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Venous Anatomy of the Sphenoparietal Sinus: Evaluation by MR Imaging

  • Hiraka General Hospital


The termination of the superficial middle cerebral vein (SMCV) has been described as entering or being partially equivalent to the venous sinus coursing under the lesser sphenoid wing, which has classically been called the sphenoparietal sinus. However, the recent literature reports that the SMCV is not connected to the sphenoparietal sinus. In this study, the venous anatomy was evaluated to clarify the anatomy of the sphenoparietal sinus and the termination of the SMCV. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed on 1.5-T superconductive units using a three-dimensional fast spoiled gradient-recalled acquisition in the steady state (3-D fast SPGR) sequence with fat suppression in a total of 48 sides of 24 patients. Coronal source images and reconstructed axial images were displayed on the Advantage Window Console, and connections to the cavernous sinus were then evaluated for the venous sinus coursing under the lesser sphenoid wing (hereafter called the sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing), the middle meningeal vein, and the SMCV. The following findings were observed bilaterally in all patients. The sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing was connected medially with the cavernous sinus and laterally with the anterior branch of the middle meningeal vein near the pterion. The anterior branch of the middle meningeal vein entered the bony canal laterally above the junction with the sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing and coursed along the inner table of the skull or emerged into the diploic vein, indicating its parietal portion. Although the termination of the SMCV had several patterns, the SMCV was not connected with the sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing in any of the patients. The sphenoparietal sinus is considered to consist of the sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing and the parietal portion of the anterior branch of the middle meningeal vein; these were identified as venous structures distinct to the SMCV.
Venous Anatomy of the Sphenoparietal Sinus: Evaluation by MR Imaging S. Takahashi
The anterior branch of the middle meningeal
vein entered the bony canal laterally above the
junction with the sinus of the lesser sphenoid
wing and coursed along the inner table of the
skull or emerged into the diploic vein, indicating
its parietal portion. Although the termination of
the SMCV had several patterns, the SMCV was
not connected with the sinus of the lesser sphe-
noid wing in any of the patients. The
sphenoparietal sinus is considered to consist of
the sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing and the
parietal portion of the anterior branch of the
middle meningeal vein; these were identified as
venous structures distinct to the SMCV.
The termination of the superficial middle
cerebral vein (SMCV) is important in transve-
nous embolization of cavernous sinus dural ar-
teriovenous fistula (AVF). This is because coil
packing must be started at the junction of the
cavernous sinus and the SMCV to prevent cor-
tical venous reflux that could cause venous
congestion of the brain parenchyma. However,
the termination of the SMCV reveals several
patterns and some authors have reported that
this vein can join the sphenoparietal sinus 1-4.
In such cases, it would be important to iden-
tify the sphenoparietal sinus in order to per-
form treatment. The sphenoparietal sinus is
The termination of the superficial middle
cerebral vein (SMCV) has been described as en-
tering or being partially equivalent to the venous
sinus coursing under the lesser sphenoid wing,
which has classically been called the spheno-
parietal sinus. However, the recent literature re-
ports that the SMCV is not connected to the
sphenoparietal sinus. In this study, the venous
anatomy was evaluated to clarify the anatomy of
the sphenoparietal sinus and the termination of
the SMCV. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
was performed on 1.5-T superconductive units
using a three-dimensional fast spoiled gradient-
recalled acquisition in the steady state (3-D fast
SPGR) sequence with fat suppression in a total
of 48 sides of 24 patients. Coronal source images
and reconstructed axial images were displayed
on the Advantage Window Console, and connec-
tions to the cavernous sinus were then evaluated
for the venous sinus coursing under the lesser
sphenoid wing (hereafter called the sinus of the
lesser sphenoid wing), the middle meningeal
vein, and the SMCV.
The following findings were observed bilater-
ally in all patients. The sinus of the lesser sphe-
noid wing was connected medially with the cav-
ernous sinus and laterally with the anterior
branch of the middle meningeal vein near the
Venous Anatomy
of the Sphenoparietal Sinus:
Evaluation by MR Imaging
Departments of Radiology and Neurosurgery*, Akita University School of Medicine
Key words: sphenoparietal sinus, superficial middle cerebral vein, MRI Interventional Neuroradiology 13 (Suppl 1): 84-89, 2007
classically defined as the venous sinus under
the lesser sphenoid wing 1. The purpose of this
study was to clarify the venous anatomy of the
sphenoparietal sinus and the termination of the
SMCV in order to facilitate the transvenous
embolization of cavernous sinus dural AVF.
Subjects were 24 patients (ten males and 14
females; age range, 20-75 years; mean age, 54.3
years); both sides were examined in each pa-
tient (i.e. a total of 48 sides). Conditions includ-
Figure 1 A 40-year-old woman with arteriovenous malformation of the left basal ganglia.The coronal source images (A-D) of
the middle cranial fossa was obtained by contrast-enhanced 3-D fast SPGR. The sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing (SLSW) is
identified to be connected medially with the cavernous sinus and laterally with the anterior branch of the middle meningeal
vein near the pterion. The SMCV courses near the SLSW and enters the cavernous sinus independently of the SLSW.
CS, cavernous sinus; diploic v, diploic vein; MCA, middle cerebral artery; MMV, anterior branch of the middle meningeal
vein; MMV parietal, parietal portion of the anterior branch of the middle meningeal vein; SLSW, sinus of the lesser sphenoid
wing; SMCV, superficial middle cerebral vein.
Venous Anatomy of the Sphenoparietal Sinus: Evaluation by MR Imaging S. Takahashi
ed brain tumor (n=17) cerebral arteriovenous
malformation (n=2), multiple sclerosis (n=1),
dural AVF of the transverse sinus (n=1), eth-
moid sinus tumor (n=1), old brain contusion
(n=1), and hearing disturbance (n=1). After in-
travenous Gd-DTPA injection, magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI) was performed on 1.5-T
superconductive units using a three-dimension-
al fast spoiled gradient-recalled acquisition in
the steady state (3-D fast SPGR) sequence
with fat suppression. The center of the volume
slab was located on the anterior clinoid process
in the sagittal localizer image, and coronal im-
ages were acquired with the following parame-
ters: repetition time/echo time/excitations, 21-
26/2-3/1; 18-cm field of view, 1.0 or 1.5 mm slice
thickness, 60 slices, flip angle 15°, and 256 x 256
matrix. Coronal source images and reconstruct-
ed axial images were displayed on the Advan-
tage Window Console within a few minutes,
Figure 2 Schema of the SMCV and sphenoparietal sinus (axial view).The termination of the SMCV can be classified into the
following four basic types; cavernous sinus type (Cav), paracavernous sinus type (Para), laterocavernous sinus type (Latero),
and absent type (not shown). The SMCV enters the anterolateral aspect of the cavernous sinus in the cavernous sinus type.The
SMCV courses outside the cavernous sinus and enters the foramen ovale or the superior petrosal sinus in the paracavernous
sinus type.The SMCV enters the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus, coursing between the two layers in the laterocavernous si-
nus type.The sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing (SLSW) enters the anterolateral aspect of the cavernous sinus medially and con-
nects with the anterior branch of the middle meningeal vein (MMV) laterally and continues to the parietal portion of anterior
branch of the middle meningeal vein (Parietal MMV). The sphenoparietal sinus consists of the sinus of the lesser sphenoid
wing and the parietal portion of the middle meningeal vein, and enters the cavernous sinus independently of the SMCV.
Cav, cavernous sinus type; Latero, laterocavernous sinus type; Para, paracavernous sinus type;CS, cavernous sinus;MMV, an-
terior branch of the middle meningeal vein; Parietal MMV, parietal portion of the anterior branch of the middle meningeal
vein; SLSW, sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing; SMCV, superficial middle cerebral vein; SOV, superior ophthalmic vein. Interventional Neuroradiology 13 (Suppl 1): 84-89, 2007
and connections to the cavernous sinus were
then evaluated for the venous sinus under the
lesser sphenoid wing, the middle meningeal
vein, and the SMCV.
The major vessels were identified around the
cavernous sinus and in the middle cranial fossa,
and the following findings were observed bilat-
erally in all patients (figure 1). The venous si-
nus coursing under the lesser sphenoid wing
was identified to be connected with the cav-
ernous sinus medially. This venous sinus (there-
after called the sinus of the lesser sphenoid
wing) was connected near the pterion with the
anterior branch of the middle meningeal vein
that coursed from the foramen spinosum along
the vascular groove in the floor of the middle
cranial fossa.
The anterior branch of the middle meningeal
vein entered the bony canal laterally above the
junction with the sinus of the lesser sphenoid
wing and coursed along the inner table of the
skull or emerged into the diploic vein. It was
difficult to identify the anterior branch of the
middle meningeal artery that anatomically
ought to course along the anterior branch of
the middle meningeal vein.
The termination of the SMCV was classified
into the following four types (figure 2). In type
1 (cavernous sinus type), the SMCV entered
the anterolateral aspect of the cavernous sinus;
this was observed in 17 sides of 14 patients
(35.4%). In type 2 (paracavernous sinus type),
the SMCV coursed outside the cavernous sinus
and entered the foramen ovale or the superior
petrosal sinus; this was found in five sides of
four patients (10.4%).
In type 3 (laterocavernous sinus type), the
SMCV entered the lateral wall of the cav-
ernous sinus; this occurred in eight sides of sev-
en patients (16.7%). In this type, because the
SMCV courses between the two layers of the
lateral wall of the cavernous sinus and enters
the pterygoid plexus, the diameter of the SM-
CV decreases within the lateral wall. Although
the two layers of the lateral wall of the cav-
ernous sinus could not be identified, the nar-
row SMCV diameter in the lateral edge of the
cavernous sinus indicated this type. Finally, in
type 4, the SMCV was absent; this was identi-
fied in 17 sides of 11 patients (35.4%). It was
difficult to determine the laterocavernous sinus
type or the cavernous sinus type in one side of
one patient (2.0%). The SMCV was not con-
nected with the sinus of the lesser sphenoid
wing or the middle meningeal vein in any of
the patients.
The literature contains various anatomic de-
scriptions of the sphenoparietal sinus and ter-
mination of the SMCV 1-7. Wolf et Al 1described
the SMCV entering the dura in the region of
the pterion and running along the lesser wing
of the sphenoid to enter the anterior end of the
cavernous sinus.They mentioned that the dural
portion of this channel along the lesser sphe-
noid wing had been frequently referred to as
the sphenoparietal sinus, and they suggested
that the term “sinus of the lesser wing of the
sphenoid” should be preferred. Oka et Al2re-
ported that the SMCV could either join the
sphenoparietal sinus or drain directly into the
cavernous sinus. In a study of 140 cadaveric
heads, Bisaria 3reported that the SMCV termi-
nated into the sphenoparietal sinus in 67.1%.
Similarly, in an MRI study of 100 patients using
3-D contrast-enhanced magnetization-pre-
pared rapid gradient-echo (MP-RAGE), Iku-
shima et Al4reported that the SMCV entered
the sphenoparietal sinus in 57.5%. However, in
a study of 15 nonfixed human specimens using
the corrosion cast technique, San Millan Ruiz
et Al 5recently clarified that SMCV was not
connected to the sphenoparietal sinus in any of
the specimens. They reported that the sphe-
noparietal sinus consists of the artificial combi-
nation of two venous structures, the parietal
portion of the anterior branch of the middle
meningeal vein and a sinus of the lesser sphe-
noid wing. They found that the SMCV drained
into the paracavernous sinus, laterocavernous
sinus, and the cavernous sinus 5-7, and they pro-
posed that the classic notion of the SMCV
draining into or being partially equivalent to
the sphenoparietal sinus had been erroneous 5.
In the present study, the SMCV was not
found to enter the sphenoparietal sinus, sup-
porting the findings of San Millan Ruiz et Al5.
Although the termination of the SMCV was
very close to the sinus of the lesser sphenoid
wing in some cases, these two venous structures
could be distinguished from each other on
MRI. The anterior branch of the middle
meningeal vein entered the bony canal lateral-
Venous Anatomy of the Sphenoparietal Sinus: Evaluation by MR Imaging S. Takahashi
Figure 3 A 62-year-old man with dural AVF of the left cavernous sinus. Right external carotid arteriograms in frontal (A)
and lateral (B) projections show dural AVF of the left cavernous sinus (white arrow). The dural AVF drains into the left in-
ferior petrosal sinus (double black arrows). Note the cortical venous reflux into the left SMCV (black arrow).Venograms of
the left sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing (C) and the left SMCV (D) were performed gently by manual injection in a frontal
projection via the left inferior petrosal sinus. The lateral portion of the sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing is obscure because
of the remaining contrast media (C). The SMCV and the sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing connect with the cavernous sinus
independently. Right external carotid arteriogram in a frontal projection (E) immediately after transvenous coil emboliza-
tion of the left cavernous sinus shows disappearance of dural AVF.The venous phase of the left internal carotid arteriogram
in a lateral projection (F) shows the left SMCV (black arrow), demonstrating improved venous circulation.
E Interventional Neuroradiology 13 (Suppl 1): 84-89, 2007
ly above the junction with the sinus of the less-
er sphenoid wing and coursed along the inner
table of the skull or emerged into the diploic
vein. These findings were also compatible with
those of San Millan Ruiz et Al5. The spheno-
parietal sinus is considered to consist of the si-
nus of the lesser sphenoid wing and the parietal
portion of the anterior branch of the middle
meningeal vein (figure 2).
In transvenous coil embolization of cav-
ernous dural AVF, it is important to identify the
junction of the SMCV with the cavernous sinus
in order to prevent cortical venous reflux into
the SMCV (figure 3). According to the results
of our study, embolization of the junction be-
tween the sphenoparietal sinus and the cav-
ernous sinus would not be of use because the
SMCV does not enter the sphenoparietal sinus.
It is therefore important to assess the SMCV
termination by precise evaluation of the ve-
nous phase of cerebral arteriography before
treatment. MRI using contrast-enhanced 3-D
fast SPGR sequence with fat suppression is al-
so useful for evaluation of the SMCV termina-
tion. Although evaluation of the SMCV termi-
nation was difficult due to anteroposterior
shortening of the volume slab when the SMCV
turned posteriorly, we selected coronal orienta-
tion rather than axial orientation in order to
overcome this problem.
In this study, it was necessary to observe on-
ly the relationship among the sinus of lesser
sphenoid wing, the middle meningeal vein, the
SMCV, and the cavernous sinus. It takes longer
to obtain information from the floor of the
middle cranial fossa to the parietal calvarium in
the axial orientation than in the coronal orien-
tation. The information obtained by our
method was sufficient to evaluate the venous
structures around the cavernous sinus de-
scribed above.
The sphenoparietal sinus consists of the sinus
of the lesser sphenoid wing and the parietal
portion of the anterior branch of the middle
meningeal vein. The SMCV was not found to
enter the sphenoparietal sinus; the sphenopari-
etal sinus and SMCV appear to be independent
of each other. MRI using contrast-enhanced 3-
D fast SPGR sequence with fat suppression is
useful for evaluation of these venous struc-
Satoshi Takahashi, M.D.
Akita University School of Medicine
Department of Radiology
1-1-1 Hondo
Akita 010-8543, Japan
1 Wolf BS, Huang YP et Al:The superficial sylvian venous
drainage system. Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl
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2 Oka K, Rhoton AL et Al: Microsurgical anatomy of the
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748, 1985.
3 Bisaria KK: The superficial sylvian vein in humans:with
special reference to its termination. The anatomical
record 212: 319-325, 1985.
4 Ikushima I, Korogi Y et Al: Evaluation of drainage pat-
terns of the major anastomotic veins on the lateral sur-
face of the cerebrum using three-dimensional contrast-
enhanced MP-RAGE sequence. European Journal of
Radiology 58: 96-101, 2006.
5 San Millan Ruiz D, Fasel JHD et Al: The sphenoparietal
sinus of Breschet: Does it exist? An anatomic study. Am
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6 San Millan Ruiz D, Gailloud P et Al: Laterocavernous
sinus.The anatomical record 254: 7-12, 1999.
7 Gailloud P, San Millan Ruiz D et Al:Angiographic ana-
tomy of the laterocavernous sinus.Am J Neuroradiol 21:
1923-1929, 2000.
... The dural venous sinuses are the termination sites into which the veins of the brain drain. The sphenoparietal sinus (SPS), also referred to as the lesser sphenoid wing sinus, the superior sphenoidal sinus, the sinus alae parva, and the sinus of Breschet, collects venous blood from the anterior temporal lobe and receives tributaries from vessels including the superficial Sylvian, middle meningeal, and anterior temporal diploic veins to then drain into the cavernous sinus [1][2][3]. ...
... It provides better images of vessels adjacent to or penetrating bony structures, which are difficult to obtain with 3D CTA. Thus, contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed 3D imaging allows a clear depiction of venous structures, including the SPS, in healthy subjects as well as those with dAVFs [1,21]. ...
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Background The sphenoparietal sinus (SPS) is implicated in various clinical pathologies, specifically arteriovenous fistulas and venous sinus thrombosis. This study is aimed to better understand this venous structure of the skull base via histological examination. Methods Ten embalmed and latex-injected adult body donors' heads (20 sides) underwent microdissection of the SPS using a surgical microscope. The entire dura on the underside of the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone encompassing the region known as the groove for the SPS was harvested from each body donor and submitted for histological analysis (H&E, Periodic acid-Schiff [PAS], Masson's Trichrome). Five left and five right transverse sinuses were harvested and analyzed histologically as controls. Results A definitive SPS was identified in 14/20 (70%) of the latex-injected body donors. When present, the sinuses were classified as small, medium, or large. Tributaries included the middle meningeal veins, superficial Sylvian vein, and anterior temporal veins. All sinuses drained medially into the cavernous sinus. For the body donors analyzed histologically, 17 (85%) were consistent with a dural venous sinus and not a vein and were observed to have a rich nerve and arterial supply within their walls. The histological findings of the SPS were similar to those seen for the transverse sinus. The combined prevalence for the SPS in gross and histological body donors was 78%. Conclusions Our findings support the presence of SPS in the majority of body donors. To our knowledge, this is the first histological study of the SPS.
... The MMV can also accompany the posterior branch of the MMA into the lateral sinus. Because the MMV has an intradiploic course, it can reach the orbital and anterior temporal diploic veins (16,26). ...
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Sphenoidal region dural arteriovenous fistulas (DAVFs) are rare. Endovascular treatment (EVT) is an effective treatment approach. However, understanding and performing EVT for sphenoidal region DAVFs are difficult and challenging. Therefore, we performed a review to explore this issue further. In this review, we discuss the dural feeders and venous structures of the sphenoidal region, the angioarchitecture of sphenoidal region DAVFs, the role and principle of EVT, various EVT techniques, and the prognosis and complications associated with EVT. We found that various EVT techniques, including transarterial embolization (TAE), retrograde transvenous embolization (TVE), and direct puncture EVT, can be used to treat sphenoidal region DAVFs. TAE represents the most commonly utilized approach. TVE and direct puncture EVT should be limited to highly selective cases. EVT must penetrate the fistula and very proximal venous recipient pouch with a liquid embolic agent or coil the fistula point to have a complete curative effect. Successful EVT can lead to the obliteration of sphenoidal region DAVFs and a good clinical outcome. However, these complications cannot be neglected.
... Furthermore, they reported that the SMCV does not merge with the sphenoparietal sinus. 1) Takahashi et al. 2) reported no cases of confluence between the sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing (SLSW) and the SMCV on contrast-enhanced 3D MRI of the 48 sides of 24 patients, supporting the report of San Millán Ruíz et al. Since then, this dural sinus has been referred to as the "SLSW," which is distinct from the outflow tract of the SMCV. ...
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The sphenoid wing dural arteriovenous fistulas (DAVFs) are clinically rare. They often present as non-sinus-type arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) and may be associated with focal neurological deficits, intracranial venous hypertension, and intracranial hemorrhage. These cases are classified as lesser or greater sphenoid wing lesions. We searched the PubMed databases for studies evaluating the clinical presentation, surgical treatment, and endovascular treatment of these lesions and analyzed 37 cases from 22 papers. A total of 17 cases had lesser sphenoid wing AVFs, and the localization of the shunts could be divided into the sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing (SLSW) or the superficial middle cerebral vein (SMCV). Most SLSW AVFs drained into the cavernous sinus, but two cases drained directly into the deep middle cerebral vein via a bridging vein. All cases with shunts directly into the SMCV had reflux into the SMCV with varices. A total of 20 cases had shunts in the greater sphenoid wing, and the localization of the shunts varied, with shunt localization, and venous return morphology dependent on variations in middle fossa venous return. Most cases had shunts in the sphenobasal vein near the foramen ovale. However, some cases had shunts in the superior ophthalmic vein, sphenopetrosal vein, and laterocavernous sinus. Many were associated with cortical venous reflux. These lesions have been treated by surgical ligation of the drainage vein and transarterial or transvenous embolization. Recently, embolization has become the standard treatment for DAVFs due to advances in endovascular techniques. This paper reviewed and discussed the angioarchitecture, clinical presentation, and treatment of these lesions to clarify the characteristics of sphenoid wing DAVFs.
... The sphenoparietal sinus consists of the sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing and the parietal portion of the frontal branch of the middle meningeal vein. 2,3 These superficial anastomotic veins can have several drainage patterns but can be thought of as functioning as a`team'. When one or two groups are dominant, the other group has a compensatory smaller role. ...
The role of the venous circulation in neurological diseases has been underestimated. In this review, we present an overview of the intracranial venous anatomy, venous disorders of the central nervous system, and options for endovascular management. We discuss the role the venous circulation plays in various neurological diseases including cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) disorders (intracranial hypertension and intracranial hypotension), arteriovenous diseases, and pulsatile tinnitus. We also shed light on emergent cerebral venous interventions including transvenous brain-computer interface implantation, transvenous treatment of communicating hydrocephalus, and the endovascular treatment of CSF-venous disorders.
Rationale and objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the association between hemispheric synchrony in venous outflow at baseline and tissue fate after mechanical thrombectomy (MT) for acute ischemic stroke (AIS). Materials and methods: A two-center retrospective analysis involving AIS patients who underwent MT was performed. The four cortical veins of interest include the superficial middle cerebral vein (SMCV), sphenoparietal sinus (SS), vein of Labbé (VOL), and vein of Trolard (VOT). Baseline computed tomography perfusion data were used to compare the following outflow parameters between the hemispheres: first filling time (△FFT), time to peak (△TTP) and total filling time (△TFT). Synchronous venous outflow was defined as △FFT = 0. Multivariable regression analyses were performed to evaluate the association of venous outflow synchrony with penumbral salvage, infarct growth, and intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) after MT. Results: A total of 151 patients (71.4 ± 13.2 years, 65.6% women) were evaluated. Patients with synchronous SMCV outflow demonstrated significantly greater penumbral salvage (41.3 mL vs. 33.1 mL, P = 0.005) and lower infarct growth (9.0 mL vs. 14.4 mL, P = 0.015) compared to those with delayed SMCV outflow. Higher △FFTSMCV (β = -1.44, P = 0.013) and △TTPSMCV (β = -0.996, P = 0.003) significantly associated with lower penumbral salvage, while higher △FFTSMCV significantly associated with larger infarct growth (β = 1.09, P = 0.005) and increased risk of ICH (odds ratio [OR] = 1.519, P = 0.047). Conclusion: Synchronous SMCV outflow is an independent predictor of favorable tissue outcome and low ICH risk, and thereby carries the potential as an auxiliary radiological marker aiding the treatment planning of AIS patients.
Dural arteriovenous fistulas (dAVFs) of the lesser sphenoid wing region are rare. We report a case of a dAVF of the lesser sphenoid wing region with leptomeningeal drainage. A 79-year-old man consulted the Department of Neurosurgery for examination of a dAVF of the anterior cranial fossa, which was incidentally revealed on magnetic resonance imaging. Angiography demonstrated a dAVF of the lesser sphenoid wing region; the fistula was supplied by the recurrent meningeal artery (RMA) via the ophthalmic artery and the inferolateral trunk (ILT) from the left internal carotid artery. Multiple feeders were noticed originating from the left external carotid artery, such as the artery of foramen rotundum (AOR), accessory meningeal artery (AMA), and middle meningeal artery (MMA). The fistula drained into the deep middle cerebral vein via the uncal vein and the frontal cortical vein via the superficial middle cerebral vein, which had varices. The patient was scheduled for endovascular treatment, and transarterial embolization (TAE) was performed. The RMA, ILT, and AOR were occluded using platinum coils, while the AMA was occluded using n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate (NBCA). The fistula was completely embolized via the MMA using NBCA. No adverse events were noticed, and the fistula was successfully obliterated. dAVFs of the lesser sphenoid wing region are rare, and TAE using NBCA is a useful treatment for this condition.
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Sphenoid wing meningiomas account for 11%-20% of all intracranial meningiomas, whereas meningiomas of the anterior clinoid process comprise about 34.0-43.9%. Assignment of these cranio-basal tumors to a separate group is due to the parasellar location and challenges in their surgical removal, mainly because of its anatomical syntopy: compression of the optic nerve, carotid artery inclusion, and invasion to the cavernous sinus. This chapter consists of the combination of current knowledge and our experience in understanding, diagnosis, surgical strategy, and complication avoidance with these tumors.
Middle meningeal artery (MMA) and middle meningeal vein (MMV) fistula is a rare lesion. Hemorrhagic propensity for this pathology has not been widely recognized. We encountered a case of idiopathic MMA-MMV fistula presenting as intracerebral hemorrhage. MMA and MMV showed a single fistula and the enlarged MMV coiled around the MMA, resembling a varix. We treated the case using endovascular techniques. This case highlights the anatomy along the course of the MMV and is unique, since no backward leptomeningeal drainage was observed. A bone defect in the meningeal groove on computed tomography and a "green caviar appearance" on angiography may be characteristic of this rare pathology.
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Here we describe an anatomic structure that takes the form of a venous channel (VC) within the two layers of the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus (CS). Colored gelatin was injected in both superficial middle cerebral veins (SMCV) of 29 human specimens. When a SMCV terminated into the CS, the latter was dissected giving particular attention to its lateral wall. The termination of the VC and its eventual communications with the CS and adjacent venous structures were studied. A VC in the lateral wall of the CS was found in 14 of 58 lateral walls (24.1%). It was in continuation with the SMCV in 13 cases, with the uncal vein in one case. The VC drained into the superior petrosal sinus (71.4%), the pterygoid plexus (21.4%), or the posterior part of the CS (7.2%). Two alternate drainage pathways for the SMCV were observed, toward the anterosuperior aspect of the CS (13.8%) or through a paracavernous sinus located along the floor of the middle cranial fossa (32.8%). These different pathways were not observed to occur concomitantly. SMCV were absent in 29.3%. Despite its close topographic relation with the CS, the VC in the lateral wall can be considered as an anatomic entity with potential clinical relevance. We propose to call it the laterocavernous sinus.
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The laterocavernous sinus (LCS) has recently been recognized as one of the major drainage pathways of the superficial middle cerebral vein (SMCV). Our purpose was to investigate the drainage pattern of the SMCV, with special emphasis on the angiographic anatomy of the LCS. The drainage pathways of the SMCV were evaluated prospectively on 100 selective carotid angiograms obtained in 65 consecutive patients. The SMCV was absent in 19% of cases. A classic termination into the cavernous sinus (CS) was found in 20%, a paracavernous sinus in 39%, and an LCS in 22%. The LCS drained toward the pterygoid plexus (27%), the superior petrosal sinus (18%), the posterior aspect of the CS (32%), or a combination of these pathways (23%). A complete absence of connection between the LCS and CS was observed in 63.5% of the patients. The LCS is a laterosellar venous space that is anatomically and angiographically distinct from the CS. Secondary small anastomoses between the LCS and CS may make it difficult to differentiate the two structures. Appreciation of the course and connection pattern of the LCS is important, particularly when planning an endovascular approach to treatment of lesions in the region of the CS.
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The termination of the superficial middle cerebral vein is classically assimilated to the sphenoid portion of the sphenoparietal sinus. This notion has, however, been challenged in a sometimes confusing literature. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the actual anatomic relationship existing between the sphenoparietal sinus and the superficial middle cerebral vein. The cranial venous system of 15 nonfixed human specimens was evaluated by the corrosion cast technique (12 cases) and by classic anatomic dissection (three cases). Angiographic correlation was provided by use of the digital subtraction technique. The parietal portion of the sphenoparietal sinus was found to correspond to the parietal portion of the anterior branch of the middle meningeal veins. The sphenoid portion of the sphenoparietal sinus was found to be an independent venous sinus coursing under the lesser sphenoid wing, the sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing, which was connected medially to the cavernous sinus and laterally to the anterior middle meningeal veins. The superficial middle cerebral vein drained into a paracavernous sinus, a laterocavernous sinus, or a cavernous sinus but was never connected to the sphenoparietal sinus. All these venous structures were demonstrated angiographically. The sphenoparietal sinus corresponds to the artificial combination of two venous structures, the parietal portion of the anterior branch of the middle meningeal veins and a dural channel located under the lesser sphenoid wing, the sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing. The classic notion that the superficial middle cerebral vein drains into or is partially equivalent to the sphenoparietal sinus is erroneous. Our study showed these structures to be independent of each other; we found no instance in which the superficial middle cerebral vein was connected to the anterior branch of the middle meningeal veins or the sinus of the lesser sphenoid wing. The clinical implications of these anatomic findings are discussed in relation to dural arteriovenous fistulas in the region of the lesser sphenoid wing.
A study of the termination of the superficial middle cerebral vein in 140 human specimens revealed that in 80 cranial cavities (51.1%) the vein drained into both the sphenoparietal sinuses, in nine cranial cavities (6.4%) into the sphenoparietal and cavernous sinuses, and in 19 cranial cavities (13.6%) into the sphenoparietal sinuses and middle meningeal veins. In 20 cranial cavities (14.3%) the vein drained into the cavernous sinuses alone and in eight cranial cavities (5.7%) it drained into the cavernous sinuses and middle meningeal veins. In one cranial cavity (0.71%) it drained into the vein in the foramen lacerum and the sphenoparietal sinus, in one cranial cavity (0.71%) into the sphenoparietal sinus and the superior petrosal sinus, in one cranial cavity (0.71%) into the middle meningeal veins on either side, and in another cranial cavity (0.71%) into the superior sagittal sinus, a finding which has not been reported in the past. The presence of an uncal vein draining the medial surface of the temporal lobe was observed occasionally (5.7%) in this study. A part of the superficial middle cerebral vein and sphenoparietal sinus in the form of a vein running a short course between the two layers of the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus is an observation previously not reported. This should be of value to neurosurgeons in the approach to the internal carotid artery through Parkinson's triangle.
The microsurgical anatomy of the superficial cortical veins was examined in 20 cerebral hemispheres. The superficial cortical veins are divided into three groups based on whether they drain the lateral, medial, or inferior surface of the hemisphere. The veins on the three surfaces are further subdivided on the basis of the lobe and cortical area that they drain. The superficial cerebral veins collect into four groups of bridging veins: a superior sagittal group, which drains into the superior sagittal sinus; a sphenoidal group, which drains into the sphenoparietal and cavernous sinuses on the inner surface of the sphenoid bone; a tentorial group, which converges on the sinuses in the tentorium; and a falcine group, which empties into the inferior sagittal or straight sinus or their tributaries. The superior sagittal group drains the superior part of the medial and lateral surfaces of the frontal, parietal, and occipital lobes and the anterior part of the basal surface of the frontal lobe. The sphenoidal group drains the parts of the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes adjoining the sylvian fissure. The tentorial group drains the lateral surface of the temporal lobe and the basal surface of the temporal and occipital lobes. The falcine group drains an area that includes the cingulate and parahippocampal gyri and approximates the cortical parts of the limbic lobe of the brain. The relationship of these veins to the venous lacunae was also examined.
Three-dimensional (3D) contrast-enhanced magnetization-prepared rapid gradient-echo (MP-RAGE) sequence has been reported useful for evaluation of the intracranial venous structures. The purpose of this study is to assess the patterns of the major anastomotic veins on the lateral surface of the cerebrum using MP-RAGE sequence. MP-RAGE images in consecutive 100 patients (200 sides) were reviewed by two neuroradiologists in consensus to evaluate drainage patterns of the superficial middle cerebral vein (SMCV), the vein of Labbe, and the Trolard vein. MP-RAGE images clearly depicted the major anastomotic veins and their draining vessel. The dominant vein was the Trolard vein in 12%, the vein of Labbe in 36%, SMCV in 38%, and all three veins in 14%. The vein of Labbe was entered the transverse sinus in 80% and superior petrosal sinus in 4%. Undeveloped type of the vein of Labbe was seen in 16%. The SMCVs were entered the sphenoparietal sinus in 57%, the cavernous sinus in 19%, and the emissary vein in 5%. Basal type of the SMCVs was seen in 3% and undeveloped type in 16%. It was difficult to differentiate the Trolard vein from other cortical veins, if it was not dominant. In the most cases with the dominant Trolard vein, it located at the level of the post central vein. With MP-RAGE sequence, it is easy to identify the variation of the major anastomotic veins. Such information may be helpful to reduce the risk of damage on these important veins at surgery.
  • D San Millan Ruiz
  • P Gailloud
San Millan Ruiz D, Gailloud P et Al: Laterocavernous sinus. The anatomical record 254: 7-12, 1999.