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Immunohistochemical localization of IGF-I, IGF-II and MSTN proteins during development of triploid sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)


Abstract and Figures

The cellular localization of IGF-I, IGF-II and MSTN proteins was investigated during ontogenesis of triploid sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) by an immunohistochemical approach. The results were compared with those observed in diploids. IGF-I immunostaining was mainly observed in skin, skeletal muscle, intestine and gills of both diploids and triploids. From day 30 of larval life, IGF-I immunoreactivity observed in skeletal muscle, intestine, gills and kidney was stronger in triploids than in diploids. At day 30, triploids exhibited a standard length significantly higher than the one of diploids. Although IGF-II and MSTN immunoreactivity was detectable in different tissues and organs, no differences between diploids and triploids were observed. The spatial localization of IGF-I, IGF-II and MSTN proteins detected in this study is in agreement with previous findings on the distribution of these proteins in diploid larvae and fry. The highest IGF-I immunoreactivity observed in triploids suggests a possible involvement of ploidy in their growth performance.
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European Journal of Histochemistry 2010; volume 54:e16
[page 74] [European Journal of Histochemistry 2010; 54:e16]
localization of IGF-I, IGF-II
and MSTN proteins during
development of triploid sea
bass (
Dicentrarchus labrax
G. Radaelli,1C. Poltronieri,1
C. Simontacchi,1E. Negrato,1
F. Pascoli,1A. Libertini,2D. Bertotto1
1Department of Experimental Veterinary
Sciences, University of Padua, Italy
2Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR),
Venice, Italy
The cellular localization of IGF-I, IGF-II and
MSTN proteins was investigated during onto-
genesis of triploid sea bass (Dicentrarchus
labrax) by an immunohistochemical approach.
The results were compared with those
observed in diploids. IGF-I immunostaining
was mainly observed in skin, skeletal muscle,
intestine and gills of both diploids and
triploids. From day 30 of larval life, IGF-I
immunoreactivity observed in skeletal muscle,
intestine, gills and kidney was stronger in
triploids than in diploids. At day 30, triploids
exhibited a standard length significantly high-
er than the one of diploids. Although IGF-II and
MSTN immunoreactivity was detectable in dif-
ferent tissues and organs, no differences
between diploids and triploids were observed.
The spatial localization of IGF-I, IGF-II and
MSTN proteins detected in this study is in
agreement with previous findings on the dis-
tribution of these proteins in diploid larvae and
fry. The highest IGF-I immunoreactivity
observed in triploids suggests a possible
involvement of ploidy in their growth perform-
In the last years, the use of chromosome set
manipulation techniques to induce triploidy
has been employed to increase growth per-
formance in both freshwater and marine fish
species.1-5 Although triploids are morphologi-
cally similar to diploids, they are functionally
sterile and may give economical advantage of a
potential faster post-puberal growth.6
However, comparing the growth performance
between triploid and diploid animals, different
results have been observed in relation to the
species examined, the age and the rearing
conditions.7The European sea bass (D. labrax)
is a marine teleost fish of great interest in
aquaculture, due to its meat quality and the
large size that it can reach. Sea bass repre-
sents one of the numerous marine species that
has been subjected to triploidization3,8-9 in
order to study the growth performance.7By
evaluation of body weight, Felip et al.3,10
observed that in juveniles, diploids reached
similar growth rates as those of triploids,
whereas adult triploids grew slower than adult
diploids although they exhibited similar fork
length. No papers report on the cellular local-
ization of growth factors such as IGFs and
MSTN during ontogenesis of triploid fish.
It is well known that a complex of endo-,
para- and autocrine ways of action regulates
growth. In fish, the Insulin-like Growth Factor
(IGF) complex and myostatin (MSTN) play a
key role in the growth regulation.11-14 The IGF
complex includes the two highly conserved
primary ligands, IGF-I and IGF-II, high-affini-
ty transmembrane receptors that belong to
the insulin/IGF receptor family and six IGF-
binding proteins (IGFBP-1 to -6).15-17 IGF-I is
produced mainly in the bony fish liver,
although numerous other organs express this
molecule as well.16,18-28 IGF-II shows structural
sequence similarity to IGF-I and in fish
exhibits an ubiquitous expression, where it
acts mainly as a growth factor.21,25,27,29-40
Myostatin (MSTN) is a member of the TGF-β
superfamily and in fish its expression has
been observed in several organs such as
brain, eyes, exocrine and endocrine pancreas,
gills, gonads, heart, intestine, kidney, liver,
oesophagus, pharynx, skin, spleen, stom-
ach12,41-53 and muscle fish explants.54
Since the data concerning the growth per-
formance of triploids are mainly focused on
body weight and fork length, the aim of this
study was to evaluate whether diploid and
triploid sea bass (D. labrax) differed in terms
of immunohistochemical localization of IGF-I,
IGF-II and MSTN proteins. For this purpose,
the cellular sites of protein distribution were
examined during development and growth in
larvae and fry of both diploid and triploid ani-
Materials and Methods
Sea bass (D. labrax) eggs and milt were
obtained from broodstock held in a fish farm at
Pellestrina (Venice, Italy). Diploids and
triploids were obtained as described by
Colombo et al.8Briefly, females were stimulat-
ed with a single dose of 10 µg kg–1 of GnRH
analogue des-Gly10, [D-Ala6]-LH-RH ethylamide
(Sigma, USA). Males were not hormonally
treated. Nearly 50-60 h after hormone treat-
ment, fish were netted, anaesthetized and
gametes were collected by a gentle abdominal
compression in both males and females.
Within 5 min from fertilization, eggs were rap-
idly rinsed from sperm and submitted to a cold
shock (0-2°C) for 20 min to prevent the extru-
sion of the second polar body. An equivalent
part of fertilized egg mass was untreated and
used as diploid control. Ploidy of animals was
determined by flow-cytometry assessment of
the nuclear DNA content in in toto larvae.55
Diploid and triploid eggs were reared, till
hatch, into two different 80 L incubators, under
the same hydrological conditions (temperature
range:15.5-22.8°C). Larvae hatched in 36 h
and, after yolk sack absorption, were trans-
ferred into two separate 1 m3tank and fed
accordingly to rearing protocol. At 2, 6, 10, 30,
45, 60, 74 days post hatch (dph) a pool of lar-
vae from each ploidy was sampled and
euthanasized with a lethal dose of MS-222
(Sandoz, Italy).
Growth performance
At each age class (except at 2 dph), the stan-
dard length (LS, the distance from snout to the
tip of the notochord or hypural plate) of 10-12
larvae or juveniles per ploidy was measured
under a binocular microscope.
Fixation and embedding
Animals were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde
prepared in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS,
Correspondence: Giuseppe Radaelli, Department
of Experimental Veterinary Sciences, University
of Padua, Italy.
Tel: +39.049.790165, Fax: +39.049.641174.
Key words: IGF-I, IGF-II, MSTN, immunohisto-
chemistry, triploid.
Acknowledgements: the authors wish to thank
the team of the Pellestrina fish farm (Veneto
Agricoltura, Italy). This research was supported
by grants from the Italian Ministero
dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e
Tecnologica (MIUR) and of the University of
Padua (Progetto di Ateneo).
Received for publication: 23 December 2009.
Accepted for publication: 12 February 2010.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 License (by-nc 3.0).
©Copyright G. Radaelli et al., 2010
Licensee PAGEPress, Italy
European Journal of Histochemistry 2010; 54:e16
Original paper
[European Journal of Histochemistry 2010; 54:e16] [page 75]
0.1 M, pH 7.4) at 4°C overnight, washed in
PBS, dehydrated through a graded series of
ethanol and embedded in paraffin. Sections
were cut at a thickness of 4 μm using a micro-
Immunohistochemical procedure
All the antibodies used for this study are
detailed in Table 1. Immunohistochemical
staining was done using the Elite ABC KIT sys-
tem (Vector Laboratories, Inc., Ca, USA).
Before applying the primary antibody, endoge-
nous peroxidase activity was blocked by incu-
bating the sections in 3% H2O2in PBS. The
non-specific binding sites were blocked by
incubating the sections in normal goat serum
(Dako, Italy). Then, sections were incubated
with specific primary antisera (see Table 1)
overnight at 4°C. After washing with PBS, sec-
tions were incubated with biotin-conjugated
anti-mouse Ig antibodies (Dako), washed with
PBS and reacted with peroxidase-labeled
avidin-biotin complex (Vector Laboratories,
Inc., Ca, USA). The immunoreactive sites were
visualized using diaminobenzidine (DAB)
(Sigma, Italy) as the chromogen. To ascertain
structural details, sections were counter-
stained with Mayer’s haematoxylin.
The specificity of the immunostaining was
verified by incubating sections with: i) PBS
instead of the specific primary antibodies (see
Table 1); ii) preimmune sera instead of the
primary antisera; iii) PBS instead of the sec-
ondary antibodies and iv) by absorption of the
antisera with excess of synthetic peptides (3
μg/L) before incubation with sections. The
results of these controls were negative (i.e.
staining was abolished).
Statistical analysis
A Student’s t-test for independent samples
was used to determine any significant differ-
ences between mean LS of diploids and
triploids at each age class. Statistical signifi-
cance was taken as P<0.05.
Ploidy in the examined animals
All the putative triploid sea bass were char-
acterized by 1.5 fold the nuclear DNA amount
of the diploid fish (data not shown), thus con-
firming their triploid status and the success of
Table 1. Antibodies used in the current study.
Antibody name and origin Immunogen Source and references Significance
and dilution for use with fish tissues
Anti-IGF-I; mouse polyclonal IGF-I from fish Perrot et al.21 Proliferation and
anti-insulin-like growth factor-I (S. aurata)1:100 differentiation of
satellite cells,
induced during
muscle regeneration
Anti-IGF-II; mouse polyclonal IGF-II from fish EuroGentec, Belgium; Proliferation of
anti-insulin-like growth factor-II (S. aurata) 1:500 Radaelli et al.35 satellite cells, induced
during muscle
Anti-MSTN; mouse polyclonal MSTN from fish EuroGentec, Belgium; Expression of MSTN
anti-myostatin (S. aurata) 1:800 Radaelli et al.47 precursor, occurring
soon after muscle
Table 2. Immunohistochemical localization of IGF-I in diploids (D) and triploids (T) of
sea bass.
Tissue 2 dph 6 dph 10 dph 30-45 dph 60 dph 74 dph
Gill epithelium ** - - - -+ ++ + ++ + ++
Heart ** +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/-
Gut epithelium ++ +/- ++ ++ +++ ++ + ++ + ++
Liver ** +++++ +++++
Kidney ** ++++/- +/- + +/- + +/- +
Pancreas ** - - - -+/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/-
Skin ++ ++ ++ ++++ ++ ++++
Skeletal muscle ++ + ++ ++ +++++ +/- ++++
Yolk sac ++ +/-
Staining: -, not detectable; +/-, slight but above background levels; + moderate; ++, marked staining. *Tissue not found on the sec-
tions examined at this stage.
Table 3. Immunohistochemical localization of IGF-II in diploids (D) and triploids (T) of
sea bass.
Tissue 2 dph 6 dph 10 dph 30-45 dph 60 dph 74 dph
Gill epithelium ** - - - -+ +/- +++ +/-
Heart ** - - - -+ +/- +/- +/- +/- +/-
Gut epithelium + +/- + +/- ++ ++ +++/- +/- +/- +/-
Liver ** ++/- +/- +/- + +/- + +/- + +/-
Kidney ** +/- - +/- -- ---- -
Pancreas ** - - - - - - --- -
Skin ++ + + +++ ++++ +
Skeletal muscle ++ + + ++/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/-
Yolk sac +/- +/-
Staining: -, not detectable; +/-, slight but above background levels; + moderate; ++, marked staining. *Tissue not found on the sec-
tions examined at this stage.
[page 76] [European Journal of Histochemistry 2010; 54:e16]
Original paper
Growth performance
Mean values of LS in diploid and triploid fish
for each age are shown in Figure 1.
The statistical analysis highlighted a differ-
ence only in 30 dph fish with triploids signifi-
cantly greater than diploids (P<0.01).
Immunohistochemical localization
of IGF-I, IGF-II and MSTN proteins
Immunohistochemical localization of IGF-I,
IGF-II and MSTN in different tissues of
diploid and triploid sea bass is summarized in
Tables 2-4.
In larvae aged 2 days, IGF-I immunoreactiv-
ity was detected in the epithelia of developing
intestine and skin, as well as in lateral muscle
and yolk sac of both diploids and triploids
(Table 2). In larvae aged 6 days, skeletal mus-
cle of both diploids and triploids showed a
marked immunostaining (Figure 2A, B). At
this developmental stage, a marked immuno -
reactivity was also observed in the epithelia of
gut and skin (Table 2). In larvae aged 6-10
days, a moderate immunostaining was also
detected in liver and developing kidney, where-
as heart musculature exhibited a faint reactiv-
ity (Table 2). From day 30, skeletal muscle as
well as the epithelia of gills, gut and kidney of
triploids exhibited an immunoreactivity higher
than the one of diploids (Table 2, Figure 2C-F).
In both diploids and triploids aged 2 days, a
moderate IGF-II immunostaining was observed
in the epithelia of skin and developing intes-
tine (Table 3), as well as in skeletal muscle
(Figure 3A, B). At this developmental stage, a
faint IGF-II immunoreactivity was also
observed in the yolk sac (Table 3). From day 6,
IGF-II reactivity was also detected in liver of
both diploids and triploids and in developing
kidney of diploids (Table 3). From day 30, heart
musculature and gill epithelium exhibited an
IGF-II immunostaining, whereas no reactivity
was detected in kidney (Table 3). At all stages,
tissues exhibited an IGF-II immunostaining
ranging from faint to moderate, although the
gut epithelium of larvae aged 10 days showed a
marked reactivity (Table 3, Figure 3C, D). No
significant differences between diploids and
triploids were observed in immunoreactivity.
In both diploids and triploids aged 2-10 days,
a MSTN immunostaining was observed in
skeletal muscle and in the epithelia of skin and
developing intestine (Table 4, Figure 4A-F).
From day 6, MSTN immunoreactivity was also
detected in liver, heart musculature and in
developing kidney, although the staining was
different between diploids and triploids (Table
4, Figure 4C-F). Pancreas exhibited a MSTN
immunostaining only in larvae aged 10 days
(Figure 4F). From day 30 the epithelium cover-
ing gill filament was stained, too (Table 4). No
significant differences between diploids and
triploids were observed in immunoreactivity.
The present study reports novel information
on the cellular localization of IGF-I, IGF-II and
MSTN proteins during development and
growth of diploid and triploid sea bass (D.
labrax). Although triploids are morphologically
similar to diploids, they have larger but fewer
cells in most tissues and organs and they are
sterile, thus increasing their appealing for
aquaculture as a mean to protect somatic
growth, survival and flesh quality from the neg-
ative effects of sexual maturation.5,6,56
A general opinion is that triploids should grow
faster than diploids, since their genes are more
numerous and their cells are larger.56 However,
the literature concerning the growth performance
of triploids and their diploid counterparts is often
contradictory. Several studies have reported that
growth of triploid fish was similar to the diploids
one, during the juvenile period,3,10,57-59 whereas it
was higher at their sexual maturation time.60-63
Moreover, Razak et al.64 found that transgenic
diploids of tiliapia were superior in growth per-
formance, followed by transgenic triploids, non
transgenic diploids and non transgenic triploids.
In terms of growth performance, the literature of
triploids is mainly limited to the evaluation of
growth rate and fork length, whereas no papers
report on the cellular localization of growth fac-
tors, such as IGFs and MSTN, during ontogenesis.
In the present study the cellular localization of
IGF-I, IGF-II and MSTN proteins was studied from
hatching to juvenile stages by immunohisto-
chemistry using polyclonal antisera raised
against sea bream IGF-I,21 IGF-II35 and MSTN.47 In
general, the cellular sites of immunoreactivity
observed in triploids were identical to those found
in diploids for all tested antibodies.
Cellular localization of IGF-I
The pattern of immunostaining for IGF-I
observed in both diploids and triploids was
Table 4. Immunohistochemical localization of MSTN in diploids (D) and triploids (T) of
sea bass.
Tissue 2 dph 6 dph 10 dph 30-45 dph 60 dph 74 dph
Gill epithelium ** - - -- + +/- + +/- + +/-
Heart ** +/- - +/- - +/- +/- +/- +/- +/- +/-
Gut epithelium ++ +/- + ++ +/- ++++++
Liver ** ++/- +/- - +/- - +/- - +/- -
Kidney ** +/- - +/- - +/- - +/- +/- +/- +/-
Pancreas ** - - +/- +- ---- -
Skin ++ ++ ++ + +/- + +/- + +/-
Skeletal muscle ++ ++ +/- +/- + +/- +/- +/- + +/-
Yolk sac + +/-
Staining: -, not detectable; +/-, slight but above background levels; + moderate; ++, marked staining. *Tissue not found on the sec-
tions examined at this stage.
Figure 1. Mean stan-
dard length of
diploid and triploid
fish at each age class.
Vertical bars repre-
sent standard errors
of the mean and
asterisks indicate sig-
nificant difference
between groups.
similar to that observed in diploids of S. aura-
ta,21 U. cirrosa,23,27 D. labrax,28 demonstrating
that the sequence similarity between IGF-I
from different fish species is sufficient to
allow cross-species immunoreactivity. A simi-
lar pattern of immunostaining was also
observed in O. niloticus by Berishvili et al.26
During early larval life, IGF-I immunoreactivi-
ty was mainly detected in the epithelia of gut,
skin and kidney, as well as in skeletal muscula-
ture and liver. No significant differences
between diploids and triploids were observed in
immunoreactivity. Interestingly, from day 30,
skeletal muscle and the epithelia of gills, gut and
renal tubules of triploids exhibited an immunos-
taining higher than that of diploids. In our
experimental conditions, the growth of triploids
measured in terms of standard length was simi-
lar to that of diploids, although at day 30 triploids
exhibited a significantly higher length. As men-
tioned above, triploid fish have larger but fewer
cells in their tissues and the reduction in the cell
number could be compensated by a higher pro-
tein synthesis.56 In fish, body growth is mainly
correlated to that of skeletal lateral muscle,
which continues to grow significantly even into
juvenile life in many species, through continu-
ous hyperplasia and hypertrophy.65 Johnston et
al.66 found that triploid Salmonidae exhibited a
reduced hyperplasia as a consequence of a
decrease in the satellite cell number. They sug-
gested that the reduced number of myocytes
detected in triploids was compensated by their
rates of hypertrophic growth, greater than the
diploids ones.66
Moreover, Alonso et al.67 observed that dur-
ing fin regeneration of O. mykiss, the protein
synthesis (per unit muscle mass) was higher
in triploids than in diploids.
Cellular localization of IGF-II
In our previous immunohistochemical
study, the use of an antiserum raised against
sea bream IGF-II gave us the possibility to
detect the cellular distribution of IGF-II protein
in D. labrax28, as well as in U. cirrosa,27 demon-
strating that there is a high degree of similar-
ity between IGF-II proteins from different fish
species and therefore allows cross-species
In young larvae, IGF-II immunostaining was
found in skeletal muscle, liver, the epithelia of
skin and developing intestine of both diploids
and triploids, as well as in the epithelium of
renal tubules of diploids. From day 30, heart
musculature and the epithelium of gill fila-
ments exhibited an IGF-II immunostaining.
The pattern of IGF-II immunopositivity was
similar to the one observed in diploids of sev-
eral fish species.21,27,35,40 However, in the present
work we did not observe significant differ-
ences between diploids and triploids in terms
Original paper
[European Journal of Histochemistry 2010; 54:e16] [page 77]
Figure 2. Immuno-histochemical localization of IGF-I in sea bass larvae and fry. All pan-
els are counter-stained with haematoxylin. A, C, E: diploid animals; B, D, F: triploid ani-
mals. A Sagittal section of a 6-day larva. A marked IGF-I immunostaining is present in the
trunk musculature. B Transverse section of a 6-day larva. A marked IGF-I immunostain-
ing is present in the trunk musculature, intestine (I) and skin (arrow). C-D Sagittal sec-
tions of 45-day larvae. Skin epithelium (asterisks) exhibits a marked positivity in both
diploids and triploids. An immunostaining is also present in skeletal muscle (M),
although in triploids (D) the reactivity is stronger than in diploids (C). Cartilage (c) is
negative. E-F Gills of 60-day fry. Immunostaining is present in the epithelium of the gill
filaments and the reactivity is stronger in triploids (F) than in diploids (E). Bars (A) 20
μm, (B) 20 μm, (C) 15 μm, (D) 15μm, (E) 12.5 μm, (F) 12.5 μm.
Figure 3. Immunohistochemical localization of IGF-II in sea bass larvae. All panels are
counterstained with haematoxylin. A, C: diploid animals; B, D: triploid animals. A-B
Sagittal sections of 2-day larvae. In both diploids and triploids a moderate immunostain-
ing is present in skeletal muscle and skin (arrows). C-D Sections of 10-day larvae. In both
diploids and triploids a marked immunostaining is detectable in the intestinal epithelium
(I). Bars (A) 15 μm; (B) 20 μm, (C) 20 μm, (D) 12.5 μm.
[page 78] [European Journal of Histochemistry 2010; 54:e16]
of IGF-II immunoreactivity, suggesting that a
similar amount of IGF-II protein is detectable
in the tissues of both diploids and triploids.
Cellular localization of MSTN
The high degree of similarity between
MSTNs from different fish species allowed us
to use an antiserum raised against sea bream
MSTN to detect the cellular distribution of the
protein in different fish species, including D.
labrax.28,40 In the present work, the pattern of
MSTN immunostaining was similar to the one
observed for IGF-I and IGF-II. A co-localization
of IGF-I, IGF-II and MSTN proteins has been
observed in cultured muscle explants from S.
aurata,54 suggesting an autocrine-paracrine
action of these factors in regulating develop-
ment and growth of fish. As for IGF-II, we did
not observe significant differences between
diploids and triploids in terms of MSTN
immunoreactivity, suggesting that a similar
protein amount is present in the tissues of
both diploids and triploids.
The results we report here show for the first
time the immunohistochemical localization of
IGF-I, IGF-II and MSTN proteins during ontoge-
nesis of diploids and triploids of D. labrax. The
spatial localization of all examined growth fac-
tors is identical in both diploids and triploids
although from day 30, skeletal muscle, as well
as the epithelia of gills, gut and kidney of
triploids exhibited an IGF-I immunoreactivity
higher than the one of diploids. Interestingly,
at day 30, the standard length of triploids was
significantly higher than the diploids one. We
intend to further investigate, by Real-Time
PCR, the IGF-I espression in these tissues, in
mind to better understand whether triploidy
can result in any growth advantage.
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Figure 4. Immunohistochemical localization of MSTN in sea bass larvae. All panels are
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Sagittal sections of 10-day larvae of both diploids (E) and triploids (F), showing
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liver. Bars (A) 20 μm, (B) 20 μm, (C) 40 μm, (D) 20 μm, (E) 20 μm, (F) 20 μm.
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... We observed that GHR, of which the encoded proteins act as a transmembrane receptor for growth hormone (GH), was downregulated in triploids compared to diploids. Despite of different life stages, our results, based on young fish, were in contrast with the studies in adult coho salmon (Devlin et al. 2014) and adult crucian carp (Zhong et al. 2012) and juvenile European seabass (74 days old, Radaelli et al. 2010), whereby the information on the latter was from immunohistochemical localization. For IGF-2, indirect evidence (the amount of IGF-2 protein) indicated similar expression levels of this gene in diploids and triploids (Radaelli et al. 2010). ...
... Despite of different life stages, our results, based on young fish, were in contrast with the studies in adult coho salmon (Devlin et al. 2014) and adult crucian carp (Zhong et al. 2012) and juvenile European seabass (74 days old, Radaelli et al. 2010), whereby the information on the latter was from immunohistochemical localization. For IGF-2, indirect evidence (the amount of IGF-2 protein) indicated similar expression levels of this gene in diploids and triploids (Radaelli et al. 2010). ...
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To enhance understanding of triploid gene expression, the transcriptome information from bighead catfish (Clarias macrocephalus Günther, 1864) was studied using the paired-end Illumina HiSeq™ 2000 sequencing platform. In total, 68,227,832 raw reads were generated from liver tissues and 53,149 unigenes were assembled, with an average length of 765 bp and N50 length of 1283 bp. Of these unigenes, 33,428 (62.89%) could be annotated according to their homology with matches in the NCBI non-redundant (Nr), NCBI nucleotide (Nt), Swiss-Prot, Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COG), gene ontology (GO), or Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) databases. Relative expression of liver genes between diploid and triploid bighead catfish revealed more than 90% of the annotated unigenes similarly expressed, regardless of ploidy, whereas 362 upregulated and 83 downregulated with at least a twofold change in triploid relative to diploid. Quantitative real-time PCR of 15 differentially expressed growth-related genes showed consistency between the expression profiles of those genes with the results from RNA-seq analysis. Our results showed that genes in C. macrocephalus liver responded independently to triploidy with the majority showing similar expression levels between diploid and triploid (a dosage compensation phenomenon). The underlying mechanism of the varying gene expression patterns was discussed. Notably, 5 of the top 20 upregulated genes associated with stress response and thus may reflect stress caused by triploidy. The present study adds a substantial contribution to the sequence data available for C. macrocephalus and hence provides valuable resources for further studies. Furthermore, it gives information that may enhance understanding of triploid physiology.
... Studies indicate that plasma concentrations of GH and IGF-I do not differ between diploid and triploid salmonids (Sumpter et al., 1991;Shrimpton et al., 2007;Taylor et al., 2007;Sacobie et al., 2012), suggesting that systemic regulation of growth by the GH/IGF-I axis is not affected by ploidy. However, in the 30-74 days post-hatch triploid sea bass immunohistochemical localization of IGF-I was greater in several tissues, including skeletal muscle, compared to diploids (Radaelli et al., 2010). Therefore, ploidy effects on IGF-I-related signaling may depend on both species and stage of development. ...
... What research has been reported indicates that plasma IGF-I concentrations are not affected by ploidy (Shrimpton et al., 2007;Taylor et al., 2007). However, increased IGF-I signaling may contribute to faster growth in triploid black seabass (Radaelli et al., 2010) and crucian carp (Zhong et al., 2012), therefore further investigation into whether IGF-I signaling mechanisms differ in diploid and triploid rainbow trout is warranted. ...
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Identifying physiological differences between diploid and triploid rainbow trout will help define how ploidy affects mechanisms that impact growth and nutrient utilization. Juvenile diploid and triploid female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were either continually fed or fasted for one week, followed by four weeks of refeeding, and indices of growth and proteolysis-related gene expression in skeletal muscle were measured. Fasting reduced growth, and based on gene expression analysis, increased capacity for protein degradation. Regardless of feeding treatment, triploids displayed slightly greater feed intake and specific growth rates than diploids. Continually fed triploids displayed lower expression of several autophagy-related genes than diploids, suggesting reduced rates of protein degradation contributed to their faster growth. Reduced expression of ubiquitin ligases fbxo32 and fbxo25 and autophagy-related genes during refeeding implicates reduced proteolysis in recovery growth. At one week of refeeding triploids exhibited greater gains in eviscerated body weight and length, whereas diploids exhibited greater gains in gastrointestinal tract weights. During refeeding two autophagy-related genes, atg4b and lc3b, decreased within one week to continually fed levels in the triploids, but in diploids overshot in expression at one and two weeks of refeeding then rebounding above continually fed levels by week four, suggesting a delayed return to basal levels of proteolysis.
... Specifically, a strong IGF-I immunoreactivity was evident in the epithelial cells of skin, stomach (including the gastric pits) and intestine, in the epithelium of both primary and secondary lamellae of gills, and in the hepatocytes of liver. These results are in agreement with those in literature [29,30,[99][100][101], where a similar pattern of IGF-I immunostaining was observed in Sparus aurata and other fish species, thus attesting the role of IGF-I in the regulation of fish somatic growth, regardless of whether the animal is stressed or not. As to HSP70, it was expressed in skin, gills, liver and digestive system of both controls and stressed animals. ...
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The present study aimed to investigate the acute response of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) juveniles exposed to temperature, salinity and ammonia stress. Radioimmunoassay was used to evaluate cortisol levels, whereas insulin-like growth factors (igf1 and igf2), myostatin (mstn), heat-shock protein 70 (hsp70) and glucocorticoid receptor (gr) gene expression was assessed trough Real-Time PCR. The presence and localization of IGF-I and HSP70 were investigated by immunohistochemistry. In all the stress conditions, a significant increase in cortisol levels was observed reaching higher values in the thermic and chemical stress groups. Regarding fish growth markers, igf1 gene expression was significantly higher only in fish subjected to heat shock stress while, at 60 min, igf2 gene expression was significantly lower in all the stressed groups. Temperature and ammonia changes resulted in a higher mstn gene expression. Molecular analyses on stress response evidenced a time dependent increase in hsp70 gene expression, that was significantly higher at 60 min in fish exposed to heat shock and chemical stress. Furthermore, the same experimental groups were characterized by a significantly higher gr gene expression respect to the control one. Immunostaining for IGF-I and HSP70 antibodies was observed in skin, gills, liver, and digestive system of gilthead seabream juveniles.
... Specifically, a strong IGF-I immunoreactivity was evident in the epithelial cells of skin, stomach (including the gastric pits) and intestine, in the epithelium of both primary and secondary lamellae of gills, and in the hepatocytes of liver. These results are in agreement with those in literature [29,30,[99][100][101], where a similar pattern of IGF-I immunostaining was observed in Sparus aurata and other fish species, thus attesting the role of IGF-I in the regulation of fish somatic growth, regardless of whether the animal is stressed or not. As to HSP70, it was expressed in skin, gills, liver and digestive system of both controls and stressed animals. ...
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The ability of peculiar iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) to evade the immune system was demonstrated in vivo. The nanomaterial was provided directly into the farming water of zebrafish (Danio rerio) and the distribution of IONPs and the delivery of oxytetracycline (OTC) was studied evidencing the successful overcoming of the intestinal barrier and the specific and prolonged (28 days) organotropic delivery of OTC to the fish ovary. Noteworthy, no sign of adverse effects was observed. In fish blood, IONPs were able to specifically bind apolipoprotein A1 (Apo A1) and molecular modelling showed the structural analogy between the IONP@Apo A1 nano-conjugate and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Thus, the preservation of the biological identity of the protein explains the observed overcoming of the intestinal barrier, the great biocompatibity of the nanomaterial and the prolonged drug delivery (benefitting of the lipoprotein transport route). The present study promises novel and unexpected stealth materials in nanomedicine.
... Additionally, during refeeding expression of autophagyrelated genes in diploids overshoot those of continually fed controls, while expression in triploids returns only to baseline, suggesting that ploidy effects on proteolytic mechanisms contribute to differences in recovery growth. However, the GH/IGF-I axis, myostatins (MSTN), and other regulatory mechanisms may also be affected by ploidy as these mechanisms are affected by feed deprivation and refeeding in rainbow trout (Chauvigne et al., 2003;Gabillard et al., 2006;Johansen and Overturf, 2006;Montserrat et al., 2007), and IGF-I signaling is affected by ploidy in other fish species (Radaelli et al., 2010;Zhong et al., 2012). ...
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Diploid and triploid rainbow trout weighing approximately 3 g were either fed for five weeks, or feed deprived for one week, followed by refeeding. During feed deprivation gastrointestinal somatic index decreased in diploids, but not triploids, and during refeeding, carcass growth rate recovered more quickly in triploids. Although not affected by ploidy, liver ghr2 and igfbp2b expression increased and igfbp1b decreased in fasted fish. Effects of ploidy on gene expression indicate potential mechanisms associated with improved recovery growth in triploids, which include decreased hepatic igfbp expression, which could influence IGF-I bioavailability, differences in tissue sensitivity to TGFbeta ligands due to altered tgfbr and smad expression, and differences in expression of muscle regulatory genes (myf5, mstn1a, and mstn1b). These data suggest that polyploidy influences the expression of genes critical to muscle development and general growth regulation, which may explain why triploid fish recover from nutritional insult better than diploid fish.
Although Rhamdia quelen is a promising species for farming in South America, many aspects of its development and optimal conditions of culture remain unknown. In this sense, we explore muscle development and some proteins related to myogenic process in diploid and triploid larvae submitted to fasting-refeeding. Regarding muscle morphology, within diploid groups, fasted larvae (FD) showed a significant decrease in white muscle fiber area compared with control (CD) and refed (RD-1) groups. Then, when food was provided, area values restored nearly to control. Based on these results, it is probable that temporary muscle fiber atrophy takes place in fasted diploid fish. Conversely, no significant morphological changes were observed among triploid groups. When the effects of ploidy on somatic growth were assessed, FD and RT-1 groups registered a significantly higher percentage of fibers with an area smaller than 500 μm² compared with fasted triploid larvae (FT) and RD-1 groups, respectively. Additionally, immunolocalization of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) decreased during starvation in fish of both ploidies and only recovered to normal after refeeding in triploid fish. An increase in PCNA related to ploidy was detected in CD and RD-1 compared with their triploid counterparts. In relation to myogenic proteins, Myog showed a significant increase expression in diploid larvae during starvation. Mstn was not affected by ploidy or alimentary variations. Our results show that diploid fish are more affected by short-term starvation than triploid fish, which could be indicative of differential physiological responses of diploid and triploid larvae to alimentary changes in culture. This might be relevant to optimize conditions of culture for both diploid and triploid fish.
Precocious sexual maturation affects approximately one‐third of farmed European sea bass males which, in turn, constitute most of the farmed fish of this species. To prevent sexual maturation, and to contribute to the production of monosex stocks, chromosome set manipulation procedures have been subject to intense investigation over the last 20 years. These include the induction of poliploidy (triploidy and tetraploidy) and the production of individuals with uniparental inheritance (mito‐ and meiogynogens and androgenetics). Several studies have examined different experimental conditions in order to establish optimized protocols based on the application of pressure and temperature shocks, to retain a full set of chromosomes, thus suppressing the extrusion of the second polar body, or the first cleavage in the zygote. The use of UV irradiation has also been evaluated to inactivate the DNA of exposed gametes for the application of induced gynogenesis and androgenesis. Triploidy in the European sea bass results in gonadal sterility in both sexes, which can be of advantage for its production in aquaculture although, only in larger fish, it may represent a superior growth. On the other hand, the maintenance of gynogenetic and androgenetic clonal founders can contribute to a better understanding of the genetic basis of many complex traits of interest for fish farming. Although the performance of fish after ploidy manipulation, concerning the growth, reproductive activity, and proportion of sexes, has been well documented, further evaluations are still required before these fish can achieve societal acceptance and be considered for their applicability to the industry. Finally, benefits, considerations and future work are under discussion.
European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax undertake seasonal migrations to estuaries and lagoons that are characterized by fluctuations in environmental conditions. Their ability to cope with these unstable habitats is undeniable, but it is still not clear how and to what extent salinity acclimation mechanisms are affected at temperatures higher than in the sea. In this study, juvenile sea bass were pre-acclimated to seawater (SW) at 18 °C (temperate) or 24 °C (warm) for 2 weeks and then transferred to fresh water (FW) or SW at the respective temperature. Transfer to FW for two weeks resulted in decreased blood osmolalities and plasma Cl− at both temperatures. In FW warm conditions, plasma Na+ was ~ 15% lower and Cl− was ~ 32% higher than in the temperate-water group. Branchial Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) activity measured at the acclimation temperature (Vapparent) did not change according to the conditions. Branchial Na+/K+-ATPase activity measured at 37 °C (Vmax) was lower in warm conditions and increased in FW compared to SW conditions whatever the considered temperature. Mitochondrion-rich cell (MRC) density increased in FW, notably due to the appearance of lamellar MRCs, but this increase was less pronounced in warm conditions where MRC's size was lower. In SW warm conditions, pavement cell apical microridges are less developed than in other conditions. Overall gill morphometrical parameters (filament thickness, lamellar length and width) differ between fish that have been pre-acclimated to different temperatures. This study shows that a thermal change affects gill plasticity affecting whole-organism ion balance two weeks after salinity transfer.
Effect of different dietary squilla chitosan (Csq) concentrations: 0 (control), 0.5, 1 and 2 g 100 g–1 diets were studied for weaned sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) post larvae. Post larvae were challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila after 5 feeding days, in order to monitor the prophylactic effect on the Csq fed larvae. The experiment started with an average initial weight of 50 ± 2 mg and total length of 12 ± 2 mm for post larval stage (40 days post hatch; dph), then continued feeding diets for a period of 20 days. Larvae survival percentage (%), mean total length (TL), width (W), total weight (TW), total weight gain (TWG), average daily weight (ADW) and specific growth rate (SGR) were recorded as morphometric measurements representing growth compared to the control groups. The results revealed that 1g Csq 100 g–1 diet at P < 0.05 was the most effective concentration that achieved higher survival percentages; 94.5 ± 0.5 and 74 ± 2.0%, increasing the specific growth rate by 7.22% and 5.77% for non challenged and challenged weaned larval groups, respectively. Otherwise, the control challenged group displayed the lowest performance in all assayed parameters with the coincidental decrease in the survival % and specific growth rates. Similarly, lower growth performance was also observed at 2 g 100 g–1 diet. Thus, the incorporation of chitosan at a level of 1g in fish diet enhanced the performance and reduced the fish mortality under stress conditions.
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The aim of this study was to compare somatic growth and muscle fibre development in diploid and triploid siblings of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 1758) during the larval stage. Newly hatched larvae were transferred into 200-L tanks, three tanks per ploidy group (70 larvae L−1, continuous light, gradually increasing seawater temperature 7–11°C and flow rates 50–117 L h−1). Larvae were fed rotifers from 2 to 22 days post hatch (dph), Artemia 19–31 dph and weaned onto a microparticulate diet from 26 dph until the end of the experiment. Measurements of growth (dry weight, standard length) and muscle cellullarity were taken at intervals between 1 and 44 dph. Ploidy groups showed a similar performance throughout the trial, although a marked stagnation in growth was observed for triploids during the weaning from Artemia onto dry feed. Overall, diploid and triploid cod larvae showed a similar development in muscle fibre growth pattern during the experimental period. For both groups, the total number of fast muscle fibres showed a 10-fold increase (from 384 to 3462), whereas the diameter of fast fibre increased from 8.9 to 13.3 μm (mean number from all treatments). Thus, a temporary but significant effect of triploidy on fast muscle fibre growth pattern was observed in 19 dph larvae in terms of fibre size and number, with triploids showing larger mean fast fibre diameter (11.62 ± 0.63 vs. 10.05 ± 0.34) and a lower number of fibres with a diameter <5 μm than their diploid siblings. Thus, this was found to be related to larvae size and to the differences in total fast fibre cross sectional areas rather than to ploidy status. Overall, our results suggest possible deficiencies in nutrients’ digestion and absorption of triploid cod larvae particularly during the transitional period from live food to inert diets.
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We developed a one-tube two-temperature real-time RT-PCR that allows to absolutely quantify the gene expression of hormones using the standard curve method. As our research focuses on the expression of the insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) in bony fish, we established the technique for IGF-I and IGF-II using the tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) as model species. As approach, we used primer extension adding a T7 phage polymerase promoter (21 nt) to the 5' end of the antisense primers. This procedure avoids the disadvantages arising from plasmids. Total RNA extracted from liver was subjected to conventional RT-PCR to create templates for in vitro transcription of IGF-I and IGF-II cRNA. Correct template sizes including the T7 promoter were verified (IGF-I: 91 nt; IGF-II: 94 nt). The PCR products were used to create IGF-I and IGF-II cRNAs which were quantified in dot blot by comparison with defined amounts of standardised kanamycin mRNA. Standardised threshold cycle (Ct) values for IGF-I and IGF-II mRNA were achieved by real-time RT-PCR and used to create standard curves. To allow sample normalisation the standard curve was also established for beta-actin as internal calibrator (template: 86 nt), and validation experiments were performed demonstrating similar amplification efficiencies for target and reference genes. Based on the standard curves, the absolute amounts of IGF-I and IGF-II mRNA were determined for liver (IGF-I: 8.90+/-1.90 pg/microg total RNA, IGF-II: 3.59+/-0.98 pg/microg total RNA) and extrahepatic sites, such as heart, kidney, intestine, spleen, gills, gonad, and brain considering the different lengths of cRNAs and mRNAs by correction factors. The reliability of the method was confirmed in additional experiments. The amplification of descending dilutions of cRNA and total liver RNA resulted in parallel slopes of the amplification curves. Furthermore, amplification plots of the standard cRNA and the IGF-I and IGF-II mRNAs showed signals starting at the expected Ct values. Thus, the one-tube RT-PCR described here is highly sensitive (detection level approximately 2 pg/microg total RNA) and allows precise absolute quantification. The method is rapid as there are neither separate reverse transcriptions nor post-amplification steps, and can be executed with low risk of contamination. Therefore, it will be helpful when investigating gene expression in any species and tissue whenever absolute levels are of concern.
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This communication summarizes viewpoints, discussion, perspectives, and questions, put forward at a workshop on "Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factors in fish" held on September 7th, 2004, at the 5th International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology in Castellon, Spain.
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The cellular sites of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) synthesis in the early developing tilapia (0-140 days post fertilization, DPF) were investigated. IGF-I mRNA and peptide appeared in liver as early as 4 DPF and in gastro-intestinal epithelial cells between 5-9 DPF. In exocrine pancreas, the expression of IGF-I started at 4 DPF and continued until 90 DPF. IGF-I production was detected in islets at 6 DPF in non-insulin cells and occurred throughout life. In renal tubules and ducts, IGF-I production started at 8 DPF. IGF-I production in chondrocytes had its onset at 4 DPF, was more pronounced in growing regions and was also found in adults. IGF-I mRNA and peptide appeared in the cytoplasm of skeletal muscle cells at 4 DPF. In gill chloride cells, IGF-I production started at 6 DPF. At 13 DPF, IGF-I was detected in cardiac myocytes. IGF-I-producing epidermal cells appeared at 5 DPF. In brain and ganglia, IGF-I was expressed in virtually all neurones from 6 to 29 DPF, their number decreasing with age. Neurosecretory IGF-I-immunoreactive axons were first seen in the neurohypophysis around 17 DPF. Endocrine cells of the adenohypophysis exhibited IGF-I mRNA at 28 DPF and IGF-I immunoreactivity at 40 DPF. Thus, IGF-I appeared early (4-5 DPF), first in liver, the main source of endocrine IGF-I, and then in organs involved in growth or metabolism. The expression of IGF-I was more pronounced during development than in juvenile and adult life. Local IGF-I therefore seems to have a high functional impact in early growth, metabolism and organogenesis.
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Induced triploidy is widely accepted as the most effective method for producing sterile fish for aquaculture and fisheries management. Artificially produced triploids generally differ from conspecific diploids in three fundamental ways: they are more heterozygous, they have larger but fewer cells in most tissues and organs, and their gonadal development is disrupted to some extent. Despite these basic biological differences, triploids are similar in most respects to diploids when examined at the whole animal level. The only clear differences relate to the effects of impaired gametogenesis on the reproductive physiology and behavior of triploids, especially in females. Other apparent differences include reduced aggressiveness, occasional specific morphological abnormalities, and inferior performance when reared under suboptimal conditions. The causes of these latter two problems are poorly understood but must be addressed if triploids are to be used more extensively.
The spatial localization of IGF-II protein and mRNA was investigated during larval and postlarval developmental stages of the gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, using specific antisera and riboprobes. Steady-state levels of IGF-II mRNA in larvae were determined by Northern blot analysis and were found to be increased. Immunoreactivity towards IGF-II was found in larval skin, muscle, gills, gut, olfactory epithelium and kidney. After metamorphosis, the strongest immunoreactivity was found in red skeletal muscle. Positive reaction with IGF-II antibodies was also found in the olfactory epithelium and in the epithelia of pharynx, oesophagus, stomach and kidney. In the adult, the most intense signal was observed in the red and pink musculature and in heart musculature. Immunostaining was also found in saccus vasculosus, thymus, spleen and ovary. IGF-II mRNA was detected by in situ hybridization in the brain, olfactory epithelium, eye, pharynx, skeletal musculature and liver. The spatial distribution of IGF-II shown in this study is consistent with previous findings on the cellular localization of IGF type 1 receptor in the sea bream and supports a role for IGF-II during development and growth of sea bream. Furthermore, these results suggest that IGF-II acts in an autocrine/paracrine manner.
IGFs are potent mitogens for many different cell types and play important roles in growth and development. A multitude of regulatory factors modulate the expression of IGFs. In some teleosts, liver IGF-I expression has been demonstrated to depend on the presence of GH. However, the GH dependence of IGF-II expression in teleosts is controversial. Moreover, most IGF expression studies in bony fish have been focused on the liver, and information on extrahepatic tIssues are conflicting and inconsistent. This is partly due to the fact that the traditional methods of mRNA measurement such as Northern blot and RT-PCR are not sensitive enough to detect changes in IGF levels in extrahepatic tIssues because of the low levels of IGFs in these tIssues. In addition, there have been few studies on the IGF system of non-salmonid teleosts. Our laboratory has thus begun such studies on a local tropical fast-growing fish, the common carp (Cyprinus carpio). In this study, real-time quantitative PCR assays were developed for the accurate measurement of IGF-I and IGF-II mRNA levels in common carp tIssues. This quantitative method was based on the measurement of a fluorescent labeled probe, which was cleaved by Taq polymerase during PCR by the 5'-->3' nuclease activity. The signal generated was directly proportional to the starting copy number of the target molecules in the sample. Hence, it was possible to detect and quantify the mRNA levels of both IGF-I and IGF-II reliably in very small amounts of tIssues obtained from juvenile common carp. Using these assays, the expression pattern of IGF-I and IGF-II in various common carp tIssues was studied, and their differential response to GH stimulation was also investigated.
Haematological features were compared between diploid and triploid specimens of the ray-finned fish Umbrina cirrosa. No significant differences between diploids and triploids were reported in haematocrit and total haemoglobin concentration, but erythrocytes and thrombocytes were significantly greater in size in triploids. Glycaemia was significantly lower in diploids, whereas triploid erythrocytes were more resistant to osmotic stress. In triploids, a greater fraction of leukocytes was positive for alkaline phosphatase activity, when stimulated with Bacillus clausii spores, otherwise no significant increase of oxygen consumption was observed in triploid leukocytes after stimulation, based on assays for superoxide anions. Triploids were characterized by a lower concentration of circulating blood cells with a lower surface/volume ratio when compared with diploids. These features may lead to a general disadvantage of triploids in withstanding stress conditions: a situation that needs to be taken into account in aquaculture practice.
The production characteristics of diploid and triploid sibling African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822), were compared. Triploid fish were obtained by cold-shocking (5°C) eggs for 40 min starting 3 min after fertilization. The cold-treated group proved to be triploid for about 95%. The untreated group consisted of diploid fish only. The experiment started when the fish were 163 days of age and weighed about 150 g. Two series of seven 150-l glass aquaria were used. Each aquarium contained 24 fish with a varying ratio of untreated and cold-treated fish (, , , , , and respectively). Fish in one series of seven aquaria were fed at a low level (±8.29 g·kg−0.8·d−1). The others were fed about three times as much. The experiment lasted 8 weeks.Growth rate was not significantly (P>0.05) affected by feeding level nor by percentage of triploids per aquarium. Feed conversion at the high feeding level was significantly (P<0.01) less efficient than that at the low feeding level. Diploid and triploid fish converted their feed with similar efficiencies (P>0.05). At both feeding levels less protein, more fat and more energy (all P<0.01) was deposited per gram growth by groups of fish containing more triploids. Male and female diploid fish had significantly higher gonadosomatic indices than triploid fish, irrespective of feeding level. At the high feeding level more (P<0.01) product remained after gutting triploids than after gutting diploids. It is concluded that decisions in favour of triploid culture should be based on expected advantages concerning body composition and gutted weight.