necessarily benefit student learning (Televantou et al., 2015). Research findings often support what is taken to be the conventional wisdom, suggesting a positive, albeit weak effect of class-or school-aggregated achievement on students' academic outcomes (Teddlie et al., 1999;Wagner, 2022;Willms, 1985) -the so-called peer spillover effect (Cooley Fruehwirth, 2013; see Fig. 1). Thus, they suggest a positive association between the peers' average achievement and a student's academic achievement. ...
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The present study uses doubly latent models to estimate the effect of average mathematics achievement at the class level on students’ subsequent mathematics achievement (the “Peer Spillover Effect”) and mathematics self-concept (the “Big-Fish-Little-Pond-Effect; BFLPE”), controlling for individual differences in prior mathematics achievement. Our data, consisting of 13-year-old students from Canada, the USA, and New Zealand, come from a unique cross-national database with a longitudinal design at the student level: the Second International Mathematics Study (SIMS80). This historical survey was administered by IEA in the 1980s and highly influenced the development of educational policies in the following decades. We replicate a widely cited study based on SIMS80, interrogating the validity of its findings of a positive peer spillover effect. When we adjust for measurement error, using doubly latent models, we observe that originally positive peer spillover effects become less positive or disappear altogether. On the contrary, negative BFLPEs become more negative and remain statistically significant throughout. Our study is the only cross-national study to have evaluated both the BFLPE and the peer spillover effect with controls for a true measure of prior achievement — and the only study to test the peer spillover effect cross-nationally using doubly latent models. Our findings question the empirical results of past and current research evaluating school- and class-level compositional effects based on sub-optimal models that fail to control for measurement error.
... For over almost four decades, school effectiveness literature has recognized the vital role of the school principal and leader in managing the school, facilitating effective teaching practices and striving to attain satisfactory outcomes for students (Chapman et al., 2016;David et al., 2000;Edmonds, 1979). Research suggests that leadership is the second most important school-based factor for student achievement after teacher quality (Leithwood, Patten, et al., 2010). ...
... En este sentido, encontramos que en el año 2000, dos años antes de la creación de RINACE (Red Iberoamericana de Investigación Sobre Cambio y Eficacia Escolar), se publicó el International Handbook on School Effectiveness Research (Teddlie y Reynolds, 2000), en el cual, a pesar de su explícito intento de ofrecer una imagen de los avances investigativos en todo el mundo sobre la Eficacia Escolar, no aparecía ni una sola referencia de los trabajos desarrollados en Iberoamérica. Apenas siete años después, apareció un nuevo Manual, el International Handbook of School Effectiveness and Improvement (Townsend, 2007), en el que se dedicó un capítulo a la situación de la Investigación sobre Eficacia Escolar desarrollada en Latinoamérica (Murillo, 2007) incluyendo más de 300 referencias sobre investigaciones en la región. ...
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Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación son una importante vía de apropiación social del conocimiento del que pueden beneficiarse los países que han llegado tardíamente al proceso investigativo, a la vez que permiten la consolidación de comunidades científicas constituidas por componentes de diferente procedencia y formación específica. En este sentido, y como elemento que ha favorecido la difusión de la investigación sobre Eficacia Escolar en América Latina, se presenta la Red Iberoamericana de Investigación Sobre Cambio y Eficacia Escolar (RINACE), que con diez años de creación, setecientos miembros dediecinueve redes nacionales ha permitido fomentar la realización de investigaciones educativas de calidad, potenciar la difusión de las investigaciones realizadas, impulsar la utilización de los resultados de la investigación para la mejora de los sistemas educativos, las escuelas y las aulas y formar investigadores iberoamericanos de alto nivel sobre estas temáticas.
... Researchers have searched for malleable factors such as input resources (e.g. funding and teacher salaries), school organisation and teaching strategies (David et al., 2000;Rutter et al., 1979). In addition to the aforementioned elements, some also believe that selective placement is better at fostering academic performance, revealing the possibility of a "selective effect". ...
... Fifth, the DA draws from both the action research paradigm and the experimental research strategy to develop its own improvement strategy. Specifically, the DA does not follow either a strict experimental design approach in introducing and evaluating a School Improvement intervention e.g., [33][34][35] or the action research project approach [36,37]. Those that follow the strict experimental design approach are usually members of a research team and see themselves as the owners of a School Improvement project. ...
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This paper aims to discuss how and under which conditions can we best combine research on School Effectiveness with research on School Improvement by utilizing the Dynamic Approach (DA) to School Improvement. We firstly elaborate on the difficulties that exist in trying to merge results from research on School Effectiveness with research on School Improvement. Then, we discuss the need and potential benefit from merging the two research strands, and finally we propose a fruitful merging with reference to the DA framework. Studies that have utilized the DA are also presented and their implications for research, policy and practice are discussed. The last section summarizes the results of the studies that have utilized the DA to highlight conditions that could facilitate a productive merging of the School Effectiveness and School Improvement research.
... demonstram que algumas escolas agregam valor e que, portanto, um importante desafio das políticas educativas é melhorar de forma generalizada todas as instituições educacionais (Reynolds et al., 2000). Além disso, outras linhas de investigação de possíveis fatores condicionantes de desempenho também emergiram. ...
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Fatores associados às características da escola e background social têm sido relacionados ao desempenho escolar. Contudo, apenas esses fatores vêm se mostrando insuficientes para dar conta de todas as causas de variação que têm efeito sobre o desempenho dos estudantes, especialmente no contexto do ensino superior. Este estudo tem por objetivo contribuir na busca da identificação de fatores associados ao desempenho no Enade a partir dos microdados da edição de 2017, tanto em nível individual, quanto de curso e, separadamente, para a formação geral e o componente específico. Os resultados revelam que as características sociodemográficas, da mesma forma que o background social, têm efeito mais relevante do que o fator escola sobre o desempenho, mas, apesar disso, o percentual de explicação dos modelos é baixo, especialmente no que se refere ao desempenho individual.
... Het omvat onder andere maatregelen rond het omgaan met thuistalen van leerlingen en ouders, taalontwikkelingskansen in en buiten de lessen, maatregelen om met de complexiteit van schooltaal om te gaan, impulsen voor begrijpend lezen tijdens de lessen Nederlands, de lessen in vreemde talen en in andere vakken (Bogaert & Van den Branden, 2011;Van den Branden, 2010). Met andere woorden, een schooltalenbeleid creëert de condities waarin taalleren en -onderwijs op school, doorheen het gehele curriculum, plaatsvinden (Kyriakides, Creemers, Antoniou, & Demetriou, 2010;Reynolds et al., 2014;Scheerens, 2016;Teddlie & Reynolds, 2000). Een talenbeleid past bovendien als maatregel perfect in de huidige internationale trend waarbij scholen en leerkrachten steeds meer autonomie krijgen om hun eigen beleid te voeren (Grek, 2009;Neeleman, 2019;Sahlberg, 2016). ...
... Для них характерен более низкий уровень принятия ответственности за академическую неуспешность обучающихся и более высокий уровень недовольства выбором профессии. Подобные установки, как известно из исследований [Proctor, 1984;Rutter, 1979;Teddlie, Reynolds, 2002], сами по себе, даже независимо от наличия ресурсов, являются фактором, негативно влияющим на образовательные результаты школьников. ...
В информационном бюллетене анализируются причины академической неуспешности детей, возможности школ и семей для ее преодоления. Исследование основано на данных опроса учителей и родителей учащихся 2-11-х классов, проведенного в рамках Мониторинга экономики образования в 2020/2021 году.
... As school organizations should provide a strong foundation for ESD implementation (Scott, 2013), a clearer understanding of the influence organizational characteristics have on ESD outcomes will enable school organizations to develop and implement effective ESD. Seeing that research areas such as school management and educational effectiveness provide a considerable knowledge base for how school organizational characteristics relate to educational outcomes (Creemers & Kyriakides, 2008;Hoy et al., 2013;Scheerens, 1990;Teddlie & Reynolds, 2006), these research areas provide opportunities to expand our knowledge of how school organizations can effectively enable ESD. Moreover, the current fault line between normative and pluralistic perspectives in ESD research, shows several similarities with the development of school effectiveness and school improvement as research areas. ...
In this study, we investigate the relation between the school organization and outcomes of education for sustainable development, namely students’ action competence in sustainable development. The student data were collected among 629 students. At the organizational level, we collected data among school staff (n = 207) concerning organizational characteristics such as school resources, sustainable leadership, pluralistic communication, supportive relations, collective efficacy, adaptability, democratic decision-making, and shared vision. Our results indicate that the school organization is primarily connected to students’ knowledge and willingness. They also show that organizational characteristics such as sustainable leadership, pluralistic communication, adaptability, and democratic decision-making have a significant correlation with the outcomes at the student level.
... Since then, the call for a link has been based on the assumption that the learning effectiveness of schools, as well as their purposeful improvement, can be described in a theoretically and empirically more differentiated way by integrating both approaches [1,2,[11][12][13][14][15][16]. The gain in knowledge thus promised is to be used simultaneously for the improvement of school practice and the change of school reality [1,[17][18][19][20]. However, critical contributions have repeatedly been made to the discussion, emphasising in particular the obstacles that result not least from genuine differences in the object reference of school effectiveness and school improvement [10,12,14,[21][22][23]. ...
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The article aims to outline the proposals for linking school effectiveness research and school improvement that are currently relevant in international discussion and to ask how they deal with the ‘technology deficit’ at the level of model improvement. We will first show the difference between school improvement and school effectiveness. Then, we outline areas showing basic problems associated with linking school effectiveness and school improvement. After that, we present a summary of two relevant models for linking school effectiveness research and school improvement— Comprehensive Framework of Effective School Improvement and Dynamic Model of Educational Effectiveness—and subject them to critical analysis. The result of the critical analysis is that the question arises whether a link between the two traditions leads to a complementation of their respective problems of observation rather than to a compensation of them. This, in particular, concerns the problem of causality, which gives rise to theoretical and methodological considerations in both fields of research.
... Fort des résultats concernant l'effet-maître, plusieurs recherches (Bressoux, 2000b ;Brophy et Good, 1986 ;Felouzis, 1997 ;Mingat, 1991 ;Reynolds et Teddlie, 1999) (Brown, 2013 ;Rey, 2016 ;Slavin, 2018 Selon Bandura (1997 Outre les facteurs personnels, Bandura évoque le comportement des acteurs. Talbot (2008) utilise plutôt le terme « action » pour évoquer le comportement de l'enseignant, en référence à la théorie de l'activité utilisée par les psychologues russes (Galperine, 1980 ;Leontiev, 1975Leontiev, /1984Vygotsky, 1934Vygotsky, /1985. ...
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L’explicitation des différences de réussite entre élèves à l’école élémentaire a déjà mobilisé de nombreuses recherches dans le champ de l’éducation. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous explorons le développement chez l’élève de six compétences psychosociales (OMS, 1994) : la coopération, l’empathie, la maîtrise de soi, l’anxiété, l’estime de soi et l’internalité. Eu égard à la prégnance de l’effet des pratiques enseignantes sur le parcours scolaire de l’élève (Bressoux, 1994, 2001 ; Hanushek, 2002, 2014), nous avons fait l’hypothèse que (1) le profil interactionnel des enseignants du premier degré avait un lien avec le niveau de développement des compétences psychosociales et que (2) le niveau de développement des compétences psychosociales en lien avec le profil des enseignants avait un effet sur la réussite scolaire des élèves de l’école élémentaire. Les compétences psychosociales étaient donc envisagées comme de potentielles variables médiatrices entre les pratiques de l’enseignant et les performances des élèves. Fondé sur un échantillon constitué de 623 élèves de CE2, CM1 et CM2 et de 26 enseignants, notre protocole de recherche a permis de recueillir (1) des données sur le profil interactionnel des enseignants à partir de la perception des élèves et des enseignants eux-mêmes, (2) des données en début et en fin d’année sur les compétences psychosociales des élèves et (3) des données sur les performances des élèves en français et en mathématiques. Si nous constatons un effet moindre du profil interactionnel de l’enseignant sur le niveau scolaire des élèves, nous notons un effet direct de ce même profil sur les compétences psychosociales des élèves et un effet de ces compétences sur la réussite des élèves. L’utilisation d’analyses de structure de covariance avec LISREL a mis en évidence un effet indirect d’une forme de bienveillance de l’enseignant sur les performances des élèves qui transiteraient par le bien-être psychosocial scolaire des élèves.
... In these studies, the contextual level in between-that is the school-gets no attention (exception: Dupriez et al., 2012). Nevertheless, in the tradition that looks into school effects on students outcomes (see Teddlie and Reynolds, 2000), effects of school composition are demonstrated on expectations, although these were single-country studies (e.g. Frost, 2007 (US); Khattab (2005) (Israel); Van Houtte and Stevens (2010) (Flanders); Yun and Kurlaender, 2004). ...
Social inequality in students’ educational expectations, a strong predictor of educational attainment, differs substantially between countries. Although education system characteristics are translated into school composition effects, the school level is often forgotten in comparative research. Moreover, to explain school effects, we introduce the concept of student engagement into sociological research on expectations. Results of multilevel analyses (R) on data from 7566 students in 126 high schools in four cities—Barcelona (Spain), Ghent (Belgium), Bergen (Norway), and Reykjavík (Iceland)—demonstrated positive effects of (1) SES composition, but mainly in systems with substantial school segregation, (2) behavioral and emotional engagement on expectations.
... A review of 'process-based' studies that focused on effective schools (Teddlie & Reynolds 2000) identified a variety of routines, mechanisms and best practices related to school success often associated with student achievements. According to these studies, successful schools support students' needs and prioritise their achievements and learning (Reynolds, Teddlie, Chapman & Stringfield 2015). ...
... A review of 'process-based' studies that focused on effective schools (Teddlie & Reynolds 2000) identified a variety of routines, mechanisms and best practices related to school success often associated with student achievements. According to these studies, successful schools support students' needs and prioritise their achievements and learning (Reynolds, Teddlie, Chapman & Stringfield 2015). ...
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One of the most controversial issues in the literature discussing school management and leadership relates to the proper balance between leaders' control and teachers' professional autonomy. Research offers a variety of findings indicating the benefits and shortcomings of each strategy. The literature is less clear about the exact balance that should exist between the two perspectives for school success. Focusing on successful schools recognised for their good reputation and students’ academic performance, the current study attempts to identify schools' mechanisms and routines and explore how these opposing patterns of leadership coexist. The study is based on case studies conducted in four Israeli elementary schools recognised for their success. Data collection included semi-structured interviews, observations and the analysis of school documents. Our data analysis revealed that the powerful authority of school leaders and the pedagogical autonomy of the teachers coexist in harmony in these schools based on five dual-balancing mechanisms embedded in various school routines. It appears that schools' success is not merely a result of the instructional leadership of the school principal, but rather follows leaders' ability to create school routines that translate their managerial perspectives to mechanisms allowing teachers' pedagogical freedom to evolve. Implications are further discussed.
... Sammons et al. (1997) explain that an effective school has a better chance of producing higher than expected results from its alumni. In the same way, Teddlie and Reynolds (2000) explain that SER can be used to describe factors that may influence pupils' learning quality observed at school. ...
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This study emphasizes the importance of teachers’ understanding and implementation of professional learning (PL). PL requires teachers to continuously learn in order to increase their professional capacity, and such capacity improvement has been correlated with pupils' enhanced learning quality. The present study explores the preservice teachers' level of Professional Learning Values (PLVs) in West Kalimantan. This study adopted a quantitative approach employing a self-evaluation questionnaire for preservice teachers. The data were analysed through factor analysis, descriptive statistics, and correlation. The results showed that two factors underlie West Kalimantan preservice teachers' PLVs: Research and Evaluation Orientation (REO) and Collaborative and Social Capital Development Orientation (CSCD). Additionally, descriptive statistics results found that preservice teachers consider the REO factor highly. However, a contradictory result came from the same data analysis, in which the preservice teachers did not consider PL practices in CSCD to be important. The data analysis found no correlation between preservice teachers' gender, academic competence, semester, and status of their place of origin (developed and underdeveloped) and their PLVs. Further research is needed to find out what variables have influenced preservice teachers’ PLVs. These findings, patterns, and levels of preservice teachers' Professional Learning Values (PLVs) in West Kalimantan can be used as reflection materials and stimuli to enhance the professional learning of preservice teachers and in-service teachers. Moreover, these findings can be the groundwork for developing strategic steps to enhance preservice teachers' professional learning quality in West Kalimantan. The findings of this research describe which practice of PL which is less valued by teachers. In light of such findings, the future research could develop PLV improvement, by prioritising each aspect which teachers less valued.
... When studying the factors associated with student educational achievement, it is important to model the different contexts in which children are educated and raised, such as schools, families, and neighborhoods. Early school effectiveness research naturally focused on the influence of schools (Goldstein, 2011;Teddlie & Reynolds, 2000). Typical studies would fit two-level multilevel models (i.e., hierarchical linear, mixedeffects or random effects models; Goldstein, 2011;Snijders & Bosker, 2012) to partition the variation in achievement into variation between schools and variation between students (Aitkin & Longford, 1986;Goldstein, 1997;Raudenbush & Willms, 1995). ...
While the family is a critical determinant of educational achievement, methodological difficulties and the availability of data limit estimation of the family contribution in school effectiveness models. This study uses multilevel modeling to estimate the proportion of variation in student educational achievement between families, family-level intraclass correlation coefficients, and specific family structure effects (family size, birth order, birth spacing, sibling sex ratio). We use cross-classified random effects to account for school and neighborhood variation. We analyze Swedish administrative education records linked with birth records for four academic cohorts of students, with siblings identified from a wider pool of 21 cohorts. We show that almost half of the variation in student achievement described as ‘between students’ in traditional school effectiveness studies would be better described as variation ‘between families,’ suggesting effectiveness research might give greater consideration to family-based interventions in tandem with existing student- and schoolbased approaches to raising low achievement.
... While school effectiveness research has recognised the importance of the school organisation in facilitating the outcomes and impact of education (Creemers & Kyriakides, 2010;Teddlie & Reynolds, 2006), the gap in the knowledge base of ESD is concerning. Moreover, while existing studies provide valuable insights into the functioning of school organisations implementing or working with ESD, these studies often take a theoretical or qualitative approach and lack an empirical or quantitative perspective (e.g.: Bennell, 2015;Iliško & Badyanova, 2014;Laurie et al., 2016;Scott, 2013). ...
Empirically based tools to map education for sustainable development within school organisations are not readily available, which is both a cause and a consequence of the scarce empirical and quantitative research on school organisations and education for sustainable development. In present study, the Education for Sustainable Development School Organisation Questionnaire (ESD-SOQ) was developed and validated. This instrument measures the organisational characteristics of an ESD-effective school. During the development and validation of the ESD-SOQ different steps were taken. First, data from prior research was consulted to draft the initial scales. These were further refined via cog-nitive interviews (n = 3) and consulting critical peers (n = 7). Next a pilot study (n = 108) was set out to retain the best items per scale and thus reduce the size and load of the questionnaire. Finally, a large-scale validation study (n = 764) ensured the reliability, the content validity, the cognitive validity and the construct validity of the final instrument. Based on the findings of our development and validation study, ESD-SOQ proves to be a valid and reliable instrument for the investigation school organisational characteristics related to education for sustainable development.
... The main aim of this study was to provide knowledge regarding the process of change within schools to better understand how it might depend on cultural context and the characteristics of individual schools. The importance of school culture for successful teaching and learning has long been recognised (Sarason, 1971;Teddlie & Reynolds, 2000), but there is a need for further knowledge to promote successful change and development in schools as organisations. This study exemplifies types of cultures as distinctive drivers for change, as well as identifying factors inherent in professional learning communities (PLCs). ...
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The challenge of educational improvement, due mainly to the complexity of educational systems, is well-known. The aim of this study is to provide knowledge regarding the process of change within schools to better understand how it might depend on cultural context and the characteristics of individual schools. Based on interventions in four compulsory schools (6–15 years old students) in Iceland, the study uses both qualitative and quantitative data. The process of change was guided by a framework grounded in professional learning community principles and designed to be adaptive for cultural contexts as well as the interdependence of different factors of educational systems. Theories of drivers of change and indicators of schools as professional learning communities were used to understand cultural conditions within them. The main findings indicate that the change process in team-driven schools with relatively high levels of teacher collaboration and engagement works well in the framework. By contrast, the change process seemed restrained in the profession-driven and problem-driven schools characterised by either a high level of teacher autonomy and lack of collaboration or engagement in solving several generic problems. The study provided valuable insights regarding the complexity of facilitating change, particularly, the importance of identifying main drivers of change affecting an intervention process at the initiation stage.
... Ebben az ötödik korszakban egyre több rendszerező modellt állítottak fel a kutatók. Teddlie és Reynolds (2000) kilenc iskolai eredményességet befolyásoló tényezőt határoztak meg 20 év kutatás után: 1. hatékony vezetés, 2. hatékony tanítás, 3. a tanulás támogatása, 4. pozitív iskolai kultúra, 5. megfelelően magas elvárások mindenki számára (tanárnak és tanulónak egyaránt), 6. a tanulói jogok és a felelősség hangsúlyozása, 7. a tanulók, az osztályok és az egész iskola (tehát minden szint) folyamatos monitorozása, 8. az iskola dolgozóinak szakmai fejlesztése, 9. a szülők bevonása. ...
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ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Albanian society and the global society are facing more and more economic difficulties to ensure good well-being and mental health. These problems were created by the lack of human and material resources, but also by bad governance. The key instrument that improves the lives of citizens and regulates their governance is education. This study is based on qualitative research methodology and its analysis is that of comparative analysis in which the importance that other developed countries determine for school leadership, as well as the path followed for its development and continuous improvement, is compared. Through education, students can reach the best results and have prospects and development for their families and society too. At this time, after 20 centuries of development of society, the students must make many offers and try to challenge new circumstances that surround them. There are many fields to invest but investment in education is the most profitable area and key to success for a society. The school leader is the most important element in the educational system for the follow-up and implementation of all educational requirements and standards to achieve high results and increase the quality of education. Therefore, the preparation and building of school leaders through special programs is an important aspect of investment in education. The school leadership training program, considering the relevant training topics, is more like a reinforcement of the master's degree in teaching than a program for the formation and practice of educational leadership. The distribution of responsibilities of the structures of the educational system according to levels, the empowerment, and the increase of the responsibilities of the school leader are done through the construction of a new structure of educational leadership in the school.
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Introduction: This study aimed to assess the accessibility and alignment of core statements (mission, vision, and values) in entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) programs across the United States with the core beliefs of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). Methods: Two independent reviewers searched publicly available resources for the core statements of 271 Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education accredited DPT programs. The statements were cross-referenced against APTA Standards of Practice and Core Values. Descriptive statistical analysis assessed the public availability of program statements and their alignment with APTA core beliefs. Results: Among the programs, 95.6% had mission statements, 63.5% had assessable vision statements, and 58.7% had easily assessable value statements. The most common APTA core beliefs were Education, Excellence, Responsibility, and Evidence-Based Practice. Altruism, Advocacy, Duty, and Patient and Client Management were less prevalent. Discussion: The visibility and accessibility of core statements in DPT programs across the United States are low. Given their role in program accreditation, promoting transparency is crucial. Limited visibility hindered the concluding alignment of core statements and APTA core beliefs. Nonetheless, this information can motivate schools to enhance core statements for better alignment. Our study emphasizes the need for increased transparency of core statements in DPT programs, fostering informed decision making. Addressing these issues can facilitate better alignment with APTA principles in physical therapy education and practice.
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The methodical design of lessons plays a central role for successful inclusive learning in order to support all pupils in the best possible way. Regarding the design of inclusive teaching, research focusses on lesson-related cooperation and measures of differentiation. In this context, this paper firstly examines if pupils and teachers in inclusive primary schools are supported by additional professionals in the classroom and how teachers and additional professionals cooperate. Secondly, it investigates to which extent teachers use measures of differentiation in their lessons. Thirdly, the paper examines if measures of cooperation and differentiation are related to characteristics of the teaching units and classes, such as the heterogeneity of the pupils. The study uses a sample of N = 78 teachers from inclusive primary schools who provided information on the design of 642 lesson units. Data was collected by means of logbooks and focused on the support provided by other professionals and differentiation. Results show that another professional was present in 30% of lessons and that the “one teach, one assist” model dominated. For 50% of lessons cooperative activities related to the contents of the lesson and the support of individual pupils took place in advance. In 10% of lessons no differentiation was implemented. In 90% of the lessons differentiation was realised at least temporarily. Differentiation measures were primarily implemented in individual work phases. Results of hierarchical linear regression models indicate that cooperation and differentiation took place less often in classes situated in socially less favourable locations than in those in socially more favourable locations.
While the benefits of school belonging are well documented, the issue of the possibility of strengthening and developing students' identification with this place by the school itself is less well known. The aim of this paper is to present a socio-ecological model of developing school belonging inspired by Urie Bronfenbrenner's theory of ecological systems. This article focuses on the mission of the school as an element of this model. The mission defines the school's priorities, defines values and goals, indicates the state towards which the organization is heading. From this point of view, the school mission can be an important tool in the process of strengthening students' sense of identification with the school.
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La presente es una investigación en Políticas Públicas centrada en el estudio de la dinámica de estabilidad desplegada por la Política de Extensión a la Jornada Escolar en México entre 2009-2010 y 2021-2022. A pesar de convivir entre un entorno de alto conflicto y cambio político, la política de interés, bajo el Programa de Escuelas de Tiempo Completo y el Programa La Escuela es Nuestra, ha permitido su implementación ininterrumpida, contradiciendo supuestos básicos de la teoría del cambio de políticas. A través de un análisis del desarrollo de estos Programas Presupuestarios, la investigación propone el tratamiento de la estabilidad como una dinámica producto del cambio en la política (policy). Mediante un diseño metodológico mixto, la investigación analiza procesos políticos de decisión sobre el diseño de la Política de interés, genera un mapa de participantes en el diseño de esta, y estudia el desarrollo de componentes del Diseño. Con base en lo anterior, el cambio de políticas se devela como una categoría o estrategia analítica ideal para entender la manera en que agentes con interés en el Diseño e Implementación de la Política de Extensión a la Jornada, emplean ajustes a lo largo del tiempo con el propósito de sortear la incertidumbre del entorno.
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This study aimed to adapt the School Mindfulness Scale (M-Scale), developed by Hoy, Gage and Tarter (2004), into Turkish culture. A total of 215 teachers from 17 primary and middle schools located in Ankara participated in the study. First, some statistical assumptions were checked in the M-Scale data set, then validity and reliability studies were conducted. The construct validity of the scale was tested by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The CFA model validated the two-factor construct of the M-Scale. Within the reliability and item-analysis measures, item-total correlations, split-half test reliability, Cronbach’s alpha, Guttman lambda, stratified alpha, Armor’s theta, McDonald’s omega coefficients were calculated, and upper 27%-lower 27% group mean differences were examined by independent groups t test. The M-Scale was found to have a moderate level of item discrimination among its 14 items. The Crobach’s alpha value was calculated to be .88 for the overall M-Scale, .83 for the teacher mindfulness factor, and .78 for the principal mindfulness factor. The construct validation and reliability analyses indicated that the M-Scale appears to have adequate psychometric properties, and a valid and reliable data collection tool in measuring school mindfulness construct within Turkish culture.
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Este artigo tem por objetivo realizar uma revisão sistemática sobre os efeitos das inspeções escolares/avaliações externas de escola nas escolas, apresentados nos resultados divulgados por artigos de acesso aberto, publicados em revistas científicas, presentes nas bases de dados Web of Science e Scopus, desde 2016 até o momento (14/08/2021). Foram efetuadas pesquisas por palavras-chave, realizadas leituras dos títulos, resumos, palavras-chave e textos integrais e utilizado software de apoio. De 914 artigos iniciais, consideraram-se relevantes 14 artigos. As evidências de ocorrência de efeitos não desejados, são aquelas que estão mais presentes. A realização de estudos longitudinais, envolvendo várias escolas, com utilização de grupos de controlo, aumentará o conhecimento da ocorrência dos efeitos.
This study asks: What is the relationship between principal turnover and school performance? We use data on all Colorado public schools for the years 2013 and 2018 to examine the relationship between turnover and school performance. Analyses included difference-in-difference and ordinary least squares regression after first differencing. Results indicated almost 50% of schools experienced principal turnover. The number of turnover events ranged from zero to three. Results showed no significant differences in school performance based on turnover status or number of leadership changes.
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IAFOR Journal of Education: Volume 4 – Issue 1 Editor: Bernard Montoneri, Providence University, Taiwan Published: March 2016 ISSN: 2187-0594
Conference Paper
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The feedback coming from the ship officers is vital in order to determine and evaluate the performance of the cadets of the maritime institution so that necessary actions and adjustments are made prior to their embarkation. Shipboard Training is the one year practicum component of the four-year Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation (BSMT)/ Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (BSMarE) programs. Research made questionnaire was constructed in order to determine the performances of the cadets based on the perceptions and evaluations of their officers on board. A total of one hundred sixty four (164) ship officers on board who directly supervised the performance of the cadets during the international shipboard training for class 2015 are the respondents of the study. Among the five (5) areas of concern, the attitudes towards colleagues got the highest score with very favorable attitudes/ behavior. While knowledge got the lowest mean with favorable attitude/ behavior. It also shows that there is no significant difference in the evaluations of the evaluators when grouped according to the position. However, when the evaluators were grouped according to nationality, there are significant differences in terms of attitudes towards colleagues and behavior.
The first chapter introduces the book, the idea of dynamic leadership, and its layout and how the idea of high reliability organisations is applicable and applied. It defines the education context of schools, colleges and universities – what makes them different to commercial organisations – and describes the policy context of leadership training in the UK.
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